Newspaper Page Text
BJQBDfEBB CHANCES. TVTE CAN SELL YOU err \T SHOBTP~NO -■ M tice: try us. PROLL, STENBERG & CO., VlB Market st. QnAfk SALOON; POPULAR CORNER; IS '. •iy'\t. magnificently fitted up: business speaks for Itself : full investigation allowed: other business forces immediate sale. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. Qft^O. CORNeIr. SALOON: WESTERN AD- . I'lIU, dltion; this is a golden opportunity: '■ splendid business. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 ' -Market st. Q7HA CANDY-STORE, FACTORY: POPU- :rJP I \J\J. nlar place. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. IN ING-ROOM AT YOUR OWN PRICE; BE- ceipts $10 daily: sacrifice account sickness. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. QIC' BRANCH HAKI : WESTERNAD- *JJ.L 1 1), dition; steady business; receipts $7 and $8 daily. PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market S*. f»/»(rrk FOR SALE THIS WEEK~POPULAR •^O')U. corner cigar-store; will sell at invoice; . fixtures worth the money; value in sight; big trade. PROLL <S STENBEBG, 719 Market st. (&IOAA WELL-ESTABLISHED SALOON ; Cl-"1'. best corner north of Market St.; big lay and night trade: daily receipts $20; thorough investigation; must self; departure. PROLL & STENBKRG. 719 Market st. <•)-..() BUTCHER BUSINESS: SAFE IX- - «J _-)U. vestment: good opportunity for steady man. PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market st. " •<"»lin SALOON; PAYING WELL; SACRI- «JpcIW. flee account of other business: splendid location: big bargain. PROLL &. STENBERG, 719 Market Bt. Q^TTn SALOON ~ LOCATION BUSINESS VOUV. center; must sell account departure. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. djj mil CIGAR STORE NEAR; MARKET: t\f\J. fixtures, stock worth $800; clears $160 month; easily run, Immense trade: sacrifice account sickness. • ROLL a BTENBERO, 719 Market st. <lt( U\ STORE AMi BAKERY NEAR MAZE; '?\J\J\ f. receipts $15. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. pOFFEE SALOON; CENTRAL: RECEIPTS V $40 a day; rent only $75; price $750: clears easily $150. Apply SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. DRUG STORE; WESTERN ADDITION; clearing over $100. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. (i A A CHICKEN RANCH: 600 S5 HENS, »~'-' l -'V'. bouse, tools. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. TO SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND quick for cash see STRAND <fc CO., 45 Third st. >. .7 X RESTAURANT; BEST LOCATION: c t I O. on Fourth St.: receipts $10 to $15 per day; bargain. STRAND >t Co., 45 Third st. CjQA BRANCH BAKERY. COFFEE PAR- %?OU. lor: 8 rooms. STRAND, 45 Third st. < IAA CORNEB LIQUOR" STORE; PAY ttUU. well; great bargain. STRAND, 45 Third. «f)'A PARTNER IN SALOON; CLEAR •r-OU. $100 per month. STRAXD, 45 Third. • CJI^A ' PARTNER " WANTED IN GOOD- O. Ml. : 1 agcoffee saloon. STRAXD.4S Third. (2» -;r (\ GROCERY AND BA R, 5 FURNISHED f'tltfyt. roo:us, piano, etc; without furniture and piano, ?i:5O. STRAND .v- CO., 45 Third at. 0*9 c GBOCBBY AND BAB, WTTB 9 fur- — «_)' '. tiished rooms: cheap rent; fixtures: value in sight and a .trade clearing about $100 per month. STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. <ni 1 CA BRANCH BAKERY AND CaNDY- • L«Jl'. store; full value: must sell this week. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. "(2»QAA SALOON; GOOD STOCK, FIXTURES, tPOv'U pool table, etc; 4 rooms furnished: will exchange for property. STRAND, 45 Third st. •2 1 AAA BAKERY; USES 2 BARRELS OF OiuUu. flour per day: 2 horses and waeon; good paying place. STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. CMAA WELL-PAYING BUTCHER SHOP"! O*i"U. with horse and wagon. LUNDIN A WEHNER, 539 California st. QINGLE LADY WANTS PARTNER IX GOOD- IE paying business; good chance. LUXDIX A WEHXEB, 539 California st. QQAA JfUACTICAL RESTAURANT MAX *&O\J\J. who can command good trade wishes partner: good bargain. LUXDIX A WEHNER, 539 California st. Qtj-IO^A CORNER SALOON IX VICINITY 1 J — O\J. of Flood building; old-established and first class; good will alone worth $2000; see it and be convinced; sickness cause sale. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. <E»9AA DELIVERY BUSINESS, WITH *£-£i\J\J. good horse and wagon, clearing $80 per month: suitable for any industrious man. M LESS, 5 Fourth st. . Ql rA PAYING BRANCH BAKERY, NO- jJldU. tions, etc; central; north of and within few blocks of Market st; 4 rooms. LESS, 5 Fourth. 0 iAA CHICKEN RANCH NEAR SANTA O^tUU. Rosa; incubators, chicken-houses, horse and wagon, 400 chickens ; lease on 6-room cottage, 18 acres land; ground rent $10. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. " ■:: - -. Q.*) c )r\ HAY, GRAIN, WOOD AND COAL VX>£uuOm yard, horse and wagons. BUCHANAN C 0., . 765 Market st. - QfiCA DELICACIES AND POKKSTORE; *J}\)t)\J. cheap rent: fine location; a bargain. BUCHANAN A CO., 765 Market at. T7IOK SALE— MILK KAXCH, CONSISTING OF J? 41 cows, 8 horses, 4 wagons; selling 100 jrailc'is milk caily, mostly private customers. Enquire JOHN I'.EIDY, 19 Sixth - <$• ' .AA RESTAURANT DOING A FIX 3 •J'tIUVJ. business on Market st. . best bargain in the city. Apply to JOHN REIDY. 19 Sixth si. CjO^A STEADY MAN AS PARTNER, TO • -'Ju. do some plain writing, collect, etc; $80 monthly. Bona fide, box 30. Call Office. - -: r.i WANTED— MEN WITH SMALL CAPITAL TO » ' manage branches good-paying business in out- side cities. Cal. Fruit Sherbet C 0.,123 California st. LD - ESTABLISHED BRANCH BAKERY, 1525y Dnpont st. GOOD CASH BUSINESS, CHEAP RENT. For particulars address care of DR. PRATT, 14 Grant aye., San Francisco. q r » \ BRANCH BAKERY AND LIVING- O^U. rooms; fine location; must be sold to-day at a sacrifice, or exchange for a good organ or piano. 929 Mission st. pORNER GROCERY, BAR, STOCK AND \J fixtures; good business; living rooms; lease. Railroad Brewery, 427 Valencia. pAINT SHOP FOR SALE; 35 YEARS OLD; X stock, fixtures and trade. 926 Washington . st; no agents. Q1 QAA FOR SALE; CORNER STORE CAR- O-»-OUv/. rying dry goods, notions, crockery, etc.; good location; long lease; 4 living rooms; cheap rent; snap for a right person. Inquire 638 Washington st. ,"■•:_. I" rtIRST-CI 4.SS 4-CHAIR BARBER SHOP; X I old established ; $250. 321 Montgomery aye. EXPECTABLE LADY WISHES GENTLE- man as partner in small paying restaurant; small capital required. Call at 208 First st. pULTURED GENTLEMAN DESIRES PROM I- \J cent business connections: age 50: speaks German and English: large business experience; owns elegant furnished office. Address C. G., box 22, Call Office. • L" ADY PARTNER in beans and brown bread. Apply 12 Adair su, off Howard, bet. Fifteenth and Sixteenth sts. WAITED— MANAGEMENT OR LEASE »» of a paying hotel. Address Cash, box 15, Call Office. ,_■;'. -.-■.■ If OR SALE— GOOD ESTABLISHED RETAIL X meat market; prices reasonable: owner wish- lng to go East. A. H., box 89, Call Office. O; Xf| A BUTCHER-SHOP; FINEST FIX^ ijPU\J\J. tures; $400 refrigerator; cash business: best of location; must be sold on account of other business. 777 Market st. LACKSMITH AND SHOEING; BEST STAND JJ in city; price $150. Call 261 Clara st. ■\7-OUNG MAN WANTED AS PARTNER- -I Icecream and candy business; single man. Ap- ply to-day 1203% Golden Gate aye. CAORNERGROCERY; BAR; 4 LIVING-ROOMS; ) will sell at value in stock on account of other business. Apply 940 Bryant st. "aTj7>X RESTAURAN T— BEST KNOWN <4>^■'—O. place on city front; must sell on account of disagreement of partners. Apply at once to 232 Third st. GOOD PAYING SALOON: LIVING-ROOMS; r rent $14 ; good stock. 636 Third st. ■■ OR SALE-GAS PLANT, 75 METERS^ X I town of 2000 Inhabitants; extensively piped. Address box B, Redding, Ca!. <8i QAA CORNER BALOON; WESTERN AD- «3)OUU. dltion; on 2 car lines; good business. Inquire WILKE, 633 California st., Phoenix Bar. Q9fifl SALOON; TRANSFER CORNER: •„ — "U. next power-house: death of proprietor causes this great bargain. 633 California St., Pliu,- .nix Bar. , . . . , = EjOnn PARTNER WANTED INGOOD-I'AY- '. — vU. ing business; $40 daily receipts. 626 Sacramento st. i"'" X SALE— A PAYING FRUIT AXD PROD- JL_uc* store; cheap. Apply 206 Leaven worth st. 13 E.STAURAXT— JUST THE PLACE FOB XV man and wife: small rent. < Apply this office. PARTNER WANTED IN A FIRST-CLASS X business, established for 37 years. For Informar tlon address A^y., box 53, this office. ITipß BALE -"CHEAP: LOT 25x120, WITH X house, 8 living-rooms, stable, barroom, includ- ing nice bar fixtures: doing good business; half racetrack ea " y terms - Pl*y 715 Fifth aye.. T WISH to DIVIDE MY call ROUTE and WalkfcallOffic^ 611111 * papers in Oaldllnd - Apply RANCH BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY AND J-» coffee parlor: established 20 years: no reason- ' able offer refused. 408 Third st. Q^OnO ««OCEBY AND BAB; PHINCI- t3>K)i)\J\J. pal street: -old established business; 45* (fail 1 offlcef faCtOry reasoDS lor selling. A, box pOOD CHANCE FOR A RESTAURANT MAN : VJ restaurant worth $700 will be sold very cheap; Inspection solicited ;_old established place. 333 6th. H A wi?h R , A w A N D COM ?SION BUSINESS; ffcTi " ■ w WANTED- TO SUPPLY FAMTITrS WITH » double-filtered distilled s i"-' a,.onlo s and upward at 10c a galion, free of e.xpressage. The Ralston Health Food Company,2o3 Suiter si., Uaklant^ephone^ol" 6ll32ol 1168 BUSINESS CHANCES-Uontiimed. Q7^A FINE RESTAURANT; VERY GOOD «4) I fJ\J. location; doing a nice cash business; rent $50; must be sold this week on account sick- ness in family; call and investigate; bargain. Ap- ply SMITH-HUBER, 1001 Market. CW*Afl BRANCH BAKERY AND DELI- t&\J\J\J. cacy-store: large stock; worth the money; rent $25; 3 nice rooms: real bargain. Ap- ply SMITH, HUBER & CO., 1001 Market st. 'Cj IWE PARTNER WANTED BY A GOOD •P± < ♦). cook in fine restauranu Apply SMITH, HUBER A CO., 1001 Market st. C I • I.I : LADY WANTS PARTNER IN GOOD O business; $200 required. Apply SMITH, HU- BER & CO., 1001 Market st. <*>( \(\ RESTAURANTDOING FINE CASH tiP^j\J\J % business; rent $26; 2 rooms; big bar- galn. SMITH. JH BEB & CO., 1001 Market st. DESTAURANT: GOOD LOCATION, LOW X\i rent, living rooms; pood place for a man and wife or partner. Apply Call office, ILK DAIRY TO LET: HOUSE 6 ROOMS, barn for 36 cows, Dorse barn for 6; water from windmill; corral. Apply G. GIANNINI. near Golden City, near San Bruno road. XiX)R SALE— CORNER IJQUOR-STORE WITH -C good bar trade. Apply 368 Third st. ? : « fn,\ FRUIT BUSINESS IN SAX JOSE; tT""IUU. centrally located. Address A. J. COX, cor. Market and Santa Clara sts., San Jose. OLD-ESTABLISHED WELL- PAYING COR- ncrgrocfry ana saloon in the Western Addition; best of reasons for selling. Inquire of LEVY CO.. wholesale liquor dealers. 219 Grant aye. • ..i ; A BRANCH BAKERY, NOTION .^||ll, candy store; 5 sunny living-rooms; grand bargain; rent $15. WOOD, 917 Market st. C* -7 A BUYS PRINTING AND MANUFAC- •7> M " ' turingstore;central. 8.,b0x9, Call Office. IUBST-CLABB bakery for sale; owner X retiring. Apply Call Branch. ■-':_•' -- n CORNER SALOON: BEST PART OF JJJ) I «J". street; fine fixtures: cheap rent; selling from 12 to 15 barrels beer per week. In- quire at Call Office. ©XAA A GOOD BAKERY; DOING GOOD «P • " " '• trade ; with new oven; horse and wagon ; sickness cause of selling. Address B. S., box 95, Call Office. :.. j> ■•>- • JjlOß SALE-FIRST - CLASS RESTAURANT, boarding-house and saloon; building of 20 rooms, well furnished and full of roomers; must be sold on account of sickness of owner. Call or ad- dress MRS. J. DELCROIX, Point Tiburon, Marin County. "•'.;- - QQOnn WANTED, PARTNER; MINING i£)d\J\J\J. and milling gold ores in this state; has had 45 years' experience. Address H., box 93, this office. SALE— HOME "RESTAURANT; GOOD X business. Apply this office. pOOD-PAYING CORNER SALOON; FIXE V.T location; streetcar transfer stand; also 12 fur- nished rooms Included: always rented; reasonable. 20 Lafayette St.. bet. Eleventh and Twelfth. LODGING-HOI I OK SALE. 7n-ROOJI HOTEL: GOOD COUNTRY TOWN; i U clearing $300. DECKER, 1206 Market st. To-ROOM HOUSE ; NEW FURNITURE: EASY 1O payments. DECKER, 1206 Market st. "1 Q ROOMS; FINE 51 'UN ~ NORTH OF I -LO Market st,; only $750. DECKER, 1206 Market st. . rpo BUY OR SELL A * LODGING-HOUSE! X quick for cash see GUS STRAND, 45 Third st boAf| FURNISHED FLAT OF 6 BOOHS: O—c'v. all rented: pays over rent $20; great bargain. STRAND CO., 45 Third st. CO-ROOM. corner hotel, clearing Oj-i $100; $800. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. \VTA XTED— PAYING LODGING-HOUSE FOR '» 12-acre ranch. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. CJ9AA LODGING-HOUSE 11 ROOMS. ALL '_ — \f\J. full ; cheap rent. 101 Minna St., corner Second. W ANTED— TO RENT, FURNISHED LODG- >» ing-house. B. S., box 21, this office. ;__ ,- ODGING-lIOUSE 13 ROOMS, FULL STEADY XJ roomers, at sacrifice. 249 Stevenson. A(\ CORNER; ELEGANTLY FUR- •jU Dished; clears *200:$2500. T.,box 6,Ca11 office. I AND ALL. COME FOR BARGAINS TO BUT- -L TERFIELP real estate. CrockPr building. I'UKNIXUKE FOR SALE. FOR SA^K—FVB^TXJRB^OeX^KOdMS?AI^ most new; cheap for cash. Inquire at 1532 Bush St., after 10 a. m. ; G~ Krasky, carpets PICT! ; • folding, iron beds, furniture: low prices. Cal. ; step-ladder manfd for the trade. 779 Mission st. PEDROOM SETS, $11: OAK CHAIRS, $1; XI carpets. 45c. SHIREK, 1310-1312 Stockton. pUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS \J this week at Mci A BJ'S, 948-950 Mission st. I) EDUCTIONS OX LARGE STOCK, NEW AND XV second band; 400 carpets, good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up: linoleum, 45c; 7-piece chamber suits, $14 50; cornice-poles, 25c: ranges, $6; cash or installments; goods shipped free. T. H. NELSON. 126 Fourth st. FURNITURE WANT JSP. JC. MUTHER, THE AUCTIONEER, BUYS . furniture at highest cash prices. 5 Fonrtli st. SHOW CASES, BAR, RESTAURANT, CANDY outfits,rlxtnres,etc.,hought and sold. 125 Fifth st. T7>URNITURE, COUNTERS, SHOWCASES, X) restaurants honght.sold. AJS'DERfeON.II2I Mkt CARPETS. ~ CARPETS, 45c; LINOLEUM. 40c; BEDROOM V>' set, $11. SHIREK. 1310-1312 Stockton st. CARPET CLEANING. RATIONAL CABPET BKATXNO ANDBENv> 1> vating Works, HAMPTON A NUN AN ; laving and altering. 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission "244. pITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING' AND \J Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. G. E. STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. pARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND \J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON & CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. WHEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH f ? poor work send to SPAULDIXG'S Pioneer Car- pet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama: tei. So-40. pONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 833 V^ Golden Gate aye. ; telephone east 126. (IARPETS WELL CLEANED. BARBER'S, 236 v^ 14th, nr. Mission; tel. (Mission) 100. The 1. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING Co. (incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14tb, teL 6074. MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REX- . ova: ing works. 453 Stevenson: tel. 3228. PIANOS, VIOLINS- AND SHEET MUSIC. EBIEBSON UPRIGHT PIANO; REASON- abIe. 1421% Hayes st., between 10 and 1. p OOD STEIN WAY AT $200 AND A CHICK* kX ering piano at $250: both in good condition; in fine tone. THE J. DEWING CO., 2d floor Flood bldg, sole agents celebrated Hardman and Chase. ATEW, LARGE, FINE UPRIGHT: BEAUTI- JL' ful walnut case: splendid tone; perfect condi- tion: only used 3 months: owner orders it sacri- ficed for $175. Room 10, Flood bldg. UPRIGHTS, NEARLY NEW, CHEAP; Schubert, Steinway and Decker Bros. 515 Van Ness. . ■ . PBIGIIT FOR SALE— NO REASONABLE U offer refused. 35 Russ, bet. Sixth and Seventh. GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO FOR PRACTICE; this week, $75. Room 21, Flood bldg. HOME INDUSTRY— HEMME & LONG PIANO CO., 340 Post; pianos sold on installments; send for Illustrated catalogue. ■ N UPRIGHT PIANO IN GOOD CONDITION for sale cheap. 228 Page st. HARP BY SEBASTIAN "EEARD; • DOUBLE action and elegantly finshed ; is found with difficulty anywhere: a nice selection is at present exhibited by SHERMAN, CLAY <fc CO. $LAn ELEGANT STKIXWAY; QUITE '~pX\J\J . new.on Installments. 221 Leavenworth. pARGAINS- PIANOS FROM $75 UP; ORGANS X) $25. A. L. BANCROFT & CO.. 324 Post St. A BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A good piano by ranting. Be careful to go to KOHLER A CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. - Di ck'.i: BROS., STKINWAY.FISCHER AND XJ other first-class makes of pianos: little used; cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLKB <fe CHASE. 28 and 80 O'Farrell st. . Cl BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND PI- VT anos at SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. 'S, cor. Kear- ny and Sutter sts. " . J M .*. SOS SOLD UPON NEW RENT CONTRACT X plan; please call and have it explained; the easiest terms ever quoted for procuring fine piano. bHhuMAN, CLAY <fc CO., cor. Kearny and Sutter. EA«S TERMS; LOW PRICES. kohler & \V G. BADGER, WITH BENJ. CURTAZ, 20 Tt . ° Farrell, agent for Hallet and Davi planO3. IjijsW ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARD x makes, almost new, half original cost; see at once. F. W. SPENCER 4 CO., 721 Market st. AU ,VAIS, 769 MARKET-SHEET MUSIO V a price; Decker A Son pianos. • BYRON MAUZY, SOB POST ST.-SOHMER, N ewby A: Evans, Brigg3 and other pianos. j CTEINWAY UPRIGHT; SLIGHTLY USED; p grand tone; half-cogt. SPENCER, 721 Market. SUPERIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD A NEW. t~ H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. . : „■■.._ 1. . j ._ HOKSKS. " ™ FOR SALE CHEAITirTEAM^T)? 1 GOOD horses. L. F. CO., 818 Mission st. >■ ? Y-r-i "I UST ARRIVED— 8 CARLOADS OF HORSES 0 weighing from 1000 to 1700 pounds: suitable for truck, wagon and road horses. G. LLNDAUKR Union Stables, 862 Howard st. -v-"v"' U»OB SALE, CHEAP— WELL- MATCHED PAIR J 1 of roadsters, surrey, harness, etc.: also 1 gray horse, buggy, harness, , et«.; will sell all or part Apply 504 Gutter st. ? .-..-. * ' HOBS PASTURED; 82 A MONTH; SEND for circular. F. A. HYDE, 630 Commercial st. I AA SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL lUU kinds; second-hand wagons, buggy, carts: also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia sis'. WAGONS ANJU 'CARRIAGES. Fink hakkrv and Laundry wagons X 1 rockaway. also back. 828 Harrison. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1895. CITY REAL. ESTATE. j EDUCED TO ?35bbT^CO^?24T^Il'sT7rXEAR ' Valencia; 80-foot front and neat and comforta- ble cottage; fine buy. THOMAS MAGEE A SONS, 20 Montgomery st. - : . p ENUINE BARGAIN. XX PRIVATE SALE. $1500 cash; rents $624 per year; 2 houses and lot, In ,?ood condition; in the heart of city; small tenements: new brick foundations; street accepted. Apply at once to 8., box 22, Call Office. IpOR SALE-LOT 50x100, WITH A SMALL X 1 house on it, near Colma station. Apply at 411 Sausome St., CHARLES JOHNSON. C»99 AAA 9 FLATS: LOT 60x60 FEET; V i£)-Uj.\J\J\J • block from new City Hall; month- ly rentals $150. $6500—2 modern flats; V ? block from the Maze; rents $600; property actually worth $9000; must sell. $4250—2 elegant modern flats; within 1 block of Valencia and Liberty sts.; lot 30x114 feet; worth $7000; monthly income $50. A. M. SPECK A CO., 30 Montgomery st. WANTE D— NICE VACANT FLATS; HOUSES »i or stores: at once. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. ARGAIN; $1450: 2-STORY 7-ROOM COT- tage in Holly Park; corner lot; 50x60; can be bought for small payment down; balance same as rent. CADEXASSO A CO., 512 Montgomery st. <$±~\ 1(\(\ HOUSE, 5 ROOMS: BARN, ETC., <$X i UU. in Berkeley; lot 100x100, with creek. $5250— House, 7 rooms; fine corner; 120x135, with orchard. $1000— Fine corner; 40x100; macadamized ; $100 down, $100 yearly. CIIAS. A. BAILEY, 46 Market St., or Berkeley station, Berkeley. • I TOR SALE— NEW COTTAGE 5 ROOMS AND . bath; high basement; part cash; owner on premises Sunday. Plymouth aye., Holly Park, 1 block from Misslon-st. electric cars. ■VTEW MODERN HOUSE, 10 BOOMS : FINELY 1\ decorated; will be sold cheap. ' 1929 Oak St., near Shrader; easy terms. Apply premises. T piCHMOND— CHEAPEST LOTS TET ; COR- XV ncr California and Twenty-first aye., north side of the street, bet. Twenty-first and Twenty- second; railroad depot right at the door; half the frontage of block: will sell as a whole or will sub- divide; no reasonable offer refused. Apply to owner, D. REDMOND, 1172 Harrison st. (JjOAAfV ELEGANT COTTAGE 5 ROOMS, rpt)\»UU. bath; planked basement; Interior decorations; easy Installments; cars pass. I'otrero live, and 20th St. <2Q7£« WORTH DOUBLE: SPLENDID LOT t[p»J iU. 27x100: Bemis, near Castro; block from electric cars. J. R. ROCHE, P. O. box 1876. xIO7:6—SW. CORNER OF JERSEY AND Diamond sts. Apply within. pHEAP LOT;; 25x100; READY TO BUILD \J on; Western Addition. F. M., Branch A, P. O. ■ pOTTAGE 5 ROOMS; STABLE FOR 6 \J horses: 10-foot basement; modern improve- ments. 19 Hardy st., bet. 16th and 17th. <I'£9^A SEE THOSE HANDSOME NEW &\J-*U\J. flats; McAllister st., bet. Baker and Lyon: owner on premises Sunday. L. FRIED- LANDER, 429 Montgomery st. HOUSES FOR BALE ON SMALL MONTHLY payments: loans made on San Francisco real estate. LOUIS BLANK, 214 Pine St., rrus. 58 59. WANTKIi- CASH, CIIF.AP LOTS NOTHR >» and south of the park. 8. P., box 180, Call Office. countuy heal kstatk. c r e~^dairyT" s T?og a xd~~woo d O£VJ ranch: 40 acres in cultivation; 13 acres in vines and fruit; good house; all fenced ; will carry 40 cows; 5 miles from town, on a county roud; 6000 cords of standing firewood: large timber; $3500. D. 11. TWIXG, Sonoma City, Cal. &~l f* PER ACRE-IMPROVED BIG VALLEY V/ « v> ranch; timber; running water: well lo- cated; must be sold; United States patent. W. L. FOSTER, Kelseyvllle, Cal. ■_ BEAUTIFUL A N D ACCESSIBLE HOME; 5 acres at Piedmont Heights: richest soil: pro- duces twice the crops of other lands; $300 to $600 per acre; one-tenth cash; carriages to the tract every day: send for maps. WILLIAM J. DIX- GEE, 460 Eighth st,, Oakland. ' M GRIFFIN, COTTONWOOD, CAL., BENDS I • free circulars and prices of cheap land. ~f*A FIRST PRIZES— FOR THE PURPOSE OF U"i drawing attention to the Valley Railroad we offer the following prizes: We will allow 64 people to take 10 acres of land each, 25 miles this side of Fresno, at the nominal price of $150 for 10 acres; payable $10 cash, $10 per month without interest. This is level prairie land, and the railroad runs through the tract; cheap at $500. Call or write immediately, as no more will be offered. WEST- ERN LAND COMPANY, 640 Market st. pONTRA COSTA COUNTY LAND FOR SALE; \J Bend for list. D. J. WEST, Martinez, Oat ACRE LITTLE HOME OX EIGHT YEARS' credit. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. IF YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING X purposes or an orchard already improved, where only a small cash outlay is required, balance pay- able In 6 or 7 years, apply at 326 Montgomery St., San Francisco. BARGAIN IX ALAMEDA COUNTY; 320 acres of foothill land; plenty of wood and water; only $6 per acre. Inquire JAMES i .v- HILL, 408 Twelfth St., Oakland. . . ARIN COUNTY— SOOO ACRES 26 MILES from San Francisco. RANCHO DE NOVATO. Tracts of any size desired; fruit, grain and vege- j table land: no irrigation; both rail and water , transportation; $40 to $75 per acre; easy terms, town of Xovato: graded school, hotels and stores > on the property; send for circular. Dairy for sale with or without cows. SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 I and 65. Chronicle building. EDUCATIONAL. Bellasoo^Tlyce v^^^scTfooiToF^Acn Private theatricals arranged. Rooms 5 aud 12, I Odd Fellow's building, cor. Seventh and Market st. ; pupils rehearsed on stage. \'oc.\L fEAOHERTJOSEPH GREVEN, I*l- -t proves and beautified even spoiled voices and procures positions for his pupils. 82 Ninth st. WALTZ TAUGHT IN A FEW LESSONS; 11 private or class. 121 Powell st-, nr. O'Farrell. MBS. MELVILL&SNYDER, ORATORICAL^ Vocal and Dramatic Academy, 619 Van Ness aye.; vocal classes Monday, 8 p. month; dra- matic classes Wednesday, BP. m., $3 month: also : private lessons and piano; ladies and gentlemen coached for professional or amateur stage (stage lor ' practice). PUPILS IN ENGLISH BRANCHES BY STATE X Normal graduate; conditioned pupils a BPO- -cialty. 313 Hyde st. S~ TIEHL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market St.: diploma course $30. GIREEK, LATIN, MODERN LANGUAGES, VT mathematics, etc. ; students prepared for any examination at reasonable rates. R. 333, riieianbld. rp ABB'S INST., 659 BOOKKEEPING X taught In 6 weeks. We pledge Ourselves to keep free for 6 months books our graduates fail on. ENGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT BY MISS DILLON. 14 McAllister at., room 46. "VTERTICAL AND POINTED HANDWRITING V taught. C. EISENSCHIMEL, 238 Kearny. MISSPAMPKKIN PIANO LESSON UANCX i-'X music furnished; terms to suit. 1543 Mission. H BALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 POST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern lan- guages rapidly taught. Write for catalogue. T ILLIAN BBDDABDJ THE ENGLISH AO- XJ tress, coaches ladles and gentlemen for the dramatic profession ; appearances arranged. Shake- spearean Academy, 406 Van Ness aye. QCHOOL ELECTRICAL, CIVIL, MINING, MB- O chanical engineering, surveying, architecture,' assay: ftitab. '64. VAN DER NAILLEX.723 Mitt. fOX SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. V RESITr^SI LLY^O^V^6Tr^ALET"APPL V T at 1232 Twenty-fourth St., near Castro. f^OR SALE— TO lii; REMOVED, 2-STORY double house; 309 and 309 a Clementina st. Proposals for purchase of same to be submitted to H. '11.10s, 120 Fulton st. I >A INTERS' FALLS, LADDERS; ALSO TIN- -L ner's tools, rollers, etc. 258 Stevenson st. "1)A1N1 Kit S OIT FIT — FALLS, LADDF.KS, X etc. ; cheap. 2008 O'Farrell st, bet. 2 and 5. \ Good CENTRALLY LOCATED PLANT FOR manufacturing purposes; 2-story Duilding; 50 li. p. engine and boiler, shafting, etc.; lot 75x250; 5 years' lease: now In operation: for sale at half value. R. C. JEWELL, 628 Market st. - , Bi BLACK STAND CHEAP. 335 MONTj XJ gomtry st. ATEW $100 LADY'S SAFETY"; 50 CASH OR -!> installments. 326 McAllister st. Till SUING ENGINE. FOR SALE CHEAP— X One Bxl4 straw-burning thrashing engine, with brand new boiler: built to carry a working pressure of 100 pounds of steam. Apply at T. J. MOYNI- HAN'S boiler works, 311 and 313 Mission st., southwest corner Beale. ■..'.'• . . ■ . \ 1 LOT OF EASTERN STANDARD MAKES jt\. of safes which have been taken In exchange as part payment for ; the Waltz safes, as follows: 3 burglar-proof bank or coin safes, 7 jewelers' safes. 8 pawnbrokers* safes, 13 merchant safes: fire and burglar proof : all sizes; at less than half cost; see them before you order. The Waltz Safe Salesroom, 221 and 223 Market St., factory 13 and 16 Drumm St., San Francisco. Cal. ■ , . : ATEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- Ii hand. W. a RAY Mfg Co., 12 California st. "WILSHIRE SAFE, LETTER- SCALE, TT coffee-mill and money-till; cheap. 102 Clay st. COUNTER S, SHELVING, SHOWCASES / bought and sold. 1121 V Market, bet. 7th and Bth ~ STORAGE lariLsoN BROS., mo m a r k mf J m£'sS£r. »T Tenth and Van Ness— Get our rates and exam- ine - our method for storage of furniture and all kinds of household goods; dust and vermin proof; separate rooms at low rates. - AFE, DRY. CHEAP TO STORE YOUR furniture, etc. LUNDY I FURNITURE CO PANY, 818 Mission st ! . ■-:-.:- : : : T7IURNITURE, PIANOS AND OTHER MER- x < handier" received on storage ; money advanced on consignments; fire-proof building. 410 Post St., above Powell. . ■' * .'■■- * -■ .; ■ ..< QTORAGE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSE- O hold goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market st. T7IIRST-CLASS STORAGE : ADVANCES MADE I , £ 421-423 Market St. CHA& L. TAYLOB. 1 |_i OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. IpiVE COTTAGES FOR SALE IN GOOD Lo- c alities In Oakland; any reasonable offer will not be refused; easy terms. E.E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. _^ PIEDMONT HEIGHTS-$3OO PER ACRE. X WM. J. DINGEE, 460 Eighth st., Oakland. END FOR MAPS OF PIEDMONT HEIGHTS; ICI beautiful acres; suburban home sites: $300 to $600; easy terms. WILLIAM J. DIXGEE, 460 \ Eighth st., Oakland. .-.. I>ERKELEY— A DELIGHTFUL COTTAGE It home, 2 blocks from station, half a block from electric cars; large lot, 50.\135: $2500 buys it. W. E. BARNARD & SON, 468 Ninth st., Oakland. O A ACRES — HAY WARDS; 1200 FRUIT- -J\' trees, bearing: new house, barn and farm tools: horse and wagon; very cheap; make offer. Apply to C. K. KING, 902 Broadway, Oakland. OR SALE— LOVELY COTTAGE HOME ON Twenty-first St., Oakland; lot 25x100; price only $1600: easy terms. WM. M. DE WOLF, 1050 Broadway, Oakland. ~~ (H»97CA JUST COMPLETED— MODERX 2- <Jp__ I O\J. story 7-room house; bath and good lot 40x107; all street work done; splendid loca- tion, near Broadway, Oakland City; terms easy. Apply to ALDEN A GARFIELD, builders, 902 Broadway, Oakland. . . TOOK! $160— LOTS IX FRUITVALE ONLY XJ $1 cash and $1 a week; buy a home and pave your small earnings; the new railroad will double values in Oakland. H. B. P-NNSY, 902 Broad- way. Oakland. ■ mo RENT-GOING AWAY; WILL RENT A 1 choice 2-story 10-room house, furnished ; lot 60x 127. with stable; rent $40 to adults. WM. M. DE WOLF, 1050 Broadway, Oakland. • > • T7IOR RENT-WINDOW AND DESK ROOM I 1 on Broadway; central location. 1010 Broad- way, Oakland. , j v- •"- - 1 nAVE SEVERAL CASH CUSTOMERS FOR 1 homes in different parts of the city; also many fine properties for exchange; send description at once. F. C, WATSON, 463 Ninth st., Oakland. Qij9A PER MONTH AND NOTHING DOWN «3p__U for a 5-room modern cottage, well located. Apply to ALDEN A GARFIELD. 902 Broadway, Oakland. - /-t__SAP HOMES; $325, $500, $750, $850, $1000. \J LODGE A POWELL, Fruitvale station. AXTED— 50 HEAD OF SMALL MULES, TT broke; also 2 carloads of high grade cows, in exchange for clear Oakland real estate; 1 will pay part cash. Address P. O. box 86, Oakland. BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY XJ sold on easy terms; small payment down or ex- changed. E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. C!i9AAH A BARGAIN-BUSINESS PROP- tJpI^'.IfUU, erty on San Pablo aye.: 125 feet frontage. Apply to J. W. MOSS, 958 Broadway, Oakland. - "I^OR SALE— OFFER WAXTED FOR A LARGE X I residence and grounds on the heights, East Oak- land, near Borax Smith's palatial residence, to close an estate. BENEDICT A CO., 457 Ninth st., Oakland. .__ v- :.-*-, _ 1 9A A HOUSE, 6 ROOMS, IX BERKELEY; «Jp I_UU. lot 40x100; one-third cash. $400- Lot 40x100; $50 down, $10 monthly; near proposed railroad. (HAS. A. BAILEY, Berkeley station, Berkeley. "On""' A CASH WILL BUY A NICE 6-ROOM »* I t)U cottage, worth S2OOO, leaving a mort- gage of $1000. Address WM. P. TODD, 1008 Broadway, pakland. ': j __Q£,AA C P. KERN _ CO., CENTRAL i£lij*)\J\J. Bank building, Oakland, have just completed a fine modern 8-room house; corner lot; 10 minutes to Fourteenth-st. local; will sell: easy payment*. a MALL ADVERTISEMENTS AND 9UBSCRIP- O tions taken at Call Branch Oflice, 717 Larkin St., 839 Haves st. and 2518 Mission si.; open till it HO !■■ M. ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. I^^oiTiiMMTcinTrE sale, nToar~sciiool X and station; $2250; $150 cash; $25 monthly; new 5-room cottage and bath. $2650-$ lOO ca__: $25 monthly: 37x100; 6- room cottage and bath. $3130— 5200 cash; $30 monthly; new cottage 7 rooms and bath. 98260— cash: 986 monthly; 38x100; corner houKO in fine condition; 8 rooms and bath. Houses to rent from $10 up; open Sundays and holidays. MABCUHE A BEMMBL, Bay-street station, Alameda, and 623 Market St., San Fran- cisco. EVERAL RESIDENCES FOR SALE FROM k* l $1700 tost;<itH): also 1 for $12,600. OESTER- ■ REICHER A OWI 503 California st. T OVELY COTTAGE HOME; 7 ROOMS; BATH; XJ gas: lot 50x150; cheap fur cash or exchange for an Francisco property. Call 2211 Son Jose avenue, Park-street stat.on, Alameda. TO EXCHANGE TOR BAN FRANCISCO X property, modern 2-story house; ' 9 rooms and bath; handsomely furnished; lot 00x150; gas, city and well water; carriage-house; street macadam- ized; half block to electric cars; 5 minutes from broad-sjausre station; 6 minutes to narrow gauge: cost $9300. Apply CUAS. C. _K.MiS, 324 Mont- gomery st.. S. F. , . ;,v C* i) A PER MONTH PURCHASES A NEW 2- story l>-ro"m house: hot and cold water and bath. Address CHARLES DARLING, 508 California M.. S. F. 'Pi! 1. GREATEST BARGAIN' EVER OFFER- J- ed I A lovely 8-room house with every conveni- ence i beautiful grounds; 7,sxi:t". feet; sewered; close to station; only $3000; $500 cash; balance $30 per month. . W. C. MORAN, Lorin sution, . Berkeley. d_OAA CASH, $20 MONTHLY, WILL PUR- • — ' '*' chase a fine 7-room house, value $1800, ' within one block of station: cement walks; streets graded, etc. W. C. MORAN, Lorin Station, Berkeley. . .>! k PER MONTH PURCHASES A NEW 8- ;»_ — '" room house; hot and cold water and bath. Address CHARLES DARLING, 508 California St., ; San Francisco. ' OUSE— S ROOMS; LOT 35x133; FINISHED street; $1100; for sale, or will exchange for lot: new cottage of 5 rooms. J. H. YOUNG, 1243 Park St.. Alameda. " CiftAA L< ) T 60x150; $50 CASH, $10 MONTH- »]/U"./U. ly; 3 blocks from Bay-st. station; a bar- gain : see us quick. MACDONALD, MOTT _ CO., 1422 Park St., Alameda. A LAMEDA PROPERTY-BUY, RENT, SELL A or exchange bargains. Call on WILL BURN- HAM _ CO., 1355 Park st., Alameda, and BURN- HAM A. MARSH CO., 428 Montgomery St., S. F. A LAMBDA BAROANB, FOR CASH AND IN- A stallments— Houses to let in all parts of Ala- I '""■'■'■■ H. P. MOREAL A CO.. 1432 Park St. SAN RAFAEIi REAL ESTATE. IJIOB R^X^T— SA^Tb^^A-XTnEW^OTEL OF X 1 37 rooms in best business location in city: . rent $60; also under hotel, corner store, rent *25. and store adjoining, $20; stores suitable for drag-tore or any other retail business. Apply to GEORGE A. HUNNEWELL. San Rafael. Cal. CLAIRVOYANTS. U^srX^L^oTA7n?6^mJNE^^ETLE7IT nia-.ic charms; love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband: teaches fortune-telling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm; fee $1 and upward. 23-6 Mission, ur. Twentieth. MB& ANTHONY, MEDIUM - AND LIFE reader; ladles 25c; gents 50c. 248 Third fit., upstairs. . M.M E. PORTER, CARD-READER: LADIES, 50c; gents, $1 ; palmistry and clairvoyant: sit- tings, $1 50. 210 Turk St., near Jones. , LAIItVOVANT— FEE 25c; LADIES ONLY. 537 Third St., basement. Miss M. "".n LAN a, CLAIRVOYANT, Dl- viner of the future, 60c. room 16, New Arling- ton, 1015 Market. to 12, Ito6, 7 to 10. ■ MME. MOREAU, BEST MEDIUM.CLAIRVOY- ant; peak 8 German; 25c up. 131 Fourth st. PROFESSOR LEON, PALMIST, THE GREAT X renowned clairvoyant and life reader, has ar- rived in the city; don't fail to see him; gives luck in business; healing power; hours 10 a.m. to Bp.m.; also Sunday., 633 Post St., near Taylor. THE CELEBRATED CLAIRVOYANT, .PRO- XFESSOR WALTER, is in the city; he can be consulted on business, marriages, divorces and. all family affairs; the future plainly revealed; lovers united ; trouble healed; , names of friends and enemies, also the one you will marry; truth guaranteed. Office 303 Jones St., near Eddy; hours 9 a. m., 9 p. m., Sundays 9 to 5. MMX. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- J-'X er by eggs and carls (in English or German) tells entire life, past, present, future; consultations on all affairs, nothing execpted; names given; good advice; sure help; restores lost lovo by sympathy; mistake Impossible; fee $1 ; letter $2. SO Kearny. MMX. LEGETTE, PAST, PRESENT AND future. 304 Tehama St., cor. Fourth. MRS. S. SEAL-SITTINGS DAILY: TEST CIR. Wed, eve., 8 p.m.; Thurs., 2. 110 McAllister. Mi's. J. J. WHITNEY, CLAIRVOYANT, TEST medium and life-reader. 213 Stockton. SPIKITUALISM. RS. HOVET— CIR." WEDNESDAY, 3 P. M- -25c; sittings dally. 604 Fell st. _ / lIRC TO-NIGHT, lOC. MME. YOUNG. 723 \J Cough, near McAllister; come skeptics. AM. FRANCIS, 118 HA IQHT, IXDEPEN- -c\.« dent slate-writing medium: Sunday excepted. MM ills D£B ROGERB-PSYCIIOMETRIBT," test and healing medium: cir. Mon. and Fri eve. ; sittings dally. 122 Turk st. ; - MRS. GRIFFIN— WRITING Cm TUES EVE- iTX test mtg. Frl^eve; sittings daily. 244 6th st! MRS. EGGERT AIKEN, TRANCE MEDIUM 7 dr. Sun. eve. : developing dr. Tues. eve. 716 X Ost Sti '■'■■'■'- '"..'"-.'■ i . ASTROLOGY. «TR AL SEER-PROF. Ii6LMEs7S2 3 i GEARY St.: horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. I ATTORNEYS- \ITM. H: CHAPMAN, . ATTORNEY- AT-LAW -Mills buildintc, sixth floor, room 5 s_n Fran- claco, Cal. Telephone 16-44. ' ADVICE FREE, DIVORCE LAWS A SPECIAL-" . ty; collections, damages, wills. deeds/etc. G. W. HOWE, Att'y-at-law, 850 Market st., cor. Stockton! TAMES* K. ' ROSS, AITORNKY\T-L\W " ft Mills building, seventh fioor, roomie^ - '- W\V. DAVIbsOX,ATTORNEY-AT-L\W.42O . California st., rms. 14-15; advice free. JOHN R. AITKEN, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW.RS." v 16 and 17, 40_ Montgomery st., cor.' California, houses ; to , LET. ; eTX^cott^g^ofTsunny rooms ; O_-\/ large yard. : .- • . ' •' OUSE OF 7 ROOMS WITH ALL MODERN improvements. 733 Turk St. ■_■■.■■»■ _•_!! CHEAP RENT;- 8 SUNNY ROOMS; «IdOU. bath: stable; line garden; 1005 Twentieth St., near Guerrero. BALDWIN _ HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. BUNT AND REAR HOUSE TO LEASE OR to let; cheap. Apply 421 Powell st. TOO HARRISON ST.— HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS; I -.' > and bath snnny yard and cellar; water free; $25. ■ SIN NY CORNER HOUSE; 6 ROOMS AND bath; modern conveniences. 103 Fulton st., 1 block from new City Hall. -.-■ , . . ' <_>Q FRONT PART OF HOUSE, 2 ROOMS t!t>O . and kitchen. 72 Juniper St., off Tenth and Eleventh. • ' _O7 f^n HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS AND BATH I .t)U. newly papered; fine neighborhood; water free. Cor. Broderick and McAllister sts. CO' HICKORY AYE., NEAR WEBSTER— c)_f«J House of 6 rooms; rent reduced. ATEW BAY-WINDOW boarding-house OF li 14 rooms and baths, Hayes St., between Oc- tavla and Laguna: moderate rent to a good tenant. Apply to C. S. CAPP & CO., 413 Montgomery st., House Brokers and Real Estate Agents. TOT Q POLK— HOUSE 6 ROOMS AND BATH; Xt/Xt/ newly renovated, good yard, etc.; rent low. v ' ~A(\Q GREENWICH— 3 LARGE BOOMS, $9; _;UO garden; small family. . • ■ HOUSE 7 ROOMS, WITH LOT AND STABLE; cor. Potrero aye. and Army St.; rent $15. G. H. UMBSEN&CO. _1 A 3 ROOMS: YARD; CELLAR. 37 DORE «JplU. St., off Harrison, bet. Ninth and Tenth. OOX FULTON-TENEMENT OF 3 BOOMS; -.-SO rent $10. . AH VALENCIA— 6 BOOMS AND BATH; J._4 water free: rent $17. HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES, To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDWINS HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. ~~ rUKSISHED HOUSES. ELL^FURNISHED HOUSE; EXCELLENT tt location; 7 rooms; bath; to let for 1 year; if preferred furniture can bo bought reasonable. Ad- dress G. 8., P. O. box 2665. r\ ENTLEMAN'S HOME, COMPLETELY AND VJT elegantly furnished; 8 rooms, bath, etc.; very private, cosy and desirable; surrounded by charm- ing garden: veranaa: telephone connection: near Kearny and Bush; to a responsible party— adults- rent $45. Apply 4 Burritt St., next to 605 Bush, 13 to 4 p. M. ATEATLY FURNISHED HOUSE 7 ROOMS; li bath: good neighborhood; very cheap. Address S., box 20, Call Office. ' . TTANDSOME HOME: 6 ROOMS; BATH; XX piano: garden; etc. 1517 Golden Gate aye. VTI - EDDY— FLAT, 5 ROOMS AND BATH; 1 I li) rent $25. ' TTUJRNISIIED; ELEGANT 6 ROOMS FOR X doctor's family; adults; large garden. 1431 Market st. BERKELEY HOUSES. tSeß^eTey^FOß RENT; FURNISHED J3 bouse, 10 rooms for 2V_ months, from ."lay 20; $50 per month. 2229 Chapel st. EENT CHEAP— DESIRABLE HOUSE OF 6 rooms, near steam and electric cars, school and church. Address 1916 Haste St.. Berkeley. COTTAGES TO LET. tyTu^fNY""cOTTXoES : B T.i K>M 8 AND_ATH £ each; rent only $20: one nicely famished; fur- niture for sale; cheap. Apply 728 Fulton st. OTTAGE; ■; ROOMS, BATH, STABLE; \J cheap. Apply 2643 Bryant aye., near 25th st. UNNY COTTAGE: 4 ROOMS; BASEMENT] O bath. Corner Fifteenth and Dolores sts. ATE AT COTTAGE: 5 ROOMS, BATH, CELLAR, j _> yard; $15. 1127 Twentieth st. , . OTTAGE 5 ROOMS, BATH, BASEMENT; V stable for _ horses. 120 1 illmore st. OTTAGE 3 SUNNY BOOMS; FURNISHED or unfurnished. 3021 Pine st. 7%"n COTTAGE 4 BOOMS; 3 BLOCKS FROM CO. Mi-,> cars. Apply 360 Jessie st.: FLAT!? TO LET. ' \ /f fr>~HA yesTcorTbi t t ; a :> an - S _w"sUN- D __J ny flat: 5 rooms, bath and modern improve- ments. ' (. - I i ■ • ! .SUM, NEAR SIXTH - FLAT; 7 i/Ul rooms; one of the best; $25. A AQ O'FARRELL-2 SUNNY FLATS, 3 OR 4 •|U'' rooms: bath: laundry: central; cheap rent. 1 9 FULTON-EXCELLENT NEW UPPER li- flat, 7 rooms, bath; modern. mo LARKIN FLATS 5 BOOMS AND XyX_J bath, »18. _l() LOWER FLAT, 5 BOOMS; BATH, fjsl«). yard. Fifteenth and TUden, near Castro. lOWKR FLAT, 5 ROOMS, WITH YARD; \j rent $10. 211 Ridley st. • ' - 8 DALE PLACE, OFF GOLDEN GATE AYE., bet. Leavenworth and Hyde, 6 rooms and bath. ii \i 4 LARGE SUNNY BOOMS; RENT $10. C 416 V. Blnegold st., bet. Eighth and Ninth and Folsom and Harrison. ■ ,_. I l\ FLAT 4 BOOMS; HALL AND DOUBLE «!pXU. parlors. 1606V3 Stevenson, nr. Eighteenth. For RENT— SUNNY CORNER FLAT OF 6 1 rooms and bath. 816 Greenwich st. C«99 616 GROVE, N. SIDE; NR. LAGUNA; «Jp_l_i. flat Of 6 rooms and bath. • ■ ■ ,■ 9 EXTRA-CONVENIENT FLATS; 6 AND 7 — rooms, baths; modern improvements; sun all day. Fell St., bet. Broderick and Baker. <_Q lI. AT: 4 BOOMS; NO CHILDREN. 1123 «JpO. Vallejo St., near Leavenworth. CM 1 AND $12 — 3 FLATS: 4 ROOMS. 31 fjpl-1- Alvarado st., near Guerrero, bet. Twenty- second ana Twenty-third. 9091 SIXTH— SUNNY FLAT 6 ROOMS, _D_,2 bath; rent reduced. ATEW SUNNY FLAT OF 4 ROOMS; LARGE li yard. 52 Norfolk st,,bet.llth-12th,o_ Harrison. T7\ LAT OF 4 LARGE ROOMS. 8 LEWIS ST.. J off Taylor, near Post. ■ LAT, 3 SUNNY ROOMS; BATH AND BASE- 226 Rose aye.. bet. Haight and Page gts. 9 N E,W , ELEGANT, SUNNY, MODERN — flats; 6 rooms, bath each. 925 and 927 Golden Gate aye. - IAI 1 MCALLISTER; RENT $16: FINE lUli sunny upper flat; small family. SIN N v UPPER FLAT; 6 BOOMS, BATH ; ALL O modern Improvements. 462 Bryant, nr. Third. \TEWLY PAPERED SUNNY FLAT OF 3 IN rooms ; $12 ; water free. 356 Third st. HOl< i., SUNNY .UPPER FLAT; 9 LARGE \J rooms; bath: large porch; yard; garden. 3009 Buchanan st. ; rent $23. OOZY MODEBN UPPER FLAT, 2411 HOW- V/ ard St.: 7 rooms and bath; rent $30; water free. BOVEE, TOY & CO., 19 Montgomery st. . - , 1 ELEGANT NEW FLATS, SEVENTH, BELOW V Bryant; 6 and 6 rooms: bath: $10 to $17. UNNY BAY-WINDOW FLAT, 1704 WASH ington, near Polk; 7 rooms; $27 60. 979 CLEMENriNA— NICE FLAT; 4 ROOMS; _. I _- low rent: no children. O SUNNY CORNER ROOMS AND BATH; $15. 0 Northeast cor. Polk and Jackson. H_IGHT AND BAKER; NICE 5-ROOMCOR- ner flat: also 6- room flat; tine view. HA A OCTAVIA ST., NR. MCALLISTER — 1 lA) Lovely flat Of . 7 rooms; bath; all latest Improvements. ()" 41' HOWARD - ELEGANT FLAT OF* 6 _,t)_D rooms, bath; modern Improvements. | BOOMS; UPPER FLOOR. 82 EVERETTST7, _ near Fourth. m»l 1 NICE SUNNY FLAT, WITH BATH. XX. 17 Garden, or SPECK'S. . • 1 1 QAI HOWARD-FLAT. 7 BOOMS, BATH: XXOU4 all modern conveniences. •. , LEG ANT SUNNY FLAT 7 ROOMS, BATH: beautifully papered and frescoed. 713 Grove. 17LATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, X To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. ■ BALDWIN & HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. HOUSEKEEPING KOOJIS. P^A^LTcORrMARKETroPP. OCTAVIA— 3 large sunny cor. bay-win.low rooms, well fur- nlshed for housekeeping; hot and cold water. , C 9£. FOLSOM ST.- LARGE SUNNY FUR- «)—«,» nlshed room; light housekeeping; $1 75 a week. . • -■- • - . O?;i MISSION, NEAR SIXTH — '- SUNNY t/OX rooms complete for housekeeping; $12. 000 THIRD-FRONT FURNISHED HOUSE- O__a keelng rooms; suites, $12, $9, $8; single, $4. rrnr ISRANNAN. ABOVE SIXTH— <_!«_) kitchen and bedroom furnished; cheap. P(\A EDDY — SUNNY FURNISHED BAY- DU^Jb window room with kitchen complete tor housekeeping. -■'■•.. ; 1(' SOUTH PARK— SUNNY CORNER; TWO ID well furnished housekeeping rms ; very cheap. T7» SOUTH PARK-SUNNY- FRONT ALCOVE ID rooms; $8 and $10; single $5. :. ' ' . ' H 01 1 LAFAYETTE, BET. ELEVENTH AND OX3 Twelfth— 2 large unfurnished rooms; $7. . . A A CASTBO, NEAR M ARKET-3 ; NICE I\JD sunny rooms, partly furnished; large lawn; flowers; gas; bath; laundry; no children; $16. I »nn GOLDEN GATE AYE.— SUNNY, NICE- LD\tO Iy furnished housekeeping rooms. tin HARRIET— FURNISHED ROOMS] FOR __i/ housekeeping. ■■ .-, ~ ....'■• ;■ TA 1 X BUCHANAN— 2 OR 3 HOUSEKEEP- XUXO Ing rooms, cheap; private family. II A ELEVENTH-ANY COUPLE WISHING JLl_ newly furnished and carpeted housekeep- ing rooms will please call. ■_ -.'.. -'.-'- . ■■..: . , '.■'■■^'' ARGO HOUSE, 105 NEW MONTGOMERY— Furnished housekeeping suites, $2 per week. 'O/iI'FIFTH ST.— 2 ____}£ SUNNYROOMS; _/i L complete for housekeeping; bath attached. AQ TWO ROOMS AND. KITCHEN. 817 t\p O. Birch aye., near Laguna st. » ' " .',"..>. 2* AC* STEVENSON— 2 NICE SUNNY ROOMS D_D furnished lor housekeeping; cheap renu - ■ ■ . . - ■■■---: ■ .- -/-. ' ■ -~ "?\ -."-■ HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS — Continued. 3elegantly"furniKhed ROOMS FOR O housekeeping; cheap. 2531 California. 'At* SEVENTH, NR. MARKET— FLAT 4 SUN- ttU ny rooms; rent reasonable. . X ROOMS TO RENT; FURNITURE FOR SALE; 0 nice yard. , SOYa Louisa, off Fourth. C"l Q THIRD. COR, SOUTH PARK-LIGHT, OX V sunny room for housekeeping. . MINNA ST., NEAR SEVENTH— LARGE O I O^unny rooms; all complete; single or suite; yard ; cheap. 1 1 AE\ MISSION-LIGHT SUNNY FURNISH- XXrtO ed housekeeping; also single rms; cheap. t*AR MINNA — FURNISHED ROOMS FOR O^XyJ housekeeping; large yard. • 90zl TURK— NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY -ivt front suite for, housekeeping; rent cheap. ~f\ ERARD HOUSE, li'J- SEVENTH— FUR- vJ" nlshed rooms, single and double, housekeeping. ~~ ROOMS TO LET. TA^FOISoM^FRONT^ DOUBLE^ROOM^ X\JX I suitable for 2 ; use kitchen if desired. Q"l n MARKET (ARCADE)— NEWLY FUR- oA. I nished; day, week or month: cheap. OAT BUSH— SUNNY SINGLE AND DOUBLE Of I rooms; private family; s?6 up. QX/1 BUSH-NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY t/U-± rooms; best location. MRS. A.M. ELKINS C /«Q MINNA-SUNNY FRONT ROOM; SUIT- O^tU able for one; 5. • ■-• .. 7Q,r: FOLSOM— FURNISHED FRONT I O*J room; $ 6. Q7l MINNA— FURNISHED SUNNY BASE- -04 -L ment-room ; stove, closets, etc.; private 'family. m~ SIXTH-CHEAPEST IN CITY: NICELY furnished single and double front rooms. /I RAND SOUTHERN, COR. SEVENTH AND vJT Mission— Rooms all light : water, gas and electric bells; elevator runs from 7 a. m. to 12 p.m.: single, 50 cents; suites, 51 day; $2 50 and $5 week up. <SfQ LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOM AND <5>Q. kitchen. 18 Lewis St., off Taylor, near Post. 1117 TAYLOR ST. — SUNNY PARLOR; XXX 1 folding-bed: also housekeeping rooms. OAOA POST-SUNNY HALL-ROOM NEWLY _-l/-_ furnished; also others. 70 1 HOWARD. COR. THIRD— FUR- I vi Dished sunny front rooms; rent reasonable. 00/^ GEARY— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY O--U alcove room also other rooms. f»-[ 1 I'OST— SINGLE FRONT ROOMS, NEAT- D l l ly furnished, $7. MINNA, COR. eighth— NlCELY FUR- \j\) I nlshed bay-window rooms; $1 a week. 01 A TURK, NEAR JONES-2 SUNNY FUR- £iX\J nlshed front rooms; also other rooms.J 05 CAPP— LARGE SUNNY ROOMS. 199 TAYLOR— ELEGANT SUITE 3 FUB- .!>___ nislucl sunny rooms; also single rooms. 0901 SEVENTH— UNFURNISHED ROOMS, O--Oj{ cheap to good tenant. 1 OHO larkln~st.— large sunny FUR- J___V/U nlshed front room, $7; single rooms, 85. Q4Q GOLDEN GATE AYE. — FURNISHED OXo rooms; private family; gas and bath. 7701 HARRISON, nr. FOURTH— FINELY • I— I.*1 .* furnished sunny rooms; bath; closet; $1 a week. - :■ -■_-..•; <l NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS SUITABLE £ for lor _ gents. 319 O'Farrell st. ? ."- -99A THIRD— AND SUITES; LIGHT -._' ' housekeeping; $5 up; brick building. - A-\ C JONES-NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY tr_L«J rooms: en suite and single. QAO ELLIS — ELEGANTLY FURNISHED OU_J sunny parlor suite; gas: $20. THE MARSHALL, COR. LAG UNA AND Mo J- Allister— All sunny suites and single; splendid table; rates reasonable. MRS. J. B. MARSHALL. •\roSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. -L Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night, .'Joe to $1; week, $1 50 to $5; families. piIATSWORTH, 703 SUTTER — SUNNY, \J handsomely furnished rooms; bath; good ser- vice; reasonable. A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127KEARNY— PLEAS- XX. ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; nrst.clau Id every respect s terms reasonable. miLK SHERMAN APARTMENT-HOUSE; 129 X new sunny rooms: strictly respectable; half price of best hotels with equal accommodations; very central. 28 Eighth St.. near Market. \ WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, tor mailing. ~ HOARDING AND, ROOMS. TO R E NT^ FOTI'rwb^G ENTLEME nTHjbT- nisIitd room and parlor. 707b Stockton st. "fTICTOB— PINE STREET; ELEGANTLY V furnished suites and single rooms, first-class table; terms reasonable. pOST, 521, OPP. OLYMPIC CLUB-ELEGANT X sim ny front rooms for couple: first-class board. STORES TO LET. ~ '^C)K^si?^COiCsKCO^B y^^D^OV^RD- «ID— line location for barber or any business. BALDWIN A: HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. rpo LET— RENT «IO PER MONTH; 2 STORES. -L Point Lobos aye., bet. Eighth and Ninth, -.v ?>,..-. O MISSION ST.— LARGE STORE AND 4 £o~i.O living-rooms; alsoSrms. upstairs; cheap. Q-|£ GROUND FLOOR; 5 LARGE ROOMS: »uSJLU. yard tor store and living-rooms. Corner Second st. and Rincon aye., near Brannan si. QA/j MONTGOMERY-CHOICE CORNER FOR Oli'l saloon ; also two basements: low rents. 9A7 AND 213 POLK STREET: VERY NICE — ' ' I stores. i rooms each, in fine order, $20. - OFFICES TO LET. • O^E^T^L^R^SE^oTyM^iTH^^KYLfGHTi suitable for artist's studio. 26 Montgomery St., WILSON & SMITH. LARGE, ELEGANT OFFICE OJf FIRST JU floor. Montgomery, near Market. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Montgomery st. 91 7 GEARY-3 OFFICE ROOMS. KEY 217%, AX 4 rear.| . ESK ROOM AT ROOM 6, SIXTH FLOOR, Mills building. LEGAL NOTICES. ] I^N^^E^U^RKSR^oIuR"T^FT ; H^sfATE of California, In and for the City and County of San Francisco. CHARLES SUTRO, plaintiff, vs. ALFRED R. WATSON et al., defendants. ' Action brought in the Superior Court, City and County of Han Fran- cisco, State of California, and the complaint filed in said City and County of San Francisco, in the office of the Clerk of said Superior Court. The people of the State of California send greet- ing to ALFRED R. WATSON, WILLIAM ROE, PETEB DOE, JOHN FIRST, JANE FOE and MARY COE: : You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above-named plaintiff in the Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, and to answer the complaint filed therein within ten days (exclu- sive of the day of service) after the service on you of this summons— if served within this county;" or, if served elsewhere, within thirty days. The said action is brought to obtain judgment of this court for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage, described in the complaint and executed by the said ALFRED R. WATSON, on the 2d day of June, 1894, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note made by said Watson to plaintiff on said 2d day of June, 1894, for 20,000, described in the complaint herein, and which, by non-pay- ment of Interest, has become due, no part of which said note has been paid, and the whole thereof, together with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 2d day of June, 1894, is due and unpaid ; also for 5 per cent of the amount found due plaintiff, for li's counsel fees In this action; also for the sum of $107.50 paid for insur- ance, and $5 paid for searching the title to the mortgaged premises subsequent to the execution of said mortgage. That the premises conveyed by said mortgage may be sold and . the proceeds thereof applied to the payment of - the principal • and - interest of said note, moneys expended by plaintiff as aforesaid, .counsel .fees, and costs of suit; and in case such proceeds > are not sufficient to . pay the I same, then that judgment be docketed against said ALFRED R. WATSON . for the balance re- maining due, and also that the said defendants, and all persons claiming by, through, or under them, or either of them, may be barred and fore- closed of all right, title, claim, lien, equity of re- demption and interest in and to said mortgaged premises, and for. other and further relief, as will more fully appear by.reference to the complaint on I file herein. ■ For further particulars reference to said complaint is hereby made. ■ , ' ■ And you are hereby notified that if you fail to ap- pear and answer the said complaint, as above re- quired, said plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. . Witness my hand and the seal of the Superior Court of the City and County iof San Francisco, State of California, this 2d da y of March, A. D. 1895. [Seal.] C. F. CURRY, Clerk. By H. F. Morris, Deputy Clerk. ALFRED SUTRO, Attorney for plaintiff, 101 Crocker building, San Francisco, Cal. . - IN . TH E■■ SUPERIOR COURT ■OF THE CITY and County of San Francisco. State of Califor- nia— ln the matter.of DUFFEY BROS., insolvent debtors. ' Notice' is hereby given to all the creditors of GEO. F. DUFFEY and EUGENE J. DUFFEY. Insolvent debtors, who have proved their debts, that said G. F. Dnffey and E. J. Duffey have filed in said Superior Court their petition for a discharge from all their debts and liabilities, and that, by an order of said court, all said creditors are required to appear before said court, at the courtroom thereof, Department No. 10. in the new City Hall, in said city and county, on the 30th day of April, A. D. 1895, at the hour of 10 a. m., and then and there show cause, if any they have, why the said GEO. F. DUFFEY and EUGENE J. DUFFEY should not be discharged from all their debts, In ' accordance with the statutes in such cases made and provided. - : • Attest my hand and the seal of said court this 25th day of March, 1895. C. F. CURRY, Clerk. f seal. 1 :■■ By Wm. A. Dkank. Deputy Clerk. PARTNERSHIP notices. '. . The copartnp:rshiFlheretol'ore ex- istiiiK between E. H. KNIGHT > and Tiros. T. POTTINGER under the firm name of KNIGHT & POTTINGER has this day been dissolved by mu- tual consent, E. H. KNIGHT to collect all money due the firm of KNIGHT & POTTINGER and as- sume all the indebtedness of the said firm as for- merly existing, THOS. T. POTTINGER retiring from same. • - ■ E. H. KNIGHT. < . THOS. T. POTTINGER. LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ( ~~ r T"~~?~~^~"''v Stmr Point Loma. Conway, 60 hours from Cos- mopolls; pass and mdse, to Grays Harbor Com- mercial Co. " Stmr Del Norte, Stockfleth, 60 hours from Grays Harbor; pass and lumber, to E X Wood Lumber Co. Importations. ■;: ; • . COSMOPOLIS— Per Point Loma— l cs mdse, 99 bdls shooks, 12 bbls salmon, 203 sks potatoes, 341 M ft lumber. GRAYS HARBOR— Del Norte— l cs cheese, 350 M ft lumber, I pump. . ■•..'■ •'■'"^ Consignees. Per Point Loma— Grays Harbor Commercial Co; Norton, Teller Co : H Levy &Co; Western Bas- ket Mnrg Co ; C L Allen & CC, . Per Del Norte— C E Whitney & Co; E X Wood <tCo; Western Basket Mnfg Co. ' .' ■ BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. [Birth, marriage ana death notices sent by mall will not be inserted. They must be handed in at either of the publication offices and be indorsed with the name and residence of persons authorized to have the same published.J BORN. BRANDT— In Port Costa, Cal., to the wife of George T. Brandt, a son. COFFIN— In this city. April 21, 1895, to the wife of J. H. Coffin, a daughter. JACOBOVICH-In this city, April 21, 1895, to the wife of J. Jacobovich, a son- . < LAIDLAAV— In this city, April 21. 1895, to the wife of Dr. Horace Laidlaw. a daughter. ROHRBACH— In Oakland, April 19, 1895, to the wife of J. P. Rohrbach, a daughter. SEEBA-In this city, April 22, 1895, to the wife of John Seeba, a son. MAKRIED. ~~~ CAHILL— CLARK— April 20, 1895, by the Rev. F. R. Farrand, James M. Cahill and Annie D. Clark. DeWITT— BARNUM— ApriI 22, 1895, by the Rev. J. W. Brier, J. Wallace DeWitt, M.D., of San Francisco and Mrs. Nettie C. Barnum of Antioch. FISHER— MERZBACH— Tn this city, April 17, 1895, George Fisher and Bertha Merzbacb. HUGUNEN— HARKING— Tracey, Cal., April 21, 1895, at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. William B. Hay, Edward Alexander Hugunen and Amelia Ann Hasking, both of " Grasa Valley, Cal. K.IRKFATRICK— this rlty, April 19, 1895, Frederick Kirkpatrick and Julia Boeddiker. «— -- — —- - - ____—"_____« __ _r— ________________ ___ DIED. Cantwell, Margaret Largan, Hannah . Cunningham, James McGlynn, John J. Connell, Timothy Minor, George W. ' Carolan, Margaret Malm, Anton W. Delicat, Frederick A. H. O'Rourke, Mary Dalzie], James Poschocker, Leopold Gallagher. Arthur M. Rupricli, Mrs. Kate Gllbart, Margaretha Schlata. Frank Wright, Jane CANTWELL— In this city, April 21, 1895, Marga- ret, dearly beloved daughter of the late Morris and Kate Cantwell, a native of San Francisco, aged 21 years and 10 months. 49~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock a. M..from her late resi- dence. 4i6i/^ Natoma street, thence !to St. Patrick's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. it. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. CUNNINGHAM— In this city, April 21, 1895, James, only and beloved son of the late James. and Ann Cunningham, and beloved brother of ; Mrs. J. J. Driscoll and Annie Cunningham, a na- tive of San Francisco, aged 23 years 2 months and 26 days. £S~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 10:30 o'clock a. it., from his late residence, 1144 Folsom street. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. ;- . ,■; CONNELL— this city, April 21, 1895, Timothy Connell, a native of Ireland, aged 77 years. CAROLAN— In Sacramento, April 17, 1895, Mar- garet., beloved wife of Thomas Carolan, and be- loved mother of Thomas F.. Casse and Johnnie K. Carolan of Sacramento, Mrs. T. B. Cronln of San Francisco and Mrs. J. M. GrlfQn of Madera. DELICAT— In this city, April 22, 1895. Frederick A. H., beloved husband of Anna C. Delicat, and father of Mrs- H. Zihn, Catherine Heat, Mrs. L. Lameke and John and Frederick Delicat, a na- tive of Hanover. Germany, aged 69 years 9 months and 3 days. A member of Schiller liain No. 11, U. A. O. D.. and Verein Eintracht. £s~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THURSDAY, April 25, at 2 o'clock p. m., from Druids' Hall, 413 Sutter street, near Stockton. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. DALZIEL— In Oakland, April 21, 1895, James Dalziel, a native of Scotland, aged 64 years 11 months and 21 days. GALLAGHER— In this city, April 21, 1895, Ar- thur Melville Gallagher, beloved son of Thomas and Nora M. Gallagher, a native of San Francisco, aged 2 years and 19 days. ;-.':-'. X-. IJS~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 1 o'clock p. m., from the residence of his parents, 1604 Bush street, near Franklin. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. GILBART— In this city, April 22. 1895, Marga- retha, beloved wife of the late William Gllbart, and mother of Alfred J., Henry W.. William J., Alice and Katie Gilbart.a native of Birmingham, England, aged 51 years 4 months and 11 days. LARGAN— In this city. April 22, 1895, Hannah, ' beloved sister of William Largan, a native of Dublin. Ireland, aged 65 years. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock p. jr., from the chapel of St. Mary's Hospital, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 7:15 o'clock a. jr. Inter- ment Mount Calvary Cemetery. McGLYNN— In this city, April 21, 1895, John J., beloved husband of Annie McGlyr.n. and father of John, James and Benjamin McGlynn and brother of Thomas McGlynn, a native of County Roscommon, Ireland, aged 49 years. jtH" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at ,9 o'clock a. it., from the par- lors of the San Francisco Undertaking Company, ■ 1235 Market street, between Eighth and Ninth, thence to Sacred Heart Church, corner Fillmore and Fell streets, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. MINOR— Alameda, April 21, 1895, George "W. Minor, brother of Dr. J. F. Minor of San Mateo and Mrs. J. A. Mitchell of Alameda, a native of New York City, aged 43 years. * Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 11 o'clock a. m.. from the resi- dence of his sister, 1135 Park avenue, Alameda. Interment Masonic Cemetery, San Francisco. MALM— this city, April 21, 1895, Anton W. Malm, a native of Malmo, Sweden, aged 38 years 1 month and 28 days. 43-Friends and acquaintances and mem- bers of Hesperian Grove No. 15, U. A. O. D. are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from Druids' Hall, 413 Sutter street. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. Remains at the parlors of A. W. Martin & Co., 118 Geary street. O'ROURKE— In this city, April 22, 1895, Mary, relict of the late Hugh O'Rourke, and beloved mother of Eugene O'Rourke and Mrs. M. D. Nolan, a native of Bailleboro, County Cavan, Ireland. Requiescat in pace. ' ' AST Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 9:30 o'clock a. k., from the resi- dence of her son-in-law, M. D. Nolan, 1025 Page ■ street, thence to Sacred Heart Church, corner Fell and V illmore streets, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 10 o'clock a. it Interment Mount Calvary Ceemetery. POSCHOCKER— In this city, April 21, 1895, Leo- pold Poschaber, beloved husband of Henrietta Poschocker, and father of Tillie, Paulina, Lizzie - and Gustave Poschocker, a native of Austria, aged 59 years 6 months and 6 days. KIT Friends and acquaintances are respect- : fully invited to attend the 'funeral THIS DAT • (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock p. jr., from the par- lors of Petersen & Gantner, 8 and 10 City Hall square. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. , BUPRICH— In Oakland, April 21, 1895, Mrs. Kate Ruprich, a native of Ireland, aged 70 years. . r jSSTFriends and - acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock a. it, from the par- lors of James McManus, Seventh and Castro ' streets, thence to St. Patrick's Church, West Oakland, where a solemn requiem mass will be - celebrated for the repose of her soul, commenc- ing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment St. Mary's Cem- etery. ( BCHLATA-In this city, April 21, 1895, Frank - Schlata, aged 51 years. . • ■ » ' WRIGHT— Florence, Wash., April 13, 1895, Mrs. Jane Wright, mother of John C. Wright and Mrs. Emma Peckinpah, a native of Jefferson . County, N. V., aged 76 years. , ™ UNITED . UNDERTAKERS' I EMBALMING PARLORS. Everything Requisite for First-class Funerals I ■ at Reasonable Rates. ■ ' Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 Fifth street. > McAVOY & GALLAGHER, I FUNERAL DIRECTORS & KMBAI.MKRS, i 20 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. : \ Telephone 3080. tTAS^MrMENOMEY."™" " '"" ChasTmcM t. i y .| JAMES McMENOMEI & §O> I 7NDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS I 1067 Mission Street, Near Seventh. | Telephone No. 3354.__________ __ § JAS. ENGLISH. T- R. CAREW. CARKW * ENGLISH, ; UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 19 Van Ness aye., near Market St., San Francisco. Telephone 8156. N. B.— Not connected wltn any other house in this city. ■ ' - CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY. TN SAN MATEO COUNTY NON-SECT ARIAN | i- laid out on the lawn plan; perpetual care; beau- tiful, permanent and easy of access; see it before buy a burial place elsewhere^ : ' ' . ■ - CltT Office. 9 CltT JH-fll ATenn*. . A "WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— -a. WEEKLY CALL, In wrapper, for mutii^g 13