Newspaper Page Text
12 ELOPED WITH A CAPTAIN. William Jenkins W»nts His Wife Ar- j rested for Grand Larceny. William Jenkins, 60 years of age, who keeps a restaurant at 3131 Mission street, swore out a warrant in Judge Joachim sen's court yesterday for the arrest of his young wife on the charge of grand larceny. The captain of a vessel, whose name he did not know, used to frequent the restau rant. Last Wednesday he went down town to pay some bills and when he re- ! turned his wife had disappeared. Suspect- j ing that something was wrong he made | an investigation, and discovered that she ! bad eloped with the captain and taken i with her his diamond pin and $900 cash. He bad learned that the elopers had gone to Vallejo and that the captain's vessel was loading wheat tliere or at Fort Costa. THE WIDOWS' FBIEND. < hui 1> « H. Scanlan Say* He Has Been ' Victimized. Charles H. Scanlun has sued Leonard G. ' Crossley, Jane Cornwall and B. E. Loomis i tf. ricar title to property on Filbert and ! Mason streets. Hcanlan alleges that he i conveyed the property to Crossley under j representations that he would pro cure for his benefit the sum of $2000, whereas no consideration has been paid. Scanhin declares that Crossley afterward \ conveyed the property to his sister, Jane j Corn well, and later to B. E. Loomis with- j out consideration. Scanlan is the man who was accused re cently by two widows, Mrs. [sabel Hanley and Mrs. Kate McCarthy, of having made love to both of them and promising them marriage. Be installed them at the Fil bert-street boose now in litigation and each believed the other the housekeeper. » — * EEAL ESTATE TEANSACTIONS. ■ G»orge W. and Mary n. Haight to Caroline S. j Parker, lot on N line of Green street. 115 Wof Polk strf>er. v 50, X ! 05, E 50. 8 205: $10. Mary A. Martin to John D. Sprcckels, lot on E line of I---; na street, 112:6 Sof Broadway, 525 by X 137:ti; $10. MHO and Kate Hoadley toMani'-s M. Talbert, lot on X line of Bush street, 7. > W of Ljon, \V 25 by 75 $10. Crocker Estate Company to Timothy E. Treacv, lot on X line of Benlab street, 106:3 E of Stanyan, X 25 by X 100: $1400. KametoOmtav Marshall, lot on X line of Stan yan strte:. 25 X of Brolah, X 26 by 15 106:3; also lot on 8 line of Waller street, 35 E of Shrader, I. 25 by fs 100: $3tißo I'atrick Donohue to Mary Donobue, lot on S\V corner of Hermann and West Mission streets. 8 107. \V 90, 8 28, E 90, - 7] :3. VV 137:6. S 52:6. X 73 deg. 12 mill., W 30:3 i/ 4 . X 276:8, E 167:6; em. I : Rene and Henrietta L? B. de Tocquevflle to j Henry W. Burmester, lot on X line of Church I street, 219:0 X of Sixteenth, X 25 by E 125; $10. t Edward BchwerUi to Antoiue Schwerin, all fa terest In lot on X line of Twenty-fourth street, 50 ' J. of Treat avenue. E 47:6 by X 104; grift. Emanuel Vatuone to Giovanni Banchero, undi vided half of lot on W line of Filbert place, 57:6 8 of Fill., street, 8 80, W 57:6, X 40, \V57:6,X -JO, }•; 115: ?5. Maria Fonts to Solomon Bear, lot on 8W corner of Waßhiufc-ion and Powell strew*, 8 37:6 by W 60, i with privilege of half of alleyway on W line of above; $10. Charles H. Barton to William E. Burton, lot on , X line of Wa*hin<Lon street, 98:9 E of Mason, X ; . 3H:9by v 137:6; ?10. I Wiliiam E. Bunon (by Jennie Harwood, attor- ! • neyl to Henry Caila?han. same; $750. William li. an.l Agnes M. Bourn to Claua Sprsckels, lot on S\V corner of Taylor Street and • Golden Gate avenue. \V 153:6, 8 53:9i/>. 8E 46:55 i, XE 154:51/2. N 1:3: $10. Wiliiam tiiselman. trustee, to P. r. Dundon, lot j ( cominencln^ 100 XE of Beale street, 187:6 se . of Folsoro, XE 37:6 by X 20, quitclaim deed- i $700. Edward Kchwerin to Antoinette Schwerfn. all In- i terest in lot on sk line of Brannan street, 248:11 SW of Third, SW 26 by SE 75: eift. Frederick E. and i-.ini: ■ M. Mason to James H. , Cunningham, lot 254— on E line of Connecticut street. 400 >of Yolo. Ssobv X 100; $10. . Sal le H. Clark to John F. deary, lot on E line of Mr avenue, 200 rS of California street, 525 by E 120: i £lo.' : M. A. and Clara H. Hurley to G. D. Jones, lot on • X line Of Portj • ghUi avenue, 200 8 of I* street. S EObr E 120: $10. ' (Jilbt-rt BiOdM to Herman Wollert. subdivisions 11. IS and 13, Haley's Map 1 of I'reciia Valley Lands; $10. ai.ameija cocarrr. James Ayers of Berkeley to Catherine Avers of Berkeley, lot on siine of Delaware street, 150 E of i , Grant, 1: 50 by S 135, being lot 4«, range 3, Hardy ! Tract, Berkeley; Rift. Jemima Lundy to Pnul T. Johnson, lot on E line of Fruit avenue, 532.85 8 of Old Country road, H 49 by X 135, being lot 12. Henry and Phillips ' Tract, bein^ a subdivision of lots 1 to 5 and 27 to ' 33, Bray property, Berkeley Township; $10. Ban Francisco Sxvincs Union to L,ou!s Mach- ' wirth of New York, lot on \V line, of Webster a'.reet, 4:50 S of Walnut (or Twenty-first); s 50, W I i 200, X 50. I. to bcclrmine:, Alameda: 10. ■ Mary Siond of San Francisco to James Healing of San Francisco, io:s 9 to 13, block F. amended : , map cf J. W. Crawford Tract, Oakland Town- ■ ' st.ii-: $20. William C. and Mattie C. Blasell to Joseph and i Mary Tape of Ban Francisco, lot oh X line of Kir- : 1 sell street, 216.21 E of Shattuck avenue, X 60x ' 1 X 134:6, being hi 24, block 11, map of s portion of ! . Blake estate, subject to a mor^ace to Citizens' l Bullrilncand Loan Association, Berkeley; 910. George Knapp' (by a. L. Willey. attorney) to 1 ' John 1). Meiniiardt of Golden Gate, lot 16, block D, j ' CarrißOu Tract. Berkeley: $10. ' Km 1 1 and Ida KirchbolT of Alnmeda to Madeline ' ' McL«iißh!in of San Francisco, lot on XE line of i Central avenue, «00 SE of Chestnut, SK 50 by XE : 207:6, Alameda; $10. ' Builders' Contracts. Mary A. Mcllaffie with John Hendy, alterations i and additions to a two-story frame building on N • ' line of FoUom street, 450 \V of Fifth: $4550. Henry Bahlien «i John Furness, carpenter work for a residence on X line or Jackson street. ' 147:2 E of Franklin: «13,950. 1 Henry Sahlein with .lam-s Rae, sandstone and ' granite woric, same; $8600. • Henry Sahlein with Jacob Warner, brickwork " and patent chimneys, same; $1275. Henry Sahlein with .Samuel Ickelhelmer, plumb- , Ins and casliuln?, imp; $3845. Henry Sahlein v. i l. C. C. Morehouse, plastering, same; $i;;:;.". . Henry Sahtein with M. J. &J. J. Donovan, paint- ' inland polishinc, same; $1505. Alice Scott with M. C. Lynch, carpenter work, etc., for a building on -N\V corner of Jackson and : Pierce streets: .$4709. SAN FRANCISCO "CMJW BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Call— [ 710 Market wroet, open until 12 o'clock every riiri.: In the year. BRANCB OFFICES— S3O Montgomery street, ! comer Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock. .".' B Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock, 717 Lnrkln street, open until 0:30 o'clock. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open until o'clock. 2518 -Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. XOTIC'E OF MEKTINGS. W^S* I- O. O. F.-PATKIAUCHAL KE~- «V/S &*-& union, comprising all the encamp- yC ments of District No. 1, will be held on SAT- f X URDAY EVENING, May 25, 1895, under the auspices of Gold? (late Encampment No. 1. An Interesting . programme has been arranged. All patriarchs are cordially invited. J. A. FOSTER, D. D. G. P. E^s* WAUIAL' A ENCAMPMENT a & or-^ No. 7, 1. O. O. F.— The offers and*>/^» i fnneral committee ©1 this encampment are A I hereby requested to assemble at Odd Fol-jr X lows' Hall SUNDAY, May 26. at 1 o'clock P. M.. for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late patriarch, KDWARD SCHWERIN. In F., H. and «-■ U. F. SCHLICHTING, C. P. Max Sciumavn, Scribe. E3> ( ; i : I : M a a LODGE NO. .«i»xa^ tKi^ lie i. O. O. F.— The officers and members of the funeral commit- -*"45*B£3C~iF tee of ',( Tin..:; :i i/«!;c No. 116, I. O. ■?'/**s&* O. V.. ar ■ hereby notified to assemble at Odd Fel- lows' Hall on SUNDAY, May 26, 1895, at 1 o dock P. M., to attend the funeral of our late brother EDWARD SCnWERIN. By order of the lodire C. H. K. KUIII.FFS, N. G. Emu. Niemejkii. It. .S. WCSt? A SPECIAL MEETING OFTlll'.fcV^ai; XS-S7 County j-oard, A. O. IV.. lio;.rd ufWM Krtn. will bo held In Irish-American Hall «0' ■» THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, May 24. aiß?fv^ft 8 o'coci:, to make iin»l arran^ereenis fot'i^ST our Annual Slate Convention. All oilici'rs are re- quest..! tn f>tt<nd." M. G. SEARS, c. D. - Thomas Wak'H, Secretary. C2^S»~Fdil AULD LANG SYNE— v «-? •«."■ tS-fi' Caledonian Club— Grand compll- 3V .{jkab mentary r.ainment and social dance «iT^ at Scottish Hall, 105 Larkln si.. Tills (FRIDA V) EVENING, May 24. Vocalists: Miss Edythe E. Henderson, Mrs. Jennie S. Segar, Miss Minnie 1 owrll. Messrs. Robert S. Duncan, W. D. Harper, J. P. Grocljens and T< m Tregellas: cornet solo. Mrs. W. E. Shopman : whistling solo, ! Miss Gertrude Judd; Highland dancing, by chil- dren in costume. Entertainment at 8 o'clock prompt; dancing at 10 o'clock. -■:■-■■■ JOHN MCLAREN, Chairman. .W.C. Cook, Secretary Committee. . " 0K^»~ TWKXTV-MXTII G X"a"x"I) ■. . «l?"Z" iS-jS^ annual leathering and games of JL {ytofo the Caledonian Club, Sh»ll Mound I'ark,'*VxKf-- Berkeley, THURSDAY, May 80. ■-, a ' Vs^i^ noobt lntf resting prcrmmme, including all Scottish Kkmes i and rxciilns; new. events. Noted athletes from, all par:s of A merica, as ■ well as . lads and lasticit in costume, will take part. .The Caledonian ; Tug-of-\Var team will contest against thne leading teams of other nationalities for one share of the ; new .Valley -Itallroad slock, value 100. and also ; cash prizes. Coin to the amount of over $3000 will be distributed to thi» nuccessful comnetitors on the prrounds. Music f.nd dancing in the two larje pavilions. A hearty -Caledonian ■■ welcome to i all. Admits on : Adults 50c. children 25c. - . - '- D. P.. McNEILL, Chief. ' - J. H. Duncan, Secretary. MEETING NOTICES-Contlnued. MARINE ENGINEERS' ASSOCIATION W><or xo. 35— Members are hereby notified to as- semble at our reading-room, 9 Mission St., THIS DAY (Friday) at 8 a. m., to attend the funeral of oor late brother, M. J. WARD. . JOHN J. SEAREY, President. Chabi.ks S. Tbce, Secretary. A MEETING OF THE HORSE-SHOERS' &3? Union will b° held at deration Hall THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, May 24. By order. P. BARNES, President. ■trgr* PURSUANT TO A CALL SIGNED BY iijr^fi' the requisite number of members a. special meeting of the members of the Builders' Exchange is hereby called for WEDNESDAY, May 29, 1895, at i p. m., for the purpose of consulting the members Id regard to the construction of the pew exchange buildine generally, but more particularly in regard to constructing the same with the view of renting any portion thereof fora saloon. Signed OSCAR LEWIS. President. SPKCIAL .NOTICES. u*^ 7 14 McAllister st., room 24. Legal business receives prompt attention. , jfqgp~B~AD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. i*~& Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co.. 415 Montgy si., room 6, Tel. 5580. rv^s= ALL COURTS-LEGAL PRIVATE MAT- ci^* 7 ters: confidential; advice free. ATTOR- NEY Mi i ABE. 838 Market st. j?T^S= r CH~ARLES H. PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY- tS^ at-lawand Notary Public, 638 Market st., opp. Palace Hotel, residence, 1620 Fell st. Tele- phone 070. lJ^h=~j7b. mcixtyke, BOOKBINDER and ts^& Printer. 422 Commercial st. gp^p~Dß. NELLIE BEIGHLE, OFFICES, 51 tS=^S' to 55, Donohoe building, 1170 Market st. " Stomach, liver, kidney and rheumatism success- lully treated. Nervous diseases a specialty. Dis- eases examined without questioning. *'TJsp~~ROOM.S WHITENED, UP: PAPER- iS^y ed $3 50 up. 309 Sixth. Georee Hartman. SJEs 3 CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— '*-& THE WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, postage free. " SITUATIONS \VA n;o-thMALE. COOK, YOUNG. BEST OF REFERENCES] wants a place at housework or cooking- Ad- dress or telephone, MISS PLUNKETT. 424 Sut- ter st. ADIES-GOOD SERVANTS. CITY OR COUN- XJ MME. LEOPOLD'S, 957 Market St. 1 ADIES-YOU CAN GET RELIABLE HELP X-i at MRS. FENTON'S. 106% Stockton st. AT THE SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BU- reau first-class Swedish and German girls are awaiting situations. 332 Geary St.: telephone 983. i I.'. KINDS COMPETENT HELP SUPPLIED. : •£*- Ladies' Bureau. 131 Post St.; telephone M-626. ' LADY WANTS SITUATION AS WORKING : XJ housekeeper for respectable gentleman with i small family or would cook for men on ranch. An- ply 1032 Market St.. room 23, top floor. •y OUNG GERMAN WOMAN WANTS WORK I X by the day washing, Ironing, housecleaninK. ' 233 Fifteenth st., room 17. WANTED— SITUATION BY COMPETENT "' woman to do cooklnz and housework: is good j laundress: city or country. Call or address 1530 j Post st., near Laguna. A ' "r ng Swedish woman WITH child 2 X years Old wishes situa lon to do cooking and ! housework; good horn*- more an object than wages: no trifler. Call 29 Minna st. \M ERICA X ""'GIRL, 17, TO ASSIST WITH - \ housework, $10. 1170 Market, room 16. SITUATION TO DO HOUSEWORK: GOOD I cook: American family; references. Cull or ! address M. C, 1013% l^rkin st. , i. FINED LADY WISHES SITUATION AS -It supervising housekeeper or companion: city or I country: will do light housework: can instruct be- | ginners on piano: references. MRS. E. X., room 8. 212 Powell St., bet. 9 and 11 a. yOUNG WOMAN WANTS WORK OF ANY X kind by the day at $1 and carfare. Address 815 Laurel aye., near Webster, Eddy and Tnrk sts. Dl B E MA X B" " WISHES ENGAGEMENTS by the day; good cutter and fitter: reference. Call 313 Ellis st. ERMAN GIRL wants PLACE TO do GEN- vJ eral housework. Call 1103 c Folsom St., near Seventh. r>F.SP~ECTABLE WOMAN WISHES SITUA- t tion to do general housework; first-class cook. ! Call or address 231 Third st. yOUNG WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS x housekeeper. Call or address 620 Market st., room 7, opp. Palace Hotel. OMPETENT AMERICAN COOK; WOULD \J also do fine washing in some neat family: city or country: wages moderate. Call at 749 Howard. TUUMBER OF YOUNG GIRLS WANTS sit a- -i-' tions to do cooking and general housework. 11 1 ; Antonio, off Jones, nenr Kills. "Vf IDDLE-AOED GERMAN WOMAN WISHES -LX situation to do general housework. Call for 3 days. 79 Jessie, bet. First and Second. "VOUN ( • WOMAN Is IN NEED OF ANY KIND Xof work by the day. Address MISS J. M. PARKHILL, 119 Third st. SC A N DINA VIAN GIRL WISHES SITUATION to do general hous»work. Call 305 Chestnut. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY; '» washing or Ironing. Call 1211% Folsomst.- rear. DRESSMAKER WISHES a FEW MORE en- Kagements: will do family or hotel sewing by I the day or week. Call 220 Eddy st. RESPECTABLE YOUNG gTrT LATELY t from the East! wishes to do general housework for .-. small American family; no objection to Oak- ' land or Alameda. Y. G., box 4, Call Office. "iyA NTED BY PROTESTANT WOMAN; 1 " situation to do general housework; Is a good cook and laundress: no objection to the country Address P. W., box 64, Call Olfh:e. - G1 OOD GERMAN GIRL WISHES SITUATION yj as chambermaid in hotel; refrr»nces. Call or address 1 5 1 3 a Geary st. OMAN WANTS WASHING. IRONING OR or cleaning 3 days a week; $1, carfare and board. 531 Second st. D~r~es>!m" a WILL go OUT by the good cutter and fitter: prices reasonable. 118 Tenth st. s ltuation wanted— ky respectable I O American womnn; ran take entire charge of family of children: Is good cook; a good borne is more desired than large wages. Address MRS. M. box 40, Call Office. ' A M B I C A N WOMAN WANTS PLACE AS J\. working housekeeper or cook for few men- good cook: no triflers. 114 Fourth st., room 16. ' EXPERIENCED FRENCH NURSE FOR grown-up children; goo.! dressmaker; good references. L. M., box 47 : (all Ollice. ASTERN LADY DESIRES POSITION IN office or us cashier or saleslady. Address L. box 91, Call Office. '. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WOULD LIKE position on a ranch, or take charm of small country hotel; Alnrnccia County preferred. Call or address from 10 a. m to 5. r. *„ 1128 Vi Hard -yi IDDLE-AGED WOMAN WISHES SITUA- I'A tlow in a private family to do plain cooking; city only. 963 Mission St.. room 1. (SWEDISH LADIES WISH WASHING AND O ironu.R aiifl ol ' anl "S by the day; city or coun- try. 6 Treat aye., near Thirteenth at. OWEDISH GIRL WISHES A PLACE TO DO kj cookinj arid general housework: good plain cook. 419 Minna at. » yOUNO FRENCH WOMAN WANTS BITUA- J- tion for opstalis work. Address F. 0., box 77, ; IRL WIfAIEH SITUATION GENERAL y- bOOSewOfK. Apply at 1147 Harrison st. FIRST-CLAHS -KA.;-Il'.|>S WOULD LIKE steady work In a laraily or hotel; Bleep at home Address 2208 I'd we* at. by postal. VOONO GIRL, 14 YEARS, WISHES SITU'- X atlon in resj/feCtHbl<! family; no wages. G. box 71, Call Office. EFINED AM KRICAN WIDOW, MIDDLE age, wishes position of housekeeper,' or mannga hotel or widower's home: city or country ; best of references. Address American, box 27, Call Office. KEFINED EASTERN WIDOW WOULD LIKE position its housekeeper for widower or bach- elor. Call room 23, 132 Sixth St. LADY WOU f .1) LI KE GENTLEMEN'S X mending. Call 144 Fifth st., room 6. ASTERN YOUNG WIDOW OK REFINE- ment would like any kind of sewing or gentle- men's mending; satisfaction guaranteed. Call Ito 8 p. m. 119 Ninth st., room 2. first fiat. S"~ TItONG GERMAN LADY, WELL KXPE- O rlenced." wants a situation as chambermaid, sew or wash towels: hotel or first-class lodging- house. . Address ('■ M., box 16, Call Ollicn. O OKU FRENCH WIDOW WANTS A SITU- X ation as housekeeper: city or country. Call or address 121 Montgomery St., room 9. IDOW .WITH SOME means WOULD '"like to cngago In business with a gentleman. Call 5 Mason St., room 3, first floor. VOUNU LADY WOULD LIKE A GENTLE- X man partner in a good paying business. Call 5 Mason St., room 7. : ■ GIRL WISHES SITUATION IN COUNTRY IN vJ private family to do plain housework and cooking. Apply 1411 Ellis St. • R 1.1.1 A WOMAN WISHES SITUATION to do general housework: wages moderate. Apply 12CQ Larkln St., near Bush. , "17IIRST-CLASS COOK WANTS SITUATION, X will do housework also; best of city references; city or country. Call or address Cook, 221 Minna. rjERMAN WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE vj day, $1 and car fare. Address A., box 17. this office. ■.■- ■ ;.. - - . ■ • - SINGLE WOMAN WANTS WORK, SEWING kJ light housework or cooking, in exchange for room, furnished or unfurnished. Address S. W. box 47. this office. .. : v . ?,,■■>! SIT C A TiO.S ,-j VtANT.MJ-!KAU. SITUATION WANTED' BY PROFESSIONAL gardener; is first-class horseman, nnd driver: can milk, and thoroughly understands all the re- quirements 01 a gentleman's place; will work for wages to suit the tlmrs: reference rood and re- liable, A. R. DUVALL, Jessie St., San Fran- cisco. .. . . ■';. ' -. ■'-.-■.,..'.■ :j.--.V. RESPECTABLE MAX WISHES WORK BY It the day. A. £ 742 Howard. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1595. SITUATIONS ■WA>TED-Contlnue«l. ' \ MXRICAN MA N AND wf FE~ WOULD LIKE - -£»- a -situation on a' ranch: mail' understands > ranch work an care of stock: wife is a good cook t and neat • housekeeper. Call or address H., 203 Fifth st. '-■-•■ ■■.-.- - ; CTIVE ELDERLY ENGLISHMAN WANTS . -t\. a situation at any kind of light work; is good ' horseman and milker; Is sober and reliable; pood I reference; wages low. Ad. Active, box 78, Call. ITUATION WANTED BY GERMAN, REC- tlfier of spirits; liquor-making: city or country. C. BOEHME, box 05, Call Office. ITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN. Swede, thoroughly understands gardening and ] handling horses: handy in any kind of work: is 1 sober and industrious. Apply ALEX, 619 Vi Miv . slon st. ! E NGINEER WANTS EMPOYMENT: TOWN Xli or country; city references. Address 8., box 73, this office. AN AND WIFE WANT RANCH TO TAKE charge of or will take on shares: best of refer- ences. Box 12, Oakland Call Office. ! G German CONFECTIONERS', CAKE- bakers' and Pastrycooks' Society, 310 O'Farrell | at*, S. F., CaL. furnishes reliable help free. . ATOUNG MAX WANTS A PLACE IN A PRI- x vate family: willing to make himself generally • useful. Call at 220 Eddy st. - - . VOUlfti MAN WOULD LIKE POSITION IN X wholesale-house, oflice or store: city or coun- ■ try: 3 years in general store: can come well recom- ■ mended. Address H. 0., box 16, Call Office. ! pOACHMAX — SITUATION WANTED, OR \J man about place, by a Dane willing and ■ obliging; good references. Address M. S., box 77, 1 Call Office. YOUNG MAN WISHES TO GET A POSI- X lion in a meat-market: has 3 years' experience: good reference. Address JOHN GAFVERT, 860 ' Howard st. ITUATION WANTED BY A FIRST-CLASS English coachman, or to take care of roadsters; willing and obliging: first-class references. Ad- dress TED, 1725 Everett st.. Alameda. ITUATIOX WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS steady sober butcher. Apply 16 Morris St., off Harrison*, bet. Fifth and Sixth. ! p OOD COOK AND MEATCUTTER, GERMAN. vJ wants position: city or country. Address F. . V., 10 California aye. 1 ITUATION BY A GERMAN WHO UNDER- O stands gardening, taking care of horses, cows, ' etc.. and is willing and obliging. Address F. S., box 10, this office. ' /COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER DESIRES A \J position as bookkeeper, clerk or shipping clerk, or will keep small set of books part of day: best of references. Address C. box 129, this office. SITUATIONS WANTED KY MAN AND j 0 wife; man as coachman and work around: 1 wife as second girl or nurse: rood references; coun- try preferred- M., box 11, Call Office. I pOACHMAN- YOUNG TALL SCAXDINA- I \J vian with first-class references wants situation: 1 stylish driver and good horseman; polite and obliging. Please address X., 2304 Hyde st. TSELGIAN WISHES PLACE AS CLERK IN BELGIAN factory ; willing to work for small com- storo or factory : w;!linc to work for small com- I pensation for shor. time to lean a bnsiness. Ad- dress Belgian, box 78, Call Office. LUMBER BOY W A NTS" JOB; iy 3 YEARS' experience. Address L. 0., box 60, Call Office. y OUNG MAN, EXPERIENCED LAW STEN- -1 x ograpber, fioepenman, wishes work by the hour or half dav:{or>l references. Address Sten- ! ographer,4B9 Orchard st., Oakland. COACHMAN, OR man ABOUT gentle- man's place; thoroughly understands horses, cows and garden ; good driver: bandy with tools; best of reference. Address A. 8., box 77, Call. "CURST-CLASS GERMAN DRUG CLERK, X with tea years' experience- in East. is looking for position. Address D. C. box 62, Call Office. \y ANTED- BY SOBER, STEADY- MAN. '» place as janitor, light porter, steward small I hotel; I* a good waiter and pantrr-man; wares • moderate. Address S.. box 129, Call < Ece. BAKER AND PASTRY COOK WISHES A situation. Address S. U.. box 23. this office. FEMALE HELP WANTED. 9 FANCY IBONERS. LAUNDRY^ 928; NORTH •J German aorsefcirl, $25: first-class cook, city ref- erences, ?25: German girl, general housework, $20: cook, German style, $20: young girls for housework, second girls and nurses to call early at C.R. HANSEN A CO.'S, 110 Geary st. T7HBBT-C%ASS WAITRESS. ASSIST CHAM- -1 X berwork, summer resort, $20: 2 more wait- resses, same country hr -1, $20, Heady the year I round: 3 waitresses, co i:, ry hotel, for June 1, «20- -chambermaid for city. Call early at C. R. HAN- SEN A CO.'S, 110 Geary st. '-^*; WANTED-OERMAN NURSE, $25: INVA- »» lid nurse, $20; 2 cooks, German style, $25; 4 lroners for laundry, and a large number of girls for cooking and housework in city and country J F CROSETT & CO., 312 Sutter st. \\T ANTED— GERMAN NURSE FOR CHIL^ "» dren, $25: 20 housework girls, for city and country, $25 and $10. Apply MISS PLUNKETT 424 Sutterst. GERMAN COOK, $25- GERMAN NURSE. $25; 10 girls. M>U. LEOPOLD, 957 Market. WAITRESSES (2). COUNTRY HOTEL. $20 fnre advanced. nOTEL GAZETTE. 420 Kearny st. T A UNDRESS IN MILL VALLEY, *30: COOK, J J San M»tro. $25; seamstress, city, $25; child's nnrse, city, reference; girls of all nationalities. Call 9 Stockton st. WANTED -NEAT YOUNG GIRL TO DO ] " light housework; small family. Apply bet. j 8 and 12, 1427 Geary st. * HEAD WAITRESS OF GOOD APPEARANCE and 8 dininp-rcom girls for first-class hotel- I i must be experienced Call at once room 29 14 " I McAllister st. HAIRDRESSER — A FIRST-CLASS HAlR- dresser wanted. 946 Geary st.; apply 4 p. M . V'iV^J" (;LASR WAIBT nA> * D WANTED AT 1- 2f>o;i Su(t»r st. ' f ', T: m G o\ ; I '-'■ ',' '" ■' 11^ TAKE CARE OF 1 child. 2126 Uiish S. ( r IB ««^°- f 8818 * »S LIGHT HOUSEWORK. \\ A NTED-GERMAN GIRL FOR HOUSE- ". work aud cooking. 1918 I'ine st. y«i'- N iV,- lUj FOR HOUSEWORK; WAGES I X $3. 1127 Geary st. YOUNG GIRL; HOUSEWORK AND PLAIN X cook-Ins; ?15. IC2O Kills St. "Pi IRST-CLASS rAILO KSS olv COATS- X work all year. Call at once, 9 Powell St., room :i. niRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK : AND vji_cookine; German preferred. 1316 Ellis st— OOD HANDS ON VESTS; ALSO APPREN- \J tlces. (541 Stevenson St.. City. IRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. INQUIRE VJ at Children's Playground; Park: (f ; ■ I\f- ;ABSIBTAM D TAKE CARE OF CHILD, v 1 1654 Hayes St. / OMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- V^ work; German preferred. 1214 Fulton st. ("10MPETENT GIRL (CATHOLIC) FOR GEN- \J erftl housework; family of 2: good home; state wages: references. J. W., box 39, call Office. ■Vf EAT YOUNG GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK: i-> waeessl2. 1719 sinter st. I A ANI I IKL TOT AXE CARE OF BABY ' ' 2 years old-; long city reference required. Call 1326 Geary St., bet. 10 and 12 o'clock. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO ASSIST WITH housework In exchange for home. 457 Guer- rero st. ANTED— GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; no washing. Call at 2313 Jackson st. WANTED— LADIES' ORCHESTRA OR LADY musicians for a respectable family resort. 712 Greenwich st., 10 to 12 o'clock. Fi 1 i sf -class FINISHERS ON COATS, and apprentices. 64 1 Market st. I FINISHERS AND "BUTTONHOLE- on custom coats. 157 Shipley st. o CAPABLE, QUICK, GOOD GIRLS, prot- *■* estants; one for children and housework, the other for cooking and housework; $10 each. Call bet. 10 and 12, 2524 Sinter st. L ' I N I S H EnS AND APPRENTICES ON PANTS. X 378 Natoma st. Y OUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK X and plain cooking, 815. 231 Twenty-fourth st. PARTNER W A NTED— LADY PREFERRED, X with some means ; respectable, good-paving busi- ness. 212 Eddy st., room 35. OPERATOR WANTED ON CUSTOM COATS. 239 Seventh st. "yOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK- X wages $5. ,1127 Geary st. G" ARMENTS PERFECTLY COMPLETED VJ without trying on. Lawrence Cnttlng-school, 1231 Market st. RESSMAKERS — FIRST-CLASS WAIST XJ and shirt makers, 504 Sutter at. AILORESS WANTED— FIRST-CLASS BUT- X tonhole-maker on coats. 604 Sutterst. : . -.- AN HAVE DRESSES CUT AND FITTED / for 93: dresses popular prices or engagements by the day ; patterns to measure. 11 Geary. Dl£ G A MO' S WONDERFUL FRENCH tailor method of three measures: the only piace to learn the true method, of dresscnttlng; complete course $10: lessons given; dressmaking by the week or month : the latest. In basting, bon- ing, skirts, sleeves, : collars, - rovers, etc.; dresses made on short 'notice: cutting and tittinz aspe- cialty. DE GARMO. 219 Powell St. PROFESSOR •■-. LIVINGSTON DRKSSCUT- -*- ting and making school : all branches. 702 Sutter. THAIT HhLi' TV ANTED. WANTED— CARRIAGE "pXINTER. SiO~ASI> found; blacksm'ths, farmers, milkers, chore- men, quarr.vmen, laborers for quarrj', stonema- sons, farmers and wives, vegetabl» gardeners, and others for good places, lit goln; wages. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 628 Sacramento st. - . Tir A X D— AMERICAN BOOKKEEPER AND .»» tel graph operator, with > California, exper. l - ence * and r reference, $50. and found; machine blacksmith for Central .America. $7 day, silver; carpenters for Central America, part fare advanc- ed. Apply to J. F. CROSETT A CO. 628 Sac. st \\T ANTED-DAIRYMAN , FOR SMALL PRT- »» vate dairy, $25, see boss In city. . J. F. CROS- fiETT & CO., 623 Sacramento st. - ■ / LABORERS. $2 PER DAY: 10 LABORERS $1 per day and board; 6 teamsters at $30 per month. i- Call early 51 Third st., room 12. - HELP WANTED— Continned. 6WOODCHOPPERS, 4-FOOT PINE, $1 15 A cord: p"!o-,vhanas, orchard hand and haymakers, $20: chorrbov country, $15; 5 Italians for vine- yard. $20 : buttermakef, $40. R. T. WARD &. CO., 608 and 610 Clay st. ; L ___ YUiliT COOK-GOOD ON OYSTERS FOE A f} cafe. $40; restaurant butcher, $10 a week; dishwasher for a summer resort, $20. C. R. HAS- SEN & CO., Up Geary st. - WAITERS, WITH DRESS SUITS FOR »» first-class country hotel; fare advanced. C. R. HANSEN &. CO., 110 Geary st. WITH REFERENCES. $25; 10 "Jf farmers, $20 and $26 and found: 6 teamsters, $26 and fonnd- 10 laborers, city. $150 a day. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 110 Geary st TEAM KTKRS FOR RAILROAD WORK, $1 75 X a day, free fare- call today ; we ship to-morrow. C. R. lIAXSEX &CO.. 110G<-aryst. 9|"j ROCKMEN, NEAR CITY, $1 75 TO $2 A — '/ day; crew of lumber pilers, Moormen and la- borers for a country sawmill. C. R. HANSEN & CO., Up Geary st. ' ' - HEAD WAITER, CITY, $50. C. R. HANSEN, & CO., 1 10 Geary st. "DLACKSMITH, NEAR CITY, $2 A DAY; X> ranch blacksmith, $30. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st . WANTED-HEAD COOK, $100 A MONTH; young man to drive milk wagon, $SO, room and board; 7 good ranch hands: 20 laborers, steady work; 5 waiters. MARTIN ■& CO., 749 Market St., tele, main, 1 849. \yANTED-BLACKSMITH FOR COUNTRY •' shop, $-.2 50 per day: married man to chop wood, no objection to children, house, cow, etc., free: farmhands, milkers, teamsters, cooks, wait- ers and dishwashers. W. D. EWER <fe CO., 626 Clay. CIOOK, FIRST, $«0. COUNTRY; COOK. SEC- > ond. $30. HOTEL GAZETTE. 420 Kearny. "r IVEMEN WANTED at ONCE to HANDLE ■i-i summer specialty: will pay competent per- : sons $3 50 per day. Store 328 Seventh st. AN TO WOKK ON HAYPRKSS; ALL SUM- mer'swork; top prices; most be able to loan $200; good interest, and security given. J. H. ROBINSON, 528 O'Farrell st. "WANTED— A MAN TO WORK ON A WHITE- "' Howell roasting furnace in Mexico. Address G.. box 20, Call Oflice. ■. "WANTED— STOUT BOY TO LEARN BLACK- 'T smithing. 48 Eighth st. SHOEMAKER ON REPAIRS: STEADY JOB. Call 236 No? St., cor. Sixteenth. TBONG ACTIVE GERMAN BOY TO CARRY out papers and books. 1157 Folsom st. VOUSG MAN FOR FRUIT AND PRODUCE -I- store; Italian preferred.' 827 Folsom st. "DABBEB FOR SATURDAY. 32 THIRD ST. ARBEP. FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. J> Call a: 8 o'clock 2271/2 Second st. BAH BE "r~f6fT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, with chance for steady. 707 Brannan st. BARBER FOR SATURDAY. CALL 43y» Thlr.l st.; ?3 SO. ■ WANTED— BARBER FOR SATURDAY AND " Sunday. 538 Cas:ro st. 'V A I LOB AND PRESSER. 342 MCALLISTER X ytreet. M~~ AN TO HELP IN STORE WHO CAN LOAN employer #300: good security. Business, box 139. Call Office. ■ , TIrAITER~W'ANTED. CALL AT 509 POST _»" St. at 8 o'clock. i JEWELER APPRENTICE, WITH SOME EX- 'J perience in store. J. HASSEX. 102 Taylor st. EXPECTABLE YOUNG BUTCHER TO 'SO- XI licit butchers' grinding. Apply 81 Ninth st. LD CLOTHES, BOOTS AND shoes bought and sold; boot and shoe repairing done cheaper than any other place in the city. WETTING & BINNEWBO, 753 Folsom, bet. Third and Fourth. rPAILO X WITH $350 CASH AS PARTNER; X established business. Call 120 Taylor st. O-CHAXB BARBER SHOP; GOOD BUSINESS: 0 a bargain ; 15c. 504 Twenty-fourth St., near Howard. pOOD BLACKSMITH-HELPER. APPLY TO VT DAVID KERR, 47 and 49 Heale st. WANTED— YOUNG MAN, STENOGRAPHER » » and typewriter, who can keep boots. Address, with references. St^no, box 25, Call Office. ARTNER WANTED IN paying SALOON; -1- rare chance; big bargain. 636 Third St. ARBER-SHOP, WITH LIVING-ROOMS, FOR XI sale or to let. 1500 Howard st. OLISHER — -CLASS AND STEADY for general jobbing plating works. 552 Mission. WALDO HOUSE, 733 MARKET, BETWEEN »" Third and Fourth— Single rooms per night 15c, I 25c and 50c: per week $1 to $3; open all night. BH. MONEY FOR AGENTS. CALL AT 323 O'Farrell st., 5 to 7 r. M. S~ EAMENFOR SOUTH AMERICA, EUROPE, Honolulu, Mexico. 103 Montgomery aye. WANTED— MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE » ' their wages to place accounts with us: law and commercial collection: no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION' AGENCY, 110 Sutter St. BARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNEKT. BA P. BEB'S SHOP: 2 CHAIRS; 8 FURNISHED rooms; cheap. 1155 Howard St. " I7»OB SALE IMMEDIATELY, CHEAP, A 2- X chair barber-shop, esrab'.ish^d 8 years. In East San Jose. Address LOUIS RTUCI\ER, East San Jose. © Af\ BARBER-SHOP. A PPLY 240 FIF- %£-±\J. teentb st., W. SHEAR. - 7 KM i.x"FOR CREAMROLL AND COFFKE •♦ ' B cents at 44 Fourth st., only. I r-1 R ; ■: i : BEER: BEST in CITY ; 2 SCHOONERS X' for 5 i , i! » at t:18 Pacific st. WANTED-LABORKRS AND MECHANICS "to know that Ed Rolkln, Reno House propri- etor, has oj*f>ni><l Soto House, 32 Fourth si.- 100 rooms; 25c to SI per night; $1 25 to $ I per week. 1 KEM ( 1 VK F)~7OB TO 726 V?. Opp. HOWARD- Xl< st. Theater; also 116 to 418 Fourth st.; best place lv the city for new and second-hand shoes. ; MEN'S SHOES %"-SOLKD. 40c: HEELS, 25c: done In 15 minutes. 635 Kearny St.. basement. WA X K~TIIE DEAD —WENZEL'S ALARM clock: no electricity. 607 Montgomery st. WANTED-SINGLK ROOMS, 160 A DAY; $1 » I week; rooms for two, 25c a day, $1 60 a week; reading room • daily papers. Xtl Clay st. hat CIIKER HOUSE, 529 Sacramento » ' st.; 100 outside rooms; best spring beds; single rooms 20c a day, $1 a week; meals, 10c. \Vr ANTED— MEN TO GET BOTTIITsHARP ¥". steam beer, 6g: hottle wins, 6c. • 609 Clay St. SHOES HALF-SOLED IN 16" MINUTES while yon wait at half usual price. 958 Howard. £AA PAII'.S MEN'S GOOD SHOE.-i, JtSO TO $1. U\J\J 504 Mission st.; also 631 Vi Sacramento mi. ENS HALF- SOLING, 50c: LADIES'. 40c: heels, 25c; done while you wait. 237 Sixth. EN'S HALF-SOLING, 50c: DONE WHILE you wait. 633 Market, •ppo»it# Palace Hotel. TAILORS AND CUTTERS to ATTEND the -L San Francisco Cutting School. 523 Market St., room 15. . • 1 AA MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c. 150 XUVJ and 20c a night, including coffee and rolls. 624 Washington st., near Kearny. : IINDKLL HOUSE, 6TH AND HOWARD— XJ Klngle furnished rooms, 75c week, 15c night. BEST IN CITY— SINGLE ROOMS. 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night; SI, $1 25, $1 60 per week. Pacific House .Commercial and Leldesdorff sts. Qi»l ELLIS. ROSEDALE— PRICES REDUCED; O~ X single furnished rooms, $1 week; 20c night. SHOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES: O done while you wait: at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price: work guar- anteed. 664 Mission st., bet. First st. and Second. TRY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- low Sixth, for a room: 25c night; $1 week. HOUSES WANTED. W'aNTF?D— SM 'ALL HOUSE WlfVf STABLfT; "state rent. Address O. SMITH. 219 Second. BOOKS V.* ANTED. T\Fant ßS^t HOTBEKEKPING »» furnished: north of Market: moderate rent. Address M., box 8., 124. Call Office. \VTANTED-3 OR 4 FURNISHED HOUSE- '» keeping rooms - complete in Alameda: state location and price. Address E. J. M., box 39, this oflice. -■■•■■ ■ _. AGENTS "WANTED. \AT ANTED TO-DaY— 2 £f VE CANVASSERS ""to introiluc horse and stock book. ED- WARDS, 7 City Hall avenue. 5 ENERGETIC AND INTELLIGENT AGENTS on new proposition; good, commission; also salary to right parties. 54 Nevada block, 9 to 11 A. M. ■ ■. - :,.,-■-.- ■■-.-•■ ■-■ ■ ■- FURNITURE WANTED.. T>UTTET{FTELb, AUCTION EEr| " 16> McAJ^ -L* lister St.— Specialty, buytng furniture of houses. T C. MUTHEBrTHE AUCTIONEER. BUYS «J . furniture at highest cash prices. 5 Fourth st. HOW CASES, BAB, RESTAURANT, CANDY 0 outfits, fixtures, etc.. bought and gold. 125 Fifth. HOUSES. '-.-■■ RELIABLE FAMILY HORSE. . HARNESS XV and new surrey: '■ $225 cash.; 931 Lombard st. IIOR SALE — HANDSOME. BROWN MARE, 15J/2 hands high; weight 1100 pounds; age 6 years; trots in better than 3 minutes; sound and gentle: afraid of nothing; price $150; also 2 colts, 4 and 5 years old; broken to harness; Antevolo- Echo stock; will bo sold cheap. ■ Inquire 347 Fre- montst., in therear. ; • ■: . A(\ HORSES /FOR> SALE; ALSO WAGONS, - 1 " buggies, carts, harness: Grand A read* Horse Market, 327 Sixth st. : auction sales every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN & DOYLE, Auctioneers. ' HoIISES PASTURED; $2 A MONTH; SEND for circular. F. A. HYDE, 630 Commercial st. 1 00 S^TS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL L\J\J kinds; second-hand wagons, buggy, carts: algo 20 cheap horses. "■■ Fifteenth .and -Valencia wta. WAOOM* A-Nl> CAitIiIAOES. ; ■;- FOR SALE-STYLISH HORSE AND BUGGY; X 1 very cheap. , HEINE, 40 O'Farrell st. ; r f^OR, PALE— GROCERY. WAGON; ALMOST new. Paint Shop, 1140 Folsom. ;, ' ;. PERSONALS. . A MERICAN WIDOW OF REFINEMENT -ii- wishes the acquaintance of an honorable well- to-do ; American gentleman of good ■ appearance ; object, matrimony if agreeable. Address Amerl- can, box 118, Call Office. \ ©XX YOUNG LADY WANTS A PARTNER; tjpKJU. nice business. 121 Montgomery, room 8. OCIAL DANCE AT GOLDEN CITY GAR- dens. San Bruno road and Silver aye., Friday, May 24; admission free. J. W. WILSON, Prop. A DVICEFREE; DIVORCE laws a special- -f* ty ; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. HOWE, Att'y-at-law, 850 Market., cor. Stockton. IGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CAST-OFF clothing.books. novels. RAPHAEL, 247 4th st. LADIES' OUTING SUITS TO ORDER; $25. HUTT, merchant tailor. Y. M. C. A. building. HAIR-DRESSING. 25C. ANY STYLE: STRICT- IyIst-class shampoo, 60c; Pioneer Hair Store. BERTHA SPETZ. 1 1 1 Stockton st. : one price only. WHITEWASHING MACHINE AND BRUSH '» work; 54 C yard; contracts taken. WAIN- WRIGHT, 1460 Market; machines sold or hired. OME AGAIN; WRECKERS OF HIGH prices; fine suits, $15: dress pants, $4 75: overcoats. $2 95. Misfit Clothing Parlors, 513 Montgomery st., cor. Commercial, upstairs. CV YOUR CURTAINS. LADIES' AND gems' furnishing goods, hosiery, trimmings, etc., at Pioneer Dry Goods store, 105 Fifth si. AN HAVE DRESSES CUT AND FITTED > for $3; dresses popular prices or engagements by the day; patterns to measure. 11 Geary st. SAN FRANCISCO SCHOOL FOR DANCING and elocution. WALTER G. O'BRIEN, mana- ger; Grove and Laguna sis. Class Mondays and Fridays; juvenile class, Saturdays. ATRIMONIAL PAPER, 997 MARKET ST.; office time, 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 p. m. ; by mail 15 cents. INGLE BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF Pomade is guaranteed to cure any case of dan- druff or falling hair or money refunded: never known to fail: try it. By all druggists price $1. or SMITH BROS., Fresno, raj. . SECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock of them, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. .J. NOONAN, 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission St., above Sixth. ""'*»»> O.M-; -MORE CUi - '""" '. : ~~ Oak Roll Top Desks $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers...: From $10 up Oak Bed Sets.... $17 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up Stoves and Ranges ; $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN, _ 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission st., above Sixth. HE Al l ART BBS LONG 61 STANCE TELE- phones, cheap: send for prlct-s. Klein Electric Works, 720 Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal. . QUIET PLACE FOR LADIES TO TRADE IN stocks and grain; large money made on small m vestment. WH EELOCIC & CO., 318 Pine St., 3. CLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT mfra' cost. Factory, 20 Sansome St.. upstairs. INETOSCOPES FOR SALE; PHONOGRAPH outfits bought for cash. Baclgalupi, 946 Mkt. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD, store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, ' etc.: cheap. Yard 1166 Mission st., nr. Eighth. GIAS FIXTURES AND PLUMBING. 623" VJ Golden Gate aye. H. HUFSCHMIDT. OLD GOLD, SILVER. GENTS' AND LADIES' clothing bought. COLMAN. 41 Third st. "WINDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO *' order by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Market. DRESSMAKERS. "TVRESSMAKING AND PLA IN SEWING. \J Call or address 324 y t Tenth st. PIANOS. VIOLINS, ETC. CJjCA FRENCH UPRIGHT; $IGS~WEBER Cyv/"» upright square pianos from $50 upward, easy terms. Fay's Piano Factory, 1729 Mission st. ?lA>:i~^7U, UPRIGHT PIANO: ALSO AX- \J other $100; immediate. Room 21, 809 Market. p EORGE F. WELLS, SOLE AGENT FOR the VI Mathushek pianos; sold on very easy install- ments; pianos rented. 1360 Market st. EW $8 PICCOLO AND $40 FLUTE AT half. J. P., box 31, Call Office. WM. G. BADGER. WITH KOHLER <fe CHASE _M 26, 28 and 30 O'Fnrrell st. OUR NEW RENT-CONTRACT PLAN IS meeting with great favor: terms of payment are so easy that everybody can have a piano: besj makers; largest slock. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO. ARP BY SEBASTIAN ERARD; DOUBLE action and elegantly rinshed: is found with difficulty anywhere: a nice selection is at present exhibited by SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. TECK. CHICKERING A SONS., VOSE AND Sterling pianos sold on $10 installments. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell st. 9 SECOND-HAND UPRIGHTS, WITH OUR — guarantee: $125 each. MA UVAIS.769 Market. HOME INDUSTRY— HEMM E <fe LONG PIANO CO., 340 Post; pianos sold on installments: ■end for illustrated catalogue. A BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A good piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLER & HARE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. DECKER BiiOS.. STEIN WAY, FISCHER AND XJ other first-class makes of pianos: little used; cheap .for cash or on easy terms. KOHLiJR & CHASE, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. GREAT BABGAINB IN SECOND-HAND Pl- anos at SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. 'S, cor. Kear- ny and Sutter sis. ASV TERMS; LOW PRICES. KOHLER CHASE. JiEW ELEGANT UPRIGHTS. STANDARD X makes, almost new, half original cos' ; see at once. F. W. SPENCER <fc CO., 721 Market st. BYRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.-SOHMER, Ncwbr it Evans. Briggs and other pianos. STEINWAY UPRIGHT: SLIGHTLY USED; grand tone; halt-cost,. SPENCER, 721 Market. OUPERIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD <t NEW. C 1 H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. rfIAILOR PATTERNS CUT TO MEASURE. X basque or skirt, 15c. 115 Kearny st., room 14. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— ) WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- tig free. EDUCATIONAL. ~ T^LLTLA^^E^DrAlTDr^f^nr^N^Licsir^C^ XJ tress, coaches Indies and gentlemen for the dramatic profession: appearances arranged. Shake- spearean Academy, 406 Van Ness aye. ELASCO'.S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed on stage. R. 5 & 12, 1. 0. 0. F. block, 7th and Market. VOCAL TEACHER, JOSEPH GBKVEN, TM- V proves anil beautified even spoiled veicesand procures positions for his pupils. 82 Ninth st. PIANO LESSONS 40c AN HOUR. THOMAS WATTS, 218 Golden Gate aye. PIANO AND SINGING TAUGHT BY EXPE- X rienced musicians from England; $4 month. 834 Missiou. ' MASTERY OF- SPANISH AND FRENCH in 4 months with Professor Duque's LIVING method practically taught by native, university instructors : classes ($3 per month) day and eve. Call and examine this master method. 104 Hayes. E" NGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT BY MISS .DILLON, 14 McAllister, r. 46: private or class. School ELECTRICAL, civil, mining, ME- -0 chanical engineering, surveying, architecture, assay : *■ stab. '64. VAN PER N AILLEN. 723 Mkt. HYPNOTISM "LESSONS IN HYPNOTISM and mesmerism ; clairvoyants developed by J. DIAMOND, 406 Sutter St., rooms 50 and 51. TIEHL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market st.: diploma course $30. DWARD TOJETTI, ARTIST, HAS RE- opened his studio and classes. Room 141, Murphy building, corner Market and Jones sts. ( VERTICAL AND POINTED HANDWRITING V taught. C. EISENSCHIMEL, 235 Kearny. RS. MELVILLE-SNYDER, ORATORICAL, Vocal and Dramatic Academy, 519 Van Ness aye.: vocal classes Monday, 8 p. m.. $1 month; dra- matic classes Wednesday. Bp. m., $3 month: also private lessons and piano; ladies and gentlemen coached for professional or amateur stage (stage for practice). riTARR'S INST., 659 BOOKKEEPING X taught In 6 weeks. ; We pledge ourselves to keep free for 6 months books our graduates fail on. HEALDS BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 POST - Bookkp?, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern lan- I guagea rapidly taught. Write for catalogue. MONEY TO LOA». 6 PER CENT— LO WEst" R ATEsT ON CITY, country and collateral securities. SHAD- BURNE JR. & CO., 313 Montpemery st. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE, IST AND 2ND mortgages, furniture or pianos without re- moval^; lowest rates. BECKER, 240 Montgomery. MONEY AT 6%; IST AND 2D MORTGAGES, estates, pianos. MURPHY, 628 Market, st. ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WITHOUT removal, warehouse receipts and other securi- ties. Room 68, Donohoe building, cor. Market and Taylor sts. • , . ■ . ...... . -_, • "I ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES, LIFE INSUR- X" ance policies, bank books. GOULD, 633 Market^ i ONEY LOANED ON JEW ELK Y AND DlA- monds. v Mills' building, tU:a ni,a.Y room 6. - ; AN ANY SECURITY. AT LOW RATES; DEAL- \J ing confidential. 43 Crocker building. M* UNICiPAL LOAN OFFICB, CROCKER building, room 67; telephone Main 5122. ANY. SUM OF, MONEY ADVANCED ON your furniture, pianos or real estate; low rates; call and ; state ' your proposition or .write: open evenings. J. NOON AN, 1021 Mission st. - ; MONEY LOANED ON JEWELRY AND OTHER valuables at the Security Loan Bank, 1106 Market st. .nr. Mason: private entrance 7 Turk. - - PALMISTKV. MMX. MINERVA,' THE MARVELOUS ENG- i'A ■ Hah. ■ palmist, grants interviews dally from . 10 to 5:30 in her rooms at the Oriel, cor. of. Market and Franklin, third floor, room 43; fee 1; garden parties, bazaars, etc. , attended ; lessons given. ■* r :■?■;■ ■ WANTED— MIS UELLANEOUS. KLEIN. IOS^OCTH^CrpTY^OOOD^RICEi for detains, books and jewelry ; postal. , BUSINESS •' CHANCES. PROLL STENBERG 719 MARKET,' X near Third, sell or exchange businesses, fur- nished houses, orchards, vineyards, San Francisco, Alameda and Oakland property: send particulars; ail applications for sales promptly attended to. Will exchange for boose and lot in San Francisco, a beautiful country home in Contra Costa County; price $6000. PROLL & STENBERG. 719 Market. jV\ TV ESTABLISHED BOARDING AND <2>ttv/' \J. livery stable: has control of the best livery trade: all first-class outfit* and first-class boarders: clears to good manager $250 to $300 per month: present owner sacrifice saint on account of other business. PROLL & STEXBERG, 719 Mar- ket st. QQAA BUTCHER BUSINESS IN PROS- ipO\J\J. penng mining town: splendid • stab- lished business; 2 horses, wagons; employs 3 men: retiring from business. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. WELL-ESTABLISHED 35-ROOM HOTEL; " located among 3 car-houses; present owner 13 years, made fortune: good chance for hotel mao PROLL & STEXBERG, 719 Market st. CJ7nAA WILL EXCHANGE OX ACCOUNT tj) I u\J\J. of sickness; 31 furnished rooms: loca- tion central, Market st. PROLL & STEXBERG 719 Market st. UrAXTED-BUSINESS MAN IX A WELL- .,«. established real estate business: cash required, $1000; must be a responsible party; present firm can furnish tbe best of reference's: ihoroivl) in- vestigation allowed. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. FINEPAYINC.TOPULAR FlRST- yp~*v\j\j. class rcsiaurant: central location: north Market, near Kearny: dally receipts, $50- -trial given. PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market! <4il^n() RARE OPPORTUNITY TO BUY «iPiUUU. first-class staple fancy grocery: daily receipts $25 to $30: full investigation; sell invoice. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. $7 ( ) SALOON: WATERFRONT; DO NOT '""• miss this genuine bargain: sacrifice ac- count departure: trial given to party meaning busi- ness. PROLL «fc STEXBERu, 719 Market st. ©IQAA ELEGANTLY FURNISHED COF- w- 1 <-''-'*-'. fee and lunch parlors, with first-class custom: money -making place: located near Chronicle building. WILKE. 235 Kearny. room 4. ©1 wAA BEER HALL, WITH BILLIARDS. <p lij\j\j. on Market st., near Examiner office; rent $100; lease: large patronage: sacrificed on account of other business. WILKE, 235 Kearny. Of! 1 f\f\ CORNER GROCERY AND BAR, <ipxxv/\J. kept by present owner for 18 years: 1 very good business; owner wants to retire and go ' to Germany. WILKE, 235 Kearny St., room 4. pARTNER-$3OO-COFFEE SALOON, KEPT X by a young lady: must attend buying and take in cash. 235 Kearny. room 4. . Q9^A RESTAURANT AND COFFEE SA- »lp_Uv/. loon, near Baldwin Hotel. Room 4, 235 Kearny st. TO SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND quick for cash see STRAND <fc CO., 45 Third at. "CJfOnn" PARTNER WANTED IN SALOOX: tJ>_UU. clear $75 per month to each: good chance. See STRAXD & CO., 45 Third st. ©I 1 AA CASH GROCERY: SALES $60 A «JpllUU day. STRAND, 45 Third street. ■ ©1 £AA GROCERY-STORE; BEST LOCA- «3!)XOU\J. tion: on Market St.: receipts $35 per day; will sell at invoice. STRAND & CO., 45 Third. C-~\-(\ SALOON, WITH 3 LIVING-ROOMS: rp-iUU. good trade; no opposition: situated be- tween large factories. See STRAND&CO..4S Third. ARGAIN— OLD-ESTABLISHED C H O P- bouse and coffee parlor lor sale at a sacrifice; owner has other business. STRAND, 45 Thirds. &('Z.(\ RESTAURANT: BEST LOCATIOX <pDtJU. on Market St.: great bargain; on ac- count of departure. STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. <I_l 1 A A BAKERY; NO. 1 LOCATION; 3 <?* 1 'V_'. rooms: cheap rent; gooa, paying place- See STRAND <t CO., 45 Third St. Oil CA CORNER BRANCH BAKERY: 3 tip c)»J. rooms; good-paying. STRAND, 45 Third OOX CIGAR-STAND; SELECT STOCK; LiiO, fine fixtures: best location on Market St.; cheap rent; bargain. STRAND<fcCO., 45 3d st. (» RCA GROCERY AXDBAK; FILL VALUE ffpOUyj. in sight; 3 rooms; rent $20; owner same place 5 years; a mint. STRAND, 45 Third. MOTICE— HAVING BUYERS WILLING TO -I-' invest in legitimate business, parties desiring to sell for cash apply HEALY & CO., 23 Kearny st. <B5RPin BAKERY ACROSS THE BAY: RUN tipUcfv/. by owner 3 years: horse and wagon- clears $100 month. HEALY, 23 Kearn.v st. BAKERS, ATTENTION — $900; BAKERY; strictly Al cash business: all countertrade; average receipts $18 a day: fine chance for coffee saloon ; sickness. BARRETT <£ CO., 865 Vi Mar- ket st. SjO^n BAKERY, CANDY, SODA AND ICE- — O\J. cream parlor; best location ; near Mar- ket; finely fitted: -living-rooms; low rent: receipts $8 day. BARRETT & CO., 865% Market st. QIOk BRANCH BAKERY AND CANDY- AuJX_«J. store: receipts $5 a day: Sliving-rooms rent $10- see this bargain. BARRETT <fc CO. Bt55J/2 Market st. Cj "I 90- , ' PAYING GROCERY AND BAR; «JpX*jV/ '. best corner north of Market; clearing over $100 month: heavily stocked: low rent: lease- I trial. BA BRETT A CO., 865 a Market st. ' G> 1 onn saloon, including building ; | «jDX_UU. 5 living-rooms: doing a large business: sold on account of owner retiring from business: i I bargain. WOOD & CO., 917 Market. <j>O'A SALOON, NEAR WATER FRONT, t^)_»Jl/. doing good business; rent $25. WOOD <fc CO., 917 M»r,ei st. a ■$i.Ai\(\ "pa rtnfr WA XT D fine RES- fj s -I <\J. taurant to take charge of cash : must be sober and satisfied with $100 per month; easy place. Apply SMITH, HUBER <fc CO* 1001 Market st. t-OT^ FOR GROCERY AND BAR: ' tlT— i O. good location. JOHN REIDY, 19 Sixth (£• XA f V FIXE RESTAURAXT NEAR THE tJPc/W". terminus of four cable-roads: doing good business: splendid location. Bee JOHN REIDY, 19 Sixth st. T^OR SALE-FIRST-CLASS PLUMBING AND X tin-shop in tl»is city; has a good established trade. Further particulars inquire for GEORGE J. REMINGTON at W. W. Montague & Co.s. ILK-DAIRY TO LET: HOUSE 6 ROOMS- I'I barn for 36 cows; hone-barn for 6: water i from wind-mill and tank: near Golden City House San Bruno road. Apply G. GIANNINI. . VALVABLE invention — one-fourth > interest in the following countries will be given to a suitable party who will bear the expense of se- curing patents: Germany, France and Canada Address Invention, box 52, Call. pORKER GROCERY AND BAR; SALE AC- \J conn., of death. 701 Valencia st., cor lsth. UXCH-HOL'SE, WITH GLASSES, DISHES' range, fixtures, etc.. very cheap, at 714 Bryant. I MAX COOK, WIFE WAITRESS, WOULD BV\ ! IX half interest in chophouse or lunch-counter A.8., box 39, Call Office. " ' GOOD BARGAIN: SALOON AND 10 FUR- nisbed rooms for sale cheap; departure cause of sale: uo agent. 624 Sacramento st. • U> I X A PARTNER FOR ICECREAM AND k\P±U\J. candy business by candy-maker of Euro- pean and American experience; chance to learn business. 1006 Hyde st. TViOR SALE-GOOD BOOTBLACK-STAND AND X laundry office. Cor. First and Howard sts. <£ lO> NICE LUNCH AND SANDWICH jiPX—tJ. stand; clears $75 per month. Apply 130 Fourth st. WELL-PAYING RESTAURANT: GOOD LO- cation: must be sold at once on account of sickness. Inquire grocery-store, 1049 Folsom. RESTAURANT, 2932 SIXTEENTH ST.. NEAR Mission; good business, $100: rent $20. CtORNER GROCERY AND BAR; GOOD LOCA- \J tion. Apply 320 Clay st. IV"ICELY FITTED UP SALOON ON A GOOD -.1 business street: will be sold cheap if applied for at once. DONNELLY & BRANXON, SE. cor. California and Kearny sts., basement. IRST-CLASS BUSINESS FOR SALE CHEAP X" Inquire at the office of the "Nevada," 33 South i i Second St., San Jose, Cal. - I^OR SALE— SMALL CORNER SALOON. COR- : ncr Battery and Vallejo sts. D ESTAURAXT FOR SALE; GOOD BUSINESS- XV make offer. 324 Larkin st. ( t K <! o ,^' SAijE - APPLY SE. CORNER VJ Eighth and Bryant sts. SALE-A dairy PRODUCTS AND delicacies store. 1415 Stockton st. PARTNER, WITH $175, IX ONE OF THE X best paying saloons south of Market st - 249 Third st.: no agents. T?^ MI .? G BUS , INES S; 2 EXPRESS WAGONS, XI doublo truck, 4 horses: goodwill of trade- must be sola in 30 days. E., box 44. this office ' Tat 504 Sixth st.; 3 living rooms; rent $12 $125. S b T a^- C nYyou C L a3jd~see x _'^^Jhe bargain an^you buy^ 958 Howard G°rh°rdf^ TNG HOTaL - X - H. 0EP15KT233 T^LACKSMITH WITH $1000 TO BUY HALF will bIS in h fir ? t - c!ass BK*** country shop; tliaUon - X - T - W - iKD * tO '. «°» O^T-rS^, TUE LARGEST SALOOXS AND M PLi^ir v^ a » V T b i B^, b *™*}P offered. Inquire ai. BLLMfcXTHAL & CO.. 660 Mission st. ■PESTAURANT; PARTNER IN PREPER- hZ nr n «°. tO - nired hel P: one who understands cook- mg or w aving. Apply on premises, 1934 Market. rjOOii-PAYING S RESTAURANT; CHEAP; VJ dally receipts $25. 626 Sacramento st. $7000 F ASH WILL BUY YOU AN ESTAB- -2% ' v yy llsned business, well located, having fine cash trade in ; stationery, school supplies, agateware, • tinware, woodenware. toys, notions, etc. : one of firm will assist purchaser for 1 month. Address Bazaar, box 65. Call Office. pOUTE FOR SALE ON THIS PAPER. 2104b J-v Leavenworth, 12 m. or after 5?. m. ROO HALF CASH. BALANCE INSTALL- W*-\J\J\J. ments: business pays 8175 month; right man can easily Increase it to $500 or more. Inquire CURTIS : & ROWLEY, 3- second floor, Mills building. : • pARTNER— SAN FRANCISCO FIRM E3TAB- x lished - 7 years, ' doing good business. Intends branching out | and desires partner who is to invest $5000; can make good salary and 8 to 12 per cent on investment: a fine opportunity to get into a live, well established firm; Investigation desired: references offered and required: principals only Address Partner, box 180, Call Office. BUSINESS CHAXCKS-ConUnneil . Q^AA OLD-ESTABLISHED WOOD, COAL" *^pU\J\J. hay, grain business: Western Addition - , rent 515: over 125 regular customers. SPECK, Montgomery st. * ' Q7^A Coffee-house, near Baldwin ' I Q I U\J north Market. SPECKS. 30 Montgomery. <*s9OO A MONTH CLEAR; COFFEE SA^ , tip_VU loon; near Chronicle; cheap. SPECKS 30 Montgomery. v,*»o, ©ft^A' COFFEE-SALOON: MONTGOMERY : i t)l ll c i 100 - SPECK'S. 30 Montgomery! . T?IRST-CLASS PLUMBING AND TINNING X business; must be sold at once- shop to rent ■ Apply 1373 Broadway, Oakland. © Q A() RESTAURANT FOR SALE-ON ONE t£)U\JKr. of the most principal streets, off Mar- ket; must be sold at once. Address J. A., box 94, Call Office. T^OR SALE— CANDY BUSINESS AND ICE- x cream parlors: legitimate paying Investment: will teach buyer to manufacture. " 130 Ninth si. ©QAA LODGING-HOUSE FOR SALE.WITH C'J'-'tf. 35 rooms. 641 Washington st., near Kearny. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE; BEST PAYING -'X livery stable in town; 30 boarders: 25 livery horses: hacks, buggies, etc.: centrally located: low rent; this is a fine opportunity to get a good business at a bargain: principals only. Address P. B- box 127, this office. CjXnAA J T K H ' ( ; AGENCY OF THIS PA- <ip*J\J\J\J. per; pays over $200 per month; sick- ness cause of selling. Apply this office. LODGING-HOUSES FOB SALE. "I (* ROOMS. GEARY ST.; RICH FURNITURE; -1 v> seller will take out $300 in room rent. SPECK'S. 30 Montgomery st. AQ ROOMS: CORNER, NEAR NEW. V.M.C.A.; "±O very low rent: clears. $165; sell at auction price. SPECK'S. 30 Montgomery st. Q- ROOM AND BOARDING HOUSE (COR- — O ner), north of Market: rich, modern furni- ture: house full. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. TO BUY OR SELL A LODGING- HOUSK quick for cash see GUS STRAND, 45 Third st r.Q7« HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS; GOOD LOCaT *£>£ I O. tlon: bargain. STRAND& C 0.,45 Third. FOR SALE — SMALL LODGING- HOUSIT cheap. 222 Sixth. OR SALE— PRIVATE BOARDING-HOUSE : _^ 10 well-furnished rooms; call and make offer*^ sickness cause. 813 Howard st. ' 1 A-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE; VERY CHEAP- XU party going East; central. Address A., box I"^>OR SALE— CORNER LODGING-HOUSE- 22 J rooms. Apply at 712 Kearny st. -1 AND ALL, COME FOli BARUA INS TO BUT- -1 TEBFIELD real estate. Crocks hu;;rting. L KNIT L KE FOR SALE. II URNTTURE OF 6-ROOM HOUSE. 1404 MV X son st. : call bet. 2 and sp. m. B 1 ™ v? Oi » k KT> 11: LATEST TABLES. SJ $-2 15; Roxbury Brussels, 75c laid; oilcloth 20c; open evenings. BHJ XXX, 1310 Stockton st. : XT G. . KRABKY, CARPETS, PICTURES, . XX . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices: Cal , stepiadder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission. : pUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS ■ \J this week at McC ABE'S, 948-050 Mission st. RE DUCT lONB ON LARGE STOCK. NEW AND second hand; 400 carpets, goo I as new oil- , cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c- (-piece chamber suits, $14 50; cornice-poles, 25c-' ranges. $6; cash or installments; goods ahipoej free. T.H. NELSON. 126 Fourth st. PP^ OAKFKTS. "~~^ BRUSSELS, 45c, LAID; BOXBURY BRUS- sels, 75c. laid; linoleum, 40c; h»avy oilcloth 20c: openeventnes-SHIREK. 1310-131L' Stockton. CAKPET CLEANING. RATIONAL CARPET BEATING AND RKNO- -Li vating Works, HAMPTON & NINA lavine and altering. 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission 2441 CITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AND \J Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. G.*R, SfEVKXS. manager. Telephone No., south 250. pARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND \J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON A CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 38. "HEX YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH ' 1 poor work send to SPAULDIXG 8 Pioneer Ca- rpet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama; ;-\. So-40. pOXKLIX'S CARPET BEATING WORKS, 33» \J Golden Gate aye. ; telephone east 126. » ! pARPETS WELL CLEANED. BARBERS, 233 \J 14th, nr. Mission; tel. (Mission) 100. HE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEAXIXO X Co. (incorp.): old established carpet cleaning machines: cleaning 3c yard. 230 Mill. TeL 6074. MCQUEEN'S CARPET >! • .SO AND REX- . ovatlng works. 453 -• i iiel.- 8228. MKDIOA;.. : -ILLIAM~B~CHURCH^ PHYSICIAN AND " surgeon, 1018 Washington St.. Oak. and; hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 6:30 to 7:30 p. m- j patients received and cared for by train-,; mines I at residence, 518 Tenth st., Oakland. Tel}.43i. I ALL LADIES IN TROUBLE COXSOI/r TUB j -M- only reliable specialist in San yrmii.sco- mi- i stant relief: $500 paid for any case I can tot cure; bo.-.rd: skillful attention during confinement; spe- cial attention to diseases of the eye; advi'-ofree; confidential. MRS. DR. SCOTT, 1101/3 Turk st. ANEW PROCESS— MEDICINE, [NS RU- ments or worthless pills used : every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what cause; restores always in one day; if you want to be treated safe and sure call on men'a physician ; knowledge cap. lw sent and used M home; all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kei r st. p RESSEMOR'S REMEDIES R E STORE VJ health and vanity; astrology; readings. 416 Taylor St., S. F. Mils. Dlv. WEGENEK, PRIVATE HOME for all female diseases; separate homes for la- di«-s before and during confinement; have enlarged and arranged my home to suit rich and poor; ir- regularities cured lv a day: guaranteed: no instru- ments: regular physicians of long and successful practice: travelers attended: no delay : all business strictly confidential; babies adopted. 419 Eddy st. A SURE SAFE CURE FOR ALL FEMALE -T\. disease: a home in confinement with best care; with the privacy of a home and conveniences of a hospital; consultation free and confidential; a positive cure for liquor, morphine and tobacco abit; every case guaranteed without injury to~_ i health. MRS. DR. GWYER, 311% Hyde st. * POSITIVE, GUARANTEED~~CURE FOR IR- X regularities; used for years in private practice with invariable success even In most aggravated cases; easy to take; perfectly natural In action; no pain, exposure or danger: cures in two days; j sent securely sealed on receipt of $3 or C. O D • | strictly confidential. Address DR. J. MILTON* I BERGETOLE. P. O. box 2223, S. F. DR. AND MRS. DR. SCHMIDT. FORMERLY of 1211V 2 Mission, now 1 508 Market st. : month- y Irregularities cured In a few hours; guaranteed- no instruments used: sure preventive. " DAUDET'S APHRO TABLETS— THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, mpotency and all disorders of the sexual organs- *l a box, 8 boxes $5; send for circular. J. H." WIDBER, cor. Market and Third, sole agent. DRS." 'GOODWIN. specialty diseases OF women : ladies near or far assured quick relief of disease; irregularities restored dally; safe cure guaranteed; no instruments: home In confine- ment; best skill; low fees; pills $2. 1370 Market. DR. HALL, 14 MCALLISTER. SECOND FLOOR? next Hibernla Bank: diseases of women. rpHE "INFALLIBLE PREVENTIVE" FOR X either sex. Send stamp for information or 50c for trial jar to P. O. box 1896. San Francisco. PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT: GER- X man midwife, MRS. POWELL, 1310 Mission. T^ICE PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT M-^etKIFi ER, midwife, 2014 Folsom st. ALL LADIES CONSULT" FREE MRS. DR. DA VIES, 14 McAllister St., near Market- leads all competitors; only qualified, trusty spe^ clalist for safe, quick relief of Irregularities, r_. matter what cause: treatment scientific, hannU^l and painless; never fails; home in confinement. "IF IRREGULAR OR ANY FEMALE DIM X see Mrs. Dr. Puetz and be content. 254% 4th. ' A LPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS. " -ex A boon to ladies troubled with Irregularities; no danger; bafe and sure; $2 50, express C. O. D.; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD UJJOS- Oat- land. Cal., agents for Alpeau et Cie. _ clairvoyants] rvREAT CLAIRVOYANT AND CARD-RE AD- \J er; Mroe. Stewart from Boston: seventh daugh. terof the seventh daughter; has read cards since 11 years of age; ladies or gents 50c. 917 Market, r. 3-4. VI ME. RAVENNA. TEST MEDIUM. LIFE -"J- reader: mbm given. «28 Howard: 26c up. "VI ME. MOREAU.BEST MEDIUM.CLAIKVOY- -i-*X ant; speaks German : 25c up. 131 fourth st. PROF. GEE, SPIKIST TEST DAILY; in:- X cles Monday, Tuesday, Friday. 8 P. it. 1031 Market St.; 25c. ■ T EON, PALMIST, CLAIRVOYANT. LIFE J-i reader. 533 Post st. : hours 9a.m.t08 p. m. : also Sundays. VfME. DR. THOMAS. SCIENTIFIC • REVEAL- J.TX er by eggs and carls (in English orGerman):ells entire life. pa«t, I>resent « future; consul tat on ; all affairs, nothing excepted; names given; good advice; sure help: restores lost love by sympathy: mistake impossible; fee »1; letter $2. 30 Ke:irn\. AUGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER: magic charms: love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband; teaches fortune-telling- dove' -ps clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has tbe seven iioly seals and the Palestine wonder charm- fee $i and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth! MRS. J. J. WHITNEY. CLAIRVOYANT, TEST m medium and life-reader. 218 Stockton. "'■' ' SPIRITUALISM. XX. B VKNJNQ. 84* Slxta st.; tests to all. XX. EVJ.MNG, 244 Sixth St.; testa to all. fr YPSY LIFE-READER; LADIES 26c; GENTS 50c; near Market. 5 Seventh St. "M RS S. EAL-SPTRIf"UAL MEDIUM: RE- , i;{.'«'7 «*• Wed. 8 p.m. ; Thurs., 2 -.30 : lio Me- tt 5,?, GERT TRANCE MEDIUM: Post st eVe : devel °P S clr. Tuea. eve. 715 ASTROLOGY. A STRAL SEER— PROF. HOLMES. 523GEAKY xx. at.; horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice.