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CITY REAL ESTATE. p H. UMBSEN"dTcO^r~ ~~™ REAL ESTATE AGENTS, RENT COLLECTORS AND AUCTIONEERS, 14 Montgomery st., San Francisco. Call and obtain one of our "Real Estate Records," which contains a list of properties for sale in all pans of the city. IMPROVED PROPERTY. ©/I AAA Elgin PARK, NR. VALENCIA »J>IUUU. and Market sts.; 2 flats, renting for $30.per month, and lot. <JJ-:r»rrrv BUSH-ST. INVESTMENT: TWO iJJUuu. houses, one of two flats, and cottage; rents $44; brick foundation: stone walks; both streets accepted; 25x127:6; two frontages. Gl~\ A A REAL BARGAIN: OWNER «31lf.OUu. desirous of leaving State: 4 fine and substantial bay-window flats of 6 and 5 rooms and bath each; brick foundation: all modern im- provements: and cottage of 5 rooms and bath on rear street: rent $92 per month: well located on Shot well street: lot 40x115; two frontages; this must be seen to be appreciated. ©OQAA RENT $28 PER MONTH; 2 FLATS tJJ^-OUU. of 6 and 4 rooms and rear house; and lot on Welch St.; street accepted by the city. flh-l Z.C\(\ SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO: 15TH «JpJ.OUU. aye. ; two-story house of 5 rooms and bath ; rent $10 ; clear of water; lot 25x100. Cf ~ \AA PARK PANHANDLE; SHRADER r*J) I •)uU. St.; an elegant new bay-window resi- dence of 8 rooms and bath; brick foundation, etc. ; lot .12:6. CL* « AA A INVESTMENT ON EVERETT ST. ; [ ."-iUUU. 2 houses, one of 9 rooms and one of 4 rooms; rent »37; lot 22:8x80. r-.-i 79- SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO t^ii. ( t)»). get a home and on easy terms; cot- tage of 5 rooms: large basement; also stable; chicken houses: windmill and well of water. ca- pacity to supply the neighborhood; lot 60x70: near Cortland aye. -;,.,|A HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS: STABLE ,3* — OUU. for three horses: good place for an expressman; mortgage of 61500 in the Hibernla Bank can remain: lot 25x73. i|,|A BAY-WINDOW COTTAGE OF 5 >.)M'U. rooms and bath ; On Hill St.: lot 60 Xll4. C <r> nnn A SNAP: 22 D ST.: 2-STORY »' i\ f\J. nouse of 6 rooms and bath, etc. ; stone ttalks; street accepted; lot 25x114. G. H. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgomery st. OTARRELL A CO., 11 MONTGOMERY STREET. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. COLLECT RENTS. RENT HOUSES. EFFECT INSURANCE. C'7nn BUILDING LOT ON 9TH AYE., •*> I UU. near the electric car line; this is over- looking Golden Gate Park and is positively one of the cheapest building lots in this section. ,-./•" A EACH — 3 OF THE CHEAPEST •j'UtJU building lots in the Mission; very large and sunny, as they are 28x80; terms can be made quite reasonable; small amount of cash payment and balance in monthly installments. / IHOICE MARINE- VIEW RESIDENCE: MOD- \J era and sew; must he sold; will possibly take a building lot as part payment; house is Va block from Sacramento-st. cable-cars. Q^9^A EASTLAKE RESIDENCE OF 8 tspO£*J\J, rooms and bath on Pacific Heights commanding an exceptional marine view; large lot. 50x68:9; this is positively one of the cheapest residences in the Western Addition. . . <ii 7Qnn 2 MODERN BAY-WINDOW FLATS •J 1 I OUU. on the N. line of Oak st. of 5 and 6 rooms and bath each. <2£tnnn A business corner on bu- (JUUUU. chanan St.. In the northern part of the city: large lot, 80x75. partially improved ; render- ing an income of $540 per annum. QDKAA MODERN BAY-WINDOW RESI- OvJ«JUU. dence of 8 rooms and bath: on N. line of Oak st.: lot 25x137:6: this is remarkably cheap, and to look at it means to buy It. C* OAA ONLY TWO LEFT OF THE ENTIRE J\JyJ. block that we subdivided on 12th aye., near H street, overlooking Golden Gate Park: this is only two blocks from the present terminus of the electric-car line, a*»d is within 28 minutes' ride of the Baldwin Hotel; lots are 25x120: there have been very many handsome cottages built on this block; therefore, the neighborhood is assured; re- member we have only two left. ©4 " A BUILDING LOTS ON THE MLSSION •_ iwUi road, at the end of the electric-car line; these lots are being sold at a remarkably low fig- ure, as it has been demonstrated by the number that we have sold in a short space of time, and very many have bnilt and are building their homes upon them: bear in mind that the block is only '_'8 minutes' ride from the City Hall (the center of the city), ana they are 25x150, and terms can be ar- ranged to suit the purchaser: you will find our rep- resentative upon the block every Sunday. O'FARRELL & CO., Real Estate Agents, 11 Monteomery st. <£9Q^A LOTT AND WALLER STS., KE. 1 — OOU. corner; 30x100. $2000— Lott st., east side, 30 feet north Wal- ler: 30- foot front; also fronts on park road. $1850— Lott su, east side, 60 feet north from Wal- ler: 30-foot front; also fronts on park road. 822O0— LOU '.. east side, 135 feet south from Hai§ht; 50-foot front; also fronts on park road; title absolutely perfect. CHAtS. C. FISHER, 607 California street. r.OOf|(| BAY-WrSDOW COTTAGE; FIVE C-'>"l'. rooms and bath. 104 Twentieth St., near Hampshire. \ TTENTION, INVESTMENT - SEEKERS— -A One of the best business corners in the Miss- sion; size 95x90; great sacrifice. Inquire at Call Office. - A BARGAIN. :._ CHOICE VAN NESS AVENUE PROPERTY. , MUST BE SOLD TO CLOSE THE • ESTATE OF JONATHAN DRAKE STEVENSON. Is the Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. In the matter of the estate of JONATHAN DRAKE STEVENSON, deceased. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of an order of the Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco. State of California.made in depart- ment 10 thereof, on the 25th day of April. A. D. 1895, in the matter of the estate of JONATHAN DRAKE STEVENSON, deceased, the under- ■'zned, executors of the last will and testament of •aid deceased, will sell at private sale to the high- est bidder for cash, In gold coin of the United States, subject to confirmation by said Superior Court, on or after WEDNESDAY, the 15th day of May, 1895, all the right, title, interest, and estate of the said JONATHAN DRAKE STEVENSON at the time of his death, and all the right, title and interest that said estate has, by operation of law or otherwise, acquired other than or in addi- tion to that of said deceased at the time of his death, in and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point on the westerly line of Van Ness avenue, distant thereon sixty-six and three-twelfths feet northerly from, the north- westerly corner of Van Ness and Pacific avenues; running thence northerly along said westerly line of Van Ness avenue sixty-six and three-twelfths feet; thence at right angles westerly one hundred and twenty-four and nine-twelfths feet; thence at right angles southerly sixty-six and three-twelfths feet; thence at rieht angles easterly one hundred and twenty-four and nine-twelfths feet to said west- erly line of Van Ness avenue and point of com- mencement; being a portion Of Western Addition Block No. 93. _ _ . - Terms aitd Conditions of Sale.— Cash, In gold coin of the United States. Deed at expense of purchaser. - Bids or offers may be made at any time after the first publication of this notice, and before the making of the sale. , , . . . All bids or offers must be in writing and left at | the office of Charles L. Patton. Attorney-at-Law, No. 319 Pine street, in said city and county, or de- livered to the undersigned personally. Dated April 27, A. D. 1895. D PEABODY and EDWARD PEABOD\ and ALFRED S. BARNEY, Executors of the last will and testament of Jona- , than Drake Stevenson, deceased. Chaklks L. Pattos, Attorney for Executors. | KICK BUILDING FOB BUSINESS PROP- en v on Market St.; rent $7200 a year. Corner Pacific aye. and Baker St., 55x137 :8 ft. ; price, $11,000. 2 E. side Stanyan st,, bet. Carl and Frederick sts.; 25x100; price $2600. 50x127 :6 ft, on Jackson St., overlooking the Pre- sidio and bay; $6700. Two modern houses, of 8 rooms each, at Park, 25x137:6 ft.: electric road passes houses: price reduced from $6500 to $6000 : make offer. 2-story brick house of 9 rooms, with stable, in South Park; lot 45x125 ft.; price $7500. S.W. cor. Jones and Jefferson sts.; 137:6x137:6. Cottage house, 1367 Dolores st.; 6 rooms and bath, basement; on each side of Dolores St.; 25x92 ieet. Apply to C. C. BEMIS, Real Estate and Land Agent, 324 Montgomery street. PACIFIC HEIGHTS. FOR BALE AT LESS THAN COST. Easy payments, as small as rent; price, $7250; new house ©f nine rooms completely finished; will be tinted to suit; very sunny; tine marine view; Buchanan, near Vallejo. THOMAS MAGEE & BONS, 4 Montgomery st. pHEAPEST LOTS IN THE RICHMOND \J District. $.500. L©'s<>n grade and fronting on $325. Point Lobos aye., Clement st $350. 34th and 35th ayes. jiOO. Two lines of cars will pass $450. the property. $500. Lots ready for building, f750. Sizes 25x100 and 25x120. Only 525 cash, balance $10 per month. Call for diagrams, etc. WILL E. FISHER A CO., 11 Post street. city real estate. : ■doVeeTtoTXljo^ REAL estate agents, \ ' • 19 montgomery STREET. QO^AA 29th ST - near NOE; store •35Ot>UU. and 3roooms; upper part 5 rooms;, lot 50x101:6. v "- .. . •• d'QAAA OAK ST.. NEAR DEVISADERO; OOUUU. rents $600 a year; store and flats. <2;QQAA FILBERT ST., NEAR LARKIN.; I—Ol-'U.1 — Ol-'U. house of 5 rooms and bath. •' -.f.- : ; . <JT>i}QAA MUST BE SOLD: COTTAGE OF 6 ty£Q\J\J. rooms and bath; Treat aye., near 24th st. ; very easy terms. • . ' 1 ft 7■; A A RENTSS76PERM6nTH:STENE- <Jp I OUU. meuts; Tehaina St., near 4th. .". <n*OO CfiA BUSINESS. CORNER ON RTH i£)JjJj.O\J\). St.: size 50xl0C; store and flats; rents $1800 per annum. . .. . £» 1 Uf\(\ 5 ROOMS AND BATH; COTTAGE 0 1DUU. within two blocks of Union-street cars, near Octavia; bargain. .. ; ,;■'; s" •* . G»QAAA NATOMA ST.. NEAR SEVENTH; ipOUUU. house of 7 rooms";; lot 25x75.-. . ■• C*lf\ K.AA MISSION BUSINESS CORNER ;" <7IU.<JUU. well improved; store and flats-, rents .$llO per month. " v - ■;•■-' OQJT A A RENTS $24 A MONTH; 2 FLATS >7_i)'iU. InMlssion; mortgage about to be fore- closed; bargain. ' ■ C' A A POST ST., NEAR BKO-DERICK; 2 *J)OIUU. flats; large lot, 41:3x137:6; street bituminous. C»"l GAA COTTAGE OF 4 ROOMS; LOT 25x »^IOUU. 120; only half block from Geary- streetcars; easy terms. r> -i - aA A CHOICE . mcallister-st. £J)JL I .UUU. business property; 2 stojes;4 fiats above; large lot, 84:11^x100. 00/^AA ITTn ST., NEAR CLARA AYE.; I)UU. lot 25x87; rents $28; 2 flats; must be sold. ©QAAA M T be sold: greatly RE- <S»)UUU. duced: modern cottage 6 rooms and basement; lot 25x110; Western Addition; two blocks from Haight--st. cars, near Fill more; bar- gain. ©4 QAA TWO-STORY HOUSE, 9 ROOMS, o*)'±O\J\J. bath, etc.; 2 frontages; tine marine view from front and rear; Taylor st. ; excellent location; surrounded by fine dwellings. S7fiAA DEVISADERO ST., NR. HAVES: 0 I DUU. lot 25x106:3: 2 flats of 5 and 6 rooms each. :vy.. aQ'AA WEBSTER ST., NR. GEARY: 2 f^)VO\J\J. new flats: rents $852 a year; always rented. mjQTPLA SILVER ST., NEAR THIRD: LOT <JpO I O\J. 26:6x75: 2-story house of 8 rooms and bath; rents $28 50 per month. •». >■•: C*l (i AAA POWELL ST. FLATS. NR. SUT- CIOA'UU. trr: always rented rents $1380 a year; lot 32:6x67. sJl7'|\ INVESTMENT PAYS $49 PER O^fc I t)\Jm month: front and rear houses; near Howard and Seventh sts. Ql A AAA MAKE AN OFFER; OWNER ♦ipI.U.UUU. anxious to sell; Haight st., near Webster; 2 flats; large basement; suitable for flat; rents $85. Cl>l A AAA HYDE ST., NEAR GEARY; 8 li.UuU. flats of 6, 6, 7 rooms and bath each; rents $110. <2*QAAA BARGAIN; CORNER WITHIN 2 •4?OwUU. blocks of Market St.; cost, 3 years ago, $12,000: store and flats. (2»Q7 AAA PAYS OVER 8 PER CENT NET; (JOI .UUU. Geary-it, business property near Larkln; large lot, 47:6x137:6; store and flats: rents $3648 a year. ©Q9^A OAK st., near market; «pt/—tJU. rents $72 per month: front and rear flats: lot 27:6x95. A J- RICH iv CO., -tV. — — REAL ESTATE AGENTS. -HOUSES RENTED, RENTS COLLECTED. Entire charge taken of property. 112 MONTGOMERY STREET, Under Occidental Hotel. Telephone call, Main 5798. - . <2l t\Zif\(\ A SACRIFICE TO EFFECT QUICK i^jO*J\J\J. sale; almost new flats, 6 and 7 rooms • and bath; all modern conveniences; Pine st., near Baker; street accepted by city; lot 25x137:6. J. W. COLEMAN, 131 Montgomery st. TN ALAMEDA— TO EXCHANGE FOR SAN X Francisco property, modern 2-story house: 9 rooms and bath: handsomely furnished ; lot 60x 150: gas, city and well water: carriage-house: street macadamized; half block to electric-can 1 5 minutes fiom broad-gauge station; 6 minutes to narrow gauge: cost $9300. Apply CHAS. C. BEMI3, 324 Montgomery St.. S. F. G* XA A COTTAGE OF 2 ROOMS IN BERK& *3)*J\J\J. ley, lot 40x135, $50 down, $10 monthly; houses and lots all over town. CHAS. A. BAILEY, 46 Market st. or Berkeley station, Berkeley. T>ROl r ERTY-OWNERS, BUILDERS, ARCHI- -1 tects— Guaranteed surveys of city lots for $7 50 up by ». HARRISON SMITH, 630 California, r. 9. A JX>WN:SI WEEK PAYMENTS WILL »4p-LU buy choice building lots; 2 new cottages for sale cheap. THE MCCARTHY CO., 646 Market st. OUSES FOR SALE ON SMALL MONTHLY payments: loans made on San Francisco real f state. LOUIS BLANK. '214 Pine St.. rnn. 68 &69. CO UK THY REAL _. ESTATE. ' 7wl^r^ll s > > ~ ~~ DAVID BUSH, COUNTRY' DEPARTMENT. 11 MONTGOMERY ST. If yon wish to pnrcnase country lands we would like to show you some bargains in improved in- come producing orchard, vineyard, grain and stock farms (many of them bank foreclosures) that we have in Alameda, Contra Costa, Napa, Sonoma. Solano, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties, and in thefmiddleand northern counties, and in the San Joaquin Vallej-. We would also call the attention of Duyers to the fact that our Mr. Bush, having an improved orchard and vineyard and a 40-years' experience and knowledge of the value of land for orchard and vineyard purposes, can intelligently direct buyers to the best lands and bargains in the State, and now is the time 10 buy. For particulars inquire of David Bush, country department of O'FAKRELL & CO., 11 Montgomery st. QJ.AAA 6«J acres neak calistog^ »^jI«J"U. Napa County; 20 acres in vines an fruit trees; 1 horse and wagon and implements; cows and lot of chickens. R. C, 1729^ Mission. Ot\ ACRES OF Al FRUIT AND ALFALFA OVMandatsls per acre; Improvements at less than cost, in the Newcastle fruit belt. Address for 3 days. S., box 9, this office. I^OR BALE OR LET— 4O ACRES: CAN BE SUB- dinded into sor 10 acre tracts: 3 acres choice fruit; 7 furnished rooms and bath: 1 hour from city, near Stanford University. 308 Stater st. Q9O^|| 100 ACRES, 5 MILES FROM MlS- «jj)O— *JVi. sionSau Jose; 50 acres cultivated: 6 acres in orchard; V 2 acre vineyard; cottage of .4 large rooms and 1 small one; water piped to bouse; 7 springs; ranch all fenced; stock and farming tools go with the place. W. E. BARNARD A SON, 468 Ninth St., Oakland. GREAT BARGAIN; 1140 ACRES OP FINE rolling land in Calaveras County, 20 miles NE. of Stockton; 400 acres plowed, 400 more can be; balance fine pasturage; 2-story house of 8 rooms, cottage of 6 rooms ; lai^e barn ; river runs across the property, also five creeks and numerous spring*; all fenced and cross fenced; alfalfa field; irrigation If necessary-; also good mining on river: access to hundreds of acres of pasture outside in mountains; must sell very cheap or exchange for Oakland or San Francisco property. CLOUGH & BAKER, 1002 Broadway, Oakland. "pOR SALE OR TRADE. $50,000— A beautiful suburban homf of about 15 acres on fc'an Leandro road in Alameda County ; being exactly 34 of an hour's ride lrom San Fran- cisco; fare $4 60 per month: electric cara pass the property; nice 2-story hons* with substantial out- buildings, stable, barus. chicken-houses, etc. This place is known as "The c. E. Pulmer Pretty Place": there is a well-cultivated bearing orchard of the finest semi-tropical and deciduous truits. Terms— One-third cash, or owner will trade for flrst-ciass San Francisco investment property; object of selling, interests In the East which require the owner's attention. For further particulars apply G. U. UMBSEN <fc CO., 14 Montgomery St., San Francisco. 5 A ACRK HILLCHICKKN RANCH FOR $300: OU United States patent; will carry five cows and lots of hogs: plenty of wood and water: near school and stations: five miles from town. See me Mon- days at 632 Market st., San Francisco. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, CaL A A ACRES RICH FRUIT LAND EXCHANGE ttU for town property. H. G. SMITH, Oakland. ARGAINS IN CH EAP LANDS. $2 50 per acre; San Luis Obispo Conntjr; 635 acres; good when cleared. $3 per acre: Santa Barbara County; 320 acres; good for hogs and grain. $3 per acre; Kings County; 640 acres in irriga- tion district; all level; sediment koII; raise any- thing. $3 50 per acre; Kings County; 640 aer^s in arte- sian belt: all level: rich soil; fine to subdivide. $7 50 per acre: Fresno County: 120 acres in ir- rigation district; !ev«l; soil deep ami ricu. ALL ON EASY TERMS. Also— Grazing, farming and fruit lands: chlclten ruolrta: timber, lar^e aua small, at all prices: school and Govcrunient lands. CALLKOKI\"IA LAUD BUBEAU, 640 Market. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1895. CPUXTRY REAL ESTATE-Contlnned) TH ACRES IMPROVED: 3'~MILES FROM I_O Petaluma. Owner, box 17, Call. T C-ESTABLIBHED 15 YEARB-16. ' N. D. SICKELS, THE V ~ LAND AGENT. The only agency in America making sale and ex- change of country property a strict specialty regu- % ATLY a DEIcRIPTIVE LAND JOURNAL. Accurate descriptions of hundreds of places for sale and propositions to exchange ranches for town and city property: also for any class of business or mines. Greatly " facilitating and free of charge to buyers and sellers. All new propositions daily. 318 Post St., bet. Stockton and Powell, S. F. 0=:-ACRERANCH,MOSTBEAUT1FULHOME, Ait) for sale, cheap; good house and barn and workshop; 3 acres in vines, 1 acre orchard; 1 good cow, 50 chickens. 20 ducks;" 2 miles from Marti- nez. Contra Costa County; cash, $2500; no agents. Address A. R., box 18, Call. A N EviCAL SHOW FOR ALL; STRAIGHT, . J~L fair and square deal; an investment offered that is honest: own your own home and be inde- pendent; try It and you will find that we advise •you right; we will sell you 40 acres of alluvial soli in the Warren Green rancho, Glenn County, Cal., for $280: $3 pe.r acre down, balance in 60 monthly payments,, without interest, and will throw in town iot.l00xl50: land suitable for all kinds of- fruit, berries or grain; needs no irrigation; climate .un- surpassed anywhere InCatlffornia: 168 miles north of San Francisco and only 20 miles from, county seat of county,, and 6 miles from nearest railroad town; fare, round trip, $9. For investments and Information address or call on the H. M. .BENSON CO., 902 Broadway, Oakland. ._ ARIN COUNTY— SOOO ACRES 26 MILES £rom San Francisco. RANCHO DE NOVATO. Tracts of any size desired ; fruit, grain and vege- table land; no irrigation; both rail and water transportation; $40 to $75 per acre; easy terms, town of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores on the property; Bend for circular. Dairy for sale with or without cows SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65. Chronicle building. GRIFFIN, COTTONWOOD, CAL., SENDS • free circulars and prices of cheap land. IF YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING purposes or an orchard already Improved, where only small cast) outlay is required, balance payable in 6 or 7 years, apply 326 Montgomery st., S. F. ACRE LITTLE HOMES ON EIGHT V EARS' credit. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. C»l (' PER A* BE— IMPROVED BIG VALLEY fj^-LU ranch; timber; running water; well lo- cated: must be sold* United States patent. W. L. FOSTER. Kelseyvil,?, Cat. _ V "WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— ■A WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. OAKLAND KKAI ESTATE. : \ SNAP— IN ~"L BV-'l NESS CORNEII i OX r SAN - V Pablo aye.; lot 60x125; nt 500 less than was offered for cash two ears ago; owner must raise money; nee ns and make an*ffer. v, . E. BAR- SAW <fc SON, 4 58 Ninth at.. Oakland. "VEarlyHnew modern house OF 8 li rooms: Bminuu-i' walk I'ostofllce: neatly fur- nisbtxl; tor r<-nt cheap. F AO Twentieth St., Oakland. ~QA ACRES CHOICeSi i "~a'LAMEDA I MY O-± soil: all nnrter ruUlvttion: $5000. M. B. TL.Mi'l.l.l ON, M 6 Was 11 M*, Oakland. <Cl£nn BUY. o rs* iES~CiIdIcEST POUL- «Ij JLUUU. try and I « > !ar>d In Hate: half cash. M. B. TEMPLETON. Ks'; Washington, Oakland. Y"OUMAKE~THE fIfICIT^HOCSE 5 ROOMS; J- large lot; 80x206; near Thirty-fourth and Tele- graph ;si ■■ it. M. B. TEMPIXTON, 966 Washing- ton, Oakland. Q|t)-|i CHICKEN RANCH; HOUSE OF i$A-ZiO\J . rooms, hard finish, high basement; 2 chicken-houses; land all fenced; fine place for raising poultry; one block from electric road. For terms see Fruitvale Land Company, Fruitvale station. ONLY $20 PER FRONT FOOT; LOT 50x200; choice location; street work done; stone walks; exchanges made in city and country real estate. T. F. BAIBD, 1303 Park St., Alameda. ffl»zi^AA A BARGAIN: LOT 100x140, ON ££tt«JUU. Central aye., Alain* one block west from Park St.; adjoining property held from $70 to $80 per foot; now is your chance for a snap. GRAY &. NAISMITH, 463 Ninth St., Oakland. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE AT COST OF house; 7 rooms; nearly new; terms to suit. 1015 Twenty-first St., near Linden, Oakland. $£1 O^A A HARD FINISHED COTTAGE OF «3)±— t)U. 4 good rooms and good lot: 1 block to streetcars, at beautiful Fruitvale, Oakland: terms only $50 cash and $15 per month; don't fail to see this. ALDEN & GARFIELD, 902 Broadway, Oakland. HOMES FROM $400 UP; SEE OUR LOTS from $76 to $100 each. SNETSINGER & CARROLL, Fruttvale station. BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY _D sold on easy terms: small payment down or ex- changed. E. E. BUNCE. 1008 Broadway, Oakland. ©7^A CASH WILL BUY A NICE 6-ROOM tip I O\J cottage, worth 82000. leaving a mort- gage of $1000. Address WM. P. TODD, 1008 Broadway, pakland. t - ■■"— — ■■— — ™ "^ — — i OAKLAND FURNITURE FOR SALE. F URN ITU RX AND CARPETS ' AT TOUR J price. H. SCHELLHAAS. 408 Eleventh st. ALA3IEDA REAL ESTATE. acres of land In the most desirable part in Ala- acres of land in the most desirable part in Ala- meda; finest improved property immediately ad- Joining; title absolutely perfect; will be offered for 10 days as a whole at half its actual market value, For terms see HERMAN CORDEB, cor. High st and Brlggs aye., Alameda, . C 1 A AA A a «Rkat bargain in a «JS±U.UUU. fine business property on Park St., Alameda: large lot and substantial brick improve- ments: will easily pay 12 per cent. Apply to JOSEPH A. LEONARD COMPANY, 1364 Park St., Al&meda, or 19 Montgomery St., San Fran- cisco. ' IF YOU WANT ■ • ± A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND STYLISH HOME CALL ON THE OLD BUILDING FIRM OF A. B. PENKE, WEBSTER STREET. '<J6 1 QAA BNAP; NEW MODERN COTTAGE; «3>-Lt/UU. street work, sewer, cement walks complete: $160 cash; balance $20 monthly. Alameda bargains, for cash and Installments; houses to let in all parts of Alameda, H. P MUlt- EAL A CO.. 1432 Park at. ALA3IEDA ROO3IS AND HOUSES. FURNISHED HOUSE; 7 ROOMS; BATH; etc. R., box 64, Call Office. - BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. OR" BALE— ONE OF THE FINEST RES?- dence properties in Lorin, Berkeley, for $3000; lot 50x135; see this. 1523 Fairview St., Lorin. OR SALE— CHEAP, TO OLUSE ESTATE, new 10-room cottage;, on Vine st., Berkeley; near station and university. Apply WM. JONES, 24 Sacramento St., city. PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE. " ORIiALE" OREXCHAJs'QE FOR S ANrRAN"- cisco or Oakland property ; good Improved farm of 22% acres in best part of Sonoma Valley, near town and railroad; all crop, stock and tools go with the place; clear of incumbrance. For par» ticulars address J. W. L., El Varano, Sonoma County, Cal. ■ EDUCATIONAL. DWARD^TOJETTIi ARTIST^ HAS Rel J-J opened his studio and classes. Room 141, Murphy building, corner Market and Jones sts. CIOMPETKNT TEACHER WILL INSTRUCT \J In English branches; private or evening lessons. 321 Geary st., basement. YPNOTISM — LESSONS IN HYPNOTISM and mesmerism; clairvoyants developed by J. DIAMOND, 406 Sutter St., rooms 50 and 51. " ANDIDATE FOR TEACHERS' ~ ANY COL- \J lege or civil service examination prepared. Success guaranteed. Address "Tutor," box 40, Call Office. ERTICAL AND POINTED HANDWRITING V taught. C. EISENSCHIMEL, 236 Kearny. ELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— XJ Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed on stage. It. 5 & 12, 1. 0. 0. F. block, 7th and Market. "\rOCAL TEACHER, JOSEPH GREVEN, IM- V proves and beautified even spoiled voices and procures positions for his pupils. 82 Ninth st. MBIT MELVILLE-SNYDER, ORATORICAL, Vocal and Dramatic Academy, 619 Van Ness aye.; vocal classes Monday, 8 p. month; dra- matic classes Wednesday, Bp. m., $3 month: also private lessons and piano; ladies and gentlemen coached for professional or amateur stage (stage for practice). ■; TIEHL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market st.: diploma course $30. npARR'S INST., 059 MARKT— BOOKKEEPING 1 taught In 6 weeks. We pledge ourselves to keep free for 6 months books our graduates fall on. ENGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT BY MISS DILLON, 14 McAllister St., room 46. BALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. M POST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern lan- guages rapidly taught. Write for catalogue. : LILLIAN BEDDARD, THE ENGLISH AC- JJ tress, coaches ladies and gentlemen ■ for the dramatic profession ; appearances arranged. Shake- spearean Academy, 406 Van Ness aye. SOHOOL ELECTRICAL, CIVIL, MINING, IKS* 0 chanical engineering, surveying, architecture, assay: estab. '64. VAN PER NAILLEN.723 Mkt. ~~~ ATTORNEYS- AT-L AW. ""X^p^vklefluSeTdTvo^ collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. UOwE.Att'y-at-law, 850 Market St., cor. Stockton. ONEY ADVANCED TO LITIGANTS, COURT costs and charges paid in matters of probate, contracts, damages, accidents, notes, first-class collections and general law business. Address J. F. NAUGHTON, 54 Nevada block, S. F. M. H. CHAPMAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Mills building, sixth floor, room ■6, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Telephone 1544. TV W. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW.42O if . California St., rms. 14-15; advice free. JOHN K. AITKEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, RS. 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery st., cor. California, .-;":.• -'..- ;, TO LEASE. " ~~ ~ ffTo^^L^iA^FT^H^Fr^TROVK^C^TH^AT^R 1 ADitly MADISON St BURKE* 626 Market '>■.!: HOUSES TO LET. jxjLjj . H~^S__TiFn^^O^A^WNr^PERFECT RE- pair. Inquire ALMA E. KEITH, 24 Kearny. ATEW BAY-WINDOW BOARDING-HOUSE OF IN 14 rooms and baths: Hayes St., bet. Octavla and Laguna; moderate rent to good tenant. Apply to C. S. CAPP & CO., 413 Montgomery st., House Brokers and Real Estate Agents. ______ ■\7-ERY SUNNY 10 -ROOM BAY-WINDOW V residence; 7 Van Ness aye., close to Market st. ; moderate rent to good tenant. Apply to C. S. CAPP A CO., 413 Montgomery St., House Brokers and Real Estate Agents. BAY-WINDOW COTTAGE 6 rooms -*-" and bath: 458 Fifteenth st. (sunny side), bet. Valencia and Guerrero; rent $20. Apply to C. S. CAPP & CO., House Brokers and Real Estate Agents, 413 Montgomery st. _______L d? 9 X SUNNY" HOUSE 9 ROOMS AND BATH. V _.___ l se. cor. McAllister and Polk sts. 099 TWELFTH— TENEMENT OF 3 NICE «_>_-.-j rooms,; stable, if required. - , ' - 4Q^ MINNA, BET. FIFTH AND SIXTH— S rtfJtJ rooms: every modern improvement. T° LET-HOUSE" OF 5 ROOMS: BATH; • 1 only $16 per month. 525 Hickory aye. COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS, BATH, BASEMENT \J and stable. 120 Fillmore st. - ',■ ODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE AND LARGE GAR- -1»X den: fine view; basement; 809 Castro, near Twenty-first. See premises or MADISON <fc BURKE. ;- -1 OQO MISSION— WINDOW HOUSE; 10 X\JO\J. rooms; sunny side. ~Q~-\ A 3 ROOMS; YARD; CELLAR. 87IDORE «H)xU. St., off Harrison, bet. Ninth and Tenth. HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES, To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDWIN & HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. FUKNISHED HOUSES. T^ltxlrSHE^~H^JsiE~FOß RENT IN ROSS I? Valley. Address F. B. LATHAM, P. O. box 2060, San Francisco. 70,0, VAN NESS-RENT $100; ELEGANT I \J\J furnished modern northeast corner house, 8 rooms and bath; key at premises. Apply DAVID STERN & SONS. 20 Montgomery st. -;;,.'.' -■ COTTAGES TO LET. s cTmi I^o^v^H^u^E^e^RO^MsT^y^ATß d ; __._/Ot7 water Included; $12. <_.-l A MODERN COTTAGE; FRUIT TREES; •TM't. shrubbery; grand location. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. ' "HROO3I COTTAGE: SHEDS; LARGE YARD; tr key at 1300 corner Twenty-fifth st. OUNNY COTTAGE, 2 ROOMS, LARGE STA- -0 ble: ?10. 919 Capp st. CjQ~4 ROOMS: 2 BLOCKS FROM MISSION-ST. 00. cars; Urge yard. Apply 360 Jessie st. 5 1.1 'BAY-WINDW COTTAGE: 4 ROOMS L"_r. and basement: 212y 2 Perry st. $B— Cottage; 4 rooms: 206 Perry st.: water free. Apply to <». N. I'MBSKN A CO. .LAIS TO LET. 1 NEW s'D^N^Y^^PP^n^ATTT^OOMs" 1 and bath. 808 Lyon st., near Golden Gate aye. SHAINWALI>, BUCK BEE A CO., 220 Montg st. SIN .\ V FLATS, 5 AND 6 ROOMS, BATH; modern: $16, $17. 929 Nineteenth st. LAT TO LETT 5 "ROOMS AND BATH; BENT $18. 1912 Larkin st. . UCED-FLATS; 6 AND 6 ROOMS, it baths: $19, $20. 931 Lombard at. 9110 HOWARD, NEAR SEVENTEENTH- __<Iit/ Upper and middle flats 8 rooms, bath; can be arranged to suit 2 families; rent $30; water free. 000 THIRD— 4 ROOMS AND BATH; ODD rent reasonable to good tenant. onA ELLIS— FLAT OF 2 LARGE SUNNY U__i"T rooms. » ;y.-yy-' T?LEGANT NEW flats— seventh, BELOW Hi Bryant; 6 and 6 rooms; bath; $10 to $17. A LL SELECTED (NEW) COTTAGES, FLATS, J\. houses, with stable, $6 to $100. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. SUNNY BAY-WINDOW FLAT; 1704 WASH- Ington, near Polk; 7 rooms; bath; $27 50. BAY-WINDOW FLAT; 1635 CLAY, COR. Polk : 8 rooms and bath; $27 50. I LEG ANT. SUNNY FLAT; 6 ROOMS AND J bath. 145 Grove St., nr Van Ness aye. LATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, -T To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. 8 DALE PLACE. OFF GOLDEN GATE AYE., bet. Leavenworth and Hyde— 6 rooms and bath. qijlQ NEW MODERN BAY-WINDOW FLAT; «_SXO. srniB; bath; gas; tubs. 909 Fol3Om,nr. sth. ■pOUR SUNNY FLATS, 3 AND 4 ROOMS EACH. J? 2039 Harrison St., opp. Eighteenth. "VTICE SUNNY J6-ROOM FLAT; NEAR PARK; iy fine view. 1021 Haight, above Broderlck. SUNNY CORNER ROOMS AND BATH; $15. NE. cor. Polk and Jackson sts. <&>-[& 2 BAY-W IN DOW FLATS; MODERN; (gID. stable. 135 Fair Oaks, nr. Twenty-third rpo LET— HOWARD' ST.; LOWER FLAI, X 6 rooms, bath: rent reduced. : • 9 EXTRA-CON FLATS: 6 AND 7 — rooms; baths; modern improvements; sun all day. Fell st., bet. Broderick and Baker. JJJTt 4 LARGE CLEAN ROOMS; WATER •jpXX,. free. 315 San Jose aye., near Twenty- fifth st. ; wide street; half block from Valencia. 0 FINE NEW FLATS 3 SUNNY ROOMS AND — cellar each with latest, Improvements. NE. corner Twenty-third andiSanchez sts. S~ UNNY FLAT; 5 ROOMS; $15. 912 ELLIS St., bet. Van Ness aye. und 'Franklin st. ffl»Q LOWER FLAT; 5 SUNNY ROOMS. 375 •„<-'• Sanchez St., nr. Seventeenth. :«-;■■■?.- QQ NICE S-ROOM FLAT NEAR BALDWIN. «JpO. SPECK & CO., 80 Montgomery st. VTEW MODERN FLAT; 6 ROOMS, BATH- ->-' room and laundry. 30 Russ st. <S> 1 O FLAT OF 4 ROOMS. 563 M_NNA~ST7 LEGANT SUNNY FLAT, 7 ROOMS. XJ beautifully papered and frescoed. 713 Grove. -WEEK'S NEWS FOR 6 CENTS — THE WEEKLY CALL. In wraDDer. for mailing. HOUSEKEEPING KOOMS. ■j ocTlocubt^aveTofe v an^es^front .1.-.O room and kitchen furnished for housekeep- ing^^ • 790 MCALLISTER — 2 SUNNY UNFUR- -1 _jVJ nished rooms for light housekeeping, cheap. 1 Q9ft MARKET— THE HAWTHORNE, FUR- It/_ JU nlshed and unfurnished for housekeeping. Q99 LARGE FINELY FURNISHED t7_j_j rooms: also 'i for light housekeeping. V' RESPKOTABLE WOMAN, 2 SUNNY UN- furnished rooms, exchange for assisting in household. R., box 39. Call Office. . m~~ ELEVENTH-ELEGANTLY'FUR- nIshed sunny rooms; complete for house- keeping; furniture and carpets new; private bath, grate, etc: American family. 1 009 NATOMA, NEAR ELEVENTH— 2 OB ±.\J\j£ 3 tousckceplng rooms furnished, 1 9OQ HOWARD— HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS J._wUO in private family; gas and bath; cheap. . AA Q TEH AMA — LARGE SUNNY FRONT HO room and kitchen; well furnished; for house- keeping; complete. , Q9X HAIGHT— THREE FURNISHED ROOMS O_jU suitable for housekeeping. QA C HOWARD — SUNNY ROOM; FUB- V-±O niahed for light housekeeping. . 70 C FOLSOM— SIO; TO SUNNY FUR- I OO nished rooms: two beds If necessary. QOO THIRD— FRONT FURNISHED HOUSE- Olli keeping suite, $12, $9, $8; single, $1 60 to 75 cents. . . A 99 FRANKLIN— TWO NICE SUNNY FUR- -T—^—j nlshed rooms for housekeeping. 7Q I HARRISON — LARGE SUNNY FUR- I Ol nished front rooms: housekeeping ; bath: $9. 1 007 HARRISON— 2 OR 3 WELL-FUR- -IUU I nished rooms tor housekeeping; $10 or $15. ■-.... IQI 91 GEARY— 3 COMFORTABLY FUR- xOX__i2 nlshed rooms for housekeeping; modern; $15. -■ ■ - - ■■ -. ■ A FULTON-2 OR 3 SUNNY FUR- trOU nished rooms for housekeeping. ■ . . * . m"~ TURK-NICE SUITE FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeping, also single room. 11/» HYDE-SUNNY SUITE FOR HOUSE- 11U keeping, or suitable for several gentlemen. ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping cheap. 2531 California. C.70 MINNA— 3 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; 0 I O single or suite ; yard : cheap. Q"! C MISSION— FURNISHED LARGE FRONT 01 O room, suitable for dressmaker or house- keeping. : - . ■ ' ••■-■••-'. __^ OH 1 MISSION - NICELY FURNISHED Oi.L'2 housekeeping rooms; range; porch. ■ QAQ FIFTH— NEW HOUSE; SUNNY BAY- OUt/ window rooms, $8, $10; light housekeeping. 199 taylor-elegaNtly* furnished X_._. sunny rooms; also honsekeeplng rooms. A •_>») JESSIE, • REAR MINT - 2 SUNNY 100 housekeeping rooms; furnished complete; other rooms cheap. . . • y . • . - ■ Cif\7 POLK— 2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE- \J\J I keeping: all conveniences. ... I p:QI THIRD-NICE SUNNY ROOMS FUR- X.002 nished for housekeeping; ; also single; cheap. - - 1 :"•■■ ' '•:-.-'•■' ' . •-.'-, - :*- : ■•' ■ •' . ■ (\O7 OCTAVIA, COR. FULTON— BAY-WIN- U— i I .dow suite and other rooms; furnished and unfurnished: use of piano. . 00 SOUTH PARK— SUNNY PARLOR -J-J suite for light housekeeping; $10. - QT7 MISSION-SUNNY FURNISHED PAR- « 7 _ I lor suite; also other rooms. l7l^P_B HOWARD— NICELY FURNISHED , L\JOO front honsekeeplng rooms. Ano FRANKLIN — 2 NICE , SUNNY FUR- }__ nished rooms for housekeeeplng. I7IARGO HOUSE: 105 NEW MONTGOMERY— 1 Furnished housekeeping suites, $2 week;, sin- gle rooms 15c per night. : ' .;■,..-■- -- ; > ;. 1 Q7f_ MARKET— BET. ■ JONES AND CITY 10 I v Hail are,, ualuxaj suite: >__.—_ ___. 1 ROOli^ TO LET. mBIXTH— CHEAPEST 1 N^TT^TrOCELY J.-JX furnished single and double front sunny rms. A 1 9 BRYANT— NEWLY FURNISHED SUN- tt-L_j ny rooms: en suite or single. m MCALLISTER-FLAT 1; NEWLY FUR- nlshed rooms; en suite and single. OOM~ON RINCON HII_L: NICE SUNNY: XV rent $8. Room, box 23, Call. QAI LARKIN — SUNNY SINGLE ROOM; tJV/tt nicely furnished; $4 per month. 091 TURK-FRONT BAY-WINDOW SUITE; ♦J—j.L will rent separate; private family. Z(\-\ STEVENSON-A SMALL SUNNY FUR- t/UI nlshed room, $1 a week. C\!^(i MINNA — LARGE SUNNY FRONT OU\J room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. t't' 11 MINXA- FRONT room.nice- V«^2 ly furnished; suitable for one. ZlzlQ 1 BRYANT, NEAR .THIRD— NEATLY tttfcoa furnished sunny room and bath; $7 60. TO' PERRY-SMALL WHY FRONT XOtJ room; neatly furnished; verj- cheap. CQ9 FOURTH— NICE FURNISHED FRONT *->O—J rooms; also housekeeping rooms. ' - Q1 f* FOURTH— TWO SUNNY' FURNISHED OXD rooms; connected suitably for housekeeping." Q1 0 PINE— 2 TO 5 SUNNY ROOMS: ELE- wlu gantly furnished: every convenience; rea-. Bonable. . . • HIM FRONT ALCOVE; SUITABLE * \J I for 2; with or without board. QO 7 POST— LARGE SUNNY" FRONT ROOMS; 00 I running water; use of kitchen. , 1I A Q SUITER, CORNER POLK— XX'iO housekeeping suites, $15; gas and bath. OOQ IVY, OFF FRANKLIN, BET. HAVES O\J 0 and Grove— Nice furnished sunny room, with stove; $5 a month. ' 1 Q47 HOWARD ST.— NEWLY FURNISHED XO-ti room. '' ■■ ■ :■.: '..'■ 91 90 MISSION-FURNISHED FRONT BAY- *+*-£j\j window room. TTANDSOME SUNNY ROOMS WITH RUN- XX nlng water; 3 minutes from Kearny «t. Ad- dress K. W.. box 37, Call Office. 8O A THIRD— 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN O X rear; good accommodation; $5 and $6. 9A TURK-LARGE SUNNY FRONT AND — \f small rooms: price reasonable. < 9 TURK - FURNISHED^ ROOMS, FRONT suites and single. , .1. . ,• ■■"■ m TURK — NICELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms, first floor; suitable for 1 or 2 gentle- men: price $13. f*nO TURK— LARGE SUNNY ROOM; ALSO \J~O an alcove room ; cheap. OQO TURK — LARGE ALCOVE ROOM AND _JOU single room; very cheap. TriiK-LARGE SUNNY ROOM; ALSO *-v/X single, with board. QAO SUTTER— ROOMS $1 60 WEEK AND UP; OUO transient rooms a specialty. A 1 7 MASON— SUNNY BOOMS. ~ ?J9Q POST — LARGE NICELY FURNISHED v)— l/ front room ; large closet; gas: can be used for light housekeeping; rent low. - "v>- -9 NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. 637 STEV- — enson St., bet. Seventh and Eighth. II OO HOWARD - NICE LARGE SUNNY IIOU furnished room; suitable for 1 or 2; $5. ("I Q CASTRO, BET. 17TH AND 18TH— NICE- . lit/ \y furnished sunny front and back room. 790 LEAVENWORTH— PLEASANT SUNNY • —V" rooms; suitable for gentleman and wife; bath. 1 i\,\ SILVER— NICE FLAT; 6 ROOMS AND XA'tfc bath ; rent $22 50 per moeth. 1 900 I'ARKIN, OPP. BATHS— FUR X-d\j\) nished front room, $s month; other rooms. IpREE REMOVAL OF BAGGAGE TO NEW x rooming-house. 112 Taylor: $8 to $25 month. nf'r: MINNA, COR. EIGHTH— NICELY FUR- UU I Dished bay-window rooms: $1 week. AA Q 1 BRYANT, NEAR THIRD - NEATLY T:ttOj{ furnished sunny room and bath, $7 60. 11 90 HOWARD — SUNNY FRONT FUR- -11-y nished rooms; $5 up; also housekeeping rooms. *_> PEARL, COR. MARKET, OPP. OCTAVIA— I *J sunny bay-window room, well furnished, for man and wife; running water; folding bed. ■'.•■?.,. A FULTON-4 ROOMS, UNFURNISHED; '-t.-.O rent $10. - v 091 FOLSOM— SUNNY ROOMS AND O— kitchen; price $7 per month. "1 99 EIGHTH— FURNISHED ROOMS; i _._ new. house and furniture; gas and bath. TOAAI STOCKTON— NICELY FURNISHED xO\J\Jz room to let; rent cheap. 79-I O'FARRELL— SUNNY FRONT SUITE; • -1 also single; rent reasonable; gas and bath. rj-\ 9 FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS. (-.1 Q GEARY— ALL SUNNY ROOMS; WILL ulO rent very reasonable to neat roomers from $8 up; everything new: hot and cold water. ERARD HOUSE, 142. SEVENTH— FUR- vJ nished rooms, single and double, housekeeping. RAND SOUTHERN. cor. SEVENTH and Mission— all light; water, gas and electric bells; elevator runs from 7 a. m. to 12 p. if.; single, 50 cents; suites, $1 day; $2 60 and $5 week up. "\~OSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET! X Sixth and Seventh— Single nnd suites; per night, 350 to $1; week, $1 50 to $5; families. A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— PLEAS- -c_L ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first.'class in every respect : terms reasonable. rpHE SHERMAN APARTMENT-HOUSE; 129 X new sunny rooms; strictly respectable; half price of best hotels with equal accommodations; very central. 28 Eighth St., near Market. ' A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE ■A WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. HOARDING AND booms. vanlse^\v~:_CooiC^ Oil furnished; fine view; nice lawn; rooms single and en suite; very sunny; first-class board; reasonable. . - , ■■ . - , milE BERESFORD, bush AND STOCKTON; X first class: $1 50, S2 per day; with parlor, $2 60. WM.CHA M BERLIN, Prop. ■ • ' EVONSHIRE, 725 PINE QUIET, SE- XJ lect home for permanent or transient guests: table excellent; woman cook; summer rates. 1 J.l O OCTAVIA— LARGE SUNNY FRONT X*±XU alcove suite, with board; also single ro#ms A YOUNG LADY WISHES TO BOARD A X— . child. Apply 653 Third, near Townsend. CHILDREN BOARDED. T "AD^^vTsHES^T^Oir 2 I^CHILDREN^TO XJ board; good home. 476 Jessie st. STOKES TO LET. 97Y7^_ND^rT0L^^V^r?^ICE^T^REs7 — «iV/ i 4 rooms each ; nice location ; $20. <B_l A STORE AT 821 NOE, NEAR MARKET «|J)XI/. street. ■ T7IOUR-STORY BRICK AND IRON BUILDING .1. and basement, 508 Sacramento St., containing elevator, power, etc. : rent $80. Apply DAVID STERN & SONS, 21) Montgomery st. OFFICES TO LET. X floor. 12 Montgomery st. D~ESK ROOM AT ROOM 6, SIXTH FLOOR, Mills building. * TO EXCHANGE. ■^EW^iesTsiNG]: B sewing-machine in 1.1 exchange for a gentleman's bicycle or for sale cheap. Apply 1312i_; Alabama st. A A ACRES RICH FRUIT LAND EXCHANGE rt\J for town property. H. G. SMITH, Oakland. WHY NOT DO BUSINESS WITHOUT TT money? List your property with Labor Ex- change, large home market, 118 Valencia st. PROPOSALS. ; oTrH^RD^_^^F^U^BERS' X materials, lumber, paints, oils, etc., furniture, fuel," stovepipe, stationery, library books, physical, c hemical and other apparatus and supplies, print- ing, lithographing, etc.— Sealed proposals wllljbe r« celved by the Superintendent of Common Schools, in open Session of the Board of Education, on Wednesday, May 29, 1895. at 8:30 o'clock P. m., for furnishing the School Department of this City and County during the fiscal year 1895-06 wit- hardware, plumbers' materials, lumber, paints, oils, etc., furniture, fuel, stovepipe, s stationery, library books and physical, chemical and other ap- paratus and supplies for the Girls' High School, etc., and fosdolng the printing and lithographing required during the said fiscal year, In accordance with specifications at the office of the Board of Ed- ucation, new City. Hall. GEORGE BEANSTON, Secretary. T> EXEMPTION OF DUPONT-ST. BONDS.— it Treasurer's office. City and County of San Francisco, May 8, 1895. Holders of Diipont-street bonds Issued under an act of the State Legislature, entitled "An act to authorize the widening of Dupont street, in the City of San Francisco," adopted March 23, 1876, are hereby notified that the undersigned will receive sealed proposals for the surrender of said bonds, as provided by Section 13 of said act, at his office, in the New City Hall, San Francisco, until 12 o'clock noon of MONDAY, May 20, 1895. . The amount to be applied (to the redemption of said bonds is about seventy-three thousand dollars ($73,000.) Bidders will state at - what rate they will surrender their bonds for payment, less coupons due. No proposals above par will be con- sidered. . ' ' Bids to be indorsed, "Proposals for Surrender of Dupont-street Bonds." • J. H. WIDBER, ? City and County Treasurer. PROPOSALS FOR ALTERATIONS AND AD- TO SCHOOLHOUSES FOR BULKHEAD AND FOR HEATING SCHOOLHOUSE. Sealed proposals will be received by the Superin- tendent of Common Schools in open session of the Board of Education, • new City Hall, on Wednes- day, May 22, 1895, at 8:30 o'clock P. M., for altera- tions and additions to the James Lick Grammar School building, and for alterations and additions,' bulkhead ■ and heating at the North Cosmopolitan Grammar School building, in the City and County of San Francisco, in accordance with plans and specifications at the office of Charles I. Havens, architect or the board, room 55, Flood building, corner of Fourth and Market streets. ; •■. : ■■-■.■ - geokge ii__A_>_ilu2?, Secretary, _ -. PIANOS, VIOLINS. ETC. , p EORGE F." WELLS, SOLE AGENT FOR TIIE XX Mathushele pianos; sold on. very easy install- ments: pianos rented. IS6O Market st. ' v . IpOR $80 CASH-UPRIGHT FOR IMMEDIATE ? sale. Room 81, 809 Market st. ■ ©1 Kfk LEG AN TtJPBH JItTQUITE NEW; t£)l-O\J, for sale on $5 month. 221 Leavenworth. INE PARLOR ORGAN FOR SALE VERY cheap ; cost $200. 1332 Pacific St. T\JEW $8 PICCOLO AND 840 FLUTE AT -!■> half. J. P., box 31, Call Office. . ■ \V" M °« BADGER, WITH KOHLER & CHASE ; f f 26. 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. OIL NEW T RENT-CONTRACT PLAN IS V meeting with great fuvor: terms Of payment nre so easy that everybody can have a piano: besi nriaKers; largest stock. SHERMAN. CLAY A CO. ARP BY SEBASTIAN KRAJiD; DOUBLE action and elegantly .linslied; ts found with difficulty where; a nice selection is at present exhibited by SsUERii AN, CLAY & CO. TECK, CHICK*ERiNG A SONS., VOSE AND ■ Sterling pianos sold oc $10 Installments. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON', soie agents, 16-20 O'FarreU st. • ) bECQND-HAND UPRIGHTS, WITH OUR — guarantee; 185 each. MAUValS,769 Market. HOME INI) V STR Y-11J511M li i LONG PIANO CO.. 340 Post; pianos sold on Installments; -send for Illustrated catalogue. A BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A xV good piano by renting. Be careful to go to . KOHLER & CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrcll st. T\ECkER BROS., STEIN WAY. FISCHER XJ other . first-class makes of pianos; little used; cheap ifor cash or on easy terms. KOHLER & CHASE, and SO O % Farrell it. GREAT \BOAf N S IN SECOND-HAND PI- VJT anos at SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. car. Kear- ny and Butter sts. ASY TERMS; LOW PRICES. KOHLER & CHASE. ■ "LiEW ELEOANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARD -I 1 makes, aim new, half original cost;, see at once. F. W. SPENCER * CO., 721 Market st. BYRON MAU/.Y, 308 POST SOHMEIi, Xi •■: by <fc Evans, Briggs and other pianos. S'S'WAY UPRIGHT -"SLIGHTLY USED; mad tone; half-cost. SPENCER, 721 Market. Q1 .i: lull VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD A NEW. OH. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. ANSEL WHITE, INFORMATION WANTED: x\. if alive may hear of something greatly to his advantage, or his heirs may if he is dead. Address K. H. O'HARA, 469 S. Seventh St., San Jose, Cal. TAILOR PATTERNS COT TO MEASURE^ -L basque or skirt, ir>c. 115 Kearny at., room 14. HOUSES. O^^A^E^AT^A^A RG AInTTHgH^BRED mare, buggy and harness; splendid for doctor. Inquire New York Stable, 42 Sixth st. T> ELI ABLE FAMILY HORSE. HARNESS J\> and surrey, $200; bargain. 931 Lombard. or SALE— BLACK team, 1900 POUNDS: . mares: lopy and gentle; chestnut team, 2200 pounds; drives single and good in saddle; a 2:20 trotter, 16:2 hands; bay may, 1550 pounds; all class of horses bought and, sold. California Horse Re- pository, 510 Van Ness aye. A A HORSES FOR SALE; ALSO WAGONS, Mv/ buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Market, 327 Sixth st.; auction sales every Wednes- day. S DLLIV AN & DOYLE, Auctioneers. HORSES PASTURED; 82 A MONTH; SEND for circular. F. A. HYDE, 630 Commercial st. 1 AA SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL J.\J\J kinds; second-hand wagons, buggy, carts; also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia sts. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. FOR SALE— LIGHT WAGON, HORSE AND harness. Apply 731 Natonut. CLAIRVOYANTS. e^nT^^aTShs^FT^lTuw^ylln^^lTfe reader. 633 Post st. : hours 9a.m.t08 p. m. ; also Sundays. PROF. M . C. GEE, SPIRIT TEST MEDIUM; X consultation dally. 1031 Market st., opposite O'Brien's. . ME. PORTER, CARD-READER; LADIES 60c; gents 91; palmistry and clairvoyant; sit- tings $1 50. 210 Turk St., near Jones. rs. DR. THOMAS BEIGHEL, CLAIRVOY- ant and magnetic healer; sittings daily. En- trance 425 Kearny and 605 California sts., r"m 21. DIAMOND, MAGNETIC HEALER AND • mesmerist, cures and develops clairvoyants by mesmerism. 406 Sntter St., rooms 50 and 61. ME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- er by eggs and cards (in English orGerman)tells entire life, past, present, future; consultations on all affairs, nothing excepted; names given; good advice; sure help: restores lost love by sympathy; mistake Impossible; fee fl; letter $2. 80 Kearny. A UGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER? -ci. magic charms: love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband; teaches fortune-telling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm; fee $1 and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. ME.MOREAU.BEST MEDIUM, CLAIRVOY- ant; speaks German 25c up. 131 Fourth st. RS. J. J. WHITNEY, CLAIRVOYANT, TEST medium and life-reader. 218 Stockton. 'SPIRITUALISM. MRS. S. SEAL^SPIRITUAL" MEDIUM: RE- ligious clr. Wed. 8 p.m.; Thurs., 2:30: 110 M- c st. RS. EGGERT AIKEN, TRANCE MEDIUM: cir. Sun. eve.: developing cir. Tues. eve. 715 Post st. ■ ■■ MRS. HENDEE ROGERS. GIFTED MEDIUM healer; clr., Mon and Fri; sit daily. 122 Turk. M. FRANCIS, iIB~HAIGHT. INDEPEN- . dent slate-writing medium: Sunday excepted. __ ____________ ___ ASTROLOGY. "X STR AL SEER-PROF. HOLMES, 523 GEARY -nL st.: horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. PALMISTRY. 1 TURE. MADAM MINERVA, The marvelous English palmist, has arrived In San Francisco, and will grant interviews daily, from 10:30 to 5:30, In her rooms at the Oriel, corner of Market and Franklin streets, third floor, room 43: elevators; cars pass the door. Mme. Minerva's revelations were one of the wonders of the metrop- olis of England. She was patronized by the nobil- ity, professional men and ladies of the highest rank. All classes and both sexes hastened to con- sult her in times of crises in order to benefit by her wondrous skill. . Fee $1 ; private parties, soirees, bazaars, garden parties, etc., attended by arrange- ment: lessons given as In England. ' FINANCIAL. pSrv ate party~makeTloans on'dia- -1 monds, furniture, etc.; $100 up; low interest; no delay. BWAHEY, 121 Stockton St. T OW RATES; CITY, COUNTRY: COLLAT- XJ era! securities TRAVERSE. 313 Montg'y. LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Arrived. { TUESDAY, May 14. Bark Canada. Lancaster. 10 days from Tacoma; lumber and piles, to Hanson & Co. Schr Maid of Orleans, Arff, 4 days from Willapa Bay; 244 Mft lumber. to Simpson Lumber Co. Sailed. TUESDAY, May 14 Stmr Homer, Drisko, Coos Bay. Domestic Ports. COOS BAY— May 14— Stmr Arcata, for San Francisco. CLEONE— Arrived May 14— Stmr Alcazar, hnce May 18. ' BOWENS LANDING— SaiIed May Schr Rio Key, for San Francisco. ■ FORT BRAGG— Sailed May 14— Stmr Navarro, for San Francisco, ■ ALBlON— Sailed May 14— Stmr Albion, for San Francisco. , ;.> ■ . ■ Movements of Trans- Atlantic Steamers. QUEENSTOWN— May 14— Stmr Teu- tonic, from Liverpool, and proceeded. MARSEILLES— Arrived May ■ 14— Stmr Britan- nic, from New York. SOUTHAMPTON— Arrived May 14 — Stmr Havre, from New York for Bremen. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ', Licenses to marry were granted yesterday at follows: F. H. Stable and Rose M. C. Jaghers, 38—28. William E. Beughl and Hilda Lund, 28—19. George Knudson and Emma Karlson, 27—23. John W. Willot and Bertha Hoffman, 83—23. Winfield S. Voy and Mary A. Crouch, 33—25. John Kaufmann and Marie Nessier, 29—25. . John F. Leiser and Jennie Steward, — 25. M. T. Hanlon and Catherine F. Bogan. 87—26. . Robert S. Lee and Maria Diez, 37—19. ' Otto Welsman and Minnie E. Goldsmith, 28—27. John C. Nelson and Maggie Ferguson, 26—19. DIVORCE SUITS BEGUN. , Catherine Ingles against George Ingles. Mary E. Corcoran against Joseph A. Corcoran. Isabella Mayers against Henry Mayers. DIVORCES GRANTED. Helene '. Hern kip from ; Clarence C. Hemme ; granted by Judge Sanderson; iatemperance. BIRTIIS^MARRIAGjES— DEATHS. BORN. NEEB— In this city, May 13, 1895, to the wife of Charles Neeb, a son. , • . • MARRIED. V BREMLER— In this city, May 12, 1895, by the Rev. M. 6. Levy, Rudolph Bremler and Flora Solomons, both of San Francisco. :> ■ BERGER— SAMUELB— In this city, May 7, 1895, by the Rev. M. S. Levy. Isaac Berger and Jennie Samuels, both of San Francisco. FEALOW— PETERSON— 12, 1895, by the Rev. E. Nelander, Dr. August .N. Fehlow and Emllle Peterson. , , - : •;■ , LASKY— HABERLAND— In this city. May 12. 1895. by the Rev. M. S. Levy, Israel Lasky of Woodland and Theresa Haberland of San Fran- cisco. - ■ '■■■, 3ss&Egggßß&B% : . RAUST- JENSEN— Oakland, May * 13, 1895, by the Rev. I. L. P. Dietrichson, Hans P. Ranst »ad Lava Jensen. DIED. Balfrey, John McKeand, Margaret Banon, William R. McCann, Pe«r CroßOgue. William E. Murphy, Maurice Carroll, John Murray, Mrs. Bridget Dick, Robert D. Nlcboll, Agnes B. Dillon, Anne < 'Sullivan. Daniel Felsenthal, Philip Osterloh, Rufus \> . Gallagh( r, Annie F. Presltr. John Hall, Martha V. Shult*. Katie ll' nuann, Clara , " Stelnfeld, Levl Kronenberg, Vincentia Slmkins, Charles 11. Lane, Kate Tobino, Dominick Waldie, James BA Y— ln this City, May 13, 1395, John Bal- fry, a native of Doneraile, County Cork, Ireland, aged 70 years. tirl'rlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 9 o'clock a.m., from *t. Mary's Chapel, corner First and Bryant streets, vnence to st. Brendan's Church, corner Fremont and Har- rison streets, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul. Inter- ment Mount Calvary Cemetery. BARRON— In Alameda, May 14, 1895, William It., beloved husband of Mary F. Barron, brother of George Barron, and son of ! the late Edward Barron, a native of San Francisco, aged 32 years 10 months and 13 days. «3TFriends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from his late residence, 929 Lafay- ette street, Chestnut-street station, narrow-gauge road, thence to St. Joseph's Church, where a solemn requiem moss will be celebrated for 1 the repose of his soul, commencing- at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, San Mateo County. Please omit flowers. CRONOGUE— Drowned in Russian River, Sonoma County, Cal.. May 12, 1895. William Edward, beloved son of James and Mary Cronogue. and brother of Annie A. Cronogne, a native of San Francisco, aged 20 years. • • • J£S*Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited .to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 8:45 o'clock a.m., from the resi- dence of the parents, 822 Twenty-third street, thence to St. James Church, Twenty-third and Guerrero streets, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. CARROLL— In this city, May 14. 1895, John Car- roll, a native of Ireland, aged 44 years. DICK-In this city, May 14, 1895, Robert D. Dick, beloved husband of Catherine Dick, and father of Katie E., Elizabeth and William H. Dick, a na- tive of Stirling, Scotland, aged 69 years and 4 months. *S"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral services TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 1:30 o'clock p. m., at Odd Fellows' Hail, corner Market and Seventh streets. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery by electric car from Mission and Fourteenth streets. DILLON— In this city, May 4. 1803. Anne Dillon, beloved mother of Thomas, Patrick, Daniel, Charles and Michael Dillon, Mrs. John McCabe and Mary Ann Dillon, a native of Grelguenama- nagh. County Killkenuy, Ireland, aged 76 years. t(W Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 8:80 o'clock a. m., from the resi- dence of her daughter, 211 Ridley street, thence to Mission Dolores Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. inter- ment Holy Cross Cemetery. •. . ?> FELSENTHAL— In this city, May 13. 1895. Philip Felsentbal, a native of Bavaria, aged 72 years. JtyFriends and acquaintances arc respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS D 4 V (Wednesday), at 10:15 o'clock a.m., from his lato residence, 2"527 Fill more street, thence to Home of Peace Cemetery by 11:45 o'clock a. m. train from Third and Townsend streets. Please omit flowers. GALLAGHER— In this city, May 14, 1895. Annie Frances, dearly beloved and only daughter of Frank and Annie Gallagher, a native of San Francisco, aged 21 years 7 months and 2 days. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the residence of the parents, 621 Minna street, thence to St. Joseph's Church for services. , Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. . . - - HALL— In this city. May 13. 1895, Martha Vic- toria Hall, a native of New York, aged 66 years 9 months and . 15 days. HEIMANN— In this city. May 13, 1895, Clara Heiman, ■ a native of Sandwich Islands, aged 83 years and 5 months. KKONENBERO— In this city. May 13, 1895. Vin- centia, beloved wife of the late Jacob Kronenberg, and beloved mother of F. Kronenberg, Mm. Fred Sefrin and Mrs. B. Windhaus, a native of Ger- many, aged 85 years 4 months and 20 days. *3"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 9 o'clock a. m., from her late resi- dence, 1632 Pierce street, near Bush, thence to St. Boniface's Church. Golden Gate avenue, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 :30 o'clock a. m. Interment Mount Calvary Ceme- tery. LANE- In this city, May 13, 1895,. Kate Lane, 'loved sister of the late J. .1. Lane, and sister- in-law of Mrs. M. A. Lane of Ocean View, a na- tive of County Cork, Ireland, aged 37 years. [St. Louis papers please copy.J Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 9 o'clock a. m.. from the par- lors of the United Undertakers. 27 and 29 Fifth street, thence to St. Michael's Church, Ocean View, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of herjsoul, commencing at 10:30 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross ■ • Cemetery. McKEAND— In this City, May 12, 1895, Margaret, beloved wife of V.'Uliam B. McKeand, and daugh- ter of Mrs. A. and the late J. Stapleton, a na- tive of San Francisco, aged 31 years. J9_TFrlends and -acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 8:80 o'clock a^m., from the resi- dence of her mother. 1424 Grove street, thence to St. Agnes Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Inter- ment Mount Calvary Cemetery. . McCANN— In this city. May 13, 1895, Peter Mc- Cann. a native of New York, aged 69 years. [New York papers please copy.J ■ j6fs"Fricnrts and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the par- lors of the Pacific Undertakers, 777 Mission street, between " Third and Fourth. MURPHY— In this city. May 14, 1895, at his brother's residence, 635 Eighteenth street, be- tween Dolores and Guerrero, Maurice Murphy. a native of Macroon, County Cork, Ireland, aged 33 years. jB3TThe funeral will take place TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 9:45 o'clock a. m., thence to Mis- sion Dolores Church, Sixteenth and - Dolores streets, where a requiem mas 3 will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing -at 10 ■ o'clock a. v. Interment Mount Calvary Ceme- tery. ...... Y. M. I.— Members of Pioneer Council No 1, ' Y. M. L— Brothers: You are hereby notified to ' attend the funeral of our deeeaind brother, Maurice Murphy, from bis late residence, 535 Eighteenth street, TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 9:45 o'clock a. m. Fines for non-attendance will be strictly enforced. By order, ■ , M. O'SHAUGHNESSY, President. Wm. Adams, Cor. Sec. MURRAY— A month's mind requiem high mass will be offered up in St. Paul's Church TO-MOR- ROW (Thursday), at 8 o'clock a. m.. for there- pose of the soul of the late Mrs. Bridget Murray. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully In- vited to attend. NICHOLL— In San Pablo, May 13, 1895, Agnes Booth, beloved wife of John Nicboll, a native of County Antrim, Ireland, aged 68 years 2 months 21 days. [New York papers please copy.] aS"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend" the funeral TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 10 o'clock a. m., from her late resi- dence, San Pablo, thence to West Berkeley Pres- byterian Church. Interment Mountain View Cemetery. Please omit flowers.. O'SULLIVAN— In Oakland, May 13, 1895, Daniel O'Snlllvan. a native of Oakland, aged 11 years 1 month and 11 days. OSTERLOH— In this city, May IS, 1895, Rnftis William, beloved son of Adolph and Ella Osterloh Jr., aged 3 months. PRESLER— In this city, May 14, 1895. John Pres- ler, a native of Germany, aged 70 years. SHULTZ— In this city, May 13, 1895, Katie, be- loved wlf« of John Shultz, and mother of Chris- tian Shultz, a native of Germany, aged 37 years. JlSTFriends and acquaintances . are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 10:30 o'clock a.m., from her late residence, 45 California avenue. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. SIMKINS— In this city. May 13, 1895, Charles H. only and beloved son of A. G. and S&rah Slmkins, and brother of Florence bimkins, a native of San Francisco, aged 1 year 5 months and 11 days. Friends and acquaintances are respects . fully. invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 1 o'clock p.m., from the resi- dence of his parents, 138 Thirteenth street, between Howard and Folsom. Interment Cy- press Lawn Cemetery. - STEINFELD— Tucson, Ariz.. Levl, beloved husband of the late Lena Stelnf eld, and father of Mrs. L. Ransohoff of Denver. Mrs. S. Katzenstein and Albert and Adolph Stelnfeld of Tucson and Mrs. Alfred Cohen of San Francisco. TOBINO— Nevada, May 11, 1895, Domlnick, beloved : husband of . Mlna Tobino, . a native of ! Italy, aged 64 years. J6_TFrlends are respectfully invited to attend ' the funeral services THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. m., at Odd Fellows' Hall, under the auspices of Templar Lodge No. 17, 1. O. O. F. WALDIE— In this city, May 13, 1895. James, be- loved husband of Susan Waldie, and brother.of Archibald and Grade Waldie, Mrs. Kate Willis, Mrs. Ted Lee and Mrs. Albert Greenhowe, a na- tive of Lough England, aged 40 years and 4 months. JO"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 10 o'clock a.m., from his late residence, 8007 FUlmore . street. Interment Masonic Cemetery. ____^___^^__ " I : UNITED UNDERTAKERS' EMBALMING PARLOUS. Everything Requisite for First-class Funerals at Reasonable Rates. Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 Fifth street, j MCAVOY A CALLACHER, ; I FUNERAL DIRECTORS & EMBAI.MKRM, 20 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. Telephone 8080. CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY. TN BAN MATEO COUNTY; NON-SECTARIAN; 1 - laid out on the lawn plan: perpetual care: beau- tiful, permanent and easy of access; see it before baying » burial place elsewhere. . . - . Hits Office. » City Hall Arena*. , 13