Newspaper Page Text
12 SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Call— 710 Market street, open until 12 o'clock every night in the year. BRANCH OFFICES-530 Montgomery street, corner Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock. 339 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. SW. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open until 9 o'clock. 2518 Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. , ■^3!p~MX)UNT MORIAH LODGE NO. J» _=^^44. F. and A. M.— Meeting THIS^\ (WEDNESDAY) EVENING at 7:3o^T7f o'clock. Third THEO FBOUCH. Secretary. ' |K3? MISSION LODGE NO. 169. F. • !>^ and A. M.— Called meeting THlS_*^ (WEDNESDAY*) EVENING at ":*'^v3? ; o'clock. Second degree. By order of the ' * \V. m. c. D. BUNKER, Secretary. IT-~%= CROCKETT LODGE NO. 139, F. * tit—' n.i A. M.— Called netting Tllisji (WEDNESDAY) EVENING at 7:3O)K^ ] o'clock. Second degree. By order of the'^ r> W. M. H. FORTRIEDE, Sec, j iF§sF~ODI> FELLOWS' HOME orfrtWfli'ffi j t>—^ dedication— Train leaves foot of -=3j&stsSK|; Market st. at 4 P.X.THURSDAY: : 2~%sZ3g~? r round-trip tickets good for return un- ■""' til the 28th for sale by Grand Secretary; $3 if fifty go and $5 if sixty or more go: call or send for them at once. brS=* U. A. O. D.— TO THE OFFICERS»fi^ w-jS' «nd members of Hesperian Grove N0.15.gx? V. A. O. D. You are requested to attend a""* special meeting of the above grove, WEDNES- DAY. April 24, 1895, at 1:30 P. m., at Druids' Hall, 413 Sutler St., for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother, ANTON W. MALM. Interment Odd Fellows' Cemetery. By order J. GOSCI±, N. A. . J. J. Moli.ison, Secretary. PK~S= SCHILLER GROVE NO. 11, U. A.^jua Jt^J^ O. _.— To the funeral committee: TheSjgJ funeral committee of above-named grove is requested to assemble at Druids' Hall, THURS- DAY, April 25, at 1 o'clock sharp, to attend the funeral of our late brother, F. DELICAT. By order of A. MUELLER, N. A. William Okllbich, Sec. SPECIAL NOTICES. ■p^^TETRN^TCnXANVi:: PICNIC SEASON E£—^ soon here. PROF. LOVE. 121 Powell st. [£-§=> CHARLES H. PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY- I_— ? a;-la« and Notary Public, 638 Market St., opp. Palace Hotel. Residence, 1620 Fell st. Tele- phone 570. tf-~y= CLARA FOLTZ, ATTORNE Y-AT-L AW, CE—^ rooms 14 and 15, 9th floor. Mills building. Practices in all State and Federal courts. 'jr~S* DR. NELLIE BEIGHLE, OFFICES, 51 lF^ to 55. Donohoe building, 1170 Market st. Stomach, liver, kidney and rheumatism success-' iully treated. Nervous diseases a specialty. Dis- eases examined without questioning. f£3fP BAD TEN A NT'S EJECTED FOR $4. £>■-»' Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co.. 415 Montgy St.. room 6, TeL 5580. J5j!5J£P DON'T CUT YOUR CORNS; WE RE- Jr-jy move them painlessly without a knife in three minutes. Chiropodic Institute, 36% Geary st. Stc.".-M,l. COURTS-LEGAL PRIVATE MAT- tt— 7 ten; confidential: advice free. ATTOR- NEY Mi (ARK. 838 Market st. 5tCS= BOOMS WHITENED, $1 UP: PAPER- \£<& ed $3 50 up. 309 Sixth. George Hartman. f£S3p J. B. McINTYRE, BOOKBINDER AND I— ***? Printer. 422 Commercial st. SITUATIONS WANTED— TOADIES FIND THE BEST OF HELP AT C. ±J R. HAN SEN <$: CO.'S, 110 Geary st. "VTUMBER OF RESPECTABLE SWEDISH _i girls want to do general housework and cook- ing, $20 to $25: also competent Danish girl wishes to do general housework, is good cook, references, $25. llVz Antonio St., off Jones, near Ellis. IF YOU WANT A GOOD SERVANT, MALE or female, city or country, apply MME LEO- POLD'S Emp. Office, 957 Market; open evenings. /COMPETENT GIRLS OF ALL NATIONALI- \J ties, good references, awaiting positions. 9 Stockton st. T THE SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BU- reau first-class Swedish and German girls are awaiting situations. 332 Geary St.: telephone 983. LBS— YOU CAN GET RELIABLE HELP _J at MRS. FENTON'S, 106 U. Stockton st. pOMPETENT COOK AND laundress \J wishes a situation or would do general house- work : references given. 819 Mission st. pEFINED GIRL OF GOOD REFERENCES Xt wants position to take care of baby. Address S., box 47. this office. YOUNG WOMAN WISHES SITUATION TO X do cooking and general housework. 28 Fair Oaks St., bet. Twenty-first and Twenty-second, off Guerrero. FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS WOULD LIKE X work by the day or week, or cooking: best of references. Call 3 days 560 Minna st., nr. Sixth. ■yOUNG LADY OF EDUCATION WISHES X position as ladies' companion to lady in Califor- nia or party going to Europe; very best of refer- ences given. Address MISS E. DAWSON, oox 15, Call Office. pOMPETENT LADY WISHES POSITION AS V cashier-saleslady in an office; is a good writer. Call or address MISS E. FLINN, 200 Noe st. S' ~"_AMSTR_SS~ACCUSTOMED TO ALL KINDS O of family sewing will go out by the day. Ad- dress B. A., box 59, this office. ■\IIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WISHES A SITUA- tion; is a good cook; will assist at washing; city or country : good home desired more than high wages. 626 Post. YOUNG GIRL WISHES SITUATION AS X waitress in restaurant; sleep home. 543 Ste- venson st. OUSEKEEPER; MIDDLE-AGED, RESPEC table, American widow: educated; alone: good cook: wants home; country preferred. MRS. E. L., 131 Post st., room 31. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE A GENTLE- X man partner In a good paying business. Call 5 Mason st., room 7. ERMAN SECOND GIRL WANTS a PLACE vJ in American family. 207 Montgomery aye. ELDERLY WOMAN WANTS SITUATION TO assist; $10. 131 Post St., room 20. /CANADIAN LADY AS HOUSEKEEPER OB \J as waitress in restaurant. Call 16 Montgomery aye., room 2. M" IDDLE-AGED GERMAN LADY WISHES A situation for general housework or as nurse, or cook on a ranch in an American family; city or country. Call at 24 Lafayette st. ESPECTABLE YOUNG GERMAN WOMAN wishes situation as housekeeper or take care of Infant or invalid. Call 843 Mission st. S" ITUATION WANTED; GENERAL HOUSE- work;cltyor country. Address 50% Norfolk St., apply H. F. IRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK X* in family washing. Call 1133 Pacific st. RENCH MAID DESIRES SITUATION IN X family; good seamstress: city or country. Ad- dress I. F., box 43, Call Office. STYLISH DRESSMAKER; CUTS BY TAY- lor system; fit guaranteed; $1 50 per day children's cloaks also. Address B. F., box 43, Call Office. ( COMPETENT WOMAN: GOOD COOK; WANTS \J a situation in the country; good laundress- references. Call or address 1024 Howard st. ANTED— BY RELIABLE PROTESTANT • » woman, position to take care of infant- is competent to take charge from birth. Apply 521 Turk St., in basement. XPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS WORK by the day or week, nursing or housework; is good cook and housekeeper. Apply 509 Gough st. Ty ANTED— BY COMPETENI PERSON, 8IT- »T nation as cook, washer and ironer. Call 21 Langton st. YOUNG GIRL WISHES SITUATION TO DO X general housework. Apply 90 Fair Oaks st. "13 ESPECTABLE GIRL WISHES SITUATION At in private family for upstairs work and sewing- best of reference. Call at 647V2 Willow aye.. bet. Eddy and Ellis sts. ' E ASTERN LADY WOULD LIKE A POSITION as housekeeper. Call 5 Mason st., room 2; first lloor. SITUATION -WANTED BY A RESPECTABLE young girl to do upstairs work and care of chil- dren in a private family. Call 1-111 Fulton st., near BroUericfc. WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION TO DO GEN- »'» eneral housework: best, of reference; no ob- jection to the wages. - Apply 718 Capp st. WANTED-BYA YOUNG GIRL UPSTAIRS f T work or taking care of children. Apply at 2000 Larkin St., corner Broadway. pOMPETENT WOMAN WANTS A POSITION KJ as working housekeeper: is a good cook and laundress: city or country: reference. 113 Twenty- sixth St., Mission Hote]. YOUNG WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS X housekeeper or typewriter. Call at 620 Market St., room 7, opposite Palace Hotel. ILLING WOMAN WANTS PLACE TO DO TT housework ; terms moderate. Call or address 10 Anthony, off Mission, near second. BSSSMAKER— FI CLASS: WILL GOTO XJ families by the day or take work home. Ad- dress Dress, box 41, this office. I~>XPERIE~NCED NURSE WISHES A SITUA- Jtion; can furnish good reference. Inquire MRS. A A AM, 1433 Mission st. T> V ELDERLY PROTESTANT WOMAN, IS JJ good seamstress; to do upstairs work: good reference. Address t»., box 20, Call Office. pOMPETENT WOMAN, UNDERSTANDS \J French and German cooking, would like situa- tion; no objection to country. Apply 1236 Bush St., near Larkin. . DRESSMAKING WANTED; A LADY OF EX- XJ pcrience. Address Dressmaker, 23V a Sixth st. PELLIABLE GERMAN GIRL WANTS 81TUA- XV tion do general housework and plain cooking; Tiftgen $20. Call or address l2BV a Fourth st. • •YOUNG SWISS GIRL, LATE FROM NEW A York, wishes position as cook private family. Address Hiimboldt House, 1309 Stockton st. .. _■; -,;■ O STRONG WOMEN WANT SITUATIONS TO _. work by day; will wash blankets, curtains, etc.; *; and car fare. 263 V& Clara st. ; SITUATIONS WANTED— Continued. WIDOw7A~STR^N~GEICwiSnI:S "POSITION V\ as housekeeper. Call 121 Montgomery st., rm. 1. Q GERMAN GIBM WANT PLACE, ONE AS O housekeeper. 1 to do general housework, Oak- land or Alameda preferred, and 1 In restaurant to help in kitchen or to wait at table. Address 1 Board- man place, room 9 upstairs, bet. Sixth and Seventh sts. ; no postal cards. _______ W OMAN WANTS PLAIN SEWING; ANY »V kind gentleman's mending; clothes cleaned reasonable. 114 Fourth St., room 15. 4 MEBICAN COOK WANTS SITUATION IN , A small restaurant or boarding-house or would • work by the day. Call or address M. H., 1238 Bush st. ■' yOUNG GIRL 16 YEARS OLD WOULD LIKE 1 nice place to do light housework. Call or ad- dress 18y 2 Garden St., bet. Sixth and Seventh, for 3 days. ' . - GERMAN WOMAN AND COOK WANTS SIT- ' VX uatlon in a private boarding-house or lunch- house. Call or address A. — box 22, Call Ofucc. OAQa POST ST., ROOM 2-EASTERN widow £\jL wants position as housekeeper for bachelor or widower. ' ■ ANTED — SITUATION AS WORKING V» housekeeper in small family. Call or address 507 Eleventh St., Oakland. YOUNG LADY HAIRDRESSER, KNOWING • 1 also manicuring, speaking French and English, wishes a situation as lady's companion or govern- ess; can give French lessons: or would take few engagements for hair-dressing daily. LOl ish REA LT, 8 sixth st.. room 2. ' CWEDIBH EMPLOYMENT OEFICE 0 for good, respectable girls. 11 1 . 2 Antonio St.. off Jones, near Kllis. ■• YOUNG WIDOW WISHES GENTS. 1 MENDING 1 to do; call from 10:30 to 5:30 only. 150 Fourth St.. room 9. YOUNG EASTERN LADY DESIRES A POST- ! 1 tion as housekeeper. Call 967 Mission st.,rm.9. DEFINED WIDOW would like position XL .is housekeeper in the country; economical; understands making of butter and care of milk. Address M ; '.--. E. 8., box 951, Baa Rafael. Cal. <> CREOLE LADIF.s WISH POSITIONS as & housekeepers. Call . r '' ■• Kearny st., room 9. SITUATIONS "VTANTED-MALE. rpHOKorcilll.Y GOOD"' COACHMAN AND X gardener wants position; 10 years' reference; very handy with tools. C, box 91, Call Office. Tjr ANTED —AN HONEST YOUNG MAN m with good education, good bookkeeper and penman, wishes position in store or otlice: best of references. Address Business, box 47, Call Office. B"~~Y~ MIDDLE-AGED MAN — SITUATION round place do chores and make himself use- ful; understands care horses and harness: can milk and do garden work; cood references. (■.. box 28, Call Office. V°UNG MAN, TELEGRAPH OPERATOR X wishes position of any kind. Call at 702 Va- llejo St.. cor. Stockton. SITUATION as PORTER OR PACKER IN store: 6 years with leading Sun Francisco firm. Address HENRY LEATHERMAX, 647 Howard. SITUATION IN GROCERY-STORE BY MID- O die-aged, single, temperate and reliable man. Address X., box 57, Call Office. RNAMENTAL AND FANCY CAKE BAKER \J wishes a situation at once: wages no object. Address <). P.. 921 Mission st. KST CLASS COACHMAN WOULD LIKE X 1 situation. Address G. F., box SO, this office. STEADY, RELIABLE YOUNG GERMAN OF 22 wishes a position; has experience in the grocery business. Address T. PETERSEN, 821 Hampshire st. p ERMAN WOULD LIKE TO HAVE SITU- V_T ation in some store, saloon or restaurant: can tend bar. do some cooking and is handy for any- thing. Please answer G. A., box 33, Call Office. BAKEB (BREAD), LATELY FROM THE East, would like to have position in the city or country. Please answer P. 8., box 35, Call Office. QITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED man to make himself useful, city or country; wages no object. Address S., box 147, this office. WILL PAY $500 FOR SITUATION WITH $100 month salary: accountant, salesman or anything honorable; can give references. Address E., box 18, Call Office. rpo HOTEL PROPRIETORS, ETC.— WANTED, X by advertiser, an engagement as manager of first-class hotel or restaurant: English, colonial and Continental experience: 3 languages; late of Lang- ham Hotel, London. H. MEYER, care CAMAKI- NOS, 519 Sansome st. AN AND WIFE (FRENCH) WANT BlTUA- tions: man good coachman and wife flrst-class French cook and housekeeper. Address X.. 8., 815 Stockton st. :: ■. ■ WANTED- BY MAN AND WIFE, PLACES TT together on a ranch ; man understands ranch- Ing and care of horses; wife good cook and house- keeper. Please call at 1142 Howard St., top floor. I \\T SITUATION AS INDOOR BEB- '» vant or butler: English reference. Apply WM. STEWART, Call Office. 1045 Market st. MIDDLE-AGED SOBER STEADY MAN wants a job as watchman in any place of trust can give the best of references. Call or address G. W. H.. 1238 Bush st. QITUATION WANTED BY GARDENER; CAN , O milk, drive, care of horses, garden and do all re- pairs: is sober and reliable; reference. Address P. H., 601 Third st. yOUNG GERMAN WANTS A SITUATION TO X take care of horses, etc., or make himself gen- erally useful around private place. Call or address FRANK TLATLICK, New Atlantic Hotel, Mont- gomery aye. V STEADY, SOBER, MIDDLE-AGED MAN who has served several yean on police force, permanent position as janitor, watchman or similar work : first-ciass references. Address W. HOLTZ, 616 Fo'som st. YOUNG WOMAN WISHES a POSITION AS X housekeeper in ■ lodging-house or widower's family, la Mason St.. room 16. "yOUNG ENGLISHMAN WOIiLD LIKE SITU"- X ation as butler, coachman, etc.: thoroughly understands management of horses: first-class references. Address Y. £ box 18, call Office. "PRACTICAL MINER AND MINING FORE- X man desires a position as mining foreman of a gold, silver, lead or cinnabar mine; best of refer- ences. Address 19 Rausch st., San Francisco. FEMALE HELP WANTED. YOU.NO g!^rman~or Scandinavian X girl, general housework, small family, country, $25, see party here: French girl, general house- work, $25; French second girl, experienced, $20: —aged German, general housework, San Rafael, $20: girls for general housework, $20 to $25; girl for second work, $15, short distance in country; 10 girls, light housework, $10 to $15: 2 German nursegirls, $15. Call early at C. K. HAN- ; SEN & CCS, 110 Geary st, O WAITRESSES, SUMMER RESORT, $20; — I waitress, country, $20: restaurant waitress, $15 with room; head waitress. Call carl C. R. HAN- SEN <fc CO., 110 Geary st. LAUNDRESS, GERMAN OR BCANDINA- vian, $25 to $30; American working house- keeper, $25; chambermaid and wash, $20, private family: cook, small institution, $20; 15 housework girls, city and country, $20 and .$25: 4 young girls assist. $10 to $15. Apply MISS CULLEN. 105 Stockton st. DEFINED CATHOLIC GIRL, COUNTRY, Jl $15, second work; nurse, Sonoma County, $20. Housework— Mill Valley. $25; San Jose, $25; ranch cook. $30. bop lady hera at 11:30. Apply MISS CULLEN. 105 Stockton s:. VfEAT YOUNG GIRL LIGHT HOUSEWORK. -> $15. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. EAT IRISH GIKL, HOUSEWORK. $25. 1> MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. ITi BENCH SEAMSTRESS, $25; FRENCH XI waitress, »25: German or French nurse and seamstress, $2:.. Mis- CULLBN, 105 Stockton st. nr ANTED— 2 COOKS, GERMAN COOKING, TT $30: 12 girls, general housework In American and German families, $20 and $25: 2 waitresses, restaurant, $5 week; 4 German and French second girls, $20; French nurse, $20: polisher for laundiy; French lady's maid and hairdresser, $25; nurse, a short distance, $20; girl for housework, San Rafael, $20; Calistogn, $20, and a large number of girls for light housework, $10, $12 and $15. J. F. CRO- SETT CO., 312 Sutwrst. r WAITRESSES, DIFFERENT COUNTRY 0 hotels, $20 and $25; German nurse irl, $15, and girls for housework. R. T. WARD _ CO., 610 Clay st. WANTED-GERMAN COOKS, $35, $30 AND tt $25; Mr.s;;''iiss cook. $35; French chamber- maid and seamstress, $25; German nurse. $15; German housework girl, small family, $20; girl with city references, f 20; girl for the country, $20. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. WANTED— THREE GOOD.SWEDISH HOUSE- » ' girls. f2O to $25 ; 2 plain cooks, boarding-house, country, $25; neat nursegirl, city, $20; neat houie- girl; good cook, $30; second girl and waitress, £20. Call 332 lieary sj. 0 WAITRESSES, CITY; 3 COOKS ON •> ranches; 2 girls for housework: chambermaid, • hotel, - MURRAY A READY, 634 Clay st. WANTED - GERMAN LAUNDRESS, $25; TT room and board, small hotel; woman cook, ?2oant room, small place; housekeeper in a small family; woman cook, for a small country laundry woman as ironer in a smnll laundry, $25, room and' board; house girl, for Vnllejo, $20, etc.; German girl, for houseworK in a family of 4, $20, etc. ; Ger- man or Swedish girl, in family of 3, $18; middle- aged woman, In a nice American family, $15 etc.* young girt, in a family of 3, $10, nice place; girl, In family of 4, $16; German or Swedish girl, in lam- ; lly or 5, $18; girl, to help in a boarding-house, gen- eral work, etc Largest and best-conducted agency of its kind on the Pacific Coast. MARTIN <fc Cof, 749 Market; tel., main, 1849. : 25l{^l^ 7^S^ ppees^ ces - MME. —•' LI. >POLD, Wii Market st. ( r I^ KO^l ( 1 . KNr;llAi ' HOUSEWORK, WAGES 'J $16. 1315Gearyst. O^fg: Re^l M alas^ HOOL AND Gr?hudS£ "tSTifSSy* **»<»**<» E LD . EKLY WOJ £ A - N OR GIRL" TO ASSIST .'V' 1 ' 10 z y ears °' ''! Pleasant home; small wages. 220 a Twenty-first- st., after 9. U'ANTKD-2 YOUNG GIRLS FOB SHORT » » distance In country. Call trom 9 to 11 am 1t03,7t0 9 p. m., 108 Stockton st., room 28. ' "' WOMAN TO DO HOUSEWORK. 320 SEV- enth ' enth St. INEXPERT ON THE smith PREMIER. -fv acci;s:o:ned to taking rapid dictation on the machine; state experience. Address T., box 03 % i»oaiue. -!.-., .-.., ! ■■■. ■ ■ - THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1895. HELP WANTED- Continned. _ p IRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT HOUSEWORK; \JT wages $10. 3227 Golden Gate aye. First-class FINISHER ON PANTS. 407 J? Stevenson st.; ask for Masonic. ' >'■ j l i-V;';.f A DVANCED APPRENTICE ON PANTS. 765 J\- Mission st. • : p COD TAILORESS, to WORK ON CUSTOM VX coats; good wages. 921 Harrison st. : WANTED— YOUNG LADY LEARN PHO- Tt tographlc business. WILSON'S, 342 Kearny. TV" ANTED — YOUNG ■ GIRLS FOR DRESS- > » making. 136 Eleventh st. IRL FOR G ENERAL HOUSEWORK; wages $15; call after noon. 1314 Scott, st. \\r ANTED IMMEDIATELY— FIRST-CLASS '» dressmaker; $1 60 a day. 946 Howard st., room 11. yOU NcToiRL AS WAITRESS IN RESTAU- X rant. 3239V2 Mission si. TIT ANTED— GOOD TAILORESSES ON CUS- " torn coats at once. 211 Sixth st. IRST-CLASS WAISTHANDS AND LADY Fl RST-CLASS WAIST HANDS AND LAITY tailoress wanted. MISS PHILLIPSON, 231 Post St. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL X housework. 802 Seventeenth St., cor. Sanchez. p IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; SMALL VJ family. Call 613y 3 Fell st. _ -A. a DAY; GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- j i)\> work. 530 Twenty-first St., near Mission. VOUNO, STRONG, RELIABLE GIRL FOR X general housework and cooking: German pre- ferred. 1816 O'Farrell st. OOD TAILORESSES, GOOD pay, steady work; also apprentices. 223 Montgomery. W ANTED— WAITRESS FOR RESTAURANT. >* Call 3131 Mission st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 2206 Bush st., near Filimore. . ATEAT, RELIABLE GIRL; UPSTAIRS WORK — > and mind baby; at once. 23 Baker st. p OOD TA I 1 r.Ess ; BUTTONHOLE-MAKERS VX and tailors wanted. 625 Eddy st. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. HUMBOLDT J Hotel. Fifteenth St., near Mission. T7INISHER AND BUTTONHOLE -MAKERS J: on custom coats: steady work. 157 Shipley st. DE GARMO'B DRESSCUTTING AND DRESS- making school; complete course in dresscut- tine $10: dresses cut, fitted and stitched for $2 50. 219 Powell st. EAT GERMAN GIRL FOR CHAMBER- — I work and waiting; must understand sewing. 1526 sinter St., bet. 9 and 12 o'clock. PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRESSCUT- X ting and making school; all branchrs. 702 sutler. W ANTED— GERMAN GIRL FOR GEN- TT eral housework: good wages. 933 Haight. WANTED— A NEGATIVE RETOUCHER, AT ' » 309 Montgomery aye. FINISHERS ON READY-MADE CLOTHES. . 808 Sansome St., downstairs. GERMAN GIRL FOR COOKING, NO WASH- VX ing, $25, call this morning; girl for light up- stairs work, $12, in family of 2. 705 Polk st. COUNTS'* DRESSMAKERS SEND 86c FOR \J the new full-skirt pattern: girls wanted. M.- DOWELL DRESSMAKING ACADEMY, 213 Powell st. IP IRST-CLASS TAILORESS. 604 SUTTER ' street. IRLS WANTED — PATTERNS CUT TO order, 25c. at McDowell Academy, 213 Powell. 11REE— TEST AT LAWRENCE DRESSCUT- X tine School. 1231 Market st. MALE HELP WANTED. O FARMERS, SAME RANCH, $20; MAN »J about place, private family, $25; 2 ironers for laundry; starcher for laundry. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. \\r ANTED— FARMER HANDY "WITH TOOLS, TT $20 and found; 2 house-carpenters for Central America, $6 day Peruvian silver; part fare ad- vanced: butterniaker. $30; sawfiler for factory; 3 coopers, slack work, $30 and piecework; far- mers; 10 laborers for mill and woods, $20: fare advanced: 10 woodsmen, $25, and others. Apply to.). F. CBOSETT it CO., 028 Sacramento. W A BLACKSMITH HELPER, $1 50 A '» day; sign painter and decorator: baker to rent country shop; blacksmith to buy half interest: 6 woodsmen, *26 and board ; canvasser, city, $"f> and commission; 3 coopers, 7c a piece; basalt-block makers, $19 per M. R. T. WARD _ CO., 608 and 610 Clay st. \\r ANTED— GERMAN YOUNG MAN TO » ' tend bar and wait at table In summer resort, $20 and found. L. ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. anted— FARMERS FOR ;vineyard TT work, $20 a month and found. steady work; German cabinetmaker, painter, must be" a good striper and loiterer. $3' a day ; 3 coopers, slack work, and others, at W. D. EWER A CO., 626 Clay. ANTED— A NEAT YOUNG GERMAN TO « » do the cooking a! a private place for 7 persons: $25 month and a good home, at W. D. EWER & CO.'S, 626 day st. C~F ARM ERS, NEAR CITY, $20; BUTTER- <J.maker, $. 0: 2 milkers; farmer for Napa Coun- ty, $150 per year; choreman on a ranch. Mil;. KAY A, REAI>V, 634 Clay St. p A BIN ET-MA KE R, CITY. STEADY JOB: VJ Japanese cook, $20: 2 hotel cooks, s3s and $40. MURRAY it READY, 634 Clay st. PLASTERER AND SLATER. COUNTRY HO- X tel: ennvasser for milk route. MURRAY — READY, 634 Clay st. PAINTER FOR SIGN AND FINISHING X work: city. MUBRAYA READY, 634 Clay. \\- 3 DISHWASHERS, *1 60 A DAY; " few days' work; second cook. $9 a week; French cook, meat and pastry, for small hotel; cook in a small, neat coffee-house, $7 a week; col- ored man as bootblack. $6 to $8 a week; waiter, small place, $20 and room: waiter, $7 a week, res- taurant; German baker who can make some can- dies: German baker as foreman in a small shop, country, $40 to $50, room and board; hotel porter, $25 and room. MARTIN V C".. 749 Market at. Telephone main 1849. Largest and best conducted employment agency on the Pacific Coast. WANTED— AI PORTER, $30. HOTEL GA- >> ZETTE, 421) Kearny st. W"A NTED— MAN AND WIFE WITHOUT »i children for hotel; man as bartender and wife to clean rooms; must have experience; English preferred. Apply by letter only and state salary expected, 1:., box 90, this office. W ANTED — EXPERIENCED CANVASSER »» on good-selling book; references required. Room 19, Merchants' Exchange building, 8 to 10 A. M. T\T ANTED— CARRIAGE WOOD-WORKER. >T 829 Howard. . ) MUSICIANS WANTED, harp AND FLUTE —1 players. 2438 Bush st. ■ OOD BARBER. 32 THIRD STREET. T>ARBER WANTED. 19 MISSION STREET. T) ARBER WANTED. 1144 FOLSOM. ~ T> ARBER WANTED. 128y 2 O'FARRELL ST. OOOTBLACK WANTED IN BARBERSHOP. X) b7l Market si. V*>UN(; GERMAN BARBER OF 1 YEAR'S X experience; steady. 539 Castro street. HOE SALESMAN: EXPERIENCED; NOT i> J over 35 years old ; one not afraid of work. Ap- ply RUSSELL, 704 Market st. QTROXO, HONEST BOY (GERMAN) CARRY 0 out papers, books: $3 a week. 1157 Folsom st. BLACKSMITH AND HELPER FOR COUN- try. Apply 318 Market st. BUY TO WASH DISHES AND HELP IN kitchen; $10 and room. 511 Valencia st. ANTED- -75 MEN. $1 50 PER DAY. 47 ' tt Third St.; call 7 o'clock, room 30, employ- ment office. rp AILOB WANTED— STEADY WORK. 350Va I 1 Third si. . I TAILOR WANTED. 622 CLAY ST.. ROOM 2. X first floor. WANTED- PTBST- CLASS CARRIAGE- t» smith and helper. 600 Bryant st. BOY WANTED IN COAL YARD; ONE WHO understands horses. 1036 Golden Gate. SHOEMAKER WANTED AT 202 SECOND O street. BRIGHT, HONEST BOY FOR FRUITSTAND, J^ with good reference, 7 o'clock. 625 a Natoma. QOBER, ACTIVE YOUNG MAN TO COLLECT; 0 good wages; 100 cash security required. Ad- dress Remedies, Cat] Branch Office. 116 Ninth st. T fVE MEN] CITY OR COUNTRY, TO XJ handle summer specialty; pays $3 50 per day. Call or address C. P. Co., 328 Seventh st. YirA.vFEI) - STEADY MAN IN, LIGHT, M pleasant business; former experience not nec- essary; will clear 10 each from $60 to $80 per month ; cash required, -*150. strand, 45 Third st. BAP.TIKRS-A FINE PAYING BUSINESS; $76; for sale. 1881 Mission st. _ MEN'S lI ALF-SOLINO, DONE WniLE 1H you wait. 63H Market, opposite Palace HoteL Ipi KNii fur-; and 3 CHAIRS OF BARBER X; shop complete for sale. 632 Broadway, v rpALLOBS, ATTENTION— FOB SALE CHEAP; X merchant tailor business; account of ill health; long established; good location; cheap rent. In- quire 120 Taylor st. ' V»-- ANTED— ACTIVE SOLICITOR FOR FIRE •' Insurance company. Address {Assurance, box 14, Call Office. . BARBER-SHOP IN SAN JOSE FOR SALE -L> cheap; 2 chairs; cheap rent. Inquire at Call Office, 710 Market st. TNTELLIGENT BOY 'TO LEARN TAILOR- X ing. : Call at once, 441 Bush st. ' SEAMEN FOR EUROPE AND HONOLULU; all principal ports. • 103 Montgomery aye. , \lriTll $1 YOU CAN START IN BUSINESS ■ » ' and earn from $2 per flay and upward. 516 Fourth st., room 15, from 3to 6 p.m. . . . qiAILORS AND CUITERS TO ATTEND THE - X San Francisco Cutting School. 523 Market St., room 16. " : - . ME SHOES y 3 -SOLED, 40c: HEELS, 25c: done. in 15 minutes. - 635 Kearny st.. basement.' BABBEBS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Ass.. 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. SHAVING, WITH BAY RUM, 10c: II AIR CUT- ting 15c; a towel for every customer: 8 chairs; no waiting. JOE'S, 32 Third street. . ■ . ..:-■•.; ■■• . -"* HELP WANTED— Continued. 17R^E~B_ERTB^T~IN^rrTrTs^U^0N^^ X' for 6 cents at 228 Pacific st. SHOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES; 0 done while you wait; at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price; work guaran- teed. 664 Mission st.. bet. First and Second - "I7IIRST-CLASS LADY TAILORS. 504 SUTTER X . street. .• . . . T> EMOVED FROM 706 TO 726y , OPP. HOW- XX, ard-st. Theater; misfit shoes bought or ex- changed ; best place in the city for new and second- hand shoes. C( 1 MEN FOR ALONG JENNY LIND CAKE in ' and cup good coffee for 6 cents. 44 Fourth st. WANTED-MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP T f steam beer, sc: bottle wine, Be. 609 Clay st. f;Af) PAIR OF GOOD SHOES, 25c TO $1. 564 xJ\J\f Mission st.; also 631 ' 2 Sacramento st. LMIKK COFFEE AND ROLLS. 704SANSOME; single rooms, 16c, 20c, $1 week with breakfast. T IN DELL HOUSE, 6TH AND HOWARD— XJ single furnished rooms, 75c week, 15c night. 1 00 MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 150 X\J\J and 20c a night, including coffee and rolls. 624 Washington st., near Kearny. • _»•!! ELLIS .ROSE DALE- PRICES REDUCED; -'-'X single furnished rooms, ?1 week; 20c night. TRY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- X low Sixth, fora room; 25c night ; $1 week. BEST IN CITY— SINGLE ROOMS, 15, 20 AND „ 25 cents per night: $1, $1 25, $1 50 per week. Paclli^House, Commercial and LeidesdoriY sts. ■\\r ANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS " to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House propri- etor, has opened Soto House, 32 Fourth St.: 100 rooms; _!. to $1 per night; $1 25 to $4 per week. WANTED-SINGLE ROOMS, 186 A DAY; $1 »» week; rooms for two, 25c a day, 81 50 a week; reading room- dally papers. 3H Clay st. AGENTS WANTED. ©900 IN °OLD GIVEN TO BACH AGENT tp^VrVJ who sells In three months 200 copies of "Talks to Children about Jesus." Greatest selling book published. Outfit 35 cts. Freight paid and credit given. R. H. WOODWARD & CO., Balti- more. Mil. A 4 ' N I K D— 6 FIRST-CLASS CANVASSERS " to introduce best atlas up to date. Call 9to 12 A. m., ANDREWS, 7 City Hall aye. A GENTS TO SELL DAISY LANTERN; SAM- ple by mail 25 cents; sells at first sight: active agents make $5 a day. KENNEDY'S NOVELTY AGENCY .Oakland. Cal. FURNITURE- WANTED. JC. MUTHER, THE AUCTIONEER, BUY'S •. furniture at highest cash prices. 5 Fourth st. SHOW CASES, BAR, RESTAURANT, CANDY outfltß.fixtnres.etc, bought and sold. 125 Fifth si. ■CnjBNrTURK, COUNTERS, SHOWCASES," X' restaurants bought.sold. ANDERSON. ROOMS WANTED. "\\r ANTED —AN UNFURNISH ED ROOM ; >¥ north of Market. Z., box 75, Call Office. ■fXTANTKD— FROM O\VNER ROOM FOB »» storage of Slight articles. Address Gentleman, box 121, Call Office. I/ 1 It XI SHED ROOM IN EXCHANGE FOR .r piano. INK, 40 o'Kiirrel! St. MONEY WANTED. "IV* ANTKD— ON FI K>T-CL^?S^[^oT__vfoß^ »' alB by a sun Francisco business house, from $15,000 to $20,000 at 8 per cent; terms, two years. a I. dress P. 43. Cull Office. \UANTED-ijil6oo ON EXCELLENT REAL . »* estate security near San -"ranclsco; the im- | provements insured for the amount of loan, pay- able to mortgagee; 11 per cent will be paid for one I year: no expense for examination of property. Ap- ply to JOHN L. MICH IKK. 513 Market st. WANTED-31ISCE__ANEOUS. i TXT ANTED— DUMP CA RT SECOND-HAND M and good. 1., box 63. Call Office. f;-i BICYCLE OB TYPEWRITER IN EXCHANGE for nicely furnished room. 787% Howard st. WANTED — SECOND-HAND CASH REGIS ler: state price. 689 Broad \\' ANTED TO BUY— AN ENGLISH FOX TER- '» rier dog. Address JAMES CO RTl.Midford, Or. KLEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PRICES for clothing, hooks find jewelry. LOST. lOST— 'fawn and WHITE GREYHOUND -J bitch, 6 months old. Finder return to 1102 Scott st. and receive ward. LOST— BO! OVERCOAT ON SAN BRUNO road. Leave Roddey's Hotel: receive reward. T~OST— SUNDAY NIGHT BEFORE 12 O'CLOCK J- in the Howard-sit, can from Tenth to Twenty- first, up Twenty-first to Harrison, a gentleman's cape. Please return to 2417 Harrison st. and re- ceive reward. lOST -ON CALIFORNIA. NEAR VAN NESS". X- a gold locket: initials J. G. B.; liberal reward. Return to 825 Pine St., basement. OST— LADY'S GOLD WATCH, CHARM AND ■i chain attached; aam • enzrnved on watch; lost on Sunday, on Pan l.caniro electric car to Oakland mole, sto 7 o'clock. Liberal reward if returned to 459 -Minn* street. 1081 BLUE ROAN COW, ON CITY FRONT, Xi Wednesday morning. Return 233 Eighteenth St.; reward. '■"->; LOST — SUNDAY, IN HAY WARDS PARK XJ lady's gold watch. Return to office 123 Kearny St.; liberal reward. .-;.■ .-• ■ LOST ACCORDION, NEW MONTGOMERY', J i. ear Howard; reward. 3 Hunt st. Li- i BRINDLE GREYHOUND. RETURN J— to 311 Fourth st.: reward. FOUND. T^ol?Nr^JE^ElatV"o^rpmy^LL st., near -T Ellis, With Inst., at 9 p. m.: will return by pay- Ing expenses and proving property. Call this office, 7 i . m. MEDICAL. \~LIT~CASEi~O V IB R FA i ULARITIES BE- -^\- stored in one day; safe and sure relief guaran- • teed; tumors and ovarian diseases cured by 1 mf.i>ica_ elkctricity; home in confinement: reg- ular physician of long and successful practice; travelers helped without delay: ladies suffering from any complaint Call and consult free; French pills, guaranteed. MRS. DR. WYETII, Sanitarium, 916 Post St.. bet. Hyde and Larkin. RS. DR. WEUENER, PRIVATE HOME FOR all female diseases: separate rooms for ladies before and during confinement: have enlarged and arranged my home to suit rich anil poor; irregulari- ties cured in a day; guaranteed; no instruments; regular physician of long and successful practice; travelers attended; no delay; all business strictly confidential; babies adopted. 419 Eddy st. "\ SURE SAFE CURE FOB ALL FEMALE J\. disease; a home in confinement with best care; with the privacy of a home and conveniences of a hospital : consultation free and confidential; a positive cure for liquor, morphine and tobacco habit; every case guaranteed without injury to health. MRS. DR. GWYER, 31ly a Hyde st. NEW PROCESS— NO MEUICINE, INSTRU- ments or worthless pills used: every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what cause: restores always in one day; if you want to be treated safe and sure call on men's physician; knowledge can be sent and used at home; all case* guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. POSITIVE, GUARANTEED CUBS FOR IK- X regularities: used for years In private practice with Invariable success even in most • aggravated cases: easy to take; perfectly natural In action; no pain, exposure or danger; cur?s in two days: sent securely sealed on receipt of $3 or C. O. I). : strictly confidential. Address DR. J. MILTON BEROETOLE, P. O. box 2828, S. F. T>RIVATK HOME IN CONFINEMENT; ge r- Xman midwife. MBS. POWELL, 1810 Mission. I ADIES— I3.3 GEARY; DBS. JAN X X V IN X_ stltute open for reception of women before and during confinement; skill only; advice free; ail subjects of private or delicate nature confidential. T ADIES CONSULT F"REE MRS. DR. SCOTTT XJ lioi/o Turk st., for Irregularities, no matter what cause; home in confinement: also disease of the eye treated. DAUDKT'S APHRO-TABLETS— THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, impotency and nil disorders of the sexual organs ;r $1 a box", 6 boxes $6; send for circular. J. H. WIDBER, cor. Market and Third, sole agegt. DR. H.M.1,, Umcallister, ssecon D 1 1,00 11, next Hiberniii Bank; diseases of women. ME. BORLE, SPIRITUAL MAGNETIC I'— healer; hours 9to 12, Ito 5. 9 Mason st. . Vi 1 •: PBIVATB BOMB IN CONFINEMENT -Li at the most reasonable price in the city. MRS. M. PFEIFFER, midwife, 2014 Folsom st. < i;k.M.\l.i: PILLS FROM FAMOUS PERSIAN -T prescription: quick; positively harmless: price, _?-____ COXK ( 1)., specialists, 1423 Murk"! St. ALL LADIES CONSULT FREE . MRS. : DR. IV DAVIES, 14 McAllister St., near . Market; lends all competitors; only qualified, trusty spe- cialist for safe, quick relief of irregularities, no matter what cause: treatment scientific, harmless and painless; never fails; home ii: confinement. I IRREGULAR OK ANY DISEASE i. see Mrs. Dr. Putty, and be content. 2S4y 4th. DBS. GOODWIN, SPK.CIAi.TY DISEASES OF women; ladies near or far assured quick relief of disease; irregularities restored dally; safe cure |uarantstfj no instruments; home for patients; Lest medical attendance; low fees: free; Drs. Scud- der's pills and capsules warranted. 1370 Market st. LPEAU'S FRENCHPILLS. - ~~~ A boon : to ladles | troubled with irregularities; no danger; safe and sure; $2 50, express C. O. D.; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oak- land, Cal., agents for Alpean et Cie. : ' . DR. AND MRS." DR. SCHMIDT, FORMERLY of 121 1 Mission, now 1608 Market st. : month- y irregularities cured in a few hours; guaranteed; no Instruments used : sure preventive. -- AT TOBNEYS-AT-LAW. W~^7lirCH"AX'M~AN7'^T'6l»^^ Mills building, sixth floor, room 5, San Fran- clsco, Cal. Telephone 1544. j ?„> ADVICE FREE, DIVORCE LAWS A SPECIA L- xx ty ; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. HOWE, Att'y-at-law, 850 Market - St., cor. Stockton. 'Yam es K. ROSS, at"torney-at-law, tl Mills building, seventh floor, room 15. WW. DA V l l si ) , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.42O .^California st., mis. 14-15; advice free. • r ; JOHN R. AITKEN, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, rs. 16 and 17, 402 Moutgomery St., cor. California. PERSONALS. 7a^TuRETNO~pTYT^\ T E GU ARANTEE IM- -Li mediate relief and permanent cure for catarrh, rheumatism,' tumor, cancer, skin disease or any other disease known to human flesh. Successfully treated by mall. For full information address, with 4 cents stamps, or call at the office, King Lini- ment Medical Company. 7 Montgomery aye., San Francisco, DRS. KING and JONKB. ' O WHERE YOU GET GOOD CLOTHING AT half the merchant tailor's prices. Misfit Cloth- ing Parlors, 14 Geary st.; fine suits $15; dress pants $4 76.. ' : ■ X FORMATION WANTED AS TO THE X whereabouts of the heirs of JOHJj p. MUR- PHY, who died near Oakland, Alanieda County, California, November 16. 1890. and a i so of the heirs of MARY E. MURPHY, his wife, who died at the same place on the 19th day of November, 1889. Any heirs of either of said parties, and In particular 'the children of MARGARET ASPEN- LON, nee MURPHY, at one time supposed to have resided in Brooklyn, New York, will learn some- thing to their advantage by addressing either of the undersigned at Oakland, Alameda County, Califor- nia. ROBERT M. FITZGERALD, Executor. GEORGE W. REED, Attorney. Oakland, Cat., April 4, 1895. • A NSEL WHITE, INFORMATION WANTED; x_ if alive may hear of something greatly to his advantage, or his heirs may if he is dead. Address E. H. O'HARA, 469 S. Seventh St., San Jose, Cal. ENUINE VAPOR ELECTRIC BATHS; la- VJT dies and gentlemen: $1. lIOV2 Stockton, rm. 2. T>HEUMATISM CURED; NEW AN if WON- It derful discovery. E. L. JOEL, 121 Stockton. ECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, 0 showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock of them, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be- tore going elsewhere. J. NO6NAN, 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission St., above Sixth. TRANCING IN ALL THE LATEST BRANCHES JL/ taught at IRVINE'S, 927 Mission st. rpo WHOM IT MAY' CONCERN— THE SALOON X and lodging-honse formerly conducted by MRS. CAPTAIN J. POWELL, at' 118 Washington st., has been sold to and will in future be carried on by LUIS PARRINELLO. late of Lima, Peru. All out- standing accounts should be presented within fight days. LUIS PARRINELLO. April 18, 1895. - GET RELIABLE DETECTIVE, BEST OP T reference; save time, money and anxiety. Ad- dress H. H., box 82, Call Office. BOOK ON RHEUMATISM, GOUT AND LUM- bago sent free to those sending their addresses to E. M. CHESSMAN Manufacturing Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. TTIGHEST PRICE PAID LADIES' OR GENTS' JX cast-off clothing.' Send postal, J. F., IB Russ st. ADVICE FREE ; DIVORCE LAWS A SPECIAL- ty ; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. HOWE, Att'y-at-law, 850 Market., cor. Stockton. ONE MORE CUT— Oak Roll Top Desks.. $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers From $10 up Oak Bed Sets $17 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up Stoves and Ranges $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St., above Sixth. CIAN HAVE DRESSES CUT AND FITTED v^' for $3: dresses popular prices or engagements by the day patterns to measure. 11 Geary. TTEADQUARTERS LONG DISTANCE TELE- XX phones, cheap; send for prices. Klein Electric Works, 720 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. ALL AT CAFE FOR FIRST-CLASS \J refreshments: furnished rooms by the day or week. 2067 Center St., Berkeley station, Berkeley. D~R. C. H. SPENCER ' HAS DISCOVERED how to grow new hair and save what you have: a large class -under treatment. Send address for book explaining treatment. 1206 Market, Also lady partner wanted with $350 to open up a ladies' department. HAUPTLI, LADIES' HAIR DRESSER, HAS • removed to 1156 Market St., next to the Maze. CTET PLACE FOR LADIES TO TRADE IN v£ stocks and grain; large money made on small investment. WHEELOCK & CO., 318 Pine St., It 3. pANCER ANDTUMOP.S CURED; ELKCTRIC \J and magnetic treatments to women and chil- dren for chronic and nervous diseases; reduced price to the poor. MRS. LEE, 327 Ellis st. T ALTZ GUARANTEED; PRIVATE OR IN » » class. PROF. FOSTER'S dancing-school, 997 Market st. r V Hi: NEW LOUVRE DINING-PARLORSJAT X 8-14 O'Farrell st. are the talk of the town. LOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT mfrs'cost. Factory, 20 Sansome s:.. upstairs. CHARLEY— CUBE YOUR DANDRUFF, IT \J looks bad and leads to a diseased scalp; one bottle of Smith's -.andruff Pomade is guaranteed to cure or money refunded; price $1, at ail drug- stores. SMITH BROS., manufacturers. Fresno, Cal. INETOSCOPES FOR SALE; PHONOGRAPH outfits bought for cash. Bacigalupi, 946 Mkt. \' [SITING-CARDS ENGRAVED AT ROBERT- > SON'S, 126 Post st. EDDING INVITATIONS ENGRAVED AND >> printed. ROBERTSONS, 126 Post st. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND > SOLD, store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc.: cheap. Yard 1 166 Mission St.. nr. Eighth. . G.\s FIXTURES AND PLUMBING. tj_s" Golden Gate aye. H. HUFSOHMID T. . »' LD GOLD, SILVER. GENTS' AND LADIES' clothing bought. COLMAN, 41 Third st. TiriNDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO >> order by WILLIAM Mcl'H UN. 1195 -Market. PIANOS. VIOLINS AND SHEET MUSIC. BARGAINS IN NK\v LND2D-HAND PIANOS; X) Hazelton, Brown <& Simpson. Mozart, etc. ; hard- liinc-s prices; installment.?. EATON, 735 Market st. EMERSON UPRIGHT PIANO; REASON- j able. 1421 1 Hayes St., between 10 and 1. \TE\V. LARGE, FINE UPRIGHT; BEAUTI- --L\ nil walnut case; splendid tone; perfect condi- tion; only used 3 months; owner orders it sacri- ficed for $175. Room 10, Flood bldg. r.oD UPRIGHT PIANO FOR PRACTICE; this week, $75. Room 21, Flood bldg. H' OME INDUSTRY— HEMME& LONG PIANO CO., 340 Post; pianos sold on Installments; send for Illustrated catalogue. A N UPRIGHT PIANO IN GOOD CONDITION -TV. for sale cheap. 228 ' Page st. ARP BY SEBASTIAN KUARD; DOUBLE action and elegantly Unshed; is found with difficulty anywhere; a nice selection is at present exhibited by SHERMAN, CLAY A CO. T> ARGAINS— PIANOS FROM $75 U ORGANS X> $25. A. L. BANCROFT & CO., 324 Post st. BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A good piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLER & CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. ECkER BROS.. STEIN WAY, FISCHER AND other first-class makes of pianos: little used; cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLER & CHASE, 29 and 30 O'Farrell st. REAT BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND _•_- JT anos at SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. cor. Kear- ny and Suiter sts. pi ANOS SOLD UPON NEW RENT CONTRACT X plan: please call and have it explained; the easiest terms ever quoted for procuring fine piano. SHEkMAN, CLAY' & CO., cor. Kearuy and Suttor. EASY TERMS; LOW PRICES. KoHLER & CHASE. \\f G. BADGER, -WITH BENJ. curtaz, 20 M .O'Farrell, agent for Hallet and Day) pianos. TT'EW ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARD X I makes, almost new, half original cost; see at once. F. W. SPENCER & CO.. 721 Market st, VI AUVAIB, 769 MARKET— sfIEET. M.USIO i ., J.ll price: Decker it son pianos. YRON MAUZY, 808 POST ST.— SOHMER, Newby & Evans, Briggs and other pianos. IN WAY UPRIGHT; SLIGHTLY USED: O grand tone ; half-cost. SPENCER, 721 Mar:.,-!. SDPERIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD «t NEW. 0 11. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. HORSES. ~ lY^A^TTlT^^Fo^^lTAlfGTrX^YK^r^^^ »» mare with young Nutwood colt for a good roadster; pacer preferred. Apply 1091 Howard. I IST ARRIVED— 3 CARLOADS OF HORSES 0 weighing from 1000 to 1700 pounds: suitable for truck, wagon and road horses. G. LI.NDVUFR Union Stables, 862 Howard st. ' T?OB SALE, CHEAP- WELL-MATCHED PAIR '-L of roadsters, surrey, harness, etc.: also 1 gray horse, buggy, harness, etc.; will sell all or part. Apply 504 Sutter m. ' HORSES PASTURED; *2 A MONTH; SEND for circular. F. a. HYDE, 880 Commercial st. lAASETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS- ALL J \j\j kinds; second-hand wagons, buggy carts; ulso 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia «ft WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. OXK COMI'I-KTM CARRIAGE. ONK OPEN /buggy, one set double harness, two robes one whip: all nearly new; in perfect order: at a bargain on account of departure. , City Stables, 332 Bush. L'oi: SALE, CHEAP: 2 HORSES ANdTv X and harness if desired. L. F. Co., 813 Market. 1 INK BAKERY AND LAUNDRY WAGONS," — rockawav. buggieg; also hack. 828 Harrisoi.. MONEY TO~£oan7~ T O WEST RAT^ES^rCPT^rcTnjNraTTN^ XJ collateral securities. TRAVERSE 313 Mont- gomery st. • ■■' ' A SUM (CITY)— DIAMONDS ESTATES^ ■A furniture, realty. SPECK'S, TO Montgomery. A I ONE Y LOANED ON JEWELRY 111 monds. Mills' building, fifth 00 V^oon_6^_ A DVANCES MADE ON HOUSEHOLD FUR- -Vniture. without removal, warehouse receipts and 01 h^r securities; lowest Interest. Room 68, Donohoe building, cor. Market and Taylor. &300 ' 000 £ T , ? PKU OENTONCITY AND ,'rtr a 'Jr-iViVf 5 ?•". ai^ tiT^&«* business prop- <r.y. a. s« m LLEB, 508 Montgomery «. ON ANY SECURITY". AT LOW H\|!>; sSa£ iug_confldential._43 Crocker buiidmc. IST AND t 2D MORTGAGEST~KSTAT ES, Xptanos,allmony;anysum. M U lu*H V.628 Market "M V 33£!* " -LOAN OFFICE CROOKEB IVI building, room 57; telephone Main 6122. , ANY SUM OF MONEY _SvANOED ON cm you I njrnit »re. Pianos or real estate; low rates: call and ■ state your proposition or write: open ___!l«__Ho_^, fflKS?£_*_ MONEY LOAN ED Q«t J_SW___ltXND OTHE R valuables at the Security _iaiT Bank, 1108 ; Market st.. nr. Mason; private emSSca 1 Turk. BUSINESS CHANCES. Cr^AA' RESTAURANT; BEST par/Fwestl •jpDv'U. em Addition; seats 60: receipts $20. low rent: genuine offer. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. ©OKA BAKERY WESTERN ADDITION; 6 iSOO\J. living-rooms: established 25 years; bak- ing 2 barrels flour per day; all best class store trade: if you want a bakery, buy nothing until you see this. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. ■ 4U -1 9£A CORNER SALOON IN VICINITY' <jp i.ZiO\J. of Flood building: old-established and first class; good will alone worth $2000; see. ifand j be convinced; sickness cause sale. M. LESS, 6 Fourth st. - ©1 £A PAYING BRANCH BAKERY, NO- »4pI«JU. tions, etc.; central: north of and within few blocks of Market st; 4 rooms. LESS, 5 Fourth. CM AA CHICKEN RANCH NEAR SANTA JzUv. Rosa: incuba'ors, chicken-houses, horse and wagon, 400 chickens; lease on 6-roorn cottage. 18 acres land; ground rent $10. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. ■ • • ■ T""5 SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND quick for cash see STRAND <fc CO., 45 Third st. ffi?9KA CORNER BRANCH BAKERY. AND' O\J. candy-store; 3 furnished rooms: cheap rent; best paying place in the city for the money asked; must sell this week on account of depart- ure: offer wanted: don't miss It. See GUS STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. _Ql 1 A SALOON: 18 ROOMS, FINE FIXT- tIDO'IU. ures, cash register, big stock: rent SSO: long lease; clears over $100 per month; sickness cans,) of sale. See STRAND & Co., 45 Third st. A 7 Z. URANT ; BEST LOCATION : W^ki O. on Fourth st.; receipts $10 to $15 per day; bargain. STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. <&OA BRANCH BAKERY. COFFEE PAR- tJPOI/. lor: 3 rooms. STRAND, 45 Third st. AA A CORNER LIQUOR STORE: PAY _PIUU. well; great bargain. STRAND, 4S Third. <te9^A PARTNER IN SALOON; CLEAR <E>ZiO\J. flop per month. STRAND, 45 Third. rj XA PARTNER WANTED IN GOOD- ! «*". paying coffee saloon. STRAND.4S Third. Itt Z.Z.I \ GROCERY AND BAR, 6 FURNISHED tu)U»JU. rooms, piano, .etc: without furniture and piano, $250. STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. ©9XA (iHOC AND BAR, WITH 2 FUR- 'iP— 'O\J. nished rooms; cheap rent; fixtures; value in sight and a trade clearing about $100 per month. STRAND _ CO., 45 Third st. *ij^ 1 f\(\ BRANCH BAKERY AND CaNDY- SS XfJ * store: full value: must sell this week. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. . S<.Qnn SALOON : GOOD STOCK, FIXTURES, <ipUUUpool table, etc.; 4 rooms furnished: will exchange for property. STRAND, 45 Third st. ■ <$; I 000 BAKERY; USES 2y 2 BARRELS OF «J| 1 "'717. flour per day; 2 horses and wagon: good paying place. STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. WE CAN SELL YOU OUT AT short no " " Cc: try us. PROLL, STENBERG & CO., /19 Market st. OINGLE WOMAN, WISHING TO MAKE 10 money, can become Interested in fine paying business; larg« profits. I'KOLL eft STENBERG, 719 Market st. S*> "l ( ) SAL OON; CITY FRONT: OLD-ES- Ati tabllshed place; receipts $10 to $15 r. v, ; . riU9t BeU on acconnt departure; don't miss It. PROLL _ STENBERG, 719 Market st. &f)00 SALOON; POPULAR CORNER; IS •^yt/uy. magnificently fitted up: business speaks for Itself: full investigation allowed; otherbusiness forces immediate sale. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. Kifiiftfl < " I : N ER SALOON; WESTERN AD- =i£y,,-yx ltion : this is a golden opportunity: splendid business. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 .MHFrCOt St. v< 7()( ) CANDY-STORE. FACTO POPU- So« . * " lar ' )lace - PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. TUNING-ROOM AT YOUR OWN PRICE; RE- X r,r\' l l'''t Sl ° dally: sacrifice account sickness. PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market st. <JJ»]7"j BRANCH BAKERY ; WESTERN AD- JO 1 • U. dition; steady business; receipts $7 and $8 daily. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. UI?"| 900 WELL-ESTABLISHED SALOON ; 1 -*--'"- best corner north of Market st.: big day and night trade: daily receipts $20; thorough investigation; must sell; departure. PROLL & STENBERO. 719 Market st. S? ~\()( ) SALOON; PAYING WELL; SACRI- <!''-''-'"'• •'<■*' account of other business: splendid location. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st (|QAfj SALOON : LOCATION BUSINESS V I \J\fm center: must sell account departure. PROLL & STENBBBO, 719 Market st. $.10 A CIGAR STORE NEAR MARKET; <3P -±I.>\J. fixtures, stock worth $800: clears $150 month; easily run, immense trade -.sacrifice account sickness. I ROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. Mi n k l: y-store: BEST location in the city: $1200 worth of stock; offer wanted. DECKER, 1206 Market st. ,■ QQAA CORNER SALOON; WESTERN A D- «3I) O\J\J. dition; on 2 car lines; good business. Inquire WILKE, 533 California St., Phoenix Bar. <£»9AA SALOON; TRANSFER CORNER: t±p~m\J\J. next power-house: death of proprietor causes this great bargain. 533 California St., Phoe- nix Bar. <59AA wood; coal, grain YARD; GOOD i£)A\J\J. business: rent $25. J. HEI DV. 19 6th. T?OR SALE-MILK RANCH, CONSISTING OF I X 41 cows, Biiorsr-s, 4 wagons: selling 100 gallons milk daily, mostly private customers. Enquire ' JOHN KEIDY, 19 Sixth st. (£• ■mi RESTAURANT DOING A FINE <•£;• >\J\J , business on Market st.. best bargain in the City. Apply to JOHN REIDY. 19 Sixth si. <£j,IAA WELL-PAYING BUTCHER SHOP, «IP"i"*-J. with horse and wagon. LUNDIN & WEHNER, 539 California st. RESPECTABLE LADY WISHES GENTLE- XV man as partner in small paying restaurant; small capital required. Call at 208 First st. SALOON — NO REASONABLE OFFER BE- . fused. Inquire 1 14 Seventh st. '4. 1 ■ 1 1 1 \ PA YING CORNER GROCERY AND <J)UUv/. bar: heavily stocked: living-rooms: low rent: bargain. BARRETT <fe CO., 865% Market. WANTED — GOOD LAUNDRY ROUTE; " state price and particulars. P. A., box 16, Call Office. - pOR NER BRANCH BAKERY AND CANDY- \J store, furnished; selling on account of depar- ture. 1035 Folsoin St., opp. the park. "STr- AAA FOR V* INTEREST IN MANUFAC- <Jp«Vv\/U turing and mercantile business, estab- lished 7 years in San Francisco; will bear close in- vestigation; references given and required: good opening for young man; principals only. Address Business, box 40, Call Office. _________ mi XAA TO «8000— PARTNER WANTED IN tip LUUV/ old-established fruit and produce com- mission business: reference must be exchanged. C. M., box 56, Call. ■ ; Inoß sax i:-an OLD-ESTABLISHED shoe ' business in a thriving Interior town. Inquire san Jose Weekly Gazette. PARTNER IN SALOON. BOWLING-ALLEY X and family resort, or will lease or sell. 312 Chestnut St., bet. Stockton and Powell. \\' ANTED— TO BUY RETAIL SHOESTOBB if for cash. Address Shoe Buyer (strictly confi- dential), box 47, Call Oflice. ■ BUTCHER-SHOP FOR SALE CHEAP ON AC- X> count of sickness. Eighteenth and Capp sts. (_GAA bargain: Grocery and bar: 7 «]pOUU. rms: rentsl7; lease. SE. 27 & Harrison. _"1 A A PARTNER WANTED; BUTCHER- eJpIUU. shop; best location for trade; shop ele- gantly fitted up: no previous experience required; grand opening for good man. Inquire 240 Sutter. —WO SALOONS FOR SALE CHEAP. APPLY 1 766 Mission st. . MIST BE SOLD AT ONCE; BEST PAYING livery sable in town; SO boarders; 25 livery horses: hacks, buggies, etc.; centrally located: ' low rent: this is a tine opportunity to get a good j business at a bargain; principals only. Address 1 P. 8.. box 127, this office. ; IBSTAUBANT— JUST . THE PLACE FOR l\i man and wife; small rent. Apply this office. PARTNER WANTED IN A FIRST-CLASS X business, established for 37 years. For informa- tion addrfss A. F., box 53, this office. T/<OR SALE-CORNER LIQUOR-STORE WITH J. good bar trade. Apply 368 Third st. T?IRST-CLASS BAKERY FOR SALE; OWNER J retiring. Apply Call Branch. pitOCEUY. BAR, S LIVING-ROOMS AND Ijr stable: cneap. Apply this oflice. <■.-.■ .„ ; ©Of IX HAY, GRAIN, WOOD, COAL YARD tj),wagons. BUCHANAN',76S Market TIT ANTED— MEN WITH SMALL CAPITALTO 1> manage branches good-paytng business in out- Bide cities. Cal. Fruit Sherbet C 0.,1-3 Cnlifornia st. OLD - ESTABLISHED BRANCH BAKERY 15'25i/2 Dupontst. ' . ORNEU GROCERY, BAR, STOCK AND V.' fixtures; good business: living rooms; lease Railroad Brewery, 427 Valencia. - . PAINTSHOP FOR SALE; 35 YEARS OLD- X stock, fixtures and trade. 926 . Washington st: no agents. , ° " < I C(|o porsaleTcorner STORE CAR- rying dry goods, notions, crockery, etc.; good location; long lease; 4 living rooms- cheap rent; snap for a right person. Inquire 638 Washington st. -.. , . THIRST-CLASS 4-CHAIR BARBER SHOP- X I old established: $250. 321 Montgomery m ! -riOR BALE-GOOD ESTABLISHED RETAIL X 1 meat market; prices reasonable; owner wish- Ing to go East. A. H.. box 89, Call Oflice" Ss^OO BUT CHER-SHOP; -FINEST FIX- rpOVV. tures; $400 C erator; cash business: best of location; must be sold on account of other business. 777 Market st. " BLACKSMITH AND SHOEING ; BEST STAND lnclty; price $150. Call 261 Clara st. pORNER GKOCERY ; BAR; 4 LIVING-ROOMS; \J will sell at value in stock on account of other business. Apply 940 Bryant st. <£ 4-9^ R " K s tTur a n T— BEST known iT^ Place on city front; must sell on account of disagreement of partners. Apply at once to 232 n lilrf 1 St» . .-■".".'"■ . - . ■ ■■',!'■--. - "PAYING SALOON; LIVING.BOOMS; r rent $14; good stock. 636 Third st. . - . OR SALE-GAS PLANT, 75 METERS; X town of 2000 Inhabitants; extensively piped. Address box B, Redding, Cal. • ; . ■. -\ t ©900 PARTNER WANTED IN GOOD-PAY- '« _WU .ing business; $40 daily receipts. . 628 Sacramento st. . ■ ; ; , . ... ' • .li'Oß SALE— A PAYING FRUIT AND PROD- X uce store; c heap. Apply 206 Leaven worth st. ; BUSINESS CHANCKS— Continued. Qdf\f\ STORE AND BAKERY NEAR MAZE ; <IpDUI7. receipts $15. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. /tOFFEE SALOON; CENTRAL: RECEIPTS \-> $40 a day; rent only $75; price $/oO; clears easily $150. Apply SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. /■ RUG STORE: WESTERN ADDITION; clearing over $100. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. ¥Ra7V "CHICKEN" RANCH: 500 HENS,' (J?DUU. house, tools. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. F" OR SALE — CHEAP: LOT 25x120. WITH house, 3 living-rooms, stable, barroom, Includ- ing nice bar fixtures; doing good business; half cash, balance easy terms. Apply 715 Fifth aye., racetrack. - I WISH TO DIVIDE my call route and to sell 300 evening papers in Oakland. Apply Walk, Call Office. BRANCH BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY AND coffee parlor: established 20 years; no reason- able oiler refused. 406 Third st. p OOD CHANCE FORA RESTAURANT MAN: VT restaurant worth $700 will be sold very cheapi inspection solicited; old established place. 333 6th. HAY, GRAIN AND COMMISSION BUSINESS; two-third interest : established 29 years. Ap- ply Call Office. 710 Market st. ________ ANTED— TO SUPPLY FAMILIES WITH 1 ' double-filtered distilled water in sy_-gallon lots and upward nt 10c a gahon, free of exnressage. The Ralston Health Food Company, 203 sutter St., san Francisco, telephone 1132 or 1168 Broadway, Oakland, telephone 402. <B*7*%n I'lM- RESTAURANT; VERY GOOD «jp iw. location; doing a nice cash business; rent $60; must be sold this week on account sick- ness In family; call and investigate- bargain. An- ply SMITH-HUBER, 1001 Market, dj*(ii \l\ BRANCH BAKERY AND DELI- tJpUUw. cacy-store: large stock; worth the money; rent $25: 3 nice rooms; real bargain. Ap- ply SMITH, HUBER & CO., 1001 Market st. ©17C PARTNER WANTED BY A GOOD f«l7^ cook in fine restaurant. Apply SMITH, IX t O. cook in fine restaurant. Apply SMITH, HUBER & CO., 1001 Market st. INGLE LADY WANTS PARTNER IN GOOD business: $200 required. Apply SMITH, HU- BER & CO., 1001 Market st. Ct9AA RESTAURANT DOING FINE CASH *mJA)\.K business; rent $25; 2 rooms; big bar- gain. SMITH, HUBER & CO., 1001 Market st. PESTAURANT: GOOD LOCATION, LOW XV rent, living rooms; eood place for a man and wife or partner. Apply Call oflice. AA A FRUIT BUSINESS IN SAN JOSE; (Jr'lV'U. centrally located. Address A. J. COX, cor. Market and Santa Clara sts., San Jose. OLD-ESTABLISHIsD WELL-PAYING COR- ner grocery ana saloon in the Western Addition; best of reasons for selling. Inquire of LEVY & CO.. wholesale liquor dealers. 219 Grant aye. ©1 A A B P. ANC H BA E BY, notion and »pJ.T:U. candy store; 6 sunny living-rooms; grand bargain ; rent $15. WOOD, 917 Market st. Wl^(\ CORNER SALOON : BEST .'PART OP <JjM«J''. East street; fine fixtures: cheap rent; selling from 12 to 15 barrels beer per week. In- quire at Call Oflice. ____ "||rnA A GOOD BAKERY; DOING GOOD <P«JUU. trade; with new oven; horse and wagon; sickness cause of selling. Address B. S., box 95, Call Office. FOR SALE— HOME RESTAURANT; GOOD business. Apply this office. pOOD-PAYING CORNER SALOON; FINE \X location: streetcar transfer stand; also 12 fur- nished rooms included: always rented; reasonable. 20 Lafayette St., bet. Eleventh and Twelfth. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 6 CENTS — THE WEEKLY CALL. In wranner. for mailing. LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. CO-ROOM CORNER HOTEL, CLEARING OJli $100; $800. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery gt. WANTED— PAYING LODGING-HOUSE FOR if 12-acre ranch. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. /TA-ROOM HOTEL: GOOD COUNTRY TOWN; 1 V clearing $300. DECKER, 1206 Market st. 1 Q ROOMS; FIN CORNER NORTH OF XO Market st.; only $750. DECKER, 1206 Market st. TO BUY OR SELL A LODGING-HOUSE quick for cash see GUS STRAND, 45 Third st <3t97^ nOUSE OF 13 FURNISHED ROOMS; •7 — < •-'. good paying house. STRAND, 45 Third. ~O(\i\ FURNISHED FLAT OF 6 ROOMS; — '"v/. all rented: pays over rent $20; great bargain. STRAND & CO., 46 Third st. ~<Si97^ NICELY FITTED UP LODGING- «ip^ lU. house; 33 rooms: cheap rent. LUN- DIN <t Vi EHENEB, 539 California ■. HOUSE OF 12 ROOMS, ALL RENTED AND nicely furnished; terms reasonable. 210 Hyde. FAMILY HOTEL OF 46 BOOMS; NORTH SIDE X' Sutter St., near Jones; for cash or reasonable terms; must be sold. For particulars apply on I premises. Imperial, 728 Sutter St., or Hotel Savoy. <B:9Ah LODGING-HOUSE 11 ROOMS. ALL <3)._»UU. full; cheap rent. 101 Minna St., corner Second. A A ROOMS: CORNER: ELEGANTLY FUR. ■±U nished; clears $200;$2500. T., box 6,Ca1l oflice. 1 AND ALL, COME FOR BARGAINS TO BUT- X TERFIELD real estate, Crocker building. -v - , *•*" YfjtiE FOB SAL.JK. IN ALAMEDA^ajK^ATnTTTN^\CCoT?<7T)F departure, complete furniture of a cozy five- roomed cottage, with or without piano: house to let. Address 26 O'l-arrell st., room 16, forenoon. G~. KKASKY, CARPETS PICTURKS, .folding, lion beds, furniture: low prlcf s. 'a;. step ladder manfd for the trade. 779 Mission st. PEDROOM SETS. $11; OAK CHAIRS, $1; J> carpets. 46c. SHIREK, 1310-1312 Stockton. pUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS \J this week at McCABE'S. 948-950 Mission st. EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AND IX second hand; 400 carpets, good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c- -7-plece chamber suits, $14 60; cornice-poles, 25c: ranges, $6; cash or Installments; goods shipped free. T. H. NELSON. 126 Fourth st. CARPETS. CARPETS, 45c; LINOLEUM, 40c; BEDROOiI set. $11. SHTREK. 1310-1312 Stockton st. : CARPET CLEANING. "VTATIONAL CARPET BEATING^AND^ENC^ J-> vating Works, HAMPTON & NUN AN; laying and altering. 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission 244. pITY steam CARPET-BEATING and \J Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. G. R. STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. p.ARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND V-> renovated game as new. 8. FERGUSON & CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH t T poor work send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Ca- rpet Beating Works. 353-7 Tehama; tei. So-40. pONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 333 V^ Golden Gate aye. ; telephone east 126. CIARPETS WELL CLEANED. BARBER'S, 238 \J 14th, nr. Mission; tel. (Mission) 100. rpHE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING X Co. (incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. T MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- 'I. ovating works. 453 Stevenson : tel. 3228. ' CLAIRVOYANTS. " \ UGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER^ -iX. magic charms; love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband: teaches fortune-telling; dovelops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.: has the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm ; fee $1 and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. Mm !■:. RAVANA, MEDIUM; REVEALS past -LiX and present: names given. 828 Howard. MRS. ANTHONY, MEDIUM AND LIFE reader; ladies 25c; gents 50c. 248 Third st., upstairs. MM PORTER, CARD-READER: LADIES, 60c; gents, $1; palmistry and clairvoyant: sit- tings, $1 50. 210 Turk St., near Jones. pLAIRVOVANT— FEE 25c; LADIES ONLY. \J 537 Third St., basement. "\ ISS M. JULANA. CLAIRVOYANT, DU -LiX vinerof the future. 50c. room 16. New Arling- ton, 1015 Market. 9 to 12, 1 to 6, 7 to 10. MME. MOREAU, REST MEDIUM.CLAIRVO Y- ant; speaks German ; 25c up. 131 Fourth st. PROFESSOR 1 1 ON, PALMIST, THE GREAT renowned clairvoyant, and life reader, has ar- rived in the city don't fail to see him: gives luck in business; healing power; hours 10 a. m. toBi\ m.; also Sunday. 533 Post St.. near Taylor. CELEBRATI D CLAIRVOYANT, PRO- X FESSOR WALTER. Is in the city; he can be consulted on business, marriages, divorces and all family affairs: the future plainly revealed: lovers united; trouble he;:!' i: names of friends and enemies, also the one you will marry; truth guaranteed. Oflice SOS Jones st., near Eddy; hours 9 a. M., 9 p. it., Sundays 9 to 5. . ■ ME. DR. THOMAS. SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- er by eggs and car Is in English or German) tells entire life, pas 1 , present, future; consultations on nil affairs, nothing excepted; names given: roo<l advice; sure help: restores lost love by sympathy; mistake impossible; fee $1 ; letter $•_»." 30 Kearny. MME. LEGETTE, PAST, PRESENT AND IVI future. 304 Tehama Bt., cor. Fourth. A [ RS. S. SEAL-SITTINGS DAILY: TEST CIR. ■M Wed. eve.. Br. «.; Thurs., 2. 110 McAllister. ' its. J. J. WHITNEY, CLAIRVOYANT. TEST medium and life-reader. 218 Stockton. SPIRITUALISM. PEOPLE'S SPIRITUALISTIC SOCIETY— X Meeting to-night. 11l Larkin; admission free. M"~BST"h F. ROGERS, O] FT ED M X I ) It M and healer: dr., Monday and Friday; sittings daily. 122 Turk st. . RS. HOVET-CIK. WEDNESDAY, 3 P. M.~ 25c; sittings dally. 504 Fell st. ~\ M. FRANCIS, 118 £L.UGHT, INDKPEn" xL. dent slate-writing medium; Sunday excepted. RS. HENDER KOGEBS-PSYCHOMETRTsf 1 test and healing medium: cir. Mon. and Fri' eve. ; sittings dally. 122 Turk st. a ±TU MRS. GRIFFIX— WRITING 01 11. TUFS kv • test mtg. Fri. eve; sittings daily. 244* 6th St! Mils. EGGERT AIKKN, TBTnce MEDIUM- cir. Sun. eve.: developing clr. Toes, eve 715 Post st. ASTKOLOGI. A SEER-PROF. HOLMES, BaSOKARiT -rV. St.: horoscoue». Questions, stocks, advicel ■