Newspaper Page Text
12 SAN FRANCISCO -CALL." BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Cai_ — 710 Market street, open until 12 o'clock every night in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— S3O Montgomery street, corner Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock. 539 Hayes street open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. . sw. corner _ x _ and Mission streets, open until 9 o'clock. y > 2518 Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. ~ ~ CHURCH NOTICES o^TKlNin>-n'l:' I'.rOß. BUSH AND CS-S' Gou'h sts.— George Edward Walk, rector. The third Sun— ty after Easter. Morning prayer and Sunday-school at 9:30 o'clock. Litany, sermon and holy communion at 11 a. M. Commu- nion service in X flat, i;:irrett-: offertory, -'O, Come, Let Us Worship" (Mendelssohn). Evening prayer and sermon at 7:80 o'clock. "Bonum Est" (War- ren): :'Nunc Dimittls" (Tours); offertory, "Be of Good Comfort" (RuthCowen): solo by Mrs. Bonne. H. .1. Stewart, organist :uirt musical director. e_-3=» HOWABD-ST. METHODIST EPISCO- _?—^ pal Church, between Second and Third sts., two blocks from Palace Hotel— Rev. W. W. Case, ! D.D., pastor; W. F. Gibson, Sunday-school superin- tendent. Hours of public services. 11 a. _. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday-school. 12:80. Prayer-meeting Wednesday evening. Epworth League, 6:45 Sunday evening. Subject of morning sermon: "Pure and j Applied Christ— or, A Reasonable Faith." : Evening sermon by the eloquent presiding elder, Rev. John Coyle, D.D. Pastor's residence, 2026 Howard st. ; telephone 6065. yap GRACE M. E. CHURCH, COB. CAPP u?—^ and Twenty sts.— Rev. E. McClish, D.D., pastor. . The members of Emmanuel Baptist Church unite with Grace Church in union services morning and evening. Dr. J. George Gibson will preach in the morning and assist in the services in the evening, when Dr. McClish will preach on ••Religion and Christianity." Services at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p.m. pt_— =» FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, EDDY ST.. tff~— ' near Jones— Rev. M. P. Bos'nton. acting pastor. Services Sunday, May 5,1895. Preachine at 11 a. si. by it' ting pastor. Subject, "Limiting God," and at. 7:30 p. if., topic, "From the False to the Trie." Sunday-school, 12:30 p. m. ; Y. P. S. of C. E. at 6:30 P. M. Young men's meet- j ing, Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Culture class every Friday evening at 8 o'clock. All these services are open to the public. Strangers are wel- come. -. _j ft_=s= UNION-SQUARE BAPTIST CHUKCH, Ur--^ Bush si., near Larkin— C. E. Tedford, pastor, will preach at 11 a.m. Sunday-school at 12:15 p.m. Yonng People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes- day evening at 7 :30 P. m. JS_3S* ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, \jt-S' corner California and Octavia streets— Rev. D. Hanson lnvin. pastor, will preach at 11 a.m. i and 7:45 P. m. Twenty-fifth anniversary of the j , Sabbath-school. Young People's Society of Chris- | tian Endeavor at 6:45 p. m. Prayer-meeting Wed- n'sday evening at 7:45. Everybody made cor- i dially welcome^ j Et_3*= FIBST* UNITARIAN CHURCH, COR. i 3 i^£r Geary and Franklin Horatio Stebbins, j minister: Rev. W. G. EHoi Jr., associate minis- ter: Sunday-school at 9:45 a. m. Services, at 11 i a.m. and 7:30 p. m. Subject of evening sermon, ! "The Recent Unitarian Conference at San Jose." AU are cordially invited. j SJF3p~ SECOND UNITARIAN CHURCH. CAPP j &-sp »nd Twentieth sts.— Rev. Llla Frost Sprague conducts Sunday-school at 9:45 and Young Peo- pie's Bible class at 6:30. At 11 a. x. Rev. Lila Frost Sprague will preach on "The Life Beautific." v 7-;."> p.m. Hon. John M. onteith will preach on ••Religious Naturalization." Seats free. Every- body welcome. Pastor's residence, Hotel St. Nich- olas. B^3= CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, EPjS' corner Geary and Powell streets— Rev. John HemphiU, D.D., pastor, will preach at. 11 a. m. and 7:45 P. M. Sabbath-school at 12:30 p. m. Y. P. ! S. of C. E. at 6:30 p. m. Friends aud strangers visiting the city Invited to all these services. rap PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL — ~JS^ Church, Post St., between Buchanan and Webster— W. D. Williams, D.D., pastor, j Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday- | Schools, a. m. and 12:30 noon. Prof. Lloyd's Bible Class at 12:30 noon. Christian Endeavor, i 6:30 p. m. Morning sermon, "Blessings of Spring- tide": evening lecture, "The Methodist Church," the sixth In series, "Half Hours With Seven Churches." jjjrr^HFIRST NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH !>•-*' (Swedenborjcian), O'Farrell st., bet. Web- ster and F— more— Rev. F. L. Hitrsins. minister. Sermon 11 a. m. Subject, '-Hidden From the Wise, Revealed to Babes." Tbe holy supper will follow the sermon. Sunday-school, 12:30 p. it. All are invited. Seats free. So eve:. service. gtr~jp THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY — FREE IS^S/' public lecture every Sunday evening at 7:45 at 320 Post st. To-night, "Reincarnation as Found in the Bible," by Mr. Evan Williams. _ CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AM— RICA— WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the j "United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- aee free. SUNDAY MEETINGS. uP-s? on "The Drunkard's Fate. Here and After I Death." Tests by Mrs. Hovet. The sick healed by spirit power. Socg3 and music by Miss Ellsworth, i Washington Hall, 35% Eddy, BP. M. sharp. Ad- i mission free. i IKS" SOCIETY OF PROGRESSIVE SPIRIT- j t*^ ualists, Golden Gate Hall, Butter St., bet.. Mason and Taylor — morning at 11. Ques- tions answered; evening at 8. Subject of lecture "The Spirit Of Our Age. 1 ' Speaker, Walt— How- ell: soloist, Miss P.osin. Admission free. PtTS= AT DR. RIN-1 S* SPIRITUAL MEET- fSZsS? lug, 909 Market st., Sunday 11a. m., 2 and I Bp. _. Circle and platform tests. Mmes. Seely, Bird. Henderson. Warren, Martin, Rin-t-s. Office i 921 Market st. Circles Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p.m. j jsf^^= LECTURES ON PRIMITIVE CHRIS- I 13^*^ tianity versus Modern, showing up a fearful ; departure and some of the long-lost truths of the Bible that have been buried in tbe rubbish of the -traditions of the Apostasy, at Anchor Hall, 997 Market St., at 8 p. m.. tsundi y. till further notice. D_£j> MRS. KATE HEI'SSJIAXX, TEST *&-& meeting TO-NIGHT at 909y 2 Market st. Sittings dally, circles Friday evening at 1065 Market st. J_ss=» ■ THE • SHAKERS— "THE IMAGE OF EFjS' God; Arthur W. Dowe, speaker; 3 o'clock; Golden Rule Hall, 948 Mission st. 3_35» MME. YOUNG. 605 . MCALLISTER— £_-— s' Test meeting to-night, 10c; tine singing and music; come, skeptics. fltSgp ALTRURIA ASSOCIATION — PUBLIC _?»*' meetings every Tuesday evening at the "Temple," 115 Turk st. Address by Rev. G. R. Dodson. You are invited. ■^s=> MRS. SHRINFR holds a GRAND US— ? sptritual test meeting to-night at 8 assisted by others, 909 Market st. All Invited. Admis- sion 10 cents. jibs* W.S. BELL LECTURES AT SCOTTISH \s*£? Hall, 105 Larkin St.. this evening on "Some Reasons Why." Music and recitations. R_?S= CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— &-& THE WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address In the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, postage free. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. ffOSf CALIFORNIA LODGE NO. -id__V?T -r-i' 1, I. O. O. F.— Officers and mem -isis3SK_Sggj b»rs will assemble in Memorial Hall T2g*SK«s^ SUNDAY, May 5, at, IP. m., to attend ?*»W*?_ •he funeral of our late brother, R. A. F. WEST- I'HAL. J. A. STEELE, N. G. William C. Itii.K.v. Rec. Sec. jfgs=^ X NIGHT 8 <iF THE RED, Ze- . E>— ' * Branch will hold their twenty-sixth «_ J^ grand annual picnic THIS DAY, May siM2Cs_l_ 1895, at(;i"r.wool Park, Santa Cruz. Moun- "^S_^ tains. Bound-trip tickets,' $1; children, 50c. Soms leave foot of Market st. 8:45, 9:15. E*_2p MAST R MAR IN ERS~BE- f .-—_ !»■- " nevolent Association — ■ Funeral } ,ps» Notice. Special meeting is hereby called (!*••>•__> to be held in hall. 421 Post street, SUN- * i -'~"^ DAY, May 5, at 12 o'clock m. All members are requested to be present for purpose of attending th" funeral Of our deceased brother, W. A. F. WESTPHAL. By order of the President. L. TBAUNG, Recording Secretary. f£_S» DINNA FOP.GET ST. AN- v _? »• f£<& drew's picnic SATURDAY, May QtSj) 11. at Kchuetzen Park. Prizes for bl- >tovs_ic cycle racing, quoit?, prabba?, bouquets, *«_7C games and Highland fling.' Tickets, Including ad- mission to park. 60c; children half price. Leave Tibnron ferry 9:20. 11 a.m., 12:35, 1:50, 3:30 p. M. Tickets at M. J.I It's. 907 Market st. fFZlf'' 29TH GRAND ANNUAL v «7 __ —^-^ gathering and games of the Cal- A, I&JD edonlan Club will be held at Shell >*xX3i? Mound .Park, May 30. .7 AS. H. DUN- *_j_NT CAN, Sec. D. R. McNF.ILL, Chief. fTgp THE EIGHTH AN- £>„ Cc^x? nnal picnic of tne Order /~ZXQsf\i Bom i of St. lii-r.-i will be held at^^TSr^V Agricultural Park, San Jose, onJss_' V^^ DECORATION DAY, May SO.V^S^Ai l^ Principal features will be: Tn'o §FV^T«--33** bicycle races open to all ama- m - iCP?^**" I **! tears and ladies' race, for which V_£__j?>»_r2sb valuable medals are. offered, these . *^t»?7I— 1 5» races being under the control of the officials of the American League of Wheelmen: old English sports, foot-races, tug-of-war, etc., etc. . Music by the Fifth Regiment Band. Boats leave the ferry (broad gauge via Nlles) at 8 and 8:30 a.m.; returning leave the park at 5 and 5:30 p. m., and San Jose depot 15 minutes later. Tickets, round trip, In- cluding admission to park, *1 : children, 50 cents. The 8:30 train only slops at First and Broadway and East Oakland. WM. L.. CHAMBERLAIN, Secretary of .Committee St. George's Club, 317 Mason st. : ■ PpS 3 . GOOD CITIZENSHIP MEETING, MET" tEC_? ropolitan Temple, SUNDAY, May 5, at 3 F. m. Address by Rev. D. M. Ross. Subject: "Aims and Objects of the Jesuits." ■_JR» THE ANNUAL EXCURSION AND PlC- lS^£^ nlc of the Knights of the Red Branch will held at Glenwood, Santa Cruz Mountain*, on SUNDAY, May 5. Athletic sports will be held, tind valuable gate prizes given, j ANNUAL MEETING— TUT REGULAR CS36' annual meeting of the stockholders of the Hntchinson Sugar Plantation Co. wilt be held at the oil ice of th« company, 837 Market St.. San Francisco, Cal., on TUESDAY, the 14th day of May, 1895, at the hour of 11 . o'clock a. m.. for the purpose of electing a board of directors to seive for the ensuing year, and the transaction- of such other business as may come before the meeting. Transfer books will close on FRIDAY, May 3, 1895, at 3 o'clock p. m. ' • • • , I • " K. 11. SHELDON, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. ij?^^^L^c^R~an?^YTiE^rrwN^^misE CSsS' wno had determined upon going with us need not be disappointed because they have not i | procured tickets. . "Don't get left.". Come to the ! Market-street Ferry early on Friday morning. May , 10. The boat leaves at sharp 7 o'clock. Members of the Executive Commit-. will be on. hand to i supply you. Tickets 'I*s for th« round trip. "Don't get left." W. F. NORCROS3, Secretary. NOTICE— TO WHOM IT MAY CON- _r*»^ cern: Notice is hereby given that the i Standard Gold and Silver Mining Company (a cor- j poration) having its principal place of business in I the City and County of San Francisco, intends to , remove it said principal place of business from the i said City and County of San Francssco to the City ! of Sun Jose, County of Santa Clara, State of Cali- ' fornia: consent thereto in writing of two-thirds of ' the capital stock of said corporation having been ! obtained and tiled in the office of the corporation. V. _. in.LLKR, President. c. m. wooster, ! Secretary. ' j sri-s= J. C. CALIIAIN, attorney at LAW, j iKJS' 14 McAllister St., room 24. Legal business i receives prompt attention. . JTS=~filE MARIA KIP ORPHANAGE OF ', Ls -— » 638 Folsom St., San Francisco, Cal., has re- ceived the following orphan and half-orphan girls j from Jan. 1, 1895. to April 1, 1895: Emily Bey- nolds, aged 9 years : Maria V. J. Regnalto, aged 2 ' years; Marguerite K. Evans, aged 6 years; Laura ■ M. King, aged 12 years; Elsie Michael, aged 7 I years. | ®:-~S= CHARLES H. PHILLIPS. ATTORNEY- I —^s' nt-law and Notary Public, 638 Market st., j opp. Palace Hotel, i.esidence, 1620 FeU st. Tele- j I phone 570. I ;P^§= DR. NELLIE BEIGHLE, OFFICES, 51 ! i a>J^ to 55, Donohoe building, 1170 Market st. ; Stomach, liver, kidney and rheumatism success- : roily treated. Nervous diseases a specialty. Dis- i eases examined without questioning. ■ . ftf_S= BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. | tJ- 5 '^ Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy St., room 6. Tel. 5580. ■_S> ALL COURTS— LEGAL PRIVATE MAT- _r2? ters; confidential; advice free. ATTOR- BY McCABE. 838 Market st. ia__s=" ROOMS WHITENED, fl UP: PAPER- _•_ 7 ed c;j 50 up. 309 Sixth, George Hartman. ja__s» J. B. _ CINTY— £, BOOKBINDER AND 'Jr-£? Printer. 422 Commercial at. ■ j SITUATIONS \VA>TKI)-II;MALE. ]UTniBER~OF YOUNG SCANDINAVIAN, GER- ' xl »ian and Irish housework girls await situations at housework, cooking, nursing and hotel work. For particulars address or telephone MISSPLUNK- KTT, 424 gutter st. SERVANT GIRLS, COOKS. CHAMBER- '> maids, waitresses, etc., at L. ANDRE'S, 315 ' Stockton .si.: Ml., m 1304. : I"' adif..- -YOU can GET RELIABLE HELP j at MRS. NTON'S, lot!' Stockton st. TF YOU WANT A GOOD SERVANT. MALE X or female, city or country, apply MME LEO- ! POLD'S Jimp. Office, 957 Market; open evenings. j AT THE SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BU- j reau first-class Swedish and German girls are i awaiting situations. 332 Geary st. : telephone 983. | SB M STB ESS AND DRESSMAKER, THOR- OUgh, desires position as maid, Invalid's nurse or children. Address C. N.. box 107, Call Office. T ADY WISHES POSITION IN PHOTOGRAPII lJ gallery as assistant printer, mount, etc.. or in < copying house. Address P. G., box 95, Call Office. HOUSEWOBK; WOMAN AND 11KR SON fi desire work; city or country; young man to as- sist her and make himself generally useful: small wages. Address M. S., box 52. Call Office. TRONG YOUNG WOMAN WANTS WORK by the day, washing, cleaning houses, offices, etc.; wages $1. Apply 864Uj Missions:. I) 1 I ' [NED WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS Xt housekeeper. Call or address 17a Sixth, rm. 2. j I~ ADY WOULD LIKE GENTLEMAN'S MEND- j J Ing. '26 Taylor st., room 3. TTiXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS WORK BY X-J the day; washing and ironing, or any other work. Apply 1444 Jackson st. LIABLE and experienced young Xt woman desires position as ranch cook. Ad- dress R. C, box 6, Call Office. YOUXG LADY WILL ASSIST WITH LIGHT X housework in exchange for room and board. Address Y. W., b0x,19, CaU Office. GOOD WORKER WANTS WORK BY THE day. Call or address 10 Sherwood place, off Third st., bet. Mission and Howard. TRONG, —CABLE WOMAN WISHES TO O do washing. Ironing, cooking or housecleaning by the day. MRS. CURTIS, 116V_ Twenty-sixth St., near Mission. iIsNV-s Ci _ i'KTKNT WOMAN WANTS ANY KIND \J of housework by the day: references. Call or address 1217 Scott at., near Ellis. " 4 MKRICAN~WIDOW: POSITION AS WORK- — "— . Ing housekeeper or do light housework; city or short distance in the country. Address 447 Fifth st. ITUATION WANTED: FIRST-CLASS COOK; O city or country; best references. Call 3 days 740 Howard st. * j ■y OUNO WIDOW FROM THE EAST WOULD X like a position as housekeeper. Call 967 Mis- i sion st., room 9. 1; X EB I X ' ED WOMAN DESIRES COOK- I X_ in-.; or housework; references. 122 Ash aye., ; near Van Ness. ITUATION WANTED- YOUNG FRENCH 0 lady wants work as chambermaid or small housework, or other position permitting to sleep ; home; speaks English. Address 824 c Broadway, rear. : ■-:■:.- : ATEAT YOUNG GIRL WISHES A PLACE FOR | J-\ light housework; $6. 48 Oak st. ••.— ■. . OMPETENT WOMAN WHO IS A FJ^.ST- i \^' class laundress wants a situation to do general \ housework; city or country. Call or address 210 j California aye., rear of electric-car house, bet. j Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth sts, Ladies' MAID, WHO is AN ACCOM- i XJ olished nurse, and first-class German lady cook wan: situations together: country place pre- ferred. Address 311 Jessie si. p KRMAN LADY WISHES WORK BY THE | V.T day. wßSliing, ironing or housecleaning. Call ; 33 Glen Park^bet. Thirteenth and Fourteenth sta. SITUATION WANTED— BY A YOUNG LADY j •O to take care of an invalid or one or two children: speaking German and English: has been employed ; in a hospital for two years. Call or address 209 Kearny street, room 14. . , ; .. ITU AT lON~W ANT ED— BY SWEDISH GIRL O lust from the East, a position as upstairs girl j or cook in respectable family In city or country; will furnish best of references. Address 205 Third street, room 21. . •■: :> ■.'■■ / I II: MAN LADY WISHES WORK BY THE vJT day : reference, if required. Call 868 Mission St., room 9. / < EKMAN WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE VJT day washing and cleaning. Call 637 Steven- son St., bet. Seventh and Eighth. "TT'ARTERN LADY WANTS POSITION AS j SLI housekeeper for widower, in city or country; : good borne; small salary. Address E. L., box 39, CaU Office. p. ERMAN WOMAN WANTS WASHING"! VJ" ironing and housecleaning by the day. Call 106 Shipley st., near Fifth. yOCXO LADY WISHES SITUATION AS X housekeeper in a lodging-house or widower's family; city or country. 12 Mason st., room 9. W OULD LIKE A POSITION AS CHAMBER- »T maid and sowing, or take care of an Invalid ! lady : no objection to travel. M. S., 2145 Telegraph ; aye., Oakland. "••* : : V r bT-"NG WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS j I X hoes "keeper. Call or address 620 Market St., i room 7. opp. Palace Hotel. . . : ■;'■.-■ 1 ITUATION FOR A YOUNG LADY IN ANY i O Ugh I work; a sewing-machine operator. | 826 Capp st., near Twenty-fourth. GERMAN WOMAN WANTS PLACE TO DO j VJT general housework; $10 month. Call 2603 Mission st., or. Twenty-second. ■ G( ,\ ) K AND CHAMB i ; M AID WISHES SIT ation : city or country : boarding-hoilse or hotel. Call 277 Stevenson St., near Fourth. . ■ pOMPETENT WOMAN WANTS POSITION \J as cook in coffee parlor, short-order restaurant or lunch place. 1157 Market st. WIDOWWILL TAKE CHARGE OF LODG- '» ing-house; small wages; good home. 143 Third st., room 6. v.> ; > IDDLK-AGED GERMAN LADY WANTS situation as housekeeper; general housework; good laundress. Call or address MRS. M., 348 Grove st. pOMPETENT WOMAN WANTS WORK BY \J day or week at housecleanlng. 2119 V 2 Sixth st. XTOUNG WIDOW OF REFINEMENT WOULD X like any kind of gentlemen's sewing or mend- In«: satisfaction guaranteed. Call 1 to Bp. _. 119 Ninth St., room 2, first flat. ■YTOUNG LADY WISHES GENTS' MENDING X to do. Call 150 Fourth St., room 9. ., ! ' . "DEFINED YOUNG LAD Y~W ANTS POSITION Xt to care for Invalid lady or second work or sew- Ing. ■ Address H. 8., 33 Itincon place, city. yoi Sa LADY WOULD LIKE .A GENTLE- X man partner In a good paying business. Call 5 Mason st., room 7. ■ • ;.'■ . - \\T IDOW~VITH SOME MEANS WOULD LIKE '» to engage in business with a gentleman. Call 5 Mason St., room 2. I,MKST CLASS DRESSMAKER WISHES FEW . more engagements at $1 ■50 per day. Address M. a., (all Branch, 2518 Mission st. ALL KlN— f» COMPETBN'FIIELP SUPPLIED. Nurse Agency, 131 Post st.; telephone M-625. DRESSMAKER; FIRST-CLASS:. CUTS BY \ McDowell system; elegant fit; ladles' dresses made, $5 up; children's, $150 up. 706 Ellis St., near Larkln. yOC NG LADY WANTS POSITION AS X housekeeper. Call 706 Ellis St., near La rkln. WANTED-BY A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, T T situation as working housekeeper for a single man: no objection to children. 607 Eleventh st., Oakland. . OUSEKEEPER: MIDDLE-AGED, RESPEC XX table, American widow: educated; alone: good cook: wants home; country preferred. MRS. E. 1... 131 Post si., room 21. ■■ ■ ■-- ■ situations) "VV ANTE I>— aiA-E. farmers send your orders to J. F. CROSETT farmers send your orders to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacramento st. ■ ' . ■ ■ . .WANTED— A FEW MORE ENGAGEMENTS • T to do painting, whitening, polishing, etc. Ad- dress DELLEPIANK, Ocean View. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1595. SITITATIONB "WANTED— Continued. A~~ T~ANDBE'S" EMPLOYMENT OFFICE — First-class help for summer resorts, springs, country hotels, etc. 815 Stockton st., telephone M 1304. ■ • ANTED— BY A SOBER MECHANIC, A JOB " carpentering or repairing on large ranch; will- ing to take some land as part payment for work on lone job. Address L. J., b0x.76, Call Office. SWEDISH MAN AND WIFE (WITHOUT 0 children) wish a place . on a ranch; wife good cook and housekeeper; man teamster and handy man about place. 444 Tehama st. «■■ AN AND WIFE WITH 1 GROWN UP SON wish a steady job in a laundry. MAIAN- BARG, 677y 2 Mission st., San Francisco. -. GOOD RELIABLE COACHMAN WANTS A situation; has first-class reference. Address T. (>., box 76, Cull Office. , "V-OUNG MAN WISHES WORK AS JANITOR X or anything; handy with tools. Address Jani- tor, box 42, Call Office. ____________ TTURST-CLASS COACHMAN, GOOD MILKER X and practical gardener, wishes a situation; best references. Address J. 8., box 40. Call Office. SOBER MAN, USED TO SALOON WORK OR liquor-store, wants lit nation; good references. Address L. S., box 68, Call Office. ■ . ' ' OY OF 16, LIVING WITH HIS MOTHER, would like position in bakery, candy, grocery or vegetable store. Call or address 107 Ash aye. Ol'l CATION WANTED AS NURSE AND ij valet to Invalid gentleman by competent, sober man; rlrst-class testimonials; wages no object. Scarboro, box 67. Call Office. MAN" AND WIFE WOULD LIKE TO WORK in a lodging-house or hotel. Call 5 Mason St., room 3. ■ OY RELIABLE MAN, 36, WITH FAMILY, it in hardware, implement or furniture store; or. will do repairing, run stationary engine, do black- smithing: used to horses : No. 1 references. 235 Hayes st. ' JAPANESE, GOOD-NATURED AND TRUST- *> worthy, well experienced cook, wants position with respectable family : city or country. Address HENRY (Japanese), 609 Madison st Oakland. YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE WORK MORN- X ing and evening in exchange for furnished room: good references. Address R. A., box 16, Call Office. ' ' OY, 15 YEARS, WHO LIVES WITH HIS parents, wants a situation as errand-boy In a store or office or to learn a trade. Address Errand- Boy, 160 Clara St., in rear. YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK AROUND A X private place, city or country: is willing to work cheap. Address Y. M., box 16. call. Ml DDLE-AGED MAN, HANDY WITn PAlNT- brushes and tools, wants work ; city or country. O. K. HUFF, 608 Folsom st., S. F. - ITUATION WANTED BY COMPETENT man: thoroughly understands care of horses, carriages and harness; good gardener: can milk; handy with tools; best of references. Address A. S.. box 40, Call. ______■ /^t ERMANBOY, 17 YEARS OLD.WOULD LIKE VJT to learn butcher's trade: understands horses and keeps books. Call at 1061 Mission st. "PAINTER WANTS EMPLOYMENT IN TltE i country; hag complete outfit; first-class work- man In every branch of the trade and competent to take full charge of work. Address Prompt, box 81, Call Office. STRONG YOUNG MAN DESIRES TO LEARN the grocery business; can furnish good refer- ences. B. Q , box 78. Call Office. ■ "V"OUNO MAN WISHES POSITION AROUND X private place: can drive.mllk and do gardening; first-class reference. Y. M., box 47, Call Office. ERMAN MAN AND WIFE WISH TO get worK on a vineyard : wife a good house- keeper and man well experienced in wines and farm work. Address O. L. P., 2219 Mission, City. ArOUNG GERMAN COUPLE WISHES srTTJA- X tron of some kind: city or country. Address C. H., box 105, Call Office. . fife *W? J v?- -/WiMJvX^^ISG ." \y\'» FRIK*3S NO I/OXGKR. — Very peculiar weather we're hav- ing just now, don't you think so, Aubrey? Aubrey— but very similar, if you re- member, to the weather we had in 1850 .; "V-OUNG HONEST COUPLE WITH GOOD X references desire a situation In a respectable fiimily: Jewish preferred; the man 4s useful in every kind of work out and In doors; the woman is also very -useful in every kind of Ir.-door work, but especially in ladies' clothing. Call at 424 Post st., or at the Jewish Times, 420 Montgomery. J. G. DO • ______ QITUATION WANTED IN LAUNDRY AS O washer, marker, distributer or porter; good ref- erence. Address M. P. 0., box 121, Call Office. MAN AND WIFE WANT A SITUATION ON j a ranch: Alameda County preferred: man good ' farmer: wife good cook; no children. Address R. E. lIAYWOOD, 2163 Railroad aye., Alameda. IF YOU WANT GOOD. SOBER COOK, FIRST- X class single-handed, call at 245 Minna St., bet. Third and Fourth ; no objections to country. QITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED I O man to work about private place, take care of horses and garden : low wages: best references. J. J., box 77, Call Office. ■\Y rANTED — WORK OF ANY KIND IN BUSI- » ' ness or private place by middle-aged German. Address A. 8., box 29, this office. ; VOUXti MAN;2B WOULD LIKE SITUATION X as assistant cook or cake-baker In hotel city or country; 2 years' work In confectionery. Call or address 5 19 Sacramento, rm. 10; wages no object. A PANESE— RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN desires situation ol any kind; has bad experi- ence as butler, valet, cook, etc.; best reference. Address HORI. 204 Ellis st. Hi I- 1 . RELIABLE MAN WANTS WORK in a stable; can drive team, or would work an laborer; city or country. Address Reliable, box 31, Call Office. . . ■ ■ . WANTED-SITUATION AS V^tLET. TRAV- eling servant or to attend an invalid gentle- man, by an Englishman with many years' ex- perience; temperate and without incumbrance: good reference from present employers: has trav- eled on the Continent and. ln America. Address Valet, 109 I.arkiu. ITUATION WANTED A 1" WOOD-WORKING machines In planing-mill or factory: six years' | experience in grinding, tempering and repairing; In city or out. Address W. W., box (54. Call Office. SITUATION WANTED BY ENGINEER AND machinist of eighteen: years' experience; city ior country. Address E., box 46, Call Office. • ■ AN TED— POSITION BY A COMPETENT TT and experienced coachman and gardener; City or country. Address box 3, Call Branch Office. \\T ANTED— I AM. 16 YEARS OLD, STRONG " and healthy; I want to learn a first-class trade; best of references. Address Clarence, 1932 Steven son st. ■ ' • ■ MI 1 iDLE-AGED GERMAN MAN, CAN TAKE 1»X care horses and garden, milk cows, wants place In private family. Address M. M., box 35, Call Office. S~ ITUATION WANTED BY RESPECTABLE man and wife, English, as i>orter In hotel, wife us housemaid; or coachman and generally useful around place; wife a good cook or housework; or would take place in a clubhouse: first-class refer- ences; city or country. A. G. W., box 78, Call Office. QM ALL AD VERTISEM AND SUBHCRIP- O tfons taken at Cali, Branch Office, 717 Larkln St., 339 Hayes St. and 2518 Mission St.; open till 9:30 p. x . FEMALE HELP WANTED. WANTED— COOK FOR INSTITUTION~IN 'T city, $30: competent French lady's maid, s2s. Protestant cook on ranch, $20 ; waitress, hotel, *2(); woman to cook on ranch, $20: German cook, $30; 60 good housework girls, $25 and $20. Apply _ IBS PLUNK ETT, 424 Sinter st. __ '..... .; WOMAN WITH A CHILD, $12. MISS CUL- TT LEN, 105 Stockton st., room 2. .. RANCH C00K5,. 525 AND $20: GERMAN second girl and seamstress, $25; French or Ger- man seamstress, $25; - infant's nurse, $25; 10 housework girls, city and country, $20 and $26: 6 young girls to assist, $12 and $15. MISSCUL- L— N, 105 Stockton st. • ,■•->• p~E MAN OR SCANDINAVIAN PARLOR- \X maid and waitress, $25; French cook for small hotel, $25; nurs«, care 2 children, $20; German or Scandinavian girls, for housework, $20 to $25; wet nurse, $30. C. R. H ANS—N & CO., 110 Geary. TTEAD WAITRESS, SUMMER RESORT, $30; XX waitress, country hotel, $25: chambermaid and waitress, summer resort, $20: head waitress, city hotel, $25; 2 waitresses, same place, $20. C. R. I 1 ANSEN & CO.. 110 Geary st. ' ." . . .. : . ' ; WOMAN TO CLEAN AND SCRUB IN A HOS- »" pltal, young woman required, $25; 3 wait- resses. $20, fare paid; 2 nursegirls. MURRAY & READY, 634 Clay „/..-. •...;:■ . ■ • ANTED— 2OO YOUNG AND HANDSOME ladies for the production of "Hnmpty Dumpty Up to Date" by 'the Lilliputians; those who can dance preferred. Apply at 11 a. m. Thursday, May 6, stage door of Baldwin Theater. . ■ . >.V.-. WANTED-GIRLS TO* WORK IN PAPER- »T box factory. 16 Fremont st. ■ •' * : Fl NIBHEB ON PANTS, ALSO AN APPREN- X: tice. 659% Stevenson st., near Seventh. ./. . p OOD OPERATOR ON COOKS' AND AIT- VT ers' coats and aprons. 636 Clay St., room 5. ' /CATHOLIC GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF CHIL- \J dren; willing to go to the country. Apply 924 Tuee. at. HELP . WANTED— Contlnned.r.^/ V^^o'LATJIES^TTn^EA^N^BLEf^^APHY; X qualify for good positions. CALIFORNIA TELEGRAPH CO.. Kearny st., entrance 640 Clay. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH LIGHT housework and care of children; wages $10 to $12; reference 540Halghtst. f\PERATORS AND APPRENTICE ON CUS- \J tom vesta. 339 Seventh at. » - OUR MONTHS' COURSE IN SHORTHAND; JL' individual instruction: day and evening. At Ayres' Stenographic Institute, 316 Montgomery. VOUXG GIRL TO ASSIST HOUSEWORK; X care ohild ; wages $8. 1137 Guerre*) st. ■ GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK, £* privilege of attending evening school: $8 to $10. Address School-teacher, box 30, Call Office. WANTED-A YOUNG GIRL TO DO LIGHT »T housework and take care of baby; wages from $10 to 12 per month. Call between 9 and 12, Monday. 526 Oak st. ■" -'. A PPRENTICE FOR DRESSMAKING. 333 •ti Eddy st. -. ' ' yoUi\G GIRL TO ASSIST in LIGHT house- X work. 2018 Baker st. YOUNG ABOUT 12, ASSIST LIGHT X housework. 1602 V 3 Pacific aye. ANTED-SOLICITORS (MALE AND FE- male) for job-printing and advertisements; liberal commissions. Address C. A., box 73, Call Office. ■- • . OPERATORS ON GENTS' WHITE SHIRTS"; \s experienced hands only. 521 Valencia st. ACII INE OPERATOR. 20 SANSOME ST., -»X upstairs. ■ RIGHT " CLEVER WOMAN TO CANVASS among gentlemen with a novelty; large returns to a woman who is » genius at her business. Room 87. Flood building. ' ' 'I Ai> V P___fT_;Elt- WITH SMALL CAPITAL. XJ B. P.; box 33 call Ofllce. ' ROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRESSCUT- X tlngand making school; all branches. .Sutter. pOUNTRY DRESSMAKERS SEND 35c FOR V the new full-skirt pattern: girls wanted. Mc- DOWELL DRESSMAKING ACADEMY, 213 Powell st., to learn dressmaking. FREE— TEST AT LAWRENCE DRESSCUT- tiny School. 1231 Market st. WALK HELP WANTED. ANTED— ENGLISH 08. HUSH COACH- »' man, wUh references, for good place in city: best of wages. Apply MISS PLUNKKTT, 424 Sutter st. ' I,' 1 -T-CLASS SECOND COOK, COUNTRY hotei, $100: broiler, country hotel, $50; pastry (look, restaurant, $60: pastry cook and baker, hotel, $45; 10 laborers und rockmen. country, $1 hi) to $'J a day; 6 farmers, $20. C. B. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. 9 MEN TO LATH A NEW COUNTRY HOTEL -J near city; 3 farmers, $20; 3 milkers: 5 labor- ers: 3 Mockmakerß. MURRAY A READY, 634 Clay at. ORSE3HOER. $2 DAY AND FOUND, COUN- XX try; 3 cooks, $35 and $50: 2 second cooks, $35: 3 waiters. MURRAY & BEADY. 634 Clay. DRYKR.ON RAISINS AND OTHER FRUIT, $26 and found, for a large orchard and vine- yard. MURRAY & BEADY, 634 Clay St. 1 A LABORERS FOR WOODS AND MILL; $20 Xv to $30 and board; fare reduced to »2 60; to go to-day: come before 10 o'alock, with blankets. It. T. WARD & CO., 608 and 610 Clay st. ANTED— ENGLISH COACHMAN, WITH * » Eastern or Callfornian references: $Soamonth and found. Address for 3 days, A. 8., this office. : TIT ANTED— PRINTER WHO CAN ALSO DO " pres3work. 16 Fremont st. \\r ANTED— STEADY MAN FOB PLAIN, gen- ' » tvel business; must U«ve $150 and be satisfied with $75 per month. 51 Third St., room 31. £. LABOREP.S AT $1 50 PER DAY; 5 LABOR- *J ers at $1 per day and board; 15 tiemakers warit- ed, 10c per tie, long job, Monday morning. 51 Third st.,, room 31. ________ | \\T^ANTED— "YOUNG MAX UNDER 25 FOR j '» partner In the show business: must have $20. ! S. D., box 120, Call Office. AroUNG mhx to lea un "telegraphy X and qualify for good positions. California Tele- graph Company, Kearny st. ; entrance 640 Clay. D~ ' ISHWASHKR. 1504 KKXTUCKY, BE£DY<B Hotel. Potrero. pOATitAKEK, FIRST CLASS, STEADY POSI- \J tlon. 523 Market St., room 15. pOOD BICYCLE REPAIRER: STATE LOW- VJT est wages. F., box 62, Call Office. ;• ,; ; : YOUSO MEN TO DO FARM WORK, GEN- -1 man preferred. Inquire PACIFIC NURSERY, cor. Baker and Lombard .mis., after 9 a. m. \\- ANTED IMMEDIATELY— A BOOTBLACK m at 14 Turk st. OV IN PRINTING-OFFICE: EXPERIENCED in Job-type setting. 8., box 2, Call Office. AN FOR PRIVATE PLACE (IRISHMAN), $20: «tat« age. M., box 12, Call Office. TTkRY-GOODsi SALESMAN AT PIONEER DRY XJ Goods store. 105 Fifth st. HOE FACTORY BOTTOM-FINISHERS. 407 O Harrison St.; cull to-day 4 to 8 p. m. TEADY SOBER MAN FOR LIGHT INDOOR O work: $?ft per month; must have 3150 cash. 30 Kearny __ room 6. ■ T,\ I I.i >!!>.. ATTENTION— FOR SALE, CHEAP, X merchant-tailor business; account of ill health; long established : good location. Inquire 120 Taylor. r ive MEN WANTED AT once TO HANDLE Xj summer specialty: will pity competent per- sons $3 60 per day. Store 328 Seventh st. (CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY— X MADE $534 J the last 6 weeks selling Dishwashers, and was sick purl of the time: I don't see why others don't go Into the Dishwasher business; no canvassing: sold all my washers nt home; perfect satisfaction; every one sold sells another: every family wants one; I will make $3000 this year easy; I can wash and dry our dishes In 2 minutes; any one can make $5 to $12 a day. For circulars write to Iron City Dishwasher Co., S. Highland aye., E. E., Pittsburgh Pa. ANTED— MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP at earn beer, sc: bottle wine, sc. 609 Clay st. E/jE MISSION— FEW MORE FURNISHED O xO sunny rooms for men; $1 week. \J en wanted to lay about 40,000 JTX shingles; Second aye., bet. Lake and Clement _ts. B.I.TAYLOR. pLOTJIING CUTTER. 20 SANSOME ST., UP- \J stairs. - - ... ' ■ 171IRST-CLASB CUSTOM CUTTER. 641 MAR. ' ket st. ■ ■:..,. WANTED — FIRST-CLASS CITY- FRONT ' * salesman ; merchant tailor. Address C, box 15. this office. '■ Cjl 7 ?T BUTCHER TO CUT OR DELIVER; »U)JL 4 «J. honest, sober man to buy half Interest In finely fitted, good-paying shop; horse, wagon, etc. Particular. GWYNN, 326V_ Montgomery St., basement. *:■--"■ V -"">•■- W A NTED— MEN . WHO DO NOT RECEIVE »" their vragp s to place accounts with us; law and commercial collection ; no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY, 110 Sutter st. TNDUBTRIOU3 MAN AS PARTNER GOOD X cash business; small capital required. 1235 Folsom at. 4-(. lI A I -SHOP, $226; FURNITURE tfc worth more than price asked. 319 Monty, avo. SHOES HALF-SOLED .IN 15 MINUTES O while you wait at half usual price. 969 Howard. P.AA pairs men's GOOD shoes, 25c to si. O\J\J 664 Mission st. ; also 031 y 2 Sacramento si. SHOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES; 0 done while you wait; at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price; work guaran- teed. 064 Mission St.. bet. First st. and Second st. ALARY OR COMMISSION TO ENERGETIC ■ solicitor; merchant tailoring. 87 Flood bld'g. ME ][ a l.l' - SOLING, 50c: LADIES', 400; heels, 25c; done while you wait. 237 Sixth. WAKE THE DEAD — WENZEL'S ALARM clock: no electricity. '607 Montgomery at. TAILORS AND CUTTERS TO ATTEND THE San Francisco Cutting School. 623 Market at., room 16. MEN'S HALF-SOLING, 50c: DONE WHILE yon wait. 038 Market, opposite Palace Hotel. SHAVING, WITH BAY RUM, 10c: HAIR CUT- tiu- ir»c: a towel for every customer: 8 chairs; no waiting. JOE'S, 32 Third street. TV I EN'S BHOKS J^-SOLED. 40c: HEELS, 25c; -'I- clone In 16 minutes. 635 Kearny st.. basement. ARBERH, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. "DEMOVED FROM 706 TO 726y 2 . OPP. HOW- XX, ard-st. Theater: misfit shoes bought or ex- cnanged ; best place in the city for new and second- hand shoes. - - 1 A A MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT lOc, 150 "I' 1 2Oc a nl Kht. Including coffee and rolls. 624 Washington st., near Kw\rny. ": ) MEN FOR ALONG JHNNY LIND CAKE " and cup good coffee for 5 cents. 44 Fourth st. "LutKK COFFKfc, AND ROLLw. 704 MANSOME; -*- single rooms, 16c, 20c, $1 week with breakfast. T INIJKbL HOUSE, , 6TH AND HOWARD— _____ngle furnished rooms, 75c week, 15c night. T^BBK BEE ll : BEST IN CITY ; 2 SCHOONERS X for 6 cents at 228 Pacific st. 321 *; LLIS -ROSED ALE-PRICES REDUCED; *J*j\. single furnished rooms, $1 meek; 20c night. TJiIJ^ 1 ? 'HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- . lOw p'^th. for a room; 25c night; $1 week. l^Kst IN CITY-SINGLE BOOMS, 15, 20 AND v 7,,,« ntB per n 'R h ''. 81, $1 25. $1 60 per week. fJ^_l_c_Houge, CommerclfJ and Leldegdorff sts. "IV" AKTED-LABORERS AND MECHANICS _, * to know that Ed Rol kin, Reno House propri- V™ ' ha *. 0 P eno '> Soto House. 32 Fourth at.: 100 rooms; 26c to $1 per night; $1 25 to $4 per week. "\ \T ANTE D-SINGLE ROOMS, 15c A DAY; $1 'JL ',J veek: room for two, 26c a day, $1 50 a week; reading room • daily papers. 3B Clay st. A -WEEK'S NEWS . FOR 6 CENTS— ■XX WEEKLY' CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. , ROOMS /WANTED. , - OOR 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING *- rooms In Mission or in town. Address H., box 63. this office. -, ...-.-• - -■ - . .. ■ BOARDING WANTED. \ TJOARD AND ROOM IN FAMILY, OLD GEN- tleman and.grown- son;' give location and t«rms. -, B. a., box 147. Call Offlca. :_- AGENTS .■■WANTED. T\ r ANTED— AGENTS TO SELL THE MOST »» artistic Decoration day [ornaments; big sales. Inquire now, M. ERNST, Cleveland, Ohio. TO $4 PER DAY AND COMMISSION <JpO paid . teachers, students and clergymen: no books or peddling; business pleasant and perma- nent; splendid opening for gentlemen and ladies; our new plan is Indorsed by all; reference required. National Merchandise Supply Company, 243 Wabasb. aye., Chicago. . . ■■•.-■■■ INE OPENING FOR GOOD SALESMAN : lady or gentleman. Call to-day between 9 and 12, ANDREWS, 5 City Hall aye. C, ENERGETIC AND INTELLIGENT AGENTS 0 on new proposition; stood commission; also salary to right parties. 54 Nevada block, 9 to 11 A. M. . . ' ' AGENTS TO SELL DAISY LaNTKRN; SAM- ple by mail 15 cents; sells at first sight: active agents make $5 a day. KENNEDY'S NOVELTY AGENCY .Oakland. Cal. ■ - _________ WANTED-MISCELLANEOUB. tCta^t^d^plJe^umatic^ ba^etie&T^jX- TT dies' and gentlemen's: must be In good condi- tion; state make and lowest cash price. M., dox 52, Call Office. W ANTED— BEST KIND OF BUFF LEGHORN » » chickens. Apply Sunday morning to \V . J.ii3i- PLE, 2524 fcutUrr M. \V ANTED— ENGINE LATHE 12 SWING, »» about 3-feet bed. T., box 7, this office. \ ANTED— A SOLAR RAYON. ADDRESS IT Buyer, 769 Twentieth St., Oakland. W ANTED— SMALL STEAM BOILER, 4 TO 6 VV horse-power. Address B. care of Otto Brown, S. F. Pattern Works, 110-112 Beale St., S. F. JfLEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PRICES JV tor clothing, books and jewelry. ~~~ HOUSES TO LEX. 2~^7^C^MSr^wr^7~HOWARD ST., BET. _J • Ist and 2d: very cheap. Apply to P. C. MOL- LOY, 138 Montgomery st. noO PINE— NOB HILL— NEAR TAYLOR— II *JOj£ rooms and bath; $50; water extra: formerly $75. Apply to P. C. MOLLOY, 138 Montgomery st. pORNER HOUSE: HYDE AND JACKSON; \J marine view: 14 room's and bath; choice loca- tion and very cheap. Apply to P. C. MOLLOY, 138 Montgomery st. . '■ 1 fi*37 POST— ELEGANT MODERN RESI- XUO I dence; 15 rooms: ! all improvements: cheap. Apply to P. C. MOLLOY', 138 Montgomery street. . t OAQ KEARNY— THE ENTIRE BUILDING tjyJO as a whole or in subdivisions, comprising store, cigar store, basement and 12 rooms above; choice business locution. Apply to P. C. MOLLOY, 138 Montgomery st. 1 HI 7 GEARY. NEAR VAN NESS AYE.— 7 IUII rooms and bath: $45; water free. Apply to P. C. MOLLOY, 138 Montgomery st. 1A Q. FIFTH— I 7 ROOMS: NEW; $65; WITH X'iO all improvements. Apply to P. C. MOLLOY, 138 Montgomery st. V ">: : QHQ GUERRERO STREET: 8 ROOMS AND OVtO bath $40 00 2418 Mission St.; 8 rooms; bath...'........... 30 00 2726 Mission st. : 9 rooms: bath.... 27 60 721 Shotwell St.; cottage of 7 rooms; bath.. 22 50 134 Fifteenth st.; 6 rooms: bath 20 00 2324 Folsomst.; 6 rooms: bath; stdble 20 00 120Fil!more St.; 5 rooms: bath; stable 18 00 W. H. CRTM & CO., 118 Montgomery st. 7 SUNNY ROOMS, BATH. GAS, GOOD YARD, % basement. 1421 Valencia st. , , . ■ <2jl $. HOUSE OF 4 ROOMS. 423 FREMONT «JpxO. St.; grand view of bay. ■VfEW'REAR HdUSET6"ROOMB; $8. 625 YORK — -1 St., bet. Eighteenth and Nineteenth. D(\p FULTON — DETACHED HOUSE; 9 €)\J\) rooms: large yard; rent cheap.. PiRONT AiND REAR HOUSE TO LET OR X; lease cheap. 421 Lowell st. I agllil iSfflßb^! ifr'-A WwmmM I V; Co* - yv^' c-^scsr ON THE HONEYMOON. Freddy— no use, Arabella, every one seems to know we're a newly married couple. Arabella — Why? What makes you think so? '• Freddy— Well, don't you see the waiter's brought*us rice pudding? >, Q9A HOUSE, 6 ROOMS, BATH; MODERN »3)_.\_7. improvements. 1804 Lexington aye., nr. Stevenson. . - . . RENT— 4 GOOD SUNNY ROOMS; BASE- *JJSi7 ment. 24 Chesley St., off Harrison, between Seventh and Eighth. mo LET— HOUSE OF 14 ROOMS; CHEAP. 1 1256 California st. . GILBERT, NIL SEVENTH AND BRYANT — ~i — rooms; rent cheap; $8. Q9Q CASTRO, NEAR MARKET— #I3; 4 SUN- O-jO ny rooms; water: small family. ■•'■-' ■■■_.' m EIGHTH — SUNNY UNFURNISHED rooms, single or en suite; references. I 9Q ROSE HOUSE OF 3 ROOMS. AP- 1-jO ply 121 Page st. . pHEAP HOUSE 6 ROOMS, LARGK YARD, \J stable for 20 horses. 1006 Sansome St., near Vallejo st. . 9Q-1 CALIFORNIA— FINE HOUSE 8 ROOMS — ' I 1 • ' and bath, and hot air heaters. VTEWLY PAINTED AND IN FIRST-CLASS i-i condition; 9 rooms, bath and laundry on Twelfth -i., half block from Howard ai*d Mission: fast car lines; rent only $37 60; fine location and should be seen. DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Park aye., off Twelfth st. . VERY SUNNY 10-ROOM? BAY-WINDOW residence, 7 Van Ness aye., close to | Market St.: moderate rent to a good tenant. Apply to C. S. CAPP & CO., 413 Montgomery at., House Brokers and Real Estate Agents. . VIEW BAY-WINDOW BOARDING-HOUSE OF -«.' 14 rooms and baths, Hayes St., bet. Octavla and Lacuna; moderate rent to'» good tenant. Ap- ply to C. S. CAPP & CO., 413 Montgomery st., House Brothers and Real £state Agents. VfEAT BAY-WINDOW COTTAGE, 5 ROOMS _•> and bath, 458 Fifteenth st. (sunny side), bet. Valencia and Guerrero; rent $20. Apply to C. S. CA PP ' & CO., House Brokers and Real Estate Agents, 413 Montgomery st. TEVENSON, BET. - TWENTIETH AND k5 Twenty-first— Neat 2-story house of 6 rooms and bath; In good order; rent $20. Apply to C. S. CAPP & CO., 413 Montgomery St., House Brokers and Real Estate Agents. . • ■ A"6 7 BDDY — HOUSE OF 11 ROOMS AND tiO I . bath reduced to $45: cheap. , "©1 A ROOMS; YARD: CELLAR. stjdore *JP XV. St., off Harrison, bet. Ninth and Tenth. 99E FULTON— HOUSE OF 3 ROOMS; RENT Z-jO $10. ' TTOUSE OF 11 ROOMS AND BATH; 118 FELL XX st., near Van Ness aye. ■ i)l* PAGE-HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS AND BATH; •-« vJ rent reduced. - C_QX SUNNY HOUSE; 9 ROOMS AND %pOt>. bath; SE. cor. McAllister and Polk. HOUSE 7 ROOMS, WITH LOT AND STABLE cor. Potrero aye. and Army St.; rent $16. G. H. UMBSEN A CO. y •- OUSES, HOUSES, . HOUSES, HOUSES, To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent," to rent, to rent. BALDWIN & HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery si. B^URNIBHJEI> HOUSES. mo LE^— 1621% BROADWAY. UPPeIS^UR^ X nlshed fiat; 5 rooms: bath; use of piano; from June 1 for summer; good location; complete for housekeeping; rent reasonable. ' T^URNISHED HOUSE TO LET : FOR 3 .months: rent $160; reduced to $65 to desirable party; situated in Western Addition, Bay View: II rooms, all sunny; new house. Address F. H., box 62, Call Office. : , . .-■:■.--•■ TpURNITURE OF 8 ROOMS FOR SALE J cheap; party going East; cheap rent. 114 Hayes. <HJ9f»A furniture of ELEGANT new- »4P_jUU. ly furnished. flat; rent $16: bargain; after 12. 2203 Geary at. • ■ ' SUNNY COTTAGES; 6 ROOMS AND BATH each ; one nicely furnished ; furniture for sale cheap if desired. Apply 728 Fulton st. TJIOUR LARGE SUNNY ROOMS, FURNISHED. 1? or will sell furniture of 7-room house for $150. 725 O'Farrell St. :, :v : EntTre FURNITURE, carpets, etc., 2- Xli story house, for sale cheap: house to let. Apply 932 Union st. .-•-.■;-.'; ..-■•••- ■'■■•': .' ' ' ; *V- ' ■ - COTTAGES TO LET. VICTOR IiT^COTT AGE : $£; 3 ROOMS; OO nicely papered: bet. 7th and Bth. off Bryant. POTTAGE, . ROOMS AND BATH; . REXT $13. \J 130 Bernard st., near|Leavenworfh, between Pacific and Broadway. . pOTTAGE OF 4 ROOMS: NICE YARD. 1219 \J Florida st., near Twenty-fourth. MISSION— COTTAGE; 6 ROOMS; $12. -Jt/Oi/ Inquire 2943Va : , (J_l Q BAY-WINDOW COTTAGE— 4 ROOMS; <g)XO. bath; basement. 33 Thirteenth St., near Howard. ;•■.;- ' • ' • ' : ~<2»Tl COTTAGE, 4 ROOMS, YARD. RIN- <3pXX. eon aye. and Second St., near Brannan. pOTTAGE, 7 ROOMS AND BATH: HALF V block rom , Geary oars ;; large yard, base- ment: rent $16. a only 19 Johnston aye. < COTTAGES TO LET— Continued. TgEW^OTTTGET^IROOMsT^ATH: BASE- -L\ ment; chicken-yard; front garden; rent $14; water paid. 823 Hampshire St., bet. Twentieth and Twenty-first. ; >, ■ , - __■ UNNY COTTAGES, 4 AND 5 ROOMS, BATH, 0 basement, yard: cheap. Dolores and Fifteenth. 1 9A FILLMORE - COTTAGE OF 6 BOOMS I _." * and bath: basement and stable. _T»Q MODERN COTTAGE: GRAND LOCA- JjS V. tion; flowers, yard, etc. SPECK'S. SO Mont- gomery- . ■ _' <S»Q FOUR ROOMS: 2 BLOCKS FROM MIS- tJpO. slon-st. cars: large yard. Apply 360 Jessie. \TEAT COTTAGE: 5 ROOMS: BATH; CEL- Xl lar: yard; $15. 1127 Twentieth st. (J_l 4 .. BAY-WIND W COTTAGE: 4 BOOMS ipl'l. and basement; 212 V? Perry st. $B— Cottage; 4r00m3: 206 Perry St.: water free. Apply to G. N. UMBSEN & CO. FLATS TO LET. C"^O^3jWETE^S?rHrAND GTUERRERO STS., \J 8 rooms and bath, $35; 2518 Mission St., upper 6 sunny rooms, bath, $25; 2518 Slitter st., lower 6 rooms, bath, $25: 207 Second St.. upper 7 rooms. $22 50- 339 Kddy St., middle 4 rooms, $20; 60 Te- hama St., lower 4 rooms, $14; 1309 Minna St., up- per 3 rooms, $12: 834 Alabama st,, upper 4 rooms, $11. W. 11. CRIM & CO., 118 Montgomery at. EAUTIFUL CORNER SUNNY FLAT: 1912 Fillmore, Bush and Pine : 7 rooms and bath : extra low rent. BURNHAM, MARSH CO., 428 Montgomery st. ■'• . ■"•"'■• - : OEAUTIFULFLAT; 1611 JACKSON ST., BET. X> Polk and Larkln; 6 room.i and bath; rent $25. BURNHAM, MARSH CO., 428 Montgomery st. (Ji«l 1 NICE LOWER FLAT: 247 CLEM EN- <3)XX. Tina st. - XILEGANT SUNNY FLAT; 4 ROOMS, BATH; XJ modern; only $20. 746 Twenty-third St., near Guerrero. ■ ■ 1 AOl HAIGHT, ABOVE BRODERICK — lv_il nlcegunny 6-room flat; fine view; nr. park. I7ILAT; $20; 5 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS AND ' bath; all conveniences. 1712 Hyde st. 'l ■ ■■'■ \ q SUNNY CORNftR ROOMS; BATH: $15. O NE. cor. PolK and Jackson tits. 9 EXTRA-CONVENIENT FLATS; 6 AND 7 -* rooms; baths; modern improvements; sun all day. Fell St., bet. Broderick and Baker. LINDEN AYE.— FLAT OF 4 ROOMS AND bath and cellar. 1 71 A PACIFIC AYE.— sunny furnished lilt flat of 5 rooms and bath. LAT; 5 OR 6 LARGE ROOMS; BATH; " latest improvements. 1 19 V2 Chattanooga st. ' UNNY FLAT; 8 ROOMS; YARD; BATH; $10. 523 Second st., opposite park. V I ( ' •• SUNNY FLAT, 5 ROOMS: BATH. 1825 -i-i O'Farrell St., near Pierce. ' TTP"PER AND LOWER FLAT, 3 ROOMS EACH ; \ U $7 and $7 50. 153 Pore st. ' Cj 1 A LOWER FLAT ROOMS. 211 RIDLEY i *J)JLU. St., bet. Market and Guerrero. (j_»nr~UPPEB FLAT ROOMS, HALL. 116 i <Jp O. Gilbert st., off Braunaa, near Seventh. V"KW~~SUNNY FL^ITOF 4 ROOMS: LARGE i 1> yard. 52 Norfolk, bet. 11th & 12th, off Harrison. . rfIOLET— A MAGNIFICENT FLAT ON SIX- X tet>nth St., between Mission and Valencia, of 14 j ' all sunny rooms, arranged for the convenience of ; 4 families, if necessary; to be let very reasonable to one responsible party. Inquire on premises at | 3012 Sixteenth st. __^_ SUNNY FLAT, SW. CORNER GROVE AND | Gough Bts.; 6 rooms; bath; $27 50. : ©19 FLAT, 4 NICE LAR«E ROOMS AND kSXj-. yard. 444% Clementina, near Sixth. QUNN V FURNISH ED FLAT, 5 ROOMS : A TH ; 0 modern improvements. Apply 410 flalght st. PPER FLAT TO LET; 5 ROOMS AND BATH. U 324 Vj Seventh at. "171 LAT TO LET; 6 ROOMS, BATH; 2 ROOMS IN X rear. . 423 Green st. ROOMS AND BATH, SECOND FLOOR, ON Glen Park avenue: rent $16. DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Park avenue, off Twelfth street. ■ ■ ' ■ I£l A 1 STEVENSON — NICE PLEASANT xDxtt^ fiat, 5 rooms, $12; no children. 1 nrQl BROADWAY, BET. TAYLOR AND X\JOVii Jones— 4 rooms, bay-window, $10. '©7 4 ROOMS: NEWLY PAPERED AND »iP * . painted. 217 Vallejost.; rear. L" PPER FLAT 6 ROOMS. BATH: NEWLY ) renovated; rent reduced. 3271/2 Halght st. ATIOE BAYWINDOW FLAT, 4 ROOMS, DOWN- — 1 town; modern improvements; $20; water free. 1 308 well. LL SELECTED (NEW) COTTAGES, FLATS, houses, with stable, $6 to $100. SPECK'S,' 3O Montgomery. ' I^LAT, THREE ROOMS; STABI4C; $12. 650 ' Natoma st. -" Ari FOLSOM, NEAR SIXTH — FLAT; 7 i'i)l rooms: one of the best; $26. :;"'■ • 1 91 Q BUSH— 3 ROOMS; GAS: HOT xZjXO water; water free: rentsls. Apply 1209 a Bush st. ■ . ■ - <2I~IA UPPER FLAT: 5 LARGE PAPERED t_pJL:±. rooms. 235y Hickory aye., bet. Gough and Octavia sts.' - AJIC ELY. FURNISHED .FLAT; 7 ROOMS AND 1\ bath; rent $40. 1052 Howard st. . "VTEW UPPER FLAT; 5 ROOMS; $17. 8 WAL- -Li ter St., near Ridley and Sanchez. ©99 rrv CORNER BAY-WINDOW FLAT, 6 *$) .*J\J . extra-large roams and bath: ail sun- ny front rooms. Key downstairs, NW. cor. Seven- teenth and Capp sts. "VfODERX FLAT, 6 ROOMS AND BATH ; RENT IYI cheap. 331 a Oak st. LEG ANT, SUNNY I?LAT; 6 ROOMS AND bath. 145 Grove St., nr Van Ness aye. • ■• £JO HAVES, COR. BUCHANAN-NEW SUN- -o*l —jny flat :5 rooms, bath ;modern improvements.' FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDWIN A HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. HOUSEKEEPING KOOMJs. ' /^JqiFoLsoSf-^ SaT^\TSd^S\v^[ouselceep^ U"±O ing; also large single: running water. w , EDDY— OR 3 COMPLETE HOUSE- 'T— Keeping rooms; small rooms.- -1"1 Q TENTH— 2 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; xXO also single: private family. 9Q HARRIET— LARGE ROOM AND KITCH- ZiO en, furnished for housekeeping. -1 IAX TWENTY-FIRST, NR. VALENCIA— 11UJ 2 unfurnished rooms and kitchen, $14; 9 to 12 a. _. GLEN PARK AYE.. OFF TWELFTH — 2 front furnished rooms. -'---".' 7 i A HOWARD — HOUSEKEEPING room ; I -±-± rent $8. 1 1 Aft CLAY —FURNISHED ROOMS FOR JLJ-UU housekeeping-; also single rooms; reason- able. vr-1'; 9Q STANLY PLACE, OFF HARRISON HILL— Zi%J Two rooms fit for housekeeping, and other rooms If required; reasonable. 9AQ >ECOND-3 FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR ZAJu housekeeping. . CliO PAGE— THREE NEWLY FURNISHED OXX Bunny housekfapinjr rooms in new flat; I bath, hot and cold water; range, stationary wash- tubs; large back porch: no other roomers. r 4 Q TURK— LARGE FRONT ROOMS HOUSE- • > i •> keeping, $18; single, $6; gas, bath. COO SEVENTH, IN REAR, UPSTAIRS — 2 OZiO furnished housekeeping rooms; $7. juo 1 WELSH, OFF FOURTH, BELOW bry- -3 ant— 2 or 3 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms: cneap. 79C BRANNAN, ABOVE SIXTH— SUNNY I jut) kitchen and bedroom; furnished; $7, $8. MINT • AYE.— LOW FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping; on first floor; reasonable. 1 Q GARDEN— 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR | 10 housekeeping, water, complete. . 1 Q 9Q c< A L r FORNIA— 3 OR 4 ROOMS, COM- XXtZiX) plete for housekeeping; parties in house will take board if desired. . PAGE— 2 FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nlshed; bay window; alcove; bath; reason- able. r___i£_ MINNA— FURNISHED ROOMS FOR j 0 jcU housekeeping; large yard. • 11 ft EDDY— SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS, HO $4 up; also for housekeeping. Ql OAK — NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY 01 suites: complete for housekeeping:; cheap rent. TWELFTH, NEAR HOWARD — 2 FUR- nlshed or unfurnished housekeeping rooms. C 9O SECOND— 3" ROOMS, WITH KITCHEN! OZiO furnished complete for housekeeping. fii\ SOUTH PARK— I OR 2 NEATLY FUR- O\' nisbed rooms for housekeeping. . Q HARRIET ST. —.3 SUNNY FURNISHED t/ rooms for housekeeping; bath; reasonable. C 1 C EDDY— SUNNY PARTLY FURNISHED 01-k) or unfurnished rooms ;' reasonable. 1 9X/I CALIFORNIA— SUNNY WELL-FUR- XZiOzt nlshed parlor floor and kitchen; use piano. Cl Q THIRD, COR. SOUTH -PARK— LARGE OXV. sunny room for housekeeping. AAQ TEHAMA— LARGE SUNNY FRONT l*tO room and kitchen, well furnished for house- keeping. . ■: ■ ' __ 9^ PEARL, OFF MARKET, NEAR RIDLEY— '—'«->. 2 sunny rooms. . . ____— QA7 WEBSTER— SUNNY ROOMS" AND O\J I bath, $14: or 3 rooms and bath, $10. A qq JESSIE, REAR MINT-2 SUNNY HKPG ttOO'rooms complete: also single; cheap. OAT MISSION— a SUNNY PARLOR SUITES t/tt I nicely furnished for housekeeping. 7QQ FOLSOM - NICE AIRY FURNISHED I OO sunny housekeeping: also single ; cheap. O9 FELL— 3 OR 4 LIVING-ROOMS, COM- *}£ piece for housekeeping. - •' O. >Q FELL-LARGE SUNNY HOUSEKEEP- iiitj ing rooms, furnished, $8; also unfurnished, cheap.- ■-.•...-.-■; ■: ______^ - 1 A\ TWELFTH ST.-NICELY FURNISHED X_:«J sunny room for housekeeping. . : ' \AfX TURK-LARGE FRONT ROOMS FOR OttO housekeeping, $16; single, $6; gas; bath. Q PEARL'; COR. MARKET, OPPOSITE OCTA- O via— 3 large, sunny, corner bay-window rooms: well furnished for housekeeping; hot and cold water. ■ , HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS — Continued. i XotPhoward^sunny'. front?jl"lcove: XrxZiX light housekeeping If desired; $11. - • Q^Q MISSION — 3 .LARGE SUNNY FUR- ODO nished rooms; complete housekeeping; home comforts. _. v 1 a SOUTH PARK— I, 2 OR 3 SUNNY FUR^ ID nlshed housekeeping rooms; cheap. nr_9 GEARY— TWO NEATLY FT' RNIBHED OU_j rooms, complete for housekeeping; also un- furnished. THAT CALIFORNIA, nr. mason-5 UN- iUU I furnished rooms; bath; for housekeeping. 91 1 7 BUSH — a OR 3 UNFURNISHED _ 1 1 I rooms; bath; stove; desirable; low rent. Cl Q THIRD, COR. SOUTH PARK— LARGE OXtJ gunny room for housekeeping. O'>,V. THIRD— HOUSEKEEPING AND SIN- O_<t)jJ gle rooms.- 1 07A MARKET— BET. JONES AND CITY 10 I \J Hall aye., unfurnished suite; water, gas. KOOMS TO LET. ~~ 797rM^A7Xisrlf!R^^ FRONT I _.\J sunny room; reasonable. A 99 MCALLISTER — FURNISHED ROOMS' jljOju sunny; single and double. m SIXTH-CHEAPEST IX CITY: NICELY — furnished single and double front sunny rms. -I nf* SEVENTH - NICELY FURNISHED XOXJ front, sunny, single room; $5 per month. O HARRIET, OFF HOWARD— SUNNY FUR- -0 nlshed front room for 1 or 2; cheap. 9AO JONES-LARGE, NEWLY furnished A\J(J rooms; gas, bath: reasonable. 9 1 q GOLDEN GATE AYE.— NEWLY FUR- £jXO nlshed front rooms: also singe ; reasonable. 1 9nfk LARKIN — LARGE. SUNNY, FUR- ±<u\i\J nished front room, $7; single $5. £90 STEVENSON, XI:. SEVENTH— SUNNY U_£O furnished rooms, suitable for 1 or 2; $5, $0. r*C*rr MINNA, COR. EIGHTH— NICELY FUR- \)\J I nished bay-window rooms; $1 week. /*] A O'FARRELL, NR. LEAVEN WORTH— UIU Pleu.-*a;it sunny rooms; private family; reasonable: references. 71 Ql FRANKLIN— I OR 2 LARGE SUNNY I i-O'£ rooms furnished or unfurnished; use piano. 1 A(\ GUERRERO— SUNNY FRONT ROOM IN J-ttl/ private family; reasonable. 1 /*9A POLK— 2 SUNNY ROOMS; PRIVATE) < Xk)Zi\J famUy; $5 and $6. 009 SUTTER— SUNN FURNISHED JTRONT 00-< room suitable for a gentleman. - "I 7 POLK, Nil. MARKET— FRONT BAY-WIN- -L I dow rooms, also single, from $3 to $12. CO ELEVENTH, COR. MISSION— NEATLY" 00 furnished sunny front rooms; use of bath. mi STEVENSON-SUNNY FRONT ROOM. 90^1 LINDEN AYE., NR. OOUOH ST.— 3 NICE — <O'.t sunny rooms; planked yard. 79 BRADY, OFF MARKET— UNFURNISH- • _ ed sunny rooms; yard; cheap to small family. nor FOURTH— FRONT ROOM, FURNISHED" •Ljux) for 2 gentlemen. QfiAl MISSION-SINGLE ROOMS, $1 WEEK, OUdt^ $6 a month ; also housekeeping. 990 POWELL-LARGE FURNISHED room _j_ <O for gentleman. " 91 7 EIGHTH, NR. HOWARD— ROOMS TO _.! I rent; private family: furniture and carpets new: bay-window doable parlor. 9= CAPP— 4 LARGE SUNNY UNFURNISHED £t*J rooms. rA' DOLORES, NEAR TWENTIETH— I \JO sunny furnished rooms (cottage) ; $12. C,l A MINNA— NEWLY' FURNISHED ROO_I O"lt/ for light housekeeping, $8; other room. 119||A GOLDEN GATE AYE.-LARGE UN- llav furnished room; $4. . q_^_l MINNA— ONE SINGLE SUNNY FRONT OOjl room. QUA MINNA— LARGE SUNNY ROOM; OD"± double bed: cheap. SHIPLEY— FLAT 4 ROOMS TO NICE party. 1 A9-I VAN NESS AYE.— 2 FURNISHED OR x\JZiX unfurnished elegant rooms: new house; near Geary st. T 1 '1 TWENTY-SIXTH, NR. MISSION-SUN- XX«Ja ny housekeeping suit, furnished; low rent. 711 WEBSTER — BEAUTIFUL PARLORS; ILL wooden mantel, bath, gas; furnished or un- | furnished. V 1 r^^l HOWARD— DOUBLE ROOM; LADY OR <JD"iij gentleman: $8; light housekeeping. 1 Q9£ MARKET— HAWTHORNE; 2 SUNNY LOJL\j unfurnished; double furnished; desirable. rff\A PINE— SUNNY FURNISHED SUITE, I Ui $15: also single and double, $6 and $10. T ARGE PRETTILY FURNISHED ALCOVE JLJ room; every convenience; gentleman: refer- ences; $12. Address T., box 49, this office. TTwyj POWELL ST.— NICELY FURNISHED .I.V/UJL sunny housekeeping rooms; also single; central location. 1 7 LASKIE, OFF MISSION, BET. EIGHTH X I and Ninth — Wanted, woman for largre fur- nished room and do some worlrln part payment. OA7I SIXTH. NR. FOLSOM— NICE SINGLE Ov I 'Z rooms: private family. UNNY NEWLY FURNISH ED ROOMS FOR 1 0 or 2. Apply Call Office, 710 Market st. Cl (I EDDY-LARGE FURNISHED DOUBLE OX\t front; also single rooms; private family. /»! I EDDY— LARGE SUNNY FURNISHED Ull room for 1 or 2; gas and bath. 1111 MASON — FURNISHED ALCOVE; -LJLJ.JL also single rooms; reasonable: cable-cars. 1 iiW PINE— 2 SUNNY FRONT FURNISHED XTIUU rooms; gas: bath; reasonable. 1 A TWELFTH, NEAR MARKET — SUNNY 111 connecting rooms; furnished; low rent. . C 9 SECOND— NEWLY. PAPERED AND REX. OZi ovated single and double rooms; $1 to $3 pel week. Ol 7 GEARY— REAR SUNNY ROOM, SUH> OX able for worKiugman; $6. jIO VALENCIA— A LARGE FURNISHED trJLO front room. ■ ■■.■ ;. ■-' <}»a SINGLE FURNISHED ROOM; RUN- ijpjt. ning water: good for business. 234 Montgy. Of* SOUTH PARK— FRONT SINGLE OU and double room; with or without board. i 09 1 TURK — LARGE FRONT AND BACIi OZiX parlor; en suite or separate; private family. OAQTURK— FRONT ROOM; LARGE; FUB- OUO nished: gas; bath: reasonable. . ' f»9-> HOWARD — DOUBLIS AND SINGLE U-iiO rooms neatly furnished: reasonable. . qq;: folsom — NICE sunny furnished 00*J room for 1 or 2; reasonable. 7QJ: VAN NESS SUNNY FRONT 1 UKJ room nicely furnished, $7. rfVQ GEARY— ALL SUNNY ROOMS; WILL «J±O rent very reasonable to neat roomers from *B,.up; everything new. 9] ?\ JONES-LARGE SUNNY ROOM; NEWLY — X»J furnished, 1 or . gents or ladies employed out: $12; single $8. ■ - 1 90 TURK — LARGE FRONT AND BACK X— <O parlor for light housekeeping; also sunny suite. " ERARD HOUSE, 142 SEVENTH— FUK- \J nished rooms, single and double, housekeeping. 00 PAGE— 2 LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, .--O suitable for light housekeeping; no children In house. ': " G' RAND SOUTHERN. COR. SEVENTH AND Mission— Rooms all llzht ; water, gas and electric bells; elevator runs from 7a. m. to 12 p. m. : single, 50 cents; suites, $1 day; ___ 50 and $5 week up. Till: MARSHALL, COR. LAitUNA AND Mc- -1 Allister— sunny suites and single: splendid table ; rates reasonable. MRS. J. B. MARSHALL. "VOSEMTIE BOUSE, 1046 -MARKET, BET. 1 Sixth and Seventh-Single and suites; per night, 36c to $1 ; week, $1 50 to $5: families. A BLINGTON HOUSE, 127KEARNY-PLEAS-*i -A. ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first.class In every respect ; terms reasonable. _____ riIUE SHERMAN APARTMENT-HOUSE; 129 1 new sunny rooms; strictly respectable: half price of best hotels with equal accommodations; very central. 28 Eighth st.. near Market. boXkjdino and rooms. TfiIAeOTAVTA-tABOE ru^ny~Tront 141 alcove sulte.wlth board ; also single rooms — . — . — . — l ——————————— ——i ~~ CHILDKKN UOAKIiED. r^T^XL^jo^ADT^N^S^ CHILD TO I J.U board, good home; also single rooms. .-■; ,-;- ~ STOKES TO LET. ¥ixtui(kS^¥or~Su^ »tbi.O linery or dressmaker; 3 living-rooms. 744 Twenty-third St., cor. Guerrero. — TORE SUITABLE FOR BUTCHER OR vegetable store. • 118 Flllmore st. f" Ann ONLY; FINE BARBER-SHOP LOCA- __iU tion: 161 Secdnd st,, cor. Howard. BALD- IX & HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. OFFICES TO LET. OVT^KA^R^STT^OFKcE^^R^OOMa KEY __1 i 217V 2 . rear. ESK ROOM AT ROOM 6, . SIXTH FLOOR, Mills building. -' ■ ■ STABLES TO LET.. FINE " STABLE— XIMI'.KH OF STALLS'" TO let cheap. 126 Nineteenth st., near Howard. TO .EXCHANGE. , ??aklTndTmprov'ed A^rTuNiMFßovtr_,^ \J property, also other property, for improved ranch; no agents. , W. H. VA I AX, 759 Mar- ket st. , E"~ XCHANGE GOOD-PAYING RESTAURANT clearing $100 monthly, 4 living-rooms, estab- < lished 4 years: wanted, lots in city or across bay. Address Ex, box 6. Call Office. > 1 LOT, 40x150, FACING ON 2 STREETS, 2 X double frame houses in good condition, in Columbus, Ohio, rent $35, to exchange for San Francisco or adjoining property. CaU-raddreaa W. A. W., box 69, this office.