Newspaper Page Text
12 THE STOCK MARKET. Prices for Comstock shares were rather better yesterday, though the improvement was insignifi cant. Business was quiet all day. NOTES. At the annual meeting of the Seg. Belcher and Mides Con. Mining Company 89,402 shares were represented, and Thomas Anderson, Herman Za dig, J. P. Martin, James Newlands Jr. and W. H. H. Hart were elected directors, with Thomas Ander pon as pn siiient, H. Zadig vice-president, E. B. Holmes secretary, and W. E. Sharon superin tendent. At the annual meeting of the Crown Point Min ing Company 79.518 shares were represented, and the following nllicers elected: James Newlands, liresidrnt: A. K. 1". Harmon, J. P. Martin, James Newlands Jr. and C. L. McCoy, directors. C. L. McCoy craa re-elected secretary and w. E. Sharon ■aperintendent. The secretary's financial state u:. n; showed a credit of $15,704. The sup'Tinti ndent's annual report shows that diirin;.- tin- yoar they h»ve extracted from the 600 and 70(1 level stopes 18. 6 M) tons or gold ore. of which 18.56f> io:is have been worked, the balwice remaining on hand. Ironi this ore was obtained bullion valued at $157,754. calculated at par. from which coin returns of $147,290 were received. The average fineness of the bullion was 574.9 in jrold: iis value per ounce was $12 42 and the yield por ton in coin $7 90. Mi ih>- Occidental 500 level the winze from the north drift has been sunk durine: the week a dis laiu'e of 9 l/ 2 feet, giving a total length of 40 feet : the bottom is in ore of the average assay value of .*54 per ton. In the 550 level the west crosscut is in a distance of 182 feet: advanced during the week S feet. 'Die face is in jwjrphyry and clay with seams of quart/, carrying value. The north drift from west crosscut has been advanced 10 teet dur um tin- week, and is now in 35 feet, the face show inc 2 foot of pay ore. The Julia Milling Company reports a cash bal ance of $1459 and the syndicate a credit of $833. The Virginia Enterprise of June 1 says: "The plan to develop the Brunswick lode is growing in favor. There was considerable opposition to it at Oncost this is gradually being overcome by the more progressive element. It is understood that the promoters of the wesi country antagonize the scheme because they fear thai if the interest of the public is attracted toward the Brunswick lode, which is situated to the east of the Comstock, it will be done :it the expense of the west country. This would iippear at first glance to De curious rea soning, but we are assured that such is the case. One of the prominent Comsiock mining superin tendents :m<i those back of him used their iuflu eneeagalnal the plan at the start, but they found that they were on the weak side and aro now co apefaung with the promoters of the project. It was r<>i>orted at first that James Flood cid not ap prove of the proposition when it was laid before iiiii.. but he has been converted and now nothing remains but the perfection of details, and active work on the Brunswick lode will, in all human probability, be begun before the summer is ended." P. Keru "in, supennleiide tof the Best & Belcher and liould <v Curry mines, is in town. An exchange says that Franklin Leonard, presi dent of the Comstock Tunnel Company, and others who are connected with the management of the :-u'ro lunnel. have left New York for Virginia 1 ity :i 1 1<4 v ill go carefully over the field with a view of nsc^rtaiiiing bow the resources of the tunnel and the Com stock mines may be better developed. When the Brunswick lode project was lirst broached James L. Flood determined to have the mailer carefully Investigated before giving his consent to t he Consolidated Caliiorma and Vir uiv.-.u Company joining the other companies in the calling of stockholders' meetings, to act upon the proposition to purchase :i portion ot that loiie and explore the same. Mr. Flood has completed his investigation, and yesterday declared that the eu terprise, in his opinion, was both legitimate and feasible, and would not only benelii all tliu com panies which will go into it, but help the whole Comstock. Mr. Flood ihi-n Kiive ordeis that a meeting of the directors of the ( onsolidated California and Vir ginia Mining 1 tompaay should be held to authorize tin calling of :i stockholders' meeting, at which the latter -an decide upon th equestion. The directors' meeting will be hold to-day. Assessments Fending. Following is a list of assessments now pending: Company. I jDelinqtl No. !Amt. inihc ! Sale Day. ! Board.! )vf>rman : 78; follow Jacket ■ 59] javapre I 86 V rules ' 41! Ula j 49 uslicc ' 59 Hi-xiean 5;! 1 ■hollar ' 40 Vlpha ....j 14! lale & Norcross....] 1071 10. My 16 June 11 '25 My 16 June 26 'JO. My 20 June 11 15 .Ine 1 .June 17 10 Jne 6i July 2 10. .1ne 7;.Juue 28 2o| Jne 13! July lo 25|.Jnel5 July 11 051. Jne 2HI. July 18 20, Jue29!.July 25 BOARD SALES. Following were the sales in the San Francisco Mock Board yesterday: KKiauß MOKXING SESSION"— 9:30. 100 Alta 00 100 H<fcX 01 100 Ophir.. 1.25 2i>o Andes.... 25 700 Justice. ...o22oo Ovrmn.... 16 250 B<t 1i... .41,700 150 I'otosi 34 50 Bodle 41 500 Mcx 33,200 Sierra X..49 100 Chal C 20 200 Occldnt...l9 100 Union C 27 800 I 'hollar... 16 300 20100 V Jacket 41 600 C Point... Bß | AFTKUXOON SKSSION— 2:3O. 100 Alta 05250 2.40 0ph1r...1.30 400 Ob 100 C P0int... 41 SOU P0t05i ... .36 300 Andes .251100 G& C 20300 37 100 Belcher....4O|BO'J H£\ 93800 Savage ..36 500 B<fc 8.... 45:300 9:J]OO Meg be!.... 11 50 44 1100 Justice.. o3:loo SicrraX.. 49 600 Bullion... OS 400 Mcx 35 200 Union C..27 350 (. C&V...2.45 300 Occidentl.l9 : loo V Jacket. .44 Following were the sales in the Pacific Stock Board yesterday: REGULAR SESSION'— IO:3O. SOO Alta 0&1150 CC«kV.2. 351200 Ophir. ...1.30* 100 8e1cher.. .40200 2.32y 2 ! 200 1.25 200 B & 8....42U00 H<tJ\ 91 100 Savage. ...3s lOOCaledonia.o6loo 93I100SB&M 12 300 Cbpllar.... 17500 .Mci 3:!;100 V Jacket. 43 800 C P0int... 38 100 I'otosi ....33l aFtkknoon- session— 2:3o. 700 Alta 400 C P0int... 39,300 Ophir 1.32JA 100 Belcher... 4o| 50 G <fe C 22200 1.35 SOdlit B....4&I&00 100 Potosi . 36 200 44ti00 25200 38 50 8u11i0n... 03 500 H<fcX 92 100 39 200 Bulwer. ..04(200 93150 Savage 36 1 000 CaledoniOSlOOO Julia.. .02350... 37 800 (.hollar... 22 Justice. .02*200 B M.1 3 150 CC&V...2.40J300 Kentuck 02500 51N'ev....50 300 2.45 300 0phir.. .1.30;200 UnlonC.2B 350 2.47%* __ I CLOSING QUOTATIONS. TUESDAY, June 4—4 p. m. Bid.Atkfd.] ma.Atked. Alpha C0n..... — 02 Jackson 20 — Alta 05 Ott .Julia 01 02 Andes... 24 25 Justice 02 04 Belcher 38 39,Kentuck. 02 03 Best <t Belcher. 45 47 ! Lady Wash.... 01 02 BentouCou.... 30 — Mexican 34 35 Bodle 40 41 Mono 05 06 Bullion 08 09 Mt. Diablo 15 — Bulwer — 05 Nevada Queea. — 05 Caledonia...... 06 07 Occidental 18 20 Challenge Con. 20 21 Ophlr 1.30 1.35 Chollar 20 21; Overman 15 17 Con. Cal.&Va. 2.40 2.45|P0t05t.. 37 39 Con. Imperial. — Oljsavase 36 37 Confidence — 85!SeB. Belcher... 12 13 Con. New York. 03 — Scorpion — 04 Crown Point... 40 42 Sierra .Nevada. 50 51 East B. & P.... 12 14 Silver Hill 01 03 EtsttfierraKeT — 05 silver Kin?.... 20 — Exchequer 01 o..' Syndicate — 05 Eureka C0n.... — 25 Union Con 28 29 011 Id & Curry. 25 26 Ulah 03 04 Hale <fc Korcrs. 91 93, Yellow Jacket. 43 44 lowa — 05 STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. TUESDAY, June 4— p. it. r.o.vns. Bid. Aikcd. Sid. A*ked. I s 4scoup..llli/ 2 — ; Banks. Commercial— VS 4s rep .11 — Amerß<feTC. — — Cal-siCbleSs. lO9s4 — Anglo-Cal. .. 59 — Ci.l Elec I. 6a107V2 — Bank of Ca1..221V 2 225 CntntC\Vss — 102J/ a Cal SD&TCo. 40 ' — Dpnt-stex-cp 92 99 !F!rs;Nationl.l77y 2 — I-.dsnLAP6s. — 110 (Jrmsers — _ F4CII I'.R6s — 110 llx)ndoiiP&A.l24 — lit nry-stKss. 97V»103 ]I.cndon<fcsK — 31 97V» — Merch Ex... 12 — I>o.(inted.6s. — 103 Xevada — — -Mict-*!<_-hieijsl23 — SatherßCo.. — — KevCNriW*. — 110 Banks. Savings- NPGIIK6S.IOO — .GerS&LCo.. _ 1800 >yl:OalCs.. 99i,8103 iHumbS&L.IOOO — By (Hi .la.. — — Mutual.. — 45 Oak Gas 55.. 102 3,4 - sF.«avL"nionsoo 50f. Do, 2di«555..102»i1033 Loan. .110 150 OmDibu«»3..ll7V4llß hec-urltv 225 310 PKcKoll.Mbs.io2V 3 — 'Union Trust i'o, 2d Iss Us.. — — street Railway— * l'AOKv6s-.110 120 California.... 102 — P*ChKy6s. 9S 100 Gtary-st — 90 Pwl-stnH6<. - 113 Market-it.... 371/2 SSVo Rono.WJ^£Llo2 105 Oak.sL*Uay — 100 Kiver\VCo6s - 100 'Presidio 7Vo 13 SK*NPRRSsIOU/,102 Sutter-st.. .. — - bPUKAriztts 95 100 I Powder—' KPRRCal6s.llli£ - UtlanticD... ]7Vi 22Vi SPBBOatSa. 87^100 ICalifornia.... 75 —- Do, 1 rou ;ri<l. M7L.100 k;iam 14 18 SPBrKCal6s. 94 ' 951/4 Ji:nsoii. '"" — - SV\Vater6s..l2li-a — iViKorlt — 60c SV\Vater4s.. 97V 2 — Miscellaneous— &tklnG&E6s — BlklJt'oalCo. — 12 SunstT&T6s — 103 lal Cot Mills. — — Suttor-stR5s.lOV% — 'Chl Dry Dock — — Visalia\VC6s — 92 JEdisonLlght- 95 961/ i stocks— Water— iGasConAssn. — — Contra Costa. 50 — MlawC<fcSCo_ si£ 754 Marin C 0.... — 50 HutchSl'Co.. ' 12y« — San Jose — 100 Jnd«onMfgC. — — Bprn« Valley 9934100 MerKxAssn.lOO — Gas— OceanicSSCo — 23 Capital — 46 :PacAuxFA.. 124 — Central 95 — Pac Borax... 98 100 OakGL&H. 43%- — PacI&NCo. — 30 PacGaslmp. 81 »4 82% Pac Roll Mill 17 — PaclHcLight. 46% — Parf Paint Co — 9 SanFrancsco — 72 : Pac Trans Co — 2514 Stockton — 30 iPacT&TCo. 45 — Insurance—" * :SunsetT«tT. 30 — FlremansFd.lso — (United — 25 • bun -CO- 1 - MORNING SESSIOX. P.oar<l-100 8 ¥ Gaslight, 71%; 5 S V Water, 100: $1000 S V 4% Bonds, 97%. AFTEBXOOJf SESSION. ■ | " Board— so Hutchinson S P Co, 12%: 26 Market- SI Railway, 38. WiJ''li;ilTHittll 1, Street— so Market-st KaUway, 381,4; 10 S V Water, 100. _ • * * — . . Many : persons must have noted : that olives at some hotels are much richer in taste than at the domestic table. The secret of it is that such hotels buy, olives in the small or large keg in the original brine, while the ordinary housekeeper buys olives put up neatly in quart or pint iarscontain ing new brine made for the purpose. Olives look more attractive when bottled in new brine, but in the original brine they far exceed the others in richness and strength. Persons that find them too strong may soak them for an hour or so in clear water. HOTEL ARRIVALS. GRAND HOTEL. (J W Langan. Livermore E Lynch. Cal O Ellsworth, Cal M Diukelspiel, Birds Ldg H Wtuliam, Salinaa W H Heathcote, Cal H Kinasburg. Sacto D Calahan, Martinez H V Meade, Cal J J Brown, Santa Ynez J A Adams, Mont J Prindeville. Liverpool J W Wren. Watsonville Mrs B C Holly, Vallejo Miss Holly, Vallejo X Duncan, Atlanta J C Boss, Santa Cruz L C Caydlcr, Los Angeles B s Polasiin, Cal FA Kirnbal, National Cty Miss Brice, Cal T Hopper A fm. sta Rosa J Walters & w. Watsnvl L Stowe. Chicago Mrs R E Brown, Wdlnd J D Stephens, Woodland Miss X Stephens, Wdlnd Miss J Stephens, Wdlnd 11 11 Park, Muskegon E Seawell, .Samst Rosa R B White ft w. Quincy G Humphreys. N V T C Woodworth, Stocktn Mrs Woodworth. stocktn G P Morden &w, Nebr M Menasses. Stockton F Tarry, Cal J W Bailey, Mass J C Zuck, Gilroy M J Curtis, Sacto Dr A E Osbornc <ft wf, W L Pritcliard, sacto Eldridge C Peterson <k w, Or T L Knock, Willows E U Winship & w, Napa L Roseuthal, Stockton PALACE HOTEL. J P Adair. Chicago H W Tillnre. N V Miss G Allen, Ariz O B Sian'on, Bakersfield D Stoddart, N V A H Maftzer, Riverside J C Brown, England E C Brown, England Mrs McKinnie, Cleveland .1 E French, Cleveland I- L Barley, Denver J L Blinn <fe w, L A F T Rawlin, Nev Mrs F H Meyers, Oaklnd Mrs C Simpkins I> s Rosenbaum, Stocktn Mrs W R Rowland. Los A Miss Rowland, Los Angl Nellie Rowland, Los AngU Rowland, i. Angeles G Straehle, Switzerland C Hirsch, Austria A R Johnson <fe w, Riv- W Hetcalfe <fe w. Pa erside Miss E M Metcalfe, Pa Miss 1 C Chalfant, Pa C H Bennett, Mich F de Wolf, N V F A Downing, Boston Miss Downing, Boston E W Runyan <fc w,R BlfE W P Gould. Sta Barbara J X Choa'te, Denver J)r J W o'l onnor, Colo Mrs Boyce, Cleveland JH Rafferty.N'ew Londn 8 N Rucker, San Jose LICK HOUSE. S H Wood, Suisun H Eiokloff, San Rafael ,H C Goodyear, Benicia C F Hargrave, Napa Rev W Leacock * w.Cal J C Holland, Napa Miss E Leacock, Cal E W Allen, San Jose M iss M Leacock, Cal H S Black, San Jose F H Haich, Agnews Miss C Smith, Salinas J X Hoivghton. Chico E A Winscll & w, Cal B 11 Clark, Carson A G Kollstide, N V A Clark, Forest Hill E C Hamilton, N V J A Ediiuui, Cal W E Emery, Laurel Mrs F Berrlnger. Cal A P Johnson & w, Cal Mrs J B Myton, Pa B P Lewis, Sacramento A L Colion, Mi liiimiltn S Sanganetti, Yallecito G D Darnin, Fulton J L Hudner, Hollisler B V Hardner. Lindsay T C Dishroa &w. N V G C isnyder, Ind A Todhunter. San Carlos O li Rogers, Knrn Co D I) Oliver, Cal Miss Foster. Shasta E Kemm, Loma Prieta F Tracy, Sacramento BALDWIN HOTEL. J Mlnahan, Vallejo T J Crowley, San Rafael C Lycham, N \ J Hnllinan, Maylleld J Adams, Oloma P Klderkin <$: w, Los Ang Ruth Cooper. The Dalles Belle Knyder, Oakland W Clark, w and d, Stktn M Lawrence. LakeTahoe J H Wilson, LnkeTaiioe E W Half, Sacramento R Van der Veer & w,N V H Geist. Chicago F D Cobb. Stockton J Lamb. .San Jose A C Blair, Pasadena G W Stewart, Boston J E Cate, Chicago I£ R Gifford. Auburn NEW WESTERN HOTEL. D H Fitzgerald. San Jose Li'lie Brown. Sonoma T Mason, san Rafael J J Harris, New Orleans R Silmiud »fe w, Boston E Walkins, S.tcrainento J Ellsworth, Brooklyn J J Johnson, Vicksburg J J Lauga, Vallejo J G McConnick, Onio J Donovan, Angel Id B Pet rev, Dennison E Mayorgany, Truckee M Ross," Crockett R Hall, Si James Parish T O'Connell, San Ramon Bello Brown, samola C Ratter. Oakland J Williams. N V Z E Buckler, Santa Rosa SAN FRANCISCO •'CALL.'- BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Calj>— 710 Market street, open until 12 o'clock every night in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— S3O Montgomery street, corner Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock. 339 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. SW. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open until 9 o'clock. 2518 Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. MISSION LODGE NO. 169. F? ft tFJC and A. M.—Stated meeting THIS jf& (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, at 7:30^2f o'clock. C. D. BUNKER. Secretary. A^A K^§=* EXCELSIOR LODGE NO. 166, F~ » EFj*^ and A. M.— Stated meeting THlS_i^ (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, June 5. nt«sf 7:30 o'clock. THEO E. SMITH. Sec. /V^ iKS 3 CROCKETT LODGE NO. 139, F. ft li^y and A. M.—Stated meeting THIS £^ (.WEDNESDAY) EVENING at 8 O'clock. H. FQRTRIKDK, Sec. r^y\ MOUNT MORIAH LODGE NO. m tS^S' 44. P. and A. M.— Stated meeting £\ THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING at B^2f o'clock. THEO FROLICH, Secretary. 'KK^ Bt^=>~lifOJt.SE LODGE NO. 257. I. lit-*' O. O. I".— lnitiation and election vi^s^S& of officers THIS . \VKIi.M->I'A V 1 »«85P EVENING. June 5. All members are "*2ws?f**- requested to be present. Visitors cordially invited. By order, J AS. M. WILSON, N. G. C. Erikd, Rec. Sec. 3l^S=> YERBA BUENA LODGE oSMBUtV*, S-s^ no. 15, I. O. O. F.--All *lf'<'t>on^^s^i^; of officers for the ensuing term ill be -£ssgfEs=3JL- held THURSDAY EVEN June 6. U. S. G. CLII i-ORD, N. G. E. G. Harrison, Recording Secretary. |f-ae» FIIA NCO -AME R I C A INK £<& Lodge No. 207, O. U. F.-< Ifli- g^^S^; cent and members please take notice. SZ&BE^F election of officers next THURSDAY -^7/i\^~ EVENING, June 6. FELIX CANDAU, N.G. Joskph Champion, R. S. BKJp A. 0.H., DIVISION NO. l-TirEfcx=v lEvfi' regular monthly meeting of the above \Jw!w division will be held THIS (WEDNES- % v -jf DAY) EVENING, June 5, 1895, at Hof^^iJßa Mission st., at 7:30 p. m. sharp. Every r S~*£ir member Is expected to attend, as the election of officers will take place for the ensuing year P. LYONS, "President. J. McMahen, Recording Secretary. Btrg=> A. O. H. DIVISION NO. 2-THEfe^SFji t*--" regular monthly meeting of A. O. \\Yo!jf H. Division No. 2 will be held in Drew's . >KA« Hall, 121 New Montgomery St., THlrje^V^S* DAY (Wednesday), at 8 p.m. A full at- «TT2i tendance is requested. BARTLEY LEE, President. P. J. Jlekhan, Secretary. jjFisp AUSTRIAN BENEVOLENT *-*' ciety—Officers and members of tln-sSf^S above-named society ::r>' hereby notified ScJ.JJsP to attend your quarterly meeting on "^asS WEDNESDAY EVENING, June 5. 1895, at 8 o'clock sharp. Every member is requested to be present for important business. By order of N. P. MILLOGLAV, President. August Mikulich, Secretary. lEsp BRICKLAYERS — THE REGULAR !4~J5' meeting of the association will oe held at B'nai B'rith Hall. 121 Eddy st., TH IS (WEDNES- DAY) EVENING, June 5, at 8 o'clock. Picnic, compact with master masons. JOHN CAMPBELL, President. T. Smith, .Secretary. 3»^~g= ANNUAL "meeting— the REGULAR •*--». annual meeting of the stockholders of the Odd Fellows' Hall Association of San Francisco win be held in room No. 1, Odd Fellows' Hall, southwest corner of Market and Seventh streets, San Francisco. Cal.. on TUESDAY, the 11 tli day of June. 1895, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of electing a board of directors to serve for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. DAVIS LOU DERBACK. President. C. F. O'Neii,, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. B^^^MTs^^LtvTr^HTrNETr^EATHs', tb-*^ hand-rubbing for rheumatism and pain. Room 0,110 Sixth st. . jjP^" NOi'ICE —ABANDONED CHILDREN £>-=' in the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum since January 1, 1894: Susan Snyder, age 8 years: Anna Walker, age Byears: Rose Duggan, age 8 years: Mary Duggan, age 7 years: Joseph- ine Fitzgerald, age 10 years; Mary Scully, age 11 years; Elizabeth Scully, age 8 years: Katherine Foran, age 10 years: Anna Foran, age 8 years; MaryForan, age 7 years: Mabel Gaffey, age 13 years; Marie Cavassi. age 10 years: " Victoria Ruiz, age 10 years: Ignatia Rodriguez, age 9 years; Dolores Rodriguez, age 4 years; Mary Downey, age 13 years; Katherine Engelbert, age 7 years; Ornestina. Beyanka, age 10 years; Argentine Beyanka. age 6 years; Adeline Malagamoo, age 10 years: I.oretto Malagambo. age 7 years. Respect- fully, SISTERS OF CHARITY. " i^^^OOMH WHITENED, $1 UP: PAPER- Qr-^y -eds 3 50 up. 309 Sixth. George Hartman. jjfSp BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. ™-*' Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy st., room 6, Tel. 5580. BtE3^~ROOM~S WHITENED, $1 UP; PAPER- <*^_ed S3 up. J. DELKER, 603 Jessie st. SZpS' ALL COURTS— PRIVATE MAT- if^ ten; confidential; advice free. ATTOR- NEY McCABE. 1027 Market st. ■ : BKS=> CHARLES H. PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY- s*~*r at-law and Notary Public, 638 Market st., opp. Palace Hotel. Residence, 1620 Fell st. Tele- phone 570. ■ B^S^-'J.-B. McINTYKE. BOOKBINDER AND tJ^y Printer. 422 Commercial st. SITUATIONS WAMED-FJiJIALE. AT • THE SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BU- -n. reau first-class Swedish and German girls are awaiting situations. 332 Geary st.: telephone 983. L A.?IF^ GET RELIABLE HELP XJ at MRS, t ENTON'S, 106% Stockton st. T ADIES-GOOD SERVANTS, CITY OR COUN^ XJ MME. LEOPOLD'S, 957 Market st. pHAPEROJN. NURSE OR COOK FOR CAMP- V> ing parties. Address W. N., room 18, Twelfth and Mission: sanitarium. > . T^iRST-CLASB LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK W6, Call °r boardln hoUse> Address L., box pOMPETENT PERSON WISHES SITUATION V/to do housework; city or country: 3 years' reference. Call 1000 Washington, cor. Powell. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1895. SITUATIONS WANTED— Continued. BY GIRL TO assist IN~LIGHT™HOL T SE- work. Apply. 132 Church st. V YOUNG IRISH GIRL; PLAIN COOKING or housework: first-class reference. Call 308 Sutler St., room 64. OOD DRESSMAKER (GERMAN) WISHES engagement in American family; good refer- ence. Address MISS KOSTEL, care Girls' Direc- tory, Park aye. and Lott st. YOUNG REFINED CREOLE LADY WISHES X position as housekeeper. Call 865 W .Market St., room 28. top floor. T7URST-CLASS COOK WANTS SITUATION IN X: American family would go in the country. 218 Austin st, near Franklin. p ERMAN GIRL WISHES place with ger- VX man family to do light housework or taKe care of children. 271 Stevenson st. p IRL WANTS PLACE TO DO HOUSEWORK VX or second work; best of city reference. Call 1 Martha pi., bet. Mason and Taylor, off Geary. girl wishes situation to take X care of grown children and do sewing. Call 1 Martha pi., off Geary, bet. Mason and Tavlor. YOUNG GIRL DESIRES SITUATION TO DO X upstairs work, chamberworkorsewing. Address 1 Martha pi., off Geary, bet Mason and Taylor. , r> ESPECTABLE SWEDISH GIRL WISHES XV work part of the day; references. Address W., box 59. this office. LADY WITH FRESH BREAST OF MILK wishes baby to nurse at her home. Address 946 Howard st. * K'tUff^ "POSITION WANTED BY A SMALL GERMAN X girl to assist with light housework. Apply MRS. BENZ, 1623 Powell, top floor: no postals. /GERMAN GIRL WANTS A SITUATION TO VI do cooking and housework: city or country; wages 20. Please address 1000 Montgomery. YOUNG WOMAN WOULD LIKE POSITION; X is good cook: city or country: wages $15. 114 Prospect place, between Powell and Stockton, Sac- ramento and California. DRESSMAKER, FIRST-CLASS FITTER, XJ stylish draper and designer; thorough dress- maker, by the day; 104 Grove. MISS WARWICK. T7IIRST-CLASS COOK WOULD LIKE SITUA- FIRST-CLASS COOK WOULD LIKE of this tion in private family: call until 20th of this month. Inquire 8., 748 Howard st. pOMPETENT ENGLISH COOK; IS NICE \J laundress and baker; will do the work of a family: city or country; moderate wages. Call at 129 Third st. TRONG CAPABLE GERMAN WOMAN, good cook, desires work; Alameda County pre- ferred. Address MRS. KSNEW, 1042 Howard st. youNG GIRL WOULD LIKE to DO ANY X kind of work. 105 Fifth st. V SWEDISH GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework and cooking in American family. Call 23 Decatur st., bet. Seventh and Eighth, Bry- ant and Brannan. p ERMAN WOMAN wishes TO GO OUT BY VX the day ; washing, ironing and cleaning. 637 Stevenson st. , between Seventh and Eighth. YOUNG WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS X housekeeper or typewriter. Call at 620 Market St., room 7, opposite Palace Hotel. 9 RELIABLE GIRLS WISH SITUATIONS TO •^ take care of children; wages $12 and $15. 801 Hyde St., near S utter. BY R ENIFED WOMAN, POSITION AS HOUSI> keeper for widower's family or the same for mining camp; references. Address 88 Ninth St., room 30, from 5 to 7 p. m. YOUNG GIRL WISHES A POSITION TO X wait at table or cashier in coffee parlor. Address 23y 2 Sixth st., room 20. ORPHANS, RESPECTABLE PARENTAGE, 1 3 and 8, for adoption. 1 70 Market, room 96. TRONG YOUNG WOMAN WANTS WORK by the day washing or cleaning or any other kind of work; wages $1. Apply M. P., 864y 3 Mis- sion st. ■ ASTERN GIRL WANTS PLACE TO DOGEN- XJ eral housework. 517 Eighteenth, near Guerrero. YOUNG FRENCH GIRL WISHES A SITUA- X tion as maid, or to take care of children; can teach French and do sewing. Address 35 Hardy St., cor. Sixteenth. YOUNG GIRL WISHES situation to do A housework and plain cooking. Apply 411 Twenty-second st. STYLISH DRESSMAKER: FIT GUAR- anteed; $1 50 per day; cut by tailor system: city or country. Address N. A., Call Branch Office, '-'518 Mission st. Housekeeper;— position desired by young German lady ; city or country. Address 121 Montgomery st.. room 0. "TVRESSMAKER. FIRST CLASS, WISHES XJ work in families or at home; fit guaranteed; prices moderate; references. 621 Ellis st. Gt OOD, RELIABLE WOMAN WISHES SITU A- T tion in the country in boarding-house or ranch ; capable of doing all kinds of work. 230 Eighth St., bakery. ITUATION WANTED BY GERMAN GIRL to do plain cooking and general housework in German family. Address 787 Folsom st. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION TO X assist in housework in Protestant family; is neat, willing and obliging; $8 a month. Address H. M., box 7, this office. STEADY WOMAN WISHES WORK BY THE day washing and housecleaning. 829 Hayes st., near Fillmore. , • ::.•■:, ~\\ IDDLK- AGED AMERICAN WIDOW i'l. wishes a position as housekeeper in widower's family where there are children: capable of super- intending their education and wardrobe; refer- ences "given; Alameda County preferred. J. G., box 22, Call Office. ■ •■ - ASTERN LADY WITH BEST OF REFER- ences as to experience In the line, etc.. would take charge of servants and one or more households during the absence of the family in Europe or elsewhere. Address E. L.. box 65, Call Office. QEC RETARY, REPORTER OR DRAUGHTS- O woman, experienced lady, desires work. MRS. SHELLEY, 2001 Geary st. p ENTLEMEN'S MENDING. 105 STOCKTON vl St., room 78. ESPECTABLE GERMAN WOMAN WISHES a situation to do housecleaning, ironing and washing by the day. Address 16y 2 Sumner st. YOUNG WOMAN WHO WORKS BY THE DAY X wishes a room in small family where baby lVa years old can be taken care of during the day, bet,. Eighth and Twelfth, Howard and Market. Address L. X., Call Branch Office, 339 Hayes s« LAIN SEWING AND GENTLEMEN'S mending at room 20, 325y 2 Bush st. YOUNG GERMAN GIKL WISHES A SITU- X atlon at light housework. Apply 947 Bryant st. A N EXPERIENCED GERMAN COOK AND J\. laundress wishes situation: city or country. Address MRS.REUTER, 808 Sixteenth st., Oak- land, 1 rnRAINED SCOTCH NURSE DESIRES A FEW X more engagements in medicai, surgical or mas- sage treatment; lady or gentleman. Address or call 110 a Hay os st. , YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE TO ASSIST X mornings in return for room and board. Ad- dress Z., box 65, Call Office. RESSMAKER — MAKE DRESSES FOR $2 and up; bouse dress. 75c: children's dresses from 25c up. . 355 Jessie st. p ERMAN GIRL WISHES situation with VI respectable family for upstairs or light house- work. Apply 934 Folsom st. /COLORED GIRL WISHES A SITUATION TO \J assist in housework and baby, or take care of baby: wages $10 to $12. Address E. E., box 147. Call Office". .-■_■>. -- ., ' EFINED LADY" DESIRES POSITION AS housekeeper. Call 1055 Mission st. from 1 to 5. M~~ IDDLE-AGED WOMAN WOULD LIKE PO- sition on ranch or charge small country hotel: Alameda Co. preferred. Call or address "ll2BMs Harrison st 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. MIDDLE-AGED GERMAN WOMAN WISHES situation to do general housework; city or country; wages $8 to $10 month. 622 Howard st. LADY SPEAKING FRENCH AND GERMAN would like to take children to board; mother's care assured; reasonable terms. Apply Call Office. GERMAN WOMAN, AN EXPERIENCED VX cook, wishes a place in a private boarding- house, restaurant or Institute in the city. Address i S. T., box 16, this office. . YOUNG LAJJY WANTS SITUATION AS A housekeeper. Call 113 Fourth st., room 1. t YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE GENTLE- A men's mending. 144 Fifth St., room 6. X\f I DOW, WITH SOME MEANS, WOULD »» like to engage In business with a gentleman. Call 5 Mason st., rooms 3 and 4, first floor. p ERMAN GIRL WISHES TO ACCOMPANY VI family to Europe as nursegirl for free passage; the best of references. Call or address 511 Devisa- dero st. - : SWEDISH GIRL WISHES TO DO GENERAL housework and cooking. Call at 60y» Everett St., bet. Howard and Mission. Third and Fourth. EXPERIENCED GERMAN WOMAN WANTS J2J work by the day of any kind. Call 610 Folsom. YOUNG LADY OF REFINEMENT WISHES X position as governess or lady's companion ; city or traveling; good hand at sewing; vert best of recommendations. Address MISS L. G.TboX 71, this office. , reITs make r— FIRST-CLASS work guaranteed; cutting, fitting and suits made up: goods furnished if desired by MRS. HELENS, 418 Ellis St., room 33, formerly 604 O'Farrell st. YOUNG LADY WISHES GENTLEMAN partner; good paying business. 6 Mason, room 7. LADY WISHES A POSITION TO CARE FOR Invalid while traveling. Call 322 Third St., room 9. "TvRESSMAKER WANTS FEW MORE : EN- XJ gagements; satisfaction guaranted. Call or address 152 Erie st. SITUATIONS WANTED— MALK. W~" ~A3^EiPi^^VD^LY^A^^BiTVA'floS " to work around house and make himself gen- erally useful; city or country; willing to work for $6 a month: In need of a home : references if re- quired. Call or address 1). J. X., 116 Ivy aye., near Polk. •',;'---■- - ( ; •. pOACHMAN, THOROUGHLY EXPERT \J enced in care of horses: good, careful driver; good gardener; can milk, handy with tools; good city references. Address A. S., box 132. Call Office. pOACHMAN (ENGLISH) WHO THOROUGH- \J ly understands his business; understands gar- dening and cows: willing and obliging: first-class references." : Address TED, 1725 Everett st., Ala- lneda, CaL. '; ■ - .< * __SITU ATION S TED— Continued. A MERICAN~MAN^NrJ^vTFE~WANT irrr> -f»- ation on fruit ranch; capable of management; 10 years of practical experience. Address H., box 61, Call Branch Office. Good HOUSE - PAINTER with tools wants work by the day or take contract. W. C, 3021 Pine st. •<..-. ■•■■-■: -■'■ ' pENERAL BLACKSMITH wants SITUA- VT tlon. Address S.. box 49, Call Office. In REMAN WANTS SITUATION. ADDRESS Fireman, box 65, Call Office., T>Y EXPERIENCED STEADY' Al COOK XJ restaurant or oyster-house: city or country. GEORGE ESNEW, 1042 Howard WANTED — WORK BY BLACKSMITH-. I" helper; has experience at shoeing and wagon- work. Address Blacksmith, S. M. A., box 61, Call Office. ' IRISHMAN WISHES SITUATION X with private family, city or Oakland, to care for horses or one or two cows. Address G. F., box 61, Call office. \y\ANTJSD —BY AN ELDERLY MAN, TO »» take care of gentleman's place; is good gar- dener; care of horses and cows if necessary; city or country. Address S. W., 123 Twenty-sixth st. TEADY MAN WANTS POSITION TO WORK O around place: care for horses, garden, milk cows: handy with tools; reference. Address E. H., box 123, Call Office. . \ "DV YOUNG SCANDINAVIAN ON PRIVATE x» place; good reference. Address P. P., box 37, Call Office. STRONG AUSTRIAN BOY, AGE 17, WISHES Uto learn a trade ; blacksmith or plumber. Please call or address R. CUCAGNA, 815 Broadway .| "C'xp~erTen(3ed FURNITURE-MAN in up- XJ holslering. repairing and finishing, wants work by day, month or iob Address MILLER, box 51, Call. Situation wanted BY a MIDDLE-AGED 0 man to make himself useful; city or country; wages no object. Address S. W., box 49 Call Office. "ANTED— WORK BY YOUNG GERMAN »» man in kitchen: make beds or other work. Address H. VIELITZ, 533 Sacramento, room 81. BO V, 19 YEARS OF AGE, OF FAIR EDUCA- Iion, wishes position in grocery store where he can learn the business. Address F. G., 605 Green. YOUNG MAN OF 23, HAVING 1 YEAR'S EX- X perience as blacksmith helper, desires situation where he can finish trade. Address E., box IS), this office. RIVER, FULLY COMPETENT, WANTS position; have reference. Address R., box 49, Call Office. ' t "PAINTER, GRAINER AND PAPER-HANGER X wants job; day or contract; first-class work- man. NORTON, 16 Maria St., off Chesley, be- tween Seventh and Eighth. MAN AND WIFE, IN COUNTRY OR CITY; experienced farmer: position as foreman pre- f erred. Address E.. box 125, Call Office. STEADY MAN WANTS WORK; WILL work for board and room; chores about house, gen- erally useful, handy at anything; references. Ad- dress S. M.( box 22, Call Office. VOUNoTr A RECENTLY FROM X land, wishes situation with private family. Ad- dress 1., box 82, Call, STEADY YOUNG SCANDINAVIAN WISHEB C 5 a place to learn the horse-shoeing trade. Ad- dress \V. C. box 63, Call Office. . " FEMALE HELP WANTED. FRENCH COOK, SMA LL " FAMILY, $25; -L Swedish girl, general housework, easy place, $20; Swedish cook, city, $20: German and Scandi- navian girls for general housework, second work and care of children. Call early at C. R. HANSEN & COS., 110 Geary st. ■ GIRL, good PLAIN COOK, FOR HOUSE- work, 2 In family, near city, $20. see party in our office tr-is morning. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. • •. ■• - ; "I A WAITRESSES FOR SANTA CRUZ, $20; J-\J waitress, assist with chamberwork for mount- ain resort, $20; waitress, country hotel, steady the year round, $25: assistant waitress, summer waitress, see party here; waitress for summer re- sort near city, $20: cook for small boarding-house, $20. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. WAN TED- WAITRESS TO TAKE CHARGE resort, $26; waitress, country • hotel, $25; 2 cooks, small hotels, $25; 2 German and French nurses. $20 and $25; English or German second girl, $25; and a great many girls to till situations in city and country. J. F. CROSETT & CO., 312 Sutter st. ANTED- W AITR E S S, RESTAURANT, country, $25; waitress, city. $4 a week; 3 young girls 10 assist in housework, $10 and $12; French maid and dressmaker, $26. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. '^ CI I A M ls 1 ; RM AID, COUNTRY HOTEL, $20: 2 VJ waitresses, sls; 2 cooks on ranches, $20 and $25; waitress for springs. MURRAY & HEADY, 634 Clay st. ■ pERMAN WOMAN WITH A CHILD, $15; VT restaurant cook, German style, $30: cook and waitress, same hotel, country. $35 and $20; nurse- girl, $15; laundress, $30; 20 housework girls, city and country, $15. $20 and $25. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st., room 2. MEAT SECOND GIRL; GILROY ; $10; FARE 1> paid. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. CH A MB~RRMAiD; $15; LODGING- HOUSE. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton St. "WANTED-4 WAITRESSES FOR FIRST- -11 class summer resort: $20 each. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. HEAD WAITRESS, COUNTRY HOTEL, $25; waitresses, country hotels, $20 and $25, free fare: 3 waitresses for resorts, $20; 6 extra wait- resses for Santa Cruz for 10 days, free fare: girl to assist at housework, no washing, $15. HOTEL GAZETTE, 420 Kearny st. GIRL. CALISTOGA, $20; RANCH COOK, newark: chambermaid, see parties here, re- sort, and other towns; 10 girls, city. MME. LEO- POLD, 957 Market at. COOK," LOS ANGELESTS3OT"OAKLAND, $25; Alameda, $20; Modesto, $30; Valley Springs Camp, $35: Santa Rosa, $25; 2 waitresses, San Rafael. $20: 20 housework girls, $10 to $25. 9 Stockton st. "WANTED— CHAMBERMAID, SAN RAFAEL, " wages $20: Swedish housegiri, $25; 2 German houseglrls, $20: houseglrl for Alameda, $20. Call early at 332 Geary st. . 8 GIRLS FOB HOUSEWORK AND TO AS- sist; wages $10 to $20. MRS. HIRD, 705 Polk. ELDERLY LADY; GOOD BUSINESS QUAL- ities; no capital required; can earn $2 to $3 a day. DR. VAN DER LAB.Capitola Medical Com- pany, 51 Third st., room 12. «■ pERMAN GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- VX work and plain cooking. 723 Bryant St., call between 9 and 10 a. M. YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN TELEGRAPH; J- qualify for good paying positions. California Telegraph Company, Kearny st., entrance 640 Clay. W ANTED-SECOND GIRL TO HELP AT »' housework and mind children: wages $10. Apply 819 Golden Gate aye. xperTencelTcloak operators; good j XH pay. MEYER & MILLER, 121 Post st. ] APPRENTICE ON COATS; MUST KNOW -c*. how to sew. 506 Bush st. . YOUNG GERMAN GIUL WANTED: ASSIST X light housework. 840 Seventeenth St., nr. Noe. C COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUBE- *J work. Call, between 2 and 5, 801 Scott st. mAILORKSS WANTED TO WORK ON FINE ■i- custom coats. 105 Turk st. APPRENTICE GIRL WANTED ON CUSTOM coats. 11 Ellis st. WANTED - YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT housework. Apply at 401 Fillmore at. GIRL, 12 TO 15; GOOD HOME. 812 ELIZA- -1 beth st., west of Castro. WANTED— WAITRESS for restaurant. Call early 3131 Mission st. t .. WANTED-GOOD, QUICK PLAIN SEWER. 108 Fourth st. ■•--:. -...■■ YOUNG, NEAT girl for housework X and plain cooking: 3 adults; $10. Address M., Call Branch Otllce, Sixteenth and Mission sts. ENERGETIC LADIES AND gentlemen for new plan of life, health and accident Insur- ance: salary or commission.- International In- demnity Company, 206 Sansome st. . German" OR SWEDISH GIRL to ASSIST in 1 general housework and cooking. 2327 Bush. PROFESSOR" LIVINGSTON'S DBESSCUT- X t Ing and making school: all branches. 702 Sutter. GARMENTS PERFECTLY COMPLETED VX without trying on; call and test. Lawrence Cutting-school, 1231 Market st. .-■.... CAN HAVE DRESSES CUT AND FITTED / for $3; dresses popular prices or engagements by the day : patterns to measure. . 11 Geary. DE GAUMO'S WONDERFUL FRENCH X/ tailor method of three measures; the only place to learn the true method. of dresscuttlng- complete course $10; lessons given; dressmaking by the week or month: the . latest In basting, bon- ing, skirts, sleeves, collars, revers, etc.; dresses made on short notice: cutting and fitting a sne- clalty. DE GARMO. 219 Powell st. ■ -■ -:£ ; WALK HELP WANTED. SA WMI LL £XbOßelrs7~fl]o7)RM^?~AND lumber-pilers for country sawmill, half 1 fare ad- vanced; blacksmith, country shop, $35; ranch blacksmith $30: 2 milkers, near city, $25: farmer and wife for stock ranch, see party here: chore- man for ranch, $15. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. \\.\ ; . | "VTE AT JAPANESE COOK FOR COUNTRY J-^ club: $25 and found. C. B. HANSEN ACO 110 Geary st. • \ r * _ TT COOK, $75; SECOND COOK. BEST AU- JJ. rant, $50; broiler, restaurant, $50; German cook for a saloon, country, $50. C. B. HANSEN & CO.. 110 Gearyst. . V .- pOLORED BUTLER AND ATTEND DOCTOR'S office: $30 a month and found. C. B. HAN- SEN & CO., lip Geary st. COACHMAN, WITH GOOD REFERENCES" yj for private family; country; $30 to $35. C. B. HANSEX & CO.. 110 Geary St. HOTEL MANAGER, WITH CALIFORNIA experience, fora resort; $125. C. B. HAN- pEN & CO., lip Geary at. rp E A M STERS AND LABORERS FOR RAIL- x road work; free fare. BC. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary at. .•.•..,■'-■:• . ■ .' .■".'-• 1 0 ROCKMEN, DRILL AND HAMMER MEN, XVf near city; $1 75 to $2 a day. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. lip Geary at. * -^ .:;-.- BAKER AND PASTRY COOK; HOTEL; CITY: 540. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. HELP WANTED— Contlnned. •1 A LABORERS FOR MILL AND WOODS, $20 -LU and board; planerman, $35; 2 crosscut saw- yers, $1 75 a day; tim her- feller, $40 and board; second feller, $32 50 and board; logway man, $1 50 a day: 2 woodchoppers, oak and redwood, $1 50 and 80c a cord: 5 tiemakers, 10c a piece: third baker, country, $25; milker and chores, $16. RJIVWARD A CO , 608 and 610 Clay st. WANTED — MACHINE BLACKSMITH FOR » ' Central America, $7 day silver, and carpenter, same place, $6 day silver. Apply to J. F. CROSET r & CO., 628 Sacramento st. .. ANTED — DAIRYMAN, S2S; FARMERS, SI day and $25 month; choremau for ranch, $15; nurseryman, $35; plain painter, $1 day and found: camp blacksmith, $30 and found; 2 coopers, $30 and found and increase: quarry man, laborers and millmen, $1 60 to $1 75, part fare advanced; second cook, $50: bakers and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT CO., 628 Sacramento st. X LABORERS, $25 AND FOUND, 10 MONTHS' v work; 3 farmers, $20 and $25: choreman to milk. MURRAY A READY, 634 Clay st. 1 a HOTEL AND RESTAURANT COOKS, $35, -LU $40 a^d $50: 3 waiters. 2 dishwashers, Japan- ese dishwasher, $15; laundryman, night cook, $30; ranch cook for 3 men, $15. MURRAY & READY, 634 Clay st. " BAKER SECOND-HAND SHOP NEAR CITY, $30 and found ; line tender for a sawmill com- pany: 3 coopers, 7c barrel, slack work ; charcoal ; burner. MURRAY & READY, 634 Clay st. : 3 CARPENTERS-NEAR CITY. MURRAY & 0 READY, 634 Clay si. ANTED — SHINGLE SAWYER, $35, found; boy, pack shingles. $20, found; wagon- maker for country shop; farmers, laborers, team- sters, cooks, waiters and dishwashers. W. D. EWER & CO., 626 Clay st. i ANTED — A YOUNG MAN TO WASH ! • » dishes and do general work in restaurant; $20 and found. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sut- ter st. ' ■ ANTED— FRENCH MEAT AND PASTRY cook, $70; French and Spanish cook, $50; gardener, $30: 2 German cooks for extra,s3 a day, etc. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. ' - j SECOND COOK WHO CAN MAKE PASTRY, $35. HOTEL GAZETTE. 420 Kearny St. yOUNG MEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPHY; X qualify for good paying positions. California Telegraph Company, Kearny st. entrance 640 Clay. "WANTED— STRONG BOY TO MAKE HIM- ™» self generally useful wages $5 pen'week. L. V, MERLE, cor. Kearny and Commercial sts. ANTED — GOOD AND RELIABLE MAN for well-paying business; small capital re- quired. 539 California st. ANTED — COUPLE FOR LARGE FRONT room : nicely furnished : 2 beds in room ; $ 2 per week. 564 Mission st., bet. First and Second. "1 C ITALIANS AS LABORERS, ROCKMEN, -L«J $1 75 per day; country; half fare. 61 Third St., room 12. OOK WANTED, $35 A MONTH. MERZ'S hotel, 1807 Halght st. ;V"OUNG BOY TO HELP IN KITCHEN. 739 i- Fourth st., corner Berry. WANTED— $2. 7A. M., 1909b McAllister st. PRESSER ON CUSTOM COATS. 107 FIFTH X st., in the rear. OY TO HELP IN GARDEN. APPLY, BE- fore 8, 621 O'Farrell st. ■ :■;.■, -,:■• D^ ISHWA.SHER; ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS _ short-order cooking. Apply 1934 Market st. pLOTHING-C UTTER. 20 SANSOME ST. GOOD BARBER WANTED. 100 POWELL street. I .>.-•• STEADY BARBER FOR EVENINGS, SATUR- day and Sunday. 1041 Valencia st. WANTED— DISHWASHER, $10 MONTH »t and room. 511 Valencia st. ANTED-A GOOD GRAINER AT 708 Front st. ::-. : ;i'-i>: J" " IVE MEN, CITY OR COUNTRY, TO SELL -i new summer article pay $3 50 day. Call or ad- dress C. P. CO., 328 Seventh st.. S. F. ANTED- AN INTELLIGENT STEADY man with »300 as partner in an established commission business to do some plain writing, col- lect, etc.: $100 monthly. A. 8., box 22, Call. ANTED— RELIABLE MAN FOR SALOON; advertiser must attend other business: can clear $75 per month: $150 required. Apply this day, JOHN LUNDIN, 539 California st. 00 iT BARBER-SHOP FOR SALE. apply this office. TEA i)Y"~MAN; LIGHT INDOOR WORK, $80 month; must have $150 cash. 30 Kearny - St., room 6. ■ "WANTED— MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP »" steam beer, sc: bottle wine, sc. 609 Clay st. OR SALE — BARBER - SHOP; 2 CHAIRS. Inquire grocery-store, cor. Twenty-eighth and Dolores sts. EN'S SHOES V2-SOLED, 40c: HEELS, 25c; done in 15 minutes. 635 Kearny st., basement. ANTED-GOODMOLDER. V. VASILESKI, sculptor, 818 Lacuna st. T7<IRST-CLABS BARBER-SHOP FOR SALE; Jj account of sickness. Apply Call Office. . ANTED -^GENTS' FURNISHING goods man. 30 Steuart st. p ENTEEL BOYS TO SELL CANDY, BOOKS vX on train. Apply 6 Sacramento st., room 3. "DARBERS— GOOD-PAYING 15c SHOP FOR J3 sale; a bargain; other business cause selling. DECKELMAN BROS., 106 Ellis St. W" ANTED— BOY TO WORK IN A BAKERY. A pply at 444 Hayes. "OARBER'S SHOP; 2 CHAIRS; 3 FURNISHED Xj rooms; cheap. 1155 Howard st. DISHES CONSTITUTE THE best ioc 4 dinner on earth at 44 Fourth st. "W ANTED— LABORERS and mechanics T? to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third st.; 150 large rooms : 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week. ANTED-MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE their wages to place accounts with us: law and commercial collection ; no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY, 110 Sutter St. Pi A A PAIRS MEN'S GOOD SHOES, 25c TO $1. O\J\J 562 Mission St.: also 6311/2 Sacramento st. pUTTERSAND TAILORS TO ATTEND THE \J S. F. Cutting School, 12 Montgomery, rms 8-10. ANTED— SEAMEN FOR ALL PARTS OF the world. Apply 228 Pacific st. -"DARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. X> Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. WAKE THE DEAD — WENZEL'S ALARM clock no electricity. 607 Montgomery si. EMOVED 706 TO 726%, OPP. HOWARD- Xt st. Theater: also 116 to 418 Fourth St.; best place in the city for new and second-hand shoes. ANTED— SINGLE ROOMS, A DAY; $1 week; rooms for two, 25c a day, $1 60 a week; reading room- daily papers. 8« Clay st. HAT CHEER HOUSE, 629 SACRAMENTO St.; 100 outside rooms: best spring beds; single rooms 20c a day, $1 a week ; meals, 10c. HOES HALF-SOLED IN 15 MINUTES while you wait at half usual price. 959 Howard. 1 HO, MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 15c JXfvJ and 20c a night, including coffee and rolls. 624 Washington St., near Kearny. INDELL HOUSE, 6TH AND HOWARD— -Li single furnished rooms, 75c week, 16c night. HOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES: O done while you wait: at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price; work guar- anteed. 662 Mission st,., bet. First st. and Second st. BEST IN CITY— SINGLE ROOMS, 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night; 81, $1 25, $1 50 per week. Pacific House .Commercial and Leldesdorff sts. Ml Ellis .ROSEDALE— PRICES REDUCED; O^J-L single furnished rooms, $1 week ; 20c night. Try ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- -I. low Sixth, fora room: 25c night; $1 week. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA-THE V-J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United .States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. ■ - ■ __^ AGENTS WANTED. ANY MAN OR WOMAN CAN MAKE $50 PER week sure; best sellers on earth: ornamental, useful, necessary; everybody buys them. ALU- MINUM NOVELTY CO., 1008 Market st. 0 ALESMAN— DRUG TRADE, SIDE LINE OR O otherwise. J. Knight, 225 State St., Racine, Wls. W ANTED TO-DAY— 2 LIVE CANVASSERS •» to introduce horse and stock book. ED- WARDS 7 City Hall avenue. SOOSIS WANTED. "\7-OUNG MAN WORKING NIGHTS WISHES X to get room with private Protestant family where he can be called at any hour of the day. Ad- dress A., box 122, Call Office. T^ICELY FURNISHED ROOM, BY YOUNG -»-' gentleman, bet. Market, Taylor and Geary sts. Address N. F., box 112, Call Office. "WANTED— TWO OR THREE ROOMS, UN- '» furnished, with yard, within four blocks City Hall; »l 4 to $18. 1431 Howard. WANTED— MIS UELLANEOUB. KLEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PRICES for clothing, books and jewelry, ostal. LOST. T OST— CEBTIFICAThToF^DEPOSIT 'NO. 12^ J^t 696 on Crocker- Woolworth Bank, issued August .-JO, 1894: payment has been stopped. Re- turn to F. C. P., 301 California at., and receive re- ward. - r .r ■ ... . . ■ . • - f- \r T j i? T OAT AND HAT ON TENTH ST.. , ** . MlBsl and Howard. Finder will be re- warded by returning same to 9 Geary st., room 5. M A a ? O i J iSJ CEYSTONK : NAME JEREMIAH M- SCHOENFELD; liberal reward. 2013 PlneT L°M «£7 A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA -«-^ Havings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in 233 a Th <^ARENCE P. MILLER, No 201°- £33. The finder will please return to bank. * Tj°.oIT BIjACK CAPE; VICINITY, TWENTY" aecond at. Return 1425^ Valencia for reward. L^lwL^I SHOOK WITH THii HIBERNIA O - 187 - U25 - - return to bank. L ( wWte^£ VY f 5 ~ A L i GHT -I»AY HORSE, WITH reward nnh? Mt and wnite star on face; suitable rBTh; d na n M h l 1 , S slo ce n U Bu.8 u. l ° SCH WARTZ * HUSINg! BUSINESS CHANCES^ _ ..-^^. P^ ROLL A STKNBFfRr4 Tl9 MAR X E T near Third, sell or exchange businesses, fur- nished houses, orchards, vineyards, San Francisco, • Alameda and Oakland property; scud particulars; all applications for sales promptly attended to. • ' PROLL & STEN'BERO. 719 Market street. ■\T UST SELL ON ACCOUNT OF DEPARTURE— I*l Big-paying bakery: 2 horses, wa«cn, large cus- tom trade: uses 4 barrels flour daily. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. ■ "dTfrfnTrFOß GROCERY. BAR; GOOD STOCK; <p I UU fixtures: old established place: sickness. PROLL & STENBER&. 719 Market st. _» rt X. A CORNER GROCERY AND BAR;' <jPt/Ql7. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market St. ~CU rjf\(\ FINEST ATIONER V, NOTION, CAN- »Jp I UU. dy store: two agencies: fixtures and stock worth money asked: present owner 3 years; departure- PROLL-STERNBERG, 719 Market, st. <_• 1 OAA FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT ON tjPXOUU. Market St.: fixtures worth price asked: big inducement; bargain. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. <Bi >A f\f\ CIGAR STORE NEAR MARKET: »t7"±UU. popular stand in business center; clears $150 month: easily run; selling account departure. PROLL & STENBERO. 719 Market st. ififi OLD-ESTABLISHED CORNER SA- »JpttUU. loon: business center; sacrifice; must sell account other business: trial; full Investiga- tion allowed: don't miss it. PROLL <fe STEN- BERG, 719 Market st. /| A ACRES VALUABLE FRUIT LAND, BEST -TV/ location, will exchange for mercantile busi- ness in San Francisco or good country town. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. C_ Q^vfk COFFEE PARLOR; NEAR KEARNY, *iD_jUU. off Market: old-established; receipts $15 daily; trial and full Investigation allowed: owner must sell on account of departure. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR A MAN WITH $300 to buy interest in well established cash business; full investigation allowed: references ex- changed. PROLL <fc STENBERG, 719 Market St. FOR SALE — FINE GROCERY AND BAR; good business; splendid location: large stock and fine fixtures. Inquire JOHN REIDY & CO., 19 Sixth. ' ■_ « OJ»>A?v FINE CORNER BAKERY: DOING »4P«JUU. an excellent business: horse and wagon; splendid location. See JOHN REIDY, 19 Sixth st. pONFECTIONERY AND ICECREAM PAR- \J lors in the vicinity of Baldwin Hotel: doing a good business; handsomely fitted up; selling on account of sickness: price $1600. Apply W. F. HEALY & CO.. 23 Kearny st. RARE CHANCE; $4000 WILL BUY THE EN- XV tire interest of the finest and leading store on the coast in that especial line; well and newly stocked and doing a fine and still growing business in the city of Oakland; only reason for disposing of same owner compelled to go to Europe; no agents. Apply in person to V. P. MITCHELS, Fourteenth street and Broadway, Oakland. 01900 PARTNER WANTED IN LIGHT *iP^j\j\J. business: proprietor been in business over 18 years; has trade of nearly all leading mer- cantile houses of the city: no night or Sunday work; must be satisfied with $18 to $25 per week. 6 Stockton st.. room 1, top floor. ' ri r ANTED— TO PURCHASE AN INTEREST *" in a paying country weekly newspaper, Re- publican or independent in politics. Address, with full particulars, price, terms, etc. A. M., box 77, Call Office. "I^URNISHED FLAT AND RESTAURANT; X 1 great sacrifice: doing good business. For par- ticulars call J. J. HAVES, 2942 Mission st. BEER-BOTTLING ESTABLISHMENT: DO- ing a fair business. For particulars apply sa- loon NE. cor. O'Farrell and Powell sts., 11 and 12 A. M. JAS. GARRITY. ffi» 100 WANTED— PARTY TAKE CHARGE «[P-IV/V^. laundry office; $12 per week and com- mission; references required. Apply 1001 Market st*, room 1. F~ (3R~ SALE— FRUITSTORE, HORSE, EAR- ness and wagon. Inquire 1209 Turk st. XV ANTED— GOOD PAYING BAKERY IN ' » country. 8., Call Branch, 717 Larkln st. pESTAURANTMUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK: XV no reasonable offer refused : sickness the cause for quick sale. Apply Call Office. "\Ar ANTED— PARTY TO INVEST $300 IN Es- »» tablished office business; clearing $75 to $150 per month: money secured. 873ya Market st. W ANTED— NEAT. INTELLIGENT LADY (30 » » to 45 years of age) to travel in the country, ac- I companied by gentleman, with horse and buggy, selling goods to ladies; pleasant, respectable and profitable business: no previous experience re- quired; one with small capital preferred. Address, giving age and previous occupation, Business, box 122 Call Office. INE FOR SALE; ORE YIELDS FROM $5 to $10,000 per ton; enough ore for 50 years without sinking a shaft for 50-stamp mill. Call or 1 address G. Krauss, Ahlborn House, 319 Grant aye. J PAYING SALOON BUSINESS; BEST TOWN near San Francisco; receipts from $15 to $50 a day: billiard tables, safe, furniture: easy terms. C. K. KING. 902 Broadway, Oakland. GjOOr BRANCH BAKERY. CIGARS, CAN- tJP__«J. dies, with 3 rooms. See BUCHANAN & CO., 766 Market st. PARTNER IN ONE OF THE BEST- <nD± I *J. paying saloons south of Market. 249 Third St.; no agents. ~ ! — . ffifXAA A BARGAIN; FIRST-CLASS >3)tJ\J\J. saloon: large family trade; must be sold to-day; Investigation invited. Address 309 Fifth St., room 9. ffl! QflOO SALOON ON MARKET ST., NEAR iTOUWU. Baldwin: good stock; finest fixtures; $40 dally income: this is positively the biggest bargain ever offered; will take half cash. See SMITH, HUBER A CO., 1001 Market st. IpORSALE— FRUIT AND CANDY STAND IN- side depot, cor. California st. and Central aye. p OOD- PAYING RESTAURANT; OLD ESTAB- lishment on city front must sell this week on account of departure; no reasonable offer refused. Apply at once 232 Third st. pERMAN WIDOW WISHES PARTNER IN VX restaurant; $125. Apply this office. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND GRILL WORK and locksmith shop; good location; sale ac- count of departure. 669 Howard st. .■ -. P ARTNER WANTED BY KNOWN X bu'eher to open shop; good butcher known in city preferred : small capital. Apply 916 Bryant. rpo RENT— JUANITA HOTEL, COMPLETELY X furnished; reasonable terms to right party. Ad- dress immediately W. M. HATFIELD, 326 San Pablo aye., Oakland. GJOwA SALOON; CHEAPEST PLACE ON <fl)i_OVJ. waterfront: rent $25. 4 Washington st. PARTNER (ACTIVE Sit SILENT) OLD- L established business in city. P., box 79, Call. "I7IOR SALE — VARIETY BAZAAR: ESTAB- -C lished 15 years; for sale cheap; account death proprietor; living rooms. Apply 204 Fifth st. after 12 p. m. (tKPIA RARE OPPORTUNITY: COFFEE tffJUtJV.and chop house; best location: will prove to clear $150 per month; trial given till sat- isfied; must sell account of death. SMITH, 1001 Market. IpOR SALE-$250; DELICACY STORE STOCK X I and fixtures 3 rooms; fine location for ice cream and candy; must be sold no reasonable of- fer refused; great bargain. 618 Geary. 019000 PARTNER WANTED IN A BIG is)+j\J\'\J. laundry, dyeing and cleaning estab- lishment; a great bargain for the right party. In- quire 11 Fair aye., junction Valencia and M*iss!on. OOD PAYING SALOON; SPLENDID \J tion near railroad depot; 636 Third st. • cheap ' rent. * ?'.7 j <|I» PvOOO INTERIOR AGENCY OF THIS PA- | «JPOUVJU. per; pays over $200 per month; sick- ! ness cause of selling. Apply this office. fItOXA SINGLE LADY. GOOD COOK, WANTS ' flrOOyJ. partner in old-established restaurant- i no experience required: must tend to cash and i look after help. Apply room 1, 1001 Market st. OL D-E T ABLISHED SALOON ; GOOD om^u, n S c: must be sold on account of sickness. WANTED — STEADY SHOEMAKER TO _»» start repairing-shop; no opposition. 744, ! Fourth st. PARTNER WANTED-LADY OR GENTLE- I X man with means; respectable lucrative busi- I ness. 212 Eddy st., room 46. p ROCERY AND BAR DOING GOOD BUSI- i VX ness: on corner; 6 living-rooms; large yard- low rent; to be sold at sacrifice on account of 111 health. Apply 501 Seventh St., cor.- Bryant. A 1 RETAIL MILK ROUTE FOR SALE; .T^te_ n io3, < g|-fo_a?. ; IMto * p * 1> »**• Address $650 Jf O . B3rEU GROCERY AND BAR; 4 I «_SUUV. living-rooms; in Mission; doing good ! business: kept by owner of building; wants to re- ; tire. LOOM IS & CO., 873 1/2 Market st. SVn' 0 ,' >N I;,','! 1 , ! ?AJJE"eHEApTCHEAP RENT. VJ Inquire 2002 Union st. O LD ESTABLISHED SHOESTORE; HAVING V/ good custom trade: owner wishes to retire from business. Apply to LOUIS BLANCHETTE, 304 Hayes st. pHANCE TO GO IN GROCERY BUSINESS ; \J at invoice; 1 wagon, almost new. 1142 Folsom. j T HAVE, SHORT DISTANCE FROM CITY, 8 X acres fitted for raising poultry and 73 acres . grain land: will rent as a whole or separate: $150 i besides rent required: rent cash. Call between 10 \ and 12 and 5 and 7. WILSON, 112 Eighth st., city. . I U N CH AN D COFFEE PARLOR, 1 BLOCK x- off Market st , for sale at a sacrifice; owner j having other business must sell at once. Parlor, 1 box 112, Call Office. OPPORTUNITY: RARE CHANCE ! XJ for the right man with a few thousand dollars : capital; can become a partner In first-class cash : business. Address S. M., box 27, this office. j OR SALE— RESTAURANT ON BUSH ST., bet. Kearny an.l Montgomery. For particulars apply to LANDRY C. BABIN. 413 Kearny st. GOOD PAYING STATIONERY, NEWS j : candy and toy store, for sale. 1650 Polk st. j <Jj» "I (inn • half ca sh, b a lance INSTALL- j «n>IOUU. ments: business pays $I<s month; right man can easily increase it to $500 or more. Inquire CURTIS & BOWLEY, 32 second floor, Mills building. ' '■ t SALE-GOOD INSIDE ROUTE ON THIS -T paper. Apply 1404 Ellis st. TADY- WANTS PARTNER: SOME CAPITAL; XJ good business.- Room 33. 418 bills st. THIRST-CLASS SALOON AND LIQUOK-STORE Jf on Market st. Address P., bo* 19, this office. ■RUTCHER BUSINESS FOR SALE IN COUN- X) try. Address T. 8., box 63, Call Office. _ ! CnA^ICKS-Con^^^ " dill HA CORNER GROCKIVY~ITrr-~^ » - &IxUU. with 3 living-rooms; rent s^n B « AR - , class location: good-paying place, wirl-i- V u ; Kearny St.. room 4. •-»._, 235 . iTOOOTstaiid-^lin^. Sl_> - and wagon: rent $60 for stall; elear-ittVn" 8 - month. WILKE, 235 Kearny, room 1 " per 1 00 RAKE R V : LKA DIxG~T?fpKp— . «JpJUU. horse and wagon; living room. hF: ; $30: store trade $18; uses 8 barrels Horn- ' ;r' nt , j Particulars WILKE, 235 Keary, room 4? '"' r day ' -/I 900 at-ne-f Examiner; bl / *3P±_:UU. St., near Examiner; billiards , J« r . board; lease; rentsloo: other business ai'i, c * : great bargain. WILKK, 235 Kearny! ro.m? S" tn ' B 1 "<J_7O.O PORK AND ~ DELICACY — srTiTTvr ; «lf i Vi). sixth St.: 4 living rooms; rent *'», h e X ' tablished many years; guaranteed toi e_r _it£ ; per month. WILKE, 235 Kearny, room IM ' a <]J» e.f\n. CANDY-STORE AND ki, ■.■-... t OUU . parlors: best business location • ( 'i,.,; ,, r ly furnished: rent $25; complete candy *klt Cl^,: 7' sacrificed if taKen to-day. lI. KK. 380 K«_ r s "\f UST BE SOLD AT ONCE; bTostTTyT^F :. 1U hverj- stable in town; 30 boarders- 25 liv.™ horses: backs, buggies, etc.; centrally lo<_te7 - low rent; this is a tine opportunity to «et a _(Jli t p u _Tbori?7," i h i is ii xr i '' cipais " oi ' ! >- -■ $4600. laVK Mvx : HALKINT! <I)_tUUU. established t; years. \ B box <M» - this office. ' ' ov > ■ Q(U\ COFFEE AND LUNCH ROOMS Wl • tJDDU 2 Hying rooms. Apply 529 c Hayes st - <th4oo STORK SFORg BALE - BIG t STOCK , rID-iUU. notions, cigars and candies- also Vok s fountain, shelving and counters; 4 farnli : rooms; rent $18; going south. 34ii/ 2 Fifth st 8 OOD PAYING RESTAUrXxt AND SA~ . loon: sale on account of departure; good pros- [ pect of business increasing. Address W., box 29 1 infill vJtIlC6> • pROCERY AND BAR FOR" SALE- L\RP,V • T trade: well located. Inquire this offlce. '• pHEAPEST AND BEST IN __£ERICA-"thK c KJ WEEKLY CALL, sent to any adcir Vln ' United States or Canada one year for Si 50 n«_r - ag free. ' >uou " J ______==____________r=- = r--— == : ' LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. - 15 oo "msV TAYLOR ST.- i IOERM % OM\.t. furniture: folding beds; clears $55 net! x $800—42 rooms; good location; rent $95; SU b- A ; stantial furniture; make offer. $700— Boarding and lodging house; 10 rooms- - near Butter; rent $45; 25 steady boarders. - SPECK & CO., 30 Montgomery st. 1 T7LEGANT FURNISHED HOUSE 6 ROOMS- ' JCj parlor, 3 bedrooms. 2 kitchens; rent $16; two I rooms pay the rent. 427 Natoma st. . UTTERFIELD (WILLIAM), AUCTIONEER; J XJ bargains in lodging-houses. Crocker building. ; FURNITURE FOR SALE. • EDROOM SEtT^II^ pTrTTN^^rAiBLKS* ; XJ $2 15; Roxbury Brussels, 75c laid: oilcloth, • 2Oc : open evenings. SHIREK, 1310 Stockton st. HG. krasky, CARPETS, pictures," . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices; Oal. . stepladder manufactdfor the trade. 779 Mission. 1 pUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPET.-* > \J this week at McCABE'S, 948-950 Mission st. ■ p EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AND 1 -IV second hand; 400 carpets, good as new; oil- ' cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c; 7-plece chamber suits, $14 50; cornice-poles, 25c; . ranges, $6; cash or Installments; goods shipped . free. T. H. NELSON, 126 Fourth st. FURNITURE WASTED. 1 ■DUTTERFI^Lb?" AUCTioNEER, 16 M IrA ; XJ lister St.— Specialty, buying furniture of houses. JC. MUTHER, THE AUCTIONEER. BUYS furniture at highest cash prices. 5 Fourth st. . CAKFKTS. BRUSSELS, 45c, LA I dT^OJCBUR Y~BRU* - XJ sels, 75c. laid; linoleum, 40c; heavy oilcloth, ' 20c: open evenings. SHIP. XX. 1310-1312 .Stockton. > —————————————— -»»—-———————_»_, CARPET CLEANING. I p^R^E^S^H^R^UGin?Y^L^AI?E^~AI?D \J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON <& ■ CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. . XTATIONAL CARPET BEATING AND RENO- -Li vating Works, HAMPTON & NINAN; laving I and altering. '313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission *244. • pITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AN D . \J Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. G. I'.^ - STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. ■ T : \\THEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH » TT poor work send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Ca- r' j pet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama; tel. So-40. CON KLTN'S CARPET BEATING WORKa 333" ) Golden Gate aye. ; telephone east 126. \ rpHE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING . J. Co. (incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines: cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. J~ " MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN 7 . ovating works. 453 Stevenson : tel. 3228. C CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE tt 1. EKLY CALI " sent to any address in the united States or Canada one year for $1 60, post- _________ „ _____ ■O-DICASn A SURE AND SAFE CURE FOR ALL FE- male diseases; ladies may have the benefit of the skill and attention of a physician of long and successful practice; a home In confinement with best possible care, with the privacy of a home and the convenience of a hospital; those who are sick or discouraged should call on the doctor and state their case, they will find in her a true friend all consultation free and absolutely confidential: a positive cure for the liquor, morphine and tobacco habit; every case guaranteed without injury to health. MRS. DR. GWYER, 226 Turk St., bet. Jones and Leavenworth. I RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, GOUT— SPE- X\i c;al attention given to these diseases. J. A. Mo DONALD, M.D., 1236 Market st. Hours 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. DAUDET'S APHRO TABLETS— THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, impctency, aud all disorders of the sexual organs- sl a box; 6 boxes $5; send for circular. J. H WIDBER, cor. Market and Third, sole agent. ALL IRREGULARITIES RESTORED IN A few hours; no instruments: French remedies guaranteed at any time; consult free. MRS DR WYETH, sanitarium 916 Post St., bet. Hyde and Larkin. ALL LADIES IN TROUBLE CONSULT TnK " only reliable specialist in San Francisco; In- stant relief: $500 paid for any case I cannot cure- board: skillful attention during confinement; spe^ cial attention to diseases of the eye- advice free- confidential. MRS. DR. SCOTT, 110 Va Turk st. ' ANEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE, INSTRU" ments or worthless pills used: every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what cause; restores always in one day- it you want to be treated safe and sure call on men's physician knowledge can be sent and used at home- all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st! MRS. Dk. WEGENER, PRIVATE HOME for all female diseases; separate homes for la- dies before and during confinement; have enlarged and arranged my home to suit rich and poor; ir- regularities cured in a day : guaranteed ; no instru- ments: regular physicians of long and successful practice: travelers attended: no delay: all business strictly confidential ; babies adopted. 419 Eddy st. POSITIVE, GUARANTEED CURE FOR IrT , X regularities; used for years in private practice , with invariable success even in most aggravated cases; easy to take; perfectly natural in action; no pain, exposure or danger; cures in two days- ; sent securely sealed On receipt of $3 or C. O. D : I strictly confidential. Address DR. J. MILTOV I BERGETOLE, P. O. box 2223, S. F. ■ , DR. AND MRS. DR. SCHM I FORMERLY' of 12111^ Mission, now 1508 Market st. : month- J y irregularities cured In a few hours; guaranteed; 1 no instruments used : sure preventive. DAUDET'S APHBO TABLETS— THE great modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, Impotency and all disorders of the sexual organs; $1 a box, 6 boxes $5; send for circular. J. H. ; WIDBER, cor. Market and Third, sole agent. RS. GOOD NTS PEC I ALT v'DISE AS ES Ot^ women; ladies near or far assured quick relief • i of disease; irregularities restored daily; safe cure " i guaranteed; no instruments; home in confine- \ ' ment: best skill: low fees: pills $2. 1370 Market. .* D" B.HAI_UI-MCA t__ISTER, SECOND FLOOR," next Hiljernia Bank: diseases of women. I T>RIVATK HOME~IN COXFTxE.M KNT; GER- -1 X man midwife. MRS. POWELL, 1310 Mission. : AJICE PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT , i.i at the most reasonable price in the city. MR.S, I M. PFEIFFKK, midwife, 2014 Folsom st. ALL LADIES CONSULT~FREE MRS.~Dh7 DA VIES, 14 McAllister St., near Market- I leads all competitors; only qualified. trusty spe- ! cialist for safe, quick relief of irregularities, no . i matter what cause: treatment scientific, harmless and painless: never falls: home in confinement. , TF IRREGULAR OH ANY FEMALE DISEASE X see Mrs. Dr. I'uetz and be content. _54.y 2 4lh. ~a"IPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS. T~, ! __. A boon to ladies troubled with Irregularities- -1 no danger; safe and sure; $2 60, express CO D • ' '■■ don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS- Oak- , land. Cal. agents jor Alpeau et Vie. __ ________ __ __ OENTISis,. D""KT?iEoIU,E W?^LjaBKr*TJB« OJCNUUfi Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction I and patentee of improved bridge work or teeth, I without any plate, moved from 6 to 20 O'FarreJl st. j R. J. J. LKEK, 1 FIFTH-OPEN EVENING.-*,' XJ and Sunday until uoon. j A t~chaTfants's,B_iason,cor. market" 1 X\. sets of teeth are made to please or no charge : i on bridges, crowns and gold plates prices reduced 1 ; small gold fillings only $2: painless extraction. ' i pROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 M \ R." \J ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, gas specialists: only'reu- ame agent for painiess extraction: artificial teem frni ; fillings from $1 ; extracting 50c, with gas *_ DR. RE A, 9 SIXTH ST.: ALL DENTAL \ at lowest prices ana warranted ; open evening* ! <D*7 A SET FOR TEETH: WARRANfED~A^ |j^n__?£r2Si. SKS55fc Ke*** DR. H. G. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEKtw" ? without plates a 1841 Polk «- DR. LUDLUM HILL, 1443 M\UKKtTt" near Eleventh ; no charge for extracting whl^ plates ar« made; old plates mwin over llteCw teeth from $8 per set: eitraattaj 50c ° gas K l ve° CtOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION MaiTTT ; ket 8U DR. CHARLES W. DKCKEB.