Newspaper Page Text
14 G. CLEVELAND'S PROMISE A. H. Ricketts of the Miners' Association Says It Has Not Been Kept. REFERRED TO MINERAL LAND. Light Thrown on Clear Lists of Lands Patented to the Railroad. A. H. Rickctt of the California Miners' Association, who recently went to Wash ington, D. C, as the duly accredited agent of the association to consult with Presi dent Cleveland and Secretary Hoke Smith with regard to the issues which are of vital importance to it, due to the action of the railroad companies in seeking patent for mineral lands lying within the limits of their grants in the State of California, is not pleased with either President Cleve land or Secretary Smith. The cause of his displeasure is based on a dispatch received yesterday from Washington, which is to the effect that Secretary Smith, in spite of his assurance to Representative Caminetti and of the manner in which Mr. Rickett recently presented the case of the miners, continues to patent lands to the railroads in California. In expressing his opinion of the action of Secretary Smith, Mr. Rickett was de cidedly emphatic when seen in regard to the matter yesterday. "If this is true," he said, "and I have no reason to doubt it, I say that it is an outrage and a failure to keep faith." Reading from the dispatch, Mr. Rickett added: "It says, 'To-day he (Secretary Smith) approved a clear list consisting of 109,293 acres within the grant to the Central Pacific Railroad in Califor nia. There is no way of discovering here what steps were taken to ascertain the character of this land.' "This is what is meant by a clear list," said he. "I read from the rules and regu lations of Hoke Smith, announced July 9, 1804: Where the lands selected by the company are within a mineral belt, or proximate to any niining claim, the railroad company will be required to file with the local land officers an affidavit by the land agent of the company, which affidavit shall be attached to said list when returned, setting forth in substance that he has caused the lands mentioned to be care fully examined by the agents and employes of the company as to their mineral or agricul tural character, and that to the best of his knowledge and belief none of the lands re turned in said list are mineral lands. Upon receipt of said list you will cause it to be examined, and a clear list to be prepared of all lands embraced therein that are not within a radius of six miles from any mineral entry, claim, or location, which list shall be trans mitted to the department for its approval. If any of the lands embraced in said list of selec tions are found upon examination to be within a radius of six miles from any mineral entry, claim, or location, you will cause a supplemen tal list of such lands to be prepared, and return the same to the register and receiver of the dis trict in which they are situated, and notify the railroad company that they have been so re turned. "Of course I have no means of knowing at this time what the land is that is in cluded in »his clear list, but I do know this. Commissioner Drummond in a com munication to Secretary Delano wrote: A former Commissioner of the Land Office says: Aside from the obstacles growing out of the peculiar character of the lands, which ren dered it difficult, even with the utmost circum spection and care, to carry out the Intention of Congress and prevent the disposition of min eral lands as agricultural, I have found that, owing to the grossly careless, not to say fraud ulent, manner in whicn deputy surveyors exe cute tneir work in the field and make their returns, the distinction which Congress had drawn between agricultural and mineral lands warn not observed, and whole townships of the richest mineral land in the world, including ■well-known mines which had been worked mcoeufally for years, and which were still being worked successfully and profitably, were returned to this office and to the local laud offices as agricultural land, and so posted on the tractbobks, ana became from the date of such return subject to sale and to selection by railroads, etc., as agricultural lands, in direct violation of the plain intent of Congress, as expressed not only in previous legislation but in the very act under which these lands were surveyed. "I drew the particular attention or the President to this matter and added that yet under the rules promulgated by Secre tary Smith the only examination provided for on the part of anybody representing the Government, of a list of railroad selec tions, is an examination of the same or sim ilar data to that which was condemned by Commissioner Drumrnond. "I have President Cleveland's letter to me, and it has been published, in which he advises me that it was not necessary for me to remain longer in Washington, "as no further patents to the railroad would be granted and that grants would be sus pended until the railroad had settled its indebtedness to the Government. " "It would appear that that promise has not been kept." "It would appear that way," said Mr. Eickett. The whole matter will be discussed at length at the meeting of the executive committee of the California Miners' Asso ciation to be held to-morrow night in the Palace Hotel. A LIVELY PICNIC. Michael >"olan Convicted of Battery on Officer Heaphy. The charge of battery preferred by Policeman Heaphy against Michael Nolan of Bernal Heights was heard by Judge Joachimsen yesterday and Nolan was con victed and ordered to appear for sentence to-day. Heaphy had been at a picnic at Glen wood Park of the Sunday-school of St. James parish on Saturday, May 25. Nolan and two friends were there also. Nolan had a grudge against Heaphy. and when he saw him on the train on the return journey he and his two friends made a tar get of Heaphy's face with their fists and the officer was unable to report for duty for several days. Over a dozen witnesses appeared for the defense and all denied there was any fight ing on the train. Some of them were Bcrapping for gum on the floor of the car riage when the policeman interfered, but they said "nobody touched him. STOPPED THE BALL. A. O. F. Hall Association Sued for Some Ten-Cent Admissions. Victor E. Josselyn and Milton Sichel brought suit in the Justices 1 Court yester day against the Ancient Order of Foresters Hall Association. They complain that on April 27 they engaged from the defendants the hall at 102 O'Farrell street, known as Social Hall, for the evening of May 29 for the purpose of holding a dance therein ; that they spent some $20 in cash and labor in advertising the dance; that they went to the hall on the evening of the 29th and some 350 others gathered there from whom they expected to collect 10 cents admission fee "and also 10 cents each additional for hat checks, which would amount to $70 in Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U.S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE all, but that the defendants turned them out and refused to allow them to use the hall. It is for the incidental financial loss that the plaintiffs sue. AN ELECTRIC PLANT. The San Francisco Gag Light Company WHI Probably ISrect. One at an Karly Date. The San Francisco Gas Light Company has discovered that the electric light is affecting its revenue, and that if it wishes to keep in the front ranks of progress it will have to add an electric light plant to the one used for furnishing gas to the citi zens. What the company may do in the course of the next few months lias not yet been definitely determined, but yesterday after noon Joseph B. Crockett," the president, started for the East and Europe to be ab sent three or four months. During his visit East and on the Continent he will ex amine all the prominent electric light ; plants and obtain facts and figures to form j the basis of an exhaustive report he will i present to the directors on his return. For I some time past the officers of the company I have been engaged in studying the electric light problem, and in an informal way they have decided that they ought to have a plant to furnish the new light. Without j estimates they came to the conclusion that \ such a plant as they require would cost j about $2,000,000. "Mr. Crockett left for the East to-day," said the secretary of the company yester- j day afternoon, "and the purpose of his | visit is to familiarize himself with all the j "JAPAN IS DESTINED TO BECOME ONE OP THE MOST POWERFUL NATIONS IN THE WOULD," SAID MAJOR PEARCE. [Sketched yesterday by a "Call" artist.] details of electric light. In fact, he has gone on what might be called a recon noitering expedition." TKIPLE-SPRING- FENDER. P. K. Gillette, a Grass Valley Barber, Invents a Guard for Street cars. P. E. Gillette, a Grass Valley barber with a turn of mind for invention, has con structed a model for an electric or cable car fender, which he brought down from the mountain town and submitted to Mr. Vining yesterday. It was especially con structed to overcome the railroad man's objection to nearly all of the models here" tofore submitted — namely, that nothing yet presented would work on a grade. Mr. Gillette's intention was made with especial reference to grades and works by a triple-action spring. The fender is made oi wire netting and runs on two small tracks one inch and a half from the road bed. When striking an obstruction it is forced to the rails and when springing back to its natural position turns a wire "basket," which throws and holds the obstruction, if a movable one, out of danger. A wire screen attachment ex tends along the car on either side, thus affording ample protection from the wheels. Mr. Vining complimented the inventor on his work, telling him that it was one of the few fenders submitted worthy of consideration. George Eliot, to the end of her life, enter tained the fondest regard for her mother. She said. "Mighty is the force of mother hood. It transforms all things by its vital heat; it turns timidity into fierce courage and dreadless defiance into tremulous sub mission ; it turns thoughtlessness into fore sight, and stills all anxiety into calm con tent; it makes selfisnness become self denial, and gives even to hard vanity the glance of admiring love." Appalachie Bay, Florida, was variously termed Apahlahchie, Abolachie, Apeolatei, Palaxy, Palatcy and so on. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1895. FOREIGN COMPETITION Major Pearce's Eloquent Ex position Before the Cham ber of Commerce. IT IS A PUZZLING PROBLEM. Something Must Be Done to Protect the Manufacturer Against the Cheap Labor Countries. I JThe Chamber of Commerce and a num ber of prominent manufacturers and busi ness men, present by special invitation, listened to an interesting and instructive address by Major Charles E. Pearce of St. Louis yesterday afternoon. Major Pearce is a lawyer with a large practice in St. Louis, and is interested quite extensively in the manufacture of jute and cotton goods. Having recently returned from a tour through England, Scotland, India, China and Japan, where he devoted much of his time to a close and critical inspection of the manufacturing institutions and the processes of those countries, his address was closely con fined to a comparison of the several pro cesses in vogue and a comprehensive ex position of the deductions he had made, touching on the effect of those foreign competitors on the future of American manufacturing industries. It was apparent to all who heard him that he had been a critical observer. He is a statistician from an inherent love of facts and figures, and much that he told his hearers yesterday afternoon was new, entertaining and instructive. After a few introductory words in a happy vein he said : "I went down to Manchester and found there 30,000 cotton manufacturers and workers protesting by petition to Parlia ment against the 5 per cent duty on cotton goods from India. The why will be seen. "I dropped into the manufactory of Cox Brothers in Dundee, where they employ 7000 operators under the best sanitary con ditions. I was told by one of the members of the firm that they would have to move some of their machinery to India; that it was no use — they could not compete with the cheap labor of that country. I had not been in Calcutta fifteen days before I saw samples of their manufactured goods that proved conclusively that no further ex periment was necessary. They can manu facture goods equal to that produced by the manufacturers of Dundee. Therefore i£ is impossible for the English manufac turers to compete. "I have traveled over 6000 miles of rail way in India, and they are equal to many of the lines in this country. The price of railroad labor there is (icents a day. It is the same throughout the entire scale. The best bank clerks and expert bookkeepers get $17 50 a month ; expert accountants, $25 to $125 a month, for which labor we pay $250 and $300 a month; lathe-machinists, 27 cents a day; master mechanics, $3 75 a month. The highest skilled labor receives only $7 50 a month. It is the same in Japan. "When England shut down the mints in London with the result of demonetizing silver in the Orient she did a greater ser vice for the silver men of the United States than all the speeches and press work that has been carried on up to this day. But to return to the manufacturing question — what is true of the cotton manufacture is also true of the metal-workers. In Japan watches are made by workmen who get from 3to 6 cents a day. I bought a watch there for $11, which would have sold for $27 or $30 in New York City. In metals we all know they have excelled for the last hundreds of years. "I went into the match factories there, and let me tell you that they have certainly closed Germany out of the Oriental mar kets. It is the same with brushes. Here is a brush (exhibiting a finely made tootn brush) that could not be bought in New York for less than 90 cents a dozen, and the Japanese turn them out for 23 cents. I'll tell you, gentlemen, it is a great and momentous question, and it devolves on us to solve it. And let me say that when these Japanese get their matches, their metal works and their brushes, and, in fact, all other articles of skilled manufac ture in this country I will thank my stars that I have no interest in the Diamond Match Company and other manufacturers that will have to stand against that com petition. "In India and Japan the manufacturing enterprises are increasing rapidly. In ten years more India will not be importing a single article of manufacture from Eng land, and in the years to come she will not only be supplying her own wants, but will be knocking at tat doors of the j,reat mar kets of the world. It may be deduced from this prophecy that when England loses her vast export trade with the countries which are so rapidly coming to the front in manufacture she will cease to be the banker and creditor of the world; when she loses her £75,000,000 income per annum from her foreign markets she will be ready to enter into an international compact for a bimetallic currency. Just as sure as we are here to-day when India ac quires her commercial independence Eng land will become a bimetallic country. "Going back to Japan we find that a few years ago she had about 400.000 cotton spindles in operation, now she has upward of a million and a quarter and in five years there will be four million spindles in operation in Japan. These facts point in various directions. This great domain of the Pacific Coast has got to have some outlet for her immense products and every patriotic citizen should bend all his energies to the completion of the Nicara gua canal. If that great waterway were completed it would not be long before California and the Southern cotton dis tricts would be able to supply Japan with all the cotton needed in her manufacture. "It would be the same with your wheat and other cereal products. Next to the importance of the completion of this great waterway comes the" acquisition of the Hawaiian Islands. They are needed in our commerce and mean "more to us than appears on the surface. But the great trouble with our people is that of national egotism — we are too self-sufhcient in our selves; but the vast working element of the country, on which the grind of increas ing competition must come, will awaken us to a realizing comprehension of our truejiosition. "\ou cannot show me a manufacturing institution in the United States that within the next six months I cannot meet in com petition with the manufacturing products of Japan. The Japanese mind is the most acquisitive mind in the world. There has not been a college in England, Europe or the United States within the last twenty years that has not had Japanese students. I'll tell you, gentlemen, that the Japanese are bound to c>ecome one of the most pow erful commercial elements in the world. Their navy is one of the finest on the globe to-day, and with their wonderful re sources and unequaled acquisitiveness, it is not strange that they should acquire such a foothold in the vital affairs of the world. "It is no wonder they make good soldiers. They are full of patriotism and loyalty; they are brave and possess a power of endurance that almost passeth all understanding. I know of no army of men of any nation to-day that I would rather command than that of the Japanese people, and the danger of competition from such a contiguous nation cannot be passed over lightly. It is our duty as Americans and loyal citizens to look" these matters squarely in the face and meet them as far as possible through the medium of Con gress. Let us not pass over them too lightly, but act while there is time." On motion of Louis Sloss a vote of thanks was tendered the able speaker and all pres ent rose to their feet in recording the vote. Mr. Rutherford of Oakland said the manufacture of hemp, jute, cotton and flax had been tiied there for many years, and he said his experience had been that of the eloquent speaker. He then spoke of a visit to the pottery works in England and contrasted what he saw there with the appearance of Trenton, N. J., on his re turn. The whole city of Trenton seemed to be to let— the pottery-kilns were idle and all permanently closed down. The lesson thus taught is "that all the improve ments and patents in the various processes of manufacture had been introduced into all the cheap labor, and at this time in this City goods from Japan and other cheap labor countries are oeing sold in open market in competition with our own products. The mill with which the speak er is connected had experimented with Cali fornia grown cotton, but it was not a suc cess. He feared the time was coming when the mill would have to be moved to Japan. But what , California wants, he said in conclusion, is an increased manufacture next to an increased population. He hoped the prominent and representative men present would not fail to seriously con sider the valuable and portentous infor mation given them by the gentleman from St. Louis. After the meeting adjourned many lin gered to discuss the matter so forcibly pre sented by Major Pearce. THE FABIAN CLUB. It Discusses an Interesting and Enter taining Paper on the Individu ality of Socialism. The Fabian Club held its regular meet ing Mondaj night at 713 Van Ness avenue. The subject of the evening's discussion was "Individuality as Applied to Social ism." After an essay on this subject was read by Mr. Daniels the paper was fully discussed by Mr 3. Carr, Rev. J. E. Scott. A. H. Sanborn, M. J. Ferguson and other prominent members of the club. The talk of Mrs. Carr was probably the Best re ceived, as she advanced a lot of ideas and theories heretofore unthought of. Tne next meeting of the club will be an inter esting one, as Dr. Scott is to speak. A well-known member of the club has received a letter from Dr. Herron. dated Grinnell, la. He expresses himself as highly delighted with California and its climate, and hopes to pay the coast another visit belore many days. They manipulate paper into every conceiv» able shape ; print or bind it. Mysell & Rollins, 521 Clay street. * THEIR NEW GUN ARRIVES Accles Rapid-Fire Gun for the Naval Battalion, N. G. C, Is Here. THE FIRST ONE ON THE COAST. Seven Hundred Shots a Minute. Initial Velocity of 2000 Feet Per Second. The Accles rapid-fire gun, which was ordered for the use of the Naval Reserve several weeks ago, reached this City on Sunday lasj, and was turned over to The Accles Gun Mounted for Use on Board Ship. [From an engraving.] Lieutenant Frank A. Brooks, adjutant of the battalion. For twenty-four hours it lay in the freightyards of the Southern Pacific, and in its packings it looked very little like the formidable death-dealing weapon that it is. The gun was assigned yesterday afternoon to Company D of the Naval Reserve, and was removed to the company's armory on Pacitic avenue, where it will be set up. "The Accles gun," said Lieutenant Brooks yesterday afternoon, "is the highest specimen of the gun-makers' art. It has but six barrels, and weighs only 150 pounds, but it is capable of delivering 700 shots a minute, with a length of range and accuracy of fire which is unsurpassed by any weapon of the kind. Our gun is mounted on a field carriage, but it is de signed also to be mounted on a conical base for use on board ship. "A metal shield intended for the protec tion of the gunners when the piece is mounted on a field carriage is also pro vided. We have not yet received the 'ship mount' and shield, but will have them within a few months. "The caliber of the gun is .30. It shoots a nickel-covered bullet weighing 220 grains and measuring Y% inches in length. The cartridge contains 40 grains of smoke less powder, and the bullet leaves the muzzle of the gun with an initial velocity of 2000 feet a second. The total length of the gun is 41 }^ inches, and the length of the barrels is 28 inches. "With the gun the manufacturing com pany has sent us an improved feeding ap paratus, and we have also 2000 rounds of ammunition. "The members of Company D will be set to drilling with it at once. This is neces sary, because every gun has its own pe culiarities, to which the men must become accustomed. When the men shall have become expert in the use of the weapon an exhibition drill will be ordered, to which Senator Perkins, Governor Budd and other State and Federal officials will be invited. The officers of the regular army and navy, who have awaited the gun's arrival with considerable interest, will also be afforded an opportunity of inspecting the piece and of examining the working of its machin ery." The newly acquired weapon of the Naval THE ACCLES KAPID - FIRING GUN READY FOR ACTION. THE WEAPON IN THIS CITY 13 NOT YET PROVIDED WITH A SHIELD. [Reproduced from an engraving.] Battalion is the first one of its kind that has been seen on this coast. In appear ance the weapon is formidable in the "ex treme and the practical efficiency of a machine gun of this character can scarcely be doubted. Among the members of the Naval Bat talion there has been considerable rivalry over the first possession of the piece, though the gun belongs to the battalion as a whole, and will be passed from company to company in turn. Under the circum stances, therefore, tue officers and men of Company D are jubilant and will work hard to deserve the preference shown them. The commissioned officers of the company are Lieutenant L. H. Turner, Lieutenant (junior grade) \V. E. Gunn, Ensigns C. M. St. John and A. H. Elliott. In the distribution of the men about the g un and in the mode of working the piece in action the Accles gun differs consider ably from all others. With it a full gun crew consists of nineteen men, including one commissioned officer, two petty officers, eight riflemen and eight gunners. As in dicated by the names the riflemen are armed with rifles and in action are de ployed about the piece to protect it from capture in case of a charge. The gunners are armed with cutlasses and revolvers and give their attention to the actual working of the gun. In moving the piece all six teen men lend a hand, and as the gun is comparatively very light that number can move it a long distance at considerable speed. HEBREW EXERCISES. Sherith Israel Children Examined in the Tenets of Their Faith. The commencement exercises of the Sherith Israel Sunday-school were held last evening at the synagogue, Post and Taylor streets. The educational commit tee of the congregation, presided over by DRY GOODS. ..-^-^..-^-..^-^ -. ., FRENCH DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT! new HTchoiceltyles AT VERY LOW PRICES ! One case COLORED FRENCH CREPON, 42 inches wide (new shades), at 75c a yard. One case COLORED FRENCH CREPON, 46 inches wide (new shades), $1.00 a yard. 50 pieces NOVELTY FRENCH SUITING, 44 inches wide -------- 75c a yard. 70 pieces FANCY FRENCH SUITING (silk and wool) -------- $1.00 a yard. Three cases 45-INCH FRENCH SERGE (all shades) «-"---•----- 50c a yard. Two cases 48-INCH FRENCH DIAGONALS (latest shades) ------ 75c a yard. NOTE==== 100 pieces FRENCH PRINTED CHALLIES (new designs), in both dark and light colorings, 30c a yard, Ei^ We respectfully invite our patrons to inspect these exceptional bargains at their earliest opportunity. ttt" Country orders receive prompt attention. CB- Goods delivered free in San Rafael, Sausalito. Bllthedala Mill Valley, Oakland, Alameda and Berkeley. 111, 113, 115, 117, 119, 121 POST STREET. Louis Brown, president, occupied seats on the platform. | A song by the children was the first number on the programme. Next followed selections from the Hebrew scriptures, which were translated by the boys. Ten members of the Sunday-school recited the ten commandments in Hebrew and Eng lish. After prayer by Morris Goldtree several little girls recited sketches de scriptive of Bible events. Frank Coffin rendered "The Holy City." Some essays were read descriptive of the times of the judges, the parables, books of Ruth and Samuel. After appropriate quotations from the book of Proverbs had been read Dr. Nieto addressed the class on the work of the past year. The following pupils of the Sunday school received prizes: Silver medals— Hazel Abrahamson. Nathan Goldtree, Saul Gruman. Gold medals awarded by the president: Belle Monash, Selby Badt. Prizes were also given to: May Hirschfield, Lucille Aronson, A. Men delsohn, Edna Summerfield, Hattie Mendel sohn. Monroe Green. Tessie Summerfield, £S?I l ? a £, lcin - Mola Kowalsky, Ida Young Hilda Schlesinger, Leon Kuttuer, Albert Pose ner, Leah Young, Milton Badt, Mildred New man, Gertrude Rotowsky. Josie Leszynsky, Samuel Levinson. Stella Leszynsky, Flossie beiler, Morris Goldtree, Gussie Wolfsohn, Julia Steveler. During the evening solos were sung by Cantor D. Davis and Miss Ella V. McClos key, accompanied by Mrs. H. J. Stewart. An address by Rabbi J. Nieto closed the proceedings. Yon Ranke's mother was literary and the author of several essays and other works. Take No Substitute^ Gail Borden Eagle Brand jmmm CONDENSED MILK Has always stood FIRST in the estima- tion of the American People. Wo other is "just as good." Best Infant Food. KIENIG'S MONSTER CLEARANCE SALE Still Continues With Unabated Snccess. This clearly demonstrates that the public is fully aware of the great bar- gains to be had at KCENIG'S. Desirable sizes are thinning out, and to get a good fit come soon. Customers are kindly requested to come as early in the morning as ' con. venient to avoid the afternoon rush, as they can then be better attended to. ANY STYLE of HERBER'S ONLY SHOES in the house for &A (\t\ ladies and gents «JV±."l/ GENTLEMEN'S ENGLISH ONLY WAUKENPHASTS, calf or $ \ fid patent leather, in any style. «pO.l/U Store Open Saturday Evenings to 10 o'clock KCENIG'S 122 Kearny Street. ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS. Each and every pair of Royal Worcester Corsets have the full name stamped inside on "the linen tape at the waist. If the full name Is not there they are not genuine Royal Worcesters. The pU.-^ to buy them is at the fitting-rooms, 10 Geary st., up stairs, corner of Kearny, where they are fitted * free. We can fit any form ai any price and war- rant every pair. If you have not worn them you should try a pair. CHESTER F. WRIGHT, 10 Geary St., cor. Kearny. rlntprior merchants please address wholesale poms, 35 New Montgomery st., San Francisco. ■4BteNEY.^ JS THE VERY BEST ONETO KXAMimSYOTJ* »£*?.£? them to Specttcles orEyegliu«B. r,.oeri£Ev U £ U , Si hU owa mventioi, wbow Oiltce Houra-ia to i e.u. NEW WESTERN HOTEL. K EA «5 3 T A ? D WASHINGTON STS.— RE- XV modeled and renovated. KING, WARD CO European plan. Rooms 50c to $1 50 per day, hot and cold water every room ; nre gratea in ev«u» room; elevator run. >n nijhu »»«*y