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12 ADELE TIMM`S SAD LOT Sick Unto Death, She Receives Naught but Abuse From Her Husband. A Pitiful Case of Suffering and Cruelty Reported to the Humane Society. A sad case of destitution and suffering, caused by cruelty and neglect of a husband and father, was reported to the Humane Society yesterday. An investigation of the matter brought to light facts which few people, aside from those who come in con tact with similar cases almost daily, would regard as true. For some months Ernest Timm has been living with his wife and three chil dren at 3140 Stevenson, near Sixteenth street. Timm is a clerk who has worked in various local dry-goods establishments for years. Intemperate habits, formed by association with disreputable companions, interfered with the discharge of his duties and he was dismissed again and again. Meanwhile Mrs. Timm was BtraggHng along in a vain attempt to care for her children. She suffered severely with rheumatism, and some months ago had a Earalytic stroke, which confined her to her cd. "Delicate as she was, her enfeebled constitution was unable to combat the ef fects of these ailments, and consumption attacked her. I>o what she could the dis ease <rained upon her daily and to-day she is a mere skeleton awaiting death. The husband and father failing to find employment, sought to drown his sorrow in arink. He needed money for this, and he decided that his children should pro vide the funds. The eldest daughter, Eliza, aged 17 years, secured a place as assistant bookkeeper in a tamale factory. One son, aged 13 years, was sent out into the streets at 5 o'clock in the morning to sell papers, and another son. less than 12 years of age, almost blind, was forced to sell matches. The combined revenue from these sources served to keep Timm in funds and to pro vide only a few of the necessaries required by the dying wife and mother. Mrs. Timm's condition becoming daily more alarming, word was sent to a neigh bor, who attempted to furnish the sick woman with a few luxuries. Timm ob jected to this, claiming that he was not in need of charity, and saying that he "didn't want the neighbors to poke their noses into his place."' He beat the children and abused the dying woman, until she prayed for death to end her sufferings. When the case was reported to the Humane Society yesterday. Officer Wells was immediately dispatched to the scene. He found that the report concerning the family was not exaggerated. Mrs. Timm was removed to the County Hospital, wnere her death is momentarily expected. Timm objected to the proceeding strongly, but could not interfere with the officer in the discharge of his duty. A warrant has been issued for Timm's arrest for cruelty and neglect, and he will be arrested to-day. Christian Union Mission. The report of the Christian Union Mission for the month of April shows that the relief ■work has been as follows: 190;{ meals were provided, of which 1313 were given free, and 1916 beds, of which 470 were free; 07 men re ceived free shaves and "24 free haircut*. A large quantity of hats, shoes, stocking*, under wear and clothing has been distributed. The free employment bureau succeeded in securing work for 34 men. The free reading-room is open all day for everybody, and is well sup plied with all kinds of literature and daily papers. EEAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. John G. W. and Minna Schulte to Charles F. IfOt-l-.r:nji. lot on E line of Scott street, 110 Not Haight, N 3:6 by E 37 subject to right of way: $10 Same to same, lot on NE corner of Scott and Halght streets. E 37:6 by N 110; f 10. Fred I!, and Virginia F. Desk in to Joshua Hendy Machine Works, lot on E line of Broderick street, 75 B Of Fulton, 825 by E 112:6; also property in Shasta County: $10. M. Salomon to Mary Salomon, lot on N line of Post street, 110 W of Broderick, W 27:6 by N82:6; gift. John E. and Mary M. Ross and Margaret Tyson to Barbara C. Hunter, lot on W line of Baker street, 76:8 Vi N of Sacramento, N 25:6 by W 102:6: £10. : I (Leopold seliraian. (by I. Steinhart. attorney), to Anna Macphoe. lot on N line of Fell street, 31:3 E Of Clayton. X 25 by N 100: $10. San.i' ;o (i< orsc W. ana Annie Hf ndv. trading as Charles .1. Uen-iv's Son it Co.. lot on N iin>- of I"< 11 street, 181 :3 Wol Ashbnry, W 100 by N 137:6; $10. Same to Lucy L. Ixiwe. lot on N line of Fell street, 56:3 E of Clayton. E 25 by N 100: *10. H. Emerson to Albert Horiger, lot on N line of Fifteenth street, 51 W of Natoma, W 21 by N 90; $10. John and Eliza O'Brien to Lizzie O'Brien, lot on NW corner of Sanchez and Henry streets, N 50 by W 105: gift. Same to Lizzie and Sarah O'Brien, lot on W line Of Noe street, 25 N of Henry, N 51 by W 96; gift. Fernando and Julia A. Nelson to Henry Hunken, lot on S line of Twentieth street, 175 Wof Castro, W 25 by S 110: $10. C. F. and Eline Hoffmeycr to P. McFadden, lot on W line of Diamond street, 85 N of Twenty third. N 25 by W 115. subject to a mortgage: $10. Caroline Hawkhurst to Alfred Rix. SE corner of Pine and Powell streets, E49 by S 60 ; $8500. Charles Diemer to John Diemer, ail interest in lot on N line of Jackson street, 305:9 W of Powell, W 23:3 by N 62:9 Vi: $10. Albert Meyer to Benjamin Harris, lot on NW line of Natotna street. 312:6 NE of Third, NE SO by NW 70; also lot on NE corner of Twenty-eighth and Noe streets, E 135 by N 114: $10. Robert Mackenzie to Mizpah Presbyterian Church of San Francisco, lot on SE line of Harri son street, 80 NE of Fifth, NE 30 by SE 160: $10. Johanna Hr-nnan to Michael T. Brennan, lot on SE line of Clary street, 125 SW of Fifth, SW 20 by UK 53: gift. Philip and Alice Cohen to Thomas Cohel, lot on W line of Twelfth avenue, 25 s of X street, S 25 by W 120: $10. Elizabeth. Werner, John N., George D., Anasta sla M., Rose and Ellen Bruns to John G. Klumpke, lot on W line of Bright street. 175 S of Randolph, S 100 by W 100, block 50, City Land Association; $200. Alice Smith to John n. Grady, lot on NE line of Fifteenth avenue, 225 SE of Q street, sk 25 by NE 100, ON. and H. 292: also lot on SW line of Four teenth avenue, 225 SE of Q street, SE 25 by SW 100, ON. and H. 292; $10. ALAHKDA COt'NTY. William J. Laymanee of Oakland to Lottie Max well of Minnesota, lot on NW corner of Jones and Chestnut streets, \V 50 by N 141. beinglot 6, block 11, Warner Tract. Brooklyn Township; $10. Jane K. Baylis (wife of Joseph) of Oakland to Henry P. Rowley of San Francisco, lot on S line of Lydia street, 225 W of Curtis, W 24 by S 100, be ing ft portion of lot 5, block I, Curtis * Williams' Tract, subject to a mortgage for $1000, Oakland; SlO. Henry P. Rowlev of San Francisco to John H. F. Brown of Indiana, same, Oakland; grant. Christen Jensen of Alameda to William J. Kea of San Francisco, lot on E line of Kennedy street, 35.53 N of Shasta avenue. X 50 by ]•; 125, being lots 25 and 26, block A.Camden Twenty-third ave nue Tract, East Oakland: $10. J. G. and B. Klurapke of San Francisto to John Dougherty of San Francisco, lots 22, 23, 24 and 125, block M. eastern portion of Lynn Homestead, East Oakland, quitclaim deed; $10. . James L. and Mary C. Barker to Frederick Esty of Berkeley, lot on S line of (.'banning way, 260 W of Tremont street, W 50 by s 135. being lot 11, block 5, Barker Tract .Berkeley; $100. - • H. and" Mary .Driest to the city of Alameda, lot on SW corner of Buena Vista avenue and Vorman Street; tract W 105, N 30, E 105. S 30 to beginning; ulso lot 3 of commissioners' report to be taken for opening Buena Vista avenue between Paru and Arbor streets, Alameda: $31:0. ■ William N. Meeks of Alameda to same, lot on E line of Everett street, '2 feel s of Lincoln avenue produced E, thence E 116.83 by H 21.70, being lot ' 2, map accompanying report commissioners for widening Lincoln avenue, between Broadway and Everett streets, Alameda: $651. ■ •- - - E. M. Derby &Co. (a corporation) of Oakland to J. E. Ewa'.d of Alameda. the 8 37:6 of: lot D, block 50, Alameda Park Homestead, Alampda; $10. Manuel S. and J. M. Azevedo to Martin S. SUva of Marln County, lot 14, block 46, Peterson Tract, Hay wards, Eden Township $10. ' THE STOCK MAEKET. The market was strong again yesterday and there was rather more "business, particularly on the noon informal session, when Half; <fe Xorcross sold up to ?1 55, against $1 80 as Tuesday's closing figure. Occidental advanced to 40c, Con. Cal. <& V:i. v ;:« firm at ?3@3 10 and Ophir at $1 60®l 00. Most of the other stocks were several cents higher. The close was lower all around. JJOTKS. Andes is assessed 15c. At the deUoqoeat assessment sale of the Belcher Mining Company 155 shares were sold for non-pay ment of the assessment. Advices received yesterday speak highly of the showing being made in the Hale & Xorcross in the drift being run so:ith to connect with tlie upraise from the intermediate level. Tiie seam of ort> fihowintr there is growing larger all the time and the outlook is encouraging. Tiie following iocal stocks were ex-dividend yes terday: Oakland, San Leandro and Hay wards Railway 75 cents per share, and Stockton Gaslight and Heat Company 30 cents per share. The following bonds were ex-coupon yesterday: North Pacific Coast Railroad 6s, $3; Southern Pa cific Railroad first construction gold bonds ss, $2 50; Spring Valley Water 4s, $1, and Sutter street Railroad ss, $2 50. Assessments Pending. Following Is a list of assessments now pending: Delinqtj Company. No. Ann. in the | Sale Day. ! Board. Crowa Point 66] 25 . April*. May ~7 Occidental 18. 10,.Apr20;.May 15 Ophir 651 25;. May si. May 27 Overman 731 10. My 16 .June 11 Yellow Jacket I 60 25:. My 16 .June 26 Savage i b6 20}. My 20 .June 11 Andes I I 15,.Jne 1, BOARD SALES. Following were the sales in the San Francisco Stock Board yesterday: BEOULAR MGKNIXO SESSION— 9:3O. 200 Alpha 09200 C Point... 370 Ophir... 1.55 100 Ande5... .23^200 Excheqr.. o3 100 1.60 200 8e1chr.... 63100 G A C 46 700 Savage.. ..3o 160 Kodie... 1.05 700 HAN. ..1.40 100 Mil Hill. ..04 300 Bulwer. ..11j4000ccidt1....34 150 Union ....4S 100 Ch011ar... 43150 Occldentl. 3s,7oo V Jacket. 37 500 CCA V.. 3.051 ! AFTERXOOS SESSION-— 2 :30. • 100 Andes . ..20|125 . .3.05 600 0ccidt1....38 50 Belcher. 100 C Point. ..6l|loo 37 800 It & /70 ICO 60:200 0ph1r...1.60 200 Bullion/. 181100 HAN. ..1.46|250 0vrmn....10 300 Bulwer .11 20 Jackson.. 2oJ3oo Savage.. ..SO 100 ih011ar....45 100 Kentuck .041100 SNev 78 200 CCAV...3.00|-00 Mcx 77 200 V Jacket.37 Following were the sales in the Pacific Stock Board yesterday: BBIt'UR SESSION— IO:39. 200 Alta. 22 400 HAN . ..1.35;350 Ophir. . .1.55 100 20300 13/ 8 !l50 1.57% 1200 8e1cher.... 260 1.40 200 Overran.. lo 100 64 50 1.42% ! 200 09 200 65250 1.601900 Savage... .29 100 R& 8.... 78600 1.55.400 30 150 ...: 77 200 1.45500 31 100 Bullion... 19 300 Mcx 78 100 SB it M..18 1100 Ch011nr.. 45150 SO 300 S Nev....78 100 CC4V. 3.10 100 791100 81 50 3.07y 2 300 0ccidt1....37 400 V Jacket. 37 50 Con 1.40 100 36100 38 200 Exchqr... 3oJ3oo Ophir... 1.601 AFTERNOON SESSION— 2:3O. 300 Andes... 5-.0 II A N..1.45160 P0t05i....45 300 8e1cher...64 200Mex 77 300 Savage. ...29 ICO Bodie 1.02 V 2 650 Occidntl . . 36 300 S Nev .... 79 300 CC*V... 3.00,500 Ophir 1.62% l • CLOSING QUOTATIONS. WEDNESDAY, May I—4 p. it. B\d.Askrd.\ Sid. Asked. Alpha Con OS OJUackson 20 30 Alta 15 17Julia — 07 Ande3 19 Justice 07 10 Belcher 63 64KentucK — 06 Best Belcher. 73 74 Lady Wash.... 02 04 BentouCon.... 40 45 Mexican 76 77 Bodie 1.05 1.10 Mono 17 — Bullion 17 19iMt. Diablo 15 — Bulwer -. 10 —[Nevada Queen. — 06 Caledonia 07 08 Occidental 35 37 Challenge Con. 41 44iOphlr 1.45 1.50 Choilar 43 45Overman 09 10 Con. A 2.95 3.oojPotosi 42 43 Con. Imperial. 01 02i.Savaee 29 30 Confidence — 1.60 Sec. Belcher... 17 IS Con. New York. — 03- Scorpion 04 05 Crown Point... 60 HI Sierra Nevada. 77 79 East B. A . . . — 20 Silver Hill — 05 EastSierraNev — 05 Silver King 10 — Exchequer. ... 02 04 Syndicate — 05 Eureka C0n.... 30 35 Union Con 48 50 Gould A Curry. 45 47 Utah — 06 Hale AJXorcrs.l.4o 1.45 Yellow Jacket. 35 36 lowa — 06 STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. WEDNESDAY, May I—2 p. it. bonds. Sid. Asked.] Bid. Asked. VS is coup..lll — ■ Banks. Commercial— C S 45reg...11l — AmerBATC. — — Cal-stCbless. — Anglo-Cal. .. 69 — Cal Elec L 65107 — Hank of Ca1..219 222% CntraCWSs 99*4101 V&'Cal SDATCo. 40 41 Dpnt-stex-cp 88 91 ,Firs:Nationl.l77% — EdsnL&P6s.loß%lo9ViGrine«rs.... — — EACH RR6slO4 — London PA A.123% — Geary-stßss.lO7 — LondonASF. 27% 29 LosAngL6s. 97% — Mer?h Ex... 12 — 103 Nevada — — Mkt-stCble6sl223 / i — SatherßCo.. — — NevCNgRSs. — 110 Backs. Savings— NPCRR6s.IOO — :GerS<fcLCo..l76o — NyßCal6s.. 95 10034 HumbSAL. 1000 — NBy 55.. — — Mutual 37 — Oak Gas 65..10134108 SFSavl'nlon49s 505 Do, 'M iss 55.. 1021.4 — Say& Loan.. 110 150 Omnibus 65.. 117 — Security 260 310 PacßollM6s.lo3 — Union trust. — 760 Do. 2d iss 65.. — — 1 Street Railway— PA(>Ry6s..llO 120 California.. . .100 — I'ACh R-6s. 95 100 (leans; — 90 Pwl-stRR Gs.llo - Market-st... 37 373 4 Reno. L&LIO2 105 ,Oak,SL«tHay — 100 River\VCo6s — 100 Presidio 7% — SFaNPRKSs 993/ i — ;Sutter-st — — SPUR Ariz 6s — 868.4' Powder— SPRR CaI 65.109%1103/i l Atlantic D... — 20 SPRRCaIos. 85 — .California.... 80 — Do.loonjrtd. 82% — Giant 10 14 SPBrRCal6s. — 8H Judson — — SV\Vnter6s.. — : » Vigorit — 1 SVWatrr4s.. 97 — " | Miscellaneous— : vi" v StktnG4E6s — lOOVi BlkDCoalCo. — 12 .SunstT<feT6s — — ,Cal Co' Mills. — . — Sutter-stßss.lOs — Cal Dry Dock — — VisallaWC6s — 92 jEdisonLight. 97% S3 stocks— Water— QaaConAsan. — — Contra Costa. — 60 lIawCASCo.. 634 7 Marin C 0.... — 50 HutchSPCo.. 12 123/ fcanJose — 100 'JudsonMfgC. 1 — . . Sprng Valley 98y 8 983/,MerExAssn.loo — Gas— OceanleSSCo — 23 Capital — 50 PacAuxFA.. 1% 2 Central 95 — !Pac Borax... 97 — OakGL&H. — 47 1 Pad AN Co. — 30 PacGaslmp. — 86 jpac Roll Mill 17 — PaoificLight. 46 4734 Part Paint Co — 9 SanFrancsco 71% 71 /4 :Pac Trans Co — 27 Stockton — 30 PacTAICo. 30 60 Insurance— sunset TAT. 20 — FiremansFd.lsl — United C Co.. — 25 Sun — 68 ' MOKNINO SESSION. Street—? 10,000 S F & N P Railway Bonds, 100. AFTERNOON SESSION. Street— so L& S F Bank (bearer stock), 28. SAN FRANCISCO 'CALL." BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Call— 710 Market street, open until 12 o'clock every night in tbe year. BRANCH OFFICES-530 Montgomery street, corner Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock. 339 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Liirkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. SW. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open until 9 o'clock. 2518 Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. CALIFORNIXToDGE~N6rT~i\ aj~~ t*^ AA. M.. will meet THIS (THURS- J\ DAY) EVENING, May 2. at 7:30 o'clock. '^Tzf Stated meeting. By order of the Master. f^y\ FRANKLIN H. DAY, Secretary. DORIC LODGE NO. 216, F. AA. ■ t*^ M. Stated meeting TO-NIGHT, at 8 _j_f\_, o'clock. By order of the W. M. x' _BT ADOLPH KRONBERG, Secretary. r^f\ JKS 3 CLAN FRASER. NO. 78, O. S. .-ft -53/ Open meeting TO-NIGHT, 32 IS3I O'Farrell St., 8 o'clock: members and «___3__s»/% friends cordially invited to attend. "wv'v THOS. FRASER, Chief. _K_H Wm. Cobmack, Sec. . «*• 3 IT-g 5 ' A.O. H. DIVISION NO. 10— TTTKaT^JRK -S- 5^ regular monthly meeting of this V^\Uf division will be held at Drew's Hall, 121 HJ_\\|/ \ New Montgomery st., THIS (THURS- DAY) EVENING, the 2d Inst., at B*«MBb o'clock. A full attendance is urgently requested. By order JOHN POWER, President. C. B. Flanaoan, Secretary. si'-7g=> i an 1 > ANNUAL gather- <7 > <x-^ ing and games of the Caledonia ati, 7*IPJ Club at Shell Mound Park May 30, ]>eco- >fo,X»£_f ration Day. "The Usnal Highland Wei- *e___*_T come." The Caledonia tug-of-war team challenges ! 1 the world to pull fora share of stock of the San ! I Francisco and San Joaquln Valley Ry. Co.. value $100, first prize: $25, second prize. Three nation- alities may compete. send acceptances to this paper, or to Capt. Thos. D. Carroll, care Caledonia Club. : ; -D. R. McNEILL, Chief. Jas. H. Duncan, Sec. sjt_?p> A SPKCIAI, MEETING THE MEM- &—»' bers of the Builders' Exchange Is hereby called for MONDAY, May 6, 1895, at 1 p. M., at 16 j Post street, for the purpose of taking action on the : question of quarters and other matters of interest that may come before the meeting. Signed, I mis A. Wilson, Sec. OSCAR LEWIS, Pres. ' THE ANNUAL EXCURSION AND"PK> l>~^ nicofthe Knights of the Red Branch will held at Glenwood. Santa Cruz Mountains, on SUNDAY, May 5. Athletic sports will be held, 1 and valuable gate prizes given. JK^s=» ANNUAL MEETINO— THE regular »*-*' annual meeting of the stockholders of the j Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Co. will be held at the office of the company, 327 Market St.. San Francisco, Cal., on TUESDAY, the 14th day of May, 1895, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors to serve for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. Transfer-books will close on FRIDAY, May 3, 1895, at 3 o'clock p. m. E. H. SHELDON, Secretary. special notices. 3 .the mXriX^^ip^orpiTanage^of -* jy 638 Folsom St.. San Francisco, Cal., has re- ceived the following orphan and half-orphan girls from Jan. 1, 1895, to April 1, 1895: Emily L. Rey- I nolds, aged 9 years: Maria V. J. llegnalto, aged 2 , years; Marguerite K. Evans, aged 5 years; Laura M. King, aged 12 years; Elsie Michael, aged 7 years. . . ' • .- |fK3p CHARLES H. PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY- S>-J^ at-law and Notary Public, 638 Market st., opp. Palace Ho; residence, 1620 Fell st. Tele- phone 570.' HVHVWIHmi J3^S= DR. NELLIE BEIGHLE, OFFICES, 51 '-*-* r to 55, Donohoe building, 1170 Market st. Stomach, liver,' kidney and rheumatism success- fully treated. .; Nervous diseases a specialty. Dis- eases examined without questioning. :, if_^"_ BAD , TENANT^ -EJECTED FOR $4. -»~ =r Collections made, city or country. Pacific j Collection Co., 415 Montgy st., room 6. Tel. 5580. I BtxS" ALL COURTS-LEGAL PRIVATE MAT- i -»*-*^ ters; confidential: advice free. ATTOR- | NEY McCABE. 838 Market st. THE SAIST FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1595. SPECIAL NOTlCES— Continued. |t^^~ROOMS^\VH ITKXEIX ?f~UP?^XpEIC ia^J? ed $3 60 up. 309 sixth. George Hartman. ! ijfss= J. B. McINTYIIK, BOOKBINDER AND 1 3^£? Primer. 422 Commercial st. SITUATIONS WAITED— fEMALS. T ADIES-^YOU CAN GET RELIABLE HELP XJ at MRS. FENTON'S, 1 06 V a Stockton st. IF~ YOU WANT A GOOD SERVANT, MALE or female, city or country, apply MME LEO- POLD'S Emp. Office, 957 Market open evenings. T THE SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BU- reau first-class Swedish and German girls are i awaiting situations. 332 Geary st. telephone 983. pOMPETENT WOMAN WISHES WORK BY j \J dayormonth: is a good laundress; good refer- ences. Call or address 829 and 831 Stevenson St., off Tenth. pOMPETENT ELDERLY WOMAN WANTS i \J general housework and cooking; city or coun- try: wages 12 to $16. Address C. W., box 57, Call Office. ■ SINGLE WOMAN, GOOD COOK, WANTS A place as housekeeper or piace to cook. Address ! Cook, box 6. Call Oflice. i ■y OUNG GERMAN GIRL WOULD LIKE CARE J one child in French family: country or travel- i Ing preferred. Address R. G., box 41, Call Office. ADY WISHES POSITION AS HOUSEKEEP- er for a widower, either in city or country; i good references given. Call 1429 Mission st., room ': UK i pOMPETENT woman WANTS POSITION \J as seamstress and care of children; $20. Ladles' Bureau, 131 Postst., room 20. ■yOUNG WIDOW, A STRANGER. WOULD X like position as housekeeper. Call 10 to sp. m., 323 Kearny, room 11. : T> EXPECTABLE LADY WISHES AN INFANT iV or one or two older children to board; mother's care; good references given. 617 Twenty-fourth Bt., bet. Mission and Valencia. ~ pOMPETENT WOMAN WANTS WORK BY V day or week at housecleaning. 229% Sixth St. "yOUNG WIDOW OF REFINEMENT WOULD I X like any kind of gentlemen's sewing or mend- I ing; satisfaction guaranteed. Call 1 to Bp. m. 119 Ninth St., room 2, first Hat. W ANTED— FA M I LY MENDING AND P.L.AIN TT sewing by the day: terms 75 cents. Apply at 706 California St., C. W. POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER BY NO. 1 X woman: Is competent of having entire charge: best of references. M. A. L., box 162, Call Office. WE DISH GIRL WANTS A SITUATION TO SWEDISH GIRL WANTS A SITUATION TO do cooking or general housework. 510 Howard. i POSITION WANTED AS SALESLADY BY j IT experienced young lady. Address S., box 109, j this office. yOUNG LADY WISHES GENTS' MENDING ' X to do. Call 150 Fourth St., room 9. j yOUNG GERMAN DESIRES SITUA- j X tion in small family. Apply 1600 Mission st. WO SWEDISH GIRLS WANT SITUATIONS X to do general housework and cooking. Call at 124 Caselll ave., near Moss ave. and 18th st. yOUNG LADY OF EXPERIENCE WOULD ' X like place In a dye office or store; best of refer- ence. L. W., 622 Twenty-first st. I ) 1 ! ' I NED YOUNG LADY WANTS POSITION XV to care for invalid lady or second work or sew- I ing. Address H. 8.. 33 Rincon place, city. pELIABLE ELDERLY woman WANTS a ! XV situation in small family, city or country, to do 1 general housework. Call or address 32 Kissling St., i bet. Eleventh and Twelfth, Folsom and Howard. pESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL WANTS a -It situation to take care of a baby in a respecta- , ble family. Call or address 32 Kissling St., bet. Eleventh and Twelfth. Folsom and Howard. AMERICAN WIDOW WANTS SITUATION | JA. as working housekeeper; splendid cook for ! men on ranch, mines, etc. Address Widow, box 28, Call Office. pOMPKTENT WOMAN COOK WISHES TO j \J do housework: city or country; city refer- j ences. 1351 Bush st. BY SPANISH WOMAN TO DO LIGHT HOUSE- work or care children. Call 710 Broadway. XT EAT YOUNG AMERICAN GIRL WISHES 1' upstairs or chamber work: city or short dis- tance In country; fond of children and willing to travel: reference. Call or address Upstairs Girl, 323 Van Ness ave. GJ 11 MA~N GIRL WANTS A SITUATION TO do light housework. Call or address 2120 Greenwich st. OMAN WOULD LIKE WORK OF ANY TT kind; have had some experience as nurse; wages expected $1 per day. Address W. K., box 55, Call Office. j "yOUNG LADY WANTS HOUSEKEEPER'S X position for gentleman. Apply L. S., box 19, Call Office. ADY WELL ACQUAINTED, THOROUGH J 1 business woman, wishes a situation as house- keeper in a lodging-house. Address A. B. C, box j 105, Call Office. , "yOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE A GENTLE- ! X man partner in a good paying business. Call 5 Mason st., room 7. \\7 [DOW WITH SOME MEANS WOULD LIKE »* to engage in business with a gentleman. Call & Mason St., room 2. pOMPETEXT GIRL wants a place as \J cook; willing to assist. Apply 1609 Geary si., near Laguna ; no curds. mwo VOX girls, 15 years old, want j X places to take care of children, wash dishes, etc., where they can attend night school. Call on or ad- dress 666 Tenth St.. Oakland. G"~ OOD, HONEST WOMAN WANTS WORK BY the day housecjeanlng. washing and Ironing; references. Call or address 218% Nineteenth st. TRONG, RELIABLE WOMAN WISHES TO do washing. Ironing, cooking or housecleaning by the day. MRS. CURIIS, 115% Twenty-sixth St., nr. Mission. "yOUNG WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS X housekeeper. Call or address 620 Market St., room 7, opp. Palace Hotel. RESSMAKER WANTS WORK BY THE day; terms $1. Call 251 Tehama st. T?RENCU LADY WISHES SITUATION TO X) take care of grown children; first-class seam- stress; wili teach French if required. Address A. A., box 69, Call Office. W A STY. I) —BY A CAPABLE, RELIABLE TT woman, a situation to do general, house work; two years' experience from last place; American preferred. Call between 2 and 4at 217 Eddy st. \\rANTED— A YOUNO WOMAN DESIRES tt situation to do second work and would assist i with sewing; wages $20 to $25: references. Apply I 1532 Polk st. I TT'LDERLY PROTESTANT WOMAN WISHES ! Xli situation as housekeeper in small family. Call or address RACH AEL, 139 Eleventh st. AN KIND OF HOUSEWORK BY THE I V. day: $1 a day. Call at 1024 Laricin st. p IRL WISHES SITUATION IN SMALL FAM- VX ily; good plain housework and cooking. 934 Capp St., near Twenty-fifth. ,■ THIRST-CLASS SEAMSTRESS, LATELY FROM JL the East, wishes a situation in private family. Address 1932 Folsom. TRONG WOMAN WANTS WORK OF ANY kind by the day. Call or address MRS. CHAMP- LIN, 2616 McAllister. STYLISH DRESSMAKER WANTS FEW more engagements by the day in families: good cutter and titter. Call or address 488 Eighth st. MRS. MILLER. j TpiRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER WISHES FEW j} more engagements at $1 50 per day. Address M. A., Call Branch, 2518 Mission st. . . ■ yOUNO SWEEDISH GIRL, LATELY FROM X Sweeden. ' wishes to do general housework. 11% Antonio St., off Jones, near Ellis. . . pOLORED GIRL WISHES A SITUATION TO \J do general housework and cooking or upstairs work, wait at table and sewing; wages $15 to $20. Address P., box 70, Call office." ■-. A LL KINDS COMPETENT HELP SUPPLIED. x\- Nurse Agency, 131 Post st. ; telephone M-625. DRP:ssm"aKER"; FIRST-CLASS: CUTS BY XJ McDowell system; elegant fit; ladles' dresses j made, $5 up; children's, $150 up. 706 Ellis St., ; near Larkin. 1 y OUNG LADY WANTS ~ POSITION AS X housekeeper. Call 706 Ellis St., near Larkln. yOUNG AMERICAN WIDOW WISHES A X place in small family to do light housework for . light compensation. Address MRS. H., box 16, Call Office. AN EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER, DE- signer and exquisite fitter from the East; best city references; wishes work by the day in fami- I lies. Address D. M.. box 5, Call Office. YOU CREOLE WIDOW, STRANGER, wishes a position as housekeeper. Call at 11 Kearny st., room 16. ANTED— BY A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, situation as working housekeeper for a single roan: no objection to children. 507 Eleventh St., Oakland. LADY AND HUSBAND WANT POSITION to run a first-class country hotel. Apply after 2 p. M., 937 Mission st. "W OMAN " WANTS PLAIN SEWING; ANY '» kind gentleman's mending: clothes cleaned reasonable; no postals. 114 Fourth St., room 15. TTOUSEKEEPER:. MIDDLE-AGED, RESPEC XX table, American widow: educated: alone: good cook: wants home; country preferred. MRS. E. L.. 131 Post St., room 21. SITUATIONS WANTKD-MALK. "T't ANDREWS EMPLOYMENT ~"orinC2— A First-class butlers, cooks, coachmen, gardeners, etc.: : also competent - people - for summer resorts. ANDRE, 316 Stockton St.; tel., M. 1304. ; FOR COOKS, WAITERS, TEAMSTERS and farmers send your orders to J. F. CROSETT A CO., 628 Sacramento st. OB COMPOSITOR AND PRINTER WANTS steady position in country office; wages no ob- ject. ■■ Address P. O. box 18, Hay.vards. PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPER WANTS PLACE XT where there is chance to advance; willing to be generally useful: good references. Address P. 8., box 90, Call Office. - ■ ■ ' ... ■-:. -.'--. \U SITUATION, BY RESPECTABLE »» young Englishman, as under butler; good ref- erences. - Apply to CF. BLACKBURN, Cosmopol- itan Hotel, 102 Fifth St., San Francisco. , A 1 DRY^GOODS*MAN~WANTS COUNTRY J\. position; no employment agency need reply. Address D.tU.; box 76, Call. ', »• TRONG J BOY, • AGE < 16, WOULD LIKE TO O learn blacksmith'.Dg; no wages to start. - Ad- I dress B. S., box 73, Call Office. SITUATIONS WASTED- Continued. WANTED— WOBK OF ANT KIND, BY A "" young man who is honest in deeds and pure in thoughts; satisfaction guaranteed. Address L. \V., box 50, Call. . TV" A ED — I AM 16 YEARS OLD, STRONG ' » and healthy; I want to learn a first-class trade; best of references. Address Clarence, 1932 Steven son st. ■ "yOUNG GERMAN TO WORK ON PRIVATE X place take care horses and cow and garden; careful driver; first-class references. Call or ad- dress 621 California street. ARRIED MAN, SOBER AND INDUSTRI- OUS, wishes employment as porter, janitor or laborer: bonds furnished and reference if required: wages to suit the times. Address D., box 44, Call. yOUNG PIANIST WISHES SITUATION IN X a private resort. Address "Pianist," box 40. Call Office. , ARBER-SITUATION WANTED BY THOR- ough, first-class band; country only. O. R., box 81, Call Office. yOUNG MARRIED MAN WOULD LIKE PO- X sitlon as coachman; useful man around private place; best reference. Address 12 Hawthorne st. VOUNG MAN WITH PLENTY OF SPARE X time would like furnished room as remunera- tion for some kind of work. Address "Room," box 19, Call Office. riDDLE-AGED GERMAN MAN, CAN TAKE ill care horses and garden, milk cows, wants place in private family. Address M. M., box 35, Call Office. Situation wanted by respectable O man and wife, English, as porter in hotel, wife as housemaid; or coachman and generally useful around place: wife a good cook or housework; or would take place in a clubhouse; first-class refer- ences; city or country. A. G. W., box 78, Call Office. ' AN AND WIFE (ENGLISH) FOR FAMILY or resort, first-class cook, good bread, pastry; man competent waiter and all round; city refer- ence. G., box 59, Call Office. English"" UNIVERSITY MAN, AUTHOR, wants position as tutor, amanuensis or personal attendant; references. P. L., box 69, Call Office. "yOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION; UNDER- X stands care of horses and cows; willing to make himself generally useful. 1739 Adeline St., Oak- land. SOBER MAN, USED TO SALOON WORK OR liquor-store, wants situation; good references. Address L. 8., box 68, Call Office. ITUATION WANTED BY GOOD SOBER tj man: understands all about horses, garden.cow; : best of references. W. 8., box 126, this office. SITUATION WANTED BY ENGINEER AND machinist of eighteen years' experience; city or country. Address £ box 46, Call Office. BY STATIONARY ENGINEER AND .MA- chinist, work of any kind. Address E., box 103, Call office. * Ip 1 RST -CLASS COACHMAN. 12 YEARS LAST place: good references: can milk cows, etc. Address C, box 14, Call Office. illltST-CLASS RELIABLE SECOND COOK X wants situation. Address S. A. C, box 124, Call Office. POSITION WANTED BY A SOBER YOUNG X Scandinavian as porter ; understands pal wood-polishing and gas and lock fixing; is compe- tent carpet-sewer: first-class references. Address W., box 43. this office. yol'XO MAN OF GOOD BUSINESS ABILITY X will nay a very good bonus to any one securing him a permanent paying position. Call or address F. G., 416 Washington st. \V ANTED -POSITION SY A COMPETENT »* and experienced coachman and gardener; city or country. Address box 3, Call Branch Office, Oakland. FEMALE HELP WANTED. WAITRESSES, CITY^"anTT^OUNTRyI^ 2 chambermaids; 2 cooks, hotels: 2 ranch cooks; 2 girls for housework, $15, $20, $25 and $30. MURRAY A READY, 634 Clay St. "IV" ANTED— CHAMBERMAID AND WAIT AT »• table; 3 waitresses, $20 and room: woman cook, $25 and room, small place; girl or woman as dishwasher: waitress," $15 and room, nice place: eirl as stareher in a small laundry; family cook, Jewish family, $25. etc.; German or Swedish girl In small family, $20, etc.; German girl in a family of 4, $20, etc.; American girl in a small family, if 15; elderly woman for light work, $10 a month, etc.; 13 good house girls, $15, etc.: 7 German and 3 Swedish girls for housework, etc. MARTINA CO., 749 Market st, SCANDINAVIAN OR GERMAN 11 cook, a short distance, ?30, see party here; Scandinavian cook and laundress, 2 in family; sec- ond girl, $20; 2 chambermaids', assist waiting, $15; 3 cooks, German style, $25; cook, private boarding- house, $25; and girls for cooking and housework. J. F. CROSETT A CO., 312 Sutler st. TXT AITRESS.RESORT, $.0; CHAMBERMAID. "» assist; waiting at dinner, see party here, for re- sort: waitress, first-class country hotel, the year around. $25: waitresses, City, §20. C. R. HANSEN A CO n 110 Geary st. /•l-.H.MA.N OR SCANDINAVIAN SECOND "l girl, $25: German woman for general house- work, $•_'<): French girl, housework, $25: strong Swedish girl, general housework, $20; wetnurse, *25; nurses, care 1 child, $10, $15: 10 girls for housework, $15, $20. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. ; " ■ I --•"<•* ■ • - - ■ ;■ ..,..-. G Fit MAN OR FRENCH SEAMSTRESS, $25; \J 2 nurses, $25; laundress, $30: second girl, $25; cook. $30: 10 housework girls. City and country, $20 and $.5: 4 young girls, assist. $10 to $15. MISS CL'LLEN. 105 .Stockton st. ATURSE, 2 CHILDREN, 2 AND 4 YEARS OLD; 1\ $25. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. I AUNDRESS, $25; HOUSEWORK GIRL, ROSS J Valley, $30, see lady here. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. ANCH COOK, $20. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton St., room 2. EFINKD AMERICAN WORKING HOUSE- RE lI N ED AMH U I lAN WORKING HOUSE- keeper; $20. MISS CULLEN, 106 Stockton. AN TED — HOTEL LAUNDRESS, $25; ■»» Irish-Catholic second girl, middle-aged, $20; French cook, $25; German cook, $25: 2 German nursegirls, $15; German nursery governess, $20: Catholic infant's nurse, $30. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. lAUNDR F.SS, PLAIN WORK, COUNTRY HO- ■i tel, $18; nursegirl, $15: waitress, plain place, *15; cook on ranch, $20; and girls for housework. It. T. WARD A CO., 610 Clay st. W"ANTED— 2 HOUSEGIRLS, 2 IN FAMILY, >T wages $20: Swedish housegirl, $25; second girl, $20; cook, $25; 2 girls to assist. 332 Geary. GERMAN COOK, $30; GIRL FOR ALAMEDA, $25; girl for light cbamberwork, $15: 3 wait- resses, 15 to 17 years of age, city, nice places: 6 girls for light housework, $15 to $20; 3 girls for general housework, $25, city. Golden West Em- ployment Office, 9 Stockton st. Sri; w a i; i>kss. $26, city NURSEGIRL, 1 child, $15, city; housekeeper, 3 in family, $25. Golden West Employment Office, 9 Stockton st. A GERMAN COOKS, $30; 10 GIRLS, CITY. "I MME. LEOPOLD, 957 Market St. W A MKD-AM BRICAN lady in SMALL » » family as managing and working housekeeper, not exceeding 40 years of age; must be good plain cook, neat and thorough in her work; none others need apply; references. Address A.8., box 59, this office, with correct name and address. GIRL TO DO SOME HOUSEWORK AND AT- tend baby; $6 a month and board. Apply 962 Folsom St., store. OMAN FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK, SAU- sallto, $10 month: comfortable home. Apply Montgomery Hotel, Second St., 1 to 2 p. m. this day. PROTESTANT WOMAN FOR LIGHT HOUSE- X work; must cook; good home. 131 Fourth St., upstairs. p IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. CALL VT 1818 Geary st. WANTED — YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT "t housework; no babies. 1206 Ellis st. TjUNISHERS, custom PANTS: ALSO AP- X prentice, paid while learning. 864% Howard. ANTED— STRONG YOUNG GIRL to TAKE »» care of baby from 7:30 a. m. to 7 p. m.: must take meals at home. Apply at 318 Golden Gate ave. WANTED-NURSEGIRL AND HELP WITH .»» upstairs work: German preferred. 1307 Hyde. OULD LIKK GOOD GERMAN GIRL TO assist light housework. 2120. Union. PESPECTABLE YOUNG GIBL, 14 TO 17, FOR X\ child 9 years. 2603 Steiner st. pOOK WANTED. 605 STANYAN STREET. O WELL- ADDRESSED ELDERLY LADIES; — J steady employment. Call 1155 Mission st. "ANTED— A GERMAN GIRL EOR HOUSE- work. 930 Eddy St.. cor. Gough. W"ANTED-GIRL 12 TO 15 YEARS. 102 BHr » » ver street. ■. ' . FIRST-CLASS TAILORESS ON COATS, ALSO X? little girl to learn; paid. 9 Powell st. rpAILORESS WANTED. 124 GEARY ST. irl FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; 4 IN r family. 1610 Scott St. , \f ACHINKOIt, HAND APPRENTICE ; SKIRT ->X work. Call after 9, 640 Ellis st. W ANTEE> -YOUNG GIRL TO LEARN DRESS- M making. 616 Post st. '■ ■ - RIGHT CLEVER WOMAN TO CANVASS amonggentiemen with a novelty; large returns to a woman who is a ■ genius at her business. Room 87. Flood building. \ PPRENTICEFORHAIRDRESBING; MANI- -t_ curing: face treatments. Ladies' Bureau, 131 Post St., room 19. . / ' '..:■....■■■. -.._ LADY PARTNER WITH SMALL CAPITAL. B. P., box 33, Call Office. APPRENTICE ON LADIES' TAILORING; -v good references. 830 H ayes st. I? I RST- CLASS FINISHER ON PANTS. 373 X Natoma st. ________________ VOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT HOUSE- X work. 1916a Golden Gate. . .'■ '--• ROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRKSSCUT- X ting and making school: all branches. 702 sinter. WANTED— 25 WAITER-GIRLS AT MARBLE »" Hall, SE. cor. of Kearny and Jackson sts.; steady emyloymein and good pay. Call bet. 2 and 6p.u. - _ ■ . ..- .._.-■-.• ; ; ■ . - - ■ ■ pOUNTRY DRESSMAKERS SEND 35c FOR \J the new full-skirt pattern: girls wanted. Mo- DOWELL DRESSMAKING ACADEMY, .213 Powell st., to learn dressmaking. REE-TEST~AT LAWRENCE DRESSCUT- X l ting School. 1231 Market St. M ,^IIJHL I ' P WANTED. "I A LABORERS, $25'^F ; ER~llONTH AND XV found; 6 blockmakcrs. $20 per M. MCE. RAY & READY, 634 Clay st. ANTRYBOY FOR A CITY HOTEL, $20; 3 hotel waiters. $20. $25 and $30: 2 waiter boys, $18, city: German waiter. $25: 2 Japanese cooks, $20. MURRAY _ READY, 634 Clay st. ".': ■ : -• £. LABORERS TO DIG DITCHES ON A RANCH; Ob farmers: 2 milkers. MURRAY & READY, 634 Clay st. ■ CARRIAGE PAINTER, $2 50 A DAY: WORK- ing foreman on a ranch, $30 to $35. MURRAY' <fe READY, 634 Clay st. .- I? IRST-CLASS SECOND COOK FOR A COUN- try hotel, $100 and free fare: broiler, country hotel, $50; cook, country restaurant, $45. ■C. R. HANSEN & CO., 1 lOfteary st. OA ROCKMEN AND LABORERS, COUNTRY, — " $150 to $2 a day; 4 rough carpenters, city, $2 a day: 6 farmers. $15 and $20: woodchoppers and others. At C.R. HANSEN CO., 110 Geary st. SCANDINAVIAN AND OTHER LABORERS 0 for railroad work, fare pa^d; blacksmith, good tool-sharpener, for railroad work, free fare; stone- mason for railroad work, free fare. C R. HAN- SEN A CO., 110 Geary st, .;... 2 SANDSTONE QUARRYMEN TO GET OUT ashlar; farm and vineyard hands, $15: cook and dishwasher, country hotel, $35 and $20: 3 basalt block makers, piece work 3 coopers, coun- try, 7c a piece; wagonmaker, $2 a day: blacksmith to buy half interest, country shop. R. T. WARD & CO., 608 and 610 Clay st. WANTED - SAWMILL BLACKSMITH, $40 »" and found: machine blacksmith for Central America, $7 a day (silver): 2 carpenters, Central America, part fare advanced: married carpenter, $50 to 55 month, for country; 6 milkers, $20 and $25; Irish milker, $30: Swiss farmer, $20; farm- ers: ehoxemen; 5 laborers for woods, $20; kitchen- man for camp, $25. and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT _ CO., 628 Sacramento st. WANTED— NEAT YOUNG FLORIST FOR »» country. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacramento st. WANTED^PASTRY COOK, CALL EARLY: * * bellboy, $10 a month, room and board: second cook, small restaurant: Japanese for chamber- work; ranrhhand, steady work. MARTIN CO., 749 Market st. ll' I)— PASTRY COOK AND HELP ON » » the range, $40 and room. MARTIN _ CO., 749 Market st. ■ \\r ANTED — JAPANESE LAI'NDRYIIAN, . '» $25. L. ANDRE, 316 Stockton st. ANTED — PRACTICAL ADVERTISING »» man to take charge business end semi-monthly Illustrated publication. Apply at 619 Montgomery St., bet. 12 and 1. W A NTED— MAN AND WIFE TO ACT AS » » cook and stewardess of ship going to England; captain carrying his family. Apply to F. J. HUNT, 506 Battery, room 14, bet. 11 and 12 o'clock. \\f ANTED— YOUNG MAN AS BOOKKEEPER; » » must be first-class penman, good ligur.T and able to use typewriter; references. 265 Stevenson. WOR K I ( ; M E N*B NEW STAR LABOR EX- »» change meets to-night. 948 Mission st. PRESSMAN AND BUSHELMaTnT 9 A. M. X 121 Stockton st. G~ OOD DISHWASHER WANTED; CALL early. 135 Fifth st. FFICE-BOY FOR ARCHITECT. ADDRESS C, box 58, this office. ARBER AT NICHOLAS HOTEL, SAN BRU- no road, near Army. \\rANTED-TAILOR AT 622 CLAY, ROOM 22, » * first Moor. ERMAN BUTCHER WANTED — CORNER Fifteenth and Noe sts.! ARBER; YOUNG MAN WITH SOME Ex- perience. Apply 71» Montgomery ave. ANTED— MORE MEN TO FILE ON GO V- ernment land worth $300, in 70 days: legiti- mate; total expense $30. Address BROWN, box 50, (his office. \ 1 : N 1 ; 1 N B BARGAIN TO BUY NO. 1 CASH "-T business easy to run; $475 required ; Investi- gate at once. -WEHNER & LUNDIN, 539 Califor- nia st. JIVE MEN WANTED AT ONCE TO HANDLE -I -J summer specialty; will pay competent per- sons $3 50 per day. Store 328 Seventh st. PARTNER WANTED IN FIRST-CLASS, PAY- X ing barber-shoD. BECKER, 240 Montgomery st. IG, SOBER, DARING MAN TO ASSIST night watch; small pay; good home; one with few hundred dollars to pay beat after learning busi- ness. Address Country, box 97, Call Office. \\r ANTED— AN ENERGETIC MAN WITH »» some detective ability and cash security; no others need apply. 777 Market St., rooms .-> and 4. pELLARMAN FOR LIQUOR-STORE; MUST \J be experienced and have first-class references. Apply at 423 Kearny st. \\r ANTED — FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE- »» painter: steady job: good wages. LARKIN <£ CO., 636 Howard st. VOUN < ; BOY, ABOUT 16 YEARS OLD, WHO X speaks French, to do general work in a store; references wanted. 1841 Fillmore st. ~AA PAIRS MEN'S GOOD SHOES, 25c TO $1. O\J\J 564 Mission .<«. ; also 631% Sacramento si-. HOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES; lO done while you wait; at less than half the usual price; ail repairing done at half price; work guaran- teed. 564 Mission St.. bet. First st. and Second st. / ARPENTERS WANTED TO ATTEND THE \J next mass-meeting Saturday evening, May 4, at 115 Turk street. ' CjO^vA PARTNER WANTED BY RESTAU- «3S_-«JU. rant cook. SMITH & HUBER, 1001 Market st. WANTED— PUPfL. 18 TO 20 YEARS OF AGET » » in oflice of civil engineer: premium $150; ref- erences exchanged. Address Pupil, box 50. Call Office. i PARBER-SHOP; RUNNING 2 CHAIRS: DO- X> ing good business; for sale. Call 1828 Haight. ANTED— BY OLD MINER, PARTNER TO »» go prospecting for gold. 612 Shrader st., neap the park; take Haight-st. car. SF AM K FOR EUROPE, HONOLULU AND Mexico. 103 Montgomery ave. PAINTER, IF YOU WANT a COTTAGE X home ; part payment taken In work. Address P., box 2, Call Office. ALARY OR COMMISSION TO ENERGETIC solicitor; merchant tailoring. 87 Flood bld'g. WANTED — FIRST - CLASS TAILORS TO »» work on ladies' coats: steady work to good men. 504 Sutter st. INGLE ROOMS: $15c A NIGHT. PLAZA House. 641 Washington St., nr. Kearny. ENS HALF.- SOLING, 50c: LADIES', 40c; heels, 25c; done while you wait. 237 Sixth. AKE THE DEAD — WENZEL'S ALARM clock: no electricity. 607 Montgomery st. AILORS AND CUTTERS TO ATTEND THE X San Francisco Cutting School. 623 Market St., room 15. M~ EN'S HALF-SOLING, 50c: DONE WHILE you wait. 638 Market, opposite Palace Hotel. HAVING, WITH KAY RUM, 10c; HAIR CUT- ting 15c: a towel for every customer: 8 chairs; no waiting. JOE'S, 32 Third street. EN'S SHOES 1/.-SOLED, 40c; HEELS, 25c: done in 16 minutes. 635 Kearny st.. basement. ARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. T7<REE BEER: BEST IN CITY 2 SCHOONERS X; for 5 cents at 228 Pacific st. T) EMOVED FROM 706 TO 726y , OPP. HOW- JV ard-st. Theater; misfit shoes bought or ex- changed: best place in the city for new and second- hand shoe-.-;. C(\ MEN FOR a long JENNY LIND cake «JV7_and cup good coffee for 5 cents. 44 Fourth st. \\ r ANTED-MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP " steam beer, sc: bottle wine, sc. 609 Clay st. FREE COF FEK AND ROLLS. 704 SANSOME; single rooms, 15c, 20c, $1 week with breakfast- LINDELL HOUSE, 6TH AND HOWARD— single furnished rooms, 75c week, 15c night. "1 AH MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 150 X\J\J and 20c a night, including coffee and rolls. 624 Washington st., near ear ny . O« ELLIS .ROSEDALE-PRICES REDUCED; -iX single furnished rooms, $1 week; 20c night. TRY ACME HOUSE, 657 MARKET ST., BE- X low Sixth, for a room; 25c night; $1 week. EST IN CITY— SINGLE ROOMS, 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night; SI, $1 25, $1 60 per week. Pacific House, Commercial and Leidesdorff sts. WANTED-LABORERS AND MECHANICS .■ " to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House propri- etor, has opened Soto House, 32 Fourth st. : 100 rooms 25c to $1 per night; $1 25 to $1 per week. VV ANTED— SINGLE ROOMS, 15c A DAY; $1 • " week: rooms for two, 25c a day, $1 60 a week; reading room- daily papers. 3« Clay st. > -' : A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— THE I\. WEEKLY CALL, In wrapper, for mailing. AGENTS WANTED. F'""iN_ r -^ENYNa'""'_ ; OR^^6D^XLES MX'N l : lady or gentleman. Call to-day between 9 and 12, ANDREWS, 5 City Hall ave. ■, ENERGETIC AND INTELLIGENT AGENTS on new proposition; good commission; also salary to right parties. 54 Nevada block, 9 to 11 A. K. •.-■■-.•- . ' - ■ GENTS TO SELL DAISY LANTERN; SAM- ple by mail 25 cents: sells at first sight: active agents make $5 a day. KENNEDY'S NOVELTY AGENCY, .Oakland, Cal. WANTED— BIISCEIXANISOUS. w^vn^ed^gooiTm^^^ » T at 209 Jersey, near Church. /- ARTY GOING BY WAGON FROM SAN Francisco to Mexico would advertise on way. Address M., box C, Branch Office, - 530 Montgom- ery st. ANTED— A SOLAR RAYON. ADDRESS »* Buyer, 769 Twentieth St., Oakland. W"ANTED— A LIGHT PANEL-TOP DELlV- 'T^ery wagon In first-class condition; state price. Address T. 8., box 69, Call Office. QECOND-HAND TINNER'S TOOLS wanted. U.T, T., box 51, Call Office. ■ , ■ \\T ANTED— STEAM BOILER, 4 TO 6 '* horse-power. '-Address B. care of Otto Brown, S. F. Pattern Works, 110-112 Beale St., 8. F. , -. W" ANTED— SMALL GASOLINE ENGINE IN TT exchange for real estate. R.E., box 11, Call Office. ■ - -.; LEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PRICES for clothing, books and jewelry. BUSINESS CHANCES. TITE CAN SELL^YOU^T^f^T^SHORT^^O TT tice; try us. PROLL, STENBERG & CO., 719 Market st. ■ ; <2>-\ KA DINING-ROOM; SPLENDID OPPOR- <IP-l«-'"« tunlty for man and wife; rent taken out in board. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. ©9 7 Pi RESTAURANT; DAILY RECEIPTS tjP^ * «-'• $15; sacrifice account departure; trial given. PROLL <fc STENBERG, 719 Market st. QXCA OLD-ESTABLISHED COB. SALOON; «3P OU'J . hot lunch; business center; sacrifice; must sell account other business: full investiga- tion allowed. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market. QQAA SPLENDID PAYING GROCERY; (J)U\J\J. bar; living-rooms: elegant fixtures: fine stock; receipts $18 and $15: bargain: retiring from business. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. <3m AA old-established corner tiP-LIUU. grocery; bar; living-rooms: Western Addition: this is a golden opportunity; trial: fullest investigation allowed: must sell; sickness. PROLL •v STENBERG, 719 Market st. PROFITABLE, SAFE INVESTMENT FOR X active man: big-paying business; complete out- fit for conducting same; trial; full investigation allowed. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. ffl>7>;-fA STATIONERY, CANDY; ICE- <©'-»«,>". cream; corner store: location unsur- passed; no opposition; controls large trade from schools and social parties; extra rare chance for active man; cheap at $900; must sell on account of departure. PROLLASTENBERG.7I9 Market st. dl9fifi PARTNER; CITY FRONT: OLD-ES- »Ip^UU. tabllshed place: receipts $10 to $15 dally; must sell on account departure; don't miss it. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. <£>f>CA CORNER SALOON: WESTERN AD- ?iJ;U«JI/. dition: golden opportunity: splendid business. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. <Bi A?\C\ CIGAR STORE NEAR MARKET; tJptxUU. fixtures, stock worth $600; clears $150 month; easily run, immense trade : sacrifice account sickness. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. To SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND X quick for cash see STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. ffljl KA VARIETY AND NOTION STORE: .LOU. good stock and fixtures; fine location; 3 nice sunny rooms; rent only $20; great bargain. Bee STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. <S> 9w ( I PARTNER WANTED IN MEDICINE tlJj^it/VJ. business: extra chance for right man; great profits. See STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. <8£ IAA RESTAURANT; BEST PART OF 3!>xUU. Third St.; worth $300. STRAND & CO.. 45 Third st. RESTAURANT AND BAR; NEAR %p I \J\J. Oakland ferry; good stock, fixtures, etc. ; clears $150 a month. GUS STRAND.4S Third. (SJO7C PARTNER WANTED IN GOOD- UpO • «J. paying saloon: near Kearny st. ; good chance for steady man. STRAND ifc CO., 45 Third. ©07?: CORNER SALOON; GOOD STOCK '_ •>!•/. and fixtures; 2 rooms; cheap rent; clears over $50 per month; best location in the city; must sell on account of departure. See STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. ©OCA CORNER BRANCH BAKERY AND «JP*jt/U. candy-store; 3 furnished rooms: cheap rent: best paying place in the city for the money asked; must sell this week on account of depart- ure: offer wanted: don't miss It. See GUS STRAND A CO.. 45 Third st. % QllA SALOON: 18 ROOMS. FINE FlXT- t£)<J''\J. ures, cash register, big stock: rent $50: long lease: clears over 8100 per month; sickness causa of sale. See STRAND & Co., 46 Third st. Q I |A BARGAIN; GROCERY AND BAR: 7 «E>OUl/. rms: rent $17; lease. STRAND, 45 3d. <31z17^ RESTAURANT; BEST LOCATION: »+Pt:IU. on Fourth st.: receipts $10 to $15 per day ; bargain. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. (TjT KA PARTNER WANTED m GOOD- <S)XtJU. pay ing coffee saloon. STRAND.4S Third. ©9K A GROCERY AND BAR, WITH 2 FUR- *;?—•"". nlshed rooms: cheap rent; fixtures; value in sight and a trade clearing about $100 per month. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. O»QAA PARTNER; WELL-PAYING LATJN- ©•JUU. dry: clears $100 each: money used to enlarge business: partner can drive wagon or at- tend office. WILKE, 235 Kearny. room 4. OjiXAA CORNER SALOON IN WHOLE- fipj-tJ\J\J. sale district; always been first-class paying place; must be sold on account owner bought hotel; bargain. See WILKE, 235 Kearny St., room 4. (tjCKA WINE AND LIQUOR SALOON; 4 »4PUUVJ. rooms: on Valencia st. : rent $24; great bargain. Particulars WILKE, 235 iKearny St., rooms 3 and 4. ELICACY-STORE AND ICE AGENCY.WITH XJ rooms; 1 blocks from Market St.; price $650; rents $25. Inquire WILKE, 235 Kearny st., rooms 2 and 3. I > RANCH BAKERY WITH 3 LIVING-RROMS: X> rent $18; prices22s ; fine location. See WILKE, 235 Kearny st., room 4. PARTNER WANTED, FIRST CLASS BAR- X room on transfer point: Western Addition; price $400. See WILKE, 235 Kearny, room 4. &QCA RESTAURANT;, ESTABLISHED 16 tjp^OxJ . years; Al location, commanding steady trade year around receipts average $11 per day; rents $15; best offer in this line: especially suit- able for man and wife; trial given. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. (IljiOAA FIRST-CLASS SALOON IN vT- VpjL~*\Jy'. clnity of Kearny and Sntter sts. : gen- em en's resort; Al business: few offers can equal this; don't fail to see it. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. flj OA A RESTAURANT : BEST PART.WEST- <JpUI/V/. ern Addition; seats 60; receipts $20. low rent: genuine Offer. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. QQ^A BAKERY WESTERN ADDITION; 6 ig>O*J\j. living-rooms: established 25 years: bak- ing 2 barrels flour per day; all best class store trade: if you want a bakery, buy nothing until you see this. M. LESS, 6 Fourth st. Ci» 1 AAA CORNER SALOON IN VICINITY «3)_LUUU. of Flood building; old-established and first class: good will alone worth $2000; see it and be convinced; sickness cause sale. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. <S*A X A SALOON; CENTRAL: NORTH MAR- tJptrUv/. ke,t, near Kearny; will prove beyond all doubt that this place actually clearing now 'Bloo per month: actually worth $1000; trial given. M. LEES, 6 Fourth st. » Q9^fi DELIVERY BUSINESS, CLEARING ijp^uv/. from $65 to $80 per month: horse and wagon; suitable for any one not afraid to work; 1 week's trial before buying. M. LESS, 5 Fourth si. (n>OAA MARKET-ST. SALOON: VICINITY <Ji)vv. new City Hall; handsome place: good business: genuine offer. M. LESS, 5 Fourth at. ; . QOf'A CORNER SALOON: BEST PART tlpO l U. East St., on line of biggest travel; most desirable class of transient and regulartrade, clear- ing $150 per month: convincing proof. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. ELICACY STORE; GOOD BUSINESS; FINE location. JOHN REIDY, 19 Sixth st. fIfcQAA CORNER SALOON: FINE LOCA- tjpOUU. tlon: doing good business. J. REIDY, ROADSIDE HOUSE; 8 FURNISHED ROOMS: doing a fine bar trade; best location in the city; large horsesheds. J. REIDY, 19 Sixth st. o»9ftfifi FINE HOTEL; 32 ROOMS; ALL t3?^jUUU. occupied; N. of Market st.: fine din- ing parlor; fine location. J. REIDY, 19 Sixth st. ffi/IXA RESTAURANT DOING A FINE t£)^iO\J. business on Market st.. best bargain In the city. Apply to JOHN REIDY. 19 Sixth si. TO BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE ANY KIND of business, quick for cash, see LUNDIN <ft WEHNER, 639 California st. (&_JAA RESTAURANT; BEST LOCATION: «IPT:V/Vf. $30 a day guaranteed; trial given: gen- uine bargain. LUNDIN A WEHNER, 539 Cali- fornia st. ■ . <tt9fifi PARTNER IN AN OLD-ESTAB- «Jp^diUU. lished butcher-shop: excellent location; good trade: Investigate at once: best bargain ever offered. Apply LUNDIN & WEHNER, 539 Call- fornia st. ■ "^J»9AA WANTED; ACTIVE, TRUSTWOR- «Jp.«iiUU. thy man as partner; fairly established real estate business; Market st. SPECKS, 30 Montgomery st. - ■ pOFFEE SALOON ANDCREA MERIE: FIRST v^ class: few blocks from Call Office: receipts $60 to $80; reasonable. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. piGAR STAND, BEST CORNER IN THE \J city; clears $140 monthly; other business cause of selling: see this as it is a bargain. DECKER, 1206 Market st. ■■-■-.'•.:;-•. |;QA|| BUTCHER SHOP: PROMINENT «H)«JWU. street; selling cheap; going East. BUCHANAN & CO.. 766 Market. '<81l AA HAY, GRAIN, WOOD, COAL YARD im/.horso.wagons. BCCHANAN.76S Market BAKERY, CANDY, STATIONERY AND NO- tlon store; prominent: 4 furnished rooms cheap: leaving city. BUCHANAN & CO., 763 Market st. <fH7(\f\ SALOON, IN EXCELLENT LOCA- <!)•'"• tlon: good trade: clears $200 to $300 per month, or will take partner. Apply SMITH, HUBER & CO.. 1001 Market st. <a»QAA WOOD AND COAL YARD; HORSE tJJDOv/V/. and 2 wagons; greatest bargain ever of- fered. WOOD, 917 Market st. v.i'U BARGAIN— AND BAR, WOOD X> and coal. hay. and gram, teaming; death of proprietor. Cail Fifteenth and Guerrero sts. <3»KAA CORNER SALOON: WOULD TAKE «JPOW. sober man as partner; experience not necessary. Call after 9a. m., 633 Howard st. A TED BY THOROUGH BUTCHER, GOOD TT butcher business in some good country town. Send particulars at once. W. S. DOSS, 869 Mission. FOR BALE— A SACRIFICE: OLD SAN BRUNO ' Market. Inquire 10 Twenty-fourth at. MALL GROCERY AND BAR CHEAP. 356 Jessie st. UST BE SOLD AT ONCE; BEST PAYING livery stable in town; 30 boarders: 25 livery horses: hacks, buggies, etc.; centrally located: low rent this is a fine opportunity to get a good business at a bargain; principals "only. Address P. 8., box 127, thi3 office. , RESTAURANT— J UST THE I'LACE FOR JLt man and wife: small rent. Apply this office. THIRST-CLASS BAKERY FOR SALE; OWNER X' retiring. Apply Call Branch. AY, GRAIN AND COMMISSION BUSINESS; two-third interest: established 29 years. Ap- ply Call Office. 710 Market st. , ;.; ALOON WITH ROOMS FOR SALE; BE- O tween different factories; owner been there , several years. Inquire at 83 Everett St.. -near Al- bany brewery. .: 1> ATT RANT; . GOOD LOCATION: - LOW At rent; living-rooms; good place for man, wife or partner. .• Apply Call Office. :, BUSINESS CHANCES— '&-i'-A AA BBKB SALOON WORTH §2000: $1400. central, north of and near Market; rent $50: receipts $20 a day; disagree ln* .partners can si of sale; great bargain. BAKKhii & CU., 865 1 . « Market st. • . — Tying grocery AND bar: best loca- JT tion: combination pool table: four fine living rooms: furnished: rent $25; 'g"? » "f« : rJ2^t P $15 a day. BARRETT A CO., 865V' 3 Market st. CL> Qf\ A PAYING MARKET-ST. SALOON ; ON 3boUU. account disagreement of partners: will be sacrificed. BARRETT & CO., 86&3 Market st. A-IQC DAIRY PRODUCE AND MILK DE- nblZO. pot; receipts $7 a day: living-rooms; rent only $12. BARRETT CO., 865^ Market. WANTED-TO SUPPLY FAMILIES • IT It » T double-filtered distilled water in .M- 2 -;,'allon lots and upward at 10c a gallon, free of expressace. The Ralston Health Food Company, 203 Butter St., San Francisco, telephone 1132 or 1168 Proadway, Oakland, telephone 402. , WILL EXCHANGE FAMILY HOTEL. 100 »» rooms, in city for country hotel in warm cli- mate 50 to 100 miles from city, or any profitable business; references. Address Hotel, box 44, Call Office. ILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING BUS I ness for sale: established over 20 years: fall ing health cause of selling; desirable location: only one. in the place. Call for Information at 843 Franklin st., Oakland. ■ CO j-Ti_ PARTNER WANTED IN LIGHT, KipLOKJ. cash business; title horse, wagon, etc.: must be willing to drive horse a part of lime, ana be satisfied with $15 a week to start. 9 Geary.rm. _ OR SALE— IIOMK RESTAURANT; GOOD business. Apply this office. _^ _____ T?OR SALE— A SMALL HOTEL OF 20 ROOMS; -T well furnished; full of boarders: bar doing good business; more than rays expenses: must be sola on account of sickness. MRS. .1. DELCROIX, Point Tiburon, Martn County, C'al. PARTNER WANTED WITH FEW HUN- X dred dollars to start a first-class paying manu- facturing business: references exchanged. Part- ner. box 42, Call Office. WINE MERCHANT OF LONG EXPERIENCE »t in wine trade is desirous to secure me agency of a wholesale wine merchant or vineyard proprie- tor for Eastern market. Address W. M., box 77, Call Office. m OR SALE— BUTCHER-SHOP AND PACK-' ing-house: cheap rent; good locality. Inquire Franklin Market, 967 Mission st. YERS, ATTENTION— THE OLDEST GER- man dyeing establishment for sale; cheap; ac- count retiring. Apply this office. OOD LAUNDRY ROUTE WITH HORSB and wagon. AddresslL. 8., box 55. Call Office. ALOON AND LIQUOR STORE; * LIVINO rooms. 40 Moss st. ■ THE WIGWAM THEATER CHOP HOUSE! X and coffee parlor for sale; owner must go East to attend to other business. Call from 2to 4p. m.. 129 Geary st. PARTNER-SAN FRANCISCO firm ESTAB- X lished 7 years, doing good business, intends branching out and desires partner who Is to Invest $5000; can make good salary and 8 to 12 per cent on Investment: a fine opportunity to get into a live, well established firm: Investigation desired; references offered and required; principals only. Address Partner, box 160, Call Office. MOTIONS AND DBYGOODS STORE— S6SO; -LN account of sickness. Apply Call Office. <2J7finn CASH WILL BUY YOU AN ESTAB- «Jp i UUU lished business, well located, having fine cash trade in stationery, school supplies, agateware, tinware, woodenware, toys, notions, etc.: one of firm will assist purchaser for 1 month. Address Bazaar, box 65. Call Office. p^LD-ESTABLISHED SALOON: GOOD \J chance; must be sold; sickness. 319 Third st. <$£. X A AA~~ INTERIOR AGENCY OF THIS PA- tyOVJyjYJ. per; pays over $200 per month; sick- ness cause of selling. Apply this office. p OOD-PAYING SALOON: LIVING-ROOMS: VJT rent $14; good stock. 636 Third st. ADY MANICURE AND CHIROPODIST DE- sires lady hairdresser to Join her going to wa- tering-place for summer. M. 11.. St. Ann building, room 90. TVT AXTEi/ BY THE OWNER OF THE PROP- TT erty, partner with small capital to establish, fancy goods variety store. Call 932 Twenty-fourth St., from 4 to 6 p. it. and after 7 :30 p. m. OR SALE— CORNER LIQUOR-STORE WITH good bar trade. Apply 368 Third st. <J_ 'A COFFEE AND CHOP HOUSE THIS *$ O\J . week: sickness. 527c Hayes. PELIABLE PARTY WITH ABOUT 000 TO XV join in a profitable, established business: will stand full investigation; references given. S. 8. , box 78. Call Office. GEM ■ Y . BAR, 8 LIVING-ROOMS AND vJ stable; cheap. Apply this office. OOD CENTRALLY LOCATED PLANT FO It manufacturing purposes; 2-story Dulld'lng; 60 h. p. engine and boiler, shafting, etc.: lot 76x1i50: 6 years' lease: now in operation: for sale at half value. R. C. JEWELL, 628 Market st. B AKERY FOR SALE; CHEAP RENT; GOOD store trade: horses and wagons: good reason for sale; chance of lifetime. Apply Call Office. (•I OOD "CALL" AND EVENING PAPER T route in 1 Oakland for sale. J. W. t Call Office, Oakland. : . . . < MALL, NICE BREWERY FOR SALE A? the county seat of Plumas County; fine run- ning water: orchard and 10 acres grass land in- cluded. For particulars call on F. SCHUSTER, B. B. Brewery, 427 Valencia st. d>97' CANDY-STORE, FACTORY, ICE- tip--i I O. cream parlor; established eight yeara. 336y 3 W. Sixth st. rnAILORS, ATTENTION— FOR SALE CHEAP: X merchant tailor business: account of ill health; long established: good location; cheap rent. In- quire 120 Taylor st. CjQAA DRUGSTORE. WESTERN AD- O\J\J. ditlon; rare chance. Address 8., box 17, Call. P^LD-ESTABLISHED RESTAURANT FOR \J sale: parties leaving city. Apply to J. EL- LIOT, 31 Sixth st. BRANCH BAKERY, NOTIONS, ETC., FOR sale. 2549 Fotsom st. QMALL RESTAURANT: LIVING-ROOMS; 0 part cash, balance easy terms. Apply Call Office. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE XV. WEEKLY CALL, In wrapper, for mailing. LODGING-HOUSES FOB SALE. mO BUY or SELL A LODGING-HOUSB I quick for cash see GUS STRAND, 45 Third st (n. )7r^~HOUSE OF 13 FUBNIBHED ROOMS"; «JJS^J i O. good paying house. STRAND, 45 Third. 1C A LODGING-HOUSES. " ~~ X«JU For sale or exchange, From $125 to $10.000. DECKER, 1206 Market. Ox -ROOM CORNER; NEW FURNITURE; JJO only $1200: $400 c: ah. DECKER,I2O6Markt. QA ROOMS: MUST SELL TO-DAY; WORTH O\J $2500; $800 will buy it. DECKER, 120tiMrkt. A A ROOMS; CLEARING OVER $100; PRICE iU $850. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. 1? A M 1 1. V HOTEL OF 45 ROOMS: NORTH SIDE X I Sutter St.. near Jones: for cash or reasonable terms; must be sold. For particulars apply on premises. Imperial, 728 Sutler St., or Hotel Sa'voy. in ROOMS, ALL FULL, CHEAP; TENANTS X— permanent no agents. 1024 Mission st. JOX nOUSE. 19 ROOMS, FULL: BATH: t&jL^itJm low rent. 240^s Sixth, near Howard. TpURNISHED HOUSEOF36 ROOMS ON PRIN- X cipal part of Market St.; part cash. Address F. W., box 119. Call Office. .. :•- -"I 9 ROOMS, ALL RENTED; NICELY FUR- 1— nished; bath, yard; reasonable. -10 Hyde at, T ODGING-HOUSE 14 ROOMS FOR RENT XJ very reasonable. 719 Howard st. "1 AND ALL, COME FOR BARGAINS TO BUT- X TERFIELT.) real estate. Crocker building. FURNITURE FOR SALE. H"~~o"^ KRAsH OAITraT^P"pTcTUREs7 • folding, iron beds, furniture: low prices. Cal. step-ladder manfd for the trade. 779 Mission st. BEDROOM SETS, " $11; OAK CHAIRS, $1; carpets. 45c. SHIREK. 1310-1312 Stockton. pUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPET3 - \J this week at McCABE'S, 9-18-950 Mission at. EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AND J.t second hand; 400 carpets, good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c; 7-plece chamber suits, $14 50; cornice-poles, 25c: ranges, $6; cash or installments; goods shipped free. T. 11. NELSON. 126 Fourth st. FURNITURE WASTED. ' J" cfMUTHER, THE AUCTIONEER. BUYS » furniture at highest cash prices. 5 Fourth st. HOW CASES, BAR, RESTAURANT, CANDY outfits, fixtures, etc., bought and sold. 125 Fifth. TnURNITURE, COUNTERS. SHOWCASES" X I restaurants : t.sold. ANDERSON. II2I Mite CARPETS. ~~ pARPETS, 45c; LINOIIeuInTT^Oc^^EDROOM \j .set. $11. SHIItKK. 1310-1312 Stockton"" CAKPET CLEANING. "~ National CA&rsTUBAT iNOASFBESOh IV Works, HAMPTON & NUNAN: lavlnsr and altering. 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission "244^ CITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AND Renovating Works, ss and 40 Eighth st. G. B. STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. ARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND V renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON & CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. WHEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH T T poor work send to SPAULDING'S PioneerCar- pet Beating Works. 353-7 Tebama; tei. So-40. pONKUVS CARPET BEATING WORKS. 333 \J Golden Gate ave. ; telephone east 126. » CABPBTB WELL CLEANED. BARBER'S. 2'lflf • 14th. nr. Mission; tel. (Mission) 100. rpHE J E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING XCo. (incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines: clean I n^3c yard. 230 14th, tel 6074. T MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REV-" O . ova'.in-; works. 453 Stevenson: tel. 3228 * AND SUPPLIES. FPa^tß^nSSreelSst^rF^^