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•* The Great Home Remedy, J. V. S. Indorsed by the People of the Pacific Coast Doctors, Lawyers, Tinsmiths, Carpenters, Draymen, Women, Children and f_A_ J_ J_ «_J_L Men. «JOY'S What the Medical Fraternity Has to Say About Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. HAS A. REPUTATION WIDE. So Says Dr. Strahan, and Bis Word 1 Cannot Be Doubted. Staying for a few daya la tbo city li Dr. J. 8. H. Strahan, one of the few men who hire made a name In tha medical world which la International la Its scope and a synonym for all that is honorable ,In Its admitted decency. Money— no matter how j large the amount could not Induce Dr. Strahan to allow his name to be used to support the merit . of any remedy If he had not coacluslvely proved Us merits, and It Is ' even doubtful If he would now allow his name to appear before the public bnt for the fact that In bis practice he has seen more than one wonder emanate from California. Dr. Strahan holds the position of consulting phy- sician to tbe Northampton Royal Hospital, Eng- land, and Is the author of four standard works on hereditary diseases. Indeed, he is the recognized authority on that class of insanity. In England— and. Indeed, In Europe— he has a Urge practice, and when seen by a reporter he avowed that whilst It was scarcely what was considered "quite free from question," he was willing to give bis opinion of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla, because be bad •Tied It. "Do you want to quote mc?" he said. "If yen will permit," was the reply, and In his own callgraphy Dr. Strahan has said a few things which are worth "putting' in yoar pipe and smoking." Some— 'hat ever _ year age I had a so- vere case of what appeared to be Incip- ient scrofula. There was, so far as one could Judge, no reason for the appear- ance of the disease, and the microscopi- cal examination of the epidermal scale left me In an unsatisfied state of mind as to whether lt was wise to treat the case In the ordinary -way. From one of your medical men of the highest standing I bad obtained a large number of proprietary i remedies for the purpose of analysis. I happened to get la the package two bot- j ties of - amys Vegetable Baraanarllla," and I determined from the result of my analysis of the one bottle that the remedy was possibly. Just what might salt the ease. So I gave the other bottle in what I thought proper doses, and my opinion was sustained In the best possible way, for my patient had, lost all traces of external evidences of the disease when I left Jut- land, and hi* condition baa ao much Im- proved under simple treatment by cool- ing; lotions and the proprietary remedy which I have mentioned that I shall have so hesitancy In saying that I consider It a most valuable addition to the remedial agents that we know of. and I shall pre- scribe It freely with confidence. But you mast remember that "Joy's Vegetable "Jarsaparllla Is not the only wonderful thing that California has produced. a. H. m. stbakax, M. XI I . • M. K. C. A* HAS AN HONORED PLACE. Dr. Giodale Speaks of the Place if Sarsaparilla ia the Pharmacopeia, There happens to be one of the most genuinely straightforward men, from * newspaper man's Tie located at 1033 Market street. In this city, that one could readily find In a day's inarch, and yon can tnd a whole lot of men If yon go out marching ; for a day. Ills name Is J. R. Goodale; he Is an M. D.. and hit Is a name that yon could " conjure with" In the East. * Dr. Keodale has not been here long, bnt be bas been here a sufficient length of time to get the re- spect of every one with whom he has come In con- tact, and principally because of his good manly character. It Is safe to say that not only Is his professional ability of the highest order, bnt be values his personal honor aa a priceless gift. These Statements Are Made About Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla and Not About a Substitute. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1895 Sarsaparilla has long had an honored I place In the Pharmacopeia, and when combined with • other pure vegetable medlclnala, as I am assured is the case in Joy's, It forms an. excellent tonic and al- terative, and one which may be pre- scribed with beneficial results by any practitioner. J. R. OOODALE, M.D. " Will yon say for publication what you think of Sarsaparilla?" was asked him. " I may offend my brethren," was the reply. " But you will tell the truth?" " "Well, of course, I recognize the fact that you can come here and Interview me, and I could not object very well if you published what I said, but If you will give me a moment 1 1 can say for you on paper Just what I think of tho remedy, and then you can make what use you like of that." What Dr. Goodale wrote follows, and when it Is stated that for some fourteen years or so be represented the State of Rhode Island In the National Medical Convention, and that ba has seen the great Xoleotle Medical A R. QOODAUE. M. O. School grow from almost Its very in clpicnoy. • faint idea may be bad as to bis right as well as his ability to judge. This is bis modest statement: Dr. Goodale. as the cut plainly shows. Is a man Of exceptional Intelligence. He has only been In practice here for a short time, but long enough to allow his ability and Integrity to become matters of public knowledge. His good faith bias made him many friends, and his professional ability is bring- ing blm a practice that others possibly envy. But in noway will Dr. Goodale step out of the way of honorable conduct In order to benefit himself, and the years to come will probably crown his life's devotion to his profession with honors of which •ny member of any medical school might well be envious. When men of this type say so much for "Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla," can there be any reasonable doubt as tolls honest value? Dr. Good- ale bas for thirty years been successfully treating women's eases, cancer, catarrh and blood dis- eases generally. JUST WATCH THE SUBSTITUTE- No Man Will Doubt the Veracity «f This Statement by Dr. Bonesteal. It happen* tßtt in the medical world there are ft Urge number of clever men who, when entering the profession, from one cause or another feel themselves drawn to some special branch of their profession, and to that particular branch they giro their particular attention, while of course not neglecting the everyday work: which comes ta every doctor. They are termel specialists, and amongst them there is no one Id this city whose same Is more widely fcno than 1* that of Dr. C. A. Bonesteel. All acquired ; diseases of the blood hare bad for years hi* close attention, and as an authority on general blood diseases and their rem- edies he hat for years been considered one of the few men qualified to give an opinion which will not admit of being questioned. Dr. Bonestsel has used Joy's Sarsaparllla In his practice, and he Is noi afraid to say so. He has four.d It bsneflclal and he docs not prescribe any other sarsaparllla That is proof posit. Te as to what he thinks of It. but In order that the public might know more clearly how he stands on this question Dr. Bonesttel very kindly made the fol- w* lowing statement at the request of the reporter who called on blm: Each school of medietas admits the value of tho Sarsaparilla as a remedial agent, but I am Informed that a number of vicious lodides are sold under that name. These cannot be taken Indiscrim- inately, without great risk, but a genuine Vegetable Sarsaparilla, such as lam told Joy's Is, Is without question very benefi- cial In nearly all dlseases i arising from constipation and irregular action of the wboels. DR. C. A. BO.YESTEEL. That Is a sound opinion and will carry with It great weight, for It Is the opinion of a man who is In a position to know, and whose dally practice brings htm Into contact with as great a variety of afflictions arising from Impure blood as perhaps any . practitioner In this State sees. Doubters should call on the courteous doctor at his office, 1051 Market street, for he Is not only an acknowl- edgedly clever man. but he has a reputation at a sucoesafnl ireater of chronlo diseases. TRUTH IN A NUTSHELL. Doctor W. H. Fearn Tells in an Inter- Tie When It Is Wise to Use Sarsaparilla. A GENERAL PRACTITIONER'S VIEWS. An Interesting Chat Had by an "-Exam- iner' ' Reporter With a Well-Knows Physician— Hl. Opinion Regarded by Ills fellow-Professional, ; a. Worthy Due Weight. "May I ask your opinion as to the medicinal value of pure sarsaparilla?" said a reporter to Dr. W. H. Fearn, the well-known medical man whose offices are at 1228 Market street. "I shall be glad to glva yon any Information in my power," was tho courteous reply, and then the doctor added: "If this Is for publication I certainly prefer to write what I havj to say." ] The reporter admitted that it would probably be made public use of, and than with his nsual desire to aid any one In any way that lies In his power the doctor wrote the short statement which follows: I see no reason why a simple home rem- edy may not be efficacious. , Absolutely pure cod liver oil administered when the constitution requires lt Is certainly ad- vantageous, and under conditions which warrant it a pnre Sarsaparilla would unquestionably be beneficial. But I do not state that every Sarsaparilla which I. advertised Is pure or an advisable remedy to be taken by every one.' Dis- crimination Is necessary. WALTER H. M. D. " And now that I bare given yon this opinion may I ask you why you came to me in preference to any one else?" asked the doctor. ••Well, perhaps you are as well, and certainly as favorably known aa any of the younger medical men baring a good-class practice In the city, and It Is freely admitted by your oonfrerea that what- ever you may say. la worthy consideration," was the reply. And that Is true. V"- _ .; Dr. yearn has been In successful ; practice here ever since bis graduation. He Is held In high et. teem by all the members of bis profession who know him, and by none more highly than tho Dean of the college that Issued his diploma. An up- right professional career Is certainly one of tho highest ways of helping humanity through an ex- istence, aud it la on these lines that Dr. Fearn has always been known. Ha has been endowed by nature with unusual ability, and be has made the most of his opportunities. Noted amongst his contemporaries for his close attention to every department of medical science, he has built np an excellent connection as a general prautitloner, and amongst his patients It Is well known that be numbers many very nice people. ' A gonial dis- position, added to nativo talent, has caused blm. to in at. a frlsud whenever be has found a patient, and a strict adherence to professional ethics and a desire to do all the good that lies In his power have doubtless helped to win popularity for the clever young practitioner. . yl Dr. Fearn's practice has covered a large number of quit, difficult cases, and bis skill Is recognized by those most competent to Judge, his attention to a case being regarded as without question most valuable. And a statement . from him will bo re- ceived with the weight to which lt Is Justly en- titled.' -'■"• -; ; ' ;: V "J -«^Y'^;'- v -"v^■■Vy'^W^V A DERMATOLOGIST'S VIEWS. Results Obtained In a Practloe That Has Steadily Grown. Diseases of the skin are admittedly difficult to treat, and when one has a skin trouble It Is cer- tainly wisest to go to a thoroughly good dermatolo- gist for advice and treatment, i One of the most successful members of the medical profession who has confined his attention principally to der Histology, and ! whose practice Is growing dally on account of his ability and good work. Is Dr. T. Car- penter, whose offices are at 1346 Market street. Dr. Carpenter has occasion to see Tory many Phases of the resultant scarred and defaced bodies arlMng from impure blood, and lie Is constantly called .on to prescribe Tor such troubles. And Dr. Carpenter, whilst belae sensible enough to prescribe a proprietary remedy when he seas that the condition of his patient requires It. la also man and gentleman enough to oar that he does so. Some of the leading drugilsls conld tell - Interesting stories about medical men who will not admit tha t there can be an? eood in a patent medicine, and yet they prescribe practically nothing else. Bat Dr. Carpenter Is "mad* of sterner stall" thaa that he says frankly what his oplntoa is. and when asked to commit It to paper for publication he did not object to writing what he knew, but cour- teously asked that his name might be given as little publicity as possible, as he did not wish to "get himself advertised." . • These sentiments are honoraDle and just, and. what Dr. Carpenter has seen lit to say about Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparllla won't lose any weight thereby.- Ills statement Is short, sharp and very much to the point. It fol- lows: ■■';■ ;r : : -'.''O : ' The fact that a medicine Is advertised doe* not In my opinion necessarily de- tract from Its worth. Many good reme- dies haVe been placed on the market, and as .Is well known to the medical fra- ternity generally they are usually pre- pared by a secret process. That aarsa- parllla has for generations been looked on as a blood-parlfler Is admitted, and the statement Is made that Joy's Is a pnrely ▼eeetable sarcuparllla, which certainly enhances Its medical ralno. Id my estima- tion. 1 I have prescribed It with beneficial results that I hart not obtained front any other saraaparllla. ■R'.-.;> DR. T. CARPENTER. It Is to be doubted whether there is a tingle pro- fessional man In the city who Is In a better posi- tion to judge than is Dr. Carpenter, for his prac- tice is large and a growing one. . He treats all. classes of skin diseases, and his success Is doubt- less due in great measure to his well-known abili- ties. -<^'':'- .' ■" ' FROM THE INTERIOR. A Well- Known Country Practitioner Comes Out Squarely. Auonjrtt the visitors to too city at this moment happens to be Dr. "W. L, McFarlana of ifendoclno / county, and tbe doctor happeneS to bt rle_t in tbe path of the reporter who was asking for opinions as to the merits of sarsaparilla as a remedy. "I will certainly give you my opinion," ha said kindly, " but I am afraid that It will bo only a repetition of what your own medical men here say. When be was assured that lt was desired to get as great a variety of authorities as possible be said: "Very well, then; you may quota mo as saying this: There aro few medical men who have not prescribed sarsaparilla in some shape or form. I have found from experience that Joy's 1. quite safe to prescribe under almost any circumstances. It Is doubtless a most efficient remedy In all diseases arising directly or indirectly j from Im- pure blood and a foul condition of the stomach.' _ know It to be so front seeing; its beneficial effects In my own practice. But the annoying, way In which I And some city as 'well as country druggists have of trying to Induce, the patients to take soma other sarsaparilla 'when Joy's has been prescribed annoys me mach. Dr. McFarland's opinion Is shared by very many medical men, all of equally good standing in the medical profession with himself, but lt shows a sound, manly spirit when he comes out and makes a statement of this sort, for no matter how much It may be the habit of the medical profession to use proprietary remedies, they ore certainly not given to letting the public know really how go ed they are. IT IS A BLOOD PURIFIER. Dr. Weslej Rogers, the Well- Known Lung Specialist, S3 Avers. F«w men have a better right to have their opln ions quoted than has Dr. R. Wosley Rogers, the gentleman who has recently patented on appar- atus for the cure of tnbercnlo sis. A distinguished member of his profession is the authority for the statement that Dr. Rogers has invent ed the most valuable help for consumptives that this century has seen. It consists of a method of latroduoing either oarbeaata of creosote or pure ereosPle into tbe blood, and 11 has been found to do this in every case without burden- ing the stomach (for the creosote enters the lungs by inhalation and not under the slightest pressure). It Is not possible to give a full de- scription of the apparatus here, bat lt Is snfflelen t to say that a nebular spray bottle is tbe medium of transmission, and so effectually does lt unfail- ingly do its work that lt has been found ta every case which has been examined that the blood be- comes so charged with the creosote that the odor Is quite distinct If a little Is taken from the patient in a few minutes after receiving the treatment. Dr. Rogers' invention comprises a maohlne for borne use, as well as for the use of practitioners generally. It is not, however, this Invention alone that bos given Dr. ißogers an extensive practice and an honored name in his profession. He has been ' for years one of tho leading ear. nose, throat and lung specialists of the city, and when he was found at Schmidt's Pharmacy, s*l Kearny street, where he bas an office, he was asked for a written statement ; as to what the value of sarsaparilla was as a reme- dial agent, and h. wrote th. following clear state- ment: There can be no question la my mind hat that aarsaparllla 1. one of the heat alter- atives which Is known to the medical 'world. It has a special value as a blood purifier, and when properly administered removes all Imparities. It the constitu- ents of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla have been correctly represented to me It should have unquestionably the effects on the blood and system generally which X have mentioned. K. WESLIT SOSEIU. M. 11. There is no ene who will question what Dr. Rogers says on this or any similar matter, and his extenslvo and successful praotlee shows that ha speaks "as a man having authority." : . Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla Cures vUloa ■ • Rheumatism Gout Neuralgia, Skin Diseases, ... . - . . ■ ■ ... . Liver 4SSBSB __-, W **. ''"■:::-'::".■ ' .. '■ -v. v. Complaint Kidney '•"'■■ Afflictions, Dyspepsia c/ JL X and Constipation Take No Sub- sti- tute.