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CITY REAL ESTATE. a_'j;_.n 1 FINEST FLATS ON JESSIE SJ r«3t)OOUU. everything In fine order; rents $52 50: $1100— Lot (Richmond) on Clement St., near 6th five.: ready to build. A. M. SPECK & CO., 30 .Montgomery st. . !_____. -l\f\f\ 6 FLATS NEAR 6TH; LOT 50x75; • «_5 i \J\J\J. yearly rents $720; offer entertained; ' must sell. Wanted— on or near Montgomery aye. for cash buyer. SPECK, 30 Montgomery st. ' <j.._»n||A TWO MODERN FLATS, DOLORES n£O__A'U. St.: rents $360 a year; lot 25x125; stable, etc.: V 2 cash. $3500-Two flats and store; deep lot: rents $-100. $1800— Five-room cottage; barn; lot 100x75foet; worth $3000. A. M. SPECK & CO., 30 Montgom- • cry st. jjonnn large lot, 57x125, on THIR- (JIOUUI'. tieth St., near Noe, with 2 tenements, .'consisting of store and 4 rooms and cottage of 4 ■ rooms: stable, well and chicken-house; big bar- - pain; terms i- cash. SPECK'S. 30 Montgomery. QQ.QXI2O— FINEST LOT PACIFIC HEIGHTS; OO — marine view unsurpassed: cor. Broadway and Scott s:s.; owner East; must have money: will sell cheap. 110VKV, No. 8, second floor, Mills building. TUST THINK OF IT! O A FOURfROOM. COTTAGE. ■ Price only $1750: Florida St., nr. 22d; lot 26x100. BALDWIN & HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. 37 OR SALE OR TO LEASE! ? FOUR ACRES AT OCEAN VIEW. A good house, containing 7 rooms and bath; barn, windmill, etc. : suitable fora nursery, pleas- ure resort, or chicken ranch : will lease for a long term at a very Jow rent. The San Francisco and Ban Mateo electric cars pass the property. . For further particulars apply to C. B. scho. Sher- man aye., near railroad depot, or BALDWIN & HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. ODERN COTTAGE; «T ROOMS; BATH; planked basement; $200 cash, balance easy installments. 804 Potrero aye., nr. 20th st. T^OR SALE— RESIDENCE. PACIFIC HEIGHTS, NORTH SIDE: FINE MARINE VIEW. Large lot and residence, 13 rooms; all modern con- veniences; owner about to remove from the city. $12,500. •Apply to THOMAS MAGEE & SONS, 4 Mont- . • gomery st. PARK LOTS FOR BUILDING. $300 Block bounded by Point Lobos aye. $323 $350 Clement st. and 34th and 35th ayes. MOO . $500 Electric cars will run on Clement st. and $750 Point Lobos aye. within 30 days. Terms— s2s cash, balance $5 per month. BUILDING LOTS SOUTH OF PARK. $500— On 10th and 11th ayes. and L and M sts: property all graded: fine marine and park view; terms $25 cash, balance $10 per month. Apply to WILL E. FISHER & CO., __, Real Estate Agents, 14 Post st. IN ALAMEDA— TO EXCHANGE FOR SAN Francisco property, modern 2-story house; 9 rooms and bath; handsomely furnished; lot 60s 150; gas, city and well water: carriage-house; s'reet macadamized ; half block to electric-cars; 5 minutes from broad-gauge station; 6 minutes to narrow gauge: cost $9300. Apply CHAS. C. BEMIS, 324 Montgomery St., S. F. I HAVE 3 BEAUTIFUL LOTS I WANT TO s»ll on very easy terms and very cheap: they are 2sxlso: only half a block from cars; $400: $25 down, balance $10 a month: ready to build on. Address Owner, box 9, this office. A TTENTION, INVESTMENT - SEEKERS— -TV One of best business corners on Folsomst.; Psx9o; great sacrifice. Inquire 1205 Market st. 9__QQ LARKIN— 5 ROOMS: BATH, «£trO <7large cellar, garden ; lot 22 :6x96 ; no agents. ANTED— FOR CASH. FLATS IN THE »» Western Addition; $4000 to $6000; must be cheap. H. MURPHY, 628 Market st. HOUSES FOR SALE ON SMALL MONTHLY payments; loans made on San Francisco real estate. LOUIS BLANK 214 Pine St., rms. 58 <fc 59. f (__r f_n COTTAGE OF 3 ROOMS BERK& '. O\J\J. ley, lot 40x135, $50 down, 10 monthly; ■ houses and lots all over town. CHAS. A. BAILEY, ' , .46 Market st. or Berkeley station, Berkeley. T>ROPERTY-OWNERS, BUILDERS, ARCHI- X tects— Guaranteed surveys of city lots for $7 50 up by -. HARRISON SMITH. 530 California, r. 9. COUNTRY KKAL ESTATE. QCfknn WANTED— FIRST MORTGAGE ON . *j3«J\JUv/ about 600. acres; exceptionally fine _ . stock farm on Suisun Bay, near Benicla; on line of railroad ; particularly adapted for alfalfa-growing; « 511 stocked with hogs and cattle; will pay 10 per cm. Address CHARLES W. KOHLSAAT, AIIUs burning. -J 91 ACRES WITH NICE COTTAGE. BARN, X— ■£ poultry-houses, etc.: young orchard of 700 trees: place cost $3500; will sell or exchange for paying business or city home: any offer wanted. Apply -PECK <fc CO., 30 Montgomery st. Ql* I A CASH i $1100 IN 10 YEARS, BUYS t^~±\J\J model 10-acre ranch ; Sonoma; all level: snap. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. 91 ACRES; MODEL FRUIT AND POULTRY aj home: nice cottage, barn, etc.; Sonoma: $2000; will exchange. SPECKS, 30 Montgomery. TM PROVED -RANCH, 29 ACRES, NEAR CON X cord ; choicest fruits and table grapes, full bear Ing; trade for Improved Oakland or Berkeley prop erty or Santa Clara County ranch. C. K. KING 902 Broadway, Oakland. BARGALN: 160 ACRES: HOTEL OR SALOON; X> location county road; fine creek through land: ■ chickens, hogs, vegetable land; Sonoma County; price 100 cash. 509 Kearny st., room 3. F" OR SALE— PEACH, PEAR AND PRUNE orchards, with vineyard, house, barn, chicken- ■ houses (20 acres), 3% miles from good town; close to good school ; clear deed, or would exchange for bouse and lot, etc.. near Oakland, Alameda or Berkeley; purchaser can have incoming crop of fruit. Address Owner, box 60, this office. Qil^On 66 ACRES, NEAR CALISTOGA, Vp?t.*J\J\J. Napa County: 20 acres in vines and -.fruit trees; horse, wagon and implements; 2 cows, lot of chickens. R. C, 1729% Mission street. HOUSE AND LOT IN SAN JOSE AT COST of house, or will exchange for unimproved city property. Address 522 Howard st., S. F. G!9?_nn 150 ACRES, % MILE FROM Vr*mOV.t\J. Pieyto, Monterey County, Cal.; 100 acres under cultivation, with dwelling-house, barn fend outbuildings: good well; bearing orchard and vineyard; ranch ail fenced; stock and farming tools go with the place: dally mail from Son Fran- cisco; U. S. patent; no mortgage; a great bargain. Address owner, I. F. BUSHNELL, Pieyto, Mon- terey County, Cal. fiOR SALE-ONE OF THE BEST DAIRY OR hone ranches in the State; about 300 acres over 200 acres river land; well Improved ; 35 miles from San Francisco; can be bought on the best of terms: easy payments; will take part in ex- change. Address Land, box 60, Oak. Call Office. ROSS VALLEY— HOUSE: 7 ROOMS; BATH; Urge lot: near station; $2000, or exchange city property. A.Mr TCNSTEAD, San Anselmo. 1 C-ESTABLI-HEI) 15 years. «n. d. KICKELS, TH ■ • LAND agent. The only agency in America making sale and ex- change of country property a strict specialty regu- larly publishing a DAILY DESCRIPTIVE LAND JOURNAL. Accurate descriptions of hundreds of places for Bale and propositions to exchange ranches for town •nd city property: also for any class of business or mines. Greatly facilitating and free of charge to _ buyers and sellers. All new propositions daily. 1^ 318 Post St., bet. Stockton and Powell, 8, F. ENTED INCOME PROPERTY AT THE BAY to exchange for land In Mann County; line of N. P. C. R. R. : lots of $1500 to $15,000. Address . ' the owner. J. R. S.. box 109, Call Office. 6 ACRES IN NILES. ALL IN BEARING fruit, for exchange. 872 Washington st., Oakland N EyDAL SHOW FOR ALL; STRAIGHT, fair and square deal: an investment offered that is boncst : own your own home and be inde- pendent: try it and you will find that we advise yon right; we will sell you 40 acres of alluvial soil In the Warren Green rancho, Glenn County, Cal., , for $280: $3 per acre down, balance in 60 monthly payments, without interest, and will throw In town lot 100x150; laud suitable tor all kinds of fruit, berries or grain: need* no irrigation; climate un- surpassed anywhere California: 168 miles north of San Francisco -nd only 20 raliea from county spat of county, and 6 miles from nearest railroad town; tare, round trip, $9. For Investments and information address or call on the H. M. BENSON CO., —1 Broadway, Oakland. GRIFFIN, COTTONWOOD, CAL., SENDS • free circular* and prices of cheap land. ARIN COUNTY— SOOO ACRES MILES from San Francisco. RANCHO DE NOVATO. . Tract* of any sire desired; fruit, grain and voca- ls We land; no irrigation; both rail and water transportation: $40 to $75 per acre; easy terms. ' town of- Novato: graded school, hotels and stores on the property; send for circular. Dairy for sale with or without cows. .■ SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 ■nd 65. Chronicle building. I YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING purposes or an orchard already improved, where only small cash outlay is required, balance payable • In (5 or 7 years, apply 336 Montgomery St., S. I*. '. ~ ATTOIt.VEVS-AX-I.AW. ~~~~~ "1 A.MITCBUELXhATT'T-AT-XvA.W.BKKOVBD ___j_to^Spreckels bldg., 929 Market St.; advice free. . A D VICE FREE, DIVORCE LAWS A SPECIAL- 6?,i<'l. collections, damasks, wills. deeds, etc. G. W. HOVV 1. Att'y-at-law, 850 Market St., cor. Stockton. * I ONEY ADVANCEDTO LITIGANTS, COURT *■»■» costs and charges paid in matters of probate, contracts, damages, accidents, notes, first-class Collections and general law business. Address J. F. NAUGHTON, 64 Nevada block, 8. F. M --- r - -\\'M. 11. CHAPMAN, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, '» Mills building, sixth floor, room 0, ban Fran- tisco, Cal.. Telephone 1544. W W. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,42O - _' ' « <-»lilornla si., rms. 14-15: advice free. TOHN R. AITKEN, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW, RS. V 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery st., cor. California. HOUSES TO LET. : fPO^L^T^H^U^E^C^CTA7NI^G^~^OOMS^ X first floor- suitable for a club, doctor or dress- maker. 421 Powell st. .. : ®1O ONLY: 4 NICE ROOMS: BASEMENT; <£sX._j sunny yard. 721 Fourteenth St., nr. Mar- ket, iv rear. . _.'_•_ . . .. 430 POST-GOOD LOCATION for M.lLLl- zlu\j ncr, dressmaker or doctor; low rent. Apply to G. 11. UMBSEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery st. <&971 2 NEWLY PAPERED, PAINTED, 2- ♦4D-- • 3 • story houses, 7 rooms, bath: desirable neighborhood. Broderick st., near McAllister. 9'>|| O'FARRELL — 2 HIGH BASEMENT -j«JV rooms for housekeeping; rent $7. m 9 A 7-ROOM HOUSE, ALL FRESCOED. t_P--iVJ. 1816 Filbert St., bet. Octavla and Laguna. <3j 1 A 3 ROOMS, YARD, CELLAR. 37 DORE <4pXV. St., off Harrison, bet. Ninth and Tenth. pORNER HOUSE; 12 EDDY ST., NEAR \J Baldwin Hotel: 14 rooms. Apply MADISON * BURKE, 626 Market st. 1 030 MISSION— BAY-WINDOW HOUSE: 10 XuuU rooms; sunny side. OUSIi. 7 ROOMS. BATH. 21 HARRIETT St.; rent reduced. ©1 A BAY-WINDOW HOUSE 212% PERRY »4pXT:. St., 4 rooms; unfinished basement; water free. Apply to G. 11. UMBSEN dfe CO., 14 Mont- gomery M. ■ ■\TE~W HOUSE AND BASEMENT 65 FT. LONG ; -l-> windows front and rear. 154 Tehama. , . HOUSE, FINE LOCATION, PERFECT : RE- palr. Inquire ALMA E. KEITH, 24 Kearny. HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES, To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, BALDWIN >; HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery St. FURNISHED HOUSES. To RESPONSIBLE I PARTIES— 3 MONTHS. OR X longer; very pretty, newly furnished cottage: East Oakland; cheap. Inquire MADISON & BUiiKE. v ■_ TO FURNISHED RESIDENCE OF 10 rooms and bath on Pacific Heights; fine marine view; extra low rent to good tenant. BURNHAM 6 MARSH CO., 428 Montgomery st. SAN RAFAEL HOUSES TO LET. mo let"iVs^sTraf^l2l~f^Tm^nthB or X upward, a furnished house of 12 rooms, nice garden, stable and carriage-bouse: rent reasonable to desirable party. Address F., P. O. box 936, San Rafael. . . COTTAGES TO LET. N"~E A^C^T^TAG^rT^OtTMs7^A^lttrCE£Z -Lil lar; yard: rent $15. 1127 Twentieth st. ffijTi COTTAGE, 4 ROOMS, YARD, SUN. *JPXX . Rincon aye.. Second st., nr. Brannan. ®~\n COTTAGE, 5 ROOMS, BATH. 917 <IPX\J. Treat aye., nr. Twenty-second st. fflji q AND $15 COTTAGES OF 4 AND 5 «JpXO rooms, bath, basement and yard. Fifteenth and Dolores srs. . - FLATS TO LET. "VT IC^^SU^NY^^LAT^dF^^oTiM^r^ENT JA only $10: also a nice upper flat, 3 rooms, kitchen, furnished, only $9. See JOHN REIDY, 19 i^xth st. ■' A ROOM FLATS— NEW: SUNNY; BATH, '! etc.; opposite Pane Panhandle. 1620 Fell St., between Lott and Masonic avt. 71 A OCTAVIA; NEAR MCALLISTER— LOVE- I lyflat; 7 rooms; bath; modern improve- ments; reasonable. to ICi NEAT UPPER FLAT 5 ROOMS ; BATH. tIrXU. 327 Chestnut St., near Powell. Q9f| UPPER FLAT 6 ROOMS; BATH. 408 1 ! «4P--iv/. Waller St., near Haight. QO FLAT. 4 ROOMS: NO CHILDREN. 1123 t3?O. Vallejo St., near Leavenworth. UNNY UPPER FLAT; RENT $11: DRY, healthy place; 256 Minna. Apply 63 Minna. ft IA. & ROOMS; BATH. 124 WILDEY <glX*±. St., bet. FUlmore and Steiner. NICE ROOMS; NEWLY PAPERED; $10. 106 0 William St., upstairs. "171 LAT OF 4 ROOMS. 82% EVERETT ST., X' near Fourth. , <2*91 1017% TWENTIETH feT., NEAR CAS- <©— *X. tro — Sunny upper new flat 6 rooms: bath. T "["PPER AND LOWER FLAT 4 ROOMS EACH. _J 209 Twelfth st. . ©19 NEW SUNNY FLATS, 4 ROOMS, <g)X^i. bath; set tubs: water free a 196 Treat aye. 1 MONTH'S RENT FREE-SUNNY' FLATS; X fine house: central. 409 O'Farrell st. EXAMINE — FLATS REDUCED; $19 AND $20; all conveniences ; cheap. 931 Lombard. QA 9 GROVE, NEAR FILLMORE — SUNN V Otr_- flat; 6 rooms, bath; newly papered; yard: rent $26; water free. , <n«99 FLAT; 6 ROOMS; BATH. 616 GROVE <2)-w.-J. St., sunny side, near Laguna. "VTEW FLAT: 7 ROOMS AND BATH; RENT -L^f $25: must be seen to be admired. 314 FUlmore St., off Haight. ■■ , ' ELEGANT NEW FLATS. . SEVENTH. BE- to* Bryant: 5 and 6 rooms; bath ; $9 to $17. -• UNNY MODERN FLATS, 6 AND 7 AND bath each; 1010 Twentieth St.. near Guerrero; rents reduced. G. H. UMESEN <fc CO. MODERN FLAT OF 6 ROOMS; BATH; 620 Mo Allister st. G. H. UMBSEN & CO. MI ssiON, BET. 15TH AND FLATS, 3 rooms each; $7 50; water free. WILL E. FISHER & CO., 14 Post st. .k- -1 1 Q ASH AYE., OFF MCALLISTER, ABOVE XXO Polk— Upper fiat, rent $16: 912 Ellis St., near Van Ness aye., upper flat, 5 rooms, rent $15. FURNISHED FLAT, OR SINGLE ROOMS, ■ $10. Metcalfe pi., off Geary, bet. Mason and Taylor. OZY FLAT; 3 LARGE ROOMS, YARD AND basement; $11. 123 San Jose aye. LAT OF 4 ROOMS AND BATH. 336 TE- hama st., between Fourth and Fifth. UNNY FLAT OF 6 ROOMS AND BaTH; ALL modern. 4t>2 Bryant St., near Third. PLENDID 6-ROOM FLAT: BATH; LARGE rear lot; very low rent. 2510 Mission St., Key next door. LL SELECTED (NEW) COTTAGES, FLATS, houses, with stable, $6 to $100. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. , . . , LATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, J? To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDWIN & HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery St. HOUSEKEEPING KOO3Ib. 69Q^RA^N"Air^^ETERAirFi7R'NIS^HED O—O rooms with hoard if required; also use of piano; private family. ■ qi - THIRD ST.— LARGE SUNNY FRONT OX I housekeeping; also others; $6, $10, $12. PERRY ST.— ROOMS ON THE FIRST -ill floor, 4 on the second: In good order; sunny side; cheap rent. "699 TWENTY - FIRST — 3 NICELY FUR- U— — j nished rooms for housekeeping; reasonable. Tqo7« 'MARKET— 2 ROOMS UNFURNISHED XO£d\J and 2 furnished; complete housekeeping. QOft HARRISON ST., BET. . FOURTH A.ND OOv' Fifth— Furnished rooms for housekeeping; private family. . JX Af*MlHi .\ A — FURNISHED ROOMS FOP. *-»T.vJ housekeeping; large yard, 499 MCALLISTER — FURNISHED ROOMS Ttxj^ for housekeeping: also single rooms. LA RUK SUNNY FRONT ROOM FOR HOUSE- keeplng; cheap. 974 Folsom st. 31 BOWIE AYE., OFF ELEVENTH— FUR- -4 Pished front and back parlor; use kitchen ] 1 oh SEVENTH— NICELY FURNISHED SUN- XOUny housekeeping rooms; veranda; yard; cheap. 399 FIFTH -2 ROOMS FURNISHED FOR OZiZi housekeeping; rent $9. , r ■ ". ATI ({ JESSIE— TWO NICELY FURNISHED llu front rooms for housekeeping. , - "1 1 0K AND 1055 MISSION — FURNISHED XX.-1O housekpg and other rms ; very reasonable. qqx mission— rooms furnished com- U*JV plete for housekeeping. ■ ' . Q I A SUNNY FURNISHED ROOM; HOUSE- <CXV/. keeping or board in plain family; reason- able. 730 Golden Gate. - ELS* A NT SUNNY SUITE, WITH KITCHEN and bath ; reasonable. 3\)n Clara. "I Ai> J MARKET— ELEGANTLY FURNISH- X"I«JX ed sunny housekeeping rooms for adults; garden. PERRY— TO LET 'i UNFURNISHED rooms suitable for housekeeping; hot and cold water; no bills out. > . F.JO TURK-LARGJ2, FRONT HOUSIOKEEP- *J^£O ing rooms $16; single, gas. bath. CA I ' SIXTH— 2 OR THREE SUNNY ROOMS; *J\J Li furnished for housekeeping; : reutiow. GOLDEN AYE.-4 SUNNY FUR- -000 nished housekeeping rooms; bath. -. 71 1 _ DIAMOND— 3 SUNNY COSY FURNISH- I lv ed; yards; cheap to good tenant. -_: q99 THIRD-FRONT FURNISHED HOUSE- »)__ keeping suites. $12, $9, $8: newly painted; . T"^9 1 MISSION. ST.-3 LARGE, SUNNY XtJ_. ti rooms, furnished complete for housekeep- ing; large yard: both and gas; hot and cold water; grand view; rent, 15. El A THIRD, COR. SOUTH PARK-2 FRONT wit/ rooms for housekeeping. . -■■ MISSION-FURIfISHED CONNECTING O1«J front houaekeeping rooms: also others. . '-_■:■■: QAA MISSION — 2 UNFURNISHED, WITH OjL^L separate yard : also large furnished room. 1 397 HOWARD— NICELY FURNISHED XO_i I , rooms, complete for housekeeping; yard; bath. ' _490 1 FIFTH— ROOM AND KITCHEN -taOa connected; furnished for housekeeping. I C PEARL ST., OFF MARKET.BET. VALEN- XtJ cla'and Guerrero— 2 furnished housekeeping rooms; bath; hot and cold water; rent $10. >■ . :■> . C f\n MASON— UPPER FLOOR OF ■ 3 5 SUNNY *J\J I rooms furnished for housekeeping. ;•,.-';: 1 £90 STOCKTON— 2 OR SUNNY, ROOMS, 10-w furnished for housekeeping ; cheap. - J ,: ':'- - "1 q MOSS, OFF HOWARD, NEAR SEVENTH— XO 2 rooms furnished for housekeeping. ' ■■-*' 7"! A DDY-MCELY FURNISHED. LOWER IXC or top floor for housekeeping, , . THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1895. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS — Continued. Q9£» LARKIN^ THREE ROOMS FURNISHED O—U complete for -housekeeping; connecting: central. • 1 _L 93 MARKET— FRONT ROOMS. 1.08 2 XtiZiO housekeeping, 1 single; light. sunny; bath. CAO WASHINGTON— SUNNY UNFURNISH- O\JZt ed housekeeping rooms; running water. MASON — HANDSOMELY FURNISHED parlor: suite with kitchen; piano if desired. ■ 79A MCALLISTER —'£ SUNNY UNFUR- I £j\j nished rooms for light housekeeping, cheap. ROOMS TO LET. 2cK^73UJE^~GATE A^eTT^KAR^VAN U_tJ Ness — Pleasant single rooms; bath; : gas; rent reasonable; private family. Til A HOWARD, BET. SIXTH AND Xv/"1U Seventh— 3 or 4 rooms: yard and bath; nicely arranged for housekeeping. ; . • A Oft EDDY— NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS rx^iKJ to respectable parties. ■ • I-TA q HARRISON — SUNNY ■ FRONT ROOM; • trO neatly furnished; only $5 per month. 99 FIFTH — SUNNY FURNISHED FRONT -j-J rooms for housekeeping; price reasonable. - 991 FIFTH— NICE SUNNY FRONTROOMS: 4J4JX price $1 per week and up. ■_ qAQ TKHAKA, NEAR FOURTH — WELL O\JO furnished single rooms; price reasonable. 1 I Ar HOWARD — NICE SUNNY ROOMS; XXttO suitable for gentlemen: $5 per month. /*7Q HARRISON— 2 LARGE SUNNY FRONT UIO rooms: rent reasonable. •- I 07 FIFTH— PLEASANT AND SUNNY UN- Iv 1 furnished rooms to let. I7(\A PINE— FURNISHED SUITE FOR 2 GEN- lui tlemen or man and wife: also single rooms. Q9P: FII'TH— 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR O_J«J furnished, $10: water free. . . 1I q A HOWARD — LARGE SUNNY FUR- XXO\/ ni3hedroom; suitable for 1 or 2; $5. I Of* PERRY— FRONT BAY-WINDOW BOOM XUU with use of kitchen, for 1 or 2 gentlemen; bath. - ' . £Q*: HARRISON, COR. ELEGANT UOU front sunny furnished suite of rooms for »13. ■■ •■= C9A JONES, NR. GEARY— SUNNY PAR- O_jv lors "and other rooms; $6 and upward; kitchen privileges; also 1 unfurnished room. ■ A 9?; O'FARRELL — NICELY FURNISHED tr— c/ sunny rooms; reasonable, v 1 FIFTH-NICE, SUNNY FRONT AND I— U inside rooms from $1 50 per week up. 330 ELLIS— PARLOR SUIT, SUITABLE FOR iJO\J offices; single rooms also. m~~ SIXTH— CHEAPEST IN THE CITY; single and double front rooms. /I _X XI NATO MA- PLEASANT FURNISHED ttttcJa front room: gentlemen preferred. . ATI TEHAMA. NR. SIXTH— LARGE FRONT II 4 room and single room, $1 week. * MCALLISTER— FLAT 1; NEWLY FUR- nished rooms; en suite and single. A AT! MCALLISTER— NICELY FURNISHED tttt I rooms; rent reduced. 9Q LASKIE ST.— s4: UNFURNISHED FRONT -Jt/ room. I Call between 9 and 12 o'clock. HE ORLANDO. 989 HOWARD— NICE SUN* X ny rooms; well furnished; from $1 50 to $2 50 per week. . 77 A BRYANT, NEAR SIXTH— LARGE FUR- I I U nished room suitable for three gentlemen. HARRIET, OFF HOWARD— FRONT room in private family; rent reasonable. I HOWARD— FLAT OF 7 ROOMS AND X\JOJj bath; sunny; neatly furnished. 1 "I Ol SEVENTH, NEAR MISSION— XX~i-£ unfurnished rooms; conveniences; no chil- dren. ■ ■ . . U" 9 TURK — LARGE FURNISHED SUNNY -» bay-window front room or a suite if pre- ferred ; private residence. . ■ A FIRST-CLASS ROOMING-HOUSE, THE -TV Florence, cor. Powell and Ellis— suites from $15 a month, single $10; bell service"; baths free: rooms by the day, week or month. Q9O O'FARRELL, NEAR VAN NESS — 2 t/-JU newly furnished sunny rooms; $6 and $8. Cl'7 LEAVENWORTH — 3 NICELY FUR- OX I nished rooms for housekeeping; no small children. . : 1 Oft SEVENTH — SUNNY FURNISHED XUU rooms: suitable for 2 gentlemen. 1 9ztO MCALLISTER, CORNER STEINER— 2 XjU~£\j sunny rooms for gentlemen. ;. "I 99 TAYLOR— ELEGANTLY FURNISHED XZi-j sunny rooms. - . - ■ ■ - 9] 7 GEARY, OPPOSITE UNION SQUARE— — i- 1 Unfurnished rooms; suitable for business; key, 217%. ■ - M TURK— SUNNY ROOMS, EN SUITE OR single. ; ' ' 1 MARKET., BET. JONES AND CITY XO « \J Hall Unfurnished suite; single. qqQ HAYES-3 NICE SUNNY ROOMS; *J*JO planked yard; cheap to small family. 91 OQ STEINKR,-: NEAR CALIFORNIA— •ilvu family of 2 adults having nicely furnished home will rent sunny bedroom with use of parlor and kitchen, reasonable; opportnnity for couple. RS. CHEVALIER HAS RESUMED THE management of the "Miramar," 703 Geary St.; sunny rooms, single or suites; excellent board; elevator; prices moderate to suit the times. 91 q FULTON— 1 NICELY FURNISHED — it) large front room : rent reasonable. -.. CC SECOND— sunny FURNISHED suites; 00 also double and single; gas; bath. qAQ SUTTER— ROOMS $1 50 A WEEK AND QUO up; transient rooms a specialty. , 0% FOLSOM ST.. NEAR FOURTH— O-wU side; furnished rooms; $1 per week. IF YOU DESIRE NICE rooms REASON- X ably, stop at 203 a Powell; transient solicited. UROPE HOUSE, 1169 MISSION— NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite, $1 to $3 per week; night 25c to $1; transient solicited. "] 90Q 1 HOWARD — NEW FLAT; NICELY X_wUt/2 furnished housekeeping rooms: $8. "I qAAX STOCKTON— NICELY FURNISHED XOUU3 room to let; rent cheap, j C"1 Q GEARY— ALL SUNNY ROOMS; WILL OXO rent very reasonable to neat roomers from $8 up; everything new: hot and cold water. pERARD HOUSE, 142' SEVENTH— FUR- vX nished rooms, single and double, housekeeping. BAND SOUTHERN. COR. SEVENTH AND vT Mission — Rooms all light : water, gas and electric beils ; elevator runs from 7a. m. to 1 2 p. m. : single, 50 cents; suites, $1 day; $2 50 and $5 week up. ArOSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. X Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night, 35c to $1; week, $1 50 to $5; families. A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— PLEAS- J\. ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first.class In every respect : terms reasonable. THE SHERMAN APARTMENT-HOUSE; 129 . new sunny rooms;' strictly respectable; half price of best hotels with equal accommodations; very central. 28 Eighth St.. near Market. BOARDING AND ROOMS. "VTICELY FURNISHED ALCOVE WITH ->-> bo»r.l for 1 or 2 gentlemen ; reasonable. 622 Twenty-first st. ..■■.. 'I AX P_b . HOWARD — NICE ROOMS AND X\J*jO home board in German family. --.. rpTtETBERESFORD, BUSH AND STOCKTON; X first class; $1 50, $2 per day; with parlor, $2 50. WM. CHAM it X LIN. Prop. children BOARDED. P^erman" ladST~wTshes T<s take VT charge of children^ her own home; charges reasonable; reference. \Please address C. WEBER, 1217 Kearny st. :.. • ," -\ ■ WIDOW WOULD LIKE A CHILD TO BOARD; " nice home: yard. 1425 Howard st. STOKES TO LET. ;. T <^OA > ~OTOR^T^fr^nTHT~IiO^M*sT ES?A^ «Js_jU. lisbed saloon 8 yrs. 911 Folsom, nr. Fiuh. 1 ?\')A HOWARD AND LAFAYETTE STS., XO— tt with fixtures for a saloon or any business. Apply at 2838 Mission st., M. CURRAN. ROUND FLOOR: 5 ROOMS: FOR STORE VX or dwelling. Corner Second st. and Rincon aye. IIOUR-STORY BRICK AND IRON BUILDING and basement, 508 Sacramento St., containing elevator, power, etc.; rent $80. Apply DAVID STERN & SONS, 20 Montgomery st. OFFICES TO LET. _ D6um~E established" as physician's oiliee; first floor; rent low. 61 Fifth st. ; ; -. ' . LEGAXT OFFICES IN. NEW SPREOKKLS building, 925 Market: ■ rents low: no extra charge for gas, janitor services or heating. . Apply at building or G. 11. UMBSEN <fe CO., 14 Montg. St. SUITE OF OFFICES TO~"TeT- SUNNY rooms, well located. The Orlando, 989 Howard. ESK ROOM AT ROOM 6, SIXTH FLOOR, Mills building. : ■ - ■,■■.-- '■ STABLES TO ; LET. pHEAP STABLE Toß~iolrbKSES ; "LARGE VJ yard ; bouse 5 rooms. 1006 Sunsome Bt. ■ storage .;;. W~ ILs63?BIRO^I7I(rMA^KIST^T^GiET^SuR rates and examine our method for storage of furniture and all kinds- of household good»; dust and vermin proof; separate rooms at low rates. . A D V'ANCES .MADE ON STORAGE. . LIEBES" A STORAGE WAREHOUSE CO., 006 Market st. SA }■ K. DRY. CHEAP PLACK TO STORE YOUR furniture, etc. •" LUNDY FURNITURE COM- XV, 818 Mission st. , >: ■-■■--■ '-'■• ■■ ■• , T7IUUNITURE, PIANOS AND OTHER MER- X chandise received on storage; money advanced on consignments;, tire-proof building. r 410 Post St., C TOR AGE OF FURNITURE, PIANOW, HOUSB- O hold goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market St.. , I^IHST-OLASS STORAGE : ADVANCES MADE : ' J? ■• 421-423 Market st. ■ ' CHAS. L. TAYLOR. ' '■ ■/.:. to exchange. .' __7y^^SEli^7cla~Fltuxr land exchange IVJ for town : property. -; H. G. ■ SMITH, Oakland. ITOK SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. MISSENIIAUTER SILVER CORNET^ tip 1-j. cost $40. Apply .at 1853y Stevenson st. Ir«OR SALE — HORIZONTAL GAS-ENGINE ; ' sxlo cylinder; almost new; a bargain. " Eureka Plating Works, 652 Mission st. . -> - . FOR SALE— GOOD CASH REGISTER. 533 Sacramento st. ' ".'■'■:■■ '.-.■,"..-.'_.. -.•: OR DOUBLE HOUSE 10 ROOMS; TO X 1 be removed; 25 feet front. Apply 309 Clemen- tina st. ■ . - . ....... *• OR SALE— FIXTURES SUITPJD FOR GRO- X; ciry; store bins, drawers and shelving; cheaD. Inquire of C. P. GIBBONS, 844 Capp st., or 2612 Mission st. ■ - ■ " '-:;;■■ /CHILDREN'S DONKEY CHEAP; SMALL XJ and very gentle. C, box 107, Call Office. THRASHING ENGINE FOR SALK (JHEAP— 1 One Bxl4 straw-burning thrashing engine, with brand new boiler: built to carry a working pressure of 100 pounds of steam. Apply at T. J. MOYNI- HAN'S boiler works, 311 and 313 Mission St., southwest corner Beale. ■ . "TVTEW $100 LADY'S SAFETY; $50 CASH OR ■LV Installments. 326 McAllister st. ■.-■ 1 LOT ~OF~E ASTERN STANDARD MAKES of safes which have been taken In exchange as part payment for the Waltz safes, as follows: 3 burglar-proof bank or coin safes, 7 jewelers' safes, 8 pawnbrokers' safes, 13 merchant safes: fire and burglar proof; all sizes; at less than half cost; see them before you order. I The Waltz Safe Salesroom, 221 and 223 Market St., factory 13 and 15 Drumm St., San Francisco, Cal. ■ - "VTEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN second- IN hand. W. S. RAY Mfg Co., 12 California st. ILSHIRE SAFE. LETTER-PRESS. SCALE, Tf coffee-mill and money-till ; cheap. 102 Clay st. COUNTER S, SHELVING, SHOWCASES / bought and sold 1121 V 3 Market, bet. 7th and 8:h pnoros als. , ' t5Bo pos a ls— st ate pr i son"su ppll X Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the clerk at State prison, San Quentin, until 10 a. m. Saturday, Bth day of June, 1895, and at the office of the clerk at State prison, Folsom, until 9 a. m. Saturday, 15th day of June. 1895, at which times and places they will be opened in presence of bidders for furnishing and delivering supplies for said prisons, consisting of subsistence stores, forage, fuel, clothing, medicines, lime, cement and other staple supplies, from July 1, 1895, to June 30. 1896, inclusive, on conditions as per printed schedule, which will be furnished upon applica- tion at cither of the above offices. No bid will be considered unless made upon said schedules, nor unless accompanied by the certified check therein required, nor from any other parties than bona fide dealers in the classes of articles to be furnished. Each bidder must accompany his bid with a certified check upon some well-known and responsible banking-house for at least 10 per cent of the amount, payable to Edgar J. de Pue, .^resident of said Board, of his bid, conditioned that tne bidder will enter into a contract upon notice of acceptance as required by law. •- . - • Bids for either prison must be marked separately. All payments made on contracts will be paid in cash or Controller's warrants. ■ Bidders will carefully follow the conditions of the schedules. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids as the public interest may require, * and to order any quantity over or under amount specified. EDGAR J. DE PUE, President. J. V. Ems, Clerk. •■ ■ ■ ■ "PROPOSALS FOR PRINTING AND BINDING V 2500 Copies of Municipal Reports. Office of the Clerk of Hoard of Supervisors of the city and County of San Francisco, May 21, 1895. In accordance with Resolution No. 12,287 (Third series) of the Board of Supervisors, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received in open session of the Board on MONDAY AFTERNOON, May 27; 1895. from 3 to 3:30 o'clock, for printing, binding and delivering Twenty-live Hundred Copies of the Municipal Reports for the fiscal year 1894-96. under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Committee on Printing and Salaries. The work to be done in a good and workmanlike manner, and in strict accordance with specifica- tions now ready for examination. The wholo work of printing, binding and deliver- ing the 2500 volumes as aforesaid must be com- pleted on or before the 10th day of November, 1895. The Board reserves the right to reject all bids If the public good so . requires, and will demand good and sufficient bonds, with two or more sureties, for the faithful performance of the contract. The party to whom the contract is awarded will be required, prior to or at the time of the execution of the contract, to pay the cost of advertising this notice in three daily newspapers. In order to preserve uniformity and to facilitate the award, the board has resolved to receive no bids unless made upon ■ blank forms prepared by the committee, and a certified check for. the sum of $500, deposited by the bidder with and made payable to the Clerk of the Board, condi- tioned if the proposal Is accepted and the contract awarded, and if the bidder shall fail or neglect to pay the printing charges, execute the contract and give the bond required within six days after the award is made, then and in that case the said sum shall be paid Into the City and County . Treasury by .said Clerk, us liquidated damages for such failure and neglect. Blanks furnished by the Clerk. . '■ JNO. A. RUSSELL, Clerk. PROPOSALS FOR HARDWARE, PLUM BE X materials, lumber, paints, oils, etc., furniture, fuel, stovepipe, stationery, library books, physical, chemical and other apparatus and supplies, print- ing, lithographing, sealed proposals will be re- ceived by the Superintendent of Common-Schools, in open Session of the Board of Education, ; on Wednesday, May 29, 1896. at 8:30 o'clock p. m., for furnishing the School Department of this City and County during the fiscal year 1895-96 with hardware, plumbers' materials, lumber, paints, oils, etc., furniture, fuel, stovepipe, stationery, library books and physical, chemical and other ap- paratus and supplies for the Girls' High School, etc.', and for doing the printing and lithographing required during the said fiscal year, in accordance with specifications at the office of the Board of Ed- ucation, new City Hall. GEOKGK BEANSTON, Secretary. .. _______________ LGGAL NOTICES. 1"N : i'ERIO^cWRT^oT TTIE"'cTfY — . and County of San Francisco, State of California. In the matter of the petition of MAX LEVY for change of name. ! To the Honorable Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco. State of California. The petition of MAX LEVY for a change of name respectfully shows: First— That your petitioner was born at Xi Kol, Poland, on or about the 14th day of June, . A. D. 1856, and is now aged upwards of thirty-nine (39) years: that he is a duly naturalized citizen of the United States, a merchant by occupation and for more than twenty (20) years last past has been a resident of the City and County of San Francisco; that for more than twenty (20) years he has been known by the name of MAX LEVY and he prays this Honorable Court that his name be changed to MAX H. CRDVEIIs, and that the reason for the proposed chan;e of name is that- when your peti- tioner first came to the United states he for some time resided in the City of New York with a rela- tive whose name was LEVY, and that said relative adopted your petitioner as one of ola own children, and that ever since said adoption your petitioner has been known by the name of MAX LEVY, and that under said name your petitioner became a nat- uralized citizen of the United States. ' That the parents of petitioner have frequently requested you petitioner since his marriage 10 again resume trie name of Grovers. Second — That the near relatives of petitioner are his mother, EMMA GROVERS. who resides in XI Kol, Poland; his father. MORRIS (■» ROVERS, and petitioner's brother, MAYER GROVERs, who also resides with petitioner's mother in Xi Kol, Poland. -Wherefore your petitioner prays that his name be changed as aforesaid, and that this Honorable Court so order and decree. ■ LOUIS H. ANDEP.SON, Attorney for petitioner.' STATE OF CALIFORNIA, V • City and County of San Francisco. / "*• AX LEVY, have been duly sworn, says: That he is the above-named petitioner, that he has rend the foregoing petition and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true. i « ■= ~ : •' MAX LEVY. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Blh day Of May, A. D. 1895. G. C. GROEZrNGER, Justice of the Peace, In and for the City and County of San Francisco State of California, .-..:' DEPARTMENT No. 10, PROBATE-IN THE Superior Court, in and for the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. In the mat- ter of the estate of SUSAN E. KERBY, deceased Notice is hereby given, that MONDAY, the 3d day of Juce, A. D. 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. and the courtroom of Department No. 10 of said court, at the new city Hall, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, have been appointed as the time and place for proving the authenticated copy of the will of said SUSAN E. KERBY, deceased, and for hearing the application of ROBERT McELROY for the Issuance to him of letters of administration with the will annexed. Dated May 20, A. D. 1895. [Seal.] • , i C. F. CURRY, Clerk. By F. B. HOUGHTON, Deputy Clerk MYRICK & PEERING, Att'ys for Petitioner. •V-OTICE OF SALE OF EEAL ESTATE— —.1 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance to an order of the Superior Court of the county of. San Mateo, State of California, given, made and filed in and by said court, on the 11th day of May, 1895, in the matter of I the estate and guardianship of HOWARD C. MURRAY, ft minor, the under- signed, guardian of the estate of said minor, will sell at private sale to the highest bidder, and sub- ject to confirmation by said court, on or after the 4th day of June, 1895, at the law oflice of GEORGE C. ROSS, in Redwood City, State of California, all the right, title, Interest and estate of said HOW- ARD C. MURRAY, a minor, iv and to, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the City and s County of Snn Francisco, State of California, bounded arid described as follows, to wit: . . • Beginning at a point on the south line of Wash- ington street, distant thereon one hundred and three (103) feet westerly from the westerly line of Polk street, running thence westerly on said line of Washington , street thirty-two (32) feet and six (6) inches; thence at right angles southerly one hundred, and twenty-seven (127) feet and eight and one-fourth ■ t8»/i) inches; ■. thence at ; right angles easterly thirty-two (32) feet and six (6) inches, and thence at right angles northerly one hundred and twenty-seven (127) feet and eight and one-fourth (B*4) inches to the point of begin- Terms and conditions of sale: Cash In gold coin Of the United States; ten (10) percent of the sum bid to be paid on notice of , acceptance of bid, and the balance on confirmation of sale by the Superior Court. - "* : - ■ •'-■ "■" ■■"■- ■'•' ■ -'■-'■'"• ■ ■ -■ - ' All bids or offers for said - real property must ■be In ■ writing, and may be left at the law office of GEORGE C. ROSS, Redwood City, Cal., or at the law office Of MASTICK, BELCHER <fc MASTICK, 520 Montgomery St., San Francisco, State of Cali- fornia, and will be received by said : guardian at either of said places, or such bids may be delivered to said guardian personally, or may: be' filed in the office ot the Clerk of said Superior Court, at Redwood City, Cal., at any time after the first publication of this notice and before the making of the sale. Dated May 15, 1895. iT ' ALEXANDER GORDON, guardian of the estate of Howard C. Murray,' a minor. ':••...'•- •;...■ --■:•* ■>; . GEORGE C. ROSS, attorney , for guardian, Red- wood City, Cal. " .I^.L' I;--' : : LOST. .'\ ' ' : ' '- .-. '' OTOLEN FROM^JnTo^^N^PIERCeTIaRGE O Newfoundland dog. Parties having the dog re- turn 2348 Union st. and save themselves trouble ; and expense, as they are known. S~~TRAYEDFROM BALDWIN HOTEL, LARGE ' O brown and white setter: had round leather col- lor. Please return the same to porter's room and receive liberal reward. LOST-MAY 22, IN~AFTERNOON7GOiNG~BY Ellis and Devisadero sts. cars to Baker, a dia- mond orescent brooch, with star in center; suitable reward given. Please inquire Call Office. LOST— MONDAY. BROWN POINTER PUPPY, 6 months old, with white spot on breast and hind fool. Finder please return to 431 Fulton st. and receive liberal reward. . \ . OST— 3 PIECES RED CROSS AUSTRIAN -i Bonds in envelope, with name M. CLAICH; reward SlO if returned 108 Fourth st. OHT— IN WESTERN ADDITION, BET. BU- cbanan and Fillmore, on Tuesday afternoon, lady's enameled gold watch. Return to 2507 Clay St.; liberal reward. ■ . /CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address In the United States or Canada one year for $1 60, post- age free. i . . - FOUND. OUND— PURSE CONTAINING MONEY AND - a few articles on Howard st., near Fifth. Owner can have same by proving property and calling at 2' i Pore st. . FINANCIAL. . n ; W)N~~REAL ESTATE; TTTLE^aT; tip • \J\J\J for a term. 14 Sansome St., room 30. "PRIVATE PARTY MAKES LOANS ON DIA- X monds, furniture, etc; $100 up: low interest; no delay. SWASEY", 121 Stockton st. T OW RATES; CITY, COUNTRY: COLLAT- JU eral securities TRAVERSE, Sl3Montg'y. trustees' sales. ff^R^OTE^^A—^IN^A^C^RD^S^E^WITH X the terms and under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed by EDWIN DAVIS, party of the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBEjuL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trustees, parties of the second part, and the SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of the third pan, dated October 22d, 1888, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the county of Tulare, State of California, in Liber 4 of Trust Deeds, at pages 521 and following; and in pursuance of a reso- lution passed on . the 2d day of May, 1895, by the Board of Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a Corporation, and the holder of the note (No. 8995) to secure payment of which the aforesaid deed of trust was executed, declar- the principal sum and other sums, due under said ins,- that default had been made in the payment of note and deed of trust, and requesting and direct- ing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THAD- DEUS B. KENT, Trustees, to sell the real estate described therein to satisfy said indebtedness. We, HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, do hereby give 1 notice that on TUESDAY, the 4th day of June, A. D. 1895, at 12 o'clock m. of that day, and at the auction sales room of EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., No. 638 Market street, in the City and County of San Fran- cisco, State of California, we will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in gold coin of the United States, all the piece or parcel Of land situate in the county of Tulare, S ate of California, described as follows, to wit: According to the official plats and system of sur- veys of the Government of the United" States. In township nineteen (19) south, range twenty- six (26) east, Mount Diablo base and meridian. Of section three (3), the fractional northwest quarter (free. ;NW. I/i), containing one-hundred and fifty-eight and seventy-seven one-hundredths (158.77) acres of land. Excepting therefrom, however, two (2) parcels thereof (one containing three and one-fourth (3y±) acres more or less, and the other seven 1 7) acres more or less), conveyed by said Edwin Davis to the Pacific Improvement Company by deed dated March 9, 1888, and recorded in the County Record- er's office of said county of Tulare, In book 27 of deeds, at page 317, Co which deed and record thereof special reference Is hereby made for further and more particular description of said excepted parcels. . Together with the appurtenances. TERMS OF SALE— Cash in gold coin of the United States: ten per cent payable to the under- signed on the fall of the hammer; balance on de- livery of deed ; and if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search) then said ten per cent to be forfeited and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. HENRY C. CAMPBELL, ■>-__„ THADDEUS B. KENT. J- Trustees. rriRUSTEES' SALE— IN ACCORDANCE WITH -I the terms and under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed by MIC'HAFL B. MORAGHAN and JULIA A. MORAGHAN fhis wife), parties of the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trustees, parties of the second part, and the SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of the third part, dated July 30, 1892, find recorded in the oflice of the County Recorder of the bounty of Marin, State of California, in Liber 15 of. Deeds, at pases 609 and following: and in pursuance of a resolution passed on the 28th day of March, 1895, by the Board or Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a corpora- tion, and the holder of the note (No. 11,931) to se- cure payment of which the aforesaid Deed of Trust was executed, declaring that default had been made In the payment of the principal sum and other sums, due under said note and deed of trust, and requesting and directing said HENRY C. CAMP- BELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trustees,' to sell the real estate described therein to satisfy said indebtedness. We, HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trustees, do hereby give notice, that on TUESDAY, the 28th day of May, A. D. 1895, at 1 o'clock p. m. of that day, and in front of the Court- house door, in the town of San Rafael, Marin County, Stale of California, we will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash In gold coin of the United States, all the pieces or parcels of land situate in the county of Marin, State of Cali- fornia, described as follows, to wit: . Being portion of lot D of the SausaJito or Rich- ardson Rancbo, and known, designated and de- lineated as lots numbers nine (9) and ten (10) in block number eight (8) on the. map entitled "Tamalpais Land and Water Company, Map No. 2." surveyed by M. M. O'Shaughnessy. C. E., 1889, with additions and modifications by L. H. Shorn, C. E., 1891, and duly recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said county of Marin, to which map reference is hereby made: ' Together with the appurtenances. TERMS OF SALE— Cash In gold coin of the Uni- ted states; ten percent payable to the undersigned on the fall of the hammer; balance on delivery of deed: and if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited, and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. ■ . HENRY C.CAMPBELL, \_, . T l l A D l > E u s JD. KENT, /Trustees. ■VrOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ES- -Li tate— Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, made on the 10th day of May, 1895, In the matter of the trust estate created by S. C. HASTI Ntis for the use and benefit of the poor, the undersigned trustee will sell at pubiic auction to the highest bidder for cash and subject to confirmation by said Superior Court, on TUESDAY, the 28th day of May, 1895, at 12 o'clock M.. at the auction salesroom of EAS- TON. KLDRIDGE & CO., No. 638 Market street, In said City and County of San Francisco, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in said City and County of San Francisco, State of Califor- nia, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Commencing at . a point on ■ the easterly line of Wint>irop (formerly Webster) street, distant , thereon 68 feet 9 inches northerly from Lombard street, running thence northerly along said line of Wlnthrop street 68 feet 9 Inches, thence nt right angles easterly 83 feet 4 inches, thence at right angles southerly 68 feet 9 inches, and thence at right angles westerly S3 feet 4 inches to the point of commencement. ' WALTER J. PHELPS, May 16, 1895. Trustee. W. 11. BARROWS, attorney for said trustee, 118 I'helan building. \ , A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE A WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mining. DELINQUENT SALE NOTICES. D"~^LINQu"KNT^AiLE"^NOTICE^^OLDKjf XJ Eagle Mining Company— Location of principal place of business, Ban Francisco, California; loca- tion of works. Devils Gate Mining District, Ly»n County, Nevada, . ' Notice— There are delinquent upon the following described stock, en account of assessment (No. 1), levied on the Bth day of January, 1895, . the several amounts set opposite the names of (he rt> •pec*lve shareholders, as follows: - • - . No. . Names. Ho. Cert. Shares. Amount. Morris H0ef11ch........ ...... 5 10,000 81,50000 H. M. Levy, Trustee 7 20,000 3,000 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee ;8 1,000 150 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee 9 1,000 150 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee .10 1,000 150 00 H. M. Levy, Tru5tee... .....11 1,000 160 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee 12 500 75 00 E. B. Holmes, Trustee... ...lB 20,000 3,000 00 K. B. Holmes, Trustee .19 7,900 1,185 00 E.B. Holmes, Trustee...... 20 995 . 14925 ■ And in accordance with law, and an order from the : Board of Directors, made on the eighth day of January, 1895, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary, will b« sold at pub- lic auction at the office of tho company, room 50. Nevada Block, No. 309 Montgomery street, San Francisco, California, on MONDAY, the fourth day of March, 1895, at the hoar of 11! o'clock p. ic of said day, to pay said delinquent assessment thereon, together with costs of advertising and ex- penses of sale. - ; -, ■•"-• : ■ ««. t, .„ , E. B. HOLMES. Secretary. Office— Room 50, Nevada Block. No. 309 Mona. gom«ry street, San FrancUco, California. > '. POSTPON RMFAT. • Notice Is hereby given that by order of the Board of Directors the date of the sale of delinquent stock for assessment No. 1 is hereby postponed to MO V- DAY, the 25th day of March a. D. 1885, at too same txmo'auu place. • . ■ . - ■ , , : ..r~,. ~7— E. B. HOLMES, Secretary. ■.J GOLDEN EAC.LE MINING COMPANY - : FURTHER POSTPONEMENT. ' Notice is hereby given that by order of the Board of Directors the day of the sale of delinquent stock for assessment No. 1 is hereby i farther postponed' to WEDNESDAY, the 24th day. of April, A. D. 1895, at the same time and place. - ■ ■ : . . • > ; , E. B. HOLMES. Secretary. ' .. FURTHER POSTPONEMENT. , ' i Notice is hereby given that by order of the Board of Directors the date of sale of delinquent stock for assessment No. 1 ' is hereby " further postponed to TUESDAY, the- 14th day of May, A. D. 1895, at the same lime and place. ■ ' " ■' -■• ;.■-' ■ ; • .>.-. E. B. HOLMES, Secretary. -' „ V FURTHER 'POSTPONEMENT. » Notice is hereby given that by order of the Board of Directory the day of eale of delinquent " stock for assessment No. 1 is '•- hereby, further.' postponed." to MONDAY, the third day of ; June, r A. D. • 1895, at the same time and place. •',;•- •• ■ ■ :v - . . E. B. HOLMES. Secretary- ; DENTISTS. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK, The" GENUINE : Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of Improved bridge work or teeth ] without any plate, has moved from 6to 20 O'Far- i rell st. r..: ■•; ..,:- ..■ . ■■'■■■:■. DR. J. J. LEEK, 1 FIFTH— OPEN EVENINGS, ] and Sunday until noon. ■,\ :" • . : ' AT CHALFANTS'S,BMASON,COR. MARKET, ] xJI sets of teeth are made to please or no charge; on bridges, crowns and (told plates prices reduced: small gold fillings only $2; painless extraction. < pROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MAR- '■ \J ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, gas specialists: only reli- able agent for paimess extraction: artificial teeth frm $a ; fillings from $1 ; extracting 50c, with gas *1. DR. BE A, 9 SIXTH ST. : ALL DENTAL WORK ' at lowest prices and warranted ; open evenings <2»7 A SET FOR TEETH; WARRANTED AS" «5> I • good as can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMMS, dentist, 930 Market, St., next Baldwin Theater. ALL WORK REASONABLE AND WARRANT- A cd. DR. J. W. KEY, 1122 Market st. DR. H>. G. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH | without plates a specialty. • 1841 Polk st. DR. LUDLUM HILL, 1443 MARKET ■ ST., I near Eleventh; no charge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new; teeth from $8 per set; extracting 50c; gas given. OLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAR- ket st. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. ■ . A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE -£!■ WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. -,-."-, n. - .„ v . ,_, SHERIFF'S SALES. HERIFF^S SALE.^SA^r^^ANCISCCrLUir BER COMPANY, et al., plaintiffs, vs. ED WARD A. SANDERS, et al., defendants, No. 42, 842. I. C. CONNOR, plaintiff, vs. EDWARD A SANDERS, et al., defendants, No. 42,973 HENRY S. BRIDGE, plaintiff, vs. EDWARD A SANDERS, et al., defendants. No. 42,546. Superior Court, Department No. 4. : Order of sale and decree of foreclosure. " - •' ■■ .■ Under and by virtue of an order of sale and decree of foreclosure, issued out of the Superior Court, De- partment No. 4. of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, on the 24th day of April, A. D. 1895, in the above entitled action, wherein the SAN FRANCISCO LUMBER COM- I PANY (a corporation), et al., the above-named I plaintiffs obtained a judgment and decree of fore- | closure against EDWARD A. SANDERS, et al., I defendants, on the 24th day of October, A. D. ! 1894, which said judgment and decree was on the ! 29th day of October, A. D. 1894, recorded in Judg- ment Book 21 of said court, at page 666,1 am com- ! manded to sell ail those certain lots, piece* or par- I eels of land, situate, lying and being in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, and ! bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point formed by the in- tersection of the southerly line of Green street with the westerly line of Buchanan street, running thence southerly and along said westerly line of Buchanan street twenty-live (25) feet; thence at right angles westerly one hundred (100) feet; thence at right angles northerly twenty-five (25) feet to the southerly line of Green street, thence at right angles easterly, and along said line of Green 1 street one hundred (100) feet to the point of begin- | ning. Second— Commencing at a point upon the west- erly line of Buchanan street, ■ distant thereon twenty-five (25) feet southerly from southerly line I of Green street, running thence southerly and i along said line of Buchanan street twenty-two and 6-12 (22 6-12) feet: thence at right angles westerly I one hundered (100) feet: thence at right angles I northerly twenty-two and 6-12 (22 6-12) feet, and I thence at right angles easterly one hundred (100) feet to the point of beginning. Third— Commencing at a point upon the west- erly line of Buchanan street, distant thereon i forty-seven and 6-12 (47 6-12) feet southerly from the southerly line of Green street, running thence southerly and along said line of Buchanan street twenty-two and 6-12 (22 6-12) feet; thence at right angles westerly one hundred (100) feet; thence at right angles northerly twenty-two and 6-12 (22 6-12) feet, and thence at "right angles easterly one hundred (100) feet to the point of beginning. Fourth— Commencing at a point on the westerly line of Buchanan street, distant thereon southerly ! from the southerly line of Green street seventy (70) feet, thence running southerly and along Raid line of Buchanan street twenty-two and 6-12 (22 6-12) feet; thence at right angles westerly one \ hundred (100) feet; thence at right ancles north- I erly twenty -two and 6-12 (22 6-12) feet, and thence at right angles easterly one hundred (100) feet to the point of beginning. Fifth — Commencing at a point on the westerly line of Buchanan street, distant thereon southerly from the southerly line of Green street, ninety-two and 6-12 (92 6-12) feet, running thence southerly and along said line of Buchanan street, twenty-two and 6-12 (22 6-12) feet: thence at right angles westerly one hundred (100) feet; thence at right angles northerly twenty-two and 6-12 (22 6-12) feet and thence at right angles easterly one hundred (100) feet to the point of beginning. - j Commencing at a point on the westerly i line of Buchanan street, distant thereon southerly 1 from the southerly line of Green street one hun- i dred and fifteen (116) feet, running thence south- ! erly and along said line of Buchanan street twenty- i two and 6-12 (22 6-12) feet; thence at right angles ; westerly one hundred (100) feet; thence at right i angles northerly twenty-two and 6-12 (22 6-12) I feet and thence at right angles easterly one hun- ! dred (100) feet to the point of beginning. ! Public notice is hereby given that on SATUR- i DAY, the 25th day of May, A. D. 1895. at 12 ! o'clock noon of that day, in front of the new City Hall,' LarUln-street win?, in the City and County of ! San Francisco, I will, in obedience to said order of sale and decree of foreclosure, sell the above- described property, or so much thereof as maybe necessary to raise sufficient money to satisfy said judgment, with interest and costs, etc., to the' highest and best bidder, for lawful money of the I United States. . RICHARD I. WHELAN. Sheriff. San Francisco, May 3, 1895. E. H. RIXFORD, 530 California street, San Francisco, Attorney for Plaintiff. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— BROADWAY. ..-'■■- OAKLAND REAL. ESTATE. USINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY"" SOLD ON TERMS TO SUIT. LARGE LIST OF COTTAGES FOR SALE. Some on installment plan. GOOD CHEAP RANCHES Close to Oakland. Must be sold to close an estate. RANCHES FOR SALE, two and three miles ' from Oakland. FIFTY CHOICE LOTS in Oakland, Piedmont, Berkeley, etc. ACRE TRACTS and CHICKEN RANCHES. LOS ANGELES City and Country Property for : -- : ,'•>>■. sale or exchange for Oakland or . San Francisco property. , THESE ARE SPECIAL BARGAINS. Don't fall to see them. E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. TpURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE KEEP- JL; ing in suburbs of Oakland; private- family; electric cars near; references. Address M. H.. Oakland, Cal. WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED A FINE B- it room house; 10 minutes' walk from Four- teenth-street local; 2 mantels; all modern; will sell easy terms. C. P. KKRN & CO., Central Bank building, Oakland. - AP MAILED UPON APPLICATION ONLY; 14 subdivisions left: make your choice now be- fore they are ail gone; Piedmont Heights; the cheapest acreage around Oakland. WILLIAM J. DINGEE, 460 Eighth St.. Oakland. . mo LET— 2-STORY 8-ROOM HOUSE, : X. with bath and basement; large flower garden, with lawn; back yard and stable: electric-cars every 7 minutes. R. J. MONTGOMERY, 966 Washington st. It 1 7 f\H WE OFFER A FINE COTTAGE IN tlpjL I O\J. East Oakland at $1750; bank mort- gage $1200: place worth $2500. ALDEN & GAR- FIELD, 902 Broadway, Oakland. dg"! 2- STORY 7-ROOM HOUSE, WITH tJpJLt/. stable; sunny corner; electric-cars every 7 minutes. Apply R. J. MONTGOMERY, 966 Washington st. - • . ANTED— STOCK OR GRAIN RANCH FOR »T 20-room house and cottage near Seventeenth and San Pablo ayes. TEMPLETON, 966 Wash- ington St., Oakland. I~~?ioif~SALE OR LEASE— AT HIGHLAND ' Park, cozy country home; 150x190; garden, stable: beautiful view. Address THOMAS, East Twenty-ninth st. and Twenty-third aye., Oakland. LEG ANT HOME AT A BARGAIN; STORY and a half cottage containing 9 rooms and bath natural wood finish; fine elevation; magnificent view; large lot; owner going East; terms easy or would exchange • for country land. Apply to MATHER & ARNEST, 457 Ninth st., Oakland. T ARGE LIST; OF CITY IMPROVED AND JLJ unimproved property for exchange for country land. MATHER <fe ARNEST, 457 Ninth, Oakland. HOMES FROM *400 UP; SEE OUR LOTS from $76 to $100 each. KNETSINGER & CARIiOLL, Fruitvale station. . ..,. B0 SI S ESS AND . RESIDENCE PROPERTY sold on easy terms; small payment down or ex- changed. E. K. BUNCE. 1008 Broadway, Oakland. "S"t^a CASH will BUY A nice 6-room tip I OVf cottage, worth $2000, leaving a mort- gage of $1000. • Address WM. P. TODD, 1008 Broadway. Oakland. ■■■-;-.. -■■■■. ■->.-.,. OAKLAND FURNITURE FOR SALE. TTJUJ ITU Rif ANDCARPETS^AT YOUR OWN ■T price. ■ H. SCHELLH A AS. 408 F.leventh st. ~ ALAMEDA real, ESTATE. A^GALN^pIiO?E^TY~^~B^O^KS^FROM narrow-gauge; 235 ; feet front by 125 feet; all modern improvements ; windmill: 3 bouses and orchard; street macadamized; for sale on easy terms. Apply at 10 California St., room 11, 8. F., bet. 9 a. m. and 4 P. m.: no agent. ©Oft PER MONTH PURCHASES A NEW B- tTj>^-.U room house : hot and cold water ! and bath. Address CHARLES DARLING, 60S California st., : San Francisco. ■ ■ ■ ■ - •■ ': ." ■ A T FIRST COST; NEW COTTAGE; 6 ROOMS; - A just ' finished ; $200 ' cash, - ?35 : per month. Owner 1243 Park St., Alameda. ; . ; '-. '■■-. •■ •; . IF YOU- WANT . ■. ' ••• ~~ A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND STYLISH --.-•■ ■ •--• .- ■-:'. HOME ■ ■.' ■■•< • ■■: I ; CALL ON THE OLD BUILDING FIRM OF A. R. DENKE, . WEBSTER STREET. ;fl>"| Q(\(\ SNAP; NEW MODERN COTTAGE; \P-LO\J\f, street work, sewer, cement walks complete; 150 cash; balance $20 monthly. ..., , • r Alameda I bargains, for cash and installments; houses to let in all parts of Alameda. H. P MOR- EAL & CO., 1432 Park st. BERKELEY. REAL ESTATE. OR BALE, BERKELEY— fIOUS^. OF 8 rooms, bathroom; lot 100x125; corner of Berke- ley way and Grant St.: about 25 fruit trees in bear- ing. For price and terms apply to H. MARSHALL, 405 Sansome St., San Francisco. ONLY $1800— HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS: 2 LOTS; 5 minutes from station; a bargain. JOS. J. MASON, Dwight-way station. .■■,. Ml ST BE SOLD— HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS; COR- -IVL nerlot near the station; all street work done; want an Offer. . JOS. J. MASON. Dwight-way station. /CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. ■ - . LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. > Arrived. . ... THURSDAY, May 23. Stmr Crescent City, Allen. 30 hours from Cres- cent City; pass and nulse, to Hobbs, Wall & Co. Foreign Ports. HONGKONG— SaiIed May 22— Br stmr Empress of Japan, for Vancouver. . LIVERPOOL— Sailed May 22— Br ship Clan Rob- ertson, for San Francisco. QUEENSTOWN— May 22— Br bark In- ver you. tor Hull.' SWANSEA— May 21— Br ships Anaurus and Cape York, for San Francisco. HAKODATE— SaiIed May 14— Schr Dora JJluhtn, for San Francisco. Importations. CRESCENT CITY— Per Crescent City— SO kegs 70 tins 74 bxs butter, 21 doors, 13 cs sand, 25 veal. 4 rolls leather, 3 ke?s I Cs lard, 1 cs c;. , Ics ammonia, 3 bdls pelts, 2 cs mdse, .*> sks ore, lumber. ■ Consignee*. - Per Crescent City— C X Whitney <fc Co: Hobbs, Wall & Co: Wltzcl & Baker; Norton, Teller & Co; Dodge, Sweeney & Co; Lattfley <& Michaels: D S & E 1 Walters «fc Co; Thomas Loughran; F BH&ifht: Chicago Brewery: J Hoffman; J C Johnson & Co; Hermann & Co; Wilson Bros. Movements of Train- Atlantic Steamer*. QUEENSTOWN— Arrived May 23-Stmr Teu- tonic, from Liverpool, for New York. DIVORCES GRANTED. Adele Blumann from Si?ismund Blumann: granted by Judge Murphy on ths ground of ex- treme cruelty. Mary Murphy from W. T. Murphy; by Judge Hunt on the ground of cruelty. BIRTHS— MARItiAGES— DEATHS. [Birth, marriage ana death notices sent by mall will not be Inserted. They must be handed in at either of the publication offices and be indorsed with the name and residence of persons authorized to have the same published. I BORN. BAnN— ln this city. May 19, 1895, to the wife of Louis Bahn, a son. KNOLES-In this city, May 23, 1895, to the wife of Fred T. Knoles, a son. SAMBUK— In this city. May 23, 1895, to the wife ; of Anton Siuubuk, a son. '..-.,.-/:; . • DIED. Benkelmann, Rosalie Gladding. Annie Bunker, Robert F. Kelly, John Burke, C. J. Mi n ugh, U. W. Connor, John M. Miles. Elbridge G. De Forest, Maria Murphy, Lmvrenoe Driscoll, John smith, Sam Donnelly, Peter Schwerln, Edward Dugan, Patrick^ Taylor. Walter I). Feakes, Vyone 2 Ward, Michael J. BENK ELMANN— In this city. May 22, 1895, Rosalie, beloved wife of the late Adam Benkel- maun, and mother of Mrs. Adolph Balz, Mrs. Charles Finkeldey and Mathilda and Lena Ben- kelmann, a native of Germany, aged 65 years. [New York papers please copy.J Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p. it., from her late resi- dence, 831 Fifteenth avenue, between P and Q streets, South San Francisco. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. BUNKER— In this city. May 17, 1895, Robert F., beloved husband of Helen C. Bunker, and father of Mrs. B. J. Horton, Mrs. Adolph Kahn, George , D., Ivy, May and Leroy C. Bunker, a native of ' Nantucket, Mass., aged 68 years. JKS"The funeral will take place SUNDAY, May 26, at 2 o'clock p. m., from the Masonic Temple. BURKE— this city, May 22, 1895, Charles J., beloved husband of Jennie Burke, a native of Wisconsin, aged 38 years. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services THIS PAY (Friday), at 11 O'clock a. m.. at his late residence, 41% Clin- ton Fark, under the auspices of San Franci?"o Typographical Union No. 21. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. CONNOR— In Oakland, May 22, 1895, John M. Connor, a native of England, aged 62 years. 83" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from the par- lors of Henry Evers, 866 Washington street, Oakland. Interment Mountain View Cemetery, DE FOREST— In tnis city. May 22, 1895, Maria, dearly beloved wife of the late Charles de Forest, a native of Canada, aged 60 years. , ■ Friends and acquaintances are resneov fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 9:30 o'clock a. m., from her late residence, 286 Stevenson street, thence to St. ; Patrick's Church for services. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. DRISCOLL-In this city. May 21, 1895, John Driscoll, late of Butte County, beloved brother of Joseph DriscoU. and uncle of John and Michael Driscoll and Mrs. Thomas Burke, a native of County Cork, Ireland, aged 65 years. X^-Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from the par- lors of McAvoy & Gallagher, 20 Fifth street, thence to St. - Dominic's Church for services. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. DONNELLY— In this city, May 22, 1895, Peter, beloved husband of Hanora Donnelly and 'father of Minnie, Lizzie, Etta, Alice and Joseph Don- nelly and Mrs. William Cryer, a native of Dublin, Ireland, aged 61 years and 1 momh. JO"Frienrts and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Saturday), at 8:45 o'clock a. m., from his late residence. 616 Brannan street, thence to St. Rose's Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soal. commenc- ing at 9 o'clock a.m. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery.' DUGAN— In this city, May 21, 1895, Patrick Dugan, a native of Ireland, aged 60 years. FEAKES-In this city, May 21. Vyone Feakes, a native of Oregon, aged 4 years and 4 months. GLADDING— In Oakland, May 23, Annie, beloved wife of W. J. Gladding, and mother of Mrs. Fred Lake and Mrs. P. P. Bonhr.m. Friends and acquaintances ■ are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Saturday), at 2:30 o'clock p. m., from St. Paul's Church, Oakland. KELLY— In this city, May 23, 1895, at St. Mary's Hospital, John Kelly, a native of Ireland, aged 86 years. MURPHY— In this city, May 22. 1895, Lawrence Murphy, a native of Ireland, aged 58 years. j(3TFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Saturday), at 7:15 o'clock a. m.. from the chapel of St. Mary's Hospital, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at the above hour. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Remains at parlors of McAvoy i Gallagher, 20 Fifth street. MINUGH— In Pinole, May 21, 1895, 11. W. . Minugh, aged 43 years. MILES— In this city. May 21, 1895, Elbrldge G. Miles, a native of New York, aged 62 years 2 months and 13 days. SCHWEKIN— In this city, May 23, 1895, Edward, beloved husband of Antouette Schwerin, father of Edward, Gustave, Henry and Edith Schwerln, a native .of Hanover, Germany, aged 66 years and 3 days. A member of Walballa Encamp-; ment No. 7. I. O. O. F., Schillerhaln ■ No. 11, V. A. O. D., Ivy Lodge No. 1716, K. of H. - X3~Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral SUNDAY, May 26, at 1 o'clock p. M., from his late resi- dence, 314% Twenty-fourth street, thence to Odd Fellows' Hall, corner Market and Seventh streets, where the funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock p. m., under the auspices Of Germanla Lodge No. 116, 1. O. O. F. Interment LO.O. F. Cemetery. SMITH— In this city, May 25, 1895, Sam Smith, aged 25 years. . ■ TAYLOR— In Pinole, May 21, 1895, Walter D. Taylor, a native of Prince Edward Island, Can- . Ada, aged 26 years. . . ' i - . WARD— In Yolo County, April 28, 1895, Michael - J., beloved husband of Mary G. Ward, and father of Mrs. George Noble and Frank, Effli; and Al- ! Bert Ward, a native of New York, aged 50 years. 1 ■ AST Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral services THIS DAY (Friday), at 9:30 o'clock a. if., at the funeral parlors of James Taylor, 462 Twelfth street, Oakland. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery, Oakland. . ..... . • " """UNITED UNDERTAKERS' I " EMBALMING PARLORS. i Everything Requisite for First-class ; •;-• ■ -■ at Reasonable Rates. : Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 Fifth street. t I MCAVOY & GALLAGHER, I , FUNERAL DIBFCTORS * EMBALM /; 20 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. Telephone 3080. . - . •. . LAUREL HILL CEHETERY ASSOCIATION. /CHOICE LOCATIONS IN ANY PART OF THE \J grounds for sale and lots laid out on the Lawn system or inclosed with low walls, as purchaser ■may desire. •.- ■ ' ■ - ; - ■ • • - ■ . « Perpetual care of plats a specialty, i Cemetery permanent. - '- ' *' For the purchase of lots or for any Improvements apply to the superintendent on the grounds, Cen- tral avenue and Bush St., San Francisco, Cal. , . CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY. 1 BAN MATEO COUNTY; NON-SECTARIAH; J- laid out on the lawn plan: perpetual care: beau- tiful, permanent and easy of access; see it before . buying a burial place elsewhere. ■ CUT office. 9 OltrHall Avenq«. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE Ay WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for *1 60, pott- a£e free. 13