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REVENUE LAWS HOLD Have Not Been Affected by the Income-Tax Decision. MR. ELDRIDGE'S OPINION. The Los Angeles Political Economist Replies to Colonel Smithson. ONE CLASS IS INVALIDATED. He Believes License Taxes on Liquor-Dealers Cannot Now Be Imposed. LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 24.— The re cent decision of the United States Supreme Court pronouncing the income-tax law un constitutional, and the opinion in connec tion therewith of Colonei Noble Smithson of Knoxville, Term., that the decision has invalidated the internal revenue laws, was the subject of an interview with Charles Wesley Eldridge, an attorney in this city, to-day. Eldridge spent twenty-five years in the internal revenue service, and is the author of the work entitled "The United States Internal Revenue Tax System," which is to-day perhaps the best and clear est exponent of the internal revenue sys tem of the United States, and is accepted as one of the best authorities on the sub ject. "I have read Colonel Smithson's opinion to the effect that the Supreme Court's decis ion in the income cases practically invali dates all internal revenue taxes, but I do not think it is sound," said Mr. Eldridge. "It must be remembered that only an ab stract of Chief Justice Fuller's opinion has been transmitted by telegraph, and it may be erroneously reported. "There is only one phrase in the opin ion, as contained in the press report. which would seem to give color to Smithson's position, which is as follows : 'The power to tax real and personal property and the income from both, through apportionment, is conceded ; that such a tax is a direct tax in the meaning of the constitution has not been denied, and in our judgment cannot be successfully denied.' I think that the words 'such a tax' in this phrase refer to income taxes and not to the power to tax real and personal property. The only thing that the opinion decided is that an impost on the income from real and personal property is a direct tax, and cannot be laid under the constitution unless apportioned among the States according to population.'' Mr. EJdridge quotes the language of the constitution as follows: Sec. 8 (1). The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and «-?:rbes to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts end ex -iiallbe uniform throughout the United States. Bee 9 (4). No capitation or other direct tax ■ball be laid unless in proportion to the census or enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken. "The Supreme Court decided in 1815, in. toe. ca«e of Hilton againet the United BtatCM <3 Dallas 131), that direct taxes were j only capitation taxes and taxes on real estate, and this has always been under stood as the constitutional meaning up to the present time," he continued. "Inter nal taxes on spirits, tobacco and beer have always been called, both in this country and Kncland, excises on duties. The ear liest internal revenue act, passed March 3, 1791, by a congress which included many of the makers of the constitution, calls the tax on domestic spirits a duty. The taxes on spirits, beer and tobacco have always been classed by all political economists as indirect taxes, because they are uitimately paid by the consumers. "It is not to be believed that the opinion of the Chief Justice, when revised for pub lication, will contain anything invalidat ing these taxes. It would simply throw all the taxing powers of the Government as heretofore understood into utter con fusion and wipe $140,000,000 annually from the revenue; for it is not supposable that any administration would undertake the farcical absurdity of apportioning such taxes according to population. "There is one class of internal revenue taxes, however, which I think is logically invalidated by this decision, and it is those comprising the special or annual license taxes on wholesale and retail liquor-deal ers, rectifiers, brewers and manufacturers and dealers in oleomargarine. These pro duce about $9,000,000 a year. It would seem that a personal tax on an individual for the right to do business ought to be considered a direct tax if there is any such thing, otherwise we have the monumental absurdity of declaring that the tax on the income from a man's business is a direct tax, whereas the tax on the man's right to do the business is an indirect tax. "The fact is that no one has been able to determine exactly what the makers of the constitution meant by tbe phrase 'direct taxes' either at the time or since the con stitution was adopted. The Supreme Court eariy in this century found it neces sary to make a definition of tins term, which they did in the case of Hilton vs. the United States; and having given the definition, it should have been left undis turbed." SAN JOSE'S FAIR GUESTS. Opening of the Methodist Woman's Missionary Soci ety Conference. Thomas McNally's Petition of In solvency Opposed— Arrest of a Bicycle Thief. SAN JOSE, Cal., May 24.— The annual convention of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Pacific Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South opened to-day at the church of that denomination in this city. Mrs. W. K. Jenkines presided in the absence of the president, Mrs. Dr. Hannon, and delivered an address of wel come. Mrs. Radcliffe of Merced responded on behalf of the delegates. The following delegates are present : Mrs. Preston, corresponding secretary, Peta luma; Mrs. Moores, recording secretary. San Francisco; Mrs. Stephen:;on, auditor, Alameda; Mrs. W. K. .Tenkines, secretary of the San Francisco district; Mrs. Dr. Maupin, secretary of Fresno district ; Mrs. C. D. Radcliffe, secretary of the Merced district; Mrs. Anderson, Sacramento; Mrs. Steele, Santa Rosa; Mrs. P. Oppcn heiuier, San Francisco; Mrs. George Baugh. Oakland; Mrs. Short, Hollister: ! Mrs. Bodley, San Jose ; Mr.«. Cox and Mrs. >. McKnitt, Alameda. Encouraging reports of work were read from Butte. Mont., Petaluma, Santa Rosa, San Francisco and Fresno. Miss Howard, a noted missionary, de livered an entertaining lecture this even ing. The convention will be in session the balance of the week. Sues to Foreclose. SAN JOSE, Cal., May 24.— James Har less to-day commenced an action to fore close against Dominico Giannini on a promissory note for $1500, executed May 3, 1898. The note was secured by a mort gage on a house and lot at Evergreen. Harless alleges that Giannini has neg lected the place, and also that a receiver be appointed to collect the rent of the house, which is at present $20 per month, and that the money be employed in paying interest on the note and keeping the place in repair untii such time as judgment shall be rendered. Alleges Fraud. SAN JOSE, Cal., May 24.— A. W. Mc- Cabe to-day riled a petition asking that the petition of insolvency of Thomas McNally be denied. In the petition it is set forth that McNally committed a fraudulent act and transferred to his wife, Catherine Mc- Nally. eighty acres of land in Shasta County about the time his petition to be declared an insolvent debtor was filed. To Administer a Large Estate. SAN JOSE, Cal., May 24.— Guy Douglas has applied for letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Douglas, who died in New London, Conn., January 27, 1895. The deceased left real and personal prop erty in this county valued at $18,500. The heirs are Guy Douelas (the petitioner), Emma Douglas of New London, Conn., and Robert H. Douglas of San Diego. lie Stole a Bicycle. SAN JOSE. Cal.. May 24.— W. H. Smith, a 17-year-old boy who stole a bicycle from L. M. Hale on May 10, has been arrested in San Francisco. A warrant was issued to-day charging him with felony, and he will be brought back and prosecuted. SURVEYORS AT FRESNO Engineers Are Staking Out the Route of the Competing Railroad. The First Line South of the City Will Be Run by Way of Hanford. FRESNO, Cal., May 24.— A party of seven engineers, superintended by A. R. Guppy, began the running of the pre liminary survey for the Valley road this morning. The first work is being done in I the southwestern part of town, indicating that the route will be by way of Hanford. If the road branches here the other line will be surveyed through the southeastern part of town and thence to Visalia. The line wili be run out of town to morrow and on the following day the party will pitch camp a few miles south of the city. Tee Sing's Murder Premeditated. FRESNO, Cal., May 24.— The testimony at the inquest on the body of Yee Sing, the ' Chinaman killed by Gen Gee yesterday m >rnin<r, indicates premeditated murder, i The preliminary examination has not taken I p;ace. _______________ SANTA BARBARA MYSTERY. H. H. Mayer, a Los Angeles Newspaper Man, Suddenly Disappears. It Is Feared the Missing Man Met With Foul Play or Committed Suicide. SANTA BARBARA, Cal., May 24. -H. H. Mayer of the Los Angeles Herald, who, on the loth of May, registered at the Com- mercial Hotel in this place, has mys teriously disappeared, under circumstances that point to suicide or foul play. Mayer was a canvasser for the Herald, and was taking orders for enlarged portraits offered as premiums to subscribers. On the even ing of the 16th of May he went to the end of the car line on Bath street with two young ladies, one of them being in the employ of a prominent citizen residing in Edge Oak Park. The next day he called upon Bert Baker, the "Wells-Fargo express-driver, and asked him for the loan of a revolver, and explain ing that he had been invited to call upon one of the ladies that night, and as the way was dark and lonely and he carried considerable money, he desired to defend himself against footpads. He started out that evening, ostensibly to make this call, and has not been seen or heard from since. The young lady says he did not present himself there that night. No motive can be assigned for Mayer's deliberate departure. Charles Collins claims to have seen him board a Los An geles train on the night in question, and if so the suicide or foul play theory re solves itself into one of flight. However, a thoroueh search of the lonely road traversed by Mayer that night will be made to-morrow. THE LADYBIRD WAJt. Value of the Seale-Vtatroying Insect a Subject of Dispute. SANTA BARBARA, Cal., May 24.— A. J. McClatchey and Abbott Kinney, promi nent horticulturists, to-day came up from Los Angeles to investigate the "ladybird war" that is on here between Professor Snow, representing the Slate Board of Horticulture and the imported scale-de vouring insects, on the one hand, and Duke Farnsworth Baiter, superintendent of the great lemon ranch owned by Will H. Crocker in Montecito, on the other hand. Mr. Baxter asserts that the ladybird has not fulfilled the promises of its patrons, that the scale are on the increase, and that relying upon this alien insect vagabond has been a decided detriment to citrus fruit growers, as they have thereby been deterred from ascertaining the value of the native ladybird, as well as usin<" various washes and sprays. The gentlemen will make a thorough investigation and report results. fighting for James Dow' a Property. \ . SANTA BARBARA, Cal., May 24.— The Supjrior Court to-day affirmed the validity of the deeds made by the late James Dow transferring some $60,000 worth of property to his wife. A jury was drawn to decide the case. The attorneys state that an ap peal will be made to the Supreme Court. For many years the Government has given its orders for Royal Baking Powder in preference to all others, it being found by the official examination superior to the others in strength and purity and the only baking powder that will keep and retain its Strength in the climates of the various countries to which it is sent by the depart ments. THE SAN FFANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1895. HOLDING THEIR OWN Berkeley Students the Best of American • Athletes. THEY WIN NINE PLACES. Opening of -the Intercollegiate Contests on the New York Oval. THE TEAM CLEVERLY HANDLED. Eleven Californlans Who Can Suc cessfully Cope With Any Team of Their Number. NEW YORK, N. V., May 24.-The Cali fornians to-day clearly proved themselves superior to the greatest American ath letes. With but ten men entered in nine events, they qualified for nine places. Yale is expected to win the games to morrow, and Yale with forty men quali fied for less than twenty-five places. To day has fully demonstrated that the eleven Californians could successfully cope with their number chosen from any colleee. The games, which were held at Berkeley Oval, commenced promptly at 2 p. m. In the first event, the 100-yard dash, t Barnes was withdrawn, leaving Scoggins I alone to fight against the sixty-three re j maining entries. He was unequal to the I task, losing his heat to Champion Rams dell in 10 1-5 seconds. Barnes, the sole Californian in the fur long, after leading a fierce race for 200 yards, was beaten out at the finish in 22 2-5 seconds. Scoggins was "boxed" in his heat of the quarter, finishing third. His time, how ever, was caugnt at 52 2-5 seconds. Koch ran his heat magnificently, pulling out from the crowd and winning at the finish in 51 4-5 seconds. He ran the crack Har vard flyer, Marshall, completely off his feet. California had no entry in the half or mile runs. The handling of the U. C. team was wonderful. In the first heat Dyer, U. C, was pitted against Bijar, the Columbia champion, and Cady, the 15 4-5 seconds Yale-Harvard and intercollegiate champion. It was a beautiful race. Dyer leading from start to finish, winning from Cady in 1(3 seconds flat. Dyer showed fine form and was ren dered a regular ovation for his victory. The second heat brought out Chase, the holder of the world's 15 3-5 seconds record, Perkins, the Yale 16-second man, and Tor rey of California. Chase won by a yard, with Torrey second, in 15 4-5 seconds. The time of the third heat was 16 2-5 seconds. There were five heats in the 220-yard hurdle race and Torrey and Dyer ran in the two fastest heats. Torrey ran in 25 2-5 sec. and Dyer took second in 24 4-5 sec. Torrey ran very strongly, winning his heat hands down. The Mott Haven record is 2.5 1-5 sec. and the U. C. record had been 26 2-5 sec. There is no doubt that Cali fornia has the finest hurdle team in America. The high jump was a general surpise. Paine of Harvard, Breeker of Cornell and Koch of California qualified with 5 feet 9J^ inches, Winsor and Leslie of Pennsylvania barely entering in the finals with an inch Edgren and four Yale men qualified in the hammer throw, Patterson, the Cornell giant, being shut out. Dozier's bicycle was run into as he was speeding into the stretch in the lead, but still he qualified for the finals. Thus Cal ifornia will have nine place-men in the finals to-morrow. Koch in the quarter and high jump, Edgren in the hammer, Dyer and Torrey in both hurdle races, Dozier in the bicycle and Merwin in the walk. The Californians feel elated with their success, and have greatly surprised the col lege men here. One thing is certain, while the Univer sity of California can only expect a few points to-morrow the men who defeat them will have to make some great records. AMID KALEIDOSCOPIC CONORS.' How the College Athletes Appeared on Mrrkeley Oval. BERKELEY OVAL, N. V., May 24.— j The twentieth annual iield meeting of the I Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes began to-day at this oval. The i track and field were in excellent condition. The attendance was not as large as might have been expected. Shortly after noon the infield presented a kaleidoscopic ap pearance, with the blue and gold of Cali fornia, Princeton's yellow and black, i Philadelphia's crimson and black, Yale's blue, Columbia's white and blue, Harvard's crimson and all other college colors as the ; different contestants intermingled. There were 600 odd entries for the scheduled events, and promptly at 2 1 o'clock ''Father Bill" Curtis, the referee, \ called the boys to the scratch for the 100 --yard dash. There were seven heats run off in this event, but none of the contestants succeeded in doing the distance in 10 flat. John V. Crum of lowa, who did it in 10 1-5 seconds, is looked upon by all colleges as I the likely winner of the 100 and 220 yard dashes, when the finals will we run off to morrow. B. Dyer of California won the first heat of the 120-yard hurdle from E. H. Cady of Yale, in 16 sec, but S. Chase of Dartmouth did the trick in a fifth of a second less, de feating Dyer's side partner, Torrey, by a narrow margin. Every one who saw the races will look out for an interesting tussle between Chase and Dyer in the finals to morrow. In the two-mile bicycle race R. E. Manley of Swarthmore broke the asso ciation record of 5:15 in the good time of 5 :07 3-5. In the field events Hickok of Yale outdid himself by throwing the 16-pound hammer 132 feet 10 inches, breaking his association and college records, which were 123 feet 9 inches and 129 feet hy 2 inches respectively. In pole vaulting Hoyt of Harvard, Thomas of Yale and Buckholstof Pennsyl vania got over the bar 10 feet 9 inches, while Stewart of Pennsylvania, Tyler of Princeton and Allen of Yale managed to go 9 feet 6 inches. The six men meet in the finali to-morrow. In putting the 16-pound shot Hickok of Yale beat his association record of 42 feet with a score of 42 feet llj^ inches. The winners of the trial events follow: First trials, 100-yard dash, seven beats— F N. Allen, Princeton, 10 1-5 seconds; M. G. Gonterman, Harvard, 10 1-5 seconds; John V. Crum, lowa. 10 1-5; H. G. Patterson, Williams 14*2-5; R. M. Ramsdell, Pennsylvania, 10 l-5 : Ralph Dorr, Princeton, 10 1-5; F. A. Lane Princeton, 10 2-5. Second trial, 100-yard dash— William Rich ards, Yale, 10 1-5 seconds; J. V. Crum lowa 10 1-5; R. E. Ramsdell, Pennylvania, 10 1-5* H. 8. Patterson, Williams, 10 2-5. Hurdle, 120 yards— E. Dyer, California, 16 seennds; S. Chase, Dartmouth, 15 4-S:G. B. Hatch, Yale, 16 1-5. Half-mile run —E. Hollister, Harvard, 2:04 1-3; Charles Kilpatrlck, Union, 2:11. Two-mile bicycle race— F. Howard, Colum bia, 6:19 1-5; W. H. Fearing Jr., Columbia, 5:38 3-5; E. Hill, Yale, 6:52 1-5; E. C. Hein rtch, Yale, 6:2S 4-5; E. Williams, Columbia, 5:42 3-5; R. Manley, Pwarrhmore, 5:07 3-5; H. C. Rurdette, Harvard, 7:08 4-5. 440-yard dash— R. I. Sterrit, Pennsylvania, 51 3-5"; P. R. Freeman, Pennsylvania, 52 2-5; F. C. Koch, California, 51 4-5. 220-yard hurdle— J. L. Bremer Jr.. Harvard, :27 ;E. E. Perkins, Yale, 25 4-5 ; L. P. Sheldon, Yale, 26 2-5 ; H. Torrey, California, 25 2-5. 220-yard dash— W. M. Richards, Yale, 22 2-5 sec; F. H. Bigelow. Harvard, 22 3-5; John V. Cruin, lowa, 22 1-5; E. S. Ramsdell, Pennsyl vania, 22 3-5 ; Ralph Derral, Princeton, 22 1-5. Throwing 16-pound hammer— W. O. Hickok, Yale, first, distance 132 feet 10 inches; H. Cross, Yale, 128 feet 6 inches; C. C. Hadwick, Yale, 119 feet 9 inches; R. \X. Edgren, Califor nia, 117 feet 8 inches; R. A. Hickok, Yale, distance 117 feet 6^ inches. Putting IG-pound shot— W. O. Hickok, Yale, first, 42 leet 11^2 inches; A. A. Knipe, Penn sylvania, 40 feel 4V£ inches; A. Brown, Yale, 30 feet 10 inches; K. K. Kubliu, Harvard, 38 feet 3 inches; H. Cross, Yale, 36 feet 9} finches. Running broad jump— L. P. Shelton. Yale, first, distance 22 feet inch; A. Stickney Jr., Harvard, 22 feet 3\£ inches; W. B. RodVers. Princeton, 21 feet ti inches; G. C. Clark, Har vard, 21 feet 3^ 4 inches; P. L. Duulap, Har vard, 21 feet 2 inches. Pole vault— F. W. Henth, Harvard, C. Buck holse, Pennsylvania, and H. C. Thomas, Yale, each cleared'lo feet 9 inches; W. A. Stewart, Pennsylvania, A. C. Tyler, Princeton, and G. M. Allen, Yale, each cleared 10 feet 6 inches. LOSING THEIR TOWJ/ XOXA. Residents of Creede Mave Their Entries Cancelled. CREEDE, Colo., May 24.— A private tel egram received here last evening stated that the entry of the townsite of Creed more had been cancelled. Two or three on the inside took advantage of the infor mation to relocate after midnight every unimproved lot in that portion of the in corporated city of Creede. There is much speculation to-day as to whether the new claimants will at once proceed to erect brick buildings as provided by the city ordinance, and whether it can be possible that the Government will allow people to lose their payments on thet.u lots when through no fault of theirs. There have been delays in proving up title. All the lots lie along Main street. OPPOSE MORE SESSION There Is a Disagreement at the Presbyterian General Assembly. Matters of Great Interest to the Church, However, Are Duly Considered. PITTSBURG, Pa., May 24.-The atten- ! tion of the Presbyterian General Assembly to-day was occupied by things of impor tance to the denomination, but of no sen sational interest. A million-dollar fund, continued annual sessions and the deliver- i ance of temperance and fraternal greetings from other ecclesiastical boards completed the catalogue. The regular business of the assembly was much delayed by the amount Of time occupied by the speeches of the i delegates from the outside. At the afternoon session of the assembly : a chance was given to the movement to se- j cure biennial or triennial sessions of the i assemblies in place of the annual meetings. It was strongly advocated by the presby tery of Lackawaona, and it was opposed ; by representatives from Philadelphia and ! New York. It was objected to on the pro posal that in many minds it had origin ated in a loss of respect for the general i assembly, as well as from a dislike for the | doctrinal discussions of the past few years. The larger part of the afternoon was de voted to hearing delegates from other j ecclesiastical bodies. From the United ! Presbyterian General Assembly greetings j were brought by Rev. Dr. Wallace, the statistical clerk, Dr. John T. McNaughter j of Alleghany and Professor W. C. More- | head of Xenia, Ohio. The Walden Church of Italy was represented by Rev. Fran- j Cisco Rostan, and the General Synod of i the Reformed Church in the United States l by Rev. John A. Peters. Dr. William T. j Sabin of New York spoke on behalf of the j General Synod of the Recorded Episcopal | Church. After an address by Dr. George Matthews of London, representing the Pan-Presby terian Alliance, the moderator, Dr. Booth, i made a suitable reply in behalf of the ! assembly. The assembly then adjourned! until Saturday morning. At the afternoon session of the United j Presbyterians a committee was appointed | to secure a new metrical version of the psalms that would be acceptable to all factions. The remainder of the session was taken up in the trial of Dr. W. H. Blair of Adamsville, Pa., where he had been convicted of selling liquor on pre scriptions to minors and habitual drunk ards. The case will be continued to-mor morrow. PARADE OF THE CHILDREN. Eighty Thousand Sunday-School Pupils Turn Out in Brooklyn. BROOKLYN, N. V., May 24.— Eighty thousand children, representing 186 Sun day-schools or twelve divisions, paraded in Brooklyn this afternoon in honor of the sixty-sixth anniversary of the Brooklyn Sunday-school Union. The parade was reviewed dy ex-President Harrison, Prince Francis Joseph of Battenberg. Sir Bruce Burnside, Commissioner of the British Government to New Zealand, Mayor Shier en, Lee Aigeltinger, president of the Sun day-school Union, and William Roberts, his chief marshal. President Cleveland and Ruth Cleveland were invited, but sent a letter of regret. The exercises be gan in the various designated churches at 2:30 p. m., after which the children paraded through the various streets in the neigh borhood of their churches. PLEASED WITH THE TRIP. Mr. Spreckels, Wife and Itaughter Sail Front Gotham for Europe. NEW YORK, N. V., May 24.— Claus Spreckels, wife and daughter sailed from here to-day on the steamship Normandie for Europe. Mr. Spreckels when seen by the Call correspondent, just as he entered his stateroom, expressed himself as pleased with his trip overland and delighted with the thought that he was free from his en grossing labors for at least a few months. Strikers Appeal for Aid. CHICAGO, iLL., May 24.— The striking brick-makers have appealed to the Brick layers' Union for aid in their light against the bosses who refused to pay the union scale of wages. At the bricklayers' meet ing to-night it is understood that a resolu tion will be passed to boycott all but union made brick. The strikers made threaten ing demonstrations to-day at two or three points where brick are being unloaded from cars, but were dispersed by police. As a matter of useful information it may be stated that whenever a cooking receipt calls for a baking powder the "Royal" should be used. The receipt will be found to work better and surer, and the bread, biscuit, rolls, cakes, dumplings, crusts puddings, crullers or whatever made, will be sweeter, lighter, finer-flavored, more dainty, palatable and wholesome. DENIES THE STORIES General Schofield Says He Is Not After the Presidency. NEVER CONSIDERED IT. But the Aged Soldier Has De cided Views on the Silver Question, WHICH ARE NOT REVEALED. Speaker Crisp's Interview Probably Started the Boom for the Veteran. SAN ANTONIO, Tex., May 24.— General John Scbofield, to whom have been at tributed Presidential aspirations, denied emphatically to a correspondent of the' Associated Press that he had ever enter tained the subject for an instant. He was seen this afternoon at Fort Sam Hous ton, just after he had witnessed a cavalry drill. When asked if it was true, as reported, that, he would be a candidate for the Dem ocratic Presidential nomination on a free coinage platform he at first laughed, and then with a suspicion of indignation in his voice, said : "I have never had , that matter under i consideration," and General SchGtiled j looked as if he were really angry. >^;: v v ; "Would you, if you should be a candi- : I date at all, run on a free coinage platform?" was asked. .. ( :.,. < ;.'• . t . . . ' "That is an issue," he replied, "on which 1 I have very firm convictions, having studied the question for many years, but I j am sure the American people care abso | lutely nothing for- my opinion on the sil- I ver question, so that any expression of my j views would be entirely gratuitous. As to | rumors that I would be a candidate for the ! Presidency, of course I have heard them, j but 1 do not know how, when or where j they originated. Those who have been l using my name in such connection have ■ done so without authority." General Schofield was asked if he would consent to become a candidate if he should be urged, but he would give no committing answer, reiterating, -'I have, never given : any consideration to that question." He was asked if Speaker Crisp's inter ■ view, in which he announced himself in favor of some Western man with a military i record, aided in giving birth to the rumor, I he said that it might possibly be, but he i did not know. He expressed himself as delighted with his visit to Houston during . the Confederate reunion. "I was profoundly impressed with the loyalty evinced by the old Confederates," he added, "and I shall always recall that visit as one of the happiest incidents in my i life." General Schofie!d will leave in the morn ing for El Paso. " WHY HOT SCHOFIKLD?" I One Missouri Paper Vrges the General for. the Presidency. ST. LOUIS, Mo., May 24.— 1n a leading | editorial to-day, under the heading "Way | Not Schofield ?" the Post-Dispatch advo i cates Lieutenant - General Schofield for i President, and says: "Lieutenant-General i Schofield, who will retire from the army i next fall, exactly meets the requirements ■ and he possesses other qualifications. Illinois will name the next President. ! General Schofield is perhaps the most cele ; brated living citizen of Illinois. He is the son of a Baptist preacher and was born ; and raised on a farm. "The next President must be acceptable ' to Missouri, as the meeting ground of f West and South. General Schofield has more friends in Missouri on both sides than i any other Union officer." HAD A TERRIBLE RIDE Laborers on a Push-Car Go Like Lightning Down a Grade. One Man Hurled to His Death and Twelve Others Received Serious Injury. DENVER, Colo., May 24.— A special to the News from Como, Colo., says: A ter rible accident happened on the newly opened Gunnison branch of the Denver, Leadville and Gunnison Railroad this even ing, which resulted in the death of one man. Twelve others were seriously injured, one probably fatally. They were all on a pushcar, which became uncontrollable and shot down the heavy grade like lightning. The men became frightened and jumped from the car with the following results: Charles Michaelson, killed; John Brady, head injured, probably fatally; Patrick Griffin, scalp wound ; Fred Bauer, scalp wound; Patrick Rames. sprained knee; Joe Conway, injured in back and leg; John Mullen, back and head injured ; Mike Dorkin, back hurt; Pete Bale}', collar bone broken; Frank Mehan, side injured; Charles Swanson, scalp wound ; Pat De laney, hip injured ; John Dillon, scalp wound. Superintendent Raney, with a special train, is on his way to Denver with the in jured nu?n, who were taken to the hos pital. Michaelson, who was killed, was from Denver. They were ail laboring men employed in cleaning the track at the east end of the tunnel. Killed Mis Child and Himself. CHICAGO, 111., May 24.— Louis Krac man, a Bohemian, despondent over the loss of work and unable to properly pro vide for his three-year-old daughter, shot and killed the child and then put a bullet through his own brain. Mrs. Kracman was at work, but returned home only to find the dead bodies and a note from her husband explaining the tragedy. Was Abe Lincoln's Friend. OMAHA, Nebk., May 24.— A special to the Bee from Hot Springs, 8. Dak., says: General J. B. Hawley, general attorney for the Northwestern in Nebraska, ex-Sec retary of the Treasury, and a personal friend of Abraham Lincoln, died suddenly here to-day. His home was at Omaha. ' Earnings of Two Roads. NEW YORK, N. V., May 24.— The report of the Oregon Short Line and Utah North ern Railroad for the year ending December 31, 1894, shows gross earnings of $5,046,682, a decrease of $814,952. The operating ex penses amounted to $3,673,707, an increase of $11,562; the net earnings were $1,372,975, a decrease of $926,514. The total net in come $1,249,950. a decrease of $1,527,750; charges, $2,803,681, decrease, $212,845; deficit, $1,553,731, an increase of $1,315,230. In the land de-partment there was a deficit of $296,540, against a deficit of $122,901 in 1893. The balance credited to the land and trust income up to December 31, 1894, was $24,455,729. WOULD CAUSE A COAL FAMISE. General Strike of Eastern Miners May Soon Be Ordered. WHEELING, W. Va., May 24.— Michael Ratchford, president of the Ohio Mine workers' Association, in an address here to-day predicted that the convention to be held at Coiumbus, on May 29, will order a general strike of miners in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. A coal famine worse than that of a year ago will follow if this action is taken. Ratchford has been working among miners of this section for two weeks, and has them thoroughly organized. Henry Villard lit Active. NEW YORK, N. V., May 24.— Henry "Villard is said to be taking an active inter est in the Oregon Improvement contest on the side of the present (Starbuck) manage ment, and there are indications that the latter is trying to strengthen its position by the purchase of stock in the market, it being a lawful vote upon actual certificates under the laws of the organization. -l.v/(i.«/.n Reorganization. NEW YORK. N. V., May 24.— The reor ganization committee of the Atchison road has received deposits of $52,392,500 general mortgage bonds. Certificates of deposit for this amount were issued by the committee, and they have been listed on the Stock Exchange. Off With the Company's Money. OMAHA, Nebr., May 24.— A. L. Brain ard, the confidential bookkeeper of the livestock firm of Garrow, Kelly & Co., with branches at Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City, has disappeared with $10,000 of the company's money. He was seen in Chica cago Saturday. Lord Alfred's Regret. PARIS, France, May 24.— The Temps to-day publishes a telegram from Lord Alfred Douglas, dated Rouen, expressing his regret at the fact that it was his brother, Lord Douglas of Hawick, and not himself, who "corrected" their father. Bad Health Causes a Suicide. CLINTON, Ky., May 24.— Mrs. Victoria Machen, widow of the late United States Senator W. B. Machen, committed suicide at the home of her sister to-day by shoot ing herself through the head with a pistol. Bad health unbalanced her mind. Carlisle in Kentucky. BOWLING GREEN, Ky., May 24.— The Hon. John G. Carlisle, accompanied by his private secretary, arrived here to-day from Memphis. Mr. Carlisle is feeling quite well, although he is a little hoarse. He will speak in the opera-house to-morrow. QUEENSBERRY SATISFIED. Oscar Wilde, He Says, Has Been Sufficiently Pun ished. Now He Is Willing to Wager at Great Odds That the Esthete Is Not Convicted. LONDON, Eng.. May 24.— There was the usual crowd at the Old Bailey court room to-day when Sir Edward Clarke ad dressed the jury in behalf of Oscar Wilde, charged with serious misdemean ors. Wilde was called to the witness-box and given a chair, as he seemed to be broken down. In answer to questions he related how he had been on terni6 of intimacy with the Marquis of Queensberry's family for years, and entirely denied the charges made against him. Sir Frank Lockwood, solicitor-general, at the conclusion of the address of Sir Edward Clarke, began a severe cross-ex amination of the defendant, which lasted over an hour. Sir Edward Clarke briefly re-examined Wilde and then made his tinal address to the jury, asking them to save the defendant from the ruin of his reputation, which, he added, had been nearly quenched by the torrent of prejudice in the press. [Ap plause.] Sir Frank Lockwood followed for the prosecution, but he had barely begun his address when the court was adjourned for the day. The Marquis of Queensberry is quoted as saying: "I do not wish to see Wilde fur ther punished. He has suffered enough. I only want to keep the beast from my son. Every one knows Wilde is no better than Alfred Taylor." Asked as to what he thought would be the verdict, he said: ''lam willing to forfeit 1000 to 1 that Wilde is acquitted. There are many names back of this thing." SPEED OF THE LUCANIA Great Average Made by the Big Liner on the Run to Queenstown. Much ice Encountered, but All Pre vious Records Are Broken. QUEEN STOWN. Exg.. May 24.— The Cunard liner Lucania, Captain McKay, from New York May 18, has beaten her daily average speed record. She made the trip in 5 days, 11 hours and 40 minutes, being 3 hours and 3 minutes behind her own eastward record of 5 days, 8 hours and 3 minutes, made in September, 1894, but on the trip just completed the Lncania made an average daily speed of 22.01 knots per hour. He best previous daily speed record was 21.89 knots, made in June, 1894. The Lucania, according to her log, passed Sandy Hook lightship at 2:24 p. m. on Sat urday last, May 18, and arrived off Dannts Rock at 6:40 a. m. to-day. Her daily runs were: 431, 405, 524, 522, 517 and 388 miles. In latitude 48deg. 35 mm. north and lon gitude 22 deg. 45 mm. west sne passed a derelict, whose timbers were showing six feet above water. On May 20 the steamer met with much ice. The United States cruiser Columbia was not sighted by the Lucania after the latter passed Sandy Hook. The cruiser passed the Hook twenty minutes after the Lucania. There was no race between the two ships. Whenever the Government wants the most trustworthy article and the best in quality it prefers the Royal, as this brand was found to be superior to all others in leavening power by the official chemical tests, made at the instance of the Govern ment, in the Agricultural Department at Washington. TWO MEN LYNCHED. Enraged Farmers Break Into an Illinois Jail. PRISONERS TAKEN AWAY The Police Unable to Control the Determined Mob of Avengers. BATTERED IN THE DOOR. The Father of an Injured Girl Urges on the Crowd to Deadly Work. BLOOMINGTOX, 111., May 24.— The Pantagraph's Danville (111.), special says: At midnights mob of farmers attacked the Vermillion County Jail to secure John Halls Jr. and William Koyce, who as saulted Miss Laura Barnett last night. Sheriff ".Thompson denied them admis sion. The mob procured a telegraph pole and used ft as a battering-ram. After repeated efforts to break down the outer jaildoor with the telegraph pole, which produced little or no effect, the crowd momentarily desisted in its efforts. Sheriff Thompson, his wife and Deputy Sheriff Sloane beseeched them to disperse. P. V. Barrett, the father of the injured girl, said her blood demanded vengeance. His reply was wildly applauded. By this time a railroad tie was secured and witn three blows the outward door was battered in. The besiegers thronged in and commenced work on the inner doar. At this writing (2. a. m.) they are pound ing away on the inner door and searching the garret. The police and peace officers are unable to control the mob, and nothing will save the lives of Halls and Royce if they can be found. Later— The mob has got both men and taken them to a bridge in the P^ast End to hang them. The work is probably done by this time. The jail is deserted and everybody gone to the bridge, and yells are heard from the mob there. "I find the Royal Baking Powder su perior to all the others in every re3pect. It is entirely free from all adulteration and unwholesome impurity, and in baking it gives off a greater volume of leavening gas than any other powder. "Walter S. Hahtxs, M.D." Chemist to the Chicago Board of Health. I'onth no lAinyer a Britisher' NEW YORK. N. V., May 21— Ballington ; Booth of the Salvation Army and his wife i are no longer British subjects. They for mally renounced allegiance to the Queen i of England and all other foreign rulers in ! the County Clerk's office in the Hudson i County courthouse, on Jersey City I Heights, and they have taken the oath of | allegiance to the United States, adminis tered by Judge Kenny. » ill Tfoi lixli,: ilordon. LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 24.— The Jeffer j son County Grand Jury has refused to in ! diet Fulton Gordon tor the double killing I of his wife and Arch Brown, son of Ken ; tacky 'b Governor, whom Gordon found in ; a bedroom together four weeks ago. AVOID GOLDS. You Must M Change Yonr Clothing so Soon— You Must Not Sit in Draughts— You Must Be Careful. A DOCTOR'S STRICT ADVICE. | i j Many Persons Wno Are Now Suffering Would Have Been Wei! and Happy Had They Been Careful. DON'T OVER-EXERT YOURSELF. What Is Dangerous and What Is Not Dangerous— A Good Home Remedy. I saw the doctor yesterday. He was in a good humor. His patient bad recovered. She was now convalescent. Every one had ex- pected her to die. The doctor wanted to talk. I could just see it in his eyes. He did talk, and what he said will be of benefit to many of us. Said h»: "People become sick through their own carelessness. They won't take care of themselves. Sometimes I think the State ought to take care of heedless people. Notice that man. He hawks and spits. You can see he has passed a restless night. You look at his eyes. Don't they denote a languid, dull, heavy feeling. Well, he has been up at night until all hours. He has been working downtown all day. What's the result? A c 'ld, a cough, and then worse unless he is careful. People should Keep their blood in gooa condition. They should be regular. People should take a blood laxative— some herb remedy. California produces the best fruits of the earth, and I am free to say the California herb remedy, Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla, is one of the best reme- dies in the market. I think every person suf- fering from dyspepsia, dullness, languid feel- ing, exhaustion or early decay would be greatly benefited if they used the herb remedy, Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. It has done wonders for some of my patients. I know an old lady .who would not be without Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. I just ceased to treat her son, wno contracted fever on the islands. He was in a bad condition when he reached San Francisco. Had he been careful he, perhaps, never would have contracted fever. People won't keep their blood in good condition. Every man should use a laxative medicine once in a while. You clean every- thing you have, why not your system ? I, of course, would not advise your using the cheap, nasty compounds that no one ever hears of. If you want a good medicine take Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Don't let the clerk talk you into using something he wants to sell yon." "Why do you recommend Joy'B so strongly, doctor?'! I asked. "Because it contains no mineral drugs, no deadly poisons, no iodide of potassium, no pimple-producing potash. "Never, never use a potash medicine. If you have such a bottle in the house throw it away. "Joy's Vegetable Barsaparilla contains no mineral drags and is truly a line medicine.** 3