Newspaper Page Text
' CITY REAL ESTATK. TTIOR^SALE^^LoFTTT'x'sb. XOE GARDEX X Homestead Union: also one Ibox3o, College .-. Homestead Association, San Bruno. Owner, 244 Seventh st., San Francisco. ~CI» 1 AAA MASONS NEAR UNION, 3 «_ IO.UUU. 2-story modern residences ; each 8 nTnms. ba-h: rented low a. $90; 80x . B t" a^ev. !f4sOO— T^narv near Sle:i!or: 2-story baj -window, 7 rooms and bath: 22:6i87:6; rent s^e. 4 S 55250-Paciflc i .<-. ■ !«« More, 4 rooms, cellar and 8 rooms and bath above; rent $50; v house of 5 rooms and bath on 10th ear' Point I Jsx 100; easy terms ,oc: ; ,us,H,s^i ; s:, ; ..n i; ., ; , :Vr rv,,,r i sMeby 603 C-_for_- st. V»T rrf\f\ HOUSE B KOOMS~:"BARX. ETC., S 1 00. in Berkeley: lot 100x100, with creek. J*5250-House, 7 rooms; line corner; l'_'o.\l3s, • * $1000*— Fine corner; 40x100; macadamized ; sloo a cHAs!A 0) I!\liKV, 46 Market st., or Berkeley station. Berkeley. ""COR SALE— NKW COTTAGE 5 ROOMS AND JD b\th- high baspment; part cash: owner on premises Sunday. Plymouth nve., Holly Park, 1 block from Mission-st. electric cars. 171OB1SALE— TO BE RFMO^ED, 2-STORY . double house: 309 and So9a Clementina st. Proposals for purchase of same to be submitted to H. GEILFI — 120 Fulton st. . .:; Q END FOR MAPS OF PIEDMONT HEIGHTS; O beautiful acres; suburban home sites: $300 to $600: easy terms. WILLIAM J. DIXGEE, 460 Eighth St., Oakland. \- EW MODERN HOUSE, 10 ROOMS; FINELY -<> decorated; will be sold cheap. 1929 Oak St., near ShradT; easy terms. . Apply premises. ICHMONI)— CHEAPEST LOIS YET; COR- California and Twenty-first aye.. north side of the street,- bet. Twenty-first and Twenty- second; railroad depot right at "the door; half the irontaee of block: will sell as a whole or will sub- divide; no reasonable offer refused. Apply to owner, D. REDMOND. 1172 Harrison st. Q'JAAA ELEGANT COTTAGE 5 BOOMS, • i)UUU. bath: planked basement; interior decorations: easy Installments; can pass. Potrero aye. and Oth su ,_••>-- WORTH DOUBLE: SPLENDID LOT V" ' ti. 27x100: Bemis, near Castro; block . . from electric cars. J. R. ROCHE, R.O. box 187& "I I x 107:6— CORNER OF JERSEY AND 1 I i Diamond sts. Apply within. "HEAP LOT;-~25x100; BEADY TO BUILD on : Western Addition. F. M., Branch A. P. O. p OTTAGE 5 BOOMS; STABLE FOR 5 \J horses: 10-foot basement; modern improve- ments. 19 nardy st., bet. 16th and 17th. m- •■■: B\V. COB. JERSEY AXD DlA- ond sts. Apply within. : ■<i'')'\i\ SEE THOSE HANDSOME NEW • ' -~O\J. flats; McAllister st., bet. Baker and Lyon: owner on premises Sunday. L. FRIED- LANDER, 429 Montgomery st. . HOUSES FOR SALE~"ON SMALL MONTHLY payments: loans made on San Francisco real estate. LOUIS BLANK, 214 Pine St.. rms. 58 &59. \ \ " ANTED— :■■( cash, Cfl ra v lots NOTIIR » ' and south of the park. S. P.. box 180, Call Ottice. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. 85500. A BIG SNAP. Large modern house of 10 rooms, laundry and bath, with fine 2-story barn, 30x40 feet: sunny side of 10th aye.. the Nob Hill of East Oakland; lot 100x150; fully worth $&000; call and see for yourself. • GRAY & NAISMITH, 463 Ninth St., Oakland. ELEVATED. FINE VIEW. FIVE COTTAGES FOR SALE IX GOOD Lo- calities In Oakland: any reasonable offer will pot be refused : easy terms. E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. lEDMONT HEIGHTS— PER ACRE. WM. J. DINGEE, 460 Eighth St., Oakland. ERKELEY— A DELIGHTFUL COTTAGE home, 2 blocks from station, half a block from electric cars; larce lot, 50x135: $2500 buys it. W. 1 E. BARNARD £ SON, 458 Ninth St., Oakland. 9A ACRES — HAYWARDS: 1200 FRUIT- — "V/ trees, bearing: new house, barn and farm tools; horse and wagon ; very cheap; make offer. Apply to C. K. KING, 902 Broadwa>\Oakland. OR LOVELY COTTAGE HOME ON Twenty-first St.. Oakland; lot 25x100; price only $1600: easy terms. WM. M. DE WOLF, 1050 Broadway, Oakland. Q"97 X A JUST COMPLETED— MODERN 2- •!/— I O\J. story 7-room house; bath and good lot 40x107: all street work done; splendid loca- tion, near Broadwar, Oakland City; terms easy. Apply to ALDEN _ GARFIELD, builders, 902 Broadway, Oakland. OOK! $150— LOTS IN FRUITVALE ONLY $1 cash and $1 a week: buy a home and save your small earnings; the new railroad will double values in Oakland. H. B. PINNi.Y, 902 Broad- way. Oakland. "----■- ■■: r- O RENT— GOING AWAY; WILL RENT A choice 2-story 10-room house, furnished; lot 60x 127. w-1; stable; cent «-U) to adults.- W__ M. DE . WOLF, ICSO Broadway, Oakland. RENT— WINDOW AND DESK ROOM on Broadway; central location. 1010 Broad- way, Oakland. I HAVE SEVERAL CASH CUSTOMERS FOR homes in different pans of the city; also many fine properties for exchange: send description at once. F. C. WATSON, 463 Ninth st., Oakland. • Hi \i\ OWNER REFUSED 1 YEAR AGO %7 — Dl/U. $4000; 2-story 10-room honse in 2 flats, with modern conveniences: lot 45 feet front- age on one of the main streets, but a short distance from the center of the city ; street work, sidewalks and sewerage all done: cement driveways, barn, carriage-shed, etc.: $1600 can remain on mortgage, or more if necessary: death in family compels sac- rifice; this will only be offered at this price for one week : first come first served. J. S. MYERS, 1002 Broadway, Oakland. t<OA PER MONTH AND NOTHING DOWN • — U for a 5-room modern cottage, well located. Apply to ALDEN «fc GARFIELD, 902 Broadway, Oakland. pHEAP HOMES: $325, $500, 5750, $350, $1000. \J LODGE <fc POWELL, Fruitvale station. "WANTED-* 50 HEAD OF SMALL MULES, »V broke; also 2 carloads of high grade cows, in exchange for clear Oakland real estate: will pay i part cash. Address P. O. box 86, Oakland. BESS AND PROPERTY' sold on easy terms: small payment down or ex- changed. E. E. BUNCE. 1008 Broadway, Oakland. '_!£) AAA A AIX— BUSINESS PROP- ©I_.UUU. erty on San Pablo aye.: 125 feet frontage. Apply to J. W. MOSS, 958 Broadway, Oakland. ; T^OR SALE— OFFER WANTED FOR A LARGE X I residence and grounds on the heights. East Oak- land, near Borax Smith's palatial residence, to close an estate, BENEDICT <fc CO., 457 Ninth St., j 1 and. j a i >)AA HOUSE, 6 ROOMS, IX BERKELEY; S>X_CUU. lot 40x100: one-third cash. $400— Lot 40x100; $50 down, $10 monthly; near proposed railroad. • CHAS. A. BAILEY, Berkeley station, Berkeley. C«7XA CASH WILL BUY A NICE 6-ROOM: _) i D\J cottage, worth $2000. leaving a mort- gage of $1000. Address WM. P. TODD, 1008 ' Broadway, Oakland. . A 'art C. P. KERN _ CO., CENTRAL i&tjQUU. Bank building, Oakland, hare last • completed a fine modern 8- room house; corner lot: 10 minutes to Fourteenth-st. local; will sell; easy payments. i WEEK'S NE"WS FOR 5 CENTS — THE ■. -\ WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. OAKLAND FURNITURE J^ OK SALE. ■ ,TO i AN^CARPETS ATYOCBOwS' J' i. rice. H. SCHELLHAAS. 408 Eleventh at. ALA3IEDA RJEAL SELAL BKBii>BNCES FOR SALE FROM $1700 to $6000: also 1 for $12,500. OESTER- . KKICHER _ OWEN, 503 California st. T OVELYCOTTAGEHOME;7ROOMS; BATH • Xj gas: lot 60x150; cheap for cash or exchange for San Francisco property. Call 2241 San Jose avenue, Park-street sta:;on, Alameda. TO EXCHANGE FOR SAW FRANCISCO X property, modern 2-story house; 9 rooms and bath; handsomely furnished; lot 60x150; gas, city and well water; carriage-bouse; street macadam- ized; half block to electric cars; 5 minutes from broad-gauge station; 6 minutes to narrow gauge; cost $9300. Apply CHAS. C. BEMIS, 324 Mont- gomery St.. S. F. - • _>On PER MONTH PURCHASES A NEW 2- »ih_.U story 6-room house: hot and cold > water and bath. Address CHARLES DARLING, 608 California St., 8. F. ' ■ - rpUE GREATEST BARGAIN EVER OFFER- X ed! A lovely 8-room honse with every conveni- ence ;' beautiful grounds : 75*135 feet ; sewered ; close to station; only $3000; $500 cash; balance $30 per month! W. C. MORAN, Lorln station, Berkeley. ' ' OOAA CASH, $20 monthly, will pr b- >ZUU chase a fine 7-room house, value $1100, within one block of station: cement walks; streets graded, etc. W. C. MORAN, Lorin Station, Berkeley^ • V TS^jrTpER MONTH PURCHASES A NEW 8- ' —V room house: hot and cold water and hatn. . Address CHARLES DARLING, 608 California St., San Francisco. HOUBE-5 ROOMS; LOT 36x133: FINISHED etreet; $1100; for sale, or will exchange for lot: new cottage of 5 rooms. J. H. YOUNG, 1243 Park St.. Alameda. • '■ <2:Cif\n LOT 50x160; $50 CASH, $10 MONTH- ♦JpUv/U. ly ; 3 blocks from Bay-st. station; a bar- gain; see us quick. MACDONALD, MOTT & CO., 1422 Park st., Alameda. - - A UMEDA PROPERTY— BUY, RENT, HELL •£*• or exchange bargains. Call on WILL BURN- HAM _ CO., 1355 Park *t., Alameda, Bed BURN- HAM A ma Ron CO., 428 Montgomery St., a F. A 1. 1 M EDA BAROANS, FOR CASH AND IN- -ti- Ktallments— Houses «o Jet In all part* of Ala- nifdn. m. p. MORKAfi & CO.. 1432 Park .it. -'AN RAFAEL HEAL ESTATE. ' TT 0 ? RENT-SAX RAFAEL, .nTw ' HOTEL OF •an 7 rooms 'nbest business location In city: rent $60; also under hotel, corner store, rent «25. and store adjoining, $20; stores suitable for drugstore 4 r ui l .v™,T' a " business. Apply to GEORGE A. HUN NEWELL, Han Rafael, Cal. COVNTKY REAL ESTATE. EATr?FuT~Al?rr~A7'cls^ XJ acres at Piedmont Heights: richest soil; pro- duces twice the ciops of other lands; $300 to $600 per acre: one-tenth cash: carriages to the tract every day: send for maps. WILLIAM J. DIN- GEE, 460 Eighth st,, Oakland. 9 NEW COTTAGES— 4 ROOMS EACH: OAK- — land; lot K)0.\100; to trade for a Clear Lake County ranch. Address C. KING, 902 Broad- way, Oakland. " 90 A A( ! ' l:s , FRUIT RANCH, FRESNO — " ' County, near station : level land, under irri- gation: 100 acres fruit; fine house: to trade for pood stock ranch near. Apply to C. K. KING, 902 Broadway, Oakland. " MO BIFF I X, COTTON WOOD, CAL., SENDS « free circulars and prices of cheap land. (- I FIRST PRIZES— FOR THE PURPOSE OF v/ _ draw ing attention to the Valley Railroad we offer the following prizes: We will allow 64 people to take 10 acres of land each, 25 miles this side of Fresno, at the nominal price of $150 for 10 acres; payable slo cash, $10 per month without interest. This is level prairie land, and the railroad runs through the tract; cheap at $500. Call or write immediately, as no more will be offered. WEST- ERN LAND COMPANY, 640 Market St. "A akin COUNTY. 38 acres in Ross Valley with improvements for sale, cheap or exchange. The Fairfax Villa containing 32 acres, beauti- fully wooded with a fine trout stream. 6 acres on the main Ross Valley road, 5 minutes' walk from Tamalpals station. Lot in Bunny side; house 7 rooms and bath; a bar- gain: will exchange. A fine dairy ranch in the beautiful valley of Xlcasio containing 336 ceres improved, fine shade trees and trout stream: the price of this property has been reduced in order to make quick sale. Furnished houses in San Rafael to let. 200 res near Sausalito, suitable tor milk ranch, a bargain. Apply to JAMES TUXSTEAD, San Rafael. ' OXTRA COSTA COUNTY LAND FOR SALE; send for list. D. J. WEST, Martinez, Cal. /-« ACRE LITTLE nOME ON BIGHT YEARS' 0 credit. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. 1 A ACRE LITTLE HOME, ONE-HALF MILE 1" from town; two-thirds iv fruit and vines, balance in vegetables; Al land, with running water; good buildings and personal property; $2000: halt cash. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. IK YOU WANT A RANCH FOB GRAZING purposes or an orchard already improved, where only a small cash outlay is required, balance pay- able In 6 or 7 years, apply at 326 Montgomery St., San Francisco. . c.-n ARGAIX IN ALA.MEDA COUNTY; 320 acres of foothill land; plenty of wood and water; only $6 per acre. Inquire JAMES CA- HILL. 408 Twelfth __, Oakland. 711 AXD 20 ACRE PIECES— FOB CHICK- I ; en ranches; on 8 and 10 years' credit; $25, S3O, $70 and $100 per acre; within 1 mile Of town. D. 11. ING, Sonoma City, Cal. ARIX COUXTY— SOOO ACRES 26 MILES Ma I. IN COtrKTY— SOOO ACRES 28 MILES from San Francisco. RANCHO DE XOVATO. Tracts of any size desired; fruit, grain and vege- table land: no irrigation: both rail and water transportation; $40 to $75 per acre; easy terms, town of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores on the property ; send for circular. Dairy for sale with or without cows, SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65. Chronicle building. HOUSES TO LET. ©qa CHEAP BERT; 8 SUXNY ROOMS: <3ij\.'. bath: stable; fine garden; 1005 Twentieth St., near Guerrero. BALDWIN _ HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. BUNT AND REAR HOUSE TO LEASE OR to let; cheap. Apply 421 Powell St. - 79Q HARRISON ST.— HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS; i _O and bath; sunny yard and cellar; water free; $25. . ________ SUNNY CORNER HOUSE; 6 ROOMS AND bath; modern conveniences. 103 Fulton St., 1 block from new City Hail. A> ELEGANT~SUNNY HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS, stable, on Eddy St., near Scott: reasonable. ■riOB RENT— HOUSE 8 ROOMS AND BATH, JL $16. 725 Alice St., Oakland. <_ Q FRONT PART OF HOUSE. 2 BOOMS rj<^« and kitchen. 72 Juniper St.. off Folsom, bet. Tenth and Eleventh. 097 '|| HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS AND BATH; «s*£ I •O\J. newly papered; fine neighborhood; water free. Cor. Broderick and McAllister sts. X9X HICKORY AVI... XEAR WEBSTER— O^iO House of 5 rooms; rent reduced. I_Tq 2-STORY HOUSE. 5 SUXNY ROOMS; €S XO. planked; yard. Key at 2228 Geary st. ATEW BAY-WINDOW BOARDING-HOUSE OF 1> 14 rooms and baths, Hayes St., between Oc- tavia and Laguna: moderate rent to a pood tenant. Apply to C S. CAFF _ CO., 413 Montgomery St., House Brokers and Real Estate Agents. 1 Ul Q POLK— HOUSE 6 ROOMS AXD BATH; XUXO newly renovated, good yard, etc.; rent low. . * GREENWICH— 3 LARGE ROOMS, $9; _UO garden; small family. OUSE 7 ROOMS, WITH LOT AND STABLE; cor. Potrero aye. and Army St.; rent $15. G. H. UMBSEX A CO. ; - : <0:- -_lrt 3 ROOMS: YARD; CELLAR. 37 DORE iirlv. St., off Harrison, bet. Ninth and Tenth. 99 X FULTON— TENEMENT OF 3 ROOMS; __i) rent $10. "I ATT VALENCIA— ROOMS AND BATH; 111 water free: rent $17. HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES. To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDWIN & HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery at. FURNISHED HOUSES. p ENTLEM AN'S HOME. COMPLETELY AND VJT elegantly furnished; 8 rooms, bath, etc. K very private, cosy and desirable: surrounded by charm- ing garden: veranaa: telephone connection: near Kearny and Bush; to a responsible party— adults- rent $45. Apply 4 Barrett st., next to 605 Bush, 12 to 4 p. v. 171' EDDY-FLAT, 5 BOOMS AND BATH; XlXOrents2s. ■CURXISHED; ELEGANT 6 ROOMS FOR X 1 doctor's family; adults; large garden. 1431 Market st. i^OM PORTABLE HOME: 6 ROOMS; BATH; \J piano: garden; etc. 1517 Golden Gate aye. Berkeley houses. P_nT^h^a^3_2ir^l_^wuse^of^6 XX rooms, near steam and electric cars, school and church. Address 1916 Haste St.. Berkeley. * COTTAGES TO LET. 2 BUNNY COTTAO ROOM i~A~XD~BAT H each; rent only $20; one nicely furnished; fur- niture for sale; cheap. Apply 728 Fulton st. OTTAGE; 4 ROOMS, BATH, STABLE; cheap. Apply 2643 Bryant aye., near 25th st. SINN V COTTAGE; 4 ROOMS: BASEMENT; O bath. Corner Fifteenth and Dolores sts. ATE AT COTTAGE: 6 ROOMS, BATH, CELLAR, IN .yard; $15. 1127 Twentieth Bt. :.V .'■.'■■,■- SUNNY COTTAGE,! 7 ROOMS. YARD, GAR- den in perfect order; rent reasonable. 117 Tenth st. • POTTAGE 3 ROOMS, NEWLY PAPERED, $8. \J 38 Victor St., between seventh and Eighth. POTTAGE 5 ROOMS, BATH, BASEMENT; \J stable for 2 horses. 120 Flllmore st. ■ QQ THIRTEENTH NEAR HOWARD; FINE OO bay-window cottage; 4 rooms, bath and base- ment. . POTTAGE 3 SUNNY ROOMS: FURNISHED \J or unfurnished. 3021 Pine st. r i £»Q COTTAGE 4 ROOMS; 2 BLOCKS FROM tTO. Mission-st. cars. Apply 360 Jessie St.; FLAT* TO LET. bet. Leavenworth and Hyde, 6 rooms and bath. LAT 4 LARGE SUNNY ROOM%; RENT $10. 416% Ringgold st., bet. Eighth and Ninth and Folsom and Harrison. __ ; ' ' ■ , CJ.IA FLAT 4 ROOMS; HALL AND DOUBLE 0 1 U. parlors. 1606 Vii Stevenson, nr. Eighteenth. "COR RENT— SUNNY CORNER FLAT OF 5 JO rooms and bath. 816Greenwlch ct. . £•99 616 GROVE, N. SIDE, NR. LAGUNA; «j?_(_i. flat of 0 rooms and batfc. . LATS— AND 5 ROOMS;. BATH; NEWLY JO painted. Eddy St., cor. Sco« : ■ EXTRA-CON VEXIEXT FLATS; 6 AND 7 rooms, baths: modern improvements; sun all day. Fell St., bet. Broderick and Baker. £• Q FLAT; 4 ROOMS; NO CHILDREN. 1123 «]pO. Vallejo St., near Leavenworth. Al 1 ASS — 9 FLATS: 4 BOOMS. 31 »jsll Alvarado st., near Guerrero, bet. Twenty- second ana Twenty-third. 9091 SIXTH— SUNNY FLAT 6 ROOMS, _O-J2 bath: rent reduced. ' FLAT 3 LARGE ROOMS; SUNNY SIDE: large yard, garden. 110 Henry st. . . ■- ATEW SUNNY FLAT OF 4 ROOMS: LARGE Xl yard. 62 Norfolk st., bet.llth-12th,off Harrison. F~ LAT OF 4 LARGE ROOMS. . 8 LEWIS ST.. off Taylor, near Post. QI 1 LINDEN AYE.— BOOMS AND BATH"; Oil yard. "CLAT, 3 SUNNY ROOMS; BATH AND BASE- -1 226 Rose aye.. bet. Haight and Page sts. QNEW, ELEGANT, SUNNY, modern _S flats; 6 rooms, bath each. 925 and 927 Golden Gate aye. YTVII MCALLISTER; RENT $16: FINE XUXX sunny upper flat; small family. I' OWER FLAT, 5 ROOMS, WITH YARD; j rent $10. 611 Ridley st. -.--.■* k-.. — UPPERFLAT; 6 ROOMS, BATH; ALL modern Improvements. 462 Bryant, nr. Third. VTKWLY PAPERED SUNNY FLAT OF 3 i\ rooms ; $12 ; water free. 366 Third st. TiHOICE, SUNNY UPPER FLAT; 6 LARGE \J rooms; bath; large porch; yard; garden. 3009 Buchanan st. : rent $23. . rtOZY MODERN UPPER FLAT. 2411 HOW- \J ard St.: 7 rooms and bath rent $30; water free. BOVEE, TOY — CO., 19 Montgomery at. , T^LEG'aXT NEW FLATS, SEVENTH, BELOW ft Bryant : 6 and 6 rooms : bath: $10 to $17. QUNXY BAY-WINDOW FLAT, 1704 WASH- O lngton, near Polk; 7 rooms; $27 50. THE SAN FRAXCISCO CALL, MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1895. FLATS TO LET— Continued. \aC) FULTOX— EXCELLENT • NEW UPPER 1— flat, 7 rooms, bath; modern. ATEW FLATS, SUNNY, MODERN, JUST FIN- J-i ished, 112 Fourteenth St., near Folsom, 5 and 6 rooms ; bath: rent $20 and $22 50 ; water free. 979 CLEMEXrIXA— NICE FLAT; 4 ROOMS; _i i _ low rent: no children. . . Q SUNNY CORNER ROOMS AXD BATH; $15. O Northeast cor. Polk and Jackson. . AIGHT AXDBAKERTnICE 5-ROOM COR- ner flat: also 6-room flat: fine view. rj-l A OCTAVIA ST., MB. MCALLISTER — I IU Lovely flat of 7 rooms; bath; all latest improvements. ■ , O UXX V UFPER FLAT, 2203 GEARY.CORNER 0 Devisadero; 6 rooms, bath; water free; rent $16. 9X/jr» HOWARD — ELEGANT FLAT OF 6 _it)_O rooms, bath; modern Improvements. 90 A TF.HAMA-SUNNY' UPPEb'fLAT OF 8 *JO\J rooms and bath. I^INEFLAT; 6 ROOMS AND BATH; LARGE ' porch; big yard. 2111 Geary st., near Girls' High School. • 91 7 GEARY— LOWER FLAT; RENT REA- _ L I sonable. Key 217 4 ROOMS; UPPER FLOOR. 82 EVERETT ST., near Fourth. ; _____________ "STT~"nio"e SUNNY FLAT, with BATH. rjh±l. 17 Garden, or SPECK'S. "I "1 onT HOWARD-FLAT. 7 ROOMS, BATH: XXOU4 all modern couvenlc-ncfS. . LEGANT BUNNY FLAT 7 ROOM BATH : beautifully papered and frescoed. 713 (.rove. }!»LATB, FLATS, FLATS, "FLATS, FLATS, : To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDWIN & HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery St. HOUSEKEEPING lib M . qKqminn'a:^ fubnishSd roomsfor 000 housekeeping; a so front room. ■ -i 9 A si xi II — RuoM S COMPLETE FOR J - .'.' houaekeeping: rent $10. 1 f SOUTH PAH SUNNY CORNER; TWO ID well furnished housekeeping nns; very cheap. IB SOUTH PARK— SINNY FRONT ALCOVE 10 rooms; $8 and $10; single $5. [ £*-t qi POST— SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS OXO3 complete for housekeeping; reasonable. Ql 1 LAFAYETTE, BET. ELEVENTH AND Ox'i Twelfth— 2 large unfurnished rooms: $7- Tax CASTBO, near * market— NICE T"U«J sunny rooms, partly furnished: large lawn: j flowers; gas; bath; laundry; no children; $15. 1 A.A.Q GOLDEN GATE AYE.— SUNNY, NICE- xOkJO ly furnished housekeeping rooms. 9Q HARRIET— FURNISHED ROOMS] FOR j-iij housekeeping. ■ IHi X BUCHANAN— OR 3 HOUSEKEEP- XUXU ing rooms, cheap; private family. mE 1 . E V N 1 ANY COUPLE WISHING newly furnished and carpeted housekeep- ing rooms will please call. "CARGO HOUSE, 105 NEW MONTGOMERY— Jj Furnished housekeeping suites, $2 per week. (\i Q BAY-WINDOW HOUSEKEEP- D— PIug; al>;o single; quiet house. 9,11 FIFTH ST.— a LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; __ X complete for housekeeping: bath attached. f_ , . TWO ROOMS AND KITCHEN. 617 ♦_*•■'• Birch aye., near Laguna st. 7* At* STEVENSON-2 NICE SUNNY ROOMS O-xO furnished for housekeeping: cheap rent. Q/iQ HOWARD ST.— 2 WELL-FURNISHED V\JU housekeeping rooms. 3 ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping: cheap. 2531 Cal lfornia. A(' SEVENTH, KB, MARKET— FLAT 4 SUN- _O ny rooms; rent reasonable. ,- BOOMS TO RENT ; FURN ITURE FOR SALE ; 0 nice yard. 30Va Louisa, off Fourth. XI THIRD, COR. SOUTH PARK-LIGHT, Oxu sunny room for housekeeping. r ~<i 4 i ( "--"M — 2 LARGE SUNNY FUR- -1 CD nished rooms for housekeeping; $10. X.7Q MINNA ST., NEAR SEVEXTH-LARGE 0 I O sunny rooms; all complete; single or suite; yard cheap. -1919 ONION", COR. HYDE— NEWLY FUR- -1 _- 1 _ nished and connecting sunny housekeep- ing rooms; rent cheap. 111^ MISSION-LIGHT SUNNY FURXISH- IiTt) ed housekeeping ; also single rms; cheap. A-\ "I LARK I » — LARGE SUNNY FRONT tr XX room with use of kitchen; private family. XA ( . MINNA — FURNISHED BOOMS FOB J"iD housekeeping; large yard. •).;,« LARKIN — 3 NICELY FURNISHED O— O sunny housekeeping rooms: central. 9 A A TURK— NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY _U — front suite for housekeeping; rent cheap. JACKSON, XR. MASON— SUNNY XUXO front housekeeping rooms; 2 beds; $14. m" LA K I N — PLEASANT HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms; also single; gas and bath; rent reasonable. C 1"1 C PAGE— NEWLY FURNISHED AND <JXX connecting sunny housekeeping rooms with private American family In new upper flat; rent cheap. ____!__ pERARD house. 142 SKVENTH-FUR- \JT nished rooms, single and double, housekeeping. ROOMS TO LET. 77^n^wjCmx75o^r^rmRl>^Fi^L^^ I \J-I nisbed sunny front rooms; rent reasonable. QOR GEARY— XICELY FURNISHED SUNNY O-. v) alcove room; also other rooms. £11 POST— SINGLE front ROOMS, NEAT- -011 ly furnished. $7. I"! Q EDDY— NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY XXO rooms, $4 up; also housekeeping. 1 A A JONES-SUNNY SINGLE OR DOUBLE X,\J\J rooms; furnished. T*{*rr MINNA, COR. EIGHTH— NICELY FUR- UO I nished bay-window rooms; $1 a week. 9-1 f\ TURK, " NEAR JONES— 2 SUNNY FUR- | — iXU nished front rooms; also other rooms.* 9' 4 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS. 199 TAYLOR- ELEGANT ""SUITE 3 FUR- —— . nished sunny rooms: also single rooms. QOQI SEVENTH— B D FURNISHED ROOMS] O_.O^ cheap to good tenant. ..:■.; 77t9 (WARD— SUNNY FRONT PARLOR, I U— suitable for 1 or 2; other rooms. "I 9AA LARKIN ST.— LARGE SUNNY FUR- I^UI/ nished front room, $7; single rooms, $5. ! 1 AQQ MISSION, BETWEEN SIXTH AND IUOO Seventh— Newly furnished rooms en suite or single or housekeeping. Q/IQ GOLDEN GATE AYE. — FURNISHED OjLO 'rooms: private family; gasand path. COX FOLBOM— SUNNY FURNISHED ROOM, O^iO light housekeeping, $7; single, $3. 41 HARRIET, OFF HOWARD-LARGE FUR- -i'-i ii, shed single rooms, $5; small one, $4. -)l">> THIRD— SUXNY FURNISHED FRONT 4.VQ suite for housekeeping; single; $1 25 per week. 9AQ FIRST, REAR — FURNISHED OR UX- JL\j(D furnished rooms ; very cheap. 7791 HARRISON, NR. FOURTH— FINELY I I —'i furnished sunny rooms; bath; closet; $1 a week. 9 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS SUITABLE -w for lor 2 gents. 319 O'Farrell st. XI O GEARY— HOME COMFORTS GRANTED; wlO nice roomers: sun; handsomely furnished. 99A THIRD— SINGLE AND SUITES; LIGHT __U housekeeping; $5 up; brick building. A I X JONES-NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY ilu rooms; en suite and single. OA9 ELLIS — ELEGANTLY FURNISHED Ow_j sunny parlor suite; gas: $20. ' • •. j 9/1 MINT A YE., COR. ■ JKSSI K NEWLY -S j: furnished sunny rooms from $6 to $9. n A X DOLORES, NEAR twentieth— 3"fu& I \JO nished rooms; cheap rent. ■ HE MARSHALL, COR. LAGUNA AND Mo- Allister— All sunny suites and single: splendid table: rates reasonable. MRS. J. B. MARSHALL. -\7"OSEMITE HOUSE, 1046 MARKET, BET. X Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites;- per nlsbt, 350 to $1; week, $1 50 to $5; families. pHATBWORTH, 703 BUTTER — SUNNY, \J handsomely furnished rooms; bath; good ser- vice; reasonable. _______■! A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KE ARK Y-PLEAS- A ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; flrst'class In every respect; terms reasonable. HE SHERMAN APARTMENT-HOUSE; 129 . X new sunny rooms; strictly respectable: half price of best hotels with eQual accommodations; very central. '-8 Eighth St.. near Market. - BOARDING ANl> ROOMS. ~~~~ O^MWr-^rOB TWO QBjfTLJS M i •: X, iv£- nished room : nd parlor. 707b Stockton st. "VriCTOR— IOO6 PINE BTRE ELEGANTLY V furnished suites . and single rooms, first-class table; terms reasonable. "DOST, 521, OPP. OLYMPIC CLUB-ELEGANT X sunny front rooms for couple; first-class board. ~— STORES TO LET. H^RTs^C^N^^^aJ^HO^VARD; «IP_wv/ fine location for barber or any bnsiness. BALDWIN & Hammond, 10 Montgomery st. mo LET— RENT $10 PER MONTH; 2 STORES. 1 Point Lobos aye., bet. Eighth and Ninth. 9Q A Q MISSION ST.— LARGE STORE AND 4 _J'.lO HviDic-rooms; also 9 rms. upstairs; cheap. TORE TO LET— LIVING ROOMS REAR. 240 Minna st. dl.l GROUND FLOOR: 5 LARGE BOOMS; »iPXO. yard for store and living-rooms. Corner Second st. and Rincon aye., near Brannan st. QfiA MONTGOMERY— CHOICE CORNER FOB Wt saloon; also two basements; low rents. OA7 AND 213 POLK STREET: VERY NICE __U I Mores. 4 rooms each, in line order, $20. ~ OF ¥ ICES TO LET. y^R^E7^^^GTxT^o"FF?CE^ ON 1 FIR!?? Xj floor. Montgomery, near Market. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Montgomery st. . . . 91 7 OEARY-3 OFFICE ROOMS, KEY 217y a , _iX I rear.| - ' -■.■: .■ ESK ' ROOM AT BOOM 6, SIXTH FLOOR, Mills building. r EDUCATIONAL. SS?~^S»V2JJM«YD KItTISRATORIL^Air, Vocal and Dramatic Academy, 519 Van Ness aye.-. vocal classes Monday, 8 p. _.. $1 month ; dra- matic classes Wednesday, Bp. m., $3 month: also private lessons and piano; ladies and gentlemen coached for professional or amateur stage (stage for practice). ; . T>UPILS IN ENGLISH BRANCHES BY STATE 1 Normal graduate; conditioned pupils a spe- cialty. 313 Hyde st. TIEUL'S SHORTHAND ; AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market st. : diploma course $30. pREEK, LATIN, MODERN LANGUAGES, VJT mathematics, etc. ; students prepared for any examination reasonable rates. R. 333, Phelan bid. m ABB'S INST., 659 MARKT— BOOKKEEPING X taught In 6 weeks. We pledge ourselves to keep free for 6 months books our graduates fail on. ""English 1 branches TAUGHT by MISS Ji DILLON, 14 McAllister St., room 46. "\7_RTICAL AND POINTED HANDWRITING V taught. C. EISENSCHIMEL, 235 Kearny. ISS PAM PERIN— PIANO LESSONS; IJANCE J>l music furnished : terms to salt. 1543 Mlssloa. ! H" EALiyS BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 *OST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern • lan- guage* rapidly taught. Write lor catalogue. ■ .■ .; ILLIANSBEDDABD, THE ENGLISH AC- XJ tress, conches ladies and gentlemen for the j dramatic profession : appearances arranged. Shake- , E[p«*urean Academy, 40t» Van Ness aye. I cj CIIOOL ELECTRICAL, CIVIL, MIXING, ME- -0 cbanical engineering, surveying, architecture, assay: estab. '64. VAN PER NAILLEN.723Mkt. LOST. L OST— l^dy's"gol^^a^"h7ch"ar3Fand J chain attached: name engraved on watch; lost 0:1 San l^eundro electric cur about 2 o'clock. Lib- eral reward if returned to 459 Minna st. T i , s t -" ,\ ( * ■( . 1 1 1 . : i>n, ' n 1-: w MONTGOMERY, \j near Howard; reward. 3 Hunt st. '. '": -'-:■•.- T SMALL BROWN HORSE; STAR ON JJ forehead and oar split. S Return J. MARQUE, Edinburgh si., near Five-mile House. . T OST-A< COUNT - 800 IC AND PAPERS IX XJ estate. Return to room 85. 420 Montgomery St.; pay for trouble. tT)ST-B KINDLE GREYHOUND. RETURN JitoSll Kotirlli at.: reward. .-■, FOUND. ~ OUND^ON -OtbT^IXSI 1 OjT^OAKLAND j F local train a pocket-book containing money and cards. inquire 1121 Vallrjo st. ~ STORAGE Tr^LSON^BROS., 1710" MAR^ET^STT!~BF/r. » 1 Tenth and Van Ness— Get our rates and exam- ine our method for storage of furniture and all kinds of household goods; dust and vermin proof; separate rooms at low rates. AFE, DRY. CHEAP PLACE TO STORK YOUR furniture, etc. LUNDY .FURNITURE COM- PANY, 818 Mission st. ...- -1 FURNITURE, PIANOS AND OTHER MER- -1 chandise received on storage; money advanced on consignments; flre-proof building. 410 Post St., above Powell. - • >• -.. S" TORAGE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSE- boId goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market sU FIRST-CLASS STORAGE ; ADVANCES MADE 421-423 Market st. CHAS. L. TAYLOR. ASSESSMENT NOTICES. SSESSMENT " NOTICE — SUNOL LAND and Improvement Company. Location of prin- cipal place of business, San Francisco, California; J location of works, Sunol, Alameda County, Call- i fornia. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the sth day of April, 1895, an assessment. No. 15, of 50 cents per share was levied upon the capital stock of th.'' corpora- tion, payable immediately in United States gold coin to the secretary, at the office of the company, 508 California street, San Francisco, California. Any stock upon which this assessment shall re- main unpaid on the tenth day of May, 1895, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, will be sold on TUESDAY, the second day of July, 1895, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the costs of advertising and expenses of sale. By order of the Board of Directors. --••_■.■ U- ED E. POTTER. Secretary. Office— soB California St., San Francisco, Cal. TRUSTEES' SALES. , J rpRUSTEES' SALE— IN ACCORDANCE^tVrrH X the terms and under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed by WILLIAM MKHKTF.NS, LOUIS MEHRTENS, FREDER- ICK MEHRTENS and DANIEL MEHRTENS, parties 01 the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trustees, parties Of the second part, and the SAN FRANCISCO SAV- INGS UNION, party of the third part, dated April 28, 1837, and recorded In the office of the County Recorder of the county of Tulare, State of California, in Liber 2 of Trust Deeds, at pages MS and following: and in pursuance of a resolution passed on the 13th day of December, 1894. by the Board of Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a corporation, and the holder of the notes (Nos. 81 12 and 8145), t0 secure payment of which the aforesaid deed of trust was executed, declaring that default had been made In the pay- ment of the principal sum and other sums due un- der said- notes ana deed of ■ trust, and requesting and directing said H_XR~Y C.CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trustees, to sell the real estate described therein and not reconveyed to satisfy said indebtedness. ■ We. HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trustees, do hereby give^notiee that on BUBBDAY, the 26th day of April, A. I). 1895, at 12 o'clock it. of that day, and in front of the Court- house at Visali a, Tulare County. State of California, I and through C. A. WILBUR, a duly licensed auc- tioneer, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in gold coin of the United States, all the pieces or parcels of land situate In the county of Tulare, State of California, described as follows, to wit: According to the official plats and system of sur- veys of the Government of the United States: , In township eighteen (18) south, ranee twenty- seven (27) east, Mount Diablo base and meridian: Of section eight (8), the west half (W. i.-;, 1: the west half of the northeast quarter (W. i/ 2 of NE. Vi), ami the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (SW. Vi of SE. Vi). Of section sixteen (16), the whole. Of section seventeen (17), the south half (S. 1/0); ; the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter (SW. Vi Of NE. Vi); the south half of the. north- west quarter (S. V_ of NW. Vi). and the north- east quarter of the northwest quarter (NE. Vi of XW. I/4). Of section twenty-one (21), the east half (E. *-_) : the northwest quarter (N W. Vi) ; the north half of the southwest quarter (N. % of SW. Vi), and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter (SE. Vi of i/4). S. * Of section twenty-two (22), the southeast quar- ter (BF.. Vi). Of section twenty-four (24), the west half of the west half (W. V. of W. V ). Of nection twenty-six (26), the west half of the southwest quarter ( W. V. of SW. Vi). Of section twenty-seven (27), the whole. Of section thirty-three (33), the southwest quar- ter (SW. 14). Of section thirty-four (34), the west half of the northeast quarter (W. % of NE. Vi), and the east half of the northwest quarter (E. I*, of NW. 14). Of section thirty-five (35), the north half of the northwest quarter (N. V_ of NW. Vi). In township nineteen (19) south, range 'twenty- .seven (27) east, Mount Diablo base and meridian: Of section one (I), the whole. Of section nineteen (19), the southeast quarter (SE.V*). Of section twenty-nine (29), the southwest quarter (SW. Vi) and the west half .of the north- west quarter (W. Vi of X W. Vi). Of section thirty (30), the north half (N. 1/.), and of section thirty-one (31), the north half (N. Vi). Containing in all five thousand one hundred and ninety-four and twenty-three one-huudredths (5194.28) acres of land, more or less. Saving and excepting therefrom the following described portions thereof, to wit: - A strip of land thirty-three (33) feet wide in sec- tions sixteen (16) and twenty-one (21), in town- | ship eighteen (IS) south, range twenty-seven (27) ! east, Mount Diablo base and meridian, lying equal- j ly on each side of the following described line, to I wit: Commencing at a point twenty-one and 27- I 100 (21.27) chains east of the northwest corner of said section sixteen (16), thence running in a southerly direction through the northwest quarter of said section sixteen forty-one and 86-100 (41.86) chains, more 'or less, to a given point; thence running through the west ~ half of the southwest quarter of said section sixteen (16) in a southerly direction forty-one and 82-100 (41.82) chains, more or less, to a point: thence in a southwesterly direction through the west half of the northwest quarter of said section twenty- one (21) thirty-six and 82-100 (36.82) chains, more or less, to a point In the west line of said section twenty-one (21) six and 22-100 (6.22) chains north of the center line running east and west through said section twenty-one (21), and thence down the westerly line . of said section twenty-one ('2l) In a southerly direction to the northwest, corner, of the south half of the south half of said section twenty-one (21). Also a strip of land thirty-three (33) feet wide in the southeast quarter of section nineteen (19), in township nineteen (19) south, range twenty-seven (27) east, Mount Diablo base and meridian, lying equally on rach side of the following described line, to wit: Commencing at a point twenty-two (22) chains, more or less, east from the center of said section nineteen (19), thence running In a south- easterly direction to a point seven and. 6l-100 (7.51) chains, more or less, north of the southeast corner of said section nineteen (19). - Also a strip of land thirty-three (33) feet wide In the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-nine (29), In township nineteen (19) south, range twenty-seven (27) east, Mount Diablo base and • meridian, lying equally on each side of the following ■ described line, to wit : I Com- mencing at a point twenty-seven (27) links, more or less, west of the center of said section twenty- nine (29) ; thence • running in a southeasterly direction to a point one and ninety one-hun- dredths (1.90) chains south of the center of said section twenty-nine (29). . And also a strip of land thirty-three (33) feet wide In the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section twenty-nine (29), lying equally on each side of the following described line, to wit: Commencing at a point fifteen and fifty- fourone-hnndredths (15.54) chains, more or less, east of the northwest corner of said section twenty- nine (29) thence running in a southeasterly di- rection to a point live and sixty-five one-hundredths (5.65) chains, more or less, south of the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section twenty-nine (29). ■ Together with the appurtenances. TERMS OF SALE— Cash iin gold coin of the United States: ten per cent . payable to the under- signed on the fall of the hammer; balance on de- livery of deed; and if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited, and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. HENRY C. CAMPBELL, \ _,.,... • THADDEUS B. KENT. ] JTrusteea, TRUSTEES' SALES. _____ mB^STE^~S^L^T^N^T7cE~^IHEREB V JL given that default has been made in the pay- ment of the sums secured by that certain Deed of Trust made by THOMAS F. GEIiAN to S. C. BIGELOW and ARTHUR A. SMITH, Trustees, dated the 2d day of November, .1892, and recorded In the office of the Recorder for the County of Alameda, State of California, in Liber 475 of deeds at page 211 thereof; and that upon request of the Savings and Loan Society by resolution adopted by its Board of Directors on the 19th day of March, 1895, the undersigned trustees, on WEDNESDAY, April 17, 1895, at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon (12 m."> of that day, at the auction house of WILL E. FISHER & CO., No. 14 Post, street, in the , City and County of San Francisco, State aforesaid, will sell at public auction, for gold coin of the United States, the piece or parcel of land situate in Oakland Township, County of Alameda, State of California, described as fol- lows : Commencing at a point in the northwesterly line of Howe street, distant thereon two hundred (200) feet southwesterly from the southwesterly line of Mather street; running thence southwesterly along said line of Howe street one hundred (100) feet to a point; thence northwesterly along a line parallel with said line of Mather street one hun- dred and twenty-five (125) feet to a point: thence southwesterly along a line parallel with said line of Howe street fifty (50) feet to a point; thence northwesterly along a line parallel with said line of Mather "street one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet to a point in the southeasterly line of Montgomery street; thence northeasterly along the last-named line one hundred and fifty (150) feet to a point; and thence southeasterly along a line parallel with said line of Mather street two hundred and fifty (250) feet and to the point of commencement: the same being lots numbers three, ten (3, 10) and a portion of number nine (9) In block five (5) of the Howe Tract, as designated and delineated on the map entitled "Plan of the Howe Tract," etc., filed on December 19, 1876, in the office of the Recorder for said county of Ala- meda. With the appurtenances. Or such part of said real property as, in the dis- cretion of said trustees, shall be deemed best. Terms and conditions of sale— Cash in gold coin of the United States; ten per cent on the fall of the hammer; balance on delivery of deed, and if not so paid then said ten per cent to be forfeited and the sale to be void. The Savings and Loan Society (being the owner of the Indebtedness secured by said deed of trust) or any other person may pur- chase at said sale. Acts of sale at purchaser's ex- pense. Dated at San Francisco, March 23, 1895. 8. C. BIGELOW, Trustee. ARTHUR A. SMITH, Trustee. The above sale is hereby postponed to and until WEDNESDAY, April 24, 1895, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon (12 m.) of that day, at the same place. Dated at San Francisco, April 17, 1895. S. C. BIOhLOW, Trustee. X '■ ARTHUR A. SMITH, Trustee, rtIRUSTEES' SALE— IN ACCORDANCE WITH -L the terms and under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed by WILLIAM MEHRTENS. LOUIS MEHRTENS, FREDERICK MEHRTENS and DANIEL ME 11 TENS, parties of the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trus- tees, parties of the second parr, and the SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of the third part, dated January 5, 1889, and re- corded in the office of the County Recorder of the county of Tulare, State of California, in Liber 5 of Trust Deeds, at pages 175 and following; and in pursuance of a resolution passed on the 13th day of December, 1894, by the Board of Directors o"f said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a cor- poration, and -the holder of the note (No. 9145), to secure payment of which the aforesaid deed of trust was executed, declaring that default had been made In the payment of the principal sum and other sums, due under said note and deed of trust, and requesting and directing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trust- ees, to sell the real estate described therein to sat- isfy said indebtedness. We, HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THAD- DEUS B. KENT.trustees, do hereby give notice, that on THURSDAY, the 2!kh day of April, A. D. 1895, at 12 o'clock m. of that day, and in front of the Courthouse at Vixalia, Tulare County, State of California, and through C. A. WILBUR, a duly licensed auctioneer, we will sell at public auc- tion to the highest bidder, for cash in gold coin of the United States, all the pieces or parcels of land situate In the county of Tulare, State of Cali- fornia, described as follows, to wit : ■■". :•-■ • . . . According to the official plats and system of sur- veys 01 the Government of the United States: - In township eighteen (18) south, range twenty- seven (27) east. Mount Diablo base and meridian: Of section thirty-four (34), the east half of the northeast quarter (E. Vi of NE. 14); and the north half of the southeast quarter (N. Va of SE. 14). In township nineteen (19) south, range twenty- seven (27) east, Mount Diablo base and meridan: Of section two (2), the northwest quarter (NW. 14)- the south half of the northeast quarter (S. y% ofNE. 14), and lots one (1) and two (2): contain- ing in all four hundred and seven (407) acres of land. Together with the appurtenances. TERMS OF SALE— in gold coin of the United States; ten per cent payable to the under- signed on the fall of the hammer; balance on de- livery of deed; and if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. HENRY C. CAMPBELL, \ Trn _.___ THADDEUS B. KENT. j' rMIWI - TO LEASE. rfTiiE grove ctiTel^tiieater^to lease" 1 Apply MADISON & BURKE, 6-6 Market St. rpo LEASE FOR A TERM OF YEARS— 1 brick building; 30x160; 5 floors and basement; 764 Mission si., through to Jessie; 100 feet east of Fourth. Address J. W.. box 104. this office. WKATUEK BUKKAU KEPOKT. Uxitpi) States Department of Aoßicr/i/- TtRK. Weather Bdbeai;, Sax Fbancisco, April2l. sp. m.— Weather conditions and general forecast: The pressure is highest this evening over Idaho and Utah and lowest in the interior of California. The weather remains fair throughout the entire region west of the Rocky Mou mains and it is cloud less except in f'outhern California. Cloudiness In tht> latter section has been continuous for the last thirty-six hours, and while no general rain is prob able, scattered light showers are likely to orour in the vicinity of Teuachapi. The weather through out the interior of the State has continued warm, especially in the upper portion of the Sacramento Valley, where the temperature reached 66 degrees to-Uay. It will continue warm Monday in thr- San Joaquln Valley and to the south of it, but will grow somewhat cooler in the northern portion or the State. Sun Francisco data: Maximum temperature 72, minimum 52, mean 62. The following are seasonal rainfalls to date as com Dared with the same date last season: Eureka 39.99, last year 50.38: Hed Bluff 27.07. last year 19.15: Sacramento 22.98. last year 13.85: "(San Francisco 23.98. last year 16.10: Fresno 12.69, last year 6.17: Los Angeles 15.38, last year 6.40: San Diego 11.39, last year 3.98: Yuma 9.97. last year 2.16 inches. Forecast made at San Francisco for the thirty hour* ending midnight, April 22, 1895: Northern California— Fair, but becoming threat ening on the extreme northern coast; probably slightly warmer in the extreme southeast portion during Monday, becoming cooler In tin* Sacramento Valley and along the northern roust Monday even ing, fresh northerly winds shifting to southerly In the north portion. Southern California— Fair, except occasional showers in the elevated sections in the vicinity of Tehachapi, probably slightly warmer in the inte rior, fresh westerly winds. Nevada— Fair; nearly stationary temperature. I'tah— Fair; somewhat warmer. Arizona — Fair: probably slightly warmer. San Francisco and vicinity— Fair: probably cooler, foggy at night, t'r<\sli westerly winds. W. H. Hammon, Official Forecaster. OC£AN STEA.UKKS. Dates of Departure From San Francisco. j'-iurcKa ....a Coptic Oregon P0m0na..... Weeott I>plNorte... *-*„ , I Qufi*n Proereso Willamt Val Snutu Kosa., A r:i.-.'i j Tructcee Australia. ... ' North Fork. Coos Bay . . . NewDOrt China* Japan Portland Hnmbolcltßay Eel River. I Grays Harbor. Vie <fc Pgl Snd Panama....... Mexico San Diego..... | Coos 8av...... j P0rt1and....... i Honolulu Humboldtßay .Newport ...... Humboldißay i Portland Panama .. .... Apr 23, Bam Bdw'y 'A Apr 23. 3pm PMS S Apr 24.3 0 am , Spear Apr 24. 2pm ■ Bdw'y 1 I Apr 24, SAMiValleJo Apr 24, spm ' Apr 25. OAMJBdWy 1 Apr'Jf), 4pm Lomb'rd Apr 25,10 am, Bdw'y 2 Apr 25,11 am; Bdw'y 2 Apr 25,10 am i Vallejo Apr 25, 4pm Vallejo Apr 27, 2pMoceame Apr 27, !>am Miss'n 1 ] Apr 27, Bam Bdw'y a i Apr 27.11 a m! Washt'n ; Apr 29.10 am spear ! Apr 29.12 m iHMSR UumboUlt... ' State of Cal :v STKAMKRS TO ARF.IVK. Stkaiikr Del None I Point 1i0ma..... Arcata.......... ! Pmokee Mackinaw...... I Homer. Santa K05a...... Arago. I ... 1. 1,!.'* I Grays Harbor .... Grays Harb0r....... ... Coos Bay. I Portland... Tacoma • .'. . Coos Bay... Sun Diego ..........; Coos Bay ............ Humboldt 8ay..;....... Newp0rt.............;.;. Portland r.. I Victoria & Puget Sound | Departure 8ay.......... ; P0rt1and.......... San Di»co... : i'uxet Sound April 22 I April 22 I April 22 April 22 April 98 April 18 April 23 .April 2-t I April 25 I April 25 I April 26 April 26 April 2« April 26 April 27 April 28 lumboldt '008 Bny ■*tat«> of i'al A' alia Wa11a. ... I ■"osta Rica | Vliceßlanchardi ; 'orona Farallon I ! Panama SU-N A.NU TII)K TABLE. > WATJ WAT sax. MOON. [c. Small '4P10.17J 7p 10.58; (Large. ; Small. 4.00 a! 8.42H 4.2 Pa 4.15H I Sets Sets. 1.1 O.OOr 6 48P SHIPFINO IM'KLHUKXCfi. Arrived. • SUNDAY, April 21. Br stmr Wellington, Salmond, 3y« days from Departure Bay; 2380 tons coal, to 11 l>unsmuir & Sons. . ■ • " - Strnr TUlamooic, Hansen, 45 hours "from ' Port lx>3 Angeles: ballast, to Pollard <fc Dodge. | .Simr Bon! ta, Doran, 70 hours > from • San Pedro and way ports; produce, to Goodall, Perkins it Co. Btmr weeott, Macee, 18% hours from Eel River; pass and tndse, to Kuss, Sanders <ft Co. ■■ . Stmr Queen, Debney, 68 hours from Victoria and Ptia;et Hound ports; pass and indse, to Goodall. IVr kin it Co. ■■■"-" .-."■■ -•".•■••>..:• ;-. ■;-,. ■; -..', SimrCity of Everett, Buckmann,' 80 hours from Comox: 8860 tons 8 P Co; Port Costa direct. '*- Stmr Caspar, Anfindsen, 60 hours from 'San Pedro ; lumber, to Caspar Lumber Co. ,\ . stmr Pomona, Hannah, 161,4 hours fm Eureka; pass and mdse. to Goodall, Perkins <fe Co. . ■ Btmr Columbia, BoUes, 64 Va hours from Portland via Astoria 43 hours; pass and mdse, to OR & N Co. Stmr Noyo, Levinson. 14 hours fm Fort Bragg; pass and mdse, to J S Kimball. Stmr Gipsy, Leland. It) hours from Santa Cruz, etc : uroduce to Goodall. Perkins & Co. Stmr Alcazar, Gunderson, 44 hours from Port Los Angeles: ballast, to L E White Lumber Co. Stmr Newsboy, Fosen, 16 hours from Albion; 250 M ft lumber, to Albion Lumber Co. Stmr Eureka, Green, 70 hours from Newport and way ports: pass and mdse, to Goodall, Perkins &Co. Ship Lev! G Burgess, Youngren, 19 days from Hilo; sugar, to J D Spreckels & Bros Co. Sohr Daisy Rowe, Olsen, 48 hours from Coos Boy ; . 170 M ft lumber, to Simpson Lumber Co. Schr Ivy, Engbrettsen, 18 days from Willapa Harbor; lumber, to Preston & McKinnoa. Schr Nettie Low, Low, 6 hours from Point Reyes; 60 bxs butter, to C E Whitney & Co. Scbr Viking, Peterson, 14 days from Grays Har bor, lumber, to E X Wood Lumber Co. Sailed. ' SUNDAY, April 21. Stmr Lakme, Bonifield, Yaqulna Bay. VJ . ■•••." Stmr Corona, Hall, San Diego. Stmr Alaska, Heegaard. Ugashik and Karluk. Ship Aryan, Dickinson, New York. Bark W W Case, Williams, Bristol Bay. Schr Mary and Ida, Rlstine, Willapa Bay. Schr Fannie Adele. Jlurchison, Eureka. Schr Crania, Carlson, codflshlng. Schr Arthur I, Nilson, Iversens Landing, , 1 Schr Christina Steffens, Basmussen, Fisks Mill. : Schr Mary Etta, Wetzel, Hearns Landing. "Schr J B Leeds, Larsen, Umpqua. Telegraphic. . J POINT LOBOS — April 21—10 p m- Weather | thick wind W; velocity 6 miles an boar. Movements of Vessels. Yesterday the ship Aryan, the bark W W Case and the schooners Alary and Ida and Fannie A.dele wf nt to sea. The schr Mary E Smith was towed to Oakland Creek, the schr Eva to Howard street and the schr Emma Utter to the seawall. To-day the brig J D Spreckels was towed from the stream to Howard No 3, and the brig Lnrllne from Howard to sea. The ship Valkyrie will be towed from Mission Bay to Port Costa and the barge Courier from Mission street to Oakland Creek. The schr Benlah will tow from the stream to the seawall and the ship Lev! O Burgess from the stream to the refinery. The ship Poltatoch will be taken from the stream to sea and the bark Carrollton from Mission street to Lombard. The schr Transit will go from the stream to Mis sion No 1 and the bark Sea King from Spear-street drydock to Main street. Spoken. Off Columbia River Apr 20— Nld stmr Costa Rica hence Apr 17 for Departure Bay. Domestic Ports. ALBlON— Sailed Apr 21 — Stmr Newsboy, for San Francisco. Arrived Apr 21— Schr Bessie X, hence Apr 19. UOWENS LANDlNG— Arrived Apr Stmr Jewel, hence Apr 20. TATOOSH— Passed Apr 21— Nor stmr Peter Jeb son, from Nanaimo for Port Los Angeles. ASTORlA— Arrived Apr 21-Slmr Sfate Of Cali fornia, hence Apr 19. SAN DlEGO— Arrived Apr 21— Stmr National City, hence Apr 19; U H stmr Commodore Perry, from New York; U 8 stmr Olympia, from Santa Barbara. SAN PEDRO— Arrived Apr 21— Stmr Pasadena, from Eureka. EUREKA— SaiIed Apr 21— Schr Edward Parke. COOS BAY— Sailed Apr 21 — Stmr Homer, for San Francisco. CASPAR— SaiIed Apr 21— Schr Maxim, for San Francisco. GRAYS HARBOR— Sailed Apr 21— Schr La Gi ronde, for San Francisco, Movements of Trans- Atlantic Steamers. NEW YORK-Arrived Apr 21— Stmr Amster dam, for Rotterdam. Importations. PORT KENYON— Per Weeott— l qr keg 183 bza butter, 3 coops chickens, 9 pkgs mdse. 12 pkgs dressed veal, 1 cs eggs, 2 cs dry goods, 1 cs cloaks, 4 cs cider, 90 ska potatoes, 45 bxs apples, 40 hogs, 1 cs frogs. 3 bdls hides. «■ PORTLAND— Per Columbia— 33o Sks potatoes, 302 sks sks onions, 20.800 qr 2370 hf sks flour,soo gunnies do, 6040 sks barley, 1670 sks bran, 89 cs oysters, 460 bdls shooks,s2o sks oats, 89 cs oysters, 40 hdls scrap tin. EUREKA— Per Pomona— 36 pkgs mdse. 21 pkgs molding, 61 doors, 13 tnbs 111 bxssbutter, 34 pkgs veal, 1863 M shingles, 3 bbls mln water, 3 bdls carpet, 6 pkgs mdse, 50 sks potatoes, 26 sks barley, 80 sks peas. Fields Landing— lso sks oats, 123 sks potatoes,s2 bxsapples, 60,810 ft lumber. . SANTA CRUZ ISLAND— Per Bonita-1 sk tails, 7 bdls pelts. 7 pkga mdse. Lompoc— cs eggs. 9 kegs 170 bxs butter, 730 sks mustard. 77 hogs. 15 pkgs mdse, Bbls seaweed, 35 sks dry fruit, 77 hogs. Cayucos— 263 hogs. San Simeon— lß7 hogs. FORT BRAGG— Per Noyo— ll pcs pipe, 2 pkgs fittings, 3 chsts tools, 3 pkgs castings, 169 hogs, 1 cs dry goods, 243 M ft lumber. SANTA CRUZ— Per Gipsy— bxs butter. 950 bbls lime, 26 cs cheese, Ics eggs. .-.-.. ::■ Amesport— s34 sks beans, 240 sks barley. Pigeon Point— 234 30 drms cheese, 7 bxs butter, 25 sks potatoes. Salinas— l6 qrsks rye meal, 847 sks barley, Moss Landing— l bx eggs, 2 bxs butter. ] Soquel— 2o rolls leather, 820 reams 214 rolls paper. NEWPORT— Per Eureka— 22 bxs oranges. Los A nicies, etc— l 3 pkgs mdse, 'i bxs oranges, 1 pks h ware. San Pedro— l99B sks corn, 1 bx butter. East San Pedro — 1 cs cheese. Hueneme— l hide, '£ bdls pelts, 24 cans tallow, 1 sk tails. Ventura— s pkgs liquor. 4 sks beeswax, 33 sks raisins. 87 bxs oranges, 527 sks beans, 1 cs hats, 24 bdls hides. 6 bdls pelts, 6 pkgs nnts, 2 cs eggs, 2 cs paste. 68 bxs lemons, 1 pkg mdse. Carpenteria— ll sks wool. Santa Burbara — 13 sks wool, 10 sks crawfish, 10 bxs lemons. 31 bxs oranges. Gaviota— Bsks crawfish, 6 bxs bntter, 1 cs cheese, 7 cs honey, 1 pkg 19 bis 8 sks wool, 9 bdls pelts. PortUarford— so tubs 52% bxs butter, 2 bxs fish, 7 cs egirs, 2 cs cheese. Monterey— 3 cs cheese, 2 bxs butter, 1 pkg mdse, 1 sk analones. Sun Simeon— l 9 dressed calves, 9cs eggs, 3 coops turkeys- 1 tub 70 bxs butter. PORT TOWNSEND— Per Queen— 6 pkgs mdse, Bcs duck. Douglass Island— 2 bxs bullion. Semiahmoo— 4soo cs salmon. Kvt-rett— looo Kegs nails, 600 bars bullion, 126 bdls paper, Tl pk(js mdse. £Ast via Vancouver— l9o cs tobacco. 10 pkgs anvils, 2 pkg3 h ware, 10 cs fuse clcth,3 cs sheeting. 31 cs potash, 2 cs household goods, 5 cs hats, 20 cs wood powder, 17 pkgs mdse, 2 pkgs hardware. 4 pkgs underwear. Per Empress of Japan via Vancouver— l6sl mts Victoria— 3 bbls earthenware, 628 salt nldes, 3 bdls dry hides, 5 bbls tallow, 18 pkgs mdse, Ibx tobacco. New Whatcom — pkgs herring, 2 pkgs mdse. Seattle via Great Northern— 6 cs shoes, I pkg mdse, 246 hf sks flour. Seattle— ls sks smoked halibut, 22 sks bones, 2 bxs tobacco, 258 tons coal, 63 bxs grates and frames, 34 bxs b w flour, 6 bzs hardware, 96 pkgs mdse. West of Fargo via Tacoma— 263l sks floor, 730 Bks barley, 400 sks bran, East via Tacoma— B cs boots and shoes, Ipc ma chinery. =' : . Tacoma— cs dry goods, 131 bdls green hides, 3 chsts tea, 50 pkgs mdse, 400 bars bullion. HILO— Per Levi G Burgess— 34,729 bags sugar, Consignee*. Per Queen— A Co: Johnson- Locke Mer Co: Pac Ammonia A Chemical Works; Chinese mer chants; Baker & Hamilton; Murphy, Grant A Co; Langley & Micahels; W B Sumner s>Co; J Hoey; \V fuller & Co; J D preckels A Bros Co: Bank of CallferniajDnnham, «fc Co; JO smith; Alaska Packers' Assn : W G Richardson ; O San guinetti; Sel by Smelting and Lead Co; F Lewis; J Stencil : Oregon Imp Co : Moore, Ferguson & Co ; Dairymen's Union Chambers, Price A Co ; Davis, Ilaber • A Co; Amer Press A ssn ; Fredericksburg Brewery : Macondray Co: S H Frank A Co; F A Robbins;G W Brltton; Demlng-PalmerCo; Chas Martens: C E Whitney A Co: Pjierwin A Bro: A J Hall A Son: C J Paddock; Sam'Welster; Pac Bono andert FCo; Herman A Co: Fritz Sterk; J P Long fellow. ■ ■ ■ PerLevlG Burgess— Williams. Dlmond A Co; J D Spreckels A Bros Co. Per Gipsy— Hills Bros: Wheaton, Breon A Co; M Sinias; M T Freitas A Co; Dairymen's Union: J Erlanger ACo Hammond A Brod ; II Co well A Co; Herman Joost; Brlgham, Hoppe A Co: Deming- Palmer Co; Brown* Adams; A W Fink; Madden A Lowrie. . Per Noyo— Union Lumber Co: C A Hooper A Co; Williams, Marvin ACo; J C Johnson A Co; T G Glllesple; A W Beadle: Sutro Railway Co; W 1 Maurice. . Per Eureka— Newmark A Edwards; F C Freder icks A Co; Pierce A Co; Feiling.Cressy A Co;Pac Butchers Supply Azsn; Dairymen's union; Thos Hickey : W P Fuller A Co; .Kissinger ACo J Tay lor; Gets Bros A Co; San Francisco Fruit Auction Co California Fruit Evap Co; Wood, Curtis A Co; A Paladin!: Triest ACo; HDutard: FBHaight; American Union Fish Co; Dodge, Bweeney<t Co; F M Day: Kowalsky A Co; Buss, Sanders A Co; D Sawtelle; J Ivancovich A Co; C E Whitney A Co; Brlgham, Hoppe & Co: Kowalsky A Co : J 8 Mitch ell : Wneaton, Breon A Co: Marshall, Teggart A Co; Miller.Sloss & Scott; H Heckman A Co; Hills Bros: H N Tilden & Co; J H Newbauer A Co; , H Kitch man ACo Norton, Teller A Co; OB Smith A Co ; Hammond A Brod ; Smith's Cash Store; American Biscuit Co J Schweitzer A Co; M T Freitas &Co; 8 Brunswich: J H Newbauer A Co; Wm Cluff A Co; Alfred Dibble: Thos Deulgan Son & Co: W Lo alza A Co; G CamlUoni A Co ; Immei ACo;F W Mitchell. Per Pomona— Arctic Oil Works; F BHalght; G de Lucca; Brigham, Hoppe A Co; ■■ Hnmboldt Mm Water Co; E R Stevens <y Co; Higgins A Collins : Dodge, Sweeney A Co; Felling, Cressey & Co; W F MJtcliell & Co;HLlebes«tCo; Hills Bros; Peoples Express: United States Brewery: Overland Freight Transfer Co: W A J Sloane A Co; Standard Oil Co; South San Francisco Packing and Provision Co: J H Newbauei&Co; Wells, Fargo A Co; Entet prlse Brewery; Wheaton, Breon A Co; C DLadd; (5 Ii Swett: Langley A Michaels; Witzel A Baker: JRHanlfy. . . . Per Columbia— Jansen, Eose&Heney; Haslett A Bailey; Balfour. Guthrle A Co . D Keefe A Co; Dal tonßros; J Everdlng A Co; John F English; Alex Fraser ; Otis, McAllister & Co; D E Allison A Co ; Wolf A Son;Oeo Morrow A Co;Clatsop Mill Co;Pac Can Co; M V. A Wagner; Allen A Lewis; J Stencil; Christy A Wise. Per Weeott— Sanders A Co: FB Haight ; J Butler; Wheaton, Breou A Co; J Ivancovlch A Co; Norton, Teller A Co Dairymen's Union; Cbas Ja cobsen; Witzel A Baker: C E Whitney A Co: JM Moore ; A Co; • HHHogan; Murphy, Grant A Co; Jansen, Rose A Heney ; Schweitzer A Co : A Muel ler A Co; H Dutard; Ross A Hewlett: Wolff A Son; South San Francisco Packing and Provision Co; McDonough A Runyon. ' •; Per BonTta— Cruz Island Co : Whitman A Barnes; CE Whitney A Co: DE Allison A Co: W Barrowe; Baker A Hamilton De Bemardl A Co ; C Jacobsen : Kowalsky A Co; Wieland Brewing Co; Smith's Cash Store. W P Fuller A Co: S Jacobs; Standard Oil Co; Wilson A Baechtel; Dal ton Bros; South I San Francisco Packing and Provision Co; Dodge, Sweeney A Co : Wheaton, Breon A Co; FB Haight: Gets Bros A Co; Wieland Brewing Co; Roth. Blum A Co. v BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. [Birth, marriage ana death notices sent by mall will not be Inserted. They must be handed in at either of the publication offices and be indorsed with the name and residence oi persons authorized to have the same published. ] BOBS. GALA YIN— In this city, April 20, 1895, to the wife of Michael Galavin, a* son. HAEDRICH— In this city, April 12. 1895, to the wife of F. A. Hacdrich, a son. HOLBROOK— In this city, April 18, 1895, to the wife of L. W. Holbrook, a daughter..' LAUER-In Alturas, Cal., April 18, 1895, to the wife of I. Lauor, twins, son and daughter. ROHRBACK— Oakland, to the wife of J. P. Rohrback, a daughter. : . . KA ABE— la this city, April 16, 1895. to the wife Of F. O. Raabe, a daughter. SCHAFFER— In Golden Gate, April 16, 1895, to the wife of Fred Schafler, a son. '■ - . THOMPSON— this city, April 19, 1895, to the wife of Captain T. Thompson, a son. TROWBRIDGE-Irithis city, April 17, 1895, to the wife of H. J. Trowbridge. a daughter. 3iai:bied. BAKER— McK AY— April 17, 1895, by the Rev. J. K. McLean, Frank .1. Baker of San Francisco and Fannie L. McKay of Oakland. - CAHILL— X-1 11 this city, April 20, 1895, by the Rev. F. R. Farrand. James M. Cahill of Sonoma, Cal., and Annie D. Clark of Petaluma, Cal. . O'CONNOR— SULLIVAN— In this city, April 17, 1895, at St. Joseph's Church, by the Rev. Father Glea*ori, Thomas F. O'Connor and Nellie Sulli- van, both of San Francisco. , .' DIED. Bennett. Mary Lee. Catherine M. Bunker, Harriet J. McGlynn, John J. Bloom, Mlndred Minor, George W. Cantwell, Margaret I'oscliaher, Leopold . Cunningham, James Peterson. Mary Gilroy, Thomr.s Reilly, Mrs. James F. Hughes. George A. Sichel, Seblla -Harris, Pauline Savage, Margaret M. Hildebrandt, Conrad Sturdivant, Roberto. Knapp, Margaret M. Trumbull, William Verdier, Camille BENNETT— In Glen Ellen, April 20.1895, Mary, beloved wife of W. Bennett of Pinole and dan Kh-. ter of Mrs. Charles Wilkie, a native of San Pablo, aged 27 years. HsS"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday), at 2 o'clock p. M., from her late residence in San Pablo. BUNKER— In this city. April 21, 1895, Harriet J. Bunker, a native of Massachusetts, aged 95 years and 9 months. - - BLOOM-In San Jose, April 19.- 1895, Mindred Bloom. . ■ CANTWKLL-In this city, April 21, 1895, Marga- ret, dearly beloved daughter of the late Morris and Kate Cantwell, a native of San Francisco, aged 21 years ami 10 months. £J~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock A. M.. from her late resi- dence, 4161/2 Natoina street, - thence to • St. Patrick's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. " , ' N. D. O. W.— Officers and members of Alta Parlor No. 3, you are hereby notified to attend the funeral of our late sister, Margaret Cantwell, TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from her late residence, 416y 8 Natoma street. By order of M. DEUEN, President. M. Grotk, Secretary. CUNNINGHAM— In this city, April 21, 1895, James, only and beloved son of the late James and Ann Cunningham, and beloved brother of Mrs. J. J. Driscoll and Annie Cunningham, a na- tive of San Francisco, aged 53 years 2 months and 25 days. ' : . "':,': GILRDY— In this city, April 20, 1895, Thomas Giiroy, a native of Ireland, aged 63 years. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAT (Monday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from his late residence, 342 Jersey street. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. HUGHES— In this city, April 21, 1895, George A., beloved son of Major James E. and the late Georgle T. Hughes, used 13 years and 7 months. SSTFrlends and acquaintances arc respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday) at .3 o'clock r. m., from St. Paul's Episcopal Church, California street, near Stelner. HARRIS— In this city, April 20, 1895, Pauline Harris, beloved wife of the late Julius Harris and beloved mother of Michael and Abraham Harris of Monterey, Cal., and Mrs. Adolph Newman of San Francisco, a native of Bromberg, Prussia, aged 73 years 6 months and 15 days. -. 'V': J93TFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday), at 10 o'clock a. m. sharp, from the resi- dence of her daughter, Mrs. Adolph Newman, 417 Lo,tt street, between Hayes and Fell, thence by 11:45 o'clock a. m. train from Fourth and Townsend streets. Interment New Salem Ceme- tery. HILDEBRANDT— In this city, April 19, 1895, Conrad Hildebrandt, a native of Nieder Wesel, Hesse-Darmstadt, aged 24 years 8 months and 10 days. KNAPP— In Springfield, Mass., Margaret Maria Knapp, aged 77 years 11 months and 7 days. LEE— In this city, April 20, 1895, Catherine M., Deloved wife of Dr. L. A. Lee and daughter of Captain A. S. Young, a native of Santa Clara, Cal., aged 33 years 5 months and 1 day. . JB3"Tho funeral will take place THIS DAY (Monday), at 3 o'clock p. m., from her late resi- dence, 2211 Broderick street. Interment Masonic Cemetery. McGLYNN— In this city, April 21, 1895, John J., beloved husband of Annie McGlynn, and father of John, James and Benjamin McGlynn and brother of Thomas McGlynn. a native of County Roscommon, Ireland, aged 49 years. jB3"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at 9 o'clock a. m., from the par- lors of the San Francisco Undertaking Company, 1235 Market street, between Eighth and Ninth, thence to Sacred Heart Church, corner Fillmore and Fell streets, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. MINOR— In Alameda, April 21, 1895, George W. Minor, brother of Dr. J. F. Minor of San Mateo and Mrs. J. A. Mitchell of Alameda. a native of New York City, aged 43 years. O~Frlends and acquaintances are resoect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at 11 o'clock a. m.. from the resi- dence of his sister, 1135 Park avenue, Alameda. Interment Masonic Cemetery, San Francisco. POSCHAHER— this city, April 21, 1895, Leo- pold Poschaher, beloved husband of Henrietta Poschaher, and father of Tlllie, Paulina, Lizzie and Gustav Poscbaher,' a native of Austria, aged 59 years 5 months and 6 days. . #3~Remains at the parlors of Petersen <fc Gantner, 8 and 10 City Hall square. PETERSON— In this city, April 20, 1895. Mary, beloved wife of Charles Peterson, and sister of Mrs. J. McKenney, a native of Ireland, aged 44 years. .£3~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday), at 1:30 o'clock p.m.. from her late residence, 260 Stevenson street, thence to St. Patrick's Church for services. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. REILLY— anniversary requiem .mass will be celebrated at St. Peter's Church, Alabama street, near Twenty-fourth, THIS DAY (Monday), - commencing at 9 o'clock a. m.. for the repose of the soul of the late Mrs. James F. Reilly. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. SICHEL— In this city, April 20, 1895, Miss Seblla Sichel, beloved sister of Mrs. Lena Metzger, and aunt of John and Carrie Metzger, Mrs. Josephine McCord of New York City, Mrs. Lena Scholten of San Francisco. Mrs. Louisa Gnnther of San Jose, M. Sichel of Fort Ross and Mrs. Lena Eckert of Fisks Mill, Sonoma County, a native of Alsace, aged 74 years 4 months and 8 days. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday), at 12 o'clock ■ m., from the rest- dence of Joseph Gacstei, 1020b Jackson street. Services at 1 o'clock p. v. at St. Boniface's Church, Golden Gate avenue. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. SAVAGE— In this city, April 20, 1895, Margaret M., widow of the late Thomas McHenry Savage, and mother of David M., Henry M., William A. T. and Frank V. M. Savage, aged 75 years. JOTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday), at 1 o'clock p. m.. from her late resi- dence, 1415 Oak street. Interment Masonic Cem- etery. STURDIVANT-Tn this city, April 19, 1895, Rob- ert O. Sturdivant. a native of Georgia, aged 79 10 months and 19 days. , TRUMBOLL— Oakland. April 20, 1895, William Trumbull, aged 60 years. jWFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday), at 2 o'clock p. if., from Golden Gate Presbyterian Church. Take Berkeley local to Golden Gate at 1 o'clock p. v. VERDIER— In this city, April 20, 1895, Camlll* Verdier, a native of Paris, France, aged 45 years. I UNITE©' UNDERTAKERS' 1 EMBALMING PARLORS. Everything Requisite for Flrs:-c!ass Funeral* at Reasonable Rates. - I Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 Fifth street, . MCAVOY & CALLACHER, I FUN KR AL DIKKCTORS A KMBALMKRS, 20 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. Telephone 8080. . trAsTMclTeyoirtT. ™" ChaB.'McMkxomktA JAMES " MoMENOMJKX & SOX, I UNDERTAKERS AND EMBAtMJjRS.I 1057 Mission Street, Near Seventh. I Telephone No. 3354. ,„ , - - ■ LAUREL ILL CEJIETERY ASSOCIATION.;; /CHOICE LOCATIONS IN ANY PART OF THE \J grounds for sale and lots laid out on the Lawn system or inclosed with low walls, as purchaser may desire. - Perpetual care of plats a specialty. -' Cemetery permanent. , ' I For the purchase of lots or for any improvements apply to the superintendent on the grounds, Cen- tral avenue and Bush st., San Francisco, Cal. - CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY. TN SAN MATEO COTJNTT ; NON-SECTARIAN; J laid out on the lawn plan; perpetual care; beau- tiful, permanent and easy of access; see it before buying a burial place elsewhere. . ■ , City office, 9 CUt Hall Avenue. ■ / - 9