Insurance Men at Red
lands in a War of
Thirty Years at San Quentin
for the Slayer of a
Colton Man.
Four Revenue Cutters Receive
Orders to Sail for Northern
REDLANDS, Cal., May 4.— The insur
ance war reached Redlands this morning,
and to-night property can be protected at
a price but little in excess of the cost of
the paper on which the policies are writ
ten. It is a war to the death between the
rival companies.
Many general agents arrived in town
yesterday to superintend the fight which
has been brewing for some time, and
which gave promise of being speedily pre
cipitated. At once rates were cut in two
on merchandise and on brick blocks, and
three-quarters of the original rate was
knocked off our residence property.
There was a rush to secure policies and
nearly every property -owner in town can
celed his old ones. The local men formed
a combination and induced many to ac
cept lower reductions than those openly
The fight is now being waged in earnest,
and, from the bitterness shown by the rival
companies, insurance protection will soon
be offered as a gift to secure patronage.
four Revenue Cutters at Port Totcnsrnd
Receive Their Sailing Orders.
PORT TOWNBJSND, Wash., May 4.—
Final sailing orders came to Captain C. L.
Hooper, commander of the Bering Sea
revenue forces, this afternoon ordering the
fleet to proceed to sea. The cutters will
begin leaving on Monday. The patrol
consists of the Richard Rush, Corwin,
Bear, Commodore Perry and probably the
Recently a survey was held on the Grant
relative to her seaworthiness and the re
port was forwarded to Washington, where
the authorities will examine it and deter
mine the future movements of 'that vessel.
If she does not go north she will probably
relieve the Wolcott at San Diego.
The Bear will assist in policing the
can and Bering Sea until
July 1, when she will sail from Ounalaska
for the Arctic Ocean and join the whaling
Other cutters will then be drawn into
Bering Sea for active service, and together
with the British warship Pheasant, which
will probably be re-enforced by theNymphe,
sealing interests can be properly protected.
Commander Hooper says his instructious
are to enforce the same regulations as pre
vailed lr.?t year. He apprehends but few
if any seizures, saying that seal-owners
have finally realized that both the Ameri
can and British Governments are in ear
nest in enforcing the ruies restraining
certain kinds of sealing in protected zones.
Juan Ferry Sentenced to Thirty Years at
San Quentin.
Ferra was this morning sentenced to thirty
years at hard labor in San Quentin. Ferra
is a self-confessed accomplice of Emilio
Garcia in the robbery and murder of James
Guilmanot, near Colton, last October.
The story of the crime as related by
Ferra showed that two villains came to the
oM man's lonely place In the attitude of
friends and assaulted him with a hatchet
at his chicken-house. They then dragged
the wounded and bleeding man to the
house and attempted to force him to tell
where he had hid his money. Failing in
this they stabbed him repeatedly, while
Guilminot fled around the room in a hope:
less endeavor to escape. The knife was
broken off in his body, and with the broken
blade, Garcia cut his throat from ear to ear
and then fled.
When arrested Ferra told the story of
the crime, which brought about the death
sentence for Garcia, which will be inflicted
June 6.
A Domestic Assaulted and Kicked Into
Insensibility by a Ruffian.
FAN RAFAEL, Cal., May 4.— Miss
Emma Pohlman, a domestic in the employ
of Charles Meyers, living in Mill Valley,
Vras the victim of a dastardly assault com
mitted by an unknown stranger last night.
She was coming down Throckmorton's
avenue when the man jumped from the
side of the roai and struck her on the
head, the blow felling her. Before she had
time to cry out her assailant stuffed a
handful of grass into her raOuth and then
kicked her into insensibility. She was
found in an unconscious condition by
papserj-by an hour later, and her condition
is now critical.
Diligent search is being made for the
woman's assailant, and if taken he is likely
to be roughly handled by the indignant
*'Kid» Thomson Accused of the Crime in
a** Companion's Confession.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 4.-In the
trial of "Kid" Thomson for the Roscoe
train robbery and murder, Alva Johnson,
who has confessed and been sentenced for
the crime, told the whole story of the rob
bery, making "Kid" his partner in the
if' Yesterday Johnson refused to tes
Sudden Death at Clements.
LODI, Cal., May 4.-Captain C. J. Cox
an old resident of Clements, while return
ing home with three children from Grant's
Bchoolhouse last evening was taken >ud
donly ill with heart disease and fell from
his carriage dead. He was a man of some
property and greatly respected in this sec
tion. Ihe Coroner held an inquest tlrs
afternoon, the jury rendering a verdict of
death, from natural causes.
The San Francisco Call.
Great Activity in the Prepara
tion for the Heaidsburg
Miss Llverrtash Retains Her Lead
In the Race for the Floral
HEALDSBURG, Cal., May 4.— The
finance committee of the carnival execu
tive committee made an encouraging re
port at the meeting of the executive com
mittee last night. It is getting liberal
subscriptions from all parts of Northern
Sonoma, and will not be handicapped in
arranging for the three days' fete by lack
of funds.
The stand where the crowning of the
Queen will take place will be a tasty
affair, decorated entirely with golden pop
pies, and located in the center of the
plaza, twelve feet above the ground.
Broad steps will lead to the platform, the
3teps to be decorated with roses.
Geyserville will be represented at the
carnival in an extensive way. Active work
is being done there, and a very creditable
showing Is to be made.
The carnival colors are to be red, blue
and gold, and thousands of yards of bunt
ing will be used in decorations. The com
mittee on decorations finds all willing to
beautity their homes and business houses.
Space for exhibition purposes in the thea
ter is becoming scarce, as many standing
displays will be made. All the ground
floor space been secured.
For the parade a large number of floats
have been entered in competition for
prizes. Three bands have been engaged. ' ;
The voting contest for queen occasioned
much interest to-day. The friends of Miss
Maud Sarginsson advanced that charming
young lady well toward the lead. Miss
Emma Widlund also received a large vote;
but the admirers of Miss Mary Livernash
cast a sufficient number of ballots to retain
her in the lead, with Emma Widlund sec
ond, Lena Zane third; Zoe Bates, Carrie
Moulton, Maud Sarginsson, Edna Biddle
and Addie Clark following in the order
named. UV:
Fruit- rowers Report a Probable Short
age in the Yield of Prunes.
HEALDSBURG, Cal., May 4. — Some
discouraging reports are coming in from
the orchardists of this section. ( Ira Proc
tor, who has one of the most extensive
prune orchards in the county, said to-day
that ' he would not have over half a crop,
and that he believed, from reliable infor
mation received by him, that the output
from the Russian River Valley would be
300 tons short of last season . - i
A Call representative, in company with
W. J. Hotchkiss, made a tour of the
orchards of the Geyserville district yester
day. Ike Bartleti year crop is the lighteat
ever know mi in that section. It will not be
over one-third of an •■ average yield. In
some orchards there are plenty of prunes,
while in others scarcely any are to be
found. The peach crop is immense, and
much thinning will be necessary. There
will be few apricots, and cherries are light.
The shortage in the prune crop will not be
disastrous, as the fruit will be larger than
It is estimated that 300 tons of last
season's dried fruit yet remains unsold in
this district.
Washington the Only Coast atate That
Will -Vot lie Represented.
TACOMA, Wash., May 4.— Governor J.
E. Rickards of Montana, who was. in the
city to-day, is very much gratified with
the spirit of approval which has been
shown iv response to his call for a confer
ence of representatives from the silver
States, to be held at Salt Lake City on the
15th inst. All the silver States and Terri
tories will be represented except Washing
ton and probably Arizona. Colorado has
appointed both her Senators and one of
her Representatives in Congress, so that
she will be very strongly represented.
Oregon, which was expected to look more
coldly than any of the Pacific States on
the suggestion, was among the first to ap
point a delegation.
Governor McGraw is the only Governor
who has declined to make appointments.
Just what reason he gave for refusing to
appoint Governor^ Rickards would not
say, further than that his letter indicated
a want of sympathy with the silver move
Three Days of ; Merry-Making
• Concludes With a Daz
zling Display. - ;
Guests of the Fete Wage Bloodless
War With Roses as Their '
' Weapons. "^.v
TULARE, Cal., ' May 4.— The Tulare
flower ' festival . ended this evening, after
three days of pleasure such as this city has
never before witnessed. Everything com
bined to make the Carnival a success. The
weather :• has been £ propitious, | and large
crowds were enabled to drive to the city ;
from surrounding towns, Visalia in partic
ular sending a big contingent to each even
ing's celebration. The last night of the
fete was a fitting climax to the whole sea
son of merry-making;' ■
The crowning of the Queen was repeated :
to-night in order that those who did not
have an opportunity to witness the pretty
ceremony before could' be gratified. The ;
Maypole dance was executed with much l
grace and was highly complimented. The
battle of the roses was the feature of the
evening. It was participated in by a large'
number of : people. The fete ended ! with
L dancing in. Uxe Pavilion. .... ; -±: . i.'x ; *gs i
The Heir of Clifton Figures in
a Suit Against a Hotel-
A Complicated Action Growing Out
of the Ramifications of a
Horse Trade.
REDWOOD CITY, Cal., May 4.— Lord
Talbot Clifton drove into town this morn
ing with a swell .crowd an the coach
Meteor. The occasion was his lordship's
appearance in the Superior Court in an
action brought by him against John' Lee,
owner of the Hotel Mateo. The suit was
to recover possession of a valuable mare
which had come into Lee's keeping
through the various ramifications of a
horse trade, wherein his lordship's animal
was unlawfully detained without any con
sideration being forthcoming.
"White Hat" Dan McCarthy testified
that the mare was worth $1500, but winced
perceptibly when asked what he had paid
for this animal, which he had afterward
sold to Lord Clifton. Burlingame was
well represented by male and female spec
tators. The cose will be submitted on
Dr. Jordan's Wife Sues for a Share of His
Inlf-Million Dollar Estate.
SEATTLE.Wash., May 4.— Dr. J. Eugene
Jordan of the Histogenetic Medicine Com
pany and Populist member of the Board of
Aldermen was to-day sued in the Superior
Court by his wife, May Jordan, who is try
ing to assert her interest in property to the
amount of $.500,000. She alleges that
Jordan deserted her at Coudersport, Pa.,
ten years ago, and since coming to this
city has accumulated no less than seVenty
five pieces of property. In the meantime
his wife and three daughters have had to
shift for themselves.
She has brought an action for divorce in
Pennsylvania, and the suit has been insti
tuted here to permit her to secure her
share of the property.
All of Jordan's property has been 'con
veyed to J. M. Butler, said to be secretly
in trust for Jordan, and has been recon
veyed to the Histogenetic Medicine Com
pany, of which Jordan is the moving
spirit. Mrs. Jordan asks that the deeds be
set aside, on the ground that they are in
fraud of the wife.
Jordan ia a single-tax advocate, and dur
ing the industrial movement was active in
organizing the "Patriot Army," an armed
body formed during the Commonweal ex
XOItTHERN PACIFIC ' ' changes. '
A General Dismissal of Beads of De
partments Is Predicted.
TACOMA, Wash., May 4.— "The resigna
tion of James McNaught, general counsel
of the Northern Faci&c Railroad, will be.
: followed by the resignation or dismissal of
several other heads of departments," said
an official of 'that road this morning. He
stated that Assistant General Superintend
ent Dickinson and Division Superintendent
McCabe would probably be the next to go
out. A general change in the legal depart
ment of the road is also looked for.
■The I'ropoxltion to Establish an Irriga
tion District JS'ot Weil Received. .'•-• . ,
;.-. SANTA MONICA,. Cal., May 4.-An
effort has been made in this vicinity by a
number of parties interested in the Spill- ;
m.in t Company .to form an irrigation dis- :
: trict under the Wright act, taking in about
'all the territory comprised in Santa Mon
ica, Ballona and the Wolfskin and Denker
ranches.' A number of citizens in the ter
| ritory to be taxed thereby recently held a
meeting -for the purpose of protesting;
j against the formation of the district, J.
M. Coyuer officiating as chairman and
Robert F. Jones as secretary. After vigor
ously debating the proposition at consider
able length. resolutions were unanimously,
adopted . declaring . emphatically against
the formation of the so-called Spillman ir
rigation district, declaring . that '.it would
be a burdensome, unjust . and an unconsti
tutional act. A committee was appointed
to wait upon the Supervisors in the matter.
' Distinguished Guests! \
SANTA MONICA, Cal., May 4.— Hon. J.
C. Patterson, Minister* of Militia of the,
Dominion of Canada, and party inspected
Santa Monica and vicinity Thursday . and j
Friday, • the , party traveling tin . a private :
car of the Canadian Government Railway.
It is the gentleman's first visit to the south
ern coast, and he was more than interested
and pleased . with . the bey, the mammoth
wharf, the climate and the bathing.
, . , , Gift of a Philanthropist, .
) ' SANTA MONICA, Cal., May 4.— C. H.
Rindge, the philanthropic millionaire, who
lives .on his magnificent • ranch, Mallibu,
adjacent to Santa > Monica, has agreed to
build a $15,000 church for the Methodists
here provided they raise $1000 for the sup
port ;of the church work during the year.
This is fast being raised, and the edifice
will soon be under way. . •■■■'• ,
'Major Thornton's Successor.
' SANTA MONICA, Cal., May 4.—
tain F. K/TJpham, . who has . been acting
treasurer at the r 5 Soldiers' .' Home, I Santa
Monica, T : since the •, resignation of Major
, Thornton two weeks ,' ago, has received his
"commission as treasurer. '
Arrest of a Diamond Thief.
SAN JOSE. Cal., May 4.— Sherman Car
ter, who was arrested several days ago for
stealing a diamond ring from the iewelry
store of L. Machefert, and afterward re
leased on bail, was taken into custody
this morning as he was about to leave for
the East. When searched at the police
office the ring was found in his hat lining.
He was taken before Justice Dwyer and
his bond fixed at $500, in default of which
he vent to jail. , ■ • ,
Citizens Vote in Favor of Com
pleting the City's Sewer
Action Brought to Oust Marshal Woy
for Alleged Errors In the Elec
li, , tion Returns.
FRESNO, Cal., May 4.— An election
was held in this city to-day to vote on the
proposition of bonding the city for $40,000
to complete the sewer system, which at
present drains only a part of the city.
There was considerable . opposition to the
proposed issue, but the Chamber of Com
merce and the Hundred Thousand Club
worked to carry the election, and twenty
six votes more than the necessary two
thirds were caet in favor of the issue. The
sewer system, when completed, will be one
of the most perfect on the coast.
An Election Contest Cage.
FRESNO, Cal., May 4.— J. W. Coffman,
who was the Democratic-Populist candi
date for City Marshal at the recent elec
tion, has begun an action to oust M. L.
Woy, who was elected by the Republicans
by a majority of one. It is alleged that
there were errors in the count of the bal
lota in every precinct. The case will be
heard on May 14.
An Alaska Settlement That Supports a
Regular Stock Company.
PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., May 4.— A
new feature of fin de siecle enterprise in
Alaska has been furnished by Forty Mile,
at the headwaters of the famous Yukon
River. This settlement, probably the
northernmost settlement on the American
continent, has a stock company, opera
house, and furnishes the sturdy miners an
opportunity to enjoy themselves, not only
after their week's labors during the short
season in which the mines can be op
erated, but serves to relieve the monotony
of the lonjr winter, during which their
time is spent in enforced idleness, brought
about by the cold weather.
The first performance this season was
the production of "The Streets of New
York," from which something over $300
was cleared. The "show shop," like all
of its kind in small places, glories in the
somewhat misleading title of the Bregon
Opera-house and Concert-hall, and has a
seating capacity of about 200.
The leading stars in the performances
are George T. Snow, a pioneer actor of the
Northwest, his wife and two children.
Snow was for a long time engaged in giv
ing shows at Sitka, Juncau and other
Alaskan settlements, but caught the Yu
kon fever when the first big strikes were
reported from there and has been at Forty
Mile over three years.
Jbr^idOUionai Pacific Ooatt Neva »ga Second Page 1
Thousands, of Citizens
Participate in a Big
They Applaud the Approach
of the City's Commer
cial Salvation.
Many Come Forward at the Meet-
Ing and Add Their Mite to the
Growing Fund.
STOCKTON, Cal., May i.— Fully 6500
people assembled in the Agricultural Pa
vilion to-night to participate in the jollifi
cation meeting, arranged by the Stockton
Commercial Association, to celebrate the
prospective advent of the Valley road into
this city. The Santa Catalina Island band
discoursed music on the plaza preliminary
to the opening of the meeting in the pa
vilion, and then thousands flocked from
the open air concert to the big building a
few blocks away, to take part in the gen
eral rejoicing over Stockton's success in
securing a competing railroad down the
The floor of the pavilion was packed and
the galleries were crowded. Shortly after
8 o'clock President P. A. Buell of the Com
mercial Association called the meeting to
order, and reviewed the work done, point
ing out that over $97,000 in cash had been
raised within thirty days to redeem the
promises made to the railroad, and that on
Monday next Chief Engineer Storey and
his party of surveyors would begin the
work of planting the stakes that are to
Indicate the course of the road from Stock
ton to the borders of San Joaquin County.
The announcement was greeted with
cheers from the vast throng, and every
face beamed its owner's appreciation of the
fact that the commercial salvation of
Stockton was close at nand.
Fully a third of the audience was com
posed of women, who showed their in
dorsement of the part the fair sex has
played in raising funds to help the city
keeps its promises, made when the direc
tors of the Valley road were here about a
month ago.
K. E. Wilhoit followed Chairman Buell
in a brief speech, telling the audience what
the association had done in securing the
terminal facilities for the roud here, and
predicting that good times would follow
the building of the first mile of track out
of Stockton.
While the band wus playing, a number
of those wiio heretofore have been back
ward about subscribing stepped up to the
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