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12 AN UNFINISHED ROMANCE. Inquiry as to Captain Fred erick Clark, Who Left $50,000 Unclaimed. He Desired It to Go to His Fiancee, but Died Intestate at Sea. A romance of the land and sea was re vived yesterday by a letter received by Judge Coffey. Captain Frederick Clark, who is sup posed to have been lost at sea vrith the ill fated sealing schooner Dagmar in IS7B, left an estate valued at $50,000. No will can be found, but it is known that Clark wished a' l his money to go to Nellie Or mond of Boston, his fiancee. Captain Clark first met the young lady on his return from the Civil War. He and her brother had Deen companions, and when Orniond was wounded the captain nursed him faithfully. By a stranpe mis fortune Clark -was seriously hurt while in ■•,, and his devoted nurse was Nellie Orniond. After his convalescence they were engaged. The captain came to San rranci^co ;ind entered the service of the Alaska Commercial Company, and it was arranged that he should marry the girl on his return from the trip which cost him his life. There being no will and no known rela tives the Public Administrator took the valuable estate in charge. Now it appears that the State may not set it after all. A possible claimant has turned up in the person of Reuben W. Clark, connected with the Medina County Gazette of Ohio. Yesterday Judge Coffey received the fol lowing inquiry : Bom. Probate Judge, Van Francisco— Dear Sir: Have been crying to iin.l some of my relatives for a number of years, and did not know but perhaps the (.'lark lost on the Dagmar might be one oi them. I had two uncles who went West some years ago. perhaps about 1849 or 1850, during the vt-r of those days, but have never been abk- to locate them. It y>m could give me any ■ation I think I could throw some light ou the matter. Respectfully yours. R. W. CLARK. Judpe Coffey ha 3 referred the matter to the Public Administrator. SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Cam> -710 Market street, open until 12 o'clock every ntpht in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— S3O Montgomery street, Clay : open until 9:30 o'clock. 838 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 1 r.rkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. SW. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open until f o'clock. ■Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. NOTICE <*F MEETINGS. tT^S= MISSION ■LODGE NO. 169. F. a t£^ and a. Called meeting THIS_/m (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, at 7:30^2f o'clock. First degree. By order of the ' Nr^ W. M. C. D. BUNKER, Secretary. Bs2jp CROCKETT LODGE NO. 189. V. 2 '>£<& and A. M.— Called meeting THi-^ A (WEDNESDAY) 7 :20, sharp yS.%I D. 1. By order of the W. M. /^^> H. FORTRIEDE, Secretary. !^-~S= FRANCO-AM~ERICAINE *»__£;«, Ur^ Loritre No. 207, I. O. O. l''--Ofll-^«^ cers and members are hereby notified that a special meeting of California '-'//n>^> Lodge No. 1. will be held in Assembly Hall, I. O. <). F., WEDNESDAY EVENING, May 15, for the purpose of conferring the Initiatory and Fir^t de- gree. Candidates to the First degree be present at 8 p. M. sharp. FELIX CANDAU, N.G. Joseph Champion, R. 8. fft^Sr" PACIFIC LODGE NO. 155— < $*&£&, £<& The oflicers and members of Pa- ;^y3^ v 'SX=i cific Lodge No. 155 are hereby notified :^^B^^ r to assemble in I. O. O. F. building, cor- 'wrw^ ncr seventh and Market streets, on THURSDAY, May 16, at 1 o'clock, to attend the funeral of our late brother, ROBERT HICK. A. R. CEDERBLOOM, N. G. Ed Grkm, Sec. . CALIFORNIA LODGE NO. 1, .^vjtytt^. hr^y I.'). O. F.— Oflicers an.l mem- ■^?^^fc •bt-rs are hereby notified that a spec'al :^^<«s^^" meeting will be held in Assembly •''//^\ Hall. I. O. O. F., WEDNESDAY EVENING, May 15, for the purpose of conferring the initiatory and first degrees before the Grand Lodse members. All brothers of sister lodges are cordially invited to attend. J. A. STEELE, N. G. W. C. Riley, Recording Secretary. riF~|F BRICK LA YEBS - TH E REGULAR \S-& meeting of the association will oe held at B'nal B'rith Hall, 121 Eddy St., THIS (WEDNES- DAY) EVENING, May 15, at 8 o'clock. Distribu- tion of picnic tickets. JOHN CAMPBELL, President. T. Smith, Recording Secretary. jjEsp PEOPLED MEETING TO-NIGHT, 111 Itr^jy Larkin St.— All welcome. Admission free. SPECIAL NGTICIiS. f£sS=~\LA 'si^TE^TKlEA^rE^T^Y^RXDu'- -I >>' ate of European institute at patient's own house, if desired. Address EMIL OPPENHEI- Mi-.l!, care P. O. box '2046. Crfisp jTc. (a LI! A i ATTORNEY AT LAW, LS^S' 14 McAllister St.. room 24. Legal business receives prompt attention. jaEsgp CHARLES 11. PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY- ur*J&' at-law and Notary Public, 638 Market St., opp. Palace Ilotfl. r.esideuce, 1620 Fell st. Tele- phone '70. SF_s= BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. i£Z£r Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy st., room 6, Tel. 5580. ffc^S= BOOMS WHITENED, pi UP: PAPER- \.»~& ed $3 50 up. 309 Sixth, George Hartman. KSS 3 J• B. McINTY UE, BOOKBINDER AND l>^' Printer. 422 Commercial st. yae» DR. NELLIE beighle, OFFICES, 51 W^& to 55. Donohoe building, 1170 Market st. Stomach, liver, kidney and rheumatism success- fully treated. Nervous diseases a specialty. Dis- eases examined without questioning. Cf^Sp ALL COURTS— LEGAL PRIVATE MAT- &i& ters; confidential: advice free. ATTOR- NEY McCABE. 838 Market st. DIVIDEND NOTICES; WOS' DIVIDEND NOTICE— DIVIDEND 1 NO. t*>»^ 19 (Fifteen cents per share) of the Hutchin- son Sngar Plantation Company will be payable at the office of the company, 827 Market St., en and after MONDAY, May 20, 1895. Transfer books will close on Tuesday, May 14. 1895, at 3 o'clock p. m. E. 11. BHEbDON. Secretary. till CATIONS HAMtU-fEMALK. HOUSE WORK wanted by 2 neat ger- man girls, Swedish girl, 4 neat Irish girls. Call MME. LEOPOLD, 957 Market st. AT THE SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BU- reau first-class Swedish and German girls are awoitin*: situations. 332 Geary st. ; telephone 983. ' i" WAITING SITUATIONS— COUKS, CHAM- iv bermaids and girls for housework; all nation- alities. MRS. HIRD, 705 Polk st. LADIES- YOU CAN GET RELIABLE HELP at MRS. FENTON'S, 106V 2 Stockton st. ALL KINDS COMPETENT HELP SUPPLIED. ii Ladies' Bureau, 131 Post st.; telephone M-625. KEBPECTABLE YOUNG GERMAN GIRL wishes situa-.ion for light housework in small ! family. Please calU43l Ivy aye,, bet. Gough and ' Octavia sis. WEDISH WOMAN WOULD LIKK SITUA- tion in small family. Apply 629 Stevenson st. V EXPERIENCED INFANT'S NURSE. Call 1043 QWISS WOMAN wants situation for £j housework or upstairs work : 2 children; is a very good sewer. Address 927 Filbert St., near Joaes. .- -mm PETENT COOK WISHES A SITUATION \J or would do general housework; year's refer- ence. «02 Van Ness aye. I > 1 : i " I N E I ) GERMAN WOMAN DESIRES XV sltlon as housekeeper; is a good cook and manager; city or country. MRS. ESNEW, 1042 Howard St. • •,;•.. •yOUNG LADY OF good family WISHES 1 position as companion, or would care for chil- dren; country preferred. C, box 37, Call Office. -\ T LING GERMAN GIRL WOULD LIKE SITU- X ation in small family. Call or address Hum- boldt Hotel, Fifteenth, bit. Mission and Howard. \TOUNGGIBL WOULD LIKE TO ASSIST IN J. housework. 19 Scot: place, off Pacific, near Mason. . ' ■ ""VOU NG GIRL" would LIKE TO do • gen- X eral housework for small respectable family. Call : ersonally at 1114 Pierce St., bet. Ellis and Eddy, from 2 to 4 r. m. T\RESMMAKER-GbOD CUTTER AND FIT- XJ ter desires ft few more encashments in families by the day; terms SI per day and lunch. Call or address iiiKS. MILLER, 801 VaUejo st., cor. Pow- ell, for reference. ~F\ ERM A N-A M i RICA GIRL WISHES SIT- VX uation to do .'p:.era! housework in small family; country preferred Q. A., box 18, Call Ofßoe. \tHt COMPETENT woman wishes a O.\ situation; good cook and laundress; American family preferred: city or -country. 088 Howard at., cc-r. Sixth. . Tady, stranger in the /CITY, WOULD J-Jlike a situation as housekeeper. Apply 323 Keurnylst.. room 18. I SITUATIONS WANTED— Continued. p 6m petent woman WISHES SITUATION |as a good cook, or will do housework; refer- ences. 447 Minna St., mrr Sixth. "P EXPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL WISHES SIT- XV uation to assist in general housework; city or country; $15. Call at «01 Hyde st. V OUNG SWEDISH GIRL WANTS PLACE TO X do general housework; city or country. Ad- dress 1065 Market st. / 1 ERMAN* WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE VJT day, $1 and car fare. Address A., box 17. this office. . • ■' ' •_ yOUNG FRENCH LADY WANTS A POSI- X tion as housekeeper. Call 121 Montgomery St., room 8. FRENCH LADY WISHES SITUATION FOR Jj upstairs work and take care of grown children; first-class seamstress; can cut and fit. 2438 Bu- chanan st. Y~RESPECTABLE GIRL, SITUATION AS chamoermald or nurse; no postal cards. Call 442 V& Third st. BY YOUNG RELIABLE DANISH WOMAN, to do upstairs work and seamstress. Address I). S., box 107. Call Office. \\T IDO \V WISH ES WORK BY THE DAY, »V washing and ironing or any kind of work, | Address Widow, box 109, Call Office. \ STYLISH DRESSMAKER WILL ACCPJPT O engagements in families at reduced rates; ref- erences. Apply 1516 Eddy st. "OOD PLAIN COOK (SWISS) WISHES A V_T situation: country preferred. Call 677y 2 Mis " sion st. ' • SCANDINAVIAN GIRL WISHES SITUA- tion to do general housework. Call 314 Green. ESPONSIBLE LADY WISHES INFANT to care for: would adopt one with small income: care for mother if desired; confidential.' Call or address lie Boyce St.. off Geary. - : .; s.l OUSEKEEFER; MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN wishes position as working housekeeper or care of children; city orcountry. 1063V2 Howard. T7IXPERIENO&D NURSE WANTS SITUATION XL for children or invalid; willing to go to the country. Address Miss F. T. W., Prescott House, 933 Kearny St., S. F. pKSPECTABLE LADY DESIRES EMPLOY- XV' ment as housekeeper or take charge of bakery. Address or call 7 Verona place, off Third, bet. Harrison and Folsom. ITUATION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS O cook and laundress; would do housework In a small family. Address B. T., box 126, Call Office. p ERMAN GIRL WANTS ANY KIND OF vJT work by the day. Address 1126 Folsom st. "CURST-CLASS DRESSMAKER WISHES FEW X: more engagements by the day. Address Dress, box 98, this office. C< ITUATION WANTED AS FIRST-CLASS 0 laundress or chambermaid; no objection to country. 49 Minna. y OUNG SWEDISH GIRL WANTS POSITION X as general housework. Address 1065 Market. OR" ANTED BYJA MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN— i' Situation as nurse or seamstress. 2 Welsh St., upstairs^ YDI'NG GIRLS. AGED 15 YEARS, WISH £ places in Oakland to take care of children and wash dishes. Address 666 Tenth St.. Oakland. TRONG WOMAN WISHES SITUATION IN \O private family; plain cooking or chamberwork; city only. Address 963 Mission St.. room 8. :-:■■■■ TV" ANTED— POSITION OF ELDERLY QUIET " girl as housekeeper for small family in the city or country. Address H. M., box 19, Call Office. EXPERIENCED NURSE OF MANY YEARS S-J wishes a place to take care of invalid lady; can give best of reference. Apply 988 Howard St., room 8. second floor. SITUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLE-AGED O woman, is competent cook; good home more an object than wages. Call or address 1236 Bush st. pOMPETENT SWEDISH GIRL WANTS GEN- \J eral housework. 610 Howard st. VOUXO LADY WOULD LIKE A GENTLE- X man partner in a good paying business. Call 6 Mason St., room 7. yOUXG WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS X housekeeper. Call or address 620 Market St., room 7, opp. Palace Hotel. yOUNG WIDOW WISHES TO DO GENTLE- X man's mending. 25 Taylor st., room 4. ■yOUNG CREOLE LADY WISHES A POSI- X tion as housekeeper. Please call at 11 Kearny su, room 16. yOUNG FRENCH WIDOW wants POSI- X tion as gentleman's housekeeper. 109 a Powell St., room 1. YOUNG WIDOW DESIRES place as X housekeeper. Call 967 Mission St., room 9. TiriDOW WITH SOME MEANS WOULD ii like to engage in business with a gentleman. Call 5 Mason st., room 2. SITUATIONS AN TE D-MALE. * N EirDER^^~M^A^^NO^rNG^^FlTTirNG of horses, cows and poultry desires employ- ment where faithful services are appreciated. Ad- dress P., box 74. mis office. ..; '■•• ' ;' c iti at in AS COACHMAN OR GROOM; an O expert on horses: can be generally useful; refer- ences. Address 0., box 23, (Jail Office. • Tlf ANTE!)"— POSITION AS FOREMAN IN " machine-shop or manufacturing business, by a machinist of extensive experience and ability: fully competent; city preferred. Address M., box 122, Call Office. . , • .-; VOCNG MAN OF 29, WHO USES NEITHER X tobacco norl quor, is a good draughtsman and bookkeeper, with 3 years' experience in running a retail lumber-yard, would like a similar position; best of references given and cash bond if required. Address M. M., box 68. Call Office. RELIABLE GERMAN, HANDY WITH XV tools, wants a situation around private place; is first-class gardener and a good coachman, and thoroughly understands care of horses and cows and carriages: first-class references. Address T., box 10, this office. BEDMAKER DESIRES WORK, CHEAP, IN X) lodging-house. Ad. C. 8., box 71, this office. PRACTICAL HOUSE - PAINTER, WITH XT tools, wants work: city or country. Address W. CEDERGREEN, 3021 Pine st. BY EXPERIENCED, STEADY, SOBER man as cook in restaurant, lunch or oyster house. Call or address Cook, 1042 Howard st. ANTED work BY young man (ger- '» man) to do chamberwork, assist in dining- room, bar or other work. Please address H. VIELITZ, 533 Sacramento St.. room 81. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN 0 with good references and experience as coach- man and gardener. Address M., Call Office, Oak- land. YOUNG MAN WANTS RESPONSIBLE OF- X flee or store position; is intelligent, of good ad- dress and habits; cash security. Address F. E. WARD, 630 Sutter st. OY. 19 YEARS OLD, WISHES A PLACE at any kind of work in city ar country; speaks French. English, Italian. Address Boy, box 37, Call Office. CARPENTER WITH TOOLS WISHES JOB: city or country; competent to take charge of work. Address F. STEIN, Diamond, Alameda County. WANTED— A POSITION BY FIRST-CLASS ii tailor and fitter; good salesman for a clothing- house: large experience; with elegant recommen- dation. Address E. A., box 90, this office. WANTED— A SITUATION IN ANY <\\ " pacity by man 28; steady and sober. Address ■\v.. box 23, Call Office. yOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE a STEADY PO- X sit ion to drive light delivery wagon or work In wholesale house: can give good security. Address G. S., box 126, Call Office. MA AN D I-' 10 WISH SITUATION; MAN as butler, wife do chamber or laundry work; first-class family reference. Address E. 'G., box 24, Call Office. ITUATION WANTED BY A GERMAN COOK; is rirst-class baker; sober and steady; city or country. J. <■.. 51 Third st., room 5, S. F. XT OUNG MARRIED MAN FROM lOWA WHO X lost all in real estate here now desires work of some kind to support family; sober and reliable; anything. Eastern Corespondent, box 37, Call Office. SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS bread and cake baker in hotel or bakery; 20 years' experience. MEYERS, 60V2 Louisa st. \f AN AM) WIFE WANT A POSITION IN A ill respectable hotel; man barkeeper; lady seam- i stress: best reference as tocharacttr; man willing j to work on trial at any price. Address 8., box 27, ! this office. ;.'■-' \fIDDLE-AGED MAX WHO HAS KMPLOY- I'X ment evenings would like to have work dur- ing daytime; is familiar with bar and dining- room; references given. Address D. F., box 23, this office. .WANTED— POSITION AS BARKEEPER OR ii waiter; understands cooking. AddressSMlTH, 321 Ellis st. ° .. ■ T\r ANTED — SITUATION BY FIRST-CLABB »i gardener; thoroughly understands his busi- ness In all its branches; is also a pood horseman and driver; can milk and come well recommended. Address A. R. D., box 68, Call office. BARBER WISHES JOB IN COUNTRY HO- tel; will work for board and lodging and $15 a month. Barber, box 65, Call Office. A I AN AND WIFE WITH 1 GROWN-UP SOX J.U wish a steady job in "the country. MAIAN- BARG. 677 Mission st. ___________ A S PORTER OR > DRIVING DELIVERY ■£*. wagon, or any position: several years in last place: references if required. Address till May 31. N. LINTON, 47 Minna st. BUBINEBB MAN, WITH LARGE ACQUAINT- xj ance throughout Southern and Northern Cali- fornia, will solicit on liberal commission for any genuine ousine3s. Address G. F. C, 1111 Tenth St., Oakland. V WILLING BRIGHT JAPANESE i Ir.'nch cook and waiter wants work In family, boarding or res aurant: city or country: refer- enoes. TOM. 137 Si:ah St.. Oakland. FKMAX. £ lIELV WANTED. -Off AITRESS, COUNTRY 11. n •EL.faSTWAIT'. » 1 ress. hotel, short distance from city, $20; wait- ress, res-.aurant, $4 50 per week; waitress for city, $12 and room. C. R. HAXSEN, 110 Geary st. 5 FIB*T-CLABB IKONSKa STEAM LU'.n- ilO^earv and board. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. ANISH COOK, $25: GIRL, GENERAL / housework, for. Frnltvale, §_0: coo'; private family, *20: German or Scandinavian girls, house- work, $20. C. R. HANSEN. 110 Geary st. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1895. HELP WANTED— Confirmed. KHMAX COOK. $36'; LAUNDRESS. $25; IJT cook, country. $30, 2 In family; German or Swedish housework girl, $25; Oakland, $20. Ap- ply MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. / ' EKM AN WAITRESS, fid: HOTEL CHAM- *jr bermaid, $20: seamstress, $25: laundress. $2.>; housework, Oakland, $25; San Mateo, $20; San Jose. $25. and other towns. MISS CULLE>., 105 Stockton st. ' . . ' SCANDINAVIAN OR GERMAN GIRLS; L country; $15 each; fare paid. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. ESTAURANT COOK: $25 PER MONTH. XV MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. ■' ' GI 1 : 1 . TO HELP IN RESTAURANT: $15; ijT sleep home. MISS CULLEN. 105 Step :ton st. W A NTED- Fl RST-CT.A ss COOK, $40 TO «60; »> 50 good h.-iust cirls. $25, $20 and $15. Apply Miss PLUNKETT, 424 Sutler st. "vt Panted —competent ■cua mb rma id '» and senmstress for private family In country, •$3O. Apply MIS« PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter. COOK, SMALL 'BOARDING-HOUSE. $25; girls, Oakland, Alameda: ranch cook: nurse, $20; Iris, $20. $25. MME. LEOPOLD, 957 Mar- ket st. W ANTED-COOK, $25 AND ROOM; WAIT- »' ress coffee-house; waitress small country hotel; waitress and do chamberwork; plain cook small restaurant; young girl for nice country place, *12: girl to wash dishes; second girl, >f^o, etc.; family cook, country place: middle-aged woman es nurse for one child: girl in family of 4, $20, etc.. Sixth St.; 3 small girls, $10 a month; 7 housegirls, $15. etc. ; 4 housegirls, $20, etc. MAR- TIN A CO., 749 Market. WANTED— FAMILY RESORT. $35, ii see party here; 2 laundresses private families, $25; French nurse, $20; 2 French and German second girls, $20 and $25; girl for cooking and housework, 2 in family, $25; laundress by the day for institution, hotel waitress. $20, and girls for housework: J. F. CBOSETT A CO., 312 Sutter st. T AUNDRESS, $25, SWEDISH PREFERRED: X_i Catholic nursegirl, $15: ranch cooks and girls for housework. B. T. WARD A CO., 610 Clay st. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER, $20, CITY; ii young girl or woman housekeeper, city. $20; 3 general housework girls. $20 to $25, city and coun- try: number girls for light work, $10 to $15. 9 Stockton st. pHAMBERMAID, $20: 5 WAITRESSES, $20, \J fare paid: man and wife for a country hotel. MURRAY A READY, 634 Clay st. ■\\rXXTED— GOOD PANTS-FINISHER; NO ii apprentices need apply. 28 Mary St., cor. Na- toma, top floor. • \l ANTED— FIRST-CLASS PANTS-FINISH- »i er. 724 2 Market st., room 27. \\T ANTED— YOUNG GERMAN GIRL FOR * » light housework. Call 88 Everett, nr. Howard. IRL TO COOK AND GENERAL HOUSE- T worn. 31 Lombard St., 11 to 4. PESPECTABLE GIRL OB WIDOW, BET. 28 XV anil 35 yi urs, for the country. Call after 9 a. m.. 306 Mason sU YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL X housework: small family; wages $10. Call from 9t012a. m. at 1 If). 1 '- a Eddy st. GIRL TO MIND BABY; GOOD HOME; wages ?5. 1117 Geary st. TIT ANTED— OIBL TO ATTEND TO BABY ii and do some housework: $6 a month and board. 962 Folsom St., store. "VTEAT GIRL i-OR UPSTAIRS WORK; MIND J-> baby, sleep home; $12. 1 1 in ( »ak ■>' p IRL TO ASSIST WITH II - 1 -I. Work ON \J ranch near city; a small f;< ;\\\ Apply fore- noon, 1718 Post st. XT OUNG GIRL ABOUT 16 TO ASSIST WITH X a child. 1632 O'Fan st. W ANTED — YOUNG GIRL TO LEARN il dressmaking. 616 Post st. TA.ILORESB ON COATS: good button- X hole-maker preferred. Apply 1150 Franklin St., Oakland. WANTED-GIRL TO ASSIST HOUSEWORK; ii 3ln family; German pn-ierred; wages $12. Call 1 to 4, 620y 2 Hayes st. "i PPBENTICE WANTED FOR DRESSMAK- -2- ing. 3 Isis st. RESSMAKER — EXPERIENCED WAlST- hand wanted. 422 McAllister st. \\ D— MACHINE-HANDS ON, COATS; » » male or female. 804 Folsom st. TlT ANTED— 4 GOOD (URLS. HOUSEWORK, ' 1 wages $20 to $25: cook, $25; 2 house. iriu, $15. 332 Geary st. 1\" ANTED— CATHOLIC YOUNG GIRL TO AS- ii sist with children. Apply 1500 Golden Gate aye., cor. Pierce. InRST-CLASS FINISHERS ON CUSTOM J- coats; steady work. 461 1 '•> Minna st. YOUNG GIRL -TO MIND BABY AND DO X light housework, $8; Scandinavian or German prefer;- ... Restaurant, 202 Towns* nd, cor. Third. r\ IRL, GENERAL HOUSEWORK. COOKING, \J care of children; small family; $15. 1216*_ Golden Gate aye. SWEDISH WOMEN'S EMPLOYMENT OF- fice. 11 ' 2 Antonio St., near Ellis. L-I.DKKLY LADY WITH HOME; ASSIST S-J property-owner: buy nnd sell; office business; houses; reliable person; Masonic. 29 Call Branch. L'.'MSHKKs ON COATS AND PANTS; J steady work; good wages. 641 Market st. AN HAVE DRESSES CUT AND KITTED for $3: dresses popular prices or engagements by the day; patterns to measure. 11 Geary. X GARMO'S WONDERFUL FRENCn tailor method of three measures; the only place to learn the true method of riresscuttlng; complete course $10; lessons given: dressmaking by the week or month: the latest In basting, bon- ing, skirts, sleeves, collars, revers, etc.; dresses made on short notice: cutting and fitting aspe- clalty. DE GARMO. 219 Powell st. PROFESSOR LIVINGSTONES DRESSCUT- X tine and making school; all branches. 702 Sutter. pOUNTRY DRESSMAKERS SEND 35c FOR \J the new full-skirt pattern: girls wanted. >[<■- DOWKLL DRESSMAKING ACADEMY, 213 Powell St., to learn dressmaking. "L^REE-TEST AT LAWRENCE DRESSOUT- X) ting School. 1231 Market st. • pHEAPEST AN» BEST IN AMERICA— THE \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 60, post- age free. HIALK HKLP "WANTED. 5 CARPENTERS, TO $2 60 ~A~DAY~; \J blacksmith for a ranch, $40: blacksmith helper, country shop, $30- 5 farmers, near city, $25: 2 Scandinavian or German farmers, $20: 2 sandstone quarrymen, $10; laborers, city, $160 a day; 10 rockmen, country. $1 75 to $2 a day; farmer, handy with tools, $26. C. R. HANSEX A CO., 110 Geary st. EIGHT STONECUTTERS FOR RAILROAD worK ; $3 50 a day and free fare. C. H. ELAN- SEN A CO., 110 Geary st. ECOND COOK FOR A SUMMER RESORT, $40; all-round laundryman for summer resort, $30: assistant cook summer resort, $35. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. ARTENDER, $30; BAT YOUNG MAN; 2 waiters; 2 dishwashers; young man to do short- order cooking and assist at bar, $20 and found. MURRAY A READY, 634 Clay st. \| AN AND WIFE— MAN AS COOK, WIFE AS ->l waitress, $60 and fouLd. MURRAY A READY, 634 Clay st. pOOK, COUNTRY HOT $50; D I AS H - \J er, $20, same country hotel. MURRAY A BEADY, 634 Clay st. . T UNCH-COUNTER COOK. $10 AND FOUND; J J 3 hotel cooks, $40 and $50 ; ranch cook, $20. MURRAY A HEADY, 634 Clay st. 0 CARPENTERS, $2 75 DAY: CITY; _ -5 quurrymen, $2 50 day. MURRAY A READY, 634 Clay st. Q LATHERS, COUNTRY. MURRAY A 0 READY, 634 Clay st. " 1 A HAYMAKERS, 10 ORCHARD AND VINE- Xl/ yard hands, 10 farmhands, $15, $20, 825 and $30. MURRAY A READY, 634 Clay St. _» HEADER^WA(iON "DRIVERS FOR A LARGE O ranch: fruit packer, 526 and found; 4 milkers. MURRAY A READY. 634 Clay st. pLASTERER, $2 DAY AND FOUND; ALSO X laborer to help, $1 day and board, country. MURRAY READY. 634 Clay st. TXT ANTED— SWAMPER, $50; CHAIN ii lender, $50; ' machine blacksmith, Central America, $7 silver; jobbing blacksmith and shoer, country. $2 50 day; camp blacksmith, $30 und found: blacksmith, city, $2 &0 a day; carpenter, Central America, $6 day, sliver, part fare ad- vanced: farmers, $1 a day; 3 milkers, $25; German or Scandinavian farmer and teamster, for vine- yard, $1 a day to $30 month and found; 2 quarry-' men: cooks, kitchenmen, cr;d others. < Apply to J. F. CROSETT A CO.. 628 Sacramento st. WANTED— ■ -HAYMAKERS," $26 AND TT board; 4 farmhands, $26 and board; milker few cows and chores, 920: 15 young men for vine- yard work, steady ail the year. $20 and board ; sawmill blacksmith, $30: ranch blacksmith, $25; Herman gardener, $25 : gardener near city, $25; sandstone quarry men: gang rdgerman, $2 a day; youth to learn trade; por;er, boarding-house, $16; old man to milk and chores, $10. R. T. WARD A . CO.. 608 and 610 Clay st. ■ W ANTED- BLACKSMITH FOR RANCH, $40 ii and board, steady job; blacksmith with family to run country shop 011 shares, no money required, good chance: 2 farmers for vineyard, $20: also milkers, farmers, cooks, waiters, dishwashers and tew. W. D. EWER A CO., 026 Clay st. , W ANTED— AMERICAN EASTERN YOUNG IT man (one who has had some experience In teaching preferred) to act as attendant in training- school for boys; short distance In country; salary $300 a year, with board, lodging and washing. Ap- ply W. I). EWER A CO., 626 Clay st. \\f ANTED— RANCH HANDS FOR TEAM- tt ing, etc.: cook for restaurant; ■ 2 boys to wash dishes.. MARTIN' A CO.. 749 Market tt. : ■ - MAN AND i WIFE, COUNTRY, $25. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. pUOREBOY, COUNTRY. $10. MISSCULLEN, \J 106 Stockton st. THIRST-CLASS CLOTHING SALESMAN FOR i. our men's department; must be a thorough stock keeper and have A No. 1 reference. RA- TH A EL'S. 7 r YOU WANT MONEY WRITE FOR PAR-' X ticulars: biggest, sales, on record; takes like wildfire; : experience unnecessary: some making $15 per day. Aluminum Novelty Co., 1508 Msr_et. vorNO MAN TO LEARN PAINTING, WHIT-' X enlnsand paper hangin us a partner; small apital required. .■ Call b2i Howard st. . - HELP WANTED— Continued. t^rst-classTiXn to rjbprehbnt east- -T ern manufacturtT. 123 Caliiornia St., room 31. ANTED— PRACTICALFARMER: UNMAR- '» ried; small farm, Napn County: goo I home by the year; $10 a 'month. SHADBURNE, 415 Montgomery st. * . / WANTED- GOOD bootblack for bar- I »t ber-shop. 36 Eddy st. . - OOD CARRIAGE-PAINTER WANTED. 217 Ellis st. \\r ANTED — FIRST-CLASS COATMAKERS. ' ' 222 Kearny st. - • - T\r ANTED— FIRST-CLASS DRAUGHTSMAN; »» residences a specialty: must understand stone work .and be thorough In detail. JOSEPH A. LEONARD COMPANY. 1364 Park St., AJameda, Cal. : WANTED— PAPER-HANGER. 162 CLARA »' street. ORSESHOER AND GENERAL BLACK- sraith. 406 Eleventh st. TRONG BOY TO LEARN BLACKSMITHING; experience and reference required. 828 Har- rison st. "Five men wanted at"onc_Tto handle XJ summer specialty; will pay competent per- sons $3 50 per day. Store 328 Seventh st. \\r ANTED— BARBER FOR WEDNESDAY, 'T Saturday and Sunday. 105 Fourth st. OOD COATMAKER WANTED. 461% Minna st. DA MEN. 246 THIRD STREET, ROOM 103. BARBER WITH ABOUT 2 YEARS' EXPERI- ence. 1737% Market st. \\ r A YOUNG MAN TO WAIT AT "' restaurant. 2932 Sixteenth st. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE IN HAVES VAL- ley; price $40. Inquire BY. Fourth st. C-CHAIR BARBER-SHOP and LAUNDRY O office; win sell for less than furniture cost if taken before May 22. 1 37 Third st. "OAKEEKS— MIRRORS, POLE, KETTLE, IN XJ good condition, for sale at 1193 Market st. 7CM BK FOR CREA M ROLL AND COFFEE li/5 cents at 44 Fourth St., only. GOOD COOK AND BUTTER-MAKER FOR country. Address C. box 37. Call Office. ENERGETIC MAN WITH SOME DETECTIVE -I— ability and cash security; no others need apply. 777 Market st., rooms 3 and 4. MIGHT WATCHMAN; WEIGHT NEAR 200 ±> pounds; must have $500 to buy beat; $90 monthly; learn 3 months before having authority; will furnish home until he buys; life position. I Address Country, box 97, Call Ofllce. p OOD FINISHER ON CUSTOM COATS. 46iy VI Minna st. THIRST-CLASS BUSHELMAN. 541 MARKET £ street. :-:• : -» : : TTOATMAKERS; STEADY WORK: GOOD \J wages. 641 Market st. WANTED-GOOD TAILOR. 622 CLAY ST., » » room 2, first floor. -TV~ ANTED— AN OLD MINER, PARTNER '» to go prospecting for gold. 612 Shraderst., near park take Haight st. car. EAMEN FOR NEW YORK, EUROPE AND 0 Honolulu. 103 Montgomery aye. \ CTIVE, ENERGETIC MAN CAN MAKE $30 .-"V per week by handling new patent article; sells on sight. Call or address 627 Vallejo St., San Fran- cisco. \\ ' ANTED-SUBSCRIPTION CANVASSER ON »* dally paper: good terms to right man. Address Evening Dispatch, Berkeley. \\T ANTED— MEN WHO do not receive » » their wages to place accounts with us; law and commercial collection : no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY, 110 Butter st. WBKE BEER; BEST IN CITY; 2 SCHOONERS J: for 5 cents at 288 Pacific st. OY WANTED ABOUT 16 YEARS OLD; must te of neat appearance and willing to make himself useful for board and $3 per week; must not object to leaving the city. Address G. M., box 125. Call Office. . BLACKSMITH, COUNTRY SHOP, NEAR THE city, $10. 531 California st., room 5. BARBERB, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H. BCHEUNERT. REMOVED 706 TO 726y», OPP. HOWARD- st. Theater; also 116 to 418 Fourth St.; best place in the city for new and second-hand shoes. MEN'S SHOES i/2 -sui.i-;i), 40c: HEELS, 25c: done In 15 minutes. 635 Kearny St.. basement. TIT ANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS it to know that Ed Rolkln, Reno House propri- etor, has opened Koto House, 32 Fourth st.j 100 ' rooms; 25c to $1 per night: -*1 25 to $1 per week. I 117" ANTED— ROOMS, 15c A DAY; $1 » » week : rooms for two, 25c a day, $1 50 a week; reading room • daily papers. 3fi Clay st. Soil', TRIPE, HASH AND LIVER, WITH wine, beer or cider, sc. 619 Merchant st. \\rUAT CHEER HOUSE, 529 ' SACRAMENTO »' st.: 100 outside rooms: best spring beds; single rooms 20c a day, $1 a week; meals, 10c. WANTED-COATMAKERS BY THE WEEK >» aud by the piece. M. J. KELLER & CO., Oak- land. - EAMEN FOR EUROPE, HONOLULU AND Australia. I*o3 Montgomery aye. \\' ANTED— MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP M steam beer, sc: bottle wine, sc. 609 Clay st. SHOES HALF-SOLED IN 15 MINUTES while you wait at half usual price. 969 Howard. Z.(\(\ PAIRS MEN'S GOOD SHOES, 25c TO $1. \J\J 564 Mission st.: also 631 V a Sacramento st. ENS HALF- SOLING, 50c: LADIES', 40c; heels, 25c; done while you wait. 237 Sixth. WAKE THE DEAD — WENZEL'S ALARM M clock: no eleotrtolty. 607 Montgomery st. TAILORS AND CUTTERS TO ATTEND THE I San Francisco Cutting School. 523 Market St., room 15. EN'S HALF-SOLING, 50c: DONE WHILE you wait. 638 Market, opposite Palace Hotel. i f\f\ men to TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 150 J \J\J and 200 a night, Including coffee and rolls. 624 Washington st., near Kearny. IJNDELL HOUSE, 0111 AND HOWARD— J single furnished rooms, 75c week, 16c nig», Q»>l ELUsTrO-SEDALE-PRICES REDUCED; t — X single furnished rooms, $1 week; 20c night. TRY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- low Sixth, fora room: 25c night; $1 week. B" " EST IN CITY— SINGLE ROOMS; 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night; Si, $1 25. $1 60 per week. Pncliic House .Commercial and Leldfsdorff sts. AGENTS WANTED. SIPLOYI«ENTrT'OirT WO YOUNG^LADIES not over 25; must be daughters of Masons- orphans preferred— Introduce Masonic works. WILLIAMS, 7 City Hall aye. . • ' 5 ENERGETIC AND INTELLIGENT AGENTS *t on new proposition: eood commission; also salary to right parties. 54 Nevada block, 9 to 11 A. M. houses wanted. 1 M M I . I>l A T I •: I . V, NICE 0 LEA N COTT AG ES J- under $30. SPECK <fc CO., 30 Montgomery st. ■ _osr. lost7o3Tf7iidayleve^n- •jplUV/ Ing at the Italian restaurant on Washing ton St., bet. Battery and Front, diamond out of set- ting; the above reward will be paid to any one re- turning the same to 626 and 628 Kearny st., bet. Clay and Commercial; no questions asked. OST — MAY 11, ON OAKLAND BOAT OR j Market-streetcars; a lady's lace pin, sapphire. | surrounded by eight diamonds. Return to 3019 i Sacramento St.; liberal reward. I OST— IN WESTERN ADDITION, T~BU- J el.auan and Flilmore, on Tuesday afternoon, lady's enameled «old watch. Return to 2507 Clay St.; liberal rewird. ' - • TRAYED OR STOLEN— NEWFOUNDLAND O puppy, 8 weeks old; liberal reward. Return to 1714 Vallejo. ■ . ■ - OST— ON DEVISADERO ST., BET. FULTON J and Golden Gate aye., purse containing $20 and key; loser not in circumstances to stand the loss. Please return to 1219 Fulton st. and accept suitable reward. LOST— YOUNG -FOX-TERRIER.- REWARD if returned to J. H. DIBBERN, 217 Sansome. LOSI PASS-BOOK WITH THE HIBKR NI A Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of STEPHEN BORN, No. 86,800. The finder will please return to bank. J OST— IN MISSION, SUNDAY EVENING, J lady's gold watch-chain and locket. Return 1232 Twenty-third st., near Castro: reward. LOST-A GORDON SETTER DOG, MAT 12, XJ on the seawall; reward, reasonable. Address 14 Washington st. ; , . '- * FRIDAY, AT SUTRO BATHS, A purse. Finder please return the ring, a keep- sake, to 237 Franklin. T OST— A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA XJ Savings and Loan society of San Francisco, in the name of CHARLOTTA WARD; No. 192 1363. The finder will please return to bank. MEMORANDUM-ROOK: GOING FROM PARK IVJ. avenue to Clay-street wharf; owner's name on flyleaf. Suitable reward on return of same to M. SMITH, care of GLADDING, McBEAN & CO., 1358-13«0 Market st. . FOUND. POUND — WHITE HUNTING DOG s HALF X head brown. Owner call 418 Natoma st. "WOUND— RED IRISH SETTER DOG; OWNER -T have same by proving property, and paying ex- penses. 923 North Point st. ' STOBAGE TiriL?o3?Bßols!?f7^ ''.rates and examine our method for storage of furniture and all kinds of household goods; "dust and vermin proof; separate rooms at low rates. DVANCICS MADIS ON STORAGE. LIEBES STORAGE WAREHOUSE CO., 908 Market st. SAFE, DRY. CHEAP PLACE TO STORE YOUR furniture, etc. LUNDY FURNITURE COM- PANY, 818 Mission st. iriUKNIi I Hi:. PIANOS AND: OTHER MER- J. chandise received on storage: money advanced on consignments; fire-proof building.;. 410 Post St., OF FURNITURE, PIANOS. HOUSE- hoId goods, etc. J. M. 'PIERCE. 735 Market at. j EjURST-i ;.A.- [STORAGE : ADVANCES made" I I 421-4-3 Market su v CHAS. L. TAYLOR. , i PERSONALS. ■ PARTY OFFERING rNFORMATION CALL Xat : 30 this afternoon. S. YI'.EFINED WOMAN POSITION ashouse- keeper for hotel or simmer resort; or entire charge of ntleman's family; country preferred ; best of reftrences. Address S. A. M., box 135, _2__ race - v " .... ■ •-: i HI 1. -THE MARINO BROS. FURNISH THE i • latest popular music every evening at New v ienna Garden, Greenwich st., bet. Powell and ' Mason. SUSIE. HENRIETTA: THE TYROLEAN WARB- lers 1 singing is great at New Vienna Gardens, Keyser's. HANS. "FIRENCHMAN (44); GOOD COOK; HANDY X. with tools: useful for camping or exploring parties; best, references. Address B. L.. 512 Post. HAIR-DRESSING. 25C. ANY STYLE; STIUCT- XX ly lst-class shampoo, 50c: Pioneer Hair Store. BERTHA SPETZ. 111 Stockton st.; one price only. WHITEWASHING MACHINE AND BRUSH »» work; SAc yard; contracts taken. WAIN- i \\ RIGHT, 1460 Market: machines sold or hired. ■ HOME AGAIN; WRECKERS OF HIGH ♦prices; fine suits, $16; dress pants, $4 75: overcoats. $2 95. Misfit Clothing Parlors, 513 Montgomery st., cor. Commercial, upstairs. BUY YOUR CURTAINS. LADIES' AND gents' furnishing goods, hosiery, trimmings, ; etc., at Pioneer Dry Goods Store, 105 Fifth st. CAN HAVE DRESSES CUT AND FITTED for $3; dresses popular prices or engagements by the day; patterns to measure. 11 Geary st. SAN FRANCISCO SCHOOL FOR DANCING and elocution. WALTER G. O'BRIEN, mana- ger; Grove and Lngunn sis. Class Mondays and Fridays; juvenile class, Saturdays. TV" ANTED— AN V INFORMATION CONCERN- »» ing JOHN BRAHAM, formerly of New York: last heard of 4 years since as a railroad engineer on this coast; satisfactory information will be re-, warded. Address A. B. f.. box 109, Call Office. MATRIMONIAL PAPER, 997 MARKET ST. office time, Ito 2 and 7to 8 m.; by mail 15 cents. VICE FREE ; DIVORCE LAWS A SPECIAL- -c*- ty ; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. HOWE, Att'y-at-law, 860 Market., cor Stockton. SINGLE BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF Pomade is guaranteed to cure any case of dan- druff or falling hair or money refunded: never known to fall; try it. By all druggists price $1, or SMITH BROS., Freano, Cal. 7 C CENTS PER DOZEN FOR CABINETS.FULL * O length, at GODEUS' Art Studio, 10 Sixth st. QECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, 0 showcases, counters, shelvlrjrs, mirrors, desks, ' I sates, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock of • them, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be- ; lore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019- i 1021-1023 Mission st.. above Sixth. DANCING IN ALL 'I 11 1. LATEST BRANCHES XJ taught at IRVINE'S, 927 Mission st. O.M-; MURK ci-i- Oak Roll Top Desks $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers From $10 up Oak Bed Sets $17 60 up Oilcloths and Linoleums .....300 up Stoves and Range* $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St., above Sixth. EADQUARTERB LONG DISTANCE TELE- XZL phones, cheap; send for prices. Klein Electric Works, 720 Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal. UIET PLACE FOR LADIES TO TRADE IN W, stocks and (Train: large money made on small Investment. WHEELOCKttCO.,3IB Pine St., R 3. pLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT I \J mfra' cost. Factory, 20 Sansome st.. upstairs. : INETOSCOPES FOR SALE; PHONOGRAPH IV outfits bought for cash. Baclgalupi, 946 Mkt. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD, store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc; cheap. Yard 1166 Mission St., nr. Eighth. Gas FIXTURES AND PLUMBING. ~~2*""" Golden Gat© aye. H. HUFSCHMIDT. OLD GOLD, SILVER, GENTS' AND LADIES' clothing bought. COLMAN, 41 Third st. IN DOW (SHADES MANUFACTURED TO ! >t order by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Market. dressmakers. Dressmaking and plain "sewing XJ dene at reasonable rate? ; give us a trial. Call at /'-'■t l Tenth st.. near Folsom. MEDICAL. N EWPRO CESS^NcTm EnjiciNETINSTRU- A ments or worthless pills used: every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what cause; restores "always in one day; if yon want to be treated sale and sure call on men's 1 physician ; knowledge can be sent and used at homo ; all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318"Kearny st. A LL LADIES IN TROUBLE CONSULT THE A only reliable specialist in San Francisco: in- stant relief; $500 paid for any case I cannot cure; board; skillful attention during confinement; spe- cial attention to diseases of the eve; advice free; confidential. M RS. DR. SCOTT, 1 loy 3 Turk St. \fJ{S. DR. WEOENER, PRIVATE HOME ill for all female diseases: separate homes for la- dies before and during confinement; have enlarged and arranged my home to suit rich and poor; ir- regularities cured in a day: guaranteed: no instr'i- menta; regular physicians of long and successful practice: travelers attended: no delay : all business etrlctly confidential; babies adopted. 419 Eddy st. LL CASES OF IRREGULARITIES RE- stored in one day; safe and sure relief guaran- teed; tumors and ovarian diseases cured by medical electricity; home In confinement : reg- I ular physician of long and successful practice; travelers helped without delay: ladies suffering from any complaint call and consult free; French pills, guaranteed. MRS. DR. WVKTII, Sanitarium, 916 Post St.. bet. Hyde and Larkln. SURE SAFE CURE FOR ALL FEMALE disease; a home in confinement with best care; with the privacy of a home and conveniences of a hospital: consultation free and confidential ; a Eositive cure for liquor, morphine and tobacco abit: every case guaranteed without injury to health. MRS. DR. GWYER, 31ly 3 Hyde st. POSITIVE, GUARANTEED CURB FOR IR- JL regularities; used for years In private practice with invariable success even In most aggravated cases: easy to take; perfectly natural in action; no pain, exposure or danger; cures in two days: sent securely sealed on receipt of $3 or C. O. D. : strictly confidential. Address DR. J. MILTON BERGETOLE, P. O. box 2223, S. F. DR. AND MRS. DR. SCHMIDT, FORMERLY of 1211 Mission, now 1508 Market st. ; month- y Irregularities cured in a few hours; guaranteed; no instruments used : sure preventive. DAUDET'H APHRO TABLETS— GREAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, j Impoteney and all disorders of the sexual organs; ' $1 a box, 6 boxes $5 ; send for circular. J. H. i WIDBER, cor. Market and Third, sole agent. ' D" RS. GOODWIN, SPECIALTY DISEASES OF women; ladles near or far assured quick relief of disease; irregularities restored dally; safe cure guaranteed: no instruments: home in confine- ment: best skill: low fees; pills $2. 1370 Market, PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT: BEST JL ere: $10 per month. P.. box 2. Call Office. R. HALL, 14 MCALLISTER, SECOND FLOOR, next Hibernia Bank: diseases of women. rnHE "INFALLIBLE PREVENTIVE" FOR -L either sex. Send stamp for information or 50c for trial jar to P. O. box 1896, San Francisco. PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT : GER- man midwife. MRS. POWELL, 1310 Mission. J A DIES- 1328 GEARY; DBS. JANNEY~-N^ Jlj stltute open for reception of women before and during confinement: skill only; advice free: all subjects of private or delicate nature confidential. ■\TICE PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT J-> at the most reasonable price in the city. MRS. M. PFEIFFKK, midwife, 2014 Folsom St. ALL LADIES CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. DA VIES, 14 McAllister St., near Market: I leads all competitors; only qualified, trusty spe- i cialist for safe, quick relief of irregularities, no matter what cause: treatment scientific, harmless and painless; never falls; home in confinement. 1 F IRREGULAR OR ANY FEMALE DISEASE 1 see Mrs. Dr. Pnetz and be content. 254 . 4th. A LPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS. _nL A boon to ladies troubled with Irregularities; no danger; bafo and sure; $2 50, express C. O. D.; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oak- j land, Cal.. agents for Alpeau et Cie. MONEY TO LOAN. if OANS ON REAiTeSTATE? IST ANIT.ND XJ mortgages, furniture or pianos without re- moval; lowest rates. BECKER, 240 Montgomery. ; T?OR~EIGN AND LOCAL CAPITAL IN TRUST -T to loan on first mortgage at 6 per cent; second mortgage, 1 per month; furniture, piano 2; life in- surance policies from $100 up. Loan, box 77, Call. ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WITHOUT removal, warehouse receipts and other securi- ties. Room 68, Donohoe building, cor. Market and Taylor sts. "I ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES, LIFE INSUR- X ance policies, bank books. GOULD, 633 Market. TOWKST RATEB ON CITY, COUNTRY AND XJ collateral securities. SUADBURNE JR. & Co., 313 Montgomery st. MONEY LOANED ON JEWELRY, AND DlA- monds. Mills' building, fifth floor, room 6. f\S ANY SECURITY. AT LOW RATES; DEAL- \J Ing confidential. 43 Crocker building. IST AND 3D MORTGAGES, ESTATES, J-pianos,alimony;anysum. MURPHY.62B Marker MUNICIPAL ' LOAN OFFICE, CROCKER building, room 67; telephone Main 6122. NY SUM OF. MONEY ADVANCED ON . your furniture, pianos or real estate; low rates; call and state your proposition or write: open evenings. J. NOONAN. 1021 Mission st. MONEY LOANEDONJEWELRYANDOTFER valuables at the Security Loan Bank, 1106 Market St.. nr. Mason: private entrance 7 Turk. MONEY WANTED. MONEY r WANTED ON A 1 REAL ESTATE security. P. B. TRAVERSE, 313 Mpntgy st. .rVVTANTED— SI6OO ON EXCELLENT ; REAL »» estate security near San Francisco: s the im- provements insured for the amount of loan, pay- able to mortgagee; 1 1 per cent will be paid for one year; no expense for examination of property. - Ap- ply t» JOHN L. iUCHTER. 613 Market st. WANTED-MISiUEI,I.ANEOUS. T icYcGTwAN TE"n-^co£tni b la~sr ra m- bier; '96 preferred; 26 Inches from wood rim; all In good condition. Box 37, Call Ofllce, Oakland. KLEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PRICES for clothin:. books and Jewelry : postal. ~- . . BUSINESS CHANCED. TO SELL A BUSINESS OT ANY KIND quick for cash see STRAND A CO., 45 Third St. (Jj^CC CORNER FRUITSTORE, ALSO (JSJ I «J. stationery, cigars, notions, etc.: old- established place; good horse and wagon; 8 rooms: cheap rent; fine hilly location: pays well; bargain. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. (31* f'f\(\ SALOON; GOOD STOCK AND FIX- «!TO"". tures; 4 good rooms upstairs; cheap rent: best business location In the city: clear easy $100 per month. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. jffiQAA BAKERY; NO. 1 LOCATION; 3 OvA/. rooms; cheap rent; good, paying place; horse, wagon, etc. See STRAND <£ CO., 45 Third. ESTAUB A NT ; FINE LOCATION: WILL XV sell cheap If taken before May 15; good place for man and wife. See STRAND & CO., 45 Third. ft '_? X.A CORNER SALOON; CLEARS $75 A <FOOU. month. STRAND & CO., 46 Third st. (ftirA CORNER BRANCH BAKERY: 3 tj) J O\J. rooms; good-paying. STRAND, 45Thlrd njj i CA A DRY GOODS. CROCKERY, AGATE, rjp IoUU. tin. woolen ware, stationery and toy More, etc.: Al location: good paying business: best Of reason for selling. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. CL'QAA BARGAIN: GROCERY AND BAR: 7 <h<SUU. rent sl7: lease. STRAND, 45 3d. WE CAN SELL YOU OUT AT SHORT NO YY tice: try us. PROLL, STENBERG A CO., 719 Market st. 7AA SALOON: WATERFRONT: DO NOT «jp f UU. miss this genuine bargain: sacrifice ac- count departure: trial given to party meaning busi- ness. PROLL A STENBER(*. 719 Market st. (_p:r/\ DRY AND FANCY GOODS BUSI- f^nJO^K ness:* fixtures; good location : sacrifice; sickness. PROLL ft. STENBERG, 719 Market Bt. (T_Q-A ATTENTION; UNSURPASSED OP- «jp OO\J. portunity: sacrifice: sickness; pork store; present, owner 5 years. PROLL A STEN- BERG. 719 Markets^ ______ ©OKA WANTED —MAN TO INVEST IN <Jp_iOU. valuable and useful invention; thous- ands now in use; good chance for live agent. PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market st. _> QAA RESTAURANT AND 8 FURNISHED <Jpt/Uv/. rooms, opposite carhouse: present own- er 6 years; average receipts $25; trial: investigation allowed. PROLL A STKNBKRG, 719 Market st. <_/<?; A RESTAURANT, 4 FURNISHED tip X"«JU. rooms, opposite railroad stations: big bargain. PROLL BTENBERG, 719 Market st. <_QAA ICECREAM, CANDY FACTORY: •4pOU\J. complete for manufacturing; established and profitable- business north Market: Investigate I this. PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market st. ! OjOAA COR. BUTCHER-SHOP; WELL ES- {Jp_iUV/. tablished: fine outside custom: full In- i vestigation. PROLL A BTENBERQ, 719 Market. ©QmA. GERMAN BAKERY: STORE FIXT- <Jpt/wU. ures: big outside trade: horse; wagon; clears $125 month; trial given; leaving city. PROLL A STENBERG, :7I9 Market St. <t_9^A OYSTER AND FISH MARKET; tJp_.tJV/. horse; wagon; fine business. J. BEIDY, 19 Sixth st. q*i7Z.(\ WANTED- PARTNER IN OLD-ES- <p 1 *J\J . tablished restaurant: splendid locatioh: receipts $30 per day. Inquire JOHN REIDY, 19 Sixth st. TMMENSE BARGAIN: OLD ESTABLISHED X water-front saloon; best possible location, near Market; elegantly fitted; selling 15% bbls. beer per week; cash register; long lease; rare chance; don't miss seeing this place; best reason given for selling. See BARRETT A CO., 8651/ a Market st. <5»90c BARGAIN: BAKERY AND CANDY- «j&_j_it>. store: best possible location: north of Market st.; elegantly fitted; cheap at $400: rent $20; furnished living-rooms. See BARRETT A CO., 8(55 Market st. ffljO^A BAKERY, CANDY, SODA AND ICE- tJP^iUU. cream parlor; best location: near Mar- ket; finely fitted: 2 living-rooms; low rent; receipts $8 day. BARRETT A CO., 865% Market st. PESTAURANT AND "IO FINK FURNISH- Xt ed rooms near carhonse; large French range; ! doing good business: heart trouble cause of sale. I BARRETT A CO., 865 i/ 2 Market St. i Qi. QAA WANTED— LADY OR GENTLEMAN | »4P«3UU. to take charge of office; references ex- j changed. SMITH, HUBER A CO., 1001 Market. ©CCA RESTAURANT, OPPOSITE CAR- «4?«J«JV/. house; good location; daily business $40: 2 nice living-rooms: guaranteed to clear $150 month; see this bargain. SMITH A HUBER, 1001 Market st. <_ 1X A PARTNER IN GOOD PAYING BUSI- «nj 1 »)U. ness; saloon. LUNDIN A WEHNER, 539 California st. v> ■-; . fir QAA WELL-PAYING saloon FOR man OUU. and wife. WEHNER A LUNDIN, 539 California st. "VrOTICE— HAVING BUYERS WfLLING TO ■IX Invest in a legitimate business, parties desiring to sell for cash apply HE ALY A CO., 23 Kearny st. J-QAA GOOD-PAYING SALOON: OWNER •JrOUU. has other business; the business speaks for Itself. Z. 8. WOOD A CO., 917 Market st. A•) KA A FINE MEAT MARKET; FULL *]POcH'. value; doing a good business; trial given. Z. S. WOOD A CO., 917 Market st. JAR-STAND: CORNER; MUST BE SOLD this week: any offer will take it ; owner going away. FALCONER A CO., 1189 Market St., Cen- tral Park. i PAYING BRANCH BAKERY. , 211 EIGHT- X eenth st. li^Oß GROCERY AND BAR; GOOD J 1 location. Apply LEVY A CO., 219 Grant aye. rpAILOR-SHOP; OLD-ESTABLISHED: SICK- ! X ness causes sale. 441 Bush, opp. California Hotel. *»1 :() PARTNER WANTED IN LIGHT, «jpXtJU. cash business; fine home, wagon, etc.; must be willing to drive horse a part of time, and be satisfied with $15 a week to start. 9 Geary, rm.2. "(ijjQnA PARTNER; FINE SALOON AND ypOUU. rooming house; partner handles all moneys and pays bills; will clear each $80. Apply B. Z., 630 Montgomery st. GOOD "CALL" -AND EVENING PAPER route in Oakland for sale. J. W., Call Office, Oakland. dj»l 7' , GROCERY AND BAR: A BARGAIN; «35X 10. cheap rent. Apply Call Office. :. j "-cr.vs ft 1 AA rt ; HALF CASH, BALANCE INSTALL- «Jp.IOUU. ments: business pays $175 month; right man can easily increase it to $500 or more. Inquire CURTIS A BOWLEY, 32 second floor, Mills building. QAA PARTNER TO START NEW WINE tIpOUU. business or to sell wine on commission; best ohance In the city for a good man. W. C, box 99, Call Office. ROUTE FOR SALE ON THIS PAPER. 2104b XV Leaven worth ; 12 m. or after sp. m. ' rpo SELL A GOOD FRENCH AND GERMAN X restaurant (bargain) see C. SIGNOUX, Cafe Lafayette, 508 Bush st. QAA RESTAURANT FOR SALE; $25 OUU. dally receipts. 626 Sacramento st. LD-ESTABLISHED SALOON: WELL PAY- \J ing; good location; cheap rent. Inquire Call Offlce. /GROCERY AND BAR: SUITABLE FOR MAN IJT and wife; cheap. 356 Jessie st. A LOON AND LUNCHHOUSE FOR SALE cheap: opposite mills. 714 Bryant st. DINING-ROOM TO RENT IN EXCHANGE , for board. Apply 44 Sixth. Manchester House. 1?OR SALE— NICB BUSINESS IN LINCOLN; ' dally paper, variety stock, agency G. A. Tea Co. and S. F. News Co., cigars and tobacco, station- ery; invoice $2000. Box A, Lincoln, Cal. a>W»A RESTAURANT; MUST SELL TO- «jPi.UU. day: worth $300. 958 Howard st. ■\TICE LITTLE DRUG BUSINESS FOR SALE li Inquire of REDINGTON A CO., 23-27 second st. San Francisco. PHARMACIST, WITH _■ $500, HOLDING X diploma, to take half interest in homeopathic pharmacy, In Oakland, clearing $150 per month; owing to increase of business must take in partner; only homeopathic pharmacy in Oakland. Address box 68, Call Office. Oakland. ARTNER, WITH $500: DOUBLE MONEY 1 immediately: investigate. Partner, box 140. Call Ofllce. <fc9^o SALOON AND 9 FURNISHED —O\J. rooms; ren; $16 a month. 61 Tehama. RESTAURANT; WILL SELL; TAKE PAR 1 " ner. Apply this office. •ftl^O PARTNER IN GOOD-PAYING RES^ tiPI«JVJ. taurant on waterfront; experience not necessary; owner good cook: rare chance for o t rfo^Ki l 5 nn: recei P t8 ' * 12 "-all rent. Apply .^lOO PARTNER WANTED IN GOOD \J\J. business; no night or Sunday work- a good thing for young man. 712 Post St.. S. F. V> RANCH BAKERY FOR SALE; MAKING A ±J fine business; cheap house rent; nice living- rooms. box 143, Call Office. • «•«■■ ' WELL - ESTABLISHED AND PAYING M business for sale; capital required, $10,000- -cash or secured notes. Every facility for exam- ination offered to an intending purchaser and will assist party until thoroughly familiar with the business. Address P. O. L.. Call office, Oakland. ftROO CORNEK SALOON-A CHANCE TO $2. 1- - cure a good business at half value; Annil f e: CDe V ' en! i death the cause of selling. Apply at onco Hibernla Brewery. \ WANTED -MAN 'AND ".WIFE TO RENT j f» sriial J farm; short distance from city: fitted completely for raising poultry and grain: Very lit- tle money minimi; good terms to right party. Address E. WILSON, 112 Eighth St.. City. VL m , SALE-HOME RESTAURANT: GOOD business. Apply this office. SALOON: LIVING ROOMS; SMALL RENT; kj near factories. Apply Call Office. . ' . pOR SALE-CORN ErTiQUO WITH -I- good bar trade. Apply 368 Third St.": <ftj.(\n RESTAURANT ON CITY FRONT: —viv/.-must sell on account of disagreement of partners.; Apply at Call Office. _____ $• AA RESTAURANT; AVERAGES $10 TO '»-W« $12 per day; low rent. Apply office. THE WIGWAM TIIKATEtt RESTAURA NT J- and coffee-parlor for aaie at » sacrifice; owner must go to New York at once; has other business there: call at once. 129 Geary st. OLD ESTABLISHED GROCERY BUSINESS; must sell. Address *?., box 40, Call Omct. CABLE HOTEL. TWENTY -EIGHTH- AND \J Valencia sts.: contains 35 rooms: account re- tiring from business. GOOD RESTAURANT FOB SALE: OWNER IS making money, pill 1009 Larkin st. KESTAUKANT FOR SALE; OLD-ESTAB- J-t lLihcd. 324 T_rkin St., near new City Hall. A BUSINE^S_J^AN£K^S-Contiiuiort . l&Tzf\f\ PARTNER. EX P R !•; s s Ay 0 .jMOUU. transfer company; established in rears; 6 'horses, 4 wagons; net profits $200 to $250: only honest and Industrious man wanted WILKE, 235 K. Amy St., room 4. • TNDUSTRIOUS PARTNER wnii~^f-^:> 1 well-paying iaundry-oflicc and cigar store; dears $75 each: party, owner of targe laundry; f,,u ln . vestlgatlon: trial given. « iLKi-....f.) Kearny st. "DARTNER WITH $250; ■ WELL-PA YINQ X day saloon. W ILKK, 235 Kearny st. room 4. £'Pf\f\ COF FEE - A LOON AND CII oK «ThOUU. house; Montgomery: old-established, good-paying place; sold on a<voun of sickness of owner. WILKK. 235 Kearny St.. room 4. AiCA BRANCH BAKERY; HOWARD ST.; »IP't«JU. living rooms: first-class stand with large patronage; low rent. WII.Ki:, 2:i5 k amy St., room 4. 1) a KIN EB WITH $200; RESTAURANT AND X chophouse: Ellis St.: clegnnt furnished place; large trade. WILKE, 238 Kearny St.. room 4. Ofcl IvAA corner saloon in whole- tlpX«JUU. sale district; always been first-class paying place; must be sold on account owner bought hotel. WILKE, 235 Kearny st., room 4. Ml ST BE SOLD THIS WEEK— THE POL lowing business and all the buildings on the premises: ground lease running fifteen years; very large corner lot : coal and wood yard anil livery stable combined: blacksmith-shop and tools; car- riage factory and paint-shop, with vacant store and flat: all for $1200; situated near the centerof Oak- land, on one of the principal business streets; tins is positively a grand opening for Home one wishing to go in business; call early. J. S. MYERS, 1002 Broadway, Oakland. OR SALE— BARGAIN; LIGHT EXPRESS busiuess, Apply J. B. LEWIS & SON, 43« Montgomery street. PARBER-SHOP FOR SALE— S2OO: NO RENT; X> will trade for shop in country. Address Barber, box 15, Call Office. Wlffr RESTAURANT: MUST SELL TO- <3pX4«J. day; worth $300; make offer. 958 Howard st. PARTNER— FRANCISCO FIRM ESTAB- X lislied 7 years, doing good business, intends branching out and desires partner who Is to invest $5000: can make good salary and 8 to 12 per cent on Investment; a fine opportunity to get into a live, well established firm; investigation desired; references offered and required: principals only. Address Partner, box 160, Call Office. G_r AAA INTERIOR AGENCY OF THIS PA- tjpUUUU. per; pays over $200 per month; sick- -m ness cause of selling. Apply this office. • :\\, <27 AAA CASH WILL BUY YOU AN ESTAB- «U) I \J\J\J lished business, well located, having fine cash trade in stationery; school supplies, agateware, tinware, woodenware, tors, notions, etc.: one of firm will assist purchaser for 1 month. Address Bazaar, box 65. Call Office. UST BE SOLD AT ONCE; BEST PAYING livery stable in town; 30 boarders; 25 livery horses: hacks, buggies, etc. ; centrally located: low rent : this is a fine opportunity to get a good business at a bargain: principals only. Address P. 8., box 127, this office. ; rpo LET— STORE IN COUNTRY TOWN, WITH X dwelling attached: good location: on principal srteet and main traveled country road. Inquire at Call Office. ■ SnA SALOON AND LUNCHHOUSE: <JptJUU. doing a good business; investigation allowed; rent only $35; sickness cause of sale. WOOD. 917 Market st. O ALOON FOR SA GOOD LOCATION ; CITY O front. Apply THOS. TAY LOR A CO., 21 First. FOR SALE— AT ANY PRICE; TIN AND plumbing store at 952 Mission ss. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 6 CENTS — THE -A WEEKLY CALL, In wrapper, for mailing. LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. mo" BUY OR SELL A LODGING-HOUSE 1 quick for cash see GUS STRAND, 45 Third st <_ 07 c HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS; good loca- ♦JD—J 10. tion: great bargain. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. {■O' A 35 ROOMS; CLEARING $60 MONTH- «JP^«JU. ly. SPECK A CO., 30 Montgomery st. T ODGING-HOUSE FOR SALE— SIXTH J J St.: bargain; 19 rooms and bath; make an offer; must sell. 1 AND ALL, COME FOR BARGAINS TO BUT- X TERFIELD real estate. Crocker building. ""^ FURNITURE FOR SALE. olTsTLl£^NlEW^yiCE~F^^ rent $T5. 513y 3 Oak st. ED ROOM SET, $11: PATENT TABLES. I $2 15;*Roxbury Brussels, 75c laid; oilcloth, • 20c; open evenings. SHIREK, 1310 Stockton st, G^ krasky, carpets, pictures, • folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices; Cal. stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission. /-IUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS \J this week at McCABE'S, 948-950 Mission st. p EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AND XV second hand 400 carpets, good as new oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c; 7-piece chamber suits, $14 60; cornice-poles, 25c; ranges, $6; cash or installments; goods shipped free. T. H. NELSON, 126 Fourth St. furniture wasted. p/UTTERFIELDi '" AUCTIONEE R, 18 McAI/' ■Lf lister Specialty, buying furniture of houses. C. MUTHER, THE AUCTIONEER. BUYS . furniture at highest cash prices. 6 Fourth st. HOW CASES, BAR, RESTAURANT, CANDY _ outfits, fixtures, etc.. bought and sold. 125 Fifth. CARPETS. R^SS^LSr^ScT^Al^r^lO^KU^Y^RU* sels, 75c. laid: linoleum, 40c: heavy oilcloth, 20c; open evenings. SIIIREK, 1310-1312 Stockton. — ______________ ~ CAEPET CLEANING. : A~T7oNA!rCAR?ET~BE^^ IX vating Works, HAMPTON A NUNAN; laying and altering. 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission 244. CITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AND Renovating Works, H8 and 40 Eighth st. G. R. STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. pARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND \J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON A CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH poor work send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Car- pet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama; tei. So-40. ONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 333 \J Golden Gate aye. ; telephone east 126. /Carpets WELL cleaned, BARBER'S, 238 ' \J 14th, nr. Mission; tel. (Mission) 100. rjiHE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING X Co. (Incorp.) ; old established carpet cleaning machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. J MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- . ovatins works. 453 Stevenson: tel. 3228. FOB SALE— MISCELLANEOUS. VER~TWO~HTODiED GOOD CHINESE lanterns and two large umbrellas $15. Address L; box 14, Call. TMNE WALNUT DESK CHEAP: FIFTY-FIVE X pigeonholes; very complete. Address D; box 17, Call. AS ENGINES FOR SALE— A NUMBER OF second-hand Pacific. Regan and other makes of gas engines and of different sizes at great bar- gain. Address P. O. box 2684, San Francisco. Cal. £AA BROWN LEGHORN CHICKS. 10c EACH: *J\J\J hatched by Schule's Self-regulating Hot Water Incubator. 1213 Valencia st. I J>l/|A CORNER SALOON: ON ACCOUNT tJpXV/U. Bteknrss. SE. cor. Battery and Vallejo. ONE NORTH STAR ICECHEST, NO. 3^: holds 100 lbs ice. 1142 Folsom.: "PIIRST-CLASS 3-CAN MILK WAGON FOR X sale. 1118 Mission. T/ORSALE— A BARGAIN; THE "EXCELSIOR X Studio," 409 Stanyan St., opposite Oak-st. en- trance to park ; complete photo and ferrotype out- lit; call and Investigate. THRASHING ENGINE FOR SALK CHEAP- X One Bxl4 straw-burning thrasning engine, with i brand new boiler: built to carry a working pressure -^ of 100 pounds of steam. Apply at 1 . J. _.O\NI- HAN'S boiler works, 311 and 313 Mission St., southwest corner Beale. J MEW $100 LADY'S SAFETY: $50 CASH OR ' IN Installments. 326 McAllister st. 4 1 LOT OF EASTERN STANDARD MAKKa A of safes which have been taken in exchange as part payment for the Waltz safes, as follows: 3 burglar-proof bank or coin safes, 7 jewelers' sates, 8 pawnbrokers' safes, 13 merchant safes: fire and burglar proor: all sizes: at less than half cost: see them before you order. The Walt?. Safe Salesroom, 221 and 223 Market St., factory 13 and 15 Drumm St., san Francisco. Cat. Vrirw KAVOF.S CHEAPER THAN SECOND- IV hand. W. S. RAY Mfg Co.. 12 California st. "iITILSHrBE SAFE, LETTER-PRESS, SCALE, YV coffee-mill and money-till ; cheap. 102 Clay at. /COUNTERS. SHELVING, SHOWCASES \J bought and sold. 1121 Vfe Market, bet. 7th and S.h — — DENTISTS. '^P^Y^^TOOT^^FILLEI) 6 h ext racted xV painlessly by my secret method without dan- I gerous cocaine or gas: won 8 first prices; prices rea- sonable; work warranted; all operations expertly done: remember I have removed from 6 to "JO Orarrell st. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK. T\R7j. J. LEEK. 1 FIFTH— OPEN EVENINGS, U and .Sunday until noon. T CnALFANTS'S,BMASON,COR. MARKET, sets of teeth are made to please or no charge; on bridges, crowns and gold plates prices reduced; small /old fillings only $2; painless extraction. /"(BOOMS DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MAR- V' 1 ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, gas specialists; only reli- able agent for palmess extraction: artificial teeth frm : fillings from $1 ; extracting 60c, with gas *1. DR. REA, 9 SIXTH ST.: ALL DENTAL WORK at lowest prices ana warranted; open evenings ja> .'Q> rj A SET FOR TEETH : WARRANTED <Jp I good ns can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMMs, dentist, 930 Market st., next Baldwin Theater. A LL WORK REASONABLE AND WARRANT- A cd. DR. J. W. KEY, 1122 Market st. D~ 11. H. O. YOUNG. BRIDUK.S AND TEETH without plates ft specialty. 1841 Polk st. D" "R. LUDLUM.IIILL, 144:-! MARKET sr near Eleventh; no char; ■ for extract in^ whaa plates are made; old plates made over like new- teeth from $8 per set; extracting 5Oo; gas given. ' CIOLTON »ENTTLA*~;>crATTON'. Sot>.M.\aT ) JtetsU DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. .-