Newspaper Page Text
8 SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." BUBINEBS OFFICE of the San Francisco Cai.i^ -710 M.-.rkct street, open unfil 12 o'clock every night in the year. BRANCH OFFICES- 530 Montgomery street, corner Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock. 839 Hayes street, open until 0::<0 o'clock. 717 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. sw. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open until 9 o'clock. 2518 Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. NOTICE OF ! : _________ SS^CING~SOLOMON'S LODGE, NO. __ ufst 7 260, F. and A. M., corner (-eary and «* Stelner stc— Called meeting THIS (MON-^^ DAY) EVENING at 7 : 30 o'clock for second /^r \ decree. By order of the Master. ° ' HARRY BAEHR, Secretary. fi-r_S» OCCIDENTAL LODGE, No. 22, F _T~ Sfc^ and A. M., will meet Tills iMoN- JV_ DAY) EVENING, 7:30 o'clock. Third de-^^ gree. By orderof gr^y orderof the w. M. .^^ Ptr~= SAN FRANCISCO CHAPTER NO. __ _—^ 1, Royal Arch Masons, meets THIS Ik EVENING. P.M. degree. >§L__?\ H. G. PRINCE, Secretary. /V' KS> EXCURSION TO I. O. O. F. __afß___, m^*** Home. All persons desiring to __*_3__ii_s3_t_ attend the dedication of the • in me.' -E^:5St7.T*F on APRIL 36, will please leave kneir names at the niiice of the grand secretary at once, so that transportation can be arranged for. GEORGE T. SHAW, Grand Secretary. _£_S» CALEDONIAN CLUB- 39TH . __T *_ SIF-*' annual picnic and games at Shell .J^ £k£f/J Mound Park May 30. "The usual High- land welcome." < *e=t7 D. R. McNEILL, Chief. James 11. Dc.»CAy, Secretary. -r» •:<•: ai. N<>Ti( » _q^gendine" vapor i i . i -.i ■ t i : : < ' RArai- Ob-^ ladies and gentlemen ; 81. 110i 2 .Stockton, room 2. ■E3g= CHARLES H. PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY- &-£? at-lawand Notary Public, 638 Market St., opp. Palace Hotel. Residence, 1620 Fell st. Tele- phone 570. gt^P CLARA FOLTZ, AT TORS I.V AT- LAW, B^*" rooms 14 and 15, 9th floor, Mills building. Practices in all State and Federal courts. jJF3p DR. NELLIE BEIGIILE, OFFICES, 51 C»—^ to 55, Donohoe building, 1170 Market st. Stomach, liver, kidney and rheumatism success- fully treated. Nervous diseases a specialty. Dis- eases examined without questioning. Bt^_s= BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. iSZs? Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy si. . room 6, Tel. 5550. r_t» DON'T CUT youb CORNS; WE be- -K" move them painlessly without a knife in threeminutes. Chiropoalc Institute, 36Vb Geary st. ;j_^§=» ALL COURTS— LEGAL PRIVATE MAT- —— 7 ters: confidential; advice free. ATTOR- NEY McCAIjE, 838 Market st. rj__S= ROOMS WHITENED, $1 UP: PAPER- m^& ed $3 50 up. 309 Sixth, George Hartman. j_^_g=» J.B. McINTYRE, BOOKBINDER AND \S<£r Printer. 42-' Co-nmerclnl sr. "TjTtAl'ii'-NS VV A•■ Ti_D-I« _B1 ALE. T ABIES! FOR A FIRST-CLASS SERVANT -I-J see i. F. CBOSETT & CO.. 312 Sutter st. /COMPETENT GIRLS OF ALL NATION ALI- \J ties, good references, awaiting positions. 9 Stockton st. AT HE SWEDISH EM PLOYMENT BU- reau first-class .Swedish and German girls are awaiting situations. 333 Geary gt,; telephone 983. T ADIES— YOU CAN GET RELIABLE HELP JLi at MRS. FENTON'S, 10t>y 2 Stockton st. IF YOU WANT A GOOD SERVANT, MALE or female, city or country, apply MME LEO- POLD'S Emp. Office, 957 Market; open evenings. A LL KINDS COMPETENT HELP SUPPLIED! _V Nurse Agency, 131 Post s:.: telephone M-625. ! "VTEAT SWEDISH COOK— YEARS' -' references from her present situation— wants a place in the city or country; also a German wait- ress and parlormaid, with references from present place; a competent Scotch infant's nurse, and a number of good Irish, German and Scandinavian housework girls, at, $15 and $20 a month, await situations. Can be seen at Miss Plunkett's Em- ployment Bureau, 424 Sutterat., nr. Powell. youNG lady HAIRDRESSER, KNOWING X also manicuring*, speaking French and English, wishes a situation as Lady's companion or govern- ess; can give French lessons: or would take few engagements for air-dressing daily. LOUISE RE ALT, 8 Sixth St.. room 2. WE DISH HOME EMPLOYMENT OEFICE 0 for good, respectable girls. 11 1 ,. Antonio St.. off Jones, near Ellis. EXPERIENCED WOMAN, GOOD COOK, Xj baker and laudress, wants situation: national- ity Scotch; also experienced babies' nurse: wants position city or country: references. Call 419 Minna St.. bet. Fifth and Sixth. OOD AMERICAN GIRL WISHES A SITUA- tion to do second work in a good American family; no children; good home; country or city. Address 1118 Leavenworth st. ■y oung GERMAN GIRL would like situ- X atlOL, to do general housework and plain cook- ing. 1023 Guerrero st. p ERMAN GIRL, GOO ifPLAIN COOK. WANTS VX situation for general ho us? work. Call at 481 Mission st. WEDISU GIRL WANTS SITUATION TO DO general housework in American family. Ad- dress 444 Tehama st. FIRST -CLASS COOK AND LAUNDRESS J wishes situation: best cltv references. Address or apply 334 Turk st. ■y OUNG WIDOW WISHES ' KM b 1 MENDING 1 to do: call from 10:30 to 5:30 only. 150 Fourth St.. room 9. WIDOW WITH A SMALL CHILD WOULD * * like place in a family to do housework or ko as housekeeper. Call at 703 Greenwich St., off Powell. pOMPETENT AND EXPERIENCED WOMAN \J wishes situation as nurse; fully competent of taking care of infants: also first-class seamstress. Address 851 Harrison at. XT OUSEWORK— SITUATION WANTED BY XX good girl to do housework: city or country; good references. Address G. C, box 32, Call Office. SI CUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLE-AGED O woman to do housework; is a good plain cook. 145i/<8 Fifth st. pOACHMAN AND HORSEBREAKER, WITH \J the highest city and Eastern references, wants employment: city or country: wages moderate. Address N. W., box 31, Call Office. "yOUNG EASTERN LADY DESIRES A POSI- X tion a3 housekeeper. Call 967 Mission st., rm. 9. "yOUNG WOMAN WISHES HOUSEWORK; X on a ranch preferred. 1032 Market St., room 23. OMAN wants WORK BY the day: it washing, ironing and cleaning. 427 Stevenson. "\\T_)O\V, A STRANGER, WISHES POSITION " as housekeeper. Call 121 Montgomery st., rm. 1. THIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER WANTS A FEW X more encasements by the day ; gives a perfect lit and satisfaction guaranteed. Address D. M., box 15, Call Office. yOUNG LADY OF EDUCATION WISHES X position as ladles' companion to lady in Califor- nia or party going to Europe: very best of refer- ences given. AddressMlSS E. DAWSON, box 15. Call Office. A M EBIC A N WOMAN WITH A CHILD, ON J\. ranch or as working housekeeper: not afraid of work. Apply 610 Clay st. OMPETENT PERSON WISHES SITUATION as laundress or chambermaid in private tamily; city or country. 312 Sixth st. OMAN WISHES WORK BY THE DAY • " washing, ironing or housecleaning. Call 228 Clara st., between Fifth and Sixth. PELIABLE WOMAN DESIRES WORK BY day. housecleaning or washing: best references. Call after 3 o'clock, or address A. L.. 222 Willow aye., between Van Ncsa arid Franklin. ANTED— SCRUBBING OR ANY KIND OF " " work by the week; sleep home. Address X., 1202 Powell St., near Jackson. A \ r A ED— BY A GERMAN WOMAN. WITH TT little girl, as working housekeeper: small wages: good bofhe. Call 614 Folsom st. p BRMAN GIRL WANTS A POSITION FOB VX general housework. Call at 614 Folsom st. T>LAIN SEWING AND G ENTLEIIEK « KND- X Ing at 325y Bush st., room 33. REFINED WIDOW WOULD LIKE POSITION as housekeeper in the country; economical; understands making of butter and care of milk. Address Mils. E. 8., box 951, san Rafael, Cal. ADY WISHES TO -.KEEP HOUSE FORA gentleman with money: no other reed apply: city or country. 921 Market St., room 2. pOOK; COMPETENT AND RELIABLE; HAS \J goad references. 131 Post st., room 20. SITUATION WANTED-DAILY POSITION required by young English lady as companion- ■ accomplished and connected; piano and fashiona- ble writing taught; 50 cents per lesson. 415 Jones. pOMPETENT DRESSMAKER — MIDDLE- \J aged German lady wants position In a family or take full charge of a business; country preferred. Address C. D., box 12, Call Office. .> . THIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER " WISHES TO . X go out by the day, or will take work home: sat- isfaction guaranteed. Call 728 Geary st. RESPECTABLE MIDDLE-AGED GERMAN Xi/ woman wants position as housekeeper; city or country. 16071/2 Folsom st., 2to6p. m. BENCH WOMAN WANTS Wok BY THE X day washing, Ironing" andhousccleautng. Call or address 300 Hayes st. - pOMPETENT^WOMAN WANTS SITUATION V. 1 to do cooklug or laundry work In hotel or boar'Tlng-bouse; good reference; city or country. 11l Twenty-sixth St., near Mission. 2 CREOLE LADIES POSITIONS as housekeepers. Call 5y 2 Kearny st., room 9. - "yOUNG GERMAN LADY WOULD LIKE SIT- X nation to travel as companion, or will take care of family in traveling any lime this summer; refer- ence if necessary. - Address 15 Panes aye., or call on Sunday from 2 to 6 v. m. .- . . youMO lady; wishes situation as X waitress or do chamberwork; city or country. Call or address M. G., 816 Sansome St., rooms 12 and IS, upstairs. / - "yOUNO LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION AS X housekeeper. - Call 5 Mason st., room 7: second floor. . ...- ASTERN LADY WOULD LIKE A POSITION as housekeeper. Call 5 Mason st., room 2; first Boor. SITUATIONS WANTED— . mHE" BEST COOKS AND HOTEL HE LP^FuIT , Xnished at c. R. HANSEN A CO.'S, 110 Geary. "y OUNG MAN OF GOOD BUSINESS ABILITY X will give a very good bonus to any one securing ' him a good, paying, permanent position; best ref- erence. Call or address 413 Washington st. ■y OUNG MAN WOULD LIKE SITUATION AS X waiter or barkeeper: any kind work. 630% ■ atom a st. VOUXG MAN WANTS SITUATION AS COOK X on ranch. Address box 69, T. H. . SITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED man to make himself useful, city or country; wages no object. Address S., box 147, this office." V STEADY, SOBER, MIDDLE-AGED MAN who has served several years on police force, permanent position as janitor, watchman or similar work: first-class references. Address W. ILOLTZ, 616 Folsom st. yj ITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED O man around a place; thoroughly understands care of horses and harness; can milk and do plain I garden work: best city reference. Address J. C, j box 51, this office. / lEBMAN PRINTER, 21 YEARS, ARRIVED vJ from New V ork, 6 years in business, wants sit- uation. H. X., box 29, Call Branch. MIDDI.K-A(.rM) MAN WANTS POSITION IN private family to make himself useful about the place, can of horses and work in garden. Call or address J. C 722 Tennessee St., Poirero. WILL GIVE- 30 PER CENT OF FIRST month's salary to any one who will find a place for meat engineering or draughting; can run dynamo. G. W., 514 a Twenty-first st. p ARDENER: THOROUGHLY COMPETENT; VX life experience; fruits, flowers, vegetables, lawns, greenhouse, landscape work; best reference. Particulars G. M. sTRaTTON, 2715 Golden Gate eve., san Francisco, Cal: "1 O-YEAR EXPERIENCED TRAVELER AND X-- 1 solicitor speaking 5 languages wishes position in wholesale liquor or cigar house. Address R. W., box 12, Call Office. MIDDLE-AGED SOBER STEADY MAN wants a job as watchman in any place of trust; can give the best of references. Call or address G. W. 11.. 1238 Bush st. DANE WISHES SITUATION; PRIVATE OR small ranch; thoroughly understands horses, carriages, cows, garden and general work: sober and honest; good references. Address A. A., box 112, Call Oflice. Situation wanted BY competent Oman; thoroughly understands cart of horses, carriages and harness: also good gardener; can milk; handy with tools; best of references. Ad- dress A. A., box 49, fail. ;>. YOUNGV OUNG WOMAN WISHES A POSITION AS X housekeeper in a lodging-house or widower's family. 12 Mason St.. room 16. __ ■yOUNG WIDOW FROM THE EAST DESIRES X position as housekeeper for widower; country preferred. Call for one week at 155 Ninth st. OUNG ENGLISHMAN WOULD LIKE SITU- X ation as • butler, coachman, etc. : thoroughly understands management of horses; first-class references. Address Y. 1-:., box 18, Call Office. "WANTED— SITUATION AS WAITER IN '» first-class club or hotel by a reliable man. Ad- dress W. L. W.. box 13, Call Oflice. "VTEAT YOUNG COUPLE; 'GERMAN DE- -L\ scent; no children; man handy with tools, horses, buggies, garden; first-class farmer: wife good housekeeper. M. W.. box 39, Call Office. MIDDLE-AGED MAN WISHES PLACE To IVL work; can milk one or two cows: can drive and take care of horses and work about place; handy with tools: recommendation from last em- ployer: low wages expected. Address S., box 6, this office. pOL'GH CARPENTER, WITH TOOLS, WANTS XL employment; city or country. Address R. C, box 49. Call Office. "PRACTICAL MINER AND MINING FORE- -L man desires a position as mining foreman of a gold, silver, lead or cinnabar mine: best of refer- ences. Address 19 Rausch st., San Francisco. "yOUNG MAN - WISHES SITUATION AS -I fireman; can run stationary engine; best of city | reference from last employer. Address F. M., box 99, Call Office. \\r anted— by TRUSTY young man AS i M watchman in store, hotel or private house, or run elevator. Address K. W., 1615 Pine st. ~ FEBULB HKI.!' WANTED. TV" AN 'I -ED-DISH WASIIKR, $25; LADY'S " maid, $25: polisher for laundry: cook, Ger- man style, no wash, $30; cook, American family, $25; 2 German and Irish second girls, $20; in- I fant's nurse, $25; invalid's nurse, $20; 2 wait- resses, hotel and restaurant, $20, or $5 a week, and girls for housework. J. F. CBOSETT & CO., 312 Slitter st. ■I \r ANTED-PROTESTANT COOK AND LAUN- « > dress, a short distance, $25, see lady here this morning; second girl $20, and a Kreat many girls to fill country situations. I. F. CKUbETT & CO., 312 sutter st. • ' : •: pATIIOLIC HOUSEKEEPER, CLERGYMAN, \J $15: housekeeper, short distance in country, $25; Swelish housework girl, Alameda, $20; Ger- man girl, Alameda, 25, 2 In family: San Rafael, $25: San Jose. $25; Placer County, $15: San Lo- renzo, $25. and oiler towns; girls can secure relia- ble situations, first-class wages, by applying or sending orders to Miss CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. / 1 KHMAN SEAMSTRESS, COUNTRY, $25; VX second girl. Oakland, $25; cook, $30: Catholic nurse. $20; German cook, $35. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton si. OUSEWORK, SLEEP HOME, $10 TO $15. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. SWKDIBH MOTHER AND DAUGHTER, OR two friends, housework, $30 per month, coun- try- MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton St., room 2. Y>:.\l IRISH GIRL; HOUSEWORK; $25. -> MISS CULLEN, 10 Stockton st. MEDDLE - AGED CHAMBERMAID AND laundsess, $20, easy place; laundress, coun- try, $30: nurse. $25: 20 housework girls, city, $15, $20 and $25. Apply MISS CULLEN, Stockton. \rURSEGIRL: $121 MISS CULLEN, 105 —i Stockton st., room 2. / ' ERMAN OB SWEDISH COOK, ALAMEDaT VX_s3o. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER, $25. APPLY M early to MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. TV ANTED— GERMAN WOMAN COOK, $40 * » and room ; woman cook, small boarding-house, $25 and room: German woman as laundress, $25 and room, country hotel ; 3 waitresses, $5 a week ; gin for housework for Stockton, see party here 10 a. m.. $20, etc : girl in family of 3, $10; girl in fam- ily of 4, $15, CBClce place: girl for kitchenwork, small boarding-house: girl in family, $5; $18 a month; 7 housegirls, Sl5, etc. MARTIN & CO., 749 Market st.; telephone main 1849. W" ANTED— 2 AMERICAN COOKS, 840 AND 1 " $30: German cook, $35; nurse and second work, $20; girl for housework, $20: chambermaid and children, $20; .French second girl, $25; girl for Alameda, $20; young girls to assist, $15 and $12. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. \\r ANTED— HOUSEGIRL, JEWISH FAMILY. tt $25: girls, Alameda and Vacaviile, $20: Ger- man nurse, $18; German cook, »30: German girl to mind boy and help in oflice. MME. LEOPOLD, 957 Market st. . ) CHAMBERMAIDS. WAGESS2O; 4 SWEDISH — housegirls, $25; cook, $25: 6 housegirls, $15 to $20; housegirl, Ban Rafael, see lady here 12 o'clock: hoisegirl, Alameda, $20; second girl, $20; 4 girls, country, $20. 332 Geary st. ■'■•-.,•,.': 2 GERMAN COOKS, $25; INFANTS' NURSE, German or French, $25; chambermaid, ' $20: girl for light upstairs work, $12; 5 girls for house- work. M Ks. HIRD, To:. Polk. W ANTED— WORKING HOUSEKEEPER FOR tt country, $20.; cook, American family, $40; waitress, small restaurant, $5 a week ; good general I housework girl, Alame<la, $2."» ; Swedish cook, san I Rafael, $30; 50 good housework girls to fill city j and country places, wanes $10, $12, $15, $20 and $25. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Butter st. WANTED— WOMAN NOT OVER 30 YEARS » » of age to do cooking and general housework on a ranch, $25; also girl for general housework and plain cooking on ranch, $15 to $10 a month. Call early at W. D. EWER i CO.'S, 626 Clay st. '/"I IRLS, IF YOU WANT GOOD PLACES, ALL at MRS. FENTON'S, 106V_ Stockton st. MEAT GERMAN GIRL FOR CHAMBER- J-> work and waiting; must understand sewing. 1 526 Sutter st., bet. 9 and 12 o'clock. EXPERIENCED HELP WANTED AT DRESS- XJ making, $6 week salary; also apprentices who can sew. MRS. MEYER. 1301 Larkin st. W" ANTED— GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- tt work; German preferred. Apply after 10 o'clock at 1616 Bush st. -. ■yOUNG GIRL WANTED TO TAKE CARE OF X two-year old baby; wages $15. Call between 9 A..M. and 12 M.. 1208 Ellis St. COMPETENT, TIDY YOUNG WOMAN FOR \J second work; 2 in family; wages $12. Call from 11 to 2, Monday, at 814 Fulton st. L--X IK HI ENCED aBA BY-ND BSE; GERMAN XU preferred; steady position; good wages. 130 Sixth. MEAT RESPECTABLE GIRL FOR UPSTAIRS X> work and care of baby. 1305 Gough. GIRL TO TAKE CARE CHILD; WAGES *6. 636 Golden Gate aye. ROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRESSCUT- tIng and making school ; all branch( a. 702feutter. rpAILORIiSS ON CUSTOM COATS, ALSO IM- I provers. 766 Mission st. T?iIRST-CLASS FINISHER ON COATS: BUT- X! ton-maker preferred. 445' 2 Natoma st. LADY CANVASSERS FOR JOB PRINTING. 636 Clay St., room 33. , A PPR ENTICES a D TAILORESS ON -r_ ready-made coats. 464 Clementina st. WANTED— NUIiSEOIRL AND HELP WITH upstairs work. 1307 Hyde at. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK"AND COOKING IN small family. ls.'tO Eddy st. - I URL TO WAIT ON TABLIiV SLEEP HOME; 'T wages $3 week. 1934 Market st. ' GIRL TO DO COOKING AND lIOUSEWORK. »" Call 1616 VaUejo, 9 to 12. pIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL _vJ housework. Call 2414 Clay st-, after 9a. it. WANTED-GOOD GERMAN GIRL FOR GEN- ' M end housework: good wages. 933 Haight. . SMART, ACTIVE GIBL, assis'i in KITCH- ' en and dining-room. 922 Battery. \Y »^\, Ki '" A NJ - (: -\TIVK RETOUCHER, AT »t 309 Montgomery a_e. . T?INieHERS ON ItKADY-MADE CLOTHES. l 808 Baytsomest., downstairs. OOD TAILORESS WANTED ON CUSTOM j vesta. 349 Fourth st. . fy-; THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1895. HELP ', WANTED— Continned. p IR-TtO CARE FOR 2 CHILDREN AND DO VT upstairs work; references. Call between 9 and 10 a. M.. 422 Oak st. - 171INISUER AND BUTTONHOLE -MAKERS . on custom coats: steady work. 157 Shipley st. A PPRENTICE WANTED; ONE WHO CAN -ci. sew. 1419 Ellis st. X\T ANTED— FINISHER ON LADIES' CLOAKS. tt 77 and 78 Donahne building. GIRL TO DO LIGHT HOUSEWORK; SMALL family. Apply 1529 Batter st. A PPRENTICE ON -BUTTON - HOLE MA- ix chine; wages paid. KONIGSTEIN, 126 Eighth. OPERATORS, TAILORESSES AND APPREN- \J tices on custom coats. 509 Kearny St., room 2, A PPRENTICEB TO LEARN DRESSMAKING, ix including tailor cutting. MME. GREF.N, 236 O'Farreli st. p ERMAN GIRL FOR COOKING, NO WASH- VX ing, $25, call this morning; girl for light up- stairs work, $12, in family of 2. 705 Polk st. "LMRST-CLAS3 FINISHERS ON COATS, AND X apprentices. 541 Market st. "TVE GARNER'S DRESSCUTTING AND DRESS- XJ making school; complete course in dresscut- ting $10; dresses cut, fitted and stitched for $2 50. 219 Powell st. ■ pOUNTRY DRESSMAKERS SEND 35c FOR \J the new full-skirt pattern: girls wanted. MC- DOWELL DRESSMAKING ACADEMY, 213 Powell st. THIRST-CLASS TAILORESS. 504 SUTTER X street. ' -■:'■■';■ '\- IRLS WANTED — PATTERNS CUT TO order, 25c. at McDowell Academy, 213 Powell. iriREE— T "AT LAWRENCE DRESSCUT- -1 tin. School. 1231 Market st. MALE HELP WANTED. "fir ANTED -^HOUSE^GStEB FOR cen- " tral America, $6 day, Peruvian silver; B slack- work coopers, 30 month and board, on piecework: 15 woodsmen, $26 and board: 15 laborers for mill jui<i woods, $20 and board ; 5 laborers, city, $1 75 day; young German choreman, $15: farmer: farm- ex and wife and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 028 Sacramento st. _. - \\r ANTED— CREW FOB THE WOODS' LOG-. »' glngcamp; ox teamster; basalt block-makers, piece work; two coopers, lime barrels: Italian milker, $20: butter-maker, $30: farm hands, $15 to $20. R. T. WARD & CO., 608 and 610 Clay st. \V ANTED— WAITER. RESTAURANT. COUN- " try; second cook, country, $40, restaurant; dishwasher, 18 and room; young man as porter and bellman. $10 a month; French cook, meat and pastry, $50 and room, country: pastry cook for May!; German cook, $40 and room. MARTIN & CO., 749 Market St.: telephone main 1849. ANTED— FIRST-CLASS BUTLER, $45; IN- tt door servant, $30; French cook, $80; Irish or Enellsh boy for family, $20: FrenchnJan for a dairy. $20 and found, etc. LEON ANDRE. 315 Stockton st. CANDINAVIAN TEAMSTERS FOR RAIL- O road work; free fare. C. R. HANSEN * CO., 110 Geary si. RESTAURANT COOK, NEAR CITY, $50, room: 2 boarding-house c00k3, 535 and $10; cook for springs; 2 solicitors for city. MURRAY & READY, 634 Clay st. C FARMERS NEAR CITY; 2 MILKERS 0 near city. $20; carpenter near city, $'.10 found: chore boy on ranch. *10; woodchoppers, $1 and $150 cord; partner on hog ranch. MURRAY & READY, 634 Clay st. T\rANTED— SCANDINAVIAN COACHMAN, tt near city, $25 a month and found, must be able to break colts: also a young German to cook for 7 persons, $25 a month and a good home; 4 molders on piece work; coopers on slack work; farmers, milkers, cooks and others at W. D. EWER * CO.'S, 626 Clay st. OV. $6, BOARD AND ROOM. MISS CUL- LEN, 105 Stockton st. Wr ANTED— TiI REE MORE MEN TO TAKE »> Government land in Stockton District, $300, in 70 days: some sick and can't go; expense $40. ! Address BROWN, box 69, Call Office. BARBEB WANTED— YOUNG MAN WITH six or eight months' experience at the barber business: call early. 20 Seventh st. Ll 1 . MAN, CITY OR COUNTRY, TO handle summer specialty; pays $3 50 per day. C. P. Co., 328 Seventh st. GOOD BARBER WANTED. 1193 MARKET street. BARBEB WANTED— YOUNG MAN OF SIX months' experience. 1006 Mission st. OUR GOOD HOUSE-PAINTERS, MONDAY morning, 0:1 McAllister St., near Lyon. * GOOD TAILOR ON COATS. APPLY 527 NA- toma st. TNTELLIGENT BOY TO LEARN TAILOR- X Ing. Call at once, 441 Bush st. WANTED— A GOOD SECOND COOK AT 43 »» Second st. "1 A LABORERS, $1 PER DAY AND BOARD. lv 935 Market, room 7. Boy TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; PAY while learning. Seventeenth and Howard sft. pOOD BOOTBLACK. 32 THIRD STREET. \yOODWORKER— GOOD MAN, READY FOR '» work. 870 Howard st. •-?-?.: CjOAA GOOD. MAN FOR WELL- Pay I. <J)Zj\J\J. saloon ; at once. LUNDIN 4MIHM-I!, 539 California st. -..,. <2»9Xn STEADY MAN AS PARTNER, to — •'". do some plain writing, collect, etc; $80 monthly. Bona fide, box 30. Call Office. ELL RECOMMENDED GARDENER AND ' i good milker can find a good steady place; $15 a month. Apply 507 Montgomery, rms. 1 and 2. ANTED FIRST-CLASS CUTTER. GLOBE >> Woolen Mills, 567 Market st. O GOOD FIRST-CLASS BARBERS; GOOD — wages. 315 Sutter St. CIOAT-MAKERS — STEADY WORK, GOOD V wages. 541 Market st. WANTED - STEADY MAN Isc LIGHT, ' '» pleasant business; former experience not nec- essary: will clear to each from $00 to $80 per month: cash required, «150. STRAND, 45Third st. SA LESMAN~W ANTED TO SELL THE RAPID O dishwasher to the wholesale and retail trade; washes and dries the dishes In two minutes without wetting the fingers; $76 a week and ail expenses; easy position: no hard work: can make $100 a week. Address W. P. HARRISON _ CO., Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio. BIRDIE-CALL AT 511 VALENCIA ST. early. SKA MEN FOR EUROPE AND HONOLULU; all principal ports. 103 Montgomery aye. WANTED — ACTIVE EXPERIENCED ■ tt solicitor for house-renting; liberal commission paid right party. Address s.. i.ox 13, Call Office. BARBER-SHOP; SAN JOSE — A SPLENDID X) show for barber to refit an old stand in a well- patronized hotel; washstand and gas fixtures are all in and can be bought cheap. For particulars see _ oltzat WILL & PINCH'S. \K' I.D -KAN WITH $2.S6~foBUY COAL _" yard. SPECK'S, 80 Montgomery st. BARBER-SHOP, CITY; PARTNER WANTED ■iJ in a public bathhouse: good chance for the right man. Call on Sloltz for particulars at WILL & FINCK'S Barber Supply Department. C__C MISSION— FEW" MORE SI N.NY FUR- 'i i* nlshed rooms for men: $1 a week up. wrrn $1 you can START IN business »» and earn from $2 per day and upward. 616 Fourth St.. room 15, from 3 to 6 p M. ! W" ANTED— TWO BOYS FOR I'll) I >» ,iiiri^. 724 Fulton st. T\r ANTED— MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE *' their wages to place accounts with us: law and commercial collection; no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECT ON AGENCY, 110 Butter st. npAILOBS AND CUTTERS TO ATTEND Till-; X San Francisco Cutting School. 623 Market St., room 15. "A! EN'S SHOES y 2 -SOLED, 40c; HEELS, 25c; I\L done In 15 minutes. 635 Kearny st.. basement. BARBERS, FOB EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H.gCHKI NKRT. TTIREE BEER: BEST IN CITY; 2 SCHOONERS X' for 5 cents at 228 Pacific st. HAVING, WITH BAY RUM, 10c; HAIR'CUT^ ting 15c: a towel for every customer: 8 chairs; no waiting. JOE'S, 32 Third street. HOES HALF-SOLKD IN 10 MINUTES; done while you wait; at less than half the usual price; ail repairing done at half price; work guaran- teed. 564 Mission St., bet. First and Second T/URST-CLASS LADY TAILORS. 504 SUTTER X I street. El-:: MOVED FROM 706 TO 7261/., OPP. HOW- ard-st. Theater; misfit shoes bought or ex- changed : best place in the city for new and second- hand shoes. ■ ' - ■ ; C# 1 MEN" FOR ALONG JENNY LIND CAKE *J\f and cup good coffee for 5 cents. 44 Fourth st. ANTED— MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP m steam beer. sc; bottle wine, sc, - 609 Clay st. ; CA A PAIRS OF GOOD SHOES, 25c TO 81. 564 O\J\J Mission st.; also 631 Sacramento st. AXE THE DEAD — W l ■: \ / EL'S ALARM tt clock: no electricity. 607 Montgomery st. IVREF;1 V REF; COFFEE AND ROLLS. 704 SANSOME; JT single jroiuus, 15c, 20c, $1 week with breakfast. T INDISLL BOUSE, 6TH AND HOWARD— ~XJ single furnished rooms, 75c week, 16c night. : "1 A A MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 160 XL/I/ and 20c a night, including coffee and rolls. 624 Washington St., near K-earny. > ; j -j/] ELLIS .ROSED ALB— PRICES BEDUCED;' O--/X single furnished rooms, $1 week ; 20c j night. TSY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., B_> X low Sixth, for room: 25c night; $1 week. : EST IN CITY— SINGLE ROOMS, 16, SO AND 25 cents per night; 81, $1 25, $1 50 per week. Pacific House, Commercial and Leidesdorff sts. WANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House propri- etor, has opened Soto House, 32 Fourth 'St.: 100 rooms; 25c to $1 per night; $1 25 to $1 per week.' SINGLE ROOMS, 15c A DAY; . ** week ; rooms for two, 25c a day, $1 60 a week; , reading room- dally paper*. 36 Clay st. - • FUKNITtKii _'•_ WAN TE IT. JC. MUTHEIIi Til E A UCTIONE ER, BuYs • furniture at highest cash prices. ; 6 Fourth st. HOW CASES, BAR, RESTAURANT, CANDY outfits, tixturi's.etc, bought and sold. 125 Fifth st. RNITUBK, COUNTERS, SHOWCASES, X? restaurants bought.sold. ANDERSON ,II'JIMkt . . AGENTS WANTED.' ffl»O TO $4 PER DAY AND COMMISSION "%P O paid teachers, students and clergymen : no books or peddling; business pleasant and perma- nent; splendid opening for gentlemen and ladies; our new plan is indorsed by all ; reference required. National Merchandise Supply Company, 243 Wabash aye., Chicago. .'.'.. ... ANTED— 6 FIRST-CLASS CANVASSERS "■ to introduce best atlas up to date. Call 9to 12 a. m., ANDREWS, 7 City Hall aye. • AGENTS TO SELL DAISY LANTERN; SAM- ple by mail 25 cents: sells at first sight: active agents make $5 a day. KENNEDY'S NOVELTY AGENCY .Oakland. Cal. HOUSES WANTED. T\r ANTED— NIci^rvTc^NTFI^FsTH^OUSES • TT. or si ores: nt once. SPECK'S. 30 Montgomery. 'FLATS AY ANTED. jfOR ' 5 ROOMsC "'bATh7~WITH'~MODERN t: conveniences, by a respectable family •of 3 people. Address T. 8., cigar-stand, 305% Calif or- iiia st. - -■■ --■•■:: ROO3IS WANTED. ' WANTED— FROM OWNEB ROOM FOR »» storage of fight articles. Address Gentleman, box 121, Call Oflice. - TpURNISHED ROOM IN . EXCHANGE FOR X' piano. HEINE. 40 O'Farrell st. CHILDREN BOARDED. M ESI'E( TABLE LADY WOULD LIKE J-t dren to board; a good home guaranteed: room for parents if desired: terms reasonable. 4 Vernon place (Rincon Hill); entrance at 26 Haw- thorne st. i — -,- - , / i ERMAN LADY WISHES 2 OR 3 CHILDREN VJT to board; motherly care. 1334 Turk st. WIDOW WOULD LIKE 1 OR 2 CHILDREN ' ' to board 555 Stevenson st. ■ , PROPERTY AY ANTED. WANTED- TO RENT IN EXCHANGE FOR "» Alameda home, city residence or improved ranch. Address C. U.. box 9. Call Office. MONEY ANTED. WANTED— fl6OO ON EXCELLENT REAL »i estate security near San Francisco; the im- provements insured for the amount of loan, pay- able to mortgagee; 11 percent will be paid for one year; no expense for examination of property. • Ap- ply to JOHN L. RICHTER, 513 Market st. AVANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. BIC CLE OB TYPEW R ITER IN BXCHANG E for nicely furnished room. 7 37 % Howard st. \NTED— A BICYCLE (SECOND HAND) ; ' ' latest model. Apply 253 Clementina st. X\T ANTE D — SECOND-HAND CASH REGIS- »* ter: state price. 639 Broadway. WANTED TO BUY'— ENGLISH FOX TER"- -*» rierdog. Address JAMES CORTI, Midford, Or. KLEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAY'S GOOD PRICES for clothing, books and jewelry. MEDICAL. ALL OF~~iRREGULABTTIEB BE- stored In one day; safo and sore relief guaran- teed; tumors and ovarian diseases cured by medical Ki.i:cTi;:fiTY; home in confinement; reg- ular physician of long and successful practice; travelers helped without delay; - ladles suffering from any complaint call and consult free; French pills, guaranteed. MRS. DR. VVYETH, Sanitarium, 916 Post st., bet. Hyde and Larkin. MRS. DR. WEGENER, PRIVATE HOME FOB all female diseases; separate rooms for ladies before and during confinement: have enlarged and arranged my home to suit rich and poor; irregulari- ties Cured in a day; guaranteed; no instruments; regular physician of long and successful practice; travelers attended; no delay; all business strictly confidential; babies adopted. 419 Eddy st. J A DIES- 1323 GEARY' ; DRS. JANNEY IN- J-J stltute open for reception of women before and during confinement; skill only; advice free; all subjects of private or delicate nature confidential. NEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE, INSTRU- ments or worthless pills used : every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what cause: restores always In one day; if you want to be treated sate and sure call on men's physician; knowledge can be sent and used at home; all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 81 8 Kearny st. LADIES CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. SCOTT, J 110% Turk St., for matter what cause; home in confinement : also disease of the eye treated. \ SURE SAFE CUBE FOR ALL FEMALE Jt\ disease; a home in confinement with best care; with the privacy of a home and conveniences of a hospital; consultation free and confidential; a positive cure for liquor, morphine and tobacco habit: every case guaranteed without injury to health. MRS. DR. GWYER, 311% Hyde st. DAUDETs TABLETS— THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, Jmpotency and all disorders of the sexual organs; $1 a box, 6 boxes •s,*): send for circular. J. H. WIDBER, cor. Market and Third, sole agent. POSITIVE, QUABANTEED CUBE ir- -1 regularities; used for years in private practice with invariable success even Sn most aggravated cases; easy to take; perfectly natural in action; no pain, exposure or danger; cures in two days: sent securely sealed on receipt of $3 or C. O. I).: Strictly confidential. - Address DR. J. MILTON BERGETOLE, P. O. box 2223, S. F. DR. HA I.L. 14 MCALLISTER, SECOND FLOOR, next llibernla Bank; diseases of wpmen. ME. - BORLE, SPIRITUAL MAGNETIC healer; hours 9to 12, Ito 5. 9 Mason St. "\TICE PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT -IN at the mo« reasonable price in the city. MRS. M. PFEIFFER, midwife, 2014 Folsom st. 1 m: MALI. 1'11.1.s FROM FAMOUS Persian JT prescription; 'quick; positively harmless; price, 93 60. COKE CO., specialists, 1423 Market st. I.L LADIES consult FREE MRS. DR. ±x. DA VIES, 14 McAllister St., near Market: leads all competitors; only qualified, trusty spe- cialist for safe, quick relief of irregularities, no matter what cause: treatment scientific, harmless and painless; never fails: home in confinement. IF IRREGULAR OB ANY FEMALE DISEASE see Mrs. Dr. Pnets and be content. 254% 4th. DRS. GOOD f SPECIALTY DISEASES '■ OF women ; ladies near or far assured quick relief Of disease; irregularities restored daily; safe cure piaranted: no instruments; home for patients; best medical attendance; low fees; free; Drs. Scud- der*s pills and capsules warranted. 1370 Market st. ~\ LPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS. * 1\- A boon to ladies troubled with Irregularities; no danger-, safe and sure; $2 50, express C. O. D.; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oak- land, Cal., agents for Alpeau et Cie. DR. AND » MRS. J)R. SCHMIDT, FORMERLY of 1211% Mission, now 1508 Market St.: month- y Irregularities cured in a few hours; guaranteed; no Instruments used : sure preventive. CLAIRVOYANTS. COUSTA LTloTAT^^oTunjSric tTTiTerT J\. magic charms: love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband: teaches fortune-telling: develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; la* the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm; fee $1 and upward, j 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. ME. PORTER, CARD-READER: LADIES, 50c; gents. $1 : palmistry and clairvoyant: sit- tings, $1 50. 210 Turk St., near Jones. CL A IItVOVANT— FEE 25c; LADIES ONLY. \J 537 Third St., basement. VI ME.WALTERS,aREATCARDREADER;NO ■ii- humbug; returned ;Stoc; gents 50c. S37Tehama. MISS M. .IIi.WA. CLAIRVOYANT" Dl- vinorof the future, 50c. room 16, New Arling- ton, 1015 Market. 9to 12, 1 to 6, 7to 10. MME. MORE AU, REST MEDIUM.CLAIRVOY- «nt; speaks German; 25c up. 131 Fourth St. PROFKBSOR Li;oN. PALMIST, THE GREAT J. renowned clairvoyant and life reader, has ar- rived In the city don't fail to see him; gives luck In business; healing power; hours 10 a. M.«to 8 p. m. ; also Sunday. 633 Post St., near Taylor. rpHE CELEBRATED CLAIRVOYANT, PRO- XFESSOR WALTER, is in the city; he can be consulted on business, marriages, divorces and all family affairs; the future plainly revealed; lovers united; trouble healed; names of friends and enemies, also the one you will marry; truth guaranteed. . Ofllce 303 Jones St., near Eddy; hours 9 a. m., 9 r. m.. Sundays 9 to 5. MME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- er by eggs and carls (in English orGerman)tell3 entire life. past, present, future: consultations on all affairs, nothing excepted ; names given good isdvice; sure help; restores lost love by sympathy; mistake impossible; fee $1 : . letter $2. 30 Kearny. ME. LEGKTTK, PAST, PRESENT* AND future. 304 Tehama St., cor. Fourth. MRS. S. SEAL-SITTINGS DAILY: TEST CIR. Wed. eve., Bp. m. Thurs., 2. 110 McAllister. Mrs. 3. J. WHITNEY, CLAIRVOYANT, test medium :ind life-reader. 218 Stockton. SPIRITUALISM. M. FRANCIS. 118 H aightT intjepen" • dent slate-writing medium : Sunday excepted. MBS. HENDEB ROGERS-PSYCHOMETRIST, test and healing medium: cir. Mon. and Fri. eve.; sittings daily. 122 Turk st. - - : MRS. GRIFFIN— WRITING CIR. TUES.EVE; test mtg. Fri. eve sittings daily. 244 6th st. MRS. EGGERT AIKEN, TRANCE MEDIUM: clr. Sun. eve.: developing clr. Tues. eve. 715 Post st. ' ■ ■■--.-.. .--■■ ' ■■■■-.■-..■■■..••. ASTROLOGY. A STRAL SEER— PROF. HOLVIEsV^aSGRABY*' Xx at.; horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice.. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAAV. r w^iTTL~HrAiraAi?7~£rTo^^ ! »' Mills building, sixth floor, room 5, San Fran- clsco, Cal. ? Telephone 1544. ; ■* ; A D VICE FREE, DI VORCE LAWS A SPECIAL* -£i-ty; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. Att'y-at-law, 860 Market St., cor. Stockton. JAMES K. ROSS, ATTORNEY*-AT-LA\V, O Mills building, seventh floor, room 15. WW. DAVIDSON, AT'I'I jR N Y-AT-LAW.43O • California st., rma. 14-15; advice free. JOHN R. All KIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rs. 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery St., cor. California. typewriters and supplies. olT^estTvalue ge'FXcaligraphTit lasts longest and does best work. - NAYLOR, agent, 19 Montgomery St.; rents; repairs; Mimeo- graphs supplies. -.■•■.■. personals. ■ •'■ piANO LES«)N^^rvIErr~IN~^XC"HANGE < -L for use of instrument a couple of hours 4or 5 times a week. Address PIANIST, box 119, Call Office. . . T~ADTES— 1 ELECTRIC BATH CURES ALL -LJ irregularities and pain; price $1. 110% Stock- ton St.; hours 10 to 10. TUNE NEW ALBERT SUIT, LARGE: COST J $75; take 825. 803 Golden Gate aye. SECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, O showcases, counters, shelviugs, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock ot them, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission st., above Sixth. . " --■■■: HAIR-DRESSING, 26c: ANY STYLE: PlO- neer bair-store. BERTHA SPITZ, 111 Stock- ton; cstaollshed 1869; strictly one price, 25c only. MY WIFE, SYDNEY HARPER. HAVING left my bed and board, I am no longer re- sponsible for any debts contracted by her. WILLIAM L. HARPER. San Francisco, April 20, 1895. . "yOUNG MAN, INTELLIGENT, SOBER, J- bright and ambitious, starting In • business, would like to meet lady of some means: view to matrimony; communications strictly confidential. Address A. 8., box 14, Call Office. FOR INFORMATION FOR~PASSAGE AND freight to the new gold diggings in Cooks Inlet, Alaska, apply to C. D. LAPP, 9 Third st. LADIES' AND GENTS' SECOND-HAND i clothing bought and sold. MRS. GARRETT, 313 Third St.; send postah ■"'■.■'- ■ DANCING IN ALL THE LATEST BRANCHES taught at IRVINE'S, 927 Mission st. TNFORMATION WANTED AS TO THE J- whereabouts of the heirs of JOHN P. MUR- PHY, who died near Oakland, Alameda County, California, November 16. 1890. and also of the heirs of MARY E. MURPHY', his wife, who died at the same place on the 19th day of November, 1889. Any heirs of either of said parties, and in particular the children of MARGARET ASPEN- LON, nee MURPHY, at one time supposed to have resided in Brooklyn, New York, will learn some- thing to their advantage by addressing either of the undersigned at Oakland, Alameda County, Califor- nia. ROBERT M. FITZGERALD, Executor. GEORGE W. REED, Attorney. Oakland, Cal., April 4. 1895. rpo WHOM it MAY' CONCERN-THE SALOON X and lodging-house formerly conducted by MRS. CAPTAIN J. Powell, at 118 Washington St., has been sold to and will in future be carried on by LUIS PARRINELLO. late of Lima. Peru. All out- standing accounts should be presented within eight days. • LUIS PARRINELLO. April 18, 1895. C"» ET RELIABLE DETECT I VE**~~BEST OF J reference; save time, money and anxiety. Ad- dress H. H., box 82, Call Office. BOOK ON RHEUMATISM, GOUT AND LUM- bago sent free to those sending their addresses to E. M. CHESSMAN Manufacturing Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. TTIGHEST PRICE PAID LADIES' OR GENTS' Jl-L cast-off clothing. Send postal, .1. F., 15 Russ st. A DVICEFREE ; divorce LAWS A SPECIAL- -t\- ty ; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. HOWE. Att'y-at-law, 850 Market., cor. Stockton. ONE MORE CUT— : Oak Roll Top Desks $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers From $10 up Oak Bed Sets .....$l7 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up Stoves and Ranges $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission st., above Sixth. CAN HAVE DRESSES CUT AND FITTED J for $3: dresses popular prices or engagements by the day ; patterns to measure. 11 Geary- HEADQUARTERS LONG DISTANCE TELE- JU. phones, cheap; send for prices. Klein Electric Works, 720 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. pALLATFONZO'SCAFE FOR FIRST-CLASS \J refreshments; furnished rooms by the day or week. 2067 Outer St., Berkeley station, Berkeley. DR. C. H. SPENCER HAS DISCOVERED how to grow new hair and save what you have: a large class under treatment. Send address for book explaining treatment. 1206 Market. Also lady partner wanted with $350 to open up a ladies' department. • JH UP If. l. LADIES' HAIR DRESSER, HAS . removed to 1156 Market St., next to the Maze. QUIET PLACE FOR LADIES TO TRADE IN V£ stocks. and grain; large money made on small investment. WHEELOC A CO., 318 Pine st., R3. p AN CER AND TUMORS CURED; ELJSCTRIC \J and magnetic treatments to women and chil- dren for chronic and nervous diseases; reduced price to the poor. MRS. LEE, 327 Ellis st. WALTZ GUARANTEED; PRIVATE OR IN »» class. PROF. FOSTER'S dancing-school, 997 Market st. „ \c:, : > THE NEW LOUVRE DINING-PARLORSJAT -L 8-14 O'Farrell st. are the talk of the town. I; I N E SUITS, $15: DRESS PANTS, $4 75. Misfit Clothing Parlors, li Geary st. CILOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT \J mfrs' cost. Factory, 20 Sansome St.. upstairs. pHARLEY'— CURE YOUR DANDRUFF, IT \J looks bad and leads to a. diseased scalp; one bottle of Smith's j.andruflf Pomade is guaranteed to cure or money refunded; price $1, at all drug- stores. SMITH BROS., manufacturers, Fresno, Cal. KIH&TOBCOPES FOR SALS; PHONOGRAPH IV outfits bought for cash. Baclgalupi, 946 Mitt. VISITING-CARDS ENGRAVED AT ROBERT- SON'S, 126 Post st. . WEDDING INVITATIONS ENGRAVED AND *» printed. ROBERTSON'S, 126 Post st. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD, store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc.; cheap. Yard 1166 Mission st., nr. Eighth. GAS ■ FIXTURES AND PLUMBING. 623 Golden Gate aye. H. HUFSCHMIDT. LD GOLD, SILVER, GENTS' AND LADIES' clothing bought. COLMAN, 41 Third st. WINDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO >> order by WILLIAM McPH UN. 1195 Market. DRESSMAKERS. FASHIONABLE ~rTR"E¥i^S MADE~"~~S~n skirts, $1. 108 Fourth st. HAY A CO.. 315 GEARY— FASHIONABLE Ladles' Tailors: latest^Parlsian styles: interior trade solicited: personal fitting not necessary: send waist on measurement: goods and findings com- plete from $15 up; suits from $5 up; mourning orders in 12 hours: tit guaranteed. PIANOS. A'IOLINS AND SHEET MUSIC. pOOD STEINWAY AT $200 AND a'cHICK^ "X ering piano at $250: both in good condition; in fine tone. THE J. DEWING CO., 2d floor Flood bldg, sole agents celebrated Hardman and Chase. TEW. LARGE, FINE UPRIGHT: BEAUTI- --L^ ful walnut case; splendid tone; pi ri'ect condi- tion: only used 3 months: owner orders it sacri- ficed for $175. Room 10, Flood bldg. UPRIGHTS,"' NEARLY NEW, CHEAP; Schubert, Steinway and Decker Bros. 515 Van Ness. • PRIGUT FOR SALE— NO REASONABLE offer refused. 35 Russ, bet. Sixth and Seventh. OOD UPRIGHT PIANO FOR PRACTICE; Jl this week, $75. Room 21, Flood bldg. ""BARGAINS IN NEW AND2D-lIANDPIANO3; X) Hazelton, Brown & Simpson, Mozart, etc.; hard- times prices; installments. EATON, 735 Market st. HOME INDUSTRY— HEMME & LONG PIANO XJL CO., 340 Post; pianos sold on installments; send for illustrated catalogue. AN UPRIGHT PIANO IN GOOD CONDITION for sale cheap. 228 Pace st. J ARP BY- SEBASTIAN ERARD; DOUBLE action and elegantly finshed ; is found with difficulty anywhere; a nice selection is at present exhibited by SHERMAN, CLAY CO. Olfin 'ELEGANT STEINWAY: QUITE «JJ)-LUI/. new; on installments. 221 Leavenworth. "O ARGAINS-PIANOS FROM $76 UP; ORGANS JP $25. A. L. BANCROFT & CO., 324 Post st. ABETTER.AND EASTER PLAN TO BUY A good piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLER & CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st, DECKER BROS., STEINWAY', FISCHER AND JL/ other first-class makes of pianos: little used; cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLER & CHASE, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. GREAT BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND Pl- onos at SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. 'S, cor. Kear- ny and Sinter sts. . PIANOS SOLD UPON NEW RENT CONTRACT JL plan; please call and have It explained: the easiest terms ever quoted for procuring fine piano. SHERMAN, CLAY A CO., cor. Kearny and Slitter. EASY TERMS; LOW PRICES. KOHLER & CHASE. . - " / ' " G. BADGER, with bknj. CURTAZ, 20 . O'Farrell, agent for Hallet and Davl pianos. T?E\V ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARD -L makes, almost now, half original cost; see at once. F. W. SPENCER <ft CO., 721 Market st. MAUVAIS, 769* MARKET— SHEET MUSIC % price; Decker Son pianos. ■■■■-. BYRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.-SOHMER, A Evans, Brlggs and other pianos. Q.TKIN WAY UPRIGHT; SLIGHTLY USED; O grand tone: half-cost. SPENCER, 721 Market. OUPERIOR VIOLINS, ""/IT HERS, OLD NEWT O 11. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. "~ ~ MONEY TO LOAN. ~™ I" O WEST R ATES ON CIT yTcOUNTBY AND -i collateral securities. TRAVERSE, 313 Mont- gomery st. - :. ■ .-,-; 1 ; A-K V- HUM (CITY)— DIAMONDS, ESTATES, -f\- furniture, realty. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. MONEY LOANED ON JEWELRY ANDX>IA~ monds. Mills' building, fifth floor, room 6. v: A DVANCES MADE ON HOUSEHOLD FUR- nitpre without removal, warehouse receipts and other securities; ■ lowest interest. Room 68, Donohoe building, cor. Market and Taylor. flt'-^nn nnn AT 6 percent on city and rS):t\J\J.\t\J\l Oakland first-class business prop- erty. A. SCHULLER, 508 Montgomery st. , -<\ ,\ ON ANY SECURITY. AT LOW RATES ;DEAL- ' Ing confidential. , 43 Crocker building. , IST , AND 3D MORTGAGES", ESTATES, . -t-pianos,allmony ;riiv sum. MURPHY.62S Market. MUNICIPAL LOAN .OFFICE, CROCKER . ill- building, room 67; telephone Main 5122. ANY SUM OF MONEY ADVANCED ON your furniture, pianos or real estate; low rates; . call - and - state your proposition 'or write: open evenings. J. NOONAN, 1021 Mission st. • MONEY LOAN ED ON JEWELRY AND OTHE R ] valuables at the Security Loan Bank, 1106 Market St., nr. Mason; private entrance 7 Turk. BUSINESS CHANCES. I <8» 900 )EI ' 1 VERY BUSLNEsK wTtH < ig)£i\J\J. good horse and wagon, clearing $80 per month; suitable for any industrious man. M LESS.. 5 Fourth st. "ftl *S0 PAYIxa BRANCH BAKERY, NO- 'E' XU\J. tions, etc.; central; north of and within few blocks of Market st ; 4 rooms. LESS, 5 Fourth. •^4OO CHICKEN RANCH NEAR SANTA »U> ttUU. Rosa; Incubators, chicken-houses, horse and wagon, 400 chicker.s; lease on 6-room cottage, 18 acres land; ground rent $10. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. ' 1 Y E CAN SELL YOU OUT AT SHORT NO >T tice: try us. PROLL, STENBERG & CO., 873y 2 Market st. v _,77Sa CANDY-STORE, FACTORY; POPU- <J]> I \J\J. ular place. PROLL & STENBERG, 8731/2 Market st. . , DINING-ROOM AT YOUR OWN PRICE; RE- ceipts $10 daily: sacrifice account sickness. PROLL & STENBERG, 873V 2 Market st. _» 1 r: BRANCH BAKERY; WESTERN AD- »pl I O. dition; fine neighborhood; steady busi- ness; receipts $7 and $8 daily. PROLL & STEN- BERG, 8731/2 Market st. ■ _ Cl&fi SALE THIS WEEK; POPULAR »4pDuU. corner cigar-store will sell at Invoice; fixtures worth the money; value in sight: big trade. PROLL A STENBERG, 873 V Market st. _»IOAA WELL-ESTABLISHED A LOON «iP— _jUU. best corner north of Market St.; big day and night trade; dally receipts $20; thorough investigation: must sell; departure. PROLL _ STENBERG, 873y 2 Market st. _9f;n BUTCHER BUSINESS; SAFE IN- «3iZi«jU. vestment; pays well: good opportunity for steady man. PROLL & STENBERG, 873y 2 Market st. ■ <I_Q£A HOME RESTAURANT, BRANCH «_)OUV/. bakery, connected ; best location near waterfront; receipts $15 to $20 daily: paying in- vestment. PROLL & STENBERG, 873y 2 Market. "Sq'ca SALOON AND BOWLING ALLEY; fipOOXJ. big wine trade: lunch; must sell: leav- ing city. PROLL & STENBEBG, 873 V Market. C_PLnn SALOON; PAYING WELL; SACBI- «JpcIUI7. .fice account of other business; splendid location: big bargain. PROLL _ STENBERG, 878% Market st. CjQA A SALOON LOCATION BUSINESS <|POUv/. center: must sell account departure. PROLL <fe STENBERG, 873y 2 Market. ______ {f\f\ CIGAR STORE MARKET ; <^p^rUu. fixtures, stock worth $800; clears $150 month; easily run, immense trade: sacrifice account sickness. PROLL & STENBERG, 878% Market. ■\TOTICE-GUS STRAND & CO., REAL ES- -1-' tate agents, removed to 45 Third st. . ;■/ - TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS QUICK FOR - cash see GUS STRAND, 45 Third st. BRANCH BAKERY. COFFEE PAR- tJSOU. lor; 3 rooms; great bargain. STRAND, 45 Third st. . Czinn CORNER LIQUOR STORE; PAY O t\'\t. well; great bargain. STRAND, 45 Third. QP -.(\ PARTNER IN SALOON; CLEAR tjD—UU. $100 per month. STRAND, 45 Third. •ill PARTNER WANTED in good- O\J. paying coffee saloon. STRAND.4S Third. ffijPLK(\ GROCERY AND HA R. 5 FURNISHED <IP«J«J' '. rooms, piano, etc: without furniture and piano, $250. STRAND <fe CO., 45 Third st. <&00 CORNER GROCERY AND BAR; 3 (J\J\J. family rooms; cheap rent; kept by present owner 8 years; retiring from business the cause of sale. STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. < si9'^n GROCERY AND BAR, WITH 2 FUR- *jp4diJ\J. nished rooms; cheap rent; fixtures; value in sight and a trade clearing about $100 per month. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. <2»1 CA BRANCH BAKERY AND CaNDY- <]?lf". store; full value: must sell this week. STRAND <fc CO., 45 Third a;. si?O00 SALOON; .STOCK, FIXTURES. <pUV7\J pool table, etc.: 4 rooms furnished; will exchange for property. STRAND, 45 Third st. ©1 fIAA BAKERY; USES 2% BARRELS OF | /ipiuuu, flour per day; 2 horses and wagon; good paying place. STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. (^7^o FINE RESTAURANT; VERY GOOD <£> I *J\J. location: doing a nice cash business; rent $50; must be sold this week on account sick- ness in family: call and investigate; bargain. Ad- ply SMITH-HUBEK, 1001 Market. $tfiOO BRANCH BAKERY AND DELI- IiJJUUV. cacy-store: large stock; worth the money; rent 825; 3 nice rooms: real bargain. Ap- ply SMITH, HUBER _ CO., 1001 Market st. QITX PARTNER WANTED BY A GOOD ♦IP A I O. cook in fine restaurant. Apply SMITH. HUBER & CO., 1001 Market st. °-"-*x_t SI N 1 >LE LA DV WANTS PARTNER IN GOOD O business: ?200 required. Apply SMITH, HU- BER A CO., 1001 Market st. ' ©900. RESTAURANT DOING FINE CASH <£}£d\J\J. business; rent $25; 2 rooms; big bar- gain. SMITH, HUBER & CO., 1001 Market st. ©/tOO WELL-PAYING BUTCHER SHOP, • m\J. with horse and wagon. LUNDIN & MIHNER, 539 California st. INGLE LADY WANTS PARTNER IN GOOD- » parlog business; good chance. LUNDIN 4 MIHNER, 539 California st. CPQAA PRACTICAL RESTAURANT MAN '4)t)UU. who can command good trade wishes partner: good bargain. LUNDIN «t MIHN'ER 639 California st. . . ' _ liOR SALE— MILK RANCH, CONSISTING OF 41 cows, 8 horses, 4 wagons: selling 100 gallons milk daily, mostly private customers. Enquire JOHN REIDY, 19 Sixth st. 2{l7k CONFECTIONERY AND CANDY *JP -L I *J. st ore and icecream parlor with 3 nicely furnished rooms; fine location. JOHN REIDY, 19 Sixth st. ..'. .: • . -.A A RESTAURANT DOING A FINE O\J\J. business on Market St.. best bargain in the city. Apply to JOHN REIDY. 19 Sixth si. pOFFEE SALOON; CENTRAL: RECEIPTS V $40 a day; rent only $75; price $750; clears easily $150. Apply SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. ■ RUG STORE: WESTERN ADDlTlON- clearing over $100. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery! ffltftOO CHICKEN RANCH; 500 HENS" <%)UVVJ. house, tools. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery! CM OX RESTAURAN T-BEST KNOWN «ip-l— <'_•• place on city front; must sell on account of disagreement of partners. Apply at once to 232 Third st. pUTCHER-SHOP: FINEST FIXTURES, $400 : Xf refrigerator; cash business: best of location- must bo sold on account of other business. F. L. box 61, Call Office. - ' Qft^O DELICACIES AND PORKSTORE- ©UUU. -cheap rent: fine location; a bargain BUCHANAN & CO., 765 Market st. Dargall >- V CORNER BRANCH BAKERY AND CANDY- \J store, furnished: selling on account of departure 3 035 Folsom st., opposite the park. G"(OOD PAYING SALOON: LIVING.ROOMS" r rent $14 ; pood stock. 636 Third st. , "FiOR SALE-GAS PLANT, 75 METERS- J- town of 2000 inhabitants; extensively piped! Address box B, Redding, Cal. - > YOUNG MAN WANTED AS PARTNER- -i Icecream and candy business: single man. Ad- ply to-day 12031/2 Golden Gate aye. $200 CORNER SALOON; WESTERN AD- <fI)UUU. ■ dition; on 2 car lines; good business. Inquire WILKE, 533 California St., Phcenix Bar. 900 SALOON; TRANSFER CORNER- <£>-* v/v/. next power-house: death . of proprietor causes this great bargain. 533 California st Phoe- nix Bar. I Q;9O0 PARTNER WANTED INGOOD-PAY- %P_jV/U. ing business; $40 daily receipts. 626 Sacramento st. 1?OR SALE— A PAYING FRUIT AND PROD- X uce store; cheap. Apply 206 Leavenworth st. RESTAURANT- JUST THE PLACE ! FOR XX, man and wife: small rent. Apply this office. PARTNER WANTED IN A FIRST-CLASS -L business, established for 37 years. For Informa- tion address A. F., box 53, this office. luluru «*- pANDY AND ICECREAM FACTORY FOR \J sale on Thini st. For information call at L Demartlul, 548 Mission st. 6. LAML yOR ALE - CHEAP : LOT 25x120, WITH A house, 3 living-rooms, stable, barroom, includ- ing nice bar fixtures; doing good business" half raietrack. 11 " "*" telmS# Apply 718 ™ h ave.. TWISH TO DIVIDE MY CALL ROUTFAVri i^TJZ c T ains pape " In o^_n vu d TL A A P^ B" 'RANCH B A KER YrcONFECTIOXER Y~ \X D coffee parlor; established 20 years- no reason able offer refused. 40« Third st. ' earSl .no reason - ROOO G^ OC ERY AND BAR; PRINcT «IPOUUU. pal street: old established businr-,,- -45 r ,C ? a S lloC aCt ° ry reaBODS fOr sellln «- X A TIENTION-THOUSANDS IN IT CAIT »i:Oaljlagdf" Mj - W - NVOO^WARdJ6S NinVh pESTAURANT; GOOD LOCATION LOW HSSi^ S;- r r f£v^s: bom wirdmill; corral. Al pl V f! )U X\Vn^ Golden City, near San 15run,> road. ' VOR SALE-CORN X R LIQUO K-'sTORF with -T good bar^trade. Apply »& TMrtW. $250 MAy OK WOMAN TO sf\RT PAY- «2oV 3 shot well, nonr Twen: v-thlrd . uenulne . Vtbyt Sbotwell, near Twenty-third. 5^400 FIiUIT BUSINESS IN SAN JO<=iE- ■MJk__^g_a,ttf i^ jfgs§: QLD-ESTABLISHKI) WELfrPAYlN(»"~C')ft- bes^o^r?'" 60 ' n 'V ! saloon ln the We^ern Addition : CO w ,ov ?"?• fOr 8( ' llln *- ; Inquire of LEVY & CO.. w lioiPaale liquor dealers. 21}! (irant aye. BTtAN( '< 15AK1HV, NOTION AND «»"n^V« C - store : 5 sunny living-rooms; grand bargain; runt $15. WOOD, 917 Market st. P^mT^ E . R Wii^lMJ TO INVEST IN AN ES- oroo I! ' i a tic! »l business; capital goes to In- crease business. Address S. X., box 19, call office. $ 700 nrvs PRINTING AND MANUFAC- 2JP_^y_tMriii{,' store; central. B-. box 9, Call Office. ALOON FOR BALE— GOOD LOCATION. AP- *-* Ply to STEBE BROS. & PLAGEMANN. TJ A V, GRAIN AND COMMISSION BUSINESS; rp,, ,°"' nird interest: established 29 years. Ap- Ply Call Office, yip Market st. P.OOD CHAM I: FORA RESTAURANT MAN; vJ restaurant worth $700 will be sold very cheap: inspection solicited; old established place. 333 6th. j "Li I RST-CL ASS BAKERY FOR SALE; OWNB3 I -L retiring. Apply Call Branch. 1. j BUSINESS CHANCES— Continued. _ ' WANTED-TO SUPPLY FAMILIES WIT II >> . double-filtered distilled water in 5y 2 -gallon lots and upward at 10c a gahon. free of expressage. The Ralston Health Food Company, 203 Gutter St., San Francisco, telephone 1132 or 1108 Broadway, Oakland, telephone <102. ' ■ <_1 CAA WANTED-PARTNERTOBUY(y 2 ) $)10UU. half interest In first-class good-paying saloon. Address E. D., box 64, this ollice. _ 7 A . CORNER SALOON: BEST PART OF tip I *J. East street; fine fixtures; cheap rent; selling from 12 to 15 barrels beer per week. In- quire at Call Office. ■ , ffl.cnfl A GOOD BAKERY; DOING GOOD f&OVJyJ. trade; with new oven; horse and wagon; sickness cause of selling. Address B. S., box 96, Call Office. / - ■• - FOR S ALE— FIRST - CLASS - RESTAURANT. boarding-house and saloon: building or ~u rooms, well furnished and full of roomers: must do sold on account of sickness of owner. Call or aa- dress MRS. J. DELCROIX, Point Tiburou, Mann County. - . <iQriArr~WANTED, partner; mining OUUI/. and milling gold ores in this State; has had 45 years' experience. Address 11., box MS, this office. ' -'•; :--:•"•• OR SALE-HOME RESTAURANT; GOOD -L business. Apply this office. GOOD-PAYING CORNER SALOON: FINE r location; streetcar transfer stand ; also 12 fur- ■ nished rooms included: always rente! ; reasonable. 20 Lafayette st., bet. Eleventh and Twelfth. OB SALE— TIN AND PLUMBiNG STORE; cheap. Inquire at 952 Mission st. __ pORNER GROCERY ; B AR ; 4 I>IV ING-ROOMS; \J will sell at value in stock on account of other business. Apply »4Q Bryant st. —OPGTXG-HOUS-S FOB SALE. TO BUY OR " BELL A LODGING-HOUSE quick for cash see GUS STRAND, 45 Third s"« dbAAA PUBNISJttED FLAT or (> ROOMS; «J)_JU \J. all rented; pays over rent $20; great bargain. STRAN D _ CO., 45 Third st. -9A.A. LODGING-HOUSE 11 ROOMS, ALL tJ)_.UI/. full; cheap rent. 101 Minna st., corner Second. TXT ANTED— RENT, FURNISHED LODO- - 1» ing-house. -B. S., box 21, this office. OR BOOMS. COR. GEARY, CLEARING $150; Zip cheap. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. _ "Or ANTED— PAYING LODGING-HOUSE FOR Vi 12-acre ranch. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery sU •7A-ROOM HOTEL: GOOH COUNTRY TOWN; I V clearing $300. DECKER, 1206 Market st. 1 Q-ROOM HOUSE; NEW FURNITURE: EASY 10 payments. DECKER, 1206 Market st. 1 O SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS: BASE- -I_J ment; top floor pays rent; $800. 324 Turk. _ T ODGING-HOUSE 13 BOOMS, FULL STEADY XJ roomers, at sacrifice. 249 Stevenson. A A BOOMS: CORNER; ELEGANTLY FUR- — U nished: clears s2oo ;s2soo. T., box 6,Ca1l office. LODGING-HOUSE, 14 ROOMS, FOR SALE very cheap. 719 Howard st. V AND ALL, COME FOR BARGAINS TO BUT- -1 TERFIELD real estate. Crocker building. FURNITURE FOR SALE. IpOR SALE— FURNITURE OF 4 ROOMS. Air 1 most new; cheap for cash. Inquire at 1532 Bush st., after 10 a.m. HG. KRASKY, CARPETS PICTURES, folding, Iron beds, furniture: low prices. Cal. step ladder manfd for the trade. 779 Mission st. BEDROOM SETS. $11; OAK CHAIRS, $1; X> carpets, ,46c. SHIREK, 1310-1312 Stockton. pUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND OARPET3 \J this week at McCABE'S, 948-960 Mission st. p EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AND X\ second hand; 400 carpets, good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c; 7-plece chamber suits, $14 50; cornice-poles, 25c; 1 ranges, $6; cash or installments; goods shipped I free. T. H. NELSON. 126 Fourth st. CARPETS. PAlipliiT^r^a^T^iN^ETi^ \J set. $11. SHIREK. 1310-1312 Stockton st. CARP CLEANING. XTATIONAL CARPET BE \TIN'i .\N"I> BENO- -l-> vating Works, HAMPTON & NUNAN: laying and altering. 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission 244. ITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AND Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. G. R. STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. CARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND \J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON & CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. WHEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH » » poor work send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Car- pet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama; tei. So-40. __ pONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 333 \J Golden Gate aye. ; telephone east 126. (CARPETS WELL CLEANED. BARBER'S, 238 J 14th, nr. Mission; tel. (Mission) 100. THE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING J. Co. (Incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. J MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- __^_oyaiinc works. 453 Stevenson: tel. 3228. IS£iLfegg .. i .HOKSES. c FOR SALE CHEAP — TEAM OF GOOD horses. L. F. CO.. 818 Mission st. £_j v JUST ARRIVED— 3 CARLOADS OF HORSES 0 weighing from 1000 to 1700 pounds: suitable for truck, wagon and road horses. G. LINDAUER, Union Stables, 862 Howard st. "CIOR SALE, CHEAP— WELL- MATCHED PAIR X of roadsters, surrey, harness, etc.: also 1 gray horse, buggy, harness, etc. will sell all or part. Apply 504 Sntter st. ' ; <*:-}"'*,■■ ASTURAGE FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. Manga Land Association, Chronicle building. "IT ORSES PASTURE Dr»2 A MONTH; SEND JUL for circular. F.A.HYDE, 630 Commercial st. 1 A SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL X\J\J kinds: second-hand wagons, buggy, carts; also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia sta. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. IN-TIbAKERY AND LA^S?DRY*^AGON_r rockawav. buggies; also hack. 828 Harriso_. SALE-MISCELLANEOUS^ PAINTERS' FALLS? LADDERS; ALSO X ner's tools, rollers, etc. 258 Stevenson st. PAINTER'S" OUTFIT— FALLS, LADDERS! -L etc.; cheap. 2008 O'Farrell st, bet. 2 and 5. GOOD CENTRALLY LOCATED PLANT FOR r manufacturing purposes; 2-story building; 00 h. p. engine and boiler, shafting, etc.; lot 75x250; 5 years' lease: now in operation: for sale at half value. R. C. JEWELL, 628 Market st. pOOTBLACK STAND CHEAP. 335 MONT] X> gonury st. ; " ] ) AMBLER BICYCLE, GOOD CONDITION gigien^s^^^'^ * H " TVTEW $100 LADY'S SAFETY: «50 CASH OR j-> installments. 326 McAllister st. yifKAslMNo ENGINE" FOR SALE CHEAP- -»- One Bxl4 straw-burning thrashing engine with IxT^nn W boiler: Dtliu to carry a working pressure ot 100 pounds of steam. Apply at T. JTMOYNI- HAN'S boiler works, 311 ™* 313 Mission st . southwest corner Beale. ' A 1 LOT OF EASTERN STANDARD MAKES -ex of safes which have been taken in exchange as part payment for the Waltz safes, a* follows : 3 burglar-proof bank orcoin safes, 7 Jewelers' safes 8 pawnbrokers' safes, 13 merchant safes: fire and burglar proof all sizes; at less than halt cost; sco them before you order. The Waltz Safe Salesroom, 2Jland 223 Market at -. factory 13 and 15 Dm mm St., San Francisco. Cal. TE W RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- -m hand. W. S. RAY Mfg Co., 12 California st. WILSHIRE SAFE. LETTER-PRESS. SCALE, ' T coffee-mill and money-till : cheap. 102 Clay st. CO UNT ER S, SHELVING, -SHOWCASES / bought and sold. 1121VaMarket,bet.7thand8th DENTISTS. ANY TOOTH FILLED OR EXTRACTED painlessly by my secret method without dan- gerous cocaine or gas: won 8 first prizes; prices rea- sonable; work warranted; all operations expertly- done; remember I have removed from 6 to 20 O'Farrell st. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK. DR. C. E. BLAKE'S INDESTRUCTIBLE latest INVENTlON— Especially for bridge work: positively guaranteed never to break; any patient once seeing them will almit this is the tooth most wanted; nlso DR. BLAKE'S enameled platinum crowns: no display of gold. THE HIGHEST ART IN DENTISTRY. Prices moderate. Office 405 Suiter, nr. Stockton. R. J.J. LEEK, 1 FIFTH-OPEN EVENINGS, and Sunday until noon. ■ ■ AT CHALFANTS'S,BMASON,COR. MARKET." sets Of teeth are made to please or no charge- on bridges, crowns and gold plates prices reduced' small »(Old fillings only $2 ; painless extraction. r-iRooME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MAR- \J ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, gas specialists; only reli- able agent for pal mess extraction: artificial teeth inn $&; fillings from $1 ; extracting with gas SI. Bi;. REA, 9 SIXTH ST.: ALL DENTAL WORK at lowest prices ana warranted; open evenings ■<£>7 A SET FOR TEETH; WARRANTED \S **P ' Ko a ?. cal ? be nia(lp; flll 'nKsl- DR. SIMMS, dentist, 930 Market St., next Baldwin Theater. ALL WORK REASONABLE AND 4.BRANT- ed. DR. J. W. KEY, 1122 Market st. DR. H. G. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH without plates a specialty. 1841 Polk st. DR. LUDLUM HILL, 1443 MARKET near Eleventh; no charge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new- teeth from $8 per set; extracting 50c: gas given. ' COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. BO4marT \ ket st. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. PARTNEijsHi¥~x(rrTci: ~ THE COPARTNEJUSuTp^nTJI^TOF^mFrF^r Isting between E. H. KNIGHT and THOSTt POTTING under the firm name of KNIGHT _ POTTING EH has this day been dissolved m£ tual consent, E. H. KNIGHT to collect all mon"v due the firm of KNIUHT & POTT ING ER^nd as- sume all the indebtedness of the said firm as for- merly existing, THOS. T. POTTINiE It miring from same. . E. H. KNIGHT retlnng THOS. T. POTTrNOER. _1 .'. L yiNANCIA_. ■■-. T OW RATES; CITY, <or.XTRY-~COLLATI XJ era! securities. . TRAVERSE, 313'Mont"y.