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THE BAY DISTRICT RACES Willie Flynn Ruled Off the Turf for Life for a Criminal Ride. PULLED REALIZATION. The Promising Young Rider Had Been Under Suspicion for Somo Time. Tod Sloane is still on the sick list. Josephine, who was such a strong tip for the •econd race, is by Starter Ferguson's imported stallion St. George. Instigator proiaUes to develop into as good a two-year-old as, his full brother Installator was. (iracie 8 must have been short of work ves terclay or else her corns hurt her, for she s'ud denljr blew up in a most unaccountable manner. Whether or not it was a pecuniary in ducement or the result of gross careless ness Willie Flynn will not be seen in the = •addle again for sometime to come. Willie received his education in the art of riding from a man whose instructions to his boys were (to win by a head, even if the horse was good enough to win a block. If the ride he put up yesterday was the result of . this early training then he should becin again at the foot of the ladder and work up again. Flynn's troubles all came about in the fourth race, a short six-furlong sprint. He had the mount on the California stable's Realization, who was second choice in the betting at 8 to 5, Arnette going to the post an even money favorite. Everything favored his mount, even the track, which was heavy, and Arnette Laving had a eiege of racing of late Realization was heavily backed. Getting away second, Flvnn's mount went to the front, running under a double wrap, with Arnette at his neck. Turning . into the stretch in a big romp, Flynn still had the horse under a pull, apparently making no effort to draw away from the ' favorite. Opposite the drawgate Arnette managed to tret in front, and then Flynn put up a flimsy excuse for a finish and was beaten . out a head. To all appearance it looked . a deliberate piece of pulling, and a large crowd of angry bettors gathered around the judges' stand, clamoring lor a decision . declaring bets off. After questioning Flynn the judges decided this would be . the proper thing to do. which was received with great cheering in the betting-ring. And Willie, who has had a long spell of hard luck «n horses that were quoted at short prices in the betting-ring, will ride no more.-for the judges, after deliberation, ruled him off for life. Outside of the above incident, the racing as very ordinary, the favorites having a decidedly rough time of it, every first choice on the card being downed. . Apparently the best of a cheap lot that pr*nt to the post in the opening race, a tive fLirlonn scramble, Rosalie, the 5 to 1 favor ite, was beaten out handily by Maggie R. Smith, a 7 to 1 shot, after leading nearly the whole distance. Regent Jr. was a poor third. The Elmwood stock farm again upset the talent by winning the four and a hall fur long race for two-year-olds with Instiga tor, who led all the way, and won by three lengths from Josephine. W.ilcott, backed from 2to 1 down to 7 to 5, ran poorly. Citj Girl, well backed at a long price, wai third. The winner went to the post sto 1 | May Day, who has been giving weight U j Tar and Tartar in their races up and dow.i j the hills, was in receipt of it yesterday, aid turned the tables on Nick Hall's geldirg. i Tar and Tartar was an even money chance, May Day and Boreas each ' closing with 3 to 5 against them. Terra Nova and Inker man were the only other starters. ' ' : Boreas went to the front soon after the flag fell and led until the stretch hill was reached, when May Day passed him, anl' in a drive won by a head. The favorite was third, half a fengtk'away. The last race, a cheap five-furlong sell ing dash, was taken by Gipsy Girl, the second choice, who took the lead on the turn nearing the ditch for home and won, driving a neck in front of Silver State. •, Prince was a distant third Grade S, the favorite, ran well at the beginning but suddenly fell out of it. Mcllholland. summary. Pan Francisco. May 26, 1895. QX.C* FIRST RACE -Five furlongs: selling: t/UU. three-year-olds and upward; purse $800. Jnd. Horse, weicrit. Jockey. St. V 3 Sir. Fin. 915 Maggie R Smith. 90 (St«ett)...4 2J 2* II £76 Rosalie, 98 (Hinrichs) 1 1A 1/ 26 P32 Recent Jr., 84 (5hepard).......6 6i 3% 8* Pst> Mi, Carlos. 106 (Paget) ..3 4A 67 4A 681 Tyrena, 97 (K. Jones) 2 3* 4-» bl 740 Seamstress. 91 (PtgßOtt) .5 5/i 6A 616 Lulu McDowell, 93 (Bea» r.harnp) 7 7 7 7 Fair start. Won handily. Tlm«, 1:05. Winner b. f.. by Monday Final-May D. Betting: Maggie R. Smith 7to I. Rosalie 6to 2, Regent 25 to 1, Seamstress 4 to 1 Mt. Carlos 4 to 1, Tyrena 5 to 1, Lulo McDowell 4* to 1. Q' 7 SECOND RACE— Four and a half fnrlongs; OO I . maidens: two-year-olds: pine $350. ln<t. Horse, weight, jockey. a. y. sir Fin. 935 Instigator, 106 (Hennessy)..] 1A 1/ 13 935 Josephine, 109 (Peters) 3 4A 2A 21 . 935 City Girl, 104 (Peoples) 6 8 3-) 3i 940 Lady Gray, 106 (Paget) 4 2A 4/ 44 .856 Queen, 101 (E.Jones) 7 7% 61 5A Miss Cunningham, 109 (Ames) 2 5/ 710 6* 940 Linda Vista filly, 104 (W. Flynn 5 8% 5; 75 946 Walcott, 09 (C. Weber) i 6/ 8 8; Good start. Won easily. Time :57%. Win ner, br. c , by Imp. Brntus-Installaton. Betting: Instigator 5 to 1, Josephine 6 to 1, City Girl 10 to 1, Lady Gray 9 to 1, Mlis Cunningham 60 to], Queen 12 to 1, Linda Vis* filly 10 to 1, Walcott 7 to 5. , QXQ THIRD RACE-Six furlongs; selling; VkHJ. three-year-olds and upward; purse 3300. Ind. Horse, weight. Jockey. Bt. y* Str. Fin. ■ 927 MayDay, 104(P1gg0tt)......2 2* 1% 1A MS Boreas, 100 (Shaw) 3 114 2/ 2V5» »■•* Tar and Tartar, 108 (C. 7, B . _. Weber) 4.3* 3* 34 *64 Terra Nova, 88 (Riley) 1 41 44 45 . 949 Inkerman, 106 (Paget)...;..5*5 5 5 L Good start. Won driving. Time, 1:18%. Win ■**r, en. h., by John A-Lowena. * Betting: May Day 18 to 5. Tar and Tartar evens, Boreas 18 to 5, Terra Nova 20 to 1, lnkerman 16 to 1. QC A FOURTH RACE - About six furlongs: VOV. Belling; three-year-olds and ipward; purse $300* Ind. Horse, weight, Jockey. " St. V, Str. Fin. 947 Arnette, 99 (E. Jones) 1 2i 23 1A 942 Realization, 110 (\V. Flynn). .2 In In' 24 903 Road Runner, 107 (Shaw)... 4 ;3A 3/ 34 863 Quarterstafl, 10€ (C. Weber). 3 4 4 4^ Good start. Won driving. Time. 1:15y,. Win ner, eh. f., by imp. Midlothlan-Kilena. ■ Betting: Afneite evens, Realisation 8t« 5, Road Runner IS to 1, QuarterstaS 7 to 1. QCfi FIFTH RACE— Five fnrlonrs: selling; W\J. three year ••Ids and upward; perse $300. Inrt. Horsr. weight. Jockey.. Ht, V. Str. Fin. 801 Gypsy Girl, »7 (8urn5). ..:... 3 'ih 11 In 196 Silver State, 97 (Uinrlche)...2 1A 23 28 962 Prince, 96 (Pi«ott) — ...... .6; 7 -61 BiA • 942 Nor! ee, 96 (Wilson) 7 sA'4*' th .120 Reno, 105 (C. Weber) 4 S3 bt 57 708 Oracle S, 106 (Shaw).... 6 3/ 3* 6* . 916 Addle M, 85 (E. Jones). ......1 AS 7 7 Good start. Won driving. Time, 1:03%. Win ner, cli. m.. by Little Alp-Gypsy Queen. Bettincr: Gypsy <«irl 7 to 2, Silver State 6 to 1, Prince 20 to i, Addle M 5 to 1, Reno 8 to 1, Norlee 8 to 1, Grade S 5 to 2.__ Following are to-day's entries : First race, thirteen-sixteent&s of & mile, sell ing, non-winners— Prince ■ Idle 93, Ivy (imp.) 105, Connaught 103, Red Winrs 92. Queen of Scots 99, Edna M 89, Prince Devlne 84, Minnie Beech 107. • ■ . » ' A Second race, eleventh-sixteenths of a mile, F. 11 mr—V ulcan lOZ.Carmel 102, Red Will 110, Fly 103, Venus 93, Grand Lady 101, Julia Mar tin filly 93, Soled«d,10S, Tom Clare 37, Lln- Tille 104, Tobey 91. ■ m : Third rice, about three-fourths of a mile, •eliinjr, light welterweights— City. Girl 85, Mamie Scot 105, Eventide 91. Neleon 122, Mc Farlane 107, Keartseas* 89, Nellie G 119, Gyp sttte gelding 81. • Fourth race, three-fourths of a mile, selliof— Garcia 100, Myron 92, Comrade 103, Duche»s of Mllpit&s 90, Joe. Cetton- 105. Banjo 106, Road Runner 107, Trlx 163, Robin Hood 1 106. . Filth race/ one mile, sclliuj;— Gussie 105, Centurion 95, Commission 95, Bernsfao 99, . Hy Dy 99, Charmer 97, Olivia 83, Miss/uckley ! 87, Trix 100. / ! THE OLYMPIC BOXJRS. Disappointment Because Payiifof Sac ramento Is Unable U Go On. Several members of the Olympic Club who are interested in boxiugM'ere very much disappointed lasteveninswben they learned that Payne of Hacmipnto could not meet Kennedy in this eveJng's boxing tournament, owing to sicknes/ One of the members, who returned fron Sacramento yesterday, said that he had pen Payne on Saturday and that the boOT looked like j anything but a sick man. Bbwever, Payne sent a letter yesterday to Juperintendent Kennedy of the Olympic Oub with a doc tor's certificate, which set Kth that Payne was not in a fit conditionto contest in a boxing match. The everfof the evening will be the heavy-weight/boxing bout be tween Van Buskirk a/d Merchant of I Healdsburg. It is said that the latter is i very clever and will £ife Van Buskirk a good race for first, pip. The names of I the boxers who will a/lear in the other i events slated havo airily appeared in the Call, and it was^n last evening that they are all in good cjhdition and anxious ! for the game. The baseball garo/ announced to take i place in Woodland Yolo County, next I Sunday, between tjjs Olympic Chib nine and the Champion/ of Yolo County, has been postponed to /future date. The Olympic Cif> directors will meet on Wednesday evenifcand it is expected that some definite arAnj-ements will then be made with John/P. Dovie regarding the monthly rental </the outdoor grounds. THE STAMFORD ATHLETES. Captain Brown Has a Good Opinion of the New football Team. Some OU Warriors Who Will Face the Wearers of the Blue and Gold. The Sinford football team will go into ( trainingfcarlier than usual next year and hard conscientious work will be the rule of the se^cn. Stanford must bend every j energytc maintain its old standard. The ; outgoiif senior clase numbers in its ranks ! several men who have constituted the ! backboie of 'varsity for several years, | notabl' Dorring and Kennedy, the tackle i and fcllback, also Hazzard, the center j rush, and Harrelson, the quarter-back — ! men whose places will be hard to fill. I Amfe material remains, however, to form . the nucleus of a winning team. Cap ' tairCochran will play his fourth year at ! lefftackle; Jule Frankenheimer will also ply his fourth consecutive season in a cadinal sweater; Field and Spalding, both juniors, have been playing' regular and i alernate since their freshman year. As giard and tackle both men played remark toly well last year against Berkeley and rgainst the team from Chicago. Both are mbitious players, full of «nt and staying x>wer. Jack "Reynolds will acain play be aind the line at fialiback, Cotton will re sume his old position at left end, and 'Fickert, the giant jruard who broke through the Berkeley line las* Thanksgiv ing, stopped the bail with his head and sent it rebounding toward the U. C. line, resulting in the only touchdown of the game, will again play the same positiou if he returns to the university. Tom Code, who played quarterback in '91, '92 and '93, i expects to come back next year to continue j work in the department "of mining en- j gineerinp , in which event he will, in all ! probability, resume his old place behind ! the line. This will give Stanford eight I veteran football experts to begin the season ] with. Every effort will De made to secure i the strongest possible team. The Stanford ! men are anxious for another contest with the East. In case Chicago should not return to the coast next year it is not at all improbable that either the universities of Minnesota, Wisconsin or Michigan will be persuaded to make the trip. The success of the West ern athletes during the past year, Stan ford's victory over the University of Chi cago and the U. C.'s splendid career of victory in the East this spring have had the effect of enthusing the students of both of the great universities of the coast, and the good results are expected to be manifest during the ensuing year in a still higher grade of sport along all lines of college athletics. The Stanford athletes have followed the California crack team with the closest at tention and the wannest enthusiasm. The success of the latter can have no other effect upon their Palo A.lto rivals than to urge them to their utmost to reduce Berke ley's advantage in the next intercollegiate contest. It costs more to make the Royal Baking Powder because its ingredients are purer, but it is more wholesome and goes further than any other. FACTS SENT OUT. The Manufacturers' Association Uses Articles From the "(all" on Home Industry. Assistant Secretary Dingle of the Manu facturers' and Producers' Association has compiled a list of the various officers of the State commission and has prepared a cir cular letter to he sent to each one of them requesting co-operation on their behalf for the patronage of home industry. Each letter sent out contains extracts from the Call. One of the articles used appeared May 16 in the local columns under the title '"To Favor Home Industry," and the other was taken from the editorial columns of May 18 and tvas entitled "The Police Uniforms." The directors of the association have ap preciated the stand taken by the Call to such an extent that the articles hare been stereotyped and printed on slips which show the edges of the columns adjoining. "The articles in the Call have done much pood in the way of building up patronage of home industry," said Secre tary Mead yesterday, 'and we have used them to convey to business men of the State the facts regarding the subject and a thorough understanding of the objects of the organization. We are in this business to stay and from the returns received so far will be able to say in a short time that home industry is having the support to which it in entitled, and that is the parron ageof all." THE LINEMAN'S DEATH. A Coroner's Jury Finds That It Was Accidental. An inquest was held yesterday in the case of Ferdinand M. Lynch, who died a few days since. Lynch was the line repairer for the telephone company who lost his life at the corner of Sixth and Berry streets. The testimony showed that he had been at work on certain wires the day previously, and resumed his operations thenext morning. He made the nectssary connections and by some means grasped a live wire. The shock killed him and he dropped dead to the ground. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death. — i * — « — • Thnrsd»y's Rcgattn. ; A splendid courst for, ; the regatta of the South End Rowing Club at El Csmpo on Dec oration day; May 3d. has been to laid out that a full view of it from start to finish can be bad from the^r«un*".; A mistaken idea pre vails on the part of sjme, who are hiring boat* for that day with- the expectation of landing at El Campo. ; Then are no facilities for such purpose, and the railroad company will not permit outside boatsjto land. A large number of police will be on Hand, to enforce this rule.* THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1895. STATE FAIR SPEED CARD Eight Running Events on the Programme at Sacramento. A WEEK OF FINE SPORT. Entries for State Races Will Close August First— Pool-Selling Privileges. SACRAMENTO, Cal., May 27.— The fol lowing speed programme has been an nounced to-day by the directors of the State Agricultural Society for the coming State Fair: The following running stakes will close August 1, 1895. The remainder of the running programme will be announced August 24, and will provide for additional races to cover six days' running and will be arranged to accommodate all ages. No. 1. the Bonny Slope stake — A sweep stake for two-year-old fillies of $25 each, $10 forfeit, with $250 added ; second to receive $50 from stakes. Winner of two races of any value to carry 3 pounds, of three 5 pounds, of four or more 10 pounds extra. Maidens allowed 5 pounds. Beaten maidens allowed: for once, 5 pounds; twice, 7 pounds; three times, 10 pounds. Fillies beaten three times and not placed 1, 2, 3, allowed 5 pounds additional. Five furlongs. No. 2, the California annual stake— A sweepstake for two-year-olds of $25 each, $10 forfeit, with $300 added; second to re ceive $50. Winners of two races of any value to carry 3 pounds; three, 5 pounds; four or more, 10 pounds extra. Maidens, 5 pounds: beaten maidens, 5 pounds for once, 7 pounds for twice, 10 pounds for three times or more. Those beaten three times and not placed 1, 2, 3, allowed addi tional 5 pounds. Six furlongs. No. 3, the autumn handicap for two year-olds — A sweepstake of $30 each, half forfeit or $10 if declared, with $350 added ; second to receive $75. Weights posted day before race; declaration by 6 p. m. same day. One mile. No. 4 — Selling sweepstake for maiden two-year-olds of $20 each, $10 forfeit, with $250 added; second to receive $50 from stakes; fixed value, $1500. Two pounds allowed for each $100 to $1000, then three pounds to $500. Value placed on starters only. To be named by sr. m., night before race. Six furlongs. No. 5, the Capital City stake — A handi cap sweepstake for three-year-olds and up ward of $50 each ; half forfeit, or $15 if de clared, with $400 added, of which $100 to second, third to save stake. Weights posted day before race; declarations due by 5 p. m. same day. One and a six teenth miles. No. 6, the Del Mar stake— For three-year olds and upwards; $25 each, $13 forfeit, with TJ3OO added ; $50 to second, from stake. This stake is to be named after winner if Del Mar's time (1:41^) is beaten, with $200 additional in money, cup or plate. One mile. No. 7, the Fall stake— A handicap sweep stakes for 3-year-olds and upwards, of $50 each ; half forfeit, or $15 if declared, with $400 added, of which $100 to second, third to save stake. Weights announced day before race ; declarations due sp. m. same day. One and one-quarter mile. No. 8, the California cup race — Purse $2000 (guaranteed), of which $1500 (in money, cup or plate) to winner, $300 to second, $200 to third horse. Entrance $125, or only $20 if declared by September 2, or $50 if by sp. m. September 9. All not declared by this date will be held for full amount ot entrance, but may be declared out upon payment of same by 5 p. m. day before race. Weights— For three-year olds, 100 pounds; four-year-olds, 110 pounds; five-year-olds and upward. 115 pounds; no sex allowance. Five starters in different interests required. Two and one-quarter miles. The State Agricultural Society's rules to govern running races, except when condi tions named are otherwise. Declarations void without money. Entrance money in guaranteed purses goes to the society. No added money for less than three starters, in different interests. Starters in stake races must be named by 5 p. i* of day be fore race. Allowances must be claimed at time starters are named. Owners and trainers will be held responsible for same. Racing colors must be named in entries. Final settlement of all purses and stakes made Saturday, September 14, at the office of the secretary. Trotting classes 2:14, 2:17, 2:20. 2:22, 2:25, $1000 each; 2:27, 2:40 free for all four-year olds; two mile heats; 2:25 horses, $300 each. Pacing classes 2:13, 2:16, 2:19, 2:25, $1000 each. Director Mathews introduced a resolu tion, which was adopted, providing for the letting of pool-selling and bookmaking on races during the State Fair to the hierh est cash bidder, and the secretary is to ad vertise the same on July 1, bids to be opened at the August meeting of the board. VALKYRIE 111 LAUNCHED. Few Spectators Witness the JVete Flyer* Descent to the Water. GLASGOW, Scotland, May 27.— L<orc? Dunraven's yacht Valkyrie 111 was sue cessfully launched this morning. It w« learned yesterday that the yacht might te launched on the night tide. When it wts found that the water would be sufficiency high it was decided that the launchfig should take place at top flood. Shortly before midnight the yard ras lighted up brilliantly. A squad of carjen ters was ready at the ship, but there tfas no cheering or excitement in the yards as the yacht took the water. The place "was almost deserted by visitors. Besides De signer Watson, the workmen, three sflfecta tors on the railway and about twenfr on the ferry wharf no one saw the launching of the craft of which so much is expected. JOSE JBICTCLX ME If. H«t of the- Entries for Two of tit Most Important Events. SAN JOSE, Cal., May 27. — The en tries for the one-mile handicap class A, and the mile novice of pc San Jose Road Club's meet, to be heli June 1, closed last evening. They are as Allows: One mile scratch, class A— Clark, G. C. C; Dick Moody, G. C. Ci Syd B. Vincent, B. C. W. ; E. MalmgreniP. V. W. ; C. M. Smith, G. C. C. ; Gail Ha/lenhrook, S. J. R. C; Gus Navlet, S. J.IRjC.; F. A. McFarland, S. J. R. C. ; Ted Belfcli. 8. J. R. C; A. M. Boyden, R. A. C; }. A. Grif fiths, R. A. C; O. B. Smith, G C. C; H. F. Terrill, B. C. W.; C. D. Bat* Jr., R A. C. ; P. N. Metcalf, I. C. C. One-mile handicap, class ,' A — B. E. Clark, G. C. C. ; Dick Moo#, G. C. C; Syd B. Vincent, B. C. W.; G Malmgren, P. V. W.; C. M. Smith, d C. C; G. Hardenbrook, S. J. R. C; G^Navlet, S. J. K. C.j W. Harris, S. J. R. i; F. a.. Me Farland, S. J. R. C; T. E. Belloli, S. J. R. C. ; A. M. Boyden, R. A. C; C. R. Griffiths, R. A. C; P. P... Mott, A. C. W.; 0. B. Smith, G. C. C.; H. F. Terrill, B. C. W.; C. D. Bates Jr., R. A. C; P. N. Met calf, I. C. C. One mile, novice— A. Berryessa, S. J. R. C. ; R. Pinto, unattached; R.Sherman, un attached; T. T. Kcll. A. 0. C; V. A. Ben -Bon, S. J. R. C. ; G. Hardenbrook, S. J. R. C. ; R. W. Marcus, unattached; W. T. Blakcly, R. A. C; A. H. Agnew, A. A. C; R. K. Belden, U. C. ; C. A. Covalt, R. A. C; T. E. Belloli, S. J. R. C; M. F. Ash worth, unattached; George D. Seig, uuat tached; C. C. Peppin. S. J. R. C. ; George A. Johnson, unattached; Raymond Hogg, 8. J. R. C; E. Malmgren, P. V. W.; G. A. Armstrong, A. C. ; J. J. Carroll, S. J. R. C. ; J. M. Welch, 8. J. R. C; Walter Harris, b. J. R, C. Oir EASTERN TRACKS. Four Favorites TMn at the St. Zouia Aaaociatlon Races. ST. LOUIS, Mo., May 27.— Four of the five favorites won at the Fair Association Park to-day. Revenue, the winner of the fourth event, sold anywhere from 40 to 20 tol. One mile, San Bias won, Zoolika second, Mr. Dunlap third. Time, 1 A4)i. Five Rnd a half furlongr. Uilsey won, Merry Thonght second, Concession third. Time, 1:#8. Mile and a furlong. Buck Massie won, Rey del Mar second, Pocahontas third. Time, 1:57. Mile, Revenue won, Hillsboro second, Mtra bcau third. Time, 1 :44-%. Five and a half furlongs, O'Connell won, Geralrtine second, J. A. Grey third. Time, 1:08} £. CINCINNATI, Ohio, May 27.— The track was slow : Seven furlongs, Crescent won. St. Illario second, Master Fred third. Time, 1 :31%. Mile, Marion G won, Elizabeth Becond, Pey tonia third. Time, I :44J^. Five furlongs, Sherlock won, Fasig second, Del Coronado third. Time, 1 :04. Purse, six furlongs, Lady Diamond won, Belle Foster second, Potente third. Time, 1 :16. Fire and a half furlong*, Countess Irma won, Au Rcvoir second, Paradise third. Time, :57J.£. Seven furlongs, Koko won, Tom Elmore second, RSirhtmore third. Time, 1:30. ROBY, Ikd.. May 27.— Half mile, Gretchen won, Sixty Second second, Addie M third. Time, :52. Five furlongs, Lady Rose won, Green Prewitt second, Meteor third. Time, I :o4££. Fire furlongs, Blue Bell won, Samson sec ond, Ruthven ihird. Time, 1:04^. Seven furlongs, Tom Payre won, Lismore sec ond, Chlswell third. Time, 1:31^. Three-fourths of ft mile, La Gurtia won, Sorew Driver socond, Fullerton Lass third. Time, WON BY rLIATMER. Corfleld Knocked Out in Seven Round* in the I.oiuJnu Battle. LONDON, Esq., May 28.— A bout was fought last night by Plimraer against Cor neldfor£Boo and the bantam champion ship of the world. Plimmer knocked Cor field ont in seven rounds. Corfield was smart, but no match for the champion. Cr«m Not a Profrsttonal. BEDFORD, lowa, May 27. -The charges of professionalism preferred by Harvard and Yale against John V. Crum. who won the 100-yard and 200-yard dashes in the intercollegiate contest, were wholly untrue. Crnm is a son of a Bedford banker and always lived in that town. He made his first record i\s a runner in 1892. Hundreds of people will make affidavits to clear him of the charges. STOPPED BY THE POLICE Tommy Ryan and Billy Smith Fight to a Draw at Coney Island. The "Myst«rious" Is All but Out When Ihe Officers Break !nto the Ring. CONEY ISLAND, N. V., May 27.— The one absorbiig event at the Seaside Club house to-nijht was the 25-ronnd mill be tween Tommy Ryan and "Mysteri ous" Biljf Smith. Smith's seconds were Bilty Hennessy of lowa, Jimmy Kelly of California, Smith's brother Bob and DickO'Brien of Boston. The Western man had Joe Choynski of Chicago, Harry PMgeon of Canada and Jimmy Berry in his corner. The nen weighed in at 142 pounds. From the start the fighting was fast and furious. In the third round Smith's eye was cut. Up to thi eighth, when Smith bled Ryan's nose with a left-hand jab, honors were abouf even and neither man was badly pnniihed. In the tenth Smith landed on Ryat's neck and knocked him down. SmLb got in several hard ones. In the eleventh round Ryan went to the ground ag«n. tp to the eighteenth Smith was right after Ryan, and the Western man, though he put up a fierce and game fight, wts getting much the worst of it. By an, however, got in many hard dies. In the eighteenth the tide of tattle changed. Ryan jabbed his right on he face and bis left on the body. In a breakaway Smith uppercut with his right ou the body. Ryan split Smith's ear with a fearful left-hand smash. He then hit Smith right and left, and Smith turned away and lay over the ropes. The police interfered and the gong sounded three times, Ryan hitting Smith once more. Owing to an agreement be tween the men. which was to the effect that if the police stopped the fight it should be declared a draw, it was bo de cided. BATTERED A POLICEMAN. Warrants Out for the Arrest of Michael Nolan and Others. There was a picnic at Glenwood Park on Saturday which was attended by Michael Nolan. T. Fennell and T. Rodgers, from Bernal Heights. Policeman Heaphy, who is statijned in the Mission, was also one of the picnickers. Nalan had been arrested by Heaphy on more than one occasion, but he did not ob ierre him till en the train on the home ward trip. With the remark, "I've got you now," Nolan grabbed hold of Heaphv and kept his arms pinioned while Fennefl and Rodgers amused themselves by hit tiny him in the face with their fists till he trts almost unrecognizable. Yesterday morning Heaphy, with his face bandaged up, appeared in Judge Joachimsen's court and swore out war rants for the arrest of Nolan, Fennell and Rodgers on the charge «f battery. Trem Library Bulletin. The May number of the Free Library Bulle tin cofctains a great deal that Is of value to th»se who are interested In book*. In this issue there h printed tke first portion of a list of reference* to medieval history of Europe. It haa b#en prepared for the use of hißh-sohool Ktudentsaad for reader* in general who may desire to pursue aiystesiattc course of reading on thin subject. It also contains an interesting and instructive Hit «f references to Memorial day. Anong the recent accession! to the Library is "rUrtlett's Complete Concordance to the Works of Shakespeare,' 1 "The International Cyclopedia," \tork» «m philosophy, religion, so cial science, useful arts, literature and nne arts, travel and description, history, biography and fiction. THE ST. CLAIRE CLUB. How the San Jose Organiza tion Perpetuates the Old- Time Festival. PREPARING FOR THE EVENT They Gather Under the Green Oaks and Breakfast on the Head of the Bull. The members of the Sainte Claire Club of San Jose have reminded their friends in this City that the annual bullshead break fast will take place at the Guadalupe mines next Thursday. The spot where this sylvan banquet is spread is on the grounds of the summer residence of James V. Cole man, who has hospitably put his premises at the disposition of the club. The shade is perfect, and the surroundings most characteristic mountain scenery. This is always a gala day with the Sainte Claires. Under those liroad oaks they make merry, forget their sorrows and remember their calamities no more. No one is of age on these occasions, all are boys who have not yet arrived at the age of reason and who are therefore relieved from all those burdens which wisdom imposes, tree to p!ay marbles, spin tops or luxuriate in the exhilarating pastime of leap frog without any ?age to "call them down" for undue exhibitions of frivolity. Th« drive to the Guadalupe is appetiz ing. It winds by the stream which has only a summer existence in the valley, but which endurrs all the season in the "gorge of the Guadalupe. Fine aldeis and syca mores frinee its banks, and the vast area of orchards of the Santa Clara Valley group into the landscape from the rising pround. Large and well-kept farmhouses dot the road, with here and there an inn, with a refreshing setting of oaks and poplars and a rood-nafured looking land lord framed in the doorway. The chefs of the bullshead breakfasts of this club have grown old in the busi ness. They are the sons of the original owners of the soil, whose mothers suckled them on the broad porches of the cool adobe dwellings, and whose fathers owned the herds that roamed where apricot, peach and apple tree now stand in long, symmetrical rows. But the American came and the Spanish grants changed hands, the herd-owners became simply herdsmen and the sons of the former lords of the manor now cook bullsheads for the offspring of the strangers who absorbed their inheritance. The native Californian has a genius for out-of-doors co»king. He knows the value of the grill, and the frying-pan is used only for the frijol*, that delicious red bean of the country. He enjoys standing over the embers of the fragrant woo d tire watch inc the asado crisp and crackle and tie rich brown juice-confining crust form on the carcass of the beef or lamb, not to speak of the universal and highly es teemed sucking-pip. By his side is his compatriot, blend n<* the tomato and green chili and tender onion f*r the sal.«a, with out which no aiado or bullshead is perfect. The staff of the Sainte Claire Club put the bullsheads- into the caverns they have exhumed for them on Wednesday night. All that day a big fire has been kept burn ing in that hole, until the rocks that line it have come to red hot pitch. Then, wrapped in sacks, the masks of the brave sultans of the herd are lowered down, another lining of sacks cast over them, a covering of earth laid upon the sacks, and the chefs sit down to ke«p their vigil by the shrine. There, under the stars, with the mur mur of the river in their ears and the soughing of the trees above their heads, these brown natives smoke their cigar ettes and talk of the old days of the rodeo and fandango, ere agriculture usurped the plains, and men's possessions were limited by fences and surveyors' monunments. Perchance the ancestors of those very bulls which are now steaming in the red coil may have furnished forth a Spanish holiday and pierced with their sharp horns the horses ridden by the daring matadors. Madre de Dies, what a change since the dons rode to the Mission Church in serapts, crisp with gems and gold lace, and there was food and shelter and wine for all, and only the peons did the work ! These jeremiads are quickly exchanged for business when the teams of the club men bowl along the smooth road and the disinherited hidalgos buckle clown to work. Not, indeed, to spread the cloth or arrange knives and forks and napkins for the guests— that labor is performed by the hired servants of the clvb — but to swing the nimble shovel and bring the head of the toro to the surface. This ceremony is al ways performed in the presence of an audience. The intelligence is spread that the bullsheads are to be disinterred, and the Sainte Claires assemble around the pit and prepare their nostrils for the first de licious whiff of the steaming meat. Never mine yielded richer treasure than those Spanish miners drag from the larded earth. The carcasses which have been spitted over the lone pit <rf embers are also pro nounced cooked to a turn by the cnef in command. Then sharp knives are plunged into the fat sides of beef and lamb and pi^, while the man at the salsa works his spoon around with a brisk and skillful twist of the elbow and wrist pregnant with antici pation. The club men preserve a solemn silence and exchange glance* only. The moments are to* precious to be wasted in small talk. The funny man whoattempted to begin a story would strike a cold frost. But when the first keen edge of appetite is taken off, and the jaws of the gourmets work slower and with more deliberation, conversation is again resumed. Its tone is gastronomic. These ballsheads break fasts possess a progressive quality inas much as the last «ne is always pronounced the best. 60 with the beans, the asado and the salsa, not to mention the wine, whfch naturally may be supposed to improve with are. Only the anecdotes are new, and not a few of the older ones receive honor toward the close of the feast when the guests become leas critical. The Sainte Claire Club takes no heed of the decadence of this one-time universal banquet, but every year honors the bulls head with its preference. And those re unions are always delightful, and richly reward the observers and perpetuatora of this old California custom. YOSEMITE VALLEY. The Annual Meeting to Be Attended by the Governor. The Commissioners appointed by the Governor of California under an act of Congress to care for the Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa big-tree grove will bold their annual meeting in the valley next week. There are eight Commissioners: H. K. Field and Max Goldberg, San Fran cisco; John R. O'Brien, Oakland ; George B. Sperry, Stockton; John Boggs, Colusa; E. P. Johnson, Los Angeles; H. J. Os trnnder, Merced, and A. J. Clinch, Mari posa. Governor Budd, by reason of his official , position, is a member of the commission and he, as well as General John F. Shee han, secretary of the board, will attend the meetinj next week. I John P. Irish, Naval Officer and ex-sec retary of the board, is booked for a visit to the valley when the Governor is there. State Senator E. C. Voorheis of Amador County, who was chairman of the Senate Finance Committee of the last Legislature, and will probably occupy the same posi tion next cession, will visit the valley with his family, leaving this City next Saturday. The appropriations for Yosemite Valley and the Big Tree Grove were materially diminished at the last nession of the Legia lature, and the Commissioners now par ticularly desire that the Governor shall inspect the hotels, bridges and trails, so that he can speak with" accurate knowl edge of affairs when the Legislature again convenes. NOT TO BLAME. The Motorman Was Not Responsible for the Death of Little Toyone Fealses. The inquest into the killing of Voyone Feakes was held by Coroner Hawkins yes terday. The little girl was 4 years old, and had arrived from Astoria on the steamer Oregon the morning of her death. She and her sister went across Broadway to buy some cherries. An electric car came up over the hill and the two little ones were caught under the wheels before they could make their escape. The elder girl was still grasping her sister's hand when they were removed from the track. She was comparatively unhurt, but Voyone's sKull was crushed, and she died on her way to the Receiving Hospital. A. B. Glassman, a barber, who took the children from beneath the car testified that had the motorman failed to stop it when he did both little girls would have been killed. When the elder child was taken out she had to be forced to lee go her little sister's hand. The witness did not see the car coming ever the brow of the hill, and did not know an accident had happened until he heard the shrieks and saw the hurrying crowd. Mrs. O. Degrogia of 412 Broadway saw the accident and said the car was going very fast. Up to the time of. the killing the cars were all run at a very high rate of speed, but since then they 'had been run much slower. The children were crossing the track when the car went rushing down on them. F. Woodcock, the motorman, testified that the car was only running at the rate of four miles an hour. He saw the children crossing the track and slowed tip. They stopped and he, thinking they would wait for him to pass, started the car again. The children attempted to run across in front of the car, and before he could shut off the current and put on the brakes they were under the wheels. After deliberating for a considerable time, the jury brought in a verdict of acci dental death. The official food analyses by the United States Government show the Royal to be a i pure cream-of-tartar baking powder, the highest in strength, evolving 160.6 cubic | inches of leavening gas per single ounce of powder. The.c were eight other brands of j cream-of-tartar powders tested, and their average strength was less than 111 cubic inches of gas per ounce of powder. CRASHED INTO THE PIEE. The Steamer Oakland Smashes m Few More Piles at the F«rry. The steamer Oakland met with another ! accident on Sunday night, in which some more of the State's property was badly damaged. On the 10:15 trip from Oakland she ran into her slip with a bang which sounded like an explosion of one of the Berkeley powder works. The passengers were crowded on the lower forward deck, and the shock was so great that everybody fell on top of each other. The bow of the boat had slid under the , apron and struck the piles full tilt. The ; heavy loss were torn to pieces, some of them bein- broken in half, whiie the steamer got off with but little damage. Captain Brown was in charge of the Oak ; land at the time, and he himself brought i the boat into the slip. Just exactly how ! the accident occurred could not be learned, ■ but it was said on board that there was a ( misunderstanding of the bells in the en . gine-room. CLIMATIC DIFFERENCES. The Temperature on Market Street Much Higher Than the Temperature on Sob Dill, Four Blocks Away. COLDS EASILY TAKEN The Doctor Tells the Canse-Tour Sys tem Should Be Fortified to Meet These Changes— Wear the Same Clothing Winter and Summer. "Did it ever occur to you," said the doctor yesterday, "that coughs and colds prevail in San Francisco much more than they do in tem peratures which vary considerably more than they do here?" I was astonished. I had believed San Francisco to be more free from bronchial troubles than many Eastern cities. The doctor continued: "Almost any warm sunshiny day will bring you into several differ ent climatic changes in San Francisco at the same hour. For instance, when the thermom eter registers 6« or 70 degrees in the shade on Market street it will register 62 or 64 on Bush street, just as you reach the first hilltop. A person walking rapidly up the street will sud denly find himself in a much lower tempera ture when he reaches the hilltop, and unless well protected he is as liable to take cold as not. "My advice to all people is to wear the same nether garments all the year round and to keep their system* in perfect condition. When you take cold easily it is because your Mood is thin and watery, because you need thicker blood to resist the atmospheric changes. You should tone your blood with a good remedy. There are plenty of them in the drugstores. I know of one which I would especially recommend. It is called Joy's Veg etable Sarsaparilla. I have hnd positive proof that Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla contains no mineral poi*on. Therefore many ladies may take this remedy without incurring the dang i of having pimples and sore blotches on th -i faces. A slight cold is in itself of no great danger. You can recover from it by walking in the sun a few hours each day. But when you take cold after a cold the circulatory sys tem becomes weaker with each fresh cold, and, of course, serious developmtnts may be ex pected. "It is, therefore, your duty to protect your body as it is to protect your wife, your childen, your household goods, etc. The* Jaw compels you to protect your family, your moral sense oi duty compels you to do likewise. Why. then, don't you look alive to your »wn personal interest? You should wear the same prade of socks or stockings all the ytar round, and when you notice your han«s becoming clammy, your feet cold, uee a blood laxative— use, say, for instance, Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. You will not necessarily be habituated to a patent medicine. Many people are afraid to use an old reliable prescription, for they don't exactly know its contents. Now. 1 am well qualified to say that Joy's Vegetable SaT.« rilla is entirely an herb remedy. It is made from the pure juices of herbs grown in Califor nia. It is a fine blood specific and recommends itself to all families." %& —-ifbar^^*» itiMraliyuy RfctS 8 Smrll This e reB tvegcubie &VV <& t&£f -*» -I « » 'V IW Tv II1»W I yllßi.lJvitoUEer,tceprescTlp. ?(K"^ fi «>* "*•> oln of laon « French physician, win quickly cure you ot all ner- -1 \>> /*±l V> " .\J oa « or diseases •** 1 »» janeraUve orgaoa, such as Lost Manhood. a hzM •'-■**■ ffl l **. i n « 0I » nI *vf»JnB'o the Back, Seminal Bmlwions, Nervous Debility! Si \.OT^% \ I*i£f rimplea, Unfitnoss t» Marry, ExhansUnff Drains, Varicooele and b >w_/ >w.» V CO«Kl»atIon. It stops all losses by day or nig tit Prevents quick- , ■ "■■ L_J^ _: ;^*^^^.- ■eaoi€iBCbarre,«rhickif]]ateh*cVed]ea(}sto6permatorrhosaand M BEFORE and AFTER *" '*• *orr»rii of laspoUucy. * CPlDtNEcleanafes theUrer, the B ■■ ' rraiM.. *~. .v kw 2«y« »n« the urinary organs ml all Imparities. mF rlDB!S1I JJ tr * D * tllons * M « r e9iiinallw«ak«rganB. ' ■^J*.«« aM ?.n«n»» il at ""^ *' Actors is becnoße ninety per cent are troubled with iaj« CUPIDKjns is **»• »Biy known rented/ to care wlihau ton operation. JOCO testlmoni- f' 8 a wntteajpuaran t»e and Money returned if six boxes does net effect a permanent cure. |U0 a box, six far ft.o9, by Mall. Bend femxE circular and testimonials. Address DATet HKBICXKE €•„ P. Q. Box 9076, San Francisco, Cal. Tor Bate by SHOCKS' PHARMACY. 119 Fowell street. NEW TO-DAY. I "4~ ' *T* "V" B^ iT^ /wl r^ 8 You save which be- \ get you the dollars I — and likewise it get you the dollars — and likewise it is ■ j the dollars that I you hoard which ob- j tain for you all the | comforts of home. j In the. purchase of CLOTHIIG ! :; 5 I We make your dol- ULU II! lI U We make your dol- lar have the very greatest purchasing power, and we save you fully 50 per cent from the prices b charged by the re- || tail dealers. HVAMS, PAUSON & CO., 34, 36, 38 and 40 Kearny Street, AND 25 and 27 Sansome Street, MANUFACTURING CLOTHIERS Selling Direct to the Public. iu3BHl£l I fi4KaSa V o*B&>s^^Es Stops hair falling In 3* /y^^S^g^V hours. Restores Gray */yW%!!jf%s? Hair to Its natural color fh x- without dye. The bert Hair Tonic ever made. Used by Ladies and ! Gentlemen everywhere. AH druggists or by mall; Price, $1.00; also Tale's ! Skin F00d,f1.50; Yale's Face powder, 50c; Yale's ; Beauty Soap, 25c. Guide to beauty mailed free JvINIE. YALE, Health and Complexion Specialist, TEMPLE OF BEAUTY. 146 STATE ST., CHICAGO. DR.MCMLTY. rrms "well-known AND itKLI «klkshe- -1 olaltst treats PRIVA'J*. CIIKOXIC AND KEftVOUS OP mE.VOSLY. Hestopi Discharges; cures »«cret Blood and >-kln Diseait-a, Sores and Swellings: Nervous Debility, Impo- tence and other weaknesses of Manhood. He corrrcts the Secret Krrors of Youth and their terrible effects. Loss of Vitality. Palpitation of tha Heart. Loss of Memory, Despondency and other troubles of mind and body, caused by the KrroiOL Excesses and Diseases of Boys en.l Men. He restores Lost Vlecr and Manly Power, re- moves Deformities and restores th» Organs tc Health. Ho also cures Di*«>as3s caused by Mer- cury and other Poisonous Drugs. JDr. McNulty's methods are regular and scien- tific. He vies no patent nostrums or ready-mad* preparations, but cure « the disease by thorough medical treatment. His New Pamphlet on Prl- rate iJiseAses scut Freo to all m«n who deßcrib* tbtlr trouble. Patients cured at Home, 'lerms ' re mo -able. Hours— 9 to 3 dally; 6:30 to 8:30 evening*. Sun- ' days, 10 to I'J only. Consultation tree and. »*- -credly confidential. Call on or address P. KOSCOK McM'LTY, M. D., 2GJ£ Keiirity St., Sun Francisco. Cal. fl£sJ" Fseware of strangers who try to talk to yog about your disease on the streets or elsewhere. They are cappers or stserfcrs lor swindling doctors. Any Man Who Suffers * Or Is Just beginning to suffer from th« I : TRIAL ; weakening effects of emissions or { : BOTTLE : over-indulgence can be permanently I : FREE. : cured by taking VITAL RESTORA- TIVE. Call or write for SAMPLE BOTTLE. The worst cases cured. Address DR. COOPER, 623 Kearny st., San Francisco. [All Private Diseases Cured.] When ordering please mention ••Call." Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. /rfr«e> "Weakness, Nerronsne**,' ( Ig?K\ Debility, and all the train vt fiff^S ot evils from early errors or /ftP'S/f'Cj later excesses, the results of #*"/GV'N-l" v overwork, sickness, worry, & Full strength, devel- ; Debility, and all the train Ps of evils from early errors or tj later excesses, the results of V overwork, sickness, worry, V etc. Full Btrecgtn, devel- J*£>Jjß V A . l opment and tone given to -iUigevery orpan and portion n&G<'lr2n<i ;^M\ of the body. Simple, nat- iWxWll^^M tral methods, Immedi- l/4fi\rA W n»'l// ate improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2,000 references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. TADlin ■*• laxative refreshing foi I uSnUn fruit 'ozenze, ■re 111 nil very agreeable to take. . c CONSTIPATION . ma __ _ ,_ __ hemorrhoids, bile, ISm I ST II loss of appetite, gastric and lil Ul£ IS intestinal troubles sad ■■■■»■ ■■ lw headache arising _. __ from them. Anil D a*j E. GRIU.OK, K«J! I Ifill 33 Rue dcs Archives, Part* MPllllifcili By field by all Druggists. $10 TAILOR-MADE SUITS. BEST m CHEAPEST II THE CITY. A^TiO. A.ND CAIL.LiE3AU, 46-48 GJEAKT STREET, Corner Grant Avenue. 5