Newspaper Page Text
SATURDAY MAY 25, 1895 CITY ITEMS IN BRIEF. The Manuel Llaguno will sail for Honolulu to-day. For condensed City news read the seventh page of the Call. Brief City items are to be found on this page of the Call every day. Local items, bright and brief, can be found on this page of the Call every day. Lord fcholto Douglas and Miss Loretta Addis are still threatening to get married. A testimonial ballad concert was tendered to Alfred Wjlkie last night In Odd Fellows' Hall. The ruling of Wells, Fargo <t Co. discontinu ing tneir letter service went intc effect yester day. "God Save the Queen' 1 was Ming at the Woman's Congress last night, and Victoria was cheered. The Caledonian Club pave a highly success ful ente rtainment and dance last night at Scot tish Hall. The winning horses at the Bay District track were Rose Clark, Her Majesty, Hymn, Nephew and Morven. The young ladles of the Sketch Club opened tlieir titth semi-annual exhibition with a re ception last night. Henry Pepper defeated Joe King in eleven rormds at the Colma Athletic Club, San Mateo County, last night. The Railroad Commissioners are looking for new offices at a rent in line with the re duced appropriation. On June 15 next, the annual outing of the merchants will be held at Glenwood, in the Santn Cruz Mountains. ?her-ff McAvoy stopped the fight between and King last night, after King was practically knocked out. her large audience attended the per- I i-c of "The Artist's Dream" at the Cali fornla Theater last night. \ great many new buildings are going up in he Richmond district, and activity seems to be - it r of things there. The Retail Grocers' Protective Union expects n large attendance at its annual picnic at ■ >:i Park to-morrow. Time-tables of the railroad companies are .c>lfreeof charge in the Call for the accommodation of readers. P. G. Biggy, brother of Senator Biggy, was dischargedfrom the Mint yesterday afternoon by Superintendent Daggett. The members of the "Class of '85" of the Boys' His:h School hold a banquet and reunion to-night at ihe Maison Riche. J. Koss Jackson and a party of lriends were <he guests of Captain Maguue of the J. B. Brown on a trip to Port Costa. "Fair, nearly stationary temperature and brisk win. 1?" fs the forecast of the Weather Bureau for to-day in San Francisco. Dr. Marc Lc-vingston is looking up the rec ord of the leaders of the Civic Federation, with the idea of putting them in a pamphlet. Attorney Burnette G. Haskell was indicted Dy the Grand Jury for perjury and embezzle ment, and '-Dr." James McLean for embezzle ment. Gu-tave Anderson, a Swedish dishwasher, attempted suicide at the Nevada Hotel at the Poirero yesterday by cutting his throat and wrists. P. M. O'Connor, an election inspector, was yesterday found guilty by a jury in Judge Wal lnce's cotrrt of a felony in refusing to sign the municipal tally-sheet. The first regatta of the season of the Cali fornia Yacht, Club will be sailed to-morrow. The annual regatta of the Corinthians will be held on Thursday next. fThe United States Grand Jury is still after iheFosa smuggling pang. Alexander McKay is proven to have been an innoL-ent party, but Henry Chaffey is wanted. The Merchants' Insurance Company of New ark, N. .!., refused to continue the rate war here, and its manager, William H. Friend, re signed his office yesterday. Henry Cunningham, the youth who ran away from his home in Evergreen three weeks ago, was cauerht by the police yesterday and handed over to his mother. The proposition to consolidate the Mercan tile Library with the Free Public Library was defeated last night at a meeting of the directors of the Mercantile Library Association. The Rev. Mr. Prevost, the Alaskan mission ary, will adarcsa the people at the Church of the Good Shepherd, West Berkeley, on Sunday aiternoon. the 20th inst., at 3 o'clock. Ix^oal railway ticket agents met yesterday to adopt rules of the Chicago Passenger Associa tion, which were not ready however. All the roads are combining on passenger rates. The police are still seeking to solve the mys tery surrounding the death of Mrs. Jennie Mathews. O. W. Winthrop is yet in custody, but no charge has been made against him. Chief Engineer Storey of the Valley road says that no objections have been made by the land owners to the route surveyed, and therefore, expects no trouble in getting a right of way. Deputy Assessor Herzer is of the opinion that ah hough money is being placed in the treasury at the rate of $15,000 "a day, none of it ■will be available under the new law until October. The Alum Rock Orchard Company has incor porated with $5000 capital stock and the foi lowine directorate: K. C. Carnall, George Rad eton. Frßnk Kellerman, C. B. Knocker, Maurice L. As her. The Health and Police Committee of the p."ardof Supervisors yesterday decided to re port against the petition for the removal of E. A. Bullis as superintendent of the burial of in digent soldier*. .lames Heney, charged with complicity in the Carson Mint frauds, is being eaeerly wvjehtfor by the United States Government officials. Ho is thought to be in California, although last eeen in Colorado. Mrs. A. Constine of 1327} i Ellis street, aged 74 years, died suddenly at Tier son's store, cor ner Kurhanan street and Olive avenue, yester day. She was a native of Germany and the mother of a Urge family. The Pacific Marine Supply Company pro tested before the Finance committee of the Supervisors yesterday against the rejection of their bid for supplying the jails, but the Clerk wili readvertise just the sirac, Labor Commissioner Fitzgerald has found but little child-labor in the factories of this city, but he has learned that fully 16,000 young children do not attend school and are growing up in ignorance in the streets. The ladies of Trinity Presbyterian Church •will give a lunch from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. May 27. 28 mid 2?>, at the Howard Presbyterian i'hurch, on Mission street, near Third. Lunch 2s cents. The bail of Max Katzauer, one of the men accused of counterfeiting Chinese certificates, was reduced to $5000 by Judere Hawlcy yester day. He will be able to secure a bond in that amount and will be released, probably, on ' jwo mining companies, the Best <fe Belcher mid the Gould <fc Curry, took favorable action on the proposition to work the Brunswick lode. k. The Savage directors meet to-day, and those of iifek- <fc NorcroM and Consolidated California and Virginia next Monday. Ex-Governor Peter H.Burnett left an estate of !H>o,<)oo as follows: Five thonsnnd dollars to Archbishop Riordan for charity, and $55,000 equally divided among his four children, John M. and" Dwignt Burnett, Mrs. William T. Wal lace and Mrs. ('. T. Ryland. The rival h< alquarters of the Second Brigade are both still in operation. Dickinson declines to yield bis command until he has hart legal advirr on his standing, and General Warfield Dtuwies the even tenor of his way, completely igimrinf General Dickinson in the meantime. J. D. Phc-lan ha', undertaken the artistic edu cation oi Alexander F. Preciado, an 18-year-old boy from Madera, <"al., who has shown remark able taleni. Mayor Sutro, under whose pairoriflfi- the boy entered the Art Association, while Interested by Mr, Preciado's ability, and anziouc tor his luccesa, ni unable to give any thing more thai; advice and good wishes. The Financ • Committee of the Board of Educati n yesterday sustained Mayor Sutro's objections to the purchH-- of a loi'for a play ground for the Oouclas School, on the ground that the price proposed to be paid for it was excessive. In diseasing the matter. School Director Com to declared that mnny of the bchools were filthy and until for habitation, and a disgrace to the < ity. A June rose tea for the benefit of the King 's Daughters' Home for Incurables will be given Saturday, June 1, t>oth afternoon and evening, at Beethoven Hull, corner Pogt and Powell meets The young ladles of the Fruit and lower Mission are to. make the flower booth attractive, and a line musical programme will be given during the entertainment. The Wasp this week is an exceptionally clever issue. One of the most striking feature' Is the admirable double pa cartoon ireatlnc of the return of the beautiful fiesta queen to ■ her home on the farm, where she is to re ■ante her usual vocation in the kitchen and about the bouse Her reception by the.barn yard inhabitants and her parent* it cleverly portrayed. : .1 here is a' :- taming cartoon . ehoW ing how a Scotsman was mistaken for the new .- woman. * PANTOMIME FOR CHARITY Another Fashionable Audi ence Witnesses "The Artist's Dream." APPLAUSE FOR THE PLAYERS. Proceeds Remaining for the Ladies' Protection and Relief Society. The management had even niore reason than on Thursday to be satisfied with the attendance at the performance of "The Artist's Dream" at the California Theater last night. The musical and spectacular melange went so well on its first public perform ance that there was not much for it to gain in the way of smoothness. The per formers, however, had evidently gained courage by one night's experience before the footlights, for on the whole they threw themselves into their parts with consider ably more self-abandonment. The dancing was pretty and graceful and nearly all the songs were encored. Large bouquets and floral tributes were in several cases handed over the footlights, Miss Mabel Love, the prima donna, being MISS FRANCES GRAHAM. especially signaled out as the recipient of a number or beautiful rosee. The wedding scene was grouped very much as on the opening ni?ht, but the guests were more at their ease and cnatted together as easily and naturally as if they had been in a drawing-room in private life. The wedding guests were: Miss Earle, IGtt Black, Miss Wolf, Miss Hutching, Miss Norman. Miss Monasters, Miss de Lyons, Mies Lacy, Miss Kowen, Miss Prindle, Miss O'Neil, Miss Boomershine, Mr. Cone, Mr. Bertaud, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. McLellan, Mr. Croder, Mr. Cone, Mr. Rice, Mr. Ward. Mr. Parent. All the specialties went well, and almost without exception the dances and songs were encored. The little performers in the minuet and the two tiny tots who enacted | the "Lovers' Quarrel" danced themselves ! immediately into the affections of the public, as also did Birdie Alderman and lola O'Brien. It was stated last night that the expenses of the entertainment had amounted to $1230 and the proceeds to $1699, which will leave the Ladies' Protection anu Relief Society the gainer to the extent of $4»30. The Royal Baking Powder is the great est of the modern-time helps to perfect cooking, and every receipt requiring a raising ingredient should embody it. The Royal Baking Powder is the great est of the modern-time helps to perfect cooking, and every receipt requiring a raising ingredient should embody it. IT IS STILL MYSTERY The Police Are Seeking for Clews Regarding Mrs. Mathews' Death. A Search Is Being Made for the Dead Woman's Benefit Certificate. The maze of mystery still surrounds the j case of Mrs. Jennie Mathews, the woman | who died so mysteriously last Saturday ! night at her home, 502 Broderick street. I after being taken ill in Laurel Hill Ceme- I tery. Oliver W. Winthrop, the assistant j superintendent of the cemetery, is in the j custody of the police, under suspicion of i having caused the woman's death by giv- j ing her a pill loaded with strychnine, ac- j cording to her ante-mortem statement and ' the testimony of her six-year-old child, ' Mattie Mathews. No formal charge has been made against ; Winthrop though, and he is only held j pending the investigation of the police j into ihe details of the woman's death. Captain Lees stated yesterday that the reason why he ordered Winthrop's arrest i was that he received a telegram from T. ) B. Finn, the grand treasurer of the Order | of Chosen Friends at Indianajjolis, in which it was stated that in Mrs. Mathews' policy of insurance in the order ' O. W. Winthrop was named as the trustee of the child. The question then l arose in the captain's mind whether the deputy superintendent would be able to ; benefit himself by the woman's death in ! the collection of the money. The question is yet unanswered, and is liable to remain ! a few days vet. While Captain Lees Is inclined to believe that Mrs. Mathews j was murdered, he is yet at a loss to di .- j cover a motive for Winthrop having com mitted the crime. In order to get at facts in this matter he yesterday sent for some of the prominent officials *of the Order of Chosen Friends and que-tioned them regarding laws of the society when it came to a matter of paying benefits. 8. C. Wallis, the grand recorder of the society, stated thai he could not sec how Winthrop could, oven as trustee, j collect the money and use it for his own benefit. In case of death, he said, there is an in vestigation held, and properly attested papers have to be filed before the money is paid over. The laws of the order forbid | the payment of benefit money to any one ' THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1895. who is not a blood relation of the insured member unless that party is legally ap pointed to act as guardian of it, as is in this case, a matter where a minor child is involved. Winthrop himself, by the advice of his attorneys, positively refuses to make any statement concerning the matter. He said ; that he was innocent of any wrong act and I could prove it at the proper time, but he I did not want to discuss it. Captain Lees had one of Winthrop's books which showed assessments levied upon members of the order. On the last written pages in this book is Mrs. Ma thews' name. The entry is on a page which formerly contained the lodge's rec ord of Henry Pink, a deceased member, and it appears to have been recently writ ten. In the opinion of the police authori ties the entries regarding 51 rs. Winthrop had been written in the book within the past few days. In some respects Winthrop was careless in his management ot the affairs of the or der, and the auditing committee has gone over his books. Two weeks ago, as it was stated by a member of the committee, a discrepancy of $92 was found in the en tries, but "Winthrop made the amount good when his attention was called to it. Another thing which puzzles the police is the fact that they cannot find the nolicy of insurance in Olive Branch 34 of the or der. Yesterday Detectives Handley and Byram visited the Mathews residence on Broderick street and searched it thor- ougrily. They even tore up the carpets and took the backs from pictures, but found no trace of the membership certificate. Win throp claims tliat he knows nothing of it, and that he only paid an assessment for Mrs. Mathews as a matter of accommoda dation to carry her policy alone. He had done the same thing before with members who he thought were "good for it." On several occasions, though, he had lost the money which he advanced. Among other things found in the house on Broderick street were several bottles of medicine. There were ipecac, alum and quinine, and besides a tube containing a quarter of a grain of morphine and a small bottle with the same quantity of cocaine in it. These latter drugs, though, had been obtained while the woman was ill and under the treatment of Dr. Griffith. Last night Captain Lees received a tele gram from Secretary Finn of Indianapolis whicn gave the contents of the insurance policy. The witness was the wife of Dr. Yon Buelow, the physician who examined Mrs. Mathews. Mrs. Hayden. v/ho lives in the same house with the Mathews family, informed Captain Lees yesterday that Mrs. Mathews had told her about the policy she had in tiie order, but requested her not to tell any one about it. Mrs. Mathews had also told her that Winthrop had advised ncr not to tell of her connection with the order. Detective Ross Whitaker went out to the cemetery yesterday afternoon to learn if strychnine was used there to poison gophers; but he found that it had never been in use. and inquiry around the vari ous drugstores in the Western Addition showed that no purchases had been made by any one connected with the cemetery. Chemist Morgan had not finished his analysis of the dead woman's stomach yesterday. He said, however, that he would submit his report to the Coroner to-day. He had found half a grain of strychnine in the stomach, and sairi that thero might have been more originally, but that during tde ten hours between Mrs. Matliews' first collapse and her death some of the poison may have been absorbed into the system. Mr. Matliews yesterday applied for letters of guardianship over his daughter, and, according to the officers of the order, the insurance money will be paid to the little one's legal guardian. The only baking powder yet found by chemical analysis to be entirely free from lime and absolutely pure is the "Royal." This perfect purity results from thfe ex clusive use of cream of tartar specially re fined and prepared by patent processes which totally remove the tartrate of lime and other impurities. SCOTS CELEBRATE. Entertainment and Dance Given by the Caledonian Clab. One of the largest audiences ever seen in Scottish Hall crowded it last night to wit ness the entertainment and participate in the dance given by the Caledonian Club. Greggs' orchestra playei an overture of "Scottish Gems," which was followed by a brief introductory address by Chief D. It. McNeil). Then came a vocal solo, "The Standard on the Braes o' Mar," by W. C. Cook; another sonc, "Sweet Heather Bell," by Mrs. Jennie S. Segar; a recita tion, "Gone With a Handsomer Man," by W. J. Byers; a character song, "The Flower Girl," by Miss Edythe E. Hender son; cornet solo, "Within a Mile o' Edinboro Town," by Mrs. W. E. Shyman; vocal solo, "Queen of the Earth," by Mis- Minnie Powell; vocal solo, by J. P. G'odj'.-ns; whistling solo by Miss Gertrude Judd; song, "Scotland Yet," by Robert S. Duncan, and Highland dancing by four little maids in costume completed the entertainment. The accompanists were Professor Robert D. Buxness, J. W. Mc- Kenzi and F. Zilliani. How well the audience appreciated tha programme was shown by the hex-ty ap plause each participant received, nearly all being forced to respond to the demand for an encore. Dancing followed the entertainment. *~ -♦ — ■» Varley's Meeting for Men Only. Mr. Varley will address the young men's meeting at the Association building, Mason and Ellis BtreetF,. to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock on "God'slUstory of the Devil," as an nounced last Sunday. Service for gentlemen only, between 16 nnd 40 years of age. No ladies admitted. Reveries of Florence, the great actor, in the mote of an Almighty-dollar Cigar. • AFTER THE FABIAN CLUB Rev. C. O. Brown Says That They Have Made Many Misstatements. THEIR MOTIVES QUESTIONED. Prominent Relißlous Thinkers Writ ing Words of Approval to Dr. Brown. Rev. C. 0. Brown is not at all perturbed about the series of resolutions adopted and issued Monday night by the Fabian Club, in which he is severely critizised for the position he had taken with regard to Professor George D. Herron and that gentleman's teachings. The resolutions, Rev. Mr. Brown declares, are full of mis statements and were issued with a mali cious intention of causing trouble in his church. "It is well known," he said, "that the Fabian Society is composed partly of men who wish to create dissensions in a Con gregational church if they could. I am happy to say, however, that up to date their efforts have signally failed. "Our prayer-meetings have never been beter attended. At none of them, nor at any other meeting, has the matter ever been alluded to directly or indirectly. In fact, the only time to my knowledge that the teachings of Dr. Herron have ever been mentioned within the walls of my church was on the night of April 27, when I de livered the sermon, printed copies of which have been sent all over the country by the trustees of our church. "Now I want to say that these men have made many misstatements. They say that the address printed differs materially from the one I delivered. This is not true. There is not a punctuation mark changed. I The sermon was written and I read from j my manuscript, at no time varying from , the text. I had that sermon printed in its | entirety." Here I. H. Morse, one of the officers of ' the church, said that he knew this was so. He had heard the sermon and read the circular and he was certain there was no j dissimilarity. Mr. Brown called attention to the fact that the issuance of the sermon was said to be contrary to the feelings of many promi nent members of the congregation. Be sides the six who figured in the call for the meeting at Metropolitan Temple, he said, he knew of no members of the con gregation who did not agree with its senti ments. This, he thought, showed that the church was with him, since there are 950 members. "Every word of that sermon was read to the trustees before it was printed." he said. "They all considered it carefully and ap proved of it being sent out. This shows that their statement that some of the trus tees had no knowledge of the contents of the sermon till after it was printed is false. "They say that one was abroad when it was issued. In this they refer to W. F. Whittier, to whom the sermon was sent first. He read it anrt advised its circula tion, saying that he absolutely and heart ily agreed in everything I had said. "As to the prominent members of the church who they say are opposed to the action the trustees have taken, I will say that I think they do not exist. I have carefully looked over the membership of the church, and among the 950 names can not find in opposition more than the six who signed the call. Mr. Dexter is a dea con, but he was made one at my request. As to Mr. Strouse, he is not only not a dea con, but never was one. About ten years ago he was an elder for nine months, but has held no office in the church since." Mr. Brown said he was receiving letters from prominent religious thinkers of all denominations approving his course. The letters came from ministers, college pro fessors and laymen. They were from all over the country. One was from a mem ber of the faculty of Yale. Another from one of the best known professors at Stan ford University contained the following: Please accept my thanks for your discus sion of Professor Herron's teaching. I thought at first that you were a little too severe in your objections to him. But I have been forced to the conclusion that he is not a fanatic but a rank humbug. DE. JOEDAFS OPINIOH. He Stands "With I>r. Brown in Opposing Frofcssor Herron. To the Editor of the Call— Sir: It is not to be wondered at that some people who know noth- Ing nf the mischief which has been wrought by Professor Herron's advocacy of revolution should have been displeased with my opposi tion to his teachings. I anticipated tneir dis pleasure, but I confidently expected that the sober second thought and the better under standing would reverse the hasty judg ment. The letters which I am daily receiving from ifferent parts of the country, from Boston pastors, Yale Uni versity yirofessors, from pastors in lowa, from professional and business men on the coast, approving my position, all confirm ihat opin ion. I did not believe that the loyal people of this community would upon sober thought dis approve the defense of American institutions aeftinst a revolutionist. The following letter, which came wholly un solicited and which I publish with its author's consent, will be of interest to the community: OFFICE or THE President ") LELAND STANFORD UNIVERSITY, V ; PAI-o Alto, Cal., May 30. 1895. ) Rev. C. O. Brown, D.D., San Franritrn, Cat.— Dear Bir: Please accept my thanks for your dis cussion of Professor Herron's teachings. I thought at first that you were a little too severe In your Objection to him, but I have been forced to the conclusion that he Is not a fanatic, but a rank hum bug. David S. Jordan, President. There.are a great many who, like President Jordan, were at first disposed to welcome Dr. Herron, but who, with a better understanding of his teachings, have come to see that if his views should prevail they would lead to bloody revolution and to the overthrow of liberty. We shall hear more from this class. The tide is coming in. Truly yours. Charles O. Brown. The health authorities of a number of States have recently made exhaustive ex aminations of the baking powders with the uniform result of finding the Royal supe rior to all others. PETER H. BURNETT`S WILL The Ex-Governor Left an Es tate of Sixty Thousand Dollars. Ho Cave $5000 to Charities and the Residue to His Children. Ex-Governor Peter H. Burnett left an estate valued at $60,000, chiefly in United States bonds. His will gives f">000 to Archbishop Rior dan, to be distr.buted for charitable pur poses. The remaining $55,000 is given in equal shares to his four children, namely: Dwight Burnett of South San Francisco; John M. Burnett, the attorney, of this City, at whose home the ex-Governor so long resided; Mrs. William T. Wallace of San Francisco, and Mrs. C. T. Ryland of San Jose. In disposing of his property Peter H. Burnett treated all of his children alike. Although Mrs. Ryland ami Mrs. Wallace are well off as the world goes he gave to them as much as ne gave to his sons. Dwight and John M. Burnett. This was ■ according to his Ueasof justice and impar .tiality. He could not give one more than he gave another without seeming to be j partial in his affections. The ex-Governor was a prudent and con servative business man, but adhered to much higher purposes in life than the pur i suit of wealth. By "cononiy. frugality and I methodical business habits he saved con siderable money, but gave regularly to charity from time to time certain amounts which he felt justified in bestowing from his means. He invested his savings in securities of the best kind. The investments in Gov ernment bonds attests this fact, and fur nishes another proof of his f«iith in the stability of the Government. Dwi^ht Burnett, who gets under the will some $13,700, is about 65 years of age. He lives in South San Francisco, but is not so well known in society as the other son or the daughter. He is only in moderate cir cumstances, so far as the ownership of property is concerned, hence the bequest will be of great assistance to him. John T. Hill's Ghost. The ghost of John T. Hill, the defendant in '< the Tortoni suit for $850 for meals, wines ' money loaned, etc., was present in Judge Hunt's court yesterday when the case was argued. The counsel agreed that there were 193 drinks at 25 cents apiece in the account, but Hill's attorney claimed that at least $463 should be deducted from the bill besides. Tins ; sum was made up of band of mnsic, $74 ; "use ] of room," $3; one knife, $1 ; sofa damaged by | being burnt with a cigarette, ?5 ; broken vio i lin,slo; draft paid on account of the bill $370. ' The main contention of the Tortoni people is i that these drafts wero merely cashed by Hill and not in payment of his account. MR. FAIRCHILD AND PORTIA The Humorist to Address the Lady Lawyers Next Mon day Night. He Says the Lecture Is His First Step Toward Becoming an Attorney Himself. Lee Fairchild has decided to become a lawyer, and his first step toward the don ning of the toga has been to identify him self with the Portia Law Club. Pursuant to an invitation from that organization he will address its members next Monday evening ci Metropo..ran Temple, and though he labors under the weight of a reputation as a humorist equal to that of Mark Twain it is expected that many Lee Fairchild Disg-uised as a Member of the Portia Club. [Sketched from life by a "Call" artist.] weighty, sober truths will on that evening fall from his lips. He threatens to review the work of the Woman's Congress, by which he was so inhospitably received a few days ago. Fairchiid'e decision to adopt the legal profession has been largely influenced by the advice of General Ciarkson, who dur ing his recent visit to this coast took a great liking to the young man. The humorist lias, however, reasons largely characteristic of himself. As he phrases it, he "has always been fond of attending to other people's business. The difference will be that whereas my services have heretofore been gratuitous, hereafter they will be given in a professional way." Following is the programme for Monday evening's entertainment: "Canto de Amor" L. Almagra By the Polytechnic Hißh School Mandolin Club. Luciano Mojica leader. "When an Actor" Lee Fairchlld Sou?, "Love's Provi nj?" Lohr Mrs. H. Lewis. "Modern Oratory" Lee Falrctiild "Manzanillo'* Kobyu Polytechnic Hi»;h School Mandolin Club. "The Town of Skookum" Lee Fairchlld Song (selected) J. A. Pogarty "Down on the Farm" Lee Fairchild Song, "Love Rules ;he World" Joseph RoecKel Mrs. H. Lewis. "Review of the Woman's Congress". Lee Fairchlld Fairchild was found at his Powell-street apartments yesterday, engaged in rehears ing his speech for Monday night. He wore the mortar-board and robes of the Portia Club, and might have been mis taken for a man of the cloth or even for a young Judge could Fairohild have kept his features in solemn mold. "Yes, I am going to study law," he said, in response to a question. "I tried it once before, but got to studying the lawyers in stead. That discouraged me, and 1 quit; but this time I shall let the lawyers severely alone. "This picturesque apparel, by the way, reminds me of the days of '86 and '87, when I was a preacher in the min ing town of Lewiston, Idaho. Those were happy days, for I did not know any more about the world as it really is than does a member of the Woman's Congress. I had many friends among the old miners. They called me their 'Prospect of hope,' but 1 noticed that they invested very little in me and never tried to work me at all." Fairchild left the ministry on account of ill health. There was also some misunder standing regarding salary, and he was the originator of the saving that he "could get along very well with the sinners, but had trouble with the saints." He declares that he would re-enter the ministry except that his offices at funerals would appear incon gruous, and "the great purpose of minis ters nowadays is to look after the dead and not the living." One of Fairchild's favorite topics is, "Why Young Men Should Remain Single." He professes ignorance as to just why the Portia Club, with its young widows and pretty maidens, should desire to encourage a convincing speaker who holds such views, but is nevertheless appreciative of such encouragement. There Is an article on this market seldom equaled and never excelled— Jesse Moore Whis ky. Moore, Hunt & Co. guarantee its purity. • MORE TROUBLE IN SIGHT The New Tax Collections May Not Be Available Till October. YET THE TREASURY IS FULL. Auditor Broderlck Thinks the Law May Be Stretched— Salaries of Employes. "I do not know that the money now be ing collected for personal property taxes will be available in July. I am disposed to think it will not and that no money will be available till October," was the rather doleful beginning of an interview with Deputy Assessor Herzer yesterday morning. "The more time I give to the study of the new law the more trouble it seems to bring," he continued. "It provides that the Supervisors shall first fix the rate of taxation in June and then make an appor tionment; of the revenue into the several funds in September. Now. we cannot take money out of the treasury until it is ap portioned. "The salaries, for instance, that are to be held over, as I understand it, until the next fiscal year, come out of the general fund, but until the money collected is ap portioned th's fund is not created. There fore it cannot be drawn upon, at least, that is the way it looks to me. If so, it means there will be no available funds till October. "How is the collection of personal prop erty taxes proceedMisr under the new law? Well, we are collecting considerable money, but as to the full working of the law I cannot speak, for the reason that we are not following its letter, biding the action before the courts to test it. We have not in a single instance attempted to seize property, as directed by the law, when persons having taxable personal property refuse to pay. We want to know beyond question that we have the right, seeing that the right is questioned, by a suit at law. However, very many people pay the tax upon solicitation. "We began on the 15th, a week ago. On the first day we collected a thousand or two. Now, however, we collect about $15,000 a day and have turned into the treasury altogether, not including to-day, $103,000. We receive many notes from people asking a little time, which, under the circumstances, we are disposed to re spect. Many others write us. however, flatly refusing to pay. In these cases we would make seizures of course if the case is decided for the Assessor. If not the work that we have done is all astray of course. The money collected would either have to be refunded or left to stand to the credit of persons from whom collected, for they would have to pay the tax later any how." Auditor Broderick was askod what he thought of this new phase of the financial situation. He said: "I believe that we will have to hold over the salaries for one month at least until the next fiscal year. It would be a hardship, of course, if the new law withheld payment of these until October; but Ido not believe it will. The new law cannot be so drastic and inflexible as all that. The salaries are paid out of the general fund, which last year was ap portioned as 56 per cent of the entire revenue. Now on July Iwe will probably have $400,000 in the treasury from the cof lection of personal property taxes now going on. 1 believe that the Supervisors can pass a resolution directing the Treas urer to place 50 per cent of the money, as received, into the general fund to be drawn upon. "We must have money, and I don't be lieve any mere technicality of the law should stand in the way of the legitimate operation of the government. lam confi dent it will be done that way." Chairman of the Finance Committee Taylor has asked Auditor Broderick for a list of the employes now on the payrolls of the City who are not accounted" on the salary list under the law. The pay of these will not hold over— that is, cannbt be paid out of next year's money for services performed this year. That is to say, there is some doubt about it, and Chairman Taylor thinks the warrants for these should be eigned and paid at once and only the regularly provided- for employes kept wait ing. The list will be prepared for him at once. NATIVE DAUGHTEES' HOP. Yosemite Parlor Entered the Social Swim Last Night. Yosemite Parlor, the youngest parlor of the Native Daughters of the Golden West, held its first social entertainment last night. The entertainmsnt was a delightful ball and supper, given last evening at Msen nerbund Hall, at Twenty-fourth street and Potrero avenue. A large crowd, which in cluded the members and friends of the new parlor, gathered there and made the affair a success. This young parlor, which was organized April 17, has twenty-eight members and a large number of applicants for member ship. The officers of this parlor are as follows: President, Mrs. Dr. Mary Campbell; first vice-president, Mrs. Neil tfenry; second vice president, Mrs. John Sullivan; third vice president. Miss Mary Pierce; past president, Mrs. Kulein ; recording secretary, Mrs. G. Jacob son; financial secretary, Mrs. Kate Taylor; treasurer, Mrs. Isabel Cull; trustees— Mrs. Mc- Vannon, Miss Ermie Geyser, Miss Rose Harvey. Among those in charge of last night's affair were the following ladies: Managers — Miss Lizzie Saticella, Miss Mary McXeel, Miss Nellie McGonagle; reception committee— Mrs. Nell Henry, Miss Mamie Doherty, Miss Anna Mitchell, Miss Josie Riordan. The Robinson Suits. Judge Sanderson heard argument yesterday in the case of the Southern Pacific Company against Robinson as to "stop-over" privileges. The company had obtained a preliminary in junction against Robinson, preventing him on the ground of conspiracy and the vexation of a "multiplicity of suits" from filing more. It was brought out in the argument, which reached the point of submission, that there are no less than 484 "stop-over" suits pending against the railroad, each presumably for the statutory damages of $200. NEW TO-DAY— AMUSEMENTS. METROPOLITAN TEMPLE. The Famous Hawaiian National Band! JOSE S. LIBORNIO, Leader. LAST THREE CONCERTS. VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL, 40-MUSICIANS— 4O Tickets at Sherman. Clay A Co.'a and at Model Music-store. Prices— 2sc, 36c, 50c and 75c. Matinee 2 p. m. .-aiurdav, May 25th. Prices, 25c and 50c, SANTA CRUZ VENETIAN WATERCARNIVAL June 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. 1895, COMBINING THE ATTRACTIONS OF TOE CARNIVAL OF VENICE WITH THE FLOWER FESTIVALS OF THE WORLD I PAGEANTS, SPORTS, REGATTAS, FIREWORKS, ELECTRICAL DISPLAYS AND FLOWERS IN PROFUSION. TRANSPORTATION R,A.TB3S. Remember the Dates and Watch for Further Advertisements for Programme. NEW AMUSEMENTS. BALDWIN THEATER. AL. HAYMAN A CO. (Incorporated), Proprietor! Packed at Every Performance. MATINEE TO-DAY AT 2. To-night, To-morrow (Sunday) and all Next Week. THE FAMOUS AND ONLY LILIPUTIANS. In the transplendent spectacular play, HUMPTY DUMPTY UP TO DATE 4 Grand Ballets. I GIANT I The tallest man Gorgeous costumes | A LEU, | that ever lived. AT THE Friday Evening, May 31, Saturday Matinee, June I, CALIF OIuiA Positively Last Appearances thi' rn.'i> * SA. JL ; — ■ i lilt Two Brilliant Programmes. | Popular Prlces-$2, $1 50, 1, 60c— All Reserved, Seats ready Monday at Sherman, Clay * Co.'*. " Tell us not with lengthened faces Advertising does not pay." Ope your eyes and see its traces In the solid wealth to-day. WE DO ADVERTISE, AND IN CONSEQUENCE THERE IS A BIG BUSINESS AT THE i rrtItDLAfIOt:R.6OTTLOD«» O>- u»rjA-n-'*nAStJi4-" ] THE GEM THEATKR OF THE COAST* Every Evening, Including Sunday. Matinee Saturday Only. FRAWLEY DRAMATIC COMPANY In Haddon Chambers' Romantic Drama •'CAPTAIN SWIFT." j Magnificent production. RemnrkaMe stage Settings Night, 15c, 25c, 50c and 75c; Matinee, 15c, 25c, 50c Mhs. tK> Kki i.ivii Proprietor A Maaagat THIS WEEK ONLY! PERFECT PRODUCTION Of Alfred Cellar's DOROTHY! Coming MAY QUEEN I Popular Prices— 2sc and sOc. MOROSCO'S GRAND OPERA-HOUSE. The Handsomest Family Theater In America. WALTER MOROSCO Sole Lessee and Manager TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT! FIRST PRODUCTION IN SAN FRANCISCO A MAN AMi)¥G MEN ! A PLAY OF TO-DAY. F.VKNINfi Pkicem— and 50c. Family Circle and Gallery, 10c. Matinees Saturday and Sunday. ORPHEUM. TO-DAY— SATURDAY MATINEE. CROWDED HOUSI-.S '. DELIGHTED AUDIENCES t A Treat to the Music-Lovlncr Public, MR. JULES LEVY, The Celebrated Cornet Virtuoso. ROGERS BROS., RICHMOND & GLENROY, MAUD RAYMOND. WILL H. FOX. GEO. H WOOD, FELIX & CAIN, Etc., Etc. Reserved seats, 25c; Balcony, 10c; Opera chair* and Box seats, 50c. Matinee Saturday and Sunday. Parquet, 'ibc: Balcony, 10c; Children, any seat, 100 CIRCUS ROYAL i And Venetian Water Carnival, Corner Eddy and Mason streets. CLIFF PHILLIPS* Proprietor and Manager MATINEE TO-DAY AT 2 P. M. LIVING BRONZE STATUES UPON THE WATER. BEAUTY IN ART AND NATURE. ROYAL MIKADO BARGE, THE FAIRY FLOAT. MARVELOUS ATTRACTIONS FOR NEXT WEEK. Evening Prices— Parquet and Dress Circle, Re- served, 25c and 50c. Saturday and Sunday Matinee— Parquet, Chil- dren, 15c; Adults, 25c. ALCAZAR THEATER. TO-NIGHT "THE SHAUGHRAUN." MATINEE TO-DAY. Prices— lsc, 25c, 35c and 50c. RUNNING >*3&>*§L— . RUNNING RACES! RACES CALIFORNIA JOCKEY CLUB RACSS, SPRING MEETING I BAY DISTRICT TRACK. Races Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday— Rain or Shine. „___ Five or more races each day. Races start at 2 :30 p. m. sharp. McAllister and Geary street cars pass the gate. PICNICS AND EXCURSIONS. GROCERS^ PICNIC. ANNUAL PICNIC of THE GROWERS? UNION WILL BE HKI-D'aT ... SCHUETZEN CLUB PARK SUNDAY, MAY a 6. Tickets, round trip, 75c; children 40c. Boats leave San Rafael ferry at 9:30, 11 and 1:30. GATE PRIZES: FlRST— Manhattan Bicycle: value $105; pur- chased of Hooker <fc Co., 16-18 Drumm st. SECOND— White Sewing Machine; value #70: purchased of White Sewing Machine Co., 138- -140 Ellis st. THlRD— Oxidized Center Table: value $30 : pur- chased of the Gercke Furniture Co., 745-747 Mission st. .■ FOURTH— Rattan Easy Chair: value $15; pur- chased of the Gercke Furniture Co. FlFTH— Fancy Rocker: value $10; purchased of the Gercke Furniture Co., . AND 150 OTHER PRIZES. FOR GROCERS' CLERKS' IiACE, AN ELKGANT GOLD WATCH. Prizes now on exhibition at Beamish* Shirt- store, 918 Market st. - . ■ 22D ANNUAL PICNIC SWEDISfIIoCIETY 4jl|&* WILL BE HELD AT t>_ fSJ?"Jfc£«sß.<fC* SHELL M I'ND PARK, tf/Rgj&fjt* Berkeley, 1!331^&3^ SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1895! *uP%3satrtt& Valuable prizes will be distributed. Tickets to the park 50c Children under 12 years, with guar- dians, free. >..;.,. . EL CAMPO, THE POPULAR RAY RESORT, NOW OPEN EVERY SUNDAY DURING THE SEASON. Music, Dancing, Bowling, Boating, Fishing and Other Amusements. Refreshments at City Prices. Fare, round trip, 25c; children, 15c, including admission to grounds. ■ ■ THE 1 EASIER URIAH Will leave Tiburon Ferry 10:30 a. m., 12:10. 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. Returning leave El Campo 11:15 a. m., 1 :00. 3:00 and 5.00 p. it. 7