Newspaper Page Text
: • ' BCSIXESS cHA £ISSSI. ~. : Tr r FT^N^FTr~Yo'u^OUT AT SHORT NO- J ** tice; try us. PBQLL, ST£NBERG _ CO. j 873^4, Market st. . .„ n~ /\ — cA««vLf THIS WEEK: POPULAR Sfi^vSlllllsSg . •■ trade. PP.OLL- STE.NS-S'-r. S.3^ 31ar>e> s.. ■■. ■ - - ■ STENB-RO^ST.^ Market s ~_ . SAFE IN- •- ' Q 9; r )0 well : scood OTportnnttT '• :&-££* ££ i-SOLL-- STENBERG, 873^ : '. Slarket st. ■': "Ho - A HOME RESTAURANT, BRANCH ■ i^OOU. takerv.coar.-cted: test location near . ■ Si«^fM_t-*WC_B_ * I**O «2Oda:lv: pavinz la- • :gj^^fP-OLJ- - STENBERG, S73V» Market. . : •' -^T^.v <i. LOON" AND BOWLING ALLEY; -;'• •'"N,")OU. fcisw'ine trade: lunch: musts^U: leav- . ; \ £ z cltr PR"OLL _ STENBE3G. S73^ Market. : ■ f-OR - VLE OR EXCHANGE— RESTAURANT; ■• . _r t^r- location: must se.'l. account sickness: price •• '■ iicV/'PROt—. _ STENBERG, S73Lj Market s_ '■ '. _»'"AA SALOON: PAYING WELL: SACRI- fije acojun: cf other basiness: splendid '•: 'l*_tion: big bsrsai-. PROLL _ STENBEKG. ■';. $~3 r -2 M_rktt st. SALMON : LOCATION BUSINESS ■ J>t>UU. «st«r; must sell account departure. PF.O-LL-- STENBERG, S73^-j Market. i "'' «AA CIGAR STORE NEAR MARKET: •• r^-tUU. fixtures, stock wor.h $SCO; clears Sl5O : e_-ii T ' run, immenw trail* 4 :sacrlsce account ;j\»fe__M. PF-OLL _ STENBERG, 873^. Maxket. ■ • of Fi."E SALOON; CENTRAL: RECEIPTS ' '• V. *■!•> a day; r^n: only 575: price ?750; clears '..-.•-:;> -■5150. Apply SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. :', :t\_C_ STORE: WESTERN ADDITION; : . ■■X' V>_rlns over? 100. SPECK'S, 3o Montgomery. i: _f4<nr» CHICKEN RANCH; 500 HENS. •.•• OPUU. ho_se. tools. SPECK'S. 30 Montgomery. 5 • TTO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS QUICK FOX .:. .X c_?h see GUS STRAND, 719 Market s^ ' 1?^ • \ GROCER Y"TvND~BAR7S~FURNISHED .' '• •^OcJv*. roo_s. plino. etc: wl_;oti: furniture !' '■ .and piano, $250. STRAND _ CO.. 713 M_?ket St. ■ ■<cQAj"I clsrnler~grC'CEßY"^a"n"d~_ar: 3 • -iCOUU. family rooms: cheap rent: kept by '•' ''rr^'sent owner S years: retiring from business the ..cause of sale. STRAND _ CO.. 7IP M_riirt st. ■• -. <bo~ A GROCERY AND BAR. WITH 2 FUR- • ■ ■■»J V _ '-"- • r.iahed rooms: cheap rent; fixture-?: "'•'.va^ae in *';zht and a clearin; about $100 per '■ -mocth. STRAND _ CO.. 719 Market st. Q] - A BRANCH BAKERY AND CaNDY- •: ■ _? LO\J . store: full valie: must seil this week. ' . ' • sTS_yp _ CO.. 719 Market st. '•■CQl'lft salo<jN: good - -:". FIXTURES, '-■•OO*'" pool table, etc. : 4 ro<stna furnNhed: will :'6xcn_uee for property. STRAND, 715 Market st. -. OIAAA BAKERY": USFS2I.S BARRELS OF ■■■'■•tIUUI.', ionr p*r day; 2 hGrs>e3 and wagon; ; .gcod paring place. STRAND _ CO., 719 Market. '■'.. ,_■•., RESTAUP.ANT DOING 1. FINE :: \?'-<J\J\J. bnstit*s! on Market s:.. best bargain ta vSfledty. Apply to JOHN REIDY". 19 Sixth si- : O1 1 -- CONFECTIONERY AND CANDY _ i. I 'J. ytcre _ni icecream parlor with 3 n:r»ly '." ?:rrfs'aed rooms; _ne iocadon. JOHN REIDY, : . 16 Si_;hst. ' ';■ '■ \ LL. BAF.GAJNS THIS WEEK: ; : ; S^:ocns fro_ ?150t055300 • ■■Js..est3urar.t3 iioxn 100 to 700 • '.•'Groceries and Bars frot_ 400 to 900 • •'• F^::sa>res frota. 150 to 450 -' Ct?ar*tcres from 100 to 350 •Branch Bakeries fronr. 125 to 500 —od^nr-aoase-jfrom 200 to SOOO It Bctcher-sho^s from _ 200 to 10CO •-.;■ Variety-stores frots 150 to 650 ;■ \Vi»i t_l Coal Yards fro_u 300 to 1000 • ' -.■ Ranch property in all carts of th« State to sell or .. exc3__ cefor city property. See BUCHANAN _ .-: CO.. 765 Market st. : • Ql*^A DELICAC__3 AND PORK- ■ O U«Jv/. cheap rent: fine location; a bargain. . ' BUCHANAN _ CO.. 765 Market s:. : jCALJJON: SEST LOCATION: 4 FURNISHED ..; O roo_v3; larae whisky trade: sells 10f» bb!s- beer - week: 110 ?a:s. -xiisiv in s:<>-!C: cfearinz *125 a ■ ' month. BAP.RETT _ CO. sooii Market st. .. Q9-|1 EIG BARGAIN: PAYING COFFEE '■' t_ ~~tJ\J. s_.oon at:4 chepiocse. o_tv two doors . frora Keamy st. BARRETT _ CO.. SBs^i Market. :{ S_ l S A BUSINESS WILL PAY #5 PER DAY. ; ClOv. BA_?.: _ CO.. I*6s^ Market s_ r QOAA OLD ESTABLISHED PAYING GRO- • ' ■- — UU. eery and bar: best possible location: low • ' rent; great barg__. BARRETT _ CO., edai-i •"■ Market st. .. QOfjA PRACTICAL RESTAURANT MAN, . .■ .'.-"_ *3< "J»c_o.coi_rsa_d sooi trade, wishes part- •".•;j'n er:-£rst -class chance. WEHNER, 539 CaUfornia. ILK DAIRY TO LET: HOUSE 6 ROOMST barn'orSS cows, corse bam for 6: water '. from w;rd_ali; corral. Appiy G. GIANNINT, ne_r J . -Golden City, near Saa Brand road. 'UR SALE— COBNEF. LIQUOF.-STC_E WITH X sooi b_r trade. Apply 36a Third st. QO'A MAN OR WOMAN TO START PAY- .- •, -OV. :_r cusinrss: will ptzt ia same __oa_s. /'.Oeauiae, 9-5~3 t-iiotwey, ce_ r Twenty-third. ■ _ifM\ fruit SUSIN.E.SS IN" SAX JOSE: ;. -r_ "i ■ ' U. centrally located. Addr«s a. J. COX, . .ccf;- ilarket and Santa Clara sts., San Jose. O'.VEI.L-PAYING COR- ner rricery ana saloon la the W estern. Addition ; ' "' fcess of reasons for »el_ar. Inquire of LEVY _ ' -COu. wholesale Uqucr dealers. 2IS Grant aye. •; < r_Ll I BRANCH BAKERY', NOTION AND •"•'.'O-X'x.V/. ca_dy store; 5 sannv livlns-rocnis- -.frand Bar_iin;ren: tlo. WOOD, 917 Market st. '■■ "WANTED— TO DO SOME EUILDING: TAKE •' " »•■» Ides as part caymen: ; owner to f _ra_a all _i_- >€iial ; roue but owner need answer. E. G. M-, • Oakland o_lce of th? Call. \.Tr>ARTNER WILLING TO INA^EST IN AN ES- ..-■_; taa'.isaed optical bt:si_e»s; capital goes to ln- ■ cra_ie b_ji_»s_ Address S. E., box 13. Can Office. .;'OMALL RESTAtTP. A NT-GOOD LOCATION; ..X? cocxi trada; targain. In qglre Call O_.c&. • TV ANTED— OLD-ESTABLISHED BUTCHER : » » t_sinea«: st_te pacie__r_ A., bex 50, Call : Office. -$-2~:z ■ ■ ■■ Q7AABUY3 PP.INTTNG AND MANTFAC^ . C- <V v l ur_;g store ; cen__- 8., box 9. Call Ogee. ■ QAL&J.V FOE SALE— LOCATION. AP- O ply to SLEBS BROS. & PLAGEMANN. •QALOONTOEE SOLD; A SACRIFICE; ELE- 'O rant fixtarea: register: 4 rooms: good stock; • Mod trade: north of Market st. Inquire F. lII- CHEL—. 213 Sa_Kt_e, ■-. E. KELLEY"3 osice. G~~O?.NE_ BRANCH BAKERY" AND C AND szcre. furzished: selliaz6aaccoTsntof depairtare. 1035 Fo_cni St.. opposite the park. Q€\ft A SALOON ON PROMINENT STREET : • w UVtf. well stocked; £ne fixtures, including p__o; b_3l_e£s. whica will be proven by ti.«,ro=si :r__ Address J. H. _ "cox 129, Call OiSce. ■ AY", GRAIN AND COMMISSION BUSINESS; faro-thirl interest: esta&Ushed 29 years. Ap- ply CaU O— ce, 710 Market s_ I TY'ANT-ED-TO SUPPLY FAMILIES WITH! ' ' docble-hlt^red distill id water ins— Wallonlots i •_1 upward a; 10c a rahon, free of expreasase. i The RXston Health Food CcaapaaT.'JOS Matters'™ >^i Fraacisco, telephone 1132 or lies Bro_iway, Cakiind, telephone 402. Q"! XAA \v"ANTED— PARTNER TO EUY* f IAI alOUU.hilf Ict« in/rr^ir^oodlp-ySg salooa. Address E-JX, box €4. taia office ! EAT M^ARKETTb_sT__Tf 26 SEVENTH A.'A S" G c^ p _]d^H^^f| c _? R £^ L£ fo * FOR SALE— WELL-EQUIPPED -Tvr ' Fiant: price $700. Inquire 1009 Post st? * "X* ICE GROCERY STO_E~TndTvLOOV FO^ _> sale at 253 Clara st. £KJ " CTIGAR STAND AT 235 EAST ST. GOING AT ' sacrince; party foia? East. pOOD CHANCE FOR A RESTAURANT Mi\- \J rest_arant worth *700 will be sold very ch<?ap • ' . - i&syectioa solicited : old established place. '333 6thl i TpOHSSALE— CORNER GROCERY AND B\R* ! •Xi-Uvia-r-rocras; - trade: sold account r«.iri_} ■Sfpta bejiness. Call 425 Natoma st.. ccr. Miry. . . i FIRST-CLASS IN F.VEP.V i :\y. 'irpspect ; in vestlzatioa given. 328 Pine st. "•' < ~ ' A CORNER SALOON : BEST PART OF ■■Ci-;-'«L/'/. E&*: str»ft; fine nxtnrM: cheap rent; ;. :.t~il'mz from 12 to 15 barrels beer per week. Ia- : .' ■ c::ire at Call Bee. '. b'ALOON FCR SALE CHEAP— S LIVING- ": -. 0.-rpomi. 911 Folsotn st. lii %?i?^st-<:las.s bakery foe sale; OWNER : '£ .iitlrinz. Appiy Call Branch. > i - '.'■ "s£*>Xrt f-KSTAUBANT; DOING A GOOD • ; :< rr .OV. bisfnesa. InqaUa lIP Eighth at. XsW** s -^-E— FIRST-CLASS LIQUOH STORE; ) -k -1- V.o-~i iznzi Market st.: most be sold at one*: I ■ to SMaßtablc oier refused. Apply Owner, 1234 : " at '* T ? l; .j ! f^?^a-- i-Q^On A G °Op BAKERY; DOING GOOD ■ V . . J • »ra»ie : r»i:h new oven : horse and wagoa ; ; • -C-SoSce? 0 * Ol ***** Address B. S-, box T'pß SALK-FIRiT - CU-SS KK^taURANtT ' Atojr.;nr-io3M 1-* saloon: baildin? of 20 | ■ E£?2: treil __ na *« l "od f_i of roomers: mast be , r. t -0 or ad- i , dgM*. j. DELCROIX.i'o-.ntTibnroa, Maria > ' S3OOO w jpTprPARTNER; MINING i •Jr 1 k a r,i' ea!l B^ffisg e_- wk ia this State: ! • u£n£. ye * rs ei » cr:e ace- Address H., box 93, * ' Vim S^^-CJJOp-PA YIXG RESTAURANT; I -TAURANT; ' I X. d^.l^, recfclpta f ,0. Apply gj^ -_crasae-tt» st. pOH SALE-UOifK K?>TAU_ANT; GOOD ■ A-. tiuain-s.-i. Apply ;.".;■> office. •- POOD-PAYING CORNER SALOON;- FINE V-T .option; atrcett-sr transfer stand: also 12 fur- T_f« ' "f* Eluded: itmtoWi reasonable. *.»_-_> attest., bet. lllTveata and Twelfth. JJL,J M^ ?? r,co==trr. fcr Oakland property and r^ff tL?*^ b_l-'-uu*Ks: fa a _aniso_ C reataaran: __U. -^evaca n r^ n^l s t saI«-titab!Uhed over 20 vt_rs; -*-inir heaith cause of gf-Uinr; desirable location: ' Ti K^XSA "?^i Cai! tor at 317 . Ele tenth st., Oakiasd. r CTEAM _ACNDKY~F(jR KALE CHEAP; O its, pan cash. b_ i3ce oa mst*_mena: do- I to? etXKi bosiness: sieinew the reason for selling, i icr caxuculan _____ 47 Sequel aye., Sacta Cr__ » BUSINESS CHANCES— Continned. <( .-jj (i FOR S^l-E— A BARGAIN; SALOON , 'J\j\J\J. on >utter St.; downtown. Apply WIL- KIE, 533 California St., Phoenix bar. < 'ZC\l\ CORNER SALOON IN WESTERN tj!KJ\J\J. Addition: on 2 car lines; -co. business. Inquire WILKIE. 533 California st., Phcenix bar. OEK AND SAUSAGE FACTORY: COM- plete machinery; 2 kettles; long established- must be «o!d»i once; price ?450: prest bargain. Call WLLKE, 533 California St.. Phc&nix Bar. FOR SALE— TIN AND PLUMBING STORE- cheap. Inquire at 952 Mission st. . RUGSTO EE-FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS : doin? good baseness: fine chaace for doctor. S«e o-vner. 1548 Park St., Alamwla. pol^N-ITGIioTJE-YTBlirriTrvLN&^SoMS: \J will sell at value in stock o_ account of other business. Apply 940 Bryant st. G' YEARS OLD WANTS STT- : VJ uation to make himself c»nerally useful around j a house. Cail or address 620 Foarth st. I ) -STAURANT: NO BETTER OFFER TO" J i man and wife or to partner: cheap rent; good ; location and biisinesa. Apply Calt Branch. . LODGf>G-HOr.»Es FOE SALE. i - ROOMS. CORr^GEARYrCLEARING $150; , _ • » cheap. SPECK'S. 30 Mon: j?_ery st. 11-AM ED— PAYING LODGING-HOUSE FOR i > > 12-acre ranch. - 30 Montgomery st. " ! ~A-ROOM HoTELToOOn COUNTRY TOWN; . < U cU_r;=? ??00. DECKER. 120t> Market st. i 1 O-F.OOM HOUSE: NEW FURNITURE; EASY I \}XO -■.•.:. Market st. ". ' OA-R'K'M CORNER HOUSE; RENT *40: : OU jaice 5550. DECKER, 1206 Market st. 3 « A-EO-)M HOUSE: RENT ONLY' 575; CLEAR- _U ting tIOO month. DECKER, 1206 Market st : ru>ROOM HOUSE, WORTH $2000; WILL •. , _■_: _,ke $j5O. DECKER, 1206 Market st. TO BUY OR SELL A LODGING-HOUSE C_ck for c_?h see GUS STRAND. "19 Market. I ... ¥ ITIRNISHED FLAT OF 6 ROOMS; ."*■ _''>». all rented: pays over ren: $20; great j bdr--a;n. STRAND - CO., 719 Markft ■"- c 1 A ROOMS: CORNER; ELEGANTLY FUR- . _U Eished; clears 3C00:525C0. T..tox tj.Call office. 3 -1 .") SUNNY" FURNISHED BOOM*: BASE- - i_ meat; top fiocr pays rent: S&00. 321 Turk. 5 T OIhJING-HOUSF:. 14 ROOMS, Fo_ -ALE _ J . very chcj.p. 719 How_ ri st. I 1 AND ALL. COME FOP. BARGAINS TO BUT- - -*• TERFIELD real ■*■•'-'-' bu'lriinj. - FVKMTIKE FOi: *AL_. I IS~G KKA^H CARPETS PICTURES, XX . fo'dins. iron bed*, faraitire: low pricts. Cal. - step-ladder macfd for tiie tr_le. 77:3 MUs_ c st. i "RED ROOM SETS. $11: OAK CHAIRS, $1; . X> carpets, 45c. SHXREK. 1310-1312 Stockton. ? fUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS ; \J this week at McCABE'S. 545-950 Mission st. : p EDUCTIONS ON LARGE sTOCK, NEW AND S XI second hand; 400 carpets, good as new: oi- -1 cloth. 25c; parlor s_:s. «19 up: linoleam, 45c; C -piece chamber snits. ?14 50: cornice-poles. 25c: ; i ranses. 36; cash or installments; gotxls shipped r J fre^. T. H. NELSON. 126 Four.c st. ' ! ======= ! i " " ARPET?T 45cl LINOLE UmT^Oc : BEDROOM V,' set, gll. SHIi-iEK. 1310-1312 >;o.:k:on ?'. : -' ) ' AKPtT CLEANING. > p'rrY~~STKA>t cXepet"-'beating'"^and j \J Renovacin^ Works, SS and 40 Eizhch st. G. B. j ; STEVENS, mans. Telephone No., south 2cO. > p ARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND ) \J renovated sajne as new. S. FiIRGUSON _ ) j CO.. 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. - j WHEN YOU BECOME DIStVUST-D WITH I rf poor work send to SPAULDLNG S Pioneer Ca- rpet Beaar^ Works. 353-7 Teh___; tei. So-40. : i ! .:.. .:■ 3 CARPET BEATING WORKS. 333 ' , V. Goldea Gate aye. ; telephone east 125- -p ARPETS WELL CLEANED. BARBERS, 23d j ; V 14th, nr. Mission: te_ (Mi^jion) 100. j r "THE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING l X Co. {tncorp.); old established carpet dear.ia; machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th. tel. 6C74. - T McQUEENS CARPET BEATING AND REN- • 'J ' ovatinz works. 453 Sie vy^*on : tel. 322*. ; atEPicAx. -M- DR! W*EG_iN_^R7plKrVA^rE r KOM_ FOR i - i>X all fern ale diseases; separate rooms for ladies r btfore and d_^n? co_£_?tnen: : have enlarged and I arr-v£z%c my home to suit rich and poor; irrsen —Ti- tles cured in a day; snar_tite<Hi ; no instruments; " reg_ar physician of lor; and successful practice; • travelers attended : no delay; ail t_unes3 s_lc_y co_ddential ; babies adopted. 419 Eddy st. - T ADIES— I323 GEARY: DSS. JANNEY IN- .' XJ (tttttte op^n for reception of women before and _ during co_£n__ei:t: s_p only; advice fr»e: ail subjects of private or delicate nature confidential. f \ NEVv" PROCESS— NO MEDICINE. INSTRU- — — tn»nts or worthless pill* used; every wo __n • t«r own physician for all female troubles: no mat- - Mr iron « 21; cause; restores always inoa»da>-; If you wart to b* treated safe and sure call on men"s phys:ci_3 : know!ed-e <_n be «w?nt and cs<h! a,; home- ; a_ c— »a g__— nteed. PR. F«>TPER, 33S Kearny s_ LADIES CONSULT FREE 3IRS. DR. SCOTT, llO^i Turk st.. for irresT—— Titles, no matter what cause ; home ia confinement : also disease of the eye treated. SURE SAFE CURE FOR ALL FEMALE disease; a home in coruineuient wtta besc ear^: with the privacy of a horn* and conveniences 1 { of 3. hospital: consultation tree aad confidential; a ; i positive care for liquor, morphine and tobacco fca&it: every casf eu_r_ate«d without injury to ' he_.:h. MRS. DR. GWYER, 311^ Hyde at. •D: APH I TABLETS— THE GREAT • XJ modem Kiaedy for the cure of neorast Impotency and ail disorders cf the sexnal oreacs ; ; (la box, 6 boxes $5; send for circular. J. H. . WID3ER, cor. Hark and Third, sol* agent. P.- GUARANTEED CURE FOR IB- res_aritles; used for years in private practice ' with invariable success even in most aggravated . c_»es: easy to take: perfectly natural ia action; 1 no r__. exno'sare or daitzer: cere* ia two days: I sent securely sealed on receipt ... C. O. D.: •trictiv ton_dentii_, Ad.lress DR. J. MILTON - I EERGETOLE. P. O. box 2223, S. F. DR. HALL. 14 MCALLISTER, SECOND FLOOR, r.exi Hibernta Bank; diseases of women. ME. BOP.LX. SPIRITUAL MAGNETIC healer; hGurs 9to 12, 1 to 5. 9 Mason sc ; V"ICE PRIVATE HOME IN~CGNFINEJIENT - _^ at the most re_sOEable price in th» city. MRS. _C PFEIFi~ER, midwife, 2014 Folsoni St. • TT -M ALE "PILLS FP.OM FAMOUS PERSIAN , i X; prescription; quick; poainvelv harmlesa: price, $2 50. COKE CO., s?ec--s;s, 1423 Market st. • \ LL IjADIE-^ CONSULT FREE 2-LK.S. DR. • __ DAVLES, 14 McAllister s:.. near Market: ■ j leads all competitors; only qualified, trnsty spe- cialist for safe, quick relief of irregularities, no matter what catrse: tr>»atment scientific, harmles.* and painless: never fails; home in confinement. I JFIRREGULAR OR ANY FEMALE DISEASE j X see Mrs. Dr. PnsZz -ad be content. 2541-j 4th. Di ■ 1 XJ women; ladies naar ex tir assured q_icit relief [ oi disease; irre?uian_es restored daily; safe cura £ ruaranted; no instruments: home for pa_en_; ' best medicai attendance; 10-x fees; free; Dn. Scud- F der s pills and capstiies warranted- 1370 Mixke; s- }"T_PEAC_ FRENCH pi:.: - ;__ A booa to ladies troc- with IrT3?s_fitie < i; tno danser; safe and sure: $ 2 50. express C. O. D.; i don't delay antU too late. OSGOOD BROS- Oa_- ' ___, CaL, a§est3 for Alpeaa et Ci». T\B7_3rirslßSTDß. SCHMIDT, FORMERLY Uoil2llVj Mission, cow 150S Market at. : month- ..MwloOSMariieo at.:cionsfi- y irre?ui_ritie9 cured m a few hoars; guaranteed; no instruments nsed : sure preventive. ~V~WEEK'S~NEW3 FOR 5 • NTS — THE -— WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. DE>'TISTS. ! "T~NY TOOTH I.: EXTRA j j.i rainlessly by my secret method without dan- | grous cocaine or gas ; won 8 first prizes ; prices rea- j so_ii>ie; work warranted; all operations expertly ; done; reme_bcr I have removed from 6 to ill ! ° sarreU5 arreU st - DR - G£OEGE w - LEE-K ; DR. J. J. LEEK. 1 FIFTH-OPEN EVENLNGS, a"Jd Sunday until noon. DE. C. El BX___73 IN DESTR UCTIBLE J-/ teeth- LA TEST IN VENTION-KapecUUy for ■ j cruise work; posi-velyg-uaraateed never to break; > any patient once seem* them wfll admit tfcl3 Is tha I r tcotn most wanted: also DR. BLAKE'S e__a_ed 1 platmamcrorrns: co display of cold. . [ THE HIGHEST AHT IN DENTISTRY. • _£^'5« moderate^jOsSce 405 Setter. _r. Stockton. A t cka _fas_s_jb mTson7co_T_[arketT ; _-i. a*ts of tP^th are made to ple_w or no ch*r?e; on Rridjjs, crowns and sold plates prices reduced ; i ____?i' 1 . j. 1 . 11 ?^* ogl r *-: painless extraction. I pKOOJIE DENTAL ASSOCI_TION7TS"9~MAR: ' ; j \J ket, oct. 3.1 and <tn. k_» specialists: only rev- : JSlf^P?? tOr P* 111 "^ 3 iron- artificial teetn J frm $j> ; tlii^j irom ,f i ; extracting 50c, with gas SL I TVh ?Jt^ 9 ficTH ST. : ALL DENT ALftOEK I 'Q~e3. pr.cp3_anq^ warranted : open evening j i A 5® FOIi . i ' , J^nV*i »««naii«: _;::.•;< «1. DR. - : dentist, 930 Market gr., n-xj Baldwin Theater? __ cd. UK. J. >v. KEY, Uga Market st. DX. H. ... YOUNG. _kliSiE« AND TEETH j withont plates a gpeclalty. 1841Poikst. DX. LUDLUM U1LL,~T443 MAP.KET «T ' * near Eleven_t; no charge for extractia? whea ! plates are nude; old plates __.> ov«Uk«n«»or- -5 teeth £r3_i »8 per set : extracting 50c; eas given. .* 1 puLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. BC6_{AB7 ! \J icet St. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER: ' f * WEEK'S NEWS FOE 5 CENTS— THE A WEEKLY CALL, in .■-■:- mailing. " TO LEA!<£ rpHE GROVE STTraTTIIE_!T~_R r r i o LEASE 1 X Apply MADISON ■c BURKE. 6.6 Market st. TO LEASE FOR a TERM OF YEARS— NEW j trick bulldia?: 3Oxl60: 5 fioors and bagemeat ; 764 Mission st- throush to Jessie: I<K> — - ' east of : Foarth. Address' J. W.. box 104. th;s offieg. ■ : _:!___—_— K_ i£J_A.i, —ATA'iii. _• O Z*f\ n w HOUSE OF " 8 ROOMS : LARGE ' >. )i "'. corner lot near suvtion and school; • I sure: work all done: a bargala- JOS. J. MASON, Dwiyht-way itation, Berkeley. - BERKELEY HOUSES. - I ■■ St rooms, near steam and electric cars, school and < i c_ai__ -Address 1916 Haste st., Berkeley. i . THE SA> FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1593. CITY HEAL ESTATE. F"~olTsA_E~criE__ i r~ . . ~~~ Fine cottage on sunny side of street, with 6 room*, bath, hijrh basement, nice flower garden and all modern improvements; size of lot, 25x114 feet. •■ ?'•■ ■-■■': Inquire at LASSEN _ CO., 1009 Vi Valencia st-, or on premises, ri"_» Jersey st., bet. Diamond and Dou;a«s3. - Q AA A NEW COTTAGE ; 5 ROOMS ; BATH: • O'.'Ul/. furnished basement: rear an : front garden ; 25x100 feet. 2421 Harrison st., bet. 21st and 224. .__ pOTTAGE 5 BOOMS; STABLE FOR 5 \J horses:- 10-foot btsement; modem Improve- ments. 19 Hardy St., b*t. 16th and 7:h. xiO7T6: SW. COR. JERSEY* AND DlA- mond sts. Apply vnthin. - . . RICK EUILDING FOR BUSINESS prop- erty on Market st. Corner Pacific are. and Baker st., 55x137 :6 ft.; price, I.o*lo. , . . , , E. side Stanyan st., bet. Carl and Frederick sts.; 25x100: price' $2SQO. - :^ - -60x127 :6 R. on J_?ksoa st« over!oo_lnar the Pre- sidio and bay; £6700. Two modern houses, of 8 rooms each, at Park, 25x137:6 ft.; eisctri: road passes houses; price ?6500. 2-story brick honsf of 9 rcoms. with stable, pn South Park: lot 45x125 ft. ; price $7500. S.W. cor. Jones and Jefierson sts.; 137:6x137:8. Cottage hoa«e, 1367 Dolores st.: 5 rooms and bath, basement; on each side of Dolores St.; 25x95 teet. Hotise of 10 rooms and bath. 417 Bryant St.; price *5000. Apply to C. C. BEMIS, Real Estate and Land Agent. 324 Montgomery street. <j'~" HOME SACRIFICED;: ELECTRIC yUI'J. road ; lady needing money. 62 Shipley. BARGAIN; 2-STORY" 7-ROOM COT- ta?e in Holly Park; corner lot; ! '50: can be bought for small payment down; balance same as rent. CaDENA.-sSO _ C >-. 512 .^ornery st. TIWO ENGLISH COTTAGES, ■ ROOMS EACH; -»- interior must be seen to be appreciated: view from rear windows unsurpassed : will be sold at a bargain. 1010 and 1012 Broderick st. YKW MODERN HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS; FINE- -> ly decorated; wilt be sold cheap. 1929 Oak st., near Shrader; easy terms. -1 V ANTED— i'O_ CASH. CHEAP LOTS NCJTHR 1 T and south of the park. S. P., box ISO, Cail Office. Q^Q-^ft SEE THOSE HANDSOME NEW •.^ U_«JU. flats; McAllister St., bet. Baker ar.d Lyoa: owner on premises Sunday. L. FRIED- LANDER, 429 Montgomery st. OT- - FOR SALE ON SMALL MONTHLY payment 3: loans made on San Francisco real estate. LOUIS BLANK. 214. Pine st.. ras. 58 _ 59. < 1 TOO HOUSE. 5 ROOMS: BARN, ETC^ 0 X * ' • ' '• m BerSeiey; lot 100x100, with creek. Ss2sO— Hotise, 7 rocrna; _ac comer: 120x135, with orchard. SICOO— •corner: 40x100; macadamized ; sloo down, $ICO yearly. CHAS. A. BAILEY. 46 Market st., or Berkeley station. Berkeley. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE -T- WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, far mai ling. ■»- COUNTKT KEAt ESTATE. < f CHICKKJf TB.VIT BARCT: ClvUu. improved: stock and tools: 105 acres; i 9t» miles from San Francisco; near railroad town. Inquire ADAMS' »re, Ashby station, Berkeley. pONTRA CO-STA COUNTY LAND FOR SALE; V. send for list. D. J. WEST, Martinez, Cal. _ 0R SALE OR EXCHANGE: PRICE RE- X duced from ?SOOO to $iC00: a fine pUce near Merced, consisting of 25 aoies, ail finely Improved; set ost to o::vfs. oranses and grapes: ?cod house of - ro«sms: statle: water free. The place bein? In fine order, no work will be required this season except euttivatin*: will exchange for city property. EDWIN K. ■-..'. CO., No. 9 Rocu'nda, Mills buildinz, -. F. G ACRE LITTLE HOME ON EIGHT YEARS' U credit. D. H. TWING- Sonoma Ci:y C»l. I f\ ACRE LITTLE HOME. ONE-HALF MILE i' Eton town; two-thinU in fruit aad vines, balance in vegetables; Al land, with ra_c!_sj water; cood buildiri«s and personal property f 2000: half cash. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. TT~YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING X purposes or an orcharl already imcroved, where oriy a s_»U c_Jh outlay is required, balance pay- afcls In 6 or 7 years, apply at 326 Montgomery si- can Fr_icisco. BARGAIN IN ALAMEDA COUNTY: 320 scr*s of foochiU land; plenty of wood ard water; coly fd D«r acr?. laqaire JA_ LES CA- HILL, 4G-8 rare-th st^ O^kl.-.nd. £ 711 AND" 20 ACRE PIECES— AI FOR CHICK- I • en rar.c'c»n: oa Sand 10 years' credit; $25, S3*). ?T0 ani ?ICO per acre; within 1 mile of town. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, a:. ,: »;, AP.IN COUNTY— SOOO ACRE- 26 MILES from San Francisca EANCHO DE NOVATO. Tracts of any siie drtslre-1; fruit, praia and vece- table land: no '.nitration: both rail and water transportation: $40 to 275 per acre: easy terms. town of Novato: er_led schocl, i.o:elj a_ii stores en the property; send for circalar. Dairy for sal-r with or withoct cow* SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, €4 and 65. Cfaroaicie bnildiiig. . : - ______ -OAKLUiD I_E._U ESTATE.- - FOR~SALE— LOVELY COTTAGF. HOME ON Tweaiy-firsi St., Oakland: lot 25x100: Drice only *leOO: easy terms. WM. M. DE WOLF, 1050 Eroadway, Oakland. O RENT— GOING AWAY; WILL RENT A choice 2-story 10-rooni hooae, fur—Lshcd; lot 6Cx I_7, with, s^ab^; r*nt S-tO to adnlu. WM. M. DE WOLF, 1050 Broadway, Oak:. Q97'r. JUST COMPLETED— MODERN 2- C— ■ • <-)"-'. story 7-room house; bath and irood loc 40x107: all street work done: splendid loca- tion, near Broadwar, Oakland City; terms easy. Apply to ALDKN _ GARFIELD, builders, 902 Broj4way, Oakland. OR RENT- WINDOW AND DESK ROOM 1 oa road way: central location. 1010 Broad- way, Oakland. QJ— 1 1 CASH— FRUIT VALE HOME, OS"ER %2~tO\J the mort^a?e of $1600, rrhich runs 7 years; newhocse; all modern: rented $18. C. K. KING. 902 Broadway, Oakland. T HAVE SEVERAL CASH CUSTUMER.3 FOR X homes in different parts of the city . also raan - * fine properties for exchac??; seed drseriptioa a: once. F. C WATSON, 463 Ninth s:., OafcUad. <•;.', ill OWNEP. REFUSED 1 YEAR AGO O-OUU. S4000: 2-atory 10-room house ia 2 flats, with modern conveni-joces: lot 45 feet front- aze on one of the main streets, but a short distance from tae center oi the city ; strvtt work, sidewalks and sewerage all don*: cement drive-rays, barn, carriase-shed, etc.; ? 1500 can remain on mortgage, or more if necessary; death In family cornpela sae- riiiee; this wm only be o_ered at this pa_w for one week: first com* Ba served. J. S. MYERS, 1002 Broadway, Oakland. Q7AA " CASH: BALANCE flO PER O « "V 7. month: Jot 40x172. on atteec 100 feet wide, macadamized and sewered; loc also fronting or. another scrvet : electric cars passia? he lot; walking distance oi local train. W. E. Barnard _ HJN^ 45-S Ninth gt.. Oakland. OO A PER MONTH and NOTHING down • —.'■■:■.'-■/, modern cottacp. well located. Apply to ALDKN _ i;ARFIELD, SO2 Broadway, OakUnd. Mi OAN-SIOO,COO ON IMPROVED -XL Oakland business or residence property only at 7i* per cent. Apply to CLOUGH „ BAKEIt, 1002 Broadway, Oakland. ' pHEA P —_■---• *>;50. ?1000~. \J LODGE _ POWKLT^ Froitvale station. \Y ANTED— 50 HEAD OF SMALL MULE< "* broke; also 2 c_ rloads of high grade cows, ia exchange for clear Oakland real estate; will pay part cash. Address P. O. box S3, Oakland. Bcarsisa a nd~ res idence~property sold oa easy tarms : small payment dowa or ex- changed. E.E.EUNCE. 1008 Broadway, Oakland. A 1 C) f\M\ A BARGAIN— BUSINESS PROP- '. 1 _'."."'. erty on Saa Pablo aye.: 125 feet frontage. Apply to J. W. MOSS, 955 Broadway, Oakland. T7OR SALK— OFFER WANTED FOR A LARGE X residence aad croundi oa the heights, E_s: Gas- land, near Borax Smith's palatial residence, to close an estate. BENEDICT <k CO.. 457 Ninth St., Oaklacd. L~ OOK! ?150— LOTS IN FRrrrVALE ONLY | X- $1 cash and Si a week; buy a home and save your small earnings ; the new railroad will doable values in Oakland. H. B. PINN'i-Y, SO2 Broad- j way, Oakland. " ' [ C- 1 -Inn HOUSE. SROOMS, IN BERKELEY; M _.■'''. loc 4Oxl00: one-ihinl cash, $400— Lot 40x100: $50 do— a. *10 monthly; near proposed railroad. CHAS. A. BAILEY, Berkeley station, Berkeley. ' __ -- A GASH WILL BCY A NICE 6-BOOM O I t )\) cottaze, worth *2000. leaving a mort- age of ?1000. Address WM. P. TODD, 1008 Brbariwav. n_klan«l. ■ ; " ALAMEDA EE.VL E»TATE.^ H~"orsE^?Ri)«>>rs: FINISHED street: fllOO; for sale, or will exchange for lot: new cottage of 5 rooms. J. H. YOUNG, 1243 Park at- Alameda. OR IMMEDIATE SALE. NEAR SCHOOL X and station; 52250; ?150 cash; -f 23 mo_t_ly; new 5-rcom cottage aad $2650— 1100 cash; *25 monthly: 37x100: s- room cottaste and bath. *3150— 5200 rasa; ¥3o monthly; new cottage" roon'9 and bath. l ?3250— 550 cash: «35 monthly; 38x100; corner house in fine condition: - rooms and bath. Houses in rrn - from? 10 up; op«n Sundays and holidays. MARCTJsE <t Rf-IMEL. Bay-street station, A_j_eda, and 628 Market St., San Fran- claco. ; T OOKHERE— ONLY SOO; LOT 4SxIOO; NKAK XJ electric cars _=d part Inaulre 1231 College . IV- . ■ * _»r*AA LOT 50x130: *50OASH,810 MONTH- •_* OUI/. It; 3 blocks from Bay-si, station: a bar- eaia • see us quick. MACDONALD, MOTT _ CO., 1422 Park s_, Alameda. « .MEDA PROPERTY-BUY, RENT, SELL __ or exchanjre bar;al_s. Call on WILL BITKN- HAM <t CO., 1355 Park «.. Alameda, aad BURN- HAM _ MaRsH CO., 4-28 Montgomery st t H. T. \ LAMBDA BABGA-NS, FOR CASH AN D IN- _ \. stallmenta — Houses to let In all parts of Ala- med_ H. P. MOREAL _ CO.. 14:« .-.-:. -\n KAPAKL KEAJL ESTATE. F. RAFAEL, NEW HOTEL OF 37 rooms in best business "oration in city: rent $60; also under hotel, corner stores rent *25. and v.ore adjoining. $20; stores suitable for drugstore or aor other retail boai-esa- Apply to GEORGE A. iIUNN_\V_L_, Soil Balael, C*L . HOUSES TO .LET. I Q^V7^X?r^Or?S_roT7"BW_is_^'D BATH; I O— I 'O\J. newly papered: fine neighborhood; water free. Cor. Brodenck and McAllister sta. HOUsE 3 ROOMS: STABLE. 32 CHESLEY, o_ Harrison, bet. Seventh and Eighth. <_>{« HOUSE OF 2 LARGE ROOMS; SMALL rjU. family. L 9-5 Broadway. ■ -.-rrf+- -.;- HICKORY AYE- ■-—_ WEBSTER— cl—c) House of 5 rooms ; rent reduced. _1O 2-STORY HOUSE, 5 SUNNY BOOMS; • I' l , planked; yard. Key at 2228 Geary at. VEWLY PAINTED AND IN FIRST-CLASS — ' condition; 9 rooms, bath and laundry on Twelfth st., half block from Howard aM Miwfon: fast car lin<»«: rent only 37 5«: fine location and should be seen. DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Park aye., oil Twelfth st. - •- ~\TERY* SUNNY 10-ROOM BAY-WINDOW ? residence. No. 7 Van Ness aye., close to Market st.: moderate rent to a good tenant. Apply to C. S. CAPP _ CO.. 413 Montgomery St., House Brokers and Heal Estate Agents. \*EW BAY-WINDOW BOARDING-HOUSE OF _> 14 rooms and baths, Hayes St., betweea Oc- tavia and Lajruna: moderate rent to a good tea_ac Apply to C. S. CAPP _ 0., 413 Moatgomery st., Hou-ie Brokers and Real Estate Agents. .■*.,. XTJEAT BAY-W IN DOW COTTAGE, 5 ROOMS _> and bath. No. 455 Fifteenth st. (sunny side) be- tweea Valencia and Guerrero: ren: $20. Apply to C. S. CAPP _ CO., House Brokers and Real Estate | Agents. 413 Montgomery st. -^ 9OA O'FABKELL— 7 ROOMS, PAPERED, _••»'' sunny side: rent reduced - 30; water free. . 101 POLK— HOUSE 6 ROOMS AND BATH; X'JXty newly renovated, good yard, etc; rent low. lAQ GREENWICH— 3 large ROOMS, $9; il/O garden; small fam ay. *;:■.■ o ;V OUSE 7 BOOMS, WITH LOT AND STABLE; cor. Potrero aye. and Army St.; rent $15. G. H. UMBSEN A CO. HOUSE OF 11 ROOMS AND BATH; "RE- duced to ?45. 437 Eddy st. G. H. UMBSEN <_ CO. __^_ 9"01 Q CALIFORNIA— ROOMS, BATH; HOT —.•J-LV air furnace: fine yard. •1,. 3 ROOMS: YARD; CELLAR. 37 DORE <JIU. St., off Uarrisoa, bet. Niath aad Tenth. ■ t')- FULTON— TEXF-MEXT OF 3 ROOMS; _.— 0 rent $10. _ RENT— A MODERN HOUSE WITH ALL coavenlencea and a fine marine view. Apply 2115 Pacific aye- bet. 1:30 and 4:30 p. _. Ren": j iMlaced. ! T*OR RENT FOR $50 PER MONTH—A FINE X house of 12 rooms; 3 acres of land; at San An- selmo: hoase to be put In thorough condition. Ap- piy to EDWIN K. .-:•>_ CO., 9 rotunda, M_U building. Saa Fraacisco. A- VALENCLV— 6 ROOMS AND BATH; X ~t I water free: rent $17. HOUSES, HOUSES. HOUSES, HOUSES, To rent, to rsnt. to rent, to rent, to rent, to reat. BALDWIN _ HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. FETiNTSIiED HOUSES. FOB RENT. TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. A most charrnin? country home, near Napa, of 7 furnished rcoms, with kitchea. etc attachwl, sur- rounded by flower gardea and beautiful park • with lake, poads with fountains aad shady walks. Owner takes care of premises. For further particulars ap- ply to CESAR BERTHEAU, 210 Sansomest. T-URNI3HED: ELEGANT 6 ROOMS FOR J} doctor s f__ily; adults; larye garden. 1431 Market st. . rOK SALE AND FLAT TO LET : GREAT BAR- X gain; account of departure; elegantly furnished 7-room Sat; 5 minutes from Kearny st. ; Crst-cla*j In ev*ry way. Address ' ■'.. box 9". this otHce. pOMFOP7TABLE _Co_i_T~6 ROOMS; BATH; \J piano; garden: etc. 1517 Golden Gate aye. I? -ANT FURNISHED HOUSE OF 14 i- rooms and bath; Franiclin St., near O'Faxrell ; aa owaer ts leaving town, caa be had cheap. U-BSE.V <k CO.. 14 Montgomery s-. COTTAGES TO _XT. KFn N Y~COTTAG_r7 RO^rsTVARDTGAR^ O den in perfect order; rent reasonable. 117 Tenth st. pOTTAGE 3 ROOMS, NEWLY' PAPERED, $8. \J 38 Victor St.. between Seventh and Eighth. pOTTAGE 5 ROOMS. BATH, BASEMENT; \J stable for 2 horses. 120 FiHtsore st. Q- 4-ROOiI COTTAGE, OUTHOUSES AND j C' • "den on cor. Laidiey and Mateo sts., Faii- i_oaat Tract. l OQ THmTEENTH NEAR HOWARD: FINE ! . », > bay-window cottage; 4 rooms, bath aad b_se- ment. ' ; T^TTAGE 3 SUNNY KOOHS; FURNISHED f \J or nnfnn-ihed. :iO2l Pine st. »Q COTTAGE 4 ROOMS: 2~ BLOCKS FROM •TO. Mi^sion-st. cars. Apply 360 Jessie st.; FLATS TO LET. . _NER~F_A~tV 6^ MS, BATH; iCI 725 Webster st. G. H. U-_B____ _ CO., 14 Mon tg-amery s_ _ . _. . . .«.♦,— ______■ C~To_Y~MODERN UPPSR FLAT. 2411 HOW- ' / ard St.: 7 room-) and m»- : : rent ?30: water free. BOVEE. TOY' _: CO., 19 Montgomery st. : y - : >-; E~~ LEGANT NEW PLATS -:.V_NTH. BELOW Bryant: 5 and 6 rooms: bath: $10 to $17. QUNNY BAY-WINDOW FLAT. 1704 WASH- i >3 ia^toa, near Polk; 7 rooms; ?27 50. I TTol-ULTON-EXCELLENT NEW UPPEP. t— fiat, 7 rooms, bath: modern. YEW FLATS, SUNNY*, MODERN. JUST FlN- _' ished, 112 Fourteenth St., near Folsom, 5 _ _ d 8 rooms: bath: rent 320 and $22 5O; water free. 979 CLEMENTINA-NICE FLAT; 4 ROOMS; _ I _ > low rent: no children. OeUXXY CORNER ROOMS AND BATH; $15. O Northeast cor. Polk and Jac_soa. - .- .-■.■<% 71 A OCTAVIA ST^ NR 3ICALLISTER — • 1" Lovely _at of 7 rooms: bath; all latest j Improvements. "L-LAT4 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS: BENT $13. I ilo~» Rins-zold St., bet. Eighth and Snath and Fotsom and Harrt?oa. Q UNN V PEP. FLAT. 2203 G EAR V, CORNER 0 DevLsadero;6rooi_.-»,ba;..a; water free: rent ?16. Hi : AND BAKER; NICE 5-ROOM COR- ner fiat ; al«o 6- room flat ; fine view. F.i; $16 AND $17; saaay. &29 Nineteenth St. A ROOMS AND BATH. SECOND FLOOR, ON -± Glea Parlc avenue; rent $15. DEMPSTER, 38 Glea Park avenae, off Twelfth street. -^.-\- -.- lft HOWARD — ELEGANT FLAT OF I _-»J _U rooms, bat- ; modern Improvemeats. QQfl TKHAMA— «T_rjT_ UPPER FLAT OF 8 I OO\J rooms aa«l bath. ! F- AND BATH; LARGE ! X* porch: bigyard. 2111 Geary a:., near Girls' : High SchooL TAPPER FLAT, 6 ROOMS. 13 JOHN ST., NEAR U Powell aad Jack3oa : rent $13. i BURNISHED FLAT. 3 ROOMS, FOR SALE X cheap. Apply 5 Ransch at. fV| 7 GEARY'— LOWER FLAT; RENT I'.EA- —X I sonaßle. Key 217*-^. ; _ ROOMS; UPPER FLOOK. S. EVERETT ST., _ near Foarth . Q-J i NICE SUNNY flat, WITH bath. 11. 17 Garden, or SPECK'S. nQAI HOWARD— FLAT. 7 ROOMS, BATH: I OU4 all modern conveniences. "I A PAGE— LOWER FLAT FTVE SUNNY X Ott roomj and bath. "■ :■'-■ ■ CUNNY FLAT OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH. 232^ 0 Sixth st. . TNVALIDOR NERVOUS PERSON CAN HAVE X handsome unfurnished flat for $10; quiet and healthy; good attendance. A_drea_ 8., box 108, Call office. ' ■ VE*V*LY PAPERED SUNNY* FLAT OF 3 . 1* rooms; $12; water free. 358 Thin! St. X7LEGANT SUNNY" FLAT 7 ROOMS, BATH: Hi beautifully papered and frescoed. 713 Grove, j Ir*LAT3, FLATS, FLATS. FLATS, FLATS, j To rent, to rent, to -■ -. to rent. to rent, to rent. 1 BALDWIN _ HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. HOLSKKJEKFING KOOMj^ IeT^ITK)ST^-3~SUN"N V FURNISHED ROOMS DXO2 complete for hoasekeepinsr: reasonable. J_7 ERIE, BET. 13TH _ 14TH— 2 FURNISHED i• f r.nee:inghou3*_eeptn? rooms: noch adrea. _OA GEARY"— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY "IOU rooms: use kitchea: rsaaon-hle. 1 " A SOUTH PARK— I OB 2 SUNNY* ROOMS, ; • " ' nicely fural3hed tor housekeeping. j ELEVENTH — SUNNY BAY-WLVDOW suite; □ MR and carpets new; every i coavenienee for housekeeping: bath, gas stove, etc. »_>O«>THIKD— FRONT FURNISHED HOUSE- O-.-.— ' keeping suites, 19. __ : single, $1, $1 25. 7/IQI MINNA— FURNITURE OF 3 ROOMS 1 ttO'i complete for housekeep—tar, $40: rent $8. ; .11- BUSH— UPPER FLOOR. 4 UNFUR- I --111 nlahed rooms; bath: references requfrsd. 1 0.1 i- I~R_IN-2 SUNNY FRONT UNFCJB- ; 11/11) nlshed ,-_3: light housekeeping; $8. CIAVAX NESS-SUNNY' FRONT SUITE; j 111' boasekeeplnar rooms. $18: also basement. j 7'\ |"(jl HOWARD-TWO COMPLETELY* FUB- ■ '''•'.• nlshed saany rooms; $2 50 per week. ilfiO BUCHANA-N, SW. CORNER— BAY- WIN- ' Ul/_. do-, furnished, $10: with kitchen, fl2 50. -41 9 JONES — MIDDE FLOOR: 8 ROOMS: "il— furnished for light $25; also i double parfoM, ils. i •ri, minna— 2 OR 3 rooms furnished 000 for housekeeping; also nice front room. 191 9 UNION, COR. HYDE— 3 NEW_Y FUR- _■ _ f JL — 1 n:sh*<l and connecting sunny hoosekeep- Ing rooms; rent cheap. ■ j /TOO HARRISON— HOUSEKEEPING IiOO MS; I OO also others; $5 u<>- -1 1 901 HO A D — SUN N~Y~~ FDRNISHED ! 11— front; suit*: boaseteeplnj It deaired; I reason . . I A TWELFTH, -■ R. JIABKET-SUNNY COX- -11/ nectlag rooms; fcrnlshea; low rent. ; 1 1 ie MISSION-LIGHT SUNNY furnish-- JIL'IO ed hoasakeepingr; also single rm»: cheap. I .<] LARKLN — LARGE SUNNY* FKOXT _:XX room wita aa« of _ttc_ea ; private family. | HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS — Coatlnged. IAT Q POLK-SUNNY ALCOVE; NEATLY IUIO furnished; also sttite parlors: rgaaonable. _»7 STEVENSON, REAR— SUNNY UN- -00 I famished rooms for honse_eeptng. \±ft MINNA — FURNISHED ROOMS FOR tr±O honse keeping: l_i%e yard. ■ '--"■.--^y I A RINGOLU NR. NINTH AND FOLSOM— *±U Hoase_eepi_s rooms fnrnished for a small family. 0. ■ . ■■-;.:; ■■'./■■ 1 1 ,\ ,\ HOWARD— FRONT HOUS_-_EJ-PING _.-L_r_: looms; $12 and $15. 00 ft LAKKIN — 3 NICELY FURNISHED O—O sonny hoase_eeping rooms: central. 1 K')i\ STOCKTON— 2 OR .3 NICE SUNNY XO—U rooms -.ii!ietlfor hoasekeepin?; cheap. 90 J. TURK— NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY -. \J "x front suite ior house^eeplns; rent cheap. Ill] Q JACKSON, NR. MASON— 2 SUNNY J-"-LO front hoase_eepl3- room-; 2 beds: $14. 1 A TWELFTH, NEAR MARKET— SUNNY -LI/ connectinsr rooms, famished; low rent. 6 OX THIRD— SUNNY FRONT SUITE FUR- — O pished complete for hoase-eepisg. T"l 1 I WELSH, OFF 4TH, BELOW BRYANT— Lxtts 2or 3 nicely ■ raised rooms for ho - keeping; reasonable. 9 HENRIETTA SQUARE, OFF ELEVENTH- I — • 3 nice sunny rooms, yard and cellar, $12. Q9JI FIFTH— FRONT ROOMS FOR HOUSE- ij~~X 1 teeping cheap; new house. XJQ TURK— LARGE FRONT ~ ROOMS FOR trtO housekeeping; gas; bath; $12 and $16. Qf\A EDDY— SUNNY EAY-W IN DOW ROOM, \j\J~t with kitchen, complete for housekeeping. 1 ft SOUTH PARK— SUNNY CORNER: TWO ID well furnished hcas«»_eepingrms.; very cheap. T] o LARKIN — PLEASANT HOUSEKEEP- ±IO Insr rooms; also single; gas and bath; rent reasonable. •lie PAGE— 3 NEWLY FURNISHED AND tJi-X connecting sunny housekeeping rooms with private American family in new upper flat ; rent cheap. - OAT STOCKTON — NICE FURNISHED -LOU I rooms to let for housekeeping: rent cheap. 1 -7 SEVENTH - SUNNY FRONT 7 " ROOMS -L _» I for housekeepins; $3 and % 10. OA9 GEAEY-2OE MORE -SUNNY UNFUR- CU- nished rooms: also furnished : gas; bath. 001 EDDY— FIVE UNFURNISHED ROOMS «J»J±. for cousekeepln?. .-•-, .-: 11 |O ASH AYE. — TWO UNFURNISHED lvO rooius. 1 1 A^v TWENTY-FIRST—2 UNFURNISHED -LXv»J parlors: idti ben furnished; §14; call 12. .^1 •> FRANKLIN— 3 ROOMS, COMPLETE FOR _ l . ) hoasekeeping; nocaU-ren. -N •-.-.■. QA7 WEBSTER— UPPER FLWJR 3 UNFUE- •J\J 1 nished rooms and hath: $10. ERARD HOUSE, 1.2 SEVENTH— FUR- vJT nished rooms, single a_d doable, hoaseke^ptnj. 1' ; i i-' IILK '— ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UN- -IOUO furnished. sc:t_hle for business; re_t low. ] 99 TURK— SUNNY P^OOMsT SINGLE OR EN X— .— . suite. 36 np: restaurant fcttaciiiHi." BOOMS TO LET. JjT^TE^HA'iA^- nTcELt" "i : u^^7s^ED '-L-LU larje sunny front room. A9O SUTTER — SUNNY FRONT SINGLE _:_.O room for gent!e_i__ : private family. ; . 11-1 MARKET (THE DELAWARE)— NEW ll' l - Lo_sa: elecantly furnished or unfur- nlsbl d 3aits and sin_la rooms: all modern :inßrove- ments; ready April 15. M.ES. SAUNDEES, pro- prietress. ■ :.--'•■,. 61 GOLDEN ' GATE AYE.-SUNNY FUR- U2 nlshed rront room, ilO: others. 1 1A - FOLiSL!M~^T.^-N'iCE_Y FURNISHED liv I sun' front room; lor 2; private. Ol X OAK ST.-TWO NEWLY" FURNLSHED O-L sunny front rooms; rent re—sotsaote. ft~l 1 STEVENSON— NICE SINGLE FRONT Ui.X room, famished. ■.•- :-. NR. MAKKJIT— ?UNNY FRONT room; well fur_is_e_: 91 a wee*. r-QX F(.-L-"M - LAIiGE SUNNY FRONT I OO room; $S montc. • ■ ;i XT Q GEAR V— HOME CO3LFORTS GI'.ANTKD; ' ulOnii.y ro">mf-rs: san: handsomely ■ . -..shed. I CO SECOND— NICE SINGLE AND DOUBLE • — rooms; ?1 to $3 for wee_; 20c to 50c per ni_ht. . '.--. ;-;-.; 990 THIRD-SINGLE AND SUITES; LIGHT — .vy toosekeepinj;; S5 np: brick baiidin?. 991 TURK-SUNNY DOUBLE ROOM FOE _»_L one or two; private family ; ?10. 1A I X, LEAVENWGRTH— 2 UNFURNISHED _-V/-L»J roor_s, suiuibte for ii?ht hoosekeepin?. v .) 1 BUSH^LAEGE UNFURNISHED FRONT _• -1 room, suuabie for lady. j "I ft SOUTH PARK— SUNNY FP.ONT ALCOVE 1U rooms, fS am: *10: ainsle, $5. O9Q POST-PARLOR FLOOR: WELL SUITED */_-•/ for doctor; r__nin? water: rent f 30. I] - JONES— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY" t1 • ' rooms: en suite and sinsle. _ QA9 ELLIS — ELEGANTLY" FURNISHED O"-'— sneny parlor suite; gas: $20. "I 9 CAMP — SUNNY FURNISHED FRONT XJU room for married cou pie, or music teacher, with use of piaco. 9j^ MINT AYE- COB. JESSIE ST.— XEWLY" —_: famished snnny rocr_3 from $3 to *9. 1 _';•; ':.','■ 79 BRADY, OFF MARKET^- UNPUE- I — _Lshed roosis : cheap to small family. 11-1 GUERaEP.O-|S: TO NICE PARTY; lit)! no children; 3 roo_i3, bath, porch, water. 7A X DOLO REj*. NEAR TWENTIETH— 3 FUR- I \JO Dished roocis: cheap rent. ' --.-■; 4- IN GOOD ORDER, 310 EIGHTH ST., *-_ ~nt Sl2; al_"»3l_rze rooms, rent $10. 310 Eighth st. T" . COR. LAGCNA AND M <> JL AUister— Ail sunny suit»^ and sinrle: splendid table: rates reasonable. MRS. J. B. MARSHALL. ■yOSE-lITE HOUSE, 1015 MARKET, BET! -L Siith and Seventh— Single and suites; per nUht, 35c to $1 ; week, $1 50 to ft families. pHATSWOETH. 70S SUTTER — SUNNY', \J handsomely furnished rooms; bath; good ser- vice; reasonable. A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KE ARNY— PLEAS^ x_. act 3an_y roo_is. en suite and single; first class In every respect: terms reasonable. •:.-.-:. riIHE SHERMAN APART>IENT-HOUSE; 129 -L new mm rooms; strictly respectable; half price of best hotels with equal sccon in lOtiatloas; very central. 28 Eighth ■!:■■ near M_ rict. BOARDING AND ROOMS. SfT^CTOP^-OOQs'piNz'sT RE-TTeIxO-NTLY » fa rnishe<i suites and single rooms, _r3t-ciaa_ table; terms reasonable. POST, SJI. OPP. OLY3IPIC CLUB— ELEGANT -L s_n_y front rooms for couple; first-class board. ,-.; • EDDY-SUNNY FRONT RMS.: SUITES " U— .U ami single: b**«t board: reasonable. tun i>i BOAKDED. ~~~ L- "dF~_T__a~A£ I XJ ptr 324^ Tenth st. ______________ STORJEa TO ~^BT- QfTT^l^N^rCO—EjrY^C^O^C^^O^N-^R^^ J O"i saloon; ai-<) two basements: low rents. '■ 9H7 213 POLK STREET: VERY NICE -Ui stores. 4 rooms each, In tine order, $20. J»IA STORE AT 321 NOE ST., NR. MAR- >>IU. bet. OFFICE' TO LET. I QA9~3_ONT"GOJ__rK^Y^CO__?f^ i OU_ offices: printer; lisht man caring; tow I rents^ ' ; LARGE. ELEGANT OFFICE ON FIRST I J-_ floor. Montgomery, near Market. UMBSEN ; _ CO., 14 Montgomery st. • * 91 17 GEARY"— 3 OFFICE ROOMS, KEY 2171_, -.1 % rear.j DESK ROOM AT ROOM 6, SIXTH FLOOR, Lf m;::< bunding. ™~ ~ STABLES TO LET. — — QTABLE— FOUR STALLS; YARD; LOFT; O water cheap. _9 5 Linden *ye. DELINQUENT SALE NOTICES. DELINQUENT^iALE "bTOTXCS — OOLDU U Easle Mimn? Company— Location of principal place of baslness, San Franc. California: loca- tion of works. Devi_j Gate Mining D:3tr.ct, Lyoa County, Nevada. Notice — There are delinquent upon the followins described stock, os account of '■ a«-=««n:».T; (No. 1), levied on the Bth d_y of January, ISS3, :ii« severs! a jr.ount3 «-t opposite the t»Lae» of the re- spective share-Older;-, as follows: So. - .Tames. i — ; : So. Cert. Share*. Amount. Korria Hoefl!ch. 5 10.000 $1,60000 H. At. Levy, Trastee. 7 20.000 3,000 00 H. it. Levy, Trustee. 8 1,000 150 00 H. M. Levy, Trastee 9 1,000 150 GO H. M. Levy, Trustee.. 10 1,000 160 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee. 11 1,000 150 00 H. M. Ltvy, Trustee. 12 800 75 CO E. B. Holmes, TrrvKee..... .lS 20,000 3,000 00 E. B. Holmes, Trastee .19 • 7.SCO 1.1 83 00 E. B. Holmes, Trustee 20 - 895 14925 And ia accordance with law, and an order from the Board of Direetfjrs. m*d3 oa the eisj_;b '.ay of January, 1396, so many scares of each parcel of such stock as may t»» n-ce> s_ry, will be sold at pni> lie auction an the e_i»^» 01 t_e company, room 50, Nevada Block, No. 309 iloat^ocery street. <»n Francisco. Califo_i_, oa MONDAY, the fourth day of March, ISBS. at the tear of 2 o'c!ock P. m. of said day, to pay said d<>ti_qc:enc a&jessr-ens thereon, together with costs of advertising and ex- penses of sale. E. R. HOLME*. Secretary. Office— Room 50. Nevada Block: No. 309 Koa*> Ktis«r7 i'»-Mt, San Francisco, California. Pn^TPONEMKNT. - Notice U hereby givea thai by order of the Board cf Directors the date of the sale of delinquent stoe'e- i for assesamen: No. 1 is hereby postponed to MON- ! DAY, the 23th day of March, A. D. 1535, at the «me toe and pl_c_ £ j^m^ , GOLDEN EAGLE MINING COMPANY. - FURTHER POSTPONEMENT. ■ Notice is hereby ?ive_ that 07 order of the Board Of Directors the day of the sale of d?lin»ix:ent stock for assess— lent N<x 1 fs hereby further postponed to WEDNESDAY, the l!4t_ day of April, A. D. 1e95, at the sa_te :__e an.: place. S.B. HOLMES. Secretary. | PIAXOS, VIOLIXS A>"l> SHLEET3IUSIC. TTOME INDUSTRY— HEMiIE 4 LONG PIANO -Li- CO.. 340 Post; pianos sold on installments: send for illustrated catalogue. A 5 UPRIGHT PIANO IN GOOD CONDITION -c\- for sale cheap. 228 Page st. , -'.^ .'.--■■■, HARP BY SEBASTIAN KRARD: DOUBLE _ action and elegantly flashed; is found with d.rncul:y anywhera; a nice selection is at present exhibited by SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. Ql (\(\ ELEGANT STEIN WAY; QUITE *- *- -'". new.on installments. 221 Leavenworth. 4NOTHER SURPRISE; AX EXCELLENT -fV square piano, full size, $75: a nice large up- right, $125. excellent tone and zood case; smaller uprizht, *70- Tha J. DEWING CO., 2d floor Flood building, Sole Azects for Hardma", Chase Eros., etc. EAXT CHICKERIVG PIANO AT LES3 than half cost. Room 21, Flood bnildin?. OPLENDLD WEBER PIANO; ORDE RED SOLD 0 by owner, a muse-teacher, for what it will brin^. Room 10, Flood baildin?. TTPRIGHT PIANO. STOOL A_ND SCARF; ?70. U Room 12, Flood bcildina:. ARGAINS— PIANOS FROM 75 T'P: ORGANS ig2s. A. L. BANCROFT * CO.. 324 Post St.* A BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A -V ■ od piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLEB & CHASE'S. 23' and 30 OFarreU st. BC&XBBB STELNWAY,FISCHET. AND other first-class makes of pianos; little ased; cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLiiR <£ CHASE, 23 and 30 O'Farreil sc j rtREAT BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND PI- VX anew at SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. 'S, cor. Kear- ny and Satter sis. • . PIANOS SOLD UPON NEW RENT CONTRACT JL plan: please call and have it explained; the easiest terms ever quoted for procuring line piano. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO., cor. Keamy and Sutler. ASY TERMS; LOW PRICES. KoHLER 4 CHASE. i_ \\' G. BADGER, WITH BENJ. CURTAZ, 20 » I . O'Farreil. »2ent for llallet and Davi pianos. EW ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARD makes, almost new, half orizinal cost: see at once. F. W. SPENCER Ot CO., 721 Market st. AUVAIS, 769 MARKET— SHEET MUSI(J^S pricet^DeckerA feon pianos. BYRON MAUZY, 31W POST ST.— SOHHEE, Newby & Evans, and other pianos. . . iXAVAY UPRIGHT: -<LKrHTLY USED; O grand tone; half -CC3:. SPENCEB, 721 Harfcst. SRIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD A NEW. H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. \ WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS _ THE -V WEEKLY CALL, U wrasiwr. for raatllag. hoi:- - TUST ARRIVED— 3 CARLOADS OF HORSES 0 weighing from 1000 to 1700 pounds: suitable for truck, wagon and road horse*, G. LINDAUER, Union Stables, 562 Howard s:. * . •- "POP. SALE. CHEAP- WELL- MATCHED PAIR X of roadsters, snrrey, harness, etc.: also 1 era.- horse, bu?sry, har: - etc.; will sell all or par. Apply 504 sn:ter Bt. PS - AND CATTLE. Moraga Land Association, Chronicle building. SALE^s"~HORSESrWEIGHING 14S0 TO l&l. ■■• a; cor. Founh and Brannan scs. I UST AKRI\'ED— 3 CARLOADS OF HORSES 'J weighing from 1000 to 1700 poands: suitable for track, wagon and roai horses. G. LINDAUER, Union Stables, 562 Howard st. ORSES PASTURED; A MONTH; SEND for circular. F. A. HYDE. 630 Commercial a:. 1 r\(\ SETS SECOND-HAND HAKNESS; ALL iv" kinds; second-hand wasons, busory, carts: also 20 cheap horses. FiftPenth acd Valencia -'.a. WAGONS AXD CAKKIAGES. < Vn?T^^E~B^rN^S~EUGGYT^OOD~AS V-l-'"'- new. 320 Sansome. room 27. FOR" SALE-CHEAP: BAT ' TEAm7~FINET X nearly new top LarMn rockaway, ona set Mc- Kerron No. 1 rotkawar harness. Apply Nevada S:abi€-s, 1350 Market st. / OR3E, HARNESS AND WOODEN TOP wascon. 11221-4 Fclsom st. T^INE BAKERY AND LAUNDRY WAGONS, X rockawav. baggie: al^o hac^. - . - Harrison, tor. MISCEIJLaJinEOfJS. ood cxntp^vllyTocated plantfor GOOD CENTR.VLLY LOCATED PLANT FOR mannfacturinsf purposed ; 2-story culling: SO I h. p. engine and boiler, shafting, etc.; lot 75x250: 5 years' lease: now in onora:!on: for sale at half value. R. C. JEWELL, '62S Market st. T) AMBLER BICYCLE, GOOD CONDITION, It f 30. T. JOHNSTON, B. & H., Twenty-sixth ac 1 Valencia sta. •' SALE— 3 WINDOW SASH WITH GLVSS X Bx9, almost new, at a barzain;«lso 3 glass offlce doers. PH GUNTJLACH, 13 ana 15 City HaU square, opposite Eighth st. EGGS— A LARGE VARIETY OF THOROCGH- bred for hatching. F. KRAUS, 1031 McAllister. "V"EW LADY'S SAFETY: $50 CASH OP. - I installments. 326 McAllister st. QOX NEW 5- DRAWER OAK DOMESTIC •_ •)'>. sewin? machine. J:)9U Mission st. OR SALE— FINE ENGLISH PUG: CHEAP- -1 year eld. 121 Sixth st. THRASHIXG ENGINE FOR SALE CHEAP— 1 One Sxl4straK--barnin? thrashing engine, with brand new boiler: ball: to carry a working: pressure of 100 pounds of steam. Apply at T. J. MOYNI- HaN boiler worts, 311 and 313 Missions:., southwest corner Beai«. , ] .. :. -i FOB SALE; 10. 139 ELEVENTH X street. TARGE VABIETY THOROUGHBRED XJ hatchin? eggs. F. KRAUsS, 1031 McAllister. 1 LOT OF EASTERN STANDARD MAKES -TV of safes which have been taken in exchange as pars payment for the Waltz safes, as follows: 3 burclar-proof bank or coin safes, 7 jewelers' safe«. 6 pawnbrokers' safes. 13 merchant safes: lire and b-.r-lar proof: all sizes: at lesjthan half cost: see th>-m before yoa order. The Waltz Safe Salesroom. 221 and 223 Market st-, factory 13 and 15 Dramm St., San Francisco. Cal. OR SALE— STYLISH MARE; DOCTOR'S OR X lady'a drivins. Avenue stables, 310 Golden Gate aye. . ,<; -■ VEVf RANGES CHEAPZR THAN SECOND- -i.l hand. W. S. RAY Xi Co., 12 CalLfonua st. TyrLSHXRE LETTER- PR] - SCALE. " co2ee-mlll and money-till; cheap. 102 Clay 3- ! OUSTERS, SHELVING. SHOW! ' ■..-.. -. - sold. Market, bet. 7shaoda;h LEGAL aroncKs. \XEI - 3AJ CXDErSgITED -^\_ off ers for sale the stock of merchandise, con- sfstin? of jrroceries, hardware, boots and shoes, clotbin?. fcrnlshicjr goods, etc, and also the fix- tures and book accounts formerly belonsinz to CHARLES SOLOMON, at m aaatnnii. Sonoma Coacty, California. An inventory Is at the rooms of the Board of Trade. 202 MarKet street, San Francisco, and also at the store at Sebastopot, where th« stock may be Inspected. All bids should be addressed to H. L. SMITH, secretary of the Board of Trade, 202 Market street. on or before SATURDAY, April 20. 1595, at 1 o'clock p.m., aT: be accompanied by a certified check tor ten 10) per cent 01 the amount bid, re- I turnable only in case of rejection. Right reserved I to reject any and all bids. Term scash, or approved J commercial paper. J. LEVI JR., Assignee. IN THK SUPERIOR COURT OF THE CITY and county of San Francisco, State of Califor- nia, Department No. 10. • . In the matter of JULIUS KAZINSKY. in in- lolvency. . Under and by virtue of the order of said Superior Court, the undersizned. RICHARD I. WHELAX, assignee of the estate of JULIUS KAZINSKY, Insolvent debtor, wCI, on the 19th day of April, 1895, at 11 o'clock a. * at the premises, 232 Monteomery avenue, in the city and county of San Francisco, pursuant to said orrier. sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the follow- ing described property, to wit: All the rizhs, title and Interest of said JULIUS KAZINSKY in and to one lot of groceries, general merchandise, fixtures, etc., etc., etc R. I. WHELAX. Assignee of said Insolvent. Dated April 16. 1835. LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Arrived. FRIDAY. April 19. • StmrWestport, Jacobs, 65 hours from Newport; ballast, to Pollard <£ Dod^e. Sailed. FRIDAY. April 19 Schr Nettle Low, Low. Point Reyes. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Is3aed by the Marriage Bureau: Charles F. Snss and Susie Kick. 25—19. Jacob Rechter and Catherine Schneider, 26— 21. Fred Klrkpatrick and Julia Boeddkier, 21—18. Sli^lcs H. Merzbach and Stella Jacobs, 43—24. Manuel P. d- Souza and Maria Ignacla, 24—20. William B. Been and In« B. Rus3ell. 23—24. " William F. Timlow and Evelyn Carolan. 30—26. Joseph Florence and Mary A. Ryan, 45 — 33. DIVORCES GRANTED. Judze Hunt yesterday irranted a divorce to Jen- nie Tirbury from Paul Tiebary on the groand of nee: . Jud^e Daicgerfleld ranted a divorce to Euphe- raiaL.Mocre from Benjamin C. Moon* for willful neglect. The custody oi a minor child was awarded to the mother. Jodce Sanderson granted a divorce to llary E. Po^rie from Stephen Possie for cruel treatment. MARRIAGES— DEATHS, 1 Birth, marrfajra ana death notices sens by mail will noe be inserted. They most be handed in as either oi the publication offices and be ■ Indorsed with the name and residence of persons aathorirad to have the same published. J BOKN. McLEAX-In this City. April 15. 1395, to the wife of James McLean, a daughter. MAKBIED. ~~ ADAM-FRITZ— In tils city. April 18, 1895, by the Rev. J. M. Buehler, William Adam, and Amelia Fritz. ■ -- BACHMAN— In this city, Apri 16, 1&9 5, Leopold S. Bachmaa and Bachaei Bach- man. . i BOUTELL-NOBMAXN-In Alameda, April 13, | 1595, by the Rev. J. M. Baehler, Henry A* Boa- tell and Henriette Nobmana. CASEN— McLVTYRE— In thia city, April 13, 1595. by the Rev. Dr. "W. W. Case. Nelson S. Casey oi Sacramento and Ella F. Mclntyre of San Fran- cisco. CHILD— TREAT— In this city. April 17, 1595, George R. Child" and Sarah B. Treat. DONALD— MOORE— In this city. April 17.1895, at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, by the Rev. W. Maxwell Eelllv, James Caarlton Donald and Ethel Moore, both of San Francisco. FINCH-THOMAS— In this city. April 16. 1595. William Albert Finch and Harriet Cornelia Thomas. FPJTZ— KBAUSE— In this city. April 15 1595, John K. Fritz and Amelia E. Krause. EVERS»)X— this city, April 13, 1893, by tha Itav. Dr. W. W. Case. John F. Hctte and Emma E. Everson, both of San Francisco. JACKSON— FINCH.— In this city. April 14. 1895, by the Rev. E. Lyons, John M. Jackson and ilaude Lace Finch. LORENZ— RETTIG— In tni3 city. March; 31, 1895, by the Rev. J. M. Buehier, Paul Lorenz and Acie!!a Rest!?. REDSIOND-McINTOSH-In this city, April 17, ISSS. by the Rev. W. a. M. Brack, Walter Scott Redmond and .Lillian Salome Mclntosh. both of San Frincisco. RIVERS— BECKER— In this city, April 16, 1893, Charles A. Rivers and Sophia Becker. WINTER— HILDEBRAN D— ln thia city. April 13, 1£93. by tbe Rev. J. *'.. Baehler, Adofpa Winter and Emma Hildebrand. DIED. Bewley. Margaret L. Fltrpatrick, John Carey, Mary Kredrickson. Ann B. Conley, Jotin Fuller. Mary A. .•.■.min?. Mary L Jones, Caroline 3. Callacan. John Kessler. Anna Deady, William Lane, Daniel W. Dean. S&raa E. Matich, John JJieiimoru Henry W. McDonnell. Thomas £rr», Jlannel O'Brien, Walter Fiber, Nicolaus £'i'O' Sprague, Geor3» H. Sharkey. William BE WLEY— In tills cE:y. April 19, 1395. Mrs. Mar- garet Bewley, daughter of Mrs. Sarah E. Cole aa<l motlier of Clifton L. ETvley and sister or Mrs. R E. Duncan and Mrs. H. T. Carpenter, a native ot Bosroa, Miss., azed 57 years. CAREY— In this city. April 1?. 1595, Mary, be- loved wife'of James A. Carey and mother of Mrs. J. H. H^at. esd Thornaa and Alice C&rey, a native of County Slico. Ireland, a?ed 62 yean. [Fall River (Mass.) papers pUase copy.J JWThe funenl wllJ take piac-? THIS DAY (Saturday}, as S:3O o'clock a. x- from herlata residence. 430 Twcnty-aaveath street, butweea Church and Sancaez. thence to St. Paul*! Church, Twen:y-ninth aad Church streeu. where a re- quiem hUa mass wni be celebrated for the re- po9-?of her 3oul, ccrnm^artcx at 9 a. it. Inter- ment Mount Calvary Csanetery." CONLEY— In Oailand, April 18, 1893, John Con- ley, beloved husband of Brdjet Conley, a native of County Galway, Irelan.l. a?«! 75 years. 09' Friends and acquaintance-* an?- r»»p«r:-' fnllv invited to attend the fnaerai from his late residence. 67-t Thirtv-aixtb street IHiS; Day (Satorlay). at 8:30 o'eiock a. m., and thence to Sacred Hears. Church. Temescal. where a solemn requiem hiza E*ias.s will be celebra!ed> for the repose of bis soal. C3mn"3c!:i at 9 o'clock a. sr. Interment Sr. Mary's Cemetery. CUM3IING— In Fruit Vale. CaL, April 19. 1595. Mary L, wire ot Caprain Georxe CumTnin? *mt inoilicr Of Al M. Curtiming, a native cf New Yori City. • P^*Frii»Ti<ls and aoinalnt3nces are res?v><;> fnllv Invired to attend the fnnaral services TO- MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. at her late residence, corner Twenty-eijcfcth avesne and East Foarteenth. street. Fruit V*i<>. The remain* will be sent to New York for interment. CALLAXAN— In this city. April 19, ISS3. John. beloved bnsSandof Mary Callanan, and father of Michael J-. Joha A- Thoma* it. and l^ry M- Calnan and brorher.of Sin. Si. Nolan and Mrs. ITUen, a native of the parish of Kiichreest. Counrr Galway, Ireland, agsd 5» yxiZ3 10 months and 5 days. " irSf-Notice of funeral hereafter. DEADY— In this city. April IS. 1355. WOlfam, fiear!y beloved son of Ed'srarl and the late Abi- gael Deady, brother of Mary Ellen and John M. l>=ttfiy and consin of Ml*? Kate O'Connor, a na- tive of . San FrancUco, aged 25 years and 4 months. .SS-Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend :he funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 9:15 o'clock a.ji., irom his la:a resident:* 1 . 534 naye« street, thence to Sacred Heart Church, corner Fell and FUlmore streets, where a solemn r^nniem mass wfU be celebrated for the repose of his sooi, commeJKin? at 9:30 o'clock. Interment Moons Calvary Cemetery. DEAN— In this city, April IS. 1895. Sarah E. Deaa, beloved mother of Charles F., WQlfaro-H., Thomas W., Id% K. and Edwin H. Dean, a native of Portland, Maine, ***■:! 73 years and 1-1 days. «5" Friends and accualntancea are respect- fully Invited to attend the aeral THIS DAY. (Saturday), April 20. 1:95, at 11 o'clock a. jc., from Grace M. E. Chorea, corner Tweniy-first. and C^pp streets. Interment private, Cypress Lawn Cemetery. Please omit flcwers. DICKINSON— In Oakland. April 15, 1535, Henry W. Dickinson, a native of Northileld, Mass., aged 75 year* and 4 mon:h3. EYRE— April IS, 1895, Manuel Eyre, a native of Philadelphia, Pa., ajed 53 years and 2 months. FBEDRICKSON— In this city, April 17, 1595, at her residence, Twenty-eistath and Fotsom streets, Ann P-. beloved wife of the late Anton Fredrick- son, and. mother of Mrs. A. Grazer. Mrs. T. Downey, Henry ; and George Fre*irickson, and sfster of Mr?. Kose ilcDonaJd, Mrs. Mary Gavia acd Mrs. Kate Goudier, a native of County Meath. Ireland, asred 55 years. es"Friendi and acquaintance* are respect- faily invired to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Sajarday), a: - '0 a. jc.. from her late resi- doare. Twenty-eurtth acd Foisom streets, thenca to St. Peter's Church, Twenty-fourth and Ala- bama streets, where a requiem hi?a m&&3 wQI tm celebrated for the repoie of her -mi at a. V. -laterrnens Mount Calvary CeineWry. FULLER— this city, April 18, 2? 5. Mary A.. beloved wife of David and mother of Frank J.. Sarah E. and Carrie L. Fuller, a native of New- Brunswick. a?3d 64 years and - months. »s"Fnecds and acqtialnsancfes are respeo fuilv invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 10:30 o'clock a. x.. at St. Joseph's Church. Tenth street, where a j solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her scul. Interment private. FITZ PATRICK— In this city, April 19. 1895. at St. Mary's Hospital. John Firzparrick, a nat I of Coactv Wlcklow, Ireland, a-'ed 46 years. . Friends and acquaintances art* resoect- foily Invited to attend tne funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday 1, at 8:3O o'clock a. it., from the par- lors of "the Union Un.lertakins Company, »33 Mission street, near Third, thence to St. Bren- dan's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be cslebnued for the repose of his soal. coexmenc- . is? aj 9 o'clock a. K. latcnaeat Holy Croas Ceeieterv. FABER— In Colrca. ?ai Mateo Connty, "April 18, 1895, "Nlcolaus. eldest and beloved son of Peter and Christine Faber and brother of Anna, Mar- saretna. Andrew, Peter, Emma. Charles • at?d - Louise Faber. 3 native of Ccicaso, HL, a?ed 26 years 3 mouths and 12 days. [Chicago (EL) papers please cooy. J -: * 5 • • 2£?"Frien<l3 and acquaintances ar«» rssoect- fully invited to attend ths funeral TO-MORROW • (Snadav), at 1 o'clock p. sr.. from the residence o* hi* parents, Colma. San Mateo County. Inter- ment Holy Cross Cemetery. ' JONES— In Petalnma. April 19, 1595. CarolLae S. ; Jones, wife of W. W. Jones, a native of Conaeo- ■ ticut. aged 63 years. KESSLER— In this city. April 19. 1995, Anna , Ke3sler, a native of Stadt Trier, Germany, aged 35 years 3 months a&d 9 days. LANE— In thii city, April 17, '- - ■'•■ Daniel W. Lane, a native of £09:00, Mass., aged 61 years and 4 months. MATICH— In this city, April 19, 1895, . John Matich, a native of Scon, Dalmatia. Austria, aged, 24 years. . ■ ; MCDONNELL— In this city. April 19. 1895, ; Thomas, beloved son of - Thomas McDonnell, a native of San Francisco, aged 20 years. g5-Notlcs of funeral hereafter. Remains at the parlors of McAvoy & Gallagher, 2) Fi th street. O'BRIEN— In this city, April IS. 1595. at h!s late residence,- 2203 Powell street. Walter CBrisn, a native of Ireland, a^ed 40 years. Friends and acquaintances are r»^ts*ct- folly Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW i Sunday., a: 2 o'clock P. *-. from, the par- lors ■•' Joseph Hasan & Co.. 2423 California street, between FUlmora and Steiser. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. SPRAGCE— In this city, April 19, 1895, Geonra Henry Spra?oe t beloved husband of Louisa Sprasrue. a native 01 Boston. Mass., aged 67 years. «3"Friends and acquaintances are r*roec> . fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 1 o'clock p. m.. from th« par- lors of Cralsr A Cochran, 28 Mint avenua. Inter- ment I. O. O. X Cemetery. Please omit flowers. SHARKEY- this city, April 18, 1695, William, beloved husband of the late Alice Sharkey and father of John, Frank, Joseph, Tasresa. Mamie. Keglna. Annie and Ros-'na sharkey, a native of- Pre<co«. Canada, aged 53 years and 10 month*. friends and acquaintances are rwoect- fnlly invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 9:30 o'clock a. m., from his late residence, 21S Duncan streeS, thence to St. Paul* s Church, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of hia soul at 10 o'clock a. m. Interment Moans Calvary Ceme- terr- Please omit flowers. ' ™ EXITED UNDERTAKERS* EMEAL2IING PARLORS. STerv.iia§ EcqnMte for First-class Fnserals at Reasonable Bates- Telephone 3157. 27 aad 29 Fifth street. | . a^ mmmm^^ h m ■■*■ WcAVOY 4 GALLAGHER, FUNERAL DUBECTOES * EXBALSEB3, SO Fifth St.. Opp. Lincoln School. Telephone 3080. . ' I . i, i ' LAUREL HILL CEnETERY •ASSOCIATION. r»HOICELOCATIONS IX ANY PAST OF THE \J grounds for sale and Ma laid oat oa ths Lawn system or Inclosed with low walls, as porccaaer desire- cars oi plats a specialSy. Perpetual care of plats a special.y. Cemetery permanent. - . i'or the purchase of lots or for any improvement apply to the superintendent on the scrtrrads. Cen- tral avenne and Bash St.. San Francisco, cal. CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY. IN - AX MATEO COUNTY: NON-SECTARIAH; 1 laid oat oa the lawa plan: perpetual cars; beao*. tiful, permanent and easy of acceaa ; •** i: befcr* , biuruiz a banal place elsewhere. City Offica. 9 City Hall Axeani. . 15