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10 THE COMMERCIAL WORLD SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS. Silver firm. shipment of $775,950 to China. Wheat off again. Barley and Oats dull. Corn fluctuating, live steadily held. Some changes In White Beans. Hay very wreak. Feedstuffs as before. More Cherries and Gooseberries arrived. Straw berries weaker. Cabbage getting dear. A corner in Garlic. Asparagus, String Beans, Rhubarb and Peas lower. Another advance in Poultry. - beginning to do better. Butter and Cheese unchanged. Hams and Kacon firm. Pried Fruit quiet. Shipping demand for New Potatoes. Onions qniet. Citrus Fruits weak J! WEATHEK BUREAU REPORT. United States Department of Aoßirni/- TURK. Weather Bureau, San Francisco. April 23, 5 p. m.— Weather conditions and general forecast : The pressure continues highest In Nevada and Utah, and lowest in California, but it is falling In all sections except along the immediate coast of California. The warm wave which has prevailed throughout the Pacific Coast States since Sunday has been succeeded by cooler weather this after noon in the northern portion of California. It still remains warm IntheSanJoaquln Valley and thence southward, but conditions are favorable for cooler weather to-night. The most unusual weather is in Nevada and Eastern Oregon and Washington this evening, where the temperature is about twenty degrees above the normal and the air extremely dry. At AVlnnemucea the humidity is so slight that it cannot be measured. Cloudy weather prevails along the coast of California. A light shower oc curred this morning at Los Angeles, and condtions are such as to cause scattered very light showers in various portions of the State. The following are seasonal rainfalls to date as com Dared with the same date last season: Eureka 39.90, last year 50.4 2: Ked Blurt 27.07. last year 19.15: Sacramento 22.98. last year 13.85: San Francisco 23.P5. last year 16.11: .Fresno 12.69, last year 6.17: Los Angel es 15.41, last year 6.46: San Diego 11.39, last year 4.03: Yuma 2.87. last year 2.16 Inches. ■San Francisco data: Maximum temperature 58, minimum 50, mean 54. Forecast made at San Francisco for the thirty Doursendinp midnight. April -4. 1895: Northern California— Fair, except scattered very j light showers to-night or Wednesday along the coast and in the extreme south portion; cooler in the interior: fresh westerly winds. Southern California — Fair, except occasional scat tered light showers to-night In north portion: nearly stationary temperature, except cooler in the Interior of north portion: fresh westerly winds. Nevada— Fair: cooler in north portion. Utah— Fair: slightly warmer. Arizona — Fair, except occasional showers in Southeast portion to-night. San Francisco and vicinity— Generally fair, but cloudy; stationary- temperature: brisk westerrly winds. W. H. Hammon, official Forecaster. NEW YORK MARKETS. NSW YORK. N. V.. April 23.— The upward movement of the Stock Exchange received fresh Impetus to-day, and a higher range of values was established in the greater number of the shares dealt In. Speculation was active at the opening of business, and the first prices made were generally j higher than last night's closing figures. In the ! early trading fractional gains ere made, except in the Coal shares, against which bear demonstration ; was made, sending the quotations down 1 per cent for New Jersey Central and a fraction for the rest Of the list. The general market soon became Irregular. Pullman broke 3 per cent, and Bay State Gas ad vanced 2, Manhattan li 8 and others fractionally. Shortly after 11 o'clock prices took an upward turn, N. J. Central rising IV2, Pullman, Long Island Traction and B. and O. Southwestern 1. 1). S. and A. 2. do preferred 17g, and other shares j i ( 4" per cent. Chicago Gus fell back 5 /8 , N. J. , Central *4, and C. C. C. and St. L. preferred 1 per cent. Before noon the market had recovered its tone. In the afternoon there was an easing off of prices, I which did no: exceed a fraction except in New ! Jersey Central, the loss in thai stock being 1V 2 per cent. The cordage shares about this time devel- j oped strength, and the common moved up %, the preferred 1% and the guaranteed i. s . The latter stock reacted ! 2 before the close. Laclede Gas i also arose 1 per cent. The changes between 1 and 2 o'clock were unimportant, except the recovery of 1 per cent in New Jersey Central and a decline of 1 s in Manhattan. As delivery hour approached speculation grew j active and strong, especially for the rangers. | Northwest rose 2i /8 , do preferred, Rock Island 11/4, St. Paul z ,4, and Burlington s/s- The coalers were . also in pood buying, Delaware and Hudson appre- : ciating 1 3 /+. Reading lVs- New Jersey Central and ( Lackawanna 1 1 -; anil Susquehannal per cent. The general list sold up i s fal : 4 , the latter Pullman and " Missouri Pacific. At the close the market was ac tive and buoyant with the Grangers and other stocks | at the best price of the year. The trading in bonds was again heavy with a brisk inquiry for Reading issues at the close. The aggregate sales were $3,245,000, in which Atchi son 2's figured for $377,000 and the Read bonds $480,000. . Government bonds firm. State bonds inactive. Raitroad bonds strong. Petroleum steady; May closed $2 10 bid. Grain and Merchandise. Wheat— May, 64y 8 c Flour— Steady. Wool— Hops— Steady; State common to choice old, 6@ 7c; 1894, 4@loc; Pacific Coast old, 3(g>7e. Lead — Firm; brokers' price, $2 95; exchange price, $3 07 1 Petroleum— Nominal: united closed $2 10 bid. Piglron— Scotch, 519&20; American, 19 60913 50. Copper— Quiet; brokers' price, $9 621,2: exchange price, $9 55. Tin— Steady: straits, $13 85@13 90. . Plates— Heavy. . . Spelter — Quiet: domestic, $3 20. Sales on 'change: 25 tons June at $13 85. Coffee— Options opened barely steady at 10 to JL S points decline on the failure of. the Havre market to respond to our firmness of yesterday afternoon. In the afternoon there was a rally on demand by E. M. Minford <fc Co. for the July contracts. Closed steady at 5 and 20 points net decline. Sales, 1 3,250 bags, including: May, $13 75(3,13 85; June, 91870 @13 75; July. $14M14 15; September, $ 14(&14 10; December, $13 95@14. Spot Coffee— Rio, dull; No. 7,1534 c; mild, steady; Cordova, 18i4iai9c. Sales, 2000 bags Central American and 350 bags Maracalbo, p. t, Sugar— Raw firm. Sales: April 22, 4200 bags centrifugal 95 at 2 7-32 c, c. and f.. Canada; 9400 I bags do do, New York, and 1500 bags molasses i sugar 89 at 1 11-1 6 edo Canada; April 23. 2800 ' bags centrifugal 95 at 2 7-32 c, c. ami 1., New York; and 900 bags molasses sugar 89 at 1 11-32 c do, j New York. Refined, steady. CHICAGO MARKETS. CHICAGO, 111., April 23. — Wheat turned sharply to-day and started down at a hot pace. Lack of demand and free selling weakened wheat and the other markets followed. Wheat started at ■ li/gc decline. Shorts had apparently covered to I contentment and there was much bearish news to ] encourage sellers. The public Liverpool cable, ! giving the opening of the market, described it as | ' steady at Vi<l decline. - Another Liverpool cable 1 said that millers were refusing to follow the ad vance: prices Id lower since the opening. The Russian shipments of wheat and flour for toe week were reported to be 2.400,000 bushels, I and an addition of the clearances from all the ex porting countries reveals a total of 8.389,000 bushels, compared with the estimated weekly re quirements by the importing countries of 6,700,000 bushels, or an excess of 1,689,000 bushels for the I week. The receipts for the day at Minneapolis and Duluth were 286 cars, compared with 138 cars on the corresponding day of the year before. New York dispatches reported SO boatloads of wheat taken lor export there yesterday, and com mission-houses here had plenty of inquiries from country millers for No. 2 Red. The opening of May was at from 601,4 cto 60c, and July at from 61% cto 61c, compared with the respective closing prices of 613 g c and 628/ con the | day before. A few sales of May were made as low I as's9%c The latter recovered to 60% c and July I to 62c before the second break began, and at about ' the bottom at which the market closed. May de clined to 591/2 C and July to 60S the latest trad- Ing was 59 %c for May and 60 7 / 8 c for July. Pri mary market receipts amounted to 233.000 bush els against 181,000 on the corresponding day of last week and 221.000 bushels a year ago. Export clearantes from the Atlantic ports were equal to 455,000 bushels in wheat and flour. Brad street's statement of the stocks of the world gave them at 2,388,000 bushels less than they were a week ago. The corn market was weak at the start under the influence of the break in wheat. May, which closed yesterday at 48 Vic, was for sale at the start at from 47% cto 47y 2 c, and sold as far as 47 V*@4Bs/ c before it had any reaction. It reacted to 47%(£47y B e. but broke from that point gradually at, first, and then rapidly until it touched 46% c near the close, the latest trading being at 47y B e. ' Oats wree fairly active throughout. To a great extent reactions followed the course of the wheat market. Bradstreel's increase In the visible supply Of oats of 325,000 bushels was credited to assist in the decline. The feature of the market was the widening of the differences between May and June. At the opening of the session May was selling at a premium 01 I/4C over July: at the close prices were half a cent apart, caused by an Improved inquiry for May, while the late buyers of July to-day were disposing of some quite freely. May sold from 2&14 Cto '28% c, declined to 28y 3 and closed at 28 1 /2@-Bygc; July ranged from 28V2C. to 28c, rested at 28@28«/8<". y 2 7 /8 C lower than yesterday. The provision market was rather quiet, with very little disposmoß 10 trade shown by the speculators. . George Baldwin tried to wake up < some feeling on the bull side, bat received very slender support, &ad retired. . The decline In wheat and dullness In the hog market were given- as the reasons for the apathy In the products. Fluctuations were light, and at the close the reductions in prices were not heavy. Pork, compared with its value at the close yesterday, is from 2i/a@sc lower;' lard from 6c@ 7c lower, and ribs show losses about equal to the decline in lard. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat No. 2— ' Highest. Lowest. April 60% c 591 Bay 61c 591...C July 6214 c 80% c September 62% c 6is /3 c Corn No. — April '. ..47y 2 c 46« May 47% c 46% c July *B%C 471 2 c September 4»i.4c 48» Mess Pork per bbl— '•- May $1240 $1227% July ....sl2 70 #1358% Lard per 100 lbs— May..... 97i<j $6 921/2 July 1 *7 10 $7071,* September $7 25 $7 -•-'■.■ Short Ribs per 100 Ids— May „ M 32 1 $6 271/4 July *6 50 $6 421, a September $6 62y« $6 55 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour— Firm; No. 2 Spring Wheat, 63s/ B @64V«c; No. 3 Spring Wheat, nominal; No. 2 Red, .W>.,(gjso7 8 c: No. 2 Corn, 46@47c; No. 2 Oats, 283- 4 c; No. 2 White. 32W833c: No. 3 White, 31V4@3Vi/ic; No. 2 Rye". 65066 c; No. 2 Barley, 53'0i53i .>■• No. 3, »B@s2c; No. 4, 51c; No. 1 Flax Seed. 91 41: Prime Timothy Seed, $5 20; Mess Pork, }* bbl., 912 32y 2 45: Lard, f. 100 lbs.. $6 9<Ko, 6 92y.; Short Kibs, Sides (loose). $6 3036 S'2U.; Dry Salted Shoulders (boxed). $5 00».' 8 00V 2 ; Short Clear Sides (boxed), $6 55,'atitiO; Whisky, distillers' finished goods, r 1 gal.. $1 20. On the Produce Exchange to-day the Butter mar ket was firm. Creameries, 100300; Dairies, 10@18c. Eggs, tirm, 13919 ' Livestock. Only about 3500 head of cattle were received to-day, and the small supply prevented any weak ness, prices ruling particularly strong for good, fat beeves. There was it fair advance and native steers sold all the way from $4@6 10 for very common to strictly choice lots weighing from 950 to 1500 pounds. The top price was $6 10, paid for a car load of choice Illinois 1500-pound steers, and an other carload of fat Illinois cattle that averaged 1471 pounds brought $6 OS. A large part of the sales were at $4 90(2-5 60. Cows sold at $1 70S 4 75, the greater part going at $3 25, and bulls sold freely at •*•_' 2504 75. Texas cattle arrived freely, the receipts being estimated at about 1500 head, steers going chiefly at $3 40@4 76. The supply of hogs is running ahead of last week, the arrivals so far showing an increase of about 8500 head. Heavy hogs sold at $4 75(?i5 10, lightweights and mixed hogs at $4 70@4 95 and pigs at .*4 'Js(oi4 50. The receipts of sheep arc much larger than those of last week, and the lack of a vigorous export demand is giving local slaughterers an opportunity to depress the market. The offerings included a good many choice Montana sheep, such as are selling around at $4 25, as well ea prime Mexican lambs worth $5 40(5,5 60. Sheep sold from $2 25@2 50 for very common up to $4 50 for choice, and lambs were Rateable at $3 8008 60. R<c>ipts — Cattle. 3500; calves, 2500; hogs, 17,000; sheep, 12,000. STOCKS OF GRAIN. NEW YORK, N. V.. April 23.— Special cable and telegraphic advices to Bradstreet's covering princi pal points of accumulation in the United States, Canada and Europe, together with supply afloat from all sources, indicate the following changes in available stocks last Saturday as compared with the preceding Saturday. Available supply in United States and Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains— Wheat, decrease, 2,451,000 bushels, United States, Pacific Coast— Wheat, decrease, 129,000. Total decrease— Wheat stocks, both coasts, 2,580,000. Afloat for and in Europe— Wheat, Increase, 129.000. The decrease In world's available wheat, 2,888,000. United states and Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains— Corn, decrease, 640,000; oats, In crease. 325.000. Leading decreases of wheat last week not reported by the official visible supply statement include 310,000 bushels in Northwestern interior eleva tors, 164,000 at Louisville, 48,000 at Newport News and 33,000 at Leaveuworth. The only cor responding increase was 102,000 bushels in Minne sota private elevators. THE WOOL MARKET. BOSTON, Mass.. April 23.- Although the in activity which has been pervading the wool market here for some time past still prevails, prices are steady, and the firm tone of markets abroad is hav ing a beneficial effect in strengthening the market here. The near approach of the new clip is the prin cipal factor in keeping buyers from making large purchases, as they are naturally inclined to await the arrival of new stock before making any large purchases. There Is a fair supply of old wool, how ever, in the market, but lots are more or less broken, and before Closing up the old stock manufacturers desire to know more about the quality and condi tion of the new crop. The Australian wool market is steady. Although the offerings are liberal value bead firm. Montana fine, 9@llc: scoured, 30@32c; North ern California spring, defective, 6@6y 2 c; scoured, 22f<£25c: Australian combing, superfine, 41(i»4 2c: Australian combings, 38@40c; cross breeds, quar ter blood, 26®28c. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., April 23.— W00l dull. but without important changes. Territorial and Northwestern light, fine, 8@10c; heavy do. 7@9c; fine medium, 10<S)llc; medium, ll@13c; quarter blood, 12@13c; coarse, 10<g.l2c. OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET. OMAHA, Nebr., April 23. — Cattle, receipts, 1000; market was steady; steers, $4 25@4 60; bulk, $4 75@5 35: cows and heifers, *1 25<a»4 00; bulk, $2 50ta4 50: stockers and feeders, $2 25@ 3 50; bulk, $2 90@3 40. EASTERN COTTON MARKET. NEW YORK, N. V., April 23.— Cotton, quiet; middlings, 6 15-16 c: net receipts, 135; gross, 12, --325; exports to Great Britain, 4510; to the Conti nent, 2852; forwarded, 2000; sales, 290: spin ners. 90: stock, 214.463. Total to-day: .Vet receipts, 11.569: exports to Great Britain," 9654: to the Continent, 2852; stock, 726.539. NEW YORK STOCKS. Bonds, Exchange, Money and Railroad Shares. Money on call easy at iy 2 @'2%; last loan Iy 2 closed 11/2%. Prime mercantile paper, Bs,i@s%. Sterling exchange firm, with actual business in bankers' bills at *4 893/ 891/3 for de mand and $4 HBS.' 'a4 88* 2 for sixty da vs. Posted rates, $4 89(2.4 89y 2 ana $4 90(£4 90y . Com mercial bills, $4 87V2@* 8734. Silver certificates, 66s^@67c. CXOSINO STOCKS. Atchison 6y 8 ' Northern Pad fie... 45/ 8 Adams Express 143 Preferred 20 Alton.Terre Haute. 39% I. P. Den. * Gulf.. 53/ 8 Preferred Northwestern 98y 2 American Express.ll3 Preferred 141 American Tobacco. 98% N. Y. Central 9914 Preferred 109 N. Y. A New Eng.. «9<4 Baltimore <fc Ohio.. 56 Ontario <fc Western 17% Bell Telephone 182 Oregon Improvmt. 10 Canada Pacific 45 Oregon Navigation 17 Canada Southern.. 63 Oregon Short Line. 7yi Central Pacific XI y 2 Pacific Mail 24 Ches. &Ohlo 19y B Peorial). <fc Evans. 4% Chicago Alton 147 Pittsburg 157 Chicago, B. <fe Q.... 74% Pullman Palace.... 1 66 iA Chicago Gas. 73 V 2 Reading 16i/ Consolidated .1351/4 Richmond Termini C. C. C. <fc St. Louis 41% Preferred ; ('•lo. Coal & Iron.. 6 : V* RloGrande&Wesln 17 Cotton Oil Cert 27% Preferred 43 Del. Hudson 130y 2 Island 678/ 8 DeJ.Lack&Westernieia/iISt.L. A S.F.lstpf. Denver <fcß.(i. pfd. 4iy2JSt.Paul 62 Distillers 15%! Preferred 118 East Tennessee St. Paul <t Omaha. 35% Erie 12 Preferred 108 Preferred 25 {Southern R. X 12y FortWayne 157 ; Preferred 34% Great Northern pfdlO3 St. P. M. AM 106 Chicago & E 111 pfd 97 Southern Pacific. .. 17 Hocking Valley.. .. 26y 2 Sugar Rehnery 106s/ 8 Illinois Central 91 Teiin. Coal & Iron. 22y 8 St Paul Duluth.. 27 Texas Pacific 1014 Kansas <fc Texas pf. 321/4 Tol. <fc O. Cen.pfd.. 77y» .Lake Erie Westn 20«/ 8 Union Pacific 133/. Preferred 78 I". S. Express 41 ' Shore 1418/, Wab. S. L. & Pac.. 7 Lead Trust 33% l Preferred 163/. Louisville * Nash. 65% Wells-Kargo 104 Louisville ANewAl 8 Western Union 89 Manhattan Consol.llßy 2 Wheeling & L.X... 13 Memphis & Charts. 10 j Preferred 43V4 Michigan Central. . l Minn.& St. Louis.. 27 Mexican Central... 9 8 : Denver & RioG.... 14 Missouri Pacific... 26 General Electric... 33% Mobile* Ohio 2 National Linseed.. 23i/ NashvlUeChatt.... 70 Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 24 National Cordage. . 6% Preferred 65 Preferred 1 iy 2 H. & Texas Cent... iy 3 N. J. Central 96% ToI.A.A.&N.MiCh- 1% Norfolk A West pf. 16y 4 Tol.St.LouisAK.C. 2 North American... &V2I Preferred 12 CLOSING BONDS. U S 4s, registered.. 120 Cen Pac lstsof '95.102 Do, 4s coupon.... 121 Den AR G 7s. 1158/ 8 U s 6s, registered.. 114 % Do, 4s 84% Do, 5s coupon.... 116 Erie 2ds 64y 2 Do, 4s registered. llls/,! OH ASA 65.... 95 Do, 4s coupon.... 11 23 /8 ( Do, 7s 98 Do. 2s registered. 96 ' HA Tex Cent 5b... 107 Pacific 65 0f '95.... J 00. D 0,65..........., 65.. ......... 100 Ala, C1a55A.. ...... 108 MX T first 45.....: 84V4 , Do, Class 106 Do, second 45.... 59 . Do, C.-..:.:. 95 Mutual Union 65.;. 115' Do, Currencies... 95 ;N J Cent Gen ss. 1123/ s La, New Consols 4s 93% Northern Pac lats,ll7V« Missouri 65.... 100 Do, 2d5.... 92 N Carolina 63...... 123 Northwest Consols. 1 89 Vi Do, 4s 100 Do.SFdeb 65.. .109.% 6 C Non-fund 2% R GrandeWest. lsts 71 1/. Term new set 6s. .. 84 St. Paul ('onsets 7s. 1251£ Do, 55.. ...... .....100 Do, C A 55.. 1121/2 _ Do,3s StLAlronMtGen 77i' a Term old 6s 60 'St. L. AS.F.Gen 65.1078/ i V a Centuries... .... 69'/ 2 Southern R.R. 65.. 893/ 8 Do.deferred 6 8 Texas Pacific firsts. 89% Atchison 4s 73% Texas Pac seconds. 27 Do, MA 23 jUnlonPaclstof '97.1041/3 Canada South 2ds.. 103 'West Shore 45...... lOBVi STOCKS IN LONDON. NEW YORK, N. V., April 23.— The < Evening Post's London cablegram says: The settlements In the Kaffir markets mark the further boom THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1895. there, absorbing attention to-day, but the tone gen erally was good. Americans" were better and firmer, which, on the eve of the settlement begin ning to-morrow, looks well. Stock is said to be scarce. Denvers were active and strong on silver. , FOREIGN MARKETS. WHEAT IN MVIRFOOI. LIVERPOOL, Xx«,, April 23.-The spot market Is higher nt 5s ldhi'is 2d. Cargoes are stiff at 25s G'l on passage, 24s 9d for prompt shipment and 25.s May-June shipment. MTIKKS. The Produce Exchange cable gives the following Liverpool quotations for No. 2 Red Winter: April. 6s iy 4 d: M:iy, 5s li/id; June, 6s U/id; July, os l : ; +d; August, 6s 21/ id. BKci'RiTiKS. LONDON, Exo., April 23. -( onsols, 105^; sil ver, 30% d; French Rentes, 102f 75c. PORTLAND'S BUSINESS. PORTLAND, Or., April US.-Exchanges, f 127, --283: balances, $12,598. Wheat— Walla Walla, 48cf*bu3hel; Valley, 80 @82y 2 c ft ctl. EXCHANGE AND BULLION. Sterling F.xchange, 60 clays — f 4 88-% Sterling Exchange, sight — 4 893/4 New York Kxchange, sight — 05 New York Exchange, telegraphic., — 07Va Fine Silver, spot, "r 1 ounce — 06" H Fine Silver, 30 days — tirV< 4 Mexican Dollars B4 54>, 2 TREASURE SHIPMENT. The Coptic took out a treasure list of $775,950, consisting of $480,535 in Mexican Dollars, $4015 m (.old Coin and 9291,400 in Silver Bullion. PKODUCE MARKET. WHEAT AND OTHKR GRAINS. WHEAT— The foreign markets ruled firm yes terday, but Chicago declined from 8 c to 59% c and this market fell buck slightly in sympathy. A rumor on 'Change that there was a prospect of the Fair estate Wheat being thrown on the market for sale intensified the weakness and the market was very soft all the morning. No. 1, 87V2@88?'4C; choice, 90P; lower grades. 80@85c %i ctl; extra choice for milling, 9'2ya&97y»c. CAM, BOARD Ml 111 Informal Session — 10 o'clock— December— 1300 tons. 97c: 600,97y c: 800,967/ 8 c; 900, /4 c. May— loo, 89140: 300, 89i/ B e. Regular Morning Session— December— loo tons. 96c; 700, 96V 8 c: 1900, 96Vic; 300. 965/ c. May— loo, 881 jc; 100, 88% c; 200, 88" c; 700, 89c. Afternoon Skssion — December — 700 tons, 963/ c: 1100, 96V±e. May— 9oo, 89c; 100, 88y 8 c; 700, 88% c. BARLEY— DuII and unchanged. Feed, 65@67y 2 c for ordinary and 68% c for choice bright: Brewing, 80@87y a c V- ctL CAM. BOARD SALES. Informal Session— lo o'clock— No sales. Reoitlar Morning Session— loo tons, 69y 2 e; 100, 695/ 8 c; 100, 697 8 c; 500, 70c. Afternoon Session — December— l3oo tons, 70c. OATS— market continues quiet and feature less. Milling, $1 07' .j(5 1 17^; fancy Feed, $1 02V 8 a] 071 •>: good to choice,92y a < > <asl ; common to fair, gs('a9oc:Red, $1 15@1 20: Black, $1 12Vi@l 25; GraY. 95c(<£jsl 02y 2 ; Surprise, *1 07y 2 (g(l 17y 3 %■ oil. CORN— Quotations are bobbing about again. Small Round Yellow Is held higher, being scarce. Large Yellow, $I@l 15: Small Round Yellow, 9 1 15<ai 25; White, .$1 10<@l 15 1* ctl. RYE— Holders now ask 86;&87i&c 1* ctl. ■ r BUCKWHEAT— NominaI at 85@95c %* ctl. FLOUR AND MILLSTUFFS. FLOI'R— Net cash prices are: Family extras, $3 25(5,3 35 %i bbl; Bakers' extras, «3 15@3 25; superfine. $2 10(aV_> 35 V bbl. MJLLLSTUFFS— Rye Flour, Sy 2 c# lb: Rye Meal, 3c; Graham Flour, 3c; oatmeal, 414 c; Oat Groats, 6c: Cracked Wheat, B V%c: Buckwheat Flour, 6c; Peurl Barley, 41 ■■ i ta.A'--- + <• ? lb. CORKMXAL, ETC.— Table Meal, 3<ai3y 2 c: Feed Corn, 925@2S 5"» : Cracked Corn, $26^,26 50 fi ton; liominy, 4..(a l» 4 c"- It;. HAY AND FEEDSTUFFS. BRAN-f IS 50@14 50 ~f ton. MIDDLINGS |179199t«8. FEKDSTUFFS — Ground and rolled Barley, *15 50@16: Oilcake Meal at the mill, $25 $ ton; Cottonseed Oilcake, $24 •? ton. HAY— Weak at the quotations. Wheat, ?8@11; Wheat and Oat, $8<$11; Barley, $7(3,8 60: Oat. ?B@lo 50: Alfalfa, $6 60(a8 50; Clover, $7@B; Compressed, ?Sr<t;lo 50; Stock, *6@7 %* ton. STRAW— 4O&6Sc V bale. BEANS AND SEEDS. BEANS— Large Whites are quoted higher and Pea and Small Whites are lower. No other changes. Bayos are quotable at #1 50i'<f.l 80 ~? ctl; Small Whites, $2 65&2 85: Pea, «2 65&2 85; Large Whites, «2 65(5.2 85: Pink, $150ia175- Reds, «160@175: Blackeye, *3 25@3 50: Red Kidney, HomTnal; Limas, $4 6l>a4 65; Butters, $2 <§# 26 for small and $ 2 25(ffi2 50 ~$ ctl for large. SEEDS— Yellow Mustard is quotable at 91 75(32 13 ctl: Trieste, ?1 60@l 75 ?! ctl: Native Brown, $1 25(g)l 75: Flax, .$2 25@2 50; Canary, 3@4c f tb; Alfalfa, 7@7%c; Rape, 18 / i@2Vic; Hemp, 3® S%c V lb. • DRIED PEAS— Split Peas. 6y 2 c; Green Peas, 91 60; Niles, $1 25(&1 35; Blackeye, nominal. POTATOES, ONIONS, VEGKTABLES. POTATOES— OId are very weak. New were In demand for shipment yesterday and one ship per cleaned up the market at the lower quota lion. Receipts of new were 427 sacks, selling at $I©l 25 •£ ctl: Early Rose, 30@40c > ctl; River Reds, 26385 c; Fetaluma and Tomalesßnr banks, 40(a;60c: River Uurbanks, 40@60c; Oregon Burbankß, 40&80 c %>. ctl. ONIONS — California continue neglected and nominal at 65@90c for good to choice and 4O*SSOc for cut: Nevadas, $I@l 25 $ ctl; Oregons, $1 35 ial 45. VEGETABLES-Garlic Is cornered by one dealer who wants high prices for it. Cabbage has again gone up. Asparagus, Beans and Rhubarb and Peas are all plentiful mid lower. Hothouse Cucumbers quotable at 50c@$l dozen. Arrivals were 1303 boxes Asparagus, 469 boxes Rhubarb and 371 sks Peas. Asparagus, 40@75c '$ box for ordinary and $I@l 50 "p box for good to choice; Rhubarb, — "i i' ■• 35c fi box for ordinary and 40@75c "$ box for choice: Green Peas, $l(a.l 25 f> sack for common and 2<S,3c f* lb for sweet; String Beans, 5f0.7'- %l tb; Dried Okra, 15c r> lb; Dry Peppers, 12y,(ai5c; Cabbage, $1 ctl; Feed Carrots, 30(g)40c;"Garllc, 12@15c || lb. BUTTER, CHEESE AND EGGS. BUTTER— situation remains unchanged. Creamery— Fancy, 13@13y c; seconds, 12@ 12i£c ft ft). i by— Fancy, ll@liy c; good to choice, 9@ 10c: medium grades, b@Bi.-2C %i lb; store Butter, 7(&7i/ 2 c fl lb. CHEESE— Fancy mild new, 6y 2 (»7c: common to good, 4y @6c; Young America, 7(0.9c: Eastern, 12y 2 i ai4y c, latter figure for cream; Western, 8@ Be & m. ■ . K<;< ;s— The market Bbows symptoms of working around into better shape, there being considerably less on hand. Prices, however, are undisturbed. Duck F.gjrs. 16c: store Ergs, 10@lli' 2 c; ranch Eggs, l 2V 2 @l4c ~f i dozen, the lutter llgure obtain able only for strictly fancy. POULTRY AND GAME. POULTRY— The market Is very stiff under light receipts, and Turkeys, Hens and old Roosters nre higher. Y*oun.°; stock Is very firm, being still scarce. We quote Calfornia stock: Live Turkeys, M<a»l3c lb for Gobblers; 12@14c *»b for liens; Geese, pair, $1 60(dJl 76; Goslings, Q'Z 26rg)2 75; Ducks, ?4 50(a5 50 "t dozen for old and 46«u9 for young; Hens, $4 60@6 doz; Roosters, young, f8(ailO "r 1 dozen; do, old, *4 6OOS 60 » ilozen ; Frv'Ts, f7 50fit8 H» d 07.; Broilers, $6(i*7 lor large and $ 3C0.4 for small; Pigeons, ?2@2 25 for young gnd 81 7"5@2 for old. • iAMK-Nominal. DKCIDCOI.S AND CITRUS FRUITS. ORCHARD FRUITB-Four boxes Cherries came in and sold at $1 60@2 for White and $2 76 t?» box for Purple Guignes. '* 'Apples, Ss2 50@3 t» box for choice to fancy and sc<&s2 for common to good. Stocks are running pretty low. BERRIES— Four drawers Gooseberries came in and sold at 65@76c t> drawer. . Receipts of Straw berries were 176 chest*," selling at ?7@lo for Long worths and SMf7 '•? chest for Shafpless. CITRUS FRUlTS— Oranges, Lemons and Limes continue abundant and cheap. ■ California Navels $1 75@2 25: Seedlings, 76c@$l 25: sicllv Lemons, $4 %1 box: California Lemons, $ I@l 76* for com mon and %'ifrifi 50 for good to choice; Mexican Limes, .fi3fc»3"6o f, box: Bananas, fl 25@2 V bunch; Pineapples, nominal. ! JDRIKD FRUITS, RAISINS, NUTS, ETC. DRIED FRUITB— Some holders- have recently been shipping to the Eas,t; hence spot stocks arc slowly being reduced. If the fruit is merely con signed to Eastern , parties, however, without being sold. It is stock on hand Just the same, no matter whether It Is in New York or San Francisco. There Is really nothing gained by shifting it from one point to another. i Prunes, four sizes, 4i/4(a4%c --larger sizes, s@sy c lb: smaller sizes, ?4i4c M Ib; Apples, 4y 2 fg»sc for .quartered, iVfeCgiDc for sliced and 6t05y 2 c for evaporated: Bleached Peaches. 4@6c: Apricots, «@7c for fair to choice and 7i/2@Sc for iancy Moorpark; Pears, 4(gl4y c for evaporated halves, 3@4c for quarters and iy 2 2c for inferior goods: Plums, 3y 2 @4y.,c for pitted and iy 2 @2c lor unfitted; Figs, black, 3c for pressed and li/ 2 (5.2c for impressed. RAISINS AND DRIED GRAPES-rßaislns -4-erown, loose, 4c V lb; 3-crown,2y 3 c;,2-crown,2c: seedless Sultanas, 3c: seedless Muscatels, 2c 'ft Ih 3-crown London layers, .I*l 35@1 45 box; clusters, $2 25@2 76: Dehesa clusters, $2 50; Imperial clusters, $3 60; Dried Grapes— iya@l3.4c f, lb. NUTS— Chestnuts are quotable at 3@sc; Wal nuts, 7@9y 2 c for paper-shell and softshell, and 6@ 7c« Ib for hardshell: Almonds, 2@2y c for hard shell, and 6@6c Tfr , & for softshell, and for paper-shell ; I Peanuts, 6@6c for ' Eastern and 4@ 4y 2 c for California; Hickory Nuts, 6@6c; Pecans, 6c for rough and 8c for polished; Filberts, B(d>9c : Brazil Nuts, 7@7y 2 c ft tt>: - Cocoannts, $4 6O(g*s 60 %< 100. ■ :- ■ , . • - ■ '' . . ■ HONEY— Comb, 9(5)1 1 $ lb: water-white ex tracted, 6i/i@7c: light amber extracted, si/2@6 Vic: dark amber, 6@siAc « lb. - . ' BEESWAX— 2o@27c ■$ tb. PROVISIONS. CURED MEATS— No further ' change in prices. Bacon is quotable at 9@9i4c"'lJ B> lor heavy and 10c tb for light medium: 10y 2 c for light, 11 @lli/£c for extra light and 12y 2 @lsc for sugar cured; Eastern Sugar-cured Hams,T2y 2 c;Californla Hams, lliAc; Mess Beef, $7(0,7 50 V bbl; extra messdo,sß@B 50: family do.slO@H: extra prime Pork, *10(g>10 60; extra clear, #17 60@18 ? bbl; mess, $16(g»16 60% bbl; Smoked Beef, 2 @loc %4 lb. ■ LARD— Eastern, tierces, 6%@7c Ib for com pound and 83 /4 c lb for pure: pails, 9V c; Cali fornia tierces, 6c for compound and 8c for pure; half-bbls, 81/41-; 10-lb tins, BV2C "$ lb; do 6-lb, 9c %* tt». COTTOLENE— 7%c «lb In tierces and 8y 2 c * Ibm 10- tins. /4 v HIDES, TALLOW. WOOL AND HOPS. HIDKS AND SKlNS— Heavy salted steers, 7@7Vfec 9 ft,; medium, 6@6V 2 c; light. 6tai6V 2 ; Cowhides, 6(a6i/.,e; salted Kip. I'iljn; salted Calf, 7(<6Bc: salted Veal, 607 c; dry hides, usual selec tion, 10i._.(^i:<-; ,iry Kip, 9c: dry Calf, 12<aU3c; prime C.oatsklns, 20@8&c each; Kids, 6c: T)eer sklns,goodsunuaer, SOc Ib; medium, 16Ca)25c: Winter, 10(a.l5c; Sheepskins, shearlings, 10to20e eucli; short wool, 25(d:35c each; medium, 3O(a<4sc each; long wool, 40(g)60c each; Culls of all kinds about Vss<" less. TALLOW— No. 1 rendered, 4V4@4i/oc: country Tallow, 4w4i 4 c ; n-rlned, 6c; Oreiise, :^o)3i/ 3 c%t lb. U'oi >L— Quotat ions for the spring clip are : Choice Northern, lOf&llc: San Joaquin. year's staple, 6(iu 7c "r* lb; do. seven months', 6toßc; Calaveras and Foothill. hr<7.loc. HOPS— Choice, 6V 2 @7c; common to good, s@6c C KXKRA L >I X KCHANDI <E. IsA<iS— Calcutta (iraln Ba?;.s, 43/ B (ff4VijC si>ot, and 4V 2 1- for June and July delivery ; Wool Bugs, 24@ 26c. COAL— Wellington is quotable at $8 $> ton; New Wellington, $8 ton; Southfield Wel lington, $7 50 V ton- Coos Bay. $5; Wallsi-nd, $7 60; Scotch, $8; Hrymbo. «7 '50; Cumberlund, f!3 60 In bulk and $15 in sacks; Pennsylvania Anthracite Kgg, $I'_' : Weinh Anthracite Kgg, $9; Cunm-i, $8; Rock tj|)rings. Custle Gate and I'leas ant Valley, $7 60; Coke, $12 in bulk and $14 in sacks. SIHIAR— The Western Sugar Refining Company quotes, terms net cash: Cuh»*. Crushed. Powdered and Fine Crushed, all 5s/ g c; Dry Granulated, 4%c; Confectioners' a. 4"-^< ■•, Magnolia a,4''4c: Kxtra C,4i/B<-; Golden C, B%c; D,B«/fcc; huif barrels i,^c more than barrels, and boxes more. SAN FRANCISCO MEAT MARKET, Wholesale rates for dressed stock from slaugh terers are as follows: BEEF— First quality, sV2ffi6c; choice, 6V a cf( Ib; second quality, 41 n(ai6c; third do, 3<s4c f» lb. VEAL— l.arse, 47n*5c; .small, 5i/ 2 «u6c f 1 lb. MUTTON— Wethers, sc; Ewes, 4<g.4V 2 c "$ Ib. LAM li-Sprlng, B@7c 9 Ib. PORK— Live Bogs, 3(n3V4C for soft, 4Vi@4»4c fl It) for hard and 3 ;^(a'.4c £< tb for feeders; dressed do, s(k;7c lb. RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. TUESDAY', April 23. Flour, qr. sfcs 39. 460 Hay, tons 232 Barley, ctls 2,s3ostraw, tons 8 Oats.ctls 640 Wool, bis 1,321 Beans, sks 250 Hides, no 383 Potatoes, sks 427 Quicksilver, flasks 3 onions, Oregon 41 Wine, gals 50.350 Brt<P,sks..~ 3H5! THE STOCK MARKET. Stocks continued dull yesterday and prices made no change worthy of note. The only business of any consequence was In Hale A Norcross at $110 <g,i 20. NOTES. The report from the Occidental says that the south drift from the west crosscut, 500 level, has been extended 6 feet, and continues in ore of fair quality. Have done no work in the north drift dnrinj; the week. The west crosscut on the 500 level i* in 113 feet, having been extended 9 feet during the week: face in porphyry with seams of quartz. An assessment of 5 cents per share has been levied by the Granite Hill Mining Company of Nevada County. The Osborn Hill delinquent sale will be held to day. Bullion valued at $6017 has been received from the Bulwer Con. The delinquent assessment sale of tne Gray Eagle takes place on the 26th. The California Debris Commission has granted permits to mine by the hydraulic process to the Mount Gregory Mining Company, the Gold De posit Mining; company urH the ki Dorado Placer Company, aU of |U Dorado County, and the Hard Times Mining Company, Forest Hill, Placer County. The following companies were author ized tb build impounding dnms: The Spring Tun nel and Spring Canyon Company, the Day Dam Company, uud the William Franklin Company, El Dorado County ; the lowa and Western Gold Min ing Company, and the Tiger Claim, Placer County. The dams are to be constructed of brush and stone, and, if satisfactory, permits to conduct hydraulic mining will be granted. All these washings will drum into the American River. BOARD SALES. Following were the sales In the San Francisco Stock Board yMteniuy : HKOOJ.AR MOHNINO SESSION— 9 :30. 500 Alta 11|750 CC A V .2.80200 Ophir. ...IV3 200 12 100 C Point... 67 200 fotosl ... 43 100 Andes ...2S! 20 H A N.. 1.15 100 Savage... .26 150 8e1chr....62!1050 1.10 100 S Nev.... 76 100 Bodie... 1.10600 Justice.... oß 300 74 lOOßulwer. ..10:100 Kentuck .04 10110 sil Klng.lo 100 Cha!nge..'4l2oo Mcx 76000 Uni0n.... 48 200Ch011a,r...43100 73| 50 V Jacket. .36 4(X) 42200 Occldtl... 18 ; 60 37 *FTKBS(»\ BKHBION — 2:30. 1(10 Alta 141200 CCA V...2.85 600 .fustic*.. . .08 100 16100 C P0int... 58 300 Mexican.. 77 200 Andes... 24 300 59350 Occldtl.... 19 50 Belcher. .6 J . 350 601100 0phir...1.5G 600 B A 8....76|200 E B A 8.. iq3oo Havuge. ...26 100 80d10... 1.061380 (i AC... 441200 S BA M..IT. 200Chal C... 48 800 ii AN. ..1.10 100 S Nev 77 100Chollar...i5 600 1.15200 Union 48 50 Confd .1.30200 Julia 06 200 V Jacket.. 39 20 1.20 I Following were the sales In the Pacific Stock Board yesterday: kk.i i aii session— lo :30. 50 Alta 11.180 C P0int. . . 68 200 Occldtl.. . . 18 150 12 100 G <fcC 4 4 100 Ophlr. ..iy 3 100 Andes. ...23 250 H AN 1.07 i' 2 |160 1.62y 8 800 lMchtr... 63 300 Justice.. ..oK| 50 Potosl 42 lSOßodie. 1.05200 OJt'2oo 5avage... .547 100 1021 vino Mcx 77 60 Union 47 200 (hollar ...4 1 300 73 300 V Jacket. 37 550 C C*V '_'. H) 100 Occldtl. . ..19,400 36 100 2.82y 2 l I AKTKKNOOX SESSION— 2 :30. 500 Alta 13 50 CCA V. 2.85 300 Justice.... 09 100 Andes ..24J200 2.82 V^ 100 Mcx 77 200 8e1cher... 64J250 2i ■„ 300 0ph1r... 1.55 100 8A8.. . .7;"> 300 C Point. . .58 100 Overman.oß 100 77 200 HAN ...1.10100 Savage ...•-'7 100 70 150 1. 151300 V Jacket. 3B 10080die...1.101100 1.201600 37 CLOSING QUOTATIONS. TUESDAY, April 23-4 p.m. Sid.Aikfd.\ ' Bid.A*keA. Alpha Con — 08 Jackson — 35 Alia 14 16|.Inlla — 06 Andes 23 25 Justice 08 09 Belcher 65 66lKentuck — 04 Best A Belcher. 76 78 Lady Wash.... — 05 BentonCon.... — 60iUxlcan 76 78 Bodle. 1.05 l.TO'Mono — 20 Bullion — 19jMt. Diab10..... 15 - Bulwer... — 10 Nevada Queen. — 06 Caledonia — 09iOccldental 18 20 Challenge Con. 42 44Ophlr. l 1.55 1.60 1 hollar 44 45 Overman 09 11 Con. Cal. A Va.2.85 2.90,1'0t05i 45 45 Con. Imperial. 01 02;Sava*e 27 29 Confidence — I.3s|Seg. Belcher... 16 17 Con. New York. — OHScorpion — 05 j Crown Point... 60 61 Sierra Nevada. 76 78 KastSierraNev — 05 Silver Hill 04 06 Exchequer 02 04SilverKing 10 — Eureka C0n.... 30 35 Syndicate — 05 Gould A Curry. 44 45 Union Con 48 60 Hale A 1.20 Utah... ■ — 08 lowa — 07' Yellow Jacket. 37 39 STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. - TUESDAY, April 23—2 p. m. bonds. Rid. Asked. Ski. Asked. V. s 4s coup..] 11 — Banks, Commercial— U 45reg...11l — Amerß&TC. — — Cal-siCb!e6s 1091/ a — Auglo-Cal. .. 58 — CalElecL6slO7 — Bank of Ca1..217y 222 CntniCWSs 99%102 CaISDATCo. 40 4iy 3 Dpnt-sttx-Cp 88 ' 91 FirstNutionl.l77y2 — EdsnLAP6s.lOß 109y~ Grangers..., — — FACH RR6«104 — LondonPAA.l23y l27y 2 Geary-stRSs.lO7 — LomionASF. — 32 LosAngJjHs. 971/2 — Merch Ex... 12 — Do.Gnted.6s. 101 103 Nevada — — r Mkt-stCble«sl22y 3 — SatherßCO.. — — NrvCNsßßs. — 110 . Banks. Savings— NIM HH6i.102 — GerSALCo..I7CO — NyßCalßs.. 96 V a — HumbSAL.IOOO — ; NRyCalss.. — ' — Mutual 37 — Oak Gas 65.. 101 i/i — SFSavUnion49s 505 Do,2dis3 55..101iA — Say Loan.. 10 150 Omnibus 117 — Security...... 210 305 PacßollM6s.lo3 — Union Trust. — 760 Do, lax 6*.. — — Street Railway— . PAORy6s..llo 120 California 100 1071/4 PAChRy6s. 95 100 Geary-st — 90 Pwl-stRIl 65.110 — lMarkrt-5t.... 36y 2 37yi Reno,WLALIO2 105 Oak,SL.tllny — 100 RlverWCo6s — 100 Presidio 7y a — SFaNPBRBs 99 1«)O Sutter-st — — SPRRAriz6s 85 87 Powder— Ca1 08.109 — Atlantic D... 14 20 SPRKCaISs. — 89 California.... 80 — Do.lconctd. — 90 Giant — 14 SPBrRCal6s. 84y 2 B*>i/i.Tndson — — SVWuter6s.. — 121 Vigorlt 50c 87y 2 c SVWat«r4s.. 98 98 w Miscellaneous— - StktnGAE6s — lOOV&BlkDCoalCo. — . 12 • KunstT&T6s — — Cal Cot Mills. — — Butter-stßss.lO9 — Cal Dry Dock — — VisaliaWC6s — 92 EdisonLlght. *97y3 98 stocks— Water— ■ :GasConAssn. — — Contra Costa. 64y — HawCASCo.. 5% BVi MarlnCo.... — ' 50 HutchSPCp.. liy a 12y San Jose — 100 JudsonMfgC. 1 — Sprng Valley 97% 98 Assn. 100 — Gas— ' ° OceanioSSCo — 25 Capital _ 60 PacAuxFA.. I*%, 2 Central....... 95 _ Pac Borax... 99 — OakGLAH. 46 47 PacIANCo. — 30 Pac Gas Imp. — 86 Pac Roll Mill 17 — PacilicLlght. 48 48% Part Paint Co — 9 SanFrancsco 71% 72 Pac Trans Co — 27 Stockton _ 30 PacTATCo. 30 60 Insurance— • Sunset TAT. 20 " — FiremansFd,ls2i/ 157y 2 United C Co.. — 25 : Sun. _" 68 ' MORNING SESSION. Board-15 Edison Light & Power Co. 97%; 65 Pacific Gas Imp, 85: 25 8 F Gaslight, 72; 40 S V Water, 9& -' ■- ; '- v \. ' ' " AFTERNOON SKSBION. Board— 10 Market-st Railway, 37. -Street— s Oakland Gas, 46y 2 ; $5000 Omnibus Cable Bonds, 117; 120 S F Gaslight, 72 910,000 8 of A Bonds, b&Vi, . . HOTEL AEEIVALS. GRAND HOTEL. D Hollister, Courtland Miss A Goddard, Munele B \V Alcock, Courtland Mrs C Sobimo. Denver C E Blake, Los Ang A W Furlong A W, Oilroy M Nelis, Sacto Dr T Flint, San Juan H a Wood, Wrights (; \V Morgan. DuncanMls O Fox. Seattle C J Murphy, St» Barbara J F Church, Fresno C A Ilujrhes, Wash II R McXoble, Htockfon Mrs J S Kee 1, fam.Prtlnd M Goldsmith, Stockton J M Davies, Los Ang A Weilhelmer, Fresno W D Grady, Fresno 3 Ashman, Fresno D Bailey A w, N II Miss B Bailey, 111 C I, Zaxe, N M«\ 3 Hi'llis Aw, lndianapo C A Williams, N lAyndon T F Morgau, New Londn N N Brown, Tustin J B Campbell, Fresno I) s Bunks, Santa Cruz X X lloit Aw. Malone Miss II Holt, Malone X W Leijfhton, Malone Mrs II M (iurley. Maloue J F Devendorf, Sun Jose S X H olden, Napa O Ellsworth, Cal H C de Wolfe, N T L Peten A w, Detroit -Mrs M A Kvbms, Ind Miss S llussey, lud Miss M M Kvans, Ind Mi^s s C Kvans, Ind Miss S Nicholson. Ind Mrs J A (ioddard, Ind JII Trayner. Marysville J M Stillwell, Los Aug J M Levee, Valley) W JI Alison, Cal II C Wolf, Sacramento II X Wolf, Sacramento C J OMnove, Ani?"'ls D Lubin, Sacramento G A Wiley, Danville B C llarlnn, San Kamon (i A Smith, Courtland F J Bran nun, San Jose FI J Black, San Jose C Man. Modesto Mrs A C Heinrich, Minn J Ilelnrich, Minn G Heinrich, Minn Miss M Mueller, Minn C" V Har>?rave, Napa Jesse Cope, Santa Cruz PALACE HOTEL. P H Armstrong. X V J Phillip* A W, Oakland .1 II Itowland. Valleio X C Hull, Belvedere J I! HiKlilt'll, Bnrdell W II Fairbanks. Petluma Mrs M Diego E UermAln, la>s Angeles J C ltiis.m-ii. Chicago 51 Bktsenskjr, X V A It Corey, Chicago N W Ulaiichanl, St Paul X C Bliss, H V J E Bevies, Brooklyn J I) Bliss, Glendale Miss Be&rlet, Brooklyn I- C Fenno, Boston Mrs A B, Jones.Brooklyn Q 8 Nixon, Xcv Mrs w Pettitt, Brooklyn M BonneHnd A w.Carson H S Keating A \v, Dallas J L Bobbins A w, Concrd Mrs L Payson,Wash]iigtn W WatkinsA w, Chicago Mis M G GOlett. Buffalo Miss Glllett, Buffalo Capt A Mrs A Kich, Ba- J Wischmeyer Aw, chgo korsfieid A J Warner Aw, Ohio E J Stephens, Ohio F Gilbert, < )hio W A Grant, Ohio W I-'Biu'hanan. Winnipeg G P Tangpnian, N V L Kaufman, Mont H Lentretacken, Or W A Clinch, Han Jose M Mitchell <fe w, D C <) P Ktotnbwger, NY J A Kithet, San Rafael EI" Kiltiet, San Itafael B Byrnes, Collax J H Bcatty, Ontario W Jt Lee & \v. Minn Mrs H A Taber, Minn AY M Kuth, Milwaukee 3 Jl McKelvfv *w, I'a J V Prosser, Davenport T J'iold *w, Monterey J S Munro, Victoria T E Oliver, N V J H stoit, Chicago LICK HOTSE. C B Floyd, Napa C H Jordan. Pasadena MIM L Bozart, N V Mrs A G Blakeley.Gilroy M.lss laa llromi 11. N J Mrs A M Biometl, N J W II Mcßaln, Orange I) McKennon, Salinas H Llnder, Tulare J, Newman, Los Angeles Mrs A Malpas.LosOatos R II Urowini: w.Pescadro J H Suvlle, Coulterville W A Taylor, Los Angeles J A Mullen, Colo River Mrs C L Hancock, Clarion PHcßm, HiUitord Mrs 11 I- McKay, Clarion Miss J C Mr Key. Clarion Miss M Leonard, Chicago C E Miservc, Sun .loso Atrs A R Chambers, Nev OH Itnnyon, Courtland H LKobinson.Porterville R Douglass, Porterville John T York, Napa DrO Burdell, Marin RVSS HOfSE. Dr J W Dawson, Geyser G E King, Marln 15 Mill.r.Vanrouver.BC T N Richardson, S Dl<>?c Mlsa V Miller. San L»iego R H Lloyd, San Diego M Rlppen. Pl« CLWhiti'&u.Bakersfield )■: Coward, Salinas Miss C Dougherty, Cal 8 J O'Hare. Los Angeles G Motherel, t'al E H Lee & w, Mont Mrs IT Kranz. Colo Mrs E Grantman, Colo X Flint, Ilobles \V McEldo-.vney A«. 11l Mrs L Hatclielder, 111 Mrs B c Johnson ■tt, 111 AM Davis, w id, lowa D II .McDonald, Dixon C A Thomas, lowa (i 8 BaMOO, Stockton Miss T A coldwell, Cal Miss F\V iStrothen Cal Mrs L J (irowford, Mcx NEW WESTERN HOTEL. T Muson, Phila (' Maeconuohfe, Labrador M s Nevis, sni'to A II Bond, Turcma J Uoolty, Anee.i laid H Roe, Modesto \V Ktiss.-11. Berkeley J 8 Stewart. » V II H ICswer, N V JK Abbot, Angel Isld Mrs Broulllnit, Los Ang J) Lumniins it w, Ohio Miss Bruin, Ohio H A Hanscn. Oakland Mrs II More, I'liila (J I) Ilayfoni, Sacto J C AUen, Seattle X W Farrel. San Jose H Cook.C'ourlland J Hordeu. Courtland E H Webster, Arcata Miss (risman, Mllpitas C Vulker, Miipitas J F Flint, Los An<? H EsbOTTl, Vallejo Miss Dresser, Stockton B Heed, Murtinez BALDWIN HOTEL. O Rothermer, San Jose W H Bulson, Stockton Mrs 801808, Stockton T .1 Lasher, Lansing li L Bloc, Mass L Jlurgin. N V W X « lurk. Stockton A X Dowdell, St Helena W McCarthy, Sun Jose .1 Ann), ( >'Bri»n\llle J Crossman, Salt Lake J J Sharp. Oakland J M. 'Mullen. Cal JBO'Keily, Minn II T Sullivan, Fresno J Astor Placerville J Montgomery, San Jose J J Lynch, Visalia THE CALL CALENDAR. April, 1895. Moon's Phases. •I 2 3 April -, First Quarter. 8 in 11 April 9, Full Moon. • - 14 ir. IS 17 18 is ie April 16, Last Quarter. in 23 | 24 |30|" April 24, New Moon. OCEAN STEAMERS. Date* of Departure From San Francisco BTKAMKR. |DKSTINATIOS | ■-Mil. | PIER. Oregon Portland ! I'oniona. Humboldtßay ! Wfiott Bel River A rrattt Coos Bay Queen....... i Vie A I'Kt Hnd ProKreso.... I'anama Del None... < Jrays Harbor. WillamtVal Mexico I Suntii Koh.i., San JHeeo Homer Coos Bay Araco I Coos Bay Truckee .... fort land Australia. ... Honolulu North Fork. Humboldtßay Coos liny ... N ewport 1 1 bold 1... ! llumboldtßar • Corona San Diego i State of Cal : Portland...;.. j City Sydney Pnnnma Walla Wolia Vie & l»(ct Snd I Alceßlnchd Portland ! Knreka.... ; Newport ...... \i r "I,](Um Apr 24. 2pm Apr 24, Bam Apr 24.12 m i Apr ' 26. Dam i Apr 25, 4pm Apr 25. spm •Apr 25.10 am ! Apr 25,11 am Apr 25. spm Apr 2li. loam ; ! Apr 26, 4pmj ! Apr 27,10 am i Apr 27, 9am Apr 27. Bam i Apr 27.11 am Apr 29.11 am Apr 29,10 am ■ Apr 29.12 m !Apr 30. 9am Apr 30. spm May 1. Xam Spear : Bdw'y 1 Vallejo i Vallejo Bdw'y 1 Lomb rd Bdw'y*2 Bdw'y 2 Oceanic I I Yallejo i Oceanic Mlss'n 1 Bdw'y 2 I Washt'n Bdw'y ii Spear rm s a Bdw'y 1 ■ Valtpjo Bdw'y 2 "steamers to arrive. Stkameb I Araeo Truckee Humboldt Coos Buy Stati' of Cal Walla Wa11a.... Costa Kica Alice Blanchard Corona Weeott Karallon Kxcelsior Pomona Acaonlco Eureka. Crescent City. .. I I'matllla I Coos Bay ." Portland Humboldt 8ay.......... Newport Portland Victoria <fc Puget Sound Departure Bay Portland. San Di»go iCd Rtvpr l'uget Sound | Yaqutnaßay Humboldt Bay Panama. I Newport I Crescent City [ Victoria <fe Puget Sound! 1 Portland...* .... | April 24 April 24 April 26 April 25 April 26 April 26 April 2H April 26 April 27 April 28 April 28 April 28 April 28 I April 29 April 29 i April 30 |..Mav 1 M..',- 1 Oresron I ..Miiy 1 SUN AM) TIDK TABLE. •a \VA WA Lurgo. Small. 10.54p.11. 42a 11.2'2p O.a-2r: jarge. Small. 5.02a1 4.4HPJ 5.40 a S.'23p| Sets. M •j.v BMP 7.67P 5.21 ' HYDKOCiRAFHIU BULLETIN. BBANCH HYDROSRAFHtC OFPIrK, U. S. N., "4 San Francisco. April 23. 1895. j The time tiall on Telngraph Hill was droppod exactly at noon to-day — l. c., at noon of tho 120 th meridian, or at exactly a P. m., Greenwich time. a. K. Fkchtelxr, [Jpiitenant I. S. X.. !n char ■;». SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Arrived. TUESDAY, April 23. Stmr Mnrklnaw, Littlefleld, 80 Urs from Tacoma; 3600 tons coal, to S P Co. Oakland direc:. Stmr Homer, Paton, 43 hours from Coos Bay: pass and mrise, to J D Spreckels * Bros Co. Stmr Santa Rosa, Alexander, 61 hours from San Diego, etc; pass and mdse, to Goodall, Perkins * Co. Stmr Rival, Johnson, 15 hours from Fort Bragg; lumber, to W A Mitchell. StmrTruckee, — days from Portland, via Tilla mook Bay — hours; pass and mdse, to Truckee Lumber Co. Bark Kate Davenport, Reynolds, 11 days from Port Blakeley; lumber, to Renton. Holmes <fc Co. • Schr Ralph .1 Long, Jorgenson, 10 days from Co quille River; 155 M ft lumber, to Preston it McKin non. " . ■■:. I Sohr Rachael Wilson, 48 hours from Black Point; 75 Cds wood, to J Johnson. ' Cleared. TUESDAY, April 23. Stmr Oregon, Poleman, Astoria: O R & N Co. Br stmr Coptic, Lindsay, Yokohama and Hong kong via Honolulu O& O 8 Co. Ship .Raphael, Wnitney, Karlnk; Alaska Packing Co. •' •■ ■••-. ■■ . i Bark J D Peters, Townsend; Comox; Pac Steam Whaling Co. Bark Sea King, Pierce, Kanalmo; John Rosen feld'sSons. Brig John D Spreckela, Christiansen, Kahulul; J i) Spreckf Is & Bros Co. :, , ; Sailed. TUESDAY, April 28. .1 Stmr Eureka, Duggan, San Pedro. ' Stmr Caspar, Anfintlsen, Caspar. Stmr OlpsjvLeland, Santa Cruz. Stmr Scotia, Johnson. Rock port. . -& ■ Hr stmr Coptic, Lindsay, Yokohama and Hong kong via Honolulu. Br ship Holt Hill, Jenkins, Queenstown. Ship C F Sargent, Morse, Seattle. , Ship Sterling, Whelilon, Port Townsend. Brig ,T D Spreckelg, Christensen. Kahului. Schr Bender Bros, Thompson, Fisks Mill. - Br schr Alexander, Buchanan, Champerico. Marion, (ic-nt-rt-nux, Grays Harbor, - a Schr 3 N IngaUs. Williams, Mazatlan. : Schr Reliance, Jensen, Point Arena/ ■ Schr Nettle Low, Low, Point Reyes. Schr Puritan. Saxe, Moody ville. Scbr Allen A, Schage; Eureka. Telegraphic. POINT LOBO3 - AprU 23-10 p *- Weather thick; wind calm. Charters. The ship Levl G Burjress loads sugar at Hllo for this port; Br ship Aigburth, lumber on the sound lor Valparaiso for orders, Plsagua range, 41s 3d— 2s 6d less direct. The Br ship John Cooke is chartered for wheat to Europe, 27s 6d net. Movements of Vessels. Yesterday the ships C F Sargent. Holt Hill, Ster ling, and the brig Alexander were taken to sea. The steamer Wellington was taken to Beale street and the schr Ivy to the oil works. The ship Moresby and the bark Sea King were taKen to the stream. The ship El well was towed to Mission 2 and the ship Kinrosshire to the refinery. The ship Valkyrie was towed to Port Costa and the bark .Leant to Howard street. The steamer Queen was taken to Broadway and the schr Spokane to Spear street. • To-day the stmr Oregon will go from the Union Tron Works to Hunters Point and the bark Carrol ton from the seawall to the Mail dock. The bark Sen King will tow from the stream to sea and the bark (Jermania from Port Costa to Pa cific street. The stmr St Paul will go from Broadway to Spear street and the bark J D Peters from Union street to the stream. The schr Puritan will tow from the stream and the ship Kafael from Pacific street to sea. The bark Larnarkshlre will tow from the seawall to Port Costa and the ship Almora from Mission Bay to Vallejo street. Miscellaneous. Per stmr Rival— Apr 23, saw the bark Will W Case anchored about three miles oft* Duxbury Reef hence A pr 21 for Bristol Bay. Domestic Ports. GREENWOOD— Arrived Apr 23— Stmr Alcatraz, hence Apr 22. ASTORlA— Arrived Apr 23— Stmr Hueneme, for Redondo. SAN PEDRO— Arrived Apr 23-Stmr National City, from San Diego; schr W F Witzmann, from Portland, Or. PORT ANGELES-Cleared Apr 23— StmrJeanie, for Com ox. , *V BOWENS LANDlNG— Arrived Apr 22- Stmr Jewel, for Port Los Angeles. 23— Schr Rio Key, hence Apr 11. NEWPORT— SaiIed Apr 23-Schr Wm Renton, for Seattle.' COOS BAY-Sailed Apr 23— Stmr Arago, for San Francisco. PORT LOS ANGELES— Arrived Apr 23— Stmr Sunol, from Greenwood. Sailed Apr Stmrs Greenwood and Whites boro. for San Francisco. PORT BLAKELEY-To sail Apr 21 — Br ship Howth. for Port Plrie. Eastern Ports. NEW YORK— Arrived Apr 22— Stmr Advance, from Colon stmr City of Para, from Colon. .Foreign Ports. HONGKONG— Arrived Apr 22 — Br stmr Em pros of India, from Vancouver; Brstmr China, hce lar 26, LONDON-Arrived Apr 22— Br shin Yolo. from Oregon. PLYMOUTH— Apr 22— Ship Francis, m Taiiiinii. SWANSEA— RaiIed Apr 21— Ital ship Emanuelo Accame, for San Francisco. ANTWERP— SaiIed Apr 23— Br ship King Ed ward, for San Francisco. ACAPC7LCO— Sailed Apr 22— Stmr Acapnlco, for San Francisco. VANCOUVER-Salled Apr 22-Br stmr Em press of Japan, for Yokohama, FLEETWOOD— Arrived Apr 22— Br ship Anca los, from Tacoma; ship Port Crawford, from Oregon. HULL— Arrived Apr 21— Br ship Lawhill, from Tacoma. YMAS— Arrived Apr 23-Schr Norma, frm Grays Harbor. Importations. PORT ORFORD— Per Homer— l pkg fur. Coos Bay— SG29 ft fumber, 732 sk3 potatoes, 26 cords matchwood, 1 pkg furs. MarshnVld— 2s bxs butter, 1 cs dry goods, 3 pkgs blankets, 2- coo) chickens, 431 sks potatoes, 8 pkgs hides, 205 tons coal. ROCK SIDING— Per Santa Rosa— 6os sks rock. Port Hartford— l sk heads. 23 zks dried fruit. 35 dressed calves, 1 coop chickens, 1 coop poultry, 1 keg wine, 8 bdls shovels. 1 keg 5 tubs 3 lirkins 141 bxs butter, 7 cs cheese, 17 cs eggs, 1 pky tallow, 36 bdls dry hides, 1 hf-bbl mini water, 4 cs honey. 30 sks w001, '21 1,2 bales do, 35 Mis pelts. Santa Barbara— l2o bxs lemons, 7 bxs oranges, 28 sks crawfish. Port Los Angeles— 4l bxs oranges, 12 pkgs mdse. Redondo— l3 pkgsmdse", 1 hf-bbl olives. 2 kegs wine, ttf> bxs lemons, 49 bales wool, 26 pkgs Japan woods. 320 sks wall plaster. 8 cs tobacco, 4 bgs beeswax, 15 bdls salt hides, 816y 3 bxs oranges. Los Angeles via Kedondo— s pkgs mdse. San Diego— pkgs md5e.,435 bxs oranges, 6 sbs beeswax, 1 keg olives, 149 bxs lemons, 13 pkgs pickled fish, 33 pcs curbing. Consignees. Per Santa Rosa— Selby Smelting and Lead Co: C S Harny: Hills Bros; W& J Sloane Co; Kava nagh & Nolan ; Gould A Jaudin; Eveleth & Nash ; Wood, Curtis & Co; DE Allison* Co: California Wire Works: Wetmoreßros: Darby & Immel : J M Moore; San Francisco Brewing Co; F Uri & Co; L Scatena Co; Overland Freight Transfer Co; A Fay: San Francisco Fruit Auction Co: Harris Packing Co; Garcia <fc Masrglni: Hulme&Hart: N Pacat; J Cain & Co; Cerf, Sloss <fc Co: Irvine Bros; iiissinger A Co; Cal A Nev Creamery Co ; J J Ivancovlch Co; A Paladlnl; American Union Fish Co; G Canillloni <£ Co; Smith's Cash Store; C M Glaser: Thos Denigan Son <£ Co; Christy & Wise- C Carpy & Co ; •W P Fuller <k Co : Kowals'k y «t Co: Wheaton, BreoixkCo; C E Whitney <fc Co- ST Co; Getz Bros <fe Co; 11 N Tilden <tCo; F B /latent; Phillips Bros; Witzel & JJaker; Dodge, Sweeney at Co; Hulme & Hart ; Standard Oil Co; H Heck man Co: Russ, Sanders <fc Co; Captain Bennett: >Ten stadter Bros; Thornton ft Pippey; CJ Decker; W TGarrett & Co; California Casket Co: C H La marre; Ware ; B Hart ; H C Greenhood ; M T Cabral; Chas Tetzen: Lacke * Pike; Flint & Tracy; Gray A Barbieri; Ed Adams Co; AC Burdick; Kuchmever A Co: Waterhouse <fc Lester: GWLeitch: FC Burnett: JH Thompson: HS Wood: A B Wood; CC Pennell; Davis Bros; L Dlnkelsplel & Co: V March; W B Raleigh: McKll lan * Hamilton: J.S Reed; ELSnell; Haas. Ba ruchACo: THSpeede; B Lichtig: Paul Keyser: order; H Cosgrove; Newman <t Inkberry; Mllam A Co: Italian Swiss Do; Edwards <fc Co; Jonas, Er langer«fc Co; WH Nolan; Lowe Bros: II Kirch man; Stockton C II Works: J Schweitzer; S Bruns wick. For Ixilr Shtppinp lnteliipence See Thirteenth Page- OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP, COMPANY DISPATCH STEAMERS FROM SAN JStlA^ Francisco for ports in Alaska, 9 a. m., JESaSSC April 5. 20. May 5. 20, June 4, 9. 19, 24. For British Columbia and Puget Sound ports, April 5, 10, 15, 20. 25, 30, and every filth day thereafter. For Eureka. Hamboldt Bay, steamer Pomona, every Wednesday at 2 p. if. For Newport, Los Angeles and all way ports, April 3, 7, 11, 15. 19, 23, 27, and every fourth day thereafter, 8 a. it. For San Diego, stopping only at Port Harford, Santa Barbara, Port Los Angeles, Redondo (Los Angeles) and Newport, April 1, 6, 9, 13, 17, 21. 25, 29. and every fourth day thereafter, at 11 a. m. For ports in Mexico, 10 a. m., 25th of each month, steamer Willamette Valley. Ticket Office— Palace Hotel, 4 New Montgomery street. GOODALL, PERKINS & CO., General Agents, 10 Market St.. San Francisco. On » Al TO PORTLAND m K. C 3& Ilia AND ASTORA. QTEAMSHIPS DEPART FROM SPEAR- kJ street wharf at 10 a. m. every five days, con- necting at PORTLAND with direct rail lines to all points in OREGON, WASHINGTON and IDAHO. State of California sails March 30, April 9, 19, 29. Columbia sails April 4, 14, 24. Until further notice rates will be REDUCED to Sl2 CABIN. 86 STEERAGE. For through rates and all other information apply to the undersigned. Goodalx, I'KRKINS <fc CO. FEED. F. Coxnob, . Gen'l Supts., Gen'l Agent. 4 New Montgomery st. 19 Montgomery st. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ■ Coolgard!(» .gold field* j4£Br,t-*0 J^a v (Fremantle), Ajistra- HftKi'SP^** Ha; 220 first class, d*f<rv ,} lv _NfM I|LU» $110 steerage. Lowest /XV r ,|dlss233|J^> w rates to Capetown PffiJ/ ■"srkS\&b>L Steamship Australia, foe I flXftTlK \r\ Honolulu only, Satur- (»L_ifW Australian steamer , Honolulu "ami Auck- lunLl Thursday, May Special Parties to Honolulu, April 27. Reduced excursion rates. Ticket office 138 Montgomery street. Freight cilice 327 Market street. _ J. D. SPRECKELS & BROS., General Agents. COMPAGNIEGENERALETRANSATLANTIp Trench Line to Havre. pOMPANY'S PIER (NEW), 42 NORTH jßt*A+ V,' River, foot of Morton st. Travelers by &5291P this line avoid both transit by English railway and the discomfort of crossing the channel in a "small boat. New York to Alexandria, Ezypt, via Paris, first class $160; second class $116. LA BOURGOGNE, Capt. Leboneuf. . *......- .April 27, 6:00 a. m. LA CHAMPAGNE, Capt. Laurent May 4, Noon LA NORM ANDIE, Capt. Poirot ' ; May 11, 5:00 a. m. LATOURAINE, Capt. Santelll. . ..". May 18, 10:00 a.m. JBS~ For further particulars apply to A. FORGET, Agent, No. 3 Bowling Green, New York. 9. F. FUGAZI & CO., Agents, 5 Montgomery aye., San Francisco. ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY. STEAMERS " LEAVE ASPINWALL ,£££» O fortnightly for the West Indies and £3SB Southampton, calling on ■ route •at C<?rbourgn, France, and Plymouth to land passengers. Through bills of lading, In connection with the Pacific Mail S. S. Co., issued for freight and treas- nre to direct ports in England and Germany. Through tickets from San Francisco to Plymouth, Cherbourg, Southampton. First class, $195; third clan, f97 60. Fox further particulars apply to * ABBOTT A CO., Agents, 306 California at. OCEA^TEAMSffIPS^^^ WHITE STAR USE. United Stales and R<»rnl Mail Steamers BKTWKKN- New York, Quoenstown & Liverpool, SAIiING KVKKV WEEK. pABIX, 860 AND UPWARD, ACCORD- Jgj^U *J I'"? to steamer and accommodations *wMrtm ■elected; second cabin, *86; Majestic and Teutonic, ?35 and HI Steerage Tickets from England, Ire- land, s<otla'nd, Sweden, Norway and Denmark through to San Francisco at lowest rates. Tickets, sailing (! ates and cabin plans may be procured from \v h AVKRY, Pacific Mall Dock, or at th« General office of the Company, 613 Market St., under i, rand Hotel. G. W. FLETCHER, General Agent for Pacific Coast. RAILROAD TRAVEL! SAfilfiilSCO&KoSS CMC RAILWAY CO. ' Tiburon Ferry— Foot of Blarket St. San Francisco to San Rafael. WEKK DAYS— 7:4O, 9:20. 11:00-4. M.; 12:3!*, 3:30, 5:10, 6:30 p. m. Thursdays— Extra trip «' 1 1 :30 p. m. Saturdays— Extra trips at 1:50 _ T "i! iii ;30 P. m. 6LNUAYS— 8:00. 9:30, 11:00 a.m.; 1:30, 3:30, 6:UO. 6:20 P. M. San Rafael to San Francisco. WEEK DAYS— 6:2S. 7:55, 9:30, 11:10 a. M.; 1^:45, 3:40, 5:10 p. m. Saturdays— Extra trips »t 1 55 p. m. and 6:35 p. m. SUNL>aYS— B:IO, 9:40, 11:10 a. m.; 1:40, 3;40, 5:00, 6:25 P. M, Betwppn san Francisco and Sen net Ken Park sam* schedule as above. -aye t_ o wti-.t Arrive San Jrancisco. jfov. 1 San Francl «'<>- WKKK ; SUN- nesu'natlon Sun- I Week Da VS. I PAYS. " e ß tlntttlOn - DAYS. 1 Days. 7:40 9:00 AMI Novato, 10:40 am | 8:50 am 3:H(> r*J9:3O am Petaloma, 6:05 pm 10:30 a x 6:10 5:00 pm Santa Rosa. 7:30 pm| 6:15 pm " Fulton, 7:40 am Windsor, 10:30 am Healdsburg, Geyserville, 3:30 r if 8:00 am Clovcrdale. 7:30 pm 6:15 pm Pieta, Hopland & 740 ah 8:00 am Uklah. 7:30 pm 6:15 fm 7:40 aml 10:30 am 8:00 am Guernevllle. 7:30 pm ( 3: SO in . I 6:15 pm 7 -4oVMi8:OO am Sonoma 10:40 am 8:50 am 5:10 im 6:00 pm and '6:05 pm 6:15 J | Glen Ellen. j m 8:00 am a . ha . fnrio i 10:40 am 10:30 am 8:30 imJs:oopml &ebastopo1 ' I 6:05 ,, M 6:15 pm •s connect at Santa Rosa for Mark West I Sprints. Stages connect at Geyserville for Skaggs Springs. Sirkos connect at nets for Highland Springs, Keiseyvllle, Soda Bar, Lakeport. Stages connect at Ukiah for Vichy Springs, Blue Lak.-^, Upper Lake, Lakeport, Booneville, Green- wood, Orr"s Hot Springs, Mendoclno City. Fort Brass, Vsal, Westport, Calito. Willetts, Calpella, Porno. Potter Valley, John Day's, i.iveiy's. Gravelly Valley-, Harris, Blocksburg, Bridgeville, Hydesville antl Kureka. Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at reduced ratf-s. On Sundays round-trip tickets to all points be» yond San Rafael at half rates. Ticket Offices, corner New Montgomery and I Market streets, under the Palace Hotel. H.C. WHITING, R. X. RYAN, Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. HOITTIIKItN I-Atll ■< Kllir.V.NK. ■; - (PACIFIC HVSTEM.) I'rnlna leave i;ml lire ilut* to nrrlTe nt SAX I'1CAN«'IS«:O. ■leave — l^'^io^^ April 13, 1895. — Aitiuv •6:SOa San l*andro, Haywards t M r ay Sfn a !>:l3a. 7:00 a Atlantic Exi*ei (via Martinez and Lathrop) Oe<len i Rast 7:1-"Va '7:0Oa Port Costa and Bcnicia 10:83 a •7:00.\ Peters ami Milton «7:13p ■; ::tOA San Leandro, llajrwarda k Way St'ns 1015 a 7:30 a Mai -a, Calistoga and *Santa Rosa ; Vacaviße, Kspart •, Eaenciento, and Reddles »la DavU; Martinez and San lUiiuon 6:45p; S.-:»»a Nili-s, Sail Jose, (Stockton, loce, Sacramento, Marysville, Red UluS and*OroTillo 4:13p 8:;iOA Port Co3ta,Beuic!a and Way Stations 0:-J5p' !9:OOa Kan Leandro, Hay wards & Way St'ns 11:15 a. V:UUa New Orleans Exprew, Rayninud, (for Yosemitc). Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, IJrniiiii.'. El i'aso. New Orleans mid Kast 3:-l3p 1 0:OOa San Leandro, Haywardn and Nil-s . 1:45P 12:OOtf San Lcandro, Haywards* Way St'ns "'- I->p l:OOp Niles, San Jose and Livermore 8:-S5a ••1.-OOp Sacramento River Steamers •M:»0r |fr:3«r Port Costa and Way Stations i >: >">P ,3:OOp San L?andro, Haywards & Way St'ns 5:4."5p 4:OOp San Leandro, Ueywanls & Way St'ns 6:45* 4:o)>i- Martinez, San, Ramon,. Bcuicia. • - '. Vnllcjt.. Napa, Calistogn, El Vvr- ano and Santa Rosa ......'..' 9:1,1 a 4:00p Vueavillc, Woodland, Knights Lauding, Marysville, Orovillu end Sacramento I 1:15 a 4:30p Niles, San Jose, Livermoro and Stockton 7:l3pi <5:OOr San Leandro, Haywards & Way Sfus S^Sp l 5:0«»i> Los Angeles Kxprccs. Fresno, Ray- mond (for Yosernito), Bakorslielil, Santa Barbara autl Los Angeles.. I 0:1 S:OOp Santa I'o Route, Atlautic Kxprees for Mojave and ICast 10:13 a 5:30 - European Mail (via Martinez and Stockton) Ogdcn oud Bast 1 0:1 3 \ O:UOi>HH>-»ai<U Kilrsand Han Jose 7:13 a. tO:OOi- Vallejo IS:*3p ■6:00 i" Oregon Kcpmss (via Martinez and Stockton) Sacramento. Mary»»illo. Redding, Portland, J'ngct Sound and East 10:43 a "7:OOp San Leandro, Hiravards& Way Rt ns lO:r,Op *9:OOp San Leandro,HiiyWard.-& WaySfns It • 3:00 a tfll:lsp San Leandro. Hay wards & Way Sfns *~:15a ~8 AMi A CKtIZ I»lVl>l<>.\ (.Narrow <<:iukp). ' 1 {7:45a Sunday Excursion for Newark, San •Jose, Los Gatos, Felton and Santa Cruz JB:osp 8:1 Sa Newark.Centerville.San.Tose.Felton, . Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz and Way Stations Sisop •3:15p Newark, Centerville, San .lose. New Alruadcn, Felton, Boulder Creek, Santa Crnz and Principal Way Stations •! 1 :»Oa 4:45f Newark. San .lose, Los Catos 9:50 a COAST lUVIMOM (lliinl aTToh-iisciml Ms.) 6:45 a San Jose, New Almaden and Way " - Stations 1:-I5p 8:13 a Han Jose, 'J'res linos, Santa Cruz, Paciiic Tjirove, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo and Principal Way Stations 7:05 p IO:4Oa San Jose and Way Stations 5:«Cp 11:43 a Palo Alto ami Way Stations 3:3 Up *2:2op£au Jose. Gilroy. Tres Piuos, Santa Cruz, Salinas. Si onterey and l'acilic Grove : »IO:4Oa •:»:nop Ran Jose and Principal Way Stations »:47a •4:23p Palo Alto and Way Stations *8:00 a 5:10p San Jose ami Way Stations. *S:4Sa «::i»r Palo Alto an.l Way Stations 0:!15a T11:45r Palo Alto and Principal Way Stations 17:3Sp CREEK ROUTE FERRY. from SAN FRISCISCO— Foot of Mirkft Street (Slip 8)— •7:00 8:00 9:00 *10:00 11:00 A.M. *12:30 Jl-.00 *2:00 3:CO •4:00 6.00 •6:00r.M. fr«m OAEUKD— Foot of Br»»<w»T.— *6:00 »7:00 8:00 »3:00 10:00 «ll:C0 A.M., tl2:00 •12:30 3:00 »3:CO 4:CO *5::3 p.m. A for Morning. T fur Afternoon. • Sundays executed. 1 Saturdays only. § Thursdays only. } Sundays only. ft Monday. Thursday ki<l Ra'im'av nights only. \J>^ SAUSALITO FERRY. From April 21, 1896. Leave S. F. WEEK DAYS. Arrive S. F. 7.00 a.m. Mill Val., Ross V»l., S»n Rf1. . . . 8.00 a.m. " •' - SaaQta. 6.«a'.m' 9.15 a.m. '* " " .... 7 40am 10.16 a.m. " '• •• SanQtn. MSiuX. 11.45 a.m. " " " . 9.40 a.m. I.4!>p.m. " " '• San Qln. 10.45 a.m. 3.20 p.m. " n .. 11.55 A.M. ;•• " . " " SanQta. 1.15 p.m. 4.15 P.M. » " " 3 05P.M. C.lsp.m. " " " San Qtn. 4.40 P.M. 5.50 P.M. *" ;• •• 5 35PM 6.35 P.M. - " " 0.2r,p.M. " " San Qtn 7.45pm 11.30 p.m. Ross V»L, San Rf!., San (Jtn ...... 8.00 a.m. Cazadero and Way Stations .... ' 7'4sp'm" •1.45 p.m. " " " . XB4SAM* •Saturdays only. x Mondays only " ' SUNDAYS. 8.00 a.m. Mil) Val.. Ross Val., San Rfl., San Qtn. Ross Valley, San Rafael, San Qtn . 8* 16a' m" 9.00 a.m. Mill Jal., Ross Val., BinßlLr&idta . laooi.M*. '»' " ','. <: aaQtn - 915 A ........ Sausalito and Mill Valley. '..'.'.'."" ib A m 11.30 a.m. Hill Valley, Hm Valley. 7 S.n m:::* 11 - 10 ** 12.'36p".m'. ?£j ROSS Va ' Rfl " Qta - 12 -iOP.M. ::::::::ov i, Ross vaUn£!" n ::::iK ffiji :: ;: :: ««*::aS2 lioli .. :: : ;; •• gg* 5.30 p.m. » » •«<>• •* 7 - Or - M - -6.45p.m. " - " *'*"*" * ....... Ross Valley and San Rafae1 .......'. s'is'pi' 8.00 a.m. Point Reyes, Csiadero and Way Stns 8 15r V. 9.10 a.m. Point Reyes and Way Stations...... 7i2op.M. ATLASTIC ASD PACIFIC RAILROAD. SANTA FE ROUTE. TRAINS LEAVE AND ARKIVE AT SAN trancisco (Market-st. Ferry): ! DaJ^. }~" MARCH 11, 1895." ( Anßivi "* 1L >' 1 \ Daily. 6:00 .Fast Express via Mojave..... 10-ISa 8:00 a. .Atlantic Express via Los Ancreies'.'. 6 : 45 * Ticket Oiace-650 Market St., Chronicle bull* tog, 8. F. *!&**« C. H. SPEERS, - . Asa 1 1, ggftfitat Eaaaengor Agaafc