Newspaper Page Text
14 BUSINESS CHANCES «IEA EOME BESTAI BANT: GOOD LO- L»JU. cation: In first-class running order: suitable for man and wife: cheap rent: actually wo»th $300. Apply SPECK & CO., 30 Montgom- ery st. C_ O<k A WANTED; ACTIVE, TRUST «JP__VV'. thy man as partner: fairly established real estate business; Market st. SPECKS, 30 Montgomery st. COF I•' EE SALOON AND CB KA ME R I ; FIR \J class; few blocks from Call Office; receipts -*60 to $80; reasonable. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery at. T AUNDBY ROUTE. CLEARING $17 WEEK; .IJ horse : wagon. SPECK <fc CO., 30 Montgomery. ©Oi^A BAKEBY, CANDY, SODA AND ICE- »_>__»Jl7. cream parlor; best location: near Mar- ket: finely fitted; 2 li vine-rooms; low rent: receipts $8 day. BARRETT 4 CO., 865y 2 Market st. a-i (on BEER SALOON WORTH $2000: »7 L-bUU. central, north of and near Market; rent $50; receipts $20 a day; disagreeing partners cause of sale; great bargain. BARRETT & CO., ■ 8651^ Market st. , , d_Qnn i'AYIXG A KT-ST. SALOON; OX j <35oUU. account disagreement of partners: will be sacrificed. BARRETT A CO.. 865 y 2 Market St. (r.i9""DAIRY PRODUCE AND MILK DE- *S)X~. O. pot; receipts $7 a day: living-rooms; rent only $ 12. BARRETT <fc CO., 865 V2 Market. fijTOAA BUTCHER SHOP: PBOMINENT »!J>Ov'v'. street; selling cheap; going East. BUCHANAN & CO.. 765 Market. "d: "inn HAY, graix, wood, coal YABD »_* 1 ' 'U.horae.wagons. BUCH AN AN.765 Market IJAKERY, CANDY. STATIONERY AND No- JJ turn store: prominent; 4 furnished rooms cheap; leaving city. BUCHANAN & CO., 765 Market St. QIOAA SALOON. OPPOSITE CITY HALL; • l«)v'U. good trade: cheap rent: profitable business. FALCOXER & CO., 1189 Market st., Central Park. 1 All CIGAR-STAND IN FINE LOCA- HDx\J*'. tion: pays well; must sell. FALCONER & CO., 1189 Market st. : Central Park. <(»".(, BUTCHEB-8HOP; GREATEST OP- fJpOO\J, porlnnity ever offered; old established: cheap rent : long lease of ground, buildings included in sale; daily business average, $40; guaranteed to clear from $150 to $200 monthly: elegant fix- tures; uses 3 to 4 beeves, 12 to 14 sheep, 2 to 3 hogs, 3 to 4 calves weekly: long trial and the closest in- vestigation allowed to prove above statement: this is a" buna lide bargain. well worth double the price asked, or will sell one-half: sickness and old age cause of change. Particulars City Exchange, 30 Kearny st., room 6. CHEAP— PLUMBING BUSINESS: EBTA_B- lished 9 years: good location; cheap rent; owner going" East. HODGK.IN, box 136, Call Office. THE LEASE OF THE WIGWAM THEATER -L to be sold by the Sheriff on the 9th May. at 12 o'clock m., at the new City Hall, front of Larkin-st. wing. tig I |j||A BAKERY' FOR SALE; BIG BAR- tJpJ-l/v/Vf. gain; cheap rent: long lease: trade averages $40 daily: uses 3 barrels flour daily: o!d established ; trial. City Exchange, 30 Kearny, no. 6. PARTNER wanted IN growing maxu- X facturing business. C. HENDERSON, 304 Montgomery st. T>l>TAt RANT AND 10 FINELY FURNISH- -IV ed rooms near carhouse, with larce French range ana doing good business. BARRETT & CO., 865 V a Market at. T M PBOV EM 1 OF FISCHER'S CHICKEN J. ranch for sale; party leaves for country; oppor- tunity for family -or young man with little experi- ence. 546 Thirty-first aye.. San Bruno road. BAKMRY AND NOTION-STORE: CHEAP. 456 Sixth St., room IS. KESTAURANT IX GOOD BUSINESS LOCA- ■ tion: fine large range and fixtures: all new; ehpap; on account of other business. Apply at grocery. XE. cor. Bush aud Larkin, opposite Lur- line baths. BUSINESS MAN WISHES TO INVEST ABOUT $10,000 in a legitimate establisned business. Address .1. X., box 65, Call Office. piT y ROUTE ON Tills PAPER FOR sale. yj Address !'.. box 84, Call Office. iO»QAA(| WILL~BL'Y~bTzaR AND NOTION- &O\J\.I\J house: established for many years. Address B. N. 11.. box 51, Call Office. "pARTNERjSFOR FIRST-CLASS DINING- X room and restaurant: central location; small capital. A. P., box 30. this office. ~T 18, CROCKER BUILDING. PARTY XX v.iih $250 ran secure acreeable permanent biisinets. Call between 12 and 1 o'clock. <2~9Xn OYSTER AND FISH MARKET; •- —•/"'. horse; wagon; fine business. J. ILK ADY', 19 Sixth st. REST AURANT ; $100: GOOD LOCATION. IV WILICEY, 235 Kearny. if lILLINERY DRESSMAKING BUSI- -I*l ness for sale: establi bed over 20 years; fail- Ing health cane of sel ins; desirable location; only one in place. Call 843 _rantJln st., Oakland. THE BEST CHANCE EVER OFFERED FOR a man with capital; a complete stock of gents' fv.rnisliisi- goods and modern fixtures for sale in the best location in the city cf San .Inso: the pres- ent own- occupied with other business: will either srll or take a )'. m - to take charge of this depart- ment: investigate this ct once. Address 45 and 47 South First 5... San Jose. C3I. pbRXl_B BRANCH BAKERY-' AND NOTION V' s.ore; {.rout br.r.-ain. 30 Franklin si. "I7OR SALE— STORE AND BOABDING-HOUSE, X cheap. 211 1/2 Valencia st. * i N INTEREST WITH SALARIED POSITION -i v in an established and profitable commercial business for sale: capital required from 1000 to $3000; books open for Inspection to satisfactory party. Address W., box 24, Call 1 ifflce. "T~N INTEREST IN SOME LEGITIMATE PAY- XI. ing business anted by a gentleman of experi- ence, where moderate capita] and valuable ser- vices will be considered and appreciated full par- ticulars und Investigation required: references. Addrt-ss Business, box 124, Call Office. B! BAKEBY AND NOTION STORE :crsa!e. 921 Oak st. <?> QA A 1 BEST SANDWICH U'ACiON IN CITY. • . JUU. Addr C . box 94, Call office. TOY AXD NOTION STORE FOR SALE, OR A partner. 2115 Fillmore St., near California. WELL- ESTABLISHED g DAIRY PBODUCE *' route and wagon for s-ile; reason sickness. Apply A. A., 617 Greenwich st. 1 9/ , a~7jrugstore WESTEBN ADDI- 01-V/U. tion: owner going East: rare oppor- tunity. Address D., box 37, this office. MIST BE SOLD AT ONCE; BEST PAYING livery able in town: 30 boarders: 25 livery horses: hacks, buggies, etc.: centrally located; lo.v rent ; this is a fine opportunity to get a zood business at a bargain; principals only. Address P. 8., box 127, this orlice. TJESTAUBANT— u st the place FOR -II man and wife: small rent. Apply this office. Thirst-class BAKERY' FOR" BALE; OWNER J retiring. Apply Call Branch. Hi: A IN AND COMMISSION business ; two-third interest: established 29 y«ars. Ap- ply Call Orhce. 710 Mark st. ESTAURANT; GOOD I OCATION: LOW rent; living-rooms; Rood place for man, wife or partner. A poly Call Ofiice. WILL EXCHANGE "FAMILY HOTEL. 100 " rooms, in city for conn cry hotel in warm cll- mat? "0 to 100 miles from city, or any profitable business: references. Address Hotel, box 44. Call Office. pARTXER-SAX FRANCISCO FIRM ESTAB- -L. lisbed 7 years, doing good business, Intends branching out and desires partner who is to invest $5000: can make good salary and 8 to 12 per cent on investment: a fine opportunity to get into a live, well established firm; Investigation desired; references offered and required; principals only. Address Partner, box ICO. Call Office. MILLINERY AM) DRESSMAKING BUST ness for sale: established over 20 years: fail Ing health cause of selling; desirablo location: only one in the place. Call for information at 843 Franklin St., Oakland. Q^fWlf 1 INTERIOR AGENCY OF THIS PA- «4>«J"JUU. per; pays over $200 per month sick- ness cause of selling. Apply .this office. "IT I OR SALE- A SMALL" HOTEL OF 20 ROOMS: .1- well furnished; full of boarders: bar doing good business: more than pays expenses; must be sold on account of sickness. MRS. J. DELCBOIX, Point Tiburon, Marin County, Cal. "Q9XA KESTAURAXT — LOCATION CEX- '.. — •"'• trai; good chance for man and wife. R. L.. bo« 76, Call office. OLE-ESTABLISHED HOMX RESTA UR A NT, bakery and coffee saloon; near factories; good trade: cheap. Apply Call Office. 800 •: STORE AT 331 BUSH ' ST.: WELL ES- tablished. Apply to ED P. LEV V, 1204 Mar- ket St. PARTNER. WITH $200, IN RESTAURANT" 1 P., box 70, Call Office. ©'A BARBER-SHOP. 1881 MISSION ST. "^TtXlbuys NICE restaurant AND •IT JL^I O living-rooms : good business. 958 Howard <Bt^?HA BOYS PRINTING AND MANUFAC- *g)O\J\J turing store; central. 8., box 9, Call Office. <'*( H) WOOD AND' COAL YARD; HORSE tJpOWV/. and 2 wagons; greatest bargain ever of- fered. WOOD. 917 Market st. > 1 1 ' iA R STAND, BEST CORNER IN THE \J city; clears $140 monthly; other business cause of selling: see this as it is a bargain. DECKER, 1206 Market st. \\r IDO\V\ BUSINESS WOMAN, WANTS '» partner; half interest or whole: restaurant. 208 First st DYERS. ATTENTION— THE OLDEST GER- man dyeing establishment for sale; cheap; ac count retiring. Apply this oflice. XT OTTO N 9 AND DRYOUODS STORE— 1* account of sickness. Apply Call Office. (&7AAA CASH WILL BUY YOU AN estab- V I "'V'U lished business, well located, having fine cash trade In stationery, school • supplies, agateware, tinware woodenware, toys, notions, etc.; one of firm will assist purchaser for 1 month. Address Bazaar, box 65. Call Office. "I^OR SALE— HOME RESTAURANT; GOOD J business. Apply this office. FOR SALE— CORNER LIQUOR-STORE WITH J good bar trade. Appiv 368 Third st. fe?_fl COFFEE AND CHOP HOUSE THIS <iJ)O\J. week: sickness. 627 c Hayes. OOD "CALL" AND EVENING PAPER route In Oakland for sale. J. W., Call Office, Oakland- BUSINESS CHAN CKS— Continued. PELIABLE PARTY WITH ABOUT 1000 TO -LV join in a profitable, established business: will stand full investigation: references given. S. 8., box 78. Call Offlce. BOTCHER BUSINESS FOR SALE IN COUN- -13 try. Address Butcher, box 60, Call Office. __ OMALL RESTAURANT: LIVING-BOOMS: 0 part cash, balance easy terms. Apply Call Office. , "LODGING-HOUSES FOB SALE. It oomsTcxearTn^ove r^sloo^~pk "Iv" $850. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. ■"(-Tota 35 Rooms; CLEARING .$6O MONTH- t!r__t)U. ly. SPECK A CO., 30 Montgomery st. AT AUCTION PRICK. ON ACCOUNT of sick- A ness— Furniture of 22 rooms; rents, $45. 612 Fourth st. HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS FOR SALE CEX- trally located, pays more than rent. Address House, box 30, Call Office. T7IA- iiv HOTELOF *6 BOOMS; NORTH SIDE X Sutter St.. near Jones: for cash or reasonable terms: must be sold. For particulars apply on premises. Imperial, 728 Sutler St.. or Hotel Savoy. ■I BOOMS, ALL FULL. CHEAP; TENANTS ±_- permanent; no agents. 1024 Mission st. WT<r>\ HOUSE. 19 ROOMS. FULL: BATH: tjp't_-c>. low rent. 240y a Sixth, near Howard. 1 AND ALL, COME FOR BARGAINS TO BUT- -1 TERFIELD real estate. Crocker building. FURNITURE FOR SALE. r~^U~B^Trri r IiF^OF"9~R?)OMS; CHEAP. CALL J? from 10 to 12 and from 4 to 6 at 428 Slitter st,, downstairs. 'Vr-. ■QEDROOM SETS, $11; OAK CHAIRS, $1; -P carpets, 45c. SHIRKK. 1310-1312 Stockton. /^UT PRICES IN FURNITURE AXD CARPETS V this week at McCABE'S, 948-950 Mission St. EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AND It second hand: 400 carpets, good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up: linoleum, 45c; 7-piece chamber suits, $14 50; cornice-poles, 25c: ranges, $6; cash or installments; goods shipped free. T. H. NELSON. 126 Fourth st. FURNITURE WASTED. TCVURNITUrK COUXTEItS, SHOWCASED -T restaurants bought.sold. ANDERSON. II2I C. MUTHEK, THE AUCTIONEER. BUYS . furniture at highest cash prices. 6 Fourth st. CJ HOW CASES, BAB, RESTAURANT, CANDY O outfits, fixtures, etc., bought and sold. 125 Fifth. CARPETS. WaRPETS, ~4S(T: LINOLEO Mr4Oc7 BK DROOM V set. $11. SHIREK. 1310-1312 Stockton st. CARPET CLEANING. V \TI"NAi. CABPET BEATING a'niTreNtX ±> vating Works. HAM PTON A NITNAN : laying and altering. 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission *244. CITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AND I Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. G. R. STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. THOBOUGHLY CLEANED AND \J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSOX & CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. TVTHEX YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH * » poor work send to SPAULDIXG'S Pioneer Ca- rpet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama; tei. So-40. / OXKLIX'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 888 \J Golden Gate aye.; telephone east 126. pARPETS WELL CLEANED. BARBER'S, 233 \J 14th, ur. Mission; tel. (Mission) 100. rpHE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING x Co. (lncorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. J MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REX- eJ . ovating works. 453 Stevenson: tel. 8228. HORSES. Y^A^r^^sTDTJLEiro R^r^N^TrFTFTioT; T » state price. S. H. A., box 35, Call Office. A A HORSES FOR SALE; ALSO WAGONS, iv/ buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Market, 327 Sixth st. : auction sales every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN A DOYLE, Auctioneers. HORSES PASTURED; *2 A MONTH; SEND for circular. F.A. HYDE. 630 Commercial St. 1 f\f\ SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL J. "U kinds: second-hand wagons, boggy, cur ■<: i'lsn "0 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia sc; WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. SURREY AND BREWSTER SIDE-BAR ROAD baggy: bargain. 1624 Mission st. rURST-CLASS 3-CAN MILK WAGON FOR X 1 sale. 118 Mission. IP ARM o r < ; 00 d SPRING WAGON WANTED, . carry two tons for country. 434 Tenth st. 17108 SALE— 2 GOOD Ifo"RSES,~SURREY, . buggy, harness and farm wagon; cheap for cash: must sell quick. F. W., box 7, Call Office. ONE COUPELET CABBIAGE, ONE open buggy, one set double barn- ss. two robes, one whip: all nearly new; In pen- ci order: at a bargain on account of departure. City Stables, 332 Bush. FIXE BAKERY AND LAUNDRY WAGONS, rockawav. h:ig:-i»*s- also hack. 828 HarrisOL for sale-miscellaneous. DOCTORS LTBBABYBOLDATABACBIFICB. Apply 1726 Eddy st. QI 9 I LAT OF 4 ROOMS. 563 MIXX A ST. LACK MINORCA POULTRY YARDS, 11 Pond St.: large English birds, prize-winners; eggs $2 for 13. if s for 40. I/i'l: SALE— BBOWN LEGHORN AND HOU- X 1 dan hens at $1 each. 3108 Geary St. D HORSEPOWER MARINE ENGINES AND O boiler; surface condenser, pumps and propeller; cheap; as good as new. Apply 2316 Webster st. :n A CHICKS, 10 CENTS^ACH;I HATCHED *)\J\J by Schuie's «elf-Re_ulating Hot Water In- cubator; best in the world. 1213 Valencia st. I JUNE TENT AND CAMPING PLACE COM- plete; to let for season. 1503 Geary st. ASH ING EXGIXE FOR SALE CHEAP— 1 One Bxl4 straw-burning thrashing engine, with brand new boiler: built to carry a working pressure of 100 pounds of steam. Appiv at T. .1. MOYXI- UAN'S boiler works, 311 and 313 Mission St., southwest corner Beale. V EW $100 LADY'S SAFETY: $50 CASH OR LI Installments. 326 McAllister st. howcasksTnotions and furniture of 3 rooms; cheap. 152 First St. piIILD'S WILLOW CRIB AND MATTRESS, \J good as new, $10. 309 Hyde. A 1 LOT OF EASTERN STANDARD MAKES of safes which have been taken in exchange as part payment for the Waltz safes, as follows: 3 burglar-proof bank orcoin safes, 7 jewelers' safes, 8 pawnbrokers' safes, 13 merchant safes: fire and burglar proof: all sizes; at less than half cost; see them before you order. The Waltz Safe Salesroom, 221 and 223 Market St., factory 13 and 15 Dm mm St., San Francisco. Cat. ATEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- Ii hand. W. 8. RAY' Mfg Co.. 12 California st. \iriLSHIRK SAFE. LETTER-PRESS. SCALE, '* coffee-mill and money-till; cheap. 102 Clay St. pO1; N T X RS. SHELVING, SHOWCASES \ bought and soli.. 1 l'-M ';> Market. 7than'l 8;h CLAIRVOYANTS. T) R^ESSO"ir3rI™cT~O E E, THE^ACKXOWI^ JL edged clairvoyant, business test medium, has lo- cated at 1031 Market s'.., opposite J. J. O'Brien's; readings daily, also sittings for spirit pictures: $1; 9 a. M. tO 7 P. M. CQ7 TIIIrL (BASEMENT)— EXPERIENCED OO 1 clairvoyant: ladies only; fee 25 cents. GYPSY LIFE-BE ADER; LADIES 25c; GENTS 50c; near Market. 5 Seventh st. M" ME. POBTt K. CARD-READER; LADIES 50c; gents $1; palmistry and clairvoyant; sit- tings $1 50. 210 Turk st., near Jones. ME. LSGETTE, PAST, PRESENT AND iVI future. 304 Tehama St., corner Fourth. MRS. WATTEB9, GBEAT CARD RKADER, j no humbug; returned 25c. gents 50c. 337 Tehama St. UGUSTA LKOLA, FORTUNE TELLER: ma- ie charms: love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband; teaches fortune-telling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; ras the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder cnarm; fee $1 and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. MMETmOREAU, BEST~MEDIUM.CLAIRVOY- ant; speaks German; 25c. up. 131 Fourth st. T)ROFKSSon LEON". PALMIST. THE GBEAT X renowned clairvoyant and life reader, has ar- rived in the city; don't fail to see him; gives luck In business; healing power; hours 10 a. m. to B p.m. ; also Sunday. 533 Post st., near Taylor. M.ME. DB. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC reveal- er by eggs and carls (In English orGerman)tell.i entire life, past, present, future: consultat ons on all affairs, nothing excepled; names given: good advice: sure help; restores lost love by sympathy; ! mistake impossible ; fee $1; letter $2. 30 Ktarny. MRs. s. SEAL-SITTINGS DAILY: TKST~CIR7 Wed, eve.. By. m.; Thurs., 2. 110 McAllister. MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, CLAIRVOYANT, TEST medium and life-reader. 218 Stockton. SPIRITUALISM. MRS. HENDEE ROGERS. GIFTED MEDIUM* Xix healer: cir.. Mon and Kn; sit daily. 122 Turk. AM. FRANCIS. us HAIGHT. IXDEPEN- . dent slate- writing medium : Sunday excepted. A! RS. HENDEB KOGEBB PSYCHOMETBfBT, i»i- test and healing medium: cir. Mon. and Fri. eve.; sittings dally. 122 Turk st. MRS. EGGERT AIKKN. TRANCE MEDIUM cir. Sun. eve.: developing cir. Tues. eve. 716 Post st. ASTROLOGY. A STRAL SEER-PROF. HOLMES, 523 GEARY* ■"■ St.; horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. SEWING MACHINES. OEWING-MACHINES BENTED, fl 50 PER O month; aH kinds repaired; machines sold from $5 upward. ISC'* Market at. FIN ANCIAT,. """ iTownRATES; " CITYTcOuSfTRY : " COLLAT^ JU eral securities TRAVERSE, 313 Monts'y. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1895. PERSONALS. aIi^DR^SSINgT 25c ; ~A^Y"TT^YLEr~PIo'- neer Hairstore. BERTHA SPITZ. 11l Stock- ton; established 1869; strictly one price; 25c only. SUGH'fLY^sdILED DRIVING- GLOVES; 0 drummers' samples. HEIXEMAN'S, 109 San- some st. HXIR-DRESSING, $1 50 PER WEEK; HAIR and scalp treatment, $1 50 per month. 6 Eddy St., room 83. QUPERFLUOUS HAIR— WRITE FOR FREE 0 information how to remove it permanently and at once without slightest Injury to the skin. CUR- TIS CX)., 18H Thirty-second St., Chicago. | T ADY WOULD LIKE THE LOAN OF $500. J 1 to be paid partly in room and board; call morning. 46 Grove st. AN INVALID, LADY~ OB GENTLEMAN, jML with or without attendant would be received in the elegant home of a physician residing thirty miles from San Francisco. Z. 8., box 124, Call Office. Riding-habit! WILL SELL FOR THE making. 115 Kearny st., room 14. lADIKs, DR. VORKi.J's FRENCH FEMALE XJ pills never fall; safe and sure; sealed $1; par- ticulars 4c. "W" Aurum Medicine Co., 55 Slate St.. Chicago. 111. Att CARPETS WOVETOORDERFOR SALE; x\i also chcnllle-wove rugs, silk-rag portieres; denier in carpet twine in hank or chain at lowest rates. GEO. MATTHEW, 709 Fifth, Oakland, Cal. ME. HOLLISTKB GIVES GEBMAN ALCO- hoi baths and magnetic treatment. 110V_ Stockton st. . BA V (FINE BOY), ONE MONTH OLD^ offered for adoption; no fee. 8., box 58, Call Offlce. GO WHERE YOU GET GOOD CLOTHING AT VX half the merchant tailor's prices. Misfit Cloth- Ing Parlors. 14 Geary St.: fine suits $15: dress pants $4 75; special ulsters $2 95. INGLE BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF Pomade is guaranteed to cure any case of dan- druff or falling hair or money refunded: never known to fail: try It. By all druggists price $1, or SMITH BROS., Fresno, ial. 7 CENTS PER DOZEN FOR CABIN ETS.FULL % O length, at GODEUS' Art Studio, 10 Sixth st. HAUPTLI, LADIES' HAIR DRESSER, HAS • removed to 1156 Market St., next to the Maze. HE LCST MINE. A company is being formed for the purpose of searching for this famous property, and only three more members will be admitted. Active explora- tion is now under way under the guidance of an old and practical miner, familiar with all the sur- joundings, and who Is confident that the property will soon be rediscovered. This property is be- lieved to be the richest in the world. Any one feeling sufficiently interested will call on or address the undersigned. I. D. THOMPSON, 016 Eddy street, S. F. A D VICE FREE ; DI VORCE LAWS A SPECIAL- x\- ty : collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. HOWE, Att'y-at-law, 850 Market., cor. Stockton. To ORDER— $12; SAMPLE BY MAIL. 1 NEUHAUS, merchant tailor. 115 Kearny. ■V[O CURE, NO PAY. WE GUARANTEE IM- -Ll mediate relief and permanent cure for catarrh, rheumatism, tumor, cancer, skin disease or any 01 her disease known to human flesh. Successfully treated by mail. For full information address, with 4 cents stamps, or call at the office, King Lini- ment Medical Company. 7 Montgomery aye., San Francisco, DBB. KING and JONES. A NSEL WHITE, INFORMATION WANTED: A if alive may hear of something greatly to his advantage, or his heirs may If he is dead. Address K. H. O'HARA, 469 8. Seventh St., San .lose. cal. OECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, to showcases, counters, shelvlngs, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock of them, too: be sure f.nd see sock and get prices be- tore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission M.. above Sixth. DANCING IN All. 11l I LATEST BRANCHES taught at IRVINE'S, 927 Mission st. / 'ET RELIABLE DETECTIVE, BEST OF "X reference; save time, money and anxiety. Ad- dress H. H., box 82, Call Office. ONE MORE CUT— Oak Roll Top Desks $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers From 10 up oak Bed Sets $17 50 Up Oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up Stoves and Ranges $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOOXAX, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission st., above Sixth. ('AN HAVE DBESSES CUT AND FITTED ! \J for $3: dresses popular prices or engagements i by the day; patterns to measure. 11 Geary. HEADQUARTERS LONG DISTANCE TELE- JLL phones, cheap; send for prices. Klein Electric Works, 720 Montgomery St.. San Francisco, Cal. pALLATFOXZO'SCAFE FOR FIRST-CLASS \J refreshments; furnished rooms by the day or week. 2067 Center st.. Berkeley station, Berkeley. 1 R. C. H. SPENCER HAS DISCOVERED U how to grow new hair and gave what you have; a large class under treatment. Send address for book explaining treatment, 1206 Market Also lady partner wanted with $350 to open up a ladles' department. Qr I K 1 PLACE'FOR LAD] TO TRADE IN v^ stocks anrt srraln: lar~e money made on small investment. WHKELOCIC A- CO., 318 Pine st., 3. CIANCER AND TUMORS CUBED; ELECTRIC \J and magnetic treatments to women and chil- dren for chronic and nervous diseases; reduced price to the poor. MRS. LEE, 827 Ellis st. 1 1' _LT2 GUARANTEED; PRIVATE OR IX >» class. PROF. FOSTER'S dancing-school, 997 Market st. TIIK NEW LOUVRE DIXIXG-PARLORS,AT JL 8-14 Farrell st. are the talk of the town. LOAKS, CAPES AND sills I LBS AT mfrs'cost. Factory, 20 Sanaome St.. upstairs. K[NETOS( FOB SALE; PHONOGRAPH Ja. outfits bought for cant). Bacigalupi, 946 Mkt. VISITINu-CARDS ENGRAVED AT ROBERT- V SON'S, 128 Post st, TXT ED DIN O 1 VITATIO 8 ENGRAVED AND >> printed. ROBERTSON'S, 126 Post st. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT and SOLD, store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc. ; cheap. Yard 1166 Mission st., nr. Eighth. GAs FIXTURES AND PLUMBING. 623 Golden Gate are. H. HUFSCHMIDT. OLD GOLD, SILVER, GENTS' AND LADIES' cloth bought. COLMAN. 41 Third St. WINDOW shades MANUFACTURED TO >> order hv WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Market. pHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address In the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- -8g»; free. DRESSMAKERS. FASHIONABLE DRESSES MADE; $3] J skirts. $1. 108 Fo :r.h si. mkoical; A£i CASES OF IRK EM 1 ULABITIES BE- Xx stored in one day; safe and sure relief guaran- teed; tumoks and ovarian diseases cured by ! MEDICAL KI.WTBICITY; home ill confinement: reg- i ular physician of long and successful practice; ! travelers helped without delay: ladies suffering 1 from any complaint call and consult free; French ; pills, guaranteed. MRS. DR. WYETH, Sanitarium, 916 Post St.. 1 ot. Hyde and Larkin. \\ us. DR. WEGENEB, PRIVATE HOME FOR 1 I*l all it-male diseases; separate rooms for ladies I before and during confinement; have enlarged and 1 arranged my home to suit rich and poor; irregulari- ties cured in a day; guaranteed; no Instruments; ; regular physician of long and successful practice; 1 travelers attended ; no delay; all business strictly confidential: babies adopted. 418 Eddy st. jr A' 4 SO RE SAFE CUBE FOR ALL FEMALE -«.i- disease: a home in confinement with best care; with the privacy of a home and conveniences of a hospital; consultation free and confidential; a positive cure for liquor, morphine and tobacco habit: every case guaranteed without Injury to health. MRS. DR. GWYER, 811% Hyde st. AN EW PBOC Kss _ x, , MEDICINE, INS PBU- ments or worthless pills used: every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- I ter from what cause: restores always in one day; j if you want to be treated safe and sure call on men's I physician: knowledge can be sent and used at home; all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 31 8 Kearny st. POSITIVE, GUARANTEED CUBE FOR IR- -l regularities; used for years in private practice with invariable success even in moat aggravated cases; easy to take; perfectly natural in action; no pain, exposure or danger: cures In two days: sent securely sealed on receipt of $3 or C. O. i».- Hirictly confidential. Address DR. J. MILTON BEIiUETOLE, P. O. box 2223, S. F. DAUDET'S APHRO TABLETS -THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, Impotency and all disorders of the sexual organs; $1 a bos, « boxes $5; send for circular. J. H. WIDBER, cor. Market and Third, sole agent. DRs. GOODWIN, SPECIALTY DISEASES OF women ; ladies near or far assured quick relief of disease; irregularities restored daily; safe cure guaranteed; no instruments: home in confine- mi DI : best skill; low fees; pills $2. 1370 Market. riAHE "INFALLIBLE PREVEXTIVK" FOR x either sex. Send stamp for information or 50c for trial jar to P. O. box 1896, San Francisco. TJRIYATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT; OER- x man midwife. MRS. POWELL, 1810 Mission. I A DIES— I32B GEARY; DBS. JANNE"y~In- XJ stitute open for reception of women before and during confinement: skill only; advice free: all subjects of private or delicate nature confidential. LADIES CONSULT free MBS. dr. SCOTT JU lIOV2 Turk St., for matter what cause; home in confinement: also disease of the eye treated. R.UALL. 14MCALLISTER, SECOND FLOOR, next Hibrrnla Bank; diseases of women. V I( ' I •: PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT 1' at the most reasonable price In the city. MRS. M. PFEIFFER, midwife, 2014 Folsom st. FEMALE PILLS FROM FAMOUS PEBSIAN prescription: quick; positively harmless: price, *2 50. COKE CO., specialists, 1423 Market at. ALL LADIES CONSULT FREE MRS. mi. DA VIES, 14 McAllister St., near Market: leads all competitors; only qualified, trusty spe- cialist for safe, quick relief of Irregularities, no matter what cause: treatment scientific, harmless and painless: never falls: home in confinement. IF IRREGULAR OK ANY FEMALE DISEASE X see Mrs. Dr. Pnets and be content. 254% 4th. A LPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS. ~ : AA boon to ladies troubled with Irregularities; no danger; s>afe and sure; $_ 60, express C. O. D.; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oak- land, Cal.. agents for Alpeau et Cie. DR. AND MRS. DR. FORMERLY of 1211 1/3 Mission, now 1508 Market st. : month- y irregularities cured in a few hours; guaranteed; no instruments used: sure preventive. „ ■ I PIANOS. VIOLINS AND SHEET MUSIC. A n'upmgTit B ACRTFICEITFfmS7OTsTObL, xX cover. Room 21, Flood Building. ■it ft r^A UPRIGHT PIANO for ?105: IMME- <t®OO\J diates.ile. Boom 10, Flood Building. BEST UPRIGHT IN' THIS CITY, SACRIFICED by owner, a lady, on account of unfortunate family conditions: immediate sale is necessary; original price $600. Can be seen at warer. oms of the J. DEWING CO., 2d floor Flood Building. QPLENDID UPRIGHT PIANO FOR SALE ; a bargain. 155 I'erryst. ftftfl UPBIOHT PIANO; CALL IN AFTER- jPU"J. noon. 713 Valencia st. LMSHKK UPRIGHT; MUST BE SOLD IMME- X aiately. 536 McAllister st. T?LEOANT SQUARE PIANO AT A SACRI- «-' flee; must be sold. 637 Valencia. A\r3l. G. BADGES. WITH KOHLER& CHASE ii 26, 28 and 80 O' Farrell st. , OUR NEW RENT-COX TRACT PLAN IS meeting with great favor: terms of payment are SO easy that everybody can have a piano: besj makers; largest stock. SHERMAN. CLAY >t CO. STECK, CHIOKERIXG it SONS.. "fOSE AND O Sterling pianos sold on SlO installments. BENJ. CURTAZ A SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell st. SECOND-HAND DPBIGHTS, WITH OUR ■4J gnarßntee; $125 each. MA UVAIS.769 Market. HOME INDUSTRY— HEMME * LONG PIANO CO., 340 Post; pianos sold on Installments; send for Illustrated catalogue. HARP b"y~SEBASTIAN ERARD; DOUBLE action and elegantly finshed; is found with difficulty anywhere; a nice selection is at present exhibited by SHERMAN, CLAY A CO. BARGAINS— PIANOS FROM $75 UP : ORGANS $25. A. L. BANCROFT <fe CO.. 324 Post st. A" BJCTTER AND EASIER-FLAN TO buy a xx gooil piano by renting. Be careful to go to Koll LEB & CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. ECKER BROS.. STEIN WAY, FISCHER and other first-class makes of pianos; little used; Cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLKR & CHASE, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. GREAT BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND PI- VJ anos at SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. 'B, cor. Kear- ny and Slitter sis. EASY TERMS; LOW PRICES. KoHLER & CHASE. ]/ 1 W ELEGANT uprights, standard 1- makes, almost new, half original cost; see at once. F. W. SPEXCER A CO., 721 Market st. YROX MAUZY, 308 POST ST.— SOHMER, Newby & Evans, Briggs and other pianos. ST I : I NWAY UPRIGHT; SLIGHTLY USED; O grand tone; half-cost. SPENCER, 721 Market. QUPERIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD ft NEW. 0 11. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. LOST. T OST— APBIL" "" 28^ FROM GTJA DA LOU PE J-i dairy. Fifteenth aye. and San Bruno road, sor- rel gelding horse, 5 years old. Return to above ad- dress for reward. ffij Of) REWARD— lost, ON Saturday '.. —"' evening, black-and-tan Dachshund dog. Please return to 1121 Van Ness aye. 1 OST— PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA JJ Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of BABETTA siKLBKKMANN, No. 188,833. The finder will please return to bank. LOST— A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA J Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco in the name of K. p. >[ LI. IVAN, No. 71,113. The Under will please return to bank. "1 OST— A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA -lJ Saving* and Loan Society of San Francisco in ! the name of JOHN SULLIVAN, No. 84,003. The finder will please return to bank. _^^ FOUND. \\""ATCH; mSnkJSOIVING^DAY IN PARK. i ' Address and describe, M. P., box 23. Call OHlce. MONEY TO LOAN. I" ~6^^7"R^AT^^T^^E7^rßsf~ANrTsEC- ■i-i ond mortgages, pianos, furniture. BECKER, 240 Montgomery st, ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WITHOUT removal, warehouse receipts and other securi- ties. Room 68, Donohoe building, cor. Market and Taylor sts. T OWES RATES OX CITY, COUNTRY AND -1-J collateral securities. SIIADBURXE JR. <fc Co., 313 Montgomery st. ANY SUM DIAMONDS, ESTATES, A furniture, realty. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. MONEY LOANED OX JEWELRY AND DlA- mondB. Mills' building, fifth floor, room 6. <£• Onn (\C\C\ AT 6 i>KK CENT ON CITY AND iS)O\J\J ,\J\JV' Oakland first-class business prop- erty. a. SCHULLER, 508 Montgomery st. On ANY SECURITY. AT"LOW RATES; DEAL- Ing confidential. 43 Crocker building. IST AND 21) MORTGAGES, ESTATES, J. pianos, alimony ;any sum. MURPHY, 62B Market. MUNICIPAL Loan OFFICE, CROCKER building, room 57; telephone Main 5122. ANY SUM OF MONEY ADVANCED OX your furniture, pianos or real estate; low rates; call and state your proposition or write: open evenings. J. NOONAX, 1021 Mission st. MONK'S LOANED OX JEWELRYAND OTHER valuables at the Security Loan Bank, 1100 Market . h;.. nr. Mason: private entrance 7 Turk. . MONEY ANTED. V MONEY WANTED ON Al REAL ESTATE security. P. B. TRAVERSE. 818 Montgy st. WANTED— fIBOO ON EXCELLENT REAL ii estate security near San Francisco; the Im- provements Insured for the amount of loan, pay- able to mortgagee;. 11 percent will be paid for one year; no expense for examination of property. Ap- ply to.IQUN 1.. RICH I 1,!'.. 513 Market st. attoknevs-at-law. Advice fb eeToj Tvo^cFl a^vs~a~s?eciXi^ ty; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. HOWE, Att'y-at-iaw, 850 Market st., cor. Stockton. \\ ONF.Y ADVANCED TO LITIGANTS, COURT lil cos's and charges paid In matters of probate, contracts, damages, accidents, notes, first-class collections and general law buslcss. Address J. F. NAUGHTOX, 51 Nevada block, S. F. \\' M. 11. CHAPMAN, ATTORXEY-AT-LAW, ii Mills building, sixth floor, room 5, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Telephone 1644. \\r W. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.42O ii . California st., rms. 14-15; advice free. JOUN R. AITKEN, ATTOKNF.Y -AT LAW. Its. O 16 and 17. 402 Mouteomery St., cor. California. EEAL ESTATE TKANSACTIONS. Charles and Gertrude Fredricks^n to Anna O. Fredricks lot on >>' line of Greenwich street, 108:3 E of Buchanan, E 25 by X 137:6; $10. Jeremiah K. Slnicy to Daniel Kins em, lot on E line of Scott street. 112:6 S of Fell, S 25 by E 137:6: $10. Emily M Gocttln to Anna McWiliiams, lot on \V line of Scott street, 25 S of L'.oyd, S 25 by W 118:9; $10. Crocker Estate Company to Michael Scholl, lot on W line of shradcr street, 126 S of Waller, S 25 byW 131:8; $1675. Same to Lars F. Peterson, lot on N line of Beulah street, 106:8 W of Nhrader.W 20 by N 100: $1400. Same to Eliza T. Wilson, lot on NE corner of Beulah ami Sbrader streets, X 25 by X 110: $2225. Estate Of Adelinn Mejasson (by T. A. Fisher, ex ecutor) to Fernando Nelson, lot on 8 line of Nine teenth street, 150 W of Guerrero, \V 60 by S 22B; $2350. Kstate of Adeline Mnjasson (by T. A. Fisher, ex ecutor), Marie Oensoul and Eugenic G. Martin (by C. K. Shafer, attorney), Marie G. Fisher, Adele G. Vorbe and J. Geusoul to Fernando Nelson, same: $2350. Louise S. M. 1,, and Marie A. F. Vorbe to Fer nando Nelson, same; $10. Charles M. Depew to Mary J. Depew, lot on W line of San Jose avenue, 024 S of Twenty-fourth street, s. 30 by W 120; rift. John 11. stitt to Robert Stltt, lot on SW corner Twentieth and Diamond streets, W 25 by S 97.6; $25. Spencer C. and Lucy S. Browne to Sarah M. Dunning, lot on W line of Taylor street, 202 ' 2 N of Broadway, N 72:5, W 77:6, 8 70. W 60, S 67:5, E 37:6. X 05. E 100, subject to mortgage: $5. Ben Barton to Stella F. Burton, lot on \V line of Hyde street, 50 from NW corner of Filbert, 77:6 by 137:tJ; No. 2101 Hyde; gift. Mary No an to Patrick W. Biordan, lot on W corner of Howard and First streets, N\V 25 by SvV 80: Rift. Andrew Howard to William J. Howard, lot on NW line of Minna street, 818:1*4 SW of Third, SW '21:101,4 by NW 70: also lot on W line of Mary street, 235 NW of Howard. NW 40 by SW 76:6: also lot on SE line of Natonaa street, 387:6 NE of Sixth. NE 25 by si", 70; also all Interest in estate of Mat til" w J. Howard, subject to life estate; gift. Richafd A. McCabe (a minor, by Cornelia E. Mc- Cab<\ guardian) to Mary McCabe, lot on SB; line of Harrison street, 80 SvV of Chesley. BW2ObyJ9E 60: also lot on si<: line of Maria street, 80 S\V of Chesley, SW 40 by SE 60: $200. San Francisco Stock Brewery to Henry F. Bruns, lot on 8 corner of Mary and Chesley streets, SW 60 by 60: also lot on NW line of Boyd street, 80 SW of Chesley, SW 40 by NW 60; $10. Hibernia Savings and Loan Society to same, lot on SW line of Chesley street, 97:6 SE Of Harrison, SK 40 by SW 60; $.'»." Sol and Dora <;<■!/, to Conrad and Mary C. Riepjel huth, lot on W line of Eighth avenue, 176 S of H street, S 25 by W 120; $10. John H. Stitl to Stephen O. Smith, lots 180, 182, 184 and 187, Gift Map 2; $10. Andrew and Ann Peterson to James Allen <fc Co., lot on hE line of Athens street, 898 NE of India avenue, NE 50 by BE 100: $10. Henry N. and Caroline A. Deppe to Benjamin B. naskell, lots 4 and 6, block 9, Syndicate's First Addition; $10. AUMKDA COUNTY. Howard Morrls3on of San Francisco to Robert G. Landierebe of San Francisco, lot 11, block 11, Mcliee Tract, Berkeley ; $10. J. E. Godley of San Francisco to E. A. Ellsworth of Niles. lot on HE corner of Durant and Fine streets, S SO by E 135, betnK lots 14 and 15 on sub division map, or the NE 80 feet of lot 2, block 10, North Berkeley, more fully described on map of Berkeley Villa Association property, Berkeley ; $10. Frank H. Pollard of Oakland to J. 11. T. Watkin so.i of Oakland, lots 13 and 14. block A, Elmhurst Tract, Brooklyn Township; $10. Samuel E. Knowles of Alameda to Minna E. Brown of Alameda, lot on NW line of Lafayette s.reet, 167:6 NE of Santa Clara avenue, NVV 135 by NE 60. Abunrda: .$lO. . "Frederic 1 ; Williams of Oakland to Andrew S. D :: ;:.r of Oakland, lot on N line of West Th!r:i enth street, 205 :45 Eof Center, E2sby N 104 :5, being lot 28, block 579, map of Bcseball Grounds, Four- I toe ut h and Center streets, Oakland; $4'JO. .1. K. and Sarah M. McLean of Oakland to A. M.C- Cjnnell of Oakland, 10; 38, block B, Fanny Daven port Tract, being a subdivision of lot 6 of the Yoa kum Tract, Brooklyn Township: $10. Builders' Contracts. Margaretha Schwerdt with Samuel H. Kent, car penter work, etc., for a four-story building on S\V corner of Sixth and Stevenson str 'Cts; $14,949. Same with Shepard Bros., plumbing and gasflt ting.same: .$1961. Sam.- with a. steiger & Sons, terra cotta work, same; $V! 875. Same with Adam Beck, concrete work, same; $12,575. HOTEL ARRIVALS. GRAND HOTEL. C P Byers, Newcastle J 11 Roberts, Sac F Fisher & w, Sac II Colin. Willows LGerlac;i * w, Stockton D <; Sound3berry, W. V. E M Fox, Santa Rosa C J Flynn, Tomales O Bolton, Porterville Q J Osboru, Cal R Dilles, Chico S Wren, Sac J M Lake, Mt View E E Smith, Palo Alto M II Rambo.Boulder Crk .1 S Llnrccf.. Santa Cruz .1 i) Enrfght, Lacuna J B Aver. Los Angeles R Marshall, Los Angeles F Smith .t 2 c, Cal A R Jackson, Berkeley E Sewell, Santa Rosa '. C Jones, (ul C M Brow Cal E Richard* w, Oakland Miss L Watson, Vallejo d F L«dd, Cal J 1< Mayinrr, Mi.rysvile R Judge &w, San Jose J X Whissen. Los Ang J R Judge, Carson City FL* vy, Visulia 3 L Gillis, Sac J C Hall, Redlands A L Hart, Sac Cap Ledermann.St Louis Hrs II Hodgman, Red S Hodgman, Red Wint; Wing ■ Mrs Densmore.Red Wing Mrs C.l Reynolds, Cal C E Lindsay, Santa Cruz T O Snow, Collinwood, O F Rahstaller, Sac E Xlcolaus, Sac - F C Weinreich, Sac O H Appel. Sac T L O'Xeil, Santa Cruz L A Mclntosh, Chico B M Gregory, Los Gatos E I) Warren, Uklah W H Baldwin, Sac W J McDonald. Los Ang J W Bbrden & w, Wis II B Pontlers, Rockland G W Kincald, Cal J M Ladd, Cal PALACE HOTEL. M H Kennedy, Stanford M Cohn, Los Angeles A L Ellis. Buffalo E Ryan, U S N G H Johnson, Stanford W H Wyman, Clnn C Aull A w, Folsom J Poulsen, Portland Dr. .1 F Lewis & w, L An E Germain, Los Angeles W H Edgar, Chicago- • Q Kriehn, fit Louis L L Arguello«fc \v, 8 Jose A G Ellet, Kansas City H W Newman <fe w.Presl T Coffin. Carson J T Jones, Carson S H Babcock, Salt Lake E F Crocheron, NY G B Dunbar & w, St Jos G C Salsh. NY , L C Bonny, Chicago J W Farwell, Chicago LICK HOUSE. „ W E Francis, Oakland G B Mcßride, Oakland E Cameron, NY J B Glover. Or F \V Vaille, Or EC Apperson, S Clara E M Khrhorn, Mt View H Heirshfield, Cal R steward, Reno W W Purlin, Los Angeles W Merldlth, Los Angeles A M Huett, Los Angeles G W Rice, San Miguel A P Felton &w, Boston F A Hornblower, Cal C S Arnold. Wis T H Steward, Reno C P Young, N V HV Ml mo, Salem, Or E W Steele, S L Oblspo J L Gilbert «fe w, Merced BALDWIN HOTEL. W E Clark, Phila T L Minnes, Cleveland s Cis'rr, Cleveland A M' son, New York L L Roscoe, Sausalito C F Giles, Sausalito D Clopton, Alabama D L Veatch, Chicago C Whitl.orne, Vallejo T Kidd, Nevada City W Proeior. San Jose J Smith, Sacrr.mentq ABC DowdelLSt Helena G 0 Munne. St Helena J Renke. St Helena .T X Terry, Sacramento It Babntore Aw, l'ortld D L Houston &w, Portld G A Hordy, Portland J M Hanshrougb, Rosebg J C Epperly, Roseburg Mrs LM Williams, Rosebg RUSS HOURS. W F Martin, Sulsun E M Mc(tren,SanQuentln W H Uyuts, New Mcx A L Dnveley, Boulder Cr T Kelly, San Bernardino E H Heitinger, Maytield A B Cooper, Alarm-da Mrs E Doty. Ohio W P Bowen * w, Ohio J B Howard, Texas E s ondly. Napa D L Thompson, Wis Mrs Prayer, NY J Peryoy, N V T H rhlnan. Tacoma H C Fisher, Texas J Steward, Wis W L Thomson, Wis G W strohl. Napa Mrs M J Damerel, lowa E F Houton, Napa Thos Orchard, Ogden Bl P Madero, KnightsLd F H Smith, M.ddleton LDeane. Reno W Craft, Onkland H >i Skiner, Everett W S Yverts, Montana W B Pamie, Victoria Q C Cook <fe w. Arbuckle WI? Prestos, Victoria MCConroy Aw, Arbuckle B F I'ryor, Victoria C Wood. Los Angeles Miss M Howard, Modsto S Hornhrook, Crools Miss Howard, Modesto Miss Montgomery, N V .1 McJaner, Hedyers C< ooper, King City w w Couts. Mendoeino J Davidson, Mojave \V H touts, Mendoeino W B Ridges. Louisiana \v A Orinaell, Eureka A Jones San Luis Obispo H B Routh. Healdsburg J M Brown, Eureka T Kf-rner, Los Angeles C H ilogan, i.o.s Angeles LATJiST SHIPPING IMKLLIGKNCJi Sailed. SATURDAY, May 4. Stmr Bandorille, Winant, Yaqulna Bay, etc. Domestic Ports. TATOOSH— Passed May 4— Stmr City of Everett, from Departure Bay for San Francisco. Al<>\ ennMit <. of Traim- Atlantic Steamers. LIVERPOOL — Arrived May 4-Stmr Etruria, from New York. DIVORCE SLITS BKGUN. Matilda Dean against Alexander T. Dean. David Lane against Kale Lane. Herman C. Liebenow against Faith E. Liebenow. BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATH& [Birth, marriage ana death notices sent by mall will not be inserted. They must be handed in at either of the publication offices and be indorsed witii the name and residence of persons authorized to have the same published. J BORN. ALLEN— In this city. May 3, 1895, to the wife of H. K. Allen, a daughter. BVKXS— In this city, May 4, 1895, to the wife of E. O. Burns, a son. COURTENAY— In this City, May 1, 1895, to the wife of Alnhonsus Courtenay, a daughter. DODGE— In Santa Gmz. Cal.. April 29, 1895, to the wife of W. E. Dodge, a son. FRANK— In this city, to the wife of W. Frank, a son. HARNEY-In San Luis Obispo, April 26, 1895, to the wife of M. Ilarney, a daughter. HEARD-In Eureka. Cal., April *J9, 1895, to the wife of E. C. Heard, a daughter. JURES— In this city, May 3, 1895, to the wife of Henry .lures, a son. JONES— In drass Valley, Cal., April 28, 1895, to the wife of Dr. C. W. Jones, a sou. KENDRICK— In Nevada City, Cal., April 30, 1895, to the wife of John Kendrick. a son. LA VERS— In Loomis, Cal.. April 22, 1895, to the wife of C. G. Layers, a daughter. McNAMARA— In th.s city, April 23, 1895, to the wifr- of William McNamara, a son. O'NEIL— In San Luis Obispo, Cal., April 25, 1895, to the wife of George O'Neil, a daughter. QUICK— In San Luis Obispo, Cal., April 30, 1895, to the wife of Tony Quick, a daughter. ROACH— In <;rass Valley, Cal., April 29, 1895, to the wife of Tiiomu Roach, a son. BOWE— In Colfax, Cal., April 29, 1895, to the wife of Samuel Uowe, a son. SMITH— In this city, April 12, 1895, to the wife of J. J. Smith, a son." TAPPEXDORK— At Salmon Creek, Cal., April 27, 1895, to the wife of F. H. Tappendorf, a son. THOMAS— In C iico. Cal., April 26, 1895, to the wife of James Thomas, a daughter. WEEKS-In Nevada City, April 30, 1895, to the wife of B. B. Weeics, a son. ■>I A :RIKD. BERTELSEN— JENSEN— In this city. May 2, 1895, by the Rev. O. Ciroensberg, Carl M. Bertel- sen and Marie C. Jensen. GUILL-HIUUINS— NearChlco, Cal., April 29, 1895, Lee 15. (Suill and Lorena May Higglna. GREF.N-SHURTLEFF— In Grass Valley, Cal.. April 30, 1895, M. M. Green and Mrs. Linna ShurflelT. HANSON— G JEST VANG— Tn this city, May 2, 1895, by the Rev. o. Groensberg, JohnP. Hanson and Augusta Gjesivan^. JOHNSOX-ESSWINE-In Crescent, Cal., April 25,1895, James A. Johnson and Mina Esswine. KOERTH-HANNA— In CoHisa, Cal., April 24, 1895, J. W. Ko»r:h and Lucy Hanna. MORGAN— FINDLKY— In Arroyo Grande, April 21, 1895, James D. Morgan and Flora Findley. PAYNE— TAYLOR— In San Luis JObispo, Cal., April 30, 1895, George M. Payne and Mrs. Cath- erine M. Taylor. REED-(iAMBERT-In Arroyo Orande, Cal., April 21, 1895, George Reed and Emma Gam- bert. ST'ESS-KIXDSCHEU-In Redlands, Cal., April 30, 1895, Emil Soess and Martha K. Kindscher. WA LLACE— HAM I'TON— Near Bishop, Cal., April 24,1895, George L. Wallace and Lulu Ha-npton. WATKINs— HUGHES— In Sacramento, M»v 4, 1595, H. c. Watklus of Kentucky and Miss J. I lushes of San Francisco. DIED. Brown, Captain W. Kehoe. James H. Brown, Emmett I. Llchtenstein. Edward Brock, Mrs. S. E. Lallman, Frank Beaman, Mrs. Frank Muson, Dr. Joseph H. Composiino, Frank Porter, Mary Dunning. James A. Pearson, Nals P. Daniels. A. C. Powers, Mrs. Ellen T. Day, Kllen Pries. Emma Denny, Mary Richardson, Julia W. Darlin 'i'liomas J. Reynolds, May E. (Jruvt-s. Luri'iia A* Small, Emm 11. Galloupe (infant) Shroyier, Cornelia K. H nber. Henry Short, Gregory It. Holt. Mamie Steele, J.H. Hopkins, L. B. Vasquez, Irvine Hansen. Harold L. Williams, A. D. Jenkins, R. K. Westohal.Capt. R. A.P. Johnson, Thomas BROWN— In this city, May 2, 1895, Captain Wil- liam Brown, beloved husband of th<- late Chris- tina C. Brown, and beloved father of Mrs. C. F.. Tolford, Mrs. A. It- Redmond and William A. Brown, a native of Denmark, aged 88 years and 11 months. KS~ Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funernl THIS DAY (Sunday), at 2 o'clock P. M.. trom the resi- dence of his son-iu-law, C. F. Tolford, 18 Henn street. Interment, Laurel Hill Cemetary. BROWN— In this city. May 3, 1895, Emmett I. Brown, beloved husband of Eliza E. Brown, and father of Lulu and Leonard E. Brown and Mrs. C. T. Littlejohn, a native of New York, aged 58 years 2 months and 14 days. J69F"Frlends and acquaintances are respect- f'llly invited to attend the fun»ral THIS DAY (Sunday), at 2:30 o'clock P. M., from his late resi- dence, 1008 JacksDn s.reet. BROCK— In Stockton, Cal.,| April 28, 1895. Mrs S. E. Brock, aged 65 years. BEAMAN-In Riverside, Cal., April 23, 1895, Mrs. Frank Beuman. COMPOSTINO-ln this city. May 4, 1895, Frank Compostino, a native of Italy, aged 75 years. "R^ l^"" this city, May 2, 1895, James A., beloved son of 1 liomas and the late Catherine, brother of Mar-ar ■;, Kate and Francis Dunning and Mrs. R. J. Welch, a native of San Francisco, aged 31 - ' aM and 8 months. , Sp- friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (bunrtay). at 9 o'clock a. m.. from his late rest- ™?,Z 'i? , Perry street, between Fourth and J-itth. Harrison and Bryant; thence to St. Rose's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9 :S0 o'clock a. it. Interment .Mount Calvary Cemetery. DANIELS-In this city. May 3. 1895, Alfred C, beloved husband of Annie Daniels, a native of Marysville, aged 31 years. v «;J"The funeral will take place TO-MORROW (Monday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from the par- lors of J. C. O'Connor <fe Co.. 707 Mission street. Interment, Laurel Hill Cemetery. ■ DENNY— In this city. May 8, 1895, Mary. beloved wife of the late T. Denny, a native of County Cork, Ireland, aired 61 years. JSfjTFriends and acquaintances ar<» respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Monday), at 10 o'clock a. m. sharp, from the resi- dence, 423 Eleventh avenue, thence to the Star or the Sea Church, were a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the renew of her soul, com- mencing at 10:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Ploa3e omit flower* DAY— In Santa Clara, April 29, 1895. Ellen Day. DA II LIN — In La Porte, Cal.. April 24, 1895, Thomas Jefferson Darlin, aged 77 years. GALLOUI'E— In Lorin, Cal., April 26. 1895. in- fant son or Mr. and Mrs. George Galloupe, aged 4 months. » GRAVES— Near Lathrop. Cal.. April 29, 1895, ■ Lurena A. Graves, aged 81 years. HANSEN— Near Tebama, Cal., April 29, 1895, Harold Laurence Hanseu, aged 6 years. HUBER— Wrights Station. May 2, 1895, Henry, beloved husband of Wllhelmine Huber, and father of Frederick William Huber, a native of Bremen, Germany, aged 66 years and 5 months. Friends and acquaintances are resDect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY ■ (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from the par- lors of Theodor Dterks, 957 Mission street, between Fifth and Sixth. Interment Masonic Cemetery. V HOPKINS— In tnis city, May 4. 1895. L. B. Hop- kins, beloved husband of Caroline Hopkins and father of Mrs. R. K. Colcord. a native of Ohio, aged 74 years 5 months and 19 days. HOLT— In this city, May 3, 1895, Mamie Holt, aged 29 years. JENKINS— In Jennie Lind, Cal., April 29,1895, R. R. Jenkins, aged 70 years. JOHNSON— In Martinez. Cal., April 23, 1895, Thomas .Johnson, aged 59 years. KEHOE— In Livermore, Cal.. May 4. 1895, James H , beloved husband of Margaret M. Kehoe, a native of San Francisco. SOT Notice of funeral hereafter. LALLMAN —In Eureka, Cal., April 28, 1895, Frank Lnllman, aged '28 years. LICHTENSTEIN— In this city, May 3*, 1895, Edward Lichtenstejn, beloved husband of Henri- etta Llchtensteln, and father of Kittle and Cyril liichtenstein, and -brother of 8. 11. and B. H. • Lichtenstein and Mrs. E. A. Levy, aged 35 years. r iT Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Sunday), at 10:15 o'clock a. m.. from the resi- dence of H. Miller, 912 Post street. Interment Home of Peace Cemetery, by 11:45 o'clock a. m. train from Third and Townsend streets. MASON— In this city, May 4, 1895. Dr. Joseph H. Mason, beloved husband of Sarah A. Mason, a native of Deerfield, N. V., aged 86 years and 3 months. PRIES— In Lorin, Cal., April 26, 1895, Emma Pries, aged 2 years. PORTER— Ia this city, May 2, 1895. Mary, dearly beloved wife of. the late George Porter, and mother of Mrs. Thomas Budd, Mrs. Ellen Dierks. Mrs. Louisa Rathmann and Mary Ann Porter, and aunt of Mrs. Joseph Shan zer and Thomas, William and James O'Brien, a native of Ireland, aged 7-1 years. #S"Friends and' acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Sunday), at 1 o'clock p. m.. from the par- lors of Carew & English, 19 Van Ness avenue, near Market street. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. PEARSON— In this city. May 2, 1895, Nals Peter, beloved husband of Mary Pearson, and father of Albert and Lawrence peter Pearson, a native of Sweden. aged 43 years. /J^S" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral .THIS DAY (Sunday), at 12:30 o'clock p. m.. from his late residence, 119 Shocwell street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth, thence to BersagUen Hall. 608 Union street, under the auspices of Court Al- cauas No. 7749, A. O. F.. at 2 o'clock p. v. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. POWERS— A solemn anniversary requiem high mass tor the repose of the soul of the late Mrs. Ellen Theresa Powers will be celebrated at St. Rose's Church TO-MORROW (Monday), com- mencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Friends and ac- quaintances are invited to attend. REYNOLDS— In this city. May 4. 1895, May E., beloved wife of Edward J. Reynolds, daughter of Mrs. N. and the late Thomas H. Gallagher, and sister of Mrs. James D. Powers, Thomas H. and W. J. Gallagher, a native of Charlestown, Mass., aged 30 years. Friends ana acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Monday), at 9 o'clock a. m., from her late resi- dance, 1421 Jackson street, thence to St. Bridget's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Interment Mount' Calvary Cemetery. RICHARDSON— In East Oakland, May 2, 1895, Julia Willie Richardson, wife of Frank H. Rich- ardson, and beloved daughter of Julia E. and the late Thomas F. Steere, a native of New York, aged 29 years 9 months and 2 days. £3~Frieuds and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Sunday), at 2:30 o'clock p. m., from the Church of the Advent, corner Twelfth avenue and East sixteenth street. Interment private, Mountain View Cemetery. SMALL— In this city, April 30. 1895, Isaac H., be- loved husband of Julia H. Small, and father of Charles H. Small, a native of Maine, aged 66 years. US" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Sunday), at 11 o'clock a. m.. from Odd Fel- lows' Hall, corner Market and Seventh street, under the auspices of Magnolia Lodge No. 29, I. O. O. F. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. SHROYIER— In this city. May 4,1895, Cornelia E., beloved daughter of Benton and Elizabeth Shroyier, and sister of Etta and Belle shroyier, a native of San Francisco, aged 15 years and 9 months. [Stanislaus and San Joaquin counties papers please copy. I &3~Nottce of funeral hereafter. SHORT— In Modesto, Cal., April 21, 1895, Gregory Ray Short, aged 41 years. STE ELK— Near Saticoy, Cal., April 22, 1895, J. H. Steele, aged 50 years. VASQUEZ— In this city, May 3, 1895, Irvine, be- loved daughter of Raymond and Margaret Vas- quez, a native of San Francisco, aged 11 yean month anil 10 days. AS* Friends and acquaintances are resnect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Sunday), at 2 o'clock P. m., from the residence of her* parents, 442 Green street. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. WESTPHAL-In this city, May 3, 1895, Captain R. A. F. Westphal, beloved husband of Margaret G. Westphal, a native of Germany, aged 54 years 10 months and 19 days. A member of California Lodge No. 1, 1. O. O. If. : Magnolia Lodge No. 41, A. O. '". W. ; Master Mariners' Benevolent So- ciety, and Golden Gate Council No. 60, O. C. F. J£3~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Sunday), at 12 o'clock M.. from his late resi- dence, 1401 Larkln street, corner California; thence to Odd Fellows' Hall, corner Seventh and Market streets, where services will be held, com- mencing at 1 o'clock p. m. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. WILLIAMS— In Santa Paula. Cal., April 22, 1895, A. D. Williams, aged 45 years. " UNITED UNDERTAKERS' I EMBALMING PARLOUS. I Everything Requisite for First-class Funerals! at Reasonable Rates. I Telephone 3>67. '11 and 29 Fifth street. \ McAVOY & CALLACHER, I FUNKRAL PIRKCTORS * EMBALM 20 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. Telephone 3080. IJasl McMxkouby. CnTsTMcSIKNOVUY.J I JAMKS ireJIENOJIEI * SON, I IDNDEKTAKERS AND E3IBALMERS.I .JAMKS ?loMESOMEI Jt SON, CNDEKTAKKKS AM) EMBALMER* I I 1057 Mission tree I. Near Seventh. I I Telephoue No. 3354. | JAS. ENGLISH.. T. R. CAREW. CAREW Si ENGLISH, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMKBS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 19 Van Ness nve., near Market St., San Francisco. Telephone 3156. N. B.— Not connected with any other house In this city. CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY. TNSANMATEO COUNTY; NON-SECTARIAN; 1 laid out on the lawn plan; perpetual care: beau- tiful, permanent and easy of access; see it befor* buying a burial place elsewhere. City ' llico. Q t'ltv Hall Avwnne. PROPOSALS. "PROPOSALS FOR HEATING SCnOOJOHOUSE. X Sealed proposals will be received by the Super- intendent of Common .Schools in op<»n session of the, Board of Education, new City Hall, Wednes- day, May 8, 1895. at 8:30 o'clock p. m.. for heating the Ppabody Primary School building on West Mission street, In the city and county of Sun Fraa- cisco, in accordance with plans and specifications at the office of L. R. Townsend, architect, 515 Cali- fornia street. ' GEORGE BEANMTON. Secretary. One of the latest theories which is said to be receiving general acceptance con- cerning the moon's face assumes that the material constituting that luminary once surrounded the earth in the form of a Saturn' an ring, and that the small bodies of this ring coalesced, first gathering around a large number of nuclei and finally all uniting in a single sphere, the moon, the lunar craters being the scars resulting from the collision of the "moon- lets." . A WOMAN WHO MAKES INK The Quality Used on Newspa pers Improved by a Native Daughter. Printing the "Call" With It-What Mrs. M. Tracy Accomplished by Perseverance. Woman is keeping up with the times and she is making her mark in inventions and in improvements, as well as in other lines. One of the most noted recent im provements is that made within six months in printing-ink by a woman of this City. Californiuns will feel proud to know that she is young and a native daughter. She is Mrs. M. Tracy, a native of Lakevilie, Sonoma County, the daughter of J. M. Palmer, for over fifteen years one of the Supervisors of the county named. For some time past the ink manufactured by Mrs. Tracy, and named "carbon ink" to distinguish it from other printing-inks used in newspaper offices, has been used to Mrs. M. Tracy, Inventor. [From a photograph.] print the Call, and the results attained justify Mrs. Tracy's claims for her inven tion, or rather improvements on previous inventions. "How did I happen to go into the ink business?" repeated Mrs. Tracy when seen yesterday. "I'll tell you. It was purely a matter of business. Some friends of mine were running an ink factory, but for some reason or other they did not make a suc cess of it. I watched the business very closely, became interested in it, studied the different ingredients used, inquired about other inks, ascertained what the complaints were, and asked myself why I could not improve the quality of ink and why I could not make a success of it. Nothing seemed to tell me that I could not, so I tried and tried until by perse verance I obtained results which I hope will at no distant day enable me to attain my ambition : that of being at the head of the printing-ink business. "When I was a young girl I was once very much hurt by learning that some one had spoken of me as 'that persevering girl,' but now I do not feel hurt to be called a persevering woman, for it is only by perseverance that we accomplish that which we undertake. "You can understand that it would not do for me to disclose what ingredients are used to make the improved carbon ink which the Cai* is now using ana which makes the printed matter show up so dis tinct, but will say that I understand every part of the business and the mixing of the ingredients in proper proportions. Why, ' said she. laughingly, "I have only just re turned from the factory, where I have been up to my eyes in the mixing busi ness. It is a decided advantage to be able to personally attend to such matters, for there is no depending on others, who may become careless. "What I claim for my ink is a free flow, clearness, uniformity and that it does not clog the rollers; besides, ten barrels of my ink will do as much work and give more satisfactory results than twelve barrels of any other newspaper printing ink. In these days of great competition in this line of business I feel proud of what I have already accomplished." Mrs. Tracy is" a woman of agreeable pres •ence and a pleasant talker. She is devoting her attention to the production of a supe rior quality of ink for half tone and book work. In time she will look into the mak ing of colored inks. CLEVER RATS. They Devise an Ingenious Scheme to Take Eggs Out of a Nest. Henri Duco went out to the henhouse yesterday to take off the hen with her brood of young chicks, and just as he reached the door his attention was at tracted by three big gray rats that seemed to be much engaged with a nestful of new laid eggs in the corner. Mr. Duco says he had often wondered how rats could make away with such an un convenient article as an egg, so he waited to see what these big fellows would do. The rats made several futile efforts to poke the eggs out of the nest with their sharp noses, keeping up a lively squeaking and snapping meanwhile. By and by they stopped to hold a council of war, leaving the eggs alone till some plan of action has been decided upon. At last one of them, a long, lean, hun gry old chap, got into the nest, jump ing astride of a fine fresh egg, and grasping it firmly by all four feet; then with a mighty effort, assisted by sundry pokes and prods from the other two rats, the old fellow managed to turn himself on his back, haying the egg still clasped in his paws. Having got himself safely into shape, the other rats then came manfully to the rescue, caught hold of the old fel low by the tail and began slowly to drag him and the egg, along to the edge of the nestbox. Now and then the tugging team would stop to blow, and one of them stand ing on either side would keep the egg from rolling off, while the old fellow stretched his legs and relaxed his muscles. This done the procession would start off again with renewed energy, and it is highly probable that they would have made the haul in safety had not an unforeseen con tingency arisen. When the rats were about half way down the row a snake head appeared through a crack from below, and a pretty good-sized rattler glided upon the scene. The two pulling rats let go their hold and scam pered away, squeaking a warning to the old fellow with the egg. Cumbered as he was, however, it was some moments be fore he began to take in the situation, and by this time the rattler was putting in his little work. In fact, before the rat could drop the egg and roll himself ovo.r the snake bad begun to swallow him. The big morsel proved almost too much for him, however, and that snake got such a head on him that it seemed fit to burst when Mr. Duco went to the rescue, killed the snake and released the persevering rat, which lost no time in following his companions, in spite of his narrow escape from the "inside track" of the rattler.— Gampte (La.) Cor. Philadel phia Times. There are at least two ca«es on record of five children at a birth, vit. ;a woman ol Konigsberg, September 3, 1874, and the wife of Nelson, a tailor, in Oxford Market in October, 1800. During the most peaceful years the world has 3,700,000 soidiers, who are withdrawn from productive occupations to pose ;is sol diers. The pay, equipments, food and clothing of these men cost the world's tax payers nearly $8,000,000 a day. M. Charles Margot of the physical lab oratory of the University of Geneva has found that by rubbing on glass with an aluminum point clear metallic lines are obtained, which cannot be removed by washing, no matter how often repeated.