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4 WEEKLY FRATERNAL INDEX. Session of the Grand Lodge of the Degree of Honor. A. O. U. W. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Sovereign Camp News- Dearh of the Oldest O= H s Wife. sun I I 2 3 - - I? : > ■ M I I I ? ' 3 — ; uI-ofK S3* £5 £• A~=. 1 Apr. 3 LO.TT w ". S S-C Apr. 1 Apr. Sr •*«*»=, Fr5*ai5..... 2 C-tl'Acr. liApc Sa rtS-Apr. 15,Kat I. :r!ftisCfHa3Sr..!*2S '■' ■'.:•-.• '. Apr. ■'■ :.»3>i I»ci H ,453 10 11 Apr. I'Apr. S Lci-^r, E. . KSS S>4 a;c 1 X»t : :*-*>-*. U=xo - IS3 Apr. 10 May U "•'•z^citl e&«*n:?z; zocjo?? of azy rg---t— *" fritersai society will b» j-ci-iiihed free cf cost Is *i«C'Te lit-ieT read Lztza, ■nita azy oilier masters cf *— Tf^*, :.-■*■-■ • "■----■-: Frtttrzai Sodi-.j Editor Cail, Sia Frarxiseo.} B« rrts tf Scrir, a O.U.V. Tie third asssal cess x cf the Gzaad Loire, | Degree of Hazor, A- O. T. '■> '- of California, > cszvtzed ca Tzwday, April 16, Is fyEdisatt ) Graad Ciiei cf Eczer Hrs. 3L J. Stewart \ <*3ea lie r»»i:»t to order aad eosJerred the | Grsrd Lcdsf decree ca the delecstes. After ti» rr*s*::t£r:c:i tzd sdoj tfcn o! tie | reports cf tie crusts tie rscGr^z-ezdiiisa to 1 fcoid biennial fcrssicrj was ecostdeted, bs: m defeated, ts it *rt* fMffg** =tsi cf the izter- S es; fa Cjea wcaU t* lost The reeommendaSaa thai til past eaJefs of | hcsor atte=diz£ tie grt- 5 Ic-dre fee aUawei to « rose M not spproTed. Tie iallcTrizg -:-.:• -:.-::-i fcr the : _:? . year ire re. zpez iavittiica cf tie :i- gr*z.a | •:i.r- cf _.: :r ia^tallei >y Past caadliasSei « Worksia-i J. W. Wiri: Pist crtzd chief of] bosar, Mrs. 1L S. St.* vsrL Sir; Fr»ziisK>: craod } ei:^: ci iozcr. l£Ti. Esti-r A. LoT«;-cy. Als- I r:-ria: crtad lady &f hoz-cr, Sirs. Nella- J. IJas- 1 ttrs, Los Ar_re".«: rrtzii chief cf ccreooadea; 1 Mrs. W. PoLIj. H -tze^*: rrazd reec.ri*r, Sirs. | Saa U. Pc-liz-i. ?az Frtz-eiico; graad rsceivtr, [ XiM H. 3. «Ji=s. .A'.tr;»da: rriz-dciier, J M. 51. ?i«*dizf. Scrilii grt=i tasidewttchaitn, \ ILts. ilOE* Harris, O&i2aad; graa-i catsdt S wtiiizatc, Miss Viola Xsrsztc 3foaroTis; ! y »i| — ..A ■y* *-ff - f- y *" X t ™ T- V '"*' * ~ ~ f.T **"H \^ 5 j^_^^^^. ._- . . .. . . Appcizuzfzts oi tie srxri chief oi hcacr: ? AflTtitr tc< ti* gr«ai :LJci *f hoaor— J. W. I lir? Isaaoe coauaiaee — Mrs. Ida J. Bradley, ■ (tnrr:^ on I»ts— D. =. rr. li:^ SeZlt j G. Babcock tad Mrs. Flora J. Xay; gras . trz~ ? tees—itr?. Cor* KdDasaSd; Hrs. 1_ JL ij^ear asd ! Mrs. Cc-rdells Aliia. - ■ . - . - I m :t: aaia i*-r_ t- "t. : -■' - . L i - i L. 0. U. - At the reoczt iesrlcz ci the Grt^i Lc»l^» helfl I ia Lc* Azg*l»4 att«zdtice wu az-csst2y Itrge, * azd great Izters-r; Tts rztziiested La ti* pro- ' Tie prcpositica to sect iiesaiaZly wts da- 1 ■sated " Tie v& fez drposiz cf cltaraz-ce card wts rt dzeeiS frc-zi ?2 to 5O cezis. - Tie Grsri Lc-i^e cf Gi&fbraia plaa»* is^lf \ ca rtccri ti f*Toriz?- tie adsabsSoa ef wcr^*a • to - ------ i : fa tic oivi»r. Tie Grazd Lc«ig* -rctid •>as ttzeoetribo-j ti&a far ti« til cf :ie idlers ia ti* drocght- \ stricieti iir.rzc-i? of tie jisrisdictsca oi Xc- 3 ----- £i. la wOßxtkm v> tii* ■ STSO - | bt*z t-:z:z.z"~.-ii s>y iz.bcTCim.xf: i>ix?*. Az tp-'-rorrtiTic-z 1 to tis* I>*sr&£ cf Hcasr la J th* €zn ci £120 wt* rsa-i*. The f&lioiizg czlsers -x-er* tIzSUA: Ptst | grazd istst<?r TrorizttE. J. W.Wtrd&f Otxlaad; s ertsd lEtrter •srcr)ciz4=, If. J. Tocst of Saa I T*aT-«co: grasd foremaa, RHlta Viater of | Saa Jo*t; grtrai OT*rs«e*r, A. F. llftij cf Lcs } Azgs'fcs: grtad r»CKrisr, &. S. Eir£hberg of! Otklasd: grazd r-oeirer, Ssrat^i Booth ci S*a ? Fraacisco: graa-i gaid*, Joia Ktstle of Ssa S Dirgo; grst2i intkie -sfcttizEta. Willitra H. I ZviZi oi iLozrsTii: rrui cziiide wttchzzaa, . D. S. Btx-^er of Pci^izca; grand trustee. P. % Abrtiizs^n ci =ta FrsEtiiCsa; grand Tze&ic&l \ extztizer. J. L. H*.jqzi ci Oakltaid; •■.j,:;^j \ repr^s*ntit:Tsa — Laceae M. Deapxey, 1. v. 1 Yo^zg. Wi;:titßi H. Eirz-es. ~The rrtzd ousscz worknia aaacsEce-i th* | faliowlag «^pc--iz:i=«=ts: Deputy rrard ati.s- S ter workritß. Jrrak S. Poland: Saaaae cccv i rsirtee—^ViUitia Broierick, Taoata* \7. Bethel, ] E. J. : ecssittee ca appeals tad rriev- j azcea — T. 3. Sriiitford, Wtl:er MaQoy. Ttlbot ! H. Wal'.is: r-os.~. I oa la»s aad saper- j Tiiioa — L. il. Guy H. Salisbury »~.j l. } ■sJaa It -art* «J»tensixi«d that the cext raeetiag of j tie Grtzd Lodge would be held in Saa Fran- ■ dfco. The prise for the best exhibition of team and degree work was c^tTiir-i u> the O&itiand :eam. Grasd Fcrenian Vinter cf San Jose has beea sick asd eocfiaed to his home, bet is cow re covering. The Oailaad drill aad degree tears eoaferred the Worksas degree at Oak Leaf Lodge No. 35 : z last Uosdty evening. The board of arbiomnon. to whom ait dis putes eoncerriiig the payment of beneficiary isoaey* racn be rsbaitied. coasists of WCliaai H. Jordan, J&aves Taylor Rogers. Edwin Daa forth, George . B. Kaizeustein asid Eugene W. Decprey. According to th* Keystone Workma* there were 339.123 members is good star r ia the crder March, 1896: the net gain for the year eadisg February 23 was 10.739: amount of ':-.■-. -.- :-.: i p*id -_:.:. ';■.-■.:- 1»95, wts?7e7^37 £3; total beaefciarr faad dis fesnsed ia 1594, to Jaauary 1, 1^95. as shown by the monthly reports, was *7,155.65t> 33: grand total ber.esc!ary mad disbursed by the order from crrftcixatioa to Febrtry 1, is&s, was 39& 66. Xaigsta §f Bexor. Tahce Lodge, at "West Berkeley, was visited by the foliowlsg of the Grand Lodge on last Saturday evening: Grand Dictator Arch ibald, Graad Vice Dictator Morrison, Grand *«■"«<" Thomson. 6raad Reporter Curry, Grand Treasurer Zebiuss and District Deputies 3alart aad Sips. Liberty Lodge conferred the degree on a can didate at id seastosi «a .*.-: HcadJty i n silin The r-s.. i officers visiied Ceater Lodge at Berkeley on Tuesday evening last. Garden City Lodge, Alarzeca, was visited by the grand officer* on Last Thursday eTeaiag. The grand officers will visit Clinton Lodge, East Oaxland. on the evening of Monday, th« 23d iastaat, aad Ivy Lodge, in this city, oa Friday, the 26 th instant. Ti Inn sj :- V«rU The Sovereign Camp, Woodmen of the World, coaveaed at Omaha March 12, the Sovereign, Pacific aad Canadian jurisdictions being repre sented. Twelve Head Camp jzriklictioas were provided for, with equitable representation for each to the Sovereign Camp. The report of the secretary showed there were 34 "76 c-emberf in good standing Janu ary 1, 1535, 10,000 of which are credited to the Fa. .- hmsdJetiaD. Head Consul Falkeaburg's report to the Head Camp for the Pacific jurisdiction, embracine the States of Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Wtshiagtoa, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada and Caiiioraia, shows that dariag the year 1534 the death benefits paid amounted to £92,400. taakiar total benefits paid since organization 9219.4d0. Resolution' were adopted by the Sovereign Conr:. tecderiasr coDgratulations to the Head Camp of the Pacific Jurisdiction for the noble work and successful record made during the past year. Head Clerk Browning of the Pacific Jurirfle woa reports the receipt of 365 original appli cations between April 1 and 8, making a total »f 2322 sine* January 1, 1990. Golden Gate Camp No. 64 will hold an opes •••:■:: ." SccJal Ha 2, Aleasar teadia^^ltay 5. Hi i.i ■--.. Falkesbcrr ar>i Past Head Cobsul Moss* will additas the Woodmen aad their frieads ca the satjeet ci woodcralt. Xo wm ■■ bMfl levied for AprS. ::••'! J:.?ii> Tie fatittttaqrtfißi MttftMi .i-ii*v- ■ the -i— :• g?— «-*?»-» CcaacS No. 13 V«Im» ' day ereniac April IT, after which the mam bers were iavit»i to psatalH :: refre*ii=K:ts. Tie cext :: -.*.".' - ~ ■■ '-- bftM -- America I mMD Tcesiay ncatat Apcii 30. A new eodtefl was imtStnted at Verdi. y i-it ■- sh* .. -i. i^fU, =.-: =.- ---: will ■-. . --.: .--: :- It-: Lo* }.-..:■..— oa "- -"■:-. ---: Bn«nlaqmads« -•-- Iw ap^?iat«d saw a lar^e izcr«*e ia tie m«aiMnft4 is a;.r. tsjl iaathonfeie. Graad Cocjkilct Seirage has returned to his hcrssia ■-._■. Arrari? iseat* are teirr s:t2e far & series of : ..:_-: : -►•.- r- --L- : the auspices ©f -.-- C :.-::: :.-.1... :, be bei-d ::: '-- : -=■: future. I. 8. 6. W. Gnad iroM Cageae F. Bert has Tinted as fnOows: Seaside No. 95, April 9; Los Gatre Xo. 124, April 10: Meoio No. 155, April 11; Observatory So. 177, .-.- -:. 15 ; --:. "'■:•.':■. •> No. 23. Ajcii IS; GCrcy So. si, April Is. Ii riti aaiJU^ies *f Hsaw. Tbe £n*l* cf iie s&faioa c-f the ■ -i_-: :.••". held here last week wasoi a aost p^easfag sarsre. Pail sad Protector G.C. O'Oosuell was presented by Ser. J. M. Wishait «a behalf of tie n4=ii«TS of the GrazuJ L&ir» with aa - -.£L--.i :■:. i. : I ..,:-. ...-:-- is amariar to - -_; r" i ~ '-'..-.' ' z \~ fccacr c! Grand Prt&eetor F. Jv^rtpTtri E«, cf which '. •:?- he .- a =a«sber. The graad secretary wiii spend tb* first week ia Hay a: Baa Jose, when hi will visit tbe lodges la tha>tcwT_ Grand vle?>roß<nar Miss E. T. Parker will - I GT&zii Pr&t£«:or F. ~£er=pT»a. E-e, will an - -z..-- hii - ; ;.• . .--rirr.--- caring It week. IT. A. 0. D. Teapiir Grove Xa 19 izicittd cae rzts.l<ez ca lie i; t- evsaiar aad <x>- -"- . the *-. . :. : >-:r- The r:^ : hss .: --.- . sore ~. -:_■ bers than any trove in tie city during the ! ■• ■.- _ Oa TisasiiT evsriag .'. H. I_ Gerckess, X. G. i A., with Loui4^- Dsaaad, P.K. G. A., and John I E. Er^arsKja, grasi sotretiry, paid aa oScial visit to Mount Taraal^is Unit SOl 5- San :-.i-i-: One cat, l: it:* •--*? -.«> .-.-_: .- - ffraaosftim ra veeeiTed. Wuiisn H. l£Hl«,6istrie4 deputy grand ateh :: :-* frcTfcj ia Hiisifcidi Couztt, - 1- r- • ■ rr. - i ! ca accoaat of ill hca!:h. ._: salle m: . aria i will aot til v*«aacy,fcst has appointed tie I fuQualßS j*it l • m. - .■ : iht sextral rroves to i iSKtaB tte c£*er«: Wasoincton Grove Xo. 92. ! WiHina :- Cactillos: .- r_-- .- ijrore Xo. 93, j M.Bosaia. Redw. Grov* Xo. 96, John Gib tar. ; Fetadaie Grove Sol 99. Iff. J. P. aargesi. i Two petitions far charters for sew groves ] ban tea received i^r.r.x tie week. .-- Eena Vel'.isftga. 2ritiia Columbia, which wO be fmtltned by Bobert RiTers. D. D. G. A., and oat from OrtsgerSSe, Saecasiento County, which will be issxitctcd by the graad otfieezs. I=rrsvei Otitt .f Ztl Mea. j Great sachem O. F. Leary Las bees in the ! auaclag grounda of fiaa Frasciseo, Oaklacd ; ■ si: Alaaaedajj rziiiz ? his Tigris! visits to the | tribes located about the bay shore. He was tt- j coapanied oa his visit* by the great chiefs of lie rt-.-r r--.- .z. EMM) ?rt*.s sacheas*, deputy great sachem azd the :. . •-:;::.:;:;:•■ der. Tbe reteptioas :csdered tie great sacaem ar.d vaitiz.s chiefs were stost ccrdiaL The tribe* ihrcoFhoat the reservatiaa since j Jtzcarw 1 have Bade a very larpe iarrease in I -r*h;p. Adoption aad ajpiicaticas fin i^L.::ii:t iato th» crcer hire ceca the rcle Chi We-izts-iiT eTesiz-g aert Wyonirsg Cczz cii Xo. lt>, J>»rT*e cl Pocai wiL b» ia •tirzted at C*iiforaia Hail, 1015 Clay street, Oallead, by Gr^at Pocahcau^ C*rri« M. Joha son aad her chiefs. TLe new council has a { cii.r:*r rzepberthip of f fty-zve, -nd was or e*z-i£ed ty brother W. A. Gardner of Tecomsea • Iribs. A tribe is beia? orraaized ia Lea Artrles cy i Ptit iecbcis J. L. Siorrtsoa, *ad will" t< "ia- j •tinted duriii* tfc« early part of May. it is i trj*et«i that the charter rs?aibtr*hip of this { tr-.i-s will roll up to 100 bj tie eveaiaz cf ia- ] inntfcis o^s*t Misiiatrva E. B.WQSOS «M fa San j Fr*ECiiCi> inrizx itt w&tk. He «v;*; the E*! j Ma of Sacnu&ti will take p*n ia the! ptrs-ie oi it? G. A. B. tactrsjTsesi en it* 23d \ izit. Psjl i. W. Crosi of Co*T2=ie» s ■-: - • • bers, hare &t«Enest*»l ti»=ii<e2Te< ia the Icns* tiia oia tribe at VcoHaz-d, aral nrtaty-t»o apj^iictm fcr a chizit: Lave thus ttr sigs&d 1 -ickeraEri Hugsji— warned hwe — - Jfzzslxr la*t. He szaies that SscSavt Tribe ■ iicptei * sixteea piSeitess at the lii* shrt* trit*! «72ffif. €r»T ZixLs Trib* adopted fva p«lef&cxs last 2lori«!*y aid r»iasta»d two deliactifeai brodi «-n dzrizg £zs vi£ji td Gnea.* aaa-h-eas O. F. Sea - TiTrrey Tribe cf Alarzsda r«*iT*d th* grsat ' li-'rr* '.Z-'.^s —cm. -»c2i^.-IZ.-- il<. rt_— ili"* 1 .- i. --r»ir.- ! C-=rZlt. WlanemMiesw Poeahostas aad. Arapaho? j trits _■.-.-•.- '. :--. c:--.. -x --. tad s viatic? ere*: c£Je£» ca April IS. Tie adoj>> i ties degree was ottfeiied upca serea appL> ; BBSta. L 0. 0. F. With .-:-■-■'• approach cf -'.;:_ --. the day vfaea the Odd FfcHowV Basse as Tfeenaa- j Uto is to t« deiica^d, th* indications =" " | stroagtr that there will be ose of tht largest i outpouriajs cf Odd Fellows to ■- ------- j btatkra that Has ever congregated as any event j .:. the history of the -:--.- this ±:.t~ The special exeuzsioa train from this cS:y | -will leave at 4 M «i Thursday next. The , tare will be *5 for th* round trip, aad similar j r&dueed '-.- - wi3 prevail ircra all the larger i town s. Those poia? frora here wiil cieet at .-:;•-.•■.: bay to the trtia la a body. The Grand Loire win periorzi the dedi catory serrices. Ctatoa No. 5, Patriarchs Militant, will giT» a picaic at Shell Mocad Park on April 26. ssd i Oaklaiid Caatoa will jcia thera ia aiakiag the ! Outiag ec'oTtble. Ab&at ICO gate prixes will ) be ifsall sfed O=e May 14 the ws*ios of the --«- : L ir- -: ' Ctaiorr:^ willopca ia this city ia Odd Fellows*. Hall. The reports of the officers are now being j prepared ior : reseotatkm. Grand Master J. H. Simpson visited District , So. 55 in this city T-ces<i*r last, aad the subor- ) d:zat£ ocges of the town of iiama Clara on ■ w*« -.-':-. Thomas L. Bedford, a member of SOeox Lodge ' Xo. 123, L O. O. F., of Dtavilie, lad., believed 1 to be the oldest Odd Fellow in the United i States, died at that place on the 12th day of j March. 1895, aged S3 years. His aged wife, ' : who was a oe-nber of the RebeKaa degree, \ ! died on the 13 day of March. 1895. aged 79. ' ; Both were bariei with the torn? aad eeretaoa- ' I ies of Odd Fellowship, in the same grave, on ■ : toe 15th day of March. Aiciez*. Order ef Pcreiters. High Hzb-Chief WiHiaas Casbman institated : ' a sew court at Xapa on Friday eveaiag. This is the tixty-secoad conn that has been insti tcted since the last high eeurt meeting. I The picnic season will open with the outing of j the Missies Eveniag Star Society at Petal tuna. { , This society is composed of members of Court | Star of the Mission and Freeing Star Circle, | C. O. F. The committee, consisting of Charles J ■ Ulrica. William Cash:=aa, Henry Dowaie, John j j Vietheer. George J. Hansen, John R. Waison and Heary Pbillipsen, report ail arrangements for the aftair completed, aad a rousing time is assured to all who wDI attead. The boat will leave th* Tiburon Ferry at 9 o'clock, and re turning will leave Cedar Grove at 5 o'clock. Music by the First Regiment band. Among the matters of importance which will be acted upon at the coming session of th* subsidiary nigh court, on May 14. will be a res olution to make the office of secretary, which is now permanent, an elective office for a term of not less than two year*. The present tecre- I tary is John Falconer, and under the perma nency he win practically hold the office for life. There are mssr who assert that the resolu tion will be adopted, though not without a hard ftgkl Arrangeiaeats are in progress for giring the : delegates to the high court meeting a rousing welcome. A committee has been appointee and a Cue programme, ineluuing excursions, banquets, etc, Is being arranged. Court Star of the West initiated several sew members at its meeting Eriday evening. This is the banner court ot the order, it having a total membership of about 450 at the present time. The Grand Council of the Companions of the Forest will hold a district school party at 102 O'FarreU street next Thursday evening in aid of the fund for entertaining delegates to the grand circle, which convenes on May 21. Grand Secretary Mrs. E. R. Roy will be the teacher. Unlimited fan is assured to all who attend. It is stated that Evening Star Circle is con- , sidering the aarisability of consolidating with Social Circle. Many of the circles have suffered recently by reason of the stringency of the times. Similar mores by other circles are in oontemplatioc. Supreme Chief Companion Mrs. Flyaa posit ively declines a renomination . This practically leaves the field clear for Mrs. Ascher, who, co doubt, will be the choice of the convention. Vxuns, telescope bags and baskets. Great Ttriety asd lowest prices. Saaborn, Vail L Co.* THE SAX FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY. APRIL 22, 3 895. REVIEW OF REAL ESTATE. The Condition of the Market Presages Well for the Future. UNIVERSAL GOOD FEBUHG. Colonization Plan of the Howard and Wilson Publishing Company. -" ■'-' '■■-■£ purchasers will never find a better opportunity to Invest in country or city real estate than at the present time. A good many noses are producing a sound ■ state of affairs, not the least being that the \ sensible citizen has arooaed himself to she ! fact that in order to populate this State ' '■'-* '■--- continued s«chis:U>a policy r.. . - be abandoned and energetic means adopted of letting the .:-. .- world know just That grand opportunities exist in California. The Half-million Club is just dot taking steps to accomplish this very thing, and doobtfess its efforts will soon be felt- ~ To do all this will require definite action and a little time, bat once the tide of travel is turned toward this favored city and the lorely surronnding country it will be as bard to stop it as it was to get it started. If past record? are equaled a few hun dred settlers will make homes this season on the American Elver near Sacramento throcg L the agency of the Howard & Wil son : . .-_:-. . -.:-':■■ which publishes the Farm. Field end Fireside and the Western World. This company, repre- j sented by C. H. Howard and General O. O. i Howard, hag been lookin? overt his State for some time with a view of selecting a .' tract lor colonization purpose*. It has . i ooionixed quite a tract of land in Loeiri- j 1 ana. another in North Carolina, a third, of I j 10,G£0 sere*, in Los Angeles County, in I three months cf :• - After looking at severs! tract? in >~orth i era and Southern California daring their I recent travels the company's representa tives have nnally secured throueh the real estate firm of K. K. Aisp &. Co." 7000 acres, the property of Clark 4 Cox, near Sacra mento. They start from the East OB the » 25th cf this month with the first company J !of se:t2ers. This tract of land is ail under j lan irrigazing ditch and has oak trees over : | it, which will doubtless make it attractive i in the e-ves of Eastern people- Two thousand acre* of El Raucho Cotate of Scnotna County are reported sold by j the land dealers. (Jaman & Lyon, and 125 ■ families are settled or. the property. Eight j thousand acres of this famous ranch have been put upon the market and extensively advertised in the Eastern States. ArcnOJT £A2-££. The splendid view of the ocean, the bay • and the city of San Francisco is a feature | of the property to be sold at the suction to j be held under order of Mayor Sutro by O. | F. yon Ehein i Co. next Thursday. The j proper is.on Ashbury street and on both ; sides of Sixteenth where it intersects .'.-..- j bury. An uninterested person «aid a few { | dsys sco, in speaking of thr- property, j '•what Fnspiracen Point is to the Yosemite j Yal]ey this property .- to San Francisco. ' | This expression when qaoied to the aac- j tioneer* — ed so apt that they adopted it as their slogan. The property can be reached by three car lines, the Eightecmih street branch of the Joost *lectric"road, the Haight-street line and the Metropolitan, the latter aeces&iiaung a walk of four blocks from Clayton ... Waller -:■-:: According to the terms of the sale oae-afth cash is required. '.:.- sale oi the Wood ward's prop erty, made by order of R. B. Woodward, v ... take place on May ' .: the salesrooms of ShainwaM, Buckfaee A Co. in the Mills bciidlcg. In a day or two the catalogue of the property will be published. This spot is more historic and was the scene of more merriment and instruction than the oki baseball grounds which hare just pased under tee hammer. By order of the court, for the purpose of closing up the affairs of the San Francisco aad Point Lobos Road Company, a sale of ! 101' lots in the heart of the Kichiuond dis trict nO take place at G. H. Umbsen & Co.'ion May 6. The streets are sewered and graded, and besides the fresh water <■ mains of the Spring Valley Water Com pany salt water mains have been laid. I affording salt water for bathing, extin jgmshing fires, flashing sewers, etc The ! property is elevated and commands a fine ; view of the bay, Bakers Beach, the green I bills of the Presidio, Golden Gate Park on I the south and the western section of the ! city, while the hills shelter it somewhat ! from the for? of the ocean. On May ~9 Baldwin £ Hammond will i hold another important auction sale of i real estate. The land in question com ' prises a block cf park property bounded i by Haight, Waller and Lett street? and Masonic avenue. ■ urn COyTBiCTS. During the week the following building contracts were recorded : W.M.Cowl* and Carrie Q. Diet with P.J. Ertnctu, to erect « two-*very building on west line of Goerrero itreei,3l north of Tweuty-seo -0=d;54722. Dr. John HeaipMll with J. H. He j. te >r*« two buildings •:-_•;■»-•• "--:. --and Filluscre streets; 5790. J. J.Dowling with i. H. McK«t, to erect & two-storr building on tte »-e«t line of Fclton j street. IST & e**t of Sterner : $3596. Edward Colexaas with J. P. Fnaer, peicdeg. | • p-o.L 1 h:r:r, - liiiinf , etc oa the north wen cor- ! ner of Fraoklin mad California »rre«:s: £1465. j i Mary A. TowTiiend' with W. W. Bednall, to J '. • rect »one tad & half story frame baildisgoo | i *onth lln«? of California *tree:,s6:3 west of I Baker; 51500. ! JobnTodt with Henrr Bearens, to boild on ; I north line of TwentT-sxlh street, 240 west of Church; $2745. CS«r!es - -•« : :-• ■:::. iTcCulloch '. •"-'.-.'•. ■; baild on • .-■■.-.•■ comer of Hyde tad Plae ...... . 62u>x37:6: ii, «". P. E. I>cchi*n with George C. Sail, alterations " and additions on norJiwe;: line of FoS«a I street, 412:6 corthtaa: of Fiita; $I£SO. D. Xugeat wiia S. GiUe^:, artiSrlal stone- | work, commencing 190 feet from northwest j ! comer of Brannan and Fourth street*, W 95x 160; §4000. Acgnste and Eliza Lacroix, owners, with J. J. « ; Vilson, contractor: plans by contractor; all I \ work except mantels, sewer, ga* and waver - Co3E«rti«as for frame boilding on east line of ■ , Sieiuer street, near Filbert; cost, 1325. W. F. J. Dale, owner, wiifa H. R. Schmnckert, I coa tractor; plans by contractor; all work on f a oz.i-i-.0z7 frame building on tae aorta line of Twentj-ninih street, near Ranches; cost, ' $1*75. Acre • ; PeUold, owner, with J. Baehel, cos > tractor; architects, Martens & Coffer; all work i except plumbing and gaslitung, painting. - mantels, nc-fixtoues, etc, for a two-story iraxae Duiidiag M the northwest comer ■: : Ei?hteeath and Hatti* streeu: cost, £3503. Caaries C. Carpr, owner, with G. H. Jones. | conuactor; architect, Emile Depierre; granite. I marble, concrete and bronze work, hardware I and glazing for a vault of six tepalchers in , Holt Cross Cemetery, San Ma:eo County; cost, *32t5. ' Charles F. Klspert, owaer, with Wjliiani J. B. Warner, contractor, place by owner; all ! work on a fiTe-room house, with bathroom aad feTeo-foot basemen!, on Seventeenth arenae south, near X street south ; cost, $1400. J. C. Coieman, owner, with R. Herring, con tractor; architects, Percy it Hamilton ; cabinet finish and cabinet work in residence at 1534 California street; also sideboard, glass cabi nets, mantels; cost, $3750. J. de la M ontacya, owner, with Cnshirsg Wet more Company, contractor; architects, Percy & Hamilton ; excavating and filling, including a bill of £137 for removing rubbish and all concrete and artificial stone work, including all iron ties and old cable? lor foundations of buildisg to be erected on north line of Clay street, vast of East ; cost, $3030. Fred Hnfsehmid:, owner, with I. If. Cobarn, contractor; architect, Ed J. Vogei; all work on a thre*-«tory name building .on northeast cor ner of Sanchex and Fourteenth streets; cost $3296. i ■->-. 1., ■ .■;•■■?.::- •:- ■ Mrs. Annie GoteCi. owner, with Joseph Ken aedy, contractor; architect, Cbaries M. Rous seau ; all work on a two-story frame building on north line of Francisco street, east of Da poat; cost, £2270. ■ ; Charles A. and Silas Green, owner*, with George H. •Walker,, contractor; i. architects, '----. Te»ke; all work for i. ■'-•.- --•-.: : additions at 13 and 15 Powell street; cost, 90000. Frank Otis, owner, with L. M. E-lekox & T. J. Ta:e. coutraciors; architect, Seth Babson; ali work, except plumburg and eieetric wirine for ineaadescejitugsting T Sor a twv-«ory two-=a: building on north line of Vtllejo street, east of Vta aveaae ; oast, §*2e95- Frederick F. :-.'--' ":--.. 0?le .'-- ■-. contractor*; arcaittet, X. J. Tc?d; all work, exe*j?l r^t;.> -. ;.r: .- .--- shades tad : ■-::.:■ ißg^ratwo^toryfiamebuiJdU>f,twoaaia,Oß I '■■-■ iise cf Treasoat avenge, ■■ -■:- :: --r-: :-.:: £ soeet; cost, #3500. T.T. WflUßms, owaer. with W. A. Butler, eantraeiior: architect, A. C Sehweiafunh ; cs soa work all concrete, plasiexißg. painting, tiaaiag, roozac, skylights, earpeater aad Jolaer work ior a drree^sasrr brick oniidiae ior hospital ©a rosth fide cf'iACrsaieato street, ' 137:6 feet west of Maple; cos, $17,100; with Joha ::=.:. - i * Co, ;--.-■-- **«jO; .":. Saa Pra=ci«o Xorelty a&d PiatSßgWorks for rt* Sxtnrs* aad electra bell?, $"250; with William F. Wilsoa, p!n-ab:cg. £1600; with W. W. SJoatarue & Co— fceatißc. veatilarioa^asd fireplace*. «3000: with Will & Fleck Co, elecrrie lirht wirinr SIMO. This is the hospi ■i. for which the "Little Jin F=ad" was tsb ,- :.V: '-.' ' •.1 '-i : 71.- Cranston 4 Keenan, who purchased the tier o'.iols oa the wen line of Shrader ? street, from Waller to Benlah, at the Bald ■ win i Hammond sale last Thursday. will i erect eleven neat cottages. Maaonev A ; Butler and the Hiokle Brothers will also bsiMa number oi nice residences on the lots they bocsht. Levi Strauss i? about to hare the old structure at the corner of Post and Powell streets torn down and a new building erected in its place, to cost f IGOjOCO. It i* reported that the widow of Moses Hopkins will erect an apartment bouse, to cost not less th&- fld.tOJ, on her property on the northwest comer :'. Hayes _:.: Pierce streets. Gaman i Lvon, real-estate dealers at 215 Kearnr street, have issued a new catalogue containing a list of over 400 ranches. Throughout the fifteen years* existence of this firm, it has been its custom to regularly pablish a catalogue containing information for land buyers. O'FarreD £ Co. have enlarged the hoose reßtine department at their salesrooms, and Mr. Hawkins has introduced some ordinal ideas in compiling the printed slips of houses for rent. Edwin K. Alsip dc Co. have sold, within j the last week, a tract of land near Santa 1 1 ■ Bosa to Captain Anderson for f 7<»3, a j Ismail tract at Belmont to Mr Kin^ for 1750. asd a tract of 575 acres in if endocino ! County to L Jesmp for $16,00& They re- I j ! port that country property is in much bet- ; ; j ter demand than it has been for some i time. Last Saturday night a committee was ap- j | pointed by the Fatrmonnt Tract Improve- , ment Club to visit the Sprine Valley Water j Company for the purpose of secarinjr bet- i ter water facilities. Snpervisor Morgen- > sttm, chairman of the Water Committee, ] will go with the property-owners. It is re- j ! ported the water mains* for this tract are j J on the way from the East and that when J * laid they will be connected with the Clares- ] I don Heights reservoir. Madison ± Burke are offering about fifty I { lots in the Richmond district on California I and Lake, streets, between Eleventh and ■ Twelfth avenues. The terms, $2CO cash and the balance in five equal amount pay ments, has led a good many to invest in I this property d urine the past three weeks, i On May 1 A. J. Bich <fc Co. will move, into commodious new ©Sees at 112 Mont- . < j pemery street, under the Occidental Ho:ei. I David Rich, who returned from New York | I a few weeks ago, is associated with his ! j brother. " The estimate* for the British navy this i year are y SO6.C*X>. a : increase of $>>.674, --500 over the estimates ior LSSrt. The in crease is due to the decision to build more ship? than were bailt la year, the pro i posed new vessels being four -:-c!ass, ! foar ■econd-cla;- and two third-class pro i tected cruisers; twenty torpedo-boats and twenty torpedo-destroyers* Abrarn Atwood. a poulterer of Lewiston, Me., sold a turkey to a patron, and the latter fotiad in the fowl's crop a gold bosom-pin worth twice the price of the turkey. ' a isle mmcroß, Hundreds "VTill Reap the Benefit of His Sltxnlficence. Th* htaeTclsa: maa is a. way* a fiMsaal theme for the pen •* writer and historian, aad this was what th» late Mr.J. C. Wilzseriiag proved himseti pre-e3ia«atly to be. Few there are who have sot beard of his maguiacent be- quest to the State of California, astosnting to 940QJ90Q to buiM a me<rhaaics.l school; but aot all -•- perhaps, awtre that he tzt t< s-t i his fortune «*llias Peruvian Bitten. Wilmerding's jezero* ity is feuadißg such a college, wails great, is sot rreater than his services to bbbb- kindin giv.-sg to the world th* celebrated Perzviaa i. ■ - ■■■ for this* •*:.-:-.: .■-- forth as the greatest beneiactien to th* public health which is known t» modera seieaee. The Pernviia 2 ■•* ■ -- are a csrtaia n«BBWj against less of appetite aad ill forms of ner- t*us trouUes. They are a pleasant aTing beverage, not a physic, aad their use speedily e&rrecu disordered functions, restores Statsed Caere; repairs last ■.;-.*:.• iadac- ing regular sleep, aad healthy, natural appe- tite, tad -ones op th* tystem generally to its aorta tl ecc<iitioß. They are better t tan whisky cr brandy, for they accomplish all that either coc'.d withoct rasr-isx tie risk cf creatiar aa appetiie for stimulaßts, sine* the principal :£gredießt— Cincheiia Bare— an aatidota icr dipsomania, as well as a remedy for colds, coepbs aad all -• .:.t'. iisesses. Peruvian Bitters by their Urge sale, no less than the wholetal* ceres they have tt . .: have dtat- castrated ihemselves to be the aae« nerve tonic and good appetiser, pr&drdng a healthy stomseh and eheerfui braia. Mack & Co., Saa Fraacisco, and all Draggista tad Dealer*. WEAK MEN vdr/sanden's '/ pftM, *0%?J f E LECTP J C 8 ZLT.^jpS .curs t^r^syftfrCSsT zLsf mi •1 would cos part wUh this Dr. Sasden Belt for ; an the ireaZth in California if I cossd not get j another lite it," Is what Mr. Join WaOfß of 213 I Broadway, S*s Fraacs*co. said after six weeks' use of Dr. Saaden's Electric Bell Bar Lost Manhood. Ilia the ojsly remedy that has ever beea ftjnad to Eiaraatee permanent cure of aU weakaes* of mas. It is eettsm ia as effects in 1 aever tails. ! Weak men, send for the boot "Tisrsa C!«ssts of Men." Xsuea seated tree. Address SA>"DE.\ ELECTRIC CO., Conmi! Building. Portland. Or. People in San Francisco. The nßcqualed demand tor Pace's Ccl- ', «*▼ Oomponad amcag the people of this : I < city is but one iad«x of the gnat jood fa is < i ■ £ die? . Tber* are miay is 9an Fnadsoo ! whom It has cared oi *ri«M Olncsa. Paines ' I I . , rr .- , : -•.■■...;..: • well wtao I [ ssirerfrosi weak nerves or impure blood. 5 THE LATEST DESIGNS IB.WOOLENS-.FOR SPRING 1895, HAVE ARRIVED. H.S.BRID6E&CO., 6 3 Pas*iy T»«*table, mild and reUabie. Are a car* for ladifestica, BOioßsaoaa sad Disordered U\tr. Speedily core Sick Headache, Jjms of App*:.:*, 2 •■**■■»», <^—i tpatisn, by rer:!a^ng 21«esi-«»- OSBSSS M*. A Jolly Wake! A High Old Time! The BROWNING MFG. CO. is dead ! Come to the wake ! They belonged to that crew of foolish fishermen who consider San Francisco a good place to catch suckers. The bait was ing retailed at whole- sale pr: - There were a few bites — but not enough to keep the pot boiling. They threw up the sponge. Their brother fishermen will soon pull in theii nets and g We bought the entire big stock "for a song," and oh ! what a jolly time we're having selling them (at a profit) at less than the original wholesale cost ! Here's another course from the jolly spread : TO-DAY AND TO- MORROW ONLY. 500 of the Browning Mfg Co.'s 512.50 to 525 Overcoats, all sizes and styles, in Cheviots and Worsteds. medium and heavy (see window 1. $8.50 MONDAY AND TUESDAY. H. SUMMERFIELD & CO., 924=930 Market Street. TTA; ¥ ILNG DISEASES \TEAKXS' VTO^DZE. j ' " kl t becatae tiey weaiea yoa slowly, gx*i j- ! ally. Do not allow this wine of body to isa^e •'-iairnreTnxnTTwiTt't.sgeagta ; aad vigor is for yoa vbetber yon be rich or poor. ? The Great Hadyan at to be bad oniy baa tbe Hod- 5 aoa Mcorai inagrrme. TSa) xnumi assrorery • vnsßMd* by the specialists of tbeoMfamoosHnd- [ soo Jleiical lastltote. It is the sSzxmgrsS aad cost . powertalvttalterßude. It is so poverfo: that It .-^vT.-vc^dattataAWaavatfssattfc, v.; e*a .■ ■It •• - aowaere .:?.- -•. •.;.- i:. .--- MeiScaJ late-.BJ*. WrtM&vcinntlarsaadtessunosiaU. Ti^s eTtraoedtaary Be^tmator is the moat ■ aadnfsl dJtoretyof the age. Ithasbeeaea. dorsed by the leadlscactentttc men of Europe asd A: - - H t"DTAJT is partly Tesetabie. BrBTAX stops premaiareaeai of toe &*. eb*rg« ia twisty days. Ceres XX>STJttAJr- HOOD, coastJpattot. £tß2a«ss, '"•- : : .=g sessuiscsa, ■erroas tvrteaiac of the eyes aad other pans. Ssrengtbeas. tancorates . aad tones the entire ■yatesxlt is as cheap as any otter remedy. . uinTAX c=res deoQtty, cerrocsaess, eanls» » Eioss, aad develops and restcres v»U orcmas. Maslatbe back. loaves bydayor nj^at stopped ; aafckSy. Ona^OOiprtrateißdocseaMsa. Presaatarenesß aoeaas isspcteacy la the first ctsfe. Baf*«*naa| — d MaBBBd weakness aad barrenness. It caa be stopped In twenty days by the we of Hadyaa. Hadyan costs ao awre ■■9 oUter re=sedy. BaaiJia * blbbi asd tesdaosi*!a. TATSTTED BLOOI>-laiprre tk»s tfse to prfTtte disorders carries i .sVii ok sers- ptudaciucgernML Then cornea aore throat. priplaa, : topper cxiloied^pwfisnlceCT la aioota,os3 sore* »ad faUtesbair. Tea can »t« a trip to Hot Sprtsss by wrtttactor 'Stood Book* to the old payaiciam of Uw • nrUSON" 3IEDICJLL INSTITUTE, .- Stockton, Market aad £111* Sow, _ . '» BA3f raxscisoo, CU. '■* I^ — —^ — — — — — j OCEAJT STEAJCSHTPS. - ■ mm sniasfflp coipin. Cooigarlae gold aelds yy/ ' 3^5 :-r*.-.i:.:> A:«:ri- iJ U N i-lt nlV* < 1 10 K*»raga. Lowes JS2j&&2S^IL~J rs»9 to Oapetowa, • Yj'iviif I^fek \."^ji s^^fnthip An3-tr*2ia, ; L* ;^ f lS»# Honioiai!l oa *T' "Satar- ' t^^t'' JBf Autraiiaa sseaaet AJ-A-HKua saUs via Boaolola aad Aw*- iaad Thanday. Mi? Special P&rtlfes to Hoaolata, April 27. ncdncad i excarvon rates. Ticket ©See 138 Montcotnerr street. Freight effice S3? M*rt street. J. D. SPBECKELS A BRO&. General A?eaa. Pm.ll STE.4ISffIP LUL (P. B. E. CO.) Panama K^tilroad Co. CC3XjTJj\T^I-^2>r IjUNTE {P. B. B. CO.) TO 2CS"W YOr?,K S. S. "PROGRESO" V.; 2 be dwnaached far Panama, on THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1595, Taking cargo under 1 hroo R:l'.9 of Lading tot >»w York. ««*nth Aiaerif «b A Karor«aa Ports. Xo cargo recetTed or fills of biding signed on day Of ■_ -- ■ " - 1 THE JOHXSOX-LOCKE HEX. CO- Agents. 904 Ftob: street C. H. HASWELL Jr., Acting Gen. Agent Panama E. B. Co. COMPISJIEGEJEBiLETBAISITLAinp French Line to Hurt. A.VTS PIER NEW 42 NORTH jm | ; v. Brver. toot of Monon cl TraTelers by atnS ! thU line avoid both traajtt by Es^iisa railway and the dl*comion of creating tb* chi^^rl in a email boat. New York to Alexandria, SKypt, via Paria, first claas 9160; second class 9110. LABOCKGOGXE.CapCLeboaeaJ April 27, 5:00 a.m. LA CHAIIPAGXS, Caps. Lasresi... ..May 4, Noon LA XOPJIAXDIE, Capt. Potrot.. ............May 11, 5.-00 a. x. LATOCRAXXE, CajS. 5aateU1........... ...May IS, 10:00 a. U. A3" For further paxticaJarn apply to A. FORGET. Agent, . Xo. S Bowling Green, >'nr Vort. J. r.FCGAZI & CO, Agenu. 5 Montgomery ave^ S»a Fxancaco. . „ ; Mm Mia snajidFr COlPin; AXERS LEAVE ASPIXWALI. J**m^ O fortalsntly tor tb« West Indies and aaaaaf) Sonthamptoa, calliag en note :at oerboargh. . France, aad Plymouth to land iia'ti- Throogh bills of lading, in connection with th« J Pactftc Maa S. S. Co., issued far freight and area* . ore to direct ports la Zzz.^-t and Genn&ay. Tbrawgli tlekets from Han Ftaoetseo to Plymoatb, Cberbsojf, Soothaoiptew. First class. «195: third j elms, ff7 SO. For funier j*rictil»r» apply M PAJRKOTT A CO.. Aceata, . . . . 30* Caiiforaiaav , I 1 OCEAX STKAM.SHTPS. PACIFIC COAST STEAISHIP COIFIH T\T=PATCH STKAMKR?* FROM BA3I A=S^ I 1/ FramtMOO «or ooni a Aiaatm. *■ a. iciSaSg; April 5. at Stay 5, 28. iue 4. S. IS, 24. For Er^ish Co:=si^* »ai Pa^at aosai j Apr 3 5. 10, 13, 20. 25. SJ. «ad erery ■■- - j ForKTirtta. Hsrsbolfi: Eaj, cnsc Po=s=a» j erery Weeni irtif « 2 ml For XevpertTtoa A=s*Jfts aad aQ war port*. ■ April S. 7. 11. IS. 19. 23, 27, aad erery Soardi «ar :• r-i- - -a. x. For Saa IJse^a. ::: -i --T a! : --• Hirfsri S*.' .* Barbazs. Pots Lot Aas«J«s. Bedoado {Lo* , AB«eie» and Xewpon. April 1. 5- 9. 13. 17.21. 25. 5 i.*?. Md every ftxxnJi ii~ iii€rsaa«r, a£ 11 v i. For port* is Mexico. 10 a. it, 2isis oi «Kk J =..■ : ■■-■-:.-■ \riilairie«« Vailej-. Ticket oace— Hotel. 4 Sew Moa^ookerr ar - _- OOODALL, PEKiCrxs * CO_ Generai Hl* - 10 Usrtec c- Saa Fraaciwa OR «. II TO PORTLAND • Tim (X Vim AND ASTORA. ! CTEASISHIPS DEPART FBO3C SPSAB- I O scree: wijarf mi 10 .*. x. *wt fir* days, »a- - MccUacat PO£TLlA>l> «-ai> direct ca3 t!an to all I poißUla OSEGOX, WASHES asid IDAHO. State of GatiforaU aaOs Marek 30, Aprß 9, 19. 23. Calnmbia sails Ape 4. 14, 24, Tutfl farther notice raws *Q be REDUCED » •1* CABIN. *6 STEERAGE. ! For itroo«fe rat« aad all otter Intm ■mWcb fK'r :o tbe osderxis&ed. I GooSiAXi, PESiiN: A Ca Fbbux F. Coxxc-3. GcßiSapta.. 8a I Az«ss. ;:■:■:. .. - -■ 19 Moni«>s3»rT - RAILROAD TRAVEL ipbihlb.i r.umr lo.nrASi. fTACinC STSZXX.) Tr*!n lpiirnsd arr dar (• nrrlre at (Tralaw leair aatd svr* dor te> nrrli* at SAX FItAXC'IVtO. mn — F>c-« Arm. 11 IS6 — umti I *«:S»As»ale»s?dr«.Rir»^2**'O'«Tfi>» »"-» *a j Ct»*a Atiicur Exsnas <tia Hiilam and Latin*) U»tei 4 Seat. .. — .. Mb | 'T.-*** Pal Ooata aad Btuiria ......~ I»i*3a j *T.-«*»Pe«»aad Mfiloa "Mlt I 7:*O a S*sLaz£T\ZUrrx?ii Sfa» 1015* 7:39 a Xar&. CiSssoe* **** *S»ieta Bow; i-'i fifiilr; tia Ifiris ; JlirriTrfT «ai£taßiiaie . ft.-43» > 1 J:3t» :.'i;«, i-kjs J<i«.ft. jjaaMay^Bjai Sncnaßßßko. Xaijaißftv. Bat Bkaff BBd«QnrSQtL «:13» i &Ma Part Qja*a.lNi nil »ad Wsyatatfaan *c4»p ■ "^ — l "iiTiaaiiN njTTMti' r * > Kr~ ' 11.-44* i •*••* Xc» (Meaaaßxaraß. BaraMßA. (fir Till ■ ai,X Skate roriar*. Ix* Aaj«flca. I>n.%s£. 1- r*K\ >"«■« <Mawiaa4SMt. .... 3r«3» , Si: lacc-^ Bjjv^s 53s . MB* f t*r»©xSa2ljt»3i-a.ILETT«r£slW«yS4'^« S.-43y l&Or^i-i.. Si; Jca> aad Lhi i—i ftAi tr—r TTimiili Bw>i.«Tn. •».-«•? | fl;S«fPcrsO«sai=>iVrij?tsJajsaK ... *S:43y j <fc«*i> Sas IA.-A=slra. H*ynr-i» * Tar S* *• **«» j ••^•r k=Le*=&v.H*r-«»*»*iraf^a« ««■» ■. *•■ SK> Martian. San Baaoco. ' Btcacia. ; V:.:. Saaa^CMMBBB •_ \ t- aaoaad Saato K<aa ............. >cl3a a tsHfT^..;. v. ... Ks&fb&s LA£>aa«. Marprik. Otvrakc aad S»tr»atrßt3 11.-«»* j 4:S»rSB«. San Jow. liT«cz>sc« and Sj.X*KO 7il3r 8 3r*»ps*aLf*aCr\Rir»»ri»tW»jS4's» Wir !! *:♦•? Lm Ai«ele* Kxftok. Fnaaa. Bar- ■and (Bar Yesss=aV B»>u»OI i ■ SuiU Utrfciraaaa lx* A:r**.. I»:15. | S.-««r Sir.: r# i:«rt* AUaatit Estreat r.: V ... isj Vis 10:15» ; 3:SOr r,-=r:-i- *■ Mafl <rU Xartzaa asd S«octwc> Oidro and Ear I»ris< j 6:PerHti»'.ai>,.Vi:Hi;i-4sJ;M 7:4*» j :C:O«rT»licjo t*j43l" I •:••? 0.-rfx l.«r-«» (rsa Maniacs aad E^Msa;. PcnUaJ. Fxj&. haasd = ani Ea*». T. .... 10:43 a Tr««raacLeindra.Hssrard?kWar9tM l»ri*T *:««rs«aL«aadrcv.H«t*ar!btW*TS»r!j I}l2KVOa Mll:l»r9anl«aa<irr.H>y«r£ik^aT>.r^ »7:13 a SASTI lift £. Jii¥l<»lu> i.Sarren t.imu J7r*iA Szsday £t«aniao tar Xevmrk. haa ! Jcae. lot Gaioa. Feltoo and Santa Cm t9rOAr »: 1 » a Ke«atk.C>oMrnK«^a& Jcsa.lWtaa. Bo*ldaOeek.KantaCnaaad\r»r <Ss*Joas . 3i50» •»:J3pXf»Aii. O»i«rriae. San Jcaa. Baaj gs Alaadcs. Fi'.Uc BooidaCraek. Ssata Cnu and Prtac^l Way Statioes Ml:*")* 4:45r "Senrk. K«»i Jo*«. Lo» Gates g;3o> COAST tl|TIM»\ (IfclrJ A lowtisend My.) 6:43 a su Jc*e. New Aißkici aad Way Stations 1:43? S:l3a Km Jes«. Tits risc^ .Sacia Cru; PadOc GroTe raw RoUea, Saa Lots CHtissw awl rnocip»l VFay Station* 7rO3r IO:«0« Sac Jc*t IBJ V.ty sauces 3:9« r 11:43 a Palo Alto and Way SUdoos. 3:SOr •<:X«r j»»u Jos*. Cilrsr. rrss Ploos. Saute ' Cna, Saßnas,3f caterer aawl Pacific < Crore.... *I*:4«U •3:3»r JoteaadPriocipal Way Stations »:47a •4:25r Palo Way Sutiom ....... »S:Oa% , .*.: Or San Joaeacd Wsy Station*.... »S;4*a 6:30r r»k>Al:o SEdTVTarSUtiOBS <~.;3.j a t11:43r PaloAUoand Way 47:»»r CREEK ROUTE FERRY. frta SIJ FXUvISCO-^rwt a* Euitt Su«l (SS? SV- •74O 8.00 9*o •UhOO lidOUji. 33°,, two **»• 3: » •** «■» fraß OaHalß— F«at af lr«««T - *«.«> •'«> S.-00 »9H» It« 30 -•!!:«> aou tUii *:a^3 s^: »3::3 <-.;3 »s-j3 rx ._ AlorMon-inf. p far Afternoon. • * ll »1*£ e»ce|«*J. < Satnrdajm only. , fTh3rsdar»only. ! S. U! 3ajs only tt Monday. Tbg-aday h>! S»tcrti2'- r»ri:fs crty. ATLASTIC AID PICITIC KAIIEOAD. SANTA PE ROUTE. TKAJC?B LEAVE AiT) , ARRIVE AT BA3I FrancUco (M*rk«-«. Ferry): tU^r 1 } KARCHU.ISmT"^^™ 6^)o p.. Fast Express via Mojar* .... ..10 15* I 9:00 a. .AUanUc Express YtaLo« Ansele*.. 5:45 Ticket Office— 6so Market St., ChroaicU hsilaV l£{, =. i'- C. H. SPEEP.S, c-rT~S Ajf-L 9aa«cai ruHUV AC«B%> _ LWHBCUSBMrrSAII OF FURNITURE On To«*day, tlie I:s *' «oA HVrfoewJay, th« Z4ttk d«y» •* April* I*9*, Ai ll vdae* m. *-, ... TO TAXI riJUC* at-... 741 Iliiifi Stiwt, fcsUTKrt u4 rnrtt By order of Ssmnel B«*l Fnrßltare Co., ..... orraserre, .-.-_-.... «f lIGIIFICEIT DIPOSTED FORIIIUHS, ....ooxsirrnrc rs txxt — ! wJrti Ownrr. «sc: Zxstsssea T»Jsi» :a «ices » Beokeaaes: Bed laufics: Cwtadaap; ClWirtTfi; uuw; RL«V«. aad »b «a« aa mmrtmt lot of in aid iiai TlaifiriH Wal«i«« nwalWfl— or Owe oade «al.«w«7 ,-- --.-. — . ; - -•;.■/.-■-.': rrcytili?.MiJ!isc«s=:;dc;yiirKS=2ts ■•« ■■■- SfeS *' IyDIASA AUCTION CO-, Oista tzifi ia: tcrr.-zs ■ £21 *r»i 523 TfrniSs C H. J. LErTHOLTZ. A-uettaßaaT GREAT SALE Ewdst*r and Thttii? flares asS Ml iifs, liable Teaas, Et«., PBOFSBTTOi' BEIIOTA STOCK FABM, T. H. BURKE, A. G. WIELAND A>"l> K. O'OEADT, AT 11 a. m. ox THTBSDAT AFKIX 25, 18f5 ■ ——AT Siksjird, Ctr. Tv las lie. u4 total ' Tto»tofl^to«aekK<rfraa^»iMr»e»aiacwl aaai ? --, - ,-.--• for ----- 7- ■ oosspriw -- z--\ «£ I Sieve WVpate. 2:12: Voter, rstaiiCQ of Sat«- -i tooaecr; rrinirr as* «i AexSer Prize*; H*v- -5 ti*rr«. >.-,-- Or4»=. «ic, »2 cf i ;.-.-?•- -■ :.».- a«l kaakH aaf ana**. _ ■.-. ■ i." ■ ■ - ':■-.'. r:-.:." ' Hcnes oa er£iSS:ioa as -t:&- -•KTTT.f.iy A CO- A^n: « r». 30 HwtawtT am**. SPEGAL ACCnOS SALE. Tuesday...... - April S3 AX 11 o'clock a. m_ AT GHAZTD ARCADE HORSE MARKET. 327 SIXTH STBEET. ■'•"';'/>■-*■ 'y---' : i By «ederof Jota A£*srr. Tr« Ftea«. CaL. we »32 seS : ejLrSafed ■•...--.:■•• ■■<■..;.:- apaa Blacks. 5 asM3 S rears. v«ssac 3400 pMOafis: 1 Sonet Hoiae, $ y«*rs »*i«s^ 1000 ywinaii; 1 aaueawd leant Blare CMdlsgi. 5 «■«-•«;*, 15 % hinis, **ii*J .- • p»ii*(it. -' -- :-:.-■ -f 1 Ftae Stale. 4 y»«rs, »*«*: IICO »nuaU: 1 Mai Bran Wcil-«mfc£* S»*aV Immjm- (M> In klaaty 1 nVh -■: '>-£ taaai ::*>> la UM -.-:;--* 1* -. .-i-. ic«* i- . ,- - E«wr. P&n*£s dtsirii? 1» pcr?!it«r eti ca3 sisy tJss« ftsas saw u><s»jr of aate asrf a*r« «»tiaiaraa«jr niaaa. Et*tt koxae cM be aa HHWUM4 or BSCfieyr'-fs^Jsi: *!»«» « «*3t* U=» «»4 jik» Opes aad Top g~^r*s. Tiyai, O.r:a» ii«r- ECLLIVAS 4 DOTZJE. Ijtskccx Aw n uma— . i mil uraaan ' -' acxzx A. L H. BCRD. AUCTIOMR. WILL SELL THIS DAY. Xoadsr April 22, 1895, AX 11 <;';:-'•: i a. J£- at 1 2O Si3c;.ri Street, Tie Btitict 9l C^ctria tf Bi? « BroUit A - - " - . " ' - -- - — : SAILBOAT) TRAVEL! SM FRMCLSCOI- PA- CIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tibnron Ferry— Foot of il^r : it. Saa FrajicUc« to Saa £aia«l. WEE-: 8AT5— 7:40. 9-30. ll*O «- it: 12:33, 3.30. >:ia 6SO K. TJ»-arsd»y*— ExSrm at mo p. m- >K3ia.n- Sxsta U*a> as IJW and mo r. m. STXI>AYS-S:Oa. » JO. 11:00 *. It; I^o, 3 JO, .-to. 0:30 r. m. . -3D Rafael to >j»a. Frmßelf«o. VEEE DAYS— TAS. ?iSO, liaO *. at; 12:45. -.iC*. 3:10 r. X. SatxivS«r>-£xs» rr^sa si 1 r. x. icl « M X x. , STXDAVS— S^IO, 9:40, 11 JO a. a.; I**. SaOBC Him aaaftaßriaeaaaaacaatma Pack Kk=« aefcatfaia aa aaary. I**-? h - .-. - g ArrtTe " 1 ' ' jj ii w«ai o ■■ - ' ' »"«w >r> -yi^^a. S» whs Citi. mtv s. AT^. I 7:49 ii >?CO mm y*vi> s10:«?jlk: Sr3O H . SJSwSJBi« : FciaSsaaa. « 305 ra 10:"» a.x i:iofn $JSO ra,S»sa Easfc.; 7^58 r», iOSra 7:40*.m]~ I n^mSiai] | io jo a« ; G*jr*erra*. i . : «TS »m s :.; ** , : ,~ - ■ ra * 15 ra- ; ~~~ 3 i __ i i S I.: |Eo«sE»adAl T :4O am g-00 am l~t_i^. T3ora- 0O»»« 7:40 -"«.,__ T~~ i : lOJ»ax SjOOam Gacxaevßo. 7:53 fx» - »=>•" tltm 7 -40 am 0:00 am -7nminia :O:4Oam T*»*m I ■ S t C 3«» JSTlga. 3 1 .-...■-.,...., $i*C*s «SG3?*« aa jWc* sac ES^aaaii J La***, r?spK l*ir. :*t«j*T. S««a»- Ok xiM^t- I wo©4,-O~r* Es >?C3«st*. it*s»i.v«i* oay, r>«t PoaM. r«Mr VaOasr. Jaaa Ba^*. Uxift?^ «a»S latSaS**' *" ' *-■■?''**■ ' 'S».TOSwaS Samvaay so ataaaaj taaaaVcrta SdcM»at rr<* .i.-w aaMa. Oa «aai»y» iwaaJ<iBa tic tea «a «3 aaam >♦■ yosa <*a Kifj.?: *j fc*a rt: f-s. "nci« OaV«&, cara«-r N»« XaaftaaaMCy mat at Arc-: «• -** « c»£eT .ie P»^kr» V. .v H. C. WHiTIXG. R. X. RTXX. G«a. a»-jtffx. G*a. ra». A(OMk SAUSAUTQ FERRY.^^? Froaß Ann. a, IBM. L«*Te S. F. WEEK DATS. Arrit* S. F. T.OJaji. Mill T»L, Us TiL. M. *-»*-* « : :: Sttta. iauli" 9 15a ■. " •• •• - 4 - £St£ " : : *»**■ i * s*-«:5 *-« : 11.454.1t. " « «• 0 4a»w i»ri « « « an<te -^%t as: : : :?-**■ j-jsj- ass - « " lute: tßi' li.»rjtEi3TiL,StiUU&asa. SliteS ' I - ispjl * •l^V^ l .f* ¥lT isa •"•••• '"«^ •S^nrdiyicolT. xaioiii^ «S^* SUNDAYS. B.ooa ji. EJ TiL, TtL, la. Ws. 16.061J1! « ." M iiiai ■^* Jt ii«;V J»^.tala**|»|t...jiMia!aC 11.Wa.ic. Suavba tilT ■•-• ••.Siwa-fcisla^Ti^* lia«Ajt ll^Oaji. ILH T»li*T. %to t^it. Su IT. ■•-..-- JfcnTiL.lasTj.l.iAi'tiUSMto. ttlOrji. ULSOpjl « « ~" ■ ■ Sitda — lxsrju Xi3TiL,lfiaTi3,Suia 2.CS?j«. ** •* *• <■ jMfcy iSi : : : : tix* 6.«rjt. « « ".....****** -'.iMTtEiytslSaliAd .-......* ±ii'r\*. 8.00a jt. Ntf S.-JIS, Cm£« ai tJ fea. a,lsrju B.CCAJI. Hat &i.m tzi Taj SmicM...... 7 JBfX