Newspaper Page Text
10 THE COMMERCIAL WORLD SUMMARY OF THK MARKETS. Wheat unsettled. New Barley sold. Silver unchanged. Oats, Corn and Rye dull. Hay weak. Beans neglected. Oriental demand for Flour decreasing, Cattle market unchanged. salted Hides still Mgher. Cherries selling better. Plums on the market. Eggs, Cheese and Butter weak. Fotatoes sold higher. Onions steady. Poultry nominal. Limes lower. Oranges weak. Blackberries appeared. VIKATHKK BUREAU REPORT. FNiTKn Ptatrs Department of Aoßicuii- j TUBS. WKATHKR BURKAT, iSAX FRANCISCO, ' May 27, 1895, 6 P. M.— Weather coudltions and j general forecast. The storm which has been causing showery weather is now central in the British possessions north of North Dakota. Light showers have oc curred to-day from Fresno and San Luis Obispo northward In California, and rain ha« been quite general in Nevada and Utah and to the northward. Conditions are slowly clearing to the westward. Knst of the Sierra Nevadas there has been a sudden I and decided fall in the temperature, amounting to *s much 1.8 36 desxees in Salt Lake City. Severe frosts will occur In Nevada and Utah as soon as the sky clears. The following are seasonal rainfalls to date as compared with those of the same date last year: Eureka 46.32, last year 63.35 : Red Bluff 25.86, last year '2l.o2; Sacramento 24.11. last year 15.69: ! Kan Francisco 25.61, last year 17. 90; Fresno 14.14, last year 7.28: Log Angeles 15.91, last year j 6.64:" San Diego, 11.60, last year 4.18: Yunia 2.97, last year 2.16 Indies. The following maximum temperatures were re ported to-day from California stations: Eureka, 56 ! decrees: Red Bluff. 64: Sacramento, 64: San Fran cisco, ftß: Fresno. 66: sun I.tiis Obispo, 62; Los Angeles, 70: Sun Diego, 138: Yuma. 96. San Francisco data— Maximum temperature 53 j df «.. minimum 56 desr.. mean 54 dcs: rainfall .07. | Forecast made at >;m Kruneisco lorthinv hours j ending midnight May 27. 1895: Yot Northern California— <;enerally fair, except | showers on the northern coast to-niclit or Tuesday morning; slightly warmer in the interior; fresh I westerly winrts. For Southern California— Fair, slightly cooler in I the interior of south poriion; brisk westerly winds, j For Nevada — neutrally fair Tuesday: slightly warmer in west portion Tuesday; severe frost Tue-day night. For Utah— clearing; sliclitly warmer during Tuesday ; killing frosts to-night and Tuesday night. For Arizona— Fnir: cooler. For San Francisco and vicinity— Fair; stationary temperature: brisk westerly winds. W. H. Haumon. Forecast Official. NEW YORK MARKETS. NEW YORK. N. V., May 27.-The country got another grip on Wheat this morning, and during | the first hour after a preliminary skirmish with professional operators, during which prices gyrated I considerably, It rushed values up to a point 23' 8 : above Saturday's closing. First sales of July were made at different prices from H2Vi>. then the mar- ! ltet receded to 81 " 8 and almost at once went up to ; 83S 8 . with outsidrrs furnishing the steam. At , midday, however, attempts to bull tbe market any j funlitr was discontinued in view of the bullish character of the news, and then the bears went at < it hammer-and-tongs and soon reduced the early tiae until at the close prices only showed a net ad- | vance of Vs- Report that a big line of long Wheat in Chicago was being sold out added to the afternoon depressions. Total transactions to-day ! were 13.100,000 bushels. Except for forty-five minutes between 11 and 12 o'clock the stock market was Strong. Foreign houses were small buyers, and London cables re- j ported a good mark"; for Americans except at the I close, when asliuht reaction took jilace. Crop re- i ports were favoruMe. and the traffic statement re ceived generally showed increased net earnings. ! Speculation opened strong, and prxes advanced steadily, tobacco wellins l! p 3 per cent, Electric and D;s:illinj{ H4, National Lins-ed | li/8 and Pacific Mail l\n. Then there was some : realizing, causing a reaction oi 2V2 in Tobacco, lVs ' in Sugar, which had previously gailued iji per ceni, ' IVi in Colorado Fuel, li-gin Colorado Coal ami a i fraction In the rest of the list. After that the gen eral market was strong and firm to the close, the changes in the active list being slight. Coini'ured with Saturday's prices, the timd saies were Irreea- | lar, but in the main higher tor the day. The bond trading was active, suies $3,095,000. (■rain and Merchandise. Flour— Receipts, 8700 bbls: exports, 15,500 bb!s; sales, 28,700 pkes. Market unchanged in price with a lair business dointr, but the trading generally In shape to wait developments'. Rye flour firm; sales, 150 bbls. Superfine, $4 15 @4 35. Wheat— Receipts. 60,000 bushels: exports, 129,200 busln Is: sales, 13.:00,000 bushels futures. Spot, irretrulur. No. 2 red s:on ami elevator. HO' v ; afloat, 813 8 c; f. o. b. 815/ 8 e afloat; No. 1 hard 863/gC delivered. op:iou8 opened strong, reacted, advanced aL'ain on active demand, but sold off under an increase in ocean passage, a gain in the English visible, heavy Indian shipments, wanner weaiiier in the West and ltquida'ioii 01 a Ions; line at .Chicago, Closing 1 S ' net advance. No. 2 Red— May, dosed 80 Vfec; June, SOi 4 , 2.82 c, Closed 80i/B>-: July, s. - closed 813 8 (.-; AUgUSt. 81' 4(^81 "'gC. clOseif 81* 4 e; Sej> teiuoer, 81 i/2@.84i 41-, closed ß2c : October, 823/ 8 c; December. BiS3/ g (aß6c, closed 83 "/ B e. Hops— Dull. Woo!— Firm. Petroleum— Weaker. United closed $1 60 bid; ! refined New York, $8; Philadelphia, $7 95; in bulk, $5 45. Pigiron — Quiet; Scotch, $19@20; American. ! 59 60@13 25. Copper— Firm; brokers' price, $10 50; exchange : price, $10 60@10 70. Steady ; brokers' price, $3 07V2; exchange price, $3 20(g,3 25. Tin— Quiet' and weak; straights, $14 56@14 65; plate market steady. Spelter— Firm : domestic, $3 60. sales on chance: . Ten tons June tin, first week; ten 10113 June tin, second week; ten tons do, fourth week, $14 55; 25 tons June tin at ten days' notice, $14 40; Satur day, 50,000 pounds May copper, $10 55. Coffee Options opened barely steady at 10@ ! 20 points decline, ruled generally weak with small and few changes. Cables were disappointing and no outside speculation. Closed quiet at IC@l.'V points net decline. Sales, 9000 bags, incluuing May, $14 45; June, $14 .IO<&14 45; September. «14 90@14 95; October, $15 00; December, $14 80 @14 90; March, $14 70. Spot Coffee— Rio. quiet: No. 7.16 c; mild, quiet and steady: Cordova, 18V4@19c. Hales. 250 un washed Caracas, 250 Maracaibo. Sugar— Haw, quiet. Sales, 728 bags centrifugal, 96 test, 83/« c, ex ship; 3000 bags molasses sugar, I 89 test, 2 1116 c Refined quiet. CHICAGO MARKETS. CHICAGO, lix., May . 27.— The session com- j menced with the now daily repeated extravagant excitement in the wheat pit. The bulls already held the whole of the grain in the visible supply and had bought for future delivery all that will be j harvested from the growing crop, and were still ! clamorous for more. The bears shouted for some ! of it. It came high; but they. had to have it. July Wheat, which barely could be. sold for 79V.C at noon Saturday, readily brought from- «0y 2 up to 81 "^c at the opening this morning. The most generally current price at the start i as 808-i. From that it rose in a few minutes to 81 i - dropped back again to 80y., ■ then started up again, and tor the second time , touched X]n 4 . The i very heavy orders ceased after that, an i the price declined to. 79s /4 . The price then continued to' rush up and down in a most marvelous manner The changing aspect of the visible supply had much to do with the feverish changes in the price i Of wheat. When New York stocks were given at 995,000 bushels more than they amounted to a week ago, i the price had its tumble to 79yi, and when a tola! I decrease at all points of about 2,000.01)0 bushels seemed likely the price took an upward s!;oot to 80%, climbing to that from 795.' in about 10 minutes. .Inside the next twenty minutes 793/ 8 be came again the trading price. A little later It was up to 80% c. Liverpool was i quoted from \\ 2 to 2d per cental higher for futures. The news of damaging frosts In some parts of the I Northwest and crop damage from In. liana of the most distressing description did not seem to per manently influence the market. The feeling be gan to spread that the buying enthusiasm was about over. The foreign shipments for the week were heavy and that, together with rumors of Oregon wheat on the way to Kansas City and St. Louis, added to the bearish feeling which prevailed all afternoon The price in the last naif hour kept dropping to near 78C and rushing up again to about 79c even few minutes. The lowest it touched was 783/ 8 "c and it closed at 78%. . /8 The opening price lor July corn was from 531/8® 63»/4c and the highest price of the day was made at that time. The lowest point was near the end of the session, 02 V!>c, and it, closed at 52.v H e. . Oats were active with a heavy business trans acted. Prices at the close wore from s/ 3 ay 2 c under Saturday's last quotations. "' " Provisions— Pork, from an early break of 7y a c, rose 4'2i£c, and closed with a net gain of 171/2 C Lard at the close was barely 21/2 C higher than on Saturday, and ribs only secured from 2 V @sc of an early gain of from 10®12yaC. Much of the early buying was on country orders.' The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat No. 2— ■ .-• Highest. Lowest. May ..80»4c 77y 8 c July fcl^c 77y s September 82y 2 c 785/ 8 c Com No. 2— May.. 62% c 6iy 2 c July -...■. ......53»4c 62V 3 c September...... :.55i/ic 6 3 3/ 8 c Mess PorK per bDi— ' - -. Juiy .812 70 $12 27% September .sl2 97% $12 57Vs Lard per 100 lbs— Juiy ......$6 67% $6 62y a September... ........$6 87% S6 77% Short Ribs per 100 lbs— July .$637y 2 5025 September ............$6 55 ; $0-10 , Cash quotations were as follows: Flour— Firm; Winter Patents, $3 40@3 75; Straights, $3 25@ 8 60: Spring Patents, $3 75<i>4 15; Straights, $2 80 @3 76 ; Bakers', ; 92 75<£3 16; No. 2 Spring Wheat. SO3/4©SIS/4c: No. 3 Spring Wheat, 75(aSl c: No. 2 Red. 77%@78c: No. 2 Corn. 513/ a @sl7s> c : No. 2 Oats, 253/ic: No. 2 White, 32@32ycc; No. 3 White, 8114.^321/20: No. 2 Rye. 66@66y>c: No. 2 Barley, 51c: No. 3, 48351 c: No. 4, nominal: No. 1 Flax Seed. $1 49: Prime Timothy Seed. $5: Mess Pork-, ia bbl., $12 60313 62%; Lard. "# 100 lbs.. •T6 55(5)6 571/0: Short Ribs, Sides (loose). 86 20® (5 25: Dry Salted Shoulders {boxed). $53/ 3 (g;5%: Short Clear Sides (boxed). $6y 2 <a<s%: Whisky, distillers' finished goods, %* gal., $1 26%: Sugar, cut loaf unchanged; granulated, unchanged; stand ard A, unchanged. On the Produce Exchange to-day the Butter mar ket was firm. Creameries, 10@17y 2 c; Dairies, 9@ 16c. Eggs, ll@liy 2 c. Livestock. Cattle— Sales were on the basis of $4<3>6 05 for common to extra native beef steers with the hulk of transactions at $ WAG 55 for native steers. Butch ers and canners' stuff was in moderate demand at weak prices. Good feeding cattle were again in fair demand and pTteeAemalned steady. Hots — Farmers are rushing their ho^s to market as feed is relatively higher than hogs, but to-day's shrinkage In prices was barely 5c and trade 'on local shipping account was uncommotly animated. Most of the supply was sold from first hands. A few cholc hogs brought $4 86, but most of the sal '8 were at j? 1 'AQtqA -10 for heuvy and at $i 25(<U 4 50 for light and mixed, with the'bulk of the hogs selling at $4 40@4 65. Sheep — Improvements in prices have been large! v lost, values averaging from 10,0>15c per 100 pounds lower to-day. Prices sold chiefly at $3® 4 75 and shorn lambs at $5@5 40, trade being dull. Receipts— Cattle, 13,000; Hogs, 15,000; Sheep, 14,000. • CALIFORNIA FRUIT SALKS. CHICAGO, 111., May 27.— The Earl Fruit Com pany realized the following prices for California fruit at auction to-day: Cherries— Royal Anne, $1 75@2 20; Tartarian, ?1 40. Some soft and weak had to be sold for less. Centennial, $1 75; mixed, $1 60: ITingle apricots, half crates, $2 20. Porter Bros. Company sold to-day at auction seedling apricots, $3 30; Newcastle apricots, $3 40; I'ringles, $2 20(g,2 75 : Tartarian cherries, $1 05® 1 90: Rockporta, $1 40. The Earl Fruit Company fruit at open auc tion as follows: Pringle apricots, scaly, $1 85; black Bigarreau cherries, $1 70: black Tartarian, $1 40. some in bad condition, 70c@l 08; Royal Anne, $1 50@l 76, some in bad order, $1 30; mammotn Bigarreau, $1 15. Porter Bros, sold California fruit: ■ Newcastle apricots, $3 30 $ crate; seedlings, $2 45(g;3 30; Pringlcs, $2 20: apricots, $1 55; Tartarian cher ries, $1 15@1 90; some in bad order sold $1 05(gt 115; Rockports, $1 40; cherry plums, $1 20. The National Fruit Association sold California fruit to-day as follows:. Black Tartariaus, 80c;o> ?145; Pringle Apricots, ?1 15©2 25; Newcastle Apricols, $3 35. NEW YORK. N. V.. May 27.— The Earl Fruit Company sold California cherries at open auction to-day, realizing the following prices: Bluck Tar tarian, double crates, $3; Tartarian 10- lb boxes, $1 05@2; Belle d'Orteans, ?175; mixed, $175: Gros Bigarreau, $1 55: Governor Wood, $1 10: some in bad condition, 70c; red, 70c; white, $1; some badly decayed, 78c. Porter Bros. Company sold at auction to-day Suisun cherries at S3 37% V crate containing 30 pounds and boxes at If 1 75(gjl 80 %* box. The National Fruit Association sold California Cherries to-day as follows: Black Tartarians, 5135(a»170: Black T.irtarians crates, $3 35; May Dukes, $1 20: Black Bigarreau, $1 35. OMAHA LIVESTOCK MAKKET. OMAHA, Nkbr., May 27. — Cattle— Receipts, 1200. Marset strong. Steers, %i 25@5 50: cows and heifers, $1 50@4 50; stockers and feeders, $2 7698 75. VISIBLE GRAIN SUPPLY. NEW YORK. March 27.— visible supply of grain Saturday, May 25, as compiled by the New York Produce Exchange, is a3 follows: Wheat, 54.244,000 bushels, decrease 2.240,000; corn, 8,978,000, increase 1.140,000; oats, 7,390, --000, Increase 1.057.000; rye, 137,000, decrease 12.0C0: barley, 145,000, decrease 38,000. STOCKS IN LONDON. NEW YORK. N. V., May 27.-The Evening Post't London cablegram says: The stock markets were all but idle to-day. Th« house closes on Saturday. The tone was good. Americans were strong with slight reaction at close. German buying was said to be largely stimulated by improved exnorts of Germany and America. The French buying of Kaffirs is slackening. 1 have pood reason to believe all the arrangements are practically concluded for the issue of a Newfound land loan in London. The amount will probably be just over half a million sterling, including about 4 per cent interest. NEW YORK STOCKS. Bonds, Exchange, Money and Railroad Shares. .vM*^ Money on call easy at l@iy 2 V; last loan 1%; closed 1%. Prime mercantile paper, 3@4V»%. Sterling exchange dull but steady, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at $4 >-'8(g,4 8SV 8 for demand and $4 S7@4 HTi/8 for. sixty nays, Posted rates, $4 87i£<&-l 88 and $4 88V 2 ©4 89. Commercial j bills, $4 86Vi- .Silver certificates, 67%@68c CLOSINO STOCKS. Atcbison 8y Northern Pacific... 5% Adnms Express 144 | Preferred 29Vi» Alton. Haute. 65 ID. P. Den. Gulf.. tiVi Preferred [Northwestern 09 American Express.ll7 ' Preferred 144% American Tobacco. 113 N. Y. Central... 10- Preferred .116 N. Y. & New Eng,. 44' „ Baltimore & Ohio. . 64 Ontario it Western 18% Bell Telephone 20(» ; Oregon lmprovmt. 13 Canada Pacific ">3 ! 4 Oregon Navigation 26 Canada Southern.. 53% Oregon Short Line. 814 Central Pacific 19Vi Pacific Mall 28y 2 Cbes. <feOhio PeonaD. & Evans. 63 /8 Chicago Alton 150 Pittsburg 155 Vi Chicago, B. <fcQ.... 81% Pullman Palace.. 171 Chicago Gas 74 1 Reading 19% Consolidated Gas... 144 l ,4 Richmond Termini C. C. C. & St. Louis 448/ 8 i Preferred Colo. Coal & Iron.. RioGrsndp&Westn 19 Cotton Oil Cert 28 Va : Preferred 45 lie). Hudson 131% Bock Island 70 Ji. Western 160 St.X. & S.i". lstpf. Denver A P-G.pfd. 47S/ B st. Paul. . 613/ i Distillers .20 j Preferred .'.120i /2 Kast Tennessee 'St. Paul <fe Omaha. 88% Erie 133/ Preferred 114 I Preferred "-7 3 Southern R. &..:... 14Vg Fort Wayne 157 Preferred 39% 1 Great Northern |)fdl33 St. P. M. &M. lib ! Chicago & Kill pfdlOO Southern Pacific... 20 Hocking Valley 26S' g Sugar Rennery.....1177 Illinois Central 96 iTenn. Coal tfc Iron. 28% M Paul <fc Duluth.. 2SV 2 Texas Pacific IS Kansas & Texas pf. 32% Tol. <fc O. Cen. pfd.. 78 Lake Krie it Westn 25y» Union Pacific 15V 2 Preferred B'2V 2 U.S. Express 40 Lake shore 146 Wan. s. I* & Pac.. 914 Load Trust B*% Preferred 20 V* ; Louisville & Nash. f>9>.-4 Wells- Fareo 108 1 Louisville <t New Al IOV2 Western Union 92»/» , Manhattan COUSOI.II6I/4 Wheeling A L.E... ]4Vs Memphis & Churls. 15 | Preferred. 45V 8 Michigan Central.. 100% Minn. St. Loals.. 38 Mexican Central... 12 iDenver & Ri00.... 15 j Missouri Pacific — 2ys/a General Electric. .. 34V 8 ! Mobile A Ohio 23 National Linseed.. 28% Nashville Chatt.... 80 'Colo. Fuel A Iron.. 26 National Cordage.. 3% Preferred ... 70 Preferred 5% H. * Texas Cent. . . 2 1/» N. J. Central 1015/sToi.A.A.JtN.Mich_ 3 " I Norfolk & West pf. IB Tol.St.Louis&lv.C.. 6V North American... 6% Preferred 13 CI.OHINU BONDS. 0 S 4s, new, reg....123y ten Pac lstsof '95.103 Do, 48 coupon. ...l2liSi Den <fc RG7s 112% D 8 ss, registered. .ll6 j Do, 4s 87V* Do, roupon 116 V Erie 2ds 69 Do, 4s registered. 112%! GII AS A 65. ... 97 Do, 4s coupon 113y ' Do. 7s 10iy 2 Do, Us registered. 97 II Tex Cent 65.. . 109 ' •■ Pacific 6s '95.... 100 j Do, bs. 103% Ala. ClassA 107 51 X T 4s 87% Do, Class X 108 Do, second 45. ... 59?.« Do, Class C. 96V2 Mutual Union 65... 100 Do, Currencies... 96V C>:^ J Cent (im 55... 116 La, New Consols -Is 90 'Northern Pac lsts. 117% Missouri 6s 100 Do, 'ids 101 iN Carolina 6s 124 Northwest Consols. 1 40 1/2 Do, 4s. 103 Do. SF deb 65... 108 SC Non-fund...... iy 2 R Grand eWestlsta 77 Term new sec 63. .. XKi/"St. Paul Consols 7s. 128 Do, 5s 100 I Do, C& P W 55.. 11 3 Do. 3s IStL&lronMtOen 5s 79% Tennold6s 60 Ist. L. &S.F.Gen 65.110% V a Centuries. 6l)i/ 8 Southern K. H. 55.. H4i- 4 Do. deferred...... 6' i Texas Pacific firsts. 94 ' Atchison 45... . 74 Texas Pac seconds. 31%, Do, lid A « 25 y 2 Union Paclstof '97.105 V 3 Canada South 2d5..104y 8 West Shore 4s. i 056/8 1. & N uniiied 45... i V B . FOKEIGN MARKETS. . WHEAT IX LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL. Eno., May 27.-The spot market Is higher at 6s 10%@5s lid. Cargoes are firm at 28s 71'sjd June-July and 27s 6d for January ship ments. FUTURES. The Produce Exchange cable gives the following Liverpool quotations . for No. 2 Red Winter: May, 5s 10% d; June. 5s 10% d: July, 6sliy,a; August. 6s ; September, 6s %d. BKCURITJKS. • LONDON, Kn«., May '27. — Consols, 1061/4; silver, 80 11-16 d; French Rentes, 102f 47y 3 c. POETLAM)'S BUSINESS. PORTLAND, Ob " >I»y 27.-Exchanges, $232, --462: balances. $46,415. ▼•«»«! KXCHANGE AND BULLION. Sterling Exchange, 60 day 5......... _ *4 88 Sti-rllng Exchange, sight.. ' _ 4Co New York Exchange, 5ight......... — O&i, £. ew «iY, ork r - xclliln telegraphic. — 05" >ine>ilvi-r, spot, ■$ ounce _ 67 Fine Silver, 30 day5......... '" _ «r. 7/ Mexican Dollars. V:::;.^ 63 63% PBODUOE MABKET, WHEAT AND OTHER GRAINS. WHEAT— Chicago was unsettled again yester day, advancing from7C%c to 81 %c, and tailing back to 78% c. This market was Irregular in sym pathy and dropped to $1 Ois/ , a decline of iW from Saturday. Spo: grain was unaffected by these fluctuations on call. No. 1, 90Cq,92%c «* ctl : choice, 9354 c: lower grades, ■- h0<5,88%c: extra choice lor milling, 95c(a$l %* ctl. - . • 1 CAM, J:iiAßl> BALKS. iNroEMAL Session —10 December— ' THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1895. 900 tons, $1 06: 800, $1 06yi: "00, ?1 063/ ; 600, $106yg: 100, $105%; 200, 05%. Regular Mobninb Session — December — 400 tons, 81043,4: 800, $104%: 2100, $10414; 900, $1 04: 2100. $1 041/8: 1200, if 1 043/,. Afternoon Skssion — December— 2oo tons, $] 04y 8 : 500. SI 041/4: 300, $1 04%; 1100, gaO43/ 3 . Seller '9s, new— 2oo, 96yic; do storage paid— loo. $1 00%- ; BARLEY— A carload of the new crop, the first of the season, sold at auction on 'Chang* at 70c. The first Barley always sells over the market. The lot ' was gooa plump Feed and came from Dixon. Feed, ! 2 @fi3B / ic ?. ctl for ordinary and 65@66y 4 c * ctl ior choice bright: Brewing, 70@80c %i ctl. . CALL BOARD SALES. Informal Skssiox — 10 o'clock — No sales. Regular Miikn Ino Session — December— loo tons. 6t>V.ic; 100, 66c; 100, 655/ 8 c; 300, 66% c. Afternoon Session — December — 100 tons, 65% c OATS— Milling is quotable at ?1 05@l 12% 3? ctl: fancy Feed, $1 02y 2 @l 05: good to choice. : 97y 8 c@?l 02%; common to fair, 90<ffi95c; Red, ! 90e«isjSl: Gray, 82y»fe95c; surprise, $1 10@l 15 ?> ctl. CORN— Very quiet at unchanged prices. Large Yellow, $1 10@l 15; Small Round Yellow, $1 10@ 115: White, *1 05@l 10 f» ctl. RYE— B7%@POc SB ctl. BUCKWHEAT-Nominal at 85@90c 9 ctl. FLOUR AND 3IILLSTUFFS. FLOUR— The Oriental demand is falling off, Saturday's China steamer taking out only 13,756 bbls. Net cash prices are: Kami!} extras, $3 40@ 3 50 I* bbl: Bakers' extras, $3 30@3 40: superfine, $2 25@2 50 V. bbl. AIJLLSTUFFS— Ryt» Flour, 3%c "$ tb: Rye Meal, 3c: Graham Flour. 3c; oitcineal, 4ViC; Oat Groats, 6c: Cracked Wheat, 3%c: Buckwheat Flour, 4y 2 c; Pearl Barley, 4i 4@43 / 4c $ Jb; Rice Meal, $12@15 i 3 ton. .'•■..• • CORNMEAL, ETC.— Table Meal. 3@3%c; Feed Corn, $24 50fa"J5: Cracked Corn, $25(a,25 60$ ton; Uomiiiy, 4V- ! @43 / ic^ lb. HAY AND FEEDSTUFFS. BKAN— SI3 60@14 ton. MIDDLINGS-$17@19 ? ton. FEEDSTUFFS — Ground and rolled Barley, $14 60@15: Oilcake Meal at the mill, $25 fl ton: Cottonseed Oilcake. .$24 » ton. HAY — Weak at the low prices. New Wild Oat is quotable at $5 60@7 $ ton; new Wheat and Oat, $5 Do@7 $ ton : new Alfalfa, $4 60 (£5 60. We quote old Hay: Wheat, $840,11 %>. ton; Wheat and Oat, $7telo &0: Barley. $7rrf>B %Uon; Oat. $S@10; Alfalfa. ~s7(a.S SO: Clover, $7@B; Com pressed, $7@10; Stock, $6@7 "? ton. STRAW— 4O@7Oc %! bale. BEANS AXD SEEDS. BEANS — Bayos are quotable at $1 25@1 BO I* ctl: Small Whites, $'2 50@2 70; Pea, $2 50 (g'i 70: Large Whites, $2 60@2 70: Pink, $1 30® 1 45; Keas, $1 25@1 35; Blackeye, if 3 26@3 75: Ked Kidney, nominal; i,imas, .f4@4 26; Butters, $1 75(<i2 for small and ■?■_'.. .'J 25 '£ ctl for large. SEEDS— Yellow Mustard, $1 76@S f 1 ctl : Trieste, $1 60tel 75; Native Brown, sl 25(a,l 76: Flax, $2 25 @2 50: Canary, 3@4e $ lb; Alfalfa, 7@7%c; Rape, l%<£2Vic; Hemp, 4c %i lb. iiltlKD PEAS— Split Poas, 4@43 / ic; Green Peas, nominal; Niles, $1 25@1 35; Bluckeye, nominal. , POTATOES, ONIONS, VEGETABLES. POTATOES— Higher prices were obtained yes terday. New River Burbanks, 75c@$l ; New Po tatoes, In sks, 50<&75c: New Early Rose in boxes from the River. 75@95c; Oregon Burbanks. 35@ 60c lj» ctl. ONIONS— New Reds sold at 40@45c $ sack. VEGETABLES— Most kinds were linn, receipts being moderate. SummerSqußsh, 75(a90c bx for Vacavtlle and $1 50@l 75 "ft l»x for Buy. Arrivals were 806 bxs Asparagus, 179 bxs Rhubarb and 105 sks I'i:as. Asparagus, 50c(g..i!l ~$ box lor ordinary and $1' 25@1 50 for choice; Rhnbarb, :Wa)4oe for ordinary and 60@75c for choice: Green Pens. $1 f* sk for common and 2@2y 2 e %• lb for Garden: String Beans, 3%@4%c lor Green, 4%@6c for Refugee . and Fountain and 4iaftc for Golden Wax; Marysville Cucumbers, $1 50@l 75 >• box; Dried Okra, 15c ¥* lb; Dry Peppers, 12y>f®15c: Cabbage, 76c %( ctl; Feed Carrots, 30@40e;"Garlic, 7@Bc t» lb. BUTTER, CHEESE AND EGGS. BUTTER— The situation shows no change. Creamery— Fancy, 12(S}il2%c; seconds, 11@ ny 2 c ?. tt>. Dairy— Fancy, 10@llc f, lb; good to choice, 9@ 9' '■■<■: medium grades, B@B%c I 1 lb; store Butter, 74-7y«c V It.. CHEESE- The market is still over-supplied and very soft. Fancy mild new, 6@l>y 2 c: common to good, 3@sc f 1 Hi: Young America, East ern, 11%'<112%c: Western, C@Bc f 1 lb. EUtiS — market continues dull and rather weak. Duck Eggs. 13@15e f> dozen; store Eggs, Iiy 2 @12y a c; ranch Eggs, 12y 2 @14y 2 c "# doz, with 15c for extra choice. POULTRY AND GAME. POULTRY— We quote California stock: Live Tur keys, 12@13c $ tt> for Gobblers; 12@13c for Hens; Geese, fl pair, $l(Sil 25; Goslings, '0 pair, $1 25 fa 1 75; Ducks, $3 50(a4 50 fi dozen for old and f 3@7 r* doz for young; Hens, $4(a.5 50: Roosters, young, $B@lo $>. dozen: do, 01d,?4@5 r 1 do/. : Fry ers, i?*> 60(g7 50 V do«; Broilers, $r<(ak> for large and ?2<a.4 for small; Pigeons, $1 75(a,i: tor young and old. .• > . • • ;^,^.- ; .- Nominal. DKCIDUOUS AND CITRUS FKUITS. ORCHARD FRUlTS— Cherries sold higher under decreased receipts. People are apparently just be ginning to rind out that the crop will not be heavy this year. H. G. Blaisdell of Yiima sent in four boxes of Figs, which sold at 65c tA Jb. Plums came in and brought 50@60 "£ box; Cherry Plums, 50c 13 box; Peaches, $1 25 '0 box. Receipts of Apricots were 240 boxes. Ar rivals of Cherries were 1797 boxes. Green Apples, 25@60c ft box; Apricots, 50(cz,7.V for I'rin gles and $)«i>l 25 for Royals; Cherries, 20(5;40c for red and white and 35(g,60c V box for black: 3(<s3 y>c V ft) for red and white in bulk and 4(£4V 2 c for black in bulk. BKUKIKS— was very little change yester day. Blackberries came in from Fresno and sold at $1 25(c,l 50 •$ crate. Raspberries, $10@15 ~&. chest and $I@l 25 V crate; Currants, 35(^50c %*drawfr: Gooseberries, l^,iy c for common, 2c fi fb for Oregon Improved and for English. Receipts of Strawberries were 610 chests, selling at ?4®7 for Lon'.'wortns and *'-(n,3 i£ chest for large berries. CITRUS FRUITS— Five cars were auctioned as follows: Fancy Navels. $1 05@2; choice do, $1 05@l 40: standard do, 65c<a$l: fancy Seed lings, 60@75c; choice do, 45iaj75c: standard do, 2S@soc; Mediterranean Sweets, 55<a90e: St. Michaels, 35''s95c; Malta Bloods, «50c@$l 26. Oranges continue weak and Limes are lower. Navels are quotable at $1 f>o@2: Seedlings, 50c(a,$l: California Lemons, $l(?ui 50 for com mon and $2(a,2 50 for good to choice: Mexican Limes, $3 f>(7fe4 V box: Bananas, $1 25ra>2 %l bunch; Pineapples, $4@5 %* dozen. DKIKI> FKUITS, I'.AISIXS, NUTS.KTC. DRIED FKT' lTS— Prunes, four sizes, are quot able at 4c tb; larger sizes. &fc 6c Tb: smaller sizes, 1 1 /2<ja.3c lb: Apples, 4®4ioC for «.ilced and s(a.syaC for evaporated; Bleached Peaches, 4V2(s6c: Apricots, s@(sc for fair to choice and l(O)7y-t c for fancy Moorpark: Pears, 4®4y>c for evaporatea Halves, 8040 tor quarters and 1 1 »r<6 2c for Inferior goods; Plums, 3(^3Vac for pitted and 1% C for unpitted : Figs, black, 4c for pressed and S%M for iinj>resse<l. KAISINS AND DKIED CRAPES— Kalsins- Four-crown. loose, are quotable a: 3 c: three crown. »y 2 "£ lh: 2-crown, 2c "H rb: seedless Sultanas, 3c f> B>; seedless Muscatels. 2c f* tb; S-CTO'.vn London layers, $1 M>tq.l 45 "f> box : clusters. $2 25@2 71: D ebesa clusters. ?2 50; Imperial clusters, $:•; 1 0; Dried Grapes— iy 2 @l%c V rb. NUTS— Chestnuts are quotable at 3&5 c 0 lb: Walnuts, 7<g| 10c for paper-shell and softshell, and 6<§>7c for hnrdshell; Almonds, B@2^c for hard shell, and 5(a.6c %» tb for suftshHl, and for paper-shell; Peanuts, 6(KSc for Eastern and -i.'d) •*V«c for California; Hickory Nuts, s@oc; Pecans, 6c lor rough and 8c for polished; Filberts, H(aJ9c: Brazil Nuts, 7(&7 /3 C 3 tt<; Cocoanuts, ?4 50;aI> 50 %*, 100. HONEY— Comb. 6©loc: - water-whito extract ed. 6@6c: light amber extracted, 4y 2 @4%c; dark amber. 4c $» lb. BEESWAX— Quoted at 26@28c '^ It. PROVISIONS. CURED MEATS— Bacon, 9@9y 2 c for heavy and 10c Ib for light medium: 10y 2 c'# lb for light, 11 @liy 2 c for extra llcht and 12V2<S)15c for sugar curca; Eastern Sugar-cured Hams,l2%c:Californla iiams, ii^c: 3icss .Beer, $7(g) mo %>, bul ; extra mesa do, $H(a-8 50: family do. $10; extra prime Pork, ?9 60 & bbl: extra* clear, $17 50@18 $ bbl; mess, if 1 5© 16 50H bbl: Smoked Beef, 9V2©loc V' lb. LARD— Eastern, tierces, quotable at 63/i@7c for compound and 88,4 c for pure; pmis, 91/.C; Cali fornia tierces, 6c for compound and 8c for pure; half-bbls, BV*c; 10-Jb tins, 8y 2 c %'. tt>: do &-tt), Be ft lb. ~ COTTOLENE— 7%@7%c in tierces and 83/i® B%c $lb in 10- tins. HIDES, TALLOW, WOOL, AND HOPS. HIDES AND SKIXS— The market continues stiff and heavy salted steers are higher again at 9 Via @10c lb; medium, B©BV2C $ lb: light, 2 c; ■ 'owliides, 7(aßc^lb; sal ted Kip, 7c * Ib: salted Calf, 9c: salted vcai.Bc; dry hides, usual selection, lf>u: culls, 12c: ary Kip. 12<ffil3c: dry Calf, 12@14c; prime Goutskihs, siO(ai3sc "each : Kids, sc; Deer skins, good summer, 80c %i lb: medium, 15(&>'J5c; winter. 10@15c; SheepsKins, shearlings, 10®20c , each; short wool, 25©35 c each: medium, 30@45c each ; long wool, 40(0i60c each ; Culls of all • kinds about V-c less. ■ ■ . --■ • . • . TALLOW— No. 1 rendered, 4Vi@4y2c: country Tallow, 4@4Vic; roflned, 6c: Grease, 3@3V2C^ lb. WOOL — Quotations for the spring clip are as follows: ilumboldt \ and : Mendocino, ll@l2c V lb: Choice Northern, 10@llc %) Ib: San Joa quin, year's staple, ti(g/7c i* lb: do, seven months', ij'i.hi-: Calaveras and Foothill, 8@10c; Nevada, 7© Be f tb. HOPS— Good to choice, 4@Gc 9 Ib; inferior and old Hops, 2@3c. . ■ GENERAL MERCHANDISE, BAGS— Calcutta Grain Bags, 4%c spot and future delivery; Wool Bags, 24@26c. Wellington, 8; New Wellington, ?8; Houthfleld Wellington, $7 60; Seattle.' s6 50 $ ton; Bryant Seattle,' ?6: Coos Bay, $5 , # ton; Walls rnd. $7 60: Scotch. 9 8: Brymbo. B7 50: Cumberland, $13 60 .in . bulk and $15 in sacks: ■. Pennsylvania Anthracite Unit. $1": Welsh Anthracite Egs, $9- Ccpcel, $8; ±{ock Springs, Castle Gate and Pleas ant Valley, $7 60; Coke, $12 in bulk and $14 in sacks. .•- . . -■, ■■'■' ■■■.-,:: ..-,-_ .:•.-.. SUGAK— The Western Sugar Refining Company quotes, terms net cash: Cube, Crushed. Powdered and Fine Crushed, all Ss.^c- Dry Granulated, 5y 8 c: Confectioners' A, 5c- Magnolia A. 45/ 8 c: Extra C, 4%c; Golden C, 414 - D, 4c; half barrels ytfi more than barrels, and boxes % c more. SAN FRANCISCO MEAT MARKET. The Chicago market continues unsettled, but this market shows no marked change. Wholesale rates for dressed stock from slaughterers are as follows: BEEF— First quality, 5%(5>6c: choice, 6%c; seo *>n T d Quality, 4%@5c; third do, 3@4c £ ft. VEAL— Large, 4@sc; small, 6{g»7c ft ft. ■ MU TTON— Wethers, 4®4y»c; Ewes, 4c H lb. . LAMB— Spring, 4%'d)sc a lb. PORK-Live Hogs 3c Ilb for soft, 4@4V*c for hard and 334^40 for feeders; dressed do, 6@6%c. RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. ~ MONDAY, May 27. Flour, qr. 7,439 Br»n, ska 1,216 ■ °.r e «°" 10,9401 Oregon 2,038 Washington..... 6,236 Hay, tons 3.8 Wbeat,ctls 5,146 W001, bis £02 Larley.ctls 6,2600reg0n 131 Oregon 315 Washington 28 Oats ' 's 75 Leather, rolls 7 Oregon 1,495 Wine, gals. 65,20.) Corn, ctls 325' Hides, no 87 Rye, ctls s.HOiPelts.Ddls. 120 Beans, sks 171 Lime, bbls.. 320 Potatoes, sks... 2,611 Quicksilver, flasks 17 Oregon l,7»3!Bor»x 4«1 Onions, sks 270 ! Hops, bis , 37 Middlings, sks 485 Mustard, sks IB Oregon 240 THE STOCK MARKET. As a rule the Comstocks were stronger all around yesterday, especially on the noon informal session, when Con. Cal. and Va. sold up to $2 50 and Ophir to $1 45. The other Comstocks 'showed little change. Bodie continued to drop rapidly and sold down to 56c, but subsequently recovered to 61c, though this latter figure showed a sharp de cline as compared with Saturday's closing quota tion of 83c. Threatened litigation with the Stan dard Consolidated over $300,000 worth of ore al leged to have been extracted by the Rodie Consoli dated from within the patented lines of the Stan dard Consolidated from 1884 to 1889 is said to be the cause of this neavy decline in Bodie. In fact it is reported that proceedings have already begun. The close was linn. NOTES. Silver Hill extracted thirteen tons of ore from below the 60 level, the average car sample of which was $103 per ton. In the Potosi mine the upraise from the 550 level is up 70 feet. The top shows low-grade ore. There was saved from this upraise during the week nine tons of ore, the car samples of which aver aged $30 10 per ton. President 1. W. llellman of the Nevada Bank says that the branch agency of that bank at Vir ginia City will be reopened should business affairs revive on the Comstoclc lode in the Chollar mine during the past week they continued to slope ore from between the 450 and b&0 levels, and extracted and shipped to the Ne vada mill 227 tons and 1600 pound* of ore, the average battery assay of which was $26 63 per ton. Bui ion valued at $6684 was shipped during the week. The west drift from the Ward shaft on the 820 level of the Bullion mine Is In 1566 feet. The face is In porphyry. Low-grade quartz continues in the face of the south lateral drift on the 420 level of the Alpha Con. mine. The Pacific Lighting Company has declared a dividend of 30 cents per share, payable June 6. BOARD SALES. Following were the sales In the San Francisco Stock Board yesterday: RKBULAI! KORSISTO 9ESSTOV— 9:3O. 700 Andes. ... 12 300 dial C. . . .23 .'OO Occldentl.22 300 Itelcher. ..49:loo 24 ".CO Ophir . .1.40 200 B <fc 15. . . . 62360 CCA X ... 2.45 400 Potosi ... .47 KM) Bodie 60100 G & C... .28400 46 l'» 0 6iT200 29i100 Savage... .4l 250 61:200 HAN. .1.10300 42 I 50 59|200 Kentuck .02700 Uni0n. ...33 i 100 8u1wer. ..051:200 Mcx 42100 V Jackt...s2 200 Ch011ar.... 271 ' AFTtRSOOX SESSION— 2:3O. 100 Alpha C. .04100 Ch0!1ar:..27 100 Occldnt...2o 200 Andes. ...12:200 V...2.6511M) Opbir. . 1.45 400 11 «,o .. 1.05:100 0vnnn....18 ' 000 Bodie 60 HO I.OOjiOO L'otOftl ...46 I 800 400 C P0int... 53.400 Set? 8e1.... 16 I 100 8u11i0n. ..18 50 G & C... 80 100 S Nev ....54 ' 200 122011 44 ! 50 Union C. 33 I 100 Cha1nge.. 23.600 Mono 09,100 V Jacket. 62 j Following were the sale* In the Faolflo Scoolc Board yesterday: RF'irr.Aß SFSatON'— lo:3o. 300 Andes... .12 1000 CC&V2.4O 200 0cc1dt1....20 ' 600 8e1cher.... 47 100 2.42U.1300 Ophir ...1.40 I 850 B<fc 8.... 62.300 2.50250 1.16 I 200 56 100 C Point. .48 200 Savage. ...4o 100 Bodie 75|300 51 550 41 600 70 650 « & C ;<0 100 He* 8e1. ..15 100 59 200 H<£.\ ...1.051200 SNev 54 100 Bullion... 13 300 Justice.... YJacket..sO 300 Bulwer. ..05 600 Kentck...O4 100 62 i 400 Ch0Uar....25) 50 Mcx ...42l a> Ti' K\(»i\ skssio.v— 200 Andes .13:200 Bodie 200 (i & C 31 200 ....... .....121100 dial C. 241200 30 200 BJk 8... 65 200 Chol)nr...2o|loo iUvN ...1.10 200 . . .'. W 1 00 UUrfV . ..2.551200 < >vernin...l9 50 53; 51) 2.52V a 3M) Potosi ....46 | 100 Bodie 59200 2.57y.>|100 Havn|re....43 1450 60:200 .2.&011400 CLOSING QUOTATIONS. MONDAY, May 27—4 p. h. - Bu!.A*l.r. :, . Bid.Axked. Alpha C0d..... 0:', 05 lowa — • OB Alta OS OB Jackson 20 ■■.'■'■ - Andes 11 12 Julia... —; ' 04 Belcher 45 46iJustlr» 03 04 Best •£ Belcher. .'.:< 54 Kentuck. 03 04 BentonCoh 30 — j Lady Wash 01 02 Bodie 58 60 Mexican 43 14 Bullion 12. 13Mono — 14 Bulwer — 05 Mt. Diablo 15 — Caledonia 06 07 Nevada Queen. — " 05 challenge Con. 22 25 Occidental 20 22 Choiiar 26 Ophir 40 1.45 Con. <fc Va. 2. 50 2.55 Overman 17 19 con. Imperial. 01 021'otosi. . 44 46 Confidence 1.00 — Savace 41 , 42 I Con. New York. 03 — jSepr. Belcher... 15 16 crown Point... 48 60' scorpion 04 06 Ka»tE.ft.B... 11 —Sierra Nevada. 53 £5 • KastSierra.Nev — 05l Silver II 111 — 04 Kxchcquer 01 OJlSllver King 20 — KurekaCon.... — 25;Syndicat« — ---04i liould & Curry. 30 61 Union Con 32 34 I Gray Ka/k-.... 40 —Utah 03 05 | llaledi.iSorors.l.os 1.10 Yellow Jacket- 61 53 STOCK AND BOND KXCHANGE. MONDAY, May 27—2 H. m. bonus. Bid. Asked. • Bid. Asked. V S Is cotip..H2i£ — Banks. Commercial— D 8 45reg...112y 3 — Arecrß&TC. — — Cal-RtCblesH.loo<\illOV>'Aui, lo-Oal. .. 59 — Cal Elec I* 65107 — "ißank of Cal.. — 225 Cntra C W .">sl ol ■ — C«l SD&TCO. 40 — Dpnt-stex-cp 92 99 First.NiU!onl.l77V2 — l.clsiiLAl'Hs. — 110 Printers .... — — F&Cli R865104 — Loniloiit'&A.l24Valli7 Geary-stltss. — 103 IliOnrton&SF. — 31 IxisAng I. Us. 97V — Mercta Ex... 12 — Do.Qnted.6a. — 103 Nevada — — Mkt-stCble«sl23 — father E Co.. — — NevOTgKSs. - 110 \ Banks. Savings— NPCRHBs.IOO — Ger5&1.C0..1760 — Ny It Bs.. 9!)i^103 IHumbH&Ij.IOOO — NRyCalfis.. — — Mutual — 45 OakGastls.. — . sKSavXulou497 605 U0,i:d1a565..102%105 Shy &. Loan.. 110 150 Omnibus Us.. — 117%'Secnrltv — »IO PacßollMbs.lo2^ — i Union Trust. B2s 875 Do, !iil isnii.i.. — " — I Street Rail way — J'<feOKv6s..llO 120 California.... 102 — P&ChKySa. — 100 G<>ary-st — 90 Pwl-st-KRe?. — 113 |aiarKM-st S7Vi 38 Reno,WUtlilo2 105 — 100 RiverWCo6a — 100 I'rrsldio. .... 10 15 SFaNPKRSs — io;s |Butter-Bt — — SPRBArtoOS 98 100 Powder— SPliKCuH>s.llls/ 8 ll3«/i Atlantic D... 16y a 20 SPKHCaI6s. !<7i 2 l»<) California.... 75 — Do, lconptd. 87V2100 Giant........ 14y 2 16 sriirßCal6B. 91 93 Jntison — — a\ r \Vmcr6»..l2iy 4 12iy2 Vig0r1t.;..... — 60c SV\Vat(-r4ft.. 97 97 / i: Miscellaneous— StktuG<tE6s — 101 Blk DCoalCo. — 12 SunstT&Ttis — 103 Cal Col Mills. — — fciiUrr-stltr>.H.loyy 3 — C«l Dry Dock — — VisallaWCbs — 92 il'diKonLlght. 96% 97 etocks— Water— (JasConAssn. — — Contra Costa. — 55y» HawCVtSCo.. .6% '7% Marin C 0.... — .50 " HutchSFCo.. — 14 San Jose — 100 Jnii»'.onMfgC. — — Sprng Valley 9914 39% MerKxAssn. 100 — . . Gas— loceanicSSCo — 23 Capital — 46 PacAuxKA.. 1% — Central.. 95 _ Pac ßorax... 97 — OakOL4H. 43 — Pad* Co. — 30 PucGaslmp. 85J 82y 8 Par Roll Mill 17 — PaciHcliight. 46y, 47 Part Paint Co — 9 t=anFrancsco 71 y 72 Pac Tran3 Co — 251 A Stockton — 30 PacT&TCo..4O — Insurance— sunset T&T. 80 — FiremansFd.l6o — United C Co.. — 25 Kun — 50 ■ ! m AFTKKXOON SESSION. Board— s Paoific Lighting Co, 47. Street— 26 8 V Water, 99y*. . THE CALL CALENDAR. May, Moon's Phases. May 1, First Quarter. IB 16 17 \f9^ May 16. < >&/ Last Quarter. sn I 27 I 28 1 2» j SO May 24, New Moon. SU-N AND TIME TABLE. X 5 \VA' .Small Lar?e. [Small 8.34 a 8.281 9.27 a' 9.45 i 4.1 HYDKOGUAPHIC BULLETIN. Branch HynnooßArHic Office. U. S. N., "» Mkechasis'Eicbaxgb > San Francisco. May 27. 1895. ) The time bail on Teleeraph Jim was clroppe.l exactly at noon to-day— l. c., at noon of the 120 th meridian, or at exactly 8 j?. m., Greenwich time. A. F. FKCHTKLKB, Lieutenant, U. S. X* in charge. OCEAN STEAMERS. Dat r» of Departure From San Francisco. STKAMKK. |DKSTIN-ATION | SAT'.S. | riER. San E!a5....«l Pomona. ! Bt Pau1...... I Weeott. . .... i State of Cal ! Walla Walla; Hariposa. .. C0r0na...... FaraJlon Alee Binchd Del None... I Arago : Humboldt... H0mer...... Eureka Oregon I Santa | Mexico ..... I China i Trurkee i Panama ' ilumboldtßay | Newport ...... Kel Kiver. .... Portland....:.. I Vie & Pet Snd Sydney ........ San Dieito Yaauina Bay.. Portland i Grays Harbor ! Coos Bay . . . 1 . Uumboldtßay Coos Bay Newoort I P0rt1and....... I Wan Di«>2o 1 I Vie Pet Snd I China & Japn P0rt1and....... |May'2B.l2M May'2B. '-'PM I May 39, Bam I May 29. Sam M:iy'J9.lOAM May 30, 9am MaySO. 2rn Mav3l.llAM I June I,loam I June 1, spm iJune 1, 4pm I June I.loam | June I.IUm June 1, spm June i!. Bam I June 3,10 am Uune 4,11 am | Juno 4, 9am .luup 4. 3pm Junp S. 4pm I PMSS ! Bdw'v 1 ! Bdw'y 2 ■ Vallejo i ,Spe»r Bdw'y 1 Oceanic i Bdw'y 'I ! Miss 1 ; Vallejo i Spear i Vallejo | Wastat'n ; Oceanic ! Bdw'y 3 ; Spear ! Bdw'y 2 I Brtw'y 1 . M 8 S Vallejo >TK.\:\H-:U> T() AHKIVIi. G W Elder C0r0na..... Arcata. ........ Farnllon ..•.;..■.. HumDoldt Homer.. Del None Oregon Umsttilla Eureka.......... Arairo Pro^resc Xorth Fork:.... Pomona Han Juan Santa K05a...... Belelc. StPam roruana Portland San D1e.g0...... Coos Bay Yaauina Bay Humboidt ±Jay . Coos 8ay..... ...". Grays Harbor Portland..: Victoria <S Puge: Sounn Newport: . . .' Coos Bay Panama j Humboidt Bay Humboldt Bay I Panama. I San Diego.. China and Japan ; Newport. ..May 28 ..Muy'2B M»y29 ..May 29 ...May 30 ..May A 0 ..Muy3o ..May :n ..May 31 .May :<1 ..Hay 31 ..May 31 ..June 1 ..June 1 ..June 1 ..June 2 ..June 'A ..June 2 . .June, 4 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Arrived. "-'!: i.'. SUNDAY, May 26. . Schr Bender Brothers, Thompson; wood and posts, to Bender Bros. MONDAY. May 27. Stmr Willamette, Jessen, 19 days 10 hours from Panama: ballast, to P M S 8 Co. Stmr St Paul, Green, 70 hours from Newport, etc, pass and mdse. to Goodall, Perkins & Co. Ship James Nesmlth, Starkey, 146 days from New York, via Bermuda 129 days: mdse, to \V R Grace & Co. . Er ship Waterloo, Nlcoll.lll days from Calcutta: saltpeter, etc., to Balfour, Guthrle & Co. Schr Mary Ktta, Wetzel, 24 hours from Bowens Landing; wood and posts, to Bender Bros. schr Reliance, Jensen, 24 hours from Timber Cove: 75 eds wood, to It A Gllbride & Co; 28 bxs butter, to Dairymen's Union. " Schr Bessie X, Anderson, 38 hours from Albion ; 114 M ft lumber, to .1 S Kimball. Schr Emma Utter, Allen. 5 days from Coos Bay; 340 M ft lumber and laths, to E B Dean <fe Co. Schr Archie and Fontie, Colstrup, 20 hours fm Stewarts Point; wood, to Higgins A Collins. Schr Mary C, Campbell, 7 hours frm Bodega, 70 bxs liuttor, to Ross & Hewlett. Schr Nettie Low, Low, 6 hours from Point Reyes; 60 bis butter, to C E Whitney <fc Co. Cleared. MONDAY. May 27. Ital ship F a Ciampa, Cocurello, Queenstown; Eppinger A Co. ■Sailed. MONDAY, May 27. Stmr Santa Kosa. Alexander, San Diego. Stmr Newsboy. U3.11, Fosen. Strur Crescent City, Allen, Crescent City. Brig Geneva, Paulsen, Unaleska. Schr John A. Hellquist, .Eureka. Schr Golden Shore, Henderson, Puget Sound. : rel«qrraphi«. POINT LOBOS— May 27—10 p. m.— Weather cloudy; wind W; velocity 18 miles per hour. Charter*. The Br ship Socotra was chartered prior to ar rival for wheat to Europe,2B'j 9d— ls 3d less direct. Haw baric X P Itithet. 1020 tons, returns to Honolulu in the Planters' Line. The Br shio Waterloo was chartered prior to ar rival lor wheat to Kurope, "28s 9d— ls 3d less direct. Movements of Vessels. The brig Geneva went to sea yesterday. The steamer Walla Walla shifted from Broad way wharf to Beale street. The C F Sargent towed from Main street to Port Costa. To-day the Ulrica will tow down from Port Costa and dock at Howard-street wharf No. 1. Spoken I Per James Nesmlth-March 23. 57 28. 76 63 W, Br ship Kelat, from Hamburg;, for .San Francisco: March 12. in the Straits of Le Maire. 50 1H S, 64 49 W, ship, supposed to be ship I F Chapman, from New York, for San Francisco. Per China— May 26, passed City of Peking, bound south. Feb B—l2l W, Br ship Red Rock, from Oregon, for Queenstown. May. 6—27 W. Br ship Machrihanlsh, from Swan ! sea, for San Francisco. . Per Waterloo-April 25. 14 S, 128 30 W, Br ship Dunearn, from Portland, for Queenstown. I>ie«l at Son. Enrlcw Mangile. a cabin passenger on board the China, died of pneumonia on May 26 at 9 a m. X Jlollesten, a seaman on board the Br ship Waterloo, dl» of consumption on April 27 and was buried at sea. Domestic Port*. POINT ARENA— Arrived May 27— Stmr Alca zar, from <;r>en\vood. • i MEN DOC I NO— Arrived May Stmr Point Arena, hence May 25. ROOKPORT— SaiIed May 27— Stmr Scotia, for Yaquina Bay. FORT BRAGG-Salled May 27 -Stmr Navarro. Arrived May —^mr Rival, hence May 26; stmr Albion, hence May 26. GUALALA— May 26— Schr Monterey, from Monterey. BOWENS .LANDlNG— Arrived May 25— Stmr Tillamook, from Port Los Angeles. PORT HADLOCK— Arrived May 27— Ship Guar dian, hence May 12. : ; COOS BAY— Arrived May 27— Stmr Arago, hence May 25. POINT LOBOS— Passed May 27— H B M stmr Wild Swan, from San Diego, for Esquimau. PORT TOWNSEND— Arrived May 26— Bark C»rrollton, hence Ma • 12. >..-.- J ; V PORT ANGELES— Arrived May 26— Stmr SunQl from Point Arena. Sailed May 28— Schr Joseph Russ, for Port Ange les: May '/7— Haw stmr San Mateo, for Comoi. ASTORIA— SaiIed May Stmr Alice Blanch ard. lor San Francisco. (iKAYS HARBOR— Arrived May 27— Stmr Del None, hence 22: schr lannie Adele, nence May 10; schr Mary and Ida, hence May 18. ■ EUREKA— Arrived May 26— Schr Edward ParUi'. from Newport; stmr North Fork, hence May 25: sen J G Wall, hence May 23; schr Glen, hence May 21. - Nailed May 26-Schr Alice. . . TATOOSH— Passed May 26— Ship Spartan, hence May 14, for Seattle; May 27— Stmr City of Puebla, hence May 25, for Victoria: stmr Wellington, hence May 24, for Nnnaimo; bark Palmyra, hence May 18. for Port Gamble. SAN PEDRO— Sailed May 27— Stmr Protection; schr Allen A. "' ■ F oreljjn Ports. NANAIMO- Arrived May 27— Ship Cyrus Wake fleld. hence May 15. FALMOUTH— SaiIed May 25— Br ship Falls of Foyers, from Hamburg. Arrived May 26— Br bark Tenasserlm, from Ore gon. LlZAßD— Passrd May 25— Br ship Rivewdale from Oregon, for Antwerp: Br bark lnverlyou, hce Jan 12, for Hull. HONOLULU— Arrived May »— Stmr Alamedn hence May 11; bark S C Allen, hence April 27 May 12— I'.ktti Planter, hence April 27. May 13— —Schr Carrier Dove, from Newcastle, NSW; stmr Cosr.ioj.oliH, hence May 2. May 17— Schr Robert Searles, from Port Townscnd. Sailed May 9— Ger ship II F Glade. May 14— Bktn Irmgard, for San Francisco. May 15— Schr Esther Buhne. for Port Townsend. Importation*. HONGKONG-Per China— l pk«s treasure, 504 pkKS gunnies, 925 pkss mattinß.66 pkgs Bilk Roods, 12 parcels 27 pKgs runs. 2785 pkgs rice, 1500 pkfts sugar. -199 pkps hemp. 535 pkgs coffee, 159 pkgs curios. 380 pkgs oil, 727 pkgs tea, 12,699 mats rice, 4294 pkgs nidse, 819 pkgs matting, 61 pkgs silk ■ goods, 15 parcels 106 pkgs rugs, 69 pkRS curios, 634 pkgs raw silk, 553 pkgs lea, 199 pkgs mdse. i Central and South America— lS pkgs matting, 56 pkgs silk goods. 11 pkgs . tea, 200 mats rice, 188 pkgs mdse. CALCUTTA— Waterloo— 33o bags saltpeter, 1195 bales gunnies, 3583 pkgs bone meal, 40 pkgs yarn, 14 pkgs jute cloth, 3496 pkgs gunny cloth. NF.WPORT-Per St. Paul— 3 pkgs mdse, 102 bx.s oranges, 84 bxs lemons. San Pedro— l7 Ixils dr%- fish, 1 pkc mdse. East San Pedro— l pkg mdse, 35 bxs oranges, 195 cs canned fish. 62 pkcs salt fish. San Pedro via S P C 0 —320 sks plaster, 1 bx fruit, 1 cs dry goods. Hueneme— 2 cs groceries, 2 pkesmdse. Ventura— 8 bbls ink, 1 bdl pelts. 1 r>Kg mdse, 30 cs honey, l cs beeswax, 3 # JO bxs oranges, 29 sks walnuts, 139 bxs lemons. Carpenteria— 1 pkg mdse. Santa Barbara— s pkgs mdse, 121 bxs lemons, 2 cs oil, 18 bxs oranges. Gaviota— l7 dry hides, 1 bdl pelts, 2 sks tails, 17 cs honey. Port Harford— bdl dry hides, 14 cs honey, 64 tubs 81 i/ji bxs butter, 39 pkgs mdse, 26 cs eggs, 4 bxs fresh fish, 14 cs cheese, 2 horses. Nipoma— 3o sks beans. Santa Maria— l6o sks wheat. Cayucos— l3 cs eggs, I'JO dressed calves, 3 tubs 84 bxs butter. San Simeon— 37 tubs 86 bxs butter, Bcs eggs, 6 dressed calves. Monterey— 2 firkins butter, 11 sks beans. Comlgneng. Per Waterloo— BaHour. Guthrie <fc Co: London A San Francisco Bank; Barrin? Bros & Co; Anglo California Bank. Per China— Goodall, Perkins <fc Co; American Oil Co: Hass Bros: Domino Bros: « T Marsh <fe Co; H H Berger & Co; J C Siegfried <fc Co; X Nida: L G Wright; London, Paris «fc American Bank: M Sliibata; Bank of British North America; Tubbs, CordaeeCo; M J Brandenstein <fc Co; J <-> Blanch ard; M J Tuska; Anslo Cat Bank: Parrott <ft Co: Easton <fc Schwartz: S L Jones & Co: The Union Bank of London; Cal <fc Japan Trading Co: W Koth; V Na'tahara: Chinese Merchants. Per St Paul— Wood. Curtis* Co: W H Minor; McDonough&Rnnyon; Kowalsky &Co: Charles lX>ble & Co; L Scaienu A Co; Wetinore Bros: X L Snell & Co: Dunham, Carrigan & Co; F B Hiiifcbt; MKhrman&Co: Redin^on & Co: Hills Bros; H W.-ildeck; Standard Oil Co: Erlanger * Galinsjor- Dy: Allison <fc Co: (irav & Barbior: A PAladini : J 1* Thomas; Darby & iamei ; Baker <fe Hamilton ; J lvancovicn <t «Jo: Chas Montgomery & Co: A P Harmon: Page * Son ; Brigbam. Hoppp * Co; F E Erunson; C E Whitney <t Co; Smith's Cash Store- Ross A Hewlett; Witzel <fe Baker; W C Price & Co b Levy & Co; J H Cain & Co: De Bernardl & Co- American Union Fish Co; J HNewbauer diCo; J Hoffman; S Brunswick; II T Freitas & Co; West hoff&Co: OB Smith* Co; LI) Stone <fe Co; Chi cago Brewery; Hills Bros: Kron Tanninjc Co; Marshall, Teggart & Co : D Biu-tgl &Co; Daiton Bros: MFGabral; Union Has Engine COS Jones &Co: Haas Bros; Wadham & Co: Benhum A Griffin; L Blumenthnl & Co: California Ink Co: J p Thomas: Jonas. Erl&nger it Co; H 11 Emerson; Enterprise Srewery, Adelsdorf er i Co.; H Kjrach uian: H N Vildon A Co; \V 11 Weaver- Pac Supply Co; Wade <fc Co.. For Isilx Shipping Intelligence See Thirteenth Pane. P OFFICE FURNITURE AND FIXTURES. C F. WEBER & CO., 300 to 306 Post St.. cor. Stockton PROPOSALS. TpKOPOSAL&^OTATE nUHONBU PFIiIES. X Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the clerk at State prison, San Quentin. until 10 a. K. Saturday, Bth day of June, 1895, and at the office of the clerk at State prison, Fnlsom, until 9 A. m. Saturday, 16th day of June. 1895, at which times and places tbey will be opened in presence of i bidders for turnishing nnd . delivering supplies for ] said prisons, consisting of subsistence stores, forage, fuel, clothing, medicines, lime, cement and other staple supplies, from July. 1, 1895, to June 30. 1800, inclusive, on conditions as per printed schedule, which will be furnished upon applica- I tion at either of the above oilices. No bid will be considered unless made upon said schedules, nor miles'! accompanied by the certified check therein required, nor from any other parties than boua fide dealers in the classes of Articles to be furnished. Each bidder must accompany his bid with a certified check upon some well-known and responsible banking-house lor at least 10 per cent of the amount, payable to Kdsar J. de Pue, President of said Board, of his bid, conditioned that the bidder will enter into a contract upon notice of acceptance as required by law. Bids for either prison must be marked separately. All payments made on contracts will be paid in cash or Controller's warrants. . ;•' Bidders will carefully follow the conditions of the schedules. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids as the public interest may require, . and to order any quantity over or under amount specified. KDGAK J. DE PUE, President. J. V. Ellis, Clerk. "PROPOSALS FOB HARDWARE, PLUMBERS' -L materials, lumber. . paints, oils, etc., furniture, fuel, stovepipe, stationery, library books, physical, chemical and other apparatus and supplies, print- ing, lithographing, etc. — Sealed proposals will be re- ceived by the Superintendent of Common Schools, in open Session of the Board of Education, on Wednesday, May 29, 1895. at 8:30 o'clock P. M., for furnishing the.School Department of this City and County during the fiscal year 1895-96 with S hardware, plumbers' materials, lumber, paints, oils, etc., iurniture, fuel, stovepipe, stationery, library books and physical, chemical and other ap- paratus and supplies lor the Girls' High School, etc., and for doing the printing and lithographing required during the said fiscal year, in accordance with specifications at the oflice of the Board of Ed- ucation, new City Hall. GEORGE BEANSTON, Secretary. --■ - '■' '-; OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. t+fmystn, Coolcardie gold fields jmm*i-\O -^®fc (Fremantle), Austra- j<«^H^UA»tf§>r J lla: ?' 2 '- 0 first class - .iKSw" nOf\jT, | it U* *1 10 steerage. Lowest _^|lf" rr^Ji»Jl~ rates to Capetown, •law/ -Mr^-tn vbiSk Australian steamer, 353 l JcATIK \WtV* MARIPOSA, sails via '§S( V 7 Pjq jidWEPi Jlonolul " llrK ' Anck- '■^ScVcibsß^ /JgSr Steamship Australia, >3fslSri>T^?W££sS^ Honolulu only, Satur- Special parties to Honolulu, May 21. Reduced excursion rates. ■ Ticket office. 138 Montgomery street. Freight office, 327 Market street. J. D. SPRKCKKLS & BROS., General Agents. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COMPANY DISPATCH STEAMERS FROM SAN JfeA- U Francisco for uorts in Alaska, 9 a. M.,xSsj2f!£ j May '20. June 4, 9. 19, 24. July 5. 9, 19, '24. For British Columbia and Puget Sound ports, May 15, '20, '25, 30, and every iifth day thereafter. For Eureka, Humboldt Bay, steamer Pomona, Wednesday, May 15 and 22, and every Tuesday t)i' 1 'Hi lat2p. M. For Newport, Los Angeles and all way ports. ; May IX. 17, 21, '25, 29, and every fourth day there- ■ after. Ba. m. . For San Diego, stopping only at Port Harford, ' Eanta Barbara, Port Los Angeles, Redondo (Los i Angeles) and Newport, May 15, 19,23. '27, 31, and every fourth day thereafter, at 11 a. m. Steamer Pomona Saturday to Monday excur- sion to Santa Cm/, and Monterey. For ports "in Mexico, 10 a. h., 25th of each month, steamer Willamette Valley. Ticket Office— Palace Hotel, 4 New Montgomery street. GOODALL, PERKINS A CO., General Agents, 10 Market St.. San Francisco. | OD o lII* TO PORTLAND ■ K. CL Vi, AND ASTORA. QTEAMSHIP3 DEPART FROM SPEAR- O street wharf at 10 a. m. every five days, con- necting at PORTLAND with direct rail lines to all points in OREGON, WASHINGTON, IDAHO, MONTANA, and all Eastern points, including Chi- cago, New York and Boston. State of California sails May 9. 19. 29, June 8. Oregon sails May 4, 14. 24, June 3. Fare in cabin, Including berth and meals, $15 00; Steerage, ij>7 50; Round trip, $25 00. For through rates and all other information apply to the undersigned. Goohai.i.. I'kbkins & Co. Fred. F. Cokvor, Gfn'l Supts., Gen'l Agent. 10 Market st. 19 Montgomery st. GOirAfiIIE6EffERALETR.USATUSTi(|UE Trench Line to Havre. COMPANY'S PIER (NEW), 42 NORTH jtwn \J River, foot of Morton st. Travelers by fcJsjft£ this line avoid both transit by English railway and I the discomfort of crossing the channel in a small ! boat. New York to Alexandria, Egypt, via Paris, first class $160: second class $116. LA CHAMPAGNE, Capt. Laurent ....: ....June 1, 8:00 a. m. LA RGOGNE. Capt. Leboneuf ..June 8, 4:00 a. ic LATOURAINE, Capt. Santelli ' June 15, 8:00 a. m. LA ASCOGNE, Capt. Baudelon .- June 22, 4:00 a. M. J(Sr For further particulars apply to . ■ A. FORGET, Agent, No. 3 Bowling Green, New York. J. F. FUGAZI A. CO., Agents, 5 Montgomery aye., San Francisco. gfes^nAMBURG-AMERICAS USE. twin-Screw express line to London, Paris and Hamburg, New Yor- -Southampton (l.ondon,l'arSs>-Hambg Holding the record for fastest time on this route. Columbia, June 6, 11 am I Columbia, July 6,11 am A. Victoria, June 8. 9am Nornittnnia.Jy. 18, 11 am ' , j Normannla,Jne2o, 11am F.Bisinarck,Jy.2s, ll am j F.Bisu>an:k..le. 27, 11 am A. Victoria. Ausr. 8, 9AM I : • I-Cabins9s and upward; II -Cabin $60. Notice.— After July 1 Express mew will touch at CIIISRBOUI.G on their way to and from Southampton and Hamburg. Special trains to Paris. Direct route to Paris without channel crossing. Also DIRECT HAMBURG SERVICE by Twin Screw Mall S. S. from N. Y. Saturdays. Ist Cabin, $50. Intermediate, $33.' Steerage, $ 20. HAMBURG-AMERICAN* LINE. 37 Broadway, New York. A. W. MYER, 401 California st., . General Pass. Agent Pacific Coast. WHITE STAR LINE. United Stales and llojal Mail Steamers BETWEEN New York, Queens town & Liverpool, SAILING EVERY WEEK. CABIN, $60 AND UPWARD, ACCORD- j&rSU ing to steamer and accommodations fi&fejcZ selected: second cabin, $35; Majestic and Teutonic, $40 and $45. Steerage Tickets from England, Ire- land, Scotland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark through to San Francisco at lowest rates. Tickets, sailing dates and ■ cabin plans may be procured from W. H. AVERY, Pacific Mail Dock, or at the General Office of the Company, 613 Market st., under Grand Hotel. • G. W. FLETCHER, ■ General Agent for I'aclnc Coast. mm use. New York to Liverpool, via Queenatown, from Pier 40, North River. ; FAST EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE. Campania.June 1, 11 a m Camnania. Jne 29, 10 a m TJmbria. June 8, » p m Umbrla. July 6, 3 p M Lucania, June 15,10 a m Lucanla, July l?, 9:30 a m Etruria, June 22,3 p m Etruria. July 20. 3 r m EXTRA SAILING. Aurania Thursday, July 4, Noon .Cabin passage $B0 and upward • second cabin. 535, $40, $45, according to steamer and accommo- I dations. . . . ■ Steerage tickets to and from all parts of Europe at very low rates. For freight and passage apply at company's office, 4 Bowling Green, New York. VERNON H. BROWN & CO., General Agents. Good accommodation. can always be secured on application to WILLIAMS, DIMOND & CO., '• • ■ - Agents, San Francisco. ROYAL BAIL STEMJACKET COMPACT. STEAMERS LEAVE ASPINWALL j]tirtW_ O fortnightly for the West Indies and :55CtsB Southampton, calling en route at C*rbourgh, France, and Plymouth to land passengers. ;■ Through bills of lading, in connection with the Pacific Mall S. S. Co., issued for freight and trots, mre to direct ports in England and Germany. "Through ticket* from San Francisco to Plymouth. . Cherbourg, Southampton. First class, #195; third CUM, 987 10. For further particulars apply t* KA-KKOTT & CO., Agents, 808 California it. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. stootoFsS Leave Pier No. 3, Washington St., At 5 I*. M- nail.V. Except Sunday. «?r Accommodations Reserved by Telephone. STXJAMKKS: T. C. Walker, J- D. ter9t Mary Garratt, City of Stockton. Telephone Main 805 Cal. >av._and Imp. Co RAILROAD TRAVEL,' SMFRASCISCO & NORTH PA- CIFIC RAILWAY CO. flburun Ferry— Foot of Market St. San Franrinco to San Rafael. WEEK DAYS— 7:4O, 9:20, 11:00 a.m.: 12 3!». . 3:30, 5:10, 6:30 p. m. Thursdays- trio at 11:80 p. m. Saturdays— Extra trips at 150 and 11:30 p. m. SUNDAYS— 9:30, 11:00 a.m.; 1:30, 30. 6:00,6:20 p.m. San Rafael to San Francisco. WEEK DAYS-6:25i 7:55, 9:30, 11:10 a. if < 12:45. 3:40, 5:10 p. M. Saturdays— Extra tripj at 1 :55 P. m. and 6:35 P. m. SUNDAYS— B:IO, 9:40, 11:10 a. M.; 1:40, 340, 5:00. 6:25 p. M. Between San J?'ranc-l»co and Schuetzen Park same schedule as nbove. Leave In effect I Arrive ~" San Francisco. Mar 5, Ban Francisco. W A K^| D 8 A V N S. l*. l^* SSL |^ 7:40 ah 8:00 am| Novato, 10:40 am 8:50 am 3:30 m 9:30 am Petaluma, 6:05 pm 110:30 am 6:10 1 6:00 pm Santa Roga. 7:30 pmj 6:15 pm Fulton, " ~ ' 7:40 am Windsor, 10:30 iM Heatdsborg, Oeyserville, 3:30 pm ! 8:00 am Cloverdale. 7:30 rM 6:15 FM j "Pleta, 7:40 am Hopland <& • 10:30 am 3:30 pm 8:00 am Uklah. 7:30 pm 6:16 pm 7:40 am 10:30 am 8:00 am Guerneville. 7:30 Fill 8:30 pm I I 6:15 PM 7:40 am 8:00 am Sonoma 10:40 am 8:50 am 6:10 pm 6:00 FMI and 6:05 pm 6:15 pm ._ I ■ I Glen Ellen. ' ' 7:40 am 1 8:00 AMI ' a hf ., tonol 110:40 am 1 10:30 AM 3:3ofmls:oopmJ ° eDastopo '- I 6:05 pm| 6:15 pm Stages connect at San Rafael for Bollnas. Stages connect at Santa Rosa for Mark West Springs. Stages connect at Geyserville for Skaggs Springs, Stages connect at Cloverdale for the Geysers. Stages connect at l'ieta for Highland Sprlng% Kelseyville, Soda Bay, L,akeport. Stages connect at Hopland for Lakepcrt and Bartlett Springs. Stages connect at Uklah for Vichy Springs, Blat) Lakes, Laurel Dell. Upper Lake, Boonevllle, Green- wood, Mendoclno City, Fort Bragg, Usal, Westport, Cahto, Willetts, Calpella, Porno, Potter Valley, John Day's, Livply's, Gravelly Valley, Harris, Blocks- burg, Brldgeville, Hydesville and Eureka. Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at reduced} rates. .: ■ . '..... On Sundays round-trip tickets to all points be- yond San Rafael at half rates. Ticket Offices, corner New Montgomery anal Market streets, under the Palace Hotel. H. C. WHITING. B. X. RYAN, Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. ■AHTHKKN PAIIIK CORMRT. (PACIFIC! HYKrKM.t . ■ Trail* l«arf nail we duo !• »rrl*e ■*. KAN FEtAJNX'ISCO. \ Leave — From May 19, 1395. — ariuv3 •6:»0a San Leandro, Haywardsfc Way St'ns »:15/J 7:UOa Atlantic Express (via Martinez and Lathrop) Og'len i Kast 7:1!**; * 7:OOa Port Costa and Benicia 10:45.* •7:O«A Peters and Milton «7:13 a 7:30 a San Leandro, Haywarda& Way St'ns 1 •13* 7:3Va Napa, Cn!isto?i and *Santa Rosa ; Vacaville, Esparto, Sacrarsento. and Redding via Davis ; Martinez \ and Han Ramon • :•* 3S, •tSOANiles. Sau Jose, Htocktou, lone. Sacramento, MaryaTille, lied lilult ■ and •Oroville 4tlS^ - .:Oa Fort Costa, Be-icia Way Stations 6:4r5a «:OOa Ban Leandro, Haywards & Way bt'ua 11:454 9:«U(a New Orleans Express, Raymond, (for Yosemite). Santa Barbara, 1.03 Augeles, J^ciniiii;, El Paso, , New Orleans and East 5:4. iF 10:OOa Ban LeaDdro, Hayw.~j\l3 nnd Kilea.. 1:43p 1:»:OOm Sac Leandro, 4 Way St'ni 2:45f- 1:00p San Jose and Llrermoro »:4!Ja •l:OOp Sacramsnto River Htciiiiern ««:OOp fl-.30p Port Costa and Way Stations tH:l3p< -S:OOp San Leandro, Haywardai Way St'ns 3: 15 a 4:OOi> San Leandro, Haywards & Way St'ns 6:439 «:UUi> Martinez, San Itamcu, Benicia, Vallejo, Napa, Caliatoga, El Ver- ano and Santa Rosa 9:154 «:O»p Vacaville, Woodland, Knights Landing. Marysville, OroTille and, Sacramento .' 11t43« 4t3Op Nilt-i, San Joso, Lirermore and ■ , HtDckton .'............... w.> 7il9f> C:OOp SanLeandro, Haywards* Way St'ns 8:43 a S:OOpLos Angeles ICxnresf, Fresno. Ray- ■ mond (for Yosemite), Bakeralield, Santa Cirlmra and Los Angeles.. lCilSji 5:00r Santa ¥<• Route. Atlantic Express forMojavo and East 10:19aj 5:30p European Mail (via Martinez and Stockton) Ogdeumnd Eaxt 1O:43« «:OOp Haywiirdu, Kilts and San Jose 7:13*. 2C:OOi- Vallejo.. ;. I*:43p; «:OOi- Oregon Express (via Martinez and Stockton) .Sacramento. Marysville, Kedding, Portland, Puget Sound and Kast 10:4.1* 7:00r San Leaadro, HQyward3& Way Sfna 10:30f 9:OOp San Lcandro,Haywardg& Way St'ns t»l2:;>i(* ftll:l3p San Leandro.llaywarLl3& Way St'ns »7:15^ SAMA t'KHZ DIVISION (.Narrow t.uuct^. J7:l3 a Sunday Excursion for Newark. San j ' Jose, Lob Gatos, Felton and Santa, Cruz J8:«3«l 8:13 A Newaik,<>iitervill(f,Sn.uJoat\Felton, Boulder Creek.Santa Cruz and Way Stations 0:3*4 •2:13p Newark, Centcrrille, San Jose. New Almaden, Feiton, Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz and Principal Way , Stations •llia«i 4;45p Newark. Sail .Togo. Los Oatoa 9:3OaJ COAST I>IVISION (I'lilril A. loirnseml Kts.) ] *<>:45a .San Jose, New Almaden and Way I Stations..;.. ... •1(484 17:30 a Sunday Excursion for San Jose, Santa Cruz, Pacific Grove and Principal ' ■' Way Stations.. J8:351* •:13a Han Jose, Tres Pin os, Santa Cruz, Paciiio Grove, Paso Roblcs, San Luis Obispo and Principal V.'ay Stations 7:03p 19:47 a Palo Alto and Way Stations Jl :45b) 10:4 0 4 San Jose nnd Way Stations 3:OOB I 1:43 a Palo Alto mid Way Stations 3:308 •2:3Of.Suii Jose, Gilroy. Tres Finos, Santa Cruz, Salinas, Monterey and Par.ilic Grove "10:10.4 •S::iOp San June and Principal Way Stations 0:47 a •4:3Oi> San Jose aud Way Stations *M:O6a 3:3oi' San Jose and Wny Stations •*:!*» 6::iop San Josoand Way Stations G. :15 a til: 15 i- San Jose and Way Stations f7:4oq CREEK ROUTE FERRY. From SAN FRAKCISCO— Foot of Market Street (Slip 8)— •7:00 8:00 9:00 «10:00 11:O0a.U. "12:30 tl:00 *2:00 3:00 "1:00 SOS •6:00 p.m. . rr From OAKLAND— Foot of Bro«dw«T.— »6-00 •7-Ofli 8:00 *9:00 10:00 •11:00 a.m., tI2 : GB »18:30 2:03 '3:00 i:QQ -3:00 r.M. " A. for Morning. p for Afternoon. Bun s execpted. t Saturdays only) § Thursdays only- t Sundays ouly. tt Monday. Thursday and Saturday nights only. trv®^ 1^ ,via \J>^ SAUSALITO FERRY.^3£/ From April 21, 1895. Leave S. P. WEEK DAYS. Arrive 3. F. 7.00 a.m. Mill Til., Ross Tal., Sin Rfl . . I. A.M. " " :: E^iisir c ;; ;; s s-opIh: « : :: " Qtn Sf s i-- i"ioPM « « .. StnQtn - >•«!•«• i^i " :: :: *•« t»i 6 - - M - :: :: :: pv-'Sa li:3o'p.M: Era VaL, Su Rfl., Sin Qtn. ** 7 ' isVM ' •1 «*,* CaM » er ° & " d W ' 7 uoni ••••'•'• : '•«'•«'. '•Saturday, only. XMondays'orJy! 1 ' 11 * SUNDAYS. 8.00 A.H. Mill T.l Ross V»l., Sin Rn.. Sia Qto 9.00 a.m. HillTal., Ross Tal., S»n Rfl., San Qtn i0.66a.m: « **• » '.'. s^qV,,- 916Atlc ' ii.uua.m. Sausauto only. Mill VaUoy, Valley. San Rn .... i2.'36p!m. 1V * LfRMsVal .'.> Rfl - s * Qtß - 12 - 10P - M - r ,," .■ " Saa'Qtn"'.! V.6SP.M*. *iU Val., Ross Val., San Rfl 2.05 p.m. • •Jl'" " " " 3.30PJ1. 2i^r«* " "Eaa Qtn.. 4.53 p.m. -• l'r.M, " II ii .i .ion, H 4.00PJ1. _ : ;: : "= 7 20PJI 6.80 P.M. •« •• ii " '' xurjl * 6.45 P.M. - <• ii ii !!".!!!!* bAA " • ' * I 0 * 8 Valley and Sm Rafael '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. B.Urjt* 8.00 a.m. Point R«y«s, Ctudero and Mit Itts. B.lspji. . O.CUa.m. Point Reyes and Way Stations. 7.20 p.m. ATLAIiTIC MD PACIFIC RAILROAD. m ' SANTA FJB BOIi E. rTRAUSS LEAVE AND ABBIVE AT 8A« A FrancUco (Marlcet-st. Ferry): . Lkavk 1 WA»rm ii i«<»». / ARRrvi Daily. / MARCH 11, 1895. \ tj ailt . I »:00 p.. Fast Express via Mojave 10:15 I 9:00 a.. Atlantic Express via Los Angeles.. 6:45 Ticket Office— 66o Market St., Chronicle bail* Ing, B.V. ' -— C.H.SPEER3,