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14 IS BLACK FOR BROWN Harbor Commissioners Call the Architect to Account. A NEW LEAF FOR A. PAGE. Specifications Which Were Paid for Were Drawn by Engineer Holmes. A NEW INVESTIGATION AGENT. The Designer of the Ferry Depot Did Not Fill His Contract With the State. While the experts are at work on the ferry foundation and the character of C. J. Btirwell, the' detective, is being overhauled by the contractors, and Engineer Holmes is building up a defense of his work on the water front, the Harbor Commissioners, in the person of President E. L. Colnon, are seeking for light on an important sub ject. The onus of the so-called investiga tion up to date has boon unloaded on Howard C. Holmes, engineer of the board. Mr. Holmes has defended the work done on the depot foundation as if he were en tirely responsible for it all. but when nailed down to an explanation of the drawings he has admitted that A. Page Brown was the father of the design. Every contractor ■who figured on the foundation and the superstructure knew this, as did every body who is familiar with the workings of the water front ; but in the light of the in vestigation which has been going on, the fact, if not lost sight of entirely, was dimly obscured. The Harbor Commissioners have been quietly working in the matter for the past few days, and they have realized that A. Page Brown, architect, has drawn nearly $20,000, and the board wants to know for what. In an attempt to enlighten the board Mr. Colnon addressed the following letter to the Commissioners' attorney on Saturday: San Francisco, April 20, 18<>5. H'-in. T. L. Ford, attonr -ari of State Harbor Commissioners— Dzam Sot: You will please examine the inclosed contract between the Board of State Hn-I. >r t'unimissioners and A. Page Brown, architect for the designing and construction of the Union Depot and Ferry house at the foot of Market street, and report ' to this board in writing on the foil points: Whether a fair construction of the language of the contract, such as would be put U] by a court of justice, makes it the duty of the i Sf> id architect to superintend the construction j of the foundations for said Union Depot and Ferry-house, and to report to this board the | manner in which the work is being done. Second, If such be the plain duty of the ; architect under the contract, and this board ! can show that he never performed the same, \ what legal steps are necessary to be taken to j protect the interests of the State against bit further negligence, or to recover damages for ! that which has already occured. Your earliest attention is solicited to this matter, as it is of much importance. Very truly yours. E. L. COLHOH, President of Board of State Harbor Commis sioners. In the contract of Brown with the Board \ of Harbor Commissioners it is set forth ; that Brown was to examine and supervise the work upon said depot at all times dur ing its progress. It is n<>w claimed that Mr. Brown has never done this. Accord ing to the terms of the contract he was to report to the board as to the condition and progress of the work, but, so far as the records of the board show, he has never made a single statement. He was also to draft the specifications for the work on the : foundation and for the superstructure, but I the specifications are the work of Howard Holmes. Mr. Brown was to pay for any engineering work which it would be neces sary to have done in connection with the contract. All the engineering work was done by Mr. Holmes, but there is no item of this "class of labor in any of Mr. Brown's estimates of the value of his own work. All the bills of Architect Brown for work done on the ferry foundation have been passed upon by the State Board of Ex aminers. One item was $12,500 for work done on the superstructure, and another was for $6663 11 for work done on the ferry foundation. A strange thing in connec tion with both of these items is that the work on the foundation is not yet finished, and work on the depot itself "has not yet been commenced. These allowances to Brown were made by the old Board of Ex aminers, and the architect has now claims aggregating nearly $3000 before the board composed of Governor Budd, Attorney- General Fitzgerald and Secretary of State Brown. It is stated on good authority that the claims of Mr. Brown will not be allowed by the board on the ground that he has violated his contract. Much has been said about that contract, but the contract itself, for some reason, has never been made public. It was made when Alexander, Bassett and Brown were the Harbor Commissioners, and was con tinued until the present board came into power. The contract reads as follows: This agreement made and entered into at the city and county of San Francisco, State of Cali fornia, this sixth day of October, 1892, between Charles F. Bassett, Charles O. Alexander and William H. Brown, in their official capacity as members of and constituting the Board of Harbor Commissioners, the first parties, and A. Page Brown, the second party, all of the said city, county and State. Witne"sseth, That whereas the first parties are about to commence the erection of a pas eenper and ferry depot at the foot of Market Btreet, in the said city and county, and to that end are anxious to employ the second party as architect for the purpose of preparing draw ings, plans and specifications for said depot, and supervising the work upon the same as it progresses ; and whereas, the second party is ready and willing to be so employed as archi tect for said depot Ly the first parties upon the terms and conditions herein appearing. Now, therefore, it is agreed and understood by and between the parties as follow. 1 - : "The first parties agree to employ and do by these present hereby employ the second party, and the second party hereby accept such em ployment, as the architect of the Board of State Harbor Commissioners for the purpose of pre paring plans, drawings and specifications of E&id depot, submitting the same to said board for its approval, and examining and supervis ing the work upon said depot at all times dur ing its progress. The second party shall forthwith, or as soon us requested by the first parties, proceed to pre pare drawings, plans and specifications, and within a reasonable time thereafter submit the same to the first parties for their approval. Baid drawings, plans and specifications shall embody and cover the architectural and con structional details in full for a depot for ferry, freight and passenger service, as heretofore re ferred to. The said depot building shall be de signed generally after such suggestions as may be made by the first parties, or as may meet their approval, and all drawings shall be suf ficiently complete in every respect to enable contractors to bid for the same and construct the building or any portion thereof pursuant to the working plans as so prepared. The second party agrees to prepare such plans, designs, drawings and specifications relating to said depot as maybe requested by the said board, and to vary, modify or prepare new plans as may for any cause be required of him, said plans to include both the super structure of said building and the piers, walls and foundations for the same. Said building is to be, if possible, designed so that in the opinion of the second party the contract price for constructing the same shall not in the aggregate exceed the sum of $500,000 for »uch parts of the wcrk as may be above the founda tion or grade level. When, however, advertisements are duly published as required by law for the letting (if contract for the whole or any part of Mid depot, in the event that the aggregate contract price exceeds for the whole work the sum of $500,000, then upon request of said board, and at their election, the second party shall forth with prepare and submit new plans, drawings and specifications, complete in all details, which shall in their opinion so reduce the cost of the work . that the same shall be constructed by contract at a price nofto ex ceed in the aerjregate the said sum of $500.0<M>. The second party further hinds and obligates himself to continue to change or modify the original plans, or to substitute new ones, as often as requested by said board, until the lat ter are satisfied with the contract price, or until the said price (for all work above the foundation or grade level) shall in the aggre gate fall within the said sum of $500,000. When the said plans, drawings and specifica tions,upon approval by the board, shalninally, after advertisements duly published, be adopted by them as a basis for the contract for the erection of the said depot, then the second party obligates himself to supervise the work as It progresses at all times, and to report to the board the manner in which the same is done. In addition to this the second party shall ren der nil such services as are generally required on buildings, and the second party shall be in all manner subject to the control of the chief engineer of the board, acting under its direc tion. The secoikl party further agrees to draft and submit to the board for its approval new or modified plans upon the request of the board, even if their plans have been finally adopted, where, after the contract has been let or the work partially completed, it shall be deemed by the board proper or necessary to make ad ditions to or changes in the original work. All engineering work involved in the actual building and construction of said proposed de pot and its foundations shall be paid for by said parties of the first part to or through such contractors or engineers as they shall employ at their own cost and expense; but said party of the second part shall pay for at his own ex pense any engineering work or services or any engineer employed by him in the computa tions and calculations involved i:i the prepara tion by him of the said plans and drawings for the said building. As a compensation for his said services and for such duties as the said party of the second part may properly discharge as the architect lor the drawing vi the plans and for the super vision and construction of snid depot and its foundation, he shall be entitled to charge and shall receive from said board, for his services in connection with the foundations of said building, a sum equal to 2M per cent upon the contract price of said foundation (or upon the cost of said foundations, in case the same shall be built otherwise than by contract), and for his services in connection with the super structure of said depot a sum equal to 5 per cent upon the contract price of said super structure (or upon the cost of said superstruc ture in case the (tame is built otherwise than by contract), which commissions and compen sation shall be payable to said party of the ><v ond part upon the following contingencies und in the following times and manners, to wit: 1. If the plans prepared by said party of the second part lor >aid work .-hall bo approved, and the construction or work thereunder shall be begun within twelve months from date hereof then one-half part of said commissions itowit: one and one-quarter percent of the price or cost of said foundations and two and one-half per cent of the price or cost ol the said superstructure) shall be deemed due t>> said party of the second part at the commencement of said work, and shall oe paid by said panics of the first part at the time of commencement of said work, or prior thereto, at the option of the said parties of the first part: and the bal ance of said commissions, namely, the other one-half thereof, shall thereafter and from time to time be paid to said party of the second par; hs the said work progresses, and in pro portion as certificates are issued to the con tractors or builders thereof for their payments on account. 2. In case the said parties of the first part shall not commence the actual work of con struction of said building and foundations, pursuant to said plans to be prepared by said party of the second part, within twelve months from date thereof, then and at the expiration of said twelve months there shall be paid to said party of the second part, on account of the commissions herein above provided for, a sum equal to one and a quarter (I 1 *) per cent of the estimated cost of the said foundations of said building (as so drawn and planned by him), and two ana a half per cent of the estimated f the superstructure of said building; but, if the estimated cost of such superstruc ture shall exceed the sum of i*;Hh),OOO, the amount to be paid to said party of the second part at the end of said twelve months, on account of his commission* upon the said su perstructure, shall be limited to a sum equal to '2 l 2 per cent on $500,000; and, in the case provfded for in this paragraph, whenever said parties ot the first part shall, after the expira tion of .-aid t wcive mouths from date hereof, commence the actual construction of the foun dation or supers! r.ucture of Mid building, pur suant to the plans prepared lor them by said party of the second part, the balance of the total fees and commissions hereinabove pro vided for to be paid to said party of the Beeond part, less the sum which shall theretofore have been paid on account as aforesaid, at the ex piration of said twelve months, shall be there after paid to him from time to time in propor tion as said work of construction progresaei and as certificates are issued to the contractor or builders thereof for their payment on ac count. 3. In the event that the said party of the second part shall, from any other cause than the abandonment by him ot said work without good cause, cease to be the architect of the said board for the completion of the work contem plated, then he shall be entitled to charge and shall receive from said board for his services hereunder, over and above such sum as shall I have theretofore become due and payable to him under the foregoing provisions hereof, a sum equal to per cent of the contract price or estimated cost of said building and foundations, or, in lieu thereof, and at the election of the said parties of the first part, Buch further sum as would then Ik- due and payable to nim under and pursuant to the schedule of charges adopted by the American Institute of Architects, as set forth and defined in the memorandum hereto annexed, marked exhibit A, which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. When estimates are made by the said party of the second part they shall tirst be submitted to the chief engineer of the said party of the first part for his approval, and in the event of a difference of opinion between the said a party and said engineer the decision of the said party of the first part upon the questions involved in such difference shall be final and conclusive. It is understood that all the drawings, plans and specifications shall be prepared by said party of the second part at his own office and at his sole expense for clerical work and draw ings. In witness whereof the eaid Commissioners have hereunto set their hands and the official seal of the board, attested by the signature of their secretary; nnd the party of the second part has set his hand the day and year first above written. < . F. Ramxtt, Charles O. Alexander, W. H. Brown, State Harbor Commissioners. J. J. Keegan, Secretary. A. Page Brown. When there was any glory to be had out of the ferry foundation, thVbridge and the union depot A. Page Brown was very largely in evidence. When there was any doubt as to the stability of the foundation or the quality of the concrete A. Page Brown dropped out of sight and shoved forward Engineer Holmes. Mr. Brown was liberal with his name when the design was to be published, as the publications will show, but when the breath of scandnl fanned the foundation he was again swal lowed in a mist and Holmes had to bear the brunt of the investigation. Now there is an investigation in progress by Profess ors Sonle and Marx, the recognized au thorities of the State, and the president of the Board of Harbor Commissioners pro poses that the architect shall be heard from. ",Mr. Brown has clearly violated his con tract," said President Colnon yesterday afternoon. "The contract in the first place was drawn clearly in his favor and had he lived by his terms he would have been well enough compensated, bnt he has not even had the common decency to follow out its conditions". He was to have drawn up the .specifications, but it is shown that En gineer Holmes did this work. Mr. Brown was to supervise the work on the founda tions, but Inspectors Klein and Cheese man were here to-day and both said that they only saw Brown once on the work to know him. When he did appear on the work he had to be introduced by another party to the inspectors. Mr. Holmes, the engineer, has never seen him on the work in the character of overseer, and it is a matter of record that he has never made a report to this board, and the only time he has ever appeared before the Commission ers is when he was sent for. "When Professors Soule and Marx were appointed as the Commissioners' experts they came on to the investigation groping in the dark. It was the place of Mr. Brown to come forward and supply these gentle men with all the data in his possession to assist them in their work. But he did not even offer a single suggestion, and they had to go to Engineer Holmes to get a start on their investigation." When Brown signed the contract with the Board of Harbor Commissioners he named as his bondsmen Oscar Lewis and J. C. Roberts. These gentlemen qualified in the sum of $15,000, and they may be called upon to make good the amount which the architect has drawn down for work, which, to say the least, has been pooriy done. The health authorities of a number of States have recently made exhaustive ex aminations of the baking powders with the uniform result of finding the Royal supe rior to all others. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1895. NATIVE SONS IN CHARGE. The Grand Parlor Given the Freedom of the City of Oakland. FIRST DAY OF THE SESSION. Skirmishes on Some of the Most Important Issues to Be Decided. There was no lack of evidence in Oak land, at least in the uptown district yester day, that some event out of the ordinary was on the tapis, and the Native Sons had as good cause to be proud of the reception tendered them as Oakland had to be of the cordialityand generous character of its man ifestation of welcome. On every hand t lie eye met streams of banners, artistically ar ranged flags and shields, or bunting draped in graceful folds. The occasion of all this was the eighteenth annual convention of the Grand Parlor of the Native Sons of the Golden West. Delegates and their friends began to ar rive Sunday evening and last evening the visitors, including delegates, numbered be tween four and five thousand. Well sprinkled among these were seen badges of the Grand Parlor delegate?. While headquarters have been regularly established at the Galindo Hotel, the regis- MAYOR DAVIE DELIVERING THE "KEY TO THE GATE OF THE ATHENS OF THE PACIFIC " TO GRAND PRESIDENT JO D. SPROUL, N. 8. G. W. ters at all the other Oakland caravansaries are well filled. In honor of the visit of the Grand Parlor Mayor John L. Davie lias issued the fol lowing proclamation or message: To the people of the city of Onklßiid: During ; this week the Grand J'arior of the Native Sons of the Golden West holds its sessions in this city, and it devolves upon every citizen i.> exhibit that .-pirit of hospitality which is the proud boast of every California'community. The order represents those high attributes of fraternity and fosters a State pride that is the foundation upon which all commonwealths are based and built. It stands for moral and intellectual advancement and Its bonds of fra ternity extend to all parts of this great State ami brine in close union all sections and politi cal divisions. It is composed of those whose vast influence is cut in the direction of social and industrial progress and wh<i«c watchword is the advancement of the great State which gave them birth. When we look about and consider the intense civic pride of the New Yorker, the Oiiioan, the Virginian, toe Verraonter and the Texan in their respective commonwealths, we can then readily appreciate the power that has made those States. It is the great propelling force that insures honest and faithiul administration of govern ment and upright citizenship. Born on the soil, the members of this order, too, have a warm place in the hearts of every ■ citizen of the State. They revive the memories of the State's past glories, they are the motive force of the present and they are the founda tion upon which the hopes for a bright and proud future are erected. A Californian is welcome everywhere, and let it not be said that they are least welcome at home. Let the people of Oakland extend a generous and free-nanded hospitality to the officers, delegates and members of this great order. Let their visit here be made one of in terest and pleasure, so that their memories will long retain the kindest and pleasantest recol lections of Oakland and of Oakland's people. Shortly before noon the Grand Parlor was called to order by Grand President J. D. Sproul. All the grand officers were present except Grand Lecturer Henry C. Gesford and Grand Trustee E. W. Frost. Grand President Sproul appointed George B. Lovdal of Sacramento to fall the va cancy created by the absence of Grand Trustee Frost. W. W. Shannon acted as minute clerk. C. 0. Dunbarof the Santa Rosa Demo crat, Charles R. Heverin of the Marin County Tocsin and E. B. Hayward of the Woodland Democrat were appointed a committee to select an official reporter and arrange for the publication of the proceed ings of ihe Grand Parlor in an Oakland paper. They selected Delegate Heverin as the official reporter and the Oakland Times for the publication of the Grand Parlor's proceedings. The following committee on credentials was appointed: Gustave Weiss of Mar tinez, J. T. Skelton Jr. of Sacramento and R. B. Tappan of Alameda. During the recess the delegates were photographed in a body in front of the City Upon reconvening all vacancies in the standing committees were filled by the grand president. These committees consisted as follows: Finance-F. W. Lees, J. J. Fennell, R. W. Stiller. Printing and supplies— F. L. Byington, D. L. Fitzgerald, L. H, Cook. Laws and supervision— J. L. Gallager, George K. de Golia, George N*. Van Orden, J. J. Wvatt, J. H. I'etersen. State of the order— Noah G. Rogers, J. J Pfister. 11. G. W. Dinkelspiel, J. C. Freman, l. J. Chipman. Appeals and grievances— W. M. Conley, F. G Ostrander, R. C. Rust, J. F. Coffcv, C. M.Cassin. Petitions— C. M. Wooster, T. W. Doyle, c. \V Sloan. legislation— J. C. Prewett, F. J. Murasky, M. B. Cope, 11. R. M. Noble, P. E. Zabala. Ritual— Frajik L. Coombs, M. A. Dorn, A. Ramish, J. A. Steinbaeh, D. K. Morgan. Transportation— Rod W. Church, A. R. Underwood, W. W. Shannon. Committees on literature and on returns were not appointed. According to the report of the committee on credentials the following delegates were found entitled to seats: San Francisco— W. W. Phannon, F. W. Mnrs tOß, Harry Lachman, W. D. Shea, Henry Stern D. L. Fitzgerald, T. W. Dovie, F. R. Neville, Jo seph K. Hawkins, H. E. Coffey, J. B. Acton, R. Andrews, W. W. Ackerson, D. C. Martin. J H Mangels, E. L. Head, J. R. Howell, H. S. Mil*. ner, John T. Harmes, Fred W. Lees, Louis F Byington, J. B. Keenaa, L. M. Braunan, Robert W. Maitland, George N. Van Orden, Charles H. Buck, H. C. Pasqimle, VV. A. King, B. J. Hilde brand, Louis P. Powelson, Charles R. Heverin, James \V. Seinfeld, John J. Hack, Sylvester Pearl, James 'Wilson, H. Abraham, Joseph M. Cumming, Henry E. Farmar, Eugene W. Levy, H. G. \V. Dinkelspiel, E. E. Fisher, Wil liam W. Sanderson James T. Campbell, Carle ton H. Johnson, W E MeCreery, W. A. Mona han, J. 11. Roxburgh, Frank J. Murasky, J. T. Cosgrove, James L Galllagher, Henry Ltchten stein, A. 1,. Karl, M. D. Garratt, James J. Fen nell, J. F. Lane, Fred K. Squires, Robert i. Croekard. Oak la n/3- -George E. de Golia, Conrad Reuter, O. T. Wilson, L. S. Stone, H. N. Gard, George J. Hans. Ed S. Hoed. K. W. Church. Alur eda— R. B. Tappan, E. Mayrisch Jr.. O. A. Hremer. Alton— J. W. Monroe. Alvarado— George Beebe. Amador City— W, H. Fortier, J. T. Bennett. Antioch— S.'E. Eramo. Arcata— Charles Burrell, J. Edwin Morton. Auburn— J. E. Prewett, L. L. Chamberlain. Bakersfleld- B. L. Brundnge. Bcnicia— William 11. Quarney. Bodega— L. w. IfcGaughey. Byron— \V. W. Huffman. Calistoga— A. 11. McArthur. Cambria— Milton Mayfleld. Camptonville— W. R. " Williams. Castroville— Lois Griflin. Centerville — Joseph D. Norris. Chico— L. A. Jackson, A. Abrahams. Courtland— A. W. Johnson. Crescent City— Frederick Frants. Dixon— J. if. Peterson. Downieville— H. S. Tibbey. Dutch Flat— J. H. Runckel Jr. Esparto— Henry llaiues. Etna— F. M. Bradley, A. Parker Jr. Eureka— C. W. Sktan, C. W. Cramer. Ferndale— C. A. Berding. Folsom— J. h. Leonard. Forbestovvn— D. U. Tofl'elmier. Forest Hill— G. Howard Garrison. Fort Jones— J. E. Dudley. Fresno— G. C. Freeman. F. A. Jloinan. Georgetown— C. E. Benjamin. Gibsonville— J. J. Barrett. Gilroy— A. W. Furlong. Glen Ellen— John 11. Weisse. Grass Valley — James F. Robinson, A. F. Brady. (irililey— E. A. Light. Hulfmoon Bay— Thomas F. Quinion. liaywards— Nell A. McConaghy, E. K. Stro brldge. Ilollistcr— John Tatham. Hueneme— L. H. Cook. Independence— F. E. Densmore. lone— J. A. Haverstick. Jackson— R. C. Rust, H.C. GarbarlnL Lincoln— Guy £. Jeter.-.-. % Llvermore— William 11. Galway, George W. Meyers. : 7J r -' c i'-VH- Los Angeles — Herman: C. • Lithtenberger, Frank Sablchi. D. W. Ed el man, A. Ramish. Los Gatos— Noah G. Rogers. r ; . 7 Lower Lake— J. A. Kelsey. , Madera— William M. Conley. Mariposa— K. L. Paine, G. E. Lind. May field- K. A. Dornborger. Martinez — Gustave Weiss, J. J. McMahon. Marysville— J. H. Shaffer, J. M. Cremin. Mento Park— E. S. flute. Merced— F. G. Ostrander, A.T. Hyde. Napa— Frank L. Coombs, B. S. Wilkins. Nevada City— D, E. Morgan, J. J. Hanley, F. E. Brown. Nicasio — F. E. Rodgers. Nipomo— W. H. (irisby. i Occidental— L. Heedle*. oroville— Robert J. Strong, George E. Springer. Placervllle— Max Mierson, D. V.' Carr. Pleasant Grove— W. W. Decker. r* •Point Arena— H. P. Chaifant. . Paso Robles -R. C. Nelson. Plymouth— C. H. Potter. Redlands— J. A. Rivera. Redwood Joseph P. Coffey, D. E.Staf ford. Sacramento— William Henderson, A. E. Mil ler, rharles X. Post, John T. Skelton Jr., G. B. Lovdal. Salinas- P. E. Zabala. San Bernardino— Oscar D. Foy, W. D. Wagner. San Diego S. J. Sill. San Jose— Toland Hart, A. R. Underwood, C. M. Wooster, J,. J. Chipman, Steve L. Worden, Thomas Monahan. Shu Lucaa Hugh J. Nance. San Luis Obispo— J. W. O'Hullivan. San Mateo— John H. Herbst. San Miguel— D. P. liahoney. San Rafael— Sigfried Herzog, Thomas J. Fal lon. Santa Barbara— Walter B. Cope, C. A. Thomp son. Santa Cruz— George Btaffier, M. Bisse, R. H. Pringte. .Santa Paula— F. F. Elwell. Santa Rosa— J. 11. Laughlin, Don Mills and Charles O. Dunbar. Sawyers Bar— J. 8. Nailey. Bebwtqpol— F. h. I.uth. Shasta— C. J. Litscli. Hierra City-George Morrison. Smartsvilie-John McQuaid Jr. Sonoma— Julius E. poppe. Honora— Charles H. Mi-Cambridge. M. Helena - H. L. Childs. Stockton— H. R. McNoble, E. M. Grunsky and George E. Catts. Suisun— J. j. I'ilßter. Susanvilh— John B. Snaulding. Batter Creek- a P. Vlcini. Tracy— W. <;. I^wis. Vallejo— Wilbcrforce Dudley Jr.. P. J. Wen iger. Ventura— N. Hearfne, James Daly. Visalia— Simon Levi. Walnut Crook— J. L. Geary Jr. Walsonville-- Kdward McCabe, C. M. Cassin. Weaverviilc K. \y. stiller. \Vheatlaiii]— K. N. Murpliy. Winter*— W. 11. Gregory. Woodland- E. H. Hayward, Owen Armstrong. Yreka— F. J. McNulty. hi order to ,*ave time the reports of~the oflicers, the salient features of vvhic]i were published in the Call of Sunday, were re ferred to the proper committees without being read. Frank D. Ryan presented a resolution as follows: Jienolved. That a general celebration of Ad mission day by the order be held at Sacramen to on the 9th of September, 1895. In connection with the resolution the following telegrams were read: Sacramento, April 23, 1895. J. D. SprouX, Grand Prenident N. 8. O. W.: Sac ramento wants you on the next Admission day and wants you badly. We offer you the State Fair, the Buffalo Brewery and the State treas ury, if needed. We will guarantee you a grand time. B. U. Stki'nman, Mayor of Sacramento. Sacramento, April 22, 1895. Frank D. Ryan, care Grand Parlor, Oakland, Cal.: Have raised $3000 additional at the meet ing of business men yesterday. Decided to make Saturday, Monday* and Tuesday holidays. Boys, we guarantee me greatest celebration ever held; $8000 guaranteed in all. J. W. Henderson Jr., Robert Grkkr, C. T. Barton. The signers of this telegram are members of the Sacramento parlors. .-- .. • / " ; Grand Trustee Frank ' > Mattison then moved to amend the resolution by striking out . '> the {. word - : Sacramento ■ and ;, insert ing Santa Cruz, la support of this a tele gram from Mayor Effey was read as fol lows: Santa Cruz extends the glad hand of welcome to the Native Sons and wants to see them here in September. Will do all in our power to make the occasion a big success, and would like a chance to outdo the good old times. Another from J. R. Chace of the Pacific Ocean House was also read. It said : Santa Cruz, April 22, 1895. J. P. Dockery, Chairman Ninth of September Comnittce: Citizens have guaranteed the com mittee $2000, now making $5000. Passenger Agent Goodman's letter as ' published in Sunday's Call was also read to the convention. . The whole matter was then made a i special order for 11 a. m. Wednesday. If the character and volume of applause | that . ereetcd the mention of these respec- I tive cities was any criterion of what the I result is to be Sacramento will carry off I the honor. Had a vote been taken yester day Santa Cruz would apparently have had less than one-third of the votes of the delegates. But forty-eight hours will pass before the vote will be taken, and within that time a change of sentiment may be worked. It is ' expected that one of the greatest fights ever seen on the floor of the convention will evolve from this matter, as the celebration will be of more than ordinary interest. It will not only be the i regular triennial Admission-day festival of the order, but will celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the birth of the Native Sons of the Golden West. . ■ . Next came a resolution signed by Charles M. Cassin and Edward McCabe, members of the Watson parlor, committing the Grand Parlor to the holding of the next | convention in Watsonville. This was fol lowed by one presented by J. B. Blake and C. A. Thompson of San Luis Obispo, resolving that the next meeting be held in that city. Their consideration was made a special order for 2 p. m. Wednesday. It is probable that before any discussion is had as to the respective claims of these two towns, action will have been taken on the proposition of locating the Grand Par | lor permanently in San Francisco. Should j San Francisco fail to win a lively contest { will result between the adherents of Wat ! sonville and San Luis Obispo. Eight o'clock was the hour set for the formal welcome of the Native Sons to the city of Oakland by Mayor Davie, but long before that hour the streets debouching into the grounds surrounding the City Hall became streams of human beings, and when the exercises began one of the largest gatherings ever assembled for an occasion of this kind filled the ample widths of Washington and Fourteenth streets and the lawns of the City Hall grounds. The number present was not less than 10,000. ■ ; . After the rendering of a brief musical selection by Cassasa's Band, Chairman Rod. W. Church, chairman of the committee of arrangements, extended a welcome to the visitors on behalf of the local parlors, and then, in a few well selected words, ; intro duced Mayor Davie, who, in his address of welcome, expressed regret that he was not a native son of California, but thought he was next door to it in being a native son of New York. "But." he continued, "I have done the best I could under the circum stances. lam the father of three native eons." The remainder of his speech was as follows: Native Sons of the Golden West: From all over the West you have come to our city to hold your annual reunion. In the name of Oakland I welcome you ; as a citizen I welcome you, and as chief executive of our municipality I bid you a hearty and earnest welcome. May your stay among us create impressions that will be reviewed and remembered with pleas ure in days to come. You are sons of argonauts — of Jasons who came in search of the golden fleece that many of them did not find; but they found a golden west, a glorious country, and they left their j sons in the "gar-den of the world." They left j them a land in which every man may sit under his own vine and fig tree— the land of the orange and the grape, the yellow wheat and the bough-laden orchard. You are truly sons of the golden — the only golden west on the face of God's earth. The name "Native Sons" inspires the thought of patriotism. You a,re the sons of patriots — of ! men whose adventurous spirit and tireless ! energy carried them over thousands of miles of i deserts drear, through wild tribes of merciless Indians and across cloud-piercing ranges of mountains, white with eternal mows, to the land of the Golden West. The sons of patriots, you are patriots. Should occasion demand, no State in the Union would send, forth braver and more unflinching defenders of their coun try's flair than would the land of the argonauts —the Golden West. While we read the pages which are the record of the brave deeds and Hercules-like labors of the argonauts, your fathers, you will feel the inspiration that makes men brave and energetic, confident of success and ever ready to struggle for the right. Young men, the blood of the pioneers flows in your veins, the world is before you, and your home— your native land— is the Golden west. Prove yourself worthy of the heritage bequeathed by your fathers. Once more, gentlemen, I bid you welcome to Oakland. At this point the Mayor introduced President Jo D. Sproul of the Grand Par lor to the assemblage and presented him with the key of the city, intended to be emblematic of the whole-souled hospitality to be extended to the delegates, and their friends by the entire body of residents of the city of Oakland. , The gilded emblem rested on a huge velvet cushion and measured about three feet in length, the handle being decorated with streamers of red, white and blue rib bons. On it was the following inscription : "Key to the gate of the Athens of the Pa cific. . Presented to California's noble sons." In handing it to President Sproul Mayor Davie expressed the wish that it would be enjoyed to the fullest extent. President Sproul in accepting the em blem remarked jocularly that it was rather more than the usual size and would need a large keyhole. The latter, however, he continued, was a common want. It was frequently a matter of little difficulty to find one's latchkey when returning home late of an evening, but trouble often arose in finding a keyhole large enough to fit it. I He then returned thanks on behalf of the Native Sons for the cordial welcome ex tended them by the people of Oakland and he felt confident that they would always look back to the visit of the Grand Parlor with memories filled only with pleasant thoughts. This concluded the formal exercises and the vast throng dispersed to enjoy the music of the grand open-air concert in the City Hall park dispensed by Charles H. Casassa's orchestra of thirty instruments, the following selections being rendered: Grand overture, "Macbeth". .......... Hat ton Operatic selection, "Faust".; Gounod Pasquinade ....:...:......Gottschalk Fantasle, American airs, ."Lustlgerßruder"... ... — .*. .......... .Kuppey Concert waltz (by reque5t).. ....... .:...... Vollsteut Overture, "William Tell" .Rossini (Sextet, "Lucia". ........;................. D0nnizettl Gems from the Admired works of Tosti Godfrey Excerpt! from "A Gaiety Gir1". .............. .J0nes March, "Great Repub1ic"..... '..;.... .....:..■. Thlelo Several additional arc-lights had been erected about the grounds and the scene was made ntarly as light as ever. Although the election for officers does not take place until Thursday a large por tion of the time not devoted to session was consumed in discussing the chances of the candidates for the contested offices, and in canvassing for favored aspirants. In the natural line of promotion Presi dent. Jo I). Sproul will become past g^rand president, and Grand Vice-President Frank H.Dunn will succeed to the presi dent's chair. For grand secretary Henry Lunstedt, the efficient incumbent, will have no opposition, nor will there be any to Grand Treasurer Henry S. Martin. Grand Lecturer Henry C. Gesford will take the chair of the grand vice-president, as being in the line of promotion to that office, but for the remaining offices there will be more or less exciting contests. For grand lecturer there are no less than four contestants already in the field — GrandJOrator Eugene F. Bert, Grand Trus tee George D. Clark, James L. Gallagher and H. G. W. Dinkelspiel, all of San Fran cisco. The real fight, however, is said to lie between Bert and Clark. The friends of Bert base his claims on the facts that he is in direct line of promotion to that office and that Mission 'Parlor, of which he is rf member, has never yet had a past grand president, while Pacific Parlor, to which Clark belongs, has had four in the past eight years. There will probably be more than one ballot for this office, as it requires a clear majority of all votes cast to elect. For grand orator Grand Trustee Edwin A. Munroe and W. M. Conley of Madera will enter the field, both being strong can didates. Fox grand inside sentinel J. B. Blake, the present outside sentinel, and Gus Weiss will contest. Judging from the large number of aspir ants, tlie office of grand; outside sentinel is exceedingly popular, out this is accounted for by the fact that it is the first stepping stone to the high honor of becoming a past grand president. The candidates for this position are J. J. Ptister of Suisun, George N. Van Orden of San Francisco, Charles O. Dunbar of Santa Rosa, Joe Norris of Cen terville. John Leathers Jr. of Woodland and J. H. Peterson of Dixon. To-day the great events, aside from the proceedings of the Grand Parlor, will be the parade, which is to start at 11 a. m., and the barbecue at Trestle Glen imme diately after the disbandment of the parade. Themost striking feature of the pageant will be the float of P^ireka. The lady who will represent California on this float is Mrs. Nellie Hodrcin. She is of French and Spanish extraction, rather short in stature, has bright Hashing eyes, masses of dark hair, and by her unusual beauty of features and form is peculiarly fitted to represent the glorious State of the Golden West. DEFENDANTS WIN. A Charter Party Suit Involving a Large Sum or Money Is Finally Settled. Starr & Co. won the suit brought against them by the Golgate Ship Company in the United States Court of Appeals yesterday. In June, 1891, the Golgate was chartered in Liverpool by Starr & Co. The charter was signed by John Joyce & Co. for the ship and by Balfour, Williamson & Co. for the California firm. The words '-charterer's surveyor" were stricken out and "competent surveyor" in serted. Balfour, Williamson & Co. ob jected, but when it was explained that in another instance Starr & Co. had agreed to the chance, they signed the charter party. The rate agreed upon was 38s 9d a ton. When the Goleate arrived here from Newcastle, N. S. W., Starr & Co. refused to load her because they could not employ their own surveyor. In the meantime freights dropped to 19s a ton, and the ship was loaded by some one else at that figure. The Colgate Ship Company then brought suit to recover $19,180, the amount they haa lost in the transaction. In the first trial of the case Judge Morrow gave a decision in favor of Starr <fc Co., but, on a rehearing, reversed and gave a verdict for the Gqlgate Ship Company for the amount claimed. The United States Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday reversed Judge Morrow s de cision and ordered the libel dismissed. FOR TIE UNEMPLOYED. Lawyer Jeffries of Seattle Has a Plan for Their Relief. He Would Incorporate Them Into a Co-operative Common wealth. A large audience of laboring men listened last evening at the Labor Temple on Turk street to the presentation of a plan of prac tical co-operation which its promoters think is destined to satisfactorily solve the vexing question of what to do with the unemployed. The speaker of the evening was E. J. Jeffries of Seattle, formerly a printer and later an attorney, who for two years past has given his entire attention to labor questions. His address excited consider able discussion, not all of which was favor able to his proposition. Another meeting to consider the scheme will be held this evening on the steps of the Mint on Fifth street. The title given the new scheme is the "Co-operative Commonwealth.'" It pro poses to associate the unemployed single workingmen in a corporation, of which each shall be a shareholder, and in which no one shall own more than one share of a par value of 1 cent. It aims to establish a headquarters where the members shall eat and sleep. It proposes to distribute dodgers asking for orders for work snd will maintain a telephone at headquarters by which such orders may be received. When work is ordered men are to be detailed to perform it and the money so earned is to go into a common fund. When the cor poration becomes prosperous it is intended to pay suitable wages to all members, with holding from each a small sum— say 10 cents a day — for a reserve fund. This, when it shall become large enough, is to be used for the purchase of land upon which the unemployed may work, becoming pro ducers instead of consumers. Mr. Jeffries stated that a "co-operative commonwealth" had been started in Se attle and another in Portland, and that both were in a very prosperous condition. To get his headquarters started he proposes to interest perhaps a score of people who will solicit donations of food, bedding, stoves, dishes and so forth. Then he will set a table which shall be free to every un employed man who desires to ioin the organization. He expects to nave no difficulty in securing members, because, as he remarks, hunger is a great persuader. Having joined they will be set to work, and any one who will not work will be ex pelled and at once become a fit person for police attention as a vagrant. By means of this plan Mr. Jeffries says he can care for all the unemployed, giving them wholesome food and a comfortable place to sleep at a maximum cost of $1 a week each. "There's no place like home" when the food is prepared with Dr. Price's Baking Powder. DECIDED TO REMAIN, The Traffic Association Takes on An other Lease of Life and Will Begin Anew. The executive committee of the Traffic Association held a postponed meeting yes terday, and discussed the question of dis banding or continuing as an organization. Some members argued that there was little or nothing now to be done. General Manager J. S. Leeds, who was really the head and energy of the concern in many ways, had gone East, and on that account the usefulness of the association had come to a close. This opinion did not iind favor with the majority of the committee, however, and after some discussion it was determined to continue the organization. Since the association is to take on a new lease of life a sub-committee was appointed to consider in what particular respect the body could be of most benefit to shippers and importers. A week from next Wed nesday the sub-committee will make its report. Saved the Babies. A crowd of laughing, playing babies were saved from injury and possible death by the brave promptitude of Officer Wolhveber late yesterday afternoon. The little ones were frolicking on the edge of the sidewalk, when a runaway horse attached to a buggy dashed to ward them. The stalwart young policeman saw the horse tearing down the street, but did not intend to try to stop it till he noticed that the maddened animal was headed directly for the group of children. He at once sprang at the horse's head, grasping one line of the bridle with both hands. The officer was swung off his feet, but kept his grip and was dragged thirty feet before ho finally brought the horse to a standstill within a foot of the spot where the little ones were huddled together in terror and dismay at the Impending danger. Wentworth McKeen of Keswick, N. B. had a live sable on exhibition in St. John, recently. It was caught by him on the upper St. John. HUNTINGTON'S PROMISE The Grand Jury Talks Very Plainly to the Railroad People. LIFE MUST BE PROTECTED. Everything That Is Demanded Is Promised Without Reser vation. The Market-street Railway Company promise to comply with the law requiring guards or fenders to be placed on all cable and electric cars. They have promised this same thing many times before, but now there is a probability that the much needed protection to life and limb will be given. The Grand Jury had a short but inter esting session last night, and it was then that the railway company, through H. E. Huntington and J. L. Willcutt, promised that the law should be complied with. The matter has been before the Grand Jury for some time and the appearance of these gentlemen before that body was to explain the absence of the fenders and to name a time when the people could reasonably expect some protection from the rolling death-traps. The railroad representatives explained to the satisfaction of the Grand Jury many things that have hitherto appeared a little mysterious to the average citizen, and went so far as to say that the com }>any would immediately offer a reward or the safest and most practical guard or fender that human ingenuity could de vise. They wanted a little time to do all of this, but the cars would certainly be provided with protectors at the earliest possible moment. Mayor Sutro was present also, pointing out the law in the case, and insisting on an immediate com pliance with the same on the part of the offending corporation. The Grand Jury also took up the case of Alonzo J. Whitman, alias Edwin J. Dela field. the forger, who was arrested in New York last Saturday. Whitman is badly wanted in San Francisco for several forger ies committed about a year ago, hence the prompt action taken by the Grand Jury. The only witnesses examined last night were Chief Crowley and J. D. Maxwell, the insurance agent who is out $500 through the skillful penmanship and suave tongue of the man now under arrest in New York. There are several witnesses yet to be ex amined, but there is hardly any doubt but that an indictment will be returned against him. Last summer Delafield or Whitman came here with strong letters of recommenda tion, and in a short time gained the confi dence of quite a number of people. He obtained entrance into the most exclusive circles of society, and one fine day in July, 1894, a number of people found themselves with forged paper on their hands. Delafield succeeded in passing worthless checks on the following people, securing the amounts named: Yanderlyn Stow, $250: agent of the Burlington road, $100; C.Johnson. $500; Occidental Hotel, $400, $350 of which was repaid :J. D. Maxwell, $500. It is also said he succeeded in securing smaller sums on the same kind of paper, or as a loan for "a few days." Most of these checks were given on the Traders' Bank of New York, and were re turned as fraudulent. When asked about the matter he told a plausible story of mistakes on the part of the bank, promis ing at the same time to take up the checks in a few days. Without bidding his friends good - by, Whitman started eastward, finally landing in Chicago. It was said tbat he was interested with a gang of forgers in Chicago, who succeeded in plac ing $50,000 worth of bogus paper on the market, but there was not sufficient proof to convict. Since that time he has been following a career of crime, finally winding up in prison in New York, as published in the Call of Sunday. King Humbert can broil a steak, gird a chop and do plain cooking just as well as he can run with the machine, couple up hose or pump at a fire. Indeed, his Majesty of Italy has many talents. Yale's Skin Food Remioves wrinkles and all traces of age. It feeds through the pores and builds up the fatty membranes and wasted tissues, nourishes the shriveled and shrunken skin, tones and invigorates the nerves and muscles, en- riches the impoverished blood vessels, and supplies youth and elasticity to the action of the skin. It's per- fect. Beware of substitutes and counterfeits. Yale's Origi- nal Skin Food, price $1.50 and $3. At all drugstores. MME. M. TALE, Health and com- plexion specialist, Yale Temple of Beauty. 146 State street, Chicago. RKDINGTON ft CO., Wholesale Drag, gists, San Francisco, are supplying t»« dealers of the Pacitto Coast witk ell ci my ramadlaa.