Newspaper Page Text
CITY REAL ESTATE. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! RICHMOND lots. extraordinary TERMS. $50 CASH: RA LANCE $10 PER MONTH. cheapest LOTS IN the city. Ql AAA AND UPWARD; ALL READY FOR <jpJ-v"UU building; buy a lot, build a house and save your rent; don't procrastinate, but get in on the ground floor; street work all done; sewers laid; also gas aud water mains; tots front on Cali- fornia and Lake sts. and Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth ayes. Secure a lot now while prices are low. 30 LOTS SOLD ALREADY. Take Sacramento st. cable-cars, Geary or Califor- E Apply B 'BALDWIN <fc HAMMOND, 10 Mont- Apply to BALDAVIN A HAMMOND, 10 Mont- gomery st. V ERY < HEAP. ■ V $3100— Nice cottage on Natoma st., nr. Sixth; contains large rooms: lot 25x75. BALDWIN*.. HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. AM. INVESTMENT ON SUTTER, EAST _\, Of Devisadero: $6000— 2-story building; store and Sat of 5 rooms above; rent $45; $3500 can re- main on mortgage. BALDAVIN „ HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery St. " 'A N6TB BARGAIN. J-\- $4500— Rent $480 per year; Eroderick St., nr. Bush; -J-storv house of 10 rooms and bath: large lot. BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Mongomery st. 4 FINE INVESTMENT. _*V. $5600— Rent $600 per year: 2 nice hay-win- dow flats on Filbert., nr. Taylor; extra large lot. BALDWIN * HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. 7" a HEAP BUSINESS — — — VJ Asr. RESIDENCE LOTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. JUST THINK OF IT— ONLY $1750 EACH. Fine building lots on Bartlett street, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second ; street paved with bituminous rock and accepted. $2250— Fine lot on Lyon St.. near Fulton: size 25x TOO: street paved and accepted by the city; stone sidewalk: only two blocks to the Park. cheap lot on Eighth aye., near D st. : streetwork all done: Sutro's electric road now being construct- ed on Eighth aye. $2250— Cheap lot on Union st., near Gough; 25x . 137:6. « . $2600— Ellis and Brederick sts. ; corner; 25x100; three frontages. $2150— Fulton st.; sunny side, near Lyon: 25x 100 $7000— A good location for flats; Fillmore st., near Hayes; 50x106:3. $2700— Clay st., near Baker; 28x105. $3600 only— A fine business location; Devisadero St.. near Page; 25x100, Apply to BALDWIN ,v HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. /"CHOICE DOWNTOWN PROPERTY. VJ $10.000— An offer wanted; Jones St., nr. O'Far- rell: 2-story noose of HI rooms and bath. DAVIN & HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. T bargain ON BRYANT STREET^ $4250— Must be sold: 2-story and basement house on Rryant St., near Third: contains 11 rooms and bath : lot "-.sii to rear street. BA LDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. S i -|j|| 50x200 FEET, WTTH 2 NEAT COT- •"" I I UU. tages of 4 rooms each: outhouses, etc. : tine well of water; NE. or. Brazil aye. and Edin- burgh st.; also fronts on Naples St., Excelsior Hom- estead Ass'n. CHAS. C. FISHER. 507 California. "i-IO" "25x100: N. SIDE GARFIELD, 75 FT. Cl— -'. AS*, from Victoria; lot 4, block 34, City Land Ass'n. CHAS. C. FISHER, 507 California. FOR A SUMMER HOME. * r.i-,\ BEAUTIFUL LARGE LOTS AT .** 1 .''_'. Alto, Marin County; only 40 minutes from city: sold on easy terms. JOOST A A\"OOL- LEV. I New Montgomery st. < J P. (if) $100 OR .200"CASH. Balance $20 per month: nice 5-room cottage; bath; basement; lot 25x100: at Sunuvside. J. Is. HILL, 210 Sunnvside avenue, Or 6SO Market st. "I-'OR SALE $100 to $350 per lot; junction Ocean House road and 27th st. pHOICE BLOCKS. Fine views, good so:!, easy of access, being only a few minutes' walk from the end of 24th st. elec- tric line. P. fTTZHUGH OK J. B. HILL, 630 Mark st. TN '. i I M EDA— TO EXCHANGE FOR SAN I Francisco property, modern 2-story house: 9 rooms and bath; handsomely furnished; lot 60x 150; gas, city and well water: carriage-house: street macadamized; half block to electric cars ; 5 'minutes from broad-gauce station: 6 minutes to narrow gauge: cost $9300. Apply CHAS, C. BEMTS, 324 Montgomery St.. S. F. p ENUINE BARGAIN. Xjr PRIVATE SALE. $1500 cash: rents $624 per year; 2 houses and lot, in .rood condition; in the heart of city: small . . tenements: new brick foundations; street accepted. Apply at once to 8.. box 22, Call Office. "/HI HOUSE. 5 ROOMS: BARN, ETC. OX i VV. in Berkeley: lot 100x100, with creek. $5250 House, 7 rooms; fine comer; 120x135, with orchard. _ - $1000-Flne corner; 40x100; macadamized ; 100 ! down, $100 yearly. CHAS. a. BAILEY, 46 Market st., or Berkeley station. Berkeley. ""Deduced to $3500; cor. 24th ST., NEAR It A'alencia; 30-foot front and neat and comforta- ble cottage; fine buy. THOMAS MAGEE & SONS, 20 Montgomery st. H" OUSES FOR SALE ON SMALL MONTHLY pavmepts: loans made on San Francisco real estate. LOUIS BLANK, 214 Pine st., rms. 58 ft 59. "VTEAV MODERN HOUSE, 10 ROOMS; FINELY _.> decorated; will be sold cheap. 1929 Oak st., near Shrader: easy terms. Apply premises. "1 "1 xIO7:6— SW. CORNER OF JERSEY AND 111 Diamond sts. Apply within. HEAP LOTC 25x100; READY" TO BUILD on; AVestern Addition. F. M., Branch A, P. O. \\* ANTED— NICE VACANT FLATS; HOUSES '» or stores: at once. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. FOB SALE— LOT 50x100, WITH A SMALL JT house on it, near Colma station. Apply at 411 Sansome St., CHARLES JOHNSON. - 1? A RGAIN: $1450; 2-STORY 7-ROOM COT- J taije in Holly Park: corner lot; 50x50; can be bought for small payment down: balance same as rent. CADENASSO A CO., 512 Montgomery st. "\\ r ANTE D— FOR CASH, CHEAP LOTS NOT HR " and south of the park. _. P., box 180, Call O-leo. COUNTRY KEAL ESTATE. Q^AfWY N^ : ?ATr^IA^V : YATrDsr~S~ATI^^ OOxJxJxJ. choice fruit, house of 10 rooms and -bath, all modern conveniences; piano, furniture, vehicles, cattle, poultry and implements. Apply to PBOWSE A BRADFORD, Haywards. PER ACRE, 20 ACRES FINE FRUIT •_"•-. land "simile from town, whole or sub- divisions, easy terms. PROWSE & BRADFORD, Haywards. ARGAIN. $22 50 PER ACRE; 140 ACRES near Livermore, 90 In hay, i_ mile from rail- way station. I. C. SCHABFF, 18 Post St. afcOATJA CHICKEN RANCH, 4 ACRES, <35_jUUU. black loam, new 1-storry hard fin- ished house and basement, small barn, large chick- j en house and brooder, fine flower garden, 15 mm.- . utes walk from Postoflice; $1000 cash, balance 7 percent. G. C. YOUNG, Petaluma. r H. D LOCATION; 160 ACRES; good land, near town; 8100. GEORGE M. WILSON, 826 Twenty-third - Ql & PER ACRE-IMPROVED BIG VALLEY %T Xxj ranch ; timber; running water: well to- ■ t-ted: must be sold: United States patent. A\\ L. FOSTER. Kelseyville, CaL OOfj ACRE DAIRY, HOG AND WOOD O—XJ ranch; 40 acres in cultivation ; 12 acres in vines and fruit; good bouse: all fenced; will carry 10 cows; 5 miles from town, on a county road; .000 cords of standing firewood; large timber; $3500. D. H. TAVINt;, Sonoma City. Cal. M GRIFFIN, COTTONWOOD, CAL., SENDS . free circulars and prices of cheap land. "pONTRA COSTA COUNTY LAND FOB SALE; VJ send for list. D. J. WEST, Martinez, Cal. 6 ACRE LITTLE HOME ON EIGHT YEARS' credit. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. BARGAIN IN ALAMEDA COUNTY; 320 acres of foothill land; plenty of wood and ! water; only $6 per acre. Inquire JAMES la- HILL, 408 Twelfth St., Oakland. MARIN COUNTY-5000 ACRES 20 MILES from San Francisco. RANCHO DE NOA'ATO. Tracts of any size desired; fruit, grain and vege- table land; no irrigation; both rail and water transportation; $40 to $75 per acre: easy terms, '-own of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores on th . property; send forcircnlar.; palrv- for sale with or without cows. SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65. Chronicle building. ;".'"? HAYWARDS HEAL ESTATE. O ACRES, COTTAGE, NEW BARN. 0 chicken houses, good well, fenced and cross- . fenced, horse, harness, wagon, cow, 200 chickens, tools, house;, furniture complete, fine view. 1 mile from town, 10 minutes' walk from electric cars; price $2500. Apply l 0 P. WILBERT, Castro, near B st., Hay wards, Cal. 9 l -\9 RES v Ma-odMED HOUSE, BARN, . -*-*'* chicken-house, *_ « 5 0 fruit trees, fine view; price $1400. Apply P. WILBBBT. Castro, near B at.. Haywards, Cal. 01 I ACRES. HOUSE. BARN, CHICKEN- —■X% houses, well and spring, 3 miles from town: price $1600. Apply to P. WILBERT, Castro, near B St.. Hfvy wards, Cal. 9 ACRES IN FRUIT, WXLL AND WINDMILL. -0] miles from town, price $800; large and small properties of every description for sale An- ply to P. AVILBERT, Castro, near B st., Haywards CaL " PROPOSAL-. P.£SFOB 111. _TING» He OLE Sealed pro -■■■'-.■■::; be received by the Super- intendent of Common SoJiools in open session of - the Board of Education, new City Hall, AA'ednes- day, May 8, 1896, at 8:30 o'clock p. m., for beating the Peabody Primary School building on AVest Mission street, in the city and county of San Fran- cisco, in accordance with plans and specifications at the oflice of L. R. Townsend, architect, 615 Cali- fornia street. GEORGE BEANSTON, Secretary. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. BERKELEY— A DELIGHTFUL COTTAGE L> home, 2 blocks from station, half a block from electric cars; large lot. 50.x 1 35 : $2500 buys it. AY. E. BARNARD & SON, 468 Ninth St., Oakland. I"' OR LOVELY COTTAGE HOME ON X Twenty-first St., Oakland; lot 25x100; price only $1600: easy terms. WM. M. DE WOLF, 1050 Broadway, Oakland. T~00_T! $150— LOTS " In FRUITVALE ONLY XJ $1 cash and $1 a week: buy a home and save your small earnings; the new railroad will double ; values in Oakland. H. B. FINNEY, 902 Broad- way. Oakland. C**OR RENT— WINDOW AND DESK ROOM A on Broadway; central location. 1010 Broad- way, Oakland. . ■•■ : , -.-, ' - BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY sold on easy terms; small payment down or ex- changed. E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. Ql 9 (%(\t\ A BARGAIN— BUSINESS PROP- •iDX— .XJXJXJ. erty on San Pablo aye.: 125 feet frontage. Apply to J. \V. MOSS, 953 Broadway, Oakland. ©1 * 111 HOUSE, SROOMS, IN BERKELEY'; «IpA_.UU. lot 40x100; one-third cash. $400— lot 40x100: $50 down, $10 monthly; near proposed railroad. ■'■■?■ '".- CHAS. A. BAILEY, Berkeley station, Berkeley. O--. A cash WILL BUY A NICE 8-ROOM 0 I OXJ cottage, worth $2000. leaving a mort- gage of $1000. Address WM. P. TODD, 1008 Broadway, oakland. —^ _ — — __»__■___———■<_——»—————_« ___»_ OAKLAND fl'rnitire for SALE. I,"*urnitui;e an d carpets at yourown ' price. H. SO II ELL A AS. 408 Eleventh st. alameda keal ESTATE. "J < 1 .'< '1 1 V'H-: HOME; 7 BOOM-TbaTH. Xj gas: lot 50x150; cheap for cash or exchange for San Francisco property. Call 2241 San Jose avenue, Park-street sta-. on. Alameda. I LAMEDA PROPERTY— BUY, RENT, SELL -A or exchange bargains. Call on WILL BURN- HAM „ CO., 1355 Park st.. Alameda, and BURN- HAM A MARSH CO., 428 Montgomery St., S. F. ft LAMBDA BARGANS, FOR CASH AND IN-" -v --ailments— Houses to let In all parts of Ala- :;..-.;„. 11. P. MOREAL A CO., 1432 Park st. ALAMEDA ROOMS AND HOI i . TO I LET— IN ALAMEDA, 6 ROOMS AND large yard. 1825 Pacific aye. SAN RAFAEL REAL ESTATE. FOB NT-SAN RAFAEL. NEW HOTEL OF 37 rooms in best business location in city: rent $60; also under hotel, corner store, rent *25, and store adjoining. $20: stores suitable for drugstore or any other retail business. Apply to GEORGE A. HUNNEWELL, San Rafael. Cal. BERKELEY HOUSES. eb_ce_Sy^ "fob rent"- Fur^ishTcd house, 10 rooms for -J l -, months, from May 20: $50 per month. 2229 Chapel st. HOUSES TO LET. ]-l|i ill I.MORE — COTTAGE Of'^ROOMS A— U and bath: basement and stable. .',' PAGE-HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS AND BATH; — U rent reduced. HOI -5 ROOMS AND BATH; RENT $ 15. 340 Eighteenth. <2Q P. " SUNNY HOUSE: 9 ROOMS ANT) QQO. bath: SE. cor. McAllister and Polk. 1 (10, 7 CALIFORNIA, NEAR MASON — A A XJXi I house of 15 rooms, bath; reduced to $50. Qft TO $100; FLATS, COTTAGES, HOUSES; 3 <4>U to 100 rooms. SPECK'S, 80 Montgomery st. CIA 3 ROOMS: YARD: CELLAR. 87 DORE tilly- at., off Harrison, bet. Ninth and Tenth. d 9O FELL— COTTAGE OF 5 SUNNY ROOMS; XJ—XJ large yard. OUSE OF 7 ROOMS AVITH ALL MODERN improvements. 733 Turk st. Q97 wA HOUSE OF7 ROOMS ANDBATH; '. — • .OXJ. newly papered ; fine neighborhood; water free. Cor. Broderick and McAllister sts. X9X HICKORY AYE, NEAR AVEBSTER— O—O House of 5 rooms ; rent reduced. HOUSE 7 ROOMS, WTTH LOT AND STABLE; cor. Potrero aye. and Army at.; rent $15. G. H. UMBSEN A CO. 1 17 VALENCIA— 6 ROOMS AND BATH; A_: I water free: rent $17. OUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES. HOUSES, To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDWIN A HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. FURNISHED HOUSES. V'ICELY FUBNISHED SUNNY FLAT;" 7 -i-Ai rooms; all modern devices; comfort, electric gas-lighter, etc.: pretty flower garden: AA'estern Addition; nearcable lines; rent reasonable; highest references required ; careful tenant more an object than rent. Apply 820 Grove st. URNISHED HOUSE, 5 ROOMS. APPLY MRS. P. TBEANTON, Tamalpais station. HANDSOME HOME; 6 BOOMS; BATH; piano: garden: etc. 1517 Golden Gate aye. COTTAGES TO LET. C~~o___ - AND BATH: HALF block from Geary -st. cars; large yard, DMe- ment; rent $16. Apply 19 Johnston aye. OTTAGE 4 ROOMS, AVITH POULTRY, cheap. 1022 Florida St., bet. Twenty-second and Twenty-third. __! A BAY" -AVI COTTAGE: 4 ROOMS <£)A_:. and basement: 212% Perry st. Cottage; 4 rooms: 206 Perry St.: water free. Apply to G. N. UMBSEN A CO. qq THIRTEENTH, NEAR HOWARD— FINE 00 bay-window cottage; 4 rooms, bath and base- ment. OVELY FURNISHED COTTAGE; 5 ROOMS and bath: parties without- children; references required. 520 Baker st. UNNY COTTAGE; 4 ROOMS; BASEMENT^ bath. Corner Fifteenth and Dolores sts. FLATS TO LET. "Q"fq~FOUTCsUNN^ ROOMS. 11-fTr-^YAVETi «ip X . near Van Ness. LAT OF 4 SUNNY ROOMS; FURNISHED or unfurnished. 725 O'Farrell st. TO LET-NICE COZY UPPER FLAT. 5 ROOMS and bath; modern improvements; large yard and chicken-house. 14% Sharon st. (15th and Market). T* I AT, 7 LARGE SUNNY* ROOMS AND BATH, A with 3 bay-windows. 1555 Howard st. .'iVi. Q99 'A CORNER BAY-WINDOW FLAT, 6 ——.OXJ. extra-large rooms and bath: all sun- ny front rooms. Key downstairs, NW. cor. Seven- teenth and Capp sts. 1 1 qAI HOWARD— FLAT, 7 ROOMS, BATH; AAOU4 all modern convenience. QAq UNION, COR, MASON— 3 AND 4 ROOMS, OUO $10 and $12; 1114 Union, 5 rooms and bath, sun in all rooms, yard, $18 50. ODERN FLAT, 6 ROOMS AND BATH ; RENT cheap. 331 a Oak st. A ROOMS; UPPER FLOOR. 82 EVERETT ST., *i near Fourth. 9] SOOTT7"NEAR HAIGHT- NEW SUNNY -CX corner flat; handsomely furnished; rent to suit parties. Ui-RP'R FLAT-^6 I7.\RGE PAPERED ROOMS; U rent $14. 235 1/_ Hickory aye. 1 _l9'l J LAIGHT, ABOVE BRODERICK-SUN- XxJ-CX ny 6-room flat; fine view; best neighbor- hood. '■ Af\Q HAIGHT— UPPER FLAT— 6 LARGE, ttUO sunny rooms; modern Improvements. "1 9/fK, eTgJI I T H— SUNNY UPPER X-UlO fist; 5 rooms, bath; $13. 097 HAYES-7 SUNNY ROOMS AND BATH; o_j I modern improvements. Ql Q HAIGHT— UPPER FLAT 7 OAO rooms and bath; reduced to $80. 7*l 7 FRANKLIN. NEAR GOLDEN GATE 111 aye.— Elegant flat 8 rooms; rent reduced. WO~ SUNNY FLATS; MARINE VIEW- A modern improvements: 4 and 5 rooms, H HALTMEIER, cor. Filbert and Taylor. LOW RENT — 837 ALABAMA ST., NEAR Twenty-first; $10, $12, 4 and 5 rooms, or whole house; 3 car lines; yard; basement. ffi»Q LOWER FLAT, 6 ROOMS. 375 SANCHEZ «JpO. St., near Seventeenth. LEGANT, SUNNY FLAT; « BOOMS AND J bath. 145 Grove st., nr Van Ness aye. A(\C\ O'FARRELL-2 SUNNY FLATS, 3 OR 4 _Ut" rooms; bath: laundry: central; cheap rent. QC*| FOLSOM, " NEAR SIXTH - FLAT 7 OOA rooms; one of the best; $25. IQI 9 LARKIN ST.— FLATS 6 ROOMS AND XOX-C bath, $18. __.__ <2>l q LOAVER FLAT, 6 ROOMS; , BATH, «Jp XO. yard. Fifteenth and Tilden, near Castro. PLAT 4 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS: BENT $10. 416V2 Ringgold st., bet. Eighth and Ninth and Folsom and Harrison. OA 9 HAVES, CORTBUCHANAN— NEW SUN- U^i-»iny flat rooms.bath: modern improvements. ff1.99"" 610 GROVE, N. SIDE," NR. LAGUNA; <£•_._•. flat of 6 rooms and bath. 2991 SIXTH-SUNNY FLAT 6 ROOMS, O-C '£ bath; rent reduced. "\TEAV SUNNY FLAT OF 4 ROOMS; LARGE -A . yard. 52 Norfolk st., bet.llth-12th,off Harrison. 1 9NE W , ELEGANT, SUNNY? MODERN — flats: 5 rooms, bath each. 925 and 927 Golden Sate aye. ■ . ■ . UNNY UPPER FLAT; 6 ROOMS, BATH ; ALL O modern Improvements. 462 Bryant, nr. Third. N-EWLY PAPERED SUNNY FLAT . OS* 3 il rooms: $12; water free. 356 Third st. COZY MODERN UPPER FLAT. 2411 — HOW- / ard st. : 7 rooms and bath; rent $30; water free. BOVEE, TOY a CO., 19 Montgomery st. " SUNNY BAY-WINDOW ■ FLAT, 1704 WASH 0 ington, near Polk; 7 rooms; $27 60. "V79 CLEMENTINA -NICE PLAT; 4 ROOMS; _ 1 _J low rent: no children. .yPACi HOW ABD — ELEGANT FLAT OF 4 _ O_.D rooms, bath; modern improvements. 71 A OCTAVIA ST., NR. MCALLISTER — I 1" Lovely flat of 7 looms ; bath; all latest mprovements. ~ 7.11 NICE SUNNY- FLAT," WITH. BATH. 111, 17 Garden, or SPECK'S.- - ELEGANT SUNNY" FLAT 7 ROOMS, BATH: beautifully papered and frescoed. 713 Grove. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1895. | FLATS TO LET— Continued. FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDAVIN A HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery St. " HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. "' ~ CENTRAL AVErALAMEtIA-^SON^Y •J— 1 housekeeping rooms; garden; $7. p. A(_ MINNA - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR OttU housekeeping; large yard. « 1 -(;•> STOCKTOX-2 SUNNY ROOMS FUR- 1. I UO nished complete for housekeeping; rent $11. ■ ■ ■ I GOi_ HOAVARD— 3 UNFURNISHED BAY- iUOU window housekeeping rooms; sunny. AAQ TEHAMA— 2 OR 3 ROOMS FOR HOUSE- __:O keeping; well furnished. ■ ... AH ERIE, BET. 13TII AND 14TH—2 FURN. tt I connecting housekeeping rooms: no children. i JACKSON, NR. MASON ■ -FURNISHED AUAO sunny from large housekeeping; $8 to $10. "IRURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE OR DOUBLE, JD suitable for housekeeping. Apply 229 sixth. 99' FOURTH— FURNISHED ROOMS SUIT- -C-CO able for light housekeeping; also single. 071 MINNA— I FURNISHED SUNNY' BASE- Dl X meat room; water, ' stove, closets; private family. , Ql A POAVELL, NR. CLAY— FLOOR; 4 OXO nice rooms; unfurnished. £_fk>7 PINE— COMPLETE FOR HOUSEKEEP- UU I ing In suites: $10 to 815 per month. 7 (» 1 1 11 0 AY A R D— NICELY FURNISHED IxJlz sunny bay-window and others; housekeep- ing. 9ftQ MINNA-2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR -Ut/ housekeeping, f_AQ TURK— LARGE FRONT, NEWLY FUR- uTO nlshed housekeeping rooms; $16: gas; bath. QAQ FELL — IXr*<Te~6UNNY — ROOM, FOR OUO housekeeping, with bath. A_ (_ GOLDEN GATE AYE.— UPPER FLAT, 5 -±1U unfurnished rooms; all conveniences. 9Q HARRIET-FURNISHED ROOMS FOR 4—o housekeeping. ._•.',;.' Q99 I'll FRONT FURNISHED HOUBE- •'— keeing rooms; suites, $12, $9, $8; single, $4. j IQI MARKET-ELEGANTLY FURNISHED I*lol housekeeping rooms; adults; reasonable; garden. ('.'Ml FINE — FURNISHED ROOMS FOR UUU housekeeping; reasonable. mrrßt'BH-4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS -i-iI-A I and bath; one floor; references required. RAO WASHINGTON -SUNNY U N F U R- OXJ-J nished housekeeping rooms: running water. lit HOWARD— SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING; t/"JtU also single room; reasonable. 1 A7I WILLIAM st. —2 HOUSEKEEPING AU I •> rooms; cheaprent. .)-. • CALIFORNIA— 3. ELEGANTLY FUR- —OOX nished rooms for housekeeping; '$18. 7Q9 NATuMA-J NICE SUNNY BOOMS,' UN- I O-C furnished. $7. 107 I : I : NT 1 1 --FURNISHED ROOMS FROM -I»7)l si ii week up; housekeeping; transient." Q PEARL, COB MARKET, OPP. OCTAVIA— 0 3 large sunny cor. bay-window rooms, well fur- nished for housekeeping; hot and cold water. Ift SOUTH PARK-SLNNV CORNER; TWO AU well furnished housekeeping rms; very cheap. 1 ft SOUTH PARK— RUNNY FRONT ALCOVE JLU rooms; $8 and $10; single $5. • > 1 1 LAFAYETTE, BET. ELEVENTH AND OX'» Twelfth— 2 large unfurnished rooms: $7. A A 'CASTRO, NEAR MARKET— NICE -i ' '. ) sunny rooms, partly furnished; large lawn; flowers; gas; bath: laundry; no children; ,*l5. 1 1 A p. MISSION— LIGHT SUNNY FURNISH- 1. lit! Ed housekeeping; also single rms; cheap. GERARD HOI - 142' SEVENTH— FUR- nished rooms, single and double, housekeeping. ROOMS TO LET. i i -nX~betT"^e7t)nd AND AUtt Third, entrance on Tenement of 4 rooms. Pi) SECOND— NEAVLY PAPERED AND REN- O— ovated single and double rooms: $1 to $3 per Week. 1 ftqA HOAVARD-FURNISHED R..Y-WIN- IUOU dow front room; sunny. 9 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED BOOMS; — ' -ap. 1528 Market St., near Larkin. i*<ABGO HOUSE, 105 NEAV MONTGOMERY— A; Furnished housekeeping suites $2 per week. 0901 SEVENTH— UNFURNISHED ROOMS, O-CO'4 cheap to good tenant. 1 <■)] Ifi-fH-CHIOAPKST IN CITY: NICELY •I— L furnished single and double front rooms. <i>>- MISSION— DOUBLE BEDROOM AND 00 I kitchen and targe yard, $10 up. qft A MINNA -ONE SUNNY, SINGLE FRONT OU_ room and one sunny room suitable for two. 91 C POAVELL— UN NY FURNISH —It) rooms, suitable for 2 gentlemen; reasonable. Cl A JONES, NEAR GEARY— LARGE FRONT OL sunny room for two gentlemen or man and wife; $10. 9Q PAGE— 2 LARGE-UNFURNISHED ROOMS, — O suitable for light housekeeping; no children in house. 1 Q9r. SACRAMENTO ST.— 3 ROOMS; BEPa"~- J • >—•> rate entrance; rent $8. KIO ELLAS ST. — UNFURNISHED SUNNY OJO rooms: running water: grate: also bath. THE CARROLTON, 1206 MARKET ELE- gantly furnished sunny rooms; rents reduced. 110 EDDY— NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY AAO rooms; $5 up; also for housekeeping. OOP. HAVES ST.-LARGE FRONT SUITE OR -COO single furnished; references. 7«>7 MARKET (ESMOND)-FRONT BAY-" _________ window suite for offices or housekeeping. 0991 BBOADWAY— ONE OR TWO SUNNY o_j—'2 unfurnished rooms. 1 7 POLK. NEAR MARKET— FRONT BAY- A I window rooms; also single; $5 to $12. 1A Al PO AY EL L-NICELY FURNISHED IUUI rooms en suite and single; central location. 1 P.l ft GEARY — LARGE UNFURNISHED AOAU front sunny room. 900~0 ' A R P. L L— I . A ; " sunny FRONT -COO and back parlor; gas and bath. 190 OAK— LARGE BAY-WINDOW ROOM, X-CO with kitchen complete; clean: $16. 1 99 j MARKET, BETWEEN EIGHTH AND X—.-CX Ninth— Large furnished front room; sun- ny suite; 2 ladies or 2 men; $10. Ql 7 MARKET (ARCADE)-NEAVLY FUR* OX I nlshed; day, week or month: cheap. , QP_A_ BUSH— NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY 00 rooms: best location. MRS. A. M. ELICIN's fi BAND SOUTHERN, COR. SEVENTH AND 1 X Mission— Rooms all light ; water, gas and electric bells: elevator runs from 7 a. m. to 12p.m.: single, 50 cents; suites, $1 day; $2 50 and $5 week up. SO LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOM AND Q. kitchen. 18 Lewis St., off Taylor, near Post. 11l 7 TAYLOR ST. - SUNNY PARLOR; -I J- I folding-bed ; also housekeeping rooms. 09ft GEAR Y-NI FURNISHED SUNNY XJ-UXJ alcove room ; also other rooms. 1 9QA LARKIN* ST.-LARGE SUNNY FUR- X—XJXJ nlshed front room, $7 ; single rooms, $5. i 7791 HARRISON, NR. FOURTH-FINELY I 1 —•> furnished sunny rooms; bath; closet; $1 a week. T" Tl E MARSHALL, COR. LAGCNA AND Mo- A Allister— All sunny suites and single; splendid table: rates reasonable. MRS. J. B. MARSHALL. A' OSRMITE HOUSE, 1045 " MARKET, BET. A Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night, 36c to $1 ; week, $1 50 to $6; families. pHATS"WORTH, 703 SUTTER — SUNNY, V^ handsomely furnished rooms; bath; good ser- vice; reasonable. BUNG TON HOUSE, 127 KEARN Y-PLEAS- ant sunny rooms, en suiteand single; flrst'class In every respect; terms reasonable. rjIHE SHERMAN APARTMENT-HOUSE; 129 Anew sunny rooms; strictly respectable; half price of best hotels with equal accommodations: very central. 28 Eighth St., near Market. _■ STORES TO LET. SMALL STORE, SUITABLE FORCWAbToR other business: rent $15. 2. Third st. *>< 1 j • > MISSION ST.-LARGE STORE AND 4 -COztO living-rooms: alsoOrms. upstairs: cheap. ffljlft GROUND FLOOR; 5 LABGE BOOMS; »jpAU. yard lor store and living-rooms. Corner Second st. and Rincon aye., near Rrannan st. On 1 MONTGOMERY— CHOICE CORNER FOB ! O- _~ saloon: also two basements; low rents. ■ __________________ _ „ Ol 111 si xo upr, Q9Q^5A J R^^_FaTANT 6f_*ice rent ij-CO reasonable. -% UK ROOM AT ROOM 6, SIXTH FLOOR. Mills buUdlng. •■■ ' ■ .._■ STABLES TO LET. S" TABLE BOOM FOR 12 HORSEs7~BHADED; yard. 1400 Folsom, corner Tenth. . STORAGE — *Srri_»N BROS.. i7iis^_ATi__ET~sTT^Er. IT Turk and Van Ness— Get our rates and ex- amine our method for storage of furniture and all kinds of household goods; dust and vermin proof; separate rooms at low rates. . • SAFE, DRY. CIIEAP PLACE TO STORE YOUR furniture, etc. LUNDY FURNITURE COM. PANY, 818 Mission st. - : --.. .- ■ 1 I 7IURNITURE, PIANOS AND OTHER MSjT 1 chandise received on storage; money advanced , on consignments; fire-proof building. 410Postst., OTOBAGE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSE- , O hold goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market at. ; }PIKST-CLASS STORAGE ; A D VANCES MA DE ' T 421-423 Market st. CHAS. L. TAYLOR. ' TYPEWRITE Its AKIi SUPPLIES. ! Fo KEST Aa L ! ci ETXcAi^aTtA-^nrrr lasts longest and does best work. NAYLOR, agent. 19 Montgomery st.; rents; repairs; Mimeo- graphs: supplies. - - -. ,-:■.. " FINANCIAL. ~_ 1 OAVRATES; CITY, ctfUNTRY^C^LLAT- 1 eral securities. TRAVERSE, 313 Montg'y. - '-' " - "-"-**. ■-■:.. •.•;" ; '- - - • • . - .. * ■'. . , _ PERSONALS. ANTED TO KNOW THE AVHEReTSoiTTS M or FRANK J. NELSON. He was last heard of in San Jose last Septemoer. Any one knowing any- thing concerning above party-, please address 11. E. __ San Jose Postoffice. . BUY YOUR - CURTAINS, LADIES' AND gents' furnishing goods, hosiers trimmings, etc., at Pioneer, 105 Fifth st. "VTO CURE, NO PAY. AYE GUARANTEE LM> A> mediate relief and permanent cure for catarrh, rheumatism, tumor, cancer, skin disease or any- other disease known to human flesh. Successfully treated by mail. For full information address, with 4 cents stamps, or call at the office, King Lini- ment Medical company, 7 Montgomery aye., San Francisco, DRS. KING and JONES. ADVICE FREE ; DIVORCE LAWS ASPECIAL- ty ; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. HOWE, Att'y-at-law, 850 Market., cor. Stockton. '/ "1 O WHERE YOU GET GOOD CLOTHING AT VT half tbe merchant tailor's prices. Misfit Cloth- ing Parlors, 14 Geary St.; fine suits $15; -dress pants $4 75. '■_ ANSEL INFORMATION WANTEDI if alive may hear of something greatly to his advantage, or his heirs may if he Is dead. Address K. H. O'HARA, 469 S. Seventh st., San Jose, Cal. I RHEUMATISM CURED; NEW AND" AVON- X> derful discovery. E. L. JOEL, 121 Stockton. QSii IN AND AS AA'ELL AS NEW BARS, O showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc., aud a very large stock of them, too: be sure and see stock and get prices be- fore eoing elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission st., above Sixth. DANCING IN ALL THE LATENT BRANCHES taught at IRVINE'S, 927 Mission st. ET RELIABLE DETECTIVE, BEST OF reference: save time, money and anxiety. Ad- dress H. 11., box 82, Call Office. . BOOK ON RHEUMATISM, GOUT AND LUM- bago sent free to those sending their addresses to E. ML CHESSMAN Manufacturing Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. : HIGH EST PRICE PAID LADIES' OR GENTS' cast-off clothing. Send postal, J. F., 15 Russ st. GEN CINE VAPOR ELECTRIC BATHS; LA- dies and gentlemen ; $1. 110y2 Stockton. ONE MORE CUT-^ Oak Roll Top Desks $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers... '. From If 10 up Oak Bed Sets $17 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up Stoves and Ranges $3 up Thousands of bargains. AYe keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St., above sixth. CAN HAVE DRESSES CUT AND KITTED for $3: dresses popular prices or engagements by the day ; patterns to measure. 11 Geary. HEADQUA LONG DISTANCE TELE- phones, cheap; send for prices. Klein Electric AA*orks, 720 Montgomery St., San Francisco, ( al. ALL AT FONZO-SOAFE FOR FIRST-CLASS refreshments; furnished rooms by the day or week. 2067 Center st., Berkeley station, Berkeley. DR. C. H. SPENCER HAS DISCOVERED bow to grow new hair and save what you have; a large class under treatment. Send address for book explaining treatment, 1206 Market. Also lady partner wanted with $350 to open. up a ladies' department. _______ J HAUPTLI, LADIES' HAIR DRESSER, HAS 0 . removed to 1156 Market St., next to the Maze. UIET PLACE FOR LADIES TO TRADE IN Qi'ii.l PLACE FOR large money made on small stocks and grain; large money made on small investment. AVHEELOCK A CO., 318 Finest.. R 3. ANCEBAND TUMORS CURED; ELECTRIC and magnetic treatments to women and chil- dren for chronic and nervous diseases; reduced price to the poor. MRS. LEE, 327 Kills st. IX7" ALTZ GUARANTEED; PRIVATE OR IN >> class. PROF. FOSTER'S dancing-school, 997 Market st. '!.-'•: THE N\V V RE~DINING-PARLORBJAT 1 8-14 O'Farrell st. are the talk of the town. C~ LOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT mfrs' cost. Factory, 20 Sansome St., upstairs. Xl ■-. (SCOPES FOR SALE; PnONOGRAPII outfits bought for cash. Baclgalupi, 946 Mkt. *\7"ISITING-CARDS ENGRAVED AT ROBERT- > SON'S, 126 Post st. :y>v; WED DI Ni ; INVITATIONS ENGRAVED AND **> printed. ROBERTSON'S, 126 Post st, OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD, store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc.: cheap. Yard 1166 Mission st., nr. Eighth. AS FIXTURES AND PLUMBING. 623 Golden Gate aye. IE HUFSCHMIDT. OLD GOLD, SILVER, GENT'S' AND LADIES' clothing bought, COLMAN, 41 Third st. "WINDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO >> order by AVILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Market. A AVEEK'S NEAVS FOR 5 CENTS -THE -"A. AVEEKLY' CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. DENTISTS. "\^TY^TOOTtFTtL___l^^ EXTRACTED .." v painlessly by my secret method without dan- gerous cocaine or gas: won 8 first prizes; prices re*- sonable; work warranted; all operations expertly done; remember I have removed from 6 to 20 O'Farn II st. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK. DR. <'. E. BLAKE'S INDESTRUCTIBLE teeth— LATEST INVENTlON— Especially for j bridge work: positively guaranteed never to break; any patient once seeing them will admit this is the tooth most wanted; also DR. BLAKE'S enameled platinum crowns: no display of gold. THE HIGHEST ART IN DENTISTRY. Prices moderate. Office 405 Sutter, nr. Stockton. lAR. I.J. LEEK, 1 FIFTH— OPEN EVENINGS, XJ and Sunday until noon. AT CHALFANTS'S.SMASON.COR. MARKET, sets of teeth are made to please or no charge; on bridges, crowns and gold plates prices reduced; small gold fillings only $2; painless extraction. C ROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 169 MAR- ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, gas specialists: only reli- able agent lor paimess extraction; artificial teeth frm $."> ; fillings from $1 ; extracting 60c, with gas $1. DR. REA. 9 SIXTH ST.; ALL DENTAL WORK at lowest prices ana warranted; open evenings _fj A SET FOR TEETH; WARRANTED »4P I good as can be made: filling $1. DR. SIMMS dentist, 930 Market St., next Baldwin Theater. ALL*WORK~RH A A AND WARRANT* ii. Ed, DR. J, W. KEY, 1122 Market st, DR. H. i,. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH Without plates a specialty. 1841 Folk st. DR. LUDLUM HILL, 1443 MARKET ST., near Eleventh; no charge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new; teeth from $8 per set; extracting 60c; gas given. _ tOLTON DEN TAL ASSOCIATION. _" MA.V V ' ket st. DR. CHARLES AY. DECKER, CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA-THE A ' WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United 'States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. MONEY TO LOA.^ LOWEST RATES bNTTT^TcfMJNTRY 'AND collateral securities. TRAVERSE, 313 Mont- gomery st. NY SUM""7cItY)— DIAMONDS, ESTATES, furniture, realty. SPECK'S. 30 Montgomery. ONEY* LOANED ON JEWELRY AND DlA- moiids. Mills' building, lifth floor, room 6. DVANCES MADE ON "HOUSEHOLD FUR- nlture without removal, warehouse receipts and other securities; lowest interest. Room 68, Donohoe building, cor. Market and Taylor. < f -Utft C\ f\(\ AT a PEB CEN I ox CITY AND •jpOXJXJ. XJXJXJ Oakland first-class business rrOD- erty. A. SCHULLER, 50- Montgomery st. ON AN V SECURITY. AT LOW RATES; DEAL- Ing confidential. 43 Crocker building. IST AND 2D MORTGAGES. ESTATES, Apianos.alimony ;any sum. M U RPHY.62B Market. MUNICIPAL ~ LOAN OFFICE, CROCKER -I'A building, room 57 ; telephone Main 6122. - ANA SUM OF MONEY ADVANCED ON your furniture, pianos or real estate; low rates; call and state your proposition or write: open evenings. J. NOONAN. 1021 Mission st. MONEY LOAN ED ON JEAVELRVANDOTHER valuables at the Security Loan Bank, 1108 Market st.. nr. Mason: private entrance 7 Turk. DELINQUENT SALE NOTICES. D'^LfNQITENT "SALE " NOTICE — GOLDEN Eagle Mining Company— Location of principal place of business, San Francisco. California: loca- tion of works, Devils Gate Mining District', Lyon County, Nevada. - Notice— are delinquent upon the following described stock, on account of assessment (No. 1) levied on the Bth . day of January, 1895, tha several amounts set opposite the names of the re- spective shareholders, as follows: ' No. . . , Names.' • No. Cert. Shares. Amount, Morris Hoefllch 5 10.000 $1,500 00 H. M.Levy, Trustee 7 20,000 3,000 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee 8 1,000 150 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee 9 1,000 150 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee 10 1,000 15000 H. M. Levy, Trustee 11 1,000 , 150 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee.. ...... 12 500 75 00 E. B. Holmes, Trustee... ...lB 20,000 3,000 00 E. B. Helmes, Trustee .19 7,900 1,185 00 E. B. Holmes, Trustee 20 995 149 25 And In accordance with law, and an order from the Board of Directors, made on the eighth daj- of January,' 1895, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary, will be sold at pub- lic auction at the office of the company, room 50, Nevada Block, No. 309 Montgomery 'street. San Francisco, California, on MONDAY, the fourth day of March, 1896, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. if. of said day, to pay said delinquent, assessment thereon, together with costs of advertising and ex- penses of sale. E. B.HOLMES. Secretary. Office— Room 50, Nevada Block. No. 309 MonV romery street, San Francisco, California. '". '- POSTPONEMENT. '_' Notice Is hereby given that by order of the Board of Directors the date of the sale of delinquent stock : for assessment No. 1 is hereby postponed to MON- ; DAY, the 25th day of March, A. D. 1895, at the same time and place, _..,,*.-.„_„ E. B. HOLMES, Secretary. GOLDEN EAGLE MINING COMPANY. FURTHER POSTPONEMENT. Notice is hereby given that by order of the Board of Directors the day of the sale of delinquent stock for assessment No. 1 is hereby further postponed to WEDNESDAY, the 24th day of April, A. D. 1895, at the same lime and place. K.B. HOLMES. Secretary. '•V-: FURTHER POSTPONEMENT. Notice is hereby given that by order of the Board of Directors the date of sale of delinquent stock for assessment No". 1 is hereby further postponed to TUESDAY, the 1 14th day of May, A. I). 1895, at the same time and place. __ E. B. HOLMES, Secretary. , PIANOS. VIOLINS AND SHEET MUSIC. TECK, CHICKERING A SONS., AND 0 Sterling pianos sold on $10 installments. HEN J. CURTAZ <£ SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell st. BARGAINS IN NEW AND 2D-HAND PIANOS. Hazelton, Brown <fc Simpson, Mozart, etc. ; hard- times prices: Installments. EATON, 735 Market st. O SECONDHAND UPBIGHTS, WITH OUR — guarantee; $125 each. MAUVAIS.769 Market. I'MERSON UPRIGHT" PIANO; ~ REASON- - able. 1 I'.T ) _ Haves St., between 10 and 1. "VTEW. LARGE, FINE UPRIGHT; BE Al ' I - -La fnl walnut case: splendid tone; perfect condi- tion; only used 3 months; owner orders it sacri- ficed for $175. Room 10, Flood bldg. GIOOD UPRIGHT PIANO FOR PRACTICE; r this week, $75. Room 21, Flood bldg. . HOME INDUSTRY— A LONG PIANO CO., 340 Post; pianos sold on Installments; send for illustrated catalogue. AN UPRIGHT PIANO IN GOOD CONDITION X_ for sale cheap. 228 Page st. H" ARP BY SEBASTIAN ERARD; DOUBLE action and elegantly ■ flushed ; is found with difficulty anywhere: a nice selection is at present exhibited by SHERMAN, CLAY A CO. B" ARGA INS-PIANOS FROM $75 UP; ORGANS $25. A. L. BANCROFT & CO.. 324 Post st, i I BETTER* AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A A good piano by renting. Be careful to go to ! KOHIJER 4 CHASE'S, .8 and 30 O'Farrell st. 1 ECKER BROS.. STEINWAY; FISCHER AND XJ other first-class makes of pianos: little used; cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLER A CHASE, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. HEAT BARGAINS IN SECONDHAND Pl- r anos at SHERMAN, CLAY' A CO.'S, cor. Kear- ny and Sutter sts. • PIANOS SOLD UPON NEAV RENT CONTRACT A. plan: please c^all and have it explained; the easiest terms ever quoted for procuring fine piano. ! SHERMAN, CLAY' A CO., cor. Kearny and Sutter. EASY TERMS. - LOAV PRICES. KOHLER _ J CHASE. \\r G. BADGER, AVITH BENJ. CURTAZ, 20 It . O'Farrell, agent for Hallet and Davi pianos. i;i:U" ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARD A makes, almost new, half original cost; see at once. F. __ SPENCER A CO., 721 Market st. YRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.— SOHMER, Newby & Evans, Brings and other pianos. TEINWAY UPRIGHT; SLIGHTLY' USED; 0 grand tone; half-cost. SPENCER, 721 .Mar!.",. QUPERIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD A NEAV. OH. MULLER. maker, repairer. - Latham place, CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— AVEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. "■---■' * ' HORSES. FOR SALE CIIEAP— WELL-MATCHED PAIR X roadsters; buggy; harness. 504 Sutter st. 1-.OR SALE— HORSE, BUGGY AND HAR- X ness. Apply Olympic Stables, 503 Sutter st. TUST ARRIVED— 3 CARLOADS OF HORSES J weighing from 1000 to 1700.pounds: suitable weighing from 1000 to 1700 pounds: suitable for truck, wagon and road horses: G. LIN DA UER, Union Stables, 862 Howard st. . . - :-: HORSES PASTURED; $2 A MONTH; SEND for circular. F. A. HADE, 630 Commercial st. 1 A A SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL XXJ XJ kinds: second-hand wagons, buggy, carts; also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Y'alencia sts. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. ' AVAGON -?b~R~S_I_S~CI_EAP." 800 JLAI Hayes St. -- .-v-. - - ONE COU RELET CARRIAGE, ONE OPEN buggy, one set double harness, two robes, one whip: all nearly new; in perfect order: at a bargain on account of departure. City. Stables, 332 Bush. OR SALE, CHEAP; 2 HORSES AND AVAGON . and harness if desired. L. F. Co., 813 Market. IpiNE BAKERY AND LAUNDRY WAGONS, ! rockaway. buggies: also hack. 828 Harrison. /CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— Vj AVEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. TRUSTEES' SALES. ru^ee^^l_Ci^Taccor_)^*c^^ the terms and under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed hv« AVILLIAM MEHRTENS. LOUIS MEHRTENS, FREDER- ICK MEHRTENS and DANIEL MEHRTENS, parties of the first part. toHENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trustees, parties of the second part, and the SAN FRANCISCO SAV- INGS UNION, party of the third part, dated April 28, 1887, and recorded Itf the oflice of the County Recorder of the county of Tulare, State of California, in Liber 2 of Trust Deeds, at pages 513 and following: and in pursuance of a resolution passed on the 13th day of December, 1894. by the Board, of Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a corporation, and the holder of the notes (Nos. 8112 and 45), t0 secure payment of which the aforesaid deed of trust was executed, declaring that default had been made in the pay- ment of the principal sum and other sums due un- der said notes and deed of trust, and requesting and directing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trustees, to sell the real estate described therein and not reconveyed to satisfy said indebtedness. We. HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS ft. KENT, trustees, do hereby give notice that on THURSDAY", the 25th day of April, A. D. 1895, at 12 o'clock m. of that day, and in front of the Court- house at A* i sal i a, Tulare County, State of California, and through C. A. WE—BUR, a duly licensed auc- tioneer, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in gold coin of the United States, all the pieces or parcels of land situate In the county of Tulare, State of California, described as follows, to wit : According to the official plats and system of sur- veys of the Government of the United States: - In township eighteen (18) south, range twenty- seven (27) east, Mount Diablo base and meridian: Of section eight (8), the west half (AY. -_); the west half of the northeast quarter (AA. Vi of NE. 1 4), and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter ,sw. l __ of SE. _). i m section sixteen (16), the whole. Of section seventeen (17), the south half (S. V 2 ); tie- southwest quarter of' the northeast quarter (SAY. Vi of NE. Vi >; the south half of the north- west quarter (S.*y_ of NAY. Vi), and the north- east quarter of the northwest quarter (NE. Vi of NAY. 14). Of section twenty-one (21), the east half (E. J-/.,") ; the northwest quarter (NAY. Vi) ; the north half of the southwest quarter (N. V_ of SAY. Vi), and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter (SE. Vi of SAY. Vi). . Of section twenty-two (22), the southeast quar- ter (SE.Vi). Of section twenty-four (24), the west half of the west half (AY. y 3 of AY. ■'). Of section twenty-six "26). the west half of the southwest quarter (AA*. Xf__ of SAY. Vi). Of section twenty-seven (27), the whole. Of section thirty-three (33), the southwest quar- ter (SAY. Vi). Of section thirty-four (34), the west half or the northeast quarter (W. V. of NE. IA), and the east half of the northwest quarter (E. V_ of NAY. Vi). Of section thirty-five (35), the north half of the northwest quarter (N. Va of NAA*. 14). In township nineteen (19) south, range twenty- seven (27) east, Mount Diablo base and meridian: Of section one (1), the whole. Of section nineteen (19), the southeast quarter (SE.._). ; Of section twenty-nine (29), the southwest quarter (SAY. Vi) and the west half of the north- west quarter (AA*. Vi of NW. Vi)- Of section thirty (30), the north half (N. Va). and or section thirty-one (31), the north half (N.i,,). Containing In all five thousand one hundred and ninety-four and twenty-three one-hundredths (5194.23) acres of land, more or less. [ Saving and excepting therefrom the following described portions thereof, to wit: A strip of land thirty-three (33) feet wide in sec- tions sixteen (16) and twenty-one (21), in town- ship eighteen (18) south, range twenty-seven (27) east, Mount Diablo base and meridian, lying equal- ly on each side of the following described line, to wit Commencing at a point twenty-one and 27- -100 (21.27) chains east of tho northwest corner of said section sixteen (16), thence running in a southerly direction through the northwest quarter of satd section sixteen forty -one and 86-100 (41.86) chains, more or less, to a given point; thence running through the west half of the southwest quarter of said section sixteen (16) in a southerly direction forty-one and 82-100 (41.82) chains, more or less, to a point: thence in a southwesterly direction through the west half of the northwest quarter of said section twenty- one (21) thirty -six and 82-100 (36.82) chains, more or less, to a point in the west line of said section twenty-one (21) six and 22-100 (6.22) chains north or the center line running east, and west through said section twenty-one (21). and thence down the westerly line of said t section twenty-one (21) in a southerly direction to the northwest corner of the south half of the south half of said section twenty-one (211. - Also a strip of land thirty-three (33) feet wide in the southeast quarter of section nineteen (19), in township nineteen (19) south, range twenty-seven (27) east. Mount Diablo base and meridian, lying equally on each side of the following described "line, to wit: Commencing at a point twenty-two (22) chains, more or less*, cast from the center of said section nineteen (19), thence running in a south- easterly direction to a point seven and 61-100 (7.51) chains, more or less, north of the southeast corner of said section nineteen (19). Also a strip of land thirty-three (33) feet wide in the northeast quarter of the southwest, quarter . of section twenty-nine (29), in- township nineteen (19) south, range twenty-seven (27) east, Mount Diablo base and meridian, lying equally on each . side of the following described line, to wit: Com- mencing at a point twenty-seven (27) links, more or less, west of the center of said section twenty- nine (29); thence : running in a southeasterly direction to a point one and ninety one-hun- dred; (1.90) chains south, of the center of said section twenty-nine (29). - And also a strip of land thirty-three (33) feet wide in . the northwest quarter or the northwest quarter of said section twenty-nine (29), lying equally on each side of the following described line, to wit: Commencing at a point fifteen and fifty- four one-hundredths (15.54) chains, more or less, east of the northwest corner of said section twenty- nine (29): thence running in a southeasterly di-. rectlon to a point five and sixty-five one-hundredths (5.65) chains, more or less, south of the northeast corner of the. northwest quarter of tho northwest quarter of said section twenty-nine (29). ':" - Together with the appurtenances. .' , ; TERMS OF SALE— Cash in gold coin of the United States: ten per cent payable to the under- signed on the fall of the hammer; balance on de- livery of deed; and if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to he forfeited, and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. ' . HENRY C. CAMPBELL, , l Trn , t „, THADDEUS B. KENT, . / lrust « The sale above advertised is hereby postponed until SATURDAY, April 27, 1895, at same hour and place above specified therefor. ■ - HENRY C. CAMPBELL, ) T _„ . THADDEUS B. KENT, / lriJ Stees. ■cV^'.- ; LOST. ... I" .OST— PASS-BOOK' AVITH THE i HIBEBNI A J Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, In the name of MARY COLLINS. No. 133,765. The finder will please return to bank. FAWN AND AVHITE GREYHOUND bitch, 6 months old. Finder return to 1102 Scott st. and receive reward. . OST— BOY'S OVERCOAT ON SAN BRUNO road.. Leave Roddey's Hotel: receive reward. LOST— BRI N D GREYHOUND. RETURN to 311 Fourth st. ; reward. . A AVEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE WEEKLY CALL. in wrapper, for mailing. FOUND. FOUNL^JRVA-ELRY OSTOWEU ST., NEAR Ellis. 16th inst., at 9 p. m.; will return by pay- ing expenses and proving property. Call this ofiice, 7 p. m. ' . TRUSTEES' SALES. TRUSTEES' SALE— IN ACCORDANCE WITH the term 3 and under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed by AA'ILLIAM MEHRTENS, LOUIS MEHRTENS, FREDERICK MEHRTENS and DANIEL MEHRTENS, parties of the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trus- tees, parties of the second part, and the SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of the third part, dated January 5, 1889, and re- corded in the office of the County Recorder of the county of Tulare, State of California, in Liber 5 of Trust Deeds, at pages 175 and following: and in pursuance of a resolution passed on the 13th day of December, 1894, by the Board of Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a cor- poration, and the holder of the note (No. 9145), to secure payment of which the aforesaid deed of trust was executed, declaring that default had been made in the payment of the principal sum and other sums, due under said note and deed of trust, and requesting and directing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trust- ees, to sell the real estate described therein to sat- isfy said indebtedness. AA'e, HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THAD- DECS B. KENT, trustees, do hereby- give notice, that on THURSDAY, the 25th day of April, A. D. 1895, at 12 o'clock sr. of that day. and in front of the Courthouse at Visalia, Tulare County, stale of California, and through C. A. AA'ILRUR, a duly licensed auctioneer, we will sell at public auc- tion to the highest bidder, for cash in gold coin of the United States, all the pieces or parcels of land situate in the county of Tulare, State of Cali- fornia, described as follows, to wit: According to the official plats and system of sur- veys of the Government of the United States: In township eighteen (18) south, range twenty- seven (27) east. Mount Diablo base and meridian: Of section thirty-four (34), the east .half of the northeast quarter (E. ._ of NE. i _) ; and the north half of the southeast quarter (N. V_ of SE. Vi" 1 - In township nineteen (19) south, range twenty- seven (27) east, Mount Diablo base and meridian: Of section two (2), the northwest quarter (NAY. Vi), the south half of the northeast quarter (S. Vi of NE Vi), and lots one (1) and two (2): contain- ing in ail four hundred and seven (407) acres of land. Together with the appurtenances. TERMS OF SALE— Cash in gold coin of the Unite— 'States; ten per cent payable to the under- signed on the fall of the hammer; balance on de- livery of deed: and if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. HENRY C. CAMPBELL, 1 Trn , fpM THADDEUS H. KENT, / » ee3 - The sale above advertised is hereby postponed nniil SATURDAY, April 27. 1895, at same hour and place above specified therefor. HENRY C. CAMPBELL, 1 Tnls . eeg THADDECS B. KENT. j- * ""t^ea. LEGAL NOTICES. "fU-OTICE IS Ai hereby given that under and in compliance with the terms of the decree of the Superior Court in and for the city and county of San Fran- cisco, State of California, auly given and made on the 25th day of April, 1895, in the action there before said court pending, entitled "ALICE R. LONG, as administratrix of the estate of GEORGE LONG, deceased, vs. .MATTHEW MCDONNELL," I, the undersigned, the receiver In said action, will on TUESDAY, the 30th day of April, 1895, at 1 o'clock p. si. on that day, at the nursery situ- ated on the southeast corner of Hampshire and Twenty-fourth streets, in said city and county, sell at public auction all of the property of the late firm of LONG A MCDONNELL, consisting of the stock, fixtures, appurtenances and goodwill of said nursery and nursery business, together with the leasehold Interest in the premises whereon said nursery Is situated, to wit: Commencing on the southeast corner of Hampshire and Twenty-fourth streets and running thence easterly along the south line of Twenty-fourth street 100 feet thence at right angles southerly 318% feet; 'thence at right angles westerly 100 feet to the east line of Hampshire "street; thence at right angles northerly along the east line of Hampshire street, 125 feet: thence at rignt angles easterly. 94 feet; thence at right angles northerly, 50 feet thence at right angles westerly 94 feet, to the east line of Hamp- shire street, and thence at right angles northerly along said east line of Hampshire street, 143% feet to the point of commencement, being part of Mission Block No. 176. Said leasehold interest consists of the unexnired term created by that certain lease dated August 2. 1892, wherein ANTON KRIEG is lessor and GEORGE LONG and MATTHEW MCDONNELL are lessees, and whereby said premises are let to said lessees for the period of five years from the first day of September, 1892, at the rental of $32 50 per month. Said sale will be made to the highest and best bidder, for cash, and subject to the confirmation of said Superior Court. Twenty per cent of the I amount bid to be paid at the time of sale; the bal- ance payable on confirmation of the sale. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 26th day of April, 1895. JOHN HAVES. Receiver. LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Arrived. THURSDAY, April 25. Stmr National City, Anderson, 23 hours from Ventura; produce, to Erlanger A Galinger. Sailed. THURSDAY', April 25. Stmr Homer, Drisko. Coos Bay. MARRIAGE LICENSES., Issued by the Marriage Bureau: Mark Haskcel and Annie L. Easope, 41—31. Curl Juhl and Henrietta P.. M. Steenken, 43—29. Joseph Steele and Lucy Kinnell, 28—24. Martin Fenneson and Rosie Boland, 26—20. AA*m. S. Planner; and Lena M. Hanson. 28—19. Michael Dunne and Loretta Goeson, 35—24. Lucio Garcia and Mary E. Ha__r, 2.A— 20. Philip F. Redtager and Maggie Dyer, 31—28. Harrison C. Littell and Annie -•;. Jewell, 19—18. Jay B. Thomas and Lida D. Henry. 23—23. H.AV. A. LUlemann and Alicia G. Roach. 36—22. A. D. Staples and Frances E. Brooks, 45 37. Jules Camale and Leonie Chabot, 42—24. Arthur Huston and Elvira A. Aeborelli, 25— 25. " ■ „_ DIVORCE SUITS 'BEGUN. Adele Blumann vs. Sigismund Blumann. Mary McNesby vs. James McNesby. Leila Galland vs. Jesse ._ Galland. DIVORCES GRANTED. . Josephine Gunster from Anthony Charles Guns- ter. . .' BIRTHS— MARRiJ^GES— DEATHS. fßirth, marriage ana death notices sent by mall will not 'be inserted. They must be handed in at either of the publication offices and be indorsed with the name and residence of persons authorized to have the same published, ] BORN. LEVY— In this city, April 22, 1895, to the wife of M. D. Levy, a soil. SMITH— In this City, April 23, 1895, to the wife of Fred A. Smith, a daughter. MARRIED. ANDERSON— HUNTER— In Santa Cruz, April 24, 1895, by the Rev. C. O. Tillotson, Charles M. Anderson and Rose Hunter. CAMM— FRASER— At the residence of the bride's parents, Chileco Valley, Sonoma County, Cal., April 24, 1895. by the Rev. Dr. Dille, Charles AW Cam in of San Francisco and Myrtle A. Fraser of Petaluma. HEAVSTON— ALBORELLE— In this city, Arthur J. Hewston of Cleveland, Ohio, and Elvisa Albo- relle of San Francisco. \ LITTELL— In this city, April 24, 1895, by the Rev. Dr. Dille, Harrison C. Littell and An- nie E. Jewell, both of San Francisco. MELDON— FREY— In this City, April 3, 1895, by the Rev. Henry B. Collier, Oscar F. Meldon and Maggie Frey, both of San Francisco. THOLNER-In this city, April 21,1895, Ferdinand Roesli and Anna Tholner. • DIED. Baker, A. U. ' ' Kuck, Ernest ? Becker, Nicolaus Krause. Appelonla Bellvin, Ell - Lawyer, Perry Butler, George V. Larkin, AVilliam Buswell, F. Martin, Annie P. Boland, Edward F. - Mato, K. Cox, Captain Jerome B. McAuliffe. John Cunln, James McClure, Hamilton B. Colludi, Andrea , Moran, Victor J Canton, Nora Reed, Spencer T. Dingle, Mary Abbie Ritzau, Henry Dowd, Patrick T. . Robinson, Mary C. Eisler, John ' Reed, Kate 'V. ' Flanigan, Frank J. Short, Gregory R. Granville, Thomas Smith, Fannie R. Ingram, Edward ' Scott, Henry Harrison Irving, Caroline Tommy, Thomas Kelly, Mary Vandewater, Emma • ■ .. * *■-. Wilson, Charles R. : ' - BOLAND— In this city, April 24, 1895, Edward F., . beloved husband of Maggie Boland. and brother of R. J. Boland, a native of New York, aged 40 years. . . : j(_3"Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 10 o'clock a. m., from the par- lors of McGinn Bros., 31 Eddy street, thence to Holy Cross Cemetery by the 11:45 o'clock a. m. ■ train. :'.;:. . ...■''- >■ -->-. BECKER— In this city, April s 25, 1895, Nicolaus, beloved husband of Christine Becker, a native of Schleswig, Germany, aged 70 years* and 21 days. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the, funeral TO-MORROAV (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from his late resi- dence, 271% Clara street, near Sixth. Interment . I. O. O. F. Cemetery. ■• < BAKER— In Alameda,' April 24, 1895, A. H. Baker, a native of England, aged 39 years. ' ttkf Friends and acquaintances are respect- fuUy invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY i I. from his late resfr (Friday), at 10:30 o'clock a.m., from his late resft. ' dence, 3285 Briggs avenue. Interment Mountain View Cemetery. , v.\ BELLVINN— In this city, April 25, 1895' Ell Bell* vinn, aged 50 years. ;» BUSWELL— In this city, April 24, 1895, F. Bus- well, aged 39 years. BUTLER— In this city, April 25, 1895, George V. Butler, a native of Philadelphia, Pa., aged 48 years 1 month and 17 days. COX— this city, April 23, 1895, Captain Jeromsi B. Cox, father of Mrs. Ada N. Martin and Mrs, AY. B. Bancroft, a native of Lee County, Virginia, aged 67 years 5 months and 19 days. [Lafayette ( I nd papers please copy. J fl£9"-Friends and acquaintances are resnect- fnUy invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 1:30 o'clock p.m. .from King Solomon's Hall, Masonic Temple,' corner Post and. Mont- gomery streets. Funeral under the auspices of Pacific Lodge No. 136, F. and A. M. Interment Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland. G. A. Officers and members of George H. Thomas Post No. 2, Q. A. R., are respectfully in« vittd to attend the funeral of our late comrade, Captain Jerome B. Cox, THIS DAY (Friday), at 1 :30 o'clock p. m., from Masonic Temple. By order T. K. STATLEB, Com. H. L. TICKNEK, Adj. CURTIN— In this city, April 24, 1895, James Cur- tin, aged 64 years. COLLUDI— In this city, April 24, 1895. Andrea Colludi, a native of Chile, aged 49 years 4 months and 24 days. CANTON-April 22. 1895, Mrs. Nora Canton, sister of James Caldwell, aged 32 years and 7 months. • DOAVD— In this city, April 25. 1895, Patrick Thomas, beloved husband of Ann and father of - Vincent, Stephen and James Dowd and Mrs. E. Coleman, a native of County Roscommon, Ire- land, aged 65 years. J£s"* Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROAV (Saturday), at 8:30 a. m., from his late resi- dence, 1438 Twenty-sixth street, thence to St. Paul's Church, .corner Church and Twenty-ninth streets, a solemn requiem mass will be cele- brated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. DINGLE— In Crescent City, Cal., April 20, 1895. Mary Abbie, beloved child of Raimond R. and Ida M. Dingle, a native of Crescent City, Cal., aged 3 years and 10 days. EISLER— In this city, April 23. 1895, John Eisler, a native of Bohemia aged .70 years. FLANIGAN— In Sacramento, April 22, 1895, Frank J., beloved sou of the late Mary Flanigan and toother of AVilliam J., Thomas P., Belle. Katie, Charles, Maggie and Robert Flanigan and Mrs. Charles Borho, a native of Canada, aged 27 years. t(»y Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 11 o'clock a. m.. from the par- lors of MeAvoy & Gallagher, 20 Fifth street, Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, by 11 :45 o'clock a. M. train. GRANVILLE— In Chicago. April 19, 1895, Thomas, beloved husband of the late Theresa and father of Arthur. Joseph and the late Thomas B. Granville, and brother of Joseph Granville, a native of County Limerick, Ireland; aged 65 years. UfiS"Friends and acquaintances are resDec-- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY Friday), at 1:30 o'clock p. m., from the par- lors of the United Undertakers. 27 and 29 Fifth street, thence to St. Patrick's Church for ser- vices. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. IRVING— In this city, April 24, 1895, Caroline, wife of Samuel Irving, and daughter of the late Rev. Hugh Ross. Tatmagoucher, Nova Scotia. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services THIS DAY (Friday), at 11:30 o'clock a. m., at the Firs: Presbyterian Church, Van Ness avenue and Sacramento street. Interment private in Cypress Lawn Cemetery. INGRAM— In Oakland, April 25, 1895. Edward, beloved . son of Benjamin and Mary Ingram, a native of Oakland, aged 4 months and 5 days. KELLY— In this city, April 24. 1895, Mary, be- loved sister of Ellen and Bridget Kelly, Mrs. Ann AA'alsh and the late Margaret Conway, a native of Ireland, aged 70 years. j£S*-Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from her late residence, 1311 Alabama street. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. KUCK— In this city, April 24, 1895, Ernest, be- loved son of Mrs. D. Kuck, and brother of George Kuck, Mrs. P. Brownlee. Hermann, Annie and Frederick Kuck,. a native of San Francisco, aged 16 years 7 months and 10 days. 4!-~Friends and acquaintances and members of Court Star of the West No. 6956. A. O. F.. are respectfully invited to attend the funeral SUN- DAY, at 2 "o'clock p. m., from Foresters' Hall, 102 O'Farrell street, where funeral services will be held under the auspices of star of the West Ju- venile Court No. 1, A. O. F. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. KRAUSE— In this city, April 24, 1895, Appelonla, beloved wife of the late Frank Krause, and mother of Frank, Alexander. Anna, Oscar and ' Ida Krause, a native of Germany, aged 50 years and 18 days. A member of Fairmount Council No. 103, '). C. F., and Rother Kreuz. [New York and Chicago papers please copy.] *yFriend3 and acquaintances are respect- fuiiv invited to attend the funeral SUNDAY, April 28, at o'clock p. m.. from her late residence, 8 Prospect place, between Twenty- seventh and Twenty-eighth streets, thence to Druids' Hall, 413 Sutter street, near Stockton, where funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock p. m. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. I LAAVYER-In this city, April 25, 1895, Perry, husband of Mary Lawyer, si native of Albany, N. V.. aged 69 years 9 months and 20 days. ! LARKIN— this city, April 24, 1895, at his late residence, 230 Hickory avenue, AVilliam, beloved husband of Sarah I.:trkiii. a native of Ohio, aged 38 years 5 months and 10 days. I MARTIN— In Oakland, April 24, 1895, Annie P., beloved wife of J. C. Martin, a native of Butte County. fiSETlnterment private. Please omit flowers. MORAN— In this city, April 25, 1895, Victor, be- loved son of John and Victoran Moran. and brother of Eugene Pierrot, a native of San Fran- cisco, aged 1 year 3 months and 6 days. MATO— In this city, April 24, 1895, K. Mato, aged 26 years. . McCLURE— At the Presidio, April 23, 1895, Ham- ilton B. C, only son of Lieutenant Nathaniel F. and Mamie E. McClure, aged 2 years and 3 months. MCAULIFFE— In this city, April 2-1. 1895, John, beloved sou of Hanorah and the late Timothy McAuliffe, and beloved brother of James F., Joseph P., Denis E., Mary A., Katherine T. and Eugene McAuliffe, a native of Salem. Mass., aged 27 '.ears 2 months and 27 days. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from his late resi- dence, 723 Church street, thence to St. James Church, corner Twenty-third and Guerrero streets,, for services. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. -■•'..'.'*_ RITZAU— In this city, April 23, 1895. Henry, be- loved husband of Mar_arette Ritzau, and father of Mrs. AA'rede. Louis N. Ritzau, Mrs. G. Ilirseh- feld, Mrs. Rev. C. Rabing, Mrs. C. Sampson, Henry, Lily, Katie and Johnny Ritzau, a native of Hanover, Germany, aged Hi years 3 months and 18 days. A member of Musicians' Protective Union, German hi Lodge No. 7. O. d. H. S., and ex-Presidenten Bund. [Buffalo papers please copy. ] j*s"Friends and acquaintances ars resnect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from Bed Men's Hull. 510 Bush street, near Grant avenue. In- terment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. REED— Oakland, April 23, 1893, Spencer T., only son of Emma F. and the late Thomas J. Reed, and brother of Caroline E. Reed, a native of San Francisco, aged 17 years 10 months and 23 days- jC3J°*Friend3 are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services THIS DAY (Friday), at 11 o'clock a. M.. from his late residence, 830 Nineteenth street, Oakland. Interment private in Masonic Cemetery, San Francisco. ROBINSON— In Los Angeles, April 23. 1895, Mary Chedwlck, wife of the late Edward N. Robinson, aged 60 years. REED— In this city, April 24, 1895, Kate Reed, a native of Ireland, aged 46 years. SCOTT— In this city, April 25, 1895. Henry Harri- son Scott, a native of Virgi a. «_r* Funeral services will be held TO-MORROAV (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p. m., at his late resi- dence, 3212 AA'ashington street. SMITH— In Alameda, April 24. 1895, of tjpho- malarlal fever, Fannie R., wife of Albert AY. Smith, aged 31 years. Former residence, Adrian, Mich. SHORT— In Modesto, April 21, 1895, Gregory R, son of Rosanna and the late .Henry . C. short, a native of San Francisco, aged 41 years and 25 days. TORSNY— this city. April 25, 1895, Thomas Torsnv, a native of County Sligo, Ireland, aged 60 years. 49" Remains at the residence of his niece, Mrs. Samuel M. Fadden, 1654 Hayes street. Nonce of funeral hereafter. . A'ANDEAVATER— In this city, April 25. 1895, Emma, beloved wife of AY. C. Vandewater, and mother of Emma and Irene Vandewater, and sister of .AA'llllara and Kate Horn, a native of Yolo County, Cal., aged 29 years 8 months and 3 days. [Chicago, Utica, N. V., and British Colum- bia papers please copy.J j(Ss~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fuiiv Invited to attend the funeral SUNDAY, April 28, at 2 o'clock p. m., from her late resi- dence, 24% Laskie street, off Mission, between Eighth and Ninth. Interment Masonic Ceme- tery. ,-•-;.; ;". . " *u4£ WILSON— In this city, April 24, 1895, Charles R. Jr., beloved son of Charles R. and Juanita M. AA'ilson aged 2 months. IV UNITED UNDERTAKERS' EMBALMING PARLORS. } Every Requisite for First-class Funeral* I at Reasonable Rates. ' ! Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 Fifth street. j8 . MCAVOY & CALLACHER, j » : FUNERAL DIRKCTORS & EMBALM KBS, | 20 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. j _ Telephone SOSO^ ' — — LAUREL HILL CEiiETERY ASSOCIATION. CHOICE LOCATIONS IN ANY PART OF THE VJ grounds for sale and lots laid out on the Lawa system or inclosed with low walls, as purchaser may desire. ... "* Perpetual care of plats a specialty. Cemetery permanent. For the purchase of lots or for any improvements apply to the superintendent on the grounds, Cen- tral avenue and Bush gt., San I'rancisco, Cal. "cypress LAWN CEMETERY. IN SAN MATEO COUNTY; NON-SECTARIAN; laid out on the lawn plan -,, perpetual care; -beau- tiful, permanent and easy of access: see it before buying a burial place elsewhere. City Office. 9 City HaU Arena** :■ ' 13