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VOLUME LXX¥iif£-NO. 5. THE PACIFIC SLOPE End of Another Chapter in the Reedley For gery Case. HILL VISITS SEATTLE. Planning to Supply China With Flour From the Coast States. SAN BERNARDINO IRRIGATION. Shocking Death of a San Benito County Farmei — Vancouver Officials Deposed. VISALTA. Cal, June 4.— The case of Thomas Wootton vs. W. A. Sanders, John Knausch and Milton O. Abbot came up for final settlement before Judge Cross this morning. The action was similar to that brought at Fresno yesterday. Plain tiff was allowed his decree by which the deed recorded here on March 5, 1894, pur porting to have been made by William Wootton, the missing rancher, to John Knausch, the mythical personage, is de clared void. Plaintiff also rec overed costs of $52 20. The witnesses, sworn on behalf of the plaintiff were: E. T. Wolcott, George Wiseman, Charles Kohlof, W. W. Phillips and A. B. Lawson. Their testimony went toward establishing the fact that there was no such man as John Knausch. George Wiseman had farmed part of the Wootton ranch for many years and was intimate *vith Wootton. He never saw Knausch. Charles Rohlof was Wootton 's chief workman. The last time he saw Wootton was February 1, ISO 4. when he left the place with W. A. Sanders, the day the deed is supposed to have been made. Rohlof saw no other man on the ranch that day and never saw Knausch. A. B. Lawson, the detective, testified that he had searched carefully all over the State wherever there was the remotest pos sibility of finding a trace of Knausch, but had found none. T. C. Van Ness of San Francisco, of the firm of Van Ness <fc Redman, and J. P. Meux of Fresno appeared as attorneys for Wootton, and Frank H. Short of Fresno represented the defendants. Thus ends another chapter in the sensational case of William Wootton. whose sudden disap pearance has completely baffled the keen t.-t detectives in the State. * '-'# ft' ■ Hill -AT SEATTLE. Planting for the. Proposed Xew Steam. »hip /.imp to China. SEATTLE, Wash., June 4.— James J. Hill, president of the Great Northern, who was in the city for six hours to-day, spent most of the time in conference with Woo Gen. the Seattle manager of the house of the Wa Ohong Company, Hongkong, and made searching inquiries respecting the disposition of the Chinese toward flour as an article of food. Woo Gen was of the opinion that if flour could be laid down in China for 62}$ cents per sack of fifty pounds it could be sold at a profit for To cents by dealers and compete with rice. He thought that if the great masses of China once began to use flour they would not go back to rice, and if it could be placed within the reach of the laboring classes a demand would be created so large that all the rlourmills on the Pacific Coast could not supply one-tenth of the call 3 made on them. Hill's idea is to carry Hour so as to give it to the Chinese for l}^c per pound, and bring return cargoes of rice so as to supply the markets here at lj^c per pound. He wants to be assured of a permanent de mand before taking up the enterprise, and cays that if the Great Northern does put on a line of steamers they will be the larg est and best possible to be obtained. The question of a terminus will be determined by the lowest rate at which flour can be placed on ships. Seattle, he says, will be the place, provided the condition is ful filled. This is understood by shippers here as indicating that this place will have the terminus provided the Asiatic line is set up. VICTOR'S JUOXSTER RESERVOIR. Work on th* San Jiernardino County Ir rigation Scheme to lie Pushed. SAN BERNARDINO, Cal., June 4.— Final papers were signed to-day, whereby the Columbia Colonization Company be came possessed of all right, title and inter est of the Victor Reservoir Company, and the purchasers took formal possession of the property. General C. H. Howard, who is acting for the Chicago syndicate, leaves for the East to-morrow. He states the company has a half million of dollars which will be used at once in developing the reservoir and building distributing ditches to irrigate lands. JOSEPH COOK AT JtEItLAXDS. The Famoua Boaton Dirine la Coming to f>an Franciaco. SAN BERNARDINO, Cal., June 4.— Cf v. Joseph Cook of Boston, who is mak ing a tour of the world, lectured in Red lands to-night on "Ultimate America." He will make only one more halt in Cali fornia — San Francisco — leaving for that City to-morrow morning. Rev. Mr. Cook will take the next steamer for Honolulu, thence to Japan, where his wife will join him for the remainder of the journey uround the globe. HEATH OF A MOXTECITO BELLE. Heart T>i Mease Causes the Sudden J'a.ts ing of Charlotte Anderaon. SANTA BARBARA, Cal., June 4.— Miss Charlotte A nderson of Mor.tecito, a popu lar and accomplished 3'oung society leader, died suddenly of heart disease at her home early this morning. Miss Anderson is a daughter of Captain Anderson, a gentle man well known la New York, and part owner of several Hudson River steamers. SCOBEIi BY A FRESNO JVDQE. A.n Attorney Rebuked for Giving a Juror a Glaaa of Wine. FRESNO, Cal., June 4.— Durine the progress of the trial of Frank Jordon on the charge of having murdered Boyd Bal The San Francisco Call. throp at Selma Judge Risley this morning delivered a severe lecture to James A. Burns, one of the attorneys for the defense, who had treated a juror to a glass of wine in a saloon. The lawyer asserted that the juror had followed him into the saloon and that he could not well do otherwise than ask him to drink with several others. SHOT TO DEATH XEAB, TAVOMA. A Puyallttp Indian Mtudent Accidentally Killed by His Cousin. TACOMA, Wash., June 4. —Joseph Lewis, a British Columbia Indian, who has been attending the Puyallup Indian school on the reservation, was shot and killed early this morning by his cousin, Lincoln McKay. The scene of the accident was Robert Rigney's place, about one and a half miles from here. Lewis lived three minutes after being shot. He received the full charge from one barrel of a shotgun in his neck and face. A large party of students, out on the an nual picnic of the Puyallup Indian school, went to Kidney's place to pick wild black berries yesterday. Guards were put out during the night, and early this morning, after the guards were taken off, a large number of young Indians gathered around McKay, who was examining his shotgun in an experimental way. McKay did not know the gun was loaded. He cocked the hammer and took aim at his cousin, and in a few minutes the latter was a corpse. KILT, ED AT IHTTEK WATER. A Terrible Accident Which Coat Daniel linker His Life. HOLLISTER, Cal., June 4. — Daniel Baker met with a horrible death at Bitter water, this county, yesterday. While com ing down the grade on a four-horse load of hay, the brake of the wagon broke. In jumping to save himself. Baker fell be tween the rack and the stump of the tire. Not being injured to any extent, Baker sent a companion for aid to get him out. The companion took the leaders off, leav ing the wheelers hitched to the wagon. When help returned an hour later, the wheelers were pulling hard on the traces, and had crushed the unfortunate man to death. The deceased was 30 years old. his REAso.y nExnnoxED. A Well- Known Physician of Grayson Ar rested by Stockton l'olice. STOCKTON, Cal., June 4.— Constable Carroll arrested Dr. J. H. Dawson of Gray son at noon to-day and locked him up on a charge of insanity. Dr. Dawson came to Stockton yesterday, and has been acting very queerly ever since. To-day the authorities were noti fied that he was in the Business College, and. was so unruly that they were asked to place him under arrest. Dawson is said to have a very creditable record as an able physician in this State. Before moving to Grayson he was the County Physician of Butte County, and at one time had a large practice in Oakland. The use of morphine and cocaine caused him to lose his reason. TIIISK HOLL.IJSS IS SAFE. San Diego JPeopld Hot Alarmed- Over tfie <ieneral'a Ahaenc*. SAN DIEGO, Cal., June 4.— General H. G. Rollins, who is believed by his friends in Los Angeles, where he was at one time County Auditor, to have met with foul play on the Lower California peninsula, was heard from two months ago at Alamo, where he was preparing for a prospecting trip to the gulf coast, to be gone about six months. Americans frequently go out on long trips on the peninsula. The present anxiety regarding General Rollins, after an absence of only two months, does not seem to be well founded. VANCOUVER OFFICIALS OUSTED. The " Zexotr" Results in the Suspension of McT,aren and McT.eod. VANCOUVER, B. C, June 4.— The City Council this evening suspended Chief of Police McLaren and License Inspector Mc- Leod as a result of the evidence given be fore the Police Committee now investigat ing the work of the police force. The Bhicher Valley Hermit Arrested. PETALITMA, Cal., June 4.— Tim Buck ley, the Blucher Valley hermit who claims he is the "Only Genuine Grover Cleve land," has been living in the open air on farms near here recently. This afternoon he strolled into town and a farmer pointed him out to the constable, who arrested him by a clever deception. The "Presi dent" will be examined by the Insanity Commission. Sacramento Cycle Thief Captured. SACRAMENTO, Cal., June 4.— For some time past wheelmen in this city have been frequently robbed of their bicycles. To-day P. M. Jones, agent for a bicycle company, went into the country and ob tained a clew by which he recovered two stolen wheels and caused the arrest of the youth who had stolen them. Hop Worms in Mrndocino County. URIAH, Cal., June 4.— Hop worms, which have been devastating the fields in this valley, are constantly increasing in number and are now attacking alfalfa fields as well. Several farmers in this vicinity are endeavoring to abate the nusisance by burning the fields. This ac tion has apparently resulted beneficially. The Encampment at Vkiah. URIAH. Cal., June 4.— A1l arrange ments have been perfected for the encamp ment of the Second Regiment, N. Q. C. The soldiers will arrive here on the 15th and remain until the 23d. Permanent camping grounds have been secured in Highland Park. Visitors will be here from all over the State. Stockton to Hold a Regatta. STOCKTON, Cal., June 4.— The Stock ton Athletic Association to-night decided to give a State amateur regatta on the Fourth of July. Valuable trophies will be offered for barge races and other events. A field day of sports is also promised. Santa Barbara Odd Fellowa Sued. SANTA BARBARA, Cal., June 4 — R. L. Booth, a hardware merchant, to-day brought a mechanics' lien for materials employed in the construction of the Odd Fellows' Hall, the amount involved being several thousand dollars. Fire at Janes. EUREKA, Cal., June 4.— The residence of John H. Backen of Janes was consumed by fire this morning. The loss is estimated at $1100, with $600 insurance. A Fatality at WataonviUe. SANTA CRUZ, Cal., June 4.— An Ital ian gardener named Vanna was instantly killed this afternoon by rock striking him on the head while blasting near Watson ville. SAN FRANCISCO, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 5, 1895. PLEASANTON INQUIRY. Officials Looking Into the Cooly Labor Question. WORK UNDER CONTRACTS i Japanese Said to Have Been Imported Contrary to the Law. MANY WITNESSES EXAMINED. The Matter Will Be Probed to the Bottom and the Guilty Parties Prosecuted. PLEASANTON, Cal., June 4.— The de termination of Labor Commissioner L. Fitzgerald and United States Immigration Commissioner Stradley to get at the bot tom facts of the cooly labor question be gan to bear its first fruits to-day at the investigation here. For some time past the Commissioners suspected that many Japanese were being brought to farms in this county in viola tion of the United States contract labor law. The Immigration Department at JUDGE BROPHY'B COURT IN WHICH THE CONTRACT LABOR INVESTIGATION WAS HELD. Washington instructed Mr. Stradley to probe to the bottom, and if his suspicious were confirmed to punish the guilty par. ties. Governor Buda gave Mr. Fitzgerald similar instructions. Over eighty farmers and Japanese labor ers were subpenaed to be present at the in vestigation to-day and give testimony. A few were inclined to be hostile, and said they would not obey the summons, but the prospect of arrest induced them to change their minds. One of these was a Japanese contractor named Sato. This fellow said that the Japanese laborers in the fields would not attend the investigation. He was told to tell them that if they refused to obey every man who had been subpe naed and who did not appear would be ar rested to-morrow. They sent word this afternoon that they would attend to-mor row. At 1 o'clock to-day Commissioner Strad ley and his chief deputy. Mr. Gaffney, who speaks the Japanese language; Com missioner Fitzgerald and Deputy C. L. Damra and Special Agent Green assembled in Judge Brophy's courtroom and began the investigation. Several important facts were brought out. It was learned that the Japanese contractor, Sato, handled nearly all the Japanese laborers in the hop and sugar-beet fields. He mates his headquar ters at the Pleasanton Hop Company's ranch, from which he hires out the coolies. Two contracts were brought to light which make the Commissioners believe that the labor law has been violated by the importation of laborers from Japan for work in the fields here. All the testimony was taken down by a stenographer, and the statements made by the white witnesses to day will be compared with the testimony of the Japanese laborers, which will be taken to-morrow. The witnesses to-day would not acknowledge the existence of any contracts for foreign laborers before the laborers had landed. However, the in vestigating Commissioners are convinced that they are on the right track and that sensational features will be brought out before the investigation is over. The first witness was Phillip Kolb, a resident of Pleasanton. He said that the industries of the district are the growing of hops, beets, fruit and grain. Most of the laborers, he said, are Japanese and Chinese. In the hop business the white contractor contracts by the acre and sub lets the contracts to the Japanese boys. Mr. Kolb said: "I think that Sato, the Japanese con tractor, brought out a great many Jap anese for Mr. Downing, a farmer, who con tracts for Mr. Lillienthal. Downing raises hops and beets, and uses Japanese help on his farm. Sato came to me and said that he would like to get some more of -his own countrymen whom he could not get in this State. He said he had written letters to all parts of the State, but found that he could get no Japanese. He said lie would send to Japan for them if he could get the money to bring them out. "That was a year ago. Later in the fall he told me that he had obtained the money. He never asked me directly for money, but hinted that he wanted me to loan him money to bring laborers from Japan. At that time he was furnishing Mr. Bray with men, and later on he did give him all the Japanese wanted. Bray raises beets near here. He has no Japanese employed this year. I do not know where Sato got the money to import the Japs, but he spoke of Bray and Mr. Downing as being likely to put up the money." Mr. Kolb, in speaking of the alien la borers now in the fields, said he believes that Sato gets them from Japan, and it is likely through an agent in San Francisco. He added that another Japanese, named Fugimoto, is in the contract labor business in this part of the country. Further on in his testimony the witness stated that in one 400-acre hopfi«ld eighty Japanese are employed. He does not know how much the laborers receive from the contractors. There are but few Japanese employed on farms, except in the hop and beet fields, but those who are so employed get $1 a day. Mr. Kolb said that Mr. Downing had told him that he would employ Japanese in order to keep up the sugar industry. Mr. Kolb believes that white labor will do this work as well as coolies. On Lillien thal's big hop ranch white men had worked the land at $28 per acre. Japanese took the work for $22 per acre. J. N. Arendt, a merchant in Pleasanton, was the next witness. He furnishes goods to the Japanese on Downing's account. The coolies bring a passbook from Down ing and he furnishes the goods. Downing is the only rancher he has dealt with in this way. A. R. Downing, the farmer who was men tioned so frequently by the other witnesses, was called to the stand. He acknowledged that he employs between seventy and eighty Japanese on the beet sugar crop. They make about 85 or 90 cent 3 a day per man on an average. Mr. Downing was questioned as to the nature of the contracts he had made with the Japs, and finally produced the documents. One was be tween Sato on one side and the Pleasanton Hop Company and Downing on the other. By it Sato and Downing are to receive $lf> per acre, of which $4 per acre is to be with held until the thirty-sixth day after the completion of the work. The balance, $11 per acre, is to be paid to them at the completion of the work, ex cept they are to receive on account thereol in monthly installments at the end of each month at the rate of not to exceed $5 per month for each man employed during the particular month, if in the judgment of Davis (foreman of the firm) an adequate proportion of the whole amount of work has been done during said month to justify said payment, and if said Davis is satisfied at the time of making said respective payments that said property is not exposed to mechanics' liens for •work done hereunder by employes of said parties accordingly. It is further agreed tbafc paid ■ i.ipany may at any time terminate this agreement if the vrork herein stipulated for as to time and manner is not performed to the satisfac tion of said Davis, in which event no payments shall be due hereunder that have not been made hereunder." The Commissioners regard this as decid edly a contract-labor contract for several reasons. It waives the right of mechanic's lien, and gives the Pleasanton Company the power to decline to make payments if the contract is not complied with. In other words, all legal protection is waived by the contractor for the Japanese, all of which is illegal. The Commissioners asked Mr. Downing many questions to draw from him where the Japs were at the time this and the sec ond contracts were drawn. He answered that he did not know where they came from. George O. Davis, a farmer near the town, described the class of labor and the indus tries in the vicinity. He said that all the laborers are Japanese under contract by bosses. LOS ANGELES ELOPEMENT Sensation Caused by the Esca pade of Pretty Miss Berth. She Leaves In Company With a Traveling Man Who Already Has a Wife. LOS ANGELES, Cal.. June 4.—Con siderable excitement was caused here to day by the announcement in an evening paper of the elopement of Miss Marguerite Berth with Leo Scheben, the traveling rep resentative of the Lernp Brewing Company of St. Louis, who is known to have a wife and child in St. Louis. Miss Berth was, until a few weeks ago, the leader of the Berth Family Orchestra, •which has discoursed concert music in this city for the past two years. She left this city about three weeks ago, and it was gen erally supposed that she had married Scheben and was on her wedding tour, it not being known that Scheben had a wife in the East. It is stated that Miss Berth was deceived by Scheben, believing him to be a single man, and that she is now staying in the vicinity of Salt Lake City with the expec tation that Scheben will secure a divorce from his present wife, when they will be married. The Berth family are well known throughout the State. Scheben met Miss Marguerite in Seattle about seven years ago. Forgery of an Attorney. LOS ANGELES, Cal., June 4.— N. V. Biscailuz, at one time a very prominent attorney here, was examined before Judge Young this morning for forging the name of Judge Shaw to legal documents, and held to answer in $5000 bail. An attempt made to have the errutic attorney declared insane fell through yesterday. Buried Under Falling Earth. LOS ANGELES, Cal., June 4.— Michael Benovich, a workman engaged in digging a sewer at the corner of Rose and Third streets, was buried under a mass of earth this afternoon, and life was extinct before the excavators could rescue him. Beno vich was a single man, about 30 years of age. JjOB Angeles Perspiring. LOS ANGELES, Cal., June 4.— To day furnished the warmest June weather this city has experienced in nine years. The maximum temperature was 100 degrees, and at 6 o'clock p. m. the thermometer registered 88 degrees. SANTA ROSA CONTEST Second Attempt to Set Aside Willam Car riger's Will. CLAIMS OF THE WIDOW. A Brother of the Decedent Accused of Exerting Un due Influence. CARRIGEB/S TRAGIC DEATH. Shot Down After a Reconciliation With His Wife Had Been Effected. SANTA ROSA, Cal.. June 4.— The sec ond trial of the William Carriger will case began to-day before Judge Dougherty. The contestant is Mrs. Kate Carriger, the widow of William Carriger. William Carriger was shot and killed by his brother, Boggs Carriger, at the old Car riger homestead, about three years ago, under circumstances that led to Boggs Car riger's arrest and trial for murder. At the first trial Boggs Carriger was convicted of murder in the second degree, but he se cured a new trial and was acquitted. Just a year prior to the tragedy William Carriger was wedded to Miss Kate O'Brien, a neighbor's daughter, with whom he had been acquainted from childhood. Not many months after the wedding Carriger and his young wife became estranged. She contends that her husband's mind had been poisoned by false stories con veyed to him by Boggs Carriger, and which reflected on her moral character. Boggs Carriger was a widower, and his three children made their home with Wil liam Carriger and wife. The latter ob jected to their presence in the household, believing their blood relations should be their custodians. At any rate, a bitterness was engendered between Boggs Carriger and Mrs. William Carriger, which had its culmination in a separation between Wil liam Carriger and his wife. At that period William Carriger made a will disposing of his estate to his relatives, and wholly ignoring his wife. In the mean time the wife instituted proceedings for a divorce. When matters were at this crisis it appears the couple were about effecting a reconciliation. Then it was that Boggs Carriger went to William's home one Sun day, and in some manner shot and killed his brother. Carriger's will at the time was locked in a lawyer's safe at Oakland. When its con tents were revealed the widow sued to have it set aside, claiming that it did not ex press the feelings or wishes of her late hus band at the time of his death, and that its provisions adverse to her were the results of undue influence incited by Boggs Car riger. The jury returned a verdict in her favor, but tho finding was set aside by Judge Crawford. An appeal was taken and sustained by the Supreme Court. In the second trial, now in progress, the attorneys for Mrs. Carriger are Peter P. Dunne and Judge Cotton of San Francisco, and for the estate Hon. Grove L. Johnson of Sacramento and Hon. Barclay Henley of San Francisco. COMMEXCEMEXT at HEVO. University of Nevada Student* Bold Their Graduating Exercises. RENO, Nev., June 4.— Commencement theses were read this morning at the Ne vada University. President Stubbs opened the exercises at 8 o'clock a. m. with a few well-timed remarks. Miss Louisa Blum read the first thesis upon the subject of "Breathing as a Cure." The remainder of the programme was as follows: "The unavoidable lesson in the crucible," by Joseph Durkee. "Butter, its composition and adulteration," by Samuel Durkee. "Experiments in chloridizing roasting," by Albert J. Flood. "Aluminum bronze," by Winfield John Flood. "The cost of living in Nevada," by Peter Frandsen. "Man in English literature," by Miss Stella Linscott. "The influence of Greece upon Roman .art and literature," by Mary Ellen North. "The evolution of representative govern ment," by William Henry North. "Tne unavoidable losses In the scorlfication assay," by Ralph L. Osburn. "The cyanide process for the extraction of gold," by Frank H. Saxton. "Milton's indebtedness to Cadman," by Alice M. Stanaway. "John G. Whittier, a. theological study," by Theodora W. Stubbs. "The contributions of Rome to the fine arts," by Grace V. Ward. In the afternoon the students of the commercial department read their essays. The programme was as follows : Introductory remarks, President Stubbs. "Government telegraphs," by Gabrlelle Del mas. "Money," by Annie Margaret Foster. "The force of character," by Florence L. Lamb. "The civil povernment of the country," by Walter C. Lamb. "The income tax," by Frances E. Longley. "Co-operation," by Herbert B. Maxson. "Masks," by Nellie Wright. "The clearing-house," by John W. Wright. This evening the annual dinner was given by the faculty to the board of re gents, board of visitors, alumni and mem bers of the graduating classes. During the courses and after their completion the fol lowing toasts were responded to: "The University and the State," by Governor Jones; "Our Visitors," by Judge Cheney; "The Women. God Bless Them," by Judge Hazlett; t "Our Alma Mater," by Superin tendent of Public Instruction H. C. Cut ting: "The Student From the Faculty's Point of View," by Professor W. M. Mil ler; "The Faculty From the Students' Point of View," by Miss Mabel Stanaway ; "The Graduate," by Frank Norcross; "Co education," by Frank Saxton; "The Stu dent in Surplice and Gown," by Rev. S. Unsworth; "Our Public Schools," by Mrs. Tavlor; "Retrospective," by Hon. H. L. Fish; "The Greater University," by Pro feasor Henry Thurtell. Mrs. Hartley Surrenders. RENO, Nev., June 4.— Alice M. Hartley, convicted of the killing of M. D. Foley, and who was denied a pardon yesterday, voluntarily surrendered to the Sheriff this afternoon, thereby relieving her bonds men, who had her taken to prison Satur day. PORT ANGELES M ORDER CASE. Henry Anderson. Held for the Killing of Phillip Jtrotcn. PORT ANGELES, Wash., June 4.— The preliminary examination of Henry Ander son, who on May 24 killed Phillip Brown, an Indian on the Ozette Reservation, was concluded to-day in Judge Brewster's court. Anderson was bound over to appear before the United States District Court in Seattle under $5000. The defendant did not go on the stand, and the witnesses for the prosecution, who were Indians, made a strong case against Anderson, who claims to have killed Brown in self-defence. Much excitement prevails over Judge Brewster's decision, as it is claimed that only a United States Commissioner has authority to bind a prisoner. A writ of habeas corpus has been applied for. HORRIBLE TACOMA ACCIDENT. Joseph C. Wamoek, a Lumberman, De capitated by a Falling Log. TACOMA, Wash., June 4.— Joseph C. Wamoek was the victim of a fatal and frightful accident this morning while en gaged unloading logs on the logging road near this city. A log slipped and fell upon Wamoek and crushed his neck down upon a skid, completely decapitating him. SAN JOSE'S WILL CASE George Barron 's Attorneys Oppose the Move for a New Trial. Graduates From Two Educational Institutions— Loot of a Wed lng Ring. SAN JOSE, Cal., June 4.— M. C. Hassett, H. V. Morehouse and Delmas & Short ridge, attorneys for George E. Barron, the contestant in the Barron will contest, to day filed a notice that the plaintiff and contestant in the Barron case will move, at the time that the motion for a new trial is heard, to strike from the files of the court the affidavits heretofore filed in sup port of the motion for a new trial by Eva Rose Barron, Morris Newton, George W. Gre«ne and F. M. Chapman. This motion will be made on the ground that the affidavits are sham, frivolous, ille gal and unauthorized, and upon their face do not set forth any matter relevant to the motion for a new trial, which under the Code of Civil Procedure can be applied for or supported by affidavits. Judge Reynolds to-day made an order appointing C. L. Witten attorney for Marian, Dorothy and William Barron, the minor heirs of William R. Barron, de ceased. It was also ordered that all pro ceedings in the Barron will contest be continued until Mary Barron, the widow of William R. Barron, and Marian, Doro thy and William Barron, the minor chil dren, be substituted as contestants in place of William R. Barron, deceased. SASTA CLA.HA GHA.IiVA.TES. Degrees Conferred Upon the '95 Liana of the College. SAN JOSE, Cal., June 4.— The forty fourth annual commencement exercises of Santa Clara College were held last night. In addition to a splendid literary pro gramme, two acts from "King John" were presented. The college alumni dinner took place this evening, after which the degree of A. B. was conferred upon Francis W. Sar eent of Salinas and Peter M. Breen of Hol lister and the degree of A. M. upon Charles J. Welch of San Francisco. The graduates in the commercial department are Edward J. Kelly of Watsonville, R. Arias Feraud and J. M. Santino of Mexico. SOTRE itAMI. COMMENCEMENT. Five Young Ladies Finish Tlieir Course at the Convent. SAX JOSE, Cal., June 4.— The forty fourth annual commencement exercises of the Convent of Notre Dame were held this morning. An excellent musical pro gramme was rendered. Those who gradu ated to-day were: Miss Genevieve Yoell and Miss Hattie Wilcox of San Jose, Miss L. Schroder and Miss F. McKinnon of San Francisco, and Miss D. MacAuliffe of Grass Valley. STOLE A WEDUIXG XIXO. A San Jose Man's Method of Securing a Present for Mis liritle. SAN JOSE, Cal., June 4. —Sherman Car ter, the young man arrested a couple of weeks ago for stealing a diamond ring from Machefert's jewelry-store, was to-day sentenced to pay a fine of $50 or serve fifty days in jail. He paid the tine. Carter was about to take a trip East to be married. He stepped into the store to see some watches, and while there pur loined the ring. The ring was found in his possession. It is supposed he intended to give the ring to his bride for a wedding present. Santa Clara Firemen Elect Officers. SAN JOSE, Cal., June 4.— At the fire men's election at Santa Clara yesterday the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: Chief, J. P. Menton, Hope Hose; first assistant, Henry Menzel, Hose Brigade; second assistant, George Wan derer, Hook and Ladder; president, E. S. Wright, Hose Brigade; secretary, George A. Gebhard, Tanner Hose ; treasurer, John J. Eberhard, Tanner Hose. lloniiniro Tubino'9 I'.ttate. SAN JOSE, Cal., June 4.— Joseph Fol cia to-day applied for letters of adminis tration on the estate of Dominico Tubino, who died at Hawthorne, Nev., May 11, 1893. Tubino left some property at Santa Clara valued at $2000 and a claim of $900 against the Wells-Fargo Bank in San Francisco. The heirs to the estate are Fannie Tubino, the widow, residing in Nevada, and Christina Aquarano, a sister, in Genoa, Italy. Goes Into Insolvency. SAN JOSE, Cal., June 4.— Walter S. Willard, a farmer, living near Saratoga, has filed a petition in insolvency. His debts amount to $1350 and his assets are $500, consisting of household goods and farming implements. Hard times and a general depression in business are given as the cause of insolvency. Fresno Murder Trial. FRESNO, Cal., June. 4.— The trial of Frank Jordon. on the charge of murdering Boyd Baltrop at Selma in March, began this morning. PRICE FIVE CENTS. STOCKTON'S NEW LINE A Railroad to Be Built From Corral Hol low Mines. RICHEST ON THE COAST. Development of the Coal Fields Will Mean Much for the City. CONSTRUCTION SOON TO BEGIN. Rights of Way Through the County to Be Granted the Road's Projectors. STOCKTON, Cal., June 4.— The Board of Supervisors, the members of the City Council and Surveyor Compton will leave this city Thursday morning to inspect the coal mines at Corral Hollow, on the bor ders of San Joaquin and Alameda coun ties. They go at the invitation of the di rectors of the company, who are desirous of building a railroad from the mines to Stockton. At Tracy they will be met by ex-Mayor Pond of San Francisco, John Treadwell and John W. Coleraan, who are backing the railroad scheme and are inter ested in the mines. The directors intimated, through their representative here to-day, that if rights of way are given them through the city and county they will commence the work of building the road at once. The members of the party who visited the mines some time ago representing the Stockton Com mercial Association were greatly pleased with what they saw. There is an unlim ited amount of coal in sight of a quality unequaled by any other produced on this coast. That is what the skeptical experts taken along by the association declared. The people here are greatly in favor of having the road run from the mines to Stockton, as f his city will be the base of supplies for the mines, and in many ways Stockton will reap immediate benefits from the construction of the line. It is very probable that the railway people will be given what they ask, as their requests are considered very reasonable. STABBED A. HOTEL-KEEPER. Fred Olsen Hesents an Interruption to Ms Stolen Repast. STOCKTON, Cal., June 4.— Joseph Barres, proprietor of the Commercial Hotel at Tracy, narrowly escaped being stabbed to death last night by Fred Olsen. The latter was at once placed under arrest by Constable Byrnes, and was brought to Stockton this morning. According to the veteran peace officer of Tracy, he was notified at 11 :20 o'clock last night that there had been a cutting affray at the Commercial Hotel. He hurried over and found the man who was after wards placed under arrest sitting outside the hotel, bleeding from a cut in the wrist. When asked what the matter was he re plied that he had stabbed the proprietor of the place, and that he was only sorry that he had not cut his heart out before he finished the job. Barres claims that he found Olsen in the hotel kitchen helping himself to a meal, and ordered him out of the place. Olsen objected, and was forcibly ejected. He returned soon after and hid in the kitchen, and when the hotel man entered, Ol3en set upon him and stabbed him twice, one of the cuts just missing an artery in Barres' right arm. Barres retreated with the knife wielder in close pursuit. Mrs. Barres entered the room at this juncture and seized the uplifted arm of her hus band's assailant, twisting it so that the man cut his wrist badly. Barres will recover. Olsen was given a preliminary hearing this morning, and held for assault to murder. An Insurance Mate War. STOCKTON, Cal., June 4.— An insur ance war was opened here to-day, when agents residing in Lodi and representing the Firemen's Fund and the Home Mutual companies offered to take insurance on county property, four miles south of Stock ton, with 50 per cent discount on regular rates. Stockton agents, governed by local association rules, offered 20 per cent re bate. The insurance was given to the Lodi agents and Stockton agents are angry. They wanted to open the competition to quote lower prices, but could not. For additional Pacific Coast news see Second rage This Cure Will be of interest to all sympathialng, suffering women. Read it: J^^^^W^tx. "* WaS trou^ e^ w^ th m y heart and jPgjPii*!?* lungs, had a severe S§£M >^S(» /»**> ' " oU g n an raised §\Jr ■^£5* W^f^ blood. T. did not ,' f W V think I should live f?//}Xe •■'^^ aw enjoy sum- E™li»W. J6^ became completely, P^ I^^^^^^Miwi family doctor said cided to try Hooa's • sarsaDarilla. and soon the severe pains left my lungs, and I found rest such as I had never expected. In a short time I . could eat, drink and sleep well. My family were thankful for the medicine which ' had done me so much good. Since my recovery. Ido ray house- work without getting very tired. ■ I call myself well, but continue to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and would not be without it." Mas. Charles Hicket, 7 Blackmar street, Newark, New York. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Give it a trial this spring. It will do yon good. Get Hood's and only Hood's. .' " ; :'■. HnnH'c Pi He re tacteleis, mild.efftee nOOQ S fills ti Ta . AUdrncglita. U*