Newspaper Page Text
12 WAS WELL PROVISIONED Dr. Titus Had Ordered Extra Supplies for the Hos pital. TO TIDE OVER TWO MONTHS. The Finance Committee Will Not Allow the Bills of the Dealers. The Finance Committee of the Board of Supervisors refused to allow certain bills yesterday for extra provisions, which Dr. Titus of the City and County Hospital had contracted for that institution to tide it over the period which the depleted general fund had threatened. The committee was alarmed over the increase in the monthly expenditures of the hospitai and commissioned Robert Bell to make an investigation of the stew ard's department. Bell's report showed that Dr. Titus had gone far beyond the limit in ordinary provisions, having aimed to get sufficient goods on hand to supply the hospital for the two remaining months of the fiscal year. Among other things the report stated that there were 1500 pounds of flaxseed on hand. It was decided to send back 1000 pounds. Tiedman & Co. delivered 1140 dozen of eggs from April 4 to May 4. Fifty-six additional cases, or 16S0dozen,had been ordered on April 28, but were not de livered, though the affidavit to the con trary of J. C. Rentiers, in the employ of the egg-dealers, accompanied the bill that was r-eut to the Finance Committee. Captain Tavlor, chairman of the Finance Committee, oulered a thorough investiga tion of the matter. In view of the present condition of the treasury he thought the action of the hospital superintendent was not above criticism. It also appeared from the statement of Bell that there were 151 tons of coal on hand, and. as the hospital only consumes a ton each day, this item also received the disapproval of the committee. It was esti mated that with the supplies on hand the hospital could be run for $3806 61 until July 1. The average monthly cost of sun plies for the last ten months was s6B2s 37. The contractors furnishing the City and County with supplies and material sent the following explanation of their position to the committee: We have to notify your honorable body that after a further Investigation of the condition of the general fund, we believe that there will one? enough from the income of this fiscal year to pay lor supplies that are abso lutely necessary to run the City and County for the next ten days or two weeks, find we there fore modify our notification previously sent to you to the effect that we wouid not deliver any more eood* to the City anil County under our contract! alter the 30th ult., and we now state as there is a reasonable prospect of our re ceiving payment for supplies furnished under our contracts for the next week or ten days, we are ready to fill requisitions for one week's supplies. At the end of thai time, if the condition of the general fund shall warrant it. and it shall be such that there is a reasonable prosj ect of our receiving payment for further supplies that we may furnish, we will with pleasure honor further requisitions, but if the con dition of said fund shall be such that at the eiid of one week from this date we cannot reasonably expect that there will be money to pay as, we *hal! then again refuse to fill requi sitions that are made upon us under our con tracts. Yours respectfully. T. J. P ARSONS, Chairman Committee. No action was taken in the matter, as the Board of Supervisors has petitioned the Supreme Court for relief in regard to paying the deficit of one fiscal year from the tax-levy of the next. Frank M. Powers was appointed special counsel to collect the delinquent tax of I*U4 at 5 per cent of the amount collected. His bonds were fixed at $10,000. The Assessor was authorized to appoint IGij men to make the assessment of the City and County under the new tax-law passed by the last Legislature. MISSION HAPPENINGS. Model gutters may be seen on the hillside I above Guerrero. On Tuesday evening. May 24, Hesperian Par lor No. 137, 1\. S. G. \V., will give an entertain ment and bal; at Native Son--' Jlaii, Seventeenth street, between Valencia and Guerrero. One hundred feet of new cement was laid 'ast week just north of the Valencia-street Hotel. The Second Unitarian Church is forming an orchestra. Bethlehem Congregational Church held its regular monthly social last Friday nierht. Miss Emma Wilson and Miss Ella Boyd had charge of the entertainment. On Saturday, May 18. the Third, Plymouth, Fourth and Olivet <ongregational Sundav schools will hold their annual picnic and ex- CttTCtoa at that delightful resort, El Campo. Bethany Hunday-school will join the others. The fifth annual excursion ftnd jiicnic of St. I James Parish will be held Saturday, May 25, at Glenwood, Santa Cruz Mountains. A 5-cent social will be given at Grace M. E. Church, corner Twenty-first and Capp streets, I Friday evening, May 24, for the benefit of tne mnli' chorus. The Mission Turn Vereln will give a grand : picnic Sunday, May 12, at Wildwood Glen Park, Sausalito. Cash prizes to the amount of $750 will be distributed during the day. Bits of Interesting Gossip as Gathered by an Industrious Weekly Paper. Local matters of the Mission district are industrially looked after by the Mission Journal, a bright weekly full of interest and having a particular penchant for terse gossipy paragraphs. F. G. Thomas, who formerly represented the business interests of the Call in Oakland, is its business manager and is wide awake. From the Journal the Call gleans the following: Take up the boulevard idea. We favor Fol 60m street as needing but little extra expense. It is wide and for the mest part well laid. Castro-street people are determined in their call for scboolhouses. Bartlett street, between Twenty- fourth and Twenty-fifth, is in a bad condition; the chuck holes at the railroad crossing are a foot deep. A couple of loads of bitumen put in these holes would make a big improvement in this street. The sons?, "The Beautiful Isle of Nowhere," sung by Nina Cook at the California Theater, is a Mission production. The words arc by James Taylor and the music by Leila France. A stretch of cement before the branch library on Valencia street will be completed next •week. MISSION CHOEAL UNION. Most of the Ol<l Officers Re -Elected at the Annual Meeting. The annual meeting for ttie election of officers of the above society was held in the Sunday-school room of the Trinity Presby terian Cnurch on Monday evening last, May 6, says the Mission Journal. There was a full attendance of the members. After rehearsing for about an hour the meeting for business was called to order, and there being but one ticket in the field the secretary was instructed to cast the ballot, the result being the re-election of the old officers (with the exception of the vice-president and librarian), as follows: Director, J. J. Morris; president, tfam Booth; vice-president, Ben Wentworth; secretary, Joseph Ma^uirc; treasurer, Fred Crosset; librarian, Sam Weeks; music committee — Mrs. Darling, Frank Somers and Joseph Maguire; voice committee— Miss L. f". Arper, Miss Alice Partridge, Frank Somers and Mr. lyes. The next concert has been fixed for Fri day evening, May 31, and it is expected to bcin no way inferior to the admirable con certs heretofore given by the society. Dr. West's Bail. The matter of admitting to bail in the sum of $10,000 Dr. Eucene F. West, charged with the murder of Addie Gilmore, came up in Judge Wallace's court yesterday. The District Attorney opposed the motion, stating that bail, if grant a d, r-hrmld not be lew than $'25,000. The court having heard authorities for the prisoner, admitted that he thought the offense bailable, a.s th tj was no intent to kill. The oniy questii.. try that of amount and he would take the mat er under advisement until Monday. CAMPBELL WAS MAD, He Says He Will Have Attorney Becsey Disbarred for Dishonorable Practice. Joseph A. Becsey, a Police Court prac itioner. is in considerable trouble, and if the threats which Judge Campbell is mak ing be carried out, he may have to show why he should not be disbarred. Judge Campbell charges him with using the court as a medium to obtain money from an unsuspecting client. The case of Lottie Smith, charged with allowing her minor child to engage in the peddling busi ness, was dismissed by Judge Campbell yesterday moraine. Something he had heard caused the Judge to ask the defend ant if any one had secured money from her to give him. She said "Yes, Mr. Becsey demanded $10 from me, $> of which was to go to Judge Campbell and $5 to himself." In consideration of this payment she was to be discharged. "Did you give him the money?" asked the Judge. "Yes, said the woman, "he got it from mv husband last night." Becsev heard every word spoken, and at this point interrupted with a denial. He was promptly silenced, however, when both the woman and her husband reas serted what they had said. Judge Campbell was mad. He asserted he would take steps to have Becsey dis barred, and also intimated that criminal proceedings might be instituted. SOOTH SIDE BOULEVARD The Folsom-Street Project Warmly Indorsed by the Public. It Is Suggested That It Should Begin at the Corner of Kearny and Market. "Yes. sir, 1 am in favor of a boulevard along Folsom street, and I am doing all I can to bring about such a result," said A. ]?. Maguire, a prominent member of the Improvement Club of the Mission District, i that is endeavoring to obtain a line thor oughfare out of the city, yesterday. "I j am working on the lines laid down by the i Call in its adsocacy of a boulevard, and at our meeting last Monday night I stated that Mr. Shortridge of the Gall had shown j hniself a progressive man. that he advo j cated in his paper the laying out of a I boulevard out of the city. I stated that I ! indorsed the ideas be had expressed on a ; number of occasions in his paper, and that ! if other papers followed the example of : the Call the advancement of the city I would he more marked. "This is how 1 came to take such an i interest in this matter. A friend of mine, I who had not been out here since I moved | away from my former place of business, | rode out on his wheel, and ineetincr him ! some distance below the corner of Folsom ; and Twentieth streets I asked him how he came out. His answer was, 'On the How ard-street slot.' I asked him to ride up to my new place, on the corner I just named, j and as it is all bitumened asked him how I he woum iike to ride his wheel on a street I paved all the way like that. His reply j was, 'Fine' ; and then it occured to me I that the Call had suggested a boulevard j and I asked myself why Folsom street would not be a proper street to convert into a boulevard. "It is the natural outlet to the next j county, because it is the most level from j the water front out to Army street. My j idea is that the boulevard should start at Kearny street, go down Third and turn I into Folsom. Then at Army street it could extend to the San Bruno road, and for six miles those who drove over it would have picturesque and marine views. Down ; along the old county road the ride from ■. Army street to the county line is a dreary j one. " If you build a driveway, one that is to become popular, you want to make it ' attractive. "If the street is paved, as we hope it will ; be, then the Supervisors ought to pass an : ordinance regulating the width of tires of vehicles that carry heavy loads." Mr. Ma>;uire was reminded of the fact that there is such an ordinance, and he added, I "Well, then it is not enforced." "I think," continued Mr. Maguire, "that [ we have enough car lines to carry the peo- I pie who live in the Mission, and that Fol- I som street should be set apart for light j team travel only, but if that cannot be ; done then I am in favor of having a good j smooth pavement laid on the street. If I bitumen is to be the accepted pavement ', let it be that, but my choice is first-class ; macadam kept in good order. At a meet- ; ing of a committee of the Board of Super visors to-day I advocated that the old stone blocks on the street and the old cob bles be crushed and used in the making of j the concrete foundation for the new pave- ' ment to be iaid on Folsom street. That is j all it is good for." • — — • VIOLENT EESTORATIVES. Burning Wood and Planters Applied to Restore a Dead Man to Life. Early yesterday morning the Coroner's j deputies took possession of the body of I Chung Guy, a Chinese, who died the night j before in a house at 36 Waverly place. Their attention was called to the case by an anonymous letter, purporting to have been written by a reporter, but which was j clearly the effort of some one not familiar | with the English language. The letter j stated that Guy died in a tit and was burned i by burning saiutalwood and fly-plasters by those who tried to restore him to con- j sciousness. Failing to do so they removed j the body to a barber-shop near by. At j first it was supposed that the man was i poisoned, hut there is nothing to substan- j tiate this idea. An autopsy will be held i to-day. A Singing Dog. An account of a singing black pug is j given In the Ladirs' Kennel Journal. Nig- j ger's mistress has but to give him the lead, ; and he starts exactly on her note and sings j a short air, "with marked cadences." i Then he eats sugar, although his song is in I no need of sweetening. Nigger's brothers and half-brothers are also warblers, but their voice is not equal to his. "You should see,"said his mistress, "the other dogs when Nigger is sinking. When he has done, they sniff him all over to try and find out what happened." Plainly, these I are the musicai critics. She Don't Smile on Hint Any More. A Bismarck schoolmaam who had been telling the story of David, ended it with: "And all this happened over 3000 years ago." A little oheruh, his blue eyes wide open with wonder, said, after a moment's thought: "Oh, my, what a memory you've got!' I—Machias1 — Machias Union. Killed by an Kngine. Captain Garabalrti, an old Oakland gardener, was struck br an e ngine at Seventh and Ches ter streets, Oakland, this morning, at 12:15 o'clock, and instantly killed. There is certainly no baking powder so well known and generally used as the Royal. Its perfect purity, as well as its superiority in leavening power, are mat ters of fact no longer disputed by honest dealers or makers of other brands. Its virtues are so well known to every house keeper that the slanders of the dislwnest makers of the cheaper goods fail to touch it. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1895. SWIFT HOMING BIRDS Leydecker's Carrier Pigeons Make a Wonderful Trip From Oakland. The Longest in California, and the Conditions Were Very Un favorable. Another remarkable trip was made by T. W. Leydecker's carrier pigeons on last Thursday, from Ashland, Or., to Alameda. Seven birds were liberated at s:3o o'clock in the morning, by Miss Emma Howard, the telegraph operator at Ashland, and five of them reached Leydecker's loft at 325 Santa Clara avenue, Alameda, during the afternoon. After the birds arrived at the loft they ' had to be taken to the nearest telephone station, and the time of their arrival dis patched to A. N. Bayly, secretary of the California Homing Club. The time of three of the birds was taken at 8^ minutes after 4, making the trip 10 hours 38Vi min utes. This, according to Mr. Bayly, is the longest trip on record in California, and the time, he says, is a surprise to handlers of homing bird's. "A trip was made some time ago from Portland," said Mr. Bayly yesterday, "but we had no official cogni zance of it, and the time made cannot be accepted under the rules of the association of the Pacific. "The birds would have made even better time if the conditions had not I been so unfavorable. I sent the pigeons I from the loft in Alameda on May 3 and tliey remained in the basket until the morning of the 10th. That is a i long time, but they could not be liberated i before in consequence of the cloudy i weather. As it was the north wind did not do them any good. Only five of the birds have returned thus far, and one of these nad nearly all the feathers of one of his wings taken out on the trip. I have not yet decided whether I shall By the i next lot from Roseburg or Albany, Or. ! The distance from Ashland on an air line | is 308 miles, and ten hours is pretty swift ; flying." PEKNICIOUS _SLOT_ MACHINES. Another Attempt Being Made to En force th* Laws Regarding Them. War upon the offending slot machines has again broken out, and the police are warning saloon-keepers, who harbor the contrivances which the law deems so per nicious, to take them out or pay a license on them. Some of the machines are not allowed to be licensed; the law will not recognize them in any case. Thesoarethe machines that, if successfully played, pay fabulous dividends upon the nickel thrown in. The law says they are gambling machines, and so must not be tolerated. Tho others, where numbers of drinks may be procured for a nickel, provided it falls into the ri^ht pocket, are not thought so bad, and these will be allowed to run unmolested upon payment of $:■> a quarter. Police are noti fying saloons on their beats that the law will be enforced. — — • ♦ ■* g A Jersey City burclar was identified in 1 court by the affection of a dog which had j accompanied him on his business trips. SAN FRANCISCO * CALL." BDMNBBB OFFICE of the San Francisco Cali«— 710 Market street, open until 12 o'clock every riipht In the year. BRANCH OFFICES— 630 Montgomery street, corner flay : open until 9:30 o'clock. SB9 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 6W. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open until 9 o'clock. 2518 Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. ! CUUItCH JiOTICKS. i jry^MMPSON MBMOBIAL M KTIIODIST ! i&-£ Episcopal Church, corner Hayes and Bu- i chanan streets— Rev. A. C. Hirst, D.D.. LL.I)., I pastor: residence, 313 Broderlck st. Services ai j ; 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. The pastor will preach j 1 at both services. Subject for the morning: '-The : Dawn of a Better Day"; for the evpnlng: "World ' Conquerors." Sunday-school at 12:30 p. m.: C. B. Perkins, superintendent. Epworth League ser- -1 vices at 0:30 P. m. I'rayer-niePtinsf. Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. Seats free; ushers in attendance. I The public cordially invited to all the services of ; this church. ! zE^ HOWARFsT. METHODIST EPISCO- jfr-j£' pal Churcb, between Second an<? Third sts., ! two blocks from Palace Hotel— Rev. W. \V. Case, D.D., pastor. The pastor will preach morning and ' evening. Morning subject, "Perfrct Maniu.oil. or I the Reaemptlon of Humanity." Evening mihject, '•Out, Damned Spot— Out 1 Say, or I^nsona for j These Times From the Tracedy of Macbeth." ' Sunday-school at 12:80. Young People's meetinj? : I at 6:30. Evening lecture at 7:45. . ! rj^S=» HOWARD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, ; UtZc? Mission St.. near Third — Sermon in the • morning, a: 11 o'clock, by Rev. J. M. Thomson. ! The pastor, Rev. F. It. Farrand, will preach at ; 7:30 p. m.. subject: "The Slaughter of the Ben- . unites." Sunday-school at, 9:30 a. m. Young ; People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:15 Iv. m. Prayer-meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:45 o'clock. All are kindly invited. i RSJP* FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, I t>j>' cor. Van Ness aye. and Sacramento St.— Rev. 1 Robert Mackenzie, D.D., pastor: Rev. W. C. Mer- : ril, associate pastor. Services at 11a. m. and 7:45 i p. m. Sunday-school at 12:45 P. M. Young Peo- ! ple's Society of Christian Kndeavor at 6:30 P. M. ; Prayer-meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45 i o'clock. All are welcome to these services. iatdSr" GOSPEL SEKVICES, ""WITHOUT tfr-*r money and without price (no collections), will be held In Calanthe Hall. Pythian Castle. 909 I Market st., SUNDAY, at 11 o'clock a. m. Subject: | "Christian Unity": at 8 o'clock p. m., subject: ! "The Church of God; What Is It?" Everybody I welcome. NOTICE OF KXKTIHGB. rsSp^PACI fTcLODG E NO. 136. F. AND ~~0 Bfc3s' A. M., .121 Eddy st.— Officers and_/V_ members are noiined of a called meeting on 5S *sF SUNDAY, May 12, at 12:30 p. m. to attend r&\ the funeral of our late brother JAMES DEMS- STER. Master Masons in good standing are In- j vited. GEORGE PENLINGTON, Sec. i WS&- GOLDEN GATE ENCAMPMENT «l ii i*^ No. 1, 1.0. O. P.; holds its regular'A/^ session THIS EVENING, at 8 o'clock. All /\ patriarchs are invited to be present. / \ H. C. (JEORGE, Scribe. SjPi^THE EIGHTH AN^" T^T I \£^sr nual picnic of the OuWt /~pEffyi | Sons of St. George will be held al^s^?JT\.^. i Agricultural Purk, San Jose, °nC-<LYf S. Y^^ ! DECORATION DAY, May 30.^T^A^ | Principal features will he: Two hTV |T'JiiisV s bicycle races open to all ama- m .NK»jS^*"*if I tenrs and ladies' rare, for which ■ J^^S^^jL I valuable medals are offered, these < "*te2is?3*™ y I race.* being under the coutrol of the omciHls of the I American League of •linen: old English sports, ! foot-races, lng-of-war, etc.. etc. Music by the Fifth ' Regiment Band. Boats leave the ferry (broad gauge via Nlles) at 8 and 8:30 a.m.; returning I leave the park at 5 and 5:30 p. m., and San Jose depot 15 minutes later. Tickets, round trip, in- cluding admission to park, $1 : children, 50 cents. The 8:30 train only stops at First and Broadway' ! and East Oakland." WM. Ij. CHAMBERLAIN, | Secretary of Committee St. George's Club, 317 j Mason st. ! i£SS= ANNUAL MEETINO-THE* REGULAR | CS**' minimi meeting of the stockholders of the i Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Co. will be held at I the office of the company, 827 Market St.. San Francisco. Cal., on TUESDAY, the 14th day of May, 1895, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors to Km for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. Transfer-books will close on FRIDAY, May 3, 1 895, at 3 o'clock p. m. , , K. 11. SHELDON, Secretary. I SI'KCIAI, SOTICtS. 'i : 3g=»~DIN N A~~FT >RGET~~ST? ~A NvT^S^T ->-^ DREW'S picnic, May 11, Schuet-qVj tfJD zen Park: admission, including admis- "T^jC.Ka. sion to park, 50c; children hulf-price. '*fc^% I Lenve Tiburon ferry at 9:20 and 11 a. m., 12:35. 1:50 and 3:30 p.m. : ■ IJKS* *J. C CALHAIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IS^ 14 McAllister St.. room 24. Legar business receives prompt attention. TtCSP CHARLES 11. PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY- i»i6 / at-lawand Notary Public, 638 Market st., opp. Palace Hotel. i.esldence, 1620 Fell st. Tele- phone 570. ' wrap DR. NELLIE BEIGHLE, OFFICES, 51 &*&. to 55, Donohoe building, 1170 Market st. Stomach, liver, kidney and rheumatism success- fully treated. .Nervous diseases a specialty. Dls- j eases examined without questioning. ■ JjjFiSp" BAD TENANTS ejected FOR $4. t*^^ Collections mivde, : city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 416 Montgy St., room 6. Tel. 6580. 55^5= ALL COURTS-LEGAL PRIVATE MAT- ££-»' ters; connd-ntial: advice .free. ATTOR- NEYMcCABE. 838 Market st. > ■;■.-. ZEZS* ROOMS WHITENED. UP: PAPER- ZS<& ed *3 60 up. 309 Sixth, George Hartman. mrm m J.B. McINTYItE, BOOKBjINDEU AND I l£Z£r printer. 422 Commercial st. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALK. 4 WArriXG S= ITU ATIOXS— COOKS, CHAM- -I\. bermaids and girls for housework; all nation- alities. MRS. HIRD, 705 Polk st. T ADIES— YOU CA N GKT BELIABLE HELP Jj at MRS. FENTON'S, 106V 3 Stockton st. ' "I FYOU WANT A GOOD BEBVANT, MALE JL or female, ' city or country, apply MME LEO- POLD'S Emp. Office. 957 Market: open evenings. T THE SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BU- reau h'rst-clnss Swedish and German girls are Buaiting situations. 332 Geary st. ; telephone 983. ALL KINDS COMPETENT HELP SUPPLIED; A Ladies' Bureau, 131 Post St.; telephone M-625. \ MIDDLE-AGRD, trusty, re- x\. spectable, disciplinarian, college graduate, ex- perienced institutions and schools East, desires teacher's, matron's or housekeeper's position; In- stitution or school, or with nice people a3 com- panion, go vernes3. nurse, housekeeper, club, widower, bachelor or lodging-house: state particu- lars and terms. 1 Address box 63, Arroyo Grande, California. pOMPETENT WOMAN WISHES A PLACE \J to do general housework; city or country; wages moderate. Address W., box 109, this office. COMPETENT WOMAX WISHES WORK BY /'the day: is good washer and ironer. Address 409 Nineteenth at., near Valencia. Y»» r ANTED— BY A YOU WOM AN WORK " by the day washing or housework. Call or ad- dress MRS. IDA FERCHLAND, 220 Third st. LADY WISHES POSITIOX TO DO HOURE- J keeping: kind to children; handy at mending clothes. call 432 Minna st. XPERIEXCED WOMAN to do general housework in private family; wages small. Call 1163 Market st. WOMAN WISHES TO DO LIGHT WASHING " and ironing; $1 per day and car fare. Call 138 Clara st. O WEDISH GIRL WISHES SITUATION TO DO O cooKing or go out by the day. Call 27 Laskle St., bet. Eighth and Ninth, off Mission. REFIXED AND WELL-EDUCATED LADY, J-v speaking four different' languages, desires a situation as a companion: has traveled extensively and has the bes; of references. American Labor Bureau, 632 Marketjst.. room 14. : -„ V "yOUNG GIRL WOULD LIKE A POSITION TO ■i. do general housework : a good cook. Please call at 1 Martha place, off Geary St., near Mason. \r OUNG GERMAN WOMAN, LATELY FROM -t the East.wishes a place as cook. K. 8., 22 Turk st. ■WANTED— POSITION AS SEAMSTRESS IN r" family by dressmaker. Apply 328 Capp st. STRONG. HEALTHY scotch woman wants work, cooking, housework, ranch: good home: low wages: light "work for husband; will go anywhere. Ladles' Bureau, 131 Post St., room 20. OUNG LADY WISHES SITUATION AS JL waitress, chambermaid, or dishwasher in res- taurant; wages $15 to $25. Apply 39 Xinth st. OMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY ''washing and ironing, or gentlemen's under- wear. 12111/2 Fo!som au WANT E D BY WIDOW; POSITION AS >' housekeeper or nursery governess; can teach music; is eood nurse and seamstress: a pleasant home more an object than •alaryj no objection to country. Widow, box 25, Cull Office. p OOD DRESSMAKER WISH ks A FEW MORE vT engagements by the day. Address Dress, box 89, Call Office. TROXG WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE day washing, Ironing or houseclcaning. 462 Va Tehaina St. OMPETENT WOMAN WISHES SITUATION as first-class American cook, or will do general housework in small family: bes; of reference. Call 5 Ewlng st., off Laguna, bet. Sutter ami Post. WOMAN WANTS A PLACE OX A FRUIT »' ranch to pick fruit or help the farmer's wife cio housework for good home with her little 4-yiar- oid girl ; no wages. Addrtss W., box 33, Ca1l Office. ExTerTe XC E d, CAPABLE WOMAX -i wishes a place in city or country : steady and reliable and a good housekeeper. Address 2019 Filbert St., bet. Webster and Buchanan. \\r A"XTEIi— BY "A "YOUNG WOMAN, < WOBK '' in a packing-house or where there Is labeling: neat and quick. Address 11.., 8 MeLee court, off Ninth st. KEBPECTABLE WOMAN WISHES A SITUA- tIo:i for general housework: 'first-class cook. 128 Seventh st., first floor, room 2. SITUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLE-AGED O woman, Is competent cook; good home more an object than wages. Call or address 1236 Bush st. SITUATION WANTED BY SWEDISH GIRL to do general hOOMWOrk. Please call 22 silver. ESPECTABLK GERMAN LADY WANTS A KBSPECTABLE GSBMAN LADY WANTS A ■ position to take charge of a nome and children; pood manager: city or country; wages not less than $25. Address B. M., box 41, this office. BY YOUNG SWEDISH GIHL TO DO GEN- eral housework and cooking. Call at 23 De- catur st., between Seventh and Eighth. Bryant and Brannan. I,\\ S 1 I I : N AMERICAN LADY WOULD LIKE ■i the care of an invalid; can also give genuine manage treatment as II is given In the East. Ad- dress G. F. X., box 94, Call Office. WEDISH GIBL WISHES A SITUATION AS O chambermaid or waitress in the country: Los Angelea preferred. Cali or address 716 Brannan s:. OMI'ETKNT SWEDISH GIRL WANTS GEN- V-' eral housework. 610 Howard st. ITUATION " WANTED- YOUNG Fit BNCH O lady wants work as chambermaid or small housework, or other position permitting to sleep I home ; speaks English. Address 824 c Broadway, j rear. : y OUNG LADY WISHES GENTLEMEN'S | 1 mending to do. Call 150 Fourth St., room 9. ■yOUNO LADY WOULD LIKE A GENTLE- ' 1 man partner in a good paying business. Call 5 j Mason st., room 7. [DOW WITH SOME MEANS WOULD '» like to engage In business with a gentleman. Call 5 Mason St., room 2. youxii, REFIXEIT CREOLE lady wishes 1 a position aa housekeeper. Please call 11 Kearny st., room 16. yOU NO WIDOW WISHES POSITIOX AS X housekeeper. Call or address 620 Market St., • room 7, opp. Palace Hotel. T ADY WOULD LIKE GENTLEMAN'S MEXD- JLJ ing. 25 Taylor St., room 3. SITUATIONS \\ A>TED-JUALE. p KBMAN, WHCT'CAN '"SPEAIC "eNGITsIL VJ wishes a situation in a grocery store to learn 1 the business; knows the city and can driveaKro- cery wagon. Address E. F., 164 Jessie st., San Fr&BCteeo. p ERMAN, WHO SPEAKS ENGLISH, VX wishes to learn waiting at table. Address M. S., 164 Jessie St., San Francisco. GOOD CONFECTIONER AND CAKE BAKER VX wishes situation as firs: or second hand, or on bread in city or country. Address or call on C. D., 226 Church si. : yorxc ENGLISHMAN WANTS SITUA- -1 "M-- tion; handy with all. kinds of tools; good chnr- , acter; not afraid to work. 2438 Bush st. MAN AND WIFE WITH ONE CHILD WISH situations on rancb ; man handy with any kind - of slock, wife a good cook. Address M. N., box 18, Call Ottice. ■ QAILOR WANTS PLACE OX GENTLEMAN'S O yacht: sailing yacht preferred. E. E. MOR- LAE, 810 Kearny st., city. \\ r ANTED— WORK BY " YOUNG MAN, GER- »» man, In saloon to tend bar, cook lunch or por- ter work; no objecion to country. Please address H. VIELITiS, 633 Sacramento si., room 81 MAN AND WIFE WITH ONE CHILD WISH situations In country hotel or camp: bo h 1 good cooks. Address M. W., box 19, Call Oilice. p ARDENER— CAN MILK, DRIVE, CARE OF VJT horses, garden and do all repairs; is »ober and 1 reliable; reference. Address P. H., 604 Third st. OMPETENT HOUSE PAINTER, WITH tools, wants work; will accept low wages. Ad- dress W. C, 3021 i'lne st. - • i 7-iOACHM AN. A DANE, KNOWS THE CARE \J of fine horses, garden: can milk: has first-claas references. Address D. X., box 119, Call Ottice. IJKLIAHLK man, handy WITH" tools, J \> wants b situation around private place; is flrst- , clhss gardener and a good coachman and thorough- ' ly uiid> rstnnds care of horses and curriages: flrst- ' class references. Address D. S. 8., box 146, Call j OHice. • ■ . ■■ ; "CURST-CLASS CAKE BAKER WISHES A ■ JL 1 situation, city or country. Apply 631 Califor- n ia st., room 5. ; (J ITU AT lON WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS lO horseman ftnd driver; is also professional flor- ' Ist and landscape gardener: cood reliable refer- ence. Address A. R. D., box 68, Call Offige.* TRONO YOUNG • MAN, TEMPERATE, would be thankful for situation of any kind; I married; reference: city or country. Address T. , 8., box 17, Call Office. . . f yOUXGMAN WOULD LIKE/A STEADY PO- -1 -I sition to drive light delivery-wagon or work in • wholesale house; can give good security. Address 1 G. S., box 126. Call Office. * . | "MIDDLE -AGE MAN: GOOD HORSEMAN, l'J. gardener and can take careof cows: would like situation city or country; has first-class recom- • mendatlon. Address H. F., box 121, Call Office. WORK OF ANY KIND BY A YOUNG MAN . • '» experienced in pipe work and machinery; city or country; easy terms. Address E., box 103, Call I Office. . . AN, AGED 36, REQUIRES WORK OF ANY kind; club, hotel, restaurant or liquor-store. 1 1104_Mission st., room 31. ■- ' • . • ■ "yOI'NG MAN, 24 YEARS OF AGE, WISHES > J. work; handy at anything: '.wages "no object; 1 references. Address W.\ box 68, this office. -: • \ r<- ; I T U ATION WANTED B V A COMPETENT : man; thoroughly understands cart- of horses, 1 carriages and harness; good gardener; can milk; lianrly with tools; best of references. Address A. . S., box 40. Call. STE A DV, RELIABLE MAN, COACHMAN and gardener, wishes position: thoroughly un- ; derstands care of horses and garden; very handy with tools: good references. Address S. 15.., box 65, . Cull. OUSE PAINTER WANTS WORK ; WAGES $25 a month and found, or $2 a day. Address . Painter, 711 Caliiornia st. ; TTERY WILLTNG < BRIGHT JAPANESE » French cook and waiter wants work in family, . boardiriß or restaurant: city or country; refer- • encea. TOM, 137 Sixlli st., Oakland. -:rvy< . IRBT-CLA ss CAKE BAKER WISHES WORK i -T two or three days a week; low wages. /Address Baker, box 40, Call Office. FEMALE HELP WASTED. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER, SUMMEB BE- sort, ?30: infant's nurse, $25; 2 German and Swedish housework girls, country, $25 and $20: b young sirls assist, $12 to $15. Apply MISS CULLSN, 105 Stockton bU ( y lI A MB B R MAID HOTEL, 915. MISS V r CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. T^LbEBLY"LADYr»IO PEB MONTH. MISS -Ci CULLEN, 106 Stockton st. VURSEGIRL. CATHOLIC; *10 I'KK MONTH. 1> MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st : CirsEWOßlc GIBL, SAN~JOSE, $25, SEE lafly here. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. \Y r ANTED — FIRST-CLASS AMERICAN OR " Scandinavian cook, country, $35: infants nurse, country, $26. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stock- ton st. \V r A ITRES^ FO~R RESTAURANT, $18 AND '» room; cook for restaurant. $6 a week: young American second Kirl and seamstress for country, see party here this forenoon: German woman for general housework, smalt familv,sis; girls for light housework, $15 and $20. C. B. HANSEN <fc CO., 110 Geary st. ANTED- WOM AN COOK, SMALL RESTAU- rant; housegirl, 7 infamilv. $20; housegirl, 5 in family, $20; young girl to assist In housework, small family, $12. etc. ; German woman as house- keeper: 3 small girls, $10 and $12 a month, for small families: girl In family of 2; girl In family of 3. $20; girl In famllv of 4, $20; German girl. $20, and 1 at $25; cook for Jewish family, $26, etc.; 7 girls for housework, $15: sa; $20, etc. : German, Swedish and Danish girls: second girl, $16 a month, etc. MARTIN & CO., 749 Market St., largest and best conducted employment agency on the coast. Tele. Main 1849. W A2TBBBB AND HUSBAND AS COOK, $60. »» for a country hotel; 3 waitresses. MURRAY A READY, 634 ClayjiL \Y r ANTKD-COOK, A SHORT DISTANCE, $30, »» see lady here; laundress, private family, $25; girl for housework, 2in family. $25 ; 3 German and French second girls, $20 and $25: nurse, 2 chil- dren, references required, $25, and a great many fcirls to fill situations in city and country. J. F. CROSETT <fc CO., 312 Sutter st. WANTED— A COOK, NO WASHING, SMALL family, in Menlo. $30, see lady here; a first- class waitress and parlor-maid, Santa Barbara, $25 ; 50 good housework girls, city and country, $25 and $20. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. ?TEBMAN~BECOND GIRL, SAN iRAFAEL, VT $25; cook, Grass Valley. $35: Dixon, $25; Sac- ramento, $25: Oakland, «20; 3, city, first-class cooks, $20 to $35 ; 15 general housework girls, $10 to $25. 9 Stockton st. 2~~~^AMERICAN HOTEL WAITRESSES, MILL Valley; first-class laundress, country hotel; waitresses, Berkeley, girl or woman to help in restaurant, city. Golden West Employment Office, 9 Stockton st. ANTED— A COMPETENT SWEDISH OR (Jerman girl to do cooking and general house- work. 2 in family, $25, city; a number of young respectable girls to assist in general housework, free by calling at HVa Antonio St., off Jones, near l-.llis. WANTED-SCANDINAVIAN FIRST-CLASS " cook, Oakland, wages $30 to $35: house girl, city, $20; cook, $25; house girl, $15. Call 332 Geary st. SWF. DISH HOME EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 1 1 '/a Antonio St., off jones, near Ellis. YOUNG, GOOD-LOOKING, 'WELL - BUILT 1 girl to learn act for the stage; suitable party will have good home and chance to travel. Cull be- tween 8 and 10. HARRY Dt LANKY, Mowry'g Hall, cor. Grove and Laguna sts. G" I RL ASSIST LIGHT HOUSEWORK, OAK- land, 2in family, $H. Apply 517 Octuvia s . \l' ANTED— S LADY "('( )M POSITORS; NONE '» but Protestants need apply. American Labor Bureau, room 14, 632 Marke: st. WANT E D — FIB S'F^ CLASS BUTTONUOLE- makers. IiOWHAY, 604 Sutter st. r ERS~Tb"WORk ON LADIES' -£ waists. 24 Ellis, tcp floor. TIT OMAN FOR J IOUBE WORK. 1019 VAN " Ness aye., near Geary st. f\ OOD WAIST TBJ MME R ; NO OTHER NEED \J apply. 422 McAllister. y I liSl-CLASsTINiSHER ON PANTS. 29y a -T Kissliiitf, Eleventh and Howard. WANTED - AN APPRENTICE FOB MUr limry ; call after 10 a. m. 527 Hayes st. VTEAT R F.sri •:( rr ABLE GIRL FOB GBNEBAL ii housework. 1620 Pane st. OOD~GE 11M A N GIBL Ftm GENERAL house work; good wages. 93:> HaigJu st. lillBBT-CXtABB FINISHERS ( >N COATSI work; good wage*. 541 Market st. pIRLFOR LKJHT "hoT'SEWOKK: NOWASH- vJT ing; good home; waces $6. 1015 York st. IE GARMCTS WONDERFUL FRENCH tailor method of three measures; the only piace to learn the true method of dresscutting; complete courite $10; lessons given; dressmaking by the week or month : the latest in basting, bon- ing, skirts, sleeves, collars, revere, etc.; dresses made on short notice: cutting and fitting aspu- cialty. DE GARMO, '219 Powell st. AN HAVK DB ESSES CUT~AND fTtTeI) for $3: dresses poj>ular prices or ensagements by the day; patterns to measure. 11 Geary. I>ROFEBBOB LI VIN<iSTON'S DRKSSCI T- t Ing and making school : all branchfg. 702 Sutter. CIOUNTBY DBEBSMAKEBa Ji :-!. r «- Full J the new full-skirt pattern: girls wanted. Mr- DOWELL DRESSMAKING ACADEMY, 213 Powell St., to learn dressmaking. l/KEE— TEST AT LAWRENCE DBESSCUT- r tiiiL' school. 1231 Market st. UALK HELP WANTED. IAfANTED^BLACKSMITH FOR RANCH, »» Koorl gtoatly place. $35 and found; also black- smith for shop, near city, $1 75 a day and found; laborer about foundry, $1 50 a day; fanners, milk- ers, laborers, cooks, waiters, dishwashers and others. W. D. EWER & CO.. 626 Clay st. Tir ANTED-2 JOBBING BLACKSMITHS AND M shoers, $2 and board and $2 60 a day: 2 milk- ers, see boss here. $U5: 2 quarrymen. 30c foot: farmer and wife; clioreman, Sl5; machine black- smith, Central America; carpenter. Central Amer- ica; and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacramento st. \ITANT ED~! TWATTERS, COUNTRY HOTEL »» south. $20 to $25 and found. J. F.CROSETT A CO., 628 Sacramento st. TIT ANTED— 3 CARPENTERSFOR COUNTRY, »» call early: 2 sandstone quarrymen to cet out ashlar. 30c a running foot, and fare paid : 10 labor- ers for vineyard, year's job, $15 and increase; ranch hlncksmithl steady job, $25: blacksmith end shoer, country shop. $60 and board; milker, $20: basalt- block makers, f2O per thousand. B. T. WARD A CO., 60S and 610 Clay St. Exp"e"ri¥ncedegg"candlerTsso:black- smitn for a shop near city, $40 and found: 10 farmers, $ 1 _'0; 6 farmers. $16: 3 teamsters for an orcharn, $20, see boss here; 10 laborers, city, $1 50 s\ day ;20 rock men. country, $1 75 to $2 a day. C. B. HANSEN <fc CO., 110 Geary st. HAND-DRILLERS; MUST HAVE THEIR own hammers, $2 a day; stonemasons, $2 50 to $3 a day, for railroad work, free fare. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. BAKER AND PASTRY COOK, HOTEL, $40. C. R. HANSEN A Co., 110 Geary st. \Y r AN T F D-SECON D ~( OOK, $35 AND, BOOM, »» hotel: second cook, $30 and room; second cook, $25, etc., coffee-house: German or Swedish boy for small restaurant: kitchen man, $15 and room; dishwasher, $4 a week. MARTIN A CO., 749 Market st. C" OO K, FOR COUNTRY HOTEL, S4O, WIFE as waitress, $20; lunch-counter cook, country, $40; ranch cook, near city, $20; Japanese cook, $20: 3 hotel waiters, country, $25 and $30. MI'R- KAY A KIJADN . 634 Clay st. DUTTER-MAKER AND MILKER, COUNTRY, -D $U5; 6 fanners, near city, $20 and $26; 2 quarrymen, country: 3 laborers ior city. MUR- RAY A READY, 634 Clay st. "yOU NO INsriu MX NT \ LISTS TO JOIN -I amateur orchestra for practice: brass, reed and string. Call Sunday, 9:30-10, 243 Ninth st. T?NERGETIC MAN WITH SOME DETECTIVE Hi abiiity and cash security; no others need apply. 777 Market St., rooms 3 and 4. ARBERS, FOR'EmTpLOYM ENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. OOD B VRBER FOR SATURDAY ; WAGES ] $3. 37_Thlrdjt. BARBER FOB SATURDAY. 2140 MISSION st., near Eighteenth. B~ "aRBER~FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 407 East St. ABBEB~~rbB SATURDAY. 142 SECOND street. BARBER WANTED FORT SATURDAY :NOO n! IX3V2 Ninth st. BARBKR~WANTED FOR SATURDAY :~$3T 105 Fonrth st. B~ ARBER FOB SATURDAY ; YOUNG MAN; 60c on dollar. 324 Grant aye. ABB KR W ANTE D BATUBDAY. 108 Vi Eighth st. ABBER~FOR BATUBDAY AND SUNDAY. 315 Sutter st. X\T ANTED-BARBER THIS MORNING. CALL »» 341,2 Fourth st. lac:ksmith. Country shop, near the city, $40. 531 California st., room 6. PROTESTANT ERRAND BOY WANTED, X about 15 years of age. 211 Sutter st. STRONG BOY TO LEARN BLACKSMITHING; experience and reference required. 828 Har- rison. PK KSS-BOY WANTED; APPLY AFTER 8 o'clock. 408 Sansome st. X\T ANTED~~G(>OD PRICSSMA N CUSTOM » » pants. 307 Clementina St., nr. Fourth. PErldaY. SIX- »» teenth and Noe sts., new Church. XITIuT;R"~TTfis~M7»R~NING~: FREEMASON^ 408 California st., room 7. "W-AXTED-BOY FOR DRUGSTORE. D., BOX »» 18, Call Office. QHOEMAKER WANTED, GERMAN7"~739 Mc- O Allister st. ; call early. TX^AKTED— B U T CTS E B WHO UNDER"- tt stands cutting meat. 3308 Mission. HAVINgTwiTH BAY RUM, 10c: HAIB CUT- t ing 15c: a towel for every cusiomer: 8 chairs • no waiting. JOE'S, 32 Third street. WANTED-SOLICITOR FOR~MILK ROUTE! "" must- be a hustler: good commission to right party. Apply bet. 1 ana 6 p. m. to F. HOFFER. 1509 Grove st. HELPWANTED-Contln'ned. GOOD PAYING .">-< HAIR BARBER-SHOP \ J and laundry office: must go East; price, 9325. 137 Third st. REMOVED 706 TO 726y 5 , OPP. HOWARD^ st. Theater; also 116 to 418 Fourth St.; best ! pl»ce ill the city for new and second-hand shoes. f IVEMEN WANTED AT ONCE TO HANDLE JJ summer specialty; will pay competent per- sons 93 50 per day. Store 328 Seventh st. CANVvSSERS FOR NEW ARTICLE: MUST have good references. Address F. S., box 63, Call Office. . WANTED— 3 MEN WHO MEAN BUSINESS and-are able to pay their expenses to take up government land, which they can sell for 9260 in ten weeks; business legitimate. Address Land, box 50, Call Office. -_ "WANTED— MEN WHO DO NOT BSCXTV E IT their wages to place accounts with us; law and j commercial collection ; no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY, 110 Sutter st. EN'S SHOES ya-SOLKD. 40c; HEELS, 25c: I done in 15 minutes. 635Kearny st.. basement. ; anted-laborb:rs AND MECHa N TT to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House propri- ! etor, has opened Soto House, 32 Fourth st.- 100 rooms; 25c to 91 per night; 91 25 to 9 t per week. j ANTED— SINGLE ROOMS, 15c A DAY; 91 j week ; rooms for two, 25c a day, 91 60 a week; j reading room • dally papers. 3ft Clay st. j Soup. TRIPE, HASH AND liver, WITH wine, beer or cider, sc. 619 Merchant st. ■RARBER-SHOP FOR SALE WITH LIVING- X> rooms: bargain. 1500 Howard st. WHAT CHEER HOUSE, 529 SACRAMENTO | » V st.; 100 outside rooms: best spring beds ; single rooms 20c a day, 91 a week: meals, 10c. BEST PAYING BARBER -SHOP IN CITY; elegantly urnlshed ; for sale reasonable: ill health cause of sale. Address B. S., box 103, Call. ANTED— COATMAKERS BY THE WEEK | and by the piece. M. J. KELLER _ CO., Oak- land. * S~ EAMEN FOR EUROPE, HONOLULU AND I Australia. 103 Montgomery aye. QINGLE ROOMS 15c NIGHT. PLAZA HOUSE, 0 641 Washington st., near Kearny. ' -v/ :~- ANTED— MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP M steam beer, sc: bottle wine, 6c. 609 Clay st. -CHAIR BARBER-SHOP, 9225; FURNITURE — worth more than price asked. 319 Montg. aye. SHOES HALF-SOLED IN 15 MINUTES while you wait at half usual price. 959 Howard. £.(\f\ PAIRS MEN'S GOOD SHOES, 25c TO 91. : U\J\J 564 Mission St.; also 631 1/2 Sacramento si. HOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES; done while you wait; at less than half the usual ' price; all repairing done at half price; work guaran- ! teed. 564 Mission st.. bet. First st. and Second st. ! MEN'S HALF -SOLING, 50c: LADIES', 40c; heels, 26c; done while you wait. 237 Sixth. ] W" AXE the dead — WENZEL'S ALARM clock: no electricity. 607 Montgomery st. rpAILORS AND CUTTERS To ATTEND THE I 1 San Francisco Cutting School. 623 Market St., j room 15. . ' .- EN'S HALF-SOLING, 50c: DONE WHILE you wait. 638 Market, oppo«ite Palace Hotel. I 1 f\f\ MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 150 I i JLUvr and 20c a night, including coffee and rolls. 624 Washington st., near Kearny. 'en M EN FOR ALONG JENNY LIND CAKE O' ' and cup good coffee for 5 centß. 44 Fourth st. "T7»REE COFFEE AND ROLLW. SANSOME; j JP Biiigle rooms, 16c, 20c, 91 week with breakfast. | LIND ELL HOUSE, 6TH AND HOWARD- XJ single turnished rooms, 75c week, 15c night. I/ 1 REE BEER: BEST IN CITY; 2 SCHOONERS 1 for 5 cents at 228 Pacific St. j .11 ELLIS, ROSEDALE— PRICES REDUCED; j — JL slnsle furnished rooms, $1 week; 20c night. RY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- low Sixth, fora room; 25c night ; 91 week. EST IN CITY— SINGLE BOOMS, 16. 20 AND 25 cents per night; 81. 91 25,91 50 per week. j Pacific House .Commercial and Leklesdorff sts. AGENTS WANTED. L^F?L7fYlirEirFnmß~T^ I S-J not ovnr 25; must be daughters of Masons — ! orphans preferred— Introduce Masonic works. ■ WILLIAMS, 7 City Hall aye. j \1 ANTED— PURCHASING AGENTS FOR A i »» new book; good rustler can make from 10 to 950 per day. Apply at 734 Montgomery st.. room 3, from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. ~ •- ■ C ENERGETIC AND INTELLIGENT AGENTS | «J on new proposition: good commission; also j salary to right parties. 54 Nevada block. 9 to 11 A. M. FUKNITUBE WANTED. c. 'mu^^erT^hTr^u^ctl^ee^r.^uys f) • furniture at highest cash prices. 6 Fourth st. HOW CASES, BAR, RESTAURANT, CANDY 0 outfits, Hxturt's, etc.. bought and sold. 125 Fifth. houses wanted. tmmediatelV, nice clean cottages 1 under 930. SPECK _ CO., 30 Montgomery st. iv anted— miscellaneous. j TntriTcTwA nt s to sk ll~ a~ ple r vk (?t"se(> »f ond-hand sewing-machine? State price and make of machine. Address H., box 8, Call office. \\f ANTED —TO BUY A CASH REGISTER. \ Tl l^ Address F., box 49, this office. • *LEIN, 109 SIX ST.. PAYS GOOD PRICES for clothing, books and jewelry : postal. . ..-. ;;, LOST. o^t^Xf^sbooiTwTth the hibernTa \ Savings and Loan society of San Francisco, in the name of CHARLOTTA WARD; No. 192 1363. The finder will please return to bank. : \l EMORANDUM-BOOK: GOING FROM i-ark ! IVI. avenue to Clay-street wharf: owner's name on fly leaf. Suitable reward on return of same to M. SMITH, care of GLADDING, McBEAN _ CO., i 13581360 Market st. | OST— ENGLISH PUG, TAG 111; 317 LYON | st. engraved on harness. Liberal reward if re- | turned to above address. I OST — MINUTE - BOOK OF CAMBRINUS ; J Vereln. Finder will please leave same at 419 I'.iisli s:. and receive 92 reward. ESQUIMAU (SIBERIAN) DOG; HAD j chain attached. Return 627 Broadway st. ; re- : ceive reward. I OST— MONTGOMERY AND CALIFORNIA -i sts., white and tan terrier; reward. 329 Mont- gomery st. N MARKET, BET. FIFTH AND SIXTH, purse with about 925 and English penny. Re- turn 2233 Clinton aye., Alameda, receive reward. OST— PENSION CERTIFICATE NO. 862,326. Please return to Call Office. T OST — FROM LAKEVIEW, 2 COWS AND XJ young calf: one red, branded C. D., and brindle. Return to BARNEY FARLEY'S; reward. OST— A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, In the name of EDWARD HOLDEN, No. 179,343. The (i rider will please return to bank. CLAIRVOYANTS. ~~ RsTl)R7^l_OM^A^Bl-iIGHEL^ CLAIRVOY- autand magDetic healer; sittings daily. En- trance 425 Kearny and 6U5 California sts., room 1. ME. MOREAU,BEST MEDIUM, CLAIRVOY- -1»X ant: tips on the races; 25c up. 131 F«urth st. J DIAMOND, MAGNETIC HEALER AND • mesmerist, cures and develops clairvoyants by mesmerism. 406 Sutter St., rooms 50 and 51. ROFESSOR M. C. GEE, THE ACKNOWL- X edged clairvoyant, business test medium, has lo- cated at 1031 Market St.. opposile J. J. O'Brien's; readings daily, also sittings for spirit pictures: 91- -9 A. M. tO 7 P. M. . ME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- er by eggs and carls (in English orGerman)tells entire life, past, present, future; consultat.ons on all affairs, nothing excepted; names given; good, advice: sure help: restores lost love by sympathy- mistake Impossible; fee 91 ; letter 92. 80 Kearny. YPSY LIFE-READER; LADIES 25c; GENTS 60c; near Market. 5 Seventh st. MME. >PORTKR, CARD-READER; LADIES • 50c; rr ent .?,? 1 A palmistry and clairvoyant- sit- tings 91 50. 210 Turk st., near Jones. ' nl< 81lr UGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER- magic charms; love tokens; true picture of ! future wife and luisband; teaches fortune-telling- devclors clairvoyance, slate writing, etc. • has the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm- fee 91 and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. PROFESSOR LEON, palmist, THE GREAT X renowned clairvoyant and life reader, has ar- rived In the city; don't fail to see him; gives luck i In business; healing power; hours 10A._:to8p.M.; i also Sunday. 633 Post st., near Taylor. MRS. 0. J. WHITNE yTcLA ANT, TEST 1 medium and life-reader. 218 Stockton. SPIRIT UALISBI. ~~~~ TyoTt™ 1 -TO-NIGHT: IOc^MME. X YOONG, 605 McAllister st. ; sittings daily. ■MBS. S. EAL-SPIRITUAL MEDIUM: RE- liTi I'gious1 ' gi0us Clr - Wed - 8 p.m.; Thurs., 2:30: 110 M- e st* MRS. EGGERT AIKENT TRANCE MEDIUM: Post clr. Sun. eve.: developing c|r. Tues. eve. 715 iOflt St. "MRS. HEN DEE ROGERS. GIFTED MEDIUM i*X healer: clr..,Mon and Fn ; sit dally. 122 Turk. A M. FRANCIS, 118 HAIGHT. INDEPEN- -^v. dent slate-writing medium: Sunday excepted. ASTROLOGY. A STR AL SEER-PROF. HOLMES, 623 GEARY -^»- 3t.: horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice, PALMISTRY. TTiFTpAlrrTTmrpß^E^ -I-TURE. MADAM MINERVA, The marvelous English palmist, has arrived in San Francisco, and will granc interviews daily, from 10:30 to 6:30, In her rooms at the Oriel, corner of Market and Franklin streets, third 43: elevators: ears pass the door. Mme. Minerva's revelations were one of the wonders of the metrop- olis o:' England. She was patronized by the nobil- ity, professional men and ladles of the highest rank. All classes and both sexes hastened to con- sult her in times of crises in order to benefit by her wondrous skill. . Fee 91 ; private parties, • soirees, bazaars, garden parties, etc., attended ,by arrange- ment; lessons given as in England. PERSONALS. T^VTLEIkIAN^WISHES to FORM the ac- (jr quaintance of a respectable Catholic young lailv, or willow unincumbered: object pleasure, possibly matrimony: all replies strictly confldent- lal; no triflers. Address J. C. box 73, Call Office.^ TWO DIPI/OI AS~AN STATE LICENSE FOlT* sale. Address T. P., box 74, Call Office. 17 Q-NIN_. . . - . T»UY YOUR CURTAINS. LADIES' AND -D gents' furnishing goods, hosiery trimmings, etc., a. Pioneer Dry Goods store. 105 itth Bt. r«ENTLB»IAN" OF MEANS Dl-SIKKS TO VJT meet iidv of weslth without Incumbrance; object, agre. able companionship, possibly matri- mony. Address C. W., P. O. dox 164, Oakland ; no tririe'rsj AN HAVE DBSSSES CUT AND FITTED V^ for 93; dresses popular prices or engagements by the day; patterns to measure. 11 Geary st. AN FRANCISCO SCHOOL FOR DANCING and elocution. WALTER G. O'BRIEN, mana- ger: Grove an. t Laguna sts. Class Mondays and Fridays; juvenile class, Saturdays. W ANTED— A N V INFORMATION CONCERN- »" ing JOHN BRAHAM. formerly of New Yorki last heard of 4 years since as railroad engineer on this coast; satisfactory information will be re- warded. Address A. B. T., box 109, Call Office. p T. L. VJ. Will yon please call at room 9, 504 Kearny St., in relation to letter written "Local, May 4, -<If>.'" — — — - i . q~ — __-_ O« Will the gentleman who sent handkerchief and signed himself "5.," communicate with JOHN RICHARDSON, 545 Cniitornia st. ; interview strictly confidential. MATRIMONIAL PAPER, 997 MARKET ST.; JITX office time, 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 p.m.; by mail 15 cents. DVICEFREE; DIVORCE LAWS ASPECIAL- ty ; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. HOWE, Att'y-at-law, 850 Market., cor Stockton. HAIR-DRESSING, 'J.V; any STYLE I'lu- neer Halrstore. BEKTHA SPITZ. 11l Stock- I ton; established 1869; strictly one price; 25c only. H~ AIR-DRESSING79I 50 PER WEEK"; HAIR and scalp treatment, 91 60 per month. 6 Eddy Bt., room 83. GO WHERE YOU GET GOOD CLOTHING AT X half the merchant tailor's prices. Misfit Cloth- Ing Parlors. 14 Geary St.; fine suits 915: dress pants -f 1 76; special ulsters 92 95. INGLE BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF^ Pomade is guaranteed to cure any case of dan- ' druff or falling hair or money refunded: never known to fail ; try it. By all druggists price 91, or SMITH BROS., Fresno, Cal. 7 C CENTS PER DOZEN FOR CABINETB,FULL 1 t»len,'th. at GODEUS 1 Art Studio, 10 Sixth st. TO ORDER— SUITS 912: SAMPLE BY .MAIL." X NEUHAUS, merchant tailor. 116 Kearny. ■\TOCUBE, NO I',\Y. WE GUARANTEE IM- -L™ mediate relief and permanent cure for catarrh, rheumatism, tumor, cancer, skin disease or any other disease known to human flesh. Successfully treated by mall. For full information address, with 4 cents stamps, or call at the office. King Lini- ment Medical Company, 7 Montgomery aye., San Francisco, DRS. KING and JONES. \ NSEL WHIT?:, INFORMATION WANTED: XV if alive may hear of something greatly to his advantage, or his heirs may if he is deal. Address E. H. O'HARA, 469 S. Seventh St., San Jose, Cal. SECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS,' >5 showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock o( them, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission St., above Sixth. ANCING IN ALLTHE LATEST BRANCHES taught at IRVINE'S, 927 Mission st. O^ 1-; MORE CU'i— Oak Roll Top Desks 914 to 935 I Oak Chiffoniers From 910 up Oak Bed Sets 917 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleu ms 30c up Stovts and Ranges $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NO< 'NAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St., above sixth. TJEADQUARTERS LONG DISTANCE TELE- XX phones, cheap; send for prices. Klein Electric Works, 720 Montgomery St.. San Francisco. Cal. ALL AT FONZO'S CAFE FOITfIKST-CLASS \J refreshments: furnished rooms by the day or week. 2067 Center st.. Bericeley station, Berkeley. r\UIET PLACE FOR LADIES TO TKADE IN v/ stocks and grain: large money made on small investment. WHEELOCK&CO., 318 Pine St., R 3. pLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT \J mfrs' cost. Factory, 20 Sansome st.. upstair*.* I INETOSCOPE* FOR SALE; PHONOGRAPi-T I IV outfits bought for cosh. Bacigalupi, 946 Mke. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT ANI> SOLD? store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, | etc.; cheap. Yard 1166 Mission St., nr. Klghth. G*~^AS FIXTURES AND PLU MBINO. 82i Golden Gate aye. H. HUFSCHMIDT. LD GOLD, SILVER, GENTS' AND LADIES' clothing bought. COLMAN, 41 Th;r! St. INDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED rO order by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Market. pHEAPESTAND BEST IN AMERICA— THE \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address In the United States or Canada one year for 91 60, post- ag free. ________ JIIiIJICAL. ANEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE. ENBTBU- ments or worthless pills used: every woman her own pliysician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what cause; restores always in one day; if you want to be treated safe and sure call on men's physician ; knowledge can be sent and us"d at home; all cases guaranteed. DX. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. MRS. DR. WEGENER, PRIVATE HOME for all female diseases; separate homes ior la- dif-s before ana duriug confinement; have enlari; and arranged my home to suit rich and poor; lr- regularities cured in a day: guaranteed: no instru- ments; regular physicians of long and successful practice: travelers attended; no delay: all business strictly confidential; babies adopted. 419 Eddy st. A" LL CASES OF IRREGULARITIES RE- stored in one day; safe and sure relief guaran- teed; tumors and ovabiajt diseases cured by medical electbicity ; home In confinement: reg- ular pliysician of long and successful practice; travelers helped without delay: ladles suffering from any complaint call and consult free; French pills, guaranteed. MRS. DR. WYETH, Sanitarium, 916 Post St.. bet. Hyde and Larkln. RE SAFE CURE FOR ALL FEMALE disease; a home in confinement with best care; with the privacy of a home and conveniences of a hospital; consultation free and confidential; a A positive cure for liquor, morphine and tobacco habit; every case guaranteed without injury to health. MRS. DR. QWYER, 31iy Hyde st. POSITIVE, GUARANTEED CURE FOR IR- X regularities; used for years in private practice with invariable success even in most aggravated cases; easy to take; perfectly natural in action; no pain, exposure or danger: cures in two days; sent securely sealed on receipt of f3 or C. O. D. ; strictly confidential. Address DR. J. MILTOX BEROETOLE, P. O. box 2223, S. F. DAUDET'S APHRO TABLETS— THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, Impotency and all disorders of the sexual organs; $1 a box, B boxes 95; send for circular. J. H. WIDBER, cor. Market and Third, sole agent. DRS. GOODWIN, SPECIALTY DISEASES OF women; ladles near or far assured quick relief of disease; irregularities restored daily; safe cure guaranteed; no instruments: home in confine- ment: Jbest skill: low fees; pills -. 1370 Market. PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT: B_STf X care; $10 per month. P.. box 2, Call Office. "T\R. HALL, 14 MCALLISTER, SECOND FLOOB, XJ next Hibernia Bank: diseases of women. THE "INFALLIBLE PREVENTIVE" FOR X either sex. Send stamp for information or 600 for trial jar to P. O. box 1896, San Francisco. PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT: GE R- X man midwife. MRS. POWELL, 1310 Mission. T ADIES— I323 GBABY; DRS. JANNEY IN- J— stitute open for reception of women before and during confinement; skill only: advice free; all subjects of private delicate nature confidential. T ADIES CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. SCOTT , — 110y Turk St., for Irregularities, no matter what cause; home in confinement: also disease the eye treated. ; ' AT ICE PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT JN at the mo/reasonable Price Jn the city. MRS. M. PFEIFFER, midwife, 2014J?Olsomjlt. _^T 4 LL LADrES CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. ■A. DAVIFS 14 McAllister St., near Market: leads all competitors; only qualified, trusty spe- cialist for safe, quick relief of Irregularities, no ; matter what caise: treatment scientific, harmless and painless: neverfails; home In confinement. TF IBBEGULABOB any female disease I see Mrs. Dr. Puetz and be content. 264y a 4th. V t pf ATI'S FRENCH PILLS. A A boon to ladles troubled with Irregularities; no dance?- bafe and sure; 9'<3 50, express C. O. D. ; don'tdeTay until too late. OSGOOD BROS, Oa_- i land, Cal., agents for Alpeau et Cle. ■ DX AND MB& DR. SCHMI£.r, FORMERLY of 1211 ¥> Mission, now 1508 Market st. : month- -1 v irregularities cured in a few hours; guaranteed; no instruments used: sure preventive. —————~ DENTISTS. yY^TOOTH^FUAJED OR EXTRACTED painlessly by my secret method without dan- gerous cocaine or gas: won 8 first prizes: prices rea- -1 sonable; work warranted; all operations expertly done- remember I have removed from 6 to 20 O'Fafrell st. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK. TTrTj. J. LEEK. 1 FIFTH-OPEN EVENINGS, XJ and Sunday until noon. T CHALFANTS'S,BMASON,COR. MARKET, sets of teeth are made to please or no charge; on bridges, crow ns and gold plates prices reduced; small £old fillings only 92 ; painless extraction. pROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MAR. \j ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, gas specialists; only reli- able agent for painiesa extraction; artificial teetn, frm 90 ; fillings from 91 ; extracting 50c, with gas s_ Dr."reaT9 SIXTH ST. : ALL DENTA L WORA at lowest prices ana warranted; openevcnin^V^ : (2*7 A SET FOR TEETH; WARRANTED tjp I. good as can be made; filling 91. DR. SIMMS, dentist, 930 Market St., next Baldwin Theater. A L L WORK REASONABLE a NDWaBB a N -X cd. DR. J. W. KEY, 1122 Market st. _ *x D8.H.0. YOUNG. BRIDUES AND TEKTH # without plates a specialty. 1841 Poilc s:. _ DR. LUDLUM HILL, 1443 MARKET ST., near Eleventh; no charge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new; teeth from 98 per set: extracting 50c; gas given. pOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAB* \J ket st. DR. CHARLES W. DECKEU.