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Carroll, Bell, Peppin and Welch, of the Road Club, will ride in the novice, and from the entries of other clubs for this race it looka as though the novice record, 2:31, ill be broken. McFarland and Hardenbrook will repre sent the Road Club in class A events at the meet of the Bay City Wheelmen on May 30. Captain Peppin lias called a run to "San Francisco, via Oakland, on May 30, to wit ness the races of the Bay City Wheelmen. The Wheelmen of Los'Gatosare about to organize a club to be known as the Gem City Wheelmen. The Union Cycling Club of Santa Clara is prospering arid its membership is con stantly increasing. The Road Club will hold a lantern pa rade on Saturday evening. All wheelmen are invited to participate. The Tribune Cyclers of Gilroy have made arrangements for a big barbecue at Sargents t-tation in the near future, and invitations have been sent to the neighboring clubs. The Mountain View Cyclers have leased a lot and are erecting a" clubhouse, which will have a billiard and a reading room. Clarence C. Peppin, captain of the San Jose Road Club, is one of the most popular members In that club. He has been a member of the Road Club for several years and succeeded Mr. Belloli as captain sev tral months ago. rleinent J. Belloli, treasurer of the San Jose Road Club, is one of the charter mem bers of the club. He has always taken a preat interest in bicycling, and is one of the committee having charsre of the meet to take place on June 1. It was mainly through his efforts that the fine club house was secured for the Road Club. The matinee given by the Gentlemen's Driving Club at Agricultural Park yester day afternoon was well attended. Tne matinee was given for the purpose of inter esting the public in speed contests. The following entries of horses now at the track have neen made for the fifteen day meet at Portland, Or., which com mences June 20: kinship and Keating— Ottinger, with a trot tinr record of 2:1 1 1 .,, will start in the 2:18 pacing class; Aster, 12:12: Steeve, 2:l9>£; Red Oak, 2 :21 ; Lady Grace, a green trotter, will be entered in the 2:40 class; Paulson, Ethel ■Uowms,2:2sJ£; and Delphi and Don Shannon, two green pacers. Vendome stockfarm— lran Alto in three-year old classes; John Bury has been entered in three races, 2:21 and 2:19 classes and free-for all; Our Boy, 8:17 V, in 2:15 and 2 : 1 8 classes; and Rcatiuius in the 2:40 and three-minute classes. C. H. Corey— Laura M, 2:l3><; Lady Thorn hill, a promising ear-old; and Tout, a c roc n pacer. After the Portland (Or.) meet these horses will return immediately to the Ft.ite, as they are entered in nearly all the . Aruontr the other horses in train ing at the track the Van Balklin stables : m lioodle, 2:19%; Thompson, 2:21^, and Kono. I'd Laferty has a string of promising S, among thrm Wanda, 2:14%, ana Fred Mason. *:1 ;',. William Boots has a string of young runners that he is prepar r the San Francisco races. SACRAMENTO SPORTING. Marysville Pisreon-Shoot— and Anglers. SACRAMENTO, Cal., May 24.— "N0; we were not in it,'" said one of Sacramento's crack shots as he savagely bit off the end of bis cigar and applied the gas : jet to the other. "We simply struck the hottest combination of the season at the Marys ville trap-meet. Why, clear scores would not take anything, because when one t dropped everything in sight three or four f ethers would do the same trick, and it ended up in division of pool money, and no one would be ahead. But, say! talk about shooting and crackajacks and all that, I never attended such a dead-hard shoot in my life before, and never saw such universally good scores. But we had a royally good time if San Francisco did rapture the medal and the majority of the stuff.*' tn the medal shoot J. H. Durst, A. J. Webb and Ed Fay tied, each killing twelve ,-trai;:ht pigeons, and in the shoot-off at s-ix birds Fay killed ihera- all, scoring eighteen straight and walking off with the medal. A number tied on second money, George Witrt'iibrock of Sacramento being our only ■ fermentative to draw down a slice in the tii vide. The Spoonbill Gnn CJub will hold its .'ifth prize shoot of the season to-morrow, and a good day's sport is expected. The Fish Commissioners are planting trout t hi-* season in the various fishing grounds of the mountains. During the week io.OOO young Dolly Varden trout passed through^ Sacramento for their future home in the dark-blue waters of Lake Tahoe. Twenty thousand youngsters have been placed in the head waters of the Feather River, where there is every prospect of their prospering greatly. As soon as some responsible man ran he found in Placerville to receive them a shipment will be made to that place. On the river the fishermen are complying with the provisions of the law, as they are extremely afraid of Game Warden Helms. There are reports abroad that lish are rising to the fly in the vicinity of Alta in Placer County. La<t evening was ladies' night at the Sacramento Athletic Club and every seat in the hall was crowded with beauty and long-haired youths. The entertainment was excellent. Borne of Professor Barr's t>upils did jrroat honor to their competent instructor and fully demonstrated their ability to successfully compete with pro fessionals. The club's wheelmen had an enjoyable run to Vacaville last week. To-morrow they will take a chase to Newcastle and ex pect a large turnout, as the roads are ex cellent. There is a revival of baseball interest in I this city, and the game played yesterday afternoon at Oak Park, near the city be tween the fraternity and non-fraternity members of the Sacramento High School drew a large crowd. The Non Fraternitys won. I The sporting pages in Saturday's edition of the Call are creating much" favorable comment among the sportsmen of Sacra mento and El Dorado counties, and are eagerly sought after by all who are in terested in authentic reports of occurrences in sporting events on the Pacific Slope. kKspecial mention is made of the represen tation given the wheelmen of this city last week when the city authorities enforced » their forgotten ordinance in an arbitrary manner. RtTHERFOKD. SPORT NEAR VISALIA. A Club That (s Accomplishing Ex cellent Service. VISALIA, Cat-.. May 24.-About two years ago the Visalia Sportsmen's Club was organized with a membership of about ten. During the next six months its members numbered over 100, and it was incorporated with M. L. Weaver as president and A. R. Orr vice-president, J. Sub Johnson secretary and L. C. Hyde treasurer. Since its organization the club has re ceived from the State Fish Commissioners and planted in the tributaries of the Kaweah River about 175,000 young trout, which are doing nicely at present and promise to make the river one of the finest trout streams in the State. The club has also procured some Mon golian pheasants which are breeding in confinement, and as soon as a sufficient number of them can be had for stocking purposes they will be turned loose in Se quoia National Park. During the summer of 1894 the club, with V'heassistauceof Lieutenant Dean, caught and delivered to the State Fish Commis sioners of ban Francisco twenty-four golden or Mount Whitney trout, for "the purpose of propagation and planting in the public . waters of the State. The club is now ne gotiating with parties in Texas, who have agreed to furnish twenty pairs of wild tur keys which it proposes to turn loose in the National Park. During the month of April, at which time it was necessary to appoint a game warden, the Board of Supervisors refused to consider the question on the grounds of economy, but the club secured the services of one of its members and had him ap pointed to serve without compensation. In regard to the golden trout of Mount Whitney, J. Sub Johnson of Visalia re ceived on May 10 the following letter from the secretary of the Fish Commission : San Fkancisco, Cal., May 9, 1895. J. Sub Johnson. Visalia, Cal.— Deaf. Sir: We are very sorry to announce to yon and the gen tlemen of your club tbat about ten days ago the golden trout at our Sisson hatchery began to show signs of distress and since then have all died, except two, and they evidently are afnictpfl with the same trouble. We have had Dr. Gilbert of Stanford University examine dead specimens, and he has been unable to de termine the cause of death. They were fat and full of spawn and milt. They have no parasites. We are at an absolute loss to explain the trouble, and can offer no explanation. We feel the loss most severely, and would have gladly given up all oar other fish to have saved these beautiful tish that your club went to so much trouble and expense in getting. Had the fish lived one month longer we would have had several thousand eggs. Be so kind as to inform your club of the loss of these golden trout, and oblige yours respect fully. California Fish Commission. On the 16th inst. Secretary Fletcher of the Fish Commission wrote to S. L. N. Ellis of the Visalia Sportsman's Club, stat ing that the Commissioners were exceeding ly loth to give up trying to propagate the golden trout, and that no effort will be spared by the commission to assist the sportsmen of Visalia in procuring another assignment ; the letter concludes as follows : "We shall be glad to do what we can to get the army officers in command here to write and qujeken the pulse of the superinten dent of the National Sequoia Park on the fish question." SPORT NEAR UKIAH. Some Favorite Streams In Mendo ctno County. UKIAH, Cal., May 21.— The angling season is now in the noontide of its glory. The Adirondacks in New York and the St. Lawrence in Canada may afford sport and outings on wider and more expensive acale than our own fair Russian River, but no 6pot anywhere that we have read of can compete with the charming spots of Men docino County, or the sport to be had for the same comparatively trifling expense of time and money. The coast part of the county, where the settlements are but an hour or two apart and overlook the restless Pacific, is simply a succession for 125 miles of interesting places for the outing sports man in any phase of character or in the pursuit of any kind of pleasure. Such streams as afford all the heart can desire coastwise are the Gualala, forming the boundary between Sonoma and Men docino counties; the Garcia, near Point Arena, the king of them all; Brush Creek, at Manchester • Alder Creek and Elk Creek ; but a few miles north, the Navarro, the wondrous Navarro, that with its tributa ries gives an area, affording the rarest of sports, of at least 500 square miles; the Albion, easily reached and with its basin traversed with numbers of good roads; Big River, with its outlet near Meudocino City, on the ocean, and its source within an hour of Ukiah; the Noyo, within a mile of the city of Fort Bragg, and its numer ous tributaries, spread well out through virgin redwood forests, touching even the M. B. Gibson of the Ukiah Sportsmen's Club. interior valleys and Ten-mile River, fur ther north, which might, without stretch of fact, be classed yet as "unexplored terri tory"! Could ambitious sportsman or angler, or those who desire perfect outing pleasures, desire more? As I said in a former sketch the field in Mendocino County is dual— coast and inte rior — the former having the characteristic coast climate, the latter the characteristic California climate modified to some extent by its proximity to the ocean and interven ing forest belt. Here in Ukiah we are unusually favored. In any direction we may go troutinp, and besides fishing on the best of streams have a picnic on its picturesque banks with fresh trout on the bill of fare — dinner and supper if desired — and return in ample time to read the evening paper before bed time. On Sunday last Cold Creek was visited by a jolly party from Ukiah, who pic nicked the whole day on the banks of that delightful stream. Four carriages in addi tion to the occupants bad good things for the feast under the trees. An icecream freezer was a part of the pharaphernalia. The party consisted of C. P. Smith, chairman of our Board of Supervisors; Mrs. C. P. Smith, Miss Mabel Smith, Miss Jessie Crockett, Mrs. James Shattuck, Misses Ida and Susie Harris, Miss Anna Banks, M. B. Gibson, Deputy County Re corder, and wife ; John Brown, R. H. Delafleld of San Francisco and Marcus L. Gibson. Such outings are becoming numerous, and scarcely a day passes that does not find a party on some one of our beautiful trout streams, enjoj-ing a picnic as well as the sport. Nimhod. The Ukiah baseball club met and easily conquered the Hopland Club last Sunday in a game played at Ukiah. The score stood : Ukiahs 38, Hoplands 18. LOS ANGELES SPORTING. All About Wheeling and the* New Upper Ten Club. LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 24.—Ar rangements have been made for a monster lantern parade on the night of May 29 to inaugurate the great bicycle meet, "to take place here the following day. Invitations have been sent to all the bicycle clubs of Southern California to participate, and a large number of wheelmen will respond. Lanterns will be furnished free by the Los Angeles Wheelmen's committee. The great 25-mile invitation race at Athletic Park last Saturday continues to be the talk of the town. Fritz Lacey, who won race, is, of course, "the biggest man on wheels."- He is deserving of all the praise be gets, having made the splendid time of 1:03:7%, breaking the L. A. W. record of 1 :04 :34 3-5. Muchs y muatby was manifested for Godfrey Schmidt, for hardly were things fairly under way before he went plunging head first iuto a pile of tan dems. Schmidt, before the start, stood second favorite, the odds offered being on Ulbricht, Schmidt and Hatton, in the order named. There was a good deal of disappointment felt that Walter Foster, O. C. W.. San Francisco, did not take part in it, but as his riding in the circuit meet at Santa Bar bara on May 15 proved him to be cut of condition he was advised not to go in and he kept out. Had he been in good fettle, and had Castleman of Riverside also been in it the race would have been more inter esting even than it was. The meet of the State circuit of the C. C. R. C. did not come off at Pasadena last Monday as programmed, so that the meet at San Bernardino last Wednesday was the THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1895. second to be held. It was a great success and the San Bernardinos are nighly elated over it. The Los Angeles Athletic Club is going to put up a new building for its own use. In describing the interior arrangements as they will be the Pacific Field" save the whole of the second, third and fourth floors will be utilized by the club, and on the top floor suites of bachelor apartments will be fitted up. There will be 5000 feet more floor space than the club has at pres ent, and in the basement a commodious wheel room and bowling alley will be con structed, the former having room to ac commodate 100 wheels. "Scorchers" have been the cause of so much trouble and so many accidents lately on the business streets of the city that the Los Angeles wheelmen have appointed a committee to confer with the City Council for their suppression. Prospects are bright for the Santa Monica road race having the largest entry of the year, Chicago, possibly, barred. There are 475 entries for it already. The Spinning Club, the ladies' cycling organization or Riverside, has "folded its tent," and Riverside knows it no more. An upper-ten club is the latest conceit among the swell wheelmen of the city. The intention is to organize on the Coun try Club plan, after the style of riding and coaching clubs in the Eastl Some twenty of the leading society people are already enrolled. It is intended to make it awfully exclusive. The local men are training as they never trainea before for the big coming races. One day this week Ulbricht did five miles in 11:35, riding the first mile in 2:1214. Two days after Will Jenkins worked out two miles in 4:28. Godfrey Schmidt did five miles v»ry prettily last week in 11 :44. After the races are over on Decoration day in this city the Los Angeles Wheelmen intend doing the proper thing to their visitors by an all-round entertainment and smoker at the rooms of the club on Spring street. President Teed of the City Conncil will be master of ceremonies and award all the prizes won. A very pretty combination is on the tapia. As Fritz Lacey won the twenty-five mile race last Saturday Tim McAleer, the present champion, will be obliged to race Lacey or forfeit the championship. The proposal is to make it a three-cornered con test by injecting Emil XJlbricht into it All wheelmen here are hopeful that the com bination will materialize, as it would prob ably prove the most interesting race ever held in Southern California. THE BAY CITY'S RACES. The Entries and Handicaps of Events to Be Run Deco ration Day. The Prizes Are Exceptionally Valu able, and a Good Meet Is Assured. There is no doubt but that the Bay City Wheelmen will hold one of the best bicycle race meetings ever given in this City, at the Central Park track next Thursday, Decora tion day. The eutrv list, which is herewith pub lished, assures this. In it will be found the names of the fastest cyclers here abouts. From far-away Los Angeles W. A. Burke and Casly Castleman have come to compete with the northern flyers, and they are known to be two of the best class iJ men in California. It will be seen that the prizes are of good value. They were all bought for cash by the club, and there are no donations, so dear to the heart of many cluba holding races. The handicapping evidences some cau tion on the part of jtiandicapper Smyth, lest he be too hard pit the scratch men, but withal is very good. The arrange ment of the races in heats gives every one a fair chance to get into the finals and win either a first, second or third prize. The following is a complete list of the entries, clubs represented, prizes and han dicaps, with the heats in which the various men will ride: One mile, class B, scratch— First prize, high grnde bicycle, value $130; second prize, «old watch, value $50; third prize, overcoat, value $25. First and second in ench heat and third in fastest heat qualify for final. First heat— C. il. Castleman, A. C. W.: C. S. Wells, B. C. W.j W. H. Haley, O. C. W.; F. rushing. G. C. C; C. H. Langton, B. C. W.; 1). M. Marshall, B. C. W.; J C. Smith, Q. C. C. Second heat— W. A. Burke, A. C. W.; R L. Long, O. C. W.j G. A. KifMen, A. C. W.; T. 9. Hall, B. C. W.; T. lielnia.-, O. C. C: H. H. DilKes, B. C. W.; J. W. Hnrvey, C. C. C.S W. K. Foster, O. C. W.J 11. C. Smith, v. t;. (J. Half mile, class A, scratch—First pffze, suit of clothes, value $50; second prize, diamond locket, value $25; third prize, Winchester rifle, value $15 ; winner of each heat and second in fastest heat qualify for final. First heat— H. F" . Tcrrill, B. C. W. ; E. c. Bar ley, 1. C. C. ; O. L. Pickard, A. C. W. : Charles M. Smith, G. C. C. ; C. F. Lemmon, O. C. W. ; A. H. Agnew, A. 0. W. Second heat— R. A..Plunkctt, unattached; A. J. Meuue, B. C. W. ; W. B. Fawcett.O.C.W.: H. L. Day, B. C. W.j W. J. Rogers, A. C. \\\; K. S. Battles, B.C. W.; J. J. Borree, unattacned. Third heat— F. A. McFarland, S. J. K. C. : K. Languetin, B. C. W.; B. K. Clark, G. C. C: A. B. Pickard, A. 0. W.; A. Kanzee, B. C. W.j W H. Reid, C. C. C. ; J. E. Edwards, O. C. W. Fourth heat— o. B. Smith, G. C.C.: R. Moody, G. C. C. ; H. B. Vincent, B. C. \V. ; P. Metcalf, I. 0. C. ; P. G. Alexander, C. C. C; F. L. Day, B. (J. W.J F. L. Hogue, unattached. One mile, elasn B, handicap — First prize, bicycle, value $105 ; second prize, unset dia mond, value $40; third prize, order for fur nishing goods, value $25. First, second and third in each heat qualify for final. First heat— W. F. Foster, O. C. W., scratch: W. A. Burke, A. C. \V., scratch; R. L. Long, O. C. W.. 50 yards ; G. A. Nisson, A. C. W., 90 yards: T. 8. Hall, B. C. W., 90 yards; T. Delmas, G. C. C. 9 yards; H. H. Dilges, B. C. W., 100 yards; J. W. Harvey, C. C. C, 90 yards. Second heat— C. M. Castleman, A. c W , scratch; C. 8. Wells, B. c. W., scratch; W. H. Haley, O. C. W., 60 yards; R. Cushfhg, G.C. C, 100 yards; C. N. Lanirton, B. O. W., 100 yards- D. M. Marshall, B.C. W., 125 yards; J. C. Smith! G. C. C, 110 yards; H. C. Smith, G. C. C, 115 yards. One mile, class A, handicap— First prize, dia mond stud, value $50; second prize, overcoat, value $25 ; third prize, cuff -buttons, value $15. First in each heat and second in the two fastest heats qualify for the final. First heat— F. L. Day, B. C. \V., 80 yards; F. Moody, G. C. C.,40 yards; W. J. Rogers, A. C. W., 110 yards; P. G. Alexander, C. C. C, 40 yards; A. U. Agnew, A. C. W., ISO yards; A. C. Magarv, I. C. C, 100 yards; G. Brouillet, A. C W., lift) yards; C. F. Orra, O. H. 8, W., 135 yard 9. Second heat— H. F. Terrill, B. C. W., scratch : P. Metcalf, I. C. C, 90 yardß; J. J. Borree, un attached, 150; W. B. Fawcett, O. C. W., 80- E. C. Barley, H. C. C, 100; O. L. Pickard, A. C. W., 100: \\\ H. Reid, C. C. C, 140; A. Smith, unattached, 130. i Third heat— F. A. McFarland, S. J. R. C, 40 yards; T5. K. Clark, G. C. C, 100; E. S. Battles, B. C. W., 90; Thomas Wall, C. C. C, 125 ; J. S Egan, I. C. C., 130; W. C. Klotz, C. C. C, 130- A. L. Holling, I. C.C.,120; W.L.Thompson B. C. W., 95. Fourth heat— E. Languetin, B. C. W., 40 yards; C. M. Smith, G. C. C, 00; S. B. Vincent, B. C. W., 100; C. Goodman, S. F. R. C, 125 J. Jaegling. I. C. C, 125; L. C. Wagner, U. C. W., 120; B. H. Elford, A. 0. W., 120; A. B. Pickard, A. C. W., 120. Fifth heat— A. J. Menne, B. C. W., 40 yards; C. F. Lemon, O. C. W., 80; A. Kanzee, B. C. W., 13tt: W. J. Howatt, I. C. C, 120; W. L. Wilson, 1. C. C..130; A. W. Kitchen, O. H. S. W., 120- F. btruven, C. C. C, 150. Sixth heat-H. L. Day, B. C. W., 110 yards; A. Theisen, C. C. C, 120; C. D. Goocjj, O. H. B. W., 140; A. J. Buzard, It. C. C, 100; J. E. Edwards, O. C. W.. 60; F. L. Hogue, un attached, 100; O. B. Smith, G. C. C, 110. Explanation of abbreviations— A. C. W., Acme Club Wheelmen, Oakland; B. C. W., BRy City Wheelmen, San Francisco; C. C. C, California Cveling Club. San Francisco; G. C. C, Garden City Cyclers, San Jose; I.C. C, Imperial Cvc linjr Club, San Francisco; O. H. S. W., Oakland High School Wheelmen, Oakland: O. C. W., Olympic Club Wheelmen, San Francisco; R. c C, Royal Cycling Club. San Francisco; S. F. R. C, San Fraucisco Road Club, San Francisco; S. J. R. C, San Jose Road Club, San Jose ; U. C. W., University of California Wheelmen, Berke ley. The list of officials is not yet prepared, but it will include Sanford Plummer as referee, Wilbur F. Knapp as announcer and the usual retinue of judges, timers and clerks. Spaldixg. One of the few redeeming traits in the character of Henry VIII was his respect for his mother. THE BAY DISTRICT RACES Hymn Proved a Surprise Party in the Six -Furlong Handicap. HER MAJESTY TO THE FRONT. After a Hard Drive With McLlght Shaw Landed Nephew Win ner by a Head. Few pencilers weighed in yesterday. Johnny Coleman thought the over-night rest would be beneficial to Quirt, and backed her. The win of Her Majesty, who runs "as 'ow she loikes," proved rather costly to owner Van Ness. She was bid up .^4OO over her entered selling price by L. A. Legg. Quite the contrary with genial George Beardsley, trainer for White & Clarke, who now owns Morven, for George, looking as fresh as a basket of ripe melon peaches, always has a ticket or two on his sprinter, whom he thinks good enough to give Dr. Hasbrouck a rub If "right." Zeke Abrahams, so his friends say, refuses to •watch a race in which Morven runs, but busies himself studying up the pedigree of Senator Mahoney, his speedy two-year-old. Zeke for merly owned the once-erratio son of imp. Cheviot, but sold him for $150 and a guarantee that he would be held blameless in case the horse killed any one. At the conclusion of the third race, won by Hymn, the judges questioned Weber and Lloyd in regard to the sudden reversal of form shown by their horse. They could not account for it, as they backed him in his preceding race, but Johnny Weber stated thathedid not bet a cent on him yesterday. The horse once suffered in jury in a railway accident and cripples are not always reliable. It was certainly a sudden re versal of form, but there have been many of late that have passed unnoticed. As in all other things, the golden twenties of the upper ten held precedence over the copper pennies of the lower five. After the first race yesterday luck was with the talent, and they kept the bookies tiptoeing to keep on the right side of the sheet. Two of the finishes were exciting enough to cause a temporary suspension of breath, and the card throughout was above the average. Three first choices and two outsiders were successful in pulling down purses, i .% . The six- furlong handicap was one of the best betting races of the day, and termin ated in a big surprise. "With 89 pounds up Arnette was considered a "moral," and was heavily backed at 6 to 5 and even money. Quirt, who ; has shown. signs of being stale of late, received her usual sub stantial backing at threes. Hymn's last race was a poor one, but the price against him, 7 to 1, looked tempting, and he .was by no means friendless. Many, clubbing bets were also made on the Australian mare Joy. Quirt followed by Hymn was the. order away when the flag fell; but Arnette, quickly running up from last place, took Hymn's place, and she and Quirt raced into the stretch heads apart. Lloyd now began moving up with Hymn, and, passing Quirt, soon had Jones hard at work on the favorite. Fifty yards from the wire he headed her, and passed the wire winner by a neck. Quirt finished third. The six furlongs were run in 1:14. The opening race, a five-and-a-half furlong dash, was taken easily ,by Rose Clark, a 6 to 1 chance, who led all the way and won easily by fourlengths. In a wild drive the second choice, Nelson, ;. beat the 8 to 5 favorite, Venus, v out a length for place. This was a poor betting" affair, the talent evidently being at sea for a winner. The ' inconsistent • running ■of Her Majesty of late caused the very good price of 11 to 5 being obtainable against her to win the two-year-old race at ■ four and a half furlongs. The heavy money went in on Monitor, who was backed down from 7 to Ito9 to 2 at post. time. The Gypsette gelding with an apprentice in the' saddle receded in the betting to 15 and 20 to 1. Edgemount was fairly well backed at fours, and.Veva carried much stable money for the place. v< There was nothing in the race but the favorite, for, getting away third, she scampered to the front, and leading all the way won by two lengths. Veva, well 'rid den by Peters, downed Monitor a length for the place. There was no pronounced favorite in the fourth race, a mile selling event, very liberal quotations i being offered against any of the starters. When the bell rung the horses out, McLight and Nephew had a; slight call in the books, both having threes chalked against them. Tar and Tartar and Rico were almost as well backed at a slightly higher pi ice. . "When Newell dropped his flag Shaw went out in front with Nephew, with Rico and Gussie hot after him. This was the order at the half, but as they turned into the stretch Weber : managed to get Mc- Light into second position and Don Caesar was third. What at one time = looked an easy thing for Nephew proved quite the contrary, for although Weber had con siderable ground to make up, he rode his mount so vigorously that opposite the drawgate Nephew looked beaten. He managed to last just long enough, how ever, to win by a short head. Don Caesar was a close third, about a length away. The time was but ordinary, 1:42. Morven, the 4 to 5 favorite, proved the best of the lot in the last race, a rive-fur long sprint over the inside toboggan-slide course, winning handily by two lengths from the second choice, McFarlane. Bole dad, who ran an excellent race, finished a good third, with 60 to 1 against him. MULHOLI.AND. SUMMARY. "^ San Francisco, May 24 1893. QJK FIRST RACK— Five and a half furlongs; O^txJ. selling: three-year-olds and upward; purse $oUO. . ' ' . Ind. Horse, weight, jockey. , St. y % str. Fin. ! (925) Rose dark, 101 (Uinrichs)..l 1/ 12 li j (901) Nelson. 114 (Hennesßy)....;.6 3A 2 A •'•& 931 Venus. 93 (Chevalier)....... 3 ii 3* 31/0 SSI My Sweetheart, 97 (Piggott).H '7A 6/ 4/ 912 CM C, 103 (5haw)...... .....2 2/1 41 61 909 Annie Moore, 103 (h. Uoyd).4 6/1 ■ 614. 5/ (906)Dara, 89 (E. Jones) ........5 6i 7v 7* 898 San Luis Key, 99 (,\V.Flynn).9 9 9 8/0 931 Outright, 95 (Glenn).... ...7 8* 8* 9 ; Good start. Won easily. Time, 1:08. Winner eh. m.. by Prince of Norfolk-Etta W. •- «; - ■ 3 Betting- Rose Clark 6to 1, Nelson 3 to 1 , Venus 8 to 5, C SI ClO tol. My Sweetheart 7 tol,Dara2sto 1. Annie Moore 20 to 1, San Luis Key 20 to 1. Out right 100 to 1. _____ ' CU£ SECOND RACE— Four and a half furlongs • O^X\J. selling: two-year-olds; purse 9300. 1 ' ] nd. Horse, weight, jockey. -: St. y» Sir. Fin 920 Her Majesty, 109 (E. Jones). 3 l 4 „ {»' 920 Veva, 106 (Peter5)... ....... ..6 6/ 2A 2 1 ' 906 Monitor, 103 (W. Flynn).-....l 2/1 3A 3A "■ 1 902 Donna CaTlotta, 91 (Piggott).B 8/1 / (jit, 4/, 932 Ed§:emount, 97 (Hinrichs)....a ill lit s it 820 Walcott, 103 Lloyd) ......7. 8 5A^ 6/1 . 940 La FJecha, 97 (Chevalier) 8 s^_ 4W7A 932 Oypsette gelding, 91 (Wilder- « • »< * .;;.;- muth).:....... ......v;.... ..:;..* 7A 8 8 ■ Good 'start. Won easily. Time, :56. Winner b. i., by imp. True Briton-Elsie Ban. <. . i, ■ ' • Betting: - Her Majesty : 11 to 5, Veva 15 to 1 Monitor 9 to 2, Donna Carlotta 7to 1, <"<ypsette geld inj; 15 to 1, Edf emount 4 to 1. La Flecha 9 to 1 Waloott, 12 tol. ; _____ ' Q4.7 THIRD BACE-Slx furlongs; handicap; v~l ♦ three-year-olds and upward; purse $3SO. Jnd. Horse, weight, jockey. St. 14 str Fin 938 Hymn. 104 (L. Lloyd) a 8? 3* i n ' (928)Arnetu>, 89 (E.Jones)- 5 21 '21 ->n 942 Quin, 111 (PuRPt) 1 lh. In Si 924 Imp. Ivy, 8B (l'igsott) 3 4A \* 41 1918 Miss Buckley, 91 (Chevalmr).4 5 6 5 Fair start. Won driving. Time, 1 :14. winner b. c-, by Himyar-Una B. Betting: Hymn 610 1, Arnette even, Quirt 3 to 1, Imp. Ivy 8 to 1. Miss Buckley 12 to 1. Q/IQr FOURTH i RACK— One mile; selling t//-tO. three-year-olds and upward; parse $300. ' Jnd. : Horse, weight, jockey. : St. V» Htr. Fin 7 922 Nephew. 108 (Shaw) 4 lii \i - ',lA -879 McLizht, 112 (C. Weber)... . 3 ill 314 2/ .934 DonCiesar,Bs (E. Jones)... s 35 ,4i 3/1 (?>H7)Rico, 102 <Hlnriehs).:......a v 2A '5.A 4 /> (927) Tar and Tartar, 104 (Cheva- -■ • .. ~- , I* >» ,• -1ier).;...... .;...:•:... ...V:1i SA 53 516 879 Gussie, 104 (Maynard) . ... . . 6 : 6 6 6 , A PICTURE OF HEALTH TO-DAY. Mrs. Moore Was Sinking —Paine's Celery Compound Made Her Well. %^^^^^;M^^^t> '""' ''' > -~^--^%^' , y The people have given their verdict! Every state, county and most .humble village has had a voice in it. There is a consensus of testimony from all America to the fact that Paine's celery compound is making sick, tired-out, nerv- ous men and women well and strong again. There have been published by thousands in every state in the country, this spring, testimonials from people in every station of life in those states telling of the many, many cases where this greatest of all rem- edies has made people well. The "San Francisco Call" haa published the unsolicited testimony of well-known and highly esteemed people in San Fran- cisco who have found health and strength in the remedy that was first prescribed by Prof. Edward Phelps, M.D., LL.D., of Dartmouth college. Men and women of national reputation have written thankful letters on the same subject, which have been published the world over, and have called forth unasked Good start. Won driving. Time, 1:14. Winner, eh. h., by Bprlngbok-The Niece. Betting: Nephew 3 to 1, McLlght 3 to 1, Don Csesar 6 to 1. Rico 3to 1, Gussie 60 to 1, Tar and Tartar 7 to 2. CMQ FIFTH RACE— Five fnrlonKs: Belling: «7"±i7. three-ypar-olda aud upward; iight welter weights: purse $300. Jnd. Horse, weight. JocWey. St. V 2 Str. Fin. 938 Morven, 127 (C. Weber) 1 2/i 34 13 932 McFarlane, 115 (Hinricns).. .s 43 Ift 21 931 Soledad, 130 (Cairns) 2 1* 2h 37 928 Inkerman, 130 (W. Clancy). .3 »y 3 41 it 898 Centurion, 127 (Glover) 4 fti bi 520 836 Vulcan, 180 (Epperson) 6 6 6 tf Good start. Won handily. Time, 1:05. Win ner, b. jr.. by imp. Cheviot-.Lurline. Betting: Morven 4 to 5, .McFarlane 3 to 1, Sole dad 60 to 1, Inkerman 4 to 1, Vulcan 30 to 1, Cen turion V 2 to 1. Following are the entries for to-day: First race, eleven-sixteenths of a mile, extra selling, for three-year-olds and upward that have not won two races in 1895, the winner to be sold at auction for»g6oo. If for less 2 pounds allowed for each $50 to $100. Entries close 8:30 a. m. Xo declarations. Second race, five-eighths of a mile, handi cap—Her Majesty 115, Santa Bella 115, Veva 108, Perhaps 104, Heartsease 104, Zeta 97, Ledette filly 90. Third race, three-quarters of a mile, selling— Llnville 103, Ichi Ban 104, Little Tough 104, Alexis 104, Huntsman 101, Silver State 94, Yangedene93, Gussie II 72, Gold Dust 103, imp. Ivy 97, Prince 92. Fourth race, eleven-sixteenths of a mile, selling— Joe Cotton 100, Tim Murphy 113, Man tell 103, Sir Pviehard 102, Banjo 102, Hueneme 92, Myron 85, Red Will 9-4. Fifth race, one and a half miles, steeplechase, handicap— Mestor 129. North 127, Relamj>a«o 126, Lonnie B 125, Wyanashott 125. Mero 125, Wild Oats 120. Sixth race, one and a sixteenth miles— Malo Diablo 102, Del Korte 102, Mr Jingle 99, Roma 85, Circe 94. CRACK CRAFT TO RACE. Two Big Yacht Regattas to Be Sailed on the Bay Next Week, ; The Californlas to Run To-Morrow and the Corinthians on Thursday. The California Yacht Club will hold its first regatta of the season to-morrow, and the club expects to make a very pretty showing. Twenty-five yachts have been entered, and in the list are not a few swift craft. The course selected is a good one, and will give tne yachtsmen an opportunity of showing the stuff in their vessels in wind | for responsive letters from equally promi- nent men and women in other lands. Below is a letter that commends itself in ■ this spring month of May to every woman in San Francisco. It was voluntarily writ- ten to Wells, Richardson & Co. by a lady | whose portrait, given above, is assurance of her high character and honest disposi- tion. She is a picture of womanly health. She is Mrs. Robert M. Moore of Laporte, Ind., and she writes: "Please accept my heartfelt thanks for the great good Paine's celery compound has done me. Ido think that there can- not be too much said in its favor. I was completely run down a year ago, and had the advice and attendance of two of the best physicians in the town, who pro- nounced my sickness nervous prostration. I was treated by one for two weeks, and | then went to another and at first he seemed to help me, but after a while, in- j stead of getting better I went from bad to | worse. "At the earnest solicitation of two of my ward work. The yachts have been divided into classes, according to their sailing length. In class A are the Seven Bells, Rover, Edna, Thelma, Ripple and Mischief. Class B has the largest crowd in the group, be- j ing the Dolphin, Mascotte, Lillie V, Pil- j grim, Xaro, Hope, Mignon, Surprise, j Stranger, Sultana and Halcyon. In class I C are the Major, Mirth, Whirlwind, Flash, Olive, Corinne, Hazel and Topaz. Class A consists of craft of 35 feet sailing > length and over; clasa B, of yachts of 26 j feet and under 35, and in class C is included [ vessels under 26 feet. The course is across a iine drawn from j the southerly pierhead, narrow-gauge ; mole, to the most westerly breasting buoy, I marked by a nag: thence to and around Blossom Rock buoy, leaving same on the port hand ; thence to and around a stake- Doat anchored 4 1-16 nautical miles south east, leaving same on port hand ; thence to the finish across a line drawn from the southerly pierhead to a stakeboat anchored ! ilue west 100 yards out. The preparatory gun will be fifed at 12:55 p. m., and rive minutes latpr class C will start. There will | be a lapse of ten minutes between each start, and the time of yachts will only be ' taken during- the ten minutes following the starting"gun of each respective class. The race will be governed by Seawanhaka ; rules, except that in the computation of time allowances mean length shall be ! taken instead of waterline length. Prizes will be awarded to the winners in each class, and a special prize will be given to the yacht making the fastest time over the course. The tenth annual regatta of the Corin thian Yacht Club will be held on next Thursday over the channel course. This is the most popular course on the bay for yachtsmen, and the craft will be in view from the San Francisco shore nearly all the time during the progress of the'race. There arc twenty-seven entries for the re gatta, the yachts being classified as fol lows : 37-foot class— All over 30 and not over 37 feet load water line— Harpoon, Thelma Dawn, Nereid, Edna, Speedwell. 30-foot class— Over 25 feet and not over 30 feet —Freda, Naiad, Kara, Truant, Wave. : 25-foot class—Over 20 and not over 25 feet — Cupid, Secret, May, Mist, Belle. ■■ Mignon, Pinta, Fen Foilet, Narmah. 20-foot class— 2o feet and under— Ceres j Cisn<*, Witch, Cornelia, Caprice. Iris and I Venture. It will be gratifying to consumers to note that the quality of the baking powder most generally in use in their kitchens, the Royal, is confirmed by the highest official authorities as altogether the beat of any in the market. children and a dear friend, who was very much interested in my case, I commenced j to take Paine's celery compound and took j seven bottles, and am thankful to say that |lam a well woman to-day. Considering | the low state of health in which I was, my cure has been pronounced wonderful. You can uss this communication as you ! see fit." For recovery from the effects of too con- stant indoor work, worry, over-exertion oi body or mind, and for the general de- pressed state of health that is so apt to re- sult from a sedentary life of hard work and routine, Paine's celery compound is the one strictly accurate relief. It refreshes and restores the worn-out tissues, disposes the body to take on new flesh and rapidly clears the system of the us?d-up elements that clog its healthy working. Drudging indoor workers who seldom get a long breath of fresh air— and there are many such, both men and women- recover vigor of the nerves and vital organs through the use of Paine's celery compound. 'TBS CLEVELAND NO. 18. MOST POPULAR $105 WHEEL. OUR SWELL SPECIAL. The- Acknowledged deader in the Cy- cling World. , A Full Line of Crescent Bicycles in Stock. Boys' and Misses', '24 inch........;'. .....$4O Boys* and Misses', 26 Inch ..'....,....: ?.">0 Ladies' and Men's, 28 Inch ......... $75 XjEAVITT efts SXLiXj, 303 Earklnst., Corner McAllUte'r.- ■- l|o|l|||||| FiSHING TACKLE. CO : . •"■'" (&£*¥s.&s£^ 22 rrr% 605 MARKET ST. Send for Catalogue. • : Grand . Betel Block. Opening of the Season. CALL' AND SEE US, OR DROP A LIME. R. LIDDLE CO. 110 Montgomery Street, S. F. " " Guns, Rifles, Pistols and Fishing ...... _^^ Tackle. £"r§fsgiS»w»s* Powder, Shot and Ammunition. 1 -^ Agents .Forehand Arms Company • Harnnif-rless Guns. * WHOLESALE & KKTAIL 83" Send 3-cent Stamp for Catalogue. - 11