Newspaper Page Text
12 SANTA FE WILL FIGHT The Southern Pacific Brought About the Trouble at First. OVER AN EXCURSION TICKET. Decks Cleared Here for the Fray and a Flyer to Be Started. The Santa Fe Railway officials have started out upon the warpath, and this time the object of their aggressive cam paign is the Southern Pacific Company's overland passenger business. It was a little thing that aroused the Santa Fe men's ire, and though of appa rently trifling moment, in the eyes of rail road men it was a breach of courtesy ex- tended by one company to another, and as such is sufficient grounds for retaliation. When the Half-million Club excursion was about to leave San Francisco for Los Angeles, Mr. Perkins of the Santa Fe pas senger department here, acting under in structions from the general passenger agent of his company, went to the South ern Pacific offices and asked for a pass on tne excursion train. His purpose was to induce members of the party to travel over the Southern California Railway as far down as San Diego, where the people had in contemplation a grand reception to the club and its friends. The Santa Fe was very desirous that the Half-million Club people should see such places as Pasadena, Bectonrto, the kite-shaped track, etc. But it appears the Southern Pacific people were of a different mind on that point. Anyhow a representative of the Santa Fe was denied a pass on the train. He was told he could travel with the excursion if he bought a ticket, the same as any other individual, which proposition was not accepted. The result was that there was no proper opportunity afforded to in duce the excursionists to extend their route into Santa Fe territory. The news of the refusal to allow a Santa Fe agent transportation on the train was telegraphed to General Passenger Agent John .1. Byrne in Los Angeles. A day later it reached the ears of General Passen- fer Agent T. H. Goodman of the Southern Pacific Company, who, on the first oppor tunity offered, apologized to Assistant Passenger Agent Speares of the Santa Fe, saying that if he had known of the request it would not have been refused. Still the Santa Fe officials have smarted under it, and yesterday one of them stated that the company had already begun to consider the question of making a hard fight for Southern Pacific passenger bnsi ness. "We have transferred nearly all the of fice details of our local passenger business to Los Angeles," said he, "thus relieving this office of considerable work and giving it a chance to enter unhampered in an open field for this business. We are running through cars daily to Chicago in four days and five hours without a change, and have equipments and appointments that are at least equal to anything in the railway line going out of California. "We have as much right to the Southern Pacific road to Mo jave as the Southern Pacific Company it self, as that is expressly provided for in the contract. "The latest move on the part of our com pany is a proposition to put on a train from Los Angeles direct to Chicago, that will make forty-five to fifty miles an hour right through, or the whole distance in something like two days and a half, which has never" yet been heard of. This train is to be fitted out in excellent style, and neither money nor pains will be spared to make it equal, if not superior, to the Sun set limited in pointer elegance and com fort for travelers. "It will come through Barstow, where connection can be easily made with Mo jave, at which place the two daily trains coming north to San Francisco can be taken without any delay. We are getting a move on and mean business that will stir up our competitors." AN UNKNOWN MAN KILLED. Knocked Off the Salinas River Bridge by a Southern Pacific Train. "While the northbound Southern Pacific passenger train was crossing the bridge over the Salinas "River, between San Miguel and Bradley, yesterday afternoon, the engine struck a man who was appar ently a tramp, knocking him off and kill ing him. The train was backed up and the body was placed on board and taken to Bradley, the authorities at Salinas City beting notified. There was nothing by which the body could be identified. Besides his old suit of clothes of brownish material, all the man's possessions consisted of a bundle contain ing a new pair of shoes and a new soft, felt hat, and in his pockets were found a prayer-book and a rosary. There was also a necklace of beads around his neck. He was probably fifty years of age. Ke was of medium stature and, except a mustache, his face indicated a recent neglect of shav ing. EEAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Caroline B. Watson to Ella W. Morgan, lot on S lineof Clay street, 137:6 E of Buchanan, E 77:6 by S 127:81/4; $10. Henry Wadsworth to Sarah Kahn, lot on NE cor ner of Vallejo and Webster streets, N" 137:6 by E 60: $10. Crawford Ferris (hy H. c. Campbell and T. B. Kent, trustees) to Asa Fisk. 1343 d 265, lot on AY line of Bourbin street. 75 N of Eddy, N 50 by W 90, trustees' deed ; $2975. Isaac N. Gard toSeba A. Gard, lot on S line of Lombard street, 31:3 W of Broderick, W 25 by S 80: gift. Guy M. and Sarah J. Wood to Henry J. and GeoreeS. Smith, lot on W line of Cook street, 100 Nof Point Lobos avenue, N 25 by W 120: $10. Leopold Seligman (by 1. Steinhart, attorney) to Henry Dederky Jr. lot on N line of Fell street! 56:3 AY of Ash bur.-, AY .5 by N 100: $10. Prince A. Phillips to Mary S. Phillips, 10' on NW* corner of Liberty and Dolores streets, a 52, W 105. N 62, W 25, S 114. E 130; gift. John L. Baumgarteri to Antonio Baumgarten, lot. on SE corner of Castro and Fifteenth streets, S 90 by 25; gift. J. H. and Louisa AVcdemeyer to Alexander G. and Eliza A.Greer, lot on N line of Twenty-fourth street. 75 E of Hampshire. E 25 by N 100; $10. William C. and Sadie Hamerton to Andrew and llulda E. Nelson, lot on s line of Twenty-ninth Street, 139 AVof Dolores. A\' 25 byS 114; $10. Martha K. Shannon to Henry L. Shannon, lot on 8 line of Twenty-third street, 126 Eof Dimond, E 103:4 by 114 : also lot on N line of O street, 82-6 I" of Twenty-fourth avenue, N 100, E 82:6, N 250 E 240. S 25, W 120, _ 225, W 12:6, 8 100, AY 25: $5. Henry L. Shannon to Laura M. Gashwiler, same two pieces: $16. Thomas and Mary McDonnell to Benjamin Healey, E 50- vara lot 1478. 59 :6 Nof SE corner of said 50-vara lot, on Filler; street. N 26 by W 60 <E Napier alley, 50:6 N of Filbert, N 26 by E 60) : also lot on N Hue of Filbert street. 137:6 Eof Montgomery street, e3O by N 59:6: also lot on N lineof Filbert street, 167:6 E of Montgomery. E SO by N 59:6: $10. Frederick and Anna Gudehus to Dorothea Fln nen, lot on V. lin-of Yerba Buena street, 46 8 of Clay, S 20:6 by E 80: $10. James McLaughlin to Margaret Edmonds, lot on E line of Kate street, 215 Sof Bryant, S 20 by E 50; $10. - Adolph Sutro to Elliott J. Moore, outside land block 219, bounded by Thirty-eighth and Thirty ninth avenues, Point Lobos avenue and Clement street; $10. Same to Elizaoeth Chadwick, lot on E line of Seventh avenue, 150 S of I street, 8 75 by E 120; $10. Walter and Linda G. Malloy to Edward Ewald Jr., lot commencing 50 feet from NW corner of P strcetand Twenty-third avenue, W 120 by N* 150; also lot on SE corner of Q. street and Twenty-third avenue, s 96:4. E 47:10, N 92:11. W 52:2: also lot on NE corner of X street and Thirty-seventh avenue. N 66:1, E 240:6, 8 50:1, VV 240; also lot on SE corner of X street and Thirty-seventh avenue. 8 225 by X 240; also lot on SE corner of X street and Forty-third aye., 225 by E 240: also lot 685 d 239. by Paul Malloy and Henry Kraft to Walter Malloy, September 24, 1872; also all In terest in the following Western Audition lots: 50 --vara lot 2. olock 231 ; lot 6, block 235: lot 4, block 77; lots 1,2 and 3. block 311; lot 1 and E i. of lot 6, block 380; E■ % of lot 1, block 233; lots 1 to 6, block 352; lots 1 to 6, block 353; all of block 354: lots 1 to 6, block 316; lots 8 to 6, block 314: lots 1, 2. 3 and 6, block 315; lots 5 and li. block 38S; all block 389; lots 3 and 4, block 270; lots 1, 3. 4 and 6, block 358: lots 1 to 4 and 6, block 158: lot 2. block 57, except 40:3 feet on E side of said lot 2: also all interest in undivided three-fourths — com mencing a] NF corner sec 11, township 2 S, range 6 W, thence N 30 chains. X 40 chains, N 30 chains, W 120 chains, H 60 chains, E 80 chains to beginning; also all interest in 25 acres undivided in NE quarter of section 27. township "_ s, range 6 W; also all interest in township 2 S, range 6 W. N W corner of D street and Twentieth avenue, N 000 by \V 120: also Outside Land block 342, bounded by C and B streets, Thirty-second and Thirty-third avenues; also Outside "Land blocks 400, 414, 349, portion of 685 d 239 and.part of NE corner of section 14, township _ S, range 6 W, thence .N 30 chs, _* 40 chs, N 30 chs, E 40 chs, N 30 chs, W 120 chs, s 60 chs. E 80 chs: also lot on KE ' _ of section 27, township 2 8, range 6 W; also lot on NE corner of section 14. township 2 s. range 6 W, thence N 30 chains, E 40 chains, N 30 chains, W 120 chains, S 60 chains, E 80 chains, quitclaim deed; $10. John and .Mary Bally to Hugh McClary, lot on \V line of Andover street, 33 s of East avenue, _ 25 by W 110, block 6, Holly Park; $10. Builders' Contracts. Edward F. Delger with Anderson Bros., to erect a two-story buildingon the NE corner of Fair Oaks and Twenty-fifth streets. N 35 by 100; $3297. SAN FRANCISCO •CALL." _ BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Call— 710 Market street, open until 12 o'clock every night in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— 6BO Montgomery street, corner Clay : open until 9 :30 o'clock. - -'. -; 339 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Lnrkln street, open until 9:30 o'clock. SW. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open until 9 o'clock. : -*. 2518 Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. e^^^~v^sTba biljena lodgme op'^ Lb-"** Perfection No. 6— Regular meeting fT THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, April 26. at jj\ 8 o'clock. V. 4. GEORGE J. HOBE, USA* Secretary. ''"era- 5 •_*3"*** PACIFIC LODGE NO. 136. F. A ~i IJ£_*? A. _!.— Officers and members are no- ___f__, titled of a called meeting THIS FRIDAY, _K_aT the 26th. at 1 p. M., at Masonic Temple, to/^*' \ attend the funeral of our late brother, JEROME B. COX of Lafayette Lodge No. 123, Ind. Master Masons and the funeral committees are Invited. GEORGE PENLINGTON, Secretary. 3_*_p CANTON SAN FRANCISCO®, _M 5—7 No. 5, Patriarchs Militant. I. O. O. T. en \f° Officers and Chevaliers are hereby ordered y\ to report, in full uniform, at -street/ X ferry, FRIDAY, April 26, at 8:45 a. m., for annual muster and to assist in tfie celebration of the sev- enty-sixth anniversary of the . Order, at She- Moil nd Park. The Canton will parade in Oakland with Canton No. 11, and will go over on the 9 a. m. boat via Creek route. \V. S. POTTER, Captain. Bfc**S a SARGENT BODGE NO. 368. ■_—*_■,-. 5~& I. O. O. F.— Officers and mem- *^y^3^p- bers, please take notice that there will ""~"3"*!--^*Si"*" be an initiation THIS (FRIDAY) ■""'»•*• EVENING. Visiting brothers are invited to be present. W. W. LYON, N. G. Attest: \v. O. MAcnor-GA--, Bee. Sec. »^K» THE ANNEAL EXCURSION AND PlC- —t—7 nic of the Knights of the Red Branch will be held at Glenwood, Santa Cruz Mountains, on SUNDAY, May 5. Athletic sports will be held, and valuable gate prizes given. __ — -- PEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— 5—7 THE WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, postage free. SPKCIAL, NOTICES. ■_S» THE MARIA KIP ORPHANAGE OF EX& 638 Folsom st., San Francisco, Cal., has re- ceived the following orphan and half-orphan girls from Jan. 1. 1895, to April 1, 1895: Emily L. Rey- nolds, aged 9 years: Maria v. .1. Regnalto, aged 2 years: Marguerite K. Evans, aged 5 years; Laura M. King, aged 12 years: Elsie Michael, aged 7 years. a_3gp LEARN TO DANCE; PICNIC SEASON 5—7 soon here. PROF. LOVE, 620 Bosh St. »^gs-- CHARLES H. PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY- -5~£7 at-law and Notary Public, 638 Market st., opp. Palace Hotel. Residence, 1620 Fell si. Tele- phone 570. SEsF - "drTnellie BEIGHLE, OFFICES,"-! 'S^P to 55, Donohoe building, 1170 Market st. Stomach, liver, kidney and rheumatism success- fully treated. Nervous diseases a specialty. Dis- eases examined without, questioning. r__g= BAD TENANTS - FOR $4. ——7 collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy St., room 6, Tel. 5580. -T_*2=» DON'T CUT YOUR CORNS; WE RE- -5-& move them painlessly without a knife in three minntes. Chiropodie Institute, 36 ' _ Geary at. i|»---gp ALL COURTS- LEGAL PRIVATE MAT- _">-"*_ ters; confidential; advice free. ATTOR- NEY McCABE, 838 Market st. *3_~__p ROOMS WHITENED, ?1 UP: PAPER- 'S^P ed $3 50 up. 309 Sixth, George Hartman. *-t_*S= J.B. McINTYRE, BOOKBINDER AND _i__7 Printer. 422 Commercial st. ."SITUATIONS WANTED— FEMALE. JF^yThTw ANT~A GOOD isi2«V__si_^__AT_B A or female, city or country, apply MME LEO- POLD'S Emp. Office, 957 Market: open evenings. p OMPETENT GIRLS OF ALL NATIo.VAI.I- Vj ties, good references, awaiting positions. 9 Stockton st. \ T THE SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BU- __. reau first-class Swedish and German girls are awaiting situations. 332 Geary St.; telephone 983. "I ADIES— YOU CAN GET!; RELIABLE HELP J. at MRS. FENTON'S, 1061 _ Stockton st. SITUATION AT ONCE ON A RANCH TO 0 cook for ranchmen; good cook: neat, saving, reliable eiderlv American woman. Address HELEN DE HASS box 94, Call Office. ELDERLY PROTESTANT WOMAN WISHES situation to chamber-work or sewing: or posi- tion of trust; good sicknurse. E. P., box 149, Call Office. COMPETENT GERMAN Woman WANTS A Vj situation to do washing, ironing and bouse- cleaning by the day. all or address 1012 York st. DRESSMAKER — STYLISH, PERFECT fit" ting: would work at home or go out by the day; prices reasonable. '-T4O- Market, bet. Fourteenth and Fifteenth: Castro-street cars pass door. pANADIAN LADY AS HOUSEKEEPER OR Vj as waitress in restaurant. Call 16 Montgomery aye., room 2. pOOK WISHES POSITION IN PRIVATE "U family; best city reference. Please call 709 Taylor st. / YOUNG WOMAN WANTS SITUATION TO J- do general housework. Apply 434i_ Hayes st. /competent Woman with BEST of ref- \J erenoes wants a situation to general housework in an American family: is good cook; wages $15. Address N. I)., box 69, Call Office. /•KK.MAN GIRL. FIRST-CLASS" COOK, VJT wants situation as housekeeper. Address G. ii., box S3, Call Office. GIHL WISHES .TO DO i GENERAL HOUSE? work : is good plain cook: or would do second work; can give city references if required; not afraid of work. Please call 425 Tehama St., near Sixth. RANTED— SITUATION AS COOK AND DO " downstairs work; willing to do some washing. 1024 Howard street., room 22. Tir ANTED— BI A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, '» situation as working housekeeper for a single man: no objection to children. 507 Eleventh St., Oakland. [ABLE YOUNG WOMAN WANTS SlTU- ation to do housework; is first-class cook. Call or address 600 Pine st. "yOUNG WOMAN WANT- SITUATION FOR A cbamberwork. Call or address 600 Pine st. PROFESSIONAL NURSE WANTS. N I V AG A ments; male or female; best of references from the leading doctors of the city. 937 Mission st. "} ADY AND HUSBAND WANT POSITION 1 i to run a first-class country hotel. Apply after 2 p. m., 937 Mission st. ________________________ WOMAN A NTS WORK BY THE DAY OR ti week; willing to do any kind of work. Call or address 11., 934 Howard st. C ITUATION WANTED BY A COMPETENT Ikj person who understands all kinds of family sewing: Is very fond of children; would be pleased with city or country. Please call 327 Fourth st. WANTED— BY MIDDLE-AGED, RESPECT". ii able woman a place to do light housework; is good cook and housekeeper: no objection to co short distance in country. Call 107 Ash aye. ANTED- POSITION AS housekeeper" '' infant's or ladies' nurse by woman of refine- ment and ability. Call after 9 a. m., 222 Sixth St. DRESSMAKER WOULD LIKE A FEW-lORE engagements by the day; terms, $1 50. Ad- dress 823 Dolores st. WANTED-WORK OF ANY KIND BY UN- ii encumbered American woman; city or coun- try; hotel or private; good cook. Address box 5, Oakland Call oflice. / lOLORED gIrTwiSHES SITUATION TO DO VJ general housework and cooking or upstairs work, wait on table And sewing; wages $16 to $20. Address E., box 107, Call office. COMFI: i COOK WANTS POSITION: NO objection to plain washing: city or country. Apply L.. room 18. 1522 Polk st., second floor. pLAIN SEWING AND GENTLEMEN'S A mending, at 325 V. Bush St., rooms 19 and 20. WOMAN WANTS PLAIN SEWING; ANY It kind gentleman's mending; .clothes cleaned reasonable; no postals. 14 Fourth st., room 15. SEAMSTRESS WANTS WORK BY THE O week or month; good fitter; would assist in light housework; wages $4 per week. Address S., box 36, this office. VoftN'o Woman, wifn CHILD 7 YEARS A old. would like a position as housekeeper for elderlycouple or widower with child. Addre.s'l642 Twenty-fifth st. AroUNGAViDOW* oF REFINEMENT WOULD J like any kind of gentlemen's sewing or mend- ing; satisfaction guaranteed. Call ItoBP. m. 119 Ninth st., room 2. first flat. \4* a N TED BY A COMPETENT AVOMAN A 1 1 place to do general housework : is a gook cook and laundress; no objection to the country. Ad- dress N. 0., box 57, Call Office. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1895. SITUATION'S WANTED— Continued. \\*- A NTED-BY* A , BESPECT___I__ WOM ANA ii position to assist In light housework and take full charge of children : no objection to a short- dis- tance in the country. Please call at 1142 Howard St., fop tloor. ■'-:.. - . T^MPETENT LADY WISHES POSITION AS VJ cashier-saleslady In an office; is a good writer. Call or address MISS E. FLINN, 200 Not- s^ HOI'SKKEEPER; MIDDLE-AGED. RE-PEC table, American widow: educated; alone: good cook; wants home; country preferred. Mils, E. L., 131 Post St., room 21. "YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE A GENTLE- A man partner in a good paying business. Call 5 Mason St., room 7. . PIJ)i:i;l.Y WOMAN WANTS SITUATION TO A- assist; 10. 131 Post St., room 20. VT IDDLE-AGED GER.IAN LADY WISHES A -H situation for general housework or as nurse, or cook on a ranch in an American family; city or country. Call at 24 Lafayette st. "PESPECTABLE YOUNG GERMAN WOMAN* . .1 1 wishes situation as housekeeper or take care of infant or invalid. Call 843 Mission st. Situation: wanted; GENERAL HOUSE" ■ »_> work; city or country. Address 50y 2 Norfolk St., apply 11. F. ~_ EASTERN LADY WOULD LIKE A POSITION as housekeeper. Call 5 Mason st., room 2 ; first floor. . Dl ■ ma IN i r AVANTED; ALA D V OF EX- perience. Address Dressmaker, 23*/. Sixth st. YOUNG LADY HAIRDRESSER, KNOWING A also manicuring, speaking French and English, wishes a situation as lady's companion or govern- ess; can give French lessons: or would take few engagements for hair-dressing daily. LOUISE BE ALT, 8 sixth st., room 2. AVEDISH HOME EMPLOYMENT OEFICE tor good, respectable girls, liy. Antonio St., off Jones, near Ellis. V OUNG WIDOW WISH ES GENTS* DING A to do: call from 10:30 to 5:30 only. 150 Fourth st., room 9. YOUNG EASTERN LADY DESIRES A POST- -1 tion as housekeeper. Call 967 Mission st.,rm. 9. "D EFINED WIDOW' WOULD LIKE POSITION Jt as housekeeper in the country; economical; understands making of butter and care of milk. Address MRS. E. S.. box 951. San Rafael. Cal. SITUATIONS WANTKD-MAIK. \*o i ' Ni ; M Alt KD ma NWOU_ld____sPoSP 1 tion as coachman in private family: wife as chambermaid or waitress: flrst-ciass references from Eastern employers. Apply F, Call Agency, Sacramento. , SITUATION WANTED BY AN ENGLISHMAN about place; 'good gardener: milker: care for horses: handy with carpenters' tools. Address W. i:.. box 35, Call Office PRINTER DESIRES POSITION IN COUN- J- try ; married ; sober and industrious. Address Typo, box 27. Call Office. SITUATION WANTED BY BLACKSMITH'S 0 helper: 1 year's experience. Address C, box 93. Call Office. "YOUNG SCANDINAVIAN WIBHES SITUA- x tion; city or country; can drive, attend to horses, milk and do gardening work; references. Address G. c.. box 43, Call Office : QITUATTO-* WANTED BY^ - YOUNG MAN AS C* 1 - con 1 baker on bread and cakes. 1069 Howard. IT CATION WANTED BY A MAN AND c wife, Scandinavian, willing todo any kind of work; man a good carpenter. Apply Chicago Hotel. ANDY MAN WANT'S AVORK OF ANY kind. Call or address W„ 934 Howard st. "WANTED— BY YOUNG MARRIED MAN ii with good references, employment; sober and industrious: no objections to country. Address Young Man, box 129, this oflice. "YOUNG MAN WITH ONE YEAR'S EXPERI- I ence at barbering wishes situation. Barber, box 29, ' all. p OOD GERMAN COOK AND BAKER WAN l'S VT situation in hotel or boarding-house. Call 545 Mission. -o i NO M A WANTS SITUATION ANY 1 kind light work; small wages. S., box 58, this oflice. YOUNG MAN LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO A make himself generally useful around the house or store: city or country. Address 666 Mis- sion st., near Third, upstairs. SITUATION WANTED BY A STRONG healthy young German who la used to driving and taking care of horses; will do stablework: can make himself generally useful. Apply 824 Turk st. MAN AND WIFE FROM THE EAST WISHES a situation with a private family in the coun- try; man as useful man, understands taking care of a gentleman's place: wife as a cook: both have good references. Address I.. box 9, Call Office. YOUNG GERMAN WISHES A SITUATION J. to learn baker trade or to be generally useful in bakery. Address I. KLATLER, New* Atlantic Hotel, 207 Montgomery aye. ORNAMENTAL AND FANCY CAKE BAKER wishes a situation at once: wages no object. i Address G. 1".. 921 Mission st. -nMRST-CLASS COACHMAN WOULD LIKE A' situation. Address G. F.. box 30, this oflice. QTEADY, RELIABLE YOUNG GERMAN OF > 22 wishes a position: has experience In the grocery business. Address I. PETERSEN, 821 Hampshire st. G~TelTmaN WOULD LIKE TO HAVE SITU- I ation In some store, saloon or restaurant can tend bar. do some cooking and is bandy for any. thing. Please answer G. A., boa 33, Call Office. BAKER (BREAD)" LATELY FROM THE East, would like to have i)Osition in the city or country. Please answer P. 11., box 35, Call oflice. T WILL FAY $500 FOR SITUATION WITH A $100 month salary: accountant-,' salesman or anything honorable: can give references. Address 1... box 18, Call Office. ANTED SITUATION AS INDOOR SER- ii van; or butler: English reference. Apply WM. STEWART, Call Oflice, 1045 Market st. GERMAN WANTS A situation to A take care of horses, etc., or make himself gen- erally useful around private place. Call or address FRANK TLATLICK, New Atlantic Hotel, Mont- gom'. ry a\-e. DV STEADY, SOBER, MIDDLE-AGED MAN AJ who has served several years on police force, permanent position as janitor, watchman or similar work; flra class references. Address w. HOLTZ, 616 Folsom st. VOUNG~WOMAN WISHES A POSITION AS 1 housekeeper in a lodging-house or widower's family. 12 Mason St.. room 16. YOUNG ENGLISHMAN AVOIjLD"LIKE~SIfU : A ation as butler, coachman, etc.: thoroughly understands management of horses; first-class references. Address Y. E., box 18, Call Office. PRACTICAL MINER AND MINING FORE- .I. man desires a position as mining foreman of a gold, silver, lead or cinnabar mine; best of refer- ences. Address 19 Rausch St., San Francisco. FEMALE HELP WANTED. W" ANTED— IRONER FOR. A LAUNDR 2 II waitresses, country hotel, $20 and room, also nice neat chambermaid, .$l5 and room: woman cook. $25 and room, small place; woman tor kitchen work, country place, $15 and room; wait- ress, resort, $20 and room: French waitress, $20 and room; girl for Oak street. $18, small family: young girl, $8 a mouth: middle-aged woman for housework, $15, etc., nice place: girl In nice American family of 4, $20; young giri in family- of 5, $12 to $15; girl in family of 3. $15, etc.; German girl in family of 4. $18: housekeeper In a small family; cook and laundress, $40, etc.: 7 German and 13 Swedish girls. MARTIN A CO., 749 Mar- ket ,si., telephone main 1849. Largest and best conducted employment agency on the Pacitic oast. pOOD cook AND LAUNDRESS, $25, COUN- Vj try, fare paid: French girl, general housework, $25: Herman second girl, $20; cook and down- stairs girl, $20; 10 girls light housework, $15 to $20; call early. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. Two SCANDINAVIAN GIRLS; SAME x house; one to cook, wash and iron, and the other as nurse. C. B. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary street. :.:■". -»_ r ;V : v.., <„-;' TTHRST-CLASS COOK FOR COUNTRY HOTEL, A; $30 to $40; see parly here at 10:30 this morn- ing; chambermaid, clly, $20, see party here at 9 o'clocd. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. QE< OND GIRL, $25; LAIN drkss. $25; skc- i~ ond girl, Berkeley, $20; invalids' nurse, $20: 10 housework girls, city and country. $20 and $20; 4 young girls assist, $12 to $15. Apply MISS CUL- LEN, 105 Stockton st., room 2. BAT YOUNG SECOND GIRL. $15; IRONER, li $20; 2 German cooks, $30; infants' nurse, $26, see lady here; nurse, $16. Apply MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. "*JV"EAT~GIRL, HOUSEWORK, 2 IN FAMILY, _.> $10. MISS CULLKN, 105 Stockton st. \A* ANTED— HOTEL WAITRESS, COUNTRY, tt $20; 3 cooks, (ierman style. $25 and $30; Her- man second girl, $20; French nurse, $20; lady's maid, $25; and a large number of girls to fill our numerous situations In city and country- J. E. CBObETT CO., 312 Sutter st. hambebmald and HUSBAND AS VJ waiter, $40. country hotel; 2 girls for house- work, city, $15; hotel cook, $30; 2 cooks, ranches; 2 waitresses. MURRAY <fc READY, 634 Clay st. Gi ERMAN COOK ON RANCH. 2 IN FAMILY, IT $30: nursegirl, $20. MME. LEOPOLD, 957 Market st. "WANTED— COOK Foil SMALL FAMILY IN ii country, $25; nurse for an infant in San Jose, $20; 25 good housework girls, $25 and $20. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 sutler st. -.*,' ANTED— WAITRESS FOB COUNTRY ; $20 : li fare advanced. HOTEL GAZETTE, 420 Kearny St. WANTED-25 WAITER-GIRLS AT MARBLE ti Hall, SE. cor. of Kearny and Jackson sis.; steady emyloy and good pay. Call bet. 2 and 5 p. it. - fjTLDE RLY AVOMAN TO ASSIST IN LIGHT JJ housework; gool home; small wages. 601 Polk st., lower floor. "YOUNG GERMAN OR SWEDISH GIRL FOR I tight housekeeping. 618 Fell st. TAILORESS ON FINE CUSTOM COATS. CALL at 315 3 OFarrell st. W" A. N'l 'ED-GOOD TAILORESS AT ONCE. 211 II Sixth st. C_ A M if RESS WANTED. 1609 O'FARRELL", O neur Webster. : \\* ANT i »-NURS E< i 1 RL AND HELP WITH tt upstairs work. 1307 Hyde st. Gil I.l. TO Assist IN LIGHT HOUSEWORK- -1 wages $10. 1227 Golden Gate _v_ ___ HELP • WANTED-Continned. ADY WILL TEACH THOROUGH COURSE J-' shorthand for 1 hour reading dally by young girl. Address M., box 93, this office. I \r ANTED— YOUNG GIRL TO DO LIGHT TT honsework. Apply 1109 Park St., bet. En- cinal and San Antonio' aves., Alameda. IpXPERIENCED HANDS ON LADIES' J waists and apprentice on buttonhole machine. KONIGSTEIN, 126 Eighth st. RPHAN GIRL, HOME, SCHOOL , AND clothing. Bear 212 V. Clara st. I" EXPERIENCED AVAITRESS. HUMBOLDT -1 Hotel. Fifteenth si., near Mission. DE G ARMO'S IIRE-SCUTTENO AND DBESS- making school; complete course in dresscut- ting $10; dresses cut, lilted and stitched for $2 50. 219 Powell st. VTEAT GERMAN GIRL FOR ~ CHAMBER- J-~ work and waiting; must understand sewing. 1526 Sutter st., bet. 9 and 12 o'clock. PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S " DRESSCUT- t ing and making school; all branches. 702 Sutter. OUNTRY DRESSMAKERS -END 35c FO"R the new fnll-skirt pattern: girls wanted. MC- DOWELL DRESSMAKING ACADEMY, 213 Powell st. I~"7utEE— TEST AT LAAVRENCE DRESSCUT- Iing School. 1231 Market st. MALE HELP WANTED. ANTED-"I.KKAIAN TO DRIVE RAKER'S TT wagon, $25; young German barkeeper, coun- try hotel, $20; French boy to wait at table, 12; young Japanese boy for housework. LEON ANDRE, 316 Sutter St. WANTED — EIBST-CLASS ENGLISH BUT- tt ler, $45; butler with references, $35; etc. LEON ANDRE'., 315 Stockton st. lfl LABORERS FOR CITY AVORK, $26 AND XXJ found; a laborers for company work, city, $20 and found. MURRA Y<& READY*, 634 Clay st. 2 MILKERS, 5 FARMERS. $20 AND $25; —J farmer and wife; 2 butter-makers, 30; 2 Ger- man farmers for Sonoma Co.; boy to milk 10 cows, $12; 3 laborers on a ranch, $20. MURRAY' & READY, 634 Clay st. BUTCHER, COUNTRY SHOP, $30 AND found; sign painter; 2 plasterers and slaters; barber-shop to let in a hotel; waiter boy, .$l5, city; 2 waiters, same hotel; 2 dishwashers: man and waiter, wife as chambermaid, $40. MURRAY A READY, 634 Clay st. 1 FARMER: $30; M EST UNDERSTAND LOAD- ing and tallying hay and look after 2 other men; Bee boss here. MURRAY' A READY, 634 Clay st. A IAN TO TAKE CONTRACT To DRIVE 200 •'I feet of tunnel in a mine. MURRAY* A READY, 634 Clay st. TIT ANTED— SECOND COOK, RESTAURANT, tt .fft week: Orst-clasa carriage trimmer, very- nice job; cook, small place, $8 a week, small hotel ; German waiter, $7 a week and room; waiter, $25 and room, hotel: man to make pies, cake, bread, etc., three dm:- in a week, steady work, nice place; head cook; $50, and dishwasher. $20, hotel, coun- try head cook, restaurant, $12 a week; second, small country restaurant, $!' a week, etc. ; head cook, $60 and room, for resort, must understand nice pastry and German cooking. MARTIN & CO.. 749 Market, telephone Main 1849, largest and best conducted employment agency on the Pacific Coast. A I EAT AND PASTRY COOK, COUNTRY I' J, hotel, $60 to $S0; 2 farmers for a fruit ranch, $20: gardener and coachman, private place, $25; man and wife for a country hotel, man as bar- keeper and night watchman, wife as waitress, $40. C. R. Hansen ,_ CO., 110 Gear: st. \\r ANTED— 2 CARPENTERS FOB CENTRAL TT America, $80, Monday, part fare advanced; ] sawmill blacksmith, .40 andfound: ranch black- smith, $35 ami found; laborers for city, $1 75 day; laborers for country, $20 and board; farmers; choremen; farmer "and wife, $25 and found: 3 slack work coopers: and others. J. F. CROSETT A CO., 628 Sacramento st. ll' ANTED — RANCH BLACKSMITH, FOR tt good steady place, $35; 3 farmhands. $15; 2 young men on ranch, near city, $16 per month and ! steady place; coopers for slack work ; waiter-boy, ! $8 per month and good home; 3 dish-washers, small placet), and others. AY. D. EWE It A CO., 626 lay St. ll' ANTED— BUTLER FOR CITY, $35: ALSO >» an English butler, $40. Apply Miss PLUNK- ETT, 424 Sutter St. ANTED— M AN AS SECOND COOK AND TT janitor; salary $40 ann roim; references re- quired. Address C., Call Office, box 21. AIT ANTED — MINERS. YOUNG MEN PRE TT ferred. Apply Mirabel mine (quicksilver) Lake County, via Calistoga, CaL yol'No BARBER WANTED. 720 VALEN- A cia st. ' OOD BARBER FOR SATURDAY": WAGES GIOOD BABBEB FOB BATUBDAY: WAGES X $:-. Ml 'Third st. p OOD BARBER WANTED. 797 MISSION ST. t ) ARBER FOR SATURDAY*. 260 THIRD ST. ARBER FOR. WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY and Sunday. 407 East st. BARBER FOR SATURDAY' AND SUNDAY, with chance for better. 707 Brannan. nr Sixth. ARBER FOR SATURDAY". 627 SACRA- memo st. B( • V WANTE! )." APPLY 206 KEARNY ST., room 5. * * ALARY' OR COMMISSION TO ENERGETIC O solicitor; merchant tailoring. 87, Flood bld'g. i)A' elcpebienced 'TIE-MAKERS. "apply —XJ 1225 Mission st. yOUNG BOY To PEDDLE MILK; GOOD J home; good wages. 932 Fifteenth st. TOB COMPOSITOB. 468~8a"n"some street" AN rED — FIRST - CLASS TAILORS TO TT work on lad's' coats: steady" work to good men. 504 Sutter St. IV ANTED— A GOOD iM AN COOK. CALL TT at 3 P. Si., 111 l Market st. FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER AVANTED. JL 1 (HAS. ADAMS. 1384 Market st. OY* WANTED IN « BAKERY; I EX IE I'.l- -enced. Apply 1 p. m.. 127 Fifth st. ANTED SMART BOY TO MAKE HI.M- -TT self useful; tailor-shop. 541 Markets'. COBER •■ OUNG WAITER. $4 WEEK. S.. BOX O 4, Call Oflice. QTEADY YOUNG MAN For LIGHT AVORK; O wages $60 a month; $50 cash security required. Merchant, box 87, this oflice. BABBEB WANTED TO BENT FURNISHED shop in country; doing good business. Apply tit C. It. HANSEN A CO.'S. 1 I V E __ EN. Cl s ()R COUNTRY, TO JJ I handle summer specialty; pays $3 50 per day. Call or address C. P. Co., 328 Seventh st. QINGLE ROOMS: $16c A NIGHT. . PLAZA 0 House, 041 Washington St., nr. Kearny. BARBER-SHOP FOR SALE. 402 PACIFIC St.; good place for an Italian. ENS - SOLING, SOc: LADIES', 40c; heels, 25c; done while you wait. 237 sixth. WAKE THE DEAD — AVEN_EL'S ALARM dock: no electricity. 607 Montgomery st. AA/ANTED— MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE Tt their wages to place accounts with us: law and commercial collection: no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY, lIP Sutter st. B~XrTe"R-SHOP,~RUN"NING 2 CHAIRS, FOR sale; bargain. Call 1828 Haight st. TjTIRS'T CLASS TAILOR'S TRIMMER; GOOD J. wages: steady work. 541 Market st. * Tailors and APPRENTICES; STEADY A work ; good wages. 541 Market st. MAN FOR PAWNSHOP; MUST E.NDER- stand plain watch repairing. Address 11., box 36, Call Office. ll' ANI El) MAN AND AVIEE AVITHOUT tt children for hotel; man as bartender and wife to clean rooms; must have experience; English preferred. Apply by letter only and state salary expected, E., box 90, this office. ;>V. fTIAILOB WANTED. 622 CLAY ST.. ROOM 2. I "first floor. <:,'; ! EN'S HALF-SOLING, DONE WHILE you wait. 638 Market, opposite Palace Hotel. EAMEN FOR EUROPE AND HONOLULU; i ' all principal ports. 103 Montgomery aye. T^itiFsT"y'ou can START IN BUSINESS » » and earn from $2 per day and upward. 516 Fourth st.. room 16, from 3 to 6 P M. AILOR AND CET'TERS 'TO ATTEND 'THE A san Francisco Cutting School. 523 Market St., room 15. EN'S SHOES J^r-SOLED- 40c; HEELS, 25c; done in 15 minutes. 635 Kearny St.. basement. DARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. J> Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. HAVING, WITH RAY REM, lOo; HAIR CUT* O ting i,. (;; a towel tor every customer: 8 chairs; no waiting. JOE'S, 32 Third street. IPREE~BEEB: BEST IN CITY; 2 SCHOONERS for 5 cents at 228 Pacific st. SHOES HALF-SOLED In 10 MINUTES; 0 done while yon wait; at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price; work guaran- teed. 664 Mission St.. bet. First and Second REMOVED FROM 706 TO 726Va, OPP. HOW- ard-st. "Theater: misfit shoes bought or ex- changed ; best place in the city for now and second- hand shoes. £(IM__N FOR A LONG JENNY LIND CAKE O'l and cup good coffee for 6 cents. 44 Fourth st. Air A NTED— MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP TT steam beer, sc: bottle wine, sc. 609 Clay st. F_(\(\ PAIRS OF cool) SHOES, 25c TO $1. 604 OXJXJ Mission st. ; also 631% Sacramento st. CTREE COFFEE an 5 ROLLS. 704 SANSOME; AY single rooms, 15c, 20c, $1 week with breakfast. T INDELL HOUSE, GUI AND HOAVARD— AJ single furnished rooms, 75c week, 15c night. 1 ( UI MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c. 15a 1 VJVr and 20c a night, including coffee and rolls. 624 Washington St., near Kearny. 3')] ' ELLIS .ROSEDALE— PRICES REDUCED; —i~ single furnished rooms, $1 week; 20c night. HIRY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE J- low Sixth, for a room; 25c night; $1 week. BEST IN CITY'— SINGLE ROOMS, 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night; Sl, $1 25, $1 50 per week. Pacific House, Commercial and Leldesdorff sts. . \\ r A NTE D- LA 808 RS - and MEI HA It i" to know that Ed Bolkln, Reno House propri- etor, has opened Soto House, 32 Fourth st. ? 100 rooms: 25c to .$1 per night; $1 25 to $ t per week. Air ANTED— ROOMS, 150 DAY; $1 'T week; rooms for two, 26c a day, $1 60 a week; reading room- dally papers. 3« Clay at. - _^ AGENTS WANTED. - i^ST"-CLASs"^A^NTS^A^'f"_ll4*~M^ st.; must furnish first-class reference. WANTED^e^FiKST.-LASS CANVASSERS T 1 to Introduce best atlas up to date. Call 9to 12 a. m., ANDREWS, 7 City Hall aye. AGENTS TO SELL DAISY* LANTERN; SAM- pie by mall 25 cents; sells at first sight: active agents make $5 a day. KENNEDY'S NOVELTY AGENCY' .Oakland. Cal. —> ___ ROOMS ANTED. i\TANTl_ir^-^'l?ONNl^^ tt rooms and board in private family; German preferred; for 2 gentlemen. F. C, box 6, Call Office. IjTURNISHED ROOMsIN EXCHANGE FOR 'piano. HEINE. 40 O'Farrell st. MONEY WANTED. MONEY AVANTED^N^"RE^I7_isTATE security. P. 15. TRAVERSE, 313 Montgy st. W ANTED— ON FIRST-CLASS COLLATOR- TT als by a San Francisco business house, from $15,000 to $20,000 at 8 per cent; terms, two years. Address P. C, box 43, Call Office. ANTED— SISOO ON EXCELLENT REAL TT estate security near San _)'rancisco; the im- provements insured for the amount of loan, pay- able to mortgagee; 11 percent will be paid for one year; no expense for examination of property. Ap- ply to JOHN 1.. RICHTER, 513 Market st. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. S*~T_CO_«DK__iN_r CASH" RED I STE R .*l(Tt6 $60. Apply or scud address. R. T. WARD & CO., 608 Clay at. BICYCLE OR TYPEAVRITEkTn EXCHANGE for nicely furnished room. 737*/ 2 Howard st. Air ANTED — SECOND-HAND CASH REGIS" TT ter; state price. 639 Broadway. Tir ANTED TO BUY— ANENGLISH FOX TER- M rierdog. Address JAMES CORTI, Midford, Or. KLEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PRICES for clothing, hooks and jewelry. ■ MEDICAL. LL CASES OE" iiriTEG^^AluT^S~RE- stored In one day; safe and sure relief guaran- teed; tumors and ovarian diseases cured by medical electricity ; home in confinement: reg- ular physician of long and successful practice; traveler, helped without delay: ladies suffering from any complaint call and consult free; French pills, guaranteed. MKS. DR. WYETH, Sanitarium, 916 Post St.. bet. Hyde and Larkin. MBS" DR. WEGENER; PRIVATE HOME FOR i'-L all female diseases; separate rooms for ladies before and during confinement: have enlarged and arranged my home to suit rich and poor; Irregulari- ties cured in a day: guaranteed; no instruments; regular physician of long and successful practice; travelers attended; no delay; all business strictly confidential; babies adopted. 419 Eddys:. \ SURE SAFE (ERE FOR ALL FEMALE J\- disease; a home in confinement with best care; with the privacy of a home and conveniences of a hospital; consultation free and confidential; a positive cure for liquor, morphine and tobacco habit ; every case guaranteed without injury to health. MRS. DR. GWYER, 311*,. Hyde st. A NEW PROCESS -NO MEDICI NE,' I.nst're- x\_ ments or worthless pills used: every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what cause; restores always Inoneday; if you want to be treated safe and sure call on men's physician; knowledge can be sent and used at home; all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. POSITIVE, GU'ARANT_fED"~CURE EOR fR- J regularities; used for years In private practice with invariable success even in most aggravated cases: easy to take: perfectly natural in action; no ! am. exposure or danger; cures in two days: sent securely sealed on receipt of $8 or C. O. D.: strictly confidential Address DR. J. MILTON BERGETOLE, P. O. box 2223, S. F. iT>RI VATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT; GER- J- man midwife. MRS. POAVELL, 1310 Mission. I ADIES— I323 GEARY; DRS. JANNEY IN-" -lJ stltute open for reception of women before and during confinement; skill only: advice free; all subjects of private or delicate nature confidential. T A mi. -""CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. SCOTT I J HO*. Turk st., for irregularities, no matter what cause; home In confinement: also disease of the eye treated. * -• AUDET •S~*APHBO TABLETS— , BEAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, Impotency and all disorders of the sexual organs; $1 a box, 6 boxes $5; send for circular. J. 11. AVIDBER, cor. Market and Third, sole agent. DB. HALL, 14 MCALLIBTER, SECONDFLOOR, next Hibernia Bank; diseases of women. M.MI . RoRJ.E. SPIRITUAL MAGNETIC healer; hours i' to 12, Ito 5. 9 Mason st. ""\JICE PRIA'ATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT -A at the moat reasonable price in the city. MRS. M. PFEIFFER, midwife, 2014 Folsom st. TfiEM ALB 1 RILLS FBOM FAMOUS . PERSIAN -C prescription; quick: positively harmless: price, $2 60. COKE CO., specialists. 1423 Market st. LADIES CONSULT FREE MRS. DR." -V DAVIES, 14 McAllister St., near Market: leads all competitors; only qualified, trusty spe- cialist for safe, quick relief i\f irregularities, no matter what cacao: treatment scientific, harmless and painless; never falls: borne in confinement. IF IRREGULAR OR ANA' FEMALE DISEASE JL see Mrs. Dr. Puetz and be content. -2541/2 4th. OOODAVIN. SPECIALTY DISEASES of women: ladies near or far assured quick relief of disease: irregularities restored dally; safe cure guaranted; no instruments; home for patients; best medical attendance; low fees; free; Drs. Scud- der's pills and capsules warranted.l37o Market st. A" "LPEAU'S FRENCH RILLS. A boon to ladles troubled with irregularities; no danger; _afe and sure; $2 50, express C. O. D.; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oak- land. Cat., agents tor Alpeau et Cle. DR. AND MRS. RR. FORMERLY of 12111/2 Mission, now 1508 Market St.: month- y Irregularities cured in a few hours; guaranteed; ho instruments used : sure preventive. ~\~ WEEK'S - NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— THE ._ V. WEE LA' CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. EDUCATIONAL. VITALTF^rAUGIT'r iN"~"-T'l?EAV~'l_El$SONS TT dally. PROF. LOVE, 620 Bush st. ELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— BELABCO'H. LYCEI M SCHOOL OF ACTING— Private theatricals arranged ; pupils rehearsed onstage. R. 5 «fc 12, 1. 0. 0. F. block, 7th and Market. "AT" OCA L TEACHER. Joseph GREVEN. TM- » proves and beautified even spoiled voices and procures positions for his pupils. 82 Ninth st. M" MELVILLE-SNYDER, ORATORICAL, A'ocal and Dramatic Academy, 619 Van Ness aye.: vocal classes Monday, 8 P. month: dra- matic classes Wednesday. BP. m., $3 month : also private lessons and piano; ladies and gentlemen coached for professional or amateur stage (stage for practice). I> 1 1 ' I LS IN ENGLISH BRANCHES BY ST A J. Normal graduate; conditioned pupils a spe- cialty. 313 Hyde st. T_EH SHOE] HAND AND BUSINESS l~ College, 723 Market at.: diploma course $30. Gl REEK, LATIN, MODERN LANGUAGES, T mathematics, etc. ; students prepared for any examination at reasonable rates. R. 333, Phelan bid. 'PARR'S INST., 659~MARKT— BOOKKEEPING -I- taught In 6 weeks. AYe pledge ourselves to keep free for 0 months books our graduates fail on. }"- NGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT BY MISS Jli DILLON, 14 McAllister St., room 46. ATERTICAL AND POINTED ha n ; i w biting V taught. C. EISENSCHIMEL. 235 Kearny. EALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 IST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern lan- guages rapidly taught. AVrite tor catalogue. I ILLIAN BEDDARD, THE ENGLISH AC- J-i tress, coaches ladies and gentlemen for the dramatic profession ; appearances arranged. Shake- spearean Academy, 406 A'an Ness aye. QCHOOI ELECTRICAL, CIVIL. MINING, ME- O chanical engineering, surveying, architecture, assay: estab. '64. VAN DER NAILLEN. 723 Mkt. CL AIRVO AN : STli~T^T)__A; Ff_HVTl3N_r^rEl___RT mm ie charms: love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband; teaches fortune-telling: develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has tne seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm; fee if 1 and upward. 2326 Mission, - nr. Twentieth. MISS M. JULANA" CLAIRVOYANT. DI- _TA vinerof the future: 50c. 1015 Market st. M" ME. LEGETTE, PAST, PRESENT AND future. 304 Tehama St., cor. Fourth: 25c. ME. HAVANA, MEDIUM; REVEALS PAST and present: names given. 828 Howard. MRS. ANTHONY, MEDIUM AND LIFE reader; ladies 25c; gents 50c. 248 Third St., upstairs. ME. MOREAU, REST MEDIUM,CLAIRVOY~ ant; speaks German; 25c up. 131 Fourth st. ME. PORTER. CARD-READER: LADIES, 60c; gents, $1; palmistry and clairvoyant: sit- tings, $1 50. 210 Turk st., near Jones. PROFESSOR LEON, PALMIST, THE GREAT J- renowned clairvoyant and life reader, has ar- rived in the city; don't fail to see him; gives luck in business; healing power; hours 10 a.m. to 8 P. m.; also Sunday. . 633 Post St., near 'Taylor. MM I] . D It . THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- er by eggs and curls (in English or German Hells entire life, past, present, future; consultat ons on all affairs, nothing excepted; names given: good advice; sure help: restores lost love by sympathy; mistake Impossible; fee $1 ; letter $2. 30 Kearny. \" Rs. s. seal sittings daily: test cir. ItL wed. eve., Bp. m.; Thurs., 2. 110 McAllister. M~ RS. J. J. WHITNEY, CLAIRVOYANT, TEST medium and lite-reader. 218 Stockton. SPIRITUALISM. HOVET— CIR. WEDNESDAY, 2 P. M.; 25c; sittings daily. 504 Fell st. Mi's, in; DEETr _GER"s7OiFTEI/MEDIt' M healer; __» Mon and Kri; sit daily. 122 Turk. AM. FRANCIS, 118 fl Mlili'T. INDEPEN- . dent slate-writing medium; Sunday excepted. MRS. RENDER ROGERS- PSYOHOMETRIST. test and healing medium ; cir. Mon. and Fri. eve.; sittings dally. 122 Turk st. ■;■■.' _____ MRS. GRIFFIN -W REIT No CIR. TUES. EVE; test mtg. , Frl. eve; sittings dally. 244 6th st. MRS. EGGERT AIKEN, TRANCE MEDIUM: cir. Sun. eve.: developing cir. Tues. eve. 716 Post St. - ASTROLOGY. A STR AT. SEER— PRO F. HOLMES,^23 GEARY] —\. St.: horoscopes, questions, stocks, advico. BUSINESS CHANCES. q>9 X A RESTAURANT; ESTABLISHED 16 — OXJ. years; Al location, commanding steady trade year around ; receipts average $11 per day: rents $15; best offer in this line: especially suit- able for man and wife; trial given. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. Q "infill ""TKST-CLASS SALOON IN Vl- *lr_V/","i '. cinity of Kearny and Sutter sts.; gen- tlemen's resort: Al business: few offers can equal this; don't fall to see It. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. '_ Rfifi RESTAURANT; BEST PART AVEST- •TpXJXJXJ. em Addition; seats 00: receipts $20. low rent: genuine offer. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. QJQ^fl BAKERY WESTERN ADDITION; 6 tjpQOxj. living-rooms: established 25 years: bak- ing 2 barrels flour per day; all best "class store trade: if you want a bakery, buy nothing until you see this. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. "^"nTHTA ""CONNER SALOON IN VICINITY »}p _.__"'-* 17. of Flood building: old-established and first class; good will alone worth $2000; see it and be convinced; sickness cause sale. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. — I CA PAYING BRANCH BAKERY. NO- "S>IOU. tions, etc.; central: north of and within few blocks of Market st : 4 rooms. LESS, 5 Fourth. ffi/fAA CHICKEN RANCH NEAR santa .T-i-±UU. Rosa; incubators, chicken-houses, horse and wagon, 400 chickens; lease on 6-room cottage, 18 acres land; ground rent $10. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. " '__ T" O - SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND 1 quick for cash see STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. 1 PABTNEB WANTED IN- CANDY *_"> 1 10. factory; clear «150 month. STRAND, 4 5 Third, fl-DTP". CORNER SALOON; GOOD STOCK CpOlO. anil fixtures; 2 rooms; cheap rent; clears over $50 per month: best location- In the city; must sell on account of departure. See STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. ; <*_-">?; A CORNER BRANCH BAKERY AND — Oxj. candy-store; 3 furnished rooms: cheap rent; best paving place In the city for the money asked; must sell this week on account of depart^ ure: offer wanted; don't miss it. See GUS STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. ______ Q-QllA SALOON: 18 ROOMS, FINE FIXT- •JpO' 'Xj. ures, cash register, big stock: rent $50: long lease; clears over $100 per month: sickness causa of sale. See STRAND A Co., 45 Third st. flh^rTC RESTAURANT: BEST LOCATION: »£)_:<_». on Fourth St.; receipts $10 to $15 per day; bargain. STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. ffljOA ' BRANCH BAKERY. COFFEE - PAR- <§OXJ. lor: 3 rooms. STRAND, 45 Third st. <2_ A f\(\ CORNER LIQUOR STORE ; PAY «]ptr"JU. well ; great bargain. STRAND, 45 Third. G_ -") A RTN E R IN SALOON: CLEAR —OXJ. $100 per month. STRAND. 45 Third. <I_"1 f\(\ PARTNER WANTED IN GOOD «Tnl»Jv#. paying coffee saloon. STRAND. Third. Qj CC ( 1 GROCERY AND BAR,* 5 FURNISHED Ot )' ' . rooms, piano, etc; without furniture and piano, $250. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. $»),": A ""(i ROCERY AND RAIL 2 FUR- —.OX). nished rooms; cheap rent; fixtures; value in sight and a trade clearing about $100 per month. STRA DA ( <>.. 45 Third st. Q 1 _ iftfl BAKERY*: USES 21 _ BARRELS OF -Jl-I-Y'-'U. flour per day: 2 horses and wagon: good paying place. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. \\TR CAN SELL YOU OUT AT SHORT NO T» tice: try us. PROLL, STENBERG A CO., 719 Market st. Cj C_rJ)~ STATIONERY", CANDY; ICE- t^)v)»»t'. cream: corner store: location unsur- passed ; no opposition; controls large trade from schools and social parties: extra rare chance for active man: cheap at $900; must sell on account of departure. PROLL A STENBEBG, 719 Market st. OINGLE AVOMAN, WISHING TO MAKE IO money, can become interested in tine paying business; large profits. PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market st. <J_9£_l SALOON; CITY FRONT: OI_ '- 1 » tg—OXJ. tablished place; receipts $10 to $15 daily; must sell on account departure: don't miss it. I' ROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market st. QQAA SALOON; POPULAR CORNER; IS •^OXrXf. magnificently fitted up: business speaks for Itself: full investigation allowed: otherbnsiness forces Immediate sale. PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market st. Q_£»CA CORN EB SALOON: AVESTERN AD- _pXJt)XJ. dition ; this is a golden opportunity: splendid business. PROLL di STENBERG, 719 Market st. . , • : . TYIN ING-ROOM AT YOUR OWN PRICE: RE- ceipts $10 daily: sacrifice account sickness. PROLL A STENBEBG, 719 Market st. QI7X BRANCH BAKERY*; WESTERN AD- *&X I O. dttion; steady business; receipts $7 and $8 daily. PBOLL A STENBERG, 719 Market St. S 1 OAA WELL-ESTABLISHED SALOON; '. X— ' " '• best corner north of Market St.; big day and night trade; daily receipts $20; thorough investigation; must sell; departure. PROLL A STENBEBG. 719 Market st. QJAA CIGAR STORE NEAR MARKET; «4P_.UU. fixtures, stock worth $800; clears $150 month ; easily run, immense trade: sacrifice account sickness. PROLL A STENBEBG, 719 Market st. _ l »AA STORE AND BAKERY NEAR MAZE"" »J»D\/U. receipts $15. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. Dl : STORE: w EST I . RN ADDITION; clearing over $100. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. C-ftfin CHICKEN """ RANCH; «* 600 * HENS. fjPUU-'. house, tools. SPECK'S, 3D Montgomery. T7-OR SALE— A WELL-APPOINTED DRUG- -T store on one of the principal business thorough- fares of this city: must be soid immediately, For further particulars apply to MACK A CO., 11 Front st. A KEBY, CANDY, STATIONERY' AND NO- tion store; prominent; 4 furnished rooms cheap: leaving city. BUCHANAN A CO., 765 Market st. ILLINERY-STORE: BEST LOCATION IN the city: $1200 worth of stock; offer wanted. DECKER, 1206 Market st. Q>)jj|i W I N DOW AND HOUSE CLEANING _p-UVJ\J» route; guaranteed to clear $100 per mouth: has 3 men to work; the best bargain for the money; will give full investigation. SMITH, HUBER A CO., 1001 Market st. IAA PARTNER WANTED oN TRANS- 'j 1 -Iv". fer point in good paying saloon. See AVILKIE, 533 California st., Phcenix bar. RANCH BAKERY, WITH 3 A* ING, ROOMS; rent 9lB: price $225. See WILKE, 533 Cali- fornia st., Phoenix Bar. ■■:.: ■'; '••;■ WE PARTNER FRUIT AND VEGETABLE tjp 1 O. store; good chance to make money. Ap- ply 322 Third st. . * ROCERY'-STORE BTH $150 TO BE SOLD for.*-50. 155 Second st. LD-ESTABLIjsTiED RESTAURANT FOR OLD FSTARLISIIED RESTAURANT FOR sale: parties leaving city. Apply to J. EL- LIOT. 31 Sixth st. TV" ELL-ESTABLISHED DAIRY' PRODUCE V? route and wagon for sale: reason, sickness. AddressA. A., 617 Greenwich st. RESTAURANT: GOOD LOCATION: LOW • rent; living-rooms; good place for man and wife or partner. Apply Call Office. SO "_ (_~ PAYING SALOON, NEAR KEARNY: tpOOXJ. elegant fixtures: well stocked; cheap at $600; low rent. BARRETT <tC0..865i_ Market. QftAA PAYING CORNER GROCERY* AND fipUl'v/. bar: heavily stocked; living-rooms: low rent; bargain. BARRETT A CO., 865"/ 2 Market. s_ i ~\i\ FOR SALE— RESTAURANT: NO OP- »3*lUl'. position; call and inspect. 496 Eighth. SQCA CASH; PRINTERS AND EDITORS! OOXJ weekly paper; established growing sec- tion: by May 1. E. S., box 93, Call. ' 2_OKA -PARTNER; PAYING BUSINESS; »Jp^-iJ»\'. will put In same amount or more. 925 Shotwell st., near Twenty-thirl. q7»A ESTABLISHED BAKERY AND NO- f^Ol'. t on store; must sell by Ist May. 152 Ist. BRANCH bakeryT NOTIONS, ETC., FOR sale. 2549 Folsom st. Ql A A CASH BALANCE, $200, PAID OUT i yllvUof business: sober, steady man as part- ner; well-paving business. Particulars apply F. MICHELL, 213 Sansome st., C. E. KELLEA"'S office. INGLE YOUNG MAN AvXnTED TO INY'EST $125 as partner in candy and icecream busi- ness. 12031-2 Golden Gate aye. QKAA COAL OIL BUSINESS FOR SALE t\pO XJ at half its value: must be sold Immedi- ately as owner is going East; this is a bargain; fine horse and wagon; faucet cans. 9 Geary, room 2. QMALL RESTAURANT: LIVING-ROOMS; O part cash, balance easy terms. Apply Call Office. CI ( ; A ROSTAND— MARKET ST.; CHEAP. AD- dress R. D., box 34, Call Office. " ( s_^^A GOOD-PAYING SALOON IN BCSI- tJpOOXJ. ness center; day place. See AVILKE 533 California St., Phrenlx Bar. BI [.HER BUSINESS; GOOD LOCALITY- cheap rent. Address 8., box 10, Call Oflice. RESTAUBANT: CHEAP; ON ACCOUNT OF sickness. HENRY WADE'S. 616 Sacramento. BAKERY, COFFEE-SALOON, RESTAURANT: good business. Address A. _£ box 9, this office. 1 SALOON -NO REASONABLE OFFER RE- fuscd. Inquire 114 Seventh st. I "(OR SALE-GOOD ESTABLISHED RETAIL X meat market; prices reasonable: owner wish- ing to go East. A. H.. box 89, Call Office. Qe^nnn FOB Mi INTEREST IN MANUFAC" igioxjxjxj turing and mercantile business, estab- lished 7 years in San Francisco; will bear close in- vestigation; references given and required: good opening for young man; principals only. Address Business, box 40, Call Office. 14M ("".AA TO $2000— PARTNER WANTED IN t+pXOXJXJ. old-established fruit and produce com- mission business; reference must be exchanged. C. M., box 56, Call. "t| - 'OR SALE— AN OLD-ESTABLISHED SHOE X business In a thriving interior town. Inquire San Jose AA'eekly Gazette. -siftoll BARGAIN: GROCERY AND BAR: 7 ♦IVOA.'A'. rms: rentsl7; leas -. SE. 27 _ Harrison. <felAli PARTNER WANTED; BUTCHER- 'IP-'-Y/U. shop; best location for trade: shop ele- gantly fitted up; no previous experience required: grand opening for good man. Inquire 240 Sutter. MUST Hi: SOLD AT ONCE; BUST PAYING ItJL, livery stable in town: 30 boarders; 25 livery horses: hacks, buggies, etc.; centrally located: low rent ; this is a fine opportunity to get a good business at a bargain; principals only. Address P. 8., box 127, this office. TJ EST A RA N T-.l IST THE I'LACE FOR J t n,-n and wife: small re»t. Aoulv IhUuilica. - . ■-... : .■ .: BUSINESS CHANCES-Conrjiiueilß^^ CBOO-SSS-S sasaa?" ™& 19 xth st. _ . . ■ __■__ -^--- . -^^_. »r.T.s"F^" 8 FURNISHED ROOM ; large horsesheds. 3. KMDY ,19 t____\ **___ f ,-,^-i iin-li'l- 52 ROOMS; ALL 52600 oenmie, " N. o ' Market St.; line ,!in- ing parlor; fine location. J. l'.Kir>Y. 19 Sixth st. — !f2o_^^_____i^___i niOB BALE-MILK BAN. 5. « "' mTSIST] NG OF T 41 cows. 8 horses, 4 v ..''Tq s xth it milk daily. Enquire 198-tUißt. "_. :A A RESTAUBANT DOING A FINE $D 00! business on Markets., best bargain in thecity. Apply to JOHN at. WANTED IN A FIRST-CLASS X business, established for 37 years, lor informa- tion address A. E., box 53, this office. SALE corner fjQUOB-STQBE WITH X good bar trade. Apply 368 Third st. FIRST-CLASS BAKERY I'oRSALE; OWNER X retiring. Apply Call Branch. dfeOAr HAY, GRAIN. W( »D, COAL YARD *2——o. horse, wagons. AN AN. Market WANTED— MEN WITH SMALL CAPITALTO ' ' manage branches good-paving business in out- side cities. Cal. Frail Sherbet'Co.,l23 California st. PARTNER IN BALOON. BOWLING-ALLEY -L and family resort, or will lease or sell. 312 Chestnut st., bet. Stockton and Powell. ! *«s I ROO FOR SALE-. CORNER STORE CAB; <li?_.UY- XJ. rylng dry goods, notions, crockery, etc.; good location; long lease; 4 living rooms: cheap rent; snap for a right person. Inquire 538 AA ashlngton st. •Hi-^-On BUTCHER"--] FINEST FIX- -£> OXJXJ. tures: $400 refrigerator; cash business; best of location; must be sold on account of other business. 777 Market st. / I ORNER GROCERY ; BAR; 4 LIVING-ROOMS; VJ will sell at value in stock on account of other business. Apply 040 Bryant st. OR SALE -GAS PLANT, 75 METERS; town of 2000 inhabitants; extensively piped. Address box B, Redding, Cal. ©OAA PARTNER AA'ANTED IN GOOD-PA _<P—'\JVt, ing- business; $40 daily receipts. 626 Sacramento st. IT- OR SALE — CHEAP: LOT 25x120, AVITH ! house, 3 living-rooms, stable, barroom, includ- ing nice bar fixtures: doing good business: half cash, balance easy terms. Apply 715 Fifth aye., , racetrack. ____________ T WISH TO DIA'IDE MY CALL ROUTE AND 1 to sell 300 evening papers in Oakland. Apply AValk, Call Office. RANCH BAKERY', CONFECTIONERY AND coffee parlor; established 20 years; no reason- able offer refused. 400 Third st. AY, GRAIN AND COMMISSION BUSINESS; two-third interest: established 29 years. Ap- ply Call Otlice, 710 Market st. ANTED— TO SUPPLY FAMILIES WITH TT double-filtered distilled water in 5*. .-gallon lots and upward at 10c a galion, free of expressage. The Ralston Health Food Company, 2o3 Sutter st., San Francisco, telephone 1132 or 1168 Broadway, Oakland, telephone 402. OMAA FRUIT BUSINESS IN SAN JOSE; «lD_U_". centrally located. Address A. J. COX, cor. Market and Santa Clara sts., San Jose. OLD-ESTABLISHED \\'E"ll""payTnG COR- ner grocery ann saloon in the Western Addition; best of reasons for selling. Inquire of LEVY & \ CO.. wholesale liquor dealers. 210 Gran' :ive. _ 1 71 OR SALE— HOME RESTAURANT; GOOD X business. Apply this ollice. G1 OOD-PAYING CORNER SALOON: FINE X location; streetcar transfer stand; also 12 fur- nished rooms included: always rented; reasonable. 20 Lafayette St., bet. Eleventh and Twelfth. —_— _■ S_____________________m_____m ■■ __________________ — ■— »m ■■ ■ 1 1 ■— —_■ LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. TO BUY OR SELL A I NG-HOUSE quick for cash see GUS STRAND, 45 Third st _97' HOUSE OF 13 FURNISHED BOOMS; _____ «_). good paying house. STRAND, 45 Third. G«OAA FURNISHED PLAT OF 8 ROOMS; t£)—XJxJ. all rented: pays over rent f.20; great bargain. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. "CO-ROOM CORNER ID. I.L, CLEARING O-C $100; $800. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. *fir ANTED— PAYING LODGING-HOUSE FOR TT 12-acre ranch. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. TA-ROOM HOTEL: GOOD COUNTRY TOWN; 1 U clearing $300. DECKER, 1206 Marl st. 1 Q ROOMS; FINK CORNER NORTH OF ' IO Market St.; only $750. DECKER, 1206 , Market st. ODGING-HOUSE 14 ROOMS FOR RENT very reasonable. 719 Howard st. OUSE OF 12 ROOMS, ALL RENTED AND nicely furnished; terms reasonable. 210 Hyde. ; J *< AMILY HOTEL OF 46 BOOMS; NORTH SIDE ' U Sutter st., near Jones: for cash or reasonable ] terms: must be sold. For particulars apply on j premises, Imperial, 728 Suiter St., or Hotel Savoy. : <2«OA/\ LODGING-HOUSE 11 ROOMS. ALL J tip—iXJXJ. full; cheap rent. 101 Minna st.. corner Second. I _i A ROOMS: CORNER: ELEGANTLY FUR- i "I ' ' nlshed; clears $-200 ;-2SUQ. T., box O.Call oflice. "1 AND ALL, COME FOR. BARGAINS TO BUT- L TERI-'IELD real estate, Crocker building. I VRN I T I I ; X FOR SALE. IN ALAMEDA FOR SALE ON ACCOUNT OF A departure, complete furniture of a cozy five- roomed cottage, with or without piano; house to let. Address 26 OTarreU st., room 16, forenoon. G. KB ASK CARPETS PICTURES, .folding, iron beds, furniture: low prices, cai. step ladder n.anfd for the trade. 770 Mission st. BEDROOM SETS. $11: OAK CHAIBS, $T" carpets. 45c. SHIREK. 1310-1312 Stockton, pUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS VJ this week at McCABE'S, 948-950 Mission st. E EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AND" second hand; 400 carpets, good as new oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up: linoleum, 45c- \,t -piece chamber suits, $14 50; cornice-poles, 25c- ranges, $6; cash or installments: goods shinned free. T. 11. NELSON. 26 Four; st. > FURNITURE WANTED. SHOAV CASES, BAR, RESTAURANT, CANDY outfits, fixtures, etc., bought and sold. 125 Fifth. URN ITURE, COUNTERS, SHOAA'CASES. restaurants bought.sold. ANDERSON. I Mkc CARPETS^ nAßp!JsT4|£r^ V- set. $11. SHIREK. 1310-1312 Stockton st. CARPET CLEANING. ~" : a^tonT_''ca_vi_Ht^ VTINi; AND RKNf> ±\ vating Works. HAMPTON A NUNAN ■ lavin_ and altering. 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission 244"! fIITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING Tvri VJ Renovating AA'orks, 38 and 40 Eighth st G*IL STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. CARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON"" & CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. TO" HEN -YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH xi poor work send to SPAULDING'B Pioneer Cart pet Beating AA'orks, 353-7 Tehama; teL So-40. ONKLIN CARPET BEATING AY. )RKsTs33 Golden Gate aye. ; telephone east 126. ARPETS* AVELL CLEANED. BARBER'S. ->3« 14th, nr. Mission: tel. (Mission) 100. THE J." E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING Co. (incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines: cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. T MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AN D BEN- O . ovating works. 453 Stevenson: tel. 3228. FOP. SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. THRASHING ENGINE FOB SALE CHEAP-- One Bxl4 straw-burning thrashing engine, with brand new boiler: built to carry a working pressor* of 100 pounds of steam. Apply at T. J. MOYNI- HAN'S boiler works, 311 and 313 Mission st. southwest corner Beale. . ; _ '* WILL TRADE A VERY' STYLISH HORSE^ TT and top-buggy for a lot or house and lot ; win™ pay difference; must not exceed $2000. Address S. H., box 27, Call Office. "UiOR - " SALE-2 COUNTERS, SHELVING 2 A 1 scales, coffee mill and all fixture- of grocery store. 2128 Bryant St., near Twentieth. TENT TO R ll Tor FORSALE, 14x18; 4-FOOT wall, 164 Golden Gate aye. I.AOR SALE— TO BE REMOVED, 2-STORY X double house; 309 and 309 a Clementina st. Proposals for purchase of same to be submitted to H. GEL-FUSS, 120 Fulton st. --uiii.ea 10 PAINTER'S OUTFIT -'FALLS, LADDERS etc.; cheap. 2008 O'Farrell st, bet. 9 and 5. * GOOD CENTRALLY LOCATED PLANT FOR r manufacturing purposes; 2-story building- fi- ll, p. engine and boiler, shafting, etc.: lot 76x__0- -5 years' lease: now in operation: for sale _ _} value. R. C. JEWELL, 628 Market T.t. BOOTBLACK STAND CHEAP. 835 MONTI gomery st. » " -"y l , ! ""VTEAV $100 LADY'S SAFETY; $50 CASH OR .> installments. 326 McAllister st. AbU OR »1 Lor of EASTERN STANDARD MAgma A of safes which have been taken^in e_chfn__ as part payment for the Waltz «fe,_.*-n^ «' 3 hur.lai'-proot bank otcoti, sales. 7 kwehfrV N___ 8 pawnbrokers safes. 13 mercX-^taZVi^rfi^ burglar proof; all sizes; at leas than h- V /™?' them before yon order. The W_lt_S_te « C i ost: seft 221 and 223 Market .< factor? 13 and Salesroom, St., San Francisco. Cat. I ** CCOf> 16 and *-5 Drumm jVEW RANGES CHEAPER- THAN o_,-^^--- _______________S!SS__i ____\ _____^__^_M fY coffee-mia andmoi^Aui; SSSf^fe/SS^H? 1 COUNTERS. SHELVING _____ ATTOKXEYS-AT LAW WS{i,,s\uimt-SSr^ Cisco, Cal. Telephone 1544 ' room 6 - San K ™n- ____?_ai___2_^^^^aJKgffi ________^^^_^^j^-^r, Mills building, seventh _Jor^o I _ : l. AT - LAW ' "VAT W. DAVIDSONTA^rrOTrvr7v~r^-r?-— 1 -|^^T-.UAW,4^ JOHN R. AITKEN^-rmiTM^V. —^ — — ■