Newspaper Page Text
2 WOODLAND'S BIG DAY Editors of the Sacra mento Valley Are Entertained. UNITED FOB PROGRESS. Formation of a Press Associa tion, With W. R. Ellis as President. WILL WORK FOR THE VALLEY. Earnest Efforts Pledged for the Improvement of Its Great Waterway. WOODLAND, Cal., May 14.— This has been a gala day for Woodland. The vari ous editors of the Sacramento Valley as sembled here, and the whole population turned out to do them honor. The Julian Hotel, which is the meeting place, was magnificently decorated for the occasion, and the various committees were kept busy receiving and showing the visitors about. This afternoon the press meeting was called to order by W. R. Ellis of the Wood land Mall. Representatives of twenty ei^ht newspapers of the valley responded to the rollcall. An organization was formed under the name of the Sacramento Valley Press Association, and committees were appointed on resolutions and perma nent organization. The following officers were elected: president, W. EL Ellis of Woodland; vice president, S. S. Boynton of Oroville; sec retary, D. G. Holt of Rio Vista; treasurer, J. I. McConnell of Woodland. The following resolution, introduced by C. K. McClatchyof Sacramento, was unan imously adopted: Whereas, The paramount Interest of the Sacrßmento Valley lies in the preservation of its great river without danger to navigation and without menace to farms. Resolved, That the members of the Sacra mento Valley Press Association dedicate their most earnest efforts, generally and severally, to obtaining all Government aid that can be se for the preservation and improvemeut of said river, and will battle continuously against any to that navigation, uo matter from what source it comes. E. B. Willis, chairman of the committee on re'olutionsj submitted the following, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the members of the Sacramento Valley L fne, individually and collect ively, pledge themselves to do all In their power to advance the interests of the Sacra mento Valley and to secure the development of its vast and varied resources. Resolved, That the holding of large tracts of lp.nd under one ownership is an evil which be settlement and develop ment of the Sacramento Valley, and that we wiil discourage such land monopoly in every way possible, to the end that the lands of the valley may be divided into small holdings and thus advance the prosperity of all the people. . i hat this association place entirely in the hends of the executive committee the matter of any attempt at co-operative efforts at advertising the Sacramento Valley. Resolved, That the thanks of the Sacramento Valley Press League are due and are hereby tendered to the. Yolo County Board of Trade and to the ladiefl of Woodland and to the citi zens of Woodland generally for the cordial hos pitality which has been tendered to us. The remainder of the afternoon was taken up by the informal discussion of the advan tages to be derived from an organization of Sacramento Valley papers, and many plans were suggested, so that all can work in harmony and help build up this fertile valley and strive to have the population greatly increased by devising ways of let ting the people know of its many advan tages. During the evening the visitors were driven around the city and a reception was tendered by the ladies of Woodland at the Julian Hotel. To-morrow, after the morning session, the visitors will be driven into the country to all the principal points of interest, and the meeting will be brought to a close in the evening. Much enthusiasm prevailed all day, and the people who are interested in the Sacra mento Valley are much elated over the successful start made to-day in the ad vancement of its many resources. LOSS OF THE TUG MOGUL Wrecked Off Cape Flattery While Trying to Save a 75-Cent Rope. There Was No Insurance on the Vessel, Which Was Valued at $25,000. PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., May 14.— In an attempt to recover a heaving line worth 75 cents the British tug Mogul of Victoria, valued at $25,000, was wrecked. Further particulars show that the tug, after towing the bark Darra to sea Sunday morning, tried to run alongside the vessel to secure a heaving line. The sailing ves sel struck the Mogul's bow, tearing away her stem ana opening up the seams of her hull, through which the water flowed rapidly. The accident happened a few miles west of Cape Flattery, and the tug, though in imminent danger of sinking, headed for Keah Bay, inside the straits, but she filled so rapidly that it was neces sary to beach her two miles inside of Tatoosh light among the rocks. Not a moment was lost, as her officers aver she could not have run another mile. The tug will prove a total loss, with the exception of her machinery and boilers. The Mogul was in command of Captain Smith of Victoria and was owned by the British Columbia Tugboat Company, the principal stock of which is held by the Puget Sound Tugboat Company of this city. She was uninsured. SJSyT TO BERISG SEA. The Revenue Cutter Grant Receives Vn- expected Order* to Sail. PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., May 14.— Unexpected orders came from Washington to-night for the revenue cutter Grant to immediately prepare for sea. Some days ago the department ordered the cutter laid up for thirty days to effect necessary re pairs. To-day, when the work was fairly commenced, orders came to suspend opera tions and prepare for a cruise for the North Pacific Ocean. This movement is thought to have been actuated by the refusal of the British authorities to renew Bering Sea regula tions and the desire of the United States Government to communicate with its cut ters now patrolling the sea. Under the present complicated arrangements should other cutters seize British sealers upon the high seas for violation of the sealing regu lations serious complications might arise between the two Governments. As soon as the Grant is ready for sea she will leave for the north in search of Com mander Hooper of the cutter Rush, to whom dispatches from the department will be delivered. TACOMA. SILVERITES ORGANIZE. Republicans Who Will Desert Their T arty if JBimetaUistn Im Ignored. TACOMA, Wash., May 11.— The Tacoma Bimetallic Club, the formation of which has been agitated for some time, effected an organization to-night with a large membership. A constitution was adopted, which provides for members working within their own party lines to advance bimetallism. State Senator E. W. Taylor and Johnson Nickeus, prominent Repub licans of the State, announced that unless the party declares emphatically for bimet allism they will leave its ranks. KILLED HEAR ANACORTES. William King, a Sailor, Falls Through a Hatchway to His Death. TACOMA, Wash., May 14.— William A. King, a Portuguese sailor on the City of Puebla. fell through a hatchway early this morning when she was nearing Anacortes and was killed. He leaves a widow and three children. He had $2000 insurance in the A. 0. U. W. King was formerly third mate on the steamer Eureka, running between San Francisco and San Pedro, and previous to coming to Tacoma he was weighmaster for the Pacific Coast Steamship Company ut Broadway wharf in San Francisco. SPOKAXE SHOOTiyG AFFRAY. Theodore dishing Shoots His Hired Man in tielf-Defense. SPOKANE, Wash., May 14.— Theodore Cushing, a prominent citizen, shot and killed Thomas King, his hired man, to-day at his ranch, ten miles from this city. A dispute arose over wages and Cushing went into his house, more with a desire to scare the man than to hurt him, and se cured a shotgun. King made a rush at him with a club, when Cushing fired one barrel at his legs. He kept coming, and Cushing then fired the contents of the sec ond barrel, some of the shot taking effect in his abdomen. Cushing started to this city for a doctor but before he returned King died. Cush ing came back to the city, engaged coun sel and surrendered to the authorities. He is in jail to-night. Cushing came to Spokane from Portland several years ago. ROMANCE OF SEATTLE. An Escaped Prisoner Is Converted and Reveals His Identity. SEATTLE, Wash., May 14. — Elijah Brown, alias J. H. Howard, jail-breaker and burglar, who escaped three years ago after having served four years, and still has eight years to serve in the Kansas State prison, was converted here Saturday night at a Salvation Army meeting, and to-day an nounced his identity. Iloward says he wants to go back and serve his eight years, and then devote the remainder of his life to missionary work with the Salvation Army. He has notified the Governor of Kansas and the warden of the State penitentiary of his whereabouts, and has said he is willing to finish his term. SEATTLE OFFICIALS CLASH. The School Board Refuses to Obey an Order of the Board of Health. SEATTLE, Wash., May 14.— The School Board to-day decided to resist the order of the Health Board, closing two of the public schools on account of the prevalence of scarlet fever. The School Board denies the authority of the Health Board in the matter, and will secure a decision on a test case in the courts. ARIZONA REDS MARAUDING Several Miners Reported to Have Been Slain Near Fort Bayard. The Apache Kid at the Head of a Band of Renegade Cattle- Thieves. DENVER, Colo., May 14.— Colonel Ward, acting commander of the Department of Colorado, received a dispatch late this after noon that the cavalry troops sent out from Fort Bowie are close on the trail of the Indians who were reported yesterday to have fired upon miners near Fort Bayard, Ariz., killing several, and who have been rounding up cattle and horses and com mitting other depredations. The Apache Kid is said to be the leader of the band of renegades. WILCOX, Ariz., May 14.— 0n Sunday evening a courier came in, stating that twelve armed Indians were seen Saturday prowling around the hills in the vicinity of Buckhorn Basin, where the mines are being worked. The miners at once left their claims after being notified, and have congregated together for protection to themselves and tne few scattered families. This locality is near the abandoned post of Fort Bowie and is some twenty miles east of Wilcox. Monday morning another report was brought in from the new gold find in the south pass of the Dragoon Mountains, twenty miles south of here, that six Indians, fully armed, were seen there. They attacked a prospectors' camp, driving the prospectors from their claims and firing four shots at one of the men, compelling him to jump for safety from a high ledge, severely injuring himself. This morning responsible reports were received from Graham County stating that a band of fifteen heavily armed Indians were seen last evening at sundown seven miles south, of Clifton rounding up horses of citizens. Much alarm is felt. To-day a body of citizens take up the trail. This morning one troop of cavalry left Fort Bayard, N. M M for the scene, but long marches are necessary to reach the scene of reported danger. The citizens are feel ing very wrought up and insecure. The Indiana are reported to be in dis tress from insufficient rations and trouble is predicted, with no adequate military protection. Only a few availahle troops to quickly reach the locality are at Fort Grant, and under orders to move inside of a week, hence all are packed up. The abandonmeut of Bowie leaves the whole southern country open to ravages, and it would not surprise those who fceep watch of the indications to see the present trou bles from miscellaneous small bands now off the reservation, bent on rapine and murder, end in a general outbreak. SOLOMON VILLE, Abiz., May 14.- Sheriff Wight was notified to-day that fifteen Apache Indians were seen yesterday at sundown. near .Pomeroy's ranch, twenty miles from Clifton, rounding up horses. Indians were reported as seen in that vicin ity several days ago, but the report was not verified. The command at Fort Grant has been notified. THE SAX FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1895. VALLEJO WATER WAR Suit Brought Against the City by a Private Company. HOWISON A DEFENDANT. The Mare Island Commandant Unwillingly Drawn Into the Action. WOULD SHUT OFF THE MAINS. It Is Charged That the City Cannot Legally Supply the Naval Station. VALLEJO, Cal., May 14.— The city own ership of the water-works has brought about litigation that promises to cause much trouble. The Vallejo Water Com pany is arrayed against the city of Vallejo. "When Vallejo by a called election de cided in favor of city ownership of the works there was bad feeling on the part of those interested in the private concern. At the election many charges were made that strong influence had been brought to bear to defeat the proposition. They were never traced to reliable sources. Immediately after the bonded indebtedness of the city was sanctioned the city started to supply private consumers and all other places. Mare Island had long lacked a proper water supply and a contract was made by the city with the Government to supply the naval station. At the same time the Orphans' Home, a charitable institution, was also supplied and is to-day. Suit is now commenced by the old water company to make the city relinquish its right as to furnishing water to either place. The Government works is made the base of the attack, and, together with Vallejo, Commandant Howison is made defendant. Attorney Heynemann of San Francisco will apply to the Superior Court of Solano County for a writ of review to-morrow. The City Trustees are willing to fight, and an interesting suit is looked for. As to the Orphans' Home, the Trustees assert that they will furnish water gratis if need be sooner than give the right to the old com pany to assert to whom the city shall fur nish water. SEARCHIXO FOR XOTEB. ■ The Missing Contractor Will Be I'rose- cured If He Is Captured. VALLEJO, Cal., May 14.— The disap pearance of Contractor Noyes and his loca tion in Oregon has caused many who were before inclined to believe insanity the cause of hi 9 departure to avow that he in tended to decamp. At a meeting of interested parties to-day, his bondsmen decided that they would pay a penalty involving $1500 and allow Miss Dr. Lane to finish the structure that Noyes so abruptly left uncompleted. The belief is expressed that Xoyes will be brought back, and if he can be taken into custody he will be tried on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. WORK OA' THE MOAAOXOCK. The Seto Vessel Hill Soon Be Ready for Its Trial Trip. VALLEJO, Cal., May 14.— Work on the Monaduock is nearing completion, which indicates that the vessel will be ready for her trial trip in about three months. Workmen are engaged in placing and con necting the steam pipes in the engine and dynamo rooms, and arranging electric wires, speaking tubes and ventilators throughout. Everything being done is well done by the skilled workmen, and it is safe to say that when tested, it will be found satisfactory in every particular. LORI* DOUGLAS AT VICTORIA. H* Complains Bitterly of the Treatment lie Is Receiving. VICTORIA, B. C, May 14.— Lord Sholto Douglas, youngest son of the Marquis of Queensberry, was here for a few hours last night on hi 3 way from San Francisco. He complained bitterly of the cold manner in which he was received by his countrymen. He went around prominent hotels and clubs, but was not recognized. He was accompanied by a woman. Captain Handley Tile* at McMinnville. McMINNVILLE, Ob., May 14.— Captain Charles Handley, a pioneer of 1850, died to-day, aged 83 years. He leaves eight children.'timong them being Officer Charles Handley of the San Francisco police force. MATRIMONY IS HIS GAME No Less Than Seven Wives Possessed by a Smooth Swindler. By a Slelght-of-Hand Performance He Steals a Fortune From One of His Dupes. DETROIT, Mich., May 14.— A Miss Tomlinson of Brooklyn, N. V., married C. J. White a little less than twelve years ago in that city. It appears that she knew nothing of his antecedents. She was known to have $12,000 in her own right and to her White paid devoted attention. They were finally married. Miss Tomlin son, who then believed herself Mrs. White, giving him $1000 to start in business. The business did not succeed. He then got $2500 more out of her and they came West. Then he complained that savings banks were not safe and advised her to deposit her money in a safe deposit vault. He arranged all the details and when she went to the vault to deposit her money she found the box was not large enongh. White went for another and by some kind of sleight-of-hand he deposited a lot of worthless paper in the box and stowed Miss Tomlinson's wealth away in his pocket. Shortly afterward he disappeared and then Mias Tomlinson began an investiga tion. She traced him to Ireland, where she learned he had a previous wife. The first Mrs. White was induced to come to Amer ica and since then, with detectives, the two women have worked together ior revenge. Last Saturday Miss Tomlinson came to Detroit and learned that White, under the name of Henry Whitney, had recently come to Buchanan and arranged to buy a store. At Buchanan Whitney was arrested with a woman who passed herself off as bis sister. Whitney, or White, had $1200 in cash and the woman a lot of diamonds. The detectives liavo information which leads them to believe that White has no less than seven wives— one in Glasgow, an other in London, another in Ireland, one in Boston, Miss Tomlinson of Brooklyn, a woman in Detroit, one in Chicago, and they also believe that the woman with him, who comes from the interior of In diana, is the latest accession. HIS GOLDr.y JUBILEE. Servires to Honor the Venerable Arch~ bishop Williams. BOSTON, Mass., May 14. -The observ ance of the golden jubilee of Archbishop Williams (Roman Catholic) will begin Thursday and continue through Friday. There will be pontifical high mass in the Cathedral of the Holy Cross at 10 A. M. Thursday, the Archbishop officiating. Mgr. Satolli and Cardinal Gibbons will be enthroned in the sanctuary. Many other distinguished dignitaries of the church will also be present. After the mass the Archbishop will give a luncheon to the hierarchy. The banquet given by, the clergy and laity to the Archbishop and his guests will be in Music Hall in the evening. Among those who will respond to toasts will be Archbishop Williams, Mgr. Satolli, Cardinal Gibbons. Governor Greenhalge and Mayor Curtis. On Friday various reli gious and philanthropic societies will cele brate the event by attending a solemn high mass in the cathedral. The sermon will be preached by Bishop Keane of the Cath olic University at Washington. In the evening the Catholic Union of Boston will give a reception in honor of the Bishop. Prominent Catholics from all parts of the country will be present at the celebration. BELIEVES IN BETTER PAY Labor Commissioner Wright Talks Upon Labor Problems. Says It Is to the Advantage of Em ployers to Treat Employes Fairly. NEW YORK, N. V., May 14.-United States Labor Commissioner Carroll D. Wright was at the Fifth-avenue Hotel last night. Speaking of labor matters over the country he said : "I have been censured somewhat for a remark attributed to me. I was quoted as saying that in my estimation there would be no strikes this summer. It waa simply a misconstruction. The idea I meant to convey when I made the statement was that there would be no strikes this sntn mer that would assume the proportions or importance of the labor troubles of last summer. Of course there will in all prob ability always be strikes, but I think they will amount to very little this summer." Referring to the recent strikes in Chicago which resulted in violence Mr. Wright said: "I do not think that the labor troubles there will be of any great duration or pro portion. Of course I don't want to talk of the causes or who is right and who is wrong, but from my own observations I think that the Chicago trouble will be speedily adjusted. One thing which pleases me is the voluntary raising of wages in Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and "West Virginia and that confidence in the future seems to be fully restored. As a re sult of this old plant-, are resuming and in the vicinity of Pittst#rg alone over 10,000 workingmen have received an advance during last week. "That is in direct line with my creed. The gospel I preach is fellowship between employer and employe. If employers would raise wages when times are good, as they are now doing, the men would not be suspicious when their wages were cut in periods of financial depression, but would understand and bear their portion of the burden as it ttood, and a wholesome recip rocal policy would be maintained." LOSSES ON THE LAKES Long List of Vessels Wrecked During a Storm on Michigan. On Other Bodies of the Great Waters Many Disasters Are Reported. CHICAGO, 111., May 14.— The storm which swept over Lake Michigan yester day and last night was the most disastrous since the gale of last May, in which many lives were lost. At noon to-day the list of known wrecks was as follows: Quickstep, wrecked off Racine ; J. B. Kitchen, wrecked at Middle Island ; Viking, driven aground with three consorts at Sand Beach ; steamer Unique, wrecked at St. Clair; three schoon ers, wrecked off East Tawas, Mich. The schooner Reindeer was reported stranded at Black River. An unknown schooner was wrecked off Racine. A three-masted schooner was wrecked near Milwaukee. DETROIT, Mich., May 14.— A boiler ex ploded on the steamer Unique, on Lake Bt. Clair, at 5:20 last evening, nine miles from Belle Isle. George Robinson, the engineer, who waa sitting on a port rail, was thrown overboard and drowned. Anthony Case, a coalpasser, was killed outright. John Plant, a fireman, was frightfully burned. There were about forty passengers, who rushed for the life-preservers, but they quickly became reassured. The Unique lay on Lake St. Clair until 2 o'clock this morning, when a tug took her in tow and she reached Detroit at 3 o'clock this morn- ing. MILWAUKEE, Wie., May 14.— A spe cial to the Wisconsin from Kenosha, Wis., says the fishing tug Engle picked up a por tion of the schooner Kate Kelly, bearing the vessel's name; also a yawlboat and a pail marked "steamer Peetosky." Tugs are scouring the lake for the wrecks. PORT HOPE, Mich., May 14.— The steam barge Linde, copper-ore laden stranded to-day a mile south of here. Life savers from the Point Aux Barques station took the crew off. Heavy eeas are sweep ing over the wreck. RIO ED WA.RXET> IN GREEK. Bottles Containing yitro- Glycerine JLtft ■Sear Hi* House. PORTLAND, Me., May 14.— Last night Policeman McCormick found on the side walk near the house of Thomas B. Reed and Mayor Henry Baiter an envelope con taining three vials lilled with dark-yellow fluid and wrapped in cotton batting. Pinned inside the envelope was a slip upon which was writing resembling Greek and Armenian. There was nothing in English except "M. Baxter, Fey I£3 O & I 222, 23. M. Reed Morrse, L. Morsow." It was at first thought that the mysteri ous package had been placed on the side walk by some joker, but when the druggist pronounced the fluid in the vials nitro glycerine the police looked at the matter seriously. FRUITS ARE BLASTED. Spread of the Cold Wave in the East. ALL CROPS ARE DAMAGED. Jack Frost Does His Deadly Work Over a Wide Section. DOWN DROPS THE MERCURY. Ten Degrees Below Freezing In Several Portions of Minne sota. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 14.-The Weather Bureau, in its weekly report of the weather-crop bulletin issued to-day, states that the general feature of the week was the remarkable cool wave which over spread nearly the whole country east of the Rocky Mountains on the 11th and 12th inst., attended by freezing weather in the Northern States and frost as far as the Ohio Valley and western portion of South Caro lina. This period of cold has proved very unfavorable to growing crops and much injury has resulted from frosts throughout the northern portions of the country. The line of freezing temperature extends from Western Montana southeast to Western Nebraska, thence northward to Southern North Dakota, and thence eastward through the northern portions of Minne sota, Wisconsin and Ohio and Western Pennsylvania to Western New York, the lowest temperature being about 10 degrees below freezing point in the extreme north ern portions of Minnesota. MILWAUKEE, Wis., May 14.— Killing frosts, so severe that ice formed in many places and the ground froze, occurred throughout Wisconsin last night, but on the whole the damage to growing crops appears to be less than might have been expected. In Milwaukee the temperature was 34, La Crosse 36, Green Bay 34, Mar quette 36. OSHKOSH, Wis., May 14.— There was another heavy frost last night, and the de struction of gardens, fruit and early grain is almost complete. The ground is frozen to a depth of nearly two inches. DETROIT, Mich., May 14.— Reports from the fruit belt in the western part of the State are conflicting, but most of them agree that no serious damage has been done, and if the wind continues until to morrow all danger from the frost will be over. Garden truck has been badly nipped. PITTSBURG, Pa., May 14.— The weather here is cold and cloudy, with light dashes of rain. The lowest temperature reached was 30 deg., and freezing weather is pre dicted by the Weather Bureau to-night. The damage to fruit and vegetables will be great. ASHEVILLE, N. C, May 14.— Snow can plainly be seen for a distance of several miles on the mountains in this vicinity. Very littJe damage has been done to vege tation in the valleys. ELIZABETHTOWN, N. 3., May 14.— The mercury fell to 20 degrees at SA. m. to-day. Fruits are blasted and the foliage is dropping. The ground is frozen hard. WHITEHALL, N. V., May 14.— There was a heavy frost throughout Champlain Valley last night, which did damage to fruit trees and crops. DUNKIRK, N. V.. May 14.— The dam age by frost to the grape crop of Chau tauqua County is estimated at $150,000 to $200,000. CINCINNATI, Ohio, May 14. — Snow was falling in many places in Ohio to-day and ice froze to the depth of two inches. These were unusual fea tures for the middle of May. In Ken tucky a very low temperature was recorded and great injury to the tobacco crop is re ported. CLEVELAND, Ohio, May 14.-Whiie the weather continues cold, there was no frost in Northern Ohio last night, as the skies were generally cloudy. The condi tions favor a heavy frost to-night. Reports continue to come in of the general destruc tion of fruit and early vegetables by the severe frosts of Sunday night. WAPAKONETA, Ohio, May 14.— 1t has been snowing here all the morning, the thermometer registeriug 20 degrees. The damage to the fruit and crops cannot be estimated. CHICAGO, 111., May 14.— Heavy frosts occurred this morning in "Wisconsin, Mich igan, Illinois, Indiana and Eastern Minne sota, with seven inches of snow in the central and northern part of Lower Michi gan. The temperature is 5 to 10 degrees lowerthis morning in Lower Michigan, the Ohio Valley. Tennessee and Missouri. GALESB'URG, 111., May 14.—Every thing was trozen stiff last night. Ice a quarter of an inch thick formed. The grape and strawberry crops are killed. It is feared that fruit of all kinds is badly in jured. Corn was cut down. MOW AQUA, 111., May 14.— The heavy frost last night totally destroyed the fruit and berry crop of this section. Gardens are blackened to the ground. ST. LOUIS, Mo., May 14.-The signal officer reports a killing frost at Springfield, 111., and vicinity last night, and a light frost in this vicinity and throughout Mis souri, and extending up into lowa. It is not thought that serious damage to crops resulted except in the lowlands. Dis patches received by the Missouri State Board of Agriculture report that some damage to crops by frost Saturday and Bunday nights was done in the northwest and north central sections of the State. Beans and potatoes suffered particularly. JtBPUBZICAIfS OV UTAH. They Score Cleveland** Administration and Declare for Silver. SALT LAKE, Utah, May 14.— The Ter ritorial Convention Of the Republican League Clubs met here to-day for the pur pose of choosing ten delegates to the Na tional Convention of the leagne clubs to be held at Cleveland on June 19. Nineteen clubs were represented. President Chad wick of the Territorial League called the convention to order and delivered an ad dress. The resolutions as written contained this clause: "We cordially indorse the declar ation made by the Republican Leagne held at Denver last year." This was erased, however, and the following substi tuted: "We demand the immediate re monetization of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 with gold." The resolutions reflect severely upon the administration for its action in the recent British-Nicaraguan controversy. The following delegates to the Cleveland convention were elected: David Keith, C. C. Goodwin, C. E. Allen, Thomas Kearns, A. C. Bishop, Isaac Trumbo, C. E. Luce, H. M. Cushing and T. R. Cutter. AMALGAMATION TALKED OF. Catholic Knights and the Young Men's Institute May Unite. OMAHA, Xebb., May 14.— The National convention of the Catholic Knights of America convened at Chambers' Hall in this city this afternoon at 2 o'clock with 250 delegates in attendance, representing every State in the Union. This forenoon the delegates, together with the visiting members of the uniformed rank, proceeded to St. Philoma's Cathedral, where pon tifical high mass was celebrated by Arch bishop Gress of Ogden. The services were impressive, and were attended by large numbers of citizens. At noon the uni formed rank paraded the principal streets headed by the First Eegiment band. The Catholic Knights were in convention to-night discussing routine business. Presi dent Shinellas asked what the chief ques tions before the convention would be. He admitted that the movement for the con solidation of the Catholic Knights and the Young Men's Institute would be one of them, but hazarded no conjecture as to what would be the outcome. He denied the allegation made by some of the dele gates that the scheme was favored chiefly by delegates from Southern States, assert ing that it had even more support in the North than in the South. Personally he is in favor of the amalgamation if it can be properly accomplished. The conven tion cannot consammate the amalgamation. All it can do is to appoint a committee to confer with a committee from the other body. MOTHER I'BINDLE IN CHAS6JS. Lady Somerset Will Establish a London Jtetcue Home. NEW YORK. N.Y., May 14.— Lady Henry Somerset has decided to establish in Lon don a woman's rescue home similar to the Florence Night Mission in Bleecker street, New York, and Mrs. A. L. Prindle, better known as Mother Prindle, matron of the Florence Mission, will sail for England on June 5, at Lady Somerset's special in vitation. While Lady Somerset was on a visit here last year she visited the Florence Mission and admired its methods. She has asked Mother Prindle to start the London Florence Mission, which will be opened during the week of the interna tional W. C. T. U. convention. Mother Prindle has superintended rescue work for women in Buffalo. Chicago, Brooklyn, Columbus and New York. MANGLED IN THE MILL Six Men Killed by the Bursting of an Unsafe Boiler. Four of the Victims Torn Limb From Limb and Their Remains Scattered. WEST BIRMINGHAM, Pa., May 14.— This afternoon the bodies of eight men horribly mangled, scalded and disfigured were picked out from the ruins of toe Peck, Haskell <fe Cobbs Sawmill here, the victims of an explosion of the boiler in the mill. Five men were dead, and two of the three others have since died. Those killed outright were: Clande English, James Mowers, Eugene Merrick, Lyman Perry, Charles Rover, Caleb Con verse. Fatally injured: Albert De Groat was so fearfully mangled by boiler iron that he soon died. Ben Cridley was injure* in ternally and sustained a broken leg, but will recover. The mill was run by steam, generated in an old eighty-horse-power boiler, which, it is reported, had been condemned by an inspector a few days before. Thirteen men were employed in the mill. This morning they were busy at work when a bolt broke, shutting down the operations. While it was being repaired, nobody paid any attention to the boiler, which was making steam at a prodigious rate, for a hot fire had been kindled un der it. Suddenly there came a boom, as if from a cannon, followed by a cloud of steam, dust and smoke which rose high in the air. Four of the victims were torn limb from limb and their remains scattered about the mill and the immediate vicinity. Parts of the boiler were thrown Hundreds of feet. The mill was almost entirely de molished. The victims were horribly mangled, having their heads crushed to a jelly and being recognizable only by their clothing. The dead men were all married and had families. Harrison Has JTot Jtetired. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., May 14.-Ex- President Harrison says regarding the re port that he has permanently retired from jury practice that it is a mistake. He will not engage in any more jury trials away from home and will confine his practice mainly to arguments before the courts. A NOBLE BENEFACTOR Hundreds Will Reap the Benefit of Hi* Munificence. The benevolent man is always a pleasant theme for the pen of wiiter and historian, and this was what the late Mr. J. C. Wilmerding proved himsetf pre-eminently to be. Few there are who have not heard of his magnificent be- quest to the Btate of California, amounting to $400,000 to build a mechanical school; but not all are, perhaps, aware that he amassed his fortune selling Peruvian Bitters. Wilmerding's generosity in founding such a college, while great, is not greater than his services to man- kind in giving to the world the celebrated Peruvian Bitters, for these stand prominently forth as the greatest benefaction to the publio health which is known to modern science. The Peruvian Bitters are a certain remedy against loss of appetite and all forms of ner- vous troubles. They are a pleasant, invigor- ating beverage, not a physic, and their use speedily corrects disordered functions, restores wasted energy, repairs lost nerve force, induc- ing regular sleep, and healthy, natural appe- tite, and tones up the system generally to its normal condition. They are better than whisky or brandy, for they accomplish all that either could without Dinning the risk of creating an appetite for stimulants, since the principal ingredient— Cinchona Bark— is an antidote for dipsomania, as well as a remedy for colds, coughs and all malarial diseases. Peruvian Bitten by their large sale, no less than the wholesale cures they have effected, have dem- onstrated themselves to be the finest nerve tonic and good appetizer, producing a healthy stomach and cheerful brain. Mace _ Co., San Francisco, and all Druggists and Dealers. BltllOllPO FOR BARBERS, BAK- KKi|VHkS ers > bootblacks, bath- UllVWllkU bouses, billiard -tables, brewers, bookbinders, candy.makers, canners, dyers, flourmills, foundries, laundries, paper- hangers, printers, painters, shoe factories, stable- men, tar-roofers, tanners, tailors, etc. . BUCHANAN BROS., Brush .Manufacturers, 609 Sacramento St. aDr.Gibbon'sDispensary, 683 KKAB9TT ST. Established in ISS4 for the treatment of Private Diseases, Lost Manhood. Debility or •ihease wearing on body and mind and Skin Disease". doctor cures when others fall. Try him. ' Charges low. Cisro»BTU»ra»itr*a. Call or write. Sir. 4. r, eiBBOX. Box 1»37, San Frauctseoi NEW TO-DAT. • .... . Just— — As — — - Soon— — As — - — — - You Can . ■ — * - That is our advice to you — if you have a Spring or Summer Suit to — come to us "just as soon as you can." Every spring and summer suit i 3 marked at "Prices without profit," remember, and at those prices it doesn't take long to gel rid of them. BROWN™^ Wholesale Manufacturers Props. Oregon City Woolen Mills . Fine Clothing For Man, Boy or Child . - RETAILED At Wholesale Prices 121-123 SANSOME STREET, Bet. Bush and Pin* Sis. ALL BLUE SIGNS _^ — — _ — — — — m m m , m, mq WM. RADAIVi'S MICROBE-KILLER. NATURE'S BLOOD-PURIFIEE. CURES •"*• **"•'* "' "•*"• •""•■•* CURES Bronchitis, lsJ*~7|**s|fl^ Diseases Cancer, I jf^Rtftsri of the. Consump- J> wID • Kidneys, tlon, ax* &%m. \ Liver, Fevers, c j^\ V&} j%'*\ Bladder, Malaria, L€^gD Wf*J Stomach Rheuma- S^^^^Jf Skin, tlsm. Blood, Female Complaints and Private Diseases. The Power of the Remedy Is -.^ -. - NOW FULLY DEMONSTRATED In the marvelous cure of persons apparently beyond all human aid. •■' JBf3*We Invite thorough inspection. Send for circular giving full history and explanation - . Radam'g Microbe Killer Company, Office 1330 Market St., opp. Odd Fellows' Building. PHILADELPHIA SHOE CO, 1 STAMPED ON A SHOE V ! """; MEANS STANDARD OP MERIT. DO YOU HEAR? This time we are shouting again and calling yon» attention to the Dargains we are offering. The warm sunshine is a sure forerunner of summer, and we are prepared to fit man, woman or child with neat and natty Russet Shoes or Oxfords. W« are malting a special drive of Spring-Heel Kusset Oxford* for children and ladies, and our prices will prove con- clusively that we still lead all competitors. These Spring Heel Oxfords are made of a fine russet goat gkln with V-shaped tips, and can be depended on for wear, and we are selling them at the following prices : • Sizes 7 to 10% mi 00 Sizes 11 to 2 1 «5 Sizes --iYz to 0 50 • r% '¥-\ VI fill I m% VfciUU Ladies often complain about Oxford Ties becom- . Ing untied, and so we have bought a very neat j Tan-colored Juliet that is easily fitted and yet feels free and comfortable on (he foot. These Juliets , are made of an extra fine russet kid with narrow- toes and V-shaped tips, and we are offering them $2.0Q v / These Juliets are good wearers, as the soles, while pliable, are firm and give good satisfaction. They sell elsewhere for?'J 60 and $300. • .• .; - But here is where we lead. We have the very latest style of Gents' Russia Leather Lace Shoes with > arrow Razor or Medium Square Toes and Tips, and we are selling them for :V ! 53.00. The Russia Leather is the very best'and the sole* are genuine Hand Welted, and are therefore fre2 from tacks and nails. The Razor Toes ire win new, and if you want to be in the swim mnSt T«T« lhem -, Th , ese Shoes v'u ' worth more mS wUh?from n i^oT here:for?4an<l * 5 ' W^^. Country orders solicited. tST Send for New Illustrated Catalogue. • Address ' — . ' : - • B. KATCHIN&KI, • 10 Third Street, San Franc Urn • PHILADELPHIA SHOE CO