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OUT AT THE RACETRACK. Midas Showed His Competitors How to Skip Around the Ring. MT. AIR WAS A SURPRISE. Nervosa and Cypsette Gelding of the Eimwood Stock Farm Both Won. But for the poor start she got Joan would have won galloping. _ Kelson, away from the post very badly, ran a fine race. Sweet Alice apain bled slightly, which un doubtedly contributed to her defeat. Had Lulu not been interfered with in the she would probably have beaten Ner vosa. The Eimwood stock farm captured the first two races, both winners being ridden by Bob Isom. The Charlotte filly ran her race at the post. She showed plenty of speed in all of the false starts. At present Tommy Lottridge has Rear Guard iv better form than he has ever before shown in California. When Contribution is beaten in 1 :OS*i for the five and a half furlongs it is about time the old fellow's dickey legs had a rest Crescendo, the crack two-year-old, is now quartered in San Jose, where he will remain until the string of Naglee Burke starts East early in May. By the handy manner with which Mt Air I off the short six furlongs in 1:13 he showed himself to be very much of a "coming around" horse. It is certainly very hard to keep a line on the - of the Kirn wood stock farm. Were Mr. Boots a betiing man the peculiar running of his horses would certainly be questioned. Jockey Hinrichs was again seen in the saddle vosterday, having returned from the Los An race meeting, where he did some very clever work in the saddle. Hinrichs had the mount on Tar and Tartar on the last race, and he had not entirely recovered from his journey on the cars, or el*e the brown gelding's stable folks were very badly fooled in him. Some day when fate decrees that racing shall be no more at the Bay District track, and its gates are forever closed, prying humanity will probably search through the different buildings and club-houses and may discover the remains of some departed dead, that not a straggling fragment of a pool ticket nor a book maker's dust-begrimed sheet would aid the Coroner revealing their identification. I do not refer in particular to the racing yesterday, although in fact it was hard as usual, and might be called tough, but all in all it is getting to be racing that is hard to boat. It is a question whether long continued race meetings of the duration of the present one are prolific of prosperity to the average race-goer. I think not. Yesterday was the one hundred and fiftieth day of the meeting, and I doubt very much whether most of them that passed out of the gates after the last race had one dollar and fifty cents in their pockets — that is, those that put up that very essential ar ■• tide, the American silver dollar, to enter therein. Whenever jockeys are in great demand for consultations in regard to who wiil win the race, it is a pretty sure -indication that form is at a discount. Anl yesterday I • At Last, Little Pete, the Chinese plunger, has had to come to it, for I saw 'him in earnest ccnver<B;:<:n with one of the knights of the pigskin very close to the noted end stall in trie saddling paddock. A brief review of the races yesterday - to the fact that but one favorite out of the six won, and that one was fortunate in having but two horses to contest agai. The fields in the different events were Email, the time was jrood, and the band played its usual selections for the benefit of led balconies. r cutting up his customary •wicked :n the opening race, a rlong spin, Nelson, the 8 to 5 favorite, . got away last. He made a fine run through his field, but the effort was too much for him, and in a drive through the stretch #,c one-eyed horse was beaten by Kenrosa and Lulu, the former get ting the decision by a neck. ng away in front, in the two-year m, a four and a half furlong jaunt, the elding, with 7 to 2 against him, led all the way and won by half a length from Joan. Ida H, a daughter of Ben AH, j. good third, this being her maiden •-t. The 3 to 5 favorite Midas, carrying but P3 pounds, made Nebuchadnezzar and An nette, the only other starters, think they had forgotten how to run in the first mile race, for he passed them nearine the half and won, romping in 1:41 J^. Nebuchad r;.e.zza.r was second. •If vhe doesn't bleed she will walk in," they said about Sweet Alice, who opened . favorite for the fourth race. Many thought she would again be troubled with her old failing and put their coin on Nellie G, fend ing her to the post equal favorite with Nellie G. Weil, Sweet Alice bled, but the joker had been overlooked, for Mt. Air, with 1") and 20 to 1 against him. trailed the sweet thing to the stretch and then went on and won easily, running the short six furlongs in 1:13. Sweet Alice lasted long enough to beat Nellie G a length for the place. Oid Contribution, the 11 to 10 favorite for t-h.e fifth race, a five and a half furloiifr dash, had to make way fur youneer blood. > Mollie R, the 9 to 5 second choice, raced - front with the aged and crippled sprinter, and downed him handily, win ning by a length. O'Bee, who was strongly backed, was a fair third. According to rumor the horse that de feated Tar and Tartar in the last race would have to step lively, yet he was i-eaten a block in 1 Al%. tar "and Tartar was a 7to 5 favorite at 'post time, with H.nrichs up. Rear Guard, the heavily backed second hor?e. led all the way and y five lengths. Tar and Tartar rin i) front of Brodhead for the place. Tar and Tartar's next perform •how whether the stable had ■ointment. Mi'l.uolla:>d. MMMAET. Pan Francisco. April 22, 1895. IRft FIRST RACE— furlongs: selling; IWI three-year-olds and upward: purse $300. }?*U "" rs< •,»*iet!t. Jockey. St. Xh Str. Fin. 77« 88 (R. isoru) ....4 61 lh 1/. 179 J.uin, 98(Coacly). ; 34/ --t/i 2* 722 Kelson, Jl2 (Hcnnefmr) b '2! 21 3i 764 P01.,^1, UK) ■ ■■■■% g s it 724 Morgan G, 107 (Keating) 7 7; 01 6/ 770 Bom < ;;wk, 98 (K. joDfe^ "\% &6i « 776 Halite Culvert. 98 (A. Uom) 8 Gh 71 71 740 Blue Belle, 105 (Shaw) . ...I 1/, 4,1 8 Fair start. Won driving. Time, 1:14%: Winner, eh. g., by Imp.' Bnuns-Nerva. Betting: JNervosae tol, Lnlu 5 tol XeJsonßtos. Rose ark Bto 1, I'olaski 10 10 1, Morgan 12 to 1, Sallle Calvert 25 to 1, Blue B«U« 75 to 1. :: 78' i SKCOND RACE-Four and a half fd* ••' :./•"*<• longs; selling; two-year-olds; purse #300. *S& ,? or8 *- wel ?ht. jockf y. su % Btr. Fin. .<3 Oypnftte gelding, 100 (It. ■ .^ 741 . Isom) >i>: Heij'r>');:;;;;;.'i m in 74] Joau,9(HD. Henr*)...:.' 9 9 ]j 2? __ i«*"H. ldorgirriier)... .;5 » 32 3h . 777 X)on Gara lbo (W. i'lynn) 4 5y a « .j 777 .Sfven -. 94 (Boss) . 7 «7 hi hh .:.•• 6|2 Charlotte filly, 99 (HinrichiVl Ih 4/ 6/ ■ 758 i>!Kemount. 103 (Sloan) s r>h «a 7' V 768 Walter J, 103 (I^lJoyd) 6% li I*o .;: • :• AvaU filly, 94 Jonei).V.V.a m 9 9 -' •• h Good stun. Won driving Time, :66. Winner, •v. o. If-, by Imp. Brutus-Uypsette " •» il'J'^V G - v P Beu *.K«»<»iDs; 7to 2. Jonn Bto 1. Ida , 15 to 1, I>on to 1, Kdgemount 9to 1, Walter J7 to 1, Charlotte filly 2 to 1, Avail filly 50 to 1, Neven 50 to 1. rqn THIRD RACE— One mile; three-year-olds I O\J. and upward; purse 8400.- Ind. Horse, weient. Jockey. St. V* Sir. Fin. 767 Midas, 93 (Chevalier). 3 lVk 1 3 , il% (779) Nebuchadnezzar,B9 (R.lsom)l 2V? 21 2£ 779 Arnette, 82 (E. Jones) 2 3 3 3 Good start. Won easily. Time, 1:41 Vi- Win ner, b. c, by Emperor of Nortolk-Wlnona. Betting: Midas 3 to 5, Nebuchadnezzar 2 to 1, Arnette 10 to 1. 7QI FOURTH RACE— six furlongs; I OX. selling; three-year-olds and upward; purse $300. Ind. Horse, weight, jockey. St. % Str. Fin. (728) Mount Air, 1.01 (Coady) 2 2% It U 735 Sweet Alice, flB (Chevalier).. 3 1-* 11 2/ 780 Nellie G, 88 (R. Isom) .1 3; 3i 31 759 Imp. Grand .Lady, 109 (A. Covlngton) 5 5% U 45 736 Little Bob. 89 (K. Jones) 6 6 6 51 739 Comrade, 106 (Coffey) 4 41 5/ 6 Good start. Won easily. Time, 1:13. Winner, b. g.,by imp. Brutus-Young Jule. Betting: Mount Air 15 to 1. Sweet Alice 11 to 5, Nellie G 11 to 5. imp. Grand Lady 4 to 1, Comrade 10 to 1. Little Bob 20 to 1. TOO FIFTH RACE— Five and a half furlongs: \o£. selling; three- year-olds and upward; purse $300. Ind. Horse, weieht. jockov. St. % Str. Fin. 775 MollieK, 91 (Chevalier) 3 1/* In 1% 781 Contribution. 106 (R. 150m).. 2 li 2£ 2* 787 O'Bee, 109 (Coady) 4 41 3-1 66 ■ 775 SHgO, 103 (Hinrichs) 5 5 4/ 41,4 755 Wag. 11l (Glover) l •>* 5 5 Good start. Won cleverly. Time, 1:08%. Winner, eh. f., by imp. Mariner-Contenac. Betting- Moilie 9to 5, Contribution 11 to 10, O'Bee 9 to 2, SJigo 10 to 1, Wag 80 to 1. r»no SIXTH RACE— One mile: spiling; three i 00. year-olds and upward; purse $300. Ind. Horse, weight, Jockey. St. y» Str. Fin. (7So)Rear Guard, 105 (Sloan 2 II U IS (774)Tarand Tartar, 104 (Hln -1 ' rich*) . • 3 'it 3.» 25 (783)Brodhead, 102 (Chevalier). 42? 2Y 2 M 761 Charmer, 105 (Shaw) 1 4% 41 i\' 761 Hy Dv, 98 (Riley) 7 5/» 65 bh 455 The Mallard, 97 (R. 190m). 6 61 6Va 6/* 755 Gold Dust, 102 (A. 150m). ..5 7 7 7 Gooil start. Won galloping. Time, 1:41^4. Win ner, b. h., by Post Guard-Alfonie Carter. B<>::iug: Rear Guard 2to 1. Tar and Tartar 7to 5, BroUln'ad 9to '2. 75 to 1, Hv Dy 15 to l.Tlie Mallard IS to l.Gold Dust 200 to 1. Following are to-day's entries: First race, a half mile, maiden two-year-olds — Spry Lark 108, Queen 108. Lady Gray 108, Virgie A 108. Donna Carlotta 108, Senator Ma honey los, Lenoke filly 108, BelHOaks 108, Eventide 108, Cardwell 111. :.<! race, three-quarters of a mile, selling — c 101, Mamie Scott 87, Bellringer I<>s, Favory 98. Niagara 90, Lodi 101, Tobey 91, Harry Lewis 98. Sue Abbott 96, Centurion'9B. Third race, about thrse-quarters of a mile, selling, light welter-weights— Seraphin 105, El Tirano 109, Experiment gelding 107, Ledette filly 89, McFarlane 111, Idalia r>.01t77. Fourth race, three-quarters of a mile, selling — My Sweetheart 101, Duchess of Milpitas 97, Venus 101, Kitty L 97, Major Cook 103, Nor blieh 110, Arnette 105. Fifth rtuv, three-quarters of a mile, selline— Lady Jane 9s, Silver 87, the Judge 105, Nellie G 99, Xorbiieh 98, Ricnr<lo 93. Sympathetic's Last 99, Mary S 103, Dei Norte 109. Sixth race, seven-eighths of a mile, non-win ners— Wahtowah (f.) 87. Mr. Jingle 103, Malo Diablo 95, Red Root 100, Haymarket 99, In stalla tor 100, Halifax l»J, Blue Bell 98, Inker man 111. A SPORTING MELANGE Champion Handball Players of the World to Meet in Cork. The Olympic Club's Swimming, Boxing and Baseball Matches. The local champions of handball have been firing hot shot at each other for some weeks p ast i ana " not very long ago Cham pion Harlow woke up one bright and sunny morning and repaired to the house of a friend, to whom he said he had had a most wonderful dream. "I dreamt," said Champion Harlow, "that I met and easily defeated Champion Riordan, and that my friends went wild with joy over the result. I feel now as if I was really qualified and competent to ac complish that trick under the light of day." Hariow's friend acquiesced and the re sult was that a challenge appeared next day from Harlow to Riordan, which more than took the latter by surprise. Riordan in reply sends the following to the Call for publication. San Franctsco, April 21, 1895. Editor San Francisco Call— Dear Sic: In refer ence to trie article published in your sporting column of to-day's CALL, I wish to state I have positively declined to play any game of handball in the San Francisco handball court. In regard to Hariow's challenge, I will agree to meet him best five in nine, 21-point game, for $100 or $200 per Fide, game to be played in the Union or Occidental handball courts. I have my own money to back me whenever the former sees fit to make a match. Yours respectfully, John Riokdan. The lovers of handball cannot under stand Riordan's action in refusing to play in the San Francisco ball court. If Rior dan had broad-gauge ideas he should cer tainly agree to meet Harlow in any of the court's. "There is no doubt that he* will be accorded fair play in any court. Lawlor, the Irish champion, who is at I;resent in New York, has accepted a ciial enge from James Fitzgerald oi Cork, Ire land, to play a rubber for $JSO a side and the championship of the world, the rubber to consist of fifteen games and each game to contain 21 aces, to be finished in one day in the Cork racquet c ourt, Grattan street. The challenge appeared in Dublin Sport on April 6, directed to the leading players of the world. Henry Armstrong of J. J. O'Brien d; Co. nas just received a letter from Lawlor, stating that the latter has accepted the challenge lor a match where endurance will cut a prominent fig ure, and that he will soon depart for his native country. Grattan court is 84 feet in length and 41 feet wide, having no back wall. L. \V. Blankman of Potter Valley has sent word to th® Call that a man named Ryan is engaged in killing deer for their hides. To escape from the heavy snow on the mountains the game have wandered into the valley, and are now being slaugh tered by Ryan and other poachers. There is no doubt that Commissioner Erueric will send a deputy to the place in question when he receives further particu ais. A special meeting of the Olympic Gun Club will be held in the wheelmen's com partment of the club on Wednesday even ing for the purpose of discusain^ a game and fisli preserve. The Olympic Club boxing tournament will he held in the gymnasium of the club on May 28. It will be open to amateurs in good standing. Thare will be six events of four rounds each. 'Only lirst-class boxers need apply for place. The Imperial Club of Colma has matched Joe King and Henry Peppers (colored) for a twenty-round fight, to take place on the evening of May 2«. The pugilists have signed articles to box ut 108 pounds, which weight it is extremely doubtful that either man can reach and be in good fettle. King recently left this city for Bakersiield, where he engaged in farming for a time. His employer sent word to the champion boxer of Bakersh'eld — a blacksmith — that he had a raw recruit on his ranch who could do some lighting, and that he would have no objec tion to match him against any man in the count}'. The "iron man"* quickly ac cepted the challenge and a light was arranged. It took place in Bakersfield, and Mr. Blacksmith went gently to sleep in the second round. The latters friends are still wondering who that plowman could have been and where he made his escape to aiter the war was over. The Olympic Club tournament will take place on the evening of May 21 and the bill of aquatic fare reads: One hundred yards' open race, 100 yards' maiden, 50 yards' open, fancy diving, plain diving, tub race, candle race, uuar ter-m'ile race. Superintendent Ken nedy alias Linqnist Tom, is now talking up a relay race from the foot of Mission street to the Oakland mole, a distance of about four miles. Kennedy is of the opinion that there can be selected from among the natatorß of the club ten able bodied fellows who can give a good ac count of themselves in a race of this kind against any ten amateur swimmers of the State. . THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1895. MADDEN WHIPS CONNORS Twenty-Five Rounds Fought Before the Seaside Ath letic Club. FOR BANTAM CHAMPIONSHIP. Fitzsimmons Thinks He Is Not Be ing- Treated Right by the Florida Club. CONEY ISLAND, N. V., April 22.— There was only a small crowd at the Sea side Athletic Club's arena when the sports began this evening. The first bout was between Alf Hanlon of England and "Shadow Maber of Australia. They were matched to box six rounds. Maber was declared the winner on points. The next bout was between Jake Skelly of Brooklyn and Johnny Gorman of Long Island City, eight rounds at 127 pounds. The fighting was hot and it was declared a draw. The big event of the night was then in order. It was a twenty-five round go be tween Johnny Connors of Springfield, 111., and Jack Madden of Brooklyn at 105 pounds for the bantam championship. Madden seemed to have a shade the best of the early rounds, though in the sixth round both were bleeding at the nose and in the succeeding rounds it was give and take in a lively manner. In the eleventh Maddens stock went up again when he jabbed Connors live times ! without a return. Madden had the fight I in hand from this time on, though Connors made a game attempt to force the fighting in the twentieth. Round 25— Both men clinched, and Mad den led with his left, but was stopped. He sent his left into Connors' stomach with out a return. Madden j.ibbed Connors in the mouth three times, and got in the wind with his right and left on his opponent's ' jaw. Throughout the fight there seemed J to be something wrong with Maddens right hand. The referee declared Madden the winner. FITZSIMMOyS CO3LPZAIXS. He Says He la Sot Being Treated Fairly in Florida. NEW YORK, N. V. f April 22.— 80b Fitz siramons expressed the belief that Joe Vendig is trying to give him a shade or ! two the worst of it in the arrangement for his fight with Corbett. "Manny" Friend, wlio represents Fitzsimmons, said: "Our money is up, but the Florida Ath letic Club has not made its guaranty of $5000, and unless it does so shortly we will j take decisive steps. It looks as though J they were a little bit afraid that they can- , not pull off the fight and want to crawl. "We understood that the money had been posted long ago, but to our surprise ! Stakeholder Phil Dwyer says it is not. "If the Florida Athletic Club thinks it l can peddle this right about and dispose of ; it where it wants to it will get fooled. We shall have something to say about that. I We are ready to fight, but certainly want all the parties to live up to the articles of agreement, which Vendig has not done." CORBEXX WJIXTS THE FIGHT. He Will Meet Fitzaimmons in Any State in the Union, CINCINNATI, Ohio, April 22.— Referring to the hitch with the Florida Athletic Club Champion James J. Corbett, who is filling a Week's engagement here, says: "I wiU meet Bob Fitzsimmons in any State in the Union. Joe Vendig has my permission to transfer the scene of opera tions to Texas, Colorado, Louisiana or any other State. I will meet Fitzsimmons be fore any club in the country, but it must be for a purse. I will not go out of Amer ica to take Fitzsimmons on, and if it is not possible for us to come together here, I will go to England and fight Peter Jackson. "He has first call fora meeting on for eign soil. I once refused to go to London to settle with Jackson, and if I took Fitz simmons there he would have the dead wood on me and say : 'He was afraid of me. He would not meet me in London. 1 It is any place in America for Fitzsimmons and any place in the world for Jackson. That is my platform. I heard that Fitz simmons had his money up, but this is the first intimation I have had of trouDle for the Florida club." SPECIAL THURSDAY RACE. An Important Event for Horsemen at Montgomery Park. MEMPHIS, Tejtn., April 22.— A special rare, which is sure to prove the most in teresting event of the spring race meeting at Montgomery Park, is announced to night by the New Memphis Jockey Club for Thursday, April 28. It will bring to gether the crack representatives of the best stables at the park, including Cash Day, who defeated Libertine last week ; Key el Santa Anita, who stands at the head of Baldwin's string; Henry Young, who distinguished himself at Little Rock, and has pulled off some good stakes at this meeting, and Chris Smith's fast mare, Yo Tambien. The race will bo a sweepstakes special weights, $100 each, play or pay, at one mile, with $600 added, with entries and weights as follows : Rey el Santa Anita 110, Cash Day 103, Henry Young 101, Yo Tambien 90, Loben gula 75. Pools are now being sold as follows: Gash Day $120, Santa Anita $100, Henry Young $90, Yo Tambien $35, Lobengula GILROY' B TEAM CHOSEy. It Will Mret the Garden City Cyclers' Gun Club in a Match Shoot. SAN JOSE, Cal., April 22.— At a special meeting of the Gilroy Sportsmen's Protec tive Association Saturday night the fol lowing were selected as a team to compete with the Garden City Cyclers' Gun Club in the series of matches recently arranged: Dr. J. Clark. John Rivers, William Pheg ley, Walter Talcott, J. F. Kimball, Eimer Rivers, James Shilue, Ed Banister, Harry Freitag and Frank Amador; George Fur long and C A. Hersey substitutes. A committee has been appointed to ar range for the reception of the Cyclers' Gun Club. BACES AT GILROY. Opening Mating at the Track of the Tribune Cyders. SAN JOSE, Cal., April 22.— The Tribune Cyclers of Gilroy held their first race at .the racetrack near that place yesterday. There were two events on the programme, a mile and a half-mile handicap. The mile handicap was won by George Lewis in 2:42, William McDonald second. The half-mile handicap was run in two heats, and won by Roy Lennon, Frank Reeve second. The Tribune Cyclers were but recently organized, and the club's membership is rapidly increasing. It is the intention of the club to hold a series of road races the coming summer. OR ASS VAJLIjEY TARGET SHOOT. Auburn Crack* Meet Uefeat at Vie Handt of the Local Team. GRASS VALLEY, Cal., April 22.— A competitive target shoot took place Sun day at Sheridan range, one mile from this city, between teams of men from Company D of Auburn and Company H of Grass Valley, before more than 1000 spectators. The range is pronounced by experts one of the best in the State, being fitted with tel ephones and every required convenience. A strong northeast wind was blowing and greatly reduced the score. The Company D team made a total score of 383, and was beaten by only eight points, the result being in doubt until the last man shot. After the shoot Company H drilled in honor of their visitors. The local com pany entertained their guests with a ball at their armory Saturday night and a din ner yesterday. The return match will be shot at Auburn in about four weeks. At Montgomery . Park. MEMPHIS, April 22.— A drizzling rain fell throughout the first three races at Montgomery Park to-day, leaving the track a trifle slow. Only two favorites finished in front. First race, six furlongs, purse, Jovial won, Brown Dick second, Miss Norma third. Time, 1:18. Second race, four furlongs, purse, King William won, Byrdee S second, imp. The Dog third. Time, :50%. Third race, mile, Tennessee Brewing Company's stakes, $1000 added, The Iron master won, Wells Street second, Plutus third. Time, I:43>£. Fourth race, six furlongs, selling, Weola won, Siva second, Prince third. Time, 1:18}*. Fifth race, six furlongs, selling, Frank Gayle won. Cyclone second, Lottie Alter third. Time, I :l7><- Sixth race, six furlongs, selling, Jose phine won, Billy Bennett second, Revenue third. Time, 1:17-%. On ft ashinglon'a Track. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 22.— First race, half a mile, Montezuma won, Tyvana second, Charma third. Time, :50}-£. Second race, seven furlongs, Captain T won. Sir Dixon Jr. second, Copyright third. Time, 1:29^- Third race, one mile, Buckrene won, Cass second, Little Mat third. Time, 1:43 H. Fourth race, half a mile, Floretta won, Applegate second, Lambent third. Time, :4S5<. Fifth race, five furlongs, Nick won, Fac totum second, Fidget third. Time, 1:01%. Sixth race, six furlongs, McKeefe won, Lottie East second, Sir John third. . Time, 1:16 %- Li____ At hobij, lnd. ROBY. Ind., April 22.— First race, six furlongs, Violetta won, La Prentice sec ond, Lady Rose third. Time, I:l3J£. Second race, seven-sixteenths of a mile. Miller won, Harmony second, Legion third. Time, :42J£. Third race, eleven-sixteenths of a mile, Golo won, Red John second, La Garcia third. Time, 1:09^. fourth race, one mile, Lissmore won, Freddie T second, Folly third. Time, 1:44 14. Fifth race, seven furlongs, Effie T won, Tester second, Zaldivar third. Time, 1:31%. At Cumberland Park. | NASHVILLE, Tent?., April 22.-Close finishes were the order of the day at Cumberland Park. The first race resulted in a dead heat between the 2 to 1 favorite, Ben Wilson, and Buck Edie. The race was run off, but Buck Edie was never in it. In the second race a length did not sep arate the first horses and the judges were put to their wits' end in placing them. A light rain fell during the first two races, but it did not affect the track, which was good. < First race, selling, six furlongs, Ben Wilson and Buck Edie ran a dead heat, Gee Whiz third. Time, 1:17%. In the run off Ben Wilson won easily. Time, , 1:18& . I Second race, selling, four and a half furlongs, Maid of Honor won, Feast second, Nancy T third. Time, :5C 3 £. Third race, selling, four and a half furlongs, Minnie Clyde won, Bramble Leaf second, Sister Mollie third. Time, :sfr^. Fourth race, six furlongs, The Reaper won, Metropole second. Buck Massie third. Time, ]:14' v Fifth race, selling, one mile and a sixteenth, LenaFrey won, Tasco second, Peytonia third. Time, 1 :49}-£. Barking Walcott and Dlxon. CINCINNATI, Ohio, April 22.— Tom O'Rourke, manager of Walcott and Dixon, posted with the Commercial Gazette last night $1000 for either of these men to fight any man of their class. Corbett may put up. This is the outcome of an afternoon inter view with Corbett. Corbett says he will back Mysterious Billy Smith or Tommy Tracev against Walcott, and Australian Billy Murphy against Dixon. li'anta More Salary. CINCINNATI, Ohio, April 22.-Clarence Child*, second baseman of the Cleveland Club, has revolted and refuses to accom pany his team to St. Louis to-day. He refuses to sign unless granted a $300 in crease in salary over that of last year. This was refused him. Jilee-Sitnmons Rare Off. ST. LOUIS, Mo., April 22.— The match race between Dr. Rice and Simmons, which was to have been run on Thursday, has been declared off, and Dr. Rice will be shipped East to be entered in the Brooklyn handicap. LITTLE LESTER CAMP, A Poor bat Charitable Woman Offers to Give the Incurable it Home for s Time. The publication by the Call of the facts in connection with the deplorable case of Lester Camp, the eight-year-old incurable, now at the Children's Hospital, has borne good fruit. It will be remembered that the officials of the Children's Hospital recently no tified Secretary McComb of the Humane Society to remove the child, as no one stood ready to pay the charge of $3 a week for his support. Mrs. Gurley of 148 Sixth street sent a let ter to Secretary McComb yesterday notify ing him that she would take care of the child for a month at least. "1 would keep him longer if my means would permit, added she, "but in that time, perhaps, Borne good man of wealth will take Les ter's condition to heart and place him above want until he is called hence. You may send the child to me at once, and for four weeks at least I will take good care of him." Secretary McComb is still looking for the boy's father, who is working in the city somewhere. If he can be found pro vision will be made for keeping the boy at the hospital. Like a Machine, Which kept in order runa smoothly and regularly, so the bowels keep up their action if measures are taken to keep thsm in good working order. This infers, of course, that they are out of order. The surest recourse then is to Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters, a laxative mild but effective, which is also a remedy for dyspepsia, malaria, rheumatism, nerv ousness and kidney trouble. CARS THAT CARRY DEATH The Combine's Trolleys Are Examined and Are Found Wanting. VIOLATION OF THE LAW. The Civic Federation Proposes to Prosecute the Com pany. The Civic Federation, which has been reorganized, proposes to prosecute the Market-street Railway Company for vio lating the laws made for the protection of life and limb. The federation held an ad journed meeting yesterday afternoon in assembly-room, Mills building, at which I. J. Truman presided. The committee on appointment of spe cial committees to perform the work of the federation as outlined in the plan adopted at the previous meeting reported through Rev. E. R. Dille the following names: Civic feducation— H. N. Bevier, George T. Ga den, M. 8. Woodhams, J. K. Jones. Enforcement of laws— E. R. Dille, J. M. Rey nolds, M. V. Samuels, C. O. Burton, Mrs. R. M. French. Municipal affairs— l. J. Truman, Wallace Bradford, E. McClish, C. C. Terrill. Police Department and Police Court— Thomas Filben, D. Gilbert Dexter, C. O. Burton, Hobart Che t wood. Electionß-rM. Lowenstein, M. McGlynn, E. B. Stewart, M. P. Boynton. Sanitation and public safety— J. Cumming Bmith, Mrs. L. P. Williams, Dr. Hanson Irwin, W. I. Kip. Rev. Mr. Filben reported that the com mittee to whom was referred the matter of levying an assessment had decided that it was impracticable to levy one at this time, but suggested the appointment of a finance committee to raise funds to carry on the work of the federation. The chair named the following as the finance committee: E. R. Dille, C. C. Ter rill, H. M. Bevier, J. Cumming Smith, D. Gilbert Dexter, Thomas Filben, George T. Gaden, M. P. Boynton and Chairman Truman. Rev. Mr. Dille suggested that the feder ation ought to issue a folder in which should be set forth the objects of the asso ciation, and that such a document would be of much value when the tinance com mittee called upon citizens for assistance. Mr. Terrill said that the printing of these folders would involve expense, and that he was opposed to contracting any more debt 3 until former obligations had been met. Rev. Mr. Filben was of the opinion that the cost of printing would be small, and as it would be one method of raising means to meet debts pending, it should be author ized. It was after some further discussion de cided to print the folder of information, and H. N. Bevier, George T. Gaden, M. S. Woodhams and J. K. Jones were named as a committee to prepare it. John M. Reynolds, who was appointed atra previous meeting to inquire into the killing of persons by streetcars, reported that he had made a careful study of the subject. He then read order 2072, which provides that all streetcars shall be pro vided with fenders of a triangular shape, and that such should not be more than one and one-half inches above the track. He said that he had visited the Board of Supervisors and found that the pattern used by the Market-street line was the one generally approved. At Market and Third streets he took the number and measure of fenders of forty cars and found that not one had a fender in compliance with the law. He called on the Mayor and requested him to have the ordinance enforced. He also wrote a letter to the Mayor and one to the Grand Jury on the subject. He at tended the inquest over the body of Eugene 11. Langford, killed by an electric-car on Kearny street, andjfurnished a list of ques tions to ask of witnesses in order to estab lish the fact that the cars did not have proper fenders. In conclusion Mr. Reynolds said that the motorman had been charged with man slaughter and that he had asked the Grand Jury that an indictment be presented against H. E. Huntington, W. L. TVillcutt and T. H. Vining of the railroad company lor gross negligence in failing to provide means on their cars to prevent life from being crushed out of human beings. He said that if the Grand Jury did not act some one should take steps to have these persons prosecuted. He gaid lie also asked the Grand Jury to cite the Mayor and the Chief of Police to explain why they did not have the law about fenders enforced. Mr. Reynolds' action was indorsed and thfl report referred to the committee on enforcement of laws with Dower to act. It was further added that the committee should push the matter with the utmost vigor. I Mr. Terrill said the federation should do something to compel ihe authorities to have the cars construct triangular fend ers, as required by the ordinance. Such, he said, would turn people who might fall in front of a car to one side. They might injure, but would not kill. Chairman Truman said that he had been snmmoned before the Grand Jury and ex plained the danger of streetcars. IN MEMORY OF FROEBEL. Birthday of the Educational Reformer Remembered by Pastor Steb biua. Frederick Froebel's birthday was remem bered at the First Unitarian Church Sunday morning. It was the one hundred and thirteenth anniversary of the birth of the great German apostle of the kinder garten system, and* many ladies interested in this method of education were in at tendance. The occasion afforded the pastor, Rev. Horatio Stebbins, an opportunity to make an effective application of the lesson of Froebel's life and work. He said: Micbelet calls Froebel the greatest teacher of children and the greatest reformer of teachers. After a period of more than 100 years his in fluence is beginning to be felt, destined never to cease. Froebel's genius invented a series of employments, wonderful, unique, simple, yet based upon the fundamental principles of the human mind, and his conception of education is gradually permeating the air of common Opinion. When it wai proposed to introduce the plan here a School Director said he di<l not want to turn the school into a nursery. The prejudice ■was .«o greut in some quarters that it took a pious turn and played an important part in n mean church fuss. There is more religion in Froebel'J" system than there is in some church creeds. Froebel himself was a God-intoxicated man and affirmed that all education was founded in religion. The "VY. C. T. U. of Iror|uois, Ont., re cently sent to Ottawa a protest against the door of the postoftice being left open on Sunday for the accommodation of box holders. DIED. BRENNAN-ln this city, April 23, 1895, Johanna If eyes Brennan, beloved wife of Michael T. Bren- ■ aau, a native of Ireland, aged 59 years 2 months ana 8 days. ■ ■ ■ IST Notice of funeral hereafter. ■ Bff &"** "™ ftffi '-— *» Eh? ES Sr^MV (L VT« Bc£T OoTA. ca Dr DEWEY & CO^l . 220 Mahket St., 8. F., Cat. ' I Weak Men and Women SHOULD USE DAMIANA BITTERS, THE great Mexican Remedy ; give* : Health and Str*ugth to U) Sexual Organ*. J NEW TO-DAY— DRY GOODS. alvoYherweek EXTRAORDINARYIiIICEMENTS EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS ■' - —IN- NEW SPRING GOODS! That we are offering NEW SPRING GOODS of the latest importation at PRICES WHICH CANNOT BE DUPLICATED ELSEWHERE IN THE CITY was demonstrated by the tre- mendous success of last week's great sale, and we present still more forcible proof of this fact in the following ex- amples of the BARGAINS OFFERED THIS WEEK. UNMISTAKABLE BARGAINS OFFERED THIS WEEK. At $1.35 Eaoh. 2 cases FULL SIZE MARSEILLES WHITE BED SPREADS, nice quality, and woven, well-raised figures; value for $1 75. At Fair. 180 pairs CHENILLE PORTIERES, fringed at top and bottom, nice double dadoes; value for $3 00. At $4.50 Pair. 125 pairs 11-4 WHITE "HOUSEKEEPER" BLANKETS, a superior article for family- use; winter price $7 50. At 41.00 Fair. 5 lots good quality LACE CURTAINS, white or ecru, 3% yards long; value for $1 66. COLORED DRESS GOODS. At S 5 Cents. 97 pieces 37-INCH ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS, in stripes, checks, plain and mixed effects ; good value for 40c ; will be offered at 25c a yard. At 35 Cents. 84 pieces 38-INCH FINE ALL WOOL NOVELTY DRESS GOODS, in stripes, figured and damasse effects and choice colorings; extra value for 50c; will be offered at 35c a yard. At 5O Cents. 52 pieces INCH EXTRA FINE ALL WOOL FRENCH HENRIETTAS in new and choice shades; regular price $1 00; will be offered at 50c a yard. SILK DEPARTMENT. At 85 Cents. 20 pieces FIGURED BLACK DUCHESSE SATIN, very handsome designs, soft finish, regular value % 1 15, will be placed on sale at 85c a yard. At $1.00. 30 pieces 23-inch FIGURED BLACK GROS GRAIN SILK, heavy quality, regular value $1 25, will be placed on sale at $1 a yard. BLACK DRESS GOODS. At SO Cents. 25 pieces 40-INCH FINE ALL WOOL FRENCH NOVELTIES, in various designs, actual value Ssc« will be placed on sale at 50c a yard. At 5O Cents. 25 pieces 54-INCH ALL PURE WOOL STORM SERGE, extra good value for 75c, will * be placed on sale at 50c a yard. CAPES AND SKIRTS. At $5.00. LADIES' DOUBLE CAPES, of navy, black, tan and brown ladies' j cloth, with full ripple collars, full bow of satin ribbon at neck; also Double Capes of covert cloth, witn rolling collar of velvet; both collars neatly stitched, fancy clasp at neck, worth $7 50, will be placed on sale at $5 each. LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS, made of black and colored materials, lined throughout and stylishly made; the materials used are covert cloth, plain and twilled cheviot, crepon and fancy figured black goods, varying in price from $3 50 to $15 each. We have also a tine line of plain and figured Satin and Silk Skirts, varying in price from $8 50 to $22 50 each. CHILDREN'S JACKETS. At Ss 1 .SO. CHILDREN'S DOUBLE-BREASTED JACKETS, in tan, striped and mottled goods, with full sleeves, bone buttons, stylishly made, ranging in size from 4 to 14 years, worth $3, will be closed out at $1 50 each. SUNSHADES AND CARRIAGE PARASOLS. At 41.00. CARRIAGE PARASOLS in Gloria Silk, lined, will be offered at $1 00. At 51.75. 24-inch GLORIA SILK SUNSHADES, in Dresden Glass and Silver Handles, will be offered at $1 75«. POINT DE VENISE LACES. At 1O Cents a Yard. * BUTTER NET TOP IMITATION POINT DE VENISE LACE, 7 inches wide, regular value 25c. At 35 Cents a Yard. ISIGNY AND IVORY NET TOP POINT DE VENISE LACE, 9 inches wide, regular value 65c. ,< . At SO Cents a Yard. - BUTTER POINT DE VENISE LACE, 6 inches wide, regular value $1 00. LADIES' WAISTS. At 5O Cents. LADIES' WAISTS, made of fine white Lawn, tucked front, finished with raffle tit Lawn, full sleeves, will be offered at 50c. At 75 Cents. LADIES' WHITE LAWN WAISTS, plaited back, neck and sleeves, and front of waist finished with fine embroidery, regular price $1 00, will be offered at 75c. GLOVES. GLOVES. At 55 Cents. 75 dozen LADIES' 8-BUTTON LENGTH MOUSQUETAIRE UNDRESSED KID GLOVES in Heliotrope, Eminence, Pansy and Purple shades; regular value $1, will be offered at 55c a pair. MERINO AND KNIT UNDERWEAR. At 35 Cents Eaoh. BOYS' NATURAL GRAY MERINO SHIRTS, PANTS AND DRAWERS, sizes 2* to 34; regular price 35, 40 and 45c, according to size. . At SO Cents. LADIES' IMPORTED SWISS RIBBED LISLE-THREAD VESTS, silk finished, low neck and sleveless, white and ecru color; regular price 75c. A.t SO Cents Each, LADIES' JERSEY RIBBED FINE EGYPTIAN COTTON COMBINATION SUITS,' low neck and sleeveless, silk finished ; regular price 90c. MEN'S HALF HOSE AND UNDERWEAR. At 1S' 2 ' Cents. MEN'S FULL FINISHED SANITARY MERINO AND FAST-COLOR VICUNA SOCKS, with double heels and toes, good value for 20c, will be offered at 12}£c pair. At 4O Cents. - MEN'S EXTRA HEAVY SANITARY MERINO UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, -; silk finished, usually sold at 65c, will be offered at 40c each. , At 75 Cents. MEN'S MEDIUM-WEIGHT FLESH COLOR BALBRIGGAN UNDERSHIRTS and . DRAWERS, silk finished, regular price $1 25, will be offered at 75c each. 1 jjfy Our New Illustrated : Catalogue is ready for distribution to * COUNTRY patrons, to whom it will be mailed free on receipt of address. /m/W^^ murphy building, / (/(/ Ivbt Street cour si Jflflgs, / . fIAJXT l A»2xrc?isico. 9