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4 AT CAMP CULBERSON Parade of the Veterans of the Southern Confederacy. JOINED BY MEN IN BLUE. Once More They Engage in Battle, but Blood Is Not Spilled. ONE VERY TOUCHING INCIDENT. Jefferson's Daughter Weeps in the Arms of Grizzled Governor Lubbock. HOUSTON, Tex., May 24.— Although many of the visiting Confederate veterans left for home last night and to-day, there are still several thousand here. A grand parade was held this afternoon by the vet erans and ail the militia companies at Camp Culberson. The weather was rather unpleasant, being hot and muggy. The parade was formed by States, the com panies being in line in the order in which their respective States seceded from the Union. Miss Winnie Davis and General Gordon viewed the veterans and militia which participated, after which there was a grand sham battle, with an exhibition drill of Light Battery, Third Regiment, U. S. A. An elaborate display of fireworks con cluded the celebration. Misa "Winnie Davis left to-nierht with the Washington Artillery of New Orleans, and alter spending a day in the Crescent City will proceed to Richmond, Va. She held Beveral receptions this morning. She met several thousand veterans. A touching incident occurred in the course of the morning, when Governor Lubbock in a choking voice said to the daughter of Jefferson Davis: "It was I who carried you, child, into prison to see your father." He got no further. Miss Davis threw her arms about him and they both mingled their tears. Veterans' and younger spectators present were visibly affected by the scene. At noon the convention of the United Confederate Veterans resumed its session and took up the work where it was left off yesterday. : The fifth annual convention of the United Confederate Veterans' Association closed to-day. General John B. Gordon of Georgia was re-elected commander-in- chief; Wade Hampton of South Carolina, lieutenant-general, Department of North Virginia; Stephen D. Lee of Mississippi, lieutenant-general, Department of Ten nessee; W. L. Campbell, lieutenant-gen eral, Trans-Mississippi Department. The only one making opposition wag General Cabell, he being inclined to favor General Waul. A resolution was adopted that the 3d of June shall be se* apart for the observance of memorial services throughout the South in honor of the Confederate dead. The committee on history was instructed to memorialize the several legislatures of the Southern States, the Boards of Educa tion and all public and private teachers in the South as well as parents of the rising generation, to discard the partisan his tories mentioned in the committee's re port to the convention, and to commend for general private use such histories as the committee has recommended to the association. A letter from General Schofield to Gen eral Gordon was read. The letter was written before General Schofield left for San Antonio. In conclusion he says : "I am sure I express the sentiments of a vast majority of the people of the North, not only of the old Union soldiers who have shown their confidence and sym pathy, but of the new and rising genera tion in whom the destiny of the country for the future must be placed. I have long known that the same sentiment pervaded the people of the South, and I have stopped in the South to assure them that their loyalty to the constitution and to the laws of the Nation is appreciated by the great mass of the people of the North, who recognize to the fullest extent the fidelity which the Southern soldiers have for so many years displayed to the pledges they gave, after the conclusion of the great contest, so that now and henceforth there can be no pos sible reason why the people of the North and South, old soldiers and young soldiers, shall not unite under the flag of the Union to promote the best interests of their coun try and defend her honor throughout the world." The offer of Charles Broadway Rouss of New York to donate $100,000 to a fund for the establishment of a permanent head quarters in which the historical archives of the Confederacy shall be kept was re ferred to a special committee, which will report at the next meeting at Richmond, Va., in 1896. The convention then stood adjourned. EJECTING THE SETTLERS Indian Police Compelling Men to Move From the Leased Lands. But There Will Be Some Blood- Spilling If Kelly's Pasture Is Invaded. PENDER, Nebr., May 24.— Indian Agent Beck has positively commenced the eject ment of settlers occupying the lands of the Flournoy Company on the Winnebago Reservation. O. E. Anderson, Peter Bloomeand William Berg, residing in the vicinity of Wakefield, Nebr., were re moved yesterday by sixteen Indian police, armed to the teeth. Captain Beck has served notice that other settlers must so, and will continue eviction to-day. It is thought there will be an attempt to put off the cattle in Dick Kelley's pasture to-morrow. If the attempt is made there surely will be bloodshed, as Kelley has threatened to shoot the first redskin that comes inside of his pasture for that pur pose. There is no excitement here, whatever, as it is believed the agent will not use force. Those who have been oußted by the police were merely told to get off, and when they refused were not molested. FOREST FIJtKS RAtiTSG. Several Wisconsin and Michigan Towns i - in €hr«mt Danger. ASHLAND, Wis., May 24.— Forest fires - are raging in the vicinity i; of Ashland Junction and south of Ashland. Dis patches from down the lines of the Wis consin Central and Chicago and North western roads say the fires are looking bad to-night. IRON MOUNTAIN, Mich., May 24.— Forest fires are raging near the city, en veloping it in smoke. The flames are fanned by a south wind and the thermom eter is 86. Everything is very dry. RAMSEY, Mich., May 24.— This town is surrounded by forest fires and the people are in fear that the town will ourn and are taking necessary precautions. DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE. Minister Xemero Explains the Mexican Mining Tax. "WASHINGTON, D. C., May 24.— Senor Romero, the Mexican Minister, said to day concerning the intention of Mexico to decree an export duty discriminating against the American capital invested in Mexican mining enterprises that he was not aware that such a bill had been ap proved by the Mexican Congress, but that as it was presented by the executive he believed that it is very likely to be ap proved. Senor Romero further said that the real object of the pending bill was to distribute on the whole mining industry of Mexico the very high duty now levied upon the mining of silver. The present mining duty is 4.44 per centum. Senor Romero further said that the real object of the new bill is to distribute equal ly between all the silver producers of Mexico, the present tax and which now lie on some classes of miners, and that the imputation that it is a discriminating measure against American capital invested in Mexico is utterly without foundation. AFTER THE SHORT LINE Determined Struggle of a Trust Company to Secure the Property. Union Pacific Receivers Are Busy Forming Plans to Keep the Road. OMAHA, Nebb., May 24.— Receivers Clark, Mink and Anderson were in confer ence to-day making up their report to Judge Sanborn, which will be filed Mon day in St. Paul according to the order made by the Judg« of the Eighth Judicial District in the Short Line receivership case. It is anticipated the report will be exhaustive and will cover the earnings and expenses of the Short Line system from the time the receivers have begun up to the present. The report will further show the moneys on hand that may be applied to defaulted interest on the first mortgage as near as can be shown. There will be a large delegation of Union Pacific people leave Sunday night for St. Paul. As to the outcome of the report, it is purely problematical, although there see,ms to be a feeling that the attorneys of the American Loan and Trust Company will produce in court the money necessary to pay the interest in default on the Oregon Short Line and thereby secure the appoint ment of J. M. Egan as receiver. The American Loan and Trust Company is determined to succeed to the control of the property and operate it indepr adently of the Union Pacific in order to show its earning capacity. Mr. Kellogg, when here on the Short Line division's hearing, publicJy stated that his client would have the money in court to pay the interest in default on the first mortgage, and would be able to make the offer of the interveners gocd. It will take $1,500,000 to do this. However, the Short Line has not yet been divorced from the Union Pacific, and many things may happen before Monday that will assist in the retention of the present receivers. Of Interest to the Coast. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 24.— Robert P. Calmus has been appointed postmaster at North Fork, Cal. Pensions have been granted as follows: California — Original : Thomas Bassett, Balls Ferry; George W. Mank, Grizzly Flats; Michael Cadden, Natiol Soleiers' Home. Additional — J. Vancliief, Veter an's Home; J. P. Tillson, Summerland Hugh P. Coxe, lone. Increase — Theodore- A. Hibbard. San Jose. Reissue — Emmet Hart, Santa Rosa. Original widow — Mar garet W. Trade, San Jose. Mexican War widow — Dinah A. Brown, Seaside. Oregon: Original widows — Margaret Boyles, Wilhoit ; Susan C. Evans (mother), Oswego. Washington : Increase— A urelius C. Sa bine, Vancouver. Funeral of MeCulloch. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 24.— N0 arrangements have yet been made for the funeral of ex-Secretary of the Treasury Hugh McCulloch, and probably none will be made until the arrival of his daughter Mary. She sailed for New York on the 18th, and will probably reach New York either to-day or to-morrow. Costa Siea and Nicaragua. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 24.— Senor Calvo, the Costa Rican representative here, says that the reports of probable war between Costa Rica and Nicaragua are groundless. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 24.— The day's statement of the condition of the treasury shows: Available cash balance, $183,445,305: gold reserve, $98,248,559. Cleveland's Portrait in Fire. NEW YORK, N. V., May 24.— President Cleveland's portrait will illuminate the night during the festivities attending the opening of the Baltic ship canal. It will be shown in pyrotechnics from the yard arm of the cruiser New York at Kiel and at the same time a fiery portrait of Em peror William will be displayed. Wreck of a Ship Discovered. DUNKIRK. N. V., May 24.— A wreck of a ship has been discovered five miles off shore, nine miles west of here. It lies in sixty-five feet of water. It is thought to be the steamship Dean Richmond, which foundered with all on board October 4, 1893. Sentence of a Cashier. CHICAGO, 111., May 24.— Fred Griffin, who, as cashier of the Northwestern Na tional Bank, defaulted for about $50,000, was to-day sentenced in the United Btates Circuit Court to five years' imprisonment. Miners Will Jtrturn to Work. PITTSBURG, Pa., May 24.-The miners' strike of the Pittsburg district is practi cally ended. The strikers will go back to work at the operators' terms of 60 cents per ton. Germany's Spirit Tax. BERLIN, Germany, May 24.— The Reich stag to-day, by a vote of 165 to 85, adopted the spirit taxation amendment bill. There is no baking powder which pro duces such sweet and tasteful food as the Royal Baking Powder. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1895. LIKENED UNTO SAUL. Carlisle Classed Among the Mighty Who Are Fallen. SCORED BT MR. BRYAN. The Nebraska Champion of Silver Makes an Abie Argument. DRAWS THE DEADLY PARALLEL. Utterances of the Secretary of the Treasury In 1878 and at the Present Day. MEMPHIS, Term., May 24.— Memphis is the storm center of the South just now in the agitation of the all-absorbing currency question. Close upon the event 3of yester day's "sound-money" convention at the Auditorium, at which the economic views of the Secretary of the Treasury were ex pounded to a large gathering of men from all parts, of the South, comes a rousing meeting to-night of an equally numerous class of citizens, whose slogan is "Honest Money," and whose gue«tof honor was the eloquent young Nebraska Congressman, William J. Bryan. Shortly after the sound-money conven tion was called the silver people got to work upon a counter demonstration, with the result that Mr. Bryan consented to reply to the speech of Secretary Carlisle. The meeting was held at the Grand Opera house to-night. That structure seats only about one-third as many people as the Auditorium, in which yesterday's conven tion was held, and a large number of peo ple who sought admittance could not be accommodated. Mr. Bryan was introduced by Mr. Car mack, editor of the Commercial Appeal, and received an enthusiastic reception. A considerable part of his speech was taken up with comparisons of Secretary Car lisle's last speech with utterances said to have been made by him in 1878. The tell ing points in Mr. Bryan's speech were loudly applauded. He was followed by Congressman J. M. Allen of Mississippi in a humorous and interesting speech. Mr. Bryan said in part: I have read the speech delivered by Mr. Carlisle in this city, also that delivered by him at Covington last Monday evening, and 1 have compared them with the speech delivered by him on February 21, 1878, in the House of Representatives, and I am reminded of the language used by David in lamenting the death of Saul, "How are the mighty fallen." In 1878 Mr. Carlisle was hurling the pebbles of truth at the giant of the Philistines, John Sherman; to-day, as a Goliath, he daily issues challenges to his former friends. Mr. Carlisle did not refer while at Memphis to bis speech of 1878, but he did refer to it at Covington, and said: "Some of the opinions then expressed have been modified, and some of them have been changed altogether by subsequent events and by a more thorough investigation of the subjects to which they related, but on the question of free coinage my convictions have never been shaken for a moment." But he did not stave, even at Covington, what parts of his former speech he repudiated and what parts he modified. He served in the House and Senate for at>out fif teen years after t&e making of that speech, and never upon a single occasion did he attempt to withdraw the utterances of 1878, or to modify the emphasis with which he then spoke. He explains that he voted for free coinage in 1873 in the hope that it would be amended in the Senate, but he never voted against free coinage until after the nomination of Mr. Cleveland in 1892. It is true that in 1878 Mr. Carlisle did say that he was opposed to the free coinage of silver; but he ought, in all fairness, to have stated that he was at that time opposed to the free coinage of gold also. He said in his speech in 1878: "I am opposed to the free coinage of either gold or silver, but in favor of the unlimited coinage of both metals upon terms of exact equality." Not only was his present language contradicted by his former speech, but a letter written in 1890 by him says that he was at that time in favor of free and unlimited coinage of silver. Mr. Carlisle in 1878 said: "The struggle now going on cannot cease until all the industrial interests of the country are fully and finally emancipated from the heartless domination of the syndicates, stock exchanges and other great combinations of money-grabbers in this country and Europe." Now he is the honored guest at a convention attended by bankers and financiers who are opposed to the use of silver as standard money. Mr. Carlisle asks why the advocates of bimetallism are not in favor of the restoration of silver gradually. What mockery this is. Did they not secure the passage of the seigniorage bill after the re peal of the Sherman law, and did not Mr. Car lisle's chief, Mr. Cleveland, veto this bill, not withstanding the fact that it was voted for by more than two-thirds of the Democrats of both houses? Did not the advocates of bimetallism in the Senate offer to support a bill provid ing for the unlimited coinage of silver, with the " provision that the Government should charge a seigniorage equal to the difference between the bullion and coining values? Did not the opponents of silver op pose the measure as violently as they did the free coinage of silver? In 1878, when Mr. Car lisle was in sympathy with the masses of the people, he said: "Let us, if we can do no better, pass bill after bill, embodying in each some one substantial provision for relief, and send them to the executive for his approval. If he withholds his signature and we are un able to secure the necessary vote, here or else where, to enact them into laws notwithstanding his veto, let us, as a last resort, suspend the rules and put them into a general appro priation bill with the distinct understanding that if the people can get no relief the Govern ment can get no money." These are the words of the same distinguished statesman, who, at Memphis and Covington, assures the people that there is now no need of relief, and that we have only to enjoy the prosperity guaranteed by a gold standard. Mr. Carlisle in discussing the legal ratio assumes that the United States can accomplish no more by free coinage than our little neigh bor, Mexico, and overlooks entirely the effect which will be produced upon the value of 6ilver bullion by the unlimited use of it in the United States. In other words, he does not take Into consideration the fact that the United States is, In commercial standing, many times as great as Mexico, and he does not take into consideration the fact that an in creased demand such as would be furnished by the United States will affect the price of that portion of silver which falls upon the market. In estimating the amount of gold available for coinage annually he fails to consider the great increase in the consumption of gold in the arts, and the increase in commerce in the last 100 years. Mr. Carlisle holds out no hope of inter national bimetallism, but insists that it is the duty of this Government to maintain a gold standard, and tries to show that it will cause an appreciation in the value of the dollar. At the Memphis conventi n Mr. Catchings insisted that opponents of silver were expect ing international bimetallism. This seeming conflict between Mr. Carlisle and Mr. Catch ings can be easily explained. Mr. Carlisle believed that the Government should buy whatever silver it needs, and, therefore, might be called a buy-metallist. Mr. Caterings is in favor of the restoration of silver after awhile, if other nations will help us, and, therefore, may be called a by-and-by-me tallist What need is there for bimetallism if the gold standard will furnish a sufficient amount of money? The confession that bimetallism is desirable destroys all argument advanced in behalf of gold monometallism, and when one has admitted the desirability of bimetallism he must either favor the restoration of it by the United States alone or submit the destinies of this people to foreign nations. It has been well said that it is more dangerous to put an English banker at the head of our financial system than to have the English admiral at the head of our navy or an English general at the head of our army. Mr. Bryan discussed various phases of the money question, quoting frequently from Senator Carlisle and answering his arguments by arguments formerly made by Secretary Carlisle or by statistics. He closed by saying that Secretary Carlisle had deserted the "struggling masses" for whom he formerly spoke, but that, even without his leader ship, they would be able to cast their ballots for the restoration of the gold and silver coinage of the constitution, and that the present efforts of Secretary Car lisle, instead of retarding the movement, would make his former speech familiar to the American people and show them the danger of entrusting our financial policy to the "idle holders of idle capital or to their representatives." FOR A. MISSOURI CONTENTION. Silver Men Are Not Idle in the Great Com State. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., May 24.— Chairman Ferris of the Democratic County Committee of Laclede County, •'Silver Dick" Bland's home, has taken the first step toward calling a State silver conven tion in Missouri. He has sent a circular letter to Committeeman J. E. Short of Cole County, inclosing a call for a conven tion to meet at Jefferson City on July 4. This call will be sent to the committees of each county. It will be some days before \ it is known what action will be taken by the different counties, as many of the county conventions have been called but have not yet convened, and the chairman will wait until their meetings come off be fore acting. All Caused by Jealousy. CHICAGO, 111.. May 24.— Mrs. Anna Annabel to-night shot and killed her hus band aud then committed suicide. The tragedy was the result of jealousy on the part of Mrs. Annabel, because of the alleged attention shown by her husband for a young woman of Davenport, lowa, who had nursed him through an illness con tracted while he was on a visit a short time ago to his parents, who live in lowa City. Mr. Annabel was janitor of the Nyacfc flat building on Ellis avenue. FORMOSA IS A REPUBLIC It Has Decided to Break Away From China and Japan. The Yellow Dragon Flag Raised and the Governor Made Presi dent. SHANGHAI, China, May 24.—For mosa has declared itself a republic, the flag being a yellow dragon on a blue ground. The Governor, Chang Ting Sung, ia mar»e President, and has notified the for eign representatives. VICTORIA. IS SErESTT-SIX. ■ -• . I Suitable Celebration of the Queen* Birth day Anniversary . LONDON, Eng., May 24.— The seventy sixth birthday of Queen Victoria was ob served to-day at all the naval and mili tary stations to-day, with the exception of the city, by the usual display of flags, the drooping of the colors, etc. In London the celebration will take place to-morrow. At Windsor the usual royal salute was fired in the "long walk," and the pretty city was elaborately decorated. In this city, in accordance with time-honored custom, the Scots Guards marched from their barracks in Chelsea to Hyde Park and went through the ceremony of droop ing the colors. The official celebration will take place to-morrow, when all the public offices and the law courts will be closed, and Lord Rosebery and other officials of the Cabinet will give banquets. The Prince of Wales will attend the dinner given by Lord Rose bery. Rosebery dined with* the Queen last evening, and slept at Windsor last night. He was given an audience with her Majesty this morning. The Queen ap proved the list of birthday honors sub mitted to her by the Premier. Among the birthday honors made public to-day it is announced that Walter Besant, the author and chairman of the executive committee of authors, has been knighted. JFA.VORB THE SU It SIDY. England Urged to Protect Its Interests in the Pacific. LONDON, Esq., May 24.— The Times this morning, in a leader on the Pacific mail scheme, says that if there is one fea ture by which the history of the twentieth century is likely to be distinguished be yond all others, it bids fair to be the de velopment of the open shores of the Pacific by a movement of civilization of the world, already seen on the shores of the Mediterranean and of the Atlantic. The article considers that the Government is justified in bestowing an annual subsidy of £100,000 on the Pacific mail and cable service. It suggests that the amount is now ab sorbed by Bechunaland, and might be lib erated by giving Bechunaland to Cape Colony, and under a protectorate to a chartered company. ill is Tranquil at St. Thomas. COPENHAGEN, Denmark, May 24.— The Governor of Santa Cruz, the largest of the Virgin Islands, West Indies, which forms, with St. Thomas and St. John, "a Danish colony, cables that all is quiet there, and that nothing is known of the reported insurrection exists on the island of St. Thomas. Trying to Sell the Canal. COLON, Colombia, May 24.— 1t is re ported here that the new French company which has been pushing the work along the route of the Panama canal is trying to sell the canal to an American syndicate. Mra. Hazard's Reception. LONDON, Enq., May 24.— The reception given by Mrs. Bayard, wife of the United States Embassador, yesterday, was well at tended. Princ* Bismarck's Neuralgia. HAMBURG, Germany, May 24.— Prince Bismarck's neuralgia of the face has reached an acute stage. The cook should examine carefully the label of the baking powder and see that she is not imposed upon. If the grocer sends anything but the Royal send it back, as one cook did five times until she got the Royal. The only safe way is for the cook to have the finest things to work with, ana the Royal is not only the finest but the most economical to use, because it goes so much further. OPPOSE FREE SILVER Love Feast of the New York Democratic Editors. CLEVELAND NOT THERE. But He Writes in His Placid Style on "Sound, Safe" Money. SAYS IT IS TIME TO PROTEST. Senator HIM and Comptroller Eckles Also Raise Their Voices for Their Party. NEW 'YORK, N. V., May 24.— At to day's session of the Democratic Editorial Association of New York, resolutions were adopted that the Democratic press of this State pledge itself to oppose any legisla tion looking to the free and unlimited coinage of silver. There was only one negative vote. The stay of the Democratic editors came to an end to-night, when a banquet was tendered them at Delmonico's. Colonel William Brown was toastmaster. He in troduced John A. Mason, who thanked the Democrats of Gotham for their hospitality l o the visitors. Mi. Mason then read a letter from President Cleveland, which evoked tumultuous applause. After ex pressing regret at his inability to be present, the President in his letter said : When a campaign is actively on foot to force the free, unlimited and independent coinage of silver at a ratio which will add to our circu lation unrestrained millions of so-called dol lars, intrinsically worth but half the amount they purport to represent, with no provision or resource to make good any defici«ncy in value, and when it is claimed that such a proposition has any relation to the principles of Democ racy it is time for all who may in the least de gree influence Democratic thought to realize the responsibility. Our party is the party of the people, because it is drifted hither and thither by every wave of popular excitement and misconception, but because while it tests every proposition by the doctrines which underlie its organization, in sists that all interests should be defended in the administration of the Government without special favor or discrimination. Our party is the party of the people because In its careful welfare of all our countrymen it resists dangerous schemes born of discontent, advocated by appeals to sectional or class pre judices and reinforced by their insiduous acts of private selfishness and cupidity. Above all our party is the party of the people .■when it recognizes the fact that sound and ab solutely safe money is the life blood of our country's strength and prosperity and when it teaches that, none of our fellow-citizens, rich or poor, can escape the consequences of a de generation of our currency. Democratic con servatism dictates that if there exists incon venience and hardship resulting from the con gestion or imperfect distribution of our circu lating medium, a remedy should be applied which will avoid the disaster that must follow in the trail of silver monometallism. Letters of regret were also received from Secretary Lamont, Postmaster - General Wilson and others. Toastmaster Brown introduced Senator Hill as the "Democrat who stands for all that is pure and srand in Democratic pol itics." The Senator was accorded a perfect ovation as he rose, to speak to the toast of "Democracy." Senator Hill said in part: The most important recent event In our Na tional affairs is the decision by the Supreme Court that a Federal tax on rents or the income on personal property laid by the last Congress is the direct tax and must be apportioned among the States according to the census. For that event we should congratulate ourselves and render hearty the next. Referring to the silver question he said : I am not in the council of the gold mono metallists, but if I were I would suggest that they are prejudiced against the cause of sound and safe currency at this moment by nagging over false and immaterial subjects as" whether under the coinage law of 1872 the silver dollar was the unit of value. If New York can be carried by the Democrats this fall it can be carried in 189G, and with it the country and the Presidency. Another defeat here fore bodes National disaster." Comptroller of the Currency James H. Eckels spoke to the toast "Sound Money a Fundamental Principle of True Democ racy." After referring briefly to the justice and expediency of a free press, and speaking eloquently for the great principles for which the Democratic party stands, Mr. Eckles turned to the financial question of the day. Sound money he declared to be a fundamental principle of true Democ racy. Referring to the attitude of Presi dent Cleveland, the speaker asserted that the signs of returning prosperity demon strated the wisdom of the Government's recent acts and the confidence of the peo ple in the administration. He argued that the future fortune of the Democratic party demanded that it should avert all sham and illusion in dealing with the money question. He said in part: In the light of the present situation I am sure Democrats bent upon advancing their party's interest and the country's prosperity can do no better service than abjection from a distinctively Democratic standpoint to the position which the advocate of the free coin age of ailve r, as it is now presented, would commit the party. The gravest indictment Democrats presented against the protectionists was that they were aiding and abetting class legislation in maintain? protective tariff laws upon the statute-books, yet the attempt is now being made to place the Democrats in the posi tion of advocating for the politics there is in It legislation that is most distintively class legislation as the most extreme measure .^ver conceived by the warmest adherent of protection. Ido not overstate when I say the present agitation of the free coinage of silver is due in the first instance to the silver-pro ducing class, who, complaining that their mining interests are languishing, claim it to be the duty of the Government to revive them by affording a market for all the silver bullion they can deposit at the mints, and to make them more profitable by coining for them free of charge all such bullion into dollars contain ing less than one dollar's worth of metal en dowed with full legal tender properties. ON THE EEL EIVEE, The Supreme Court Modifies a Former Opinion a» to Seine Nets. In the case of Heckman agaiftst Swett et al., the Supreme Court yesterday modi fied a former opinion as to water-front rights in Humboldt County. The case presented for determination simply the question of the respective rights ot the parties under a statute of 1859 to cast seines and nets for salmon in the waters of Eel River fronting uoon tl»e land of the plaintiff. The court held that this statute had not been repealed, but merely regulated as to time of fishing by subsequent sections. A former judgment gave the plaintiff the exclusive right of casting nets in Eel River irrespective of the purposes for which they were cast, and enjoined the de fendants from casting any nets in the waters fronting on the plaintiff's land. Ihe present ODimon by the Supreme Court modifies the right of casting" the nets to tne purpose of catching salmon. THE CRICKETERS. Result of the Came at Santa Cruz Yesterday. SANTA CRUZ, Cal., May 24.— The Eng lish residents of Santa Cruz and vicinity celebrated the anniversary of the Queen's birthday to-day by a cricket game at the athletic park at Vue de l'Eau. The day was a perfect one and the attendance was very good, the English people predom inating. As it was the first game of cricket ever played in this city it attracted much attention and was novel as well as inter esting to the spectators. The clubs in the game wore the carnival colors, and were composed of Captain Hilton Crooks, Tay lor, Pattison, Collins, Haynes, Jansen, Dr. Forrest, Pickering and Radke. The members of the university blues wore the Cambridge and Oxford colors, a dark and light shade of blue. Those in the eleven were Captain Stanfield Welding Mr., Fauks, Jareman, Welding Jr., Newton, Stansfield, Allen, Broadwood Sr., Haley and Broadwood Jr. The game was called at 2 o'clock and fin ished at 6 o'clock. The score for the first two innings was 42 to 25 in favor of the carnival colors, and the score for the sec ond two innings was in favor of the same team, being 69 to 4l. After the game a delightful tea was served by the English ladies. PEPPER DEFEATS KING The Twenty- Round Contest Decided in Eleven Fierce Battles. The Official Stops the Fight After King Is Practically Knocked Out. Henry Pepper defeated Joe King in eleven rounds at the Colma Athletic Club, San Mateo County, last night. "Potrero" Shaughnessy went down before '•'Mission" McGrath in ten bloody rounds, and everybody who attended the mills had all the gore they wanted. Sheriff McAvoy of San Mateo County was on hand with his deputies to preserve order, but despite the presence of the peace officers pandemonium reigned. At every knockdown the crowd yelled. Advice was shouted from all parts of the building to the fighters, and at each lull in the tumult the announcement was maae that if order was not preserved the Sheriff would stop the fight. He finally did when King went down, a bleeding mass, and the crowd knew he was done for. A so-called three-round go between Dan Murphy of San Francisco and Charles Rochette of Chicago was announced as the last preliminary before the great con test between King and Pepper. The first round was an exhibition of catch-as-catch can wrestling, though some heavy and rapid blows were exchanged. The second round was devoted to spar ring for wind, and when the men came up for the third and last round both looked as fresh as the time they entered the ring. Murphy led the fighting and had the best of the mill as far as points were concerned. No decision was announced. Henry Pepper of Los Angeles was intro duced first, stepping into the ring at 9:45. He was followed a few moments later by Joe King. Pepper was seconded by Black Pearl, Young Turner and Harris Martin. King was backed by Tim McGrath, Spider Kelly and Alex Greggains. Considerable time was taken up in decid ing upon a referee, during which a boy with peanuts did a lucrative businesss. J. Bean of the "Olympic" was selected. He read the articles of agreement between King and Pepper. Pepper won the toss and selected tirst gloves. The first round was a continuation of clinches, during which the reffree could do nothing. In the second both men were groggy in a few seconds. Pepper went to the floor several times, but managed to get up and hold his feet till the call of time. During the third round Pepper went out side the ropes, but was helped back by his seconds. As he came into the ring King threw him and struck him as he went down. Calls of "foul" were not allowed. At the end of the fourth round King's left eye was bleeding. Pepper appeared without a scratch, but badly winded. The fifth round was uneventful, though some rapid exchanges were made. In the sixth King led the fighting at the start, but the exchange was so rapid that it looked as though either man might go out. Pepper did most of the fighting for a while, but King got back and evened up the round. King let his left down four times on Pepper's throat and chin in the eighth round and had his man groggy, but failed to follow up his opportunity. Pepper re taliated a moment later, but failed to gain any particular advantage. As time was called Pepper was in hia corner in a clinch. At the beginning of the ninth King's eye looked as if it was crossed with the right, but he made good use of the optic, despite the flow of Wood, until time was called. King went to his knees in the tenth, but got up again only to be knocKed down. Pepper beat him all over the ring, and as he neared the timekeepers King kicked Pepper in the stoiuach, but as the referee did not see it the foal was not allowed. King was practically out. They came up for the eleventh round both badiy winded. King received some severe punishment before he had reached the center of the ring. Pepper was using rteht and left with such telling effect that King kept an iron grip upon him to keep from going to the floor. The two men worked around the ring until they reached the northeost corner, where Pepper delivered a crushing blow with his right, which sent King reeling to the floor. While the timekeeper waa counting Sheriff McAvoy jumped into the ring and stopped the fight. His action was hardly necessary, as King was prac tically out, and the referee awarded the light to Pepper. THE WIDOWS MUST WAIT. Judge Slack Will Decide as to Their Rival Claims. The case of the estate of David Jaffe, alias Leven, alias Level, which wag claimed by two alleged widows of the deceased, is likely to be quickly decided. There is no question of any dereliction of duty on the part of Attorney J. J. Ler man for the Philadelphia widow. The money in the estate, less than $1000 was merely transferred in the bank where it I tSp'S^*? / r ° the name of David i Jaffe to that of Mrs. Fannie Leven, and every step taken by Mr. Lerman was with Slack C ° SniZanCe aDCI a PP roval of Judge .Judge Slack yesterday expressed his will- Sfr 1 !^? th - at the matter should be trans ferred to his , department, and will at once adjudicate as to the claims of the widows and any creditors of the estate there may oe. Coast Sailors' Wages. * bince the union sailors' strike was declared off coast vessels have had no difficulty in ship ping crews with wages set by the Ship-owners- Association at $20 and $25 a month. In some cases men— generally green hands— are shipped at less than the lower rate. Cane, the official association runner, has instituted a boycott against the members of the Sailors' Union, and n °se who were identified with the late strike nnd berths in the coasting vessels extremely For thirty years the Royal has been the standard for purity and strength in baking powders, and has been placed at the head by every board of official examiners, whether State or National. WILL POKE BOB'S NOSE Jim Corbett Made Angry by Fitzsimmons' Failure to Appear. MUCH MOKE TALK THAN FIGHT. The California Champion of the World at Last Enraged by the Lanky Australian. NEW YORK, N. V., May 24.— 80b Fita simmons did not appear in the Coleman House to attend the meeting to which he and Pugilist Corbett had been summoned by Joseph H. Vendig, representative of the Florida Athletic Club, under whose au spices the Corbett-Fitzsimmons fight was arranged to take place. When Corbett found that Fitzsimmons did not intend to appear and that he had not paid the $5000 deposit guaranteeing his appearance in the ring, Corbett said : "I am here and will come to fight in any part of the United States. My money is up and I want no bluffing. lam ready to go into training to-morrow. When I en gaged in the theatrical business Fitzsim mons was blowing I would not fight him. Now he has broken his part of the agree ment, and if he wants to be the world's champion he must fight or quit the ring. He and I have received $1000 each from the club for training expenses." Turning to Vendig, he said: "I recog nize you as the true sport to put up that amount of money. I want the fight to take place in Dallas, Tex. If we cannot fight in this country I will name the place. "Fitzsimmons boasted in Chicago," said Corbett, "that he would pull my nose if the fight did not come off, but denied having used the expression when I asked him about it later. Now, I want to go on record as saying that if this fight is called off I will poke his nose at first sight. In order to be considerate with him and that he may live up to the articles of the agree ment 1 will give him until to-morrow to comply with the terms, and will meet him at any place at his own convenience." Fitzsimmons first notified of the meeting last Wednesday. OJV THE E ASTERy TRACKS. Gileurry Paces Tfiree Swift May Heats at I'itnliro. CINCINNATI, Ohio, May 24.— This was an off day at Latonia. Nevertheless the crowd was large and reasonably good time was made on a fast track. Selling, seven furlongs,. lmlith won, Blanche Kinney second, Brovnell third. Time, 1 :29J.j. Selling, one mile, Elizabeth won, Tobin sec ond, Tasco third. Time, 1 Mi. Purse, half a mile, Florrie won, Countesa Irma second, Oswego third. Time, :48?i. I'un-e, six fnrlongs, Joe Mack won, Yellow Rose second, Siprard. Time, 1:154. Purse, five furlongs, Rewardtr won. Sir Dilke secondv Del Coronado third. Time, 1:02%. • ST. LOUIS, Mo., May 21.— Eight thou sand people attended the Fair Association Park races to-day. The weather waa beautiful and the track fast. Three out of five favorites won. Five-eighths of a mile, Pinkey Potter won, Little Bramble second, William Duke* Jr. third. Time, I :O'A%. . One mile and a sixteenth, Faraday •won, Prince Carl second, Figaro third. Time, 1 :-49. Five-eighths of a mile, McHenry rvon, Doctor G second, Lou Jones third. Time, 1 :03. Seven and a half furlongs, Linda won, Wekota second, Dr. Rice third. Time, 1:30% One mile and an eighth, Bullross won, Mira beau second, Eagle Bird third. Time, I :sa. BALTIMORE, Md., May 24.— 0n Pir n track to-day, the third of the Pimlico driving meeting in the New York, Phila delphia and Baltimore circuit, Gilcurry, in the 2:lo pacing race, did three heats in tne fastest time ever made in the month of May. Class 2:17, trotting, purse $500— Queen Al vord won, Gretcben second, Little Tobe third. Time, 2 : l4}<£— 2 : l7J£— 2 s 18—2 : 20—2 :24. Class 2:10, pacing, purse $500 — Gilcurry won, Anßie D second, Paul third. Time. 2:13}4— 2:11^-2:12. Class 2:27, trotting, purse if soo— Boston won, Nellie Alford second, Orphan Boy third. Time, 2:21^-2 :21}4— 2 :22. KOBY, Ikd., May 24.— Eleven-sixteenths of a mile, LitUe Mac won, King Henry second, Tamerlane third. Time, 1:11%. Half a mile, Security won, Ardelle second, Gretchen third. Time, :o\]/i. Eleven-sixteenths of a mile, Lawmaker won, Florry Meyers second, Glenoid third. Time, 1:11. WB£JEZMJBJi MAKE HOOD TIME. Opening I>ay of the Meeting at Fountain ferry Park. LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 24.— The first day's bicycle races at Fountain Ferry Park to-day were witnessed by about 2000 people. The races will continue to-morrow. The following is a summary of the principal events: Milo novice, Davis Worth won, Twyman sec ond, Leathers third. Time, 2:28. Class B mile handicap, Barnett (75 yards) won, Con Baker (75 yards) second, Hamilton (40 yards) third. Time, 2:05. Class B half mile, Gardiner won Coburn sec ond, Decardy third. Time, 1:07 3-5. Class A mile handicap, Hand (scratoh) won, Nowlin (60 yards) second, Thome (30 yards) third. Time, 2:06 4-5. Paced by a tandem. ONCE AGAIN — we'll say: MOQUETTE CARPETS sewed, laid and lined $1.10 PER YARD. And we didn't buy them at auction either. Now don't blame us if , you pay double this price next week at some other place. There's no hurry, though— one of our REGULAR prices. INDIANAPOLIS FURNITURE CO. 750 Mission St. tM*m Btsr O.r MN » Br DEWEY &C 0..1 220 Market St., 8. P., Cat, I '■1 -■''.';■■>' ±7T!T m ?^^~ mmm^ mm ~ m^ m^ .