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ROBBERY BY MASKED MEN The Sutter-Street Messenger Office the Scene of a Dar ing Crime. MURDER BARELY PREVENTED. Twenty-Five Dollars Secured by Two Men, Who Easily Make Their Escape. Two masked men robbed the American Pistrict Teleeraph office at BSffetter street early yesterday morning, and were barely prevented from murdering the messenger boy who was in charge. One of the robbers had taken all the money from the till and had raised a long dirk to stab the boy, when a signal from a confederate outside the office alarmed the two men inside, and the would-be mur derer ran away, dropping a sandbag in his flight. George Neice. the operator in charsre of . merican District Telegraph office at 833 Sutter street at night, left the place at 1 Ay o'clock yesterday morning to get his lunch at a restaurant. He was accom panied by a friend named Mead. John Monihan. a messeneer-boy about 20 or 21 years of ace, was left in charge. When Neice and Mead passed from the door of the office they saw three young men skulk ing across the street in* an odd manner, but came to the conclusion that they were drunk, and passed on. At 1:50 a. m. a masked man abont 5 feet 8 inche- tall entered the office and rushed to where Monihan was sitting, about twenty feet from the door. He placed a big re volver in Monihan's face and said: "Throw up your hands!" Monihan says he thought the manxas :n^" him, so he replied: "••What will I throw up my hands for?"' At this juncture a shorter masked rob ber ru-hel into the office and ran behind the counter. He pulled out a long bowie knife and threatened Monihan. The mes senger boy submitted quietly when con- I by both revolver and"daeger and rter robber, who was about the averaee size of messenger boys, took $ J . 10 from Monihan's pockets. He then said: "Where's the rest of the dough around here?" '•There isn't any more. The operator last left and took it with him," replied Monihan. "None of that old talk. I know better," sail the robber. He then began pulling out the different drawers in the office, the larger robber keepine his revolver pointed at Monihan all the time. Finally the robber found the right drawer. He pulled it out and emptied the contents, $22, the day's receipts, into his pocket. ■•Ain't there any more dough around here?" he then asked. '•Xaw." replied the messenger, who be gan to pet quite independent. ~ His actions did not not please the robbers and the larger one said: "Turn around this way toward me.' ? Monihan realized what was in the rob ber's mind and he refused to turn. He believed the shorter man intended to stab him in the back. His belief proved to be well founded, as the lareer man said to the one with the dagger, "Give it to him any way." The shorter man raised his knife and was about to stab the messenger-boy when some- taps on the sidewalk were heard. At this signal from the confederate outside the man dropped his uplifted knife and raa out of the office, together with the lar ger m Monihan ran to the door and saw the two men running along Sutter to Leaven worth street. He followed them and chased them as far as the corner of Leaven worth and Post streets, where he lost sight of them. Monihan was yelling for the police all the time. Several police appeared quickly, but the robbers had escaped. A search of the neighborhood resulted in finding one mask on Leavenworth street, another in front of the messenger-office, and inside the office a stocking filled with sand. The masks were lonp white linen ones, and bad evidently been cut from old linen dusters. Both had holes cut for the eyes. They were about one and a half feet long and about as wide, having been made to cover the front of the body. Suspicion has been directed against some ex-messenger boys, who form part of a gang known as "the Dirty Dozen," and are hardened characters. They evidently were desirous of emulating the 3tagg mur derers and train-robbers, and were cer tainly more successful, except in killing their victim. Detective Cody was detailed to work up the case. Two men were arrested on How ard street yesterday on suspicion, but Cody can in no way connect them with the crime. They are old crooks, and it is believed that the robbery was committed by persons who are quite familiar with the telegraph office. A MESSENGEB'S TBOUBLE. He Narrowly Escapes Being Blasted With a Bazor. Phil Brown, the operator in charge of the American District Telegraph office at 2 Golden Gate avenue, had a narrow escape from being seriously and probably fatally cut by a razor in the hands of a drunken barber. William Kerry, a barber who has been on a protracted spree for nearly three weeks, became virtually crazed yesterday afternoon and went out hunting for a man who had stolen his wife. A short time ago Kerry's wife eloped with another man, and Kerry took to drink. When in a crazy spell he rushed into the telegraph and messenger office and threat ened to wreak out his vengeance on Phil Brown. He accused Brown of being the person who had stolen his wife. The drunken barber had hardly rested his eyes on Brown when he pulled a razor from his pocket and made a lunge at his throat. Kerry might have succeeded in his fiend ish attempt had not a messenger boy present grasped him by the hand. Brown jumped to one side just in time to avoid the blow. The razor was taken from Kerry, who was let go as the boys were well acquainted with him. He has worked for some time in "Andy's Place," a barber shop at 23 Taylor street. SPEINGTIME AND WINTER. Inmate* of the Lick Old Ladles' Home Entertain Their Friends and Roam the Hills. The inmates of the Lick Old Ladies' Home were tendered a "May Festival," and entertained their friends at the home yesterday. The festival was timed to come off at the same time as the blooming of the great variety of wild spring flowers which grow on the hills near the home. The thirty-two old ladies, whose days are drawing to a serene and contented close, were entertained with an informal musical programme in the parlors of the home in the forenoon, and after a noon lunch dis played for sale to the guests a considerable quantity of fancy work which they had made, consisting in part of drawhwork, embroidery and crocheted shawls, hoods, slippers and wearing apparel. Each old lady presided over a table with her own work on it and will have for her own use whatever she has realized from her sales. Mrs. J. Goddard Clark, Mrs. Robert McElrov and Mrs. A. M. Sherman were the reception committee. In the afternoon, with the passing away of the clouds which had rendered the morning unpleasant, the aged inmates and their friends roamed over the neighboring hills and gathered beautiful bouquets of eschscholtzias, daisies and lupins and dec orated with them their rooms and the parlors of the home. After the departure of the guests the inmates retired to their rooms and the sight of the gay spring flowers obliterated on many brows the wrinkles of care. ITEMS ON INDUSTBIES. What the Manufacturers Are Doing In the Way of State De velopment. The San Francisco Bridge Company is furnishing 1,500,000 feet of lumber for the large flumes being constructed by the Stan islaus and San Joaquin Water Company. When completed the water system will give facilities for irrigating a large extent of country between Knight's Ferry and btockton. The Francisco Bridge Com pany has also on hand the work of dredg ing Channel street up to Sixth to a depth of twelve feet at low tide, and as at work on the last half of the Government dredg ing work along the narrow-^auge mole, whicli, when completed, will be a soiid fill similar to the broad gauge. The com {any have also just completed the concrete gates and head works and cannon riumes for the Modesto irrigation district. As an ex ample of faith in this irrigating propo sition, the bridge company has accepted, a? pay for tue work, about $60,000 iv bonds of thfi water company. 1 rancia Smith t£ Co. are shipping several carl, ads of iron pipe from their factory to Redding, to be used there for mining pur- Tiiey have also secured the contract to furnish the water pipe for the extension of the Oakland Water Works, the main line of which they recently completed at a cost 0f5125,00U. tttiger & Kerr, the fonndrymen, are making an important addition to their plant. This consists of a complete equip ment for the manufacture of stoves, and soon home-made stoves from their works will be on the market. This firm is fully equipped for the manufacture ot all the car wheels for the competing road, and will make a strong effort to secure the contract. Tne Electrical Engineering Company has Just completed and is putting in place for lulse it Bradford on Mission street one of their direct connecting electric elevators. This will have a lifting capacity of 1500 pounds. The Krogh Manufacturing Company has purchased the stock, plant and all machin ery equipment < .f the San Francisco Tool Company, which have been removed to Nos. 'J to 17 Stevenson street, where, with in creased facilities, the business will be ener getically pushed to the front. Mr. G. W. Price is general manager. Read «fc Zahn, the brush and broom manufacturers, report a largely increased spring trade and look forward* to a pros perous season. W. W. Montague & Co. are now shipping more iron and steel riveted pipe to the in terior for mining and irrigation purposes than for the past two years. The Selby omeltine" Works report that the closing of the mint at Carson, N'ev., has caused a large increase of gold and sil ver bullion shipment to their works in this City, and the revival of gold mining ail along the coast has greatly increased the general shipment of Dullion to this City. The Vulcan Iron Works has a numoer of orders for power-transmitting machinery, of which the works makes a specialty. One of these orders includes a number of the Vulcan friction Cluson pulleys. Be sides the large contracts now on hand, the Vulcan is fairly busy with general foundry and machine work, for which tneir large pattern list, general facilities and con venient location give them quite an ad vantage. Mrs. Hopkins projects erecting an apart ment building, to cost upward "of $30,000, on the northweit corner of Pierce and tfayea streets. The Kemillard Brick Company has signed a contract with the Oakland Board of Public Works to rebuild of brick the wall at the Sixth Ward School, to cost 12900. Hobbs, Wall & Co. are filling a large number of orders for fruit boxes for the in terior, preparatory to moving the season's immense fruit crop. The Pelton Water Wheel Company has recently furnished the Magalia mine, in Butte County, with a wheel for a corn er that is showing a remarkable efficiency in actual work. This wheel is 10 feet 6 inches in diameter and weighs 7000 pounds, and is attached direct to crank shaft of compressor, doing away with all intermediate gearing, making a most simple and efficient combination. The Pelton Company has also furnished the same mine with a pair of 6-foot wheels for the new hoist, which is reported as working most satisfactorily. These wheels are run under a head of 140 feet and hoist a 5000-pound load at the rate of 400 feet per minute. The Pacific Saw Manufacturing Com pany reports that its business has improved in the last six weeks and has been bet ter than during any similar length of time for the past two years. The company feels the revival of trade occasioned by the re cent effort for the unity of interests in California, ana looks forward to a prosper ous season. It has recently executed a large order for salmon-knives to be used in the salmon canneries of Oregon. Wasn ington, British Columbia and Alaska. The Union Machine Works has just shipped one MeGlue concentrator to Au burn, Placer County, and two to Placer ville, El Dorado County. The one to Auburn was for State Printer Johnson, who is interested in mines in that locality. J. J. Flynn of this City and T. F. Cor bett of Oregon are organizing a company here for the purpose of thoroughly pros" pecting and developing petroleum oil wells in different sections or this State. Mr. Corbett is now shipping here from Oregon $10,000 worth of machinery, formerly used in the Northwest for artesian well boring, which will be used by the company here for the above named purposes. The Midas Gold-saving Macninery Com pany shipped ten of the small-sized Gold King amalgamators last week, the number being equally divided between Alaska and South America. During the week the Perkins Pump and Engine Company shipped one engine to the headwaters of the Sacramento, one to Benicia and one to Tres Pinos, San Benito County. Their factory is now turning out two gas engines per day. The Woodbury Concentrator Company has iust shipped two ©f their concentrators to the Bullion Beck mine in Utah and two of the large-sized improved machines to the Kam's Horn mine in Idaho. The Cyclops Iron Works received thi3 week the contract for a large refrigerating plant from D. & A. M. McCormick for their meat market in Stockton. Opposed to Annexation. J. G. Rourinot writing in the Forum says that Canada does not favor annexa tion. He says: "At present, assuredly, the people of Canada can see no reasons for a political union in the weaknesses and evils of the purely democratic svsteni of their neigh bors. When Canadians are invited even on the floor of Congress itself to cast in their lot with their own continent, and are assured that they shall have ail that the continent can give, they refuse to consider the offer seriously, not because they have no interest in the progress of their Ameri can cousins, who are also the inheritors of English institutions, but because they know that they are working out those institutions on principles far more conducive to the pure and effective administration of public affairs— that in this respect, at all events, they are already in advance of a great and prosper ous people who have been led in the course of years by reckless politicians into meth ods of government which have lowered the standard of public morality and cre ated scandals of far-reaching influence on the nation. Canadians have higher as pirations at this critical period of their political development, when they are laboring amid many difficulties to form a new power on this continent, one-half of which they now possess as their territorial domain." THE SAX FRAXCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1895. CLAIMS IT IS NOT HERS A Nurse Says Mrs. Cunning ham Adopted the Little Girl. THAT LADY REFUSES TO TALK. The Husband Alleges That the Wife Did a Neat Bit of Acting In Court. The peculiar and as yet uncontradicted story told by A. C. Cunningham in the Call of Friday has attracted more than ordinary attention. The strange and un explained act of his wife, Laura Cunning j ham, in bringing to him first a male infant ! and later a six-months-old girl, accom | panied by an affidavit in which it is de- I clared that the first child was a fraud, but [ that the last is his true ami lawful issue, is ! a little bit ahead of the times. Mrs. Cunningham is not particularly anxious to appear in print just now, though incidentally she said a few things about the victim of her strange whim that were not at all complimentary to that gen tleman. When first seen at her apart ments in the Fulton House Mrs. Cunning ham emphatically denied her identity, stating that any one desiring to see that lady must call at her attorney's office, where she would be in an hour's time. When it was suggested that the lady speaking might be Mrs. Cunningham the little woman in black testily exclaimed: '"Well, I am Mrs. Cunningham, but I do not care to talk except in the presence of The Infant Buried by Mr. Cunning ham as His Son. my attorney, Mr. Patton. I was just go -1 intr down to see him about this outrageous i statement made by Mr. Cunningham. I What do you think "of a man who would say such hard things about his wife? "He never supported me and I can prove that he pawned my jewelry time and again. Here is a ticket now, and he did ■ not have the manhood to use his own i name, but put them in as 'Mrs Gibbons,' i which was my former husband's name." It was suggested that she explain the ! baby problem, that being the most in teresting feature of the case. "I don't care to talk about that, except in the presence of my attorney," she re plied. "I did sism some sort of a docu ment, but I hardly know what it was now. I am the mother of the little girl, however, and at the proper time will prove it. About the little boy. that was buried, I have nothing to say now or later. This will be aired in the courts, and all that I have done will be thoroughly vindicated." Lawyer Patton was absolutely opposed to his client talking. Several times Mrs. Cunningham attempted to explain certain points brought up by Patton g talk, but each time the attorney told her to be silent. So far as Mrs. Cunningham is con cerned there .is nothing new in the case, though other features have come to the surface that add not a little interest to it. A nurse now employed at the King's Daushters' Home on Francisco street is confident that the girl child claimed by Mr*. Cunningham as her own is not that i lady's, but is a child brought to the Golden ; Gate Foundling Asylum by a Swedish woman in April or the latter part of March, 1862. The lady does not care to have her i name known "at the present time, but is ! willing to swear to all that she knows should the occasion demand it. "I am confident that I can throw some light on it so far as the little girl is con cerned," said the nurse. "I was nurse at the foundling asylum on Golden Gate avenue in 1592, and one night a Bwedish woman brought a little girl to the house who was only a few hours old. This was the last of March or the first of April. The child was very delicate and sickly, and 1 grow to love her as if she were my own. We named her Laura, and I deter mined to adopt her, because she was a beautiful, loving little thing and needed careful nursing. I was called East on ac count of illness in my family and put off adopting her until my return. In December of the same year T returned to San Francisco and was told that the child had been adopted by a lady and would be brought up in refinement and ease. I asked the matron, Mrs. Iff. C. Taylor, to tell me the name of the lady who had taken the child, but she declined on the ETound that such matters were kept secret. In the course of our conversation, how ever, Mrs. Taylor let slip the name of Mrs. Cunningham as the one who had adopted the little girl, and as soon as I read the story in the Call I became convinced they were one and the same. "I am interested very much in that child and would like very much to adopt it yet if I could. I asked Patton, who was here this afternoon with Smith, Cunning ham's attorney, if I could see the child, but he said he hardly thought I could. 'Mrs. Cunningham is very peculiar,' he said, 'and does not wish the child's pres ent abode known.' lam sure that I could identify the child if I saw it." Mrs. Cunningham has a suit for dam ages pending in the courts against a street railway company. Her husband with drew from the suit because he thought that she was shamming, at least that is what he say?. "I became a party to the suit," said Cunningham yesterday, "because I thought my wife was really injured, but later events convinced me that she was simply endeav oring to put up a job on the railroad, and the day she testified I withdrew from the suit. She told her story in a very tragic manner and wound up by falling into some sort of a fainting fit. I got her out of the courtroom as soon as possible, and as soon as she was out of sight of others she burst into loud laughter, asking me if that was not a fine piece of acting. I became dis gusted and notified the attorney to with draw the suit, which he refused to do. Then I went to the railroad people, told them my situation and voluntarily with drew from the suit." The case, as is well known, resulted in a mistrial, and Mrs. Cunningham is now fighting the suit on her own responsibility. George Eliot's Literary Methods. I remember a characteristic discussion about their modes of writing between Trol lope and George Eliot at a little dinner party in her house, says Frederic Harrison in the Forum. "Why!" said Anthony, "I sit down every morning at 5:30 with my watch on my desk, and for three hours I regularly produce 250 words every quarter of an hour." George Eliot positively quiv ered with horror at the thought — she who could write only when she felt in the vein, who wrote, rewrote, and as often as not sat at her table without writing at all. "There are days and days together." she groaned out, "when I cannot write a line." "Yes !" said Trollope, "with imaginative work like yours that is quite natural, but with my mechanical stuff it's a sheer matter of in dustry. It's not the head that does it— it's the cobbler's wax on the seat and the stick ing to my chair!" In his "Autobiography" 'he has elabo rately explained this process — how he wrote day by day, including Sundays, whatever his duties, his amusements or the place; measuring out every page, counting the words and exacting the given quantity hour by hour. He wrote con tinuously 2500 words in each day, and at times more than 26.000 words in a week. He wrote while engaged in severe pro fessional drudgery, while hunting thrice a week, and in the whirl of London society. He wrote in railway trains, on a sea voy age and in a town clubroom. Whether he was on a journey or pressed with office re ports, or visiting friends, he wrote just the same. GKAND AEMY MEETING. Officers and Committees Elected to Serve the Ensuing Term. The general memorial committee of the Grand Army of the Republic met last evening at St. Ann's building, J. H. Ban field presiding. The oßicrs of the general committee are : J. H. Banfield, chairman; E.B.Griffith, secretary ; H. T. Hobbert, treasurer. The last-named gentleman thus serves his thir teenth term. Finance committee — J. Kerminsky, F. Hanson, C. J. Handley, W. 0. Howe. S. M. Carr. J. H. Stevens, 0. S. Johnson. Parade committee— J. A. Whitesides, J. 11. Riley, E. S. Salomon, J. S. French, J. H. Lakin, F. H. Muas, J. J. Walsh, W. E. Lawrence. Decoration committee— H. T. Hobbert, L. D. Clip.. W. C. Howe. J. S. French, C. J. Handley, S. Cahen, 0. S. Johnson, L. E. Schroeder. Programme and printing committee— S. Cahen, E. B. Griffith, J. J. Walsh, J. H. Lakin, P. H. Maas, W. C. Howe, H. L. Mortimer. Transportation committee— S. M. Carr, .1. H. Riley, G. H. Stevens, L. D. Olin, F. Hanson, C. J. Handley, P. H. Maas. GAS AND GAS METERS Statement From the President of the San Francisco Gas Light Company. Fifty Cents a Month for Meters Where No Gas Is Consumed Claimed to Be Fair. With regard to the charge of 50 cents per month for the use of meters where no gas is consumed, J. B. Crockett, president of the San Francisco Gas Light Company, had the following to say yesterday: '•The gas company does not charge a rental for meters where gas is being burned, but only where no gas is con sumed at all. If the party having the meter does not want to burn gas. but is using electricity, and he desires to keep the meter as a safeguard in case of the electric light going out, then we think that a charge of 50 cents per month to cover the cost of inspection and maintenance is not an excessive charge. "The electric light company, in their con tracts, make a provision to cover the cost of maintenance and inspection of 50 cents per week, paying that no bill will be ren dered for less than 50 cents per week. When we find by our reports from the meter inspector that no gas has been burned for some time we then send the following notice: 'Office of the San Francisco Gas Light Company, corner First and Xatoma streets, San Francisco, , 1595. The meter at your premises, ■ «treet, having shown no consumption of paa for months, notice is hereby given that, while not using gas. a charge of 50 cents per month will be made should you wish it to remain. It will be understood that you accept the above terms until you order the meter re moved. Respectfully. San FSAJKUOO Gas Lkjht Compant. "It is not the intention of the company to charge a iueter rental at any time for meters where gas is being actually used, but only when gas is not osed. If we have out 10,000 meters through which no gas is vas-ing we would have to send men to make the inspection of the meter to see that there were no leaks, to see whether the meter was registering or not, and those reports would have to go through our bookkeeper's books, thus entailing upon us an exira expense and giving us a fm'at deal of extra work to perform. Fur this service a charge of 50 cents a mouth is cer tainly not excessive." A BIG JOB, The Moving of the Books in the Library of Congress, The new building for the library of Con gress is now nearly finished. By the end of next year it will be ready to receive the treasures of literature which now are stored in the Capitol under Mr. Spofford's care. Yet the problem of transporting the volumes to their future abode remains to day unsolved. It seems most likely — this being the latest and apparently the best suggestion — that a temporary elevated road will be constructed to connect the Capitol with the new library. Over this road cars will be run swiftly by steam or electricity, carrying loads of books. By such means they could be transferred with great rapidity and ease. The tramway on stilts would pas.« directly from the floor of the rotunda to the main floor of the library building. Mr. Green, superintendent of the new library building, has been disposed hitherto to favor the plan of transporting the books through the brick-lined conduit, three feet below ground, which is to connect the library with the capitol. Through this tunnel a cable will pass and cars will be run, after a fashion similar to that of the trolleys in dry-goods shops, though on a much larger scale. The cars could be util ized for transporting the volumes when the time arrives for the move. But objection is made to this suggestion on the ground that the books would have to be lowered into the conduit at the Capitol end and lifted again at the other end of the line from the basement of the library to the main floor. Thus, much more time would be consumed and greater labor involved. On the other hand, the shift from the ro tunda by elevated road would be easy and expeditious, and the volumes delivered in the great ciicular reading room may be readily conveyed to the adjacent book stacks. Ever so many schemes for accomplish ing the teansfer of the books have been suggested, and very likely the one finally adopted will be quite different from any thing so far thought of. The method chosen by the Boston Public Library in its recent move from Boylston street to Cop ley square was the most primitive imagin able. The collection, which numbers about 400,000 volumes— a little more than haif the size of the library of Congress— was transported by means of carts and horses. Of course the labor involved was enormous. How great it was may be imagined when it is considered that 400,000 volumes placed side by side would extend a distance of about seven miles. Equally primitive, however, was the plan adopted not long ago for moving the Koyal Library of Prussia, which is the third largest in the world, possessing 1,000,000 volumes. A regiment of soldiers was called out for the purpose, each man being provided with a basket. The men formed a line from the old building to the new one, and the baskets of books were passed from hand to hand, line buckets at a fire. Maybe tha National Guard will be called on to do likewise here, but it does not seem probable. The Library of Con gress, by the way, has 685.000 bound vol umes and 230,000 pamphlets, approxi mately.—Washington Star. COLLECTOR WISE'S TRIP The Collapse of the Recent Investigation of His Acts the Cause. HIS IMPEACHMENT POSSIBLE. Lawyer Phillips, Attorney for Dis charged Customs Officers, Makes a Statement. The cause of the sudden departure of Collector of the Port John H. Wise for the East is now generally admitted to be a fear of impeachment by the Treasury De partment at the instance of the Civil Ser vice Commission. Wise is supposed to have gone to Washington to save himself from impeachment and also, if possible, to prevent the reinstatement of three Repub lican customs officers, who were recently removed by him without cause. The farci cal collapse of the recent investigation into Collector Wise s acts has been the cause of all the trouble. In explanation of the matter L. E. Phil lips, the attorney, said: "Wise's repeated violations of the civil service laws have been so frequently brought before the com mission at Washington that a few months ago it was decided to investigate his acts. Postoffice Inspector Erwin was appointed to conduct the investigation. In the first case taken up I represented Patrick Lan non. Lannon was an able dry-goods ex aminer, and he was discharged on purely political grounds. Only a small part of the evidence in the case was taken, and when it was going on Appraiser Tucker stated that he would have to take an ad journment as he was going to get married. He asked that the investigation in the Lannon case be continued until March 6. Before March 6 Erwin had summarily closed up the case and had sent the incom plete papers to the Postmaster-General. In explanation of his act he told me that he had quit the investigation as he had too much of his regular work to attend to. "In the case of[Charles A. Mau and John Shepston Jr., two night inspectors, re moved on October 6on political grounds, they being Republicans, the excuses given for their discharge were very frivolous. The examination of the cases was begun before Erwin, but was broken off suddenly when the evidence against Wise became too black. Some of the witnesses were not allowed to sign their testimony and some had their testimony broken in half. In this incomplete state the papers in the case were forwarded to Washington and no at tempt has been made to reopen the case. "Willouehby B. Dobbs was sent out by the Civil Service Commission about two weeks ago. All that he did was to have one deposition taken. Dobbs is a Demo crat from Kentucky, and a friend of the noted Blackburn of that State. Dobbs merely made a friendly call on Wise, Rud dell, English and Erwin. He made no at tempt to complete the unfinished testi mony. He stayed here only a few days. The "whole so-called investigation was a farce. Wise's actions in the past in re gard to removing Republicans is a matter of record at the Treasury Department, as Wise was compelled to reinstate Sharp, Evans, Beban, Halpin and other Republi cans he removed without cause. ■The statements made to reporters by Wise in the past show up his true nature, ami lie feared the testimony in the present j investigation would be so strong against i him that he used a great pull to nave the I proceedings stopped. The action of In spector Erwin in failing to carry out hisin • structions looks to me as if he had been pulled down. In fact, the whole thing is the most nonsensical farce ever perpe trated in the history of Government white wash investigations. I have just prepared my statements in the cases mentioned, as I da not believe the facts will otherwise reach the Civil Service Commission. We have several affidavits to prove that the re movals were all made* because the men were Republicans. We have virtual con fessions from Collector Wise and Surveyor English to this effect, so we are confident of making out a strong case." Music at the Park. Following is the programme to be ren dered at the park to-day : March, "Columbus" (first time) Josef Relter Overture, "Mlgnon" (first time) I" ho inns Waltz, "Estudiantina" Waldteufel Paraphrase, "Loreley" >"esvadba Selection, "Bepjcar Student" Mlllocker Overture, "RosamunAe" Schubert Waltz, "Blue Danube" strauss Trombone so!o, "Dreaming" AVelllogs (Performed by P. K. Tobin). Fantasia. "II Troubadour," .No. 11l Verdi Galop, "Tally-ho" Bernstein The largest sailing ship afloat is the re modeled Persian Monarch, 3923 tons measurement. Her iron masts are 184 feet high from the deck. There is a spring on Peoos River, in San Miguel County, N. M., which throws out a stream 15 feet wide and 3 feet deep. "THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE IS HAPPY, FRUITFUL MARRIAGE." Every Man Who Would Know the Grand Troths, the Plain Facts, the New Discoveries of Medical Science a% Applied to Married I.ilo, Who Would Atone for Past Errors and Vrold Future Pitfalls, Should Secure the "Wonderful Little Book Called "Complete Manhood, and How to At- tain It.'' " Here at last is information from a high medical source that must work wonders with this generation of men." The book fully describes a method by which to attain full vigor and manly pover. A method by which to ena all unnatural drains on the eastern, To cure nervousness, lack of self-control, do- spondency, «fee. To exchange a jaded and worn nature for one of brightness, Duoyancy and power. To cure forever effects of excesses, overwork, worry, &c. To give full strength, development and tone to every portion and organ of the body, Age no barrier. Failure Impossible, Two thousand references. The book is purely medical and scientific, useless to curiosity seekers, invaluable to men only who need it. A despairing man, who had applied to as, soon after wrote : "Well, I tell yon that first day is one 111 never forget. I Ju&t bubbled with Joy. I -ranted to hue everybody and tell them my sli self had died yesterday, and my new self vas born to-day. Why didn't you tell me vrhen I first wroto that 1 would find it thi» ray?" And another thus: "If you dumped a cart load of gold at my feet it would not bring such gladness into my life as your method has done." Write to the ERIE MEDICAL COMPANY, Buffalo, N. \" and aok for the little book called MANHOOD." Refer to this paper, and the company promises to send the book, in sealed envelope, without any marks, and entirely free, until it is well intro» duced. . •. — _ HUNDREDS OF TESTIMONIALS. They Come Unsolicited, and Show That the ■ Home Remedy Is Now in the Houses | of Some of the Best Homes ! of California. No Reason Why You Should Not Obtain Benefit From the Use of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. IT IS A GREAT LAXATIVE. Such an Array of Evidence Proves That Joy's Vege- table Sarsaparilla is a Good Home Remedy. Where There Are So Many Hundreds of People Using It, Where There Are So Many Hundreds of Testimonials, It Must Be True. Citizen Gilbert A. Dodge of Alameda 3ays: _. Like many others I have a strong aversion to pilH As a consequence T have for several years past been a liberal patron of the various proprietary medicine* known as sarsaparillas, syrups etc. Now I buy only Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparil'.a, believing it to be the best of its kind on the market. The death fate in this country would be materially lessened if this preparation was kept in every home and judiciously used. The old common-sense law of health. "Trust in Providence and keep the bowels open," hits the nail square on the head, and I religiously believe that there is no other laxative and regulator manufactured quite as pleßsant to the i taste so broadly beneficent and so eminently satisfactory in its results as Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. GILBERT A. DODGE, 1114 Regent street, Alameda, Cal. Edwin L. Dole of San Francisco says: I send you the only picture I have at present, and must tell you that I would not allow my picture to co Into the newspapers at all did I not feel that I was under obligations to the owners of the remedy that has done me so much gooa. I had been taking remedies and had been treating with doctors for nearly five years. I was sick. Mv stomach was completely out of order. I had a peculiar desire to scratch and scratch and scratch all the time. I could not eat anything: without suffering afterward. A friend of mine advised me to use your Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. I went to a drugstore in the city and asked for it. The polite cierk talked me out of buying Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla, and ! gave me a sarsaparilla with iodide of potassium in it. I took a half bottle oi this beastly stuff and mv body became one mass of big blotches. . . I went back to the big drugstore and told the man at the counter that I wanted a bottle ot Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. He gave it to me. I can now truly and honestly recommend Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. I give it to my children. I find it brings out no pimples. It is a good blood medicine. If any one doubts this statement let them write or call upon me. Mr. William Li vineston Dayton of this city says: Through the kindly offices of my brother-in-law my attention was recently directed to your remedy— Joy's Sarsapa'rilla— and I desire to voluntarily place myself on record before the world as a devout believer in the efficacy of that medicine. I have been for many years a sea-going man and have served in the navy and merchant ma- rine as an officer. My experience necessarily has been varied and excitinsr. The requirements of the business prevent regular hours, and. as a result, I soon got into that condition usually called "all run down." After some persuasion I started to take the rest of a partly nsed bottle, and my condition improved so rapidly that I procured half a dozen more, and with another bottle or two I anticipate that I will be a well man again. And for all this I have to thank your remarkable medicine. With renewed thanks to yon, I have the honor to be, your obedient servant. WM. L. DAYTON, 25 Laussett street, City. Charles Lawrence Lindsay of this city says: I have been for years a great sufferer from dyspepsia, a bad liver and constipation of tho J bowels. I got so I could not sleep. Life was indeed miserable. I toos two bottles of Joy's Ve^e- i taDle Sansaparilla. The change is marvelous. I feel like a new man. I wish th<> Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilia well, because it made me well. CHARLES LINDSAY, 1 119 Fifth street. Hon. Frank Marston of San Francisco says: Joy's Vegetable Sarpaparilla has been in my household time and time again. I can con- scientiously recommend it to all my friends and to each and every one who is all run down. Now, it was only three weeks since I began using the medicine when my head was at clear as a bell, my eyes as bright as a dollar. The family having used Joy's Vegetable Sarsa- parilla, declare it to" be far better than any other remedy they have ever nsed. FRANK MARSTON, 845 Market street Hon. T. J. Crowley. a lawyer of this city, says: My opinion of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla may best be gathered from the fact that lam I never without it in my house. We have found it to be just what has been claimed for it, ' and that is, that it is an excellent home remedy. We have so much faith in if that it is administered, as may seem advisable or necessary, to ' every member of the family, and I am sure that through its n«e we have been able to ward off a ; lot of sickness. I indorse it most highly. T. J. CROWLEY, 1, 2 and 3, Chronicle building. Mr. J. Smith, an attorney of this city, says: Nothing could be very much more palatable to take than is this great home remedy. I find that as a general regulator of the stomacn and the bowels that it is most excellent, and for keeping one's system in good order generally it perfectly accomplishes the object. I certainly recommend it most highly to any one who has any variety of stomach trouble. J. SMITH. Mr. Charles G. Nagle. a prominent attorney of this city, says: There are thousands of people in the world who would be In much better health If they would only keep their digestive organs and their blood in proper condition. For this purpose the best thing I know of is Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. It is easy to take and its effects are always beneficial. When the stomach is out of order, the brain is. Joy's keeps tho stomach right' and the brain follows suit. CHARLES NAGLE. Mr. Thomas W. Page Breckon, a well-known attorney of this city, says: In reply to your query I may tell you that I have nsed Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla often, and it has never failed to have the desired result. Like many other men whose work is almost exclusively mental. I suffer at times from depression. At" these times the invariable result brought about by Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla is one to be grateful for and one which I fully appreciate. I prefer no publicity in this matter, but you may use your own judgment. T. W. PAfifl BRECKON. Mr. P. O. Chilstrom of this city says: As well as being a pleasant laxative, I can safely say that Joy's Sarsaparilla is excellent for a sluggish liver. It will be found to do its work efficiently, and in my experience there has never been an instance when I have taken it that it has not done me good. It is so very handy, too, to keep in the house that I am not surprised at its great popularity, for it deserves it. P. 0. CHILSTROM. Gustave Gunzendorfer, a prominent attorney, says: As a help to general health I have found nothing equal to the Sarsaparilla you mention, and in addition to this it is excellent in all kidney troubles. I have every reason to believe that it has warded off what promised to be serious attacks. lam not a physician, of course, bat if you ask my candid opinion, I must most assuredly indorse Joy's Sarsaparilla most highly. GUSTAVE GUNZENDORFER. L. 8. Church, one of Oakland's most prominent attorneys, says: I Suppose it is generally admitted that a clean stomach is good for a man who has brain work to do, and to insure that I don't know of anything better than the Sarsaparilla you men- tion. L. S. CHURCH. Dr. J. R. Goodale of this city says: Sarsaparilla has long had an honored place In the Pharmacopoeia, and when combined with other pure vegetable medicinals, as I am assured is the case in Joy's, it forms an excellent tonic and alterative, and one which may be prescribed with beneficial results by any practitioner. J. R. GO'ODALE, M.D. Dr. Wesley Rogers, the well-known specialist, says: There can be no question in my mind bnt that samaparilla is one of the best alteratives which is known to the medical world. It has a special value as a blood purifier, and when properly administered removes all impurities. If the constituents of Joy's Vegetable Sarsa- parilia nave been correctly represented to me it should have unquestionably the effects on the blood and system generally which I have mentioned. R. WESLEY ROGERS, M.D. Hon. David B. Mage* of Sacramento says: I have need Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla and I cheerfully recommend it to all persons who desire a laxative sarsaparilla. For many years I suffered from constipation, headaches and liver disorder. I tried various different remedies at different times, and received some benefit from some remedies, but Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla did me more good than any other blood and liver regulator that I have ever tried. I am certain from the analysis made of the sarsaparilla that it contains no mineral drugs, and as it is purely vege- table' it can be taken with no evil effects by the young, the middle-aged and the ola. I think so much of the medicine that I now have several bottles in the hotel. If any one will write a letter to me I will cheeriully answer it. DAVID B. MAGEE, Golden Eagle Hotel, Sacramento. WHEN ITOTJ ASK FOR. JOY'S Vegetable Sarsaparilla DON'T TAKE A SDBSTITDTE INSTEAD 9