Newspaper Page Text
CITY REAL, ESTATE. , , GhTumisen & co^ ■• " < REAL ESTATE AGENTS, RENT COLLECTORS « ! AND AUCTIONEERS, ' ' Office and Salesroom, \ 14 Montgonery St., near Market, San Francisco. ' Call and ibtaln one of our "Real Estate Records," i which conains a list of properties for sale in all < parts of city. __ " '-T/C 1 IMPROVED PROPERTY. CM a n\n corner ON HYDE ST.: nice ■ «5) XT:.IA/V'. residence of 9 rooms, etc. ; lot 60 _71:3: i>-rt of the lot vacant: both streets ac- j cepted'bythecity. , _»1 1 'AA MISSION-ST. BUSINESS PROP- <Sxi..3Uu. erty; 2 houses and lot 45x122:6. AOOrA GILBERT ST.: BAY-WINDOW 1 tJpZZw. cottage of 6 rooms; lot 25x80. : _>O"_n A BARGAIN; A NEARLY NEW »S^OVU. bay-window cottage of 5 rooms and bath- sDne walks; brick foundation, etc.: rents for $26. month; near several lines of cars; lot ' *J5xlOU York St.; ea3y terms. d£Ci(\[\f\ A NICE 2-STORY. BAY-WINDOW . «^O'KJU. residence on Guerrero st.; street ac- ■ ceptedby the city; well located; lot 24:6x105. ' ©1/1 AAA HYDE ST.; DOWNTOWN; 2 rj)X3.VJU\/. 2-story and basement houses of 8 and f rooms and bath each; good location for mores, at present renting for $1080 per annum; 10i40<68:9. CM^AA NEAR MARKET ST., A PRINCI- J\JU. pal St., bay-window cottage of 5 rooms and >ath: brick foundation, etc,: stable; lot _6x 105: no reasonable offer will bo refused. SJTAAA COR. RESIDENCE LAGUNA ST.; «35t'Uvv/. nice 2-story bay-window residence of 7 nwmsand bath : brick foundation ; stone walks; All the latest modern Improvements and conven- ; iences; lot 25x87:6. <_\)Onn EASY TERMS -.MISSION COTTAGE O-.-.UU. 5 rooms and bath; Hampshire street; ! lot 25x100. __ ©1 ii AAA INVESTMENT COR. PIERCE C-LO.UUu. street; several houses, and lot 147:6x87:6: part vacant. AQ7 KAfl MUST BE SOLD TO CLOSE AN >_ i .OUU. estate: Mission St.. near Fifth; lot »nd improvements: 45x80: no reasonable offer will j . !>e refused, as the estate must be settled. C»;;AfIA MINNA ST. AND SHERWOOD ■ OOUUU. place; 2 houses. In 4 tenements; rent- • in? for $444 per annum; lot has 3 frontages. 1 . CfQT^A A SNAP: CORNER OX LACUNA I t^O I OU. St.; 2 substantial bay-window boosts • of 8 rooms and bath each; brick foundation i walks; all modern improvements and conven- iences; rent 50; lot 31x51:9; this is a bargain. , _ 1 ->) - COTTAGE HOME NEAR MISSION <> 1 I 00. and SOtb sts.: 5 rooms, etc. ; chicken- houses, stable, windmill, and wetl suppling 6 ten- ants; Urge lot. 50 feet front; easy terms; pay- j ments 112 50 per month. _()-:aa RENTS ?354 PER ANNUM; AN- t£)~ OUU. other snap: 4 tenements; lot 25x80: Ritch si., near Folsom. G. H. I" U BBEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery st. 'FARRELL & CO.. 11 MONTGOMERY STREET. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. i COLLECT RENTS. RENT HOUSES. EFFECT INSURANCE. IALIFORXIA-ST. RESIDENCE, N. SIDE OF V.' California St.. not far from Franklin and Gough: 2-story house; lot 50x137:6; further particulars at office. C'~I»A BUILDING LOT OX NINTH AYE., j ♦^ ( 'VJ . adjacent to Golden Gate Park; 25x120; ' this is about $300 below its actual cash, value. A RE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? IF SO, I JV hi re is a chance for you. We will sell you. on j Twelfth aye., just a few feet from H St., overlook- ing the Golden Gate Park, a lot 25x120 for $900; will let you make your own terms: we only have two left: remember the lot is all ready to build » on and only 25 minutes ride from the Baldwin Hotel. v_ '4 "^fl TO $ 550 A LOT— THE SECOND HALF t^OJUof our beautiful block in the Academy Tract is now offered to purchasers on very easy terms. The blocK faces on Mission st., at the present terminus of the Mission-st. electric cars. There are 5 new cottages on It, all built by parties who have bought within the last three months. Our representative, George A. Turner, is en the 1 property every Sunday. If you intend buying, you j would do well to look at this property before mak- | ing your selection. 7£nO. MUST BE SOLD; INCOME 8840 1 t]p JUUu. per annum and always rented: 3 good ••otises of 6 rooms and bath each: stone sidewalk, lament bulkhead, iron railing, street paved a"nd ac- j cepted by the city: large lot, 50x137:6. The time | is not far distant when the lot alone will be worth : the above asking price. _;"!'> A/1/1 INCOME $1400 PER ANNUM: __.. Uy'U. a good corner Investment prop- ! erty; i' has never paid less than the above amount > for the last three years, in fact it originally paid I §1600 per annum: this is worthy of a thorough In- ! vestigation as it is one of the best pieces of income property for sale to-day. Ci^O^n EASTLAKE RESIDENCE OF 8 t^*j£OVJ. rooms and bath on Pacific Heights ! commanding an exceptional marine view; large lot, 50x68:9; this is positively one of the cheapest residences in the Western Addition. - Qf'CAA MODERN BAY-WINDOW RESI- j (PUtJv/U, dence of 8 rooms and bath: on N. line ' ' of Oak St.; lot 25x137:6; this is remarkably cheap, : and to look at It means to buy it. ffI.Q£»AA INCOME $360 A YEAR; 2 FLATS <4 OUyU. of 5 rooms and bath each: brick foundation; lot 25x85; an A No. 1 investment. &QI7Z,(\ INCOME $680 A YEAR: 4 FLATS Ov)l«'U. of 4 and 5 rooms each on a corner of O'Farrell st. portion of the lot vacant. O'FARRELL & CO., Real Estate Agents. 11 Montgomery st. "_T9/inn HOUSE, 5 ROOMS AND BATH, iJ-il/U. 814 Elizabeth, near Castro, % block of Twenty-fourth; electric road: street sewered, macadamized. Apply E. JACOBSON, owner, 114 Post st, CA - 1 1 WANTED— BEFORE JUNE 15. FOR a good ••outsit!**" lot; will tell cheap for cash. Address Lot, box 2, Call. . BRICK BUILDING FOR BUSINESS PROP- erty on Market st- ; rent $7200 a year. Corner Pacific aye. and Baker st., 65x137:6 ft.; ' price. $11,000. E. side Stanyan st,, bet. Carl and Frederick, sts.; i 25x100: price $2600. 50x127 :6 ft. on Jackson st., overlooking the Pre- ;:dioand bay; $6700. Two modern houses, of 8 rooms each, at Park, 25x137:6 ft.: electric road passes houses: Brice j reduced from $6500 to $6000: make offer. 2-story brick house of 9 rooms, with stable, In | South Park: lot 45x125 ft.; price $7500. S.W. cor. Jones and Jefferson sts.; 137:6x137:6. j Cottage house, 1367 Dolores st.: 5 rooms and bath, basement; on each side of Dolores st.; 25x95 Hit, : 1 - Apply to C. C. BEMIS, Real Estate and Land Agent. 324 Montgomery street. 1~ -"OK SALE OR EXCHANGE; 3 2-STORY houses, near Market and 15th sts., consisting of 4 modern bay-window flats and a residence of 8 rooms: will sell cheap for cash. G. W. AP.MBRUS- TER. 230 Montgomery St., room 9. C AUSALITO HILLSIDE LOTS. .Fronting bay; specially favorable rates and easy terms. sansalito Bay Land Co.. 303 California St.. rm. 25. A N OPPORTUNITY * OF A LIFETIME TO BUY A HOUSE ON EASY TERMS. Don't fall to examine those 8-roora houses on the j sunny aide of Cole St.. nr. Haighl: to be sold at 1 auction on June 6; similar houses in the close vicinity hay* been selling for $8000; the bouses | are going to be sold for whatever they will bring. COTTAGE 8 LARGE ROOMS AND CELLAR; \J yard; chicken and cow house and number of chickens; cheap. 6 Caroline St., bet. 9lh and iOth. OUSES FOR SALE ON SMALL MONTHLY ! payments: loans made on San Francisco real I estate. 'LOUIS BLANK 214 Pine St., rms. 68 & 59. | <J_^n7»7k * FLATS; LOT 25x75; NO AGENT. OOUUU. S'/a Langtoc st. • - ftCAA COTTAGE OF 2 ROOMS IN BERK& »JiJUU. ley. lot 40x135, $60 down, $10 monthly; | houses and lots nil over town. CH AS. A. BAILEY, j 46 Market st. or Berkeley station. Berkeley. < WEEK'S NEWS FOR 6 CENTS — THE WEEKLY CALL, In wrapper, for mailing. MONEY TO LOAN. . (' PER CENT-LOXVEST^BATES ON CITY, " country and collateral securities. SHAD- BURXK JR. & CO., 313 Montgomery at. . T OANB ON REAL ESTATE, IST AND 2ND XJ mortgages, furniture or pianos without re- | naoval; lowest rates. BECKER, 240 Montgomery: ! Money at 6%; IST AND 3D MORTGAGES^ estates, pianos. MURPHY, 628 Market st. OX HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WITHOUT removal, warehouse receipts and other securi- ties. Room 68, Donohoe building, cor. Market and Taylor ats. . , ■■ - -.. 1 ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES, LIFETnBUR- X ance policies, back books. GOULD, 633 Market. MONEY LOANED ON JEWELRY AND DlA- monda. Mills' building, fifth floor, room 6. OX ANY SECURITY, AT LOW RATES; DEAL- Ing confidential. 48 Crocker building. MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE, ; CROCKER . building, room 57; telephone Main 5122. any suSFof MONEY ADVANCXO O* A yonr furniture, pianos or real estate; low rate*; ■ call and ■ state your proposition or write: open evenings. J. NOONAN, 1021 Mission st. ■ MONEYLOANED ON JEWELRY ANDOTHEK valuables at the Security • Loan Bank, 1106 ' Market su ur. Mason : urivate entrance 7 Turk. , „ MONK WANTED. " T\T A NTBD-X LOaSToF $2500 ON IMPROVED '» city n>al estate, worth $5000. Address R. X box 91, Call. COI'MKl 1 KEAI L KSTATU. 9 JyACRE R^N^hTm^TBEAUT IFU L HOME I •-«-' for sale cheap; good house and barn and work. 1 shop; 3 acres in vines: 1 acre orchard; 1 good cow; - 60 chickens: 20 ducks: 2 miles from Martinez, '. Contra Costa County; cash, 82500 ; no agents. Ad- . dress A. R., Martinez, Cal. 1 XjMNE RANCH to exchange for OAK- ! -i- land property; fertile soil timber, water, fam- ily orchard; 12 miles from Oakland: would ex- change part or whole: would assume moderate lia- : bility. Apply to WM. CROLL, 1006 Broadway, Oakland. ... ; SUBURBAN HOME; SAN MATEO COUNTY; , 60 minutes from this city; 1 minute's walk from depot; 3 acres; all in fruit; modern 10-rooin ' house: every convenience; will sell for less thai) . cost of improvements. I ANOTHER SUBURBAN HOME FRONTING I -t»- on Los Gatos Lake (San Jose reservoir) : 6 j acres full bearing fruit that yielded 15 tons last : year; handsome 4-room cottage, . carriage-house and stable; fine fishing; $3150. : IR.fl ACRES BEST SOIL; 2y 3 MILES FROM . XUV/ Glen Ellen: several choice building sites, 1 with 30-mile view up and down the valley; $2000. : E.F. ACRES ADJOINING HEALDSBURG: 12y 3 vi) acres fruit, 30 acres vines; modern 8-room ■ house ; full view of the valley ; including this year's . crop; only $5500. ' "DOADHOUSE AND 19 ACRES ON BOLINAS I -IV ridge, mid way between San Rafael and Bo- linas. for sale orreut at your own price; a splendid ' business stand. .; -^ » • .-..; RARE OPPORTUNITY— THE FAIRMOUXT Villa, in the City of Santa Rosa; 46 acres, the very best land, in tracts of 4 to 7 acres; at ordi- nary ranch prices. BO v EE, TOY & CO., 19 Montgomery st. A LOTS, 25x100, 3 - ROOM COTTAGE FUR- "A nished, horse, buggy and cow. lot of tools, 200 head of poultry, lots of run outside: all hay, grain, .' coal, etc., noes with the place; must sell on account of sickness. Address C. F., box 86, Call Office. OR SALE— BO ACRES CHOICE LAND NEAR Lincoln, Placer County; 9 acres in fine table ; grapes: at a great bargain: yield this year over ; $500. BENEDICT «fc CO.. 457 Ninth St., Oakland. \ <£zIAAA 86 ACRES IN NAPA VALLEY; ' tfTtJUU, 18 acres in vines, bearing; 600 prune trees: balance timber and pasture land: a bargain. ' L. H., Calistoga, Cal. RANGE TRACT: 40 ACRES; 1000 TREES, . large house, barn, etc. : for sale at a bargain. I Particulars of J. F. CROSETT, 628 Sacramento st. j QOR 4 LOVELY BROOKSIDE HOMES. NEAR , I *J town. A. M. DEXNETTE, Glen Ellen, Cal. 4 TO 10 ACRE LITTLE HOMES OX EIGHT years' credit. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. OCSE AND LOT IN SAN JOSE AT COST of house, or will exchange for proved city i property. Address 522 Howard St., S F. - OSS VALLEY— HOUSE: 7 ROOMS; BATH; large lot ; near station : $2000, or exchange city property. JAM TUXSTEA D, San Anselmo. " AN EutJAX. SHOW FOR ALL; STRAIGHT, xx fair and square deal: an investment offered that is holiest: own your own home and be inde- pendent try it and you will find that we advise you right ; we will sell you 40 acres of alluvial soib in the Warren Green rancho, Glenn County, Cal., I for $280: $3 per acre down, balance in 60 monthly | payments, without interest, and will throw in town I , lot 100x150; lund suitable for all kinds of fruit, I berries or grain; needs no irrigation: climate un- surpassed anywhere inCaliffornla: 168 miles north of San Francisco and only 20 miles from county seat of county, and 6 miles from nearest railroad town; fare, round trip, ?9. For investments and information undress or call On the H. M. BENSON CO.. 902 Broadway, Oakland. GRIFFIN, COTTON WOOD, CAL., SENDS • free circulars and prices of r.h*ap land. ARIN COUNTY— SOOO ACRES 26 MILES from San Francisco. RANCHO DX NOVATO. iSOs Tracts of any size desired; fruit, grain and vege- ■ table land; do irrigation: both rail and water transportation; $40 to $76 per acre; easy terms. ! town of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores ! on the property ; send for circular. • ; ;':•' Dairy for sale with or without cows. SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 I and 65. Chronicle building. 11" "YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING X purposes or an orchard already improved, where only small cash outlay is required, balance payable in 6 or 7 years, apply 32 6 Montgomery st., 8. F. ATTORN- YS- AT- - AW. M^^on_yajSva_s cbdto— it h, A n^sTcourt ifl costs and charges paid In matters of probate, contracts, damages, accidents, notes, first-class collections and general law business. Address J. F. NAUGHT* 54 Nevada block, S. F. J" OHN R. AITKEN, ATTORNE AW, RS. w 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery st., cor. California . A. MITCHELL, ATT' Y-AT-LAW, REMOVED . to Spreckels bldg., 929 Market St.; advice free. | A" DVICE FREE. DIVORCE LAWS ASPECIAL- | -£»- ty ; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. j HOWE, Att'y-at-law, 850 Market St.. cor. Stockton. i WM. H. CHAPMAN, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW, ! TT Mills building, sixth Moor, room 5, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Telephone 1544. \\r W. DAVIDSON, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA »» • California St.. rms. 14-15: advice free. WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE ; WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. LEGAL. NOTICES. \TOTICE OF SALE OF EEAL ESTATE^ I Xi Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance to an j order of the Superior Court of the county of San j Mnteo, state of California, given, made and tiled in I and by said court, on the 11th day of May, 1895, in I the matter of the estate and guardianship of ! HOWARD C. MURRAY, a minor, the under- I Signed, guardian of the estate of said minor, will , sell at private sale to the highest bidder, and sub- ! ject to confirmation by said court, on or after the 18th iiay of June 1895, at the law office of GEORGE C. ROSS, in Redwood City, State of California, all the right, title, interest and estate of said HOW- ARD C. MURRAY, a minor, in and to, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the south line of Wash- ington street, distant thereon one hundred and ! three (103) feet westerly from the westerly line of Polk street, running thence westerly on said line of Washington street thirty-two (32) feet and six (6) inches: thence at right angles southerly one hundred and twenty-seven (127) feet and eight and one-fourth. (BV4) inches: thence at right angles easterly thirty-two (32) feet and six (6) inches, and thence at right angles northerly one hundred and twenty-seven (127) feet and eight and one-fourth (SVi) Inches to the point of begin- ning. Terms and conditions of sale: Cash in gold coin of the United States; ten (10) percent of the sum bid to be paid on notice of acceptance of bid, and the balance on confirmation of sale by the Superior • Court. I All bids or offers for said real property munt be ; in writing, and may be left at the law office of GEORGE O. ROSS. Redwood City, Cal., or at the law office Of MASTICK, BELCHER MASTICK, 520 Montgomery St., San Francisco, state of Cali- fornia, and will be received by said guardian at- j either of said places, or such bids may be delivered I to said guardian personally, or may be filed in the office of the Clerk of said superior Court, at Redwood i City, Cal., at any time after the first publication of . this notice and before the making of the sale. Dated May 15, 1895. ALEXANDER GORDON, guardian of the estate Of Howard C. Murray, a minor. GEORGE C. ROSS, attorney for guardian, Red- wood City, Cal. DELINQUENT SALE NOTICES. STANDARD GOLD~AN D T SILVER MINING »J Company— Location of principal place of busi- ness, San Francisco, California; location of works, Oregon City, Butte County, California. Notice — are delinquent upon the following described stock, on account of assessment (No. 4) levied on the seventeenth (17th) day of April, 1895, the several amounts set opposite the names of th* respective shareholders, as follows: No.' No. Names. Cert. Shares. Am't EMcGrath 34 , 500 SI 00 GOHink ; 164 1000 30 00 GOHink 155 1000 30 00 GOHink 158 1000 HO 00 GOHink 165 1250 47 60 1 GOHink 166 600 15 00 C A Stockton 145 100 8 00 ! C A Stockton. Tr 195 200 6 00 iC A Stockton, Tr 196 400 12 00 I C A Stockton, Tr 108 76 2 25 Mrs P C Bullard 245 2800 375 00 ATGraner 42 2085 62 55 R Herold 251 2500 75 00 ! R Herold 252 2500 75 00 I Sylvester Gardner, Tt 63 1000 30 00 ! Sylvester Gardner, Tr 66 1000 -3000 I ; Sylvester Gardner, Tr 69 3750 112 60 I Sylvester Gardner, Tr........ 77 500 15 00 ' I Sylvester Gardner, Tr 100 9490 284 70 I Sylvester Gardner. Tr 10« 250 750 Sylvester Gardner, Tr....... .107 250 7 60 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 1 08 250 • 7 60 I Sylvester Gardner, Tr....... .133 8760 112 50 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 152 250 750 Sylvester Gardner, Tr.. ..;... 153 250 760 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 178 4000 120 00 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 192 200 600 ] Sylvester Gardner, Tr .193 340 10 20 I Sylvester Gardner, Tr 199 9300 279 00 ! JasSßrownell.... 60 1000 30 00 1 GeoADuprez.. 72 840 25 20 I R H Burke 202 . 2{» 75 F J 8rand0n....... 121 250 750 Tyler Beach. 96 1000, 30 00 Tyler Beach 183 9000 270 00 I Tyler Beach.... 217 '3767 113 01 i WH Brown 147 50 150 TE Jewell 222 90 2 70 ITE Jewell 247 1000, 30 00 I Wm Farringtoii .....148 60 150 CD Wright............ 149 100 800 CD Wright. ..:........ .....V..246 45 135 Francis Stewart 229 70 10 AB Crist 151 •- 50 160 JH Henry........... 225 11000 830 00 ' JB Henry 194 29875 '896 25 I CMWooster 218 3766 112 98 I W « Lorisan 2*21 '2545 76 35 Martin Jones 226 10 . 80 ChasE 5tewart..... ........;..227 10 . 30 Hume Spencer.. 228 ■ 10 30 Nathan Crocker. 248 2500 75 00 BJB Hu18e:.'.;.;.....'-...'i......249 14500' 435 00 I B 8Hu15e............ ....250 14070 422 10 . And in accordance with law and an order from ' the Board of Directors made on . the seventeenth (17th) day of April, 1895, so many shares of eat _ 1 parcel of such stock as may be : necessary will be ' sold at public auction at the office of i the company, ! room 3 of the Mills Building, in the city of San j Francisco, - California, on I MONDaY, the tenth i (10th 1 day of June, 1895. at the hour of one (1) 1 ; o'clock p.m. of said day, to pay said delinquent as- ! sessment tnereon, together with cost of advertising and expense of sale. • ■•»■■■ <%r'--= l M**s«^Haßb* P C. M. WOOSTER, Secretary. Office— 8, Mills Build— ; San Francisco, C_Uiurui_> . THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1895. HOUSES TO LET. UNNY^IIOUsTr CHBt 6 RX>O_r_^ YARD. IS Laskie St., oft Mission, but. Eighth and I Ninth. "<J_T7I 3 ROOMS. YARD, cellar. 37 dore J U. St., off Harrison, bet. Ninth and Tenth. 091 BUSH— I 4 ROOMS AND BATH; $60. AOZ. MINNA, BET. FIFTH AND SIXTH— S t:O«J rooms and every modern Improvement. . OUSE OF 6 SUNNY ROOMS, LARGE YARD and basement. Apply 17 Rausch St.. / IQA POST. OPPOSITE FIRST CONOR- _ A- ttOU tional Churcb— Good. location for doctor or dentist: low rent to a stood tenant. • Apply to G. H. UMBSEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery st. 91 91 PERRY-^BAY'WINDOW, : HOUSE; j 4 _ 1 _ .■ rooms and basement: water free: rent re- duced. Apply to G. H. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Mont- gomery st. • ' ATEST STYLES IN HOUSES TO RENT AT BALDWIN & HAMMOND'S, 10 Montgomery. (2r 1A A ANEW HOUSE OF 12 ROOMS AND <IJ)XUU. 2 baths to let. 2506 Fillmore St.; key at Foxall's stables. • ■ ■ OUSE 6 ROOMS; BATH; LARGE BASE- nient: large sunny yard. 1311 Broderlck st. ODKRN 9-ROOM HOUSE AND LARGE.GAR- den; fine view; basement: 809 Castro, near Twenty-first. L. A. SOUC _ CO., 465 Valencia st. mo RENT— A FINE RESIDENCE WITH ALL X modern improvements and magnificent marine view; rent reasonable; carpets to Be sold on the ' floors if desired. Call At 2115 Pacific aye., between .2 and 4 p. v. • . ... SI XXV HOUSE— S3O EDDY, NEAR LA RKIN; 9 rooms; bath; rent $30; water free. (lijOA 7-ROOM HOUSE, ALL FRESCOED. »|J>_iU. 1816 Filbert st., bet. Octavia and Laguna. ou"s_7"flxk "location, PERFECT. pair. Inquire ALMA K. KEITH. 24 Kparny. FURNISHED HOUSES. ~~ OR RENT "iN SAN ToSE-FURNISHED house of 8 rooms, with all conveniences; barn; flower garden. Address G. S. RAWLINGS, 222 South Third st ■ mO LET— NICELY -FURNISHED HOUSE UN- X til September 1; 8 rooms; all conveniences; cheap. 2917 California st. pHEAP— PART FURNITURE 9 ROOMS: \J suitable boarding-house; low rent. 36 South Park. rpHREE FURNISHED ROOMS, $16; 5 FUR- A nished rooms. $25. 424 Te_a ia _ st. COTTAtiJKS TO LET. "VTICE 6-ROOM COTTA OK;' \'a R dT~FLOW- IN ers: Mission: $16. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. tf»l "I COTTAGE 4 ROOMS: YARD, CELLAR, »4P-LJL. sun: Rinoun aye. ; Second st.,nr.Brannan. FLAT* TO LET. C~ lOS4Y FLAT O B AThTwTtH \J furniture and general household, for sale if required; a splendid opportunity for a young mar- ried couple. Inquire 1155 Howard St., upstairs. "e^i Q LOWER PART of i«Fe lltotTpark, | «IDXO. offsteiner, near Geary; 3 large rooms; j marble mantel; yard and cellar. Inquire 1911 j Geary st. . ; . . I T7*LAT 5 ROOMS— LARGE YARD; CELLAR. 6 X; Antonio St., off Jones, near Ellis. UNNY MIDDLE FLAT 4 LARGE ROOMS; $16. 510 Stevenson st., near Sixth. 11l i\ PO WELL-FLAT 3 SUNNY ROOMS; XI- J-U large j-ard; price $8. -v <-. 7Q FOURTH— FOUR ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR I O office or housekeeping: rent $20. LATS TO LET— I9OB LARKIN; 6 ROOMS and bath; rent reduced. xc MONTH FREE: eastlake flats re- \J duced; $19, $20. 931 Lombard st. UNNY FLAT OF 3 ROOMS, AND BATH; sitting and bed room furnished. 416 Post st. ' C BOOMS, BATH, WITH STABLE; 18 BYINQ- I j «-> ton aye. Apply 1621 O'Farrell. I TOWER FLAT 4 ROOMS; MODERN IM- ■iJ provements; rent cheap. 20th and Dolores. 0 .-NICE SUNNY CORNER FLATS; NEW IM- I —i provements: 4 rooms; 246 and 248V_ Seventh st. . "•-. 1 MONTH RENT FREE; SUNNY FLAT; FINE X house; central; remodeled. 409 O'Farrell st. - E~ LEGANT NEW FLATSTsEVEXTH, BELOW Bryant; 5 and 6 rooms; bath; $9 to $17. 7fJ7 HYDE, NEAR POST— MODERN flats j i y ' • rooms; 2 floors; rent $40. | OK HERMANN, AT JUNCTION OF MARKET — O and Valencia — or 5 sunny rooms; all mod- ern improvements. 17<LAT OF FOUR ROOMS AND BATH. 336 ' Tehama St., bet. Fourth and Fifth. j "c_Q UPPER FLAT: 5 ROOMS. APPLY 2643 I «3)O. Bryant aye.. near Twenty- fifth. I SUNNY ROOMS AND BATH; $14. NE. COR. O Polk and Jackson sis. ATEST STYLES IN FLATS TO RENT AT i J BALDWIN* HAMMOND'S, 10 Montgomery, j COZY " UPPER FLAT: 18 SEYMOUR AYE., bet. Golden Gate and Turk, near Scott; 6 rooms, bath; rent $30; water free. LAT OF 4 ROOMS. 82% EVERETT ST.. near Fourth. C 99 SIXTH— FLAT; 4 ROOMS: HAS FOliD- «-)-.-- ing door, mantel, large yard: rear entrance. DUSKY FLAT, 5 ROOMS, BATH, EVERY 0 convenience; only $17. 8 Dearborn St., oil" Sov- nteenth, ax. Valencia. 10118 ELLIS, BET. LAGUNA AND BU- -1011 chanan— s rooms and bath; rent $18. EL ANT SUNNY FLAT 7 " ROOMS, BEAU- XTJ tifully papered and frescoed. 713 Grove st. Q49 GROVE, NEAR FILLMORE — SUNNY Otcaj flat : 6 rooms, bath ; newly papered ; yard ; rent $26: water free. SPLENDID 6-ROOM FLAT: BATH: LARGE rear lot; very low rent. 2510 Mission st., Key next door. . HOUSEKEEPING KOOMh. ' 1 MARKET^— SU^NV^BErIR^oIir^AND XU4jK) kitchen for light housekeeping. FAR(iO HOUSE, 105 NEW MONTGOMERY J St.— Furnished housekeeping suites, $1 75 week. 90 KEARNY-F URNI S H E D ROOMS; tU\j\J single or en suite; light housekeeping; reasonable. 191_. IIOWARD - 2 OR 3 LARGE SUNNY X^iXtt furnished housekeeping rooms. C£l MISSION, NR. SECOND-SUNNY BED- ! «JUI room and kitchen, furnished; rent $10. 1 .d'-il MAKKKT-3 CHOICE ELEGANTLY ■L^*JJ- furnished rooms; sunny; adults; garden. Q-QFOLSOM-NICELYFURNISHEDSUNNY QUO housekeeping rooms. 9X SOUTH PARK-NICE SUNNY SUITE, £-*J furnished; suitable for housekeeping; $9. 1 A TWELFI'H. NEAR MARKET - SUNNY I >' connecting rooms: furnished; low rent. Q_.^v MISSION —FRONT ROOM, BEDROOM 0 _ and kitchen, complete for housekeeping. '->9O BRANNAN— 3 HOUSEKEEP'G ROOMS, K>£dKJ nicely carpeted, 3 closets and bath; $12. KQI LEAVENWORTH — SUNNY FRONT U\JX room and kitchen, complete for housekeep- ing: newly papered. . . ... . Q99 THIRD-SUNNY FRONT FURNISHED tJ__i housekeeping suites, $8, $9, $10, $12. I 1 Cl TWENTY-SIXTH, NEAR MISSION- XXU2 Completely furnished sunny housekeeping suites; $9 and $11. . * ** NICE UNFURN_SH__~ROOMS, UPSTAIRS front, cheap. 9 Everett St., off 3d, nr. Howard. 1 AC NEW MONTGOMERY— FARGO HOUSE; X\J\j furnished housekeeping suites; $1 75 week. j "1 STOCKTON-2 OR 3 BUNNY ROOMS ■IU-iW nicely furnished for housekeeping; cheap. HARRIET, OFF HOWARD NR. SIXTH-2 sunny furnished houskeepiug rooms, $10. "I a SOUTH PARK-SUNNY CORNER well X\J furnished housekeeping suite; very cheap. 31 BOWIE. AVE., OFF ELEVENTH, NEAR «J4 Howard— Suite of ■ furnished rooms for house- keeping, or two gentlemen; no children. • CKft JESSIE— FOUR NICE UNFURNISHED \JO\J rooms; middle floor; yard; cellar; $13. 1 | (JJjC SUNNY BEDROOM AND KITCHEN- V«->. furnished and unfurnished. 48 Oak at. v i \ I Al n BUSH— PLEASANT FURNISHED jfcX I rooms en suite and single: also hou^ekpng. 1 STOCKTON — NICF.LY FURNISHED -LOW I rooms tor housekeeping: cheap. • - ■ i. 1 ]AIO JACKSON NEAR . MASON — FUR- X \JXO nished sunny front large or housekeeping rooms, $8 and $9. . I A OAK— TWO COMPLETELY FURNISHED XU rooms for. housekeeping; bath, gas. . BRANNANV ABOVE SIXTH-SUNNY ' I £iO kitchen and bedroom furnished; $8, $7. "1 9 ELIZABETH— SIX ELEGANTLY FUR- -1 — niahed rooms for honsek'pg; reasonable rent. J 1 Qfi SEVENTH - NICELY FURNISHED XOxJ houseKeeping rooms; single or en suite: 87 tosl2. . * Cl A HAVES — 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS OX\J; for housekeeping in private family. \AR mlnna '— FURNISHED ; BOOMS for O^X) housekeeping; large yard. • C "1 Q THIRD, CORTsOUTH PARK-2 SUNNY OXO front rooms for housekeeping. •.-.-.* QQQ MISSION— HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, $2, 000 and front single room, $1 per week. , j Oft"! *OLSOM, NR. SIXTH— HOUSE- j t/D.L keeping rooms, $8 up: double and single, $4. QQI ED D V — UNFURNISHED UPSTAIRS 001 flat; 4 rooms and bath ; for housekeeping. | Ql f* HOUSE KKEpTxG SUITES, *8 OIU to $9; single rooms, $1 to $1 25: see them." . 1 AAI FOLBOM — FURNISHED FRONT iUvfl rooms for housekeeping; $7 to #9. PEARL, COR. MARKET, OPP. OCTAVIA— Bay-window room and kitchen: well furnished I for housekeeping; running water and sink; $14. i T "I /(ELEVENTH— ELEGANTLY FURNISH^ j xXtt td sunny front rooms; complete for house- -1 keeping; single and en suite; furniture and carpets 1 new: private bath: grates, etc. : reasonable. - ; C*-\ 7 STEVENSON-FOCR SUNNY ROOMS; ' '1 I ( second flat: price $15. :. T»>97 HOWARD- 3 ROOMS, >- COMPLETE J O_i I for housekeeping; nicely furnished; bath; yard. : HOUSEKEEPING -BOOMS — Continued. QT^ rj THIRD" ST.— I--RGE SUNNY~FRONT OX I housekeeping; also others: $6, $10 $12. KOO3IS TO LET. 1 _^99 POLK— PLEASANT SUNNY FRONT -LU-___ rooms; bath; $7 up. .. 1 A OK. SACRAMENTO— LARGE SUNNY FUR- X_:__U nished rooms; rent from $5 up.' I7i_~KEARNY— NICE SUNNY ROOMTrXtH Ivt and gas; price $7. . EDDY— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY JUt suite of rooms; rent reasonable. ■--" qr ' JESSTE— LARG FRONT ROOM, FTJR- OOO nished or unfurnished. . r/QA VAN NESS— SUNNY FRONT ROOM; I tJtr $6; no sign out. OQQ NINTH-1 FRONT SUNNY BAY-WIN- _-O«7 dow furnished room; cheap. Qno FIFTH~~"srNNY FRONT ROOMS; QUO finely furnished; $5 and $6 a month. ■ FIFTH— CLEAN FURNISHED OR UN- O_j_* furnished; $5 and up. ' COO ELLIS— SINGLE ROOMS SUITABLE U--O for gentlemen; cheap. ■'.:.-. AA Q TEHAMA-1 OR 2 SUNNY FRONT ±1O rooms and kitchen; well furnished. : 91 9 TURK— NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY _ _ front room suitable for lor two gentlemen; $12 50. -■ :' - ■-.-■ ■-■: ' SIXTH— CHEAPEST IN THE CITY; double and single front rooms. EC SECOND— SUNNY FURNISHED SUITES; 00 also double and single: gas: bath. QQfiA BUSH— LARGE sunny bay-win- OoU dow rooms; also nice single rooms. ftOA BUSH — ELEGANT SUNNY FRONT O--U room : also single room; $6; first class. lAIAa BUSH— WELL-FURNISHED IUIU room: hot and cold water; closets; reasonable. - i^9q HOWARD— SUNNY FRONT DOUBLE U*_O room; also others. ■ ■.jt£*. : ~2\ ]1O EDDY— SUNNY NEWLY FURNISHED XXO rooms; $4 up: also for housekeeping. - TURK— FURNISHED ROOM; USE OF kitchen. ; , AOf\ SIXTH-NICE SUNNY ROOMS; LARGE ■_t__U closet; running water: $5 month: gentle- man. ; ■ ■'■■•.• QQ i THIRD — _ UNFURNISHED HOUSE- OO"i keeping rooms, in roar; $5. MRS. JAMART INFORMS THE PUBLIC that she has bought the , furnished house, No. 109 Fifth st.: every room newly. papered and ren- ovated; all first-class conveniences; single and double rooms: reasonable rates: she invites the Board of Health to inspect her house.- l*K~l 1 rOLSOM— LARGE DOUBLE AND SIN- UOX2 gle rooms, with or without board. en SECOND— DOUBLE ROOMS, WEEK, $1 60 OZi to $3; single, $1 to $1 50; night, 20c to 50c. £1 "I PINE— NICE PLEASANT AND SUNNY Dll rooms; $5. $6 and .57 per month. 11 A 7 BUSH— ARTISTICALLY FURNISHED XL " I rooms; cheap :.ooard next door. 171 Q BUSH— 3 SUNNY SINGLE ROOMS, I XO neatly furnished: rent reasonable. . "I f* RATSC^hTnEAR HOWARD— 3 NICE UK- -11) furnished rooms: large yard. "1 LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOM, $4. 1120 a X Golden Gate aye. • THICKLY SUNNY FURXISHED PARLORS TO 11 let. 788 Van Ness aye. O~\ C EDDY— LARGE NEWLY FURNISHED Did sunny rooms; modern; references. A 1 Q ELLIS-SUNN Y-HOOMS, SINGLE OR EN _XO suite, either furnished or unfurnished. CiCil MINNA, COR. EIGHTH— NICELY fur- UO I nished bay-window rooms; $1 week. GO SIXT_T~BT.T~THE HILLSD ALE— SUNNY 00 rooms; single and en suite; $1 to $1 60 a day. j I 9AQI HOWARD — NICELY FURNISHED X__Ut/3 room for 1 or 2 gentlemen; $7 a month. j 7*' £ lIARRISON— LARGE SUNNY FRONT DUO room: $6 per month. . f*-\ Q KEARXY — PLEASANT SUNNY Air UXi/ cove room: one single; rent reasonable gen- tlemen only, in private family. Apply 330 Kearny. "I ii"}f\ WASHINGTON ST.— NEATLY Full J.U--V/ nished housekeeping rooms; bath; $17. ri Q JONES. NEAR GEARY— LARGE FRO"NT Jli/ furnished room for 2 gents or man and wife, j $10. ' - •■ !Ql Q O'FARRELL — ELEG AXT L V FUR- -OLO nished rooms; single or suites; bath; run- ning water; private family. ■..->,,- J 1 Q7A MARKET.. BET. JONES AND CITY XO I U Hall are.— Unfurnished suite; single. MRS. CHEVALIER HAS RESUMED THE management of the "Mlramar." 703 Geary St.: sunny rooms, single or suites: excellent board; elevator; prices moderate to suit the times. qnO BUTTER— ROOMS $1 50 A WEEK AND OuO up; transient rooms a specialty. IF YOU DKSIRE NICE ROOMS REASON- J X ably, stop at 203 a Powell : transient solicited. EUROPE HOUSE, 1309.. MISSION— NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite, $1 to $3 per week; night 25c to i; transient solicited. GRAND SOUTHERN. COR. SEVENTH AND — Rooms all light; water, gas and electric bells; elevator runs from 7 a. 12 p.m.; single, 60 cents: suites, $1 day; $2 50 and $5 week up. OSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. X Sixth and Seventh— and suites; per night, 35c to $1; week, $1 60 to $5; families. A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— PLEAS- - v ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first.'class in every respect; terras reasonable. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE _\. WEEKLY CALL. in wrapper, for mailing. BOAKDING AND BOOMS. '^T^6liT^A^_r >^C^MT r^T_r^oTßD >)—l for two, $10 week; also single rooms. • ": LD LADY TO ROOM AND BOARD; WILL have nice home. 1606 Bush st. HEBERESFORD, BUSH AND STOCKTON; first class; $1 50, $2 per day; with parlor, $2 50. WM. CHAMBERLIN, Prop. . STOKES TO LET. A^T^b^^TCfß^fo^ETT^Urr^A^LirFOß bicycles, dressmaking, milliner or ladies' hair- dresser. Inquire at 338 Post st., under Hotel Savoy. CORNER STORE OF TWO LIVING-ROOMS. j V 460Halghtst. ...■■... I GROUND FLOOR: 5 ROOMS; FOR . «_) XU . store and living. Cor. Second st. and Rln- con aye., near Brannan st. - - OR KENT — A CORNER STORE; GOOD stand for drug or grocery business. Apply W. B. CLUFF, 17 Sixth St. ■ 1 rkM HOWARD AND LAFAYETTE STS., 1 OL.rk. with fixtures for a saloon or any business. Apply at 2838 Mission St., M. CURRAN. T7OUR-STORY BRICK AND IRON BUILDING -P and basement, 608 Sacramento St., containing elevator, power, etc.: rent $80. Apply DAVID STERN <fe SONS, 20 Montgomery at. _ ________________________ Ot'FICES TO LET] E J^LE^AN^OFFICE*ir?N^SEW^raESKEXs building, 925 Market: rents low; " no extra charge for gas, janitor services or heating. Apply at building or G. H. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Montg. St. DESK ROOM AT ROOM 6, SIXTH FLOOR, Mills building. STABLES TO LET. 901 ASITXvE?rNR. VAN NEsidsTABLE -3Ox of 8 stalls. ■-•-■■ EDUCATIONAL. lTpYYNOTT*fM^Ti_r^^ XX and mesmerism ; clairvoyants developed by J. DIAMOND, 406 Sutter si., rooms 50 and 61. ... f PANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, MElSTER- schaft School of Languages. 122 O'Farrell st. ■VTIGHT SCHOOL; HEALD'S BUSINESS col- ■Ly lege, 24 Post st. ; commercial, shorthand, Eng- lish; low rates.. ---..■-■ -:;>.,? OH ORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING: GUAR- O anteed faultless: reasonable. R. 15, 632 Market. T ILLIAN BEDDARJJ, THE ENGLISH AC- XJ tress, coaches ladies and . gentlemen for the dramatic profession ; appearances arranged. Shake- spearean Academy, 406 Van Ness aye. . . -. B" ELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed onstage. R. 6 _ 12, 1. 0. 0. F. block, 7th and Market. OCAL TEACHER, JOSEPH GREVEN7T_£ V proves and beautified even spoiled voices and procures positions for his pupils. ■ 82 Ninth at. " MASTERY OF "SPAN AND FRENCH -ci. in 4 months with Professor Duque's LIVING method practically- taught by native, university instructors: classes ($3 per month) day and eve. Call apd examine this master method. 104 Hayes. QCHOOL ELECTRICAL, CIVIL, MINING, ME- O chanlcal : engineering, surveying, architecture, assay : estab. '64. VAN PER NAILLEN.723MIO. TIEHL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market at. •■ diploma course $30. EDWARD TOJETTI, ARTIST, HAS SIT opened bis studio and classes. Room 141, Murphy building, corner Market and Jones sts. . NOLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT BY MISS DILLON. 14 McAllister, r. 46; private or class. M~~ RS. MELVILLE-SNYDER, ORATORICAL, Vocal and Dramatic Academy, 619 Van Ness aye.: vocal classes Monday, 8 p. m., $1 month; dra- matic classes Wednesday, Br. m., $3 mouth . also private lessons and piano: ladies and gentlemen coached for professional or amateur stage (stage for practice). ■'■■■.._■<■ -:-.-.;h' '"■"-' ".-'■■ ■' '- : - : -"- -"- ■-■ ' ..-, .-.- -.- ■ -■-.•; 'fTVARR'S INST., 659 MAKKT- BOOKKEEPING X taught in 6 weeks. We pledge ourselves to keep free for 6 months books our graduates fail on. . ,-,.- HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24. POST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical ? engineering, telegraphy, modern lan- guages rapidly taught. Write for catalogue.-: ~vj- \ WEEK'S NEWS • FOB 5 CENTS— THE J\l WEEKLY CALL, In wrapper, tor mailing. ""— ■"-.. ; TO EXCHANGE. W"ILI?TixCHANGE^ ; EW^c6^fT^_rOF~_ rooms for good lotsarouna the bay • assume some mortgage. J. H. .YOUNG, 1243 -Park St., Alameda. ■ - r' i' ;:£•-■■' FINANCIAL. " ■:"■; PERSONALS. IF EX - PRISONER WILL ADDRESS CALL Office, stating where .an interview can be -bad, he may hear of something to his advantage. Ad- dress W. A., box 112, this office. REFINED WIDOW DESIRES TO MEET HOX- -Lt orable gentleman who would assist her in busl- ■ ness or to a position ; reference ; no triflers. M. D., box 61, Call Office. ■ ■ ADY OF 30, KIND AND TRUE, WISHES TO XJ form the acquaintance with some honorable gentleman of means; city or country. • A.M., box 9, Call Office. x\r 05IA^ OP MEANS WOULD LIKE MAN to '' go in business. 107 Fifth St., room 4. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN— YOU ARE X hereby notified that I. MARKUS SCHWAB, of 425 Franklin st., San -Francisco, Cal., will, on or about the 20th day of June. 1895, permanently re- move from the State of California, and any and all persons having claims or demands against me are hereby requested to present the same for settle- i ment and payment within ten (10) days from tne date of this notice at my said residence. MARKUS SHWA B. Dated San Francisco,' June 3, 1895. DX. J. MILTON BOWERS HAS RETURNED and resumed practice at 113 Powell st. . . AYE MONEY — LADIES, FOR A WELL-. made tailor suit, or fine cape or jacket, visit the St. Louis Wholesale Branch Store. 1152 Market St. T A VERITE HAIR-DRESSING BAZAAR RE- XJ moved to Grant aye., Market and O'Farrell 6ts. rs. dr7"g~wyer,~moved from 3iiy a Hyde to 226 Turk See ad. in medical column. 7 C CENTS PER DOZEN FOR CABINETS, i O full length, at GODEUB' Art Studio, 10 Sixth. MISS KING'S MARRIAGE BUREAU. Vf7, box 101. Call Office. , p RAND HORSE race— to take place OX T the San Bruno road and Silver aye., Sunday, June 2, 1895, between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock. RESSES CUT AND FITTED, $3; DRESSES popular prices; engagements by day. 11 Geary. rpAILOR PATTERNS CUT TO MEASURE. X basque or skirt, 15c. 115 Kearny st., room 14. TTAIRDRESSING.2Sc.ANY STYLE: lst-CLASS XX shampoo, 50c; Pioneer Hair Store. BERTHA SPITZ, 111 Stockton st.; strictly one price only. DViCK FREE; DIVORCE LAWS A SPECIAL- ty ; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. HOWE, AU'y-at-law, 850 Market., cor. Stockton. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CAST-OFF clothing.books. novels. RAPHAEL, 247 4th St. LADIES' OUTING SUITS TO ORDER; $25. XJ HUTT, merchant tailor, Y. M. C. A. building. WHITEWASHING MACHINE AND BRUSH '» work; yard; contracts taken. WAIN- WRIGHT, 1460 Market; machines sold or hired. HOME AGAIN; 'WRECKERS OF HIGH prices; fine suits, $15; dress pants, $4 75; overcoats. $2 93. Misfit Clothing Parlors, 513 Montgomery st., cor. Commercial, upstairs. UY YOUR CURTAINS. LADIES' AND gents' furnishing goods, hosiery, trimmings, etc., at Pioneer Dry Goods Store, 105 Fifth st. "VfATRIMONIAL PAPER, 997 MARKET ST.; i-'ll to 2 and 7 to 8 P. m.; by mail 15 cents. AN FRANCISCO SCHOOL FOR DANCING and elocution. WALTER G. O'BRIEN, mana- ger; Grove and Laguua sts. Class Mondays and Fridays; Juvenile class, Saturdays. ■--. ■_ : OINGLE BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF _ Pomade is guaranteed to cure any case of dan- druff or falling hair or money refunded: never known to fall; try it. By all druggists price $1, or SMITH BROS., Fresno, Cal. SECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, showcases, counters, shelvlogs, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock of them, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be- tore going elsewhere. J. XOOXAX, 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission st., above Sixth. O.N ii MOR B COTS- Oak Roll Top Desks.... ?14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers From $10 up Oak Bed Sets $17 60 up Oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up Stoves and Ranges... $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keen everything. Cash or time payments. • J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission st., above Sixth. TTKADQUARTERS LONG DISTANCE TELE- XX phones, cheap: send for prices. Klein Electric Works, 720 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. UIET PLACE FOR LADIES TO TRADE IX W stocks and grain ; large money made on small Investment. WHEELOCK & CO., 318 Pine St., R 3. pLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT \J mfrs' cost. Factory, 20 Sansome st., upstairs. T7"INETOSCOrESFOR SALE; PHONOGRAPH XV outfits bought for cash. Bacigalupl, 946 Mkt. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD, store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc.; cheap. Yard 1166 Mission st., nr. Eighth. G~ AS FIXTURES AND PLUMBING. 623~ Golden Gate aye. H. HUFSCHMIDT. OLD GOLD, SILVER, GENTS' AND LADIES' clothing bought. COLMAN, 41 Third st. \\riNDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO '» order by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Market. pHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in tho United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- »ge free. ' -_ «--■• -** pianos. VIOLINS, etc. t^er^ciiotce"large's766 "piano sacr? V ficed for $235. because of need of immediate cash by the owner. Room 21, Flood building. L~ PRIGHT PIANO; PERFECT ORDER; $95; > for immediate sale. Room 10, 809 Market st. BEAT BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND Pl- anos at SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. 'S, cor. Kear- ny and Sutter sts. ASY TERMS; LOW PRICES. KoHLKR & CHASE. ■ _- I^EW ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARD -T makes, almost new, half original coat; see at once. F. W. SPENCER & CO., 721 Market at. BYRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.-SOHMER, Newby & Evans, Briggs and other pianos. TEINWAY UPRIGHT; SLIGHTLY USED- O grand tone; -cost. SPENCER, 721 Market. SUPERIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD ANEW, 0 H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. <$±(lfl FRENCH UPRIGHT: $165 WEBER (Jsuv, upright square pianos from $50 upward, easy terms. Fay's Piano Factory, 1729 Mission st. p EORGE F. WELLS, SOLE AGENT FOR THE VJT Mathushek pianos; sold on very easy install- ments; pianos rented. 1360 Market st. UE NEW RENT-CONTRACT PLAN 18 meeting with great favor: terms of payment are so easy that everybody can have a piano; besr makers; largest stock. SHERMAN. CLAY «fc CO. M. O. BADGER, WITH KOHLER & CHASE 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. HARP BY SEBASTIAN ERARD; DOUBLE action and elegantly unshed; is found with difficulty anywhere: a nice selection Is at present exhibited by SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. TECK, CHICKERING & SONS., VOSE AND Sterling pianos sold on $10 installments. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell st. j 0 SECOND-HAND UPRIGHTS, WITH OUR — guarantee; $125 each. MAUVAIS.769 Market. TTOME INDUSTRY— HEMMEdS LONG PIANO XX CO., 340 Post; pianos sold on installments; send for illustrated catalogue. . .' - A BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A A good piano by renting.. Be careful to go to KOHLER <fc CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. T\ECKEB BROS., STEIN WAY. FISCHER AND 1 " other first-class makes of pianos; little used; cheap Aor cash or on easy terms. KOHLER & < CHASE. 28 and 30 O'Farrell St. . t HOUSES. . F"^NE^L^R^aE~F^IILVTioR^ETiLARNES3 and new surrey; $200. 931 Lombard st. A A HORSES FOB ; SALE ; ALSO WAGONS, ttu buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Market, 327 Sixth st. : auction sales every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN & DOYLE, Auctioneers. ORBES PASTURED; $2 A MONTH; SEND for circular. . P. A. HYDE, 630 Commercial st. 1 (\(\ SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL IUU kinds; second-baud wagons, buggy, carts; also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia sts. ' . WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. GMrfl FOB SALE-LIGHT 'wAGOnTcHEaF.' <ID'±U. Apply 1912 Market st. FOR SALE— COVERED ROCK AW AY; A ' bargain. THOMAS FOLEY. 1812 Powell st. OR BALE CHEAP-FOUR SECOND-HAND- -1 wagons, 3 second-hand buggies: also 2 stalls to let. Inquire 346 McAllister st. . \ .'^., V. FOR SALE— MISCELLANEOUS. " THOK SALE— sTfINE i YOUNG I FRESfITMILK X 1 cow»; four greyhounds 2 years old. C. ANDER- SON, corner of Twenty-seventh and Shotwell sts. AFE FOB SALE: FIRE AND BURGLAB proof. T. HURLEY, room 95, 305 Larkin st. A THRASHING ENGIN E FOB SALE CHEAP; A one Bxl4 straw-burning thrashing engine, with . brand new boiler; built to carry a working pressure of 100 pounds ' of steam. Apply at T. J. MOYNI- HAX'S boiler works, 311 and 313 Mission st., southwest corner Beale. .' ■■.' • '. •- - .-, . T ADY'B PHAETON FOR SALE OB TRADE XJ for buggy. 1131 SUotwell st. , .TTIOB SALE— 2 CHOICE GREYHOUND DOGS, X 1 full grown, pedigreed stock; also 2 pointer pup- pies of choicest breeding at low prices. H. Mc- CRACKEN, 3313 Clay at. , > . . V, ILSHIRE SAFeTIETTER- PRESS. SCALE, >V coffee-mill and money-till cheap. 102 Clay st. TVTEW $100 LADY'S SAFETY; $50 CASH OR i> installments. 326 McAllister st. . ' - ■A 1 LOT OF EASTERN STANDARD , MAKEa Jtx. of . safes . which ' have been taken in exchange as part payment for the Waltz safes, as follows: 3 burglar-proof bank or coin safes, 7 jewelers' safes, j 8 pawnbrokers' safes, 13 merchant safes: fire and burglar proof: all sizes; at less than half cost; see them before you order. The Waltz Safe Salesroom, 221 and 223 'Market' St.; factory 13 and 15 Drumm St., San Francisco, Cal. .. ' - ' TVTEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- .I* „ hand. W. S. RAY Mfg Co., 12 California st. CO U TER S, SHELVING, SHOWCASES J bought and sold 1121^ Market, bet. 7th and Bth ■f .;.■ ■ X TO LEASE. .-, I"lune ? "health besobt!^complktely furnished: valuable mineral springs and baths; carriages, horses, cows and 160 acres land: ready to open. .'Address Owner, 1176 East Fourteenth ■t ... Oakland. ' v: ■-. ;. . - -.-- ■; . - ■• •."-- CLAIRVOYANTS. RE AT CLAIRVOYANT AND CAItD^REXi> I VT er: Mme. Stewart from Boston: seventh daugh- 1 ter of the seventh daughter; has read cards since 11 > years of age: ladies or gents 50c. 917 Market, r. 3-4. : ME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- er by eggs and cards (in English orGerman)tells i entire life, past, present, future; consultations on > all affairs, nothing excepted; names given; good advice; sure help; restores lost love by sympathy; mistake impossible; fee $1 : letter $2. 30 Kearny. AUGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER: -TV magic charms: love tokens: true picture of future wife and husband; teaches fortune-telling; | develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc. has the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm: fee $1 and upward. . 2826 Mission, nr. Twentieth. MRS. DR. THOMAS "BEIGHEuTcLAIRYOY- ant and magnetic healer: sittings daily. En- trance 425 Kearny and 605 California sts., rm. 21. '■ "\,| ME. RAVENNA. TEST MEDIUM, LIFE I>J. reader: names given. 828 Howard: 25c up. M~~ ME. MOREAU.BEST MEDIUM.CLAIRVOY- ant; speaks German: 25c up. 131 Fourth st. T EON, PALMIST, CLAIRVOYANT, LIFE XJ reader. 533 Post St.; hours 8 p. M.; 11 Iso Sundays. ■ . - , SPIRITUALISM. . "PEOPLE'S SPIRfrUALIST SOCIETY^ 111 X Larkin St., to-night; free. ;■■■•* R. SCHLESINGER, TEST MEDIUM AND healer; tobacco and alcohol cured. - 534 Page. RS. S. SEAL— SPIRITUAL MEDIUM: RE- ligiousclr. Wed. 8 p.m. ; Thurs., 2:30: 110 M- c st. . RS. EGGERT AIKEN, TRANCE MEDIUM: cir. Sun. eve.: developing clr. Tues. eve. 715 Postst. \ ASTROLOGY. pRESSEMOR'S REMEDIES RESTORE \J health, vitality; astrology ; readings. 416 Taylor. ASTRAL SEER— PROF. HOLMES, 523 GEARY ■tV St.; horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. PROPOSALS. "VTOTICE <IS HEREBY GIVEN~THAT™THH: -Li board of directors of the Escondido Irrigation District will receive sealed proposals for the pur- chase of 1,000 of the bonds of said district, and bids will be received therefor at the office of said board in the city of Escondido, California, until 10 o'clock a. m. on the Ist day of July, 1895. A. J. WERDEN, Secretary Escondido Irrigation District. Dated May 8, 1895. PROPOSALS— STATE PRISON SUPPLIES. -L Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the clerk at State prison, San Quentln, until 10 a. H. Saturday, Bth day of June, 1895, and at the office of the clerk at State prison, Folsom, until 9 a. Saturday, 15th day of June, 1895, at which times and places they will be opened in presence 01" bidders for furnishing and delivering supplies for said prisons, consisting of subsistence stores, forage, fuel, clothing, medicines, lime, cement and other staple supplies, from July 1, 1895, to June 30, 1896, inclusive, on conditions as per printed schedule, which will be furnished upon applica- tion at either of the above offices. No bid will be considered unless made upon said schedules, nor unless accompanied by the certified check therein required, nor from any other parties than bona fide dealers in the classes of articles to be furnished. Each bidder rjust accompany his bid with a certified check upon some well-known and responsible banking-house for at least 10 per cent of the amount, payable to Edgar J. de Pue, President of said Board, of his bid, conditioned that the bidder will enter into a contract upon notice of acceptance as required by law. Bids for either prison must be marked separately. All payments made on contracts will be paid in cash or Controller's warrants. Bidders will carefully follow the conditions of the schedules. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids as the public interest may require, and to order any quantity over or under amount specified. EDGAR J. DE PUE, President. J. V. Ellis Clerk. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— OOB BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. -j fl£C JPER MONTH. «IpO $5 PER MONTH. ■ THIS WEEK. ALL THIS WEEK! LAST WEEK! An opportunity of your lifetime. The grandest offer ever made to the public. We are simply authorized to sell. The owner of this property must have money to pay interest, if nothing more. WORKINGMEN, BEAD THIS ADVERTISE- MENT. . Young men, young ladies.who are earning money, stop read and think. Real estate Is the only solid investment you can make. OUR SPECIAL OFFER FOR THIS WEEKJONLY 100 lots reduced from $250 and $300 to $125 to $200 per lot. Only $5 cash, balance $5 per month. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. Every lot surrounded by handsome improve- ments. The owner must sell. THE PRETTIEST BUILDING LOTS EVER OFFERED. This is an opportunity of your lifetime. If you do not think so call at our oflice and you will be con- vinced in five minutes. Space will not permit ps to say all we have to ' say. Call to-morrow (Monday), and the balance of the week at office, where full information will be given and property shown. ■>>->- • - ■ M. J. LAYMANCE & CO., Real Estate Agents and Land Auctioneers, 466 Eighth st., Oakland. ®QF\fl OX TELEGRAPH AYE., LARGE •IT O«JU. lot 60x140; ten minutes' walk to sta- ion; electric cars pass the door. W. E. BARNARD t<fc;SON, 458 Ninth St., Oakland. <D»97CA NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE; ALL tjpZi • O\J. modern; large lot; street Improve- ments complete: ten minutes' walk to City Hall and local trains: small cash payment: balance at low rate of interest. See owner, 29 Pearl st., near Broadway and Twenty-sixth st., Oakland. O LET — HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN A small cottage to a lady references exchanged. Inquire 1455 Twelfth aye., East Oakland. - ,-v>; , "TVO YOU WANT A HOME? I WILL BUY YOU ■XJ a lot, build house on your own plans, this side of bay; small cash payment, balance monthly. C, P. KERN, Central Bank building, Oakland. PRICES CUT IN TWO: ONLY $300 TO $600 X per acre for Piedmont Heights: tenth cash, bal- ance at 7 per cent interest. WILLIAM J. DIN- GEE, 460 Eighth St., Oakland. ©OK AHA BENT $165; CAN BE IN- <lpZiU. \J\J\J* creased; Broadway Income prop- erty; excellent investment. W. P. TODD, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. t7^n CASH WILL BUY A NICE 6-ROOM tjp I *J\J cottage, worth 92M00, leaving a mort- gage of $1000. Address WM. P. TODD, 1008 roadway, Oakland. OR SALE OR LEASE— AT HIGHLAND Park, cozy country home; 150x190; garden, stable; beautiful view. Address THOMAS, East Twenty-ninth st. and Twenty-third aye., Oakland. LEG ANT HOME AT A BARGAIN; STORY and a half cottage containing 9 rooms and bath; natural wood finish: fine- elevation; magnificent view; large lot; owner going East; terms easy or would exchange for country land. ' Apply to MATHER & ARNEST, 467 Ninth St., Oakland. T ARGE LIST; OF CITY IMPROVED AND XJ unimproved property for exchange for country land. MATHER & ARNEST, 457 Ninth, Oakland. BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY Xi sold on easy terms; small payment down or ex- , changed. E. E. BUNCE. 1008 Broadway. Oakland. OAKLAND FURNITURE: FOR SALE. : TTURNiTURE AND CARPETS AT YOUR OWN. ' J price. H. SCHELLH AAS, 408 Eleventh st. ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. $)xV\J\J. . Easy terms. $1600— New cottage; 5 rooms. - $200 cash; easy terms. $1400— House; 2-story; 5 rooms. . .: ' Houses to let. E. D. JUDP, 1424 Park St., Alameda. TO EXCHANGE FOR SAN . FRANCISCO property, modern j 2-story house ; 9 rooms and bath: handsomely furnished; lot 60x150; gas, city and well water: carriage-house; street macadam- ized; half block to electric-cars; 6 minutes from broad-gauge station; 6 minutes to narrow gauge: cost $9000. Apply BANFORD BENNETT, 17 and 19 Beale st. : V' V IF YOU WANT ...■•-. .-.,.. ..-, • ■ • A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND STYLISH - ■•'-•■< HOME CALL ON THE OLD BUILDING FIRM OF A. R. DKNKE. WEBSTER STREET. BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. ~ OR SALE OR KENT— CHARMING^AMILY " residence; fine view; healthy location; shel- tered ; from wind and fog; easy terms. I E. BaY- LEY, 407 Montgomery st. -. ■ . $1800. NE CORNER cHOATEAXD BAN- «iP-L Ovv. crott: 45x120. . !..-•. 52730-NW. corner Bancroft and Hillgoss sts. : I $1800— NW. corner Union st. and Bancroft; 45x . $1800— SE. corner Durant aye. and Choate St.; 45x110. v . •;»■-' This offering Is to Close* an estate and Is several ! of the choicest corners In Berkeley: all within two blocks of the University; several other gilt edge pieces : first come ; first served. M. L. WURTS, opposite Dwight-way station, Berkeley. NLYSIBOO-HOUSE 0F,7 BOOMS; 3 LOTS; 5 minutes from station; a bargain. JOS. J. MASON. DwLsht-way static- - ■Mr^As£- '•■ STORAGE.. j To'RAG'kTM^RNITrYIK", PIANOS and mer- chandtse; advances made. LIEBEB S. W. CO., 906 -Market St., room 4. • "V\r IL¥ON lUUIS..I7IOMARKETST.-OETOUB M rates and examine our method for storage of furniture and all kinds of household goods; dust and vermin proof; separate rooms at low rates. ■• AFE, DRY. CHEAP PLACE TO STORE YOUR furniture, etc. LUNDY FURNITURE COM- PANY, 818 Mission St. ' ' T7IURNITURE, PIANOS AND OTHER MER- , -D chandise received on storage; money advanced on consignments; fire-proof building. 410 Postst., QTOR AGE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSE- O hold goods, etc. J. M. PIKRCE, 735 Market St. IRST-CLASS STORAGE: ADVANCES MADE* 421-423 Market st. CHAS. L. TAYLOR. LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. .Domestic Port«. ■'■ ■ PORT BLAKELEY— SaiIed June 4— Nor stmr Solvelsr, for Delagoa Bay; bktu Quickstep, for Shanghai. . TATOOSH— Passed June Bark Canada, hence May 24, for Tacoma. PORT ANGELES— In bay June 4-Bktn Quick- step, from Port Blakeley. for Shanghai. Movements of Trims- At Steamer*. BREMEN— Arrived June 4— Stmr Fulda, from New York, via Southampton. MARRIAGE LICENSES. . Licenses to marry were granted yesterday as follows: ■ '■'.'-■: ■■ Richard P. Keeling and Christina Martin, 26— 18. J. P. Counihan and Maggie J. Avers, 28— 25. Albert N. Tucker and Ellen Stewart. 25—24. John B. Stone and Pauline Spiecel, 26—18. < F. C. Hchilke and Elizabeth A. Hogg, 34—27. J. lngelbretson and Georgiana Petersen, 84—20. - N. I). Macaulay and Florence Garesche, 25—20. Herbert G. Pouting and Mary B. Elliott, 21—21. Daniel Barley and Mary Brown, 29—26. Alvis G. Hunt and Alice Stump, 37— "24. "■' ; William H. Bertsch and Emily A.Tripler, 26— 21. Gustave Wallendorf and Johanna Alpers, 34—20. DIVORCE SUITS BEGUN. Essie Campell vs. Charles J. Campbell. Addle M. Davis vs. George A. Davis. Richard C. Wentz vs. Lillian G. Wentz. John M. Currier vs. Alice E. C. Currier. . DIVORCES GRANTED. Christina Stuart from E. W. Stuart; granted by Judge Hunt. • ■ BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. BORN. BUTTLER— this city, May 28, 1895, to the wife of Austin Bottler, a son. BINNING— In this city. May 27, 1895, to the wife of Charles Binning, a daughter. COLE— In Alameda, June 3, 1895, to the wife of •Herbert H. Cole, a son. COGHLIN— In this city, June 3, 1895, to the wife of J. I). CoghHn. a daughter. LEIGH— In Oakland, June 2, 1895, to the wife of Arthur L. Leigh, a daughter. McGLADE— In this city, May 16, 1895, to the wife of Edward McGlade, a son. SAVAGE— this city, May 27, 1895. to the wife of J. E. Savage, a daughter. TEJEDA— In this city, May 25, 1895, to the wife of Alvlno P. Tejeda, twin sons. MAKRIED. COHEN— In this city, June 3, 1895. by the Rev. Joseph Willner, Isaac Abrams and Ray Cohen, both of San Francisco. ARBIO9— HARWOOD— In this city, June 2, 1895, by the Rev. Mr. Foute, Edward E. Arblos and Laura Harwood. DOYLE-HOLLAREN— In this city, May 8, 1895, at All Hallows' Church, by the Rev. Father Foley, Thomas J. Doyle and Katie A. Hollaren, both of San Francisco. KEYS— FARNSWORTH— In this city, June 4, 1895, by the Rev. F. R. Farrand, George F. Keys and Mrs. Beesey Farnsworth, both of San Fran- clsco. , .■■■■■ ■-.<:. DIED. Anderson, Amelia S. Morritson. Cecelia Ayers, James Mahoney, Mary R. Buck, Leonard W. McCann, O. . Bloom, Minna Nieman, Henry . Fratinger, A. M. *.' - Paullin, James R. Howard, James Rleu, John Healey, Dennis Roberts, W. F. Jacobs, Florence M. Wolfe, Hannah ANDERSON— In this city, June 4, 1895, Amelia 8., beloved mother of Anna, Henrietta and Alfred - Anderson, a native of Norway, aged 39 years 5 months and 15 days. JO" Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 1 o'clock p. it., from the par- lors of U. C. Porter & Co., 122 Eddy street. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. AVERS— this city, June 3, 1895, James Ayers, aged 84 years. BUCK— Oakland, June 4, 1895, Leonard W., beloved husband of Anna M. Buck, and father of Emma L., Frank 11.. Fred M., Anna M. Buck and Mrs. J. B. Cory, a native of Truxton, N. V., aged 61 years 10 months and 27 days. . . ■ Friends and • acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 1 o'clock p. it., from his late resi- dence, 929 Adeline street. Oakland. Services under the auspices of Live Oak Lodge No. 61, F. and A. M. Interment Mountain View Cemetery. BLOOM— In this city, June 4, 1895, Minna Bloom, beloved mother of Mrs. Lizzie Hauser, Meyer, Henry, Mark and Abel Bloom, a native of Berlin, Germany, awed 50 years. PiSf" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 11 o'clock a. m. sharp, from 120 % ■ Langton street.X - . FRATINGER— A month's mind mass will be cele- brated for the repose of the soul of A. M. Fratin- ger at St. athedral, THIS DAY (Wednes- day), at 8 o'clock a. m., Friends and acquaint- ances are respectfully invited to attend. HOWARD— In this city, June 3, 1895, James Howard, a native of Irelana, aged 36 years. 49* Friends and acquaintances and members of Court Seal Rock No. 7757, A. O. F. of A., are re- SDectfully invited to attend the funeral TO-MOR- ' ' ROW (Thursday), at 1 o'clock p. m.. from the undertaking parlors of Theodor Dierks, 957 Mis- sion street, between Fifth and Sixth. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. HEALEY— In this city, June 4, 1895, Dennis, beloved brother of John. Julia and Kate Healey, a native of the parish of Kennagh, County Cork, Ireland, aged 29 years. Friends and acquaintances are resDect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 9:30 o'clock a. m., from the resi- dence, 1079 Tennessee street, thence to St. Teresa's Church, where a requiem high . mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. JACOBS— In this city, June 4. 1895, Florence May, beloved daughter of Ernest and Lena Jacobs, a native of San Francisco, aged 2 months and 4 days. , - ■ MORRITSON— In this city, June 3, 1895, at her late residence, 412 Harrison street, Cecelia, beloved wife of .Otto Morritson, a native of Lon- don. England, aged 26 years. Friends and acauaintances are - respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 9:30 o'clock a. m., from Good Samaritan Chapel. 249 Second street. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. McCANN— In this city, June 4, 1895, O. McCann, aged 87 years. . • ■'••■:- ■ MAHONEY— this city, June 3. 1595, Mary Rose Mahoney, a native of San Francisco, aged 20 • years 8 months and 7 days- • :•: i v . NIEMAN— this city, June S, 1895, Henry Via- man, a native of Liebenau, Hanover, Germany, aged 44 years 9 months and 13 days. :-':.<:-■-■■; - - PAULLIN— In this city, June 4, 1895, James R., husband of Susan F. Panllin, and father of Louisa E. Paullin (nee Warner), Edgar S. and James F. Paullin, a native of Philadelphia, Pa., aged 78 years. f Philadelphia papers please copy.] j^yFrlends and acquaintances ' are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Thursday), at '2 o'clock p. it., from the par- lors of A. W. Martin <fc Co., 118 Geary street. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. _ ■ ■ RIEU— In this city, June 2, 1895, John Rieu, a native of France, aged 41 years. ■■ jdBia>4Rr»tt» £9~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS. DAY (Wednesday)," from the parlors of Carew <fc Eng- ; lish, 19 Van Ness avenue, thence to St. Mary's Chapel, corner First and Bryant streets, where a solemn requiem-mass will be celebrated . for -the repose of his soul, commencing at 7:15 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. ! ROBERTS— In this city, June 3, 1895, W. F. Rob- erts, a native of Ireland, aged 60 years. WOLFE— In this city, June 3, 1895, Hannah, relict of the late Aaron Wolfe, mother of William and Abraham Wolfe, Mrs. I. D. Levy, and sister of Mrs. I. Friedlander, a native of Rogassen, aged 68 years. IST Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 10 o'clock, a.m., from her late residence, 2026 Taylor street, thence to corner of Third and Towusend streets, where the . train 1 leaves at 11:45 o'clock a. m. sharp. Interment Hills of Eternity Cemetery. • '■ I UNITED UNDERTAKERS' i EMBALMING PARLORS. I Everything Requisite for First-class Funerals - •■- .at Reasonable Rates. --. I Telephone 3167. '27 and 29 Fifth street._i_ NIcAVOY A CALLACHER,* I FUNERAL DIRECTORS * KMBALMKRH, ! 80 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. Telephone 3080. LAUREL MILL CEriETERY ASSOCIATION. . /CHOICE LOCATIONS IN ANY PART OPTHB \J grounds for sale ami lots laid out on the Lawn system or Inclosed with low walls, as purchaser may desire. ' . , " Perpetual care of plats a specialty. ' Cemetery permanent. For the purchase of lots or for any improvements apply to the superintendent on the grounds, Cen- tral avenue and Bush st., San Francisco, Cal. CYPRESS LAWN cemetery. TN SAN M ATEO COUNTY ; HON-BECTARIAIT; 1 laid oat on the lawn plan: perpetual care; be»o- tlful, permanent and easy of access; see it before buying a burial place elsewhere. * «"- ««— «» «"*- Hull ATOIIIUh ,' 13