Newspaper Page Text
BUSINESS CHANCES. rro sell . a businelss^^fT^any^kind I J- quick for cash see STRAND <fc CO.. 45 Third st. | Q'-^^H CORNER SALOON: GOOD STOCK ! T «o« and fixtures; an old-established place; I tears $80: cheap rent; great bar-rain: on account °.L „*■**" of proprietor. For full particulars see j STRAND & to., 45 Third st. ■ ■ r , i ;f||l PARTNER-W ANTED IN SALOON: . *iC— iVfV/. clear $75 per month-'' to each- good chance. See STRAND & i • >.. 46, Third st. .--■■». - Sfcl IHO CASH GROCERY : SALES . $60 A <p -LIUU day. STRAND, 45 Third street! " Ql f_ r _TI GBOCKBY-STOBE; BEST LOCA- <4ri<JV/17. tion: on Market st.: receipts $35 n_ day; vrUl ell at Invoice. STRAND & CO., 45 Third. Q/l^A SALOON, WITH » LIVING-ROOMS- *S)'±O\J. good trade; no opposition: situated be- tween large factories. Bee STRANDi&CO.,4S Third. ARGAIN— OLD-ESTABLISHED CHOP- house and coffee parlor for sale at a sacrifice- owner has other business. STRAND, 45 Thirds.' Gfi^f) RESTAURANT: BERT LOCATION' •?VJO\J. on Market st.: great bargain: on ac- count of departure. STRAND & C 0.745 Third 61. J^3nO BAKKRY ! NO.. -1 LOCATION; 3 steS^RAN^Tco^TSr 6 ' paylng piace: "<l">(> OOBNEB BBANCB BAKEBY; S ■V X . "'. rooms; good-paying. STRAND, 46 Third .Q99^ v'^au-stand: SELECT.. STOCR : r^;— — <J. tinenxtures; best location on Miirktt *..: cheap rent; bargain. STBANDioO., 45 3d st. f> iSnO ?"°, CERY A^ D bar; full vAttna 'ii KJfjy. in sight; 3 , rooms; rent $20; owner Same place 5 years; a mint. STRAND, 46 Third. pItOLL & , STENBERG 719 MAR K"'E T a- near Third, sell or exchange businesses, fur- nished nouses, orchards, vineyards, San Francisco, A ameda and Oakland property lend particulars; al ' applications for sales promptly attended to. " \\ 111 exchange for house and lot in San Francisco, .a fcenutiful Collntrv home in Contra Costa County; price $6000. N PRQLL & STEXBEBO.7I9 Market. *< 9 "v f \ lnl '' Fl ' :K PARLOR : NEAR KE ARN Y. 14^-7 "-"' Off Market; old-established; receipts 15 daily; trial and full Investigation allowed: owner must sell on account of departure. PROLL A- STENBERO, 719 Market st. J_ fljjl CA RESTAURANT? SITUATED AMONG •IT 1 »)U. factories. PROLL & STENBEBG, 719 Market st. ■ sj innn established boarding and •. "lU\»Vj. livery stable; has control of the best livery trade; all first-class outfits nnd flrst-class boarders; clears to good manager $250 to $300 per month: present owner sacrifice on a. count of other business. PROLL & STENBERG. 719 Market st. Q(J||/| . BUTCHER Hl'siNKss IN PROS~ vDU\J\J. penng mining town; splendid estab- lished business; 2 horses, wagons; employs 3 men; retiring from business. PROLL «fc STENBERG, 719 Market si. ELL - ESTABLISHED 35- BOOM HOTEL; '» located among 3 car-houses; present owner 13 year?>. made fortune: good chance for hotel man. PROLL A BTEKBEBO, 719 Market st. Q 1 \l\t\ WILL EXCHANGE ON ACCOUNT .JIi»UU. of sickness; 81 furnished rooms: loca- ■ «.\on central, Market st. PROLL 4 STENBERG 719 Market st. - r . "\uTnTED— BUSINESS MAN IN A WELL- >' established real estate business; cash required, ?1000: must be a responsible party; present firm can furnish the best of references; thorough in- vestigation. PROLL STENBERG, 719 Market st. Q9ono FINE PAYING POPULAR FIRST- ?Jp_iUV/V/. class rfstaurunt;, central location; north Market, near Kearny: daily receipts, $50 • trial giTen. PROLL _ STENBKRG, 719 Market. < I 'Will RARE OPPORTUNITY TO BUY •_ L*jyy\'. flrsi-class staple fancy grocery; daily receipts --* to $30: full investigation; sell invoice. PROLL & STENBERG. 719 Market st. "slTOn SALOON: WATER FRONT; DO NOT •- « \J\J. miss this genuine bargain; sacrifice ac- count departure: trial given to party meaning busl- n< --. PROLL & BTENBEBQ, 719 Market st. fIjt CXA B \J< K INVESTIGATE THIS; vyOOVi. honest cash counter trade $18 a day; larsre store and basement; sickness only cause for selling; positive proof trial. BARRETT & CO.. 865 V 2 Market st. .. - , ' Ql9^ BRANCH BAKERY AND CANDY- '- 1 — ••»• store: receipts $5 a day: 3 living-rooms • r?nt $10; see this bargain. BARRETT & CO.. * -<■> "' 2 Market st. ... . , CJjToTW) PAYING GROCERY AND BAR; X_wUW. best corner north of Market; clearing over 100 month: heavily stocked: low rent; lease; trial. BARRETT & CO., Btisi' Market st. < 1 *?C\C\ SALOON. INCLUDING BUILDING ; '- I— "V/. 5 living-rooms : doing a large business: sold on account of owner retiring from business; bargain. WOOD A CO., 917 Market. .; <3*9XA saloon, near WATER FRONT, O— 'J\J. doing good business; rent $25. WOOD & CO., 917 Market st. '. - A^n~ BAKERY ACROSS THE BAY: RUN \r-UO\J. by owner 3 years: horse and wagon; clears $100 month. HEALY. 23 Kearny st. Q^fm fine restaurant near the V iJUu. terminus of four cable-roads; doing e<x>d business: splendid location. .See JOHN TKIDY, 19 Sixth st. - <1 :aa rare opportunity, FOR RES- O-*-t)\-/U.taurant man: downtown mercantile .'unrh and all-day restaurant; elegantly fitted; one if the neatest and cleanest restaurants In the city; due mortgage cause of selling, otherwise would not sell tor twice the amount. Address T., box 87, this office. - ' . T^OR SALE, CHEAr-TIN AND PLUMBING X store at 952 Mission st. ■-..-'■■■- "nOß SALE— GOOD-PAYING FAMILY HOTEL; X? 120 rooms, well filled: reason for selling, part- ners do not agree: price $6500. $3500 cash, balance in quarterly payments: do not Investigate unless you have the cash, as no other arrangements can be made. Address Hotel, box 64. Call Office. OOD PAYING- STATION NEWS, candy and toy store, for sale. 1650 Polk st. WANTED— PARTNER WHO CAN INVEST ' * 51000 to $2000, with services, in paying busi- ness. Address G., box 104, Call Office. ■ . -, <21 ?\(\ BUTCHER -SHOP: HORSE- AND t3yX«JV/. cart: llxtures; good outside trade. Ad- dress Butcher, box 69, Call Office. Q= r YOUNG LADY WANTS A PARTNER; tjpOO. nice business. 121 Montgomery, room 8. /'' ROCERY AND BAB WITH LIVING-ROOMS; * > cheap. Call 425 Natoma st. -- WILL SELL AT SACRIFICE ON ACCOUNT ' tt sickness a-chalr barber-shop; Valencia st.; good location. Apply 142 Fourteenth st. Air ELL - ESTABLISHED. AND PAYING '» business for sale; capital required, $10,000; cash or secured notes." Every facility for exam- nation offered to an Intf-ndlni; purchaser and will _ssis>t party until thoroughly familiar with the business. Address P-. (?. L.. Call office, Oakland. IT'OR SALE— FIRST-CLASS PLUMBING.AND .tin-shop in this city: has a good established trade. Further particulars inquire for GEORGE J. REMINGTON at W. W. Montague & Co.s. ILK-DAIRY TO LEI': HOUSE 6 ROOMS: burn for 36 cows; hor3e-barn for 6: water from wind-mill and tank: near Golden City House, san Bruno' road. Apply G. GIANNINI. • : " ' • V^ALUABLE INVENTION —ON FOURTH > interest in the following countries will be given to a suitable party who will bear the expense of»se- ■ curing patents: Germany, France and Canada. 'Address Invention, box si, Call. : .•. , *.* 'POKNER GROCERY AND BAR; SALE AC- VJ count of death. 701 Valencia at., cor 18th. : T UNCH-HOI'SE, WITH GLASSES, DISHES, \J raii>;«-, fixtures, etc.. very cheap, at 714 Bryant. pOOD. BARGAIN; SALOON AND 10 FUR- * 1 nishf-d rooms for sale cheap; departure cause of sale: no agent. 624 Sacramento st. "• . Cjj I Cf\ PARTNER FOR ICECREAM AND tJDxOV/.' candy business by candy-maker of Euro- pean -and American experience; chance to learn business* .1006 Hyde «t. ... .T?OR SALE-GOOD BOOTBLACK-HTAND AND ■ J laundry office. Cor. First and Howard sts. »lO' NICE LUNqH AND SANDWICH .!._.« ». stand; clears $75 per' month. " Apply .130 Fourth st. - ■'■-"■ -• -■ "\\rKLL-PAYING RESTAURANT; GOOD LO- '» cation: must be sold at once on account of sickness. Inquire grocery-store, 1049 Folsom. T)ESTAURANT,2932 SIXTEENTH ST., NEAR , It Mission; good business, $100; rent $20. ORNER GROCERY AND BAR; GOOD LOCA- \J Hon. Apply 320 Clay st. '■ ■ . ■-. • . ■\nCELY FITTED UP SALOON ON A GOOD i-\ business street: will be sold cheap If applied for at once. DONNELLY A BRANNON, SE. cor. California and Kearny, sts., basement. p ROCERY FOB SALE* APPLY SE. CORNER -vX Eighth and Bryant st«. FOR SALE— A DAIRY PRODUCTS AND delicacies store. 1415 Stockton m. rpEAMING BUSINESS: 2 EXPRESS WAGONS, XI double truck, 4 horses: good will of trade; ■ must be sola In 30 days. X., b0x.44, this office. BTACKRMITH WITH $1000 TO BUY, HALF XJ interest in a first-class paying country shop; will bear investigation. It. T. "WARD & CO., 608 and 610 Clay st. ' ..' . .. PESTAURANT; • PARTNER IN PRKPER- xt ence to hired help; one who understands cook- Ing or waiting. Apply on premises, 1934 -Market. p6b d-pay7no rest a d i .CHEAP; VJ^ dally receipts $25. 626 memo st. : ' ; ■ Cr7nnn cash will buy you an estab- «3s I \J\J\J lUhed. business,. well located, having fine cash trade In stationery, school supplies, agateware, tinware, wood en ware,, toys," notions, etc.: one of firm will assist pnrchaser tor 1 month. ■ Address Bazaar, box 65. Call Office. ROUTE FOR SALE ON THIS PAPER.- 2104b ■ Leaven worth, 12 M.-or after sr. m. ' ■ ■'■ ' : ■■';-■ ftl^On HALF CASH, BALANCE INSTALL- <P-I""v/. ments: business pays 51 76 month; right man can easily increase it "10 $600 or more. ■: Inquire CURTIS _ BOWLEY, 32 second floor, MiUa building. , . V . .. PARTNER-saN FRANCISCO FIRM ESTAB- -L lished 7 years, doing good business, intends « -*£>« ** out * aa desires partner who is to invest $5000; can make good salary and 8 to 12 per cent on Investment; a fine opportunity to get into a live, well established firm; investigation desired- references offered and required: principals only. Address Partner, box 160, Call Office. -• . FOR SALE— GROCER V AND BAR; " t®jUiO. good location.' JOHN KEIDY, 19 Sixth T,MKST-CLABS PLUMBING AND ; TINNING T business; must be sold at once; shop to rent. Apply 1373 Broadway, Oakland.,, ... ..■■. . . ... *5i OnfV RESTAURANT FOR HALE— ON ONE .tj)OUV/. of the most principal, streets, off Mar- ket* must be sold at once.' Address J. A., box 94, Call Office. > . BUSINESS CHANCES— Continued. "L^OR ' SALE-CANDY BUSINESS AND ICE- -I. cream parlors; legitimate paying investment: will teach buyer to manufacture. 130 Ninth st. - MUST BE SOLD "AT ONCE; BEST PAYING livery stable in town; ; 30 boarders: 25 livery j horses: hacks, buggies, ■ etc. ; ■■ centrally - located: low rent ; this is a fine opportunity to get a good business at a bargain: . principals only. ■ Address P. 8., box 127, this office. '. <$> Z.f\fif\ INTERIOR AGENCY OF THIS PA- *X>O\J\J\J. per: pays over $200 per month ; sick- nevs cause of selling.* Apply this office. LODGING-HOUSES FOB SALE. TO BU\" (0R~~»BLL~A~LO DOING-HOUSE quick for cash see GUS STRAND, 45 Third st fI>Q7C HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS; GOOD LOCA- I «JpZ I O.tion: bargain. STRAND & C 0.,45 Third. TODGIN(i-HOUSE, WELL FURNISHED;' 16 -Li rooms; near City Hall: price low; see owner from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., at 108 Eighth St. \riCE SUNNY LODGING-HOUSE FOR sale. ■-> Apply at 221 Fifth St. ■ i" fOR SALE — SMALL LODGING-HOUSE; -T cheap. : 222 Sixth. IPOR SALE— private boarding-house : . 10 well-furnished rooms: call and make offer; sickness cause. 813 Howard st. - I ||Hii.lM HOUSE FOR SALE; VERY CHEAP; J-V/ party going East; central. Address A., box 117, Call Office. 1 AND ALL, COME FOR BARGAINS TO BUT- -1 TKRFIELD real estate. Crocker building. FU_NIT~R£ HOB SALE. i T?u^tNlrluß^?)F^mjoiri?oTjSET^t4^^ I ■T son st.: call bet. 2 and 6 p.m. EDROOM SET, $11: PATENT TABLES- S2 15; Roxbury Brussels, 75c laid; oilcloth, ! 20c; open eveninga. SIIIREK, 1310 Stockton st, i] . a kkasky"; CARPETS, PICTURES, -»->- . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices: Cal. Btepladdermanufactdfor the trade. 779 Mission. / JUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS V..thla week at McC ABE'S. 948-850 Mission St. ■REDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AND XV second hand; 400 carpets, good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c; 7-piece chamber suits, $14 00; cornice-poles, 25c: ranges,^ $6; cash or installments; goods shipped free. T. H. NELSON, lac Fourth St. ■ : . CARPETS. ---— • •- - rORUSSELS, 45c, LAID7n?S^C£UJRY^BIIUfr ■ J-* sets, isc, laid; linoleum, 40c; heavy oilcloth, , -"' ' open evenings. sIIIKKK. 1810-1312 Stockton ! . " CARPKT CLEANING. " * ATATIONAL < AKI'ET BSATINQ AND RENO- i I Xl vating Works, HAMPTON & NUN AN- lavin" ii nd altering. 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission 244! pITY STEAM CAK PET-BE AT ING, AND _r' JJf" 0 ."-' 11 "*? Works »8 and 40 Eighth st. G. R. siEVIiNS, manager.' Telephone No., south 250. pARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND I \J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON <fc CO., 23 Tenth st. j Telephone number, south 36. 'HEX YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH poor work send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Ca- rpet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama: lei. So-40. pONKLIN'S. CARPET BEATING WORKS. 333 \J Golden Gate aye.; telephone east 126. ! pARPETS WELL CLEANED. BARBERS, 233 V,' 14th, nr. Mission: tel. (Mission) 100. rpHE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING A Co. (incorp. ) ; old established carpet cleaning machines: cleaning 3o yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. T- MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- O -. ovating works. - 45S Stevenson: tel. 3228.' ■ ~ ~~ morses.: -:"'■ I^OR SALE CHE^P^^AjTo^OME^BAY team; 5 years old; sound as a dollar; would : make a tine carriage team. Inquire at the Tiburon | Bakery. . ■ : A A HORSES FOR SALE; ALSO WAGONS, . T:VJ buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Market, 327 Sixth st. : auction sales every Weanes- day. -I" I. I. IVAN" A: DOYLE, Auctioneers. HORSES PASTURED; 82 A MONTH; SEND for circular. F. A. HYDE, 630 Commercial st. ' ■] AA SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL j ,■!-«" kinds: second-hand wagons, buggy, carts; also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth ami Valencia sts. WAGONS AND) UAKKIAGES. WANTED— A VILLAGE~ r CART". » ' heeled, oak color, in good order, cheap. | Address X., box 20, Call Office. I fOR SALE- STYLISH HORSE AND BUGGY; 1 very cheap. HEINE. 40 O'Farrell st. ! "L^OR SALE— GROCERY WAGON; ALMOST J new. Paint shop. 1 140 Folsom. SEWING MACHINES. ! qewing-machines~rented7~?i s6~per O month; aU kinds repaired; machines sold from *5 upward. 1369 Market st. ' ." fOE SALE— MISCELLANEOUS. FRESH YOUNG COW: MILKS .14 TO 16 X 1 quarts; jirice $30. 1312 Fplsoni st. .-, ■ '■.:.'.. ,■.:.' . » I Q."l ') MItiSENHARTER SILVER CORNET; . fi^, cost 40. Apply at 1833 Stevenson- st. ! Tj'Oß SALE— DOUBLE HOUSE 10 ROOMS; TO S? be* removed; 25 feet front. : Apply 309 Clemen- ; tina st. . ■'.-.,■ ■ • ; -..-.'■ ! IVfEW $100 LADY'S SAFETY; $60 CASH OB J X\ installments. . 326 McAllister st. 1 LOT OF EASTERN STANDARD MAKEo of. safes which have been taken in exchange 1 as part- payment for the Waltz , safes, as follows: : 3 burglar-proof bank or coin safes, 7 jewelers' safes, 8 pawnbrokers' safes, 13 merchant safes: fire and i burglar proof: all sizes; at less than half cost; see i them before you order. The Waltz Safe Salesroom, I 221 and 223 Market St., factory 13 and 16 Drumm St., San Francisco. Cal. - - : • ATE W RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- II hand. W.S. RAY' Co., 12 California st. WTILSHIRE SAFE. LETTER- PRESS, SCALE, ' '■ »» ■ coffee-mill and money-till ; cheap.' 102 Clay st» OUSTER B. SHELVING, SHOWCASES bought mid sold 1121 1 -/; Market, liei. 7tli and Sill DENTISTS. rT"?J E7>R7?E^^LEl^^'Tirß^E^ru7NE Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of improved bridge work or teeth without any plate, has moved from « to 20 O'Far- I rell st. ■ .;■•■.■; ■ ;/ ■'-. . . ■ :■ . /. DX J. J. LEEK, 1 EVENINGS, and Sunday until noon. '•■■-:. • ■'" ;..; T CHALFANTS'S,BMASON,COR. MARKET, sets of teeth are made to please or no Charge; ' on bridges, crowns and gold plates prices reduced; i small gold fillings only $2; painless extraction. ; PROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MAR- i " j ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, gas specialists: only reli- j able agent. for <pai mess extraction: artificial teeth ; frm $;> ; illungs from $1 ; extracting 60c, with gas $1. DK.~ RE A, 9 SIXTH ST. : ALL DENTAL WORK at lowest prices ana warranted ; open evenings . ! <_rr A SET FOR TEETH: WARRANTED AS : ♦J) I good as can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMMS, dentist, 930 Market St., next Baldwin Theater. ■ A LL WORK REASONABLE AND WARRANT- I A cd. DR. J. W. KEY, 1122 Market st. DR. H. G. "YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH . without, plates a specialty. 1841 Polfc st. DX. LUDLUM HILL, 1443 MARKET ST., near Eleventh; no charge for extracting when ! plates are made: old plates made over like new, j teeth from $8 per set; extracting 50c; gas given. OLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAR- \J ket st. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. ■-■■ A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE + V.' WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. l ?s!^* . T— ' — ~— " — ~— i— — . ~ DELINQUENT SALE NOTICES. i jSJELINQUENT SALE'^fOTICE"-^^GOLDEN i XJ Eagle Mining Company— of principal place of business, Kan Francisco, California; loca- tion of works. Devils Gate Mining District, Lyon County, Nevada. . .. . : •■■-. ■■ ■ • -. - ' Notice— There are delinquent upon the following described stock, en account of assessment (No. 1), i levied on the Bth day of January, 1895, th« 1 several amounts set opposite . the names of the re* vpec'ive shareholders, as follows: ■ .. ';'.■-•' ... . ■-:■.■ -- . - ■ ■--NO.. - - . ■ Names. ' No. Cert. Shares. Amount. Morris HOefllch ..■.::..... 6 10,000 $1,50000 ! H.M. Levy, Trustee..:..... 7 20,000 3,000 00 H.M. Levy, Trustee 8 1,000 /' 15000 I H.M. Levy, Trustee........ 9 1,000 ; 150 00 'H. M. Levy, Trustee..; 10 1,000 15000 ;H. M. Levy, Tru5tee. .......11. 1,000 1 60 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee........ 12 -500 7500 E.B. Holmes, Trustee....;. 18 20,000 3,000 00 1 E. B. Holmes, Trustee . ..,.19 7,900 1,185 00 !E. B. Holmes, Trustee ;..... 2o : , 995 - ,149 25 And In accordance with law, and an order from the Bet.rd of Directors, made on the eighth day of January, 1895, so. many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary, will be sold at pub- : lie auction at th« 011100 of the company, room 80, I Nevada Block, No. 309. Montgomery street, San ; Francisco. California, on .MONDAY, th« fourth day of March, 1896, at the hour of 2 o'clock r. _. ' of said day,, to. pay said delinquent assessment thereon, together with costs of advertising and ex- penses of sale. ' _i'fl'"*i»iMfH_iW ■ - ■>■ B. B. HOLMES. Secretary. Office— Room 60, Nevada Block. No. 3C9 -ton* j (Ornery street, San Francisco, California. POBTPt iN BMKNT. \ " • •" Notice is hereby given that by order of the Board of Directors the date of the sale of delinquent stock for assessment No. 1 is hereby postponed to < MON- DAY, the 25th . day of March A. D. 1395, at the kame time and place. - - ■ - -. ~T *. . E. B. HOLMES, Secretary. I ' - : GOLDEN EAOLK MINIM. COMPANY." FURTHER POSTPONEMENT. : Notice Is hereby given that by order of the Bo_r_ • of . Directors the day of .the sale of delinquent stock : for assessment No. 1 is hereby further postponed j to WEDNESDAY, the 24th day, of April, A. D. ' 1890, at the same time and place. '. ■-•-■ ■'■ - •: _.. B. HOLMES. Secretary. FURTHER I'OSJ'PONEMENT. • .' ■* ; : ■ I Notice is hereby given that by order of the Board j of Directors the date of sale of delinquent stock for ' assessment No. 1 is >' hereby; further postponed' to TUESDAY, the 14th day of May, A. D. 1895, at the same time and place. .' ;'-■"■•; i' v - '•*' *< ; : E. B. HOLMES, Secretary. : FURTHER POSTPONEMENT. ". - : ■-Notice Is hereby given that by order of the Board of Directors the day of sale of delinquent -stock for assessment No. 1 U ! hereby further postponed -to MONDAY, the third day of June, A. D. 1895, at the same time and place.- • _"-■?^ ♦ • ■ - - - _. B. HOLMES. Secretary :. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1895. .' ' «JITY REAL ESTATE. {'"';' ASTRO ST.— FINE HOUSE 0F.7 ROOMS AND hwth: nearly new; air modern 'Improvements; carspafis the door: must be sold." '-. -. ' .-.- v, .-.-.••: Eighteenth St.— fine lots, 25x75, ready to build on: must be sold to close an estate. ' :.: ■ Na:oma St.— 2 flats of 4 rooms each; rent $24; always rented; a snap. ■< . .- ' '.;.■■.■ - ■ . . • , ■--.-■ • Slaughter-house, South San Francisco: leased for 3 years at good rate of interest ; very cheap. Apply C. H. WORKaiAN,6SO Market guv-; . •.:■,-■■- \\' ANTED— TO BUY COTTAGE AND 2 FLATS VV In Western Addition: must . be cheap. Apply C. H. WORKMAN, 630 Market st. .--'.; - '■ • ■--... RICK BUILDING- FOR BUSINESS PROP- erty on Market St. ; rent $7200 a year. - ■ .--;", Corner Pacific aye. and Baker St., 65x137 :6 ft.; 1 price, $11,000. . : E. side suinyan st,, bet. Carl and Frederick sts. ; 25x100: price $2600. 60x127 :6 ft. on Jackson st., overlooking the Pre- sidio and bay; $6700. • Two modern houses, of 8 rooms each, at Park, 25x137:6 ft.: electric road passes houses: price reduced from $6500 to $6000 ; make offer. " • 2-story brick house of 9. rooms, with stable, In South Park; lot 45x125 ft.; price $7500. :' ; B.W. cor. Jones and Jefferson sts. ; 137:6x137:6. Cottage house, 1367 Dolores St.: 5 rooms and bath, basement; on each side of Dolores st. 25x95 teet. • ■" ' Apply to C. C. BEMIS, Real Estate and Lane Agent. .324 Montgomery street... ' , .pACIFIC HEIGHTS. •.•••_ ■ . •. . ~ FOR BALE AT LESS THAN COST. Easy payments, as small as rent ; price, $7250; new house of nine rooms completely finished; •will be tinted to suit; very sunny; fine marine view: Buchanan, near Vail THOMAS MAGEE 6 SONS, 4 Montgomery st. . ' MODERN COTTAGE; 5 ROOMS; BATH ; plunked basement: $200 cash, balance easy Installments. . 804 Potrero aye., nr. 20th st. ■ TJIOR SALE— RESIDENCE. •■ . _ PACIFIC HEIGHTS, NORTH SIDE; FINE MARINE VIEW. Large lot and residence, 13 rooms; all modern con- veniences: owner about to remove from the city. ".' ..v; ; , $12,500. , Apply to THOMAS MAGEE & SONS, 4 Mont- gomery st. : ."■-.. - . IN ALAMEDA— TO EXCHANGE FOR SAN Francisco property, modern 2-story house: 9 rooms and bath : handsomely furnished ; lot ' 60x 150; gas, city and well water: carriage-house; street macadamized : half block to electric-cars; 5 ■ minutes Horn b»oud-gaiii;e station; 6 minutes to narrow, gauge; cost $9300. Apply. CHAS. C. BEMIS, 324 Montgomery st., S. F. • , 4 TTENTION, INVESTMENT -SEEKERS— J\. One of best business corners on Folsomst.; 95x90; great sacrilice. Inquire 1205 Market st. O_QQ LARKIN— HOUSE 5 ROOMS: BATH, _-ttO t/large cellar, garden ; lot 22 :6x96 ; no agents. OUSES FOR SALE ON SMALL MONTHLY payments: loans made on San Francisco real estate. LOUIS BLANK 214 Pine st.. rms. 68 & 59. ©Kflft- COTTAGE OF 2 ROOMS IN BERKE- «J)UUU. ley. lot 40x135, .$5O down, $10 monthly houses and lots all over town. CHAS. A. BAILEY, 46 .Market st. or Berkeley station. Berkeley. , PROPERTY-OWNERS, BUILDERS, ARCHI- JL tects— Guaranteed surveys of city lots for $7 50 up by 8. HARRISON [TH, 530 California, r. 9. a COUNTKY KEAL ESTATE. M~~ovEY"i3riioGir2F7Nir^^ sale; close to city; great bargain. .Address H.Y box 61, this Office. ARGAIN; 160 ACRES; HOTEL OR SALOON; location county road ; line creek through land chickens, hogs, veset-ble land; Sonoma County; price $400 cash. 509 Kearny St., room 3. <2J Q 9Xn~ 100 ACRES, 5 MIL FROM MIS- »U)O_iiJI/. slon San Jose; 50 acres cultivated: 6 acres in orchard ; Va acre vineyard cottage of j 4 large rooms and 1 small one; water piped to house; 7 springs; ranch all fenced ;' stock-- and farming tools go with. the place. W. E. BARNARD «5s ■SON, 458 Ninth St., Oakland. - ' FOR SALE— PEACH, PEAR AND PRUNE orchards, with vineyard, > house, barn, chicken- houses (20 acres), 3% miles from good town; close to good school; clear deed, or would exchange for house and lot, etc., near Oakland,' Alameda or Berkeley: purchaser can have incoming crop of fruit. Address Owner, box 60, this office. HOUSE AND LOT IN. SAN JOSE AT COST of house, or will exchange for unimproved city property. Address 522 Howard St., S. F. ' (J_ OX 1 50 ACRES, % MILE FROM OP sIOW . Pleyto. Monterey County, Cal.; 100 acres under cultivation, with dwelling-house, barn and outbuildings; good well; bearing orchard and vineyard: ranch all -fenced; stock and farming tools go with the place; daily mail from San Fran- cisco; U. S. patent; no mortgage; a great bargain. Address Owner, I. F. BUSHNELL, Pleyto, Mon- terey County, Cal. \'r OSS VALLEY— HOUSE; 7 ROOMS; BATH: t large lot near station ; $2000, or exchange city property. JAMES TUNSTEAD, San Anselmo. Tr— ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS... ..: - N. D. SICKELS, THE ' land AGENT. The only agency in America -making sale and ex- change of country property a strict specialty regu- larly DuhlishiiiK a ■•*»- W >pi'i»wwwyiinß»i^i . ..-. Daily descriptive land JOURNAL. Accurate descriptions of hundreds of piaces for sale and propositions to exchange ranches for town and city property; also for any class of business or mines. Greatly, facilitating and free of charge to buyers and sellers. All new propositions daily. 1 318 Post St., bet. Stockton and Powell, S. F. P ENTED INCOME PROPERTY AT THE BAY II to exchange for land in Marin County; line of N. P. C. R. R.: lots of $1500 to $15,000. Address the owner, J. R. S-, box 109, Call Office. . ,■ ■ 6 ACRES IN NILES, ALL IN BEARING fruit, for exchange. 872 Washington st., Oakland { AN EwiUALSHOW FOR ALL; STRAIGHT, -£ »- fair and square deal: an investment offered | that is honest : own your own home and be Inde- pendent: try it and you will find that we advise you right; we will sell you 40 acres of alluvial soil In the Warren Green rancho, Glenn County, Cal., for $280: $3 per acre down, balance In 60 monthly payments, without interest, and will throw in town lot 100x160; land suitable for all kinds of fruit, berries or grain ; needs no irrigation; climate un- surpassed anywhere in Calif fornia; 168 miles north of San Francisco and only :20 miles . from county seat Of county, and 6 miles from nearest ; railroad town; fare, round trip, $9. For investments and Information address or call on the H. M. BENSON CO.. 902 Broadway, Oakland. :. ; : GRIFFIN, COTTONWOOD, CAL., SENDS • free circulars and prices of cheap land. ARIN COUNTY— SOOO. ACRES 26 MILES from San Francisco. : • ' RANCHO DE NOV ATO. Tracts of any size desired; fruit, grain and vege- table land; no irrigation: both rail and water transportation; $40 to $75 per acre; easy terms, - town of No vat ; graded school, hotels and stores on the property send for circular. = Dairy for sale with or without cows. ■ ■•■>'■ SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 66. Chronicle building. ■ -•■ - IP YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING J- purposes or an orchard already improved, where only small cash outlay is required, balance payable in 6 or 7 years, apply 326 Montgomery St., S. F. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE J\. WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. | LEGAL : NOTICES. D^'epa^^ent"noTToTp : r6b^e^n'the XJ Superior Court, In and for the City and County of Ran Francisco, State of California. In the mat- ter of the estate of SUSAN. E. KERBY, deceased. Nptice is hereby given, that MONDAY, the 3d day of June, A. I». 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. and the courtroom of Department No. of said ' court, at the new City Hall, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, have been I appointed as the' time and place lor proving the authenticated copy of the will of said SUSAN E. KERBY, deceased, and for hearing the application of ROBERT McELROY for the issuance to him of letters of administration with the will annexed. ' "? Dated May 20, A. D. 1895. ■ > • [Seal.] <- « ' ■' C. F. CURRY, Clerk. By F. B. HOUGHTON, Deputy Clerk. ,• MY RICK & PEERING, Att'ys for Petitioner. j : TVTOTICE OF SALE OF < E£AL i ESTATE— I .Li . Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance to an ' order of the Superior Court of the county of San Matt o, State Of California, given, made and filed in and by said court, on the 11th day of May, 1895, in l the matter of -the estate and guardianship of HOWARD C. MURRAY, a minor, the under- signed, guardian of the estate of said minor, will sell at private sale to the highest bidder, and sub- ject to confirmation by said court, on or after the 4tU day of June, 1895, at the law office of GEORGK C. ROSS, in Redwood City, State of California, all the right, title. interest and estate of said HOW- ARD C. • MURRAY, a minor, in and to, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City and County i of I San Francisco, State of California, bounded and desTlbed as follows, to wit: ■ ■ > ■ - Beginning at a point on the south line of Wash- ington street, distant thereon one hundred and three (108) feet westerly from the westerly line of Polk street, running, thence westerly on said line of Washington street ' thirty-two (S3) feet and six (8) Inches; thence at right angles southerly one hundred and ■ twenty-seven (127) leet and eight and one-fourth (BV4) inches: ..thence at right angles . easterly thirty-two ; (32) feet ' and six . ( 6) : inches, and thence at . right angles .northerly : one j hundred and . twenty-seven (127) feet and eight I und one-fourth (B\'i) Inches to the point of ■■ begin- ! ning.' . -'--". '■ I ■■•■--■■ i.'".-- - ■ ■-••'.-■■, ■■--;■-■ Terms and conditions of sale: Cash In gold coin of the United States; ton (10) percent of tho sum : bid to bo paid on | notice of > acceptance of bid, and I the balance on confirmation of snle by the Superior ' I Court. •■ . "■- r : r - ■'-•■ ■'- ; "-■:■'..- -•..?: . : -- :.: All bids or offers for said real property must be in writing, : and 1 may be left at the law office of GEORGE O. ROSS, Redwood City, Cal., or at the law office Of MASTICK, BELCHER A; MASTIC 520 Montgomery St., San Francisco, State of Cali- fornia,' and ■ will be received by said guardian at ' either of said places, or such bids may be delivered to said guardian personally, or may ,be filed in the office of lie Clerk of said Superior Court , at Redwood City, Cal., at any time after the first publication of this notice and before the making of the sale. ■■. • -■ •Dated May 16, 1895. . .* :v :-. . . :, , : ALEXANDER GORDON, guardian of the estate of Howard C. Murray, a minor. •;,- -•-:<■.. • ; GEORGE C. ROSS, attorney for guardian, Red- . wood City, Cal. .' ;-.- ■ -.■; ■ -, , v ; . ■■.. '■;-.' ';';,; STABLES ,TO LET. ." p HEAP STABLE , POX Si© H0BSE8; LAJWE V yard: house 5 rooms. 1006 Sansome st- ■ ' •; HOUSES - to' ; - LET. ;• : ■" ■'. ; . ;'• ; : I ~PO^STTcbR. POLKr^PIN-T MODERN -L"'OI corner house; 16 rooms and bath; excel- lent location: rent low. BOVEE, TOY •■& CO,, 19 Montgomery St. . . ' ;■ . ■ '. . ' ,• ; HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS; LARGE BASEMENT, stable; 6 horses. 20 Prosper at. ... . t . : 7 -■ 1 CLAY, NEAR larkTn — MODERN 1 OOsl house, 7 rooms; rent reduced to $26, ; ATEWLY. PAINTED AND IN FIRST-CLASS ±\ condition; 9 rooms, bath and laundry on Twelfth st., half block from Howard . and Mission: fast car lines; rent only $37 50: fine location and should bo seen. DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Park: ave., off Twelfth st. ':.' "-\ ::'.■':■;:; O LET— HOUSE CONTAINING 9 ROOMS: first floor suitable for a club, doctor or dress- maker. 421 Powell st. " o_l 9 ONLY: 4 NICE ROOMS; BASEMENT; <jpl_i sunny yard. 721 Fourteenth St., nr. Mar- ket, in rear. ■, a\O(\ POST— GOOD LOCATION FOR MILLI- ttOI/. ner, dressmaker or doctor: low rent. Apply to G. H. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Montgomery st. <D; 971 2 NEWLY. PAPERED, PAINTED, 2- ♦]p_jl2. story houses, 7 rooms, bath: desirable neighborhood. .Broderick St., near McAllister. - - OQA O'FARRELL — 2 HIGH BASEMENT LOU rooms for housekeeping; rent $7. ■ ■ -.:■ ■' Oi»9A 7-ROOM HOUSE, ALL FRESCOED. «Jp__v. 1816 Filbert St., bet. Octavla and Laguna. <_ 1 A 3 BOOHS, YARD. CELLAR. 37 " DORE »|plU. St., off Harriaon, bet. Ninth and Tenth. PORNER HOUSE: 13 : EDDY ST., NEAR \J Baldwin Hotel: 11 rooms. Apply MADISON BUKKE. 6_6 Market at. ; . : 1 nOi 1 MISSION-BAY-WINDOW HOUSE; 10 ±UOl/ rooms; sunny side. .■ .- ; ■ . .- ; OUSE, 7 ROOMS. BATH. 21 HARRIETT st. ; rent reduced. . . ________^_ dkli BAY-WINDOW HOUSE 2121/2 PERRY «Jp_- _l. st.. 4 rooms; unfinished basement; water free.. Apply to G. H. UMBSEN <_ CO., 14 Mont- gomery st. . . -. EW HOUSE AND BASEMENT 65 FT. LONG ; x\ windows front and rear. 154 Tehama. OUSE, FINE LOCATION, PERFECT RE- pair. ■ Inquire ALMA E. KEITH, 24 Kearny. OUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES, To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDWIN & HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. 1 SUED HOUSES. ''-.■/ mo BENT— FURNISHED HOUSE; 8 ROOMS^ hot and cold water, barn, early truit, etc.; 3 months or more. Address 250 Main st., 1 Santa Cruz, Cal. - . • ■ • *. ... ,-;.--.; 9,1 A 1 LARKIN— COMPLETELY FURNISH- _j"±_:I ed clean modern cottage of 6 rooms and bath: gas stove. - ■-. . . WHOLE OR PART OF MODERN FUR IT nished flat. 1123y 3 McAllister st. • rpo RESPONSIBLE PARTIES-3 MONTHS, OR X longer; very pretty, newly furnished cottage: East Oakland: cheap. Inquire MADISON it BURKE. ' TO LET— FURNISHED RESIDENCE OF 10 I rooms and bath on Pacific Heights; fine marine view; extra low rent- to good tenant. BURNHAM & MARSH CO., 428 Montgomery st.. r SAN KAFAKL HOUSES TO LET. rpcTi^ETIN'sAN^^KAFAEITFOITsIioNTHs'oR X upward, a ■ furnished house of 12 rooms, nice garden, stable and carriage-house: rent reasonable to desirable party. Address F., P. O. box 936, San Rafael. .--»...■. COTTAGES TO LET. <J_Tt COTTAGE, 4 ROOMSr^YARiSr~SIJN^ (Jll. Rincon aye., Second st., nr. Brannan. ... "CJjTT* COTTAGE, 5 ROOMS, BATH. 917 tJpXU. Treat aye.. nr. Twenty-second st. flats to let. : tLIEMENTi?rA~ST., 327— \J rooms each; rents reduced. Apply G. H. UMBSEN & CO. ..■■ -■■ :- . -. . HARRISON ST., 784— FLAT AND bath; rent only .?15. Apply G. H. UMBSEN &CO. : ' .- ■ ■ .■-■■ } FOURTH ST., 353— SUNNY FLATS OF 6 . rooms and bath; separate entrance, etc. ; rents reduced. Apply G. 11. I'M IISEN A CO. . 1 £.Q/I JACKSON, COR. POLK— UPPER FLAT; LOO _t 4 rooms and bath; 16. BOVEE, TOY „ CO. ■ ..•-■-■•• ■■■■■■..-.■■. ELEGANT SUNNY FLAT 7 ROOMS, BEAU- tifully papered and frescoed. 713 Grove st. 4 ROOMS AND BATH, SECOND FLOOR. ON Glen Park avenue: rent $16. DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Park avenue 01T Twelfth street. MODERN UPPER FLAT; 7 ROOMS, BATH; 1915 lievi.sM(lern st,., nr.Cal. : great bargain; at $27 50. BALDWIN & HAMMOND, 10 Montgy. ATEW DOWNTOWN FLATS: 1016 POST ST., -i.N nr. Laricin: lower 7 rooms $40: upper 7 rooms 1 145. BALDWIN!-: HAMMOND, IO Montgomery. -)i O CLARA— LOVELY FLAT OF 6 ROOMS, ArtO basement and large yard ; rent $45; ..: XT-OB SUNNY .FLAT OF 5 BOOMS, RENT i-> only $10: also a nice upper flat, 3 rooms, kitchen, furnished,, only $9.- See JOHN P.EIDY', 19 Sixth st. '■:■- ■ a .-. ( .■...;._.}.,-■...■.... ...^ ,_ ATKW: ELEGANT'- SUNNY FLAT, 8 ROOMS; i. > bath : cheap. 928 Pine St., near Taylor. . ■ . <SH A BUNNY FLATS 6 ROOMS; : NICE tJpX^r.. location. • 217 Vallejost. - ...•■•; ■; . ,-> ROOM FLATS— NEW: SUNNY; BATH, etc. opposite ParK | Panhandle. 1620 Fell st., between Lott and Masonic aye. - : . • ■ 71 A OCTAVIA, NEAR MCALLISTER-LOVE- I 1 IU ly flat;. 7 rooms: bath; modern improve- ments: reasonable. -.%.. - ■ •■:-.■ Oj; I f* NEAT UPPER FLAT 5 ROOMS; BATH. «ff)±U. 327 Chestnut St., near Powell. . . di On UPPER FLAT 5 ROOMS; BATH. 408 '> <P-CiU. Waller St., near Haight. . ~Q*Q FLAT, 4 ROOMS; NO CHILDREN. . 1123 «JPO./ Vallejo st., near Leavenworth. .' SUNNY UPPER FLAT; RENT $11; DRY, healthy place; 256 Minna. Apply 63 Minna. <fi»l'_ FLAT BROOMS: BATH. 124 WILDE V Xtt.- St., bet. Fillmore and Steiner. _» NiCE ROOMS; NEWLY PAPERED: $10. 106 William St., upstairs. FLAT OF 4 ROOMS. 821/2 EVERETT ST., near Fourth. i . ... fig 91 ; 101714, TWENTIETH NEAR CAS- 'JP^-'L • Iro— Sunny upper new flat 6 rooms:' bath.' UPPER AND" LOWER FLAT 4 ROOMS EACH. . 209 Twelfth st. ;--.- ■..-;■. .:.-■-' sv:i - (fil 9 $14— NEW SUNNY FLATS. 4 ROOMS, nP-I^ 1 ' bath; set tubs; water free .1196 Treat aye. 1 MONTH'S RENT FREE-SUNNY FLATS; .X fine house : central. 109 O'Farrell st. ' CM 9 GROVE, NEAR FILLMORE — SUNN U_t_j flat: rooms, bath ; newly papered; yard; rent $20: water free. * " ■ ': > '(2J99 FLAT; 6 ROOMS; BATH. 616 GROVE < {jpi^j. St., sunny side, near Lagnna. ,. ;■;• ELEGANT NEW FLATS. SEVENTH." BE- low Bryant. 5 and 8 rooms: bath ; $9 to $17. SUNNY MODERN FLATS, 6 AND 7 AND bath each; 1010 Twentieth st.. near Guerrero; rents reduced. G. H. UMBSEN _. CO. v - . -• ODERN FLAT OF 6 ROOMS; BATH; 620 Mc- Allister St. G. H. OMBBEN & CO. "I 1 Q ASH AYE.,' OFF MCALLISTER, ABOVE -LJ-O Polk— Upper flat, rent $16: 912^ Ellis st., near Van Ness aye., upper flat, 5 rooms, rent $16. Ip URN IS HED^FLAfr OR SINGLE ROOMS, x $10. Metcalfe pi., : off Geary, bet. Mason and Taylor. • ,- : - OZY FLAT: 3 LARGE ROOMS, YARD AND VJ basement; $11. j 1.23 San Jose aye. . ..,' LAT' OF 4 BOOMS AND BATH.. 336 TE- hama st., between Fourth and Fifth. , .. i ■ PLENDID : 6-ROOM FLAT : BATH ; LARGE 0 rear lot; very low rent. 2510 Mission si., Key next door. : ____________ . A LL SELECTED (NEW) COTTAGES, FLATS, ;J\. houses, with stable, $6 to $100. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. ■■-■, .• . ' :'. , . •; LATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, 1 To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent; to rent. BALDWIN .1- HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery St. HOUSEKEEPING KOOMis. s Ta?T 7 POWELt^-2 SUNNY "fRo3?T ROOMsT J.UU4 furnished for housekeeping; rentsl2. ' O'FARRELL ST. — HOUSEKEEPING O_jU2 rooms; sunny: cheap; veranda; garden.- ;■ O7»Q MISSION— 3 'LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; O\JO furnished complete for housekeeping." - \t' ffi» Q 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING RMS.; tlpt/. 2 beds If necessary. 785 Folsom st. ' :-i 1 1 Cl TWENTY-SIXTH, NEAR -MISSION-2 LXO » furnished housekeeping suites; $9 and $10. 099 THIRD-FRONT FURNISHED HOUSE- OZuLi keeping suites. $12. $9, $8; newly painted. A'7ii JESSIE— TWO NICELY FURNISHED tt % U front rooms for housekeeping. v- ;••.;, 9QI SIXTH— NICE SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING AIO3 and Binge rooms. -'-* ' • ■..- ■■■ .. ; • . •. -. ; HO A FOLSOM — FURNISHED ROOM; - COM- ■ I Ort piete for houseneeping: rent $6. '-■■'■:' FIFI'H-FRONT ROOM AND KITCHEN l_»O)i connected: complete for housekeeping.- ' Q9O BRANNAN — SEVERAL FURNISHED O—O rooms -with board if required; also use of piano; private family."' -, ' <•■ . ■ . .. - • I 1 Q EDDY— NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY "X-JLO rooms; $4 up; also for housekeeping. :,' ; ,\i Q I 7 THIRD ST.— tARGE , SUNNY • FRONT i Ox I , housekeeping; also others; $6. $10, $12. »> C)AA PERKY ST.— B ROOMS ON THE FIRST j£jzt± floor, 4 on the second; in good order; sunny side; cheap-rent.' • .*■ .1= -.;■'■.:-:■< ;■;• •..-•>. '-.%':- -1 MARKET— ROOMS UNFURNISHED t/__D and 2 furnished; complete housekeeping. Q_»A HABKTHO-f ST-, BET. FOURTH AND OOU, Furnished rooms for housekeeping; private family. ' ' : "- : c- .■ • :■'•■•' . -:, .. •C ACi MIiN NA — FURNISHED i ROOMS FOR O _tD housekeeping; large yard, ... " I OCI SEVENTH— NICELY FURNISHED SUN- XOUny housekeeping rooms; veranda; yard; __f_________!___-— _ ____________________ II 9' AND 1055 MISSION — FURNISHED xX-^ic> honsekpg and other rms; very reasonable. Q9C IiARKIN— THREE ROOMS FURNISHED O«-U complete ■ for housekeeping; - connecting: central. -■ ,; HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS - Continued. ELEGANT T V SUITeTaVITH kITCUEN and bath; reasonable. 3*ob Clara." .•..* ••-;-'•''•.'--■ TTbl MARKET— ELEGANTLY FURNISH- X trOi.' ed sunny housekeeping rooms for adults; garden.-. \ .--.....;■,- .. .;.■•: ■-_- TURK— LARGE. front hou&ekeep- O'lO ing rooms $16; single, gas, path.' - - '. -■-.- Sfl] I SIXTH— 2 PR THREE SUNNY ROOMS; Ovla furnished for housekeeping: rent low. ;.: ■ 000 GOLDEN. GATK AYE.-+4 SUNNY FUR- -000 nished housekeeping rooms; bath. "->".■: r\ C 9/1 MISSION-. ST.— 3. LARGE, SUNNY .LO^i~l rooms, furnished complete for honsekeep- ing; large yard; bath and gas; hot and cold water: grand view; rent, sls. '' ,'.. C] A THIRD, COR. SOUTH PARK— 2 FRONT OXo rooms for housekeeping. - '•• 1~Q97 HOWARD— 3 ~ NICELY FURNISHED XOZi I rooms, complete for housekeeping; yard; bath. •■ •'.:. . v : " KA7 MASON— FLOOR OF 3 sunny O\J I . rooms furnished for housekeeping. 1 S9O STOCKTON— 2 OR 3 SUNNY. ROOMS, 10- \\J furnished for housekeeping; cheap.-.-- ./y.; 1 Q MOSS, OFF HOW NEAR SEVENTH— XO 2 rooms furnished for housekeeping. .. ■■ 71 A EDDY— ah e1 .v FURNISHED LOWER %XO or top floor for housekeeping; ; : 1 A9O MARKET— FRONT ROOMS. 1 OR 2 J-TC^O housekeeping, 1 single; light. sunny; bath. F\(\O WASHINGTON— SUNNY. UNFURNISH- t)vZi ed housekeeping rooms: running water. .; : ItOOars~TO LKT. r- ; . • .. , Toq^haiTrisox; cor^ FaisY^^TcELY ■^i^jij furnished room to let; $5 per month. . <.••' •_> PEARL, COR. MARKET, OPP. OCTAVIA— I 0 sunny bay-window room, wall furnished,. for man and wife; running water; folding-bed. Cl X, EDDY— 3 NICE SUNNY ROOMS; FUR- ■ OXO nished or unfurnished ; prices reasonable. 11Q FIFTH— SECOND. FLAT; SUNNY, FUR- XXU nished front rooms: $1 50, $2 50 per week. Tfl79 HOWARD — 4 SUNNY ROOMS AND lUi £{ bath; $14. . '. ■ m EDDY-NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS; double or single; $2 per week and up. 91 a TURK,- near JONES— SUNNY fur- JuX\) nished front room; also housekeeping rms. 1 AQ FIFTH-NICE SUNNY FRONT SUITES X\J V and single from $1 50 a week up. - Q A/1 N ATOM A — FINE SUNNY - FRONT OVitt rooms en suite or single; prices reasonable. 0I»7 4 ROOMS: NEWLY PAINTED AND PA- «IP I • pered. 217 Vallejo st. -" ' : . 1 9Tft MISSION — LARGE SUNNY FRONT J-^-iJLO alcove and single rooms; prices reason- able. ' ■ ' " . ' '_; ' f 4 .-' .-■ "1 Ql A HOWARD — LARGE : SUNNY ROOM J-OX\J suitable for 2 gentlemen; price reasonable. 499 MCALLISTER — FURNISHED ROOMS ~i.£i*j for housekeeping; also single rooms. P.9J^l O'FAItRELiL— FURNISHED ROOMS; *'-'-',• sunny; cheap; veranda; garden. •>• • 1(W 7 A FOLSOM— SUNNY FRONT single X "X I room ; $1 a week; also double, $1 50. ■ Of|f» TENTH— SUNNY FURNISHED FRONT Ov>U room, $4: also front room, $7. ■■- . • . . . 7A^f HOWARD, COR. third— FINELY FUR- I-Utt nished front room and rooms for house- keeping; rent reasonable. ■ . ■-..,. "1 A ,11 AWT HORNE — SUNNY FRONT ROOM XQ, with use of piano; well furnished. ' ' - • 7Rfi FOLSOM, NEAR FOURTH— 2 LARGE . I OU sunny f uruisht-d rooms for housekp'g; $10. Q9Q O'FARRKLL — FURNISHED FRONT OZit/ paiSor; $14; also $8 room; free bath. ", £»OC GOLDEN GATE AVE~ NEAR VAN v*— O Ness — Pleasant single rooms; bath; gas; rent reasonable; private family. ■ T7TT/ \ HOWARD, BET. SIXTH AND J_U"±U seventh— 3 or 4 rooms; yard and .bath; nicely arranged for housekeeping. . ' - . : .V:.^ A9A EDDY— NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS rt-d\J to respectable parties. s ■ I7A O HARRISON — SUNNY FRONT ROOM; *1O neatly furnished ; only $5 per month. ' : 99 FIFTH — SUNN FURNISHED FRONT £i£i rooms for housekeeping; price reasonable. • QAQ TEH a a , NEAR : FOURTH — WELL «JWy fnrnlahed single rooms: price reasonable. ; HARRISON— 2 LARGE SUNNY. FRONT UIO rooms: rent reasonable. - I 07 FIFTH— PLEASANT. "AND SUNNY UN- \.\) I- furnished rooms to let. ' • 7 A 1 PINE— FURNISHED SUITE FOR 2 GEN- I \JI tlemen or man and wife; also single rooms. Q9X FIFTH- 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR O*UO furnished, $10; water free. r 11OA HOWARD — LARGE SUNNY FUR- -J--LOV/ niahed room; suitable for lor 2; $5. ' i\9J\ HARRISON. COR. THIRD— ELEGANT \JOO front sunny furnished suite of rooms for $12. ' __ ___ ■ J XOA JONES, NR. GEARY— PAR «J— \f lora. and other- rooms; $6 and upward; kitchen psivileges: also 1 unfurnished room. . int O'KARRELL— NICELY FURNISHED 1— •) sunny rooms; reasonable. ■■• ■'■.■■■ • I FIFTH— NICE,' SUNNY. front . and I^«U inside rooms from 91 60 per week up.- . QQA ELLIS— PARLOR SUIT, suitable for OOU offices; single rooms also..- ■ . ' ■ ~Trf~rf TEHAMA, X It. SIXTH— LARGE FRONT tt I.I : room and single room, $1 week. .'i ' m McALLISTER-FLAT I: 'NEWLY FUR- nished rooms; en suite and single. O HA I, OFF HOWARD— SUNNY FRONT 0 room in private family; rent reasonable. , 1 A^9 HOWARD-FLAT OF 7 ROOMS AND I.\JOaj bath; sunny; ntatly furnished. . .: j ml SEVENTH, NEAIi '4 unfurnished rooms; conveniences; no chil- dren. . . . . .- . _ , A FIRST-CLASS ROOMING - HOUHE, THE Florence, cor. Powell and Ellis— Sunny suites from $13 a month, single $10 ; bell service ; baths free; rooms by the day, week or month. Q9O ' O'FARRELL, NEAR & VAX NESS — 2 U~. >) newly furnished sunny rooms; $8 and $8. C 1 7 LEAVENWORTH - 8 NICELY FUR- «.'.t I nished rooms for housekeeping; no small children. :/.■..: - ; , ToTA MCALLISTER, CORNER STEINER-2 X<U -±\J sunny rooms for gentlemen. i 99 TAYLOR -ELEGANTLY. furnished I __ sunny rooms.'.- ' ■.. . : '• . -. , : 9 n'i • HA KY. OPPOSITE UNION square— xji- I Unfurnished rooms; snitablo for business- key,2l7%.:, . .- .. ... . . ...,..; .:...-.* -1 MARKET., BET. JONES AND CITY IP •V/ Hall aye.— Unfurnished suite ; single. Tl/IRS.. CHEVALIER -HAS RESUMED THE ■4XL management, of the . "Mirnmnr," 703 Geary st.; sunny rooms, single or suites: excellent hoard; elevator; prices moderate to suit the times. 91 FULTON — 1 NICELY FURNISHED 4J1.0 large front room ; rent reasonable. . . " : : 'CC SECOND-SUNNY FURNISHED SUITES *JO also double and single: gas; bath.' QrjQ SUTTER— ROOMS $1 50 A WEEK AND OuOup; transient rooms a specialty. IF YOU DESIRE NICE ; ROOMS . REASON- abIy, stop at "03a Powell; transient solicited. EUROPE HOUSE, " 1169 MISSJON-NICELY furnished ro oma, Single or en suite, SI to $3 per week; night 25c to,sl: transient solicited. - 1 9AQI HOWARD — NEW FLAT: NICELY i.£i\)Ut furnished housekeeping rooms: $B. • :• 1 QHAI STOCKTON— NICELY FURNISHED XO\J\J% room to let; rent cheap. : '•*"- CIO ORAHY- ALL" SUNNY ROOMS; WILL OJLO rent very reasonable to neat -roomers from R8 up; everything new: hot and cold water. , -; : ■ ■. pERARD -HOUSE, ■-. 142 SEVENTH— FUR- VJ nished rooms, single and double, housekeeping. riHAND southern, cor. seventh and VX Mission— nil light ; water, gas and electric bells; elevator runs from 7a. m. to 12 r. m. ; single, 50 cents; suites, $1 day; $2 50 and $5 week up. : ■ OSEMITE . HOUSE, ■ 1045 . MARKET, bet. X Sixth' and Seventh— and suites; per night, 35c to $1; week, $1 50 to $5; families. * \ RLIISGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— XX ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first;clas3 In every respect; term* reasonable. ■- - . . : ■ : riIHE SHERMAN/ APARTMENT-HOUSE; 129 i- new sunny rooms; strictly respectable; half price of best hotels with equal : accommodations; very central." 28 Eighth St.. near Market. : BOARIJiXi ANIJ KOOMS. A^T^EIIAIiX^B^A^D^XNIG^JBOOMSrSPE^ % trl/ clal accommodations for families; : low rate. 1 fi^P\ HOWARD — NICE ROOMS AND lvuu homo board in German family. HE BERESFORD. BUSH AND STOCKTON; i. first class: $1 50, $2 per day; with parlor, $2 50. WM. CH-AMBERLIN, Prop. ■-'-■•■ ■"• ; • CHILDREN boarded. jfTEIIMA:? LADY'' WiSHJEs"'' TO TAKE VJT charge of children at her own home: charges reasonable: reference. ; Please address C.'.WEBER, 1217 Kearny St.* - ■ ' -■' - ■■ : ■■ '■■ «■ -■■ ' ' -■ i ; , ' v: STOKES TO LET. • '■ -. •> ■/ ' .. F~0 S R^iEN^f'^~A'*T : 01-l^ stand for drag or grocery business. Apply W. B. CLUFF, 17 Sixth st. .- • ' ' 2 NEW STORES ; SUITABLE FOR BARBER and bicycle ■ shops; ■ rent cheap. : -Apply ' 1660 Hayes St. •.-.'.;' :.' *-■■ '. ; "■-'•' ' -'-"'■'. -. '■ - : ' * ■ ■■• .--' v _"-;' ." :. 1 £vM HOWARD AND ■: LAFAYETTE STS., •X\j£rx with fixtures for a saloon or any business. Apply at 2838 Mission st., M. CURRAN.': .'. ;. ■:•■■ y ROUND FLOOR : 5 ROOMS; FOR STORE 1 VJ~. or dwelling. Corner Second st. and Rincon aye. OUB-3TORY BRICK AND IRON BUILDING JD and basement, 608 < Sacramento st., ; containing elevator, power, - etc. ; rent $80. - Apply DAVID STERN A SONS, 20 Montgomery st. - ■■' •■ ' -* f :•: --.-:. t'.-"> ys. OFFICES" TO .UST.S 1 ;. ; - ;V. ; D^"oublls pTißlo^s^^st^bTtShkd^ as 'XJ physician's office; first floor; rent low. 81 Fifth at. v;, ■-.;** ; ... < r .•--- ■■■•..•.:: ... - ; . ; t/r ':■:■:: ELEGANT . OFFICES IN NEW SPRECKELS , building, ' 925 Market:.- rents low; no extra , charge for gas, janitor services : or .heating..'-' Apply ; at building or G. H. UMBSEX & CO., 14 Montg. St. DESK . ROOM AT~ROOM 16. SIXTH FLOOR, Mills building. r PROPOSALS. ; "PROPOSALS— STATE PRISON SUPPLIES. ' LE Sealed proposals will" be rpceived at the office Of the clerk at State prison, San Quentin. until 10 a. m. Saturday, Bth day of June, 1895, and, at the office of the clerk at State prison, Folsom, until 9 a. M.Saturday, 15th day of June. 1895, at which times and places they will be opened in presence of bidders for furnishing and delivering . supplies for said . prisons, ' consisting of subsistence stores, forage, fuel, clothing, medicines, lime; cement and other staple supplies, from July 1, 1895, to June 30. 1898, inclusive, on conditions as per printed schedule, which' will be furnished upon applica- tion at either of the above offices. 'No bi.l will be considered unless made upon said schedules, nor unless accompanied by the certified check therein required, nor from any other parties than boua fide dealers in the claws of articles to be furnished. Each bidder must accompany his bid with a certified check upon some well-known and responsible banking-bouse for . at least 10 per cent of the amount, payable to Edgar J. de Pue, President of said Board, of his bid, conditioned that the bidder will enter into a contract upon notice of acceptance as required by law. ■ . • Bids for either prison must be marked separately. All payments made on contracts will be paid in cash or Controller's warrants. Bidders will carefully follow the conditions of the schedules. * ; • ' Tim board reserves the right to reject any or all bids as the public interest may require, and to order any quantity over or under amount specified. . - - EDGAR J. DE PUE, President. : -..; J. V. Ems, Clerk. :t •:,■ - -■■ ' . - . "PROPOSALS FOR PRINTING AND BINDING V 2500 Copies of Municipal Reports.' Office of the Clerk of isoanl of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco, May 21. 1895. -In accordance with Resolution No. 12,287 (Third Series) of the Board .of Supervisors, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received in open session of the Board on MONDAY AFTERNOON, May 27, 1895. from 3 to 3:30 o'clock, for printing, binding and delivering Twenty-live Hundred Copies of the Municipal Reports for the fiscal year 1894-95. under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Committee on Printing and Salaries. . ■ The work to be done in a good and workmanlike manner, and In strict accordance with specifica- tions now ready for examination. The whole work of printing, binding and deliver- ing the 2500 volumes as aforesaid must be com- pleted on or before the 10th day of November, 1895. - ; The Board reserves the right to reject all bids if the public good so requires, and will demand good and sufficient bonds, with two or more sureties, for the faithful performance of the contract. ' ■■ i : The party to whom the contract is awarded . will be required, prior to or at the time of the execution of the contract, to pay the cost of advertising this notice In three daily newspapers. 1 In order to preserve uniformity and to facilitate the award, the board has resolved to receive no bids unless made upon blank forms prepared by the committee, and a certified check . for the sum of $500, deposited by the bidder with and made payable to the Clerk of the Board, condi- tioned if the proposal is accepted and the contract awarded, and if the bidder shall fall or neglect to pay the printing charges, execute the contract and give the bond required within six days after the award Is made, then and in that case 'the said sum shall be paid into the City and County Treasury by said Clerk, us liquidated damages for such failure and neglect.. Blanks furnished by the Clerk. . I --<'■■'■ i,v*- •' -■ -.; : - JNO. A. RUSSELL, Clerk. PROPOSALS FOR HARDWARE, PLUMBERS' X materials, lumber.- paints, oils, etc., furniture, fuel, stovepipe, stationery, library books, physical, chemical and other apparatus and supplies, print- Ing, lithographing, etc.— Sealed proposals will be re- ceived- by the Superintendent of Common Schools, in open Session of the Board of Education, on Wednesday, May 29, 1895. at 8:30 o'clock p. it., for furnishing the School Department of this City and County during the fiscal year 1895-96 with hardware, plumbers' materials, lumber, paints, oils, etc., furniture, fuel, . stovepipe, stationery, library books and physical, chemical and Other ap- paratus and supplies for the Girls' High School, etc., and fordoing the printing and lithographing required during the said fiscal year, In accordance with specifications at the oflice of the Board of Ed- ucation, new City Hall. GEORGE BEANSTON, Secretary. '■ •■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■■■- ■■ - . - ■ . , TRUSTEES' SAXES.. . "KTOTICB OF T&USTKX^AUE*OF > i£a£ J» i-"( tate— Notice is hereby given that in pursuance Of an order of the Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, made on the 10th day of May, 1895, In the matter of the trust estate created by H. C. HASTINGS for the use and benefit of the poor, the undersigned trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and subject to confirmation by said Superior Court, on TUESDAY, the 28th day of May, 1895, at Vi o'clock m., at the auction salesroom of EAB- TON, ELDRIDGE A CO., No. 638 Market street, in said City and County of San Francisoo, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate In said City and County of San Francisco, State of Califor- nia, bounded and described as follows, to -wit: commencing at a point on the easterly line of AVinthrop (formerly i Webster) street, distant thereon 68 feet 9 Inches northerly from Lombard street, running thence northerly along said line of Winthrop street 68 feet 9 inches, thence at right angles easterly 83 feet 4 inches, thence at right angles southerly 68 feet 9 inches, and thence at right angles westerly 83 feet 4 inches to the point of commencement. WALTER J. PHELPB, , May 16, 1895. Trustee. W. H. BARROWS, attorney for said trustee, 113 Phelnn building. .^ _ I^.; FINANCIAL. ' _.^ ' .':'■.•_ ; S^7?ii7TfpON"R^Air^CTATE; TITLE^AI; ijP I \}\)\} for a term. 14 Sansome St., room [ 48. L" OW RATES; CITY, COUNTRY: COLLAT- era! securities • TRAVERSE. »18 Montg'y. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— oOB BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. m>7P»n SIX-ROOM HOUSE; AND CORNER »iP I k)\J. lot, 50x140, adjoining electric cars, East Oakland: bargain. ALDEN & GARFIELD, 902 Broadway, Oakland. ■ BARGAIN— NEWLY FURNISHED, WELL- paying lodging house at less than cost of furni- ture; all rooms failed; good reason for selling or will exchange. MATHER & ARNEST, 457 Ninth St., Oakland. . . URN is H~Kl> ROOMS FDR HOUSEKEEP- -T Ing in suburbs of Oakland; private family; electric cars near; references. Address M. H., Oakland, Cal. .... mo LET— $l6: 2-STORY 8-ROOM HOUSE, 1 with bath and basement; lance flower garden, with lawn; * back yard and stable : electric-cars every 7 minutes. R. J. MONTGOMERY, 966 Washington St. • ' , <JI»"1 7P.fl WK OFFER A Fine COTTAGE IN -!PJ_ I t)\J. East Oakland at $1750; bank mort- ! gage $1200: place worth $2500. ALDEN & GAR- FIELD, 902 Broadway, Oakland. . mo C V 2-STORY 7-R00M" HOUSE,' WITH «JP-L d. stable; sunny corner; electric-cars every 7 minutes. - Apply R. J. MONTGOMERY, 966 Washington st. -. . . - . -:.. . ANTED-STOCK OR GRAIN RANCH FOR » I 20-room house and cottage near Seventeenth and San Pablo ayes. TEMPLETON. 966 Wash- ington st., Oakland. " OR SALE OR LEASE— AT HIGHLAND Park, cozy country home: 150x190; garden, stable: beautiful view. Address THOMAS, East Twenty-ninth st. and Twenty-third aye., Oakland. ELEGANT HOME AT A BARGAIN; STORY and a half cottage containing 9 rooms and bath; natural wood finish; fine elevation;- magnificent view ; large lot; owner going East; terms easy or would exchange for country land. Apply to MATHER <£; ARNEST, 467 Ninth St., Oakland. ARGE LIST; OF CITY -IMPROVED AND unimproved property for exchange for country land. MATHER & ARNEST, 457 Ninth, Oakland. OMES FROM $400 UP; BEE OUR LOTS from $75 to $100 each. SNETSINGER & CARROLL, Frultvale station. '. USINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY sold on easy terms; small payment down or ex- changed. E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. CJtTXn CASH WILL BUY A NICE 6-BOOM •Jp I <J\J cottage, • worth $2000, leaving a mort- gage of $1000. ■ Address WM. P. TODD, 1008 Broadway, oakland. - -:■■ ■ •- ■• - ■»«*i»*w»»»«»»a»«WM»^B»— ——————^B^fc '' : ai,\mki)a REAL estate. ~ qacrifTc^T^o^i^o^e^t^^n^dentral O aye. ; good locality ; must sell; will take ,$2O a front foot less than offered my neighbor 60 days ago if I can make immediate sale. Address Owner, Call Office, Alameda. . •. , . • ■ ■ IN ALAMEDA— CHOICE BLOCK, 217x236, NR. HK'h-Ht. station, will be sold at 1 a bargain. - Ad- dress EUGENE L. ETOUBLEAU, room 12, Post- office block, Aiameda. ' ■ ■ IOR IMMEDIATE SALE, NEAR SCHOOL -1 and station; $2250; 9150 cash; $25 monthly; new 6-room cottage and bath. , ■ . • . $2650— 5100 cash; $25 monthly: 87x100; s- room cottage and bath. . - : $3150— Si.'00 Cash; $30 monthly; new cottage 7 roomß and bath. •■ • ' ■ •■ •■ •■ ■■■ . • $3250— 550 cash: $35 monthly; 38x100; corner house. in fine condition: 8 rooms and bath. . - Houses to rent -' from $10 11 1> ; opon Sundays and holidays. MARCUSE ■ & HEMMEL, ! Bay-street station, Aiameda, I and 628 Market st., Han ■ Fran- cisco, vv- , .•' -t' •>■•'.•■ ••■ ;~t- a- .■-,-.■ ■ j ARC. PROPERTY 2 BLOCKS • FROM narrow-gauge; 236. feet front by 125 feet; ail modern Improvements; windmill; houses and orchard; - street macadamised; for sale on easy terms. - Apply at 10 California ■ St., room 11, S. F., bet. 9a. m. and 4p. m. :no agent. .', > • \ AT FIRST COST; NEW COTTAGE; 6 ROOMS: -TV juat. '.•finished-;-. $200 cash,. $B6 . per-. month. Owner 1243 Park St., Alamedtu , ...... IF YOU WANT . • - - . •■ ■ ■ ■ A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND STYLISH ",- ' ■--■■■■■-■ ."HOME' '• :■ : . . - CALL ON THE OLD BUILDING FIRM OF A. R. DENKE, " ; WEBSTER STREET. ©1 QTJirirsNAP; NEW MODERN COTTAGE; *S>±O\J\Jt street -work, sewer, • cement walks complete: $150 cash; balance $20 monthly. , Alameda bargains, for cash and installments; ; houses to let in all parts of Aiameda. H. P MOR- EAL & CO.. 1482 Park St. ' jaKKK^V KKAL ESTATE. I ''OR SALK, \ BERKELEY-SoiDSB -OF 8 rooms, bathroom: lot 100x185;- corner of Berke- ley way and Grant at.; about 25 fruit trees in bear- ing. For price and terms apply to H. MARSHALL, 405 Sansome at., San Francisco. ~ ■ v ■ • . . ■, ; - NLY $1800— HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS; 2 ; LOTS; . ft minutes from ' station; a bargain. JOS. J. MASON, D wight-way station. , •-—•;- MUST BE SOLD— HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS; ; COR- JXL ncr lot near the station; all street work done; want an offer. JOS. J. - MASON, Dwifht-way station. ■ -■' -■■■ - LATEST SHIPPING»INT«Ii]LIGEX^. ''>■■ Domestic Port.*. ASTORIA-SaUedMay24-Stmr State of Cali- fornia and schr Laura Pike, for San Francisco; Br bark Highland Home, for United Kingdom. Movements of Atlantic Steamers. LIVERPOOL— Arrived May 24— Stmr Tauric, from New York. HAMBCRG-Arrived May 24-Stmr Sailer, frm New York. f SOUTHAMPTON— Arrived May 24— Stmr Ber- lin, from New York. ' . . NEW YORK— May 24— Stmr Campania from Liverpool. LIVERPOOL— Arrived May 24— Stmr Norma- dlc, from New York. ROTTERDAM -Arrived May 24— Stmr Rotter- dam, from New York. ' ■' - ■ ' ' ■ ' MARRIAGE LICENSES; Licenses to marry were granted yesterday a» follows: ' ; i :■' ■ ■.:.■..,■ .'.1."..' Charles Giovanola and Hattle J. Quinn, 22-20. - M. Harrington and Mary K. Donovan, 25—26. ■ Giuseppe (Uiio and Catherine Lerda, 26—16. Oscar P. Peterson and Lena Knrlson, 30—24. Solomon Bumgart and Sarah Widing, 60—34. Joseph Rosezweig and Louisa Picard. 27 — 24. Stanley Morshead and Etta C Otto. 22—20. .DIVORCE SUITS BEGUN. Leopold Talbl against Mary Taibl. Josephine M. E. Allen against George W. Allen. - Elizabeth Rowland against Jack R. Rowland. BIRTHS^-MAURIAGES— DEATHS. •:: ■^■:.:.;.:/V ; ;/.t. ■. -BORN. ... -. . • .". CLOUD— In this city, May 10, 1805, to the wife Of Charles C. Cloud, a daughter. MARK— this city, May 22, 1895, to the wife of M. F. Mark, a son. .. : ■ ■ . ■:.■,;■ TSCHARNER-ln. this city. May 21, 1895, to the . wife of G. Tscharner, a daughter. ' ■ 'SIAKRIED. • .;.■: HANDEL— MAHONEY— In this city, May 22, 1895, by the Rev. Father Doran, Chris Handel of Harbin Springs, Lake County, '■ Cal., and Jennie Mahoney of Kelsey Lake County, Cal. . , > ', - DIED. - Benkelmann, Rosalie King, Thomas Bunker, Robert F. . Luhrs, Alma H.N. ■ Bagley, Sarah McMorry, Mary ' Constlne. Henrietta . MacLaine, Hector Donnelly, Peter ■• • ■ • Murphy, Lawrence . , Dhellle, Bertha , Miller, Frederick : ... Dassonville, E. A. Raphael, George' ' Fortune. Mary A. . Behwerin, Edward : ■ . - Gladding. Annie Smith, Samuel B. ' Gibson. Phoebe White, Mrs. Jessie . . Kelly, John , ' Zurmurhen, Henry A. BENKELMANN— In this city. May 22, 1895, Rosalie, beloved wife of the late Adam Benkel- mann, and mother of Mrs. Adolph Balz, Mrs. . Charles Fiukeldey and Mathilda and Lena Ben- kelmann, a native of Germany, aged 65 years. [New York papers please copy. | :. ••■.:■!; Friends and • acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS.DAY (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from her late resi- dence, 831 Fifteenth avenue, between P and Q streets, South San Francisco. Interment 1. O. ■O. F. Cemetery. f > ■ . > - •.: -, -. S. > BUNKER— In thin city. May 17, 1895, Robert F . beloved husband of Helen C. Bunker, and father of Mrs. B. J. Horton, Mrs. Adolph Kahn, George D., Ivy, May and Leroy C. Bunker, a native of Nantucket, Mass., aged 68 years. : - . 49" Friends and- acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock P. m- from the Masonic Temple, corner Post and Montcomery streets, under tl« auspices of Mount Moriah Lodge No. 44, F. and A. M. Interment Masonic Cemetery. The remains will lie In state at the temple from 10 o'clock A.M.Sunday until time for funeral. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend. , . BAGLEY— In this city, May 23, 1895, Sarah, relict . of the late John Bagley, and mother of Katie and Mabel Bagley, a native of Brooklyn, N. V., aged 63 years 8 months and 13 days. CONSTINE— In this city, May 24, 1895, Henrietta, ■ beloved wifa of Abraham Constine, and mother of Mrs. B. Dreyf nss, Mrs. E. Cohen. Mrs. J. Red- stone and Gus, Maey, Ike and Joe Constlne, a na- tive of Germany, aged 75 years. ' -' ' O~Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 10:30 o'clock a. m., from her. late residence, 1327 V* Ellis street, near Buchanan. Interment Home of Peace Cemetery by 11:45 o'clock a. if. train. ; : ' DHEILIG— In this city. May 24, 1895. Bertha, beloved sister of Alfred J. Dheillg, Mrs. M. Black and Helen Dheillg and daughter of the late J. H. and . Johanna Dheilig, a native of Calaveras County, Cal., aged 26 years. [Calaveras County (Cal.) papers please copy. I iBES-Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from her late resi- : dence, 905V> Valencia street, near Twentieth. • Interment private. I DONNELLY— In this city, May 22, 1895, Peter, beloved husband of Hanora Donnelly and father of Minnie. Lizzie, Etta, Alice and Joseph Don- nelly and Mrs. William Cryer, a native of Dublin, Ireland, aged 61 years and 1 month. * ' £9"Friends ■ and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 8:45 o'clock a. m., from his late residence. 516 Branhan street, thence to st. Rose's Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commenc- ing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Mount Calvary i Cemetery. : . DASSONVILLE— In this city, May 23, 1895, Elizabeth A. Dassonville, a native of New Jersey FORTUNE— At Indlanola Vineyard, near Sanger May 20, 1895, Mary A.', beloved wife of E. F Fortune, and sister of William, John, Thomas. Hector, Alex, Robert, Margaret and Lizzie Bur- ness, a native of Scotland, aged 27 years. GLADDING— In Oakland, May 23, Annie, beloved wife of W. J. Gladding, and mother of Mrs. Fred Lake and Mrs. P. P. Bonham. . ■ . o- Friends ■ and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY ' (Saturday), at 2:30 o'clock p. m., from St. Paul's Church, Oakland. GIBSON— In this city, May 24, 1895, PhOßbe Gib- son, mother of Mrs. A. J. Stone and William C. Samuel W. and Jessie Gibson, a native Of Eng- land, aged 74 years and 6 months. jßSTNotlce of funeral hereafter. KELLY— In this city, May 23, 1895, John Kelly, beloved father-in-law of Emma Kelly, and grand- father of Harold Kelly, a native of Ireland. i ■ 49* Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 9:30 o'clock a.m., from the parlors of God eau & Lip- • man, 326 and 328 Montgomery avenue, thence to, St. Francis Church, where a requiem high , mass, will be celebrated for the repose of his soul. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. •■ ; KING-^ln this city, May 22, 1896. Thomas King, a native of Ireland, aged 77 years. ■•■ ■:■■, ' LUHRS-ln this city. May 24, 1895, Alma H. M., only and beloved daughter of Charles uud Katha.- riua Luhrs, a native of San Francisco, . aged 10 months and 11 days. ' ' \ '" ' ' ■ • Friends and acquaintances »r» reswet- ! • fully Invltta to attend the funeral TO-MORROW - (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from the residence of her parents, 150 First street, corner Natoma. : Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. ' MacLAINE— In West Oakland, May 23, 1898. Hector MacLaine, a native of Scotland, aged 63 years and 9 months. . - .1 ■ - "« 1 McMORRY- In this city, May 24, . 1895. Mary. i relict of the. late Farrell McMorry, and beloved ; mother of Mrs. Dr. J. Lagan, a native of County ■ Lcitrim, Ireland. ' '•-'-■-• ' • ' •• ... Friends and acquaintances are : rosnect- I fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m.. from her late • residence, 140 Halght street, thence to • Sacred , Heart Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose ot her soul, com- mencing at 9 o'clock a. si. . Interment Holy Cross 1 , Cemetery. Please omit flowers. MURPHY— In this' city. May 22. 1895, Lawrence Murphy, a native of Ireland, aged 68 years. < • I IS" Friends • and acquaintances am respect- ; fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 7:15 o'clock a. m.. from the chapel of St. Mary's Hospital, where a solemn requiem " mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at the above hour. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Remains at parlon of MoAvoy <& Gallagher, 2"0 Fifth street. v ' MIXLER-In this city. May 232 1895, Frederick ; Miller, a native of Germany, aged 70 years: •■ • , RAPHAEL— In Lorln, May 23, 1895, George, beloved son of James G. and Maggie A. Raphael, : ■. aged 1 year and 4 months. , . -.-; " ;.. ■"",•„..'..* . 4Ss"lnterment private. : . ' SCHWERIN— In this city. May 23, 1895, Edward, beloved husband of Antonette Schwerin, father of Edward, Oustave, Henry and Edith fcSchwerin, and brother of Henry and Charles 'Schwerin and ■ Mrs. L. Melslng and Mrs. C. Kohler, . a Dative ot Hanover, Germany, aged 66 years and 3 days. A member of Walhalla Encamp- ' ment No. 7. I. O. O. F., Schillerhaln No, 11, ;" U. A. O. D.. Ivy Lodge No. 1716, K. of H. --. ■ j(SS*Frlends and . acquaintances are resDect- ' fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at. 1 o'clock p. m., from his late resi- dence, 314 Va Twenty-fourth street, thence to Odd Fellows' Hall, corner Market and Seventh streets, • where the funeral services . will .be held at 2 o'clock p. m., under the auspices of Germania Lodge No. 116, 1. O. O. F. Interment 1. O. O. F. Cemetery. >■• . ..' "• .. • : • .. •■ " ' SMITH— In this city. May ■ 23, • 1895, Samuel B. I Smith, nephew or M. J. and Mrs. A.J*;. Henley, and cousin of .Homer S. and Charles Henley.'Mrs. Franc Morgan, Mrs. J. Emma Sosso, a native of Shasta County, Cal., aged 38 years and 26 days. ..'. *srFrlends and. acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at. 3 o'clock p. M., from the par- lors of Halsted & Co., 946 Mission street. • Interment,' Georgetown, El . Dorado County, Cal. WHITE-In thin city, 1 May 22, 1 1895 r Mrs. Jessie Whit*, a native of Scotland, aged 70 years. .. - ZURMUHLEN— In this city, May 22, Henry August Zurmuhlen, a native of Germany, aged 67 yean. : ■ ' -. '.....•• " •■..•'■:..- -m ,IWITEI» UNDERTAKERS' ; ' EMBALMING PARLORS. . ■< i Everything BcqnUlte for Flrst-ciau KuneraU ' • - . at Reasonable Rates. '■+;■■>■£ H ■■■ Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 Fifth street, g .-■- ■■■ ; , — -, — "" — ~~ — rr.t ! I WICAVOY A GALLAGHER, FUNERAL DIRECTORS & EMBALHKSS, 0 80 Fifth St., Opp. I/incoin School. [ •■ .' I- Telephone 8080. CYPRESS lawn CEMETERY^ . SAW MATEO COUNTY: NON-SECTARIAN; ' A laid out on the lawn plan; perpetual care; bean- tiful, permanent and easy of access ; see It beton boy tug a burial place elsewhere. ' ' . v City Office. 9 CUt Hall Aveuu*. ■ 15