Newspaper Page Text
BUSINESS CHANCM*; r-n 4^ M.Rrkrt ct - a. An-n ATTENTION] 1 n-HIPASSED OP- > S3OO. JS ' W.OL k L n T : BTK8 T K srorc; present o» "" n > tar - ■ BERG, 719 Marlci st. ; . --7^-,- -,X |KP — MAX TO INVEST IN $2DO valuabi : •' -i lwful invention; thous- ««• ™<h1 chance for live agent, anas now in llSl ■,,,, f,_ ■Murtui ct PROLL & sTE>"BM*i'_« I __i____J___, g> nftft 1 "B E-TAU It AST AND 8 FURNISHED S,H)O room« oiipositecirhcuse; presort own- Ss_f_____li__ I "<*. .. 4 FURNISHED *^4n() rooms, opposite railroad stations; big ■ M-i:l^-_719 M,.rk-t st l&nnn sr'ICKOKKAM, ■ -Miv FACTORY; .ShOU. complete for jiiamifacturing; established . .1 nro'ltat'ic buslWM north Market: investigate fhil ' PROi'l. « HTI-.NBEBO, 719 Market Bt. 'A-. en -,._iEBTAUttANT: WJSLL EHTAB- >I,)O lished; iust sell. PROLL & STEN- '• BERG. 719 Market st. 'i_,/» C A. tfX-OON ; 9 FURNISHED ROOMS; ■M">OU. iie.vrt of business center: must sell atA saoriiict- on ar mint of other inisiness. PROLL «fc si KKNT!.!' 1 - 719 Market st. OOruY T>mrBUI'CHER-SHOP; WELL ES- »j_.Ul'. isMished; fine outside custom: full jn- vpstlpati.m , ved. PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market st. ; ■ u-lliii l; ERM AN BAKKHY; STOBJ) FIXT- «St/l'v. u res; big outside trade; horse; wagon: clears $185 month; trial given; Investigation al- lowed : leaviug City. PROLL & STKNBERG, 719 . . Market Bt. _ r Q"Cnh CORNER RESTAURANT; 12 FUR- ■ - 01/ V. nishedroomsi near carhouse: big Bteady irade; In Vicinity where several hundred peopfe . oinpioyed. PROLL & BTEKBKRQ, 719 Market. «_• 1 \i\ OIOAB BTOR£ NEAR MARKET; tUV. fixtures, stock worth $600: cleaT3slso I'ioiith ; easily run, immense trade: sacrifice account sickness. PROLL .V STENBERG, 719 Market St. OF E-S A LQON, NORTH AND NKAR • v^ Markat; clearing about $150 a month; full satisfaction given; price reasonable. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery »i. • T^OFFEE SALOON ANDCREAMERIE; FIRHT \J class; few blocks from Call Office: receipts $60 to $80; reasonable. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery St. • T AUNDRY ROUTE. CLEARI $17 WEEK; J ' horse ; wagon. SPECK & CO., 30 Montgomery HELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND _l Quick for cash see STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. CORNER SALOON; BEST IN" THE tjPOJU. city; clenrs *75 a month. STRAND* CO., 45 Third st. \ Ql CT| CORNER BRANCH BAKERY; 3 •7/ -I «J". furnished rooms; good-paying place. FRAND & CO., 45 Third st. "£_! -|f|A BAKKBY; USES 3 BARRELS " O-LJ-V/U. llouradav; jrood store trade: horsf, • wagon, etc.: >-li-ars over $100 a month. STRAND '• & CO., 45 Third st. ' »«M Qflfl DRY UO<»DS«. CROCKERY" .~AUATK, ♦J 1 JLOUU. tin. wooden ware, stationery and toy store, etc.: Al location; jrood paying business; Dest of reason for selling. Apply to STRAND & CO., 45 • • Third St. "OOOX BUTTER AND EGG ROUTE: ALSO •^•)—»). dairy produce; poodwa^On; large trade; t-lear $75 to $100 per month; must sell; owner ■ _ick in bed. hence this bargain: trial allowed: cheap at $500. See STRAND ifc CO., 45 Third st. l-L'O^A RESTAURANT: OLD ESTABLISHED C OU. place; Imrgain. STRANDttCO., 45 Third. «(irrt GItOCERY AND BAR; GOOD STOCK . »^O«JU. and fixtures! 9 furnished rooms: clear over $100 per month. STRAND & CO., 45 Third. <QJ QAA BABQAHi; OROCEBY AND BAR: 7 OOUU. rmi: rent »17; lease. STRAND, 45 3d. LET— STORE IX COUNTRY TOWN, WITH 1 dwelling attached: good location: on principal sfteet and main traveled country road. Inquire at • call Office. Bl AIN-GROCERY AND BAR. WOOD and coal, hay and grain; teaming; death of pro- . prietor. Call Fifteenth and Guerrero sts. T>OADSI_>K HOUSE: 8 FURNISHED ROOMS: Xidolng a fine bar trade: best location in the city: large horsesheds. J. REIDY, 19 Sixth st. _^ AQCA OYSTXB AND FISH MARKET; ' .♦3).-«-) U. horse: wagon; fine business. J. REIDY, 19e>lrthst. ■ d_>7CA \VANTED— PARTNER IN OLD-E9- *p I *J\f. tablished restaurant splendid locatioh: receipts $30 per day. luqulr# JOHN REIDY, 19 Sixth st. (SI QHrt SALOON; OPPOSITE CITY HALL; «4pxOVJU. c;oo,l trade; cheap rent: profitable buiiness. FALCONER <fc CO., 1189 Marmot St., Central Park. <2t 1 f\f\ CIGAR-STAND IN FINE LOCATION ; ♦mlUU.pays well; must sell. FALCONER <& CO., 1189 Market St., Central Park. ALF INTEREST IN ma nufacturing business and 2-horse delivery team and route; terms very reasonable to right man: German pre- ferred; offered on account of sickness; reference given and required. BLIVEN & UiWIS, 621 Howard st., city. <2_ 1 PiH PARTNER WANTED IN LIGHT. VluU. cash business; fine horse, wagon, etc.; must* he willing- to drire horse a part of time, and be satisfied with $15 a week to start. 9 Geary ,rm. 2. QjrAfK SALOON AND LUNCHHOUSE; *U\J\J. doing a good business; investigation allowed; rent only $35; sickness cause of sale. WOOD. 917 Market st. . CIIGAR STAND, BEST CORNER IN THE - ; city: clears- $140 monthly; other business cause of selling: see this as it is a bargain. DECKER, 1206 Market st. «Eff-i9^ SALOON; PRINCIPAL STREET; - ?j! U— -«J . half block from Market; no night work; -■• owner going to Europe: a chance 10 secure a good business for half its value. P. A. DOLAN & SONS, 632 Market, room 2. (EjCVrn WOOD AND COAL YARD, HORSE .. »J)__._)U. and 2 wagons: greatest bargain ever offered. WOOD, 917 Market st. ._ ■ 7_/_»rn FIRST - CLAHS CASH BUSINESS COdU. location; clears 8150 per month: trial | given; best bargain yet offered. LUNDIN <& WEHNER, 639 California st. ..■Q/lflA Al CASH BUSINESS: LOW RENT; «jT^l;Ul/. bargain: call at once. LUND IN & - WEHNER, 539 Callforniast. C_»O£f_ GROCERY, BRANCH BAKERY AND »£>---) U. fancy goods, wood and coal yard, etc.; fine location on good corner; splendid opportunity. BURG. 9121 Broadway. Oakland. '.' • OR SAiE— sloo; BRANCH BAKERY AND . : JC notion-store; rent, store and 3 rooms, $10; fair • livin?: (rood reasons for selling. Address E. F., box 73. Call. • j OPENING— YOUNG ATTORNEY; SALARY, commission and fees. Corporation, box 77, Call. . SALOOZt FORSALE— GOOD LOCATION: CITY -.O front. Apply THOS.T LOR & CO., 31 First. ■T> ESTAURANT— 2OB FIRST sT.; SOLD AT - l\i Sheriff's sale May 13; rent $15. i,-<OR SALE— AT ANY PRICE; TIN AND ' plumbing store at 952 MissiQn s.. "rj 1 7 B^STAITRrANTT^MUST SELL TO- "*S)X.IO. day; worth $300; make offer 958 .• • Howard st. . "PARTNER— SA_N FRANCISCO FIRM ESTAB- ' '_L lishPd 7 years, doing - good business, intends branching out arid desires partner who is to invest j $5000; can make good salary and 8 to 12 per cent ! • on investment; a fine opportunity to get into a ' live, well established firm; investigation desired; J references offered and required; principals only. Address Partner, box 160. Call Office. # s_ £f_f__"_. INTERIOR AUKSC YOF THIS PA- | «Ip_*UUl/. per; pays ovr _>i»0 per month; sick- I ness caus<> of selling. Apply thia office. j ~G»f7 : AAA CASH WILL BUY YOU AN ESTAB- tjp I UUU Itshed business, well located, having line cash trade in stationery, school supplies, ■ agateware, tinware, woodenware, toys, notions, etc.: one of firm will assist purchaser for 1 month. Address Bazaar, box 65. Call Office. i ' rpHE BEST CHANCE EVER OFFERED FOR JL a mat. with capital; a complete stock Of gents' furnish ing goods and modern fixtures for sale in ] ' the best location In the city of San Jose; the pres- j ent owner occupied with other business; will either 1 sell or take a partner to take charge 01 this depart- I mpnt; Investigate this at once. Address 45 and 47 | .->o;ith First St., San Jose, Cal. UST BE SOLD AT ONCE; BEST PAYING | !«. livery stable in town; 30 boarders; 25 livery 1 horses: hacks, buggies, etc.; centrally located: low rent: this is a line opportunity to get a good ( bualnes3at a bargain; only. Address P. 8., box 127, thlsoffice. HA Y. GRAIN ANDCOMMISSIONBUSINESS; two-third interest: established 29 years. Ap- ply CaU Office, 710 Market st, p OOD "CALL" AND EVENING PAPER <JT route in Oakland for aale. J. W., Call Offloe, 1 Oakland. - - ' <3tlftf.n HALFCASH, BALANCE INSTALL- tjJ)IDUU. ments: business pays 8175 month; - right man can easily increase it to $500 or more. Inquire CURTIS <* BOWLEY, 3U second floor, -Mills building. V-IORNER LOT, 40x1*20, TWO-STORY BUILD- \J ing, large store and beautiful flat of 5 large rooms and bath above (3 bay-windows), hot and cold water, almost new, near San Leandro electric road and power-house, cash value $3500. Make offer; or will exchange. O. A. RUDOLPH, 966 Washington St., Oakland. *2_T7F\ GROCERY AND BAR: A BARGAIN; is)l. to. cheap rent. Apply CaU Office. . \t ODERN 9^ROC>»IHOUSI<JaNDLABGEGAR- iVI <len; fine view; basement; 809 Castro, near Twentv-flm. See premises or MADISON <fc BURKE. ■■_ ■■- ■ ■ , - CjQAfl PARTNER TO ART NEW WINE tu)tJUU. business or to sell wine on commission; best Dhance In the city for a good man. W. C, box 99, CaU Office. ■ ffl»lOr COFFEE-SALOON AN D CHOP- vpL^iiJ. house among commission-houses: rent *lt>; receipts $12 ; no night or Sunday work; clear- -ne 880 per month. 520 Battery st. fi (\f\ BAKBER-SIIOP; 1 CHAIR; DOING <JP X\J\J . good buslnens: must leave on account of health. Call or write A. F. PKTIT, Middletowu, Lak6 County, Cal. ._■-..._ EOUTE FOR BALE ON THIS PAPER. 21048 . Leavenwortb 12 M. or after 5 p.m. FOR SALE— GROCERY AND BAR IN TnE best part of city; old established business. Ap- ply southeast corner Buchanan and Grove sts. 17! OR 6AIJE--WINE AND BOTTLE BEER sa- : loon. 009 Clay SI . ; price $500. -.•-.'•-. "QQA?r ESTABLISHKb STATIONERY AND •Jj/vUi candy Btore; fina location: u«»o<l busi- ne«i| must be sold, inquire __3 Battery >v n uea. I l JS2frrS,t S i2!?^2i ° LD ESTABLIBITEB Markel*'lwi^i l 0 0: best P°«ibl« loration. near nerweel-- , lUly __?**: S(llin "V 2 bbls. beer don't t i re g! Ster: long lease; rare chance; BrtHn^-USfwAVife-Sl "" best rekson given for Belling. See BARRETT CO., 865^_ Market St. »^2_s B AR GAIN; BAKERY AND CANDY- Vio*^ »* sto , best Possible location: north of *',» ce L st - : , e i e _ an , u yfl«fed; cheap at f400: rent %r-k tS.'r'i lBll^ 1 living-rooms. See DARRCTT ___Q., Bbsi^ Market St. 1 > ESTAURANT ANITIO FINELY FURNISH- J-. Ed rooms near carhouse: large French range; V, o ils k°°<! bosineaa; heait trouble cause of sale. BARRETT & CO., 865 i/ 3 Market st. <ii9^(^ BAKERY, CANDY, SODA AND ICE- *Uj***J\j. cream parlor; best location: near Mar- ket; finely fitted; _ living-rooms; iow rent: receipts $8 day. BARRETT.& CO., Sda. 1 ,. _____________ fyiO SELL A GOOD~FREXCII AXI) GERMAN J- restaurant (baratain) eec C. SIGNOUX, Cafe Lafayette, 503 Bush St. \t\t\ EESTAURANTON CITY FRONT: ijpttuu. must sell on account of disagreement of partners. Apply at Call Oilice. QI)AA RESTAURANT: AVERAGES $10 TO «lP^-VU. $i_ per day; low rent. Apply this office. riOA STA RAN OLD KSTAB- *3)uI/U. lished; daily average b'.isin?ss $26; good fixtures; good reasons for selling; chance of a lifetime. 30 Kearny St.. room >» 'P!ir WIGWAM THEATER RESTAURANT 1 and coffee-parlor for saie at a sacrifice: owner must go to New York at once; haa other business there; call at once. 129 Geary st. . OLD ESTABLISHED GROCERY BUSINESS j must sell. Address S., box 40, Cull Office. ABLE HOTEL, TWENTY-EIGHTH." AND Valencia sts.; contains 35 rooms; account re- i tiring from business. WANTED -MAN and WIFE TO RKXT \t small farm: short distance from city: fitted completely for raising poultry and grain: very 111-, tle money required: good terms to right party. Adllress K. WILSON, 112 Eighth St., City. __ _.-- COFFEE AND LUNCH ROOMS; OWN- tp 10. er must leave city. 841 Bush st. / OOD CORNER GROCERY AND BAR FOR \J sale on account of owner's death, 701 Valen- ; cia st. . . . ' . ' ' SM A l . l SALOON; 7 FURNISHED ROOMS; will be so!d cheap. 611 Howard St. OB SALE— RESTAURANT; GOOD J business. Apply this office. ORNER GROCERY AND BAR. WITH LlV- lng tooms; account other business: cheap; good trade. Call at 425 Natoma st. for particulars. C_ Ofiri FISH- SMOKING AND CURING tJt)ZUU. business. Apply 11. KEMPFF, Frank- lin st., bet. Greenwich and Lombard. : Vir^ANT ED— GOOD COFFEE-SALOON OR RKS- tt taurant; cash read y. Address, giving locality ru4 price, O. H., box 47, this office. S" "ALOON ; LIVING ROOMS: SMALL RENT; near factories. Apply Call Office. T7»OR SALE— CORNER LIQUOR-STORE WITH J good bar trade. Apply 368 Third st. QMALL ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUBSCRIP- -0 tions taken at Ca_i, Branch Office, 717 l.arkin st., 339 Hayes st. and 2618 Mission St.; opea till 9:30 p.m. I.OJDUING-IIOUSKS FOIi SALE. fi-Q^n 35 ROOMS; CLKARING~p6O"MONTr? H^ajO\J. ly. SPECK * CO., 30 Montgomery st. TT> buy" tm sell a lodging-house 1 quick for cash see GUS STRAND, 45 Third st Q/'Mf\ BAY -WIXJ'OW HOUSE "OFIOFIRsT- fJ'UV/U. class furnished rooms near Van Ness Rye.; «'hea]> rent: pays well; departure cause of sale. See STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. IAND ALL, COME FOR BARGAINS TO BUT- TER. FIELD real estate, Crocker building. IUKNITUKK FOB .ALE. I'^polTsA^JE^NlcW^ac^FTA^^F^S^iw^M^ ' rent $15. 513 V. Oak st. EDROOM SET, $11: PATENT TABLES. X>s2 15; ROxbury Brussels, 75c" laid; oilcloth, 20c; open eveniiigs. BHIREK, 1310 Stockton st, HO. KRASKY, CARPETS, pi c t r • folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices: Cal. stepladder manufactdfor the trade. 779 Mission. I|tURNITURF OF 9 ROOMS; CHEAP. CALL X from 10 to 1_ and from 4 to 6 at 428 Sutter st,, downstairs. ■<• PUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS \J tills week at McCABE'S, 948-950 Mission st. "REDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW and Jl second hand: 400 carpets, good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c; 7-piece chamber suits, $14 50: cornice-poles, 25c: ranges, $6; cash or installments; goods shipped tree. T. H. NELSON, 126 Fourth st. ' CAKPETS. B^^US^lSr«C,''LA ID?" ROXBU KY^BrI ft? sels, 75c. laid: linoleum, 40c; heavy oilcloth, 20c; open evenings. SIIIREK, 1310-1312 Stockton. CABFET VLEAMXO. Rational carpet beating and ; JM vating Works, HAMPTON & NUN* AN; laying j and altering. 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission 244. ITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AND I Renovating Works, US and 40 Eighth st. O. R. BTE YENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. pARPKTS THOROUGHLY CLRANED AND \J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON & CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 38. HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH poor work send to BPAULDINO'S Pioneer Car- pet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama; tei. So-40. Ci »N X LIN'S CARPET BEATING WORK& 833 \J Golden Gate aye.; telephone east 128. riARPETS WELL CLEANED. BARBER'S, 238 V 14th, nr. Mission: tel. (Mission) 100. rpnE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING I Co. (incorp.); old established carpet cleaning | i machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. J MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND IIKX i . ovatlng woTks. 453 Stevenson: tel. 8228. i A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE X— WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. tfOll SAL_-3IISCKJ-I,A_V_OUS. IN-TfreSh^COW, CHiGAPVAT"i49'*LAIS- -ley St., Fairmount. • ORSALE-A BARGAIN; "EXCELSIOR Studio," 409 Stanyan st., opposite Oak-st. en- trance to park ; complete photo and ferrotype out- fit ; call and investigate. ■ TJILLIARD-TABLE, HALF CASH AND IN- X> atallments. 18 First st. rfIHRASHING ENGINE FOR SALE CHEAP— JL Oue Bxl4 straw-burning thrasning engine, with brand new boiler: built to carry aworking pressure of 100 pounds of steam. Apply at T. J. MOVNI- UAN'S boiler works, 311 and 313 Mission st., southwest corner Beale. PAINTURS' FALLS, LADDERS VERY -C cheap. Address Painter, box 31, Call Office. IrUNE SODA FOUNTAIN, WITH MARBLE . slab; cheap. 440 Van Ness aye. ' "VTEW $100 LADY'S SAFETY; 850 CASH OR J£l InstaUments. 326 McAllister st. Al Lot of eastern standard make* of safes which have been taken In exchange i>s part payment for the Waits safes, as follows: 3 burglar-proof bank or coin safes, 7 jewelers' safes, j 8 pawnbrokers' safes, 13 merchant safes: fire and i bul-glar proof: all sizes; at less than half cost; see them beior*» you order. The Walts Safe Salesroom, 221 and 223 Market et., factory 13 and 15 Drumm j St., San Francisco. Cal. 1 ATEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- 1> hand. W. S. RAY Mfg Co., 12 California st, WILSHIRE BAFE. LETTER-PRESS, BCALK, coffee-mill and money-till ; cheap. 102 Clay st. /"COUNTERS, SHELVING, SHOWCASES \J bought and sold. 1121V_ Market, bet. 7th and Bth HEXPEST r AN_) BEST IN AMERICA— THE \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United IStates or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. ___ ___________ HORSES. FOR SALE^EL^C^T^A^fT^9O\9T^FNTJHI mares: lopy and gentle; chestnut team, 2200 pounds: drives single and good in saddle; a 2:20 trotter,l6:2 hands; bay m»v, 1550 pounds: all class of horses bought and sold. California Horse Re- pository, 510 Van Xf--i aye. I A HORSES FOR -AI.kT ALSO WAGONS, ! aY/ buggies.carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Market. 327 Sixth st. ; auction sales every Wcctues- day. SULLIVAN & DOYLE, Auctioneers. __ 0 HORSES, HARNESS, COVERED AVAGON; —j gooJ order; cheap. X. Y. stable, Jcßsie. nr. 6th. HORSES PASTURED; S3 A MONTH; SEND for circular. F. a. ll YDE, 630 Commercial st. I iU\ sKIS HECONJ>HAND HARNESS; ALL I J.v/l/ kinds; second-hand wagons, DOMy, carts: j also -0 chean horses. Fifteenth and Valt-ni-ia sts. j "WAGONS AND CAKHIAGI.S. FIRST-CLASS^ S-CAN MILK~VaGON FOR X ! sale. 1118 Mission. NE COUPELET CARRIAGE, ONE OPEN | bugey, one set double harness, two robes, one whip: all nearly new; in perfect order; at a bargain on account of departure. City Stables', 332 Bush. FINE BAKERY AND LAUNDRY VYAGONB, rockaway. h'lggifj/. also hack. 828 Harrlsou. ; _ ______ ______ STOKAGE A~"T> V A^CeVmAD E^ON^RTfoItA fiKT'IAEJIEFi A STORAGE WAREHOUSE CO., 906 Market st. 1 i.sox BROS., 1710 MARKET ST., BET. I TT Turk and Van Ness— Get our rates and ex- amine our mettfod for storage of furniture and all kinds of household rjoods: dust and vermin proof; separate rooms at low rate*. _________ n_FB, DRY. CHEAP PLACE TO STORK YOUR fe furniture. tf. LUNDY FURNITURE COM- PANY, 818 Mission »t. ' . | ."-'.. "- ■ ■ J'tiurniture, pianos and otuer mer- Jl chandlse received on storage; jnoney advanced onoonsignments; ftre-proof building.- 410 Postal., S" TORAOE OF FURNITURE, ! NOS, HOUSE- O hold goods, etc. ' J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market st. tpikstm; lass storage • ADVANCES m ade" J '421-4-3 M»rk#l St. CHAS. L. TAYLOK. FINANCIAL. TOW RATBS; CITY, DDItKTBV: 00LLAT- tral securities TKA VERBE, _l»Moatg'y. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1895. CITY REAL. l-lAil. BARGAIN. CHOICE VAN NESS AVENUE 1 PROPERTY. MUST BE.SOLD TO CLOSE THE KKTATE OF JONATHAN DRAKE STEVENSON. IK the Superior Court of the City and County Of San Francisco. State of California. In the matter of the estate ot JONATHAN DRAKE STEVENSON, deceased. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance Of an order ot the Superior Court of the City and County of SanFranclsco.Stateor Californla.made in depart- ment 10 thereof, on the 25th day of April, A. D. 1895, in the matter of the estate of JONATHAN DRAKE STEVENSON, deceased, the under- ■'{rned, executors of. the lost will and testament o! naid deceased, will sell at private sale to the hlgh- ! f«st bidder for cash, in gold coin of the United ; States, subject to confirmation by said Superior ! Court, on or after WEDNESDAY, the 15th day of i May, 1895, all the right, title, Interest and estate of the said JONATHAN DRAKK STEVENSON ' at the time of his death, and all the right, title ' and interest that said estate has, by operation of law or otherwise, acquired other than or in addi- tion to that of said . deceased at the time of his death, In and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the Improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the City and County cf San Francisco, State of California, and bounded and - described as follows, to wit: . " Commencing at a point on the westerly line of ; Van Ness avenue, distant thereon sixty-six and three-twelfths feet northerly from the, north- westerly corner of Van Ness and Pacific avenues; running thence northerly along said westerly line of Van Ness avenue sixty-six and three-twelfths feet; thence at right angles westerly one hundred ■ and twenty-four and nine-twelfths feet: thence at right angles southerly sixty-six and three-twelfths • foet; thence at. rlffht angles easterly one hundred 1 and twenty-fourand nine-twelfths feet to said west- erly lin* of Van Ness aveMie and point of com- mencement: being a portion of Western Addition Block No. 93. • Tkhms ant> ( onditioxb ok Sa_f-— Cash, in poM coin ot the United States. Deed at expense of purchaser. ' Kids or offers may be made at any time after ! the first publication of this notice, and before the making of the sale. - All bids or offers must be in writing and left at the office of Charles L. Patton. A ttorney-at-LaW, No. 319 Pine street, in said city and county, or de- - livered to the undersigned personally. Dated April 27, A. 1). 1896. EDWARD PEABODY and ALFRED S. BARNEY, Executors of the last will and testameutof Jona- than Drake Stevenson, deceased. Chablks L. Pattov. Attorney for Execntor3. ©OOAA 139 DOREST.; PAYS 12 PER <iJp_-Ul/v/. cent per annum net upon the invest- ment; house 12 rooms; 4 tenants; lot 25x85 feet; off Bryant St., bet. 9th and 10th; rents 3596 per annum: mortgage $500. 7 per cent: interest, water and insurance $73 per annum; total net income ?323 per annum. CHAS. C. FISHER, 507 Califor- nia st. (5 Q»)r "kxcelSior HOMESTEAD ASSOCI- »JSO— ation: NW. cor. of Edinburgh su and Brazil aye.; 50x100; house, 4 rooms: hard finished; stable for 3 horses: chicken-houses; fine well of water. CHAS. C. FISHER, 507 California. tT6r"saLE CHEAP— HOUSE AND LOT; CITY X or Alampda. 169 Clara st. C_£7£ HOME \ URXFICBDJ MISSION <?\) 10. road ; place for wagon. 62 Bhotwell. HKA I> LCrfS J X THB CHMOND \J Mistrict. f3OO. Lots on grade and fronting on . 325. Point Lobos aye., Clement St., : ' i?S3SO. 34th and 35th ayes. $400. Two lines of cars will pass 9450. the property. S5OO. Lots ready for building, $750. Sizes 25x100 and 25x120. Only $25 cash, balance $10 per month. Call for diagrams, etc. WILL E. FISHER * CO., • _ 14 Post street. BRICK BUILDING FOB BUSINESS PBOP- erty on Market Rt. ; rent $7200 a year. Corner Pacific aye. and Baker st., 55x137:6 ft. price, $11,000. E. side Htanyan st,, bet. Carl and Frederick sts. ; 25x100; price' $2600. 50x127 :6 ft. on Jackson St., overlooking the Pre- sidio and bay: $6700. Two modern bouses, ■of 8 rooms enCh, at Park, 25x137:6 ft.: electric road passes houses: price • reduced from $6500 to $6000 : make offer. 2-story brick house of 9 rooms, with stable, In South Park; lot 45x125 ft.; price $7600. s.W. cor. Jones and Jefferson Bts.; 137:6x187:6. Cottage house, 1367 Dolores sU; 5 rooms and bath, basement; on each side of Dolores St.; 25x9S feet. ■ Apply to C. C. BEMIS, Real Estate and Lan<s Agent, 324 Montgomery street. yJMT}^ FORCED sale OF GILT-EDGED «Jp"±JL _£«.). business property; new 2-story build- Ing, consisting of store with 3 living rooms at- tached and nobby bay-window flat of 5 rooms and j bath, containing every modern Improvement; 2 ' rooms can be Uninhed in attic; located on 24th hi., j 138 feet E. of Castro, which la ttif business point of. I that section; terms $H_s cash, balance monthly. I Apply to TOBiN A McNALLY, K:t() Market Bt. , IN ALAMEDA— TO EXCHANGE FOR SAN Francisco property, modern 2-story house: 0 rooms and bath; handsomely furnished : lot 60x j 150 1 gas, ciiy and well water: carriage-house; 1 street macadamized: half block to electric-cars; 5 minutes fiom broao-gauce station; 6 minutes to irarrow gauge: cost $9300. Apply CHAS. C. BEMI3, 324 Montgomery st.. k. _\ . T)ROPERTY-OWNERB, BUILDER*, ARCHI- i. tects— Guaranteed surveys of city lots tor $7 50 J up by a. HARRISON SMITH, 530 California, r. 9. fitCftft COTTAGE OF 2 ROOMS IN BERKJ-- «IP«JUv/. ley, lot 40x135, $50 down, $10 monthly; ! honses and lots all over town. CHAS. A. BAILEY, j 46 Market st. or Berkeley station, Berkeley. TTOUSES FOR SALE ON ' SMALL MONTHLY XI pnyments: loans made on San Francisco real I estate. I.otis BLANK. 214 i'lne st.. rtns. 5H & 69. PIANOS. violins, J3TC. INE PAirmR~~67ToA^FOR~SALE TvERY cheap; cost $200. 1 332 Pacific st. "VTEW $8 PICCOLO AND $40 FLUTE AT -1A half. J. P., box 31, Call Office. A N UPRIGHT SACRIFICED FORS7O; STOOL, A cover. Room 21. Flood Building. OiI FLA UPRIGHT PIANO FOR $195; IMME- iSOO\t dlate sale. Room 10, Flood Building. WM. G. BADGER, WITH KOHLER& OH ABB >T 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. OUR NEW RENT-CONTRACT PLAN IS meetin? with great, favor: terms ot payment are so easy that everybody can have a piano; besj makers; largest stock. SHE AN. CLAY & CO. ARP BY HKBASTIAN ERARD; DOUBLE . action and elegantly llnshed; is found with difficulty anywhere; a nice selection is at present exhibited by SHERMAN, CLAY ifc CO. TECK, CHICKERING *. SONS., VOSE AND O Sterling pianos sold on $10 Install ments. BEN.I. CURTAZ & SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell et. 2 SECOND-HAND UPRIGHTS, "W T H~ OUR guarantee; $125 each. MAUVAIS.769 Market. HOME INDUSTRY— UEMME & LONG PIANO CO.. 340 Post; pianos sold on 'installments; send tor illustrated catalogue. T)ARGAINS— PIANOS FROM $75 UP: ORGANS — > $25. A. L. BANCROFT & CO., 324 Post st. BETTER X b"E"ASIER PLAN TO BUY A good piano by renting. Be careful to go to ! KOIILER & CHASE'S, -H and 30 O'Farrell st. TTkECRER BROS., STEIN WAY, FISCHER AND XJ other first-class makes of pianos; little used; c-heap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLKK & CHASE, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. GREAT BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND Vl- anos at SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. cor. Kear- ny and Sutter sts. EASY TERMS; LOW PRICES. KoHLER <fc CHASE. - _; IpEW ELEGANT UPRIGHTS. STANDARD . makes, almost new, half original cost; see at once. F. W. SPENCER tfc CO., 721 Market Bt. YRON MAU2Y, 308 POST ST.— SOHMER, Newby <$t Evans, Briggs and other pianos. TEINWAY UPRIGHT; SLIGHTLY USED; grand tone; half-cost. MPENCER, 721 Market. QUPERIOR VIOLINH, ZITHERS, OLD NEW. OH. MULLER. maker, r^tmirer. it ham place. bioney TO loam. T7)anT^~rkTl^es?a^ : e7Tsl :^nd2nd XJ mortgages, furniture or pianos without re- moval ; lowest rutcM. BECKER, 240 Montgomery. OREIGN AND LOCAL CAPITAL IN TRUST to loan on lirst mortgage at 6 per cent; second mortgage, 1 per month; furniture, piano 2; life In- surance policies from $100 up. Loan, box 77, Call. HOUSEHOLD furniture without removal, warehouse receipts and other securl- -1 ties. Room 68, Donohoe building-, cor. Market and Taylor sts. • : 18T AND 2ND MORTGAGES, LIFE INSUR- ance policies, bank books. GOULD, 633 Market. T 'OWEHT RATES UN CITY, COUNTRY AXIi JL/ collateral securities. ADBURNE JR. & Co., 313 Montgomery at. . - A:, SU.M (CITY)-DIAMONDS, estates, furniture, realty. v SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. ONEY LOANED OH JEWELRY AXD DlA- monds. Mills' building, filth floor, room 6. ON ANY SECURITY. AT LOW RATES) DEAL- ing confidential. 43 Crocker building. : ist ami '2D U MORTGAGES, • ESTATES, planos,alimony -.any sum. M URPH Market. MU N I C I PAL LOAN OFFICE, CROCKER building, room 57; telephone Main 5122. AX\ SUM OF MONE"V ■ ADVANCED ON your furniture, pianos or real estate; low rates; call 'and state your proposition or write: opea evenings. J. NOONAN, 1021 Mission st. ? , OI«EYL6XN r IfiD~ONJE ( IvELRYANDOTUER -valuables at the Security Loan Bank, Hot Market st.. nr. Mason; private entrance 7 Turk. ___ .-•-_■'•; Mii.M.V WANTKD. ONE Y WANTED ON Al REAL ATE security. P. B. TRA VK 313 Montgy st. ANTKD-SIS6O ON EXCELLENT REAL »f estate security n»ar SRn i'rancisco; the im- provements insured for the amount of loan, pay> able to mortgagee; 1 1 per cent will be paid for one year: no expense for examination of property. Ap- ply to JOHN L. RICHTER, 513 JUarket st. . . ■ • OAKLAND BEALESTATK. A SWAP— IN A BUSINESS CORNER^)N BAN i .A. Pablo aye.; lot 50x125: at $1500 leßs than was offered lor cash two y<»nrs ago; owner must raise money; see us and make an offer. W. E. BAR- NAItD A SON, 458 Ninth St., Oakland. 11/ITDxcIIANGE A MODERN 2-STORY V> house in Oakland, lot 50x100, choice locality, value $6000, for country property. CLOUGH A BAKER, 1002 Broadway, Oakland. XLV f 9O Pfl« FRONTFOOT; LOTSC)x2OO? j choice location; street work done; stone walks; exchanges made iv city and country real estate. T. F. BAIRD, 1303 Park Bt., Alameda. ©.irrvA A BARGAIN: LOT 100x140, ON t£) tuVJxJ. Central aye., Alameda, one block west from Park St. ; adjoining property held from $70 to $80 per foot; now is your chance for a snap. GRAY & NAISMITH, 463 Ninth St., Oakland. (ji.i'An FINE 2-STORY MODERN HOUSE tJpitOUl/. of 10 rooms, laundry and bath; also large barn: lot 60x150: worth $7000: aristocratic neighborhood : must be sold. GRAY A NAI- SMITH, 463 Ninth St., Oakland. HOUSB AM > LOT FO SALE AT COST OF house; 7 rooms; nearly new; terms to suit. 1015 Iwenty-Orst St., near Linden, Oakland. • \ LDEN * GARFIELD OFFER EXTRA IN- J\- ducements building houses; easy payments; will build in Oakland, Alameda or Berkeley; plans free. ALDEX <fc GARFIELD, builders, 902 Hroadwny, OalUand. , . ' 2 LOVELY COTTAGES IN A NO. 1 CONDl- tion; electric cars pass property: 100x240: mortgage $4500: will sell for $14,000 or exchange for clear property or lots in San Francisco or Oak- land. E. E. BUXCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. <B 1 OKA A HARD FINISHED COTTAGE OF x£O\J. 4 good rooms and good lot: 1 block to streetcars, at beautiful Frultvale, Oakland: terms only $50 cash an«l $16 per month; don't fall to sco this. A LDEN & GARFIELD, 902 Broadway, Oakland. ■ ELEGANT HOMH AT A BARGAIN; STORY and a half cottage containing 9 rooms and bath; patural wood finish; line elevation: magni- ficent view: large lot; owner going East: terms easy or would exchange for country land. Apply to MATHER & ARXKST, 457 Ninth St., Oakland. T>ARGAINS. BARGAINS. ! XJ Choice building lots: all street work done; no further cost to purchasers: a few lots remaining unsold: Americau Investment Union Tract No. 1. A. n. BREED & CO.. 460 Ninth st.. Oakland. MUST BE DISTOSED OF THIS WEEK; beautiful home in East Oakland : modern 2- Btory house on northwest corner on ' Tenth aye.: lot, 100x150: barn, chicken-yard, etc.; above grade and commands a fine view;. fruit trees: snrubbery; large commodious grounds; 1 block to electric-cars: price, $5500! mortgage, $4000: street work, stonewalks complete; first come first served. J. S. MEVKRS, 1002 Broadway, Oakland. OMES FROM $400 UP; SEE OUR LOTS from $75 to *100 each. SNETSINGER & CARKOLL, Frultvale station. ' BUSINESS AND residence. PROPERTY sold on easy terras; small payment down or ex- changed. E. E. BUXCE. 1008 Broadway, Oakland. (3j-;r A. CASH WILL buy a NICE 6-ROOM <3) I U\J cottage, worth. $2000, leaving a mort- gage of $1000. .Address WM. P. TODD, 1008 Broadway, pakland. ■ OAKLAND FURXITUKE JFOR SALE. XTOBNITURBAK I) CARPETS AfIfOUBToWN J price. It. BCHKLLHAAS. 408 Eleventh st. ALAMKDA HEAL" ESTATE. FOR IMMEDIATK HALE, NEAR SCHOOL Jj and station; $2250; $150 cash; $25 monthly; new 5-room cottage and liath. $2660— 5100 cash: $25 monthly: 37x100; s- room cottage and bath. $3150— cash; $ 30 monthly; new cottage 7 rooms and bath. $3250— cash: $35 monthly; 38x100; corner house In lljie condition ; 8 rooms and bath. Houses to rent from $10 up; open Sundays and holidays. MABCOSE & REMMEL, Bay-street Mation, Alameda, and 628 Market St., San Fran- cisco. • ' • .. - OOD CHANCE FOR INVESTMENT: 2f»4 acres of land in the most desirable part in Ala- meda; finest Improved property Immediately ad- Joining; title absolutely perfect; will be offered for 10 days as a whole at half Its actual market value, For terms see HERMAN CORDES, cor. High st and Briggs aye., Alaineda^ (Rf/\ (\f\f\ A < i HEAT BARGAIN IN A <J)X\/.Uv/v/. fine business property on Park st., Alameda: large lot and substantial brick improve- ments: will easily pay 12 per cent. Apply to JOSEPH A. LEONARD COMPANY, 1364 Park Bt., Alameda, or 19 Montgomery st., San Fra- ncisco. j _^ 1 11 ABLE COTTAGE HOME; 6 ROOMS, bath and good stable; location very sunny; will sell at bargain. Address Owner, box 1303, Al- ameda, Cal. VfEW COTTAGE; 5 BOOMS; STREET WORK, Xi sidewalk; $500 cash, $30 per month. J. H. YOUNG,- 1243 Park st. I! YOU WANT - 1 A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND STYLISH HOMX CALL ON THE OLD BUILDING FIRM OP A. R. DENKE, WEBSTER STREET. Qj 1 Cfin NEW MODKTIN FIVE-ROOM COT- <ipXiJ\J\J.. (age,' easy terms: $5500, on Park St., lot 95x117, ImproveU, rents $40 .per month: to exchange -for city property, a fine home on Cen- tral aye. E. D. JUDD, 1424 Park St., Alameda. "UJ* "1 QAA SNAP; NEW MODERN COTTAGE; tJPxCUU. street work, sewer, cement walks complete: $150 cash balance $20 monthly. ' Alameda bargains, ■ for cash and installments; houses to let in all parts of Alameda. H. P MOR- EAL A CO., 143 a Park St. . ALAMEDA PROPERTY— BUY, RENT, SELL Jt\. or exchange bargains. Call on WILL BURN- HAM * CO., 1355 Park St., Alameda, nnd BURN- HAM & MARSH CO., 428 Montgomery st., H. f. WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. ; ALAMEDA KOO3IS AND HOUSES. LTM^DX^F^m^ENTTHANDSOME MOD- 'xi. em 11-room house in the most desirable part of Alameda; fine grounds: all in lirst-class condition. Apply room 1, 321 Market St.. San Francisco. HATWAIIDS REAL ESTATE. TT AY WARDS SACRIFICES. .J.I. 3 acres: new improvements: chickens, horse, cow, tools: some furniture; great sacrifice; must be sold at once; price $2100. 10 acres, in fruit, berries, vegetable, corn; house, barn, chicken-houses, well; level valley; $1000 mortgage can remain: price $4500. 2 acres: fruit, well, windmill; price $800. • j 3i-<{ acres; fruit; no other improvements) $1200. 21 y* acres: chicken ranch: improvements; price $1600. . • The above is a small sample of myllaywards sacrifices; large places reduced iv the same pro- portion. Writ*: for full particulars to P. WILV.ERT, Castro st., near B, Haywards, Alameda County. BERKELEY ItEAL. ESTATE. j, GREATEST BARGAIN EVER OFFKR- Xgdi A lovely 8-room house with every conveni- ence; beautiful grounds: 75x135 feet; Bewereil; close to station; only $3000: $500 cash; balance $30 per month. W. C. MORAN, Lorln station, Berkeley. . ■ - ■ > C OI'NTKY KEAL ESTATE. 9^;^r¥ranc7l?m7)ot —•' for sale cheap; good house and barn and workshop; 3 acres in vines, 1 acre orchard; 1 good cow, f>o chickens. 20 ducks; 2 miles from Marti- nez, ( ontra Costa County: cash, $2500; no agents. Address A. R., box 18, CaU. 41fQ9£n 1 OCTaCRES, 5 MILES FROM MlS- »ipt)_«JV. slon San Jose; 50 acres cultivated: 6 acres in orchard; Va acre vineyard; cottage of 4 large rooms and 1 small one; water piped to house; 7 springs; ranch all fenced: stock and farming tools go with the place. W. E. BARNARD & SON, 458 Ninth St., Oakland. THREAT BARGAIN; 1140 ACRKS OF FINK VJT rolling land In Calaveras County, 20 miles NE. . of Stockton; 400 acres plowed, 400 more can be; balance fine pasturage; 2-story house of 8 rooms, cottage of 5 rooms; large barn; river runs across the ; property, also five creeks and numerous springs; all fenced and cross fenced ; alfalfa field; irrigation if necessary; also good mining on river; access to hundreds of acres of pasture outside in mountains; must sell very cheap or exchange for Oakland or San Francisco property. CLOUOH <ft BAKER, 1002 Broadway, Oakland. Al\ ACRES SANTA CLARA "."" COUNTY; T:U nlcelv situated for chickens, hogs; large trout stream; 15 acres bottom land: 500 cords wood; price $250; worth $800. 509 Kearny St.. room 3. ~A EviUAL SHOW FOR ALL; STRAIGHT, xV fair and square deal: an investment offered that is iionest: own your own home and be inde- pendent; try it and you will find that we advise you right; we will sell you 40 acres of alluvial soil in the Warren Green rancho, Glenn County, Cal., lor $280: $3 per acre down, balance in 60 monthly payments, without interest, and will throw in town lot 100x150: land suitable tor all kinds of fruit, berries or grain: need* no irrigation ; climate un- surpAßßpd anywhere In Calif fornia: 168 milea north of San Francisco and only 20 miles from county seat of county, and 6 miles from nearest, railroad town; fare, round trip, $9. For Investments and information address or call on the H. M. BENSON CO., 902 Broadway, Oakland. • .:>■' MARIN' COUNTY— SOOO ACRES 28 MILES irom Ban Francisco. - •. RANCHO DE NOVATO. •..;; Tracts of any slse desired; fruit, grain and vege- table land; no irrigation: both rail. and water transportation; $40 to $76 per acre; easy terms, town of Noviito; graded school, hotels and stores on the property ; send for circular. ■'/- . Dairy for sale with or without cows. SYNDICATE INVKSTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65. Chronicle building.- ■ <_» Kfinn NKAK HA W YARDS, f 8 ACRES, <J]3t)UUU« choice fruit, house Of 10 rooms and bath, all modern conveniences ; piano, furniture, vehicles, cattle, poultry and implements. Apply to PROWfsE & ,BP»ADFORD, wards. "DEDDINGTON TRACT — RUSSIAN RIVER XV Valley; 14 to 40 acres: $25 per acre and up- ward; easy terms; 3end for map. J. T. PETERS, Mills building. GRIFFIN, COTTONWOOD, CAL.. SENDS . free circulars and prlcps of oh*»ap land. ■ . i , I YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING purposes or an orchard already improved, where only small cash outlay is required,' balance payable in t> or 7 years, apply 326 Montgomery St., S. F. V. Q_9nn PER ACRK, -OAciiEs "FRUIT «jp-_UU land «4 milo from town, whole or sub- divisions, easy terms. PROWSE A BRADFORD, HfcywaxOs. - V - v. ;-v '. \ ■■'•• COUNTRY REAL 3E3TATE-'Contlnned. ft PER a^m— improVed ü big~V alley «J5iU ranch; timber: running water: well lo- cated: must be sold; United States patent. W. L. FOSTER, KelseyvUle, Cal. 6 ACRE LITTLE HOMES ON EIGHT YEARS' credit. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. HOUSES TO LBT. HOUSE 4~dIsSIKABLE SUNNY ROOMS. , 36 Alabama, near Twenty-seventh. ■__ 1 AQH MISSION— B A WINDOW HOUSE: 10 J.UOv/ rooms; sunny side. I 1 9Q ROSE AYE.— HOUSE OF S ROOMS. AP- XZiO ply 121 Page st. > XTEWLY PAINTE D AND IN FIRST-CLASS x> condition; 9 rooms, bath and laundry on Twelfth St., half block from Howard ai.d Mission: fast car lines; rent only $37 50? fine location and Bhould be seen. DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Park aye., off Twelfth st. fflfi A 3 ROOMS; YARD; CELLAR. 37|DORE <J)±U. St., off Harrison, bet. Ninth and Tenth. <3»9A HOUSE, 6 BOOMS, BATH; MODERN tJp_(V/. improvements. 1804 Lexington aye., nr. Stevenson. . OUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES. To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDWIN A HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery Br. FURNISHED HOtJSESY IXE TfURNISHED i FLAT, 6 SUNNY COR- ner rooms; . piano; reasonable. ■ 800 a Webster Bt., cor. Fulton. '...'"'. 7flO VAN NESS— RENT $100: ELEGANT I \J\J furnished modern northeast corner house, 8 rooms and bath; key at premises. Apply DAVID STERN A SOXS, 20 Montgomery st. 1 71 r EDDY— NICELY FURNISHED FLAT, H It) 5 rooms, bath; rent $25. COTTAGES TO . LET. QQ VICTOR, BET\7TH AND HTH, OFF BRY- -00 ant— Cottage $8 ; 3 rooms^nicely papered. "^l7» COTI'AGE 5 ROOMS AND BATH. 917 «Jp i- U . Treat aye. '. - ' (J» Q ' 4 ROOMS; 2 BLOCKS FROM MISBION-ST. «JpO. cars; large yunl. Apply 860 Jessie st. <fl> 1 Q BAY-WINDOW COTTAGE— 4 ROOMS; «pJ.O. bath; basement. 33 Thirteenth St., near ' Howard. • 4 SUNNY ROOMS AND CELLAR; $15. 417 First St.: RinconHUl marine view, i POTTAGE, 4 ROOMS AND BATH: RENT $13. \J 130 Bernard st., nearfLeavenworth, between Pacific and Broadway. "ijlflY COTTAGE, 4 ROOMS, YARD. RlN- »ip.Lx. con aye. and Second St., near Brannan. <oilzl BAY-WINDW COTTAGE: 4 ROOMS ♦{P-Lt:. and basement: 212y z Perry Bt. . $B— Cottage; 4 rooms: 206 Perry st.: water free. Apply to G. N. UMBSEN & CO. i-XAT* TO LET. 'sPl^rT7w?F?W~^m?NTT]o^VE^F^A^ «]PxZi.iJU. rooms; bath; large separate yard ; Mission electric cars. 214 Chattanooga St., near Twenty-third. ' "STfT 4 LARGE CLEAN ROOMS; WATER «Ip-L_L. free. 316 San Jose aye., near Twenty- fifth st. ; fine wide street ; half block from Valencia. OFINE NEW FLATS 3 SUNNY &OOHB AND — cellar each with latest improvements. NE. corner Twenty-third and Sanchez sts. rpo LET— A SUNNY UPPER FLAT OF 5 X rooms. 807 Harrison st. SUNNY FLAT; 5 ROOMS; $15. 912 ELLIS St., bet. Van Ness aye. and Franklin st. <2*Q LOWER FLAT; 6 SUNNY ROOMS. 875 <I)t/. Sanchez st., nr. Seventeenth. BAY-WINDOW ROOMS; GAS, BATH, MlR- rored mantle; basement, yard. 1228 Treat aye. 4 ROOMS AND BATH, SECOND JFLOOR. ON Glen Park avenue; rent $15. DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Park avenue, off Twelfth Street. UNNY CORNER FLAT, 6 ROOMS AND bath, near City Hall: 501 Franklin st. G. H. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgomery. FLAT, FOUR ROOMS, BATH. 427 TWENTY- third Bt., near Howard. ,• WO FLATS, 4 ROOMS EACH; RENTS $14 J l _BndJ|lip ! _627% Geary st. ■ 0»6 NICE 3-ROOM FLAT NEAR BALDWIN. ts)O, SPECK A CO., 30 Montgomery st. 1 9fV7l BtTSH— FLAT 4 ROOMS (1 ALCOVE), x£\J I 5} bath: hot and cold water; gas and water free; rent $22 50. Apply 1209 a Bash st. 1 C"I qi MISSION, NEAR ELEVENTH— S XIJXO2 beautiful papered sunny rooms; bath; aundry. ■ . ■VTEW MODERN FLAT; 6 ROOMS, BATH- -■.> room and laundry. 30 Ruaa st. L LEG" a nt NEW FLATS; SEVENTH, BELOW X\i Bryant; D and 6 rooms: bath; $10 to $17. "t2»IQ FLAT OF 4 ROOMS. 663 MINNA ST. LEGANT BUNNY FLAT, 7 ROOMS, beautifully papered and frescoed. 713 Grove. 1 ||i)] HAIGHT, ABOVE ' BRODERICK — Iv^l nice sunny 6-room flat ; flnevlew; nr. park. "VTEW SUNNY KIx.VTToF 4 ROOMS; LARGE X\ yard. 52 Norfolk, bet. 11th A 12th, off Harrison. SIX N V rURN islll'. I ) FLAT, 5 BOOMS ; BATH ; 0 modern improvements. Apply 410 Halght st. A LL SELECTED (NEW) COTTAGES, FLATS, J\. houses, with stable, $6 to $100. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery^ ■■:■■•- , - - . __' LEGANT, SUNNY FLAT; 6 ROOMS AND Ji bath. 145 Urove Bt., nr Van Ness aye. LATS, flats, flats, FLATS, FLATS, ' To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDWIN <fr HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. HOUSEKEEPING KOOJIfe. QoT^TEiBA^IX^LADSr LIVINOJ ALONE OOa would like respectable couple to rent 2 rooms with use of kitchen rent cheap. QOQ MISSIOX-3 ROOMS FURNISHED FOR •-/_it7 housekeeping for 3 or 4 adults: reasonable. Q/l 7 MISSION— SUNNY FURNISHED PAR- u'.l: I lor suite; also other rooms. 7QQ, FOLSOM— SUNNY FURNISHED HOUSE- -IOV keeping; also double and single; cheap. . 11 HQ FOLSOM— 2 SUNNY FRONT ROOMS XX\JV furnished complete housekeeping; cheap. 1 ACCB HOWARD SUNNY FURNISHED X\JO*.J connecting rooms for housekeeping. 1 AC CB no WARD — NICELY FURNISHED X\Jk)O front housekeeping rooms. : ■ ■ m EDDY— 3 FURNISHED ROOMS, COM- plete for housekeeping. CAO ELLIB— CONNECTING UNFURNISH- O\JO ed housekeeping rooms; large yard. 3 POLK— 4 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- -0 kecplng rooms; reasonable. " 1 OK/1 HOWARD, COR. TENTH— FUR* xOtJtt nlshed housekeeping rooms; bath; rent $10. . ■■'.■■ ■ ■ : . . i- CA Q TURK— LARGE FRONT ROOMS, HOUBE- -1 U"±O keeping, $16; single $6; gas, bath. £■ IpARGO HOUSE; 105 NEW MONTGOMERY— J Furnished housekeeping Biiites, $2 week; sin- gle rooms 15c per night. r C XaV'OM A— FURNISHED ROOMS FOR tJOO housekeeping from $8 month up. qq/\ GEARY— OFFICE WITH HOUSEKEEP- OOV/ ing and otherrooms. Qf>O 7 iHIRD- F > N I J: s 1 IED1 ED HOUSE- , iJiJU keeping suites, $9, $8; single, $1, $1 25. SIXTH-2 OR 4 FRONT ROOMS; FUR- Xju\J nlshed for housekeeping; cheap; private family. -^ - '. ■ ■ < . «B»7 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPINQ '4) * • rooms. I 623 Seventh St., in rear, upstairs. OAQ FBLL — PLEASANT, SUNNY HOUSE- O\JO keeping rooms: also single rooms; very cheap. •- . . . '.'.;,' _• ><D»~ UNFURNILHED. FRONT BEDROOM \p • • aLd kitchen, connectimr, with sink, closets and bath. 2140b Market St., bet. Fourteenth and Fifteenth. ■ ■ ■■- -•■/. " . 91 1 7 Bn BH-8 OR 4 UN F N I HE D «Mll_r rooms, upper floor; bath;. range. X 9ft ELLIS— T WO NICELY FURNISHED OjLO sunny housekeeping rooms, bath; reason- able. \ T79QI MISSION, OPPOSITE WOODWARD'S Jl 1 jLhJ',l —Z v sunny furnished housekeeping rooms bath, laundry ; $8. •. ■■ .-■■. Q£Q MISSION-3 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS. OUO complete tor housekeeping. FOURTH-TWO FRONT FURNISHED 1 \JO rooms for housekeeping; $12 a month. ' -.1 /79Q MCALLISTER-LARGE DOUBLE PAR- I £O lor suitable for doctor's office or quiet home for man and wife ; private. i 901 "MINNaT COR. FOURTH— FURNISHED Ol housekeeping complete; double, single; cheap. • \ ' ■ - ■ ;_ •- ■ x -.' Q9A 1 FIFTH— HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $7 O— to $12; other rooms Cheap. QT7j"TH"I RD — i'KOK T HO USEKEEPING OJ-U. snltcs and single rooms cheap. . . H/9Q SECOXD-3 ROOMH, WlTlf KITCHEN, »y— O furnished complete ftf housekeeping. ' C\I7A FOLSOM— 2 ROOMS' FOR HOUSE KEEP- t/ltt ing: complete. •■ • •- -71 /\ POWELL— 3 ROOMS tURXISHED COM- < J.U plete for housekeejiitig, bath, yard, $22 50. 3 GLEN PARK AYE., OFF TWELFTH — 2 O sunny front rooms; furnished; housekeeping. O^oVfToST*^ 3 ROOMS COMPLETE FOR JuOZiO housekeeping; reasonable. . inni FOLSOM —FUR S His D FRONT J-UUX rooms for houseKeeplng. ■■..■■ 7 1 Q EDDY, BET. POLK AXD VAN NESS— I XO Lower ttnd top floor, nicely furnished. •VnQTORK ST.-ELEGANTLY FURNISHED OUi/ sunny rooms; privilege of houselteeplng. - ri 9 EDDY— « m: at SUNNY ROOHs ; COM- OxZi plete for housekeeping: reasonable. ; 1 x Q JACKSON, NEAR MASON— FURNISH- -IUIO ed sunny Urge housekeeping; $7 to $10. T A7' FIFTH-PLEASANT HUNNY UMFUR- x\J I nlshed rooms to let. *. r : A 99 FRANKLIN —'2 NICE SUNNY PUR- niiUU nished room 3 for houaekeeeplng. . - ■ QQ/f EDDY— 3 FURNISHED ■ : OR UNFUR- OOti: nlshed housekeepinK roomg. ■- .' \-^ T Q7fl MARKET-BET. JOXEHAND CriY 10 i U Hall aye., uniuniisiiuU suite; water, gat. | BOOMS TO LET. nT^G^L^EN^CT^A^E^Tu^l^r^F^O^ ZiKJO rooms, suitable for either ladies or gentle- men. - HtTsECOND-NEW-PAPERED SINGLE AND double rooms: $1 to $3 per week >, 20c to 50c per night. -^ : .' 11Q EDDY— NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY X±O rooms; $4 up; also for housekeeping. Q PEARL, COR. MARKET, opp octavia— l 0 sunny bay-window room, well furnished, for man and wife; running water; folding bed. "Jna FULTON-4 ROOMS, UNFURNISHED; '±£D rent $10. AA Ql bryant. Near third-neatly rt^O% furnished sunny room and bath; f7 50. A A 1 BRYANT-FURNISHED FRONT ROOM to let. • 7Q7 FOLSOM-NICE FURNISHED BOOM, $4 ■Ol per month or $1 per week. . QOf» FOLSOM- — LARGE SUNNY FRONT KJLiXJ room, suitable for ilght housekeeping. QOI FOLSOM— SUNNY ROOMS AND OZii. kitchen; price $7 per month. ■ 1 99 EIGHTH— FURNISHED ROOMS; 1 — — new house and furniture; gas and bath. A 99 MCALLISTER— NEATLY FUBNISHED rooms; running water. jQOAK-S UNFURNISHED SUNNY CON- "O venient rooms, separate or together; first floor. 17m 1 HOWARD — NICELY FURNISHED • UJ-J} sunny bay-window and other rooms; rea sonable. "1 '^On l STOCKTON— NICELY FUBNISHED J-O\J\Jv room to let; rent cheap. 79^1 O'FARRELL— SUNN V FRONT SUITE; I Li x also single: rent reasonable; gas and bath. 9Af» EDDY— NEATLY FUBNISHED ROOMS ; *J\j\j running water in apartments; gas, baths. f»9Q HOWARD- NEATLY FURNISHED XJLtO donble and single rooms; reasonable. 791 1 BUSH-SUNNY FURNISHED ROOM; kLiL'A private family; reasonable. t __ CC SECOND— SUNNY FURNISHED SUITES; *J*J also double and single: gas, bath. ■ K971 FURNISHED front room ULi I 4 for gentleman. C)l 7 HYDE, NB. SUTTER— 3 NICELY FUR- OJL I nlshed rooms, with or without board. Ql Q BUSH— NEWLY FURNISHED SINGLE vlu and double rooms; $4 up. Cl "1 PINE— DOUBLE SUNNY ROOM; ALSO U-'-JL single: quiet house: $5 and 98. / A 1 Q CASTRO, BET. SEVENTEENTH,' AND rr.Lt/ Eighteenth— Nicely furnished sunny front and back room. 71 Qb BUSH ST.— ELEGANTLY FURNISHED * J-O suite or single room; sun all day. 71 9 ELLIS-FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS. 9Q BIRCH AYE., OFF LARKIN — SUNNY Z/O front room; rent 98. Q7 MINNA— SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS 0 to let: rent moderate. TURK-$6, ?7 AND §10; FURNISHED OLi\J sunny rooms; gas, 'bath. *Q1 Q BUCHANAN— ROOMS FOR 1 i/lO or 2: gas, bath.etc.; reasonable. 090 GEARY— ELEGANT ROOMS, FURNISH- OJjO ed or unfurnished: rent reasonable. 79Q 1 McALLIST ER— FURNISHED I LiD'4 roomj (iernian family: $10; references. QO9 MONTGOMERY— CHOICE FURNISHED OU/j rooms: $1 50 a week; $5 a month. QQ9 SUTTER— SUNN V FURNISHED FRONT 00-J room suitable for a gentleman. Cl Q GEARY— ALL SUNNY ROOMS; WILL •)1O rent very reasonable to neat roomers from #8 up; everything new. ■ ERARD HOUSE, 143' SEVENTH-FUR- VJT nished rooms, single and double, housekeeping. RAND SOUTHERN, COB. SEVENTH AND Mission— all light ; water, gas and electric bells; elevator runs from 7 a. m. to 12p.m.; single, 50 cents; suites, fl day; $2 50 and |5 Week up. HETm RSHALL, COR. LAGUNA AND Mc- Allister— All sunny suites and single: splendid table; rates reasonable. MRS. J. B. MARSHALL. XTOSEMITB HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. J. Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night, 35c to $1; week, $1 50 to $5; families. A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— PLEAS- j\. ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first;clas3 in every respect ; terms reasonable. rjiHE SHERMAN APARTMENT-HOUSE; 129 X new sunny rooms strictly respectable half price of best hotels with equal accommodations; very central. 28 Eighth St.. near Market. HKAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the ' United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age tree. BOARDING AND ROOMS. Hnßi^JEisslE^u^^ R^l^E3ißOosn t)UOiJ with or without board, reasonable. YOUNG LADY WISHES TO BOARD A child. Apply 653 Third, near Townsend. T/±l O OCTAVIA— LARGE SUNNY . FRONT XtrJLV/- alcove suite.with board; also singlerooms STORES TO LET. oiCr^TO^Y^RifC^^^iT^RO^rßT^ll^DllJG X I and basement, 508 Sacramento st., containing elevator, power, etc. : rent $80. Apply DAVID STERN <fc SONS, 20 Montgomery st. OFFICES TO LET, ES^^t6^DM^A^~B6^M^6r^IXTHTTCoOB7 MillH building. - EDUCATIONAL. "^YP^O^l^M^^E^SO^fS^lN^fY^N^T'lS^l •XX and mesmerism; clairvoyants developed by J. DIAMOND, 40tt Sutter St.. rooms 50 and 51. PANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN. MEISTER- schaf t School of Languages, 122 O'Farrell st. pANDIDATE FOR TEACHERS', ANY COL- \J lege or civil service examination prepared. Success guaranteed. Address "Tutor," box 40, Call omce. ' "VTERTICAL AND POINTED HANDWRITING V taught. C. EI3ENSCHIMEL, 235 Kearny. ELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— X> Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed- on stage. R.BA 12, 1. 0. 0. F. block, 7th and Market. VOCAL TEACHER, JOSEPH GREVR.V \M- f proves and betui tilled even spoiled voices and procures positions for his pupils. 82 Ninth st. MRS. MELVILLE-SNYDEB, ORATORICAL, Vocal ahd Dramatic Academy, 519 Van Ness aye.: vocal classes Monday, 8 P. M., $1 month) dra- matic classes Wednesday, Bp. m., $3 month: also private lessons and piano; ladies and gentlemen coached for professional or amateur stage (stage for practice). QTIEHL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS O College, 723 Market st.: dtplolaa course $30. rpARR'3 INST., G69 MARKT— BOOKKEEPING X taught In 6 weeks. We pledge ourselves to keep free for 6 months books our graduates fall on. ENGLISH BBANCHES TAUGHT BY MISS !i DILLON, 14 McAllister st., room 46. H BALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 POST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern lan- guages rapidly taught. Write for catalogue. - T ILLIAN BEDDARD, THE ENGLISH AC- ! XJ tress, coaches ladies and gentlemen for the dramatic profession ; appearances arranged. Shake- spearean Academy, 406 Van Ness aye. ■ CHOOL ELECTRICAL, CIVrL, MINING, ME- -0 chanical engineering,, surveying, architecture, assay; estab. '64. VAN PERN AILLEN, 723 Mitt. /CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the < United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- aee free. , •■ ■ j —— — —^^*^^™^ M<^—^^'^'^'^ ATXOKNEYS»AT-LAW. A~^vTclirFlu!iETDr\^RC^ -ri- tyj collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. a. W. HOWE, Att'y-at-law, 850 Market St., cor. Stockton. ONEY ADVANCED TO LITIGANTS, costs and charges paid in matters of probate, contracts, damages, accidents, notM. first-class collections and general law business. Address J. F. NAUGHTON, 54 Nevada block, S. F. M. H. CH A PMAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Mills building, sixth floor, room 6, San Fran- clsco, Cal. Telephone 1544. T\T W. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.42O IT . California st., mis. 14-15; advice free. JOHN R. AITKKN, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW, R3. d 16 and- 17. 40J Montgomery st., cor. California. SEWINO MACHJLNES. HeWING-M^ ACHINES^BENTEDT?Sr 50 PER O month; all kinds repivlred; machines sold from $5 upward. 1363 Market st. PROPOSAX9. / T^l?EMl^f6^r^i^l>U^oirT-ST?^BO^N^B^ XV Treasurer's office,' City and County of San Francisco, May 1895. ■ ■ • Holders of Dupbnt-strpet bonds Issued under an act of the State Legislature, entitled "An act to i authorise the Widening of Dupont street, In the City of San Frfliicisco," adopted March 83, 1878, are hereby notified that the undersigned will receive S sealed proposals for the surrender of said bonds, as i provided by Section 13 of said act, at his office, In the New City Hall, San Francisco, until 12 o'clocjc noon of MONDAY, May 20, 1895. " -■ The amount to be applied to the redemption of said bonds is about seVehty-thre'e thousand dollars ($73,000.) Bidders will state at what rate they will surrender their . bonds for payment, less coupons due. No proposals above par will be con- sidered. . ; ■' ■ - . ' .; ..- - * Bids to be indorsed 1 . "Proposals for Surrender of Dupont-street Bonds.*' J. H. WIDBER, ■1 •'.,_ ■•'..' ■; ■ City and County Treasurer. T>ROPOSALS FOR ALTERATIONS AND AD- X ditions - • TO SCHOOLHOUSES FOR BULKHEAD AND FOR HEATING SCHOOLHOUSE. , 7 1 Sealed proposals Will be received by the Superin- tendent of Common Schools in open session of the* Board of Education, new City Hall, on Wednes- day, May '2'i, 1895, at 8:30 o'clock P. v., for altera- tions and additions to the James Lick Grammar School building, ahd for alterations and additions, bulkhead and heating at the North Cosmopolitan Grammar School building, in the City and County of San -Francisco, In -accordance with plans and specifications at the office of Charles I. Havens, architect of the board, room 55, Flood building, cofherof Fourth and Market street*. .".-■- ■■■ I QJSUJKUS BEANBTON, Secretary. TO EXCHANGE. .. A I A^^R^^BrCHiFRUIYLAND EXCHANGE rt\J for town property. H. G. SMITH, Oakland. ILL EXCHANGE— MODERN 2-STORY house In Oakland, lot 50x100, choice locality, value $6000, for country property. CLOUGH & BAKER, 1002 Broadway, Oakland. < ■nrHV NOT DO BUSINESS WITHOUT TT money? List your property with Labor Ex- , change, large home market, 118 Valencia st. mm t DIVORCE SUITS BEGUN. Mariana Deluchl against Giuseppe Deluchl. Mary E. Trnmpler against Fred Trnmpler. MARRIAGE I,ICE:\SES. Licenses to marry were granted yesterday at follows: Celestln Alron Irene Delsol, 26—22. William Doran and Maria Medivern, 26—24. Israel Lasky and Theresa Haberland, 27—26. Grant L. Munson and Alice Dnddy, 23—22. H. B. Guernsey and Sarah E. Stevens. 51—42. John Warner and Chariot 1 c H. Carison, 39-— 29. J. B. Wuersehins? ana E. F. Bonncinti, 25—32. Joseph G. Aheran and Nora E. A hern, 28—23. BIRTHS— DEATHS. [Birth, marriage ana death notices, tput by mall will not be inserted. They must be handed In at either of the publication offices and be indorsed with the name and residence of persons authorized to have tho same published. j BORN* DOHERTY-Tn this city, May 9, 1895. to the wife of James Doherty, a daughter. HICKOX— In this city. May 10, 1895, to the wife ; of B. F. Hickox, a son. MARRIED. A.YDREWS— SOHL— In this city, May 7, 1895, by the Rev. M. P. Boynton. Siuiinpl 11. Andrews and Minnie M. Sohl, both of San Francisco. FLOOD— TRASK— In this city. May 9. 1895. by the Rev. Dr. Mackenzie, James Flood and Mabel A. Trask, both of San Francisco. FREKMAN— HEAD— In this city, May 9, 1895, ' by the Rev. Dr. W. W. Case, Walter J. Freeman i and Ruth E. Head, both of Hun Francisco. ■HIBBEBD— HYDE— In this i-ity, April 24, 1895. by the Rev. Dr. Mlnturn, Isaao Norris Hibberd and Alice Hyde. WOI.LOY— WINNINGER-In this rity. May 6, 1895, by the Rev. Dr. W.W. Case, Joseph Molloy of San Francisco and Catherine W. Wlnnihgerof Strawberrj' Point, lowa. . . O'NEILL— WRIGHT— In this city, May 9. 1895, by the Rev. Dr. Dille, John J. O'Neiil and Amy E. Wright, both of Ban Francisco. TOOMBS— liANDT-!" UiUi-iiy, .Mr.v 5. 1895, by the Rev. Dr. W. W. Case, Fred K. Toombs and Bella Landt, both ot' San FranclsCo. • DIED. Anderson, Stanley N. McCafferty, Annie Bryan, James E. McCloskey, Rita Barron, Mary ■ MiUer, LflhH Flynn, James Paoll, Edwin B. Haveii, I'hilo A. ',' Reynolds, Mary Ann Hamill, Rosa Mauguinnetti. Andrew Loss, Henry Sevening, Fritz 11. Latz, David Tucker. Annie Laub#rheimer, Jacob Thompson, William 8. McConnell, Gussle a. Thomas, Edward J. Willard, Maurice ANDERSON— In this city, May 9, 1895, Stanley ■ N., belovdd son of Sninuel and Edla Aiidersori, a native of San Francisco, aged 8 years 1 month and 29 days. «S"The funeral will take place TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 1 o'clock p. m.. from the residence of the parents, 1516 Hyde Street. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. BARRON— In this city. May 9, 1895, Mary, be-, loved wife of Captain UirJiard Barron, formerly of Mount Eden, Alameda County, and mother of Emhia, Richard and James Bnrron. a native of County Tipperary. Ireland, aged 65 years. o*Frionds and acquaintances are respect- fully rnvited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), — o'clock a. m., from her late resi- dence, 1219 Waller street, thence to St. Agnes Church, Masonic avenue, where a requiem mas 3 will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing nt il o'clock a. m. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. BRYAN— In this City. May 12, 1893, James E. Bryan, a native of California. FLYNN— In Oakland, May 9, 1595. James ' Flynn a native of Minnesota, aued 3 yrnrn. ' ■ ' ' HAMILL— In this city. May 10, ' 1895, Rose, relict of the late John Hamill, 11ml beloved mother of John E.. Jane E. and A. H. Hamill, a native of Cushendall, County Antrim, Ireland, aged 59 years. JB3~Friehds and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORRO W* (Sunday^, at 2:30 o'clock p. m., from her late resi- dence, 618 Liurion avenue, thence to Sacred Heart Church for services. Jiiurinent Mount Calvary Cemetery. , HAVEN— In OakiHiid. May 9, 1895, Philo A. Haven, aged 77 years. LATZ— In this city, May 9. 1893. David Latz. he- loved father of Mrs* .1. L. Franklin and Felix Latz, a native of Poseu, Germany, aged 65 years. flSTFriehds arc respectfall.v invited to attend the funeral services TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 10 o'clock a. m., from the residence of .1. 1.. Franklin, 2930 California street. Interment Hills of Eternity Cemetery by 11 :45 o'clock a,k. train from Third and Townsend streets. Inter- ment private, - ■ . K. of ll.— San Francisco Lodge No. 1922. K. of H.: . Officers and members are respectfully invited to attend tht* funeral Of our late brother, D. Latz, TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 10 o'clock a. .\r..from . the residence of J. L. Franklin, 2PBO California Street. L. MEININGER, B. LAUBERHEtMER— In this city, May 10, 1895, Jacob Lauberhelmer, nephew of btephen Gar- recht, a native of Bavaria, Germany, aged 34 years. LOSS— In this city, May 9, 1895, Hpnry LoM, a na- tive of Germany, aged 6"i years. MCCONNELL— this city, May 9, 1895. Gussie A., beloved dauehter of Police Officer Robert atid the late Maria A. McConnell, and sister of Gibson, Alexander, Andrew, Robert H. and the late Emily McConnelt, Mrs. Mury Van Keiiran, Mrs. Nellie Budd and Mrs. Maggie Crockard, a native of New ork, aged 19 years and 5 months. Friends and acquaintances Are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p. M., from the family residence, 324 Shotwell street, hetwepn -Seven- teenth and Eighteenth, Howard and Folsom Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. McCLOSKEY— In this city. May 10. 1803, Itita, beloved daughter of Michael and Margaret Me- Closkey, a native of San Francisco, aged 2 years 7 months and 9 days. • - 49* Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 12:30 o'clock p.m.. from the resi- dence of tbe parents. 812 Page street. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. McCAFFERTY— in Oakland, May 9, i 893, Annie McCafEerty, a native of Oakland,' aged 11 years B months aud 8 days.. .-■.,, . MILLER— In this city, May 9, 1895, Lena Miller, a native of New York, aged 40 years. PAULL— In this city. May 1<». 1895, Edwin 8., beloved BOn Of Georett H. and Lena Paull, and "grandchild of Ellen and th* late Michael Barry, a native of San Francisco, anred 5 months. \ : Jfij" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 1 o'clock p. m.. from the resi- dence. 649 Howard street. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. REYNOLDS— this city, May 9, 1898, Mary Ann, beloved wife of Cornelius Reynolds, and mother of. Martha L. Dletz and Frank C. and' tho late Enifeiie aud James Reynolds, a dative of Trob- ridgerWilshire, England, aged 68 years and 10 months. B3*Friends and acquaintances ar« resnect.- fully invited to attend the funeral Tlll^ DAY (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from her late residence. Fourteenth avenue aud II street) south side Golden Gate Park. Interment, I. O. O. F. Cemetery. SANGUINNETTI-IH this city, May 9, 1895, An- drew, beloved husband of Mary Sanguinnettl. a native of Italy, aged 51 years 4 months and 8 days. Friends and acquaintances are resnect- ' fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Suiiday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from his late resi- dence* 1504 Powell street. SEVKNING— In Alameda, Mny 10, 1895, Fritz H., only son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bevenlng, and brother of Mrs. Johanna Miller and • Lulu and Elma >Se veniujr, a native of Columbia, Tuolumne County, aged 29 years and 3 days. jO*FriendB and acquaintances are ' respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 10 o'clock a. m.. from Masonic Hall, Park street. Interment prtvatie, Mountain View Cemetery/ Oakland. •• . . THOMAS— In Oakland, Edward. J., beloved hus- band of Frances Thomas, a native of Franklin, 2le.i aged 47 years. • •■ ...... . JSSETThe funeral will take place TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock P. m.. from Fraternity Hall, corner Seventh and Pcralt streets, Oak- land, under the auspices of Occidental Lodge No. 6, A.O. U. W. Remain? at undertaking par- lors of Delehanty & Havens, 969 Clay street, Oakland. . THOMPSON-In this city, May 9, 1895. William ' 8,, • beloved husband of Virginia Thompson, • father of Rita and Willie Thompson, son of Mrs. Mary Thompson, and brother of Mrs. Younkins. ' Mrs." Rose Chandler, Mrs. Delia Springer and Peter and Joseph Thompson, a native. of Boston, Mass.. aged 33 years . Friends and acquaintances are * respect- fully invitea to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 1:30 o'clock p. m., from his late resl- ■ dence, 1026 Battery street, thence to St. Francis Church. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. TUCKER— In this city, May 8, 1895, Annie Tucker, a native of California, aged 28 years. WILLARD-In this citr. May 9, 1895, Maurice Willard, a native of Alsace, aged 77 years 7 months and 27 days. . . • ; T""™"UNITED UNDERTAKERS' EMBALMING PARLORS. . Bvery thing Requisite for First-class Funerals ' . at Reasonable Bates. .' Telephone 3167. 87 and 29 Fifth street, j , f"T«*Mf>M*-*oi**r."' ■ ' C'HAst McMsfNOICST.I 1057 Mission Street, Nea* Seventh. • I ■ ■■ . -_■■ .Telephone i£^U^«M^B^i^M» 1 CYPRESS LAWN cemetery. TV BAN MATEO COUNTY j KON-SECTA RIAN; J laid oat on the lawn plan perpetual care beau- tiful, permanent and easy of access; ' see It " before bujius a burial place elsewhere. ; •" " City Office. B Gitv Hall Aveuuo. , 13