Newspaper Page Text
__'___ _ CITY REAL KSTATB. p H. UMBSEN 4 CO.. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, RENT COLLECTORS AND AUCTIONEEaS, 14 iloatgoaiery st., Saa Francisco. Call _ad obtain one cf cur -Real Estate Records,"* -rhicit contains a list of properties tor sale in all para of the city. IMPROVED PROPER".. -. ,- - A o , TH s T CN LIVE OF ELECTRIC 84 I 00. : ni«tay-«^icw fiauof 5 and 4 rooms an- baih each: Brick foaadAtica, etc.; loc 25x114; ssany si<2e 0* street. ■AiAn'rt ELEGANT RESIDENCE ON >}l| . 1 •'. «_-r.- 9 rooms and batb each; tay-w-;_di*-5- tri—toondatioaa, etc.; lot 30x137:6. rt-nnn SfOSS-ST. IN VESTMENT : 3 FLATS »>OUUU. of 5. 4 aad 4 roods acd_ba_ each; rTnts "42 50: stree: accepted: lot 25xT5. co . f RENTS «S1 PER MONTH; TWO >»£> 'OU. 3-rorv a._- basemeat bay-window boases of 10 ™fi£j£ tea; lot 3**™'' street accepted: Mian- st -. .» , AAA GOOD MISSION INVESTMENT: >J ( ' . oaliae of electric road: 12 flats lad-* lots, 15x100 aad 25x100: *o frootafßt: b*y-w_3_ow3, fmadstiooa, etc <~. -Q-fi NICE 2 -STORY BAY-WINDOW O*)^<3- • boa 3* & s rcoma aad bath: brick fca=<fation«. swm walka, esc; aacny side of Page it; lot .5 1 IS'-o. • nnrnn CHEAP AND SPLENDID IN- >_ • v^stiE*at; cr. Howard aad 7th; 2 hou*i_: rects $23 per month. C 1 *■' I >Hi\ BENTS $112 50 PER MONTH : 5 •_ I U . UUU . teases. Icf 9 roca_a stnd bath and M 4 cf 6 rooma and bata each : brick foendat^ona, etc.; s-bstaatial aad la good condition; Fell st. : _ics location. <1O AA A ITNE INVESTMENT • COR. NR. >. 1 •>.'." . the park : several new flata, rea^a? for $116 50; ioc 31^xioa il X ft/aft PACIFIC HEIGHTS; ELEGANT L •>.' » " '. _____;oa of 12 rooms and bath: breakf-si-root- .. laaadry, etc.: grand u no bstracted n__rlne and panoraanc view; lot 28:6x127 »^-_. QQ^ AAA BUSINESS COP.NER ON ONE VOU.UUU.dJ the principal streets north of ..and only two blocks from Market street ; eld im- proveaieaM aad loc 30x52:6: sz-_at be sold. 9 i||A HYDE-STREET INVESTMENT: 2 COOUIf. st3b«tai;ti_l flats of 5 aad 4 rooms aad . bath each: reat3 $30; street accepted. ~'QAAA CLAY AND PLFASANT STS.; IN- OvUUU, vescmeas cf 5 goodfiats; reata Sa2; lot 23x120: 2 frcat^i'ia- r.-"AA NICE 2-STORY BAY-WtNDOW C ' OUU. r-s&es— of 9 rooms asd bath; brick fat__datioa3 aad all modern coaveai eacea : large «ot. _ e'rrokn clay st.. sunny line: FINE •j 1 I «OU. a-sicry bay-wiadow reaideaca of 9 rocda _ad bata; sioa« walks, etc.; lot 27: - ixlo2. C* 1 C AHA 50 REASONABLE OFFER EE- IC.1 C . UUU . f _«ec : nice !oc__iaa for mannf ac- ■ tory; i_-.crrretaects. ea^lce. toiler and machin- erv*»_d lot 71x192: wiihla a stone's throw at Mar- ■tet-t; coraer ca 2 pramiaeas streets; will trade for Ou-iliad property ia part payment C-, „ , LAP.KIN ST.; 2-STOBY BAY-WTN- is^tJUUU. ic,-x res:d»aceof 7 rooms aad baih; ' brick fa__,<iat-C!_d, etc: loc 22:5x9 9. UNIMPROVED PROPERTY. *'050»_eh— Plck-p; 2 lota, each 28x114; Eli— • fie_ st- *".»ssO— Corner en Green st: 53:9x66; w__ sab- ***sios<) each— Saachex st ; 2. eaci 23x100; ready .'ilOO: ready ■ to ooild on. «:C<-o— Kichmond: 23dave.: 50x120. 5i500-Pac_ic Hels_«: Pacific aye.: 50x127:6: -r__d __ar-z<» v>-r3 aad vle-ra of the Presidio and Maria Coanty. G. H. UMBSEN 4 CO., 14 Moat-ornery st. OTARRELL 4 CO, M'-NT'iOMERT OTI 11 MONTGOMERY STRE3~. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, COLLECT RENTS. RENT HOUSES. EFFECT INSURANCE. Q7A AAA A VERY CHOICE PIECE OF •„ , '-'.UUU. _ow_Mvra boainesa property, ca . tie corner of two of the beat streets ia the city : the loc :a exceptionally larjs and the laiprove- . —-*~~s nodiaai: it pays, however, atca; 8 percent, _^; the above i* i.z « 1:::- ts simply th« vainatioa of the land, the £-:provement_ not considered : tills ia worthy of a thorough » a vestijatioa, a.5 it . will ear oat the a: .-•-=* ia every detaiL ■ . :■ .■ >:,..> ■ • Q = \*7^A ■ "LAKE RESIDENCE OF S <_;»->— OU. rooma aad bath on Pacific Heiarhta comniand'ac an exceptional rcariae view; larze lot. SOxcS r9 : this U p»witlvely oae cf the cheapest reside nces la the Western A—diUoa. QQC AAA CHGICE PIECE of GEARY-ST. • O OU.UUU. in vestai-n: property; proas la- • cc'a;e $364* per »^^~ ; improvements, stores aad Cats. 8570 2 MODERN BAY-WINDOW FLATS •_ ' CW. oa the _t -c of Oak at of 3 and 6 raca-s aad-t-t- ea__ • a ,aa a BUSINESS CORNER ON Br- • ..<- U-UUU . cbanan si-, ia the aorthera part cf the city: lirze loe, eOx7s. paxuaily improved ; reaaer- ia? aa -icoaie cf $540 per »- n-tn »£>: 2IODERN BAY-WINDOW RESI- CDwUU. Once of S rooms aad bath : on N. tine cfOai st: k« 25x137:6: this is ,-kaoiy cheap, aad to lock a: 1: means to bay It -DUILDING SITES COMMANDING UNOB- X) stracted -r.artte views; we have very many choice oJeringa in tbe select residence seotf on , known as Pre*;dio Hs!g_:s. wiicb we w_l be pieased to satmit :o you apoa applicatloa. g QAA O?>T-V TWO : EFT OF THE ENTIRE . Ci/VUi block teat we subdivided on lith aye., . near E «ZT***i, ov-?rtco'iia«- Go!c<?a «rare Park: this " 1* onl; two blocks fruai tnV prewss lenainas cf the • eiectric-car Sne. and is within 28 miaatea" ride ef t_e E_.:-ii^ia Hotel: lots are 25x120: there have £ been very isaay bandso'T-.- cotta-ss Uailt oa this blcci: therefore, the neighboriioodu asacred ; re- cieaiber we have oaiy two left. Q_t " BUILDING LOTS ON THE MISSION O"*""* read, at the end ef th» electric-car line; tcese lot* are beiasr sold at a remarkably io— ■ fig- ure, as U bas been deaioasiraied by the number that we have sold in a short apace of -.:«. and very many have bailt and are b'jildln- their ton i^» icca :_ea: bear Ja mind tb_e the block i* oaiy 23 mlati:« r ride from tie City Hall (the center of the -city 1, _a_. ;_rf ? «xc -5x150. aad t*iras caa be ar> " t*2%r : G to «u:t tb» p_rcha.«er ; you wUI _a_l ocr re?- -• rsseatative upca the block every Saaday. O-'FARRELL 4 CO- Real Estate Akbm. 11 Montgomery st. TTEYMAN TRACT. HE YMAN TRACT: The finer: saMiv.sloa new oa the market Ac- . cessible with electric roaxl oa 24th at, or b» Caatro- • street ai>ir ro^.:. Lota are Upre! acd command rraad view, a__t caa be tad on $10 nicat_ly paytceata. SiTTsta sradsd, sewered aad j_AC_da__i_et_, Save rent ' Save tsat: Hocaea bcilt from $500 op, accor_l_g to your own plans. 02 easy moaialy paymenta. $150— Lota aear San Mateo electric road. Lou ia Fairnioaat Tract, dose la electric car. 9100 to $500— Park loca aear the Midwinter Pair grc_ad aad new ocean bociev_rd, aorta aai sositii 'oftheparx. Lc.a near itissioa-*:. car-case at prices irom $350 to 1500 ca monthly laatallmeats of $5. Three tots. Crescent aye., dose to Mlssioa-st electric car aad Holly Park; street work all done- -25-tIOO ea.:2_ 9750— Lots ca 29__ St.. near electric ears on Noe I ' $850— Let oa scata sIB Park; 23x120; on 13th iTr. oppesite new oaasic-stand. Dia_T aina aad fall tnforma^oa of JACOB HE AN, 630 Market st. . /"IHEAPEST LOTS IX THE RICHMOND 'XJ District ' f 300. Lots era srade aad froctia* ca $325. Pciat loon aye-, Clemeat st, • $350. 34th and 35th ayes. $4W. Two lines of cars will pact $450. the property. 3500. Locs rea^y for bundle?. *750. Sizes 23x100 and 25x120. Oaiy $25 cash, balance $10 per month. Call for . diarfnua*, ttc. WILL E. FISH £fi 4 CO^ [ ■ 14 Font street pSEAPEST LOTSIN THE CITY. \J READY TO BUTLD ON. don t MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. GO AND EEE THE LOTS, ' WE OFFER ON POINT LOBOS AND 34TH AYS. ELECTRIC LINE WILL PASS THE PROP- ERTY. PRICES, $350, $400, etc. TERMS-«23CASH; BALANCE in I—l an . HENTS Oy 96 PER MONTH. ■ Can a: office early for ctrcaUrs. maps etc- etc-, . m th^y are selling like hot rakes. WILL E. FISHER A CO- ■ _____^___ M Poet at. 1 '-i (\ CA^ T to — RA » CH A NC .-: ; KLEGAVT ltJtJ " to__e, 7 room*, bath, all modern icspro've- £*T or rea^ei^, ;^J: S3TOf_^ H _^^SiS?f^S. from electric cars. J. B. RQcHE, P. gg^Tl ■QfS'SOO A t SACP -IFICE TO EFFECT QUICK VICE HOUSE 2 Fl_T-- S pr<iw< -N bath; nearcasrro: afe-aVs^.^.^.^^ b-r^a; noageata. AddressN. H- bci 111, c_s citt eeal estate. adison' 4 BURE3- real estate Agea:s: established 1858: 628 Market st. IMPROVED PROPERTY. 511 (inn BENTS *H6; LANGTON ST- •» I±.U UU . r.r Folaoni ; new fiats ; lot IOOxSO. MADISON A BURKE. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE WILL SELL FOR A low price; s:b at- cor. Harrisoa: Soxti2^, with 4 stores aad 4 fiat.s: reats »200 per month; both srreets accepted. MADIsON a BURKE. <11 AAA BUSH ST., - NNY SIDE. NR. CII.UUU. Octavia: s rooms and bath; loe 30x120 to rear st. MADISON 4 BUREE. <1 A 7A A ■* ■ JO^E A V.. COR. TWENTY- •CL*J. IUU. sixth: pays 10 per cent ateaday; lot • 7tx Madison a BURKE. QIA PACIFIC AYE., NEAR VAN •_ 1 ' '.• •' M '. Ne»s: Improvements aad lot 30x 132^3. MADISON &BUR-KE. ®O^.AA JACKSON. NEAR FRONT: RENTS • • ( UU. *50 lot 20x60. MADISON A BCRKE. ___ ■ Q79AA TURK, NEAR STEINER ; HOUSE >*— ''". a_d stable; !« 45x137:6. MAPI- ( SOS 4 BURKE. t GTAAA GUERRERO, NB-ABiIY: 3 FLATS: i C i \)V\). renta . 54; lot 25x1C0. MADISON 4 I BURKE. ! &ZLf\i\(\ i FLATS: STEVENSON ST- NEAR j CUUUU. Ridley: rent* $4S: lo: 26x77:6. i street accepted. MADISON 4 BURKE. ! ~"111 U ; CHURCH. CORNER TWENTY- COUUU. seventh; cottage: lo: 51x50. MADI- ! SON 4 BUEKE. -.-.,,,,1 SACRAMENTO. NR. PIERCE; S .■*> * Mitl, - > _ aad bath; jot 26x103. MADI- S<JN 4 BURKE. ! 3 -fW| CLAYTON, NEAR PAGE; 12 ! f^CUUU. rcjias. bath, baiiarcl, servants aad ■ fiiraace rooma ; easy terais ; ... :6. MADISON BL'HKE. * 3CAAA BENTS $63: NATOMA. nr. STH; I COv/UU.lot2l:3xiO. MADISON 4 BURKE. I QQ9^A DOUBLE COTTAGE WITH LARGE 1 •^O— O'-'. lot; well rented: snnay side Untoa ! St.: cable cars paas ; ea*y terms. MADISON 4 : BURKE. UNIMPROVED PROPERTY. Market st- NE. cor. Herman: 25x100: I7SOG. Elegant location fcr fiata; Greea st-.near Larkia: 25x100: r-«00. Redaced to $4500— Mlaalon ss- near 30th; 26x178 to Sac Jcse aye. ! *45<iO— -2izh. NE. cor. Vlcksbarji; 50x114. i *4iX)0— 65x117:6; SE. ccr. Sanchez and 23d. [ *32<X)— Del-ores, asax 21s:: 26x117:6. 52750— C.e_ea: St.. c«Arllth; 70x75. *2750 — Clement nr. Eleventh aye.: 70x75. r24oO— Castro, cor. Elizabeth: 26:3x105. $2000 — Golden Gate. n»ar Lott: 25x110. _2100— Claytca. near Fred-rck: 25x125. *20OO— California, near cor. 2-.M aye.: 57:6x1C0- -91350 — nr. Hertnan: 25x77:6: part cash. $175O— Beivedere. near Fredeiick; 25x120. i 1250— Lake. n»ar corner 9:a avi.: 3»)x72. *?oO— ?th aye.. near r*ota: Lcbo-s: _3xl_O. t7sO— Diamond, near -2d: .i.x"-".* easy terms. 9-WO— N. ;. : ■ Bismarck, bet. Misaloa aad Saa Jose roads: lot 40x100; electric-cars pass within 2«0 feet : a pick-ap. MADISON 4 BURKE. 626 Market st ■DOVEE, TOY 4 CO- BEAL ESTATE AGENTS, 19 MONTGOMERY STREET. Ql "\AA COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS AND 1 •-''-"-'. bath la Western AdiJitioa. near La- *u na st: oa!v - blocks from n:on-st. cars. BOVEK. TOY' 4 CO., 19 Montgomery st QOXAA B£NTSr24A MONTH: 2 FLATS t2~-O\J\J. ta Misaioa: mortja—? scout to be foreclosed: bars-in. BOVEE, TOY A CO., 19 Montgomery M. .-rj. :: QOQAA COfTTAGE OF 5^ ROOMS AND O- -»JUU. bath: Trea: aye- near 24th-*t cars; easy terms. BOVEE, TOY 4 CO., 19 .ornery. CrVTAA POST ST.. NEAR BRODERICK: 2 'ZOiW. fiata: larare lot, 41:3x137 ai: street bit-raiaoas. B'- VEE. TOY 4 CO- 19 Montgomery. ©1 can ' COTTAGE OF 4 ROOMS: LOT »x CICuU. 120; oalvbalf block from G-ary-s- -cars: eas- terai*. BOVEE, TOY A CO.. 19 Moat- so mery st. sil 7 AAA CHOICE MCALLISTER - ST. •_ 1 * m\f\J\J. busiaess propertv;2 srorea: 4 fiats atovetlanrelot. 44:llV_xlC0. BOVEE, TOY 4 CO- IS Montgomery «t V ITTH ST - NR. CLARA AYE.; LOT C— UUU. 25x57: rents *2S: 2 Hit_; muss be sold. BOVEE. TOY 4 CO- 19 Mootaomery st. < ~»*l il DEVISADERO ST., NR. HAVES: C • OUU. !o: 25x106:3: 2 fiats. Sandd rooms each. BOVEE, TOY & CO., 19 Montxome-r st s<<-j^ATi^ WEBSTER ST.. SB. GEARY: 2 •C'-'J -" new fiats: rents 1852 a year: always twbhil BO\~EE. TOY 4 CO., 19 Moatgomery st. tQ-XA SILVER ST.. NEAR THIRD: LOT v ■>••''..---•■ 2-story boose of S roomj aad bath : rears f 26 50 per month. BOVEE, TOY 4 CO- 19 }-:*oc.--v st «< 1(< 1 IMI POWELL ST. FLATS, nr. SUT- yIUiWIJU. ter: arir_-- reared: rents SI.SO a year; lot 32 :6x67. BOVEE. TOY 4 CO- 19 Mont- Stsaiery at. ' CMT'PUI INVESTMENT PAYS 949 PEP. r_ "x • OU. meath: front and rear honses: near Howard aad Seventh st*. BOVEE, TOY 4 CO., 19 Montgomery st- < QAA A =T ST. RESIDENCE, NEAR LA- C^UUU- iz_ca: hotise of 7 rooms, bath, etc. BOVEE, TOY 4 CO.. 1& Moatsomerv m. QIA AAn M . AN OFFER: OWNER •_ Iv.UUU. aaxtoos to sell; Hai?ht at, near Webster: 2 *._:»: larre ba^emeat: saitable for fiat; r«_:s -565. BOVEE, TOY A CO-, IS Mont- gomery st. <1 i AAA HYDE ST- NEAR GEARY; 3 CIrr.UUU. fl_: s of c. 6, 7 rooms and bath each: rests $110. BOVEE, TOY 4 CO., 19 Mont- gomery it QQAAA BARGAIN; CORNER WITHIN 2 • . OUUU. blocks of Mark* st. : cost. 3years ago, $12,000: store and flaw. BOVEE, TOY 4 CO., 19 Moat-ornery *;. O "[Tun PAYS OVER 8 PER CENT NET: O'J' m\J\JU. Gearv-st. besiaesa property near Larkia: Urze lot 47:6x137:6: store aad flat*: rents f364a a year. EOVEE, TOY 4 CO- 19 Montgomery st. iQOIf) OAK ifZ NEAR MARKET; V'7-tIU. reati $72 per month: front and rear fiats: lot 27:6x95. BOVEE, TOY 4 CO.. 19 Montgomery st pENTER I SPADER. \J — — Rial Estate A<3-_—rx9, Rest Coixictoks, 30 Moatso— iery st. •700O— Rears *750: new bay-wtaciow fiats; in Western Ailditloa; 6 aad 7 rooms: all modem; lot 25xlCa New cottages of 5 rooms and bach: modem : -»«;.- terms: apply on premises to-day; Harriao. »t^ bet 2lat aad 22d; tarje lots. £6:3_-100 each. 94000— A bargain: make a- oSer; 4 flats 02 Clementina st- ear <ka: renting for 944 per month; must be soid. UNIMPROVED. $15X00— A bargain; 41:11 feet ca Market acd 73 ou Ridley st by &0 feet ta depth. Cboioe lota. 30xS5 : oa I>r Lonz »v., nr. Freder- ick is.; win exebazee for Mission lot $2150— California, and Laurel at*.: aewend and mac-damized ; mortzaze 91375 can remain; 33:7 x 57:6. Choice let m 16ih st., aear Sasches; must be acid: 25x103:6. $1050— H*nco«k St., near Sanche-; 25x114. CENTER 4 SPADER, 30 Montgomery st. JOHN PTOER. .- MONTGOMERY ST-.OPP. O Saf* Deposu, offers for sal": *4iX)o— Everitt Jt: two 2-s:cr?- honsss, aorEh- eajt froc_4th st: lot SQztO. r-fnt *44. *:?'j<ju— Rent $100; leasehold jat<r«st: oa the orzer of 4t_ and Branaan sta.; bt_O_.ia< 35x100; 2 store* and 20 mom* above. Ri-fcced to 53..000— Northtvr?*; -orner Mission aiwl 17:b its.: lot ' 1 100 feet, withlaiprovements; j 2 story; 3 s:orea. 3 flat* and 2 cottagw; r>at 9.00. *H t Coo— Een; #113; fine corner. SOxsO: fiae a>"ariy new improvements; la bosiaeas pars of the city. 95200— Braanaa at- at 3d: good brick 2-story i arj.j oaseas^nt store a__l 5-room dwellia*; lot 25x SO; ->at ?40. $s^ooo^ piece * of M - r - e - street property from <310U— 7th at.: store and 6 rooms, and stable for I 5 horses: rent *35. DWELLING-EOUSE PROPERTY. $3?00-Reat ?33; property 03 Ritca at, £._ Bry- aa.: store, •■■*■ tin eat aad rear house; a pro- ; fitable iave«tni<»nt $3100- A fine cottage, 5 room* and hath, oa 19th st, '- --" Castro; oa instalments withoat Interest UNIMPROVED. 91500— Fine corner, 53x100, of 234 are. and A •'. 93500— Lot 75x100 feet; cor. 19__ and E_e_* Strsets; make offer. REAL ESTATE TO SALE BY C. H. RET- NOLDS 4 CO- 333 Montgomery street ?20.000—D at, chotce corner los: wt-Ulmrroved. S4COO— D street; choice NW. corner lot. fronting <Maen Gate Park; Improvtiuc business location. 133x100— Petat Lotos are _ E c coraer lot oa ' bcrh Sotro and Markec-st. pro: ? 1 electric car i Lars. $4500— W»»_i_s»oa st, aorta side: house aad loc. near Leaveaworth st; price reduced. 95000— Leavea-xortli »t; boose and lot; bet. i Washington ard Jackjon st«. : redaced. 9350— Map lot». near Cortianii aye.: leveL $1500— Barzatn; NW cor. of C st aad 43J are.: I fine view of park and ocean ; near boclevard: elec- tric-cars anU >atxo 'a Gfixdena. . ; Interest-nayin? onslnesu iavestmenis ceatrally I located. - ■ . klat bargain: FINE VTEW-f2500, ! VJ 9400 cash: cottage 5 roonus and bath 1324 T2i «■- n— »r Sanchez; open >onday; also 2 lota, 24:6x123:6: ShotweU st_ne»r 17th: make oier. i E. P. E. TROY, apt California »t pOTTAGE HOME FOR SALE. 925 DOWN. 915 i L month; also cheap lots, s?anaya_ie and La <*- riew. L. V. aad S. S. Land Company, 646 Market st. , I < "-"I II AN ATTRACTIVE PURCHASE; *$*J\J\f\J. on Stevrnsoa at, a^ar lOta : a co_v 2- 3x£ fto-v: rents for $t9 per month. McEWEN BROe?^ lIS Montgomery st : TOE SAX FRAXCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1893. CITY REAL ESTATE. O YOU WANT A .AND MARINE VIEW. ELEGANT RESIDENCE! NE. corner Washincton st. and Central aye.: lot 63:5x127:3; mod'm house, 10 rocas, and stable: cost owner over 25,000 ; cheap, at 920,000, will take leas : make ever see it to-day. EASTON, iXDRIDGE 4 CO.. 638 Market st. MCST BE SOLD. . « -000. REDUCED TO *SOOO. ELEGANT ASHBURY-HEIOHTS RESIDENCE. Nine roctas. bath, att!c and basemeat; grand i vi»>w and deii^htfnl neirhboraood; lar«e lot, 50x 106:3: hoaw mast be seen to be appreciated; chance for fine home at about half value; call foe panic mats. EAaTON. ELDRIDGE 4 COt, 63a Market st. ERE IT IS. ONLY $:0 CASH. Balance * 5 per month, for fine let on Diamond it.. M*3r224: really to build cpon; size 25x125: d.-l voq ever see aaythia? so cbeap? EASTON, ELDRiI>-E 4 COl, 638 Market it. \\- KaIERN ADDITION TT MODERN RESIDENCE. *7000 — 9 room«, hath and all coaceaieaces : Clay St., aear Scott ; tot 25x127:3; choice location and a bargain. EASTON, ELDRIDGE 4 CO., 633 Market St. T OOK AT THIS Li IF YOY WANT A HOME. *2550 FOR Mt=SION RESIDENCE. on line of cable, ur. 21s;:; 7 rooms and bath; botisa in sco«l con^iltioa and aeariy new; a biz bar- gain for a bom*seeker: half casii and b— lance easy. EASTON. ELDRIDGE 4 CO- _^___ »j:<>> Market st. _______ k *t)*JOO: ONLY 56000: CORNER LOT, 50x110. One block from Park and panhandle: fast the place to build elegant home; see It for yourself; I; la Out SW. ccr. Pa?e aad Shrader. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO- 633 M-rket st. UST THE PLACE •J FOR STORE AND FLATS. I 3COO ONLY. ■ . Fiae corner on Polk M . 25x100; redaced from *4100; owner mast *WI this week. EASTON, ELDRIDGE 4 CO- -638 Market st. ALT PRIOE. SURE SPECULATION. -six LOTS— « 180 EACH. Tatalj l||hlTl aye- - blocks sccth of the park: cbeapeat lots ia the district; size of each .5x120: bay oce or two and doub!'? your money. • EASTON, ELDBIPGE 4 CO- 63>i Market st- LOVELY HOME. NEAP. HOLLY PARK. 53C0 CASH— BALANCE EASY. New cottage; 5 rooms and bath ; only one block from Mission electric road; '.oc ' I . 0"0 fees: car- penter? tost aboac flai-hio;: cot too late to make a few C-onijea to sai: buy^r: call at ofice. EASTUN, KLDP.IDGE 4 CO- 63S Market st. » E., GOT 'EM. BARGAIN- BARGAINS! Call at office aad raster your wants ; we have a Larre list of de«__ble properties in all parts of the city for sale at bargain prces. EASTON. ELDRIDGE _: CO., 638 Market at. OlO^rtflA MARKET, nr. 6TH: 50x16i CIiJ.UUU. «2250— Rent <■■ bert-s:. 3 fiata: tank n:or:?a«eof SlsOOat 7 per :;:. $2400— Ecu: *_9; Cats o a Broadway. $65CU— B*r?aia: new hot_je. 4-*:ory. on Oak, ar. Claytoa, oppc.«:te the park: 25x100; cheap. *<:o«.' will bay 150x100 oa 12th aye., ear Cat. Several cbeap corners ta Riehmoad lots south of the park for *1(X) well locMed. sHADBURNE 4 CQ~ 313 Mont~?m»ry *t. . . )-, .. 2-STO"RY HOUSE, 5 ROOMS: LOT v"«- • "-"-'. _.*xll_: aranien front and riar; 10- -fooc driveway, s_»ble, etc., a!l in perfect crvier. 430 27ch st- bet- Charch aad - . ' ■ ■ ■ [I 5-^^ gJii -'..^ ■ "** . "T WOfcsi: THA* rTASITE. She — Ho~r old would you say [ was? He — — well, [ should say you were old enough to know better than" to think I would answer a question like that. ONLY A FEW STEPS FROM GOLDEN GATE PARK. 81?. CO— A snap: 7;h aye- near Fulroa st-: 1-story baildinc. 2 «ore»; lo; 25x120. BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery. ODERN FLATS. f 6500— Sunny side of Fnlion ■<•:.. near Lyon, containing 5 and 6nwai and bath. etc. ; 10-:ooc basement: lot 25x137:6 feet: r^nt *35. BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery. pLO*E TO NEW PtJSTOFFICE SITE. \J BVSO&— Sterei • St., bet 6th aad 7th; 2-story bqßdlr . 2 flats of 6 rooms and oath each : rent 9500 per year. Baldwin 4 HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery. RE AT BARGAIN'S. BUILDING LOTS. WOO to ?110O: Do'iores st- bet. 27th and Army sis.: ail rf»_!}v for boiidin?: «cr^et woric all done. BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery. <| - (\(\(\ EDDY ST. CORNER INVEST- •_ i- • .*-■'' . meat: jabstantlai tmprovementa; renting for «125; lot 37:3x^7:6. BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery. pHEAP CORNER AT^■KE~SrisSION. V. 975<XV- _l_: and Barrier: sta.: »ab»t_.n:i_l 3- story baildin?: loc 2Sx9O: lower fioor s.ioul.l be converted Into stores: woaM then pay well. BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND. DICHMOND _X>TS. It BARGAINS— BARGAINS. EXTRAORDINARY Ti.KM>. SBOCA&U. BALANCE 510 PER MONTH. CHF.APE<T LOTS TN THE CITY. rim aa-1 *JIICO-An ready for buUdia? : bay a lot, bard _ hori3e aad save yonr r*nt : don't pro- crastinate. b&: yet in oo the ground floor: *trfec- work all _.-. la'_: also <~m aad wa:»r mains ; lots froat oa :'nl l:ora:a aad Lake a:;., an-1 d. 3>i. 4chsn.l sthaves. _ecnxe 3 lot now, while pric-s are low. 32 LOT-- SOLD ALREADY. Take tacrameato-st. cable-car or Geary cr Cali- fornia st. line. A poly to BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. Y'EKY CHEAP— ONLY 94000 cash, bal- T aace la 6 y^ an ; laterMt 6 per cent per annum ; price redaceti to $14..'500: Sacramento and Larkia •v.; extra larg- lot. 67:8x100. An excellent corner for flat*. BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. i N UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY: «200 CASH _T». and calance ia smalt monthly paymeata will secure a lovely borae oa the best portion of Castro st: bouse coataina s«ven rooms and bach, acctc tad baaeaie 0 an znodern improvements; lot 25x 105; the owner ia a non-r*sidf nt aa<l ?ives these terms to ;_a_e a quiet sale: Jt.'OO. Aprly to BALDWIN 4 HAM:? 10 Moctjomery s£. TTANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, CLOSE TO TOWN. *12.0CO— Larkin st- not far from California: handsome mo«.ieTn resideace of 9 roon.- bath, : etc.: all latest conveniences; extra iatn lot, 40x100. BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery at. i BARGAIN. HANDSOME MODERN COTTAGE. ONLY 3500 CASH, BALANCE IN MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS OP *50. 95250-B->- portion of Presidio Heights ; con- tains 5 Ury rooms, reception hall, bath, hl*b bast^ __«-£. etc. : at a small expense 2 a<l'*.it:oaal rooms coald be tiawhe-i in the aatc; lot 25x137:6; select nei^btorhocd: *aperb marine view: only 1 block from cabie-cars- \f ..- -.. , ..- to be appreciated. BALDWIN A HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. SOL GETZ A BROTHER, REAL ESTATE OWNERS, Room A, first floor. Crocker b_ildia&. Corner Market and Montgomery streets. Head^aarters "for Park lota. Railroads assure San Francisco's prosperity. Bargains la lots. Call oa a* the owners. ©1 A A * 13 <- WOO TO 9500 FOR PARK LOTS '3±\J\J. near ocean, park or Strawberry Hill; , on $25 down and $5 monthly. SOL ETZ 4 BRO., room A. Crocker bcildlag. O IAA 5500, 9600 TO $1100 FOR GRADED •_"i'"'- .-«..- to build on; north and south cf the park, near She electric-cars ; oa very easy terms. SOL GETZ A BRO., room A. Crocker balldiih?. _] nn TO $330 FOP. BUILDING LOTS •_ 1 " " ' near Miaaloo •:.___ electric-cars; only dawn and 95 monthly. sOL GETZ A 8P.0.. room A. Crocker bcGdlag. Call for maps and diagrams. | BOL GETZ A ERO.. Owners,. Room A. firs; Ccor. Crocker buHdiajf. Cor. Market and Montgomery. Xf\(\ CITY BUILDING LOTS. «100 TO $900 O\J\J each. 9*JsdOJrn, -?5 month; >;»n.'or- ; Addl-^ tioa L_cd Company, 646 Market st. P EDUCED TO 33400: OWNER ANXIOUS TO XV vll;«t;-i aer SOxS4. acd nea: cot:a«, on .-■ ■a, war Valencia. THOMAS iIAGEE _: SONS, 4 Moat^omszy at. CITY HEAL ESTATE. A. H. Lissaje. ____ °- F. vox Rssur OF YON BHELN * CO.. REAL ESTATE . Agents. Auctioneers and House Brokers, 513 California street. Valuable corner: 75x75: Sixth st, cor. Shipley; all Improved : rentinz for #120. $30,000— Pest, sear Buchanan; 75x137:6; from and r-ar hoc3;j; tHI|IW 918.000— ilaaon, near Broadway; 40x68r9; 8 fia:s: rents *150. Twenty-first St.. near Howard: 30x95: i 6 fiat*. } $15,000— 2 d. near Folsom: 35xS0; 3-sto— - and i basement Lod^inc-house of 60 room : rents 1 100- -*l3^oo —Cor. Waller and Shrader; 34:7x50: new butidinar: 3 stores and 3 flats; rents 9121. t * 12400— Folaofn and Erie; 30x143; store and (stable in rear, with - fiats above, 15 roc. and f bath; rents *$&. I * 12.500— Union and Jones; 62:8x120 to rear street : 2-story home. 7 rooms. 59000— Hai;cht and Devisadero; 25x110; 2-storr bay-wimtow hense: 9 rooms and bath; fine resi- dence: make oier. [ $9000— Faltoa. near Brodericfc; 25x137:6; pri- r rate residence. 13 room* and bath; rent $65. ! isOOO— Beaver, near Noe: 73x115: residence, 9 i room.*, bath: stable; garden, etc.: rent $40. *SOoo— Mission, near 19th; 30x90; house, 10 ■ rooms and b_:ii. J fSOOO— Ashborr. ne** -"'-a: 100xS5; 4 Cats, 7 ■ rooms each: rents -3-iO. ' Moßtjomery. near Pacific; 22:9xS)?:»: ! 2-story hoa-se: lower story 2 stores, upper story 2 • fiats. 4 rooms e*ch: rents $59. | «750O— «Jak. near Laiuna: 27:6.t120 to rear ! street: 2-s:ory bay-window reside see, 7 rooms and i bath: ran: *35. 17500— Washington. --ar Pow»U; 23:2x137:6. i to Parker alley: 3 bouses: rents $72. I 90OOO— fUbert near Stockton: 45 :6x67; cottaf*, 4 rooms, rent <10. 1 Broderlck and 'Ay: 27:«xl00:^rtva:e I residence. 6 room* and bath. I «8000— BarUett. MM M: 25:6x125; 3 flats, 11 rooms and 2 baths : rents 942 50. ; $6000— Howard, near sth; 22:6x50; front and , rear house: r-nu «2U. *5.?00^ — Pacific and Humneinaan p<ac«: 20x62:6: 3-story house on Pacinc; '^-■•tory house on Himmelmaa place, 18 rooms: rents $ 5*5. 1 $5700— 23 d, near Valencia; 25x114; 2 oats, 10 J rooms and baths ; rents $ 10. 95600— Union, near L«*T#nworth: 25x112:6; I 2-story residence, 6 rooms •-•■■- rents $32 50. «4>jt.' Powell, near Lombard ; - : 1 100 ; 2-story ! h' m*. 9 room* and batn. \ *4100— Filbert, near Hyde: 22x137:6: house 6 rooms and bath. • 5200— Lazuna and Harry, near Filbert: 2Sx9v; --s:ory bMM, 8 rooms and bath: all xsod- ern conveniences. I 15200— Union, near Kearny: 23:8x67:6; new I Improvements: shop with 2 rooms and 2 Eats above: rear house 2 *!*-■' total rents *59. «500O— Henry, near Market; 25x115; 2 ilats; i rent $37; oiTsr wanted. 9SOOO i2d, near Valencia: 25x114; 4 fiat 3; ! renu £44. i Sacramento, near Jones: 23x37:6; two- > etorv house. ! 14500— 19:h. nr. Noe: 42x145; cottage, 7 rooms i and bath: rent Hi I $Moo— 4ia - - n«ar Alvarado: 22:6x75; 3 1 flaw. 9 rooms and baths: rent J3:J: easy term*. i 94500— Union, --'-- Kearny; 20x57:8: 2 flats, | with shop ta rear: 9 rooms a_d bath; rest $20. I I37CO— Widows. b«t Valencia, asd 3lfa»lon. to | rear street: 26x100: 2-i:ory bay-window house, 2 ■ Cots. 9 rooms: rents $30. | «3500— Sacramento, near Jones: 23x60; cottage, j 6 rooms. i 3200— Larkin and Rockland; 25x137 6 to West t end : 3 fronta?** between Union and Grees; cot- | tase. 6 roonn; rent ?15. f 93100— 7th. near Brsianan: 25x?0; 2-story house; ! store with - rooms and 3 rooms above. , ! *3000— Shipley, ne*r sth; 25x75: front and rear j house-*, each for 4 families. I «:«OOO— Lyon. sear Pine; 27:6x93:9: cottage, 4 1 rooms and bath. t 93000— 'A ran nan. near 3d; 20xS0; front and r»s.r • house; rents *."■ ! .•'-'SOO— 27:h. near Sanchez; 23x114; new cot- | taa 4 rooms- -92250— Francisco, near Mason; 22:11x60; 2- story house of 7 room*: rents <IS. 12000— TehAd*. near Norwich ; Boreal Heights; house, store and - rooms. , #2000— Green and CliHwnil 22:11x63:9; near Sansome; house 7 room*. I 91700—26:1-. near ■*»: 23x114; cocta?e of 5 rooms. f.tUG— 2S:h, near Dolores: 25x114; cottage of 5 roomi. 11600— York, nv*x 2*2 d: 25x100; 4-room oocta<«». UNIMPROVED. Valencia-st lots in sizes to salt (Woodward Gardens). t26<JO— Lots 1 and 2. block A, Satro Tract, Staa- yaa it. 52500— ;-.n and Clara »▼>■.: 109x63. *2000— California, near Maple; 27:6x132^?. ', *17Ct>— 2 1st are. and Cailfornia st, Richisond: i 57:6.t100. | -. Silver aye. and Craut st; 50x107; lot 24. bicH:k 9. College Hocie^iead. *12«0— Cor. B and 25th aye.: oxlBl <.—HoUy Park: 25x100; Crescent are, near Holly st; 3 lots. ', Francisco. near Dopoat; 22:10x68:6. 1900— 2 lots: Cobb Tract, Chapultepec, near : Cortiand aye.: 25x70. ■ At hobisxb. uru A. sore I A. SOUC A CO, ; - Ij. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. HOUSES RENTED. RENTS coll TED. 465 AND 467 VALENCIA ST_ XKAR 16TH. As we make a special of Mission property aad are »t(tht on the spot, we can save you time and money by calling on as at once. 9M00— 24 1 1 22 : 6 ; Mission st. near lSta; 2-« tory bay-window house: 7 rooms; bath, Jsooo— 2sx»>: 17th st. near Valencia: bay- window cottage; 5 rooms; bath: laundry; all i modern Improvements; h:?h basement; street : work all done. : $4500—25x100: 17th at- near Howard: 2-story i honse: 7 rooms and bath; in good order; cheap. #6000—25x105; Guerrero st, near 19th: modern bay- window; - rooms: bath; laandry: con- servatory: One beuemest; this is an elegant home ' and must o<* seen. : 13500—42x133 ; Fair Oafcf st, near ISth; 2-story , house- 9 rooms: bath; iaandry: coc:a?e 4 rooms in Al order. : J2SOO— 2SxSO: Stevenson St.. near 19:h: 2 flats, I 4 and 5 rooms: real 914 each: rear re::.. 4 • rooms, basement: rent «10: all in Al order: j cheapest and b»-j; biy tn the Xisßton. ; Onr list comprtsei some of tae cat property In ; the Mission. Lots of all sizes In any of the home- ; steads ; also (rood business cornem in any pan of ! the - lion. Call and ?•»: a list *.*■•: prices. i If you wan: your vacant houses rented place them with as. L. A. *OUC * CO, 465 and 467 Valencia st, near Sixteenth. <1 HI I FOR —Jl>7 IS VISITACION rT L\J\JyJ Vatiey H ore eitead; close to the coon ly line: coca better p.*. In the city for a chicken or milk ranch; win take par: ca«h; balanc* 915 a month. $-iO«>— Lot* on Columbia are near Riptey place. «500— Lots on Ripley pUc-. near Columbia place ; street made. sew»rel: zr>a: j.rz-iin. * ■ Comer Columbia place and Bipiey place; stre-3t made. »ewered. •»".65O — Corner Mission rojet and Croo'« sn, opp. the cml of ■ •- :-.-•••.. esr line: splen- Ud place for 1 saloon ; tths. ; $1100— Lot on Miwion road, near Five-mile ! House: eajy -ran. i $200— Level toe on Kale •".. new the corner of ; Sliver «ye. and San Pnno ro •*.:. Sloo9— Lot on San Jose its., near 3Oth at; bar- gain. Chick«n ranch: South San Francesco, cor. D st and 9th »w ; 5 tors. #150— Lot 1511.GiftMap3.BernaIHeijhts. -Los 1508 and 1509, Gift Map 3, Beraal Heights. *:JO*J — Corner lot on Rnsria are., nr. Edinburgh st. ExeeUior Homestead- s2oo— Lot on Russia »v«., 25 feet from Edinburgh ! st: Kxcifisior Homestead. $125— Lot* on 23d aye., bajt. O and P st*. *l«00— E. «We of Guerrero st, 28 feet i. of 26th; 25x10v; jrood bare 91 per week and $10 cash; for a l«ve'. tot ready to baild oa: 1 block from the cars.on Bersal HeUutM; no taxes, no interest; you can balld as soon as you make a deposit For farther particulars inquire of owner, ; S. DUCas, 11 Montgomery st * J. RICH * CO.. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. HOUSES RENTED, RENTS COLLECTED. Entlr* charge taken of property. 113 MONTGOMERY STREET, Under Occidental HoteL Telephone caa. Main 5798. RICK BUILDING FOR BUSINESS PROP- i crty on Market st. : rent 200 a year. Corner Pacific aye. ami Baker st, 53x137 ft.: pa -$U ,000. ___ - E. side - anyaa it., bet. Carl and Frederick sts.: 25x100: price $260 a 50x127 :6 ft oo Jackson st. overlooking the Pre» aldio and bay; 96700. Two mcdein houses, of 8 rooms each, at Park, 25x137:6 ft: electric road passes bouses; erica r»du<:ed from 96500 to «600; make oiler. 2-story brick hoaw* of 9. room*, with stable, la South Park: lot 45x125 ft; price $7500. S.W. cor. Jones and Jefferson st* : 137:6x137:8. Cottage hou»e, 1367 Dolores lit.; s. rooms and *arh. basement; on each aide of Dolores st : 25x93 laac . Apply to C. C- BEMIS. Real Eatat* and Lantf Ageat 824 Zlonrtemgry street f' .4 FIRST PRIZES— FOR THE PURPOSE OF ■ *J~T drawi attention to the Valley Railroad we offer the foilo-wiE? prizes: "*"• wiii ailow «4 people to take 10 acre* of Land each, 25 miW '.hia aide of 1 Fresno, at the nominal price of $150 for 10 acres; I payable 910 cash. $10 per month without interest This Is level prairie land, and the railroad runs ! throush the tract: cheap at 9300. Call or writ* . Immediately, as no more will be offered. WEST- ERN LAND COMPANY, 640 Market st IN ALAMEDA— TO EXCHANGE FOR SAN t Francisco property, modem 2-story house: 9 rooms and hath: handsomely fcrnlssed:lot OOx 150; *as. city and well water: carria^e-hocse: street rr.a'riuianHZ'd: half block to «i*ctr-.c-cars ; 5 miaates neia broaii-san«e «at:on; 8 minutes to narrow r»n?e: cost $9300. Apply CEAB. C BEMr<*. 324 M'jntfomerr K-. *• I* CITY pEAL ESTATE. HAIN WALdTbUCKBE e" 4 CO, RE ajTeS- -0 i ATE AGENTS, 313-220 MONTGOMERY ST, HILLS » BUILDING. HOUSES RENTED. HOUSES AND omnnnt i 000 — California st, near Larkln; 2 houses: rents $100: lot 39:6x50. , 913.000— Fillmore-st corner: best business por- tion of the street : rtot» n>w $75; can be increaa^d. 97300 FiUraore »t.. SW. cor. Hayej; 37:6x100; I Km view of city; terms, Xi caah. $3750— F0 [more s:.. W. line, bet- Hayes and } Grove: 25x100; or 3 locs at same rate; terms, Vi ' cash. | $3500— Hayeks st, N. line, bet. Flllmar* asd ; Steiaer: 25x137:6: or 3 lots at same rate; terms, | *4 Ht *10.000— Bash St.. close to Van Ness aye.: lot 25x120 to rear street; 3 houses: rents $70; $4400 mortraijecan remain. *2.*oo— ?m*= st, S. line, near Baiter: lot 25x 137:6. < <;— Clay st, N. *W.*. near Buchanan: lar?e : and elegant residence of IS rooms and bath; lot [ 37:10x127:5Vi- . $5250— Reduced froru 567 50; SO5 Mason. «t, ! near Pine; houje of 7 room* and bath: toe 23x i 65:3. to Jan* place; this propeny must positively I be sold within the next 10 dav3 on account mo:;- -j ff*«: no reasonable oSer refused; will exchange equity for Western Addition lot. #6250*— Brannan st, near 2d; two buildings of 2 stores and 3 flats: rents $65; !o: 50xS0 feet; a bar- gain. *35OO— Bryant st, near 21st : li-i-srory cottage I of - rcoaM _nd bach ; terms f iCOO ca.-«h. balance in j monthly payments Of $SG each; lot 25x100. $.; 500— Calif onsia st, near Mason; 3-story fcosae: | renr j $ 75 : lot 20x60 : lei wanted. $2s,sCO— Turk s:_ K. of Polk: 3 2-story and i basement houses of 10 rooms and bath, each: cookl be made to briny in a hanijome income; loc 60xS5: oiTer solicited. ■- .-.o— Broadway, north line, near Webster: granc marine view residence: vleT cannot be ob- stracteii: lot 47:6x137:6. $7250— Rests $5 i per month: VaHeio st, near Hyde; front and rear Improvements; to: 43. 9 x | 137:6. : $3500— Redacetl from $o250; Satter st, near ( Webster; • '.'.3 $40: new cottage on rear of les: j front should be imDroved with fiats; only $1000 ! cash required: lot 27:6x137:6. | $1000— Coit $1800: lot oa fctanyaa ss.: hank I mortza?e of $750 at 7 per crn: can remain, j ! 565C0— 2 sanny modern cats on Lasuna at, cear 1 Green: 12 rooms and bath; Income $55 per month; 10*25x137:8- ->, $6250— Haad«om*icai>i- N. side of Pa« st, . near Scott, containing % large rooms and bath. salon parlors. etc : $4000 cash, balance $53 per I month: lot 25x137 :6.' I <525O— Caolce residence on N. side of Washls?- -i ton St.. near Stelner: 6 rooms and bath; this prop- j erty converted into fiats would pay welL I $3>oO— Handsome cottage of 7 rooms and fcath: on E. tide of Sceicer st, near Satter: Urje lot, 27 :6 xlQO; very ch<»a.p. $3cOO — The ch"?ape^t home in the Western Addi- t ion; 7 rooms and bath; N. aMa Sutler st., sear ! Ealcer. $14,000— Devisadero st. sear Valle;o: beaatifnl I marine view; residence of 9 rooms and bath: tot I jo.t 103 feet: easy terms if desired, either monthly I payments or »emi-annaal. $10,000— Paadc and Scott sts, SE. corner: ! 47d 1 -4x112 feet; srriet work all done; cheapest I corner oa th« aac : $2000— Charch ji.. bet 15:h .-I-.- -:. : 25x ; 125 feet ; on Uc# electee :.a.:. •S3ooo— Waahlasrtoa st; north side, near Central ! are.: lo; 25x102-^1,4 ■ --'.. i $2SoO— Haisrht-st. lot. north side; street bltn- mlnized and accepted; stone sidewalk; lot 25x100. $3150— Sacramento and Cherry sta.; NW. cor- i ncr: 35:6x102:a : 7 i: very cheap: Sacramento-st | cable parses. 1 $50 caah and 510 a month for lots on Sth aye.. I near California st: - blocks from Sacramento-st j cable-cars; lot 25x120: graded, sewered and ready | to bcCd on. The abo" Is only a partial Bat. We will be ?iad to famish a complete li« onappUcation. SHAINWALD. BUCKBEE A CO.. 21S-220 Montgomery st. Mills building. ~^ijj^\ !I! lip f ONE IDS hi? NOB. Slimpnr?e (airily)— Aw, my eoad man, is it customary to tip wairkhs'heah? Head Wairer (condescendinsly) — Not unltis you are richer than the wahah, sir. I^OR SALE— CHEaP: PACIFIC HEIGHTS; one left of thoae elegant new 10-rooaa houses: all tinted: uootHtiricied marine view; foroac* heat; all modern improvements; stone garden > walks: easy terms: VaUejo st, bet Lacuna and [ OeCavTML 1919 Vallejo st ; ■pfPROVEMENTS CO^T AND WORTH $3650: 1 lot 29:6x112. worth $3000; bes: par: of Mi*- slod; on electric car line: price fBW no agnKs. Address C. PARKER, 973 Cypress -:.. Oakland. Si AQI \d 55^ COTTAGE OF S ROOMS AND iyUv. bath; nicely farnlshed: new Weber ptano: lot -•;tll5. 937 14th k.. 100 feet E. of Cas- tro; will I»ave mortarai?e. ruk SALE— MAKE OFFKR; COTTAGE, 5 £ roonn and ba;h: p^irt cash: balance monthly installmects. Apply 1023 Treat aye, near 24:h- -; paOFEiITY-OWNERS, BUILDERS. APXHI- { I tects — <«uarar,:e-d surveys of ci:y locs for $7 50 f ■ply a. EARRISON SMITH, toil California, r . 9. 1 «4 BARGAIN. CHOICE VAN NESS AVENUE PROPERTY. MUST BE SOLD TO CLOSE THE ESTATE OF JONATHAN DRAKE STEVENSON. Is the Superior Court of the City and Connty of San Franctsro. State of Cailforn'a. , In the matter of the estate of JONATHAN DRAKE STEVENSON, de*ea»e'l. Notice is hereby civen that la pursuance of an order of — ... of the Ctty and Connty of San Francisco^?:ate of Cali:ornla.m_de in depart- ' ment 10 thereof, on the 25chda-of Apra. A. D. 1595. In the matter of the estate of 'NATHAN DRAKE .-JTEVKNSON. deceased, the under- •'jrned. execa:or3 of the last will and amen t of •Aid deceased, will se-Lt at private sale to the hiirh- "st bidder tor caa in go£d coin of th» United States, saMect to •>on by sai'i Superior Conrt. on or after WEDNESDAY, the 15th day of May. 15?95,a1l the riarat. ttti-, interest and estate of the said JONATHAN DRAKE STEVENSON at the time of his dea:h. and all the ri;h:. title and Interest that said estate has. by operation of , law or otherwise, acquired other than or tn addi- tion M that of *aii d»cea*?d at the time of his death. In and to all that lot, piece or parcel of land, with the improvncents thereon, situate, lying and belnar in the City and Coaa:yof San Francisco. Stare of California, and boarded and described as follows, to wit: Commescicy ac a point on the westerly line of Van New avenue, distant thereon tixty-jix and Hiiw i wTfllia feet 11111*11.1 Una the north- westerly corner of Van Seas and Pacific avenues; runnins thence nortlif rly along said westeriv line • of Van Ness avenue stx-y-six and three-twelfths [ feet; thence at right an?te» westerly on* hundred ; and twenty-foar and nine-twelfths fees; thence a; rixht anzl»s southerly ••bcty-si.i and thr?e-twe!fths ■we; thence at riThl angles easterly one riiodred [ and twenty-foarand nice-twelfths feet to ■said west- erly line of Van Ness avenue and point of com- i mencem«it: belnj a portion of Western Addition } Bloc* No. 93- • Tarns a>t> Coxditiox 1 * of S.%ce.— Cash, la gold coin of the United States- D»ee<l at expense of purchaser. » Bids, or offers may be made a; any time after the fir*: publication of this notice, and before the making of the sale. Ail bids or offers most be In writing and lef: at the office of Charles L. Patton. Attortsey-at-Law, No. 319 Pine street, In said city and eoonty, or de- livered to the nndersl^ned personally. Dated April 27, A. D. 1595. EDWARD PEABODYand ALFRED S. BARNEY, Executors of the last will mat testament of Jona- than Drake Stevenson, deceased. Charucs L. Pattox. Attorney for Execntors. f iinr fORCED SALE OF GILT-EDGED *"lii.v. business property; new 2-story baQiJ- -1 in*, consistinsr of store with 3 Uvln< rooms at- tached and nobby bay-window fiat of 5 Doras and ', bath, containing every medsrn :nißro-« 2 j rooms can be finished in attic; located, on 24th st, . 13^ fees E. o: Castro, which i.t the business point of ' that section: terms cash, balance month! v. ; Apply to TOB IN & McNALLV. 630 Market st. «AA COTTAGE OP 2 ROOMS IN BEP.KE- OOUU. iey.lOs 40xl35,|5Odown,$10n:oaehIy; hoaxes and lots all over town. HAS. A. BAT LEY. 46 Market St. or Bn*fcek*-jr station. Berkeley. i-> 0R SALE— f 6500; MODERN S-ROOM HOC*E; f enfia. liawn 10-- 25xlia Apply 2714 Pine. EDUCED TO *3500; COR- 24TH ST, NEAR XV Valencia: 30-fooc front an.: n>?at andj:omiorra- ble cottage: fine bey. THOMAS. MA GEE 4 I SONS CO Montgomery at. HOUSES FOR SALE. OX Sr M ALL MONTHLY ! payments: loan* made on Han Francisco real ! estate. LOUIS BLANK, 214 Ping st,rms.sS A 59. mxlO7:«— SW. CORNER OF JERSEY AND Dtaniocdsts. Apply wUhln. i TV ANTED— NICE VACANT FLATS; HOUSES I llor store*: at once. SPECK'StSO Montgomery. ' TV" ANTED— LOTS f7so> FOR LUCRATIVE ■ »' cosiness: knowled;? annecessarr: lady or eeatieman; genuine offer. Room 30, Nevada Hoo*e. Oakland. - . - .' '"- >' \l " ANTED— FOX CASH, CHEAP LOT? NORTH '» »nd sottth of tie par*. 3. P., box 180, Call Office. COOTKY KEAX ESTATfc. "DEAUTIFUL HOME IN SANTA ROSA: 11 XJ rooms: a.; modern: handsomely ornamented lot: electric arrli-ht la front: lCox£oO feet deep; orchard, garden acd aitalia: photograph at this ! o_c«;fdCOO. OH A ACRES EXTRA ran SOIL NEAR — \J\J Heaia»«: 20 acres fall bearing pruae*. plcms and peaches. IS acres he_thy grapes, 10 acr»s hay, balance oak timber; living creek: 2 hard-finished tio ■.■.•*■• - ... tooas: sprinz warer piped throughout: fntt-dryer. etc.: last years la- co— |240iJ; an exceptionai bargain at f SO«X>. [' ACRES: SOLID FRUIT AND BERRIES: ~±O 2 c_e« from depot: 50 miles north: £n?st land Ln the State: finely improved: $75W, cr whea frai: _ gathered £4500. ' - ACRES— AT STATION. 60 MILES NORTH, . ). 1 _■» late eoactry resMence of a deceased jn?n- tleman: 7 "-j acres assorted fun truU : 25 acr*s h»^iltny vines: moti»rn residence £ rooms: farm buildin?a to c_:ca: cost f9O»X> before fruit or vines were planted: is cow oilered at ths •www 1- J cal price of ■ half cash. AQfi -A LAMED A COUNTY. ? MILES *±VJI/ from depot: 120 acres heavy arralo, besides j 60 horses and cattl- pastnrins at $1' 50 monthly ! each; only - 6000; cheap at 10.000, T7RUITVALE— 3S ACRES ON HIGH ST.; ' X 10 minutes from electric cars: a beaattfal site or for subdivision, overlookinsr Golden Gate, the bay and surroi—idiairs: only per acre. 9fl ACRES: PEACH ORCHARD: ADJOINS — *-/ d^pot; 10 miles from l.on Angeles: last year's crop 75 toas: will exchange for select Western Ad- dition or t_-k iocs. BOVEE, TOY _ CO^ 19 Mont- . ■away st. ■■•■.. ■; Pj'F ARRELL _ CO. DAVID BUSH, COUNTRY DEPARTS " 11 MONTGOMERY ST. If yen wish to pnrefcase coaatry lands w» would like to «how you some bargains la Improved ta- cene pradacin? orchard, vlcevarl, grata and stock farms (_ary of th"— bank foreclosures) that we have ia Aiameda, Contn Costa, Napa. Sonoma, I sola no. -an Ma:eo and Santa Clara cooaties, and _. the^a:ct_ea.-id northern cooaties. an tn the Saa Joaqain Valley. We woaid also call the atcentioa j of ouyers to the fact that ocr Mr. Bash, havtn? aa improved orchard and vineyard aad a 40-years.' experience aad knowledge of "the valae of laad for orchard and v_ey_tl purposes, can lntelll«entiy direct buyer* to the b<Ht lands and bar zains in the ; State, and cow is the ti_e to buy. For partlc_ar3 ] Inquire of David Buia. country departtaect cf O'FAKRELL A CO^ 11 3lon:go_*ery st. FOR SALE O_ EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROP- erty, ..• acres on Rosaiaa River: railroad passes ttroagn the land; 10 acres orchard; 6 acr^s inv_*s;hou*e aad barn; on*-thlrd nver bottom _n.i ail cuUivable: a positive Bbe. J. T. PETERS, Mills building. ' "DEDDINGTON TRACr — RUSSIAN RIVER : -LV Valley; 14 to 4O acres: *25 p*r acre and Uf>- ward; ea» tenaa; send for niap. J. T. PETERS. - Mills baiutlß*. p REAT~BARGAIN; 1140 ACRES OF FINE • \J roliinar land in Calav-raa Coaaty, 2O miles NE. of Stocktoa; 400 acres plo«(ed, 40t> more- can be: ba_nce fine pasturage: 2-story house of S roomj, cotta«e of 5 rooms ; Urxe barn : river raas TOSS i the property, aiso five creek* and numerous j springs: all fenced aad cross fenced; alfalfa field; irrigation tf necessary ; also ;ood minia? on river: access to hundreds of acrw of paatare outside in I mountains ; mast sell very cheap or exchange for Oakland or San Francisco property. LOUGH* I BAKER. 1002 Broadway. Oakland. I <•>•>- fc 100 ACRES, 5 MILES FROM Ml*- ' •_•■>—•-' • «i« San Jose; 30 acres cultivated: 6 acres i a orchard; %§ acre vineyard: cottage of 4 ' lar^e rooms and I saiail one; water piped to house ; 7 springs; ranch all f»need: stock and farming tooU go with the place. W. E. BARNARD _ »N. 45i Ninth st., UakLtad. i SNAP-2 ACRE-*. NICELY LOCATED AT _»- Froitvale; price f 15C0; ttraii, 1-3 cash, bal- aace to suit. Apply WHITE BROS., 1128 Twenty- third st., Eadt Oakland. .% -.■ "I A ACRE TRACTS OF FINE FRUIT LAND X.\J la tfce celebrated Harriett pear btlt, close to Aabtara. Placer County, and Ceatral Pacific Rail- road: fine spr"n.?a and pood soil: price $15, $20 and £25 per acre on S3 monthly payments; no _■ terest or taxes. JACOB HE YMAN. 630 Market St. \\' ANTED TO EXCHANGE— SEAL ESTATE ■ • * ia Oreeon for well-assorted stock .. cotiooa. Address Oref oa, box 10, Call Office. RANCH, MILE FROM PETALUMA: O hocse, windmili. barn, sheds suitable for ho? 3, chickens. J. M. TONER, Petaiu__ OR SALE OR RENT— 2S ACRES, ALSO 8 acres 17 miles from this city: suitable for chicken ranch. Address C. D., cox 46, Caß OaVa. Bs Fry HOME IN Oakland XJ ftiotbiils: 221-3 acres; 5 acres 2-year-cld fruit tries: new 9-r»na hoose; a fine secluded spot, saleable far summer coardin?, chickea raach, etc. ; bara. granary, brotxler-houses, incubators, horses, cows. lar« lot, chickens, wa?oa, buggy, rockaway ; everything complete and In - -.\i order: fine fur- niture if wanted ; will b* sold cheap. Addresa J. F. W. UNFCG, San Leandro, Alam»da County, -.3 Crftnn POULTRY RANCH. MARIN COUN- ','J '"'. ty; 4 acres; neat cottar?: 500 heas: cow: horse; all ktada tools. SPECK'S, 30 Mont- gomery. uB LOVELY COUNTRY PLACE NEAR* beactiful Ukiah. on river; - 1 acres, partly bot- tcm; 2COOyoun^ troas Blaceil tn river; oak ?rove; wood will pay for place: |25 per acre; pal caah. Box 9, Oaklaad Call Office. j 9 "-ACRE RANCH, MOST BEAUTIFUL HOME, j — O for sale cheap; good house and barn and } workshop: 3 acres ia vines. 1 acxa orchard: 1 zoo«f I co— , 3O chickens. 20 docks: 2 miles from Marti- nez. Contra Costa Conntr; cash, $2300; no a?ent_ Address A. R.. box is, CaiL ■£• r AN ACRE, 360 ACRES; BY SCHOOL; •i? O easy terms. -- GRIF F LN , Cotton wood, CaL Qlft^vll A HO3LE CLOSE TO STA- •i, lv/u'.'. tloa ia Aiameda County: fruits, flow- era, poultry, honey bees, and producing an Income; nice ccttas*-, hard finLsaed: beaatiful location; : magnificent view; bargain. ALBERT E. CRANE, 410 Montgomery st. i ACRES CHOICE LAND tN TOWN IF.VING- ' *x ton, Alame<la Coanty: his troata?e on two j straets snd S. P. P.. R. risht of way: house, barn, i etc.; price {2130: for quick sale investigate this. ALBERT E. CRANE, 410 Montgomery at, QQXA BARGAIN IN IRVINGTON, ALA- KjOOXJ. meda Cosnty: arood hora*. - stories, 5 rooms; loc 244x156: stable, chicken-houses, Sower garden, etc.; afec home. ALBERT E. CRANE. 410 Montwraery st. » N EQUAL SHOW FOR ALL: STRAIGHT, | - V fair aad square deal: an investment ciered that is fcoti*-si : own yocr own home and be inde- pendent: try It and you will fled that ■** advise you right : we w ill sell you 40 acres of allnvtal soil ia the Warren Green rancho. Gl»nn Cocnty, CaL, ior^2So: *3 acre do— n, balance In 60 monthly payments, without ic:errst, and will throw in town ' lot 1W)x130: land saitable for all kinds of fruit, berries or strain ; ceetl* co Irrtscation: curaate ua- sarvassed anywhere Ln California; 165 miles nona of Saa Francisco and only 2O miles, from coaaty seat of county, and 6 _iiea from, nearest railroad town: fare, ronad trip, $3. For investments and Inform-tcion address or call oa tlie H. M. BENSON CO.. 9<.r.£ Broadway, Oakland. , IT YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING : A purpose or an orchard already Improved, where only small cash octEsy is required. bsiianc*» parable in B or 7 years, apply 326 Montsromery S. "F. Q^AfJA NEA OSirfABDS. S ACRKS. •_ *J\J\J\J. choice fruit, honse of 10 rooms and fca:a. all modern coav^niences ; piano, furniture-, vehicles, cattle, ponicrv and implements. Apply to ! PROW>E _ BRADFORD, Haj— .ard_ <90n PER ACRE, 20 ACRES FINE FRUIT •_. — ' " ' land *4 mile from town, whole or sub- divisions, easy tertn-i. PROWSE A BRADFORD, Hay— r-ls. CHICKEN RANCH; 4 ACRES, ■—'''■ b'.ack loam, new 1-storry bard fin- ished bens.? and ImMlliilll. __l barn, Ur;» chick- en boast* and brooler, ilae Bower garden, 13 mm- ; ctes — Rlkfrem Posroffice; |IoO< cash, balance 7 : per een:. ci. C. YOUNG, Petalu__ i »^ It? PER ACRE— IMPROVED BIG VALLEY * •Z'J-"-' ranch: tirnter; raanfnsr — ater; well lo- cated: must be gold: United States potent. W. I*. FOSTER. Kel*jyvilie. Cal. ! ACRE LITTLE HOMES ON EIGHT YEARS' crsdlt. D. H. T WING. Sonoma City. Cai. M... SENDS . fre« circulars and prlcta of cheap land. pONTRA COSTA COUNTY FOR SAL_T \J send for llsz. D. J. fftsT, __ttnes, CaL M- 26. MILES : irom San i raitcUco. KANCHO DE NOVATO. Tracts of aay rial deslretl; frait, grata and vege- table land: no irrigation: both rail and water transportation: #40 to $75 per acre: eaay terms. town of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores on the property; send for circular. Dairy for sale with or wlthoct cows SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65. Chron_ie baildiaz. pHEAPEST AND BEST IN" AMERICA— THE : V WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address In the United States or Canada one year for SI 50, poat- »g»»fr*e. DENTISTS. A3T TOOTH I] 1 '^EXTRACTED ' _V painlessly by my secret mrtaod withoa; Aitzt- cocaine or fas : won B art; prizes: prices noaabie: work warranted: all operations expertly ' rton*; remember I have removed from 6 to "0 Drama st. ML GEORGE W. LEEK. Y\R. J. J. LEEK, 1 i_TH— OPJvN EVENINGS, ! ±J and Saoday cat.l noon. i T CHALFANTSS^MASON.COR. MARKETT _a. sees of teeth zxe made to please or no charge; oa brid?»s. crowns and srold plates prices reduced • ■mail rfoid fill_g3 only yj; palnlesa extraction. pROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 739 MAR- ! \J ket r bet. 3d and 4:a, eas specialises: only reti- aote agent for Fainiess extraction: artificial teeta fr_ $a; £luap from •1 : extracting 50c, with gas «_ T\R. P.EA. 9 SIXTHI-T.r_l_ DENTAL WORK | XJ at lowest price* ana warraated; open evening* *7 1 SET FOR TEETH: WARRANTED AS «Xl good as -as. be made: fillinsr »1. DR-SIMMi Ceatlat, »30 Market at, next Baldwin Theater. ILL WOP.X REASONABLE ANDWARRANT- A cd. DR. J. W. KE V, 112*> Market at. DX. H. <j. YOUNG. BRIDGET AND TEETH witiMnis plates » specialty. 1841 Polk st. DR. LUDLUM HXLL, 1443 MARKET ST, is near Eleventh; no charge for extract whea plates are made; old plates made over tike new . teeta —99 per set ; extracting s©c; gas gtve_ pOLTON DENTAL. ASSOCIATION. '••06 MaR- KJ kMM. DR. CHARLES V. DECKER. -■-■.-■ ....;■..- OAKLAND RKAI. ESTATE. SACRIFICED HAYWARDS PROPERTY: 3 1 O ■-■:.-.:: from electric line. fv-Ily equipped ' for chicken raaca: 300 chickens; cow. bane, wi?o2; new aad modern 4-rocm cottar^, partlj farnSahed ; only f 2000. Apply to J. S. JOHNSON 433 Nlnta au Oakland. - 7 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS, ONEMIL.E FROM O Haywards. suitable for tr_£ and ear;y ve»;e- tables. 00. y <2DO per a.r easy injtallnwa'.s: se- cirre a home. Apply to J. S. JOHNSON. 463 Ninth st.. Oak—tuL COTTAGE; 5 P.OOM-*; BATH; LOT? '• v— ■— H.». 30x127: on Adelainest.: f230 cash, b_anc« easy conthlv pavtat>r.:s: a bsir^alri. J. li. MACDONALD _ CO., 470 Ninth st~ near Broad- way. Oak land. • ■-;. •-■ I- SACRIFICE— BEAUTIFUL HOME in Oakland. C. H_NDERSON, 304 Mont- gomery st. Q_l A CASH— FRUIT V ALE HOME: MOD- •^~tO\J era new 6-room hocse; . 1-- lo:: elegant locatioa: motr^ajr" ?ISOO rua 3 years. C. K. KING, 902 Broadway. KNOW A SNAP* WE AHE OFFER- ing a fir new &-roo_ hctis* in Berkeley. 3 blocks east oi DwUht way. for f~4V*X>: «_y term*. C. P. KERN _ CO., Central Rank bcEdin?, Oak- land. T\""E HAVE JUST COMPLETED A FINE S- »» room house: 10 miaates' walk from Foar- teenth-street local: 2 mantel* : aU modern: *v!ll sell e=sy terms. C. P. KERN _ CO-, -..Bank [ building. Oakland. BARGAINS. BARGAINS. Choio* boildia? lots: all street work done: ao further cost to- parchasers: -.■- few lo;s ' i: " '* unsold: American lav?s:_en; Cnion Tract No. 1. A. H. BREED — CO^ 460 Ninth at.. Oakland. BE DISPOSED OF THIa WEEK; bemutirol home ia East Oakland: modern 2- story hoase on northwest ccraer oa Tenth aye. ; loc, 100x150: bam. chicken-yard, etc.: above grade and commands a fine view: fruit trees; snrab&ery; lar^e commodioas irroaads; 1 blocx to electric-cars : price, raort^isre. street work, stonewat lts complete: first come nrss served. I. S. MEYERS, ICO2 Broadway. Oakland. ARM A IN- - 4 ROOMS; MODERN"; lot 30x1-3; street maca<lacuzeil : ■ vaiks: city water; s^o«l well on place: price {IOCO cash. Apply to WHITE BROS., 1128 Tweaty-thlrd aye., Em- Oaklaad. Q X FIVE DOLLARS DOWN. Cv. FIVE DOLLARS A MONTH For bnCdla? lots tn Che ALVIN TRACT, sear Fraitvaui: ciost to Haywards electric roa.l and frontiar the S. P. Comp_iy - s rallroa>i station. Local trains stop hourly at the Aiv;n Tract. Only 10 Einaf*3' ride from (tak- cd. TRACT FENCED AND URAO7.D. JACOB HEYMAN 630 Market at. Tt~ranches for sal_~ob7 exchange J- I from «1600 Bp to *3O.C00: » cot:a^-rs for sale, some oa monthly icsialinienrs. oa easy terms. K. E. BCNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. C NAP, ¥323O, CHIC__STbaXCH, 3^ ACRE.-<: 0 2 acres In beariaz fruts: fcousa of 5 rooms 5 bath :srood barn: 12 chic!tei>-hoß*es: 12« x thor- oastcrml fO'.vls: horse, wa^on. tools: spring water piped to hcas« and yards. Frrxitvaie Lasd Cob- pany, Fruitvale s_ -Uoa. OME3 FROM «4GO UP; SEE OUR LOT 3 from ?75 to gIW each. &NETSINGER * CARROLL, Fr_;v_e station. OO_! |15O— LOTS IN FRUITVALE ONLY (1 crush and $ I a week: boy a home and sav<s your small earnings; the new railroad will doubte valces —Oakland. H. 3. PINN_Y. 80"i Broad- way. Oakland. I^OR RENT— WINDOW AND DESK ROOM oa Broadway; central location. 1010 Broad- way, Oakland. B- ' — AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY sold on easy terms : small payment ■"■—. or ex- chang^d. E. E. BCNCE. 1C*)? Bro-lwar. Oalt—P.d. ALAMDA KJIAL ESTATE. f\_SrR_3_rCOTTAGE HOMeT- SB Oil"^ 1 ' bath and good stable: location very »»aay; will sell at bargain. Address Owner, box 130>, .U- -aineda. GaL VKWCtJTTACE: 5 ROOMS; STREET "w?,_K^ sidewalk: f 500 cash. $30 per month. i. H. YOCNG, 1243 -.3:. IF YOU WANT 1 A GOOD. SUBSTANTIAL AND STYLISH HOME CALL. OS THE OLD BUILDING FIRM OF A. R. DENKE, WEBSTER STREET. £• OA PER 31ONTH PURCHASES A NEW"S •_ — " room house; hot and cold water an<i bath. Addres3 CHARLES DARLING, 503 California „, Baa Francisco. &QA PER MONTH PURCHASES A NEW 2t •_ — " story 6-rt»m hotisetihoi; and cold water acd bath. Address CHARLES DARLING, 308 California St., S. F. .. , -^ ..-:■: OR IMMEDIATE SALE, NEAR SCHOOL and statioa: $2250: 1130 ca_i; $23 monthly; se— 5-roota cottaze and bath. $2650— $ 100 cash: *25 monthly: 37x100; »■ room cottase and bath. ?313G— ; 8200 cash; 93* monthly; new cottage 7 rooms and bath. 13230— *50 cash: 35 monthly; 3«xlOO; corner ! hoase In fine condition: • rooms and bata. j Hocses to rent from $10 up; opea Sua-la-rs and I Holidays. MABCUSiE _ EEMiLEL, Eay-streee ; station, A—xaeda, and 638 Market su, S_ 1 Fran- cisco, v " ? £: 1 NEW MODERN FIVE-ROOM COT- 3>XOUV. tase. easy terms; 15500. oa Park st., loc 93x117, improved, rents $40 per month; to exctang-e for city property, a Sue home on Cea- tral aye. E. D. XUDD, 1424 Park st, Alaaied— < 1 Qf)C\ S^»AP: NEW MODERN COTTAGB* lwWi street work, sewer, cement walkj complete: 150 cash; balaace £20 moartly. Aiameda bargains, for cash aad Installments; booses to let in all par's of Alamed— H. P M .'R- EAL _ CO., 1432 Park st. A LAMEDA PROPERTY— BUY, RENT. SELL _»- or exchan?» bargains. Call on WILL BURN- HAM ■ >.'".. 1335 Park «t.. Aiameda, and BURN- HAX _ _AR.^H CO.. 428 Mon:gom»ry F. A_A__X>A BOOMS A>D HOUSES. ROOM HOUSE: RENT ?25: CENTRAL A ViC --■■<-. Apply 1230 Market sr« city. _KKKj___Y K_Al> ESTATE. npO CLOSE AN (ESTATE SEVERAL BeXuTI- -L fal lets 2 tlock* from university: also an ideal home in Son 1 B*-rkeiev. tos 73x170. with new cottage, for only «2000. 'M. L. WCP.TS. way station, Berseiey. rpo LET— BEAUTIFUL PLACE OF 10 ACRES, i- 10-room boose, ele?aa:i yard, Jfrui! trees, etc., only s:iO per month tf takea tmmediatelv. 11. L. WURTS, Dwtght way station, Berkeley. HE GREATEST BARGAIN EVER OFFER- ed : A lovely S-room house with every conwnl- ence; beaatifal Erounds: 75x135 feet: sewered; dose to station; only «3COO: $sOocaVj.: balance $30 p*r month. W. C. MORAN, L.:r.n station, B<irkeley. <■ > ( «V 1 CASH, *20 MONTHLY. WILL PUR- •_ — v/U chase .-'-"-. hoase. valne f IiCO, within one block of station: cemest walks; streets graded, etc W. C MORAN, Loria Station, Berseiey. P- IVE BARGAIN; MUST BE SOLD; 7- nom hoase; new; 2 lots. JOSEPH J. MASON, D-arigbt-wav statioc ____________ ~t D I CAT lON At. SPANISH. FIKSCH, GE&MAS. meister^ O schaft School of T,anggages, Vrl O*Farrell st. TTYPNOTISM AND MESMERISM TAUGHT II ia 6 lessons tj J. DIAMOND. 406 Satier it., rooms 50, 51, 52, 53; sensitives developed. OHORTHAND— INDIVIDUAL IXSTEU C- kJ tion; Marsh system; terms reasonable: experi- enced reporter; rtrferencea. J. G. A., box 65. Call Office. Candidate FOR TEACHERS', any COL- \J lece or civil service exaniination prepared. Success guaranteed. Address "Tutor." tax 40, Call Office. I \-ERTICAL AND POINTED HANDWRITtNO V taught. C. EISENSCHIMEL. 235 Kearny. ELASCO'S X.YCEU3I SCHOOL OF ACTING— Private theatricals arraafed : pupils rehearsed on stage. R. 5 _ 12. LO. O. F. block, 7th and Market." TLI> teacherTjo^eph "grevenTim- proves and beautified even spoiled voices and procures posrtions for his pupils. 82 Ninth st. M- • ORATORICAL, Vocal aad Draraatic Academy, 519 Van Ness aye.; vocal classes Monday . 8 p. *'. $ 1 month; dra- matic das<3«d WeUnesday. Bp. x.. S3 month: also private lessons and p>ano; lAdies an gentlecoa coached for professional or amatear stage stage for practice). QTI_HL*S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS O Ccllege, 723 Marset a.: diploma course $30. pREEK, LATIN, MODERN LANGUAGES, VJT mathematics, etc.: s.t ad enta prepared for aar examioatioa at reasonable rates. X.333, Phelan— d. T- INST^. 659 MARKT— BOOKKEEPINa i. taught in 6 weeks. We pledge oars«ives to keep free for 6 months books our graduates fail oa. NGLI3H BRANCILKS TACGIIT BY MISS BILLON, 14 McAllister St., room 46. BALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 POST Boo— business practice. sior;haad,typ_s; electrical eajjiaeenas. te'egrapfiy, n-.odi»ra laa- paaaes rapfdly tangat- Wr> far catalorae. LILLIAN B_>DXRD7~tH_~ENG_i; : H AC- -Li tress, coaches lariies and jfeatlemen for tarn <Jra_attcprofe33!on;app«ar_ic«sarr_sed. S*ialra- spearsaa Academy. 406 Vaa Ness aye. QCHOOL £I_CTRICAL, CIVIL. MINING, ME- C? ch&alcai en?ineertnir. surveying, arcfcltectnr* away : «tab. 64. VAN PER NA—LEN.723 Mkt. \ WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE — i. WEEKLY 1. a:.:., is • -:■- -- for d— _ g. ______ STOKAtiI \\rY£^os^SSo^iiiollj^RKEr£ pt., BET. i » TarS and Vaa Ness — <»et omt rates and ex- amiiia oar met hori for vorair- of famittire aad all kinds of haaaeho d ;oods; dxss aad vermin proof; separate rooms as low rates- ; OATE, DRY. CHEAP PLACK TO STORE YOUR C 3 f__tn-». etc. LUNDT FURNITURE COM- PANY. SIS Mission st. ■ . T7URNITURE, PIANOS AND OTHER MER- X chandlse received en 3:ora«e ; money advanced on consignments; lira-proof buUdln?. 410 Pose *:.» CTORAGE OF FURNITURE. PIANOS. HOUSS- O hold «c. J. — FXKRC—.- 735 Market s_ fIRST-CLA^S STORAGE: ADVANCES MADS _T 421-423 Marat st. '.'HA\ L fAYU'IK, Cla>si£ed Adve.rtisexueixcs Continued oa Face 14. 13