Newspaper Page Text
10 THE COMMERCIAL WORLD SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS. Silver lower. Wheat and Barley dull and weak. Oats quiet. Rye neglected. Large Yellow Corn sold well. Bayo Beans lower. Ilay weak. No straw coming In. Shipment of $320,268 to China. Mexican dollars firmer. Potatoes and Onions weak. Cherries and Strawberries lower. Butter and Cheese dull. Eges steady. Poultry rather easier. Provisions unchanged. Sicily Lemons about cleaned up. Dried Fruit quiet. Grain Bags firmer. WEATHER BUREAU REPORT. United States Department of Agricuit TURF.. Weather Bureau, SAN Francisco, May 14, 1895, 5 p. m.— Weather conditions and general forecast. The following maximum temperatures were re ported to-day In California: Eureka 58 deg., Red Bluff 94, Sacramento 86, San Francisco 57, Fresno 96, San Luis Obispo 66, Los Angeles 70, San Diego 64. Yuma 102. The pressure continues to fall slowly on the coast of Oregon and Washington and is rising along the California coast. . A very slight barom etric depression Is now apparently central near the Oregon coast. The sKies are becoming cloudy, and the present conditions indicate that scattered light sprinkles of rain may be expected in various parts of the State, especially in elevated sections of the north portion. The weather has become some what cooler throughout California, and still cooler, cloudy weather may be expected Wednesday. The following are seasonal rainfalls to date as compared with those of the same date last year: Eureta 41.76. last year 62.54: Red Bluff 28.40, last year 20.30; Sacramento 23.90. last year 14.87- San Francisco 25.41, last year 16.59; Fresno 14.14, last year 6.83: Los Angeles 15.56. last year 6.55: San Dieeo 11.56, last year 4.10; nma 2.97. last ypar 2.16 Inches. San Francisco data— Maximum temperature 67 dec., minimum 50 dee., mean 54 deg. Forecast made, at San Francisco lor thirty hours ending midnight May 14, 1895: For Northern California— Fair, except occasional light sprinkle of rain to-night or Wednesday in the north portion; cooler in the interior; fresh westerly winds. For Southern California — Generally fair, but somewhat threatening along the coast ; cooler in the Interior: fresh westerly winds. For Nevada— Fair, except occasional thunder- Btorms in northern portion to-night or Wednesday; cooler. For Utah— Fair, except occasional local showers in north portion : slightly cooler. For Arizona— Fair; slightly cooler. San Francisco and vicinity— Generally fair; nearly stationary temperature: fresh westerly winds. W. H. Hammon, Forecast Official. NEW TORK MARKETS. NEW YORK. N. V., May 14.— The volume of business on the Stock Exchange was not more than half of yesterday's. There, was a pressure to sell the coal shares at the opening, which weak ened the general list to some extent, and a decline was recorded of ys@l percent, the later in Chica go Gas, Lake Shore and Minnesota Iron. The de pression was of brief duration and before the end of the first quarter of an hour a good buy-In move ment had set in, under the influence of which prices began to move upward, the industrials in the lead. The advancing tendency was In force up to 1 o'clock, at which time sugar had advanced f 13 per cent. The Cordage shares were exceptions and under heavy sales declined. The preferred, which had pained 1 per cent in the earlier dealings, fell off 134, and the guaranteed broke 2 per cent. A rally d: '■■i.'ihX per cent followed, which was followed by a reaction of %(ai% at the close. The Leather stocks were weak during the morning, selling off 3/ B f2iy 8 percent, rallied Vb@4fe and again sagged off<&@l I £> About 1 o'clock a renewal ol the sell ins movement depressed the speculation and the tendency was downward up to the close, the losses ranging up to 2»/ 8 percent, thelatterin Manhattan. At the close there was a slight recovery, but the market generally closed weak and in the main i/ B @% below the final sales of yesterday, the greatest losses being in Cordage guaranteed. The greatest advances on the day were 1«4 In Wheel ing and Lake Erie preferred. The dealings in bonds to-day were again heavy, the sales aggregating $3,680,000. During the morning there was marked strength In the specu- j lation. Government bonds firm ; State bonds in- | active; railroad bonds Irregular. Grain and Merchandise. Receipts, 39.000 barrels: exports 14.000 j barrels: sales, 15,000 packages. Quiet but steady. Demand runs chiefly to special brands. Winter In light supply. , ,'_•'•'. Rye Flour— Quiet but firm: sales 150 barrels. Wheat— Receipts. 63.000 bushels; exports, 68, --000; sales, 6,020,000 futures: spot, none. Spot dull* No. 2 red store and elevator, 70c; afloat 69% c; f. o. b. 69% c afloat; No. 1, hard 74% c delivered. Options opened steady and ad vanced in sympathy with the West, ruled very ir regular throughout the day within y e range, the sentiment being guided by frost talk, firm foreign news, strong outside markets and a disappointing I reduction in the world's stock. Room traders j finally started in to realize and the market went to pieces, closing at 3' 8 c to %c net decline. No. 2 red May closed at 653/ 8 c: June, 685/8<369y B e, closed 68s' B c-"july, 68 3-16@69 9-l«c, closed 69c: Au gust, closed 691/4C-. September, 693/ @7oc. closed 69V 4 c: December, 713/ 8 @72y B e, closed 71 »'«<.•. Hops— Dull and heavy. Wool— Firm. Petroleum— Weaker: United closed $1 SO. Pigiron— ; Scotch, $19@20; American. \ $9 50&12 50. Copper— Firm; brokers' price, flOVi; exchange j urice, 10 60. Lead— Upward tendency: brokers' price, $2 95: ; exchange price, $3 25. Tin— Easy: Straits, $15 15; Plate market 1 Steady. Spelter— Firm: domestic, 3 55. Sales on ' Change 10 tons June tin, $15 10:10 j tons July, $16 10: 10 tons July, $16 05; 5 tons j spot, $15 10; 25 tons May, $15. Coffee— Options opened irregular at 6 points de- ! cline to 5 points advance and ruled dull with few and narrow changes. There was some foreign selling and only local support. Brazil markets closed quiet at unchanged to 15 points net decline. , Sales, 11,200 bags, including: May. $14 35@14 45: 1 June, $14 20@14 30; July, $14 65; September, $14 60: December, $14 46@14 55. Spot Coffee— Rio. quiet; >o. 7, 16c; mild, steady; Cordova, 18y4@19c. Sugar— Raw, firm; sales, 10,000 bags centrifu gal, 95 test. 2y ; >c. 1.300 tons Muscovado. 89 test, 3c; ex-ship 3700 bags molasses sugar, 85 test, 2 Vic; ex-ship refined steady. CHICAGO MARKETS. CHICAGO, 111., May 14.— Wheat opened ir regular but' strong. July opened ' at 655/gc, but hardly a seller in sight; 055/8 C was Immediately bid, and numerous lots changed hands at 65% c, one or two bringing as high as 65 % c ,. thus again touching the previous high-water mark since the bull fever began to rage about a month ago. The severe frosts on the two previous nights and firmer cables were the surface conditions which _ created the more urgent demand to-day. The world's vis ible, as reported by Brad street ' 9, showed a decrease of only 974,000 bushels, a decrease In the country of 3,846,000 being reduced as above by an increase of 2,872,000 bushels in .Europe and afloat. The de crease in the world's visible on the corresponding week of the year before was 4,660,000 bushels. , July sold back to 65c, and before it rallied to any extent it touched 647' B e. After that it recovered again to tissue, but the absence of any active change in the latent bullish feature of the domestic situation, and the presence of some rather actively bearish news already referred 6e created too strong an impression on the minds of professional specu lators for them to be carried away by sentiment, and accordingly they sold freely on the several bard spots. The load became a little heavy near the end and the price sagged to 04 ";ic, but rallied a trifle and closed at 65c. ■ - The corn market was rather dull, and for the most part weak. The early strength in wheat sus tained corn for a time, and when the . former turned weak, the latter followed suit. The receipts were 426 cars, and 240. are estimated .lor to-mor row. Liverpool was quoted firm at %d advance, and Maiming. Bodman <S Co.. New York, reported having sold 14 boatloads for export. The freezing weather of the last two nights, and consequent necessity which is developing for a replanting of a good deal of the area in this and joining States, did not have much effect, the general opinion being that the area to be planted will be found to be small in any event, and that replanted corn has a good chance' of making a crop. July opened at from file to 51 Vie; sold off to z @sos/ B e, and closed at 6034 c The oats market was fairly active. A firm tone was noticeable up to 12 o'clock, simply a lack of orders being accountable for the fact. .Later on in the day free selling by Carrincton »nd Hannah and other people caused a ' decline in prices. June started at 28i/4c, sold to 27 %c and closed at that price, a decline of %c since yesterday. July sold from '-'83/»c to 27%@28c, and rested at the low price. September closed 1,4 c lower and 26y 8 c sellers. Provisions started lower on account of a rather heavy hog market being reported from the yards. Business was of a rather sluggish character, and the tendency was toward a further decline after a preliminary break. Pork started with a drop ot oc, lard 6c and ribs from 2V2C to sc, and at the close the declines had Increased to 25c in pork, 10c in lard and 12V&C in. ribs- Hog receipts to-day were 22,000. . : . Estimated receipts for Wednesday: Wheat, 15 cars; corn. 240; o*ts. 200; hogs, 31,000 bead. . The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat .Ko. 2— ■ . . .. • Highest. Lowest. May 85c 63y 8 c July 68% c «M%C beptember. 66c 65c Corn No. 2 — May 503,4 c 49% c July... ;')]l/ 4 c ' Mi' L ■ September. 51-%ic SiygC Mess Pork pet bbl— . ■*«*!* .?12 07y 2 fllßo - ' - • , ■ ' ■:•-.--■-.- September $12 25 $12 12% Lard per 100 lbs— July $6 72y 3 $6 70 September $6 90 $6 85 Short Ribs per 100 Ids— July $6 17y 3 $605 September $6 27% $6 20 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour— Firm. Winter Patents, $3 10@3 30; Winter Straits, $2 90@>3 16: Bakers', $1 85@2 40: Spring Patents, $3 20@3 76: Spring Straits, $2 40@3 25; No. 2 Spring Wheat, 68y 8 @68%c: No. 3 Spring Wheat, nominal: No. 2 Red. 8 @643/ 8 c: No. 2 Corn. 503/ 8 c : No. 2 Oats, 273,. c : No. 2 White. 32iA@323ic ; No. 3 White, 32c; No. 2 Rye, 64c: No. 2 Bar ley, 61<a51%c; No. 3. 49@50c: No. 4, 47c: No. 1 Flax Seed, 48: Prime Timothy Seed, $5; Mess Pork, $ bbl., sll 80@ll 90: Lard, 100 lbs., $6 60: Short Ribs, Sides (loose), $6@6 05: Dry Salted Shoulders ( boxed), Ssi,4@sS/ : Short Clear Sides (boxed), $6?' (a6y 2 ; Whisky, distillers' finished goods, "& gal., $1 24; Sugar, cut loaf. 4.90 c: granulated, 4.25 c: standard A, 4.l 2y a c. On the Produce Exchange to-day the Butter mar ket was quiet. Creameries. 16c; Dairies, B@lsc. Eggs, stead 3-, li:.,!ail2c. Livestock. Cattle— The arrivals for Monday and Tuesday foot up about 16,300 head, showing an increase of 5000 head over the same time last week. There was a moderate demand, but choice cattle and medium weight dressed beef steers selling the best, and prices were about steady at yesterday's quot ations. Native steers averaged 10c per 100 pounds lower than at the close of last week, and sales were on the basis of $4f<£s6 for common to extra choice beeves weighing from 940 to 1450 pounds, the bulk of the transactions being about $s©ss 75. Ex ports beeves sold at $5 40 and upward, and it took extremely fine cattle to bring $5 85@$6. Cows are selling at $1 75@54 50: chiefly at $2 50 and upward, with an occasional sale of extra cows at round $4 75. To-day's receipts approximated 22.000 hogs, making about 51,600 for the week so far, an in crease of 10,000 over the same last week. Com mon to extra heavy lots of 200 pounds and upward, sold at $4 25@4 70, while light hogs, averaging 140 to 190 pounds, brought $4 25@4 60. The bulk of the sales were at $4 50@4 60. Sheep were again exceedingly good at stronger prices, the receipts being only about 9000 head, which is below the receipts of a few weeks ago. Sheep sold at $2 6005, an extreme range, and lambs $3 50@5 95. Mexican wooled lambs weigh ing 6G to 82 pounds sold at $5 15@5 95, and good native lambs brought $696 40. The Colorado lambs are unshorn, but other sheep and lambs are mostly shorn. Nice 54-pound spring lambs sell around $6 V 100 pounds. Receipts— Cattle. 3500; calves, 2500; hogs, 22,000; sheep, 9000. THK WOOL, MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., May 14.— W00l quiet, but steady. Territory and Northwestern light fine, 8@10c; heavy do, 7@9c: fine medium, lO@ 15c: medium, ll@13c; quarter blood, 12@13c; coarse, lo@llc. BOSTON, Mass., May 14.— The wool market here this week remains unchanged, and as far as do mestic wools are concerned the market is a waiting one. Considerable surprise is expressed by several of the large wool house;* over the high prices ob tained in the West for new wools. It is said some of the new clips have sold in the West for prices which could not, be secured here. Australian wools are steady with a fair supply, being picked up from week to week. Montana tine medium and fine, 9(S10c; Wyo ming and Utah fine medium and fine, 9@llc; Australian combing, superfine, 41@-12c: combing good, 38<<i 40c; Queensland combing, 32@38c. LONDON WOOL SALES. LONDON, Ess., May 14.— At the Wool auction sales to-day competition was steady, especially for good clips. Medium wools were rather Irregular. The number of bales offered was 13,955. of Which 2000 were withdrawn. The following are the sales in detail : New South Wales — 4131 bales; scoured, 6d@ lsiy 2 d: greasy, 9 Vad. Queensland — 1119 bales; scoured, 6y4@liy d; i greasy, 4V2@~ 3 /id. Victoria — 3557 bales; scoured, 7d@2s 4d; greasy, SV^d. Swan River— 6s7 bales; scoured, 7y 2 ©9y 2 d; greasy, 5<§,7y 2 d. Tasmania— l 369 bales: greasy. 4 @iod. New Zealand— 2263 bales; scoured, 7%d@ls; greasy, 4<0.3i!. Cape of Good Hope and Natal — 265 bales; scoured, 4y 2 @10%d ; greasy, 4%@53,4d. OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET. OMAHA, Nebb., May 14. — Cattle— Receipts, 6000. Marset steady. Steers, 54 25@5 60; cows and heifers, $150@4 30; stockers and feeders, $2 75@4 75. STOCKS IN LONDON. NEW YORK, N. V., May 14.— Evening Post's London cablegram says: The stock market | opened flat to-day and then recovered all around. I Americans opened under the parity and weak, but I quickly recovered on a renewal of German Duying i and closed firm and BOc to $1 better. There was a slight reaction in Sooth American stocks Imt a firm undertone. Mining shares in general shared in the recovery. i _ EASTERN COTTON MARKET. NEW YORK, N. V., May 14.— Cotton quiet; middlings, 6 13-16 C. Net receipts, none; gross, 3772; exports to Great Britain, 349: to the Con tinent. 1925; forwarded, 332; sales, 381; spinners, 81: stock, 228,185; total to-day— Net receipts, 2695; exports to Great Britain, 6422; to the Conti nent, 3390; stock, 605,082. NEW YORK STOCKS. Bonds, Exchange, Money and Railroad Shares. Money on call easy at I@iy 2 %; last loan 1%%; closed iy 2 %. Prime mercantile paper, 234@4%%. Sterling exchange slightly firmer, with actual busi ness m bankers' bills at $4 S7@4 87^4 for demand : and $4 56(a.4 &6 1/ i for sixty days. Posted rates, 1 $4 86y»@4 2 :mci $4 87y2<g,4 88V™. Commercial : bills, #4 85@4 >•'''-, Silver certificates, 67y 8 @ I 673 /4 c. ; CLOSING STOCKS. i Atchison 8y 3 Northern Pacific... 634 1 Adams Express 144 i Preferred 15y Alton.Terre Haute. 46 IV. P. Den. * Gulf.. 6% Preferred Northwestern 97% American Express.l l4 | Preferred ..... 144 ! American Tobacco. 105 N. Y. Central 1003,4 Preferred 1091? N. Y. A New Eng.. 41 % Baltimore & Ohio. . 68%; Ontario & Western 183/ Bell Telephone 107 Oregon Jmprovmt. 30 Canada Pacific b'SVi Oregon Navigation 26 Canada Southern.. 5:-tV- Oregon Short Line. 8 Central Pacific 19% Pacific Mail 26y 8 1 Ches.&Ohio 1226/8 Peoria D. A Evans. 6% i Chicago Alton. 150 IPlttsburg 1551/4 Chicago, B. &Q.... 78% Pullman Palace.... 174 Chicago Gas 13% Reading 20% Consolidated Gas. . .141 Richmond Termini ! C. C. C. A St. Louis 43 Vi', Preferred I Colo. Coal A Iron.. 6 3/ 4 RioGrande&Westn 16 Cotton Oil Cert..... 29^ Preferred 41 ! Del. Hudson 15>OV 2 'Rocklsland 68% : Del.Lack&WesternieoViSt. 1,. A S.F. lstpf. I Denver &R. G. 48V4|St. Paul 667/ 8 ! Distillers 23y 8 : Preferred 1193,4 i East Tennessee St. Paul & Omaha. 36 % Erie 14 | Preferred 114 Preferred 29*4. Southern R. R 14% . Fort Wayne 157%' Preferred 40y» ; Great Northern pfdl2s St. P. M. A M 115 " Chicago A E 111 pfd 99 Southern Pacific... 201/4 ; Hocking Valley.... 26y 3 Sugar Refinery 1163/ Illinois Central Term. Coal «t Iron. 23% St Paul&Duluth.. 28 (Texas Pacific 13y Kansas A Texas pf. 32 Tol. cfc O. Cen. pfd.. 78 Lake Erie Westa 20% Union Pacific 16y 8 I Preferred.. 77% I.'. S. Express 39 ! Lake Shore. 146 Wab.S. L. A Pac.. 8% 1 Lead Trust 35 | Preferred 1934 1 Louisville & Nash. 59% Wells-Fargo 104 Louisville *NewAl 9 4 Western Union.... 92% Manhattan Consol.ll7Va Wheeling A L.E... 14s/ a Memphis & Charts. 10 I Preferred 46 Michigan Central.. 100%'Minn. & St. Louis.. 33 ' Mexican Central... 12y 2 Denver & RioG 15% Missouri Pacific... 285's General Electric... 34 Mobile A Ohio 20% National Linseed.. 25% j Nashville Chatt.... 69 |Colo. Fuel A Iron.. 25 • National Cordage.. 58/ 8 i Preferred 65 Preferred 7% H. A Texas Cent... 2 !N. J. Central 98V4lTol.A.A.&N.Mich- 414 i Norfolk A West pf. 17%!Tol.St.Louis<tK.C. 5 ; North American... 6%| Preferred 13 CXOBINB BONDS. tJ S 4s, registered.. Cen Paclstsof '95.102% Do. 4s c0up0n. ...1223^ Den <fc KG 7s 1123/. U S Ob. registered.. 116 I Do, 45.. 86:54 Do, sscoupon UK Erie 68 Do, 4s registered. ll23A G H & S A 65.... 99 Do, 45 c0up0n. ...113 j Do, 7s. 1 ;. ...... ....102% Do, 2s registered. 97 !H & Tex Cent 55.. . 108 Pacific 6s 0f '95.... 100 I Do.tis 101 Ala,ClassA 106 MX T first 4s 87 Do, C1a55 8....... 106 I Do, second 45.... 60 Do,Cla*C 96 Mutual Union 65... 109 Do, Currencies... 96 N J Cent Gen 55... 114 In. New Consols 4s 94% Northern Pac Ists.ll7f4 Missouri 6s 100 j Do, 2d5..... »9 X Carolina 6s 124 Northwest Consols.l4o Do, 4s 102 I Do, SFdeb ss. ..107% SC Non-fund 1% RGrandeWest.lsts 73% Term new set 6s. .. 84 St: Paul Consols 75. 126 Do,6 s ........100 i Do, C &PWBi..ll» Do, .is StL&lronMtGen 6s 80*4 Term old 6s 60 !St.L.&B.F.Gen 65.108y 3 VaCenturles 69% Southern R.R. 65.. 935/s Do.deferred 61/4 Texas Pacific firsts. 92% A ison 4s 74 Tex as Pac seconds. 314* Do,2d A «»0y 8 Union Paclstof '97.1051/4 CanadaSouth2ds..lO4- iWest Shore4s 105% LAN unified 45... 81 I FOREIGN MARKETS. WHEAT IN LIVERPOOL LIVERPOOL, En, May 14.-The spot market Is firm at 5s 3d. Cargoes are firm at 25s li/id May- June shipment, 25s 10y 2 d for February and 26s iy 2 d for March. FUTURES. The Produce Exchange cable gives the following Liverpool quotations for No. 2 Red Winter: May, 68 2 %d; June, 5s 3d: July, 653% d; Aug ust, 6s 4d; September, 6s 4%d. ■•••.. . ■ BECTRITIES. . "■"■»•■ LONDON, Exg.. May .14. — Consols,-- 105%; silver, 30 % d; French Rentes. 102f 65c. PORTLAND'S BUSINESS. PORTLAND, Ob.. May 14.-Exchanges, $217, --649: balances, $71,315. "*,*•* «. . Wheat— W'alU-^Valia, 48@49c $ bushel: Valley, I 00@51c $ bushel. . . v s ■ , 3 \ THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1*95. EXCHANGE AND BULLION. Sterling Exchange, 60 days — $4 88 Sterling Exchange, sight — 4 89 New York Exchange, sight — 02% New York Exchange, telegraphic. — 06 Fine Silver, spot, 3 ounce — 66 % Fine Silver, 30 days — 66% Mexican Dollars 63^4 64 TREASURE SHIPMENT. The Gaelic took out a treasure list of $320,258, consisting of $68,540 In Mexican Dollars, $4218 in Gold Coin and $247,500 in Silver Bullion. PRODUCE MAEKET. WHEAT AND OTHER GRAINS. WHEAT— It Is reported that the syndicate Wheat Is eagerly pressing the market and that 85c would now be accepted for It, but shippers will not give over 80c. It is to be hoped that it will be got out of the way in some shape or other, as it is a nuisance. The market is weaker with a slight decline in futures and trade is excessively dull. No. 1, 85 @H7V-c %* ctl; choice, 8834 c: lower grades, 80 @83% c; extra choice for milling, 92y @97y2C %i ctl. (AM, BOARD BALKS. Informal Session*— lo December— 200 tons. 976/ 8 c; 900, 97y 2 c. Regular Morning session'— December— 2oo tons, 97y 4 c; 600, 97y 8 c; 1400, Afternoon Session — December— l 800 tons, 9634 c; 300, 96% c. May— loo, 87y 2 c. BARLEY— Futures are lower and the spot mar ket is easy and dull. Feed, 62y @65c for ordinary and 66 Vic 3 ctl for choice bright: Brewlng,7o(&Boc 3* ctl. . ' . ' CALL BOARD SALES. Informal Session — 10 o'clock — December— 100 tons, 66c; 100, 65% c; 700. 663,4 c. . Regular Morning Session- — December— 2oo tons, 651/..C: 200, 653/»c; 200, 6514 c. Seller '95, new- 200, 60c. Afternoon Session — December— l4oo tons, 65c: 300, 6f>y c. OATS— Arrival of 4810 ctls from Oregon. Milling quotable at $1 07%@l 17% V ctl; fancy Feed, $1 02%@l 07V* "v ctl: good to choice, 92y 2 c@-?l ; common to fair, 85@90c; Bed, $1 16@1 20: Gray, ; 95ci&$l 02 2 : Surprise, $1 0"y 2 @l 17% 13 ctl. CORN— large Yellow, for milling pur- i poses, sold at $1 20. Other descriptions are dull, large Yellow, $1 10@l 20 i? ctl; Small Kound Yel low, $1 100] 15 V ctl; White, $1 10@l 15 ~£ ctl. It 857*87 Y»c V«L : . BUCKWHEAT— .NominaI at 90c@$l 10 $ ctl. FLOUR AND MILLSTUFFS. FLOUR— Net cash prices are: Family extras, $3 40@3 50 "§ bbl: Bakers' extras, $3 30@3 40; superfine, $2 25@2 50 f> bbl. -UILLSTUFFS— Rye Flour, 3V 2 c 3* Ib: Rye Meal, 3c; Graham .Hour. 3c; oatmeal, 4Vic; Oat Groats, 6c; Cracked Wheat, Sy 2 c: Buckwheat Flour, 4%c; Pearl Barley, 4y 4 @4S / 4c <$ &>; Kice Meal, $12<a.15 %i ton. CORNMEAL, ETC.— Table Meal, 3@33,ic; Feed Corn, $24 50^25 : Cracked Corn, «25<g;25 50 1* ton Hominy, 4 1 /s@4 3 /4c^ lb HAY AND FEEDSTUFFS. BRAN-sl3 50@14 "$ ton. MIDDLINGS— SI7@I9 "0 ton. FEEDSTUFFS — Ground and rolled Barley, $14 50(0.15: Oilcake Meal at the mill, $25 "$ ton; Cottonseed Oilcake. $24 t* ton. HAY— Prices show no disturbance. Wheat is quotable at $B@ll 50%* ton; Wheat and Oat, $8 tell: Barley, $7(sß 60: Oat. $B@lo 50; Alfalfa, #6 50@8 50: Clover, $7@B; Compressed, $B@lo 50; Stock, )f6@7 '& ton. STRAW— $ bale. There have been no re .eipts for some days. BEANS AND SEEDS. BEANS— Bayos are lower at $1 30@l 60; Small Whites, $2 55@2 65; Pea, $2 60©2 70 %i ctl: Large Whites, $2 55@2 65 V ctl: Pink. $150®: 1 65; ±teds.sl6o@l7s;Blackeye, $325@3 50: Red Kidney, nominal; liimas, M 60@4 65; Butters, $2 I @2 25 for small and • < ?2 25(52 50 "# ctl for large. SEEDS— Yellow Mustard, $1 75@2 f* ctl : Trieste, $150<§t175; Native Brown. $1 25(g>l 75: Flax, $2 25(0;2 50; Canary, 3<ffi4c "£ lb; Alfalfa, 7@7%c; Rape, 134@2i/ic; Hemp, S@334c "$ lb. DRIED PEAS— Split Peas, 44&4^4c; Green Peas, nominal; Niles, $1 25@1 85; Blickeye, nominal. POTATOES, ONIONS, VEGETABLES. POTATOES— Receipts of new were 787 Backs, selling at 60c@$l; River Reds, 25@30c; Petaluma and Tomales Burbanks, 40@50c; Oregon Burbanks, 6O@7scf! ctl. ONIONS— New Red, 40@60c %* sack. VEGETABLES— There was no particular change. Summer Squash, $I@l 50 "& box; hothouse Cu cumbers. sO(g>7scf doz. Arrivals were 1187 boxes Asparagus, 342 bis Rhubarb and 482 sks Peas. As paragus, 35c®$l %* bx for ordinary and $1 25(dil 60 lor choice; Rhubarb, 25<g35c %>, bx for ordinary and 40@50c for choice: Green Peas, $I@l 25 ; Pskfor common and 2(§3c for Garden; Siring Beans, 2raJ 3c for Los Angeles, 3@sc for Vacaville and 3@sc for Golden Wax; Dried Okra, 15c <£ lb; Dry Pep pers, 12y 2 @lsc; Cabbage, 75c 1* ctl; Feed Car rots, 30@40c; Garlic. 10@12%c ¥ lb. BUTTER, CHEESE AND EGGS. BUTTER— Previous prices are quoted, with a dull and well-stocked market. Creamery— Fancy, 12%@13c; seconds, ll@l2c 9*. Dairy— Fancy, 10%@llc; good to choice, 9@ 10c: medium grades, fe@BV' 2 c f* tb; store Butter, 7<&7y 2 c 9 tt>. CII KKSi:— Fancy mild new, 6@7c 'f, Ib; common to good, 4@5%c; Y'onng America, 5(&8c; Eastern, 12V 2 'a;l4V-c, latter figure for cream ; Western, 8© 9c V Tt>- EGGS— Tho market is steady but quiet. Oregon Eggs are held at 13c. Duck Eggs,- 14@16c; store Eggs, 12%@13c; ranch Eggs, 14<g»15c 't> doz. POULTRY AND GAME. POULTRY— Ducks and Geese are lower. ! Hens are dull, but prices are maintained. We quote California stock ob follows: Live Turkeys, 11@ 13c lb for Gobblers; ll@l3c for Hens; Gee3e, %< pair, $1 25: Goslings, «* pair, $1 50@2": Ducks, $3*50(£4 60 "$ dozen for old and $4 50@7,60 for young: Hens, M 60@5 50 V doz ; Roosters, young, $7 50@10 W dozen: do, old, $4@5 '1* doz; Fry ers, ?t> 60<§»7 t* dozen; Broilers, $5(g,'6 for large and $2@4 for small; Pigeons, $1 76&2 for young and $2t02 25 for old. GAME— Nominal. :•'«;.*' DECIDUOUS AND CITRUS FRUITS. ORCHARD FRUlTS— Arrivals of Cherries were 2113 boxes, selling at 30@60c %* box for red and white ana 60c® $1 '& box for black. BERRIES— Another lot of Raspberries came In from San Leandro and brought 50c ~f) basket. Car rants brought 65f(75c drawer; Gooseberries, 15 @25c %>. drawer for common, 2i/o(c|;3c V Ib for Oregon Improved and for English. Receipts ] of Strawberries were 638 chests, selling at ?:;fr«B for Lonjrwortlis and $3fes v chest for large berries. CITRUS FRUITS— There are hardly enough Sicily Lemons here to quote. California Navels are quotable at $1 50@2 76; Seedlings, 75c@$l 50$ box; California Lemons, $l(<il 75 ? box for com mon and $2@3 lor good to choice; Mexican Limes, $4(a4 60 t* box: Bananas, $1 25@2 %t bunch; Pineapples, nominal. DRIED FRUITS, RAISINS, NUTS, ETC. DRIED FRUITS— The market still rules dull, though the Eastern freeze may stimulate it later on. Prunes, four sizes, 4@4y 2 c Ib; larger sizes, 4%@5c: smaller sizes, 2(d)3c: Apples, 4@ 41/.C for sliced and 6Y^5V 2 c for evaporated ; Bleached Peaches, 4V2^»6c: Apricots, 5(&6c for lair 10 choice and 7<j£7y 2 c for tancy Moorpark: Pears, 4®4i/!8C for evaporatea Halves, S(S4c lor quarters and 1 Vl-w) 2c for Inferior goods; Plums, ofc^Vzc for pitted and lV 2 c Tor unpttted; Figs, black, By e for pressed and 2(a.2i/2<' for impressed. itAISINS AND DRIED GRAPES — Raisins— four-crown, loose, are quotable at 3y 2 c "ft Tb: three crown. Hi/fee "$ jb; 2-crown, 2c ?i lb: seedless Sultanas, 3c "<s> Ib; seedless Muscatels, 2c "ft rb; S-crOWD London layers, $1 Hs(a,l 45 $ box ; clusters, $*2 26@2 76: Dehesa clusters, $2 50; Imperial clusters, $3 60; Dried Grapes— lV 2 @l%c %4 lb. NUTS— Chestnuts are quotable at 3(§)sc f* lb: Walnuts, 7@9y 2 c for paper-shell and softshell, and 6@7c for hardshell: Almonds, 2@2y 2 c for hard shell, and 6@6c "^ lb for softshell, and for paper-shell ; Peanuts, s@6c for Eastern and 4@ *y 2 c for California; Hickory Nuts, 6<aoc; Pecans, 6c for rough and 8c . for polished ; Filberts, B@9c : Brazil Eucs, 7@7 3 /2 C lb; Cocoanuts, $4 60@5 60 •# 100. HONEY— Comb is quotable at 6®loc: water- liite extracted. 53 4@6y 2 c; light amoer extracted, s(o.rji/2c; dark amber. 4@4y c ~<& tb. BEESWAX— 26@27c tt). PROVISIONS. CURED MEATS— Bacon quotable at 9@9y a c for heavy and 10c for light medium : 10y c for light, 11 @liy 2 c'for extra light and 12y (ju]. r ic for sugar curea: Eastern Sugar-cured 2 c:California ±iar::s, iiV2C; Aiess iieei, $7(3)/ 00 "# bbl ; extra mess do, 88@8 60; family do. $10; extra prime Pork, $9 50 f> bbl; extra clear, $17 60@18 <$ bbl; mess, $15@16 50 * bbl; Smoked Beet, @10c f. lb. • . • < LARD— Eastern, tierces, 6%@7c 'ft Ib for com pound and &3'i c V- lb for pure; pails, !)y 2 c; Cali fornia tierces, .6c for compound and 8c for pure; half-bbls, 8y. A c; 10-lb tins, 8y 2 c %4 Ib; do 6-lb, 9c tb. COTTOLENE— 73,4(^77BO In tierces and B%@ B%c *lb in 10-lb tins. ■ . ■ ' ■ HIDES, TALLOW, WOOL AND HOPS. HIDES AND SKlNS— Heavy salted steers, 8c: medium, 7c "$ tb; light, 6@6y 2 c; Cowhides, 6@ 6V 2 c 9 lb; salted Kip, s@6c ?- lb; salted Calf, B©9c: salted veai, 6@7c; dry hides, usual selec tion, lac; dry Kip, 10c f> lb: dry Calf, 12@13c; prime Goatskins,- 20®35c each: Kids, 6c; Deer- BElns, good summer, 30c lb; medium, 15rq>2r>c; winter, 10@15c; Sheepskins, shearlings, 10@20c each; short wool, 25(^35c each: medium, 30(§15c each; long wool, 4l'@6oc each; Culls of all kinds about V a c less. • / , TALLOW— 1 rendered, 4i4@4y c: country Tallow, 4@4i/4c; refined, 6c: Grease, 3<§3y cli* lb. WOOL— Quotations for the spring clip are: Choice Northern, 10@llc fi tb; San Joaquin, year's staple, 6(d.7c %i lb: do, .seven months', 6@Sc; Cala veras and Foothill, 8@10c; Nevada, 7@9c 1R lb. HOPS— Good to choice, 4<ai6c %* lb; Inferior and old Hops, 2@3c. ' ■■ : GENERAL MERCHANDISE. BAGS— Calcutta Grain Bags, 4y 2 c spot and 45/ 8 c for June and July delivery; Wool Bags, 24@26c- COAL— Wellington, $8; New Wellington, $8; Southfield Wellington, $7 50; Coos Bay, $s;Walls end. $7 60: Scotch, $7 50; Coos Bay, $5; Walls end. $7 60: Scotch, sß: Brymbo.*7 50; Cumberland, fl3 60 in Dulk and $16 In sacks; Pennsylvania Anthracite Egg, 912; Welsh Anthracite Egg, $9; Cannel, $8; Kock Springs, Castle Gate and Pleas ant Valley, $7 60; Coke, »12 in bulk and $14 in sacks. SUGAR-The Western Sugar Refining Company quotes, terms net cash • Cube, Crushed. Powderea and Fine Crushed, all 5S4c- L>ry Granulated, oysc; Confectioners' A, 6c; Hagnolia A. 45/sc; Extra C, 4y 2 c; Golden C, 4y 4 c; D, 4c; half barrels Vie more than barrels, and boxes y 2 c more. SAN' FRANCISCO MEAT MARKET. Wholesale rates for dressed stock from slaughter ers are as follows: BEEF-Flrst quality. 5y 2 @6c: choice. 6%c; sec ond quality, 4y 2 @sc : third do, S@4c JJ lb. I VEAL— Large, 4CdJ5p- Rmall, s(§<7c $ lb. *a. MUTTON-Wethers," SSc; Kwes, 4@4%c * lb. LAMB— Spring, 4i/!><ffi6e tb. son, 4U04%a PORK-Ltve Hogs ac if tb for soft, 4V*@4 s /»c * lb for hard and 3»4(&4c $» tt> 'or feeders; dressed do, 6@7c %i lb. RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. TUESDAY, May 14. Flour, qr. sks 6.723'0ni0n5, sks 414 Oregon 6.674:0at5, Or, ctls 4,810 Wheat.ctls. 2,7551 Rr».., *ks i,670 Barley.ctls 55iHay, tons. 405 Oregon 4,485!u0p.5, bis 16 Potatoes, sks 1,686 Wool, bis 419 Oregon 6,780 Hides, no 944 Beans, sks 3 1 31! Wine, gals 76,800 THE STOCK MAEKET. Stocks recovered some of the lost ground yester day. Con. Cal. & Va. got up to $2 85, Ophlr to $1 65 and Sierra Nevada to 67c, the gain In the other stocks being smaller. Trading was still slack, however. */■.. notes. At the annral meeting of the stockholders of the East Sierra Nevada Mining Company 27,509 shares were represented and the following officers elected: H. F. Cutter, president; W. B. Sherwood, William Barman, R. ft. Graves and F. 6. J. Mar getson, directors George A. .Spinney was re-elected secretary and R. p. Keating, superintendent. At the annual meeting of the Scorpion Mining Company 31,054 shares were represented and the following officers elected: W. R. Sherwood, presi dent; H. F. Cutter, H. Zadig, William Barman and C. H. Ford, directors; Geoigeß. Spinney was re elected secretary and R. P. Keating, superinten dent. The annual meeting of the Seg. Belcher and Mldes Con. has been called for June 4. The delinquent assessment sale of the Occidental takes place to-day. Occidental— The winze started In the north drift 011 the 500 level has been sunk 10 feet, total length 16 feet: the ore passed through is of an average grade of $30 per ton. The west crosscut on th« 550 level is in 147 feei., having been ex tended 12 during the week: face in porphyry with stringers of quartz. The dnfi.s started north and south on the seam of ore found In the crosscut 128 feet in have each been driven 6 feet and both show bunches of good orf. The Lone I'ine Canal Company has levied an as sessment of 16 oents per .share, delinquent June 1. The Centennial Gravel Mining Company of Ne vada County has levied an a.sessment of 1 cent per share, delinquent June 6. The Silver Hill mine last week yielded six tons of ore averaging by assay ?4'J per ton. Of accu mulated ore forty tons of" ore were hauled to the mill and re.iuced during the week. News from the Comstock yesterday was that a connection in fine ore has be* 11 made between the DpralKOfthe southeast drift on the 1750 level of the Con. Cal. & Va. mine and the fourth floor of the stopes above, affording good ventila tion and facilities for Increasing the output of ore. The mine continues to improve. Good ore is also b«inj; cu'. in the new north upraise above the central tunnel in the Ophir mine. Assays of $40 per ton are reported. At the annual meeting of the jlutchinson Sugar Plafltution Company the old board of directors was re-elected, with Claus Sprerkels as president ; John a. Buck, rlce-pnatdeni: v.. 11. Sheldon, secretary, and J. D. Spreckels <t Bros., treasurer. The com pany reports a prosperous year, with all bills paid to date and $60,000 in cash" and .fJO.OOO In unsold sugar on hand. A monthly dividend of 1 5c was declared, payable May 20. BOARD SALES. Following were the sales in the San Francisco Stock Board yesterday: REGULAR MORNINO SESSION— 9 :30. 100 C Point . . .51 100 Ovrmn. . .08 50 Andes.... 17,500 52200 Potosi 33 700 8e1cher.. .54 (i * C... 329800 Savage. ...2l 400 Bit 8.... 65 200 34 800 Sec 8e1.... 15 ! 2008u1wer...10 400H.tN....1V4!1005Nev....65 1 00 Cha1C... 28 800 Mexican.. 6olßoo 67 I 200 Chollar...»i'loo 69 600 Union C..42 200 35ji!00Occldentl.25ri00 V Jacket. 27 I 100 CC&V.. 2.80 100 24800 26 650 2.85"7500phir... 1.651 AFTERNOON SESSION— 2:30. 100 Alpha 05:200 C 32;300 savage.. ..21 300 Alta 10100 H«feN.... 11.4200 8e1.. . 15 400 8e1cher.. .50 350 Mcx 581100 Sierra N..66 100 8ent0n....40100 Mono 15 100 Union C..39 300 11* 8....62J 60 0ph1r... 1.60:400 V Jacket. .2s 100 CC&V...2.80350 Potosi ... .351 Following were the sale* in the Pacific Stock Board yesterday: REGULAR SESSION— IO:3O. 00 Andes . . . 18 250 Caledonia o9 200 0cc1dt1.... 24 200 8e1cnr.. ..611 60 ChoUar...Bii 200 Ophlr. .. 1.65 100 B <fc 8... .63 200 C Point. .47600 1.60 '-"CO Bodle.. .1.05 150 ............48 200 Savage. ...21 200 Bullion... 12 600 G <fe C 35 -'00 H i< AM.. 15 500 13300 HAN ....iy 4 100 SNev 65 650 CC&V.. .2%!! 1.221/2 '100 63 150 2.77 './•. 200 Mcx 67100 Union. 40 200 2.82%!10y ~....58 600 V Jacket. .27 50 -'.80; i AFTERNOON SESSION— 2:3O. 300 Alta 11:500 Ch011ar.. . 341100 0cc1dnt... 24 350 Ande5.. ..16:450 33|100 23 300 B<fc 8.... 62 100 321260 Ophlr... 1.60 200 Bullion 1.21 -200 <• P0int... 501100 Overman.oß 350 CCA V... 2.80.300 Mono 161800 S B<fc M.. CLOSING QUOTATIONS. TUESDAY, May 14— p. m. Bid.Aiked., Bid.Atkrd. Alpha Con 05 06 lowa 05 — Alta — 11 Jackson 20 """ — Andes... 16 17.Julia — 05 Belcher 49 Justice 04 05 Best & Belcher. 62 63Kentuck 02 03 1 BentonCon 40 4 ft' Lady Wash.... — 02 Bodie. 1.00 1.05 Mexican 67 59 Bullion 11 13' Mono — 15 Bulwer _ 08 lOJMt. Diablo •15 — Caledonia 09 ]<i .Nevada Queen. — 05 Challenge Con. 35 Occidental 23 24 Chollar 32 33IOphlr 1.60 1.65 Con. Cal. & Va.2.80 2. overman 07 09 Con. Imperial. 01 02 Potosi., 35 36 Confidence 1.00 l.lOSavazeJ 20 21 Con.NewYork. 03 04 Sejr. Belcher... 14 16 Crown Point... 48 orpion 03 04 Eastß. AI! . . 11 12 Sierra Nevada. 63 64 EastSierraNev — 05 silver Hill 02 04 Exchequer..... — 02|Sllver King.... 20 — KurokaCon.... 30 —Syndicate — 05 Gould A Curry. SO 32 Union Con 39 40 Gray Eagle.... 40 —Utah 03 05 liale&Norcrs.l.2o 1.26 Yellow Jacket. 24 25 STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. TUESDAY, May 14—2 p. m. bonds. Hid. Asked. Hid. A.iked. V S4scoup..ll2y 2 — Banks, Commercial— US 4s reg...H2V a — AmerßdtTC. — — Cal-stCbless.llO — Anglo-Cal. .. 59 — Cal Elec L 63107 1' 2 — Bank of Citf.. — 222i<?» CntraCWCs J + ]0iy 2 Cal SD&TCo. 40 42 Dpnt-stex-cp 9iy a — iFirstNationl.l77U» — EdsnLAP6s.lOß — Grangers.. . — ' — F<£CH RR6slO4 — Londonl\fcA.l24 — Geary-stßss.lO7 — l,ondon&SF. — 32 LosAngL6s. 97y — Merch Ex... 12 — Do.Gnted.6s. lol 103 Nevada — — Mkt-stCble6al23 — Matter B Co.. — — NevCNgRSs. — 110 Banks. Savings- -v; is' PC It It 68.100 — GerS<fcLCo..l76o — NyßCal6s.. — 101 HunibS&L. 1000 — NRyCalss.. — — Mutunl .. 30 45 Oak Gas 65.. 1013,4108 SFSavUnion49s 505 Do, 2diss 6s.. 4 — Say& Loan.. 110 160 Omnibus 65.. 117 — Security...... — 310 PacßollM6s.lo3 — Union Trust. B2o 940 Do,2dlss6s.. — — Street Rail way— P<feOßy6s..llO 120 California.... 10iy 2 — P&Chßy6s. 95 100 Geary-st — 90 Pwl-stRK6s. — 113 Market-5t.... 36% 38 Reno,VVLiLIO2 105 Oak,SL*Hay — 100 RiverWCo6s — 100 Presidio 7% — sf*nprhsslol _ SiHter-5t..... — — SPRRAriz6s 88 PO ' Powder— SPRR Cal 65.109V a llOB4 Atlantic D... 14% 20 SPRRCaISs. 85 — California.... 80 — Do, 1 con g'.2y 2 _ Giant l'2y 13y SPBrßCaies. 85V 2 90 Jun.«ou - — SV Water 65..1205/ 8 — . Vigorlt — 76c SV Water 45.. 97V 2 98 Vi Miscellaneous— StktnGAE6s — 100y 4 BlkDCoalCo. — 12 SunstT«fcT6s — 103 Cal Cot Mills. — — Sutter-5tR55.107% — Cal Dry Dock — — VisallaWC6s — 92 EdlsonLlght. 9834 99y stocks— Water— GaeConAsan. — — Contra Costa. — 67y 'lIawC\tSCo.. 6% 7% MarinCo.... — • 50 IHntchSPCo.. 13y 8 — San Jose — 100 JudßonMfgC. — — Bprng Valley 973/ i9B MerExAssn.loo — Gas— OceanicSSCo — 23 Capital....... — racAuxFA.. 2 Central..;.... 95 — Borax... 97 — OakOL&H. 44 Pacl*N Co. — SO PacGasltnp. — 81% Pac 801 l Mill 17 — . PacihcLight. 45 47 7 Part Paint Co — 9 sutiFrancgco 70% 71 PacTransCo — 26 Stockton — 30 PacT&TCo. 30 60 Insurance— Sunset T<feT. 20 " — FiremansFd.l6o — United C Co.. — 25 Bun- 25 60 MORNINO SESSION. , : .:. Board-25 Huicnlnson 8 P Co, 13%; 40 8 V Water, 9H. Street-S3OOO 8 V 4,% Bonds, 97%. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board— s6 8 V Water, 98. Street- 10 Edison Light & Power Co, 99%. ';:■;-.{ :•! ■.'■.— • * * ....' •■ EEAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Philip J. and Kmllv A. Haver to Michael and Mary Burns, lot on 8 line of Oak street, 81 :3 Eof Shrader, E '25 by X 100: $10. M Charles L. and Kallie B. Rlppeto to T. Greenough, lot on N line of Washington street, 2UB Wof Hpruce, N ia7:BV4. W 40:6V 2 , SW 129 :2, X 60; $10. Harry T. and Emma J. Greenough to Mary F. Bice, lot on N line of Washington street, 124:6 E of Maple, E 60, N 127:8 V*. w *O : 6Va. 8W 129:2; $10. Crocker Estate Company to City and County of San Francisco, lot on E line of Stanyan street, 275 Sof Waller, X 750 -7 Ms by S 68:9 (Beulah street); also lot on a line of Waller street, 412:6 E of Stan* yan, 8 27:6 by E 68:9: grant. Hame to Fftiinte c. Smith, lot on Eline of Shrader Street, 150 Bof Waller, S2sby E 135 ; ?1600. Same to John a. Hasshasen, lot on X \me of Manyan street, 75 N of Beulah, N 25 by E 100:3; f2075. A. A. J. Hanlan to George W. BrlgB»i lot on U line of Liberty street, 280 W of Church, W 25 by N 114: $10. John Kleinhaus to Clara E. Bherwood, lot on Is line of Duncan street, 215 W of Sanchez, W 25 by N 114; $10. James K. and Carrie H. Gordon to Lester Her rlck, lot on N line of Thirtieth street, 205 W of Douglass, \V 275 by N 114; also lot on E line of Hoffman street, 101:6 N of Thirtieth, N 126:6. E 380. S 114, W 300, S 12:6, W 80; also lot on S line of Day street, 80 \V of Douglass, W 50 by S 114; $10. Lester Herrick to R. J. Ligtenberg, lot on E line of Thirtieth street, 355 W of Douglass, W 125 by N 114; also lot on E line of Hoffman (Ellen) street, 101:6 N of Thirtieth, 5 126:6, E 165, S 114, \V 75, 8 12:6, W 80; $10. John Hurley to Ruby Hill Vineyard Company, lot on N line of Jackson street, 85:7% W of Leavenworth, \V 13 by N 82:7, with privilege of right of way ; $10. Mary and Hannah Hurley to same, lot on N line of Jackson street, 85 :73.4 W of Leavenworth, W 1 3 by N 82:7: $10. Zeila O. Hollings to Frederick O. Heydenfeidt, lot on NE corner of Stockton and North Point streets, E 137:6 by N 276: $10. Adelaide M. Marks to Hugh Keenan, lot on SW corner of Alameda and Michigan streets. W 100 by S 100; $10. Jacob and Lin* Hey man to Emma W.Halsey, lot on W line of Twenty-fourth avenue, 175 N of R street, N 25 by W 120: $10. Jones, Allen <fc Co. to Agnea A. Carey, lot on SE line of Arlington street, 641 SW of Roanoke, SW 30, SE 73. NB 30:6, NW 80: $10. Frederick E. and Ella R. Luty to Isaac D. Hol den and Jonas P. Stockwell, lot 8, block 103. Uni versity Homestead Associatiou; $20. Annie Nolan to Minnie M. Evans, lot on the NW corner of Clay and Broderick streets, W 29 by N 105: $10. City and County of San Francisco to Helen S. Golden, lot on SE cornerof Haightand Lott streets, S 275, E 114.&8, NW on a curve to the R and W of a radius 282.24 feet, a distance of 233.35 to a point 67 H of Haight street, and 230.12 E of Lott, N 67, W 23.12. Emma K. Wig* to Hattie M. Hall, lot on E line of Lott street, 86 S of Haight, E 24, S 10.14, W 24.05, N 10; $10. Lucas Harvey to same, lot on SE corner of Haight and Lott streets, S 85, E 23.69, N 18.01, N 67, W 23.12; $10. Catherine Shea (nee Mitchell) to R. H. Lloyd and S. H. Peddar, lot on E line of Jones street, 75 8 of O'Farrell, S 25 by E 60; $10. E. M. Morgan to James A. Bullard, lot on E line of Hyde street, 68:9 S of Greenwich, S 68:9 by E 137:6: $10. Crocker Estate Company to R. D. Cranston and Hugh Keenan, lot on SW corner of Waller and Cole streets. S 260, W 109 :4^4, N 76, W 25, N 50, E 25, N 120, E 109:4y 2 ; $17,150. . ALAMKIIA COUNTY. Michael McCullough of Oakland to Catherine McCullough of Oakland, lot on NW line of Thir teenth avenue. 67 NX of East Twenty-second street, NE 33, NW 91, block 139, Clinton, East Oakland; gift. J. E. and Elsie A. McElrath to James A. Carroll of Oakland, lot on NW corner of Shasta and Grove streets, W 40 by X 135, block T, Alpine Tract.Oak land Township; also lot on N line of Shasta street, 160 W of Grove, \V 40 by N 135. block T, Alpine Tract, Oakland Township; $10. J. E. and Elsie A. McKlrath to Klmball G. East ton, lot on N line of Shasta street, 40 W of Grove, W 120 by N 135, block T, Alpine Tract, Oakland Township; 10. James J. and Kate Carroll to same, lot on N line of Shasta street, 160 W of Grove, W 40 by N 135, Oakland Township: $10. Klmball G. and Kathe O. Easton to James J. Carroll of Oakland, lot on N line of Shasta street, 40 \V of Grove, \V 80 by N 135, Oakland Town ship; $10. Thomas S. and Belle Simmons of Alameda to The McCarthy Company (a corporation), lot 4, block X, Golden Gate tract, Oakland Township; $10. Abby M.Bullen (nee Fernald)"to William H. Feruald of Oakland Township, lot~lß, block 2110, Alden Tract at Temescal, Oakland Township: gift. James H. Dickerson of Oakland to A. G. Fleck of Oakland, lot 6, block P. Harmon Tract, Berke ley, subject to a mortgage; $10. William Nylander of Oakland to Anna F. Xy lander of Oakland, lot 1, block 1), Christiania Tract, Berkeley; gift. Frank M. and Kose H. Wilson to Abble 1,. Crocker (wife of J. W.), lot 11, block 21, Dalsey Scenic Park, Berkeley; $10. Michael McCullough of Han Francisco to Peter McCullough of Oakland, lot 96, Searles Tract, Brooklyn Township; gift. Same to Mary McCullough of San Francisco, lot 97, Searles Tract, Brooklyn Township; gift. Anna I. F. I'ereria to Ozeblo F. Pereria of New ark, lot 9, block 177, town of Newark, Washington Township: $10. Joseph O'Conn'Tl of Oakland to Mike O'Connell of Oakland, lot on W line of Filbert street, 225 S of Thirty-second, 8 87:8 by W 125, being lot 10 and >' V of lot 11, block 670, Glascock Tract, Oakland; gift. Herbert P. Kiddle to John Williams of Alameda, lot 23, Pieomuct Tract, Oakland Township; $10. 11. L. Holcomb of Oakland Township to O. S. Orrlck of Oakland, lot on NE corner of Thirty-sev enth and Grove streets, N 47.50 by X 125. being lot 4, block C, Apgar Tract, Oakland Township, subject to a mortgage of $750; $10. . Charles and Susan H. Wurzto Edgar D. Pelxotto of San Francisco, lot 9. subdivision 17, Glen Echo Tract, Oakland Township: 510. William K. and Jane E. McKenzie to EH Me gonii;!l, lot on W line of Gold street, 100 S of Weston avenue, S 75 by W 100, being lots 9. 11 and 13, Oakland Railroad Homestead, Oakland Township, subject to a mortgage for $200: $10. . L. H. and Hannah M. Whitehouse to J. W. Lay mance, lots 1 to S. block A, lots 1 to 11. 14, 15, 21 to 28, 33, 36 to 42 and 46, block B, lots 1 to 7, 11 to 24, 29 to 32, block C, lots 2 to 10, 17. 18, 20, 21. 25, 26, -9 to 38, block I>, Amended Map of Fair view Tract, to correct 562 d 113, Oakland Town ship: $10. Peter Emrlch of Oakland Township to Gunthrr Knauft of Contra Costa, lot 34, Villa Homestead Association, quitclaim deed, Berkeley: $10. .lames and Arista E. Hewitt to Frank M. Wilson of Berkeley, lot 20, block 6, Daleys", Scenic Park, Berkeley; $10. George and Anna E. Lydikson to H. A. Swaney of .Los Gato.s. lots 39 and 40 and subdivision of lots 12. 13, 29 and 30, Kingsland Tract, Brooklyn Township; $10. Same to same, lot 21, block G, Latham terrace, Brooklyn Township; $10. Mary J. Ryer of Alameda to A. C. Mathison of San Francisco, lots 6, 7, 16, 17 and 18, block 46, Minturn Tract. Alameda: $10. William H. and Katie Green (by C. C. Hamilton, commissioner) to Edward Stabler of Eden Town ship, lot on S lint- of Cemetery avenue, where same is Intersected by W line of lands of Puff, tlience WW 12.94 chains, SW 7.31 chains, KB 1.57 chains, SK 2 chains, SE 1.87 chains, SE 9.20 chains. >'X 3.69 chains to beginning, Eden Town ship: $0000. THE CALL CALENDAR. Mat, 1895. Moon's Phases. 3 3Uyl, First Quarter. "^ May 8, (£? Full Moon. Id 11 12 IS 16 17 "li May 16. Last Quarter. 20 ai n ,5 18 31 May 21, New Moon. OCEAN STKAMKKS. Daten of Departure From San Francisco. BTRAMKR. | Corona I Walla Walla: J'omona. ... Weeott....:. Saturn. Araa0. ...... Alceßlnchd Eureka .... ('OIIITIH Humboldt... State of Cal iSnnt.i iiosa.. Mexico ..... DelKorte... Ist Paul Australia.. Kara! I on jnKSTINATIOS | SAILS. | PIKR. I fan Dtetro j ! Vie & IVt Snd ' Humboldtßay F.el River Panama Coos Bar P0rt1and....... NewDort Panama Humboldtßay Portland I San Dietrw I Vie & Pgt Snd ! Grays Harbor Newport ...... j | H0n01u1u...... Yanninit Bay.. 1 Portland ' MaylS.llAM Bdw'y -2 Mavis, 9am BdWy 1 MaylS. 2pm Hdw'y 1 May] 9am Vallejo May 16. 4pm Lombrd 51ayl7,10AM Vallejo MaylT, spm , Vallejo Mayl7. Bdw'y 2 MaylS. 112 m P M S S May 18.11 am jWaslit'n j May 19.10 am Spear Mayl9,llAM Bdw'y 2 Mayi>o, 9am ! JJdw'y 1 May'2o, Main May'2l, Bam Bdw'y 2 May2l. Oceanic May23,lOAM Miss 1 1 May'24,loAM Spear Oregon . . I STKAJMKRS TO ARRIVE. | Dub Arasro Coos Bay Australia Honolulu Willamette Val. Mexico... Kureka.... I Newport..... State of Cal . . . . j Portland mm ilia ! Victoria & Puget Sound Humooldt ...... i Humboidt Hay Crescent City. .. | Crescent, City Arcata Coos 8ay................ Del None Grays Harbor Santa Kosa. $nu Diego North F0rk..... Huraboidt Bay Wellington..... Departure 8ay.... Pomona .... Humooldt 8av .......... Weeott. Klver St Paul Newport San Benlto .;..'. Tacoma ;. City of Everett. 5eatt1e.................. Corona San Di»'go Farallon ....... Y aqu Kay Point JLoma Urays Harbor Kahuiu1.. ....... Kahului Cityof Puebla . . Victoria & Puget Sound San Bias Panama. ..May 15 ..May 15 ..May 15 ..May 15 ..May 16 ..May 16 ..May 16 ..May 16 ..May 16 ..May 17 ..May 17 . .May 18 ..May 18 ..May 19 ..May 19 ..May 19 ..May 20 ..May 20 ..May 21 ..May 21 ..May 21 ..May 21 ..May 21 ..May 2 1 ..May 21 Oregon ! Portland SUN AND TII>E lABLK. 2 WA', \VA' ■• ,10.37, ,'11.21. 6.00, 4.69 M M HYDROGKAPHIO BULLETIN. Ehasch Hydrooraphic Officf., U. a N., 1 ) Merchants' Kxchavor V Ban Franctsco. May 1 4, 1895. ) The time bull on Telegraph Hill was dropped exactly at noon to-day— l. c., at noon of the 120 th meridian, or at exactly 8 p. m., Greenwich time. a. F. Fechtrlkr, Lieutenant U. 8. N.. In chance. MiirriNCi i.mi;i,lk;i,mi;. Arrived. TUESDAY. May 14. Stmr Tlllamook, Hansen, 16 hours from Vsal; bark, to Pollard «fc Dodge. Bark Coloma, Noyes, 55 days from Hongkong; mdse, to M J Brandenstein. l|Bkm Arago, Peray, 4 days from Grays Harbor; lumber, to Simpson Lumber Co. Brig W Q Irwtn, Williams. 18 days from Hono lulu: 2168 bags sugar, to J D Spreckels & Bros Co; 13 cr canned goods, toTillmanu <fe Bendel. Schr Annie Gee, Monsou, 4 days from Grays ■ Harbor; lumber and laths, to Wilson Bros. -Iff? wJ^h 4 days from Grays Harbor; ~£ J 1 1 ° mber - to Simnson Lumber Co. Schr Mary Etta,^ Wetzel, 10 hours from Still water Cove; 70 cords wood, to Bender Bros. Cleared. ' Stmr Walla Walla, Wallace, 0 vfc^ria' *and p 4 o« Townsend: GoodaU. Perkins i Co k0 B n r ; 8 O& O Pearne ' <»«*«» «* Hong- Ro^JS^o^^ 614 Henry, Xana lm0 ; John Bark Annie Johnson, Rock, Hilo; J D Spreckels & Bros Co. - ' * ■ Bark McXear, Pederson, Nanaimo; R D Chand ler. Schr Alcalde, Sanders, Nicolaefskl, Freeman Smith & Co. ' Sailed. TCESDAY.MayI*. Br stmr Gaelic, Pearne, Hongkong and Yoko hama. Strnr Gipsy, Leland, Santa Cruz. Stmr Oregon, Poleman. Astoria. Stmr National City, Anderson, Eureka. Russian stmr Kotik, Lindquist. Petropaulovskl. Stmr Farallon, Paton, Yaquina Bay. Ship Spartan, Polite. Seattle. Schr Archie and Fontie. Codsrup, Stewarts Point. Schr Nettle Low, Low, Point Reyes. Schr Golden Gate. Johnston, Karluk. Spoken. May 4—46 X 16 W, Br ship Lord Cairns, from Swansea for San Francisco. Leb27— 33 545 W, Brshlp Kelat, from Ham burg, for San Francisco. Charters. Thoschrs Bertie Minor and Olga load lumber at Humboldt for Honolulu. Movements of Vessels. Yesterday the bark Coloma was taken to the stream and the schr Bango to Union street. The brig W« Irwin was taken to the refinery and the bktn Arago to Howard street. The bark Richard 111 was taken to Union street and the bktn C C Funk to the stream. To-day the bark Annie Johnson will be taken from Folsom street to sea and the ship Cyrus Wakefield from the stream to sea. The bark McNear will be taken to sea and the bktn Mary Winkelman from Powell street to Oak land Creek. The ship Wasdale will be taken from the stream to Grangers and the bark Nonantum to Berry street. The schr Annie Larsen will be taken from stream to sea and the schr Alcalde from Steuart street to St'U. Telegraphic. POINT LOBOS-May 14-10 p. *.— Weather cloudy; wind S\V; velocity 8 miles per hour. Domestic Ports. SEATTLE— Arrived May 9— Schr Gen Banning, hence Apr 30: schr Win Renton, from Newport. PORT LOS ANGELES— Arrived M.ay 13— Stmr Scotia, from Bowens Landing. 14— Stmr Alca traz. from Cleone. Sailed May 14— Stmr Mineola, for Comox, SAN PEDRO— Arrived May 13— Schr Meteor, fm New Westminster. Sailed May 14— Bark Forest Queen for Port Townseud; schrß W Bartlet, for New Westmin ster. PORTTOWNSEND— Arrived May 9— Bktn Un cle John, hence May 3 for Seattle. 13— Ital bark Cavour. from Callao. POINT ARENA-Arrived May 14— Stmr Sunol, hence May 13. REDON DO— Arrived May 14— Stmr from Bow ens Landing: stmr Westport from Bear Harbor. COOS BAY— Sailed May 13— Stmr Ara§o, for San Francisco. ASTORIA— SaiIed May 14— Stmr State of Cali fornia, for San Francisco; Br bark Cupica, for Queenstown. foreign Ports. ENSKXADA-SniledMay 13-Stmr Willemette Valley, for San Francisco. HULL— Sailed May 10— Br ship Osborne, for San Francisco via Swansea. Arrived May Vl— Br ships Senator and Republic, from Portland. LON DON— Sailed May 13— Br ship Beecrof t, for San Francisco. • SWANSEA— Arrived May 12— Br ship Clan Gal braith, to loadfor San Francisco. SaiU'd May 13— Ship Benj F Packard, for San Francisco. PANAMA— SaiIed Apr 28— Stmr San Bias, for San Francisco, Arrivt'fl May S— Stmr San .(nan, hpnee Apr 9. 3— simr Costa Kica. from CStamperlca. Apr 23 — Stmr Portland, from Corinto, and sailed Apr 30. 24— Stmr Barracouta, from Manzanillo. and sailed May 1 for Manzanillo. May 3— Stmr Willamette, from Chaxnperico, NA.VAlM')— suilfdMay 14— Bark General Fair child, for San Fr&nctSOO. HONGKONG— Arrived May 13— Br stmr Em press of Japan, for Vancouver. QUEENSTOWN— Arrived May 73— Br ship Au cbencalrn, from Portland. For Lntf shinpinij TnteUlgmice See mirtrenth Page. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. e~ PAIAIA STEAMSHIP USE. (P. B. It. CO.) : '-■"" ■ Panama Kailrond Co. coijXJ3vr:^i-A.3xr xjIKTe (P. R. R. CO.) TO I^Ei-W YORK S. St. "S-A.TTTH.2W" Will be dispatched lor Panama on THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1895, Taking cargo under through Bills of Lading for New York. South American & Kuro»ean Ports. No cargo received or bills of lading signed on day of sailing. THE JOHNSON-LOCKE MER. CO., Agents. 204 Front street. C. H. HASWELL Jr., Acting (.en. Agent Panama R. R. Co. . PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COMPASY DISPATCH STEAMERS KROM SAN A« Francisco for oorts in Alaska, 9 a. m.,x£s3S&L May '-'0. June 4, 9, 19. 24. July 5. 9, 19. 24. For British Columbia and Puget Sound ports, May 15, 20, 25, 30, and every fifth day thereafter. For Eureka, Humholdt Bay, steamer Pomona, Wednesday, May 15 and "j'J, and every Tuesday thereat • at 2 p." m. For Newport, Los Angeles and all way ports, May 18. 17. 21, 25, 29, and every fourth day there- after, 8 a. m. For San Diego, stopping only at Port Harford, Santa Barbara. Port Los Angeles, Redondo (Los Angelcj) and Newport, -May 15, 19,23. 27, SI, and every iourth day thereafter, at 11 a. m. Steamer Pomona .Saturday to Monday excur- sion to Santn Cruz and Monterey. For ports'Jin Mexico, 10 a. m., 25th of each month, steamer Willamette Valley. Ticket OHice— Palace Hotel, 4 New Montgomery 8 GOODALL, PERKINS A CO., General Agents, 10 Market st.. San Francisco. OD Jt, IV! TO PORTLAND m Km QL Nit AND ASTORA. STEAMSHIPS DEPART .FROM SPEAR- street wharf at 10 a. m. every five days, con- necting at PORTLAND with direct rail lines to all points in OREGON, WASHINGTON and IDAHO. State of California sails May 9, 19, 29, June 8. Oregon sails May 4, 14, 24, June 3. Until further notice rates will be REDUCED to Sl5 CABIN. *7 50 STEERAGE. For through rates and all other Information apply to the undersigned. : ' r ; .- -_2 ■ • ■ GOODAI.I.. I'KUKINS&Ca FBF.D. F. COSSOB, i;> n'l Supts., Gen'l Agent. . 4 New Montgomery st. 19 Montgomery st. mm STEAMSHIP COMPANY. --^paa»^^ Coolgardie gold fields j|r)7>o "**?». (Fremantle), Austra- Jw J s.^unk,*W>,vV lifl ; $22 ° flr9t claa9 > JPSgn .Ji^NoillL"' 5110 steerage. Lowest /©f>!tf^^3slfc£ rates to Capetown, fSff / 1 "VtrKia vßk Steamship Australia, Kta/ viAa!* \ \Wi Honolulu only, i'ups- yjoLS. fcSJjcs' ■/ » Australian steamer N^^^^^^^SfiS^ Honolulu and Aucli- ; >i^^'^ land 'I'liur.sday, May so, at 2 p. M. Special Parties to Honolulu, May 21. Reduced excursion rates. excurs Ticket office 138 Montgomery street, Freight cilice 327 Market street. • J. D. SPRECKELS & BROS., General Agenta. COMPAGXIEGESERAIETRA3iSATLASTISUE French Line to Havre. > /COMPANY'S PIER (NEW), 42 NORTH JStg^. \J River, fool of Morton st. Travelers by ££££s this line avoid both transit by English railway and the discomfort of crossing the channel in a small j boat. New York to Alexandria, Egypt, via Paris, first class $160: second class $116. LATOURAINE. c .^..T t^yis;w-:dok.M. LA GASCOGNE. Capt. Baudolon „....„. .^.^ g May 25, 5 :00 a. x. LA CHAMPAGNE, Capt. Laurent.............. June 1, 8:00 a. m. LA BOURG OGNE. Capt. Leboneuf .............. June 8, 4:00 a. m. M3~ For further particulars apply to A. FORGET, Agent, V-'-- No. 3 Bowling Green, New York. J. F..FUGAZI A CO., - Agents, - 5 Montgomery aye., San Francisco. , WHITE JTAR LIE. United States and Royal Mail Steamers BETWEEN New York, Quoenstown A Liverpool, . SAILING KVEBY WEEK. CABIN, 860 AND upward, ACCORD- >$7S§9 ing to steamer and accommodations ■««« selected: second cabin, f 35; Majestic and Teutonic, $10 and $45. Steerage Tickets from England, Ire- land, Scotland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark | through to San Francisco at lowest rates. lic».ets, j soiling dates and cabin plans may be Procured . from W. 11. A VERY, Pacific Mail Dock, or at the | General Office of the Company, 613Jtfarket St., j under Grand Hotel. G. W. FLETCHER, .; General Agent for Pacific Coast. STOCKTON STEAMERS Leave Pier No. 3, Washington St., At 5 P. M. Daily, Except Sunday. S3- Accommodations Reserved by Telephone. I STJSAiIISKS: ; T. C. Walker, J. Peters, Mary Garratt. City of Stockton. ! Telephone Main 805. Cal. Nay. and Imp. Co. I ■.-. ■ ■ ■ ■ OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ! rotaTma^^^ compact. STEAMERS LEAVE ASPINWALL JStigU < O fortnightly for the West Indies and €y.i9ggl Southampton, calling en route at Cerbourgo, France, and Plymouth to land passengers. Through bills of lading, in connection with th« Pacific Mail S. S. Co., issued for freight and tre»». nre to direct ports in England and Germany. Through tickets from San Francisco to Plymouth, Cherbourg Southampton. First class, $195; third class, «97 60. For further particulars apply t* KARROTT A CO., Agents, r'-'AV-^ 308 California st. RAILROAD TRAVEL.' rnnrrnxißN rAckviv «:«»iIII»AWT. '■ (PACIFIC SYSTEM.) _• \\ Trntn« leave »n«1 tire <Ine <<> nrriTe-is«i SAX ntASMM!«>. . ***** — FiiOM AriUL 13, 1896. — AMtiTsi •6:30 a San Leandr©, Hay wards & Way St'ns 0:15 a,' 1:00* Atlantic Express (via Martinez and 'L. ! 'S2 1-athroi.) Ogilcn & Kast 7:l»Ai JJ:OOa Port Costa and lienicia 1O:I3a. •T:O«A Peters ami Milton «7:l»p- -£™ A Jan L eaudro. Haywards &. Way St'ns 1015 a, ■'..iWA^apa. (Jal-stoga and *Santa Rosa; v acaviile. Esparto, Sacramento, and Redding via Doris ; Martinez ' i __. andSanßamon ;.. 6:45»i *:H»ANiI, p. Hau Jose, Stockton, lone, Sacramento, Marycvillo, Ited Uluir and •Oroville *:lHr\ k! : «2 A Port Costa .' ! enlciaandWay Stations C: i*K o ?,?. A v*" Lean , dr °. II >y wards & Way Sfns 11:45 a! BiO °Aj|W Orleans lixpreiw, Raymond, (for Yosemite). Santa l!arl)»ra. J.rm Aii;.:H« Detoinf El l'aso. .- « A c Ne^ Olit '»" 8 and East 8:48* ff.? : A 2* n eaDdr °. HaywsraaandNilea .' li43*i 1 2:OOM Sao Leandro, Haywards A Way St'ns 2:48» l:OOf Nlles, San Jose and Lrvcrmore «:43a, !:OOp Sacramento River Bteanii .-.-' *O:OOp< fl:3Op Port Costa and Way Stations "" t«-43j»l XzOOp San I,eanuro, Haywari^ Way St'ns SsMpl '4:00p San LcaDdro. HaywarilsiWaySfns 6:43p< 4:O«»l > Martinez, San . Ramon, Benicia, Vallejo, Napa, Calistoga, El Ver- •no and Santa Rosa , B;lBj/ -«:O»p Vacaville, Woodland, Knights Landing, Marysrille, Oroville and Sacramento 11:43*'. <4iitep Niles, San Jose, Livermore and ■ j Stockton ...• 7ilSp4 S:OOp San Le<indro, Haywarda & Way St'ns B:43pJ * tl:ourlios Angeles Kxi>reps. Fresno, Ray- mond (for Yosemlte), ISalicrsliehl, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles.. 1 Oil s a S:OOp Santa Fa Tloute. Atlautio Express j forMojave and East 10:13aI B:30p Europeau Mail (via Martinez and 1 Stockton) Ojfdcnand East 10:43 a) •«:OOp Haywards, Miksaud San .lose 7:43 a! 4<l:<M)p Vallejo |B:43r| 6:UOr Oregon Express (via Martinez and Stockton) Kacrauiento. Marysville, J Iteilding, Portland, Puget Hound and East 10:48*' 7:OOp San Leandro, Hasjvardsi Way Sfns 10:50p *9:00p San Leandro.HayVardsi Way Sfns ttl2:ooA ftll:l."8p San Leandro.Hayward3& Way Sfns *Tilsy SAX.A CIUI/ IH VISION (Xarrou <;auye). _; 17:45 a Sunday Excursion for Newark, San Jose, Los Gatos, Felton and Santa cruz latest! #ll sa Xc«- 141 k,Ci:ntervil!o,SanJ(iFf, Felton, Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz and Way Stations O»5Or? •a:5Sp Newark. Centervflle, San Jose, New Alraaden, l'clton, Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz and Principal Way Stations ... # llra0A! 4:45r Newark. San .lose, Ijpg <'!ato9.. 9:.'joa ( COAST HI VISION illiinl ■& 'lomweml Ms.) i 6: -IS a San Jose, New Almaden and Way ; Stations l:43rt • :13a San .lore, Tres Piuos, Sauta Cruz, Pacific Grove, Paso Roblcs, San Luis Obispo and Principal Way < Stations 7rOH« 1O:4Oa San Jose anil Way Stations ,">:O6r 11:45 a Palo Alto and Way Stations 3:3or< •2:2Oi> San Jose, Gilrny. Tres Pinos, Santa Cruz, Salinas, Monterey and Pacitio Grore I *1O:4«a, •:{::»tp Ban Jose and Principal Way Stations »:47a/ *4:25r Palo Alto and Way Stations »8:O0a' S:JOp San Jose and Way Stations *S:4Sa «::i«p Palo Alto ami Way Stations 6:115 a, fllt4»r Palo Alto Principal Way Stations <7:3W1« CREEK ROUTE FERRY. from SiN FaiSCISCO— Foot of Market Street (Slip 8)— •7:00 8:00 9:fo *10:00 11:00 a.M. i •12:30 tl:0O. '2:00 3:CO *t:00 B.o# . •6:Coi'.v. j . turn OAKUSD^-Foot of Broadway.— *6:00 »7:00 8:00 *9:00 10:00 *ll:rO A.M., tl2:oft ♦12:30 2:CO »3:CO i:C3 »S:CO F.M. I AforMomiug. , P for Afternoon. * Sundays excepted. 1 Saturdays onlyj Thursdays only. t Sundays only, ft Monday, Thursday and Saturday nights only. U>^SAUSALITO FERRY.^^^g/ From Apxil 21, 189& Leave 8. P. WEEK DAYS. Arrive S. F. 7.00 a.m. Mill VaL, Boa Val.,S«ii Rfl... "•-'•'■" " • 8.00 a.m. '' '• " SanQtn. 6.4Ba'.m'. 9.15 a.m. «• " " 7.40 a.m. 10.15 a.m. '.'. " " Saafttn ' 8.40 a.m. 11.45 a.m. " » •• 9 40A M 1.45 p.m. •• «• «• SanQtn. 1o!45a!m! 3.20 P.M. " •• •• 11.35 A.M. " " ** SanQtn. 1.15 p.m. 4.15 P.M. '• •• •« 3 05p.m. 5.15 p.m. " •• •• SanQtn. 4.40 p.m. 6.50 p.m. » •• » ....... 8.35 P.M. 6.35 P.M. - •• « C.25P.M. " " " SanQtn. 7.45 p.m. 11.30 p.m. Rom Tal., San Rfl., Sin Qtn 8.00 a.m. Ca:adero «nd Way Stations 7 45 p m" * Li l r -*- " " " ••• X8.45A.M. •Saturdays only. x Mondays only. SUNDAYS. 8.00 a.m. Mil) T»l, Ross Vil., Sin Rn., Sin Qta. ....^». Ross ValleT, Saa Rafael, San Qtn 8.16 a.m. 9.00 a.m. Mill Vil., Ross Yal., San Rfl., San Qtn • " r ."■--: " 9.IGA.M. 10.00 a.m. " " " SanQtn Ross Valley, San Rafatl, San Qtn . . . 10.60 a m. 11.00 a.m. Sansalito only Sausaliio and Mill 7alley 11.10 a ii. 11.30 a.m. Hill Valley, Ross Talltj, San Rfl Mill Val., Ross Tal., San Ell., Ban Qtu. 12.10 p.m. 12.30 p.m. " " " " SanQtn.... 1.05 p.m. Mill Val,, Ross TaL, Sin fifl 2.ospji. " " " 8.80 p.m. I.3orjf. :"j " « Ban Qtn.. 4.55 p.m. 2.15 p.m. " " " •• .. 6.80PJ1. 4.00 P.M. '• •• " . •• .. 7.20PJ1. 6.SOP.M. " " '• 6.46PJ1. " " " Ross Valley and San Rafael B.l6pjil 8.00 a.m. Point Reyes, Caudero and Way Itns. 8.15 p.m. 9.00 a.m. Point Reyes and Way Sutiona 7.20 p. SMFRIMCISCO&PRTHPA. CMC RAILWAY CO. Tlburon Ferry— of Market St* San Francisco to San Rafael. WEEK DAYS— 7:4O, 9:20, 11:00 a.m.; 12:38. 8:30, 6:10, 8:30 p. M. Thursdays— tria at 11:30 p. m. Saturdays— Extra trips at 1:50 and 11:30 p. m. BUNDAYS-8:00. 9:30, 11:00 a.m.; 1:30, 3:SOt 5:00,6:20 p.m. San Rafael to San Francisco. WEEK DAYS— 7:65, 9:30, 11:10 a. k.j 12:45, 3:40, 6:10 p. it. Saturdays— Extra trips at 1:55 P. m. and 6:35 p. m. SUNDAYS— 8:10, 9:40, 11:10 a. if.; 1:40, 3:40, 6:00,6:25 p. m. Between San Francisco and Schuetzon Park same schedule as above. • Leave T _ «r»ot Arrive • a San Francisco. Mar 5, San Francisco. '■* Days. | days, "catlnatloo. PAYB | DAYa _ 7:40 am 8:00 AMI Novato, 10:40 am 4:50 am] 3:30 pm 9:30 am 1 Petalumn, j 6:05 pm 10:30 am 5:10 r.M 5:00 pm Santa Rosa. 7:30 pm 6:15 PM Fulton, ■ ~~, 1 -.40 am Windsor, 10:30 AM Healdsburg, OeyservHle, V'-IV 8:30 pm 8:00 am Cloverdale. 7:30 pm 6:15 ph v PYeta, ~" I ~~~" 7:40 am i Hopland A 1 10:30 AM 3:30 pm 8:00 am Ukiah. 7:30 Pic I 6:15 px | 7:40 AMI 10:30 ah 8:00 am Quernevllle. 7:30 pm I 3:30 pmj 6:15 PM 7:40 \M 8:00 am Sonoma 10:40 am 8:50 am 5:10 I'M 5:00 I'M and 6:06 pm; 6:15 I Glen Ellen. | I 7:40 am 8:00 AM.; hflatono , 110:40 AM 1 10:30 am 3:3opm|s:oofm| Sepastopol. [ 0:05 Pif ; 6:lBfm Stages connect at San Rafael for Bolinas. Stages connect at Santa Rosa for Mark West Springs. * . Stages connect at Geyserville for Shaggs Springs. Stages connect at Cloverdale for the Geyser*. Stages connect at Pieta for Highland Spring*, Kelseyrllle, Soda Bay, Lakeport. Stages connect at Hopland for Lakeport and Bartlert Springs. . :, Stages connect at TJkiah for Vichy Springs, . Bla« I.^vrs, Laurel Dell, Upper Lake, Boonevllle, Green* wood, Mendocino City. Fort Brags?, Usal, "Westport, Cahto. Willetts, Calpella, Porno, Potter VaUev, John Day's, Lively's, Gravelly Valley, Harris, Blocks- burg-, BrldgevlUe, Hydesville and Eureka. • Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at reduced rates. On Sundays round-trip tickets to all points be- yond San Rafael at half rates. Ticket Offices, corner New Montgomery kb£ Market streets, under the Palace Hotel. » H. C. WHITING. R. £. RYAN, '. % Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. ATLANTIC ASD PACIFIC RAILROAD. . SANTA FK ROUTE. TRAINS LEAVE . AND . ARRIVE AT BAN Franclaco (Market -st. Ferry): DA?£vb MAKCHU,lB95,_^{A»i«vi uAiL-i. ) | Daily. 6:00 .Fait Express via Moiave 10*15 a «:00 a.. Atlantic Express via Los Angeles.'. 6 ; 45 * Ticket Oflice-650 Market st.. Chronicle buU* toK, S. F. - C. H. SPEER3, ""* : --■■■•■::■-.: :■:■.'■:■ ■ s - . ■ - ■ . ,