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CITY REAL STATE. _ G"" HTuMBSEN^Con ", • Real Estate Agents, Rent Collectors and Auctioneers, 14 Montgomery street. Call and obtain one of our Real Estate Records, ] which contains a list of properties for sale in all parts of the city. . IMPROVED PROPERTY. C?OOAA CHEAP; ISTII ST.; COTTAGE OF rbZoUU. 4 rooms, etc; street accepted. O» OX A A GOOD INVESTMENT: RENTS $75 tjOOUU. por month: corner on Bryant St.; new building in store and living rooms and flat and house- bay windows, brick foundations, stone walks', etc.; lot 25x75 :|both streets accepted. (T* 1 •) AAA CHOICEST BLOCK ON POST ' J*!)J__i.UUU. St.: 2-story bay-window residence oi 9 rooms and bath; stone walks, etc.; sunny line of street: 26x137:6. . Oil XAA CREAM OF PACIFKTHEIGHTS; .pll.OUvl. lot 50:6x127:814: a comfortable old house. _ I&fWJAn NICE NEW BAY-WINDOW COT- .OU\'. tage of 4 roomß and bath, brick foun- dation, etc.; lot 25x120; Collins, near Geary. (BQAAA «OOD MINNA-ST. INVEST- «JUUUU. menf. rents $81 per month ; 2 three- story houses; lot 35x70: street accepted. C")f'f»n RENTS '.$3O PER MONTH; TWO >_I)UU. good flats of 4 rooms, and lot 23x60; Glover st., near Broadway and Jones; a bargain; streets accepted. j-.-aaa MISSION warm belt; nice • 5) I UUU. bay-window cottage of 8 rooms and bath; lot 52x90*. (•tiffin COTTAGE AND LOT, 25x114; %7 > .l'"v*v". sunny line of 22d St., near electric road; street accepted. // < 11 lUi ONLY $1000 CASH REQUIRED: v? 11 ' 'U . balance at "percent; 4 flats of 5 and 4 rooms; rents 40; corner on Sanchez st.; lot 26:6x105. CjQAAA RENTS .$72 PER MONTH: ELLIS qpOUl/V. St.. sunny line: 4 flats of 4 rooms and bath each; brick foundations; stone walks, etc.; lot 80x75. •211 f\f\C\ BENTS .$B6 PER MONTH: J 4 I I .UUU. elegant flats on Webster St., street accepted; brick foundation, stone walks, etc.; lot 33x82:6. QQ9nn BAY-WINDOW COTTAGB OF 6 <t_SO— UU. rooms and bath: sunny line of Waller St.; lot 25x70. $79^A LOVELY HOME; NICE 2-STORY »T i—d\J. bar-wlncTow house of 7 rooms and bath; brick foundation, stone walks, etc.; nice gar- den; sunny line of Turk si.; Jot 2;>xl.ii :t>. G. H. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Montgomery st. Of o - DIAMONpTnKAR 18TH: ELE- »SO I OU. gant cottn-p. 5 rooms, bath and base- ment: terms M» suit; 25x125: gold below co st-.5 t -. $450! ■• ocarv. near stpiner; 2-Story bay-window, 7 rooms and bath; •_"_:6xS7:6; rent '"• , $5250— Pacific, near Larkin; large store.4 rooms, cellar and 8 rooms and bath above; rent $50; 23x87:6. 5-50J— New house of 5 rooms and bath on 10th aV (C, near Point Lolk>s aye.: 25x100; easy terms. Good business aud residence property for sale by OESTERREICHKR * OWEN, 503 California st. './inn 120x100: COR. CAMBRIDGE AND ■jllul). Silliman ss. : University Homestead. .jU 2S-25x100; lot 4, block 34, City Land Asso- ciation. $3150— near Hyde: 2- stories and base- ment; 8 rooms and hath: lot 18:9x71:3. CHAS. C. FISHER, 507 California st. rnHOMAS McMAHON, REAL ESTATE BROKER, 628 MARKET STREET. TELEPHONE 5422. CITY BARGAINS. QPXAA REDUCED TO $6250; MODERN 9- *j?UUUU. room house; good location in Western Addition. C'TAA 130:6x144; LAKE VIEW; A SPECU- »>> I UU. lation. C' X 'AA 2-STORY RESIDENCE; 6 ROOMS i^}oO\J\J. and bath; Webster, bet. McAllister i and Fulton sts. v ..)-nA COTTAGE HOUSE OF 4 ROOMS; fJ>—%J\J\J. lot 100x70; at. Moultrie st. and Old Hickory aye. vil " C\f\ COTTAGE HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS: ♦>>I»JUU. lot 50x70; nr. Moultrie st. and Old Hickory aye. .. )/in LOT 33:4x70; MOULTRIE STREET IUU. and Old Hickory aye. QXAA LOT 33:4x70; COR. MOULTRIE ST. •_ UUU . and Old H ickory aye. QO-.ft 3 NICE LOTS IN OUTSIDE LAND > — O\J. block 968. Q9ftfin 25x114; ARMY ST., NR. NOE; 9- — UUU. room . nee; can be used as 2 flats; one-half cash, balance t-asy. TifOMAS McMAHON, •-_,-_, 6-8 Market st. EAST OAKLAND, FRUITVALE AND SAN LEANDRO ROAD BARGAINS. OIA/lA 120x140; EAST 16TH ST., NEAR ,3* J UUU. Fruitvale aye.: 2-stOry house of 13 rooms, bath, etc. : make offer. ffil£AA 80x140; EAST 16TH ST., NEAR OIUUU. Fruitvale aye.; make offer. C'lOnn 29:6x245 FEET; COR. HOWARD QI—UU. and East loth eta.; make Offer. OPfiA 24:8x125 FEET; W. LINE OF ODU U . Fruitvale aye., 75 feet S. from East 16th st. ; make offer. _ __ Cn 9nO 63:9X140 FEET; SE. LINE OF O-L— "U. East 22d St., 113:6 feet HE. from 19th eve. : make offer. _* <Z:~~J\fi "' ACRES ON SAN LEANDRO C* I UUU. road, adjoining Half-way House; make offer. C'9^AA 200 FEET ON SAN LEANDRO <_)— UUU.lroad by 122 feet on Henry st. and 140 feet on Cora St., Fitchburg station ; make offer. Cj£flA LOT 1, BLOCK B, TEACHERS' »_)OUU. Tract, cor. Carrlsson and Mable r!s., in Lorin; make offer. THOMAS McMAIION. "IMG BARGAIN. 5,000 RESIDENCE. MARINE VIEW. CHOICE LOCATION. $10,000 or less will buy it; 50-foot frontage; 9 rooms, bath, basement, attic and all modern con- veniences; handsomely decorated and finished In curly redwood and white cedar. Full particulars at office. EASTON, ELDRIDOE & CO., 638 Market gt 91 ;r n cottage and LOT 40x195 NEAR «®--JLUU. Thirtieth St., 1 block from Mission-st. electric cars; fine view; this is a sacrifice. 52900. Harrison, near Tenth 4 flats. 93000. Sanchez, near Eighteenth; modern cot- tage. $3250. Park avenue, near Sixth street ; 9 rooms and bath. G. W. ARMBRUSTER, 230 Montg'y, room 9. A r ust sell. PAIR MISSION FLATS. NEARLY NEW. ■ . Five rooms and bath each; reduced to $3800; bet. 21st and 22d sts.: $1500 cash, balance can re- main on mortgage at 7 per cent: gee this bargain. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., 638 Market st. FOR A SUMMER HOME. ~ fiii^A BEAUTIFUL LARGE LOTS AT »_)JLUU. Alto, Marin County; only 40 minutes from city: sold on easy terms. JOOST & WOOL- LEY. 4 New Montgomery st. Ql -'fwV~slod~bß $200 CASH. ~~~ Balance $20 per month: nice 5-room cottage; bath; basement; lot 25x100; at Sunnyslde. .1. B. HILL, 210 Sunnj-side avenue, . Or 630 Market st. IN " ALAMEDA-'TO EXCHANGE FOR SAN X Francisco property, modern 2-story house: 9 rooms and bath; handsomely furnished; lot 60x 150; gas, city and well water: carriage-house; street macadamized; half block to electric cars ; 5 minutes from broad-gapcre station; 6 minutes to narrow gauge: cost $9300. Apply CHAS. C. BEMIiS, 324 Montgomery St.. 9. >'. BRICK BUILDING FOB BUSINESS PROP- ♦•rty on Market st. - Corner Pacific aye, and Baker St., 65x137:6 ft.; price, f 11,000. . E. side Stanyan It,, bet. Carl and Frederick sts. ; 25x100: price $2600. : 60x127:6 ft. on Jackson St., overlooking the Pre- sidio and bay; $6700. - Two modern bouses, ot 8 rooms each, at Park, f sx1 37:6 ft.; electric road passes houses; price 6500. 2-story brick house of 9 rooms, with stable, lin South Park: lot 46x126 ft.; price $7600. . SAW cor. Jones and Jefferson sts. ; • 137:6x137:6. . Cottage house, 1367 Dolores St.; 5 rooms and hath, basement; on each side of Dolores st. ; 25x95 teet. ; ' Ilounr of 10 rooms and bath, 417 Bryant St.; price *5000. Apply to C. C. HEM is, Real Estate and Land ■ Agent. 324 Montgomery street. A (.l'.KAi CHANCE. . ONLY $3500. ■ Richmond store, living-rooms and stable on sth aye., Including stock and fixtures of business pay- ing $100 per month ; lot 25x120. Call for particu- lars. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., 638 Market st. OR SALE. ' . ■~~ $100 to $350 per lot; junction Ocean House road and 27th at. HOICE BLOCKS. • Fine views, good son. easy of access, being only a few minutes' walk from the end of 24th st. elec- tric line. P. fITZHUGH OB J. B. HILL, 630 Market st. OUBE3 FOR BALE ON SMALL MONTHLY payments: loans made on Ban Francisco real estate. LOUIS BLANK, 21 _ Pine at., rma, 68 58. CITY BEAt ESTATE. . B~~AR(TIlNS ! HA K< y\J > - LOTS. ..,., ! '. ,' I-. V TKKMS. SS °ChEAPK^^i X THE CITY - SS VHKAi'IX N niKCITY. Avn rPWAKD: ALL READY FOR © 1 000 holding: " uv ft lot, build a house and vDIUUU bu ll 1'"- t procrastinate, but get In on save your rent do.. M t ork all don * seWiM . s the gtoohd floor , ns . lots front on Cali- '•"-' : . :iNl> -,'V;, .. and .ocond.Thim, Fourth and fiirniiiflnu ■■ Fifth avea. , , prices are low. Secure a .lot no« « n» 0 £ p already. Take Pacramemo-st. -cars, Geary or Califor- | ? l lpply in to S BALDWET & HAMMOND, 10 Mont- goniery st. ________ — ■ — — . . A r s^inn C1 Nic'pcottfliP nnKa tc-mast., nr. Sixth; ;^x7s. BALDWINS HAMMOND.IOM '_!?. ht - . — VICE INVEST>!KNTi, ON BUTTER, EAST A npvitadero^ -2-story building; store Sit of '-, rooms" at ove ! rent $45 ; $350(7 can re- main o- K". BAIJ>WIN & HAMMOND, lOMontgomw st. , 4^vlo^Re^'tWsO p*r year; Eroderick st., nr. £„..?; •• «-.Try house of 10 rooms and bath; large Jot S BALD__^N__l. ,A^ loy 10 Mongomery st. . T.TVP ■ ' T. fl^r flats ot Filbert., nr. ' Taylott extra large lot. £«flaMon I laylor; extra large lot. BALDWIN & HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. i IHBAF BUsl>EbS Ai _- RESIDENCE LOTS ALL PARTS OF THE jist THINK OF -ONLY $1750 EACH. Fine building lots on Bartlett street, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second; street paved with bituminous rock ami accepted. $" 260-fW lot on Lyon St.. near Fulton ; size 25x 100- street paved an J I****? by the city; stone sidewalk: only two blocks to the Park. Cheap lot on Kishth ye.. near D st.: street work all done: Sturo's electric road now being construct- ed on Eishth aye. — , ■■ ' $2250— Cheap lot on Union st., near Gough; 25x $2560-Ellis aad Broderick sts.; corner; 25x100; ! three frontaires. $2150— Fulton st.; sunny side, near Lyon: 25x 100 $7000— A good location for flats; Fillmore st., ■ near Hayes; 50x106:3. $2700— Clay st., licar Baker; 26x105. $3600 only— A tine business location: Devlsadero St.. near Page; 25x100, • Apply to BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. HOICE DOWNTOWN PROPiSRTY. $10.000— An offer wanted; Jones st., nr. O'Far- r.i! : 2-story house of 10 rooms and bath. BALDWIN & HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. * BARGAIN ON BRYANT STREET^ " $4250— Must be sold; 2-story and basement house on Bryant st., near Third: contains 11 rooms and bath ; lot 20x80 to rear street. BALDWIN & HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. 17 ASTON, KLDRIDGE & CO., HEAL ESTATE AGENTS, HOUSE BROKERS ' -_ AND AUCTIONEERS, 638 MARKET STREET. IMPROVED PROPERTY. Q1 X AAA TAYLOR ST., NR. PINE; 16 (DlO.uuv, room house and stable; 10t62:6x 137:6. <S1 A fiAA WESTERN ADDITION RESI- «Jp±U.UUU. d, nee, north side Pine St.; 12 rooms and bath : large lot, 42:4.V2x137:t5. ©QKAA DOWNTOWN RESIDENCE: 12 gt/UUI/. rooms and bath; Bush St., nr. Leav- euworth. S79A A ELEGANT MISSION RESIDENCE ; O • — UU. Guerrero st., 25th; 2-story, 9 rooms and bath; lot .5x125. Q7AAA CLAY ST.. NR. SCOTT; HAND- Vl vUU. some dwelling, 9 rooms and bath; modern conveniences: choice locution. &&7KA MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE; ALL >i>U I «JU. conveniences; Oak st., facing Park i panhandle; can be paid in easy Installments. G££»nn.A. PACIFIC AYE., NR. POLK ST.: OUUUU. present 2-story house can be remod- eled into stores and fiats; good Income Insured. <2»~~AA WESTERN ADDITION HOME; I t^uU\J\' . > . ,uer St., nr. Sacramento; 8 rooms and bath; a bargain. (9'A PRESIDIO HEIGHTS RESI- <Jp a— <JU. dence: Clay st., nr. Walnut; 7 rooms and bath; nearly new- lot 25xlO2:8 1 / _; elegant location. QA~\ OH MODERN COTTAGE; SUNNY SIDE »„ i IUU. Waller st. ; 7 rooms arid bath; lot 25x 137:6. QJ.AAA pacific heights cottage ON *tv/Uu, Jackson St.; 7 rooms and bath; lot 25:3x100 feet. <<'lliftfl 1" IK I L \TSO>"BTEVENSOXST.: <*>OU\J\J. 6 rooms eh i bar each ; V5.\80 feet. w'-'OAA 3 TKN-! i n:Vl>, NATOMA ST., tJpO*iUU. nr. First: rents s32; good investment. <2»1 Z.flf\ XEW COTTAGE ON COUTLAND 1 • )UU. aye.: 4 rooms and bath; tlir •• blocks from Mission electric road; $500 cash; balance $_0 per mouth. UNIMPROVED PROPERTY. <_ IAAA CORNER LOT ON PINE ST.; 31:3 i ♦JJS-IUUU. 80 feet. (JjOO'A LARGE COR. ON 17THST. *?-.—,<J\J . distance from , Castro-a;. cable; size, 63:6x109 feet. <S1 AAA SECOND AYE., NR. CALIFORNIA C IUUU. St.; 25x119 feet. ©QAA EACH-3LOTS 231) ST., NR. DOUG- Q)OUU lass; 25x114 feet each. CiQHn RICHMOND LOT, NEAR BUTRO {JpOUU. Heights; ready to build upon: 25x120. Q9^fl EACH— FOUR LOTS: EXCELSIOR •„ —>J\r Homestead; two blocks from Mission-st. cars; 25x125 teet each. QT AA EACH— LOTS S. OF PARK, NR. BOU- C-*-^'U levard: size 25x100 feet; sure spec. Bargains for buyers. Call at Office and register your wants. We have all kinds of properties in all parts of the city for palp at low prices. EAST* ELDRIDGE & CO., 638 Market st. ' ' ' !" "*" " i O'FARRELL & CO., 11 MONTGOMERY STREET. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. COLLECT RENTS. RENT HOUSES. EFFECT INSURANCE. Q>l~ AAA A BUSINESS PROPERTY WELL *_StttJ.UUU. located on one of the prominent business comers of the Western Addition; the property is well improved, with 9 good substantial buildings, all rented and have been steadily rented; a large lot, 125x100, affording two choice corners: the net income (after deducting, insurance, taxes and water) is $3000 per annum, or about 7 per cent net ; this property we think is worthy of a thorough investigation by all Investment-seekers; It will lv>ar out our statements in every detail there is room for further Improvement, as a portion of the land is vacant. £.' QAAA f OUR FLATS OF 5 AND 4 ROOMS tiDOUUU. and bath each; Income $720 a year; loaated in the warm belt of the Mission on Guer- rero street. Cil QAA ONE OF THE CHEAPEST BUILD- UP -LOUU. ing lots in the panhandle district, on Cole st.; 25x100. Q7T.AA MODERN RESIDENCE OF 9 •_ I O\J\J. rooms and bath on Guerrero St.; lot 25x125. AN A NO. 1 GROCERY STORE CORNER; 1 V SE. corner of Ellis st. and Bourbin place; large lot. 30x76. This exceptionally well located corner is offered for a price that we consider a sacrifice, as | it is positively one of the host business corners in this section of the city; don't fail to see it. _ BEAUTIFUL 2-STORY MODERN *Z>IAO\J. residence of 9 room sand bath on John St. this is within walking distance of the business section of the city; it is a nice residence and would prove an a No. 1 Investment, as It will rent for $40. &f5OOO 2 NEW MODERN BAY-WINDOW '^ T *Hj. flats "' 5 an<l 6 rooms and bath each; paying $3,0 a year; rented to a No. 1 tenants; nicely located on Pine st. lot 26x137 &finOO LPI AC H PUL MODERN FLATS JU «lo ' of 6 ! 6 ttnd ' i>ath oftCh; In- come $t>B a month, or $816 a year, which is 13 per c.-nt per annum; located on ilaight St.; lot 25x &3500 2 J VIOBE S X ri ' ATS 01? 4 AND 6 _?,« 7 ¥,' roOms . ari(l bath '' " pood income and Btcadilyri-med: street paved wFth bitumen and accepted by the city; large lot, 25x137 -6- this buy It gaiD> and the first one that .ees it will MODERN RESIDENCE AT A SACRIFICE, AS iVL it must be sold within the neat 26 days," the owner is compelled to leave th « . -. within that time: it & a beautiful new reslden .. having been constructed only a short time: contain* fl room« and bath; lot 26x121:6; price as! ■. R7BOO but we are inclined to think that no rea 8O nabl« offer wilt any C ot U her. : besuMana see thl » 'you look at BELOW COST TO EFFECT AN IJIMEDIATE sale; that beautiful residence; 740 Castro .t- -go look at It and make us an offer. CaBtro BU • QA^n BUILDING LOTS HALF A RLOOK &40U. from the Mlsslon-st. cars • t a vi thaMis^ 6ion-st. electric cars and ride to the 'terminus and yon will there see the block and flnd i!," ««? Je n- tative; these are positively cheap, «,„! , 0 «rlfv the above statements call at the office ant! . he ii um- ber that we have sold. _ * v O'FARRELL & CO., Real Estate Agents, ' 11 Montgomery st. Ty-EW MODERN HOUSE, 10 ROOMS^prVFIV |U.l decorated; will be sold cheap. l" ; 'q not « t near tshrader ; easy terms. Apply premFsog mX107:6— W. CORNER OF JKRSEv AND _ Diamond sts. Apply within. A AJSD C'IHEAP LOTC 25X100; READY TO riirTT Tl I on 1 1 Western Addition. V. M., Branch a, p. O. W~ 'ANTED— NICE VACANT FLATsTToTr^F^ or »tom; at ouo#. 30 *•££££*. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1893. 'J^^^JSHJ^ REAL ESTATE. l?^! n ." ( :i> TO $3500: COR. 24TH ST., NEAR A* Valencia; 30-foot front and neat, and comforta- v f B ot '*; ' fin buy: THOMAS MAGEE & ppwa, 20 Montgomery st. - Q.ENUINE BARGAIN. PRIVATE BALE. $1500 cash: rents $624 per year; 2 houses and lot, in 'ood condition; in the heart of city; small tenements: new brick foundations; street accepted. Apply at once to 8., box '-'•>. Call Office. li 1 " 1 " BALEI I.i >T 60x100, WITH A SMALL -*- house on it, near Colma station. Apply at 411 ___nsome st., CHARLES JOHNSON. BARGAIN; $1450; 2-STORY \ 7-ROOM COT- ** tage in Holly Park: corner lot; 50x50; can be bought for small payment down; balance same as rent. CADENASBO & CO., 512 Montgomery st. Q 1 7AA HOUSE, 5 ROOMS: BARN, ETC., V-«- • UU. in Berkeley; lot IOOxIOO, with creek. $5250— House, 7 rooms; fine corner; 120x135, with orchard $1000— Fine corner; 40x100; macadamized ; $100 down, $100 yearly. CHAS. A." BAILEY, 46 Market St., or Berkeley station, Berkeley. Q^ % )"fi see" those HANDSOME kkw tU'U.-jOU. Hats; McAllister St., bet. Baker and Lyon; owner on premises Sunday. L. FRIED- LANDKR, 4"J9 Montgomery st. \ \ rA MI D-FOK C ASH , OH AP LOTS N OTH '* find south of the park. S. P.. box 180, Call Office. COUNTKY HKAL _ JEST ATE. \f ABIN COUNTt. 88 acres In Ross Valley with Improvements for sale, cheap or exchange. The Fairfax Villa containing 32 acres, beauti- fully wooded with a fine trout stream. 6 acres on the main Ross Valley road, 5 minutes' walk from Tamalpals station. Lot in sunnyside; house 7 rooms and bath; a bar- gain: will exchange. A fine dairy ranch In the beautiful valley of Nicasio containing 836 acres improved, fine shade trees and trout stream; the price of this property has been reduced in order to make quick sale. Furnished houses in sun Rafael to let. 200 acres near Sausalito, suitable for milk ranch, a bargain. Apply to JAMES TUNSTEAD, San Ratacl. pOLONY LANDS ■ AND— MODERATE PRICED COUNTRY HOMES; A SPECIALTY. '" ACRES AT STATION 60 MILES NORTH, 00 the late country home or a deceased gentle- man; the choice of the Russian River Valley; 32 acres healthy fruit hii»i vines, full bearing; modern 9-room house, with farm buildings to match. A beautiful place that cost 99000 before fruit or vines were planted is now offered by the administrator for the nominal price of $5500, hall cash. 99 ACRES— SI6OO CASH; 4i/_ ACRES FULL- — — bearing fruit; TVs acres resistant vines; 7 acres forest; common 4-room house; horse, wagon, tools and poultry ; 80 minutes from depot ; 40 miles cat. IA I ACRES— HOUSE: FAMILY OR- -1 •'•; chard; 8 acres forest; running spring. 3 inches water the year round; 45 miles out; $1000 cash, TO EXCHANGE-FOR INCOME CITY PROP- erty— a number of choice ranches, from 10 acres to 10,000 acres. BOVEE, TOY & CO., 19 Montgomery st. SANTA CLARA VALLEY— IO7 ACRES, ALL level good fruit soil, farm buildings, gome One oaks and small orchard; $90 per acre (25 per cent less than any place in the vicinity). At LAV- TON & CO., 16 West Santa Clara St.. San Jose, Cal. AN JOSE- 100 ACRES 5 MILES OUT; VERY fine place sold under mortgage at half cost: fine improvements; place will pay big Income. W. S. CLAYTON, Trustee, 16 West Santa Clara St., San Jose, Cal. Q9A ACRE DAIRY, HOG AND WOOD O&VJ ranch; 40 acres in cultivation; 12 acres in vines and fruit: good house; all fenced; will carry 40 cows; 5 miles from town, on a county road; 6000 cords of standing firewood: large timber; $3500. D. H. TWINO, Sonoma City, Cal. fflM (* PER ACRE— IMPROVED BIG VALLEY mID ranch; timber; running water; Well lo- cated: must be sold; United States patent. W. L. FOSTER, Kelseyvtlle, Cal. GRIFFIN, COTTONWOOD, CAL., SENDS • free circulars and prices of cheap land. C minima COSTA COUNTY LAND FOR SALE; \J send for list. D. J. WEST, Martinez, Cal. ACRE LITTLE HOME ON EIGHT YEARS' credit. D. H. TWINO, Sonoma City, Cal. 1~ F YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING purposes or an orchard already Improved, where only a small cash outlay Is required, balance pay- able in 6 or 7 years, apply at 326 Montgomery st., ban Francisco. _. AKGAIX IN ALAMEDA COUNTY; 820 acres of foothill land; plenty of wood and water; only $6 per acre. Inquire JAMES CA- ILL, 408 Twelfth St., Oakland. MA N COUNTY— SOOO ACRES 26 MILES from San Francisco. RANCIIO DE NOVATO. Tracts of any size desired; fruit, grain and vege- table land: no Irrigation; both rail and water transportation; $40 to $75 per acre; easy terms. town of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores on the property; send lor circular. Hairy for sale with or without cows. SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65. Chronicle building. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. FIVE COTTAGES FOR SALE IN GOOD LO- calitles In Oakland; any reasonable offer will not be refused; easy terms. E. K. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. B~ ERKKLKY— A DELIGHTFUL COTTAG home, 2 blocks from station, half a block from electric cars: large lot, 60x135: $2500 buy* it. W. E. BARNARD & SON, 458 Ninth et., Oakland. OA Hi- — UAYWARDS: 1200 FRUIT- £>\J trees, bearing: new house, barn and farm tools: horse and wagon; very cheap; make offer. Apply to C. K. KINO, 902 Broadway, Oakland. BALE— LOVELY COTTAGE JIO.IK ON Twenty-first St., Oakland; lot 25x100; Drice only $1600: easy terms. WM. M. DE WOLF, 1050 Broadway, Oakland. < 97^A JUST COMPLETED— MODERN 2- <J)^i I UU. story 7-room house; bath and good lot 40x107: all street work done: splendid loca- tion, near Broadway, Oakland City; terms easy. Apply to ALDEN & OARFIELD, builders, 902 Broadway, Oakland. OOK! $150— LOTS IN FRUITVALE ONLY $1 cash and $1 a week ; buy a borne and save your small earnings; the new railroad will double values in Oakland. H. B. PINNEY, 902 Broad- way. Oakland. mo RENT-GOING AWAY; WILL RENT A X choice 2-story 10-room house, furnished; lot 60x 127. with stable; rent $40 to adults. WM. M. DE WOLF, 1050 Broadway, Oakland. }?OR RENT— WINDOW AND DESK ROOM Xon Broadway; central location. 1010 Broad- way, Oakland. • T HAVE SEVERAL CASH CUSTOMERS FOR X homes In different parts of the city; also many fine properties for exchange: send description at once. F. c. WATSON, 463 Ninth st., Oakland. Qj9A PER MONTH AND NOTHING DOWN <Ip4.U for a 5-rootn modern cot tag«. well located. Apply to ALDKN & GARFIELD, 902 Broadway, Oakland. _ BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY sold on easy terms; small' payment down or ex- changed. E. K. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. fflji 9 AAA A BARGAIN— BUSINESS PROP" W-l^-.UUU. erty on San Pablo aye.: 125 feet frontage. Apply to J. W. MOSS, 958 Broadway, Oakland. <2_"| 9AA HOUSE, 6 ROOMS, IN BERKELEY; tjn±^,UU. lot 40x100: one-third cash. $400— Lot 40X100: $50 down, $10 monthly; near proposed railroad. _ CHAS. A. BAILEY, Berkeley station, Berkeley. <a>7XA CASH WILL BUY A NICE groom «4P I O\J cottage, worth $2000, leaving a mort- gage of $1000. Address WM. P. TODD, 1008 Broadway, oakiand. _^ SMA! I, ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUBHCRIP- O tlons taken at Calx Branch Office, 717 Larkin st., 339 Hayes st. and 2518 Mission St.; open till 9:30 p. m. OAKLAND FURNITURE FOR SALE. J price. IT. ELLHA AS. 408 Eleventh OWH price. 11. M'HKI.I.IIAAS. \m Kleventli s>. ALAMGIIA KKAL KSTATK. T^OvaLVc^TT^OyHISMETTftSofiSTBATaf' XJ gas; lot 60x160; cheap for cash or exchange for San Francisco property. Call 2241 San Jose avenue, Park-street station, Alameda. <2>i)f\ PER MONTH PURCHASES A NEW 2- «3)ZiU story 6-room housn; hot and cold water and bath. Address CHARLES DARLING, 508 California St., S. F. OUSK— S ROOMS: LOT 35X133; FINISHED street; $1100t for Bale, or will exchange for lot : new cottago of 6 rooms. J. H. YOUNG, 1243 Park St.. Alarm"la. ■ I SAnn JjOT ooxiso: $50 cash, $10 month- «_3UUU» ly; 3 blocks from Bay-st. station; a bar- gain; Bee us quick. M ACDONALD, MOTT A CO., 1422 Park St.. Alamcda. \ LAMEDA PROPERTY— BUY, RENT, SELL J\. or exchange bargains. Call on WILL BUHN- HAII & CO., 1355 Park St., Alameda, and BURN- HAM & MARSH CO., 428 Montgomery St., S. F. A LAMEDA BARG ANB, FOR CASH AND IN- x\- stallments— Houses to let in all parts of Ala- med.t. H. P. MORKaL&CO., 1432 Park st. SAN RAFAEL HEAL ESTATE. FOR BENT— SAN RAFAEL, NEW HOTEL OF 37 rooms In best business location in city • rent $60; also under hotel, corner store, rent *25. and store adjoining, $20; stores suitable for drugstore or any other retail business. Apply to GEORGE A. HUNNEWELL. San Rafael, Cal. Berkeley houses. r 6^r^EliTT~F\rßNlfmE 6 house, 10 rooms for 2V_ months, from May 20 1 9 50 per month. 2220 Chapel st. - • HOUSES TO JLET. TRQr\^OSTrNSA BCCHANaST— MODERN ±UOU sunny house of 7 rooms and bath; large yard; $47 60. : _j / • TO $100 1 FLATS, COTTAGES, HOUSES; 3 tip U to 100 rooms. SPECKS. 30 Montgomery st. _1A 8 ROOMS: YARD: CELLAR. 37 DORE <pxU. St., off Harrison, bet. Ninth and Tenth. 0% FELL— COTTAGE OF 5 SUNNY ROOMS; U__U large yard. . Ho I s OF 7 ROOMS WITH ALL MODERN improvements. "33 Turk st. SUNNY" COHNER IIOUHK; 6 ROOMS AND 0 bath; modern conveniences. 103 Fulton st., 1 block from new City Hall. C_ 97 F\A. HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS an d BATH ; ijp__ I .UU. newly papered'; flue neighborhood; water free. . Cor. Broderick and McAllister sts. • '. .>)- HICKORY AVK., NEAR WEBSTER— U^-iU House of 5 rooms; rent reduced. "VTEW BAY-WINDOW BOARDING-HOUSE OF -LN 14 rooms and baths, Hayes st., between Oc- tavia and Lacuna; moderate rent to a good tenant. Apply to C. B. CAPP & CO., 413 Montgomery St., House Brokers and Real Estate Agents. * . 1 Q1 Q POLK— HOUSE 6 ROOMS AND BATH; XV XtJ newly renovated, good yard, * etc.; rent low: . • " . AC\Q GREENWICH— LARGE ROOMS, $9; IUO garden; small family. HOUSE 7 ROOM*, WITH LOT AND STABLE; cor. Potrero aye, and Army st. ; rent $15. G. H. UMBSEN <fe CO. ■ "1 AH VALENCIA— 6 ROOMS AND BATH; X tt I water free: rent $17. *. Hor BEB, HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES, To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDWIN & HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. pHEAPKST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE vJ WEEKLY' CALL, sept to any address in the United States Or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. furnished houses. \\ r ELL-FURNISHKD HOUSE; EXCELLENT '» location; 7 rooms; bath; to let for 1 year; if preferred furniture can be bought reasonable. Ad- dress G. 8., P. O. box 2665. p ENTLKMAN'S HOME,- COMPLETELY AND XX elegantly furnished : 8 rooms, bath, etc. ; very private, cosy and desirable; surrounded by charm- in; garden :" veranda: telephone connection: near Kearny and Bush; to a responsible party— adults— rent $45. Apply 4 Burritt St., next to 605 Bush, 12 to 4 r. M. . v FURNISHED house 7 ROOMS; 1\ bath: good neicrtiborhood; very cheap. Address S., box 20, Call Ofllce. HANDSOME HOME: 8 ROOMS; BATH; piano: garden; etc. 1517 Golden Gate aye. COTTAGES TO LET. THI R^EE^fHTNEAR~HV WA RD^FINK *fO bay-window cottage; 4 rooms, bath and base- ment. T OVELY FURNISHED COTTAGE; 6 ROOMS JU and bath; parties without children; references required. 620 Baker st. UNNY' COTTAGE: 4 BOOMS; BASEMENT; bath. Corner Fifteenth and Dolores sts. AQ COTTAGE 4 ROOMS; ~S BLOCKS FROM <IpO. Mission-st. earn. Apply 360 Jessie at.; FLATS TO LET. L'^OW™REl?f^^7"^A"BrMX^T^,'^^Aß JU Twenty-first; $10, $12, 4 and 6 rooms, or whole house; 3 car lines; yard; basement. <_Q LOWER FLAT, 5 KOOMS."37S'SANCELE"2 «Jpt/. St., near Seventeenth. '^ ELEGANT, SUNNY FLAT; 6 ROOMS AND bath. 145 Grove St., nr Van Ness aye. QUNNY" FIVE-ROOM. FLAT. $13, 929 NINE- -0 teenth st. , . ■ . til* 1 A FLAT 4 ROOMS; HALL AND DOUBLE «JJSXU. parlors. 1606 V. Stevenson^ nr. Eighteenth. 1 71 C EDDY— FLAT, 5 ROOMS AND BATH; 1 I 10 rent $25. J Af\Q O'FARRELL— 2 SUNNY* FLATS, 3OR 4 ttUt/ rooms: bath: laundry, central; cheap rent. Qti FOLSOM, NEAR SIXTH — FLAT; 7 VtJX rooms; one of the best; $25. 1 Q1 9 LARKIN ST.-FLATS 6 ROOMS AND XOLSi bath, $18. v (J;IQ LOWER FLAT, 5 ROOMS; BATH, %pXU. yard. Fifteenth and Tllden, near Castro. 8 DALE PLACE, OFF GOLDEN GATE AVK., bet. Leavenworth and Hyde, tt rooms and bath. I PLAT 4 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; RENT $10. ' 416 V Rlnggold St., bet. Eighth. and Ninth and Folsom and Harrison. /' ,\ 9 HAVES, COR. BUCHANAN-NEW SUN- U.i — ny tint rooms. bath improvements. <3j99 616 GROVE, N. SIDE, NR. LAGUNA; «_)-_i_. flat of 6 rooms and bath. 9091 SIXTH— SUNNY' FLAT 6 rooms, — •"")_. bath; rent reduced. A K\Y SUNNY FLAT OF 4 ROOMS: LARGE li yard. 63 Norfolk St., bet.llth-12th,oiT Harrison. 9~NEW, ' ELEGANT, BUS NY, MODERN — flats; 6 rooms, bath each. 9-5 and 927 Golden Gate aye. ''-". I fill MCALLISTER; KENT $16; FINE JLUxx sunny upper flat; small family. SONNY UPPER FLAT; 8 BOOMS, BATH; ALL modern Improvements. 462 Bryant, nr. Third. \T\YI.Y PAPERED SUNNY FLAT OF 3 i-> rooms: $12; water free. 356 Third st. COZY' MODERN UPPER FLAT, 2411 HOW- ard st.: 7 rooms ami bath; rent $30; water free. BOVEE, TOY & CO., 19 Montgomery st. LEGANT NEW FLATS, SEVENTH. BELOW Bryant: Sand 6 rooms: bath: $10 to $17. SUNNY BAY-WINDOW FLAT, 1704. WAS ► ' ingtnn, near Polk; 7 rooms; $27 50. 979 CLEMENTINA— NICE FLAT; 4 ROOMS; flia low rent: no children. 3 s i • N8 V CORNER ROOMS AND BATH; $15. 0 Northeast cor. Polk and Jackson. HAH. HI AND BAKER; NICE '.-ROOM COR- ner flat: also 6- room flat; fine view. 71 A OCTAVIA ST., NR. MCALLISTER — I 1U Lovely flat of 7 rooms; bath; all latest improvements. >)- \n HOWARD — ELEGANT FLAT OF 6 «)iU rooms, bath; modern Improvements. A S6OMB; ri'l'Kß FLOOR. KVKRKTT ST., -i near Fourth. Qjl 1 NICE SUNNY FLAT, WITH BATH. •7 I 1 . 17 Garden, or SPECK'S. ELEGANT SUNNY r FLAT 7 ROOMS, BATH: beautifully papered and frescoefl. 713 Grove. TjiLATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, JD To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. HOUSEKEEPING KOO.Mh. QO^^lFrir^FuliNliHTjD^^oTjsTcK^E^ • >—.U ing; 2 from $8 up; also single or unfur- nished. 1 A'Xl MARKET-ELEUANTLY FURNISHED xtrUx housekeeping rooms; adults; reasonable; garden. f\(\ PINE — FURNISHED ROOMS FOR UUU housekeeping; reasonable. 9I 1 7IHUSII — 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS -Six I and bath; one floor; references required. yrff\\ i"-V ISA Di;Ko — NEATLY' W V 11- X I UU nlshed gunny room : $5 a month. EAO WASHINGTON — SUNNY UNF U R- OKtiU nished housekeeping rooms: running water. Q/i(\ HOWARD— SUNNY' HOUSEKEEPING; iJ _ .U also single room; reasonable. 1 A7I WILLIAM BT. — _ HOUSEKEEPING J-U I a rooms; cheap rent. " _ CALIFORNIA— 3 ELEGANTLY FUR- — «UO 1. nished rooms for housekeeping; $18. 47 BET. THIRTEENTH AND FOUH- tt I teenth— 2 furnished connecting housekeeping 1 rooms; no children. /7Q9 NATOMA— 2 NICE SUNNY ROOMS, UN- I O_ furnished, $7. , JO TURK-LARGE FRONT HOUSEKEEP- U \O Ing rooms, newly furnished; gas and bath; $16. j______ T '-i 7 BE VKM'il— FURNISHED ROOMS FROM lul $1 a week up; housekeeping; transient. i' 9' THIRD-SUNNY FRONT SUITE, FUIU XJjuO uiHhed complete for housekeeping. 1 91 9 UNION, COR. HYDE—NICELY FUIt- -I_l_ nlshed flat, suitable for housekeeping. Q PEARL, COB. MARKET, OPP. OCTAVIA— «-) 3 large sunny cor. bay-window rooms, well fur- nished for housekeeping: hot and cold water. • >..>) THIRD— FRONT FURNISH KD HOTjSE- U_--_keclng rooms; suites, f 18, 59, $8; single, $4. /79' BRANNAN, ABOVE SIXTH— SUNNY I -. ') kitchen and bedroom furnished; cheap. CHI EDDY — SUNNY FURNISHED BAY- "OU.Jt win-low room with kitchen complete for housekeeping. ,"1 son If P ilk— SUNNY CORNER; TWO ID well furnished housekeeping mis; very cheap. "1 SOUTH PARK—SUNNY FRONT ALCOVE i-U rooms; $8 and $10; single $5. oil LAFAY'ETTK, BET. ELEVENTH and Ola Twelfth— 2 large unfurnished rooms: $7. /I AX CASTJtO, NEAR MARKET— NICE tIUU sunny rooms, partly furnished; large lawn; ' flowers; gas; bath; laundry; no children; $15. 1 "aOQ golden GATE avk.---si:nny, nick- XO\Jy ly furnished housekeeping rooms. I A 1 - BUCttANAN-2 OR 3 HOUPEKEEP- X\JxO ing rooms, cheap; private family. ; , ARGO HOUSE, 105 NEW MONTGOMERY— Furnished housekeeping suites, $2 per week. (jljQ TWO ROOMS AND KITCHEN. 617 <jp<7. Birch aye., near Laguna st. /• «/• STEVENSON-2 NICE SUNNY ROOMS V_:U furnished for housekeeping: cheap rent. ■ ;11.{C MISSION-LIGHT SUNNY FURNISH- IiIt) ed housekeeping; also single rms;. cheap. MINNA — FURNISHED ROOMS FOR UttU housekeeping; largo yard. ..• EKAKD HOUSE, 142 SKVENTH— FUR- \Jt nislieil rooms, single and double, housekeeping. ROOMS TO LET. I IC\Q SCOTT— COZY SUNNY ROOM, QUIET X I Uis house, use of kitchen, dining-room, par- lor, library; all modern conveniences. "I 7 POLK, NEAR MARKET— FRONT BAY- II window rooms; also single ; $5 to $12. ROOMS TO LET- Continued. TTriA^^O^NVI^LT^ICEI^Y FURNISHED JLUv/J. rooms en suite and single; central location. 1 ft WEARY — LARGE UNFURNISHED JI«J_LU front sunny room. 'qq~q~6Tfarrell— large~sunny~front ~00 and back parlor; ; is and bath. 190 OAK— LARGE BAY-WINDOW ROOM-, I — » ) with kitchen complete; clean; .$l6. 99) " MARKET, BETWEEN EIGHTH AND .1— L Ninth— Lar^e furnished front. room; sun- ny suite: 2 ladies or 2 men: if 1 ill. 90 7 l POLK— SUNNY DOUBLE AND SINGLE I 2 rooms, neatly furnished; reasonable. IHI 7 a FOLSOM— FRONT DOUBLE ROOM, 11/ l I suitable for 2 ; use kitchen if desired. Q"| 7 MARKET ~ (ARCADE)— NEWLY. FUR- t/JL I ni^hed^; day, week or month; cheap. QA7 BUSH— SUNNY SINGLE AND DOUBLE OU I rooms; private family; ft up. . O"X/1 BUSH— NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY UO± rooms; best location. MRS. A.M. ELKIN3 ]*)\ SIXTH-CHEAPEST IN CITY: NICELY A-j-ii- furnished single and double front rooms. RAND SOUTHERN. COR. SEVENTH AND VI Mission— Rooms all light : water, gas and electric bells; elevator runs from 7 a. m. to lii.M.: single, 50 cents; suites, $1 day: $ 2 50 and $5 week up. ' £jQ LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOM AND <(JpO. kitchen. 18 Lewis st., oil Taylor, near Post. 1 1 ! 1 7 Taylor st. — SUNNY PARLOR; J- -LJL i folding-bed: also housekeeping rooms. 90 9 A POST— SUNNY' HALL-ROOM NEWLY _' '_ furnished; also others. Q9£ GEARY— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY O— O alcove room; also other rooms. ni-i POST— SINGLE FRONT ROOMS, NEAT- DI ly furnished, $7. ' CiC"7 MINNA, COR. EIGHTH— NICELY FUR- UU I nished bay-window rooms; $1 a-week. 91 A TURK, NEAR JONE~S— 2 SUNNY FUR- -.IV nished front rooms; also other rooms.; 99 TAYLOR— ELEGANT SUITE "'6 FUR- -1 -.—i nished sunny rooms; also single rooms. 09QI SEVENTH— 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, O^-O'i cheap to good tenant. \ ..''". • TOAA LA IFKIN~S'i\— LARGE SUNNY, FUR- X±A)\J nished front room, 7; single rooms, Ss. QAG GOLDEN GATE AYE. — FURNISHED O"it/ rooms; private family; gas and bath. • 7791 HARRISON, NR. FOURTH— FINELY I I Zi'i furnished sunny rooms; bath; closet; ?1 a week. 9 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS SUITABLE & for lor 2 gents. 319 O'Farrell st. HE MARSHALL, CO . LAG UNA AND Me- Allister— All sunny suites and single; splendid table; rates reasonable. MRS. J. B. MARSHALL. ■yOSKMITH HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET." 1 Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night, 35c to $1; week, $1 60 to $5; families. CHATSWORTJI, 703 BUTTER - 8 tTNNY, handsomely furnished rooms; bath; good ser- vice; reasonable. A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 kearny— PLEAS- ■XX ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; flrst,cla3S in every respect : terms reasonable. riUIE SHERMAN APARTMENT-HOUSE; 129 1 new sunny rooms; strictly respectable; half price of best hotels with equal accommodations; very central. 28 Eighth St., near Market. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE -t\- WEEKLY CALL. in wrapper, lor mailing. , CHILDREN BOARDED. \ifX:?rar^ro'¥o^^ '» good home; mother's care; terms reasonable. 82a Rausch, bet. Seventh and Eighth, Howard and Folsom. 7TERMAN LADY WISHES 2 OR 3 CHILDREN VI to board: motherly care. 1534 Turk st. SUMMER] IIKSOiMS. tSenti^owT^nyterm; furnished~or Xv not; new 8-room cottage; stable optional; Wellesley Park, Redwood City, San Mateo County, Cal.; 1 hour from San Francisco. Box 146, Call Office. STORES TO LET. OCJU^n^lsisiON'^^ — ''»•) living-rooms; also 9 rms. upstairs; cheap. (Jjl /» GROUND FLOOR; 5 LARGE ROOMS; •i; 1. U. yard for store and living-rooms. Corner Second st. and Kincon aye., near Brannan St. OH/j MONTGOMERY-CHOICE CORNER FOR Out saloon; also two basements: low rents. 9A7 AND 213 POLK STREET: VERY* NICE —v/ • stores. 4 rooms each, In fine order, $20. piIEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE \J WEEKLY" CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- Rge free. OFFICES TO I,KT. rpO^IE?T^LAKGETi Of I M \vTT7T^I?YTKTH : r; 1 suitable for artl-c's studio. 26 Montgomery st., WILSON & SMITH. 1 ARGK, ELEGANT OFFICE ON FIRST J-i floor. Montgomery, near Market. UMHSEN & CO., 14 Montgomery st. - 91 7 GEARY— 3 OFFICE ROOMS, KEY 217y», ull rear.| ESK ROOM AT ROOM 0, SIXTH FLOOR, Mills building. EDUCATIOA'AL. B~~lslalsc7?s"ly7seu^ Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed on stage. R. 6 & 12, 1. 0. 0. F. block, 7th and Market. ALT Z TAUGHT JN A LESSONS; TT private or class. 121 Powell at., nr. O'Farrell. "|7"OCAL TEACHER. JOSEPH GREVEN, IM- V proves and beautified even spoiled voices and procures positions for his pupils. 82 Ninth st. MIST MELVILLE-SNY'DER, ORATORICAL, Vocal aud Dramatic Academy, 519 Van Ness aye.: vocal classes Monday, 8 p. m... $1 month; dra- matic classes Wednesday, BP. m., ?3 month also private lessons and piano; ladies and gentlemen coached for professional or amateur stage (stage for practice). 1 PUPILS IN ENGLISH BRANCHES BY STATE 1 Normal graduate; conditioned pupils a spe- cialty. 313 Hyde st. TIEUL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market St.: diploma course $30. REEK, LATIN, .MODERN LANGUAGES, mathematics, etc. ; students prepared for any examination at reasonable rates. It. 333, Phelanbld. rp ARK'S INST., 659 MARKT-EOOKKEEPING 1 taught In 6 weeks. We pledge ourselves to keep free for 6 months books our graduates fall on. I?NGLiSH BRANCHES TAUGHT BY MISS !i DILLON, 14 McAllister St., room 46. "I EHTICAL AND POINTED HANDWRITING V taught. C. EISEN SCHIMEL, 235 Kearny. HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 94 POST Bookkptr, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modem lan guuges rapidly taught. Write tor catalogue. T 11. 1. 1 AN BEDDARD, "THE ENGLISH AC- j-J tress, coaches ladies and gentlemen for the dramatic profession : appearances arranged. Shake- spearean Academy, 406 Van Ness aye. QCHOOL ELECTRICAL, CIVIL, MINING, ME- -0 chanlcal engineering, surveying, architecture, assay; estao. '84. VAN DElt NAILLEN.723Mkt. /Cheapest and BEST I.V America— \J WEEKLY CALL, Bent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 60, post- aco free. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. FOR BEST VALUE GET A CALIGRAPH; IT lasts longest and does beat work. NAYLOR, agent, 19 Montgomery st. ; rents; repairs; Mimeo- graphv supplies. SHERIFF'S SALES. g S~ H^mFi^s"s^L^oiLCrMAUNDEß7lpiLArN^ tiff, vs. SPRING VALLEY WATER WORKS et ai,.. Defendants. No. 45,089— Superior Court, Department I— Order of sale and sale and decree of foreclosure of lease- hold interest. 1 Under and by virtue of an order of sale and de- cree of foreclosure of leasehold interest. issued out of the Superior Court, Department No. 1, of the City and County of San Francisco, State of Califor- nia, on the 27th day of February, A. D. 1895, in the above-entitled action, wherein M. C. MAUNDER, the above-named plaintiff, ODtalned a judgment and decree of foreclosure against MARY MEYER, executrix of the estate of CHARLES MEYER, de- ceased, ft defendant in an action wherein the said M. C. MAUNDER is plaintiff and SPRING VA L- LEY WATER WORKS et al. are defendants, on the 21st day of February, A. D. 1895, which said judgment and decree was on the 26th day of Febru- ary, A. D. 1896. recorded in judgment book 24 of paid court, at page 236,1 am commanded to sell that certain leasehold Interest heretofore acquired by CHARLES MEYER, deceased, of whoso estate defendant MARY MEYER Is the executrix, from the SPRING VALLEY WATERWORKS, a corporation, and which said leasehold . Interest was acquired by and through a Certain indenture of leftso executed between the said SPRING VAL- LEY WATER WORKS and the said CHARLES MEYER upon the Ist day of September, 1892, to- gether with the extension thereof dated May 4th. 1893, and which said leasehold interest covered that certain property more particularly described as follows: to wit ; Commencing at the intersection of the southerly line of Geary street with the easterly line of Stock- ton street, running thence southerly and along said easterly line of Stockton street one hundred and thirty-seven and six-twelfths (187 6-12) feet; thence lit right angles easterly one hundred and thirty-seven and six-twelfths (137 &-12) feet: thence at right angles northerly and parallel with Stockton street one hundred and thirty-seven and six-twelfths (137 6-12) feet to the southerly line of Geary street, and thence at right angles i westerly and along said southerly line ■of . Geary . street one hundred and thirty-seven and six-twelfths {137 6-12) feet to the point Of commencement, together with the building - thereon situate, known ■ and designated as the "Wigwam Theater," all in the city and county of San Francisco, State of Califor- nia. : Public notice Is hereby given that on THURSDAY, the 9th day of May, A. D. 1895, at 12 o'clock, noon, of that day, in front of I the New City Hall, Larkln-street wing, in the City and County of San Francisco, I will, in obedience to said order of sale and decree of foreclosure, sell the above-described property, or so much thereof as maybe necessary to raise auincient money to satisfy said judgment, with Interests ahd* costs, etc., to th« highest and best bidder, for lawful money of the United state*. RICHARD I.WHELAA, Sheriff. San Francisco, April 17, 1895. Wit, i, iam U. .lordan, 530 California' street, San Francisco, Attorney for Plaintiff. .-.-.--■ ......-.■ , . . - ; DENTISTS. \ - ..'.-; j " VNY^TOOTIP FILLED Ol* EXTRACTED ' i\ painlessly by my secret method without dan- gerous cocaine or gas: won 8 first prizes ; prices rea- sonable; work warranted; all operations expertly done; remember I have removed from 6 to 20 O'J .■■.!■ st. Pit. GEORGE W. LEEK. ■ DR." C. E. BLAKE'S INDESTRUCTIBLE JJ tpeth— LATEST INVENTION-Especlhiiy for bridge work) positively guaranteed never to break; any patient ouce seeing them will a unit this is the tooth most wanted; also DR. BLAKE'S enameled platinum crowns: no display Of gold. THE HIGHEST ART IX DENTISTRY. I Prices moderate. Otllce 406 Sutter, nr. Stockton. DX. .1. .1. LEEK, 1 FIFTH— OPEN EVENINGS, and Sunday until noon. - Tt CHALFANTS'S,BMASON,COR. MARKET^ J\. sets of teeth are made to please or no charge; on bridges, crowns and gold plates prices reduced 1 small gold fillings only $'J; painless extraction. CROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MAR- \J ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, gas specialists: only reli- able agent for palmess extraction; artificial teeth frm $t> i fillings from $1 ; extracting 50c, with gas $1. DR. REA, 9 SIXTH ST.: ALL DENTAL work at lowest prices ana warranted ; open evening &!7 A SET FOR TEETH: WARRANTED as <jp I good as can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMMS, dentist, 930 Market st., next Baldwin Theater. ALL WORK REASONABLE AND WARRANT- ed. DR. J. W. KEY, 1122 Market St. DR. 11. G. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH without plates a specialty. mil Polk st. DU. LUDLUM HILL, 1443 MARKET . ST., near Eleventh; no charge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new; teeth from $8 per set; extracting 50c. gas given. /"IOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAR* \J ketst. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. FOB SALB-MISCELLANEOU9. FRESH FAMILY COW FOR SALE. APPLY at 1232 Twenty-fourth St., near Castro. ' Ip OR. SALE— TO BE REMOVED, 2-STORY ' double house; 309 and 309 a Clementina . st. Proposals for purchase of same to be submitted to 11. GBUiFUSS/igQ Fulton st. PAINTERS' FALLS, LADDERS; ALSO TIN- X tier's tools, rollers, ttc. 258 Stevenson st. PAIMKR's OUTFIT — FALLS, LADDERS^ etc. cheap. 2008 O'Farrell st, bet. 2 and 6. 4 OOD CENTRALLY LOCATED PLANT FOR VJT manufacturing purposes: 2-story Duildlng: 50 h. p. engine and boiler, shafting, etc.;* lot 75x250; 5 years' lease: now in operation: for sale at half value. R. C. JEWELL, 628 Market st. T3OOTBLACK STAND CHEAP] 335 MOXT, JP gomery st. "VTEW $100 LADY'S SAFETY; $50 CASH OR i.l installments. 326 McAllister st. rpiißAsitiXG ENGINE for SALE CHEAP— X One Bxl4 straw-burning thrashing engine, with brand new boiler: built to carry a working pressure of 100 pounds of steam. Apply at T. J. MOYNI- HAN'S boiler works, 311 Mid 313 Mission st., southwest corner Beale. ■ . AS LOT OF EASTERN STANDARD MAKES of safes which have been taken in exchange as part payment for the Waltz safes, as follows: 3 burglar-proof bank or coin safes; 7 jewelers' safes, 8 pawnbrokers' safes. 13 merchant safes: fire and burglar proof: all; at less than half cost; see them before you order. The Waltz Safe Salesroom, 221 and 223 Market St., factory 13 and 15 Drumm St., San Francisco. Cal. t YEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- 1> hand. W. S. RAY Mfg Co., 12 California st. \ V ! LSHIRE SAFE, LETTER-PRESS, SCALE, m coffee-mill and money -till; cheap. 102 Clay st. CO UxtE R S, SHELVING, SHOWCASES bought end sold. 1121 i/ Market, bet. 7th and Bih STORAGE A^^irßTrcHl^pr^L^FrT^sTOß^fmjß furniture, etc. LUXDY FURNITURE COM- PANY, 818 Mission St. _ ___^ -FURNITURE, PIANOS AND OTHER MER- J- ehandise received on storage; money advanced on consignments; fire-proof building. 410Po3tst., TOR AGE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSE- hoId goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market st. I," I ILASS STORAGE ; ADVANCES MADE ' 421-423 Market st. CHAS. L. TAYLOR. TO LEASE. milE GROVE STREET THEATER TO LEASE 1 Apply MA iN & BURKE. 6v6 Market st. FINANCIAL. _ ___ T^OW^IirA^E^r^HYT^COUNTRY': '" COLLAT- -LJ eral securities. TRAVERSE, 313 Montg'y. \ TO EXCHANGE. ■pN"E^M^T^C^BTCYCI]E~FOii^DOUBLE^BAR- X rel shotgun. 3423 Sixteenth. TRUSTEES' HALES. r p iv : srEES r SALE. — NOTICE IS HEREBY X given that default has been made in the pay- ment of the sums secured by that certain Deed of Trust made by THOMAS F. GEGAN to S. C. BIGELOW and ARTHUR A. SMITH, Trustees, dated the 2d day of November, 1882, and recorded in the office of the Recorder for the County of A lamed;., State of California, in Liber 475 of deeds at page 211 thereof ; end that upon request of the Havings and Loan Society by resolution adopted by its Board of Directors on the 19th day of March, 1895, the undersigned trustees, on WEDNESDAY, April 17. 1895, at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon (12 m.) of that day. at the auction house of WILL E. FISHER & CO., No. 14 Post street, in the City and County of San Francisco, State aforesaid, will sell at public auction, for gold coin of the United States, the piece or parcel of land situate in Oakland Township, County of Alarutda, State of California, described as fol- lows: Commencing at a point in the northwesterly line of Howe street, distant thereon two hundred (200) feet southwesterly from the southwesterly line of Mather street; running thence southwesterly along said line of Howe street one hundred (100) feet to a point : thence northwesterly along a line parallel with said line of Mather street one hun- dred and twenty-five (125) feet to a point: thence southwesterly along a line parallel with said line of Howe Btreet fifty (50) feet to a point: thence northwesterly along a line parallel with said line of Mather street one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet to a point in the southeasterly line of Montgomery street; thence northeasterly along the last-named line one hundred and fifty (150) feet to a point; and thence southeasterly along a line parallel with said line of Mather street two hundred and fifty (250) feet and to the point of commencement: the same being lot* numbers three, ten (8, 10) »nd a portion of number nine (9) in block five (5) of the Howe Tract, as designated and delineated on the map entitled "Plan of the Howe Tract," etc., filed on December 19, 1876, in the office of the Recorder for said county of Ala* meda. With the appurtenances. Or such part of said real property as, in the dis- cretion of said trustees, shall be deemed best. Terms and conditions of sale— Cash In gold coin of the United States; ten per cent on the fall of the hammer; balance on delivery of deed, and if not so paid then said ten per cent 10 be forfeited and the sale to be void. The Savings and Loan Society (being the owner of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust) or any other person may pur- chase at said sale. Acts of sale at purchaser's ex- pense. - Dated at San Francisco, March 23. 1895. S. 0. BIGELOW, Trustee. ARTHUR A. SMITH, Trustee. . The above sale is hereby postponed to and until WEDNESDAY, April 21, 1895, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon (12 m.) of that day, at the same place. Dated at San Francisco. April 17, 1895. B. I . BIGKLOW, Trustee. ARTHUR A. SMITH. Trustee. PROPOSALS. ROPOS 'ALSFOR HEATING JL Sealed proposals will be received by the Super- intendent of Common Schools in open session of the Board of Education, new City Hall, Wednes- day, May 8, 1895, at 8:30 o'clock p. M., for heating the Peabody Primary School building on West Mission street, in the city and county of San Fran- cisco, In accordance with plans and specifications at Ui<; oillce of L. R. Townsend, architect, 513 Cali- fornia street. OEOROE BE aNSTON, Secretary. LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Arrived. TUESDAY. April 23. Cleone, Miller, 24 hours from Pismo; prod- uce, to W A Mitchell. Schr Moro, .loreensen, 6 days from Alaska; 20 tons halibut, to J S Klmball. . Schr Bobolink, Fandrlnks, 66 hours from Men* docino ; 235 Mft lumber, to Mendoclno Lumber Co. Spoken. Dec 28. 29 N, 18 W. Br ship Falls of Dee, from Newcastle, En«r, for San Francisco. Apr 1. 1 X,30 W, Br ship Copley, from Oregon for Queenstown. . Movements of Atlantic Steamers. . GIBRALTAR— Arrived Apr 23 — Stmr Werra, from New York for Genoa. GLASGOW— Arrived Apr 82 -Stmr Brazilian, Boston via Halifax, j not at Liverpool as before re- ported. NEW YORK— Arrived Apr 23— Stmr Western* land from Antwerp ; stmr Nebraska, from Glasgow. Importation*. PISMO— Cleone— 3 bales wool, 7 cs dried fruit, 1 coop chickens, a bxs butter, 1257 sks beans. Consignees. • ■ Per Cleone— C E Whitney & Co: H Dutard; Buf- falo Brewery: Thomas & Kalin; Phillips Bros; En- terprise Brewery; Smith's Cash Store. Per Homer— Dairymen's Union ; W*■ Hnattuct; II Duti'.rd: Thomas Loughran: CM Volkman: L J Larson; W B Simmer A Co; 3 D Sprcckels & Bros Co. Standard Oil Co; M P Detels: Bandon Woolen Mills; P ABuell & Co; Rosen thai. Feeler A Co. MARRIAGES— DEATHS. : rßirth, marriage ana death notices sent by mall will not be inserted. They must bo handed in at either of the publication offices and be indorsed with the name and residence of persons authorized to have the same published. ] BORN. BROWN— In this city, April 23, 1895, to the wife ; of M. Brown, a son. •, BARRY— In this city., April 21, 1895, to the wife . of William Barry, a daughter. ■ GRANGER— In -East Oakland, April 18, 1896, to the wife of Alexander Granger, a daughter. IXGLIS— In this city, April 22, 1893, to the Wife of W. Inglli Jr., a daugutor. , MORGAN— In this city, April 22, 1895, to the wife • of Percy T.Morgan, a daughter. • - -.. ,-•-. MAIUSIOH— In Oakland, April 22, 1895, to the wile of Luca Marisich, a daughter. SCHLUETER— In Oakland, v 23, 1895, to th» wife of T. A. Schlueter, a daughter. ._. — ;? _ Yimino. , ...;■; T" JOHNSON— MO RT X X —l Oakland, April 22, 1895, by the Rev. I. L. P. Dietrichson, Christian Johnson and Sine Monensen. STOVEL— MARTEL— this city, April 20, 1895, by the Rev. Dr. Robert Mackenzie, Charles J. Stove! and Ethel M. Mcrtel. TIMLOW-CAItOLAN-lh this city. April 23, 1895, at St. Luke's Church, the Right Reverend Bishop of California officiating, assisted by the Reverend Rector of the parish, William Ferree Timlow, Esq., Of Bound Brook, X. J., and Evelyn Carolan, daughter of James Carolan, Esq., Of Ban Francisco. __ ' . DIED. Boyle, William P. Hansell, Emma 11. Biggins, Rose May La Snge. Harry Brennan, Johanna K. Udell, Mac S. Brady, MichaelT. / Malm, Anton W. . Cunningham,. James Murray, Margaret Craven, Mrs. Ann Morgan (infant) Cankon, Nora Mahoney, Mollle Congdon, Jemima W. O'Rourke, Mary Cox, Captain Jerome B. Ruprich. Mrs. Kate Delicat, Frederick A. H. Rosenfeld, Amelia '. Gallagher, Lilly E. Stuart, William Gilbart, Mnrgaretha Smidt, Hattie (if.mville, Thomas Yunli.tiren. Sadie Hlbbard, Minerva Wilson, William B. - ;: 7. . Waters, Michael BOYLE— In this city, April 23, 1895, William P., beloved husband of Susan Boyle, and brother of John J. and Thomas F. Boyle and Mrs. E. A. Me-. Evoy, a native of Boston, Mass., aged 40 years 6 mouths and 14 days. MS" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW. (Thursday), from St. Francis Church, ' Vallejo street, where a solemn requiem mass will be cele- brated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 10 o'clock a. it. Interment Mount Calvary Cem- etery. > BIGGINS— In this city, April 23, 1895, Rose May, youngest daughter of Patrick and Margaret Big- gins, and sister of Eddie and Katie Biggins and Thomas J. and Lizzie Doyle, a native of San Francisco, aged 12 years and 11 months. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from the rest- dence of her parents, Twenty-third and Utah streets, thence to St. Peter's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9a. m. Inter- ment Holy Cross Cemetery. -,- r.'t • BRENNAN— In this city. April 23, 1595, Johanna Keyes, beloved wife of Michael T. Brennan, and mother of William, James E. and John T. Bren- nan, Mrs. May Johnson and Mrs. Thomas E. Curran, a native of the parish of Drumard, County Tipperary, Ireland, aged 69 years 'i months and 3 days. JK3*Friends and acquaintances are respec - fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 9:30 o'clock a. m., from her late residence, 211 Clara street, thence to St. Pat- rick's Church, where a requiem high mass Will be celebrated for the repose of her soul at 10 o'clock a. if. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. BRADY— In Prescott, Ariz.. April 23, 1895, Michael T. Brady, beloved father of Mrs. Lizzie Perchne and Mrs. Maggie Jentzsch, a native of Armagh, Ireland, aged 67 years. [St. John (X. B.) papers please copy.] CUNNINGHAM— In this city, April 21, 1895, James, only and beloved son of the late James and Ann Cunningham, and beloved brother of Mrs. J. J. Driscoll and Annie Cunningham, a na- tive of San Francisco, aged 23 years 2 months and 25 days.' JK9~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 10:30 o'clock a. m., from his late residence, 1144 Folsom street. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. CRAVEN— In this city, April 23, 1895. Mrs. Ann Craven, sister-in-law of Edward McGrath and aunt of Mrs. Mary O'Day, a native of County Ty- rone, Ireland, aged 68 years. £3~Notlce of funeral hereafter. COX— In this city, April 23, 1895, Captain Jerome B. Cox, father of Mrs. Ada X. Martin and Mrs. William B. Bancroft, a native of Lee County, Vir- ginia, aged 67 years. [Lafayette (Ind.) papers please copy.) , 43f"Xo:ice of funeral hereafter. CANKON— In this City, April 22, 1895, Nora Can- kon, aged 34 years. CONGDON— In this city, April 22, 1895, Jemima. Webster Congflon, aged 44 years and 7 days. DELICAT— In this city, April 22, 1895, Frederick A. 1., beloved husband of Anna C. Delieat, and father of Mrs. H. Zihn, Catherine Delicat, Mrs. L. Lameke and John and Frederick Delicat, a na- tive of Hanover, Germany, aged 69 years 9 months and 3 days. A member of Schiller Ham No. 11, U. A. O. D.. and Verein Etntracht. Kg* Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Thursday, at 2 o'clock p. m., from Druids' Hall, 413 Sutter street, near Stockton. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. GILBART— this city, April 22, 1895, Marga- retha, beloved wife of the late William Gilbart, and mother of Alfred J., Henry W.. William J. f Alice and Katie Gilbart, a native of Birmingham, England, aged 51 years 4 months and 11 days. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 1:30 o'clock p.m., from her late residence, 17 Barman place, between Union and Green streets, near Dupont. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. GALLAGHER— In this city, April 23, 1895, Lily I E. Gallagher. ■ GRANVILLE— In Chicago, 111., April 19, 1895, I Thomas, beloved husband of the late Theresa Granvllle, and father of Joseph, Arthur and thQ late Thomas Granvlile. a native of County Lim- erick, Ireland, aged 65 years. HIBBARD— Napa, April 22, 1895, Minerva Hibbard, beloved mother of Frank W. Button, Fred B. Hiboard and Mrs. G.K. Sackett, a na- tive of Louisville, Ky., aged 59 years 2 months and S days. HANSELL— In this city, April 22, 1895. Emma M. Hansell, a native of New York, aged 52 years. La SAGE— In this city, April 22, 1895, Harry La Siige (an ex-Union soldier), a native of England, aged 55 years. *5-The funeral will take place THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 10:30 o'clock a.m.. from the par- lors of A. W. Martin & Co., 118 Geary street. LIDELL— 21. 1895, Mac a Lidell. . MALM— In this city, April 21, 1895, Anton W. Malm, a native of Malmo, Sweden, aged 38 years 1 month and 28 days. j£B~Frienris and acquaintances and mem- bers of Hesperian Grove Xo. 15, U. A. O. D. are respectfully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from Druids' Hall. 413 Sutter street. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. Remains at the parlors of A. W. Martin A Co., 118 Geary street. MURRAY— In this city, April 23. 1895, Margaret, beloved wife of James Murray, and mother of Genevleve D. and Randolph Murray, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, aged 53 years 7 mouths and 8 days. - MORGAN— this city, April 22, 1895, infant daughter of Percy T. and Daisy Ainsworth Mor- gan. MAHONEY— In this city, April 22, 1895, SI dill* Mahoney, a native of San Francisco, aged 23 years and 19 days. O'ROURKE— In this city, April 22. ISPS, Mary, relict of the late Hugh O'Rourke, and beloved mother of Eugene O'Rourke and Mrs. M. D. Nolan, a native of Bailleboro, county Ca van, Ireland. Requlescat in pace. JtSTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 9:30 o'clock a. m.. from the resi- dence of her son-in-law, M. D. Nolan, 1025 Page street, thence to Sacred Heart Church, corner Fell and FUlmore streets, where a solemn requiem , mass will be celebrated for the repose Of her sOul, ' commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. Interment Mount Calvary Ceematrry. BUPRICU— In Oakland, April 21, 1895, Mrs. Kate Ruprich, a native of Ireland, aged 70 years. |J3~Frlends and acquaintances are respect- f'llly invited to attend the funeral Tills DAT (Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from the par*- lors of James McManus, Seventh and Castro streets, thence to St. Patrick's Church, West Oakland, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commenc- ing at B o'clock a. U. Interment St. Mary's Cem- etery. ,\o--<i: ROSEXFELD— In this city, April 22, 1895, Amelia Rosenfeld, a native of New York, aged 63 years. < £9"Tiie funeral will take place THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 11 o'clock a. m.. from the par- lors of Halsted & Co., 946 Mission street. Inter- ment private. . STUART— In this city, April 23, 1895, William Stuart, a native of County Antrim, Ireland, aged 69 years. . ,■-- '-*: ■■ tST Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 9:30 o'clock a. m.. from the par- lors of McAvoy <fc Gallagher, 20 Fifth street, . thence to St. Patrick's for services, ■ in- terment Holy Cross Cemetery. SMIDT— In this city, April 23, 1895, Hattie, be- loved wife of J. Suiidt, a native of Germany, aged 35 years, asS" Notice of funeral hereafter. . ;.u> VANHAGEN— In this city, Auril 22. 1895, Badia. Vanhagen, a native of California, aged 21 years 3 ' months and 17 days. WILSON— In this city, April 23, 1896, William 8., beloved son of J. R. and Lulu B. Wilson, a native of San Francisco, aged 3 months and 19 day a. | WATERS— In this city, April 22, 1895, Michael Waters, a native of Balgree, County Meath, Ire- " land, aged 49 years. T" UNITED UNDERTAKERS' EMBALMING PARLORS. Everything Requisite for First-class Funerals ( at Reasonable Rates. - Telephone 8167. »27 and 29 1 Fifth street. < _ " MCAVOY & OALLACHER, j FUNERAL DIRECTORS & EMBALMKR>, , *O Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. \ Telephone 3080. ' - _ LAUREL HILL CEHETERY ASSOCIATION. CHOICE LOCATIONS IN ANY PART OF THE \J grounds for sale and lots laid out on the Lawn system or inclosed with low walls, as purchaser may desire. Perpetual care of plats a specialty. Cemetery permanent. For the purchase of lots or for any improvements apply to the superintendent on the grounds, Cen- tral avenue and Bush St., Ban Francisco, Cat. , CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY. TN SANMATKO COUNTY; NON-SECTARIAN; 1 laid out on the lawn plan: perpetual care; beau- tiful, permanent and easy of access; see It belu*. buying a burial place elsewhere. City office. • Citr Bill Arena* . 13