Newspaper Page Text
14 LEASE OF CHINA BASIN. The Final Report of the Com mittee Will Be Pre sented To-day. MR. SUTRO IN OPPOSITION. His Amendment Voted Down— He Fears the Southern Pacific. The committee appointed by the Harbor Commissioners to draft the lease for the China Basin to the San Francisco and San Joaquin Railway Company nnished its labors yesterday, and to-day the board,' Governor Budd and Mayor Sutro will prob ably ratify or reject the work. The report of the committee will not be signed by the Mayor, and he will oppose its acceptance by the Board of Harbor Commissioners. The meeting held yesterday in Attorney Stratton's office was a very warm one, Mr. Sutro had two amendments •which he de sired incorporated in the lease and the dis cussion of them provoked a heated debate, ■which resulted in their being voted down. At the meeting there were present Mayor Sutro. President Colnon and Commissioner Chadbourne of the board; Attorneys Ford, Preston, Stratton and J. T. Rogers. Preston represented the road and Rogers the M ay or. Commissioner Cole's amendment mak ing It binding on the lessee tfc complete 100 miles of the road in five years and tap the bay at some point was'first considered. The only objection to the amendment was raised by President Colnon, who did not think the last clause necessary. Mr. Col non probably had the interests of Stockton in view w nen lie spoke, but as the rest of the committee strongly favored the clause, and Attorney Preston assented, the objec tion was withdrawn. Then came the presentation of Mr. Sutro's amendments. The first reads as follows: It is agreed that nothing herein contained ehall abridge the right of the State of Califor nia through it? proper officers to collect wharf ace, or dockage, or tolls, or all lawful charges Upon shipping or merchandise, or both, at any tvnw all, pier, slip or wharf constructed at said ■premises hv the i< - It is further agreed that neither the lease nor any of the rights hereinunder shall ever be Resigned or be sublet as a whole or in part. Jf the lessee corporation shall at any time during the term of this len«e. directly or indirectly, fall under the ownership, management or con trol of any railroad corporation or the .stock holder or stockholders of any such corporation having terminal facilities anywhere upon or adjacent to the water front of the City of San Francisco, or if the ownership, management or control of said lessee corporation becomes vested in any railroad corporation having such terminal facilities or the stockholder or stock holders thereof, or if the said lessee corpora tion shall enter into any combination, pool or trust for tne purpose of regulating fares and freishts or for the purpose of preventing or limiting competition with nny railroad corpo ration or individual having railroad terminal facilities upon or adjacent to the water front of the City of San Francisco whereby any of .the advantages reuniting from this lease *hn\l inure either 'directly or indirectly to such cor porations or individual! so holding suuh ter minal facilities, or if any said lessee corpora tion shall from any cause cease to be a com peting railroad, or" shall cease to be a compet itor iii the business of carrying passengers and freights, then this lease shall determine, and said demised premises, with all the improve ments and appurtenances, shall revert to the State of California. It is further agreed that should Channel street be widened at any time, and it become necessary that any portion of the premises described in this lease- should be used therefor, such portion shall be thereby expressly ex empted from the operation of' this lease, and that the improvements thereon shall be re moved from such land so required at its sole cost. It is further expressly agreed that neither the estate hereby granted* nor the improvements that may be erecied on said demised premises Fhall ever be mortgaged, hypothecated, incum bered in any manner or to any extent charged with any debt save ami except such tax charges as may be levied by the National, State or municipal governments; and any attempt to mortgage, hypothecate or in any manner in cuEaber the said estate hereby granted or the premises herein described or the improvements thereon shall at once work a forfeiture of all rignts hereunder, and entitle the said parties of the first part or their successors to re-uiiti-r the said premises and determine the estate hereby granted. Thi? is the original amendment which was proposed by the Mayor at the first meet ing of the Board of Harbor Commission ers, at which were present the Governor, Sutro, J. D. Spreckels and others. At torney Preston then objected to the amendment, claiming that it gaveno privi leges to the road at all, and under its pro visions Ja peanut-stand could not be sub let. At that meeting the amendment was referred to the committee, and at the meeting of the Harbor Commissioners on last Saturday the Mayor complained that it had not been incorporated is the lease. Attorney Stratton at that time remon strated with his Honor, calling attention to the fact that the spirit of the amend ment was in the lease and that the language fully covered the ground. Yesterday morning Mayor Sutro offered a second amendment, which he* claimed overcame the objections of Attorney Pres ton. In the- amendment were enumerated all the privileges to which the road was entitled. This did not satisfy Mr. Preston at all. He said that the clause in the lease as it stood at present sufficiently covered the ground. '•Tiiere has been considerable time lost in the consideration of this lease,'' said "Mr. Preston, "and the directors of the road are at a kiss to understand what is being done. Wo would like to have the matter closed up." "I have been trying to get away to the country for a mouth." retorted the Mayor with some acerbity, "but the consideration of this lease has prevented my doing so." This brought Mr. Stratton to the front with a sharp remonstrance. "Mayor Hutro." said he, "you are the only one who has delayed the proceedings. After the meeting in the Harbor Commis sioners' office it was understood by the committee that all amendments were to be in by a week ago last Monday. You did not act in the matter until we met on the following Wednesday, and then the amendment which you had first proposed had been considered and incorporated, stripped of it* verbiage." "\e», that is so," assented the Mayor, "I must apologize for my iemissness, but I have been very busy with the cares of my office. I do not want to appear as throwing any obstacle in the way of thr. competing road, but I want the road to be a competing one in the strictest sense of the term. Ido not want to see the South ern Pacific come in and absorb the road." Mr. Rogers entered into a long ex planation of Mayor Sutro's ideas. He said that the substitute for the amendment which had been put in the lease did not afford sufficient protection to the public. The Mayor, he said, wanted to prevent a pool or a combine with the monopoly of the Pacific Coast, and too strong a clause could not be inserted in the lease. Attorney Preston burst in impatiently at the conclusion of the remarksof Rogers, caving: "What do you mean by a competing road? Do you want us to compete with the roads of the world ? Why, if these provisions were incorporated in the lease the road could never be placed on a paying basis. We could not sell any stock. We could not form a combination with any transcontinental line, for as soon as we did we would forfeit our lease. The people would be protected, but where would be the protection to the road? Gentlemen, we have wasted too much time on this matter already and I cannot make any further report "to the directors unless the business is finished." "I tnink that the lease as it stands suffi ciently protects the interests of the peo pie," said President Colnon, "and I am not in favor of changing it." Attorneys Ford and Stratton expressed themselves as sharing in this belief. "There is no use of mv saying anything further," said Mayor Sutro, resignedly. "The committee is against me, and I can do nothing." "You must remember, Mayor," said At torney Stratton, )r that there are two mem bers of this committee, Mr. Ford and my self, who have no voice in the action of the Commissioners on the reDort. You have a vote in the board and can there express yourself. You need not sign the report or the lease either if you are not so inclined." "That is so," said the Mayor, "I will wait. I certainly shall not sign the re port, and I will insist upon my amend ments being heard at the meeting of the board." The meeting adjourned, and the whole matter will be again gone over this morning before the Harbor Commission ers, the attorneys, Mayor and Governor. E. F. Preston^ attorney for the Valley Railroad, was of the opinion that Mayor Putro was not opposed to the leasing of China Basin for terminal facilities to the competing railroad. On the contrary, he is inclined to believe that Sutro's motives, although prompted by unreasonable fears or suppositions, are honest enough, inas much as it is apparently the Mayor's hobby that no possible chance of a transfer of China Basin to the Southern Pacific Com pany may be left open. "Sutro is not in an attitude of opposition to the granting of China Basin as a termi nus for the San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley Railway," said Attorney Preston. "He would be hurt if we thought that he was opposed to it. His idea is substantially that there should be every safeguard around the lease of China Basin, so as to prevent a possible divergence of the land from the uses for which it was originally intended^ "I think that limitations in the lease give that protection and that Sutro's pro posed amendments are too drastic. The effect 01 hi 3 amendments on the financial status of the company should it ever co into the market with" a bond issue would be very bad. This enterprise goes into the millions, and it is a question which de serves very careful consideration. "Mr. Sutro has amendments which we could not possibly provide for. "We had a covenant in the lease providing that China Basin should never be used except for ter minal purposes. There is also a proviso in the original lease which would make it impossible to transfer tue land to any other corporation for terminal or other purposes, and it was furthermore ex pressly stated that the lease shall become void if any transfer was made. With re gard to the Southern Pacific it was pro vided that the property should never pass into the hands of any railroad company having terminal facilities on the bay of San Francisco." MADE HEAVY DISCOUNTS Big Cut Announced in the Cost of Electric Light. How the Edison Light and Power Company Is Able to Make Uu expected Reductions. A new schedule of discounts for users of incandescent current in arc lamps has just been announced by the Edison Light and Power Company. The cut rates go into effect to-day and range from 5 to 35 per cent, according to the amount of current consumed. Hitherto the discounts have been confined to two — '-'0 per cent on a con sumption of from 50,000 to 70,000 watts, and 25 per cent for current ranging in amount from 70,000 to 90,000 Watts. It is a year ago since the experiment was first made of lighting arc lamps with incandescent current in this City. The usual method of using the arc lamps had several disadvantages among them, the facts that the light was not subject to the control of the user, and that they had to be turned on and off according to the con tract with the consumer, whether the lamps were needed or not. The only ob jection to the new method, that of using incandescent current, was the additional cost to the company supplying the light. This was due to the need of a much higher graae of carbon for the lamp 3 and the fact that unless the engines could be run so as to keep the underground system fully charged they would be running at a loss. In view of the fact that the increased out put reduced the average cost of production, every effort was made to increase the uni form use of the light. In this the comple tion of the underground conduit system was a great aid, as, though much more costly than the overhead system to estab lish, it is productive of more economic re sults. So well has the company been able to put into general use the new style of lamps that it is now able to make announcement of discounts, which it was not thought would be possible for two or three years at least. The users of the lamps are jjainers in other ways, for they have at all times complete control of the amount of current they use, they have a fine light and have it only when they actually need it, not be insr tied down to any set hours. The first experiment with the lamps was made in the Occidental Hotel, which in parts is one of the best lighted hotel 3on the Pacific Coast. Since then the lamps have come into very general use; thus the big store on Market, Taylor and Golden Gate avenue known as "The Maze" uses no less than thirty of these lamps, Will & Finck in the Phelan block use twenty-two lamps, Eugene G. Davi«' bazaar uses eight lamps, and such establishments as the White House, Raphael's Incorporated, Roos Brothers, The Hub Clothing Store, the Chicago Clothing Company and the Grand Hotel bar are large and constant users of the new lamps. SPARF ACQUITTED. The Circuit Court Decides That He Did Not Take Part in the Heaper Murder. Herman Sparf, one of the Hesper sailors accused of the crime of murdering Mate Fitzgerald, was yesterday found not guilty by the jury in the United States Circuit Court. Fitzgerald was killed during a trip of the bark Hesper from Sydney to Honolulu about a year and a half ago, and Herman Sparf , Hang Hansen, Thomas St. CJairand Henry Green were brought to this port and charged with mutiny and murder. (ireen turned State's evidence, and under his testimony the other three men were f onnd guilty. The cases were appealed to th*' United States Supreme Court, and, with the exception of that of St. Clair, were sent back for retrial. Upon the first ballot the jury stood nine for acquittal and three for conviction. A second ballot changed the vote to a unani mous verdict for acquittal. There is an article on this market seldom equaled and never excelled— Jesse Moore Whis ky. Meoore, Hunt <fc Co. guarantees itsp urity.* German Benevolent Society. The quarterly meeting of the German Be nevolent Society was held on Tuesday night at Druids' Hall, E. C. Priber presiding. There was quite a large attendance, on account of two important items on the agenda, the first relating to making a charge to patients admit ted to the society's hospital, and in & position to pay extra in the event of surgical operations. The second important matter for consideration was the admission of patients who are unable to speak the German language. After a heated discussion on both questions the meeting ad journed till July 30, at the same place and hour. You need printing or binding? Tel. 5051 Mysell & Rollins, 521 Clay. First-class work.* THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1895. TOUCHED WHERE TENDER "Blue and Gold" Displeases Certain Professors at the University. EDITORS MAY BE PUNISHED. Made Merry at the Expense of the Faculty — Hints at Dire Discipline. A little cloud "no bieger than a man's hand" hangs over the University of Cali fornia. The cloud is little now, but the men of wisdom who guide the course of the institution of learning at Berkeley be lieve that it will ere long overspread the heavens and discharge a torrent of wrath upon the heads of those who are responsi ble for its existence. The stuaents of the university publish an annual called "Blue and Gold," which contains rosters of the faculty, the schol ars, the fraternities and clubs and so cieties connected with the institution. Blue and Gold also contains a choice collection of flings at professors and un dergraduates, and jokes more or less grad- K. R. Rubs, Managing Editor of Blue and Gold. uatorial at their expense. And it is on ac cou nt of these jibes and jokes that the lit tle cloud has come forth. Two members of the faculty, it appears, have realized that there is truth in the divine declaration, "It is not well for man to be alone," and are laboring earnestly and ardently to better their condition. It also appears that they have been rewarded with a measure of success and are engaged to marry the ladies of their choice. The Blue and Gold writers made merry at the expense of the two professors, made allusion to their love-making, and lam pooned the grave and reserved president. When the annual appeared the instruc tors who had suffered at the hands of the editors made no secret of their anger, and now it is said Raymond J. Ituss, chief editor of Blue and Gold, and some of his assistants will be punished for their of fenses. The faculty may suspend or expel them, and, what is perhaps a more serious matter, they may be prosecuted for libel. Following "is the chapter from Blue and Gold that caused the trouble: A FACULTY MEETING. (As reported by a student.) Scene— The president's room. (The presi dent, Professor Lange, Dr. Richardson, Profes sor Putzeer, Professor Howison, Mr. Richard son, Protessor Paget. Mr. Henshaw, Dr. Plehn and Mr. Armes seated around table.) President X.— You will please come to order, as it's very Ist*. We've waited altogether too long for some of the faculty. The secretary President Kellogrgr as He Appeared to a Blue and Gold Artist. will please read the names of some of those ab sent, and \vp -will try to ascertain whether they are simply late or whether imDortant business will prevent their ultimate arrival. Oh, I'd better say that we've waited so long: that we have no time to read the minutes of the last meeting. Secretary— Professor Edwards. Voice from the faculty — Unavoidably de tained. Secretary— ls his business of such a nature that he will not be here at all? Voice again— l think so. He is watching the football practice. Secretary— Mr. Pierce. Mr. Ile'ishaw (indignantly)— Mr. Pierce is now on the football field engaged in active practice, and of course could not be expected to leave for such a thing as— Secretary (hastily)— Oh no, of course not. Mr. Huntington. Voice from table— He's probably on the way, but don't wait lor him, he won't be likely to get here till we are adjourned. Secretary— Dr. Hengstler. (General smile). Mr. Richardson (mirthfully)— He hp.s proba bly walked home with her and is saying good by at the gate. He'll be here very soon. President— The rest have all sent their ex cuses, so there's no need of our spending more time on that. We will proceed to the discus sion of dogs, which was left over from our last meeting. "Allow me to say a few words. The dogs have been so numerous and are becoming so troublesome about college lately that it is posi tively necessary that something be done im mediately. You know that there are faculty dogs, fraternity dogs, student dogs and stray dogs. Now, in order to do away with then fairly, justly and thoroughly, it seems to me that we must begin at the beginning, that U, I— fear— with the — the— well— the faculty dogs. A motion is in order." (Everybody scared.) Dr. Richardson (boldly)— I move that we make it a rule that from this time forth all dogs be excluded from the classroom. Dr. Plehn— lsn't that a little rigid? It is easy to propose it when one hasn't a dog of his own. Professor Paget— l weesh to make a second to that motion— it pleases me much. [To Dr. P.] I feel sad for my young friend here. He has had so much of the trouble to find a dog to match hoes hair and hees shoes. It ecs hard under some cases to subsist — you call it— no? Submerge— yes? Ahl Submit— yes?— thank you— submit gracefully. Umph! President K. (quickly)— Are you ready for the question? [Cries of "Question!" from a few bold spirits.] President K.—lt has been moved and sec onded that we exclude all dogs from the class rooms. Those In favor? Opposed? The "ayes" have it— motion carried. Professor Howisou (rising) — Gentlemen. I cannot find words to express my deep grief at the action of these men around me, who I have ever thought were my friends. The exclusion of Socrates from North Hall will cause domes tic hardship. My wife will be obliged to take Socrates for * walk every afternoon if I am - , , NEW TO-DAY— DRY GOODS. _^^^^^ fan 'imflra ' ' ~ WBnAtUKiaiiu ... _^__-«>—^—^. ,_.,_*■ jatn_a, -"tt-tt-^. -^mjjrom!maiiaßaBlHMßßßijE_l|fflflß_______________^^ _____ar_H_l ____P¥ JtM K_[ V^S l_^^^B ma Bl |_p B$ ______| Bk__i _H t ■-*• ji"3 "i _. 2 [VT O ¥ P ro^ a^'y "..:. .;];, ' -"''-." '."-'-."■.., . / "" % V ' ' ; V./' Q I f^3?''--^^'l^^- ■ :: - -J^^^^aT *^*r *^# ''^^X^m ■ y| sents the hand of : i--g> ' ' : --S - : "'^P:'\ -' -' - ' '~^^£? '-- x ' -p; ?. V/ /^ //&-y~**. f ■^^^^B _f r ' e( * Isdyi who ; " '" :^^_ ■ ; i^'' 937. 939 & 9*l Market Str«ct f? opportunity for ______J \ \b / &*'! / Isuchaswas -ll_f ).' /{ V\ It^^'L!^*^^*''''''*' "*** 1 - 5 ' "a^sV-Vm^V/Jx Vc "°* § ofth e good *^®s£^^Br^^^^vl [l b''*s£"-^ o °'*''&'* '■''i >„■ >' a ° U ' *' 3 ''"•" '^J.'" 7 •^ C^^ SL^^ ow ' J5 ' : »^'-^a''v2, < L 'J 5 *' 1 " // S J ust llke them. "^^^^^ )j ( _¥^°*?««^ L^ M * e^ r V'' 1 ' 1^ l j c ;"'----''.^ M ' < * ' «"-^V^." o r C^ co . y ° k ; .'^'".°^ •4 B rK=V!fe^ /' J | She is coming : -"; /- v: - . "--.-'^ * ° r ' CeS *' a^' * ; '--^- ***"* ~~~ .' / Krf back again. This - '' - '■'■- - '■ ■' : .- ft^^ If J ; woman will be :fe '.. : -'V'' : " T -'-." :> . : >.-.j ■:>^^ ;^^^^^^^^Vu^----.^vv'-^ : ••■ • ""■' -Ti ' i iHP ver y rlch BOine r r gr/fe^ J ' >;? '^S^SC^^^S^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ff^ * ■■..■■''■-.' j. 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They are worth studying carefully and we call the especial attention of economical folks to them, Since we began selling the KENNEDY BANKRUPT STOCK thousands of hands have been pointing towards us as THE DRY GOODS PRICE-MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. " . unable to take him to the buildings. [Exit in dignantly.] Professor Bacon (to Dr. Plehn)— Well, this thing's perfectly plain to me. Nobody but Richardson would have made that motion; nobody could have any objections to Timothy Dwight except Richardson: Richardson is the only man that Timothy Dwight ever bit. (Enter Dr. Hengstler, closely followed by"X." He is greeted with a broad smile from all present.) Dr. Hengstler— May I ask what has been the business transacted" in my absence? I have missed much, I fear. Being, however, un u\ oidably detained— cr — Dr. Richardson— Why, er— really— don't you know— reminds me— yes, reminds me of un friend Austin Dobson's little poem. You know— poem. Yes, poem. Very appropriate, you knew — appropriate — yes — appropriate — very— very. Just let me quote it. Won't take but a minute— you know— a minute. Ahem! Ahem— Rose kisser] mo to-day, Will she kiss me to-morrow? Ho*.- kissed me to-ciny. And I ask witli dismay, not unmixed with sorrow, ROM kisscii me to-day, Who will kiss her to-morrow? You must beware, my young friend, you know— beware, beware. yes| beware— you know. Dr. H. (blushingly)— Yes, but what— Mr. Henshnw — Dr. Richardson has explained it well. You don't miss much. Why, at Har vard, yon know— Dr. Richardson— Just so— just so. I fear, yes, really fear, my friend, my friond— er— that you — ye«, that you will regret — yon know — regret your absence, as we — all of vs — you know — quite official and nil that— you know- Mr. Henshaw — Yei, quite right. Dogs wouldn't have been tolerated at Harvard as long ns they have been hero, by jove ! Professor Putsget (sympnthizingly) — I feel deep sympathy for de voong man here. He has de ocesaripointment, de— What shall I call it? for himself. But ah, he ees in love, this yoongman.and what care the yoqng, when the rosy bootiful claims of Coopid bind their tender hearts. Dogs, they do not count. (Smiles t> am itigly.) Dr. Hengstler (vexed and puzzled)- Cannot some one tell me in plain Fnplish? Mr. Henshaw— Why, you know, me dear man, at Harvard and at haw'ston. don't you know. Dr. Rifhard>on- Well, I will tell you, my young friend; er— er tell you, tell you. We know you are a splendid mathemetiVinn, but you must learn how to eliminate "X," and yes, learn bow, you know, to eliminate, to elimi nate "X," aha, quite a joke you know, learn how to eliminate "X." / Professor Putzger (pompously)— Mote I be al lowed the privilege of explaining to de gentle man: but tirst I weesh to tell him that when "Bennie at Palo Alto."-Caricature of ex-President Harrison in Blue and Gold. lie will talk to me of English speaking, he must not know that I haf been told in England that I speak English like de Englishman. Every where I am took for the native of the country. In France, many haf told mo, "What! a Cher man? I would have swore you was a French man: you speak so perfect our langwich." In spam I am took for the Spanishman; in Etaly for the htaliHn; in Chermauy for theCherman. Lanswichcs they are a natural gecft to me. I cannot help it, I am quick to learn everything, but tho langwiches [ n «.. sp ecialty. .i r <i nl K — i'r. Hengstler," we've just de cided that in future all dogs are to be excluded trom the ciassrooms. If you have objections you should have been here* to state them. Too late now. The next question for discussion must come up now. Professor Lange— I move that the standing committees report first. President K. | think your motion is out of or «f 1 ha(ln ' t finished what I was saying. Professor Lange— It comes under the' head of unfinished business Professor K.—WeU, all ripnt, then. Dr. Richardson— I don't see how we can do it — rearly can't do It, you know, for the commit tees are not here; they're, so to speak, absent, you know— absent. President K.— The question is, are their re ports here? No? Well, I suppose not. After the discussion of the next question those pres ent will have to form themselves into tlie dif ferent committees in turn and attend to the reports. as this must be done right away. Now, to proceed to new business. We have to-day a very important question for discussion — "What is to be done 10 prevent the matrimonial ru>h for fellows in this university? What is to be done in order that during their courtship-; n::d engagements said fellows do not entirely in_' loct the work in their various departments?" This question is now open for discussion, and I would suggest that It is so serious that great stress should be laid upon whether we are to keep on allowing fellows in the various de partments — Mr. Richardson (with malice aforethought)— I would suggest that one of those gentlemen most nearly interested open the discussion. "Richardson is the only man that Tim othy Dwight ever bit."— A Carica ture in Blue and Gold. Mr. Henshaw (blushing and stammering)— Oh, really, now I'm not prepared, you know — why. er— pretty hard on a fellow, er-er— Dr. Hengstler (with becoming blush and frown)— Really that seems quite irrelevant and unnecessary. ProfessorPutzger— I may be allowed to re mark, perhaps, that it seems to me eminently proper, for the young ladies, who are ideals, ah! yes, more than that, they are idols, let me say idols. Is it not right that in the freshness, the dewy freshness, the blushing sweetness (what mom can I say, yet I don't express their pertection?), shoukt choose strong and noble Hcreuleses to— to— to be in love with them. It ees a case of right and wrong, as I said to my -ophomore class the other day. I said to them: "The Regents, with the noble kindness which distinguishes all their acts, have asked of me to accept a assistant. And I haf said to my class: 'Shall I give over my sophomore class, I, who have made the course so popular, shall I give it to another? Shall I put sophomores who have expected, hoped, to have my instruc tion into the hands of some one else? Is it fair, is it just, is it honest, when they might have me. to give them another? So it is here. Is it not tv be expected that such young ladies*, booteful and blooming, should, like the sopho more class, fall in love with some strong, some brilliant young—" Professor Laiige— Really, we never get down to the question. It seems to me that we ought to be able to find men who are engaged or mar ried and lill the vacancies wit.i them. This would prevent the alarming crisis that now threatens us. Mr. HonshHW— As my fellow sufferer has said, really, you know, this' seems a little superflu ous, a— a— a little, well, a little—; why, you know there ought not to be much danger, the California girl, you know, well, you know, is so strenuous, you know, and, well, there are so few that one would care, you know, to — Dr. Hengstler (angrily)"— I don't agree with you at all. Every one knows that the Califor nia girl is every wheie regarded as one of the best specimens, mentally and physically, of the noblest womanhood. Of course, there are a few sentimental— . Mr. Armes (cynically)— Don't grow excited, my friends. The California girl may be good, but she i.s not by any means perfect. Xow ~ , Professor Putzger (excitedly) — Yon to taiK. You, at your age, and have never found among all this garden of bootefiil flowers one to sun you! Ah, you should have a shame for being so cynical", so criticizing, so— [Voice from table* in low tone, "Perhaps it is not his fault. J Isnould think you would hm' fear that as a puneshment, some day, when you are walking in the University Park the gods will allow to befall you the same fate which to your tavonte .Eschvlus befell. Ha! Ha!! Ha!!! IT. >"ident K.—WeU, you'd all better think about this question. I've got to catch the nexr train to be present at a Repents' meeting this evening. CAs lie rushes out.)— And that com mittee work— Dr. Hengstler (quietly)— Move we adjourn. Chorus (briskly)— Second it. [Exeunt omnes.] All the complaints which have arisen j among the faculty concerning these arti- i I cles seem to have emanated from one I source, and that source is Mr. Henshaw, a I fellow in philosophy. He sought immediate revenge upon the man who was responsible for the publica tion of the piece of poetry bearing on his intended and himself. It was on the night following the day upon which the publication appeared that his wrath boiled over, and at 11 o'clock he went to the house of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity to seek out Associate Editor Galen M. "Fisher and Mr. Brown, the sketch artist. After being told that these two gentle men did not live at the "frat" house he departed angrily. Next he sought Editor Raymond Russ at the Delta Kappa Epsilon house, arriving there at 1 o'clock in the morning. As Russ lives in Oakland, the fellow in philosophy did not find him at the second fraternity house which he vis ited. Mr. Henshaw was given the Oak land address of Mr. Rusfl before leaving, and was told that he might lind him there. At 5;30 o'clock a. m. Mr. Russ ST. was awakened by the eontinved ringing of the j doorbell, and dressing hurriedly, he went downstairs to see what was the matter. He was accosted by Mr. rienshaw. who said lie de^red to see Raymond RUBS, against whom he had a grudge concerning certain things that appeared 111 the Blue and Gold, for which he was responsible. The conversation wsxed warm, and it be came necessary for Mr. Russ to use a few dictatorial sentences before the excited man from Berkeley could be quieted. Finding that he could not see the editor, he left and at once endeavored to secure reparation for the wrong done through the aid of the faculty. The result was that the faculty met for a ohort session on Monday afternoon and re ferredthc matter of complaint oa the part of Mr. Henshaw to the committee on j students' affairs, who were to report at I some time later in the week. Thus the difficulty over the articles in I the Blue and Gold arose, and as other per ! sons in the university began to peruse the "Eferywhere I am took for the na tive."—Caricature of Professor Putz g-er in Blue and Gold. • lines in the several pieces of doggerel, they too felt that they ought to complain a little'in order to be in fashion. Raymond Russ, editor-in-chief of the Blue and Gold, when interviewed yester day by a Call correspondent s-aid : '"I have been grossly misrepresented with regard to my relations with the fac ulty concerning the edition of the Blue and Gold oF which I waa editor. The statement that I was summoned from Santa Rosa, where I had gone with the Glee Club, is wholly erroneous. "After my- return I was informed the committee on students' affairs desired to meet the gentlemen members of the staff on Thursday. As to the articles which have been the cause of so much comment, I will say that they were in no case pub lished with a malicious intent or with the purpose of giving any one a 'dig.' "The, poetry, which relates to Mr. Hen shaw and his fiancee, was written by one of the most highly respected ladies in col lege, and approved by the staff before it went to press. "The term 'college widow' was meant to convey the idea of the popularity of th« lady, at whom it was aimed, among her classmates in college. "As for giving Dr. llengstlera slam, that would be the last thing that I would do, for he is a personal friend of mine. ■f saw Professor Bacon yesterday and he said that what appeared in the Blue and Gold concerning him made no difference so far as he was concerned. "I will admit that some of the jokes in the miscellany and the 'josh' on the faculty "meeting were a little harder than they ought to have been, and to the outside public seem much in the nature of slander, but they were all given with the best of feeling "and highest re spect for the persons concerned. I regret very much that the jokes are looked at in i the" wrong light by some few persons, and I feel satisfied that the staff will come out all right at the meeting of the faculty com mittee to-morrow. Iv a matter of this kind the whole staff is responsible, and whatever one suffers the}' all will suffer. "The probable outcome of this matter will be that the miscellany of future edi tions of the Blue and Gold will be prohib ited. "Not a word has ever been intimated to me by the faculty with regard to the ex pulsion, and I fear that fate the least of all things." Tlii' committee on students' affairs, which will meet to-day at 11 o'clock, con sists of Professor George Edwards, Frank Soule and Thomas R. Bacon. t>n. bishop's KIDNEY TEA The Most Reliable Rejnedy for all Diseases of tlie r. KIDNEYS! LIVER & BLADDER For Sale by ail Druggists. PRICE, 25 Cts. A PACKAGE. SIO.OO. TAILOR-MADE SUITS! BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THE CITY. ARMAND ~OAILiIjBAU. 46-48 GEARY STREET,; ■ Corner Grant Avenue. A FREE MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT .'-; , WILL BE GIVEtf To the People Of San Francisco \ ; To Illustrate ; the Charms of th» . New and Ingenious American Musln Box ' :\ _ THE PRESSING INVITATION EXTENDED by the undersigned music-dealers to ceil will ; not • be ; overlooked by people who love music. These merchants will esteem ■ highly the privilege of showing, to the San Francisco public the truly ■ interesting American Music Box— the "BEGIN A" i — and visitors occur no obligation whatever to pur- chase. 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