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CITY REAL ESTATE. Q9AA 100x12!) BLOCK ~8~, "UN IVERSIT V — "'v.'. Uoim-siead Association. $250— 115x100; corner on San Brnno aye. ; Ab- bey Homestead Association; only one left. CHAS. C. FISHER, 507 California st. CftQPifl XO REASONABLE OFFER WILL is\JO\)\r. be refused: 1838 Howard st., bet. 14th and 15th, 8 Huts: 10t23x55. $4250— make an offer; 1208, 1203Va Turk at., bet. Buchanan and Webster, 2-story frame; lot 23 x 56: owner leaves for England in June. OKAS. C. FISHER. 507 California st. CTi TKft "mission st., west'sideTneau <B>"±4 Ul/. Randall— 2-story irame in front: I- story frame Id rear; lot 27x120 through to San Jose road: make an oiler. CHAS. C. FISHER, 507 California st. [ * QQO'A DOWNTOWN RESIDENCE; 10 1 •'_•»' '. rooms. $4400— A snap: store and flat; Turk St.; >rood location. If 27so— Richmond : 2. stores; present rents, $20. • 16251 Western Addition; i new flats; rents $630 per annum; very cheap. $1050— Lot 50x120; 18th aye., near Clement- level; a fine buy. . , $3100— Mission home; nice '2-story bouse- 6 rooms, bath and basement; 25th St., near Sanchez- lot 25x114. .::•■-•-' ; H. E. POKHLMAN. 415 Montgomery. <J"Wlli 'J UKK JST a-STOBY HOUSE; • . li)\>\i. flats and store; rents 8400. AM BPECK & CO., 30 Montgomery st. Qi7onn (i ' lATS BfSAB 6TH; LOT 50X75: t£> I \J\J\J. yearly rents $720; offer entertained ; must sell. Wanted— Property on or near Montgomery aye for cash buyer. SPECK, SO Montgomery st. <t*^9/|A TWO MODERN FLATS, DOLORES tJPO—I'U. St.; rents $360 a year; lot 25x125; stable, etc.; Va cash. $3500— Two flats and store; deep lot: rents $400. -Five-room cottage: barn; lot 100x75feet- worth $3000. A. M. SPECK <Sc CO., 80 Montgom- ery it 'Cwrt'n 'KiH-ifMIT St^nnO LARGE LOT. 57x125, ON TUIR- ((] i>\J\.r\J. tleth st., near Noe, with 2 tenements, consisting of store and 4 rooms and cottnge of 4 rooms; stable, well and chicken-house; big bar- gain; terms x^ cash. SPECK'S, SO Montgomery. *v(WkIWY CORNER; 40x97:8, WITH COZY *?\J\J\J\J. cottage; easy terms. 931 Lombard St. IN ALAMEDA— EXCHANGE FOR SAN Francisco property, modern 2-Etory. house: 9 rooms and bath; handsomely furnished: lot. 60x 150: gas, city and well water: carriage-house; street macadamized; half block to electric-cars; 5 minutes norn broad-gauge station; 0 minutes to narrow gauge: cost $9300. Apply CHAS. C. BKMLS, 324 Montgomery St., S. F. A-STRO ST.-FINE HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS AND VV bath; nearly new; all modern improvements; cars pass the door; most be sold. Eighteenth st.— 2 fine lots, 25x75, ready to build on : must be sold to close an estate. Natoma st.— 2 flats of 4 rooms each; rent $24; always rented; a snap. Slaughter-house, South San Francisco; leased for S years at good rate of Interest: very cheap. Apply CH. WORKMAN, 630 Market 1 _ \y ANTED— BUY COTTAGE AND 2 FLATS »» in Western Addition: must be cheap. Apply C. H. WORKMAN, 630 Market st. CHEAP LOT, 37x110, SCOTT ST.; CHOICE \J NE. corner: unobstructed- marine view: pro- tected from winds; choice neighborhood. Address B. C, box 85, Call Office. f'QAA NEAT NEW COTTAGE, 5 ROOMS; )a\J\J. lot 25x110; sun all day. Andover St., Holly Park. ■ ' (2jO7^ WORTH DOUBLE; SPLENDID LOT; iJ*Olo. Bemis St., near Castro: block from elec- tric cars. J. ROCHE, P. O. box 1876. 1 FOR SALE— ESTATE OF PATRICK CUM- mins, lot 40x122:6 on SE. cor. 22d and Mis- sion sts.; also lot 25x114 on S. side of 22d St., 200 feet E. of Guerrero. Apyly 940 Capp st. PROPERTY-OWNERS, BUILDERS, ARCHl- tects— Guaranteed surveys of city lots for $7 50 up by a. HARRISON SMITH, 530 California, r. 9. Houses fob sale ON SMALL MONTHLY payment*; loans made on San Francisco real estate. LOUIS BLANK 214 Pine st,, rms. 58 <fc s9. 4 LOTS, 25x100, 3 - ROOM COTTAGE FUR- nished, horse, buggy and cow, lot of tools, 200 head of poultry, lots of run outside; all hay, grain, coal, etc., goes with the place; must sell on'accouut of sickness. Address C. F., box 86. Call Office. MODERN COTTAGE; 6 ROOMS: BATH; planked basement; $200 cash, balance easy installments. 804 Potrero aye., nr. 20th st. "U<OR SALE— RESIDENCE^ '■ ' PACIFIC HEIGHTS, NORTH STDE: FINE MARINE VIEW. Large, lot and residence, 13 rooms; all modern con- veniences; owner about to remove from the city. $12,500. Apply to THOMAS MAOEE <fe SONS, 4 Mont- COiiiery st. C>-.H(\ COTTAGE OF 2 ROOMS IN BERKE- ar*-i\J\J. lev. lot 40x135, $50 down, $10 monthly; {■coses and lots all over town. CHAS. A. BAILEY, «.q Market et. or Berkeley station, Berkeley. . • *>jQq LARKIN— HOUSE 5 ROOMS; BATH, — J<Jt/!arKec-eliar, garden; lot 22 -.6x96; no agents. CLAIRVOYANTS. C1 L A I Ra"o YXNTTT^E^ScT^ADIEsTjSaIYI J 537 Third st,, basement. 1 i REAT CLAIRVOYANT AND CARD-READ- "-T er; Mme. Stewart from Boston: seventh daugh- ter of the seventh daughter; has read cards since 11 years of age; ladies or gents 50c. 917 Market, r. 3-4. ME. "RAVENNA. TEST MEDIUM, LIFE reader; names given. 828 Howard: 25c up. M~^ "me. 2IOREAU,BESTMEDIUM.CLAIRVOY- aut: speaks German: 25c up. 131 Fourth St. T EON, PALMIST, CLAIRVOYANT, LIFE XJ reader. 633 Post St.: hours 9a.m. to 8 p. m.; also Sundays. ,"*_, . , MME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- er by eggs and cards (in English orGerman)iells entire life, past, present, future; consultations on all affairs, nothing excepted; names given: good advice: sure help: restores lost love by sympathy; mistake impossible; fee $1 ; letter $2. 30 Kearny. A UOUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER; J\. maglo charms; love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband: teaches fortune-telling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm; lee $1 and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. KS. J. J. WHITNEY, CLAIRVOYANT, TEST medium and life-reader. 218 Stockton. SPIRITUALISM. PIRITUAL TEST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT, 10c. MME. YOUNG, 605 McAllister St. BS. S. SEAI^-SPIBITUAL MEDIUM: R& ligious cir. Wed. 8 r.M. : Thurs., 2:30: 110 Mc- A 1 :>tcr m- MRS. EGGERT AIKEN, TRANCE MEDIUM! dr. Sun. eve.; developing cir. Tues. eve. 715 Post at. ASTROLOGY. ~ !\\ 6TBAL SEER— PROF. HOLMES, 523 GEAliY Jx. St.: horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. palmistry. SHeTmlnelrv^^the^^a^iveloTjs^ng^ lish palmist, grants interviews daily from 10 to 6:30 in her rooms at the Oriel, cur. of Market and Franklin, third floor, room 43; fee $1; garden parties, bazaars, etc.. attended : lessons given. LEGAL NOTICES. t^otice^^of" sale^ of "kka^"bstatb^ -Li Notice Is hereby Riven that in pursuance to an order of the Superior Court of the county of San Mateo, State of California, given, made and filed In and by said court, on the 11th day of May, 1895, in the matter of the estate and guardianship of HOWARD C MURRAY, a minor, the under- sinned, guardian of . the estate of said minor, will sell at private sale to the highest bidder, and sub- ject to confirmation by said court, on or after the 4!h day of June, 1895, at the law ofliceof GEORGE . C. ROSS, in Redwood City, State of California, ail > he right, title. Interest and estate of said HOW- ARD C. MURRAY, a minor, in and to, ail that iiertain piece or parcel of land situate In the City nnd County of San Francisco, State of California, 1 ounded arid described as follows, to wit: I Beginning at a point on the south line of Wash- ington street, distant " thereon one hundred and I brae (103) feet westerly from the westerly line of )'olk street, running thence westerly on said lino .t Washington street thirty-two (32) feet and six (6) inches; thence at right angles southerly one hundred and twenty-seven {127) feet and eight «.nd one-fourth (B*4) inches: thence at right uncles faster! v thirty-two (SJ2) feet and six (6) inches, and thence at right MUgM northerly one hundred and twenty-seven (127) feet and eight, find one-Xourth (BV4) Inches to the point of beein- ninp. Terms and conditions of sale: Cash In gold com of the United States; ten (10) percent of the sum bid to be paid on notice of acceptance of bid, and Hie balance on confirmation of sale by the Superior «.'ourt. ■■■''■•■' . All bids or offers for ca!d real property must bo in writing, and may be left fit this Jaw ofliceof GEORGE C. ROSS. Redwood City, Cal.. or at the law oflice or MASTICK, BELCHER <fc MASTICK, 620 "Montgomery st., San Francisco, State of Cali- fornia, and will be received' by said guardian at either of said places, or 6uch bids may be delivered to said guardian personally, or may be filed in the oflice of the Cleric of said Superior Court, at Redwood City, Cal., at any time after the first. publication of this notice and before the making of the sale. ' : Dated May 15, 1895. : ALEXANDER GORDON, guardian of the estate of Howard c. Murray, a minor. . GEORGE C. ROSS, attorney for guardian, Bed- wood City, Cal. EPARTM.ENT No. 10. PROBATE-IN THE Superior Court, in and for the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. - In the mat- ter of the estate of SUSAN- K. KERBY, deceased. Notice is hereby given, Unit MONDAY, the. 3d day of June, A. D. 1695, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, and the courtroom of Department No. 10 of said court, at the new City Hall, in the City and county of San Francisco, State of California, have been appointed as the time and place. for proving the authenticated copy of the will of said SUSAN E. KERB V, deceased, and for hear.: ; the application of ROBERT MCELROY for me issuance to him of letters of administration with the will annexed. Dated May 20, A. D. 1895. I Seal.] - C. F. CURRY, Clerk. By F. B. HOUGHTON, Deputy Clerk. j MYBICK & DEERIXG. Att'ys for Petitioner. ~ COI'NTKY KEAI> BSTATSm 15' T P,i VN LOTS UNDER CULTIVATION -«-^ with vegetables and small fruit: house with 6 rooms, barn and outhouses: ready sale for • all veg- J', ta . Dl es- ISAIAH HARTMAN, Boulder Creek, V.«u., DOX 6-1. 1 9.V AC ? ES ITII NICE (XJTI'AGE, BARN, J-— . poultry-nouses, etc.: young orchard of 700 trees; placa cost $3500; will sell or exchange lor payingtmslneßs or city home: any offer wanted. Apply SPECK A CO., 80 Montgomery st. rC4O() CASH, $1100 IN 10 YEARS, BUYS TuJ J-V/y model 10-acrer«nch; Sonoma; Jill level: snap. SPECK'S, so Montgomery. 91 ACRES; MODEL FRUIT AND POULTRY — '. home; nice cottage, barn, etc.; Sonoma: *-•:<<{•; will exchange. SPECKS, 80 "Montgomery. 4TO 10 ACRE LITTLE HOMES ON EIGHT years' credit. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. "j X- ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS. N. D.'siCKELS, ■ THE '■ land agent. The only agency in America making sale and ex- change of country property a strict specialty regu- larly nublishinKa DAILY DESCRIPTIVE LAND JOURNAL. Accurate descriptions of hundreds of places for sale and propositions to exchange ranches for town and city property; ulso for any class of business or mines. Greatly facilitating and free of charge to buyers and sellers. All new propositions daily. _ 318 Post St., bet. Stockton and Powell, S. F. L-(i>; ' PEACH, PEAR AND PRUNE -T orchards, with vineyard, house, barn, chicken- houses (20 acres), 3% miles from good town; close to good school; clear deed, or would exchange for house and lot, etc., mar Oakland. Alameda or Berkeley; purchaser can have incoming crop of fruit. Address Owner, box 60, this office. OUSE AND LOT IN ban JOSE at COST of house, or will exchange for unimproved city property. Address 522 Howard St., S F. . , OSS* VALLEY- HOUSE: 7 BOOMS; BATH; large lot : near station: $2000, or exchange city property. JAMES TUNSTEAP, San Anselmo. \ N BvtUAL SHOW FOR ALL; STRAIGHT, -£-»- fair and square deal ; an investment offered that is Uonest; own your own home and be inde- pendent; try it and you will find that we advise you right; we will sell you 40 acres of alluvial soil in the Warren Green rancho, Glenn County, Cal., lor if 2SO: $3 per acre down, balance in 60 monthly payments, without interest, and will throw In town lot 100x150: land suitable for all kinds of fruit, berries or grain: need* no irrigation: climate un- surpassed anywhere in Calif fornia; 168 miles north of r-r.n Francisco and only 20 miles from county seai of county, and 6 miles from nearest railroad town; fare, round trip, $9. For investments and information address or call on the 11. M. BENSON* CO.. 902 Broadway, Oakland. , GRIFFIN, COTTONWOOD, CAL., SENDS « free circulars and prices of cheap land. \i ARIN COUNTY— SOOO ACRES 26 MILES -»A from San Francisco. - RANCHO DE NOVATO. Tracts of any size desired; fruit, grain and vege- table land; no irrigation: both rail and water transportation; Sf4o to $75 per acre; easy terms, town of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores on the property ; send for circular. Dairy for sale with or without cows. SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65. Chronicle buildlnc. IF YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING purposes or an orchard already improved, where only small cash outlay is required, balance payable in 6 or 7 years, apply 32 6 Montgomery st., B. F. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 6 CENTS — THE -ex WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. to exchange. FOR EXCHANGE^^FoS" erty, a nice 6- room house; in good location in Alameda. JOSEPH A. LEONARD COMPANY, 19 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. A\riLL EXCHANGE FOR BUILDING MA- *» terial a nice t>-room house; in good location in Alameda. JOSEPH A. LEONARD COMPANY, 19 Montgomery st.. San Francisco, Cal. TRUSTEES' SALES. rpiUJSTEES^SALE^ irTA^CORIxI^'WrWITH X the terms and under the authoiity of a certain deed of trust, duly executed by \/Jl*: MORGAN, party of the lirst part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trus- tees, parties of the second part, and the SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of the third part, dated November 23, 188 S. and re- corded in the office of the County Recorder of the county of Solano, State of California, in Liber 5 of Trust Deeds, at pages 81 and following; and In pursuance of a resolution passed on the 25th day of April, 1895, by the Board of Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a cor- poration, and the holder of the note (No. 9047), to secure payment of which the aforesaid deed of trust was executed, declaring that default had been made in the payment of the principal sum and other sums, due under said note aud deed of trust, and requesting and directing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trust- ees, to sell the real estate described therein to sat- isfy said indebtedness. we, henry C. Campbell and THAD- DEUSB. KENT, trustees, do hereby give notice, that on TUESDAY, the 18th day of June, A. D. 1895, at 12 o'clock M. of thßt day, and at the auction salesroom of KA.STON, ELDRIDGE & CO., No. 038 -Market street, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash In gold coin of the. United States, all that piece or parcel of land situate in the county of Solano, State of Cali- fornia, described as follows, to wit: According to the otlicial plats and system of sur- veys of the Government of the United States: In township six (6) north, range one (1) west Mount Diablo base and meridian: Of section one (1), the northwest quarter (NW. 14): containing one hundred and sixty (160) acres of land. Together with the appurtenances. TERMS OF SALE— in gold coin of the United States; ten per cent payable to the under- signed on the fall of the hammer: balance on de- livery of deed; and if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. HENRY C. CAMPBELL, 1av,,,,, * THADDEUS B. KENT, trustees. rrißusTEEs' SALE— IN ACCORDANCE WITH X the terms and under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed by EDWIN DAVIS, party of the lirst part., to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trustees, parties of the second part, and the SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of the third part, dated October 22d, 1888, and recorded in the- oCice of the County Recorder of the county of Tv-are, State of California, in Liber 4 of Trust Deeds, at pages 521 and following; and in pursuance of a reso- lution passed on the 2d day of May, 1895, by the Board of Directors of said SAN. FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a Corporation, and the holder of the note (No. 8995) to secure payment of which the aforesaid deed of trust was • executed, declar- the principal sum and other sums, due under said 1 ing that default had been made In the payment of note and deed of trust, and requesting and direct- ing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THAD- DEUS B. KENT, Trustees, to sell the real estate described therein to satisfy said indebtedness. We, HENRY C. CAMPBELL and TUADDEUS B. KENT. Trustees, do hereby give notice that on TUESDAY, the 4th day of June, A. J). 1895, «i 12 o'clock v. of that day, and at the auction sales room of EASTON, ELDRIDGE <t CO., No. 638 Market street, in the City and County of San Fran- cisco, State of California, we will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash In gold coin of the United States, all the piece or parcel of land situate in the county of Tulare, S ate 01 California, described as follows, to wit: • According to the official plats and system of sur- eys of the Government of the United States. In township nineteen (19) south, range twonty- ■x (26) east, Mount Diablo base and meridian, * » Of Bection three (3), the fractional northwest quarter (frac. ;NW. 1/4), containing one-hundred and fifty-eight and seventy-seven oue-hundredthg (158.77) acres of land. Excepting therefrom, however, two (2) parcels thereof (one containing three' and one-fourth (814) acres more or less, and the other seven (7) acres more or less), conveyed by said Edwin Davis to the Pacific Improvement Company by deed dated March 9, 1838, and recorded in the County Record- er's office of said county of Tulare, in book 27 of deeds, at page 317, 10 which deed and record thereof special reference Is hereby made for further and more particular description of said exeepted I parcels. i Together with the appurtenances. ) TERMS OF SALE— Cash in gold coin of the I United States; ten per cent payable to the under- i signed on the fall of the hammer; balance on de- ' livery of deed; and If not so paid, unless for wane ' of title (ten days being allowed for search) then said ten per cent to be forfeited and the sale to be I void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense.' HENRY O. CAMPBELL, ->„, V I THA DDE US B. KENT. } Trustees. TRUSTEES' SALK-IN ACCORDANCE WITH X the terms and under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed by MICH-\I>"L B. MORAGHAN and JULIA A. MOBAGHAN ! (his wife), parties of the Gr3t part, to henry • C. CAMPBELL . and THADDEUS B. KENT . trustees, parties of the second par., and the BAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, nnrtv of the third part, dated July 110, 1892, and recorded in the offlce of the County Recorder of the county of Marin, State of California, in Liber 15 of Deeds, at pages 609 and following: and in pursuance of a resolution passed on the 28th day of March, 1895, by the Board of Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, 11 corpora^ tion, and the holder of the note (No. 11,931) to se- cure payment of which the aforesaid Deed of Trust ! was executed, declaring that default had been made j In the payment of the principal sum and other 1 sums, due under said note and deed of trust, anil requesting and directing said HENTIYC. CAMP- ! BELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trustees, to i sell the real estate described therein to satisfy said Indebtedness. • - - '-■■ ■ v - • We, HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDECS" B. KENT, trustees, do hereby give notice, that on TUESDAY, the 28th day of May, A. D. 1895, at 1 o'clock v. m. of that day, and In front of the Court- house door, in the town of San Rafael, Marin County, Stale of California, we will sell at public auction, to Hie highest bidder, for cash in gold coin Of the United States, all the pieces or parcels of land situate In the county of Marin, State of Cali- fornia, described as follows, to wit: . •. • Being portion of lot Dof the Sausallto or Rich- ardson Uanclio, and known, designated and de- lineated as lots numbers nine (9) and , ten (10) in block- number eight (Hi on the map entitled "Tamalpais: Land and Water Company,' Map No. 2," surveyed by M. M. O'Shaughnessy, C. E., 1889, with additions and modifications by L. 11. Shorn, C. E., 1891, and duly recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said county of Marin, to which map reference Is hereby made: . Together with the appurtenances. . TERMS OF SALE— Cash in gold coin of the Uni- ted States ; ten per cent payable to the undersigned on the fall of the hammer: balance on delivery of tod : and it not so paid, unless for wantof title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited, and tile ' sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. ■■- • HENBY C.CAMPBELL, 1 -,_,,,. „ ; V, LthABJDEUSB. KENT, /Trustees. THE SAN FRANCISCO C^LL, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1895. HOUSES TO LET. TT^CE^fAirA^ET^CORfrrOF^GISAnY, NR. H«) Van Ness-House of 7 rooms and bath. "IXIFi HOWARD-NEW HOUSE ; 10 ROOMS; J-OX.O bath; latest Improvements: only $33. 9QI Q CALIFORNIA— ROOMS, BATH; CON- £iU±V servatory; hot air furnace ; line order. iQC MINNA, BET. FIFTH A.N I) SIXTH— S TLOU rooms and every modern improvement. 1 AOA MISSION— BAY-WINDOW HOUSE; 10 IvOU rooms; sunny side. ; <2»-f A 4 ROOMS AND basement. 629 10- -0 JLtr. cust aye., near Laguna and McAllister. 9Q TWENTY-THIRD, NEAR HAMPSHIRE— --O six rooms, bath and yard; rent $18. 1 ?\97 WASHINGTON ST.— HOUSE 6 ROOMS; .1. U_ I bath; water free; rent $25. ■ . , ■ OWER PART OF A HOUSE TO LET; 608 -i Post st. ; no children. * rTVEN~ETiENT 4 ROOMS, HALL; RENT $10. 1 812 Jessie, near Ninth. - 1 gQO CLAY, NEAR LARKIN — MODERN LOO— house, 7 rooms : rent reduced to $25. djji 9 ONLY; 4 NICE ROOMS; BASEMENT; «IpJ--J sunny yard. 721 Fourteenth St., nr. Mar- ket, In rear. A Oft POST— GOOD LOCATION FOR MTLLI- tOU ncr, dressmaker or doctor; low rent. Apply to G. H. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Montgomery st. ©971 2 NEWLY papered, PAINTED, 2- tjp_jla. story houses, 7 rooms, bath: desirable neighborhood. Broderick st., near McAllister. . ffliOn 7-BOOM HOUSE, ALL FRESCOED. —"> 1816 Filbert st., bet. Octavia and Lacuna. <5»1 A 3 ROOMS, YARD, CELLAR. 37 DORK J-U. St., oft" Harrison, bet.Ninth and Tenth. d*"l A BAY-WINDOW HOUSE 212% PERRY '4?J-tt. st.. 4 rooms; unfinished basement: water free. Apply to G. H. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Mont- gomery st. "VTEW HOUSE AND BASEMENT 65 FT. LONG ; -L> windows front and rear. 154 Tehama. OUBE, FINE LOCATION, PERFECT RE- pair. Inquire ALMA E. KEITH, 24 Kearny. OUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES, To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDWIN .V HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st, FUKXISUED HOUSES. HANDSOMELY "FUBNI6HED: six BOOMS; bath: piano: garden. 1517 Golden Gate aye. DELIGHTFUL HOME, WITH GROUNDS. IN JL/ warm belt of Mission; rent low to desirable tenant; partly furnished. 434 Bartlett st. IK-ROOM COTTAGE OR FLAT FUR- O nished; rent $36 a month. X, box 27, this oilice. ■ TTANDSOMELY FURNISHED SUNNY PAR- JLJL lor floor for housekeeping; 4 rooms and bath. 3144 Sixteenth St., near Guerrero. . • . ÜBNISIIED COTTAGE: 7 ROOMS, BATH; rent for 6 months or year; choice location. Call at 2241 San Jose aye., Park-st. station, Alameda. j ?'9Q TWENTY-THIRD ST., BET. VALENCIA ! U_jO and Mission; furnished 2-story; bay-window I house; 6 rooms; bath; saloon parlors: all In Al order; rent $35. Apply L. A. SOUC & CO., 465 I and 467 Valencia st, ! 9_l/fl LARKIN— COMPLETELY FURNISH- : — i"lx ed clean modern cottage of 5 rooms and bath: gas stove. H7 HOLE OR PART OF MODERN FUR ; >' nishedllat. 1123. .. McAllister st. SAN BAFAEL HOUSES TO LET. TO LET IN SAN RjTfa^EiTfokTmoNTl?sT)R J- upward, a furnished house of 12 rooms, nice garden, stable and carriage-house: rent, reasonable to desirable party. Address F., 1". O. box 936, San Rafael. - ■ COTTAGKB TO LET. (HQ 38 VICTOR ST.. BET. 7TII ANDBTH, tjPO. off Bryant— ;3 rooms cicely papered. IPOUR SUNNY ROOMS AND CELLAR. $15; ' marine view. 417 First st., Rlncon hill. FLATS TO LET. ELEGANT NEW FLATSjji AND 8 HOOMS: bath; $9 to $17. Seventh" St., below Bryant. <|.>| HOWARD-FLAT of 3 OR 4 ROOMS ''— J- and bath. : "VTEW CORNER FLAT, 6 ROOMS, BATH, -li grand view, 618 Webster st,. : 15 new Hats; 4 I rooms, bath, latest improvements, rents cheap. 414 Lily aye. VrEWLY furnished 5-ROOMED FLAT. 10 -i-> Metcalf place, off Geary st., bet. Mason and Taylor. . '_,;.;•:. OST DESIRABLE FLATS TALL CONVEN- ience; reduced: sl9, s2o; cheap. 931 Lombard. mO HYDE— SUNNY FLAT, 5 ROOMS AND A bath, $20. UNNY FLAT, 3 ROOMS; YARD; WATER free; rent $12. 356 Third st. <afj BA -WINDOW FLAT, 4 ROOMS. 14y 3 1&I1J . Moss st., Off Howard, bet. 6th and 7th. . 8 DALE PLACE, OFF GOLDEN GATE AYE., bet. Leavenworth and Hyde— 6 rooms and bath. 599 FLA, 6LAR«ESUNNYROOMS:BATH. -.-J.UV. 202 Flllmore St., near Haiglit. 9 FLATS, 3 BOOMS BACH. 1029 and 1031 ** Minna st., bet. Eleventh and Twelfth; cheap. •"Yf ODERN FLAT 8 ROOMS; BATH; 1 OB 2 -L'-i- families. 1 128 Howard st., near Seventh. DOWNTOWN FLAT— LEAVEN WORTH St., 5 rooms and bath; low rent. BURN- HAM-MABSH CO., 428 Montgomery st. SUNNY UPPER FLAT; 1 ROOMS; PORCE- lain bath and sink; $30. 828 Hiiisht ri. <£ 9A • EXTRA LARGE ROOMS: BAY-WIN^ tiP_JV/. dow and bath: all sunny; front rooms: corner bay-windows. NW. cor. Seventeenth and Capp sts., key downstairs. OJtTT Flat 3 ROOMS, YARD AND BASE- J.X« ment. 123 San Jose aye. . . ffljQ UPPER AND LOWER FLATS; 3 AND 4 t£PO. rooms; very convenient. 941 Bryant st. QjQ UPPER FLAT: 5 BOOMS. APPLY 2643 ___-}• Bryant aye.. near Twenty- -9 NEW UPPER SUNNY MODERN FLATS, -^ 929 Golden Gate aye. and 1421J/2 Hayes at. "171 L AT OF 5 FINE S UNNY ROOMS AND BATH : J. all modern improvements. 108 Ridley st., near Valencia. • A SUNNY FLATS: 4 AND 3 ROOMS EACH; t: $11, $10, $9. 2033 Harrison St., opp. Eigh- teenth. YEW FLAT: 4 ROOMS AND BATH; ALL -i' modern improvements. i*E. cor. Twentieth and Capp st. 1 OOA WEBSTER, BET. ELLIS AND O'FAB- -LO-jtr rell— Flat 0 rooms aud bath. Iqi 1 b ellis~b'et.~l7\"guna and bu"- J-OxJ. chanan— s rooms and bath; rent $13. "l GOLDEN GATE AYE. — FLAT 7 L\JO ± rooms: rent $18 50. Apply 1036. A\ fti~HYDE— FLAT OF 3 LARGE SUNNY tcJ-U;i rooms. Inquire 418 Hyde st. TJIIiAT OF i BOOM S~ANir BATH. 336 TE- hama St., between Fourth and Fifth. pLEMENTI.N A ST., 327— SUNN V FLATS OF 4 \J rooms each; rents reduced. Apply G. H. UMBSEN <fc CO. ARRISON ST., OF 4 ROOMS AND bath; rent only $15. Apply G. H. LMBSEN it CO. Yj^oT r RTTr~ ST., 353— SUNNY "FLATS of "5 X rooms and bath; separate entrance, etc. ; rents reduced. Apply a, 11. UMBSEN i CO. ; ELEGANT SUNNY FLAT 7 ROOMS, BEAU- tifully papered and frescoed. 713 Grove st. "71 ft OCTAVIA, NEAR MCALLISTER— LOVE- • ly fiat; 7 rooms: bath ;* modern Improve- ments: reasonable. ■ ■ TTILAT OK 4 ROOMS] 82y 2 EVERETT ST.. X near Fourth. I MONTH'S FREE— SUNNY FLATS- X fine house: central. 409 O'Farrell st. ■ GROVE, NEAR I'ILLMOKK — SUNNY *J^r_J flat: rooms, bath; newly papered- yard- rent $2«: water free. SPLENDID 6-ROOM FLAT: BATH; LARGE rear lot; very low rent. 2510 Mission st., Key next door. .■ \ , ;. LL SELECTED (NEW) COTTAGES, FLATS, houses, with stable, $6 to $100. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. :* ' ' : T7ILATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, JL' To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDWIN «fe HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOZlis. ~ 9^f7y^^DE^lt~LAßGlT' pablob —L\ > nicely furnished for light housekeeping. • 1 HOWARD, COB. TENTH— 2 FXTB- XOO^t nished housekeeping rooms; range; bath. 1 Q9it MISSION— FBONT SUNNY PLEAS^ J-kJ*~U ant roooia for liousekeeping. " Q(±Q MISSION-3 I-ARGE- SUNNY t FUR- OLIO uislied rooms fcr housekeeping. OFiQ MINNA— JMICE FURNISHED FRONT QUO room with stove for housekeeping; rent $7. W ELL- FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING _»T rooms: per month. . 838 Mission st. 11i ( X STOCKTON— Ii SUNNY CONNECTING X I y>O rooms furnished complete for house- keeping; yard. ' •' . . TO S OUT PARK-2 SUNNY COR. WELL- XV furnished housekeeping rooms; very cheap. 99 south PARK-LARGE SUNNY PARLOR" ■£■'-■* nicely furnished for light housekeeping. OQQ GOLDEN GATE AYE.— 4 SUNNY FUR- i)OU nlshed housekeeping rooms; bath. . OAK HYDE,. COR. SUTTER-3 UNFUR- O\JO nished sunny rooms: $17. . I _L9^v HOWARD . ST.-LOWER FLOOR ; 8 i-J^—O nicely furnished rooms; yard; bath; $20. "1 4.1 1 j FOI.SOM-FRONT PARLORS, "fi bst 1111 floor, and 4 rooms., on second, (or house- keeping. ... ; , (S>\ A 2 SUNNY FURNISHED. BOOMS FOR «tpx.^/. housekeeping; range; running water. 703 O'Farrell St., bet. Hyde and Larltln. "I 097 HOWARD — 3 ROOMS. COMPLETE J-O_j I for housekeeping; nicely furnished ; bath- yard. . ... ' To MOSS, OFF HOWARD, NEAR SEVE^TH- Ji)2 rooms furnished for housekeeping.- Z\d.& MINNA — FURNISHED ROOMS FOB V-tU keeping; large yard. , 9n~Qft~ *^ CF^ T - 2 ~OR~B~LABGE SUNNY jijyfOO furnished rooms for housekeeping. ;;;■ HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS - Continued. Q9 I 1 SEVENTH— 3 CONNECTING^ "BOOMS; O— ~i-i bath; furnished for housekeeping; use of kitchen. .'■,■•■ •- 07V7 -FOURTH ST. -SUNNY FURNISHED OU I front rooms for housekeeping; cheap. ~l~\ A ELEVENTH ST. — ELEGANTLY FUR- lix nished sunny rooms for. housekeeping, single and eu suite: furniture and carpets all new; private bath; grates, etc.: quiet location. ■ /7Q NATOMA — SUNNY FRONT- ROOMS- I O suitable for housekeeping; #10 month. 1 WELCH, OFF FOUIiTH, BELOW BRyl a ant— 2 or 3 furnished rooms for housekpg. 91 1 7 BUSH — HOUSEKEEPING: 2~ OR 3 -111 unfurnished rooms: stove; use of bath; references. "1 Af 'X MARKET ST., OPP. JONES-FRONT ivUu rooms; also housekeeping and single. ; HO A GOLDEN GATE-FURNISHED HOUSE- I O\J keeping room, very convenient; $8. kI rr LEAVENWORTH — 3 NICELY FUR- OX 1 nished rooms; housek'g; no small children. "1 A, A 7 POWELL— 2 SUNNY FRONT ROOMS; J-VVf I ' furnished for housekeeping; rent $12. Of 17, THIRD ST.— LARGE SUNNY " FRONT Ox I housekeeping; also others; $6, $10, $12. BOOMS- TO LET. 97^rFOU^TTl?Nl ; n^"sUXNY SINGLE alfQ; room in private family; rent reasonable. 9QA TENTH — LARGE SUNNY FRONT 1 suO\J room; suitable for 2 gentlemen; rent low. 1 MISSION— LARGE BUNNY . FRONT XtrOO rooms and single rooms; price reasonable. Q1 f* ATOM A, NEAR TENTH — LARGE tJX\J sunny front room: suitable for 2 gentlemen; also nice single rooms; price reasonable. 97 RIDLEY, NEAR THIRTEENTH— LARGE -ii I front rooms: price $4 and 98. AOA3 CLEMENTINA - LARGE SUNNY ttOtt-l front rooms: price $4 a mouth. 9171 GEARY-FURNISHED ROOM: RENT ZiX i a $4. ■ I]Q EDDY— SUNNY, NEWLY FURNISHED XXO rooms, $4 up; also for housekeeping. 3 OR 6 SUNNY ROOMS, FIRST FLOOR. 5 Everett st., near Third. COQ PLEASANT SINGLE BOOMS, U— O suitable for gentlemen; cheap. A 1 9 BRYANT— SUNNY FRONT ROOMS EN *±±^j suite, single; rent 55 up. j 9 A FRANKLIN-TWO FURNISHED PAR- — v lors, single or en suite. ■ 99 MARKET, OR 39 TURK ST.-ELE- — <-J gant suites of rooms on first and second iloor, also single rooms; prices to salt the times. 30 a third-2 Unfurnished house- OOtt keeping rooms, water included ; $5 and $6. 1 Crt GOLDEN GATE AYE.— FRONT BAY- J *J\J window room. . first floor; also outside rooms; $5 a month up. • 9 TjT^ CLAY— 4 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS. 7/»Q MISSION— NICE CLEAN FURNISHED t DO room; $5 per month. Q KLLIS— SUNNY ROOMS, SINGLE OK EN tIO suite, either furnished or unfurnished. 7 BOSS, NEAR HOWARD— LARGE, SUNNY, I front room, with all conveniences. 1/' BAUSCH, NEAR HOWARD— 3 NICE UN- IU furnished rooms; large yard. /• , • 7 MINNA, COR. EIGHTH-NIOELY FUR- UU I Dished bay-window rooms; $1 week. 07'TlINXA— NICE LARGE ROOMS7NEWLY Ol furnished; price reasonable. Tj"Q~SECSnD— LARGE FRONT, ALSO SIN- L ~i.O gle room, suitable for two gentlemen. no SECOND ST., NEAR MISSION— LARGE XX jU front rooms, elegantly furnished; private; cheap. 77 NINTn ST.— FRONT SUITE ROOMS FOR I I two gentlemen, dressmaker or light house- keeping. 1 I ESSIE ST., COR. SECOND— LAFAY- X\)O ette House: large and small rooms, $1 per week and up: quiet, dlean house in every respect. 1 90fi MARKET, THE CARKOLTON— ELK- I^UU partly furnished and unfurnished rooms; rents reduced. C 1 Q VAN NESS-NICE BAY-WINDOW FUR- X V nished room ; gas; bath. CO SECOND— DOUBLE ROOM«, PER WEEK, *JJU $1 50 to $3; single, $1 to $160; per night, 20c to 50c. MARYE TERRACE, OFF TURK, 'BET. U Hyde and Larkin— furnished room; 1 reasonable.' : : .*.: B A~KRiSON7~COIT THIRD— OF \)OiJ tront snuny rooms, elegantly furnished, for 2 gentlemen or for man and wife; price $10. 1 A9l VAN :.;: s AYE.— ELEGANT ROOMS, JLI/_. L cheap; new houso. PEAS LTuOBT MARKET, OPP. OCTAVIA— I sunny .bay-window room, well furnished, for man and wife; running water; folding-bed. 7 NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS; 4 double or single; $2 per week and up. 97 A TURK, NEAR jones — SUNNY " KUR- ~L\J nished front room; also.JhO'JSCkeeplng rms. 1 AQ FIFTH— NICE SUNNY FRONT SUITES XK'rj and single from $1 50 a week up. • - Qf\A NATOMA — FINE SUNNY FRONT OV/jc rooms en suite or single; prices reasonable. 09Q O'FARRELL — FURNISHED FRONT O^tO parlor; $14: also $8 room : free bath. /7'9E GOLDEN GATE AYE., ~ NEAR VAN U~jU Ness— Pleasant single rooms; bath; gas; rent reasonable; private family. • I9«'l NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS to respectable parties. ••-... -.--■. 99 FIFTH — SUNNY FURNISHED front £>*J rooms for housekeeping; price reasonable. "1 07 FIFTH— PLEASANT AND SUNNY UN- X\J I furnished rooms to let. lOC >'II)'TH— NICE, SUNNY FRONT AND XZ<U inside rooms from $1 50 per week up. II A MCALLISTER— FLAT 1; NEWLY FUR- XX X. nished rooms; en suite and single. "1 nXOIIOWAUD— FLAT OF 7 ROOMS AND S-\JU*j bath; sunny; neatly furnished. ' A FIRST-CLASS :; ROOMING-HOUSE, THE 4. »- Florence, cor. Powell and Ellis— Sunny suites from fl5 a month, single $10; bell service; baths free: rooms by the day. week or mouth. 1 07A MARKET., BET. JONES ~AND CITY JLO 1 U Hall aye.— Unfurnished suite: single. MRS. CHEVALIER HAS RESUMED THE management of the "Miramar." 703 Geary St.; sunny rooms, single or suites: excellent hoard; elevator; prices moderate to suit the times. X ' SECOND-SUNNY FURNISHED SUITES; *J<J also double and single; gas; hath. 0 SUTTER— ROOMS $1 50 A WEEK AND QUO up; transient rooms a specialty. » O" YOU DI£BIBJB NICK ROOMS RKASOX- x ably, stop at 203 a Powell; transient solicited. EUROPE HOUSE, 1169 MISSION-NICELY furnished rooms, single or . en suite, $1 to $3 per week ; night 25c to $1; transient solicited. IOAQI HOWARD — NEW FLAT; NICELY X-ju\JO-£ furnished housekeeping rooms: $8. T'.)nni STOCKTON— NICELY FURNISHED X<J\J\J;i room to let; rent cheap. CI O GEAHY— ALT, SUNNY ROOMS: WILL "XCJ rent very reasonable to neat roomers from «8 up: everything new: hot and cold water. G" Gerard " house, " 1 i'l~ skvknth— fur- VJT nished rooms, single and double, housekeeping. GRAND SOUTHERN. COR. SEVENTH AND r Mission— Rooms all light; water, gas and electric boils; elevator runs from 7 a. m. to 12 l". m. : single, 50 cents; suites, $1 day; $2 50 and $5 week up. ■yOSEMITE HOUSE, ,1045 MARKET, BET. X Sixth and Seventh— and suites; per night, 35c to $1; week, $1 60 to $5; families. ; RLINGTON HOUSE, 127KEARNY— PLEAS- ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first class In every respect: terms reasonable. rpHJ? SHERMAN APARTMENT-HOUSE; 129 X new sunny rooms;' strictly respectable; half price of best hotels with equal accommodations; very central. 28 Klehth St.. near Market. STOKES TO I,ET. Ij^ liEG^\N^T~T?ORNE]S STORE- THIT~BEST J location in the Mission; NW. cor. Twenty-first and Valencia sts. ; will make the finest drugstore, dry-goods store, boot and shoe store, or any other desirable business; reduced rent. Apply O F YON RH KIN & CO., 513 California st. CI?9A STOKE; 6 LIGHT ROOMS; ESTAB- tjpAKJ. lished saloon 8 yrs. 911 Foisom, nr. Fifth. OB RENT — A CORNER STORE ; . good stand for drug or grocery business. Apply W. B. C'LL'l'F, 17 Sixth St. : iv . ■ 1 PL 't A HOWARD AND LAFAYETTE STS., Xc»~tt with fixtures for a saloon or any business. "Apply at 2838 Mission St., M. CURRAN. T?OUR-STORY BRICK AND. IRON BUILDING X 1 and basement, 508 Sacramento st., containing elevator, power, etc.: rent $80. Apply DAVID STERN & SONS, 20 Montgomery st. - ■-■ . oFriciiSTo: let. ~~. • oT^GIIiARTHST^TFTi^^ jCaX I Union square; key 2171/2. LEGANT OFFICES IN NEW BPRECKELS building, 925 Market: rents low. no extra charge for gas, janitor services or heating. Apply at building or G. H. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Montg. St. ESK ROOM AT BOOM 8, SIXTH FLOOR Mill" building. ■ ■- HORSES. ?)ELlXßivfc FAMILY HOSSE. hTrneTs Xt and surrey; $200; cash; bargain. 931 Lom- bard st. . ' • ■ •\\rANTED-A GOOD HORSE FOR BUSINESS ■»» bug«y in '-exchange for a lot. McEWEV BROS., 118 Montgomery St. J() HORSES FOB, SALE; ALSO WAGONS, lv buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Market, 327 Sixth st. auction sales every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN & DOYLE, Auctioneers. v OBSES PASTURED; $2 A MONTH; SEND for ch-cular. F. A. HYDE, 630 Commercial st. J A A SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL IUU kinds:- second-hand- wagons, busriry, carts; Iso 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia sts. ■.' WAGONS ;,AKB -OAKItIAtrJSS. 77 0R SALE-STYLISH HORSE~a'ndIbUGGY~: I I very cheap. HEINE, 40 O'Farrcllßt.- - ' PERSONALS. rpo WHOM ■IT MAY CONCERN— OX AND X after this day I am no longer responsible for my wift-'s debts: last notice May 1, 1895. ■ W. A. SCHLLTZJR. ■ - . - 'A WHITE, INFORMATION WANTED: --»- if alive may hear of something greatly to his advantage, or his heirs may if he Is dead. Address E. H. O'HARA, 469 S. Seventh si., San Jose, Cal. TTAIRDRESSING.2Sc.ANY STYLE: Ist -CLASS XX shampoo, OOc. ; Pioneer Hair Store. BERTHA SPITZ. 11l Stockton st.; strictly one price only. ADVICE FREE; DIVORCE LAWS A SPECIAL^ ty ; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. HOWE, Att'y-at-law, 850 Market., cor. Stockton. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CAST-OFF clothing.books. novels. RAPHAEL, 247 4th st. LADIE.S~OUTING SUITS TO ORDER: $25. HUTT,' merchant tailor. Y. M. C. A. building. II WASHING. MACHINE AND BRUSH «» work; Ale yard; contracts taken. WAIN- WRIGHT, 1460 Market: machines sold or hired. ] HOM X AGAIN ; WRECKERS OF HIGH prices; fine suits, $15;. dress pants, $4 75: overcoats. $2 95. Misfit Clothing Parlors, 613 Montgomery St., cor. Commercial, upstairs. UY YOUR. CURTAINS. LADIES' AND gents' furnishing goods, hosiery, trimmings, etc., at Pioneer Dry Goods Store, 105 Fifth St. CAN HAVE DRESSES. CUT AND FITTED for $3; dresses popular prices or engagements by the day; patterns to measure. 11 Geary st. ■. SAN FRANCISCO SCHOOL FOR DANCING and elocution. WALTER G. O'BRIEN, mana- ger: Grove and Laguna sis. Class Mondays and Fridays; juvenile class, Saturdays. \f ATRIMONIAL PAPER, 997 MARKET ST.; -LtX oilice time, 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 p. m. ; by mail 15 cents. INGLE BOTTLE of SMITH'S DANDRUFF Pomade is guaranteed to cure any case of dan- druff or falling hair or money refunded: never known to fall; try It. By all druggists price $1, or SMITH BROS., Fresno, Cal. j ECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, O showcases, counters, shelvings, .mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very largo stock of them, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be- iore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission st., above Sixth. ■. OK MOR KCUi — - Oak Roll Top Desks $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers From $10 up Oak Bed Sets $17 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up Stoves and Ranges..: $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St., above Sixth. TT EADQUARTERS LONG DISTANCE TELE- XX phones, cheap: send for prices. Klein Electric Worm, 720 Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal. UIKT PLACE FOR LADIES TO TRADE IX QUIET PLACE FOR largo money made on small stocks and grain ; lane rooney made on small , investment. .WHEELOCK & CO., 318 Pine St., 3. j pLOAKH, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED at i \J mirs' cost. . Factory, 20 Bansome si., upstairs. ' "JV'INETOSCOPESFOR SALE; PHONOGRAPH | XV outfits bought for cash. Baclgalupi, 946 Mkt. OLD. BUILDINGS T BOUGHT AND BOLD, store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, I etc. ; cheap. Yard 1166 Mission St.. nr. Eighth. GAS FIXTURES AND PLUMBING. 627 Golden Gate aye. H. HUFSCHMIDT. LD GOLD, SILVER, GENTS' AND LADIES' clothing boucht. COLMAN, 41 Third st. INDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO order by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Market. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. stoic auk Vy i lson b iuss!a7io"ma Tik et^stv^cTetciur »» rates and examine our method for storage of , furniture and all kinds of household goods; dust I and vermin proof; separate rooms at low rates. A DVANCES MADE ON STORAGE. LIEBES -ii- STORAGE WAREHOUSE CO., 906 Market st. SAFE, DRY. CHEAP PLACE TO STORE YOUR furniture, etc. / LUNDY FURNITURE COM- PANY, 818 Mission st. IP U R NIT PIANOS AND OTHER MER- IT chandise received on storage; money advanced on consignments: fire-proof building. 410 Post St., STORAGE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, HO D 3 & hold goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market st. LTIIRST-CLASS STORAGE : ADVANCES MADE i J 421-423 Market st. CH AS. L. TAYLOR. BOARDING AND BOOMS. I T2^9Q^IISSION^SUx'n V FRoSfT~SUITES'i I Xtt^it? with or without board; price reasonable. ! rpHEBERESt'ORD. BUSH AND STOCKTON" X first class; $1 s!}, $2 per day; with parlor, $2 50. WM. CHAMHKRLIX. Prop. DELINQUENT SALE NOTICES. STANDARD GOLD AND SILVEH MINING Company— Location of principal place of busi- ness, San Francisco, California: location of works, Oregon City, Butte County, California. Notice— There are delinquent upon the following described stock, on account of assessment (No. 4) levied on the seventeenth (17th) day of April, 1895, the several amounts set opposite the names of the. respective shareholders, as follows: ' . No. No. . '; ■ Names. Cert.' Shares. Am't EMcGrath 34 500 $15 00 GOHink 154 1000 30 00 GOHink 155 1000 30 00 GOHink 158 1000 30 00 GOHink 165 1260 47 50 GOHink.... 166 500 15 00 C A Stockton 145 100 3 00 C A Stockton. Tr 135 200 6 00 C AStockton.Tr ......19U 400 12 00 C A Stockton, Tr .108 75 2 25 MrsPCßulltud 245 12500 375 00 ATGraner..: 42 8085 62 55 R Herold 251 2500 75 00 R Herold 252 2500 75 00 Sylvester Gardner, Tr........ 63 1000 30 00 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 66 1000 30 00 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 69 3750 112 50 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 77 TOO 15 00 Sylvester Gardner, Tr .100 9490 284 70 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 100 -. 50 750 I Sylvester Gardner, Tr 107 960 750 I Sylvester Gardner, Tr. :...... 108 '..'.so 750 I Sylvester Gardner, Tr 128 8750 112 50 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 152 250 750 Sylvester Gardner, Tr........ 163 250 760 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 178 4000 120 00 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 192 200 600 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 183 310 10 20 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 109 9m>o 279 00 Jus S Crownell : 50 1000 30 00 GeoADuprez 72 840 25 20 R M 8urke......... 203 25 75 FJ Brandon 121 250 750 I Tyler Beach 96 1001) 30 00 I Tyler Beach IS3 9000 270 00 Tyler Beach 217 3767 113 01 W H Brown 147 M 150 TEiewi'll 222 90 '2 70 T E Jewe11..... 247 1000 30 00 Wm Farrington.. US 50 150 CD Wright 149 100 3 00 C D WriKlit 248 45 135 1 Francis Stewart ..'...». .v....\229' 70 3 10 k A B Crist 151 50 150 .1 II Henry 235 : 11000 330 00 IJ H Henry 194 99876 896 25 [CM Wooster...: 218 376U 112 98 WGLorigan 221 2545 76 35 Martin Jones 22H 10 30 « 'has E Stewart. 227' 10 30 Hume J5 Spencer 228 10 30 Nathan Crocker 24S 2500 75 00 BBHIIiK 249 14500 435 00 BBHulse.... :... 250 14070 422 3 0 And In accor dance with law and' an order from j the Board of Directors made on the seventeenth i (17th) day of April. 18&5, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as my be necessary will be sold at public auction at the ofiice of the company, room 3 of the. Mills Building. In the city of San Francisco, California, on MONDAY, the tenth (10th) day of June, 3895. at the hour of one (1) o'clock p. m. of said day. to pay said delinquent as- sessment thereon, together with cost of advertising and expense of sale. CM. WOOSTER, Secretary. Office— Room 3, Mills Building, San Francisco, California. • • • T»ELINQUENT SALE NOTICE — GOLDEW j XJ Eagle Mining Company— Location of principal I place of business. San Francisco, California; loca- ; tion of works, Devils Gate Mining District, Lyon : County, Nevada. • Notice— There are delinquent upon . the following , described stock, o:: account of assessment (No. 1), I levied on the Bth day of January, 1595, the I several amounts set opposite the names of the re- specMve shareholders, as follows: ■ .- ■ • ;---« ■ No. ■:-.;,-.:■„:■■, Names. . No. Cert. Shares. Amount. Morris H0ef11ch........ 5 10,000 $1,500 00 'H. M. Levy, Trustee.. 7 20,000 3,000 00 :H. M. Levy, Trustee. 8 1,000 15000 1 H. M. Levy, Trustee 9 1,000 150 00 IH. M. Levy, Trustee 10 1,000 150 00 ' H. M. Levy, Trustee ....11 1,000 150 00 I H.M. Levy, Trustee.. ...... 12 600 75 00 1 E. B. Holmes, Trustee...... 18 20,000 8,000 00 !E. B. Holmes, Trustee 19 7,900 1,185 00 j E. B. Holmes, Trustee .....20 995 149 25 And in accordance with law, and an order from 1 the Board of Directors, made on the eighth C.v of ' January. 1895, so many shares of each . parcel of such stock as may be necessary, will be sold at pnb- I lie auction at the office of the company, room 60, Nevada Block. No. 309 Montgomery street, San I Francisco, California, on ■ MONDAY, the fourth ! clay of March, 1895, at the. honr of 9 o'clock p. m. I. of said day, •to pay said delinquent assessment ( I thereon, together with coots of advertising and ex- penses of sale. • '■■■■ v ' E. B. HOLMES. Secretary. ■ Office— Room 50, Nevada Block. No. 809 lklos^ I comery street, San Francisco, California. POSTPONEMENT. J Notice Is hereby given that by order of the Board of Directors the date of the sale of delinquent stock: . for assessment No. 1 is hereby postponed to MON- , DAY, the :25th day of March A. D. 1385. at ma same time and place. ' ■ -•'••wwßWtas , E. B. HOLMES, Secretary. GOLDEN EAGLE MINING COMPANY. - FURTHER POSTPONEMENT. ' Notice Is hereby given that by order of the Board ; of Directors the day of the sale c* delinquent stock " , for assessment No.' l is hereby further postponed to WEDNESDAY, the 24th day of April, A. D. < 1895, at the same time and place. • ■ . : • : : ■- : ; K. B. HOLMES. Secretary. FURTHER POSTPONEMENT. - Notice is hereby given that by order of the Board of Directors the date of sale of delinquent stock for assessment No. 1 is hereby further postponed to TUESDAY, the 14th day of May, A. D. 1895, at i the same time and place. - -. :- . i E. B. HOLMES, Secretary. FURTHER POSTPONEMENT. . Notice is hereby given that by order of the Board of Directory the day of &ale of delinquent stock for assessment No. 1 is hereby further - postponed ■ to MONDAY, the third day of June,. A. D. 1895, at the same time and place. •;. .. •' E. B. HOLMES. Secretary- EDUCATIONAL.. T>l ANO AND^iN^NGT'^T^M^ARKET^ST?; X Mansfeldt method for piano; Tetedeux singing, one lesson free. Studio 618. : CANDIDATES THOROUGHLY PREPARED \J for university, law, medical, teachers' exami- nations, etc, by public schoolteacher and univer- sity instructor. 122 O'Farrell st. ■ • HORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING: GUAR- anteed faultless; reasonable. K. 15, 632 Market. LILLIAN BEDDARIJ, THE ENGLISH AC- tress, coaches ladles and gentlemen or the dramatic profession ; appearances arranged. Shake- spearean Academy, 400 Van Ness aye. - BELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed onstage. R. 5&12 ,1 .0 .0. F. block, 7th and Market. VOCAL TEACHER, JOSE~PH~GREVEN, DC- V proves and beautified even spoiled voices and procures positions for his pupils. 82 Ninth st. PIANO LESSONS 400 AN HOUR. THOMAS WATTS, 218 Golden Gate aye. ~piA.NO AND SINGING TAUGHT BY EXPE- J- rlenced musicians from England; $4 month. 854 Mission. MASTERY OP SPANISH AND FRENCH in 4 months with Professor Ducrae's LIVING method practically taught by native, university instructors; classes ($3 per month) day and eve. Call and examine this master method. 104 Hayes. NGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT BY MISS DILLON, 14 McAllister, r. 46; private or class. OCHOOL ELECTRICAL, CIVIL, MINING, ME- O chanical engineering, surveying, architecture, assayjesiab. '84. VAN PER NAILLEX.723Mkt. HYPNOTISM — LESSONS IN HYPNOTISM and mesmerism; clairvoyants developed by J. DIAMOND, 406 Suiter st., rooms 50 aud 51. STIEUL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market st. diploma course $39. EDWARD TOJETTI, ARTIST, HAS RE^ opened his studio and classes. Room 141, Murphy building, corner Market and Jones sts. MRS. MELVILLE-SNYDER, ORATORICAL, .Vocal and Dramatic Academy, 519 Van Ness aye.; vocal classes Monday, 8 p. m.. $1 month; dra- matic classes Wednesday, BP. m., $3 month: also private lessons and piano; ladies and gentlemen coached for professional or amateur stage (stage for practice). I - rpARR'S INST., 659 MARKT— BOOKKEEPING X taught in 6 weeks. We pledge ourselves to keep free for 6 months books our graduates fall on. HK A LD»B BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 POST Bookkp?, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern lan- guages rapidly tangbt. Write for catalogue. ATTORNEYS- AT-LaW. MONEY ADV^?CT?D^n)XrTTwA^?T^COUItT i'l costs and charges paid in matters of probate, contracts, damages, accidents, notes, first-class , collections and general law business. Address J. F. NAUGHTON, 54 Nevada block, S. F. JOHN I C. AII X 1 . N . ATTORNEY -AT-LA W, R3, O 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery st., cor. California. ] A. MITCHELL, ATX'Y-AT-LAW, REMOVED « . to Sprgckels bldg., 929 Market st.: advice free. ADVICE FREE, DIVORCE LAWS A SPECIAL- ty; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. lIP WE, Att'y-at-law, 850 Market St., cor. Stockton. \V M. H. CHAPMAN, ATTORN EY-AT-L A \V~ »' Mills building, sixth floor, room 5, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Telephone 1544. TAT W. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.42O '' . California St.. mis. 14-15: advice free. I OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. Qi^f\f\ 50x150; LOT "'^RANGE I IiTHARDY <2)iJ\J\J. Tract. CHAS. C. FISHER, 507 Cali- fornia St., San Francisco. T>USINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY ~ SOLD ON TERMS TO SUIT. LARGE LIST Of COTTAGES FOR SALE. Some on installment plan. GOOD CHEAP RANCHES Close to Oakland. Must be sold to close an estate. RANCHES FOR SALE, two and three miles from Oakland. FIFTY CHOICE LOTS in Oakland, Piedmont, Berkeley, etc. ACRE TRACTS and CHICKEN RANCHES, LOS ANGELES City and Country Property for salu or exchange 'for Oakland or Sun Francisco property, THESE ARE SPECIAL BARGAIN& ■■, ;•%'.:. Don't fail to see them. E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. MAP MAILED UPON APPLICATION ONLY; 14 subdivisions left: make your choice now be- fore they are all gone; Piedmont Heights; the cheapest acrease around Oakland. WILLIAM J. DING EE, 460 Eighth St., Oakland. ■WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? A BAK- '» gain? wo have it; read: one-half acre finely improved vegetable and Mower garden; bODM of 6 rooms; barn: 2 cliicken-houses: 60 -fine fowls; ar- tesian well: windmill and tank; fruit trees in bear- in?; price only $2250. Fruitvale Land Company, Fruitvale station. • DO YOU KNOW A SNAP? WE ARE OFFER ing a hue pew 8-room house in Berkeley, 3 blocks east of Dwicht way, for $8000: easy terms. C. P. KERN £ CO., Central Bank building, Oak land- WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED A FINE 8- »» room house; 10 minutes' walk from Four- teenth-street local; 2 mantels; all modern; will sell easy terms. CP. KERN & CO., Central Bank building, Oakland. RICES CUT IN TWO: ONLY $300 TO $600 per acre lor Piedmont Heights: tenth cash, bal- ance at 7 per cent Interest. WILLIAM J. DIN- GEE, 460 Eighth St., Oakland. Q7XA SIX-ROOM HOL'SE AND CORNER j tip • O\J. lot, 50x140, adjoining electric cars, East Oakland; bargain. ALDKN <fc GARFIELD, 902 Broadway, Oakland. ARGAIN— NEWLY FURNISHED, WELL- paying lodging house at les3 than cost of furni- ture.; all rooms hlled: good reason for selling or will exchange. MATHER & ARNEST, 457 Ninth St., Oakland. T~O LET— $l6: 2-STORY 8-ROOM HOUSE, with bath and basement; large flower garden, with lawn; back yard and stable; electric-cars every -7 minutes. R. J. MONTGOMERY, 066 Washington St. $» 1 r 2-STORY 7-ROOM HOUSE, WITH Q-LcJ. stable; sunny corner; electric-cars every 7 minutes. Apply R. J. MONTGOMERY, 966 Washington st. AN TED-STOCK OR GRAIN RANCH FOR 20-room house and cottage near Seventeenth and San Pablo avea. TEMPLETON. 966 Wash- ington St., Oakland. T?oh SALE OB LEASE— AT HIGHLAND J. Park, cozy country home: 150x190; garden, stable: beautiful view. Address THOMaS, East Twenty-ninth bu and Twenty-third aye., Oakland. LEG ANT HOME AT BARGAIN; STORY and a half cottage containing 9 rooms and bath; natural .wood finish; fine elevation; -magnificent 1 view; large lot; owner going East; terms easy or I would exchange for country land. Apply to I MATHER & ARNEST, 457 Ninth St., Oakland. T-ARGE LIST; OV CITY IMPROVED AND J-J unimproved property for exchange for country I land. MATHER i AKNEST, 457 Ninth, Oakland. HOMES FROM if 4oo UP; SEE OUR LOTS from $75 to $100 each. . SNETSINGER & I CARKULL, Fruitvale station. USINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY sold on easy terms: small payment down or ex- changed. K. E. BUNCK. 1008 Broadway, Oakland. <Ri 7 KA~CASU~wTLL BUY A NICE 6-ROOM «JP 4 *J\J cottage, worth $2000. leaving a mort- gage of $1000. Address WM. P. TODD, 1008 F.roadwav, Oakland. . alaheda REAL ESTATE. For IMMEdTa^E^A^eTInKAR~BCHOOL JD and station; $2250: $150 cash; $25 monthly; new 5-room cottage and bath. ?2650— $100 cash; $25 monthly: 37x100; 6- -1 room cottage and bath. $3150— $200 cash; $30 monthly; new cottage 7 ' rooms and bath. $3250— 550 cash: $35 monthly; 88x100; corner house in fine condition; 8 rooms and bath. Houses to rent from $10 up ; open Sundays and holidays. MARCUS& & REMMEL, . Bay-street station, Alameda, and 628 Market St., San Fran- j Cisco. . - i TN ALAMEDA— CHOICE BLOCK, 217x235, KR. X Hlsfh-st. station, will be sold at a bargain. Ad- dress EUGENE L. ETOUBLEAU, room 12, Post- office block, Alameda. . ■ jIF YOU WANT ~ ~ -L A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND STYLISH . HOME CALL ON THE OLD BUILDING FIRM OF ; A. EL DENKE, ■ - WEBSTER STREET. i "© 1 QOfl SNAP; NEW MODERN COTTAGE; I tJpXt/v/V/. street work, sewer, cement walks complete: $150 cash; balance $20 monthly. Alameda bargains, for cash and installments; nouses to let In all parts of Alameda. H. P MOR- EAL & CO., 1432 Park st. BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. BTARD TIMES; BETTER BARGAINs"nOW L than later on. Following are good properties mid special good buys; terms can be arranged- 51 600— 4- room modern cottage,, nearly new ; $2250— 50x135; 8-room house; well and windmill : . or $2800 for same with 100 feet front; $700— BOx 135 lot: cheap at $1000. L. D. IRWIN, Lorin Station. NLY $1800— HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS- 2 LOTS 7 ■>. . S^. m - in t( ? from station; a bargain. JOS. J ; MASON, Dwight-way station. j "if UST BE SOLD-HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS; COR- ; JJ- ncr lot near the station; all street work clone; want an offer. JOS. J. MASON, Dwight-way station. " •- -.--.. ■ ••*•! ■ : ' LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. /.■V"'-'- Arrived..'-. ... ■ _ _ „ . . Monday; May 27. Shin I P Chapman, Thomson, 129 days from New York; mdse. to Button A Beebe. Nor bark Forum*., Mlkelsen, 125 days from Swansea; 2005 tons coal, to J D Spree kels & Bros CO. ' ■ . .■■-.. ... .._ •; . . v Spoken. Per Fortuna— AprU 26, 8 57 8, 106 22 W, Br bark Bavenscourt. from Swansea, for San Francicsn; May 15, 19 41 N. 128 80 W. Br ship Hale wood, from Antwerp, for San Francisco. DIVORCE SPIT BEGUN. Ada C. Simpson against William T. Simpson. DIVORCE GRANTED. Marie Luhmensen from John Luhmensen; granted by Judge Murphy on the ground of cruelty. BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS, [Birth, mamage ana death notices sent by mall will not be inserted. They must, be handed in at either of the publication offices and be indorsed frith the name and residence of persons authorized to have the same published.] BORN. HOOK— In this city, May 26, 1895, to the wife of S. H. Hook, twins— and daughter. STENTZ— In this city, May 26, 1895, to the wife of G. H. Stentz, a son. . MAKRIED. BIRDSEY-CARRICK-In this ' city, May 25, 1895, by the Rev. W. A. Gardner, Arthur Bird- m v of San Francisco and Mrs. Laura L. Carrie of Oakland. DALY— MEHLWITZ— In this city. May 18. 1895, by the Rev. J. M. Buehler. Roscoe S. Daly and Louise A. Mehlwit z. FRICK— BROMMER-In Oakland, May 25, 1895. by the Rev. H. E. .1. Ongerth, Ernst It. Friek of Picaaanton, Ca!., and Mrs. Rebecca K. Brommer of Oakland. HILL— CONNER— In this city, May 26, 1895, by the Rev. W. A. Gardner. Thomas V.T. Hill and Caroline O. Conner of Oakland. PETERSON— CARLSON— In this city, Mar 25, 1895. by the Rev. E. Nelander, Oscar P. Peter- ■ son and Caroline Carlson, both of San Francisco. MEINZER— SCHULZE— In this city, May 25, 1895, by the Rev. J. 11. Schroeder, Gottlieb Mein- zer and Dora Schulze. STRUTJIERS— this city, May 25, 1895, by the Rev. J. M. Buehler, Walter 8. Struthers and Hattie M. Luhrs. WHITLEY— HANSON — In this city, May 22, 1895, by the Rev. E. Nelander, William J. Whit- ley and Ellen Hanson, both of San Francisco. DIED. Anthony. John A. Marsh, Ellas B. Boettcher, Martha Murray, Michael , Barllett, Mary A. Miller, Henrietta C'layburgh, Meyer Mello, Henry Dohmy, Hugh Mahoney, Patrick E. Emery, Imogene O'Brien, Charles A. Ginocchio, Domenlco O'Neill, Margaret Haggar, Henry Smith, Henry Hook (infant) Schreiber. Capt. John Helming, Bertha J. _ Young, Thomas ANTHONY— In Alameda, May 26, 1896, John A. Anthony, a native of New York City, aged 73 year* 10 months and 20 days. A9"Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 1 :30 o'clock p. m.. from corner Paru street and Central avenue, Alameda— Mor- ton-street station, narrow gauge; Grand-street station, broad gauge. Interment private. Moun- tain View Cemetery, Oakland.. Friends please omit flowers. BOETTCHER— In this city, May 25, 1895, Martha Eoettcher, sister of Paul Eoettcher, a native of Germany, aged 29 years 11 months and 1 day. CCifr" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY ' (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from her late residence, 814 Turk street. BARTLETT— In this City, May 25, 1895, Mary Ann Bartlett, a native of Massachusetts, aged 4'J years. CLAYBURGH— In this city, May 27, 1895, Meyer, beloved hiisbmid of Km y Clay burgh, and father of Leo, Marie, Sophie and Herbert Clayburgb, a native oi Westphalia, aged 53 years 0 months and 11 days. DOHERTY-In this city, May 27, 1895, Hugh, be- loved husband of Amelia Doiierty, and father of May E., Maggie, Joseph, Edmund. Millie, James, Sadie. Genie, Charles and Harold i>ot»rty, a na- tive of County Donegal, Ireland, aged 54 years. EMERY— In this City, May 20, 1395, Imogene, be- loved twin daughter of John F. and Llllle L. Emery, a native of San Francisco, aged 2 months. GINOCCHIp— In this city, May 27,1895, Domenlco Glnocchio, beloved husband of Angelina Ginoc- chio, stepfather of John Stafford, son of Giovanna Ginocchio, and brother of Mrs. Mary t'uneo, Kate Zuillci, Curriejucl. John Gluocchfo . and P. J. Moliterno, a native of Italy, aged 48 years. j6S~Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral .TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 1 o'clock p. m., from his late residence, 1910' Stockton street, thence to Masonic Hall, Post street, where the funeral services will be held. HENNING— In West Oakland, May 23, 1895. Bertha J. Hennlng. a native of Norway, aged 54 years 3 months and 24 days. HAGGAR— In this city, May 26, 1895, Henry ll;'?^ar, a native of New York, aged 64 years. HOOK— In this city, May 26, 1&95, Infant son of 8. H. and Nellie Hook. MARSH— In this city. May 25, 1595, Ellas 8., beloved husoeud of Elizabeth T. Marsh, a native of Philadelphia, aged 71 years 10 months and 23 days. jJ£j~Pioneers and friends and acquaintances aro respectfully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock a. v.., from Pioneer Hall, Fourth street, near Market. Inter- ment private in Masonic Cemetery. MILLER— In this city. May 27,1895, Henrietta, beloved wife of Dr. Philip Miller, a native of Baa Francisco, aged 40 years 5 months ami 8 days. jO"Krifnl* and Acquaintances an respect- fully luvitea to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 10:30 o'clock a.m.. from her late residence, 2228 Butter street, between Pierce and Scott. Interment private, Cypress Lawn Ceme- tery. MELLE— In this city. May 26. 1895, Henry, be- » loved son of J. Melle, and brother of Mrs. Otto Ferrenbach, a native of San Francisco, aged 26 years. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 2 . o'clock p. m., from Red Men's Hall, 320 Post street, under the auspices of National Parlor No. 118, N. S. O. W. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. Remains at the par- lors of A. W. Martin & Co., 118 Geary street. N. S. G. W.— members of National Parlor No. 118, N. S. G. W. are hereby notified to as- semble nt Red Men's Hall, 820 Post street, TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 1:80 o'clock p.m. W. E. McCREERY. Jons- T. Disfaux, Secretary. . • • .' MAHONEY— In this city, May 27, 1895, Patrick E. Mahoney, a native of Hopkinton, Mass., aged 32 years. ■ MURRAY— In this city, May 25, 1895, Michael Murray, a native of England, aged 36 years 7 months and 21 days. O'BRIEN— In Los Angeles, February 10,1895, Charles Anthony, beloved husband of Easter ('. O'Brien, and father of Madeline M. and Charles Anthony O'Brien, a native of San Francisco, aged 36 years. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend ' the funeral on arrival of overland train at Six- teenth-street station, Oakland, on THURSDAY, May 30. at 9:30 o'clock a.m.. it hence Francis de Sales Church, Grove and Twenty-first streets, where a solemn high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 10:30 o'clock a. v. Please omit flowers. O'NEILL— In this city, May 27, 1895, Margaret, beloved wife of Edward O'Neill.and sister of Peter and Catherine Owens, Mrs. Peter Coyle, Mrs. . Bernard Coyle and Mrs. George Hanley, a native of the parish of Ballintempec, County Cuvan, Ireland, aged SI years. SCHREIBER— In this city, May 27, 1895, Captain John Schreiber, beloved husband of Nellie Schreiber, father of Albert R. Schreiber, son-in- law of Captain R. Barron, brother-in-law of Richard and James Burro and Mrs. H. O. Mar- tin, and cousin of Mrs. H. L. Samml and Mrs. A. Stuhr, a native of Fickmnhlen, Kreis Lehe bel Bad erkese, Germany, aged 58 years. IKS"Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains at par- ! lors of H. F. Suhr <& Co., 1209 Mission street, near Eighth. SMITn-In this city, May 27, 1895, Henry Smith, a native of Drogheda, County . Meath, Ireland, aged 57 years. YOUNG— this city. May 28, 1895, Thomas, beloved husband of Maggie Youn;. and brother of John, Kate and the late William Young, a na- tive of the parish of Cahara, County Cork, Ire- land, aged 49 years. OTFriend9 and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 1 :30 o'clock p.m., from his late resi- d ence, 1706^4, San Carlos avenue, thence to Mission Dolores Church for services at 2 o'clock p. m. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. Y. M. C. U.— The members of Loyola Assembly No. 1, Y. M. C. U., will assemble at 1706% San Carlos avenue THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 1:45 p. m., to attend the funeral of our late brother, Thomas Young. SAMUEL HAWKINS, Pres. J. J. Powers, Rec. Sec. m UNITED , CNDEKTAKERS^™ I EMBALMING PARLORS. Everything Requisite for First-class Funerals! at Reasonable Rates. Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 Fifth street, i McAVOY & CALLACHER, FUNERAL DIRECTORS 4 EMBALM , 20 Fifth St.. Opp. Llncoin School. Telephone 3080. r,jAB."McMEXOirET!" " " CHAS^MCMEJfOMET. I JAMES McMENOMEY & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND E3IBALMERS, 1057 Mission Street, Near Seventh. I I Telephone No. 3364. | JAS. ENGLISH. T. R. CARKW. CAKEW * ENGLISH, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 19 Van Ne«s aye., near Market St., San Franclica Telephone 3156. N. 8.-Not connected with any other house In this city. ■ LAUREL HILL CEHETERY ASSOCIATION. /CHOICE LOCATIONS IN ANY PART OF THE \J grounds for sale and lots laid out on the Lawn system or Inclosed with low walls, as purchaser may desire. * Perpetual care of plats a specialty. Cemetery permanent. For the purchase of lots or for any Improvements apply to the superintendent on the grounds, Cen- tral avenue and Bush at., San Francisco, Cal. CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY. TUT SAN MATEO COUNTY; NON-SECTABIAN; X laid out on the lawn plan; perpetual care; bean- tlful, permanent and easy of access; seel! before buying a burial place elsewhere. -.<-..:,'. Citr Office. 9 City Hall A veau*. . 13