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6 CHARLES M. SHORTRIDGE, Editor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: DAILY CALL— «G per year by mail; by carrier, 15c per week. SUNDAY CALL— «I.SO per year. WEEKLY CALL— * 1.60 per year. The Kastern office of the SAX FRANCISCO CALL (Daily and Weekly), Pacific (Stales Adver tising Bureau, Hhlnelander building, Hose and Duane streets, New York. THE SUMMER MONTHS. Are yon going to the country on a vacation ? If bo, it is no trouble for us to forward THE CALL to your address. Do not let it miss you for you will miss it. Orders given to the carrier, or left at j;ubiuess Office, 710 Market street, will receive prompt attention. WEDNESDAY . . . JUNE 5, 1895 Choler needs but one more letter to make it fatal. The policeman should try to live up to his uniform. The Pioneers have pointed the fatal finger at silurianism. It is a wise bulldog who, having bitten, knows when to let go. He is a poor detective who will surrender his secrets to the public. The absence of a tail does not deprive a dog of the desire to wag it. The mystery story fad threatens to make •'I guess" a National byword. When the flying machine comes in the north pole will be a summer resort. As crime itself is shady, the pursuit of it must necessarily be made in the dark. Russia protests indifference to the money question, but she continues to hoard gold. People who are waiting for the return of prosperity should try to hasten it a little. Eastern people are clamoring for a science that will change their climate for them. It is proof of the general goodness of our peopie that murder in this City is always a mystery. A big heart and a pocket with a weak sphincter are often seen having a frolic together. The Pioneers are to begin anew the bat tie which they won for California in the early days. He is an uncommonly great man who is not content to bask in the radiance of his own glory. With so fine a climate it is not surpris ing that Uiah expects to acquire a strong constitution. There are two ways in which a smile may be taken as evidence that high spirits are on easy tap. Some people delight in reading of mur ders, but others find more pleasure in the ■water carnival. Perhaps the hot time in New York is due to the report that the Prince of Wales is coining over. The most interesting phenomenon in natural history is the man who is always &bJe to keep his head. The biggest man in the worid is he who has the largest girth of heart and the greatest height of understanding. When a President of the United States ha? a cabinet vacancy to fill he gets as much free advice as if he had a bad cold. Now that the Pioneers have started a Bcheme for developing the State, we are all waiting to hear from their native sons. We may be enabled to cultivate charity even for the bore by reflecting that the deepest well reaches the sweetest water. San Francisco should make her Fourth of July this year the crown, the climax and the consummation of all the fiestas. The detective of the future is to be a woman, for, like geniuses and angels, she knows things without having learned them. If the Corbett and Fitzsiminons tight is beid in Texas it may benont the people by inciting them to use their lists hereafter instead of . Jx-shooters. Every week reports a new convert of im portance from the gold standard to bi metallism, but there is no record of any one going tae other way. We are better enabled to reflect upon the complexities of civilization by realizing that the stocking was the foundation of the savings-bank system. It is singular what cacophony exists be tween the product of the bee and that of an industrious man, for in the one case it is honey and in the other money. By careful selection of the seed and an intensive cultivation of the 9oil, a French acriculturist claims to have grown enough wheat in twenty square yards of land to feed a man for a year. Last winter the Northern States sent their blizzards through the South and now the South is getting even by remaining cool, while a hot wave sweeps everything from Chicago to New York. If all the people of the country had as much spirit as those of Colorado the rail roads might be convinced that by operat ing under public sufferance they owe some thing to the public as well as to them selves". The British Government will probably have a mental reservation in congratu lating Kaiser William on the completion of the Baltic canal, which puts the Ger man fleet within easy striking distance of the British coast. The statement of the Prussian Minister of the Interior that the Government is per fectly indifferent to what the representa tives of the people think of its measures 6hows how easy it is to run a government when you don't care how many snags you Btrike. In coining a trade dollar for commercial uses in the Orient, Great Britain puts an important part of her currency in harmony with that of the United States and thus takes an important step in the direction of an eventual uniform monetary system throughout the civilized world. II every member of the community at any period of its development should re gard himself as the pioneer of a new move ment for bettering the condition of his successors, the reformation of social and industrial conditions would be as frequent at the r^.Tent of new generations. THE PIONEERS MOVING. One of the most gratifying pieces of news to which the public has been treated lately is the announcement that the Society of California Pioneers has determined to enter upon an earnest campaign for the industrial development of the State. The president has been directed by resolution to appoint a committee which shall pre pare a plan. By reason of their past achievements the Pioneers will be a very conspicuous figure in this movement that is stirring all the people. A great deal will be expected of the men who, after appalling hardships. invaded a strange and alien territory and did their part in adding it to the Union; who as miners developed the monitor and quartzmill from the primitive pan and arastra; who organized and enforced, with out a line of written law, the highest form of civil and criminal justice that this coun try has ever seen; who made the amazing discovery that the plow as well as the \>ick could turn up gold in quantity ; who built cities and railroads, established domestic trade and unlocked the commerce of the Orient, and who did all the hard and cour ageous work that was done in laying the foundations of California's greatness. This last and very important addition to the agencies which have been created for the advancement of the State gives us oc casion for calling attention again to the advisability of organizing a central body out of representatives of all the bodies working to a common end. Upon such a plan as this have the best results in other directions been secured. The Associated Charities is an instance, and it admirably illustrates the harmonizing of purposes. It is the adoption of this idea that has made the American Railway Union and the Federated Trades so powerful as labor organizations, and although the lines upon which the various bodies are working for California are each unlike the others in method, still as the end is the same the efficiency of each can be largely augmented t>v a central harmonizing agency. THE WILY JAPANESE. Labor Commissioner Fitzgerald has be gun in good time his inquiry into the mat ter of Japanese laborers in the orchards of California. He has made the surprising assertion that there are many Japanese laborers in California to-day who are wear ing the military uniform which they wore in the war with China. From this we infer that since the disbandment of some of the Japanese armies as a result of the treaty of peace the recent belligerents have been in so great a hurry to come to California that they have hardly taken time to change their clothes. Whatever turn the discussion of labor in the orchards may be given, we cannot ignore the necessities of the orchardists themselves. Their preference for this or that kind of labor can be based on no other ground than the value of labor itself. If they announce that after very painful and costly experiment they find Japanese and Chinese more reJiable than Americans dur ing the fruit-harvesting season, we are bound to give respectful heed to their as sertions. From the free labor bureau which Com missioner Fitzgerald is setting on foot we shall hope rather than expect to see good resufts. Between the tramp and the un employed, earnest man, and between this man aud employment, there are gulfs, snares and entanglements which try the souls of men. If Commissioner Fitzgerald should receive the earnest co-operation of all the agencies which are organized to serve both the employer and the employe, ' and all the agencies which devote their energies to the encouragement and uplift ing of the laboring masses, the acme of prosperity would be insured. It is in or der, therefore, not only for Mr. Fitzgerald to seek the co-operation of these organiza tions, but for them to find him and unite their intelligence and energy with his. Meanwhile he has confronted us with the proposition that a usurpation of our labor fields by the Japanese is now as se rious a matter as that which gave birth to the Chinese exclusion laws which there has been so great trouble in enforcing. After many years of legal wrangling these laws are declared valid so far as the Chi nese are concerned. If the Japanese offer a similar menace, as Mr. Fitzgerald seems to think, the sooner we embrace them in our exclusion methods the better; but ex clusion of any sort of labor is iujudicious in the absence of efforts to make our own labor adequate to the necessities of em ployers. A PECULIAR POLICY. Every effort that tends to develop the region lying between California and the Mississippi and Missouri rivers will bring the consumers of California's products nearer to the point of production. The nearest market of any consequence that we now have is Chicago, 2000 miles away, and New York is 1000 miles farther. In seek ing markets so remote the greatest diffi culties and heavy expense are encountered. Colorado is only 1500 miles from San Francisco, or 1100 nearer than Chicago and 2100 miles nearer than New York. In natural resources it is one of the richest States in the Union, and it is capable of supporting a Dopulation sufficiently large to consume all the fruit and most of the wine that California could supply at pres ent. Yet by reason of certain facts herein after to be considered the population of Colorado is not increasing, and its princi pal cities, Denver and Pueblo, have been suffering greatly. It has not been able to send us its coal and iron, which we need more than anything else, and we could not send it our fruits. Bankruptcy or closing up has overtaken its woolen-mills, powder mills, nail factories, shoe factories, glass works, cement works, cooper-shops, tent factories, mattress factories, soap works, tanneries, paint works, box factories, im plement works, stamping factories, rolling mills, foundries, machine-shops, stove works, car works and many other factories. This is all because of railroad discrim ination, which made it impossible for Colorado to compete with Chicago and New York in exchanging commodities with Ban Francisco. Worse than that, although Colorado is rich in iron, English rails could be delivered at the docks at San Francisco for less, including the price of the rails and all transportation charges, than the charge for freight alone on rails from Pueblo to San Francisco. Com forters and other first-class freight were carried from New York or Chicago to San Francisco for $1 a hundred pounds, while the rate from Colorado to San Francisco is $3. To San Francisco rails were 60 cents from Chicago and $1 60 from Colorado, bar iron was 50 cents and $1 60 from the two points respectively, water-pipe was 50 and 85 cents respectively; canned goods from San Francisco were 75 cents to Denver and 50 cents to New York. And so it went. As a consequence of this disgraceful con dition of affairs, which tends simply to prohibit the settlement of the region lying between California and the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, George J. Kindel. a large manufacturer of Denver, seeing that ruin to himself and to all other manufac turers and producers of Colorado was in evitable, brought suit before the Interstate Commerce Commission last April against THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1895. the various railway lines engaged in this monstrous crime, and has forced the mak ing of rates that are a long step toward Colorado's ambition to be on fair fighting terms with the world. This will tend to the growth of a large population compara tively near to San Francisco and in need of its products, and at the same time will enable us to enjoy to some extent the benefits of Colorado's products. That most valuable of all economic things, the prevailing common-sense of the people, can never be convinced that the "science of transportation," as ex pounded by transportation companies, can justify such charges as have nearly ruined Colorado, and so crippled the market for California products. Out of this common sense was born the interstate commerce law, which already has produced many beneficial results. Either the ways of rail road companies are inscrutable, or the people's common-sense and conceptions of right conduct are wholly at fault. If the Southern Pacific Company, instead of ex pending, without result, hundreds of thou sands, if not millions, of dollars in adver tising the resources and attractions of California with a view of securing an in crease of population, had charged rates sufficiently lower than those adopted to represent th^amounts expended in adver tising the State, it would have insured the prosperity of those already here and thereby have given the State the best ad vertisement that could be imagined. ORIENTAL MONEY. Despite the efforts of the British Govern ment to provide a gold currency for Tndia the reports for the fiscal year just closed show imports of nearly 27,000,000 ounces of silver into British India, while about 700,000 ounces of gold were exported. This would seem to imply that silver is the true money metal of the country and that the attempt to force a gold standard there with the use of gold coin is as vain as an attempt to make water run up hill. Hardly less interesting than this seem ing failure of the attempt to make India a gold-money country is the report that the dies for the new British "trade dollar" have been received at the Indian mints and that the coinage will begin at once, The new coin, which has a weight of 416 grains and is similar in size, weight and fineness to the Japanese "yen," is in tended for circulation throughout the Orient and will be current in all British trading centers in Eastern Asia. The making of these coins will of course create a demand for a considerable quantity of silver, and it has already been suggested that there wili be a big profit for the Eng lish in buying silver cheap in this country and sending it to India for manufacture into Oriental money. If the Japanese should succeed in open ing up all China to foreign trade, there will in all likelihood be a large demand tnere for the new coin, and this could hardly fail to have a considerable effect in strengthening the demand for an inter national agreement for the free coinage of silver everywhere. With an increasing market in China for foreign goods, Oriental commerce will become so large that the necessity of having some uniformity be tween the standards of Oriental money and that of Europe and America will be come imperative; and that very argument of a uniform standard which is now used so effectively by the monometallists will then become an argument for bimetallism. As affairs stand at present, Great Britain seems to be having everything her own way. By the force of her influence she holds Europe and the United States to the gold standard which she uses at home, and then through her Indian mints she coins silver with which to capture the trade of Asia. Exactly as she buys Ameri can cotton, carries it to Manchester and manufactures it into cloth, which she sells at a profit at Hongkong, so will she buy American silver, carry it to London, snip it thence to the Indian mints, manufacture it into the new trade dollars and make an other profit in Hongkong. How long will the United States allow these astute islanders to play single standard at home and double standard in the East, while we play single standard all the time, and lose all the profit of coining our silver for the Eastern trade? A CANADIAN WAENING. The Weekly Times of St. Thomas, Onta rio, is one of those Can idian journals whose jingoism is expressed in articles suf ficiently well founded to give occasion for thought as well as for amusement. In a recent issue it has made the British fortifi cations at Esquimalt the basis of an argu ment to prove that in case of war between the two countries a British fleet could ruin the cities of the Pacific Coast long before an American army could disturb Canada. In the statement of facts upo-i which this argument is based the Times says a fleet from Esquiinalt could destroy every city and town on Puget Sound in ten days, occupy the outlets of the railway systems there, send ships up the Columbia River to destroy Portland and the Oregon rail roads, proceed southward and bombard with impunity San Diego, Santa Barbara and San Pedro, and could even enter the Golden Gate and destroy San Francisco itself, or, failing that, could at least with long-range guns bombard the City from the ocean and throw shells as far as the Palace Hotel. It is claimed that not a single sea port on the coast has any adequate de fenses, and that as a matter of fact we are completely at the mercy of the big war ships stationed permanently at the naval depot on Vancouver Island. Having made this statement of the con dition of affairs the Canadian jingo goes on to say: "Here is food for thought for those bombastic Americans who, on every pretext, loudly advocate twisting the Brit ish lion's tail. England is something of a twister herself when she thinks she has sufficient occasion, and the tail feathers of the American eagle, as represented by the Pacific Coast extremity of the United States, are not in a condition to withstand much serious twisting. As things now stand, it looks as though the owners of this molting appendage should go slow in assuming aggressive attitudes, espe cially toward England, until they have in augurated an efficient system of coast defense extending from San Francisco to Seattle and Port Townsend." It will not be denied there is some sub stance in this boasting. In comparison with the great fortress and naval supply at Esquimalt we are indeed practically de fenseless, and it might be to our advantage to take some measures to protect our selves. Preliminary steps might be taken by strengthening our fortifications and in creasing our naval forces on the Pacific, but, of course, the only effectual step would be to take Esquimalt, and that is what we will have to do the next time we twist the tail of the British lion in earnest. O APEO-AMEEIOAN CONGRESS. The recently issued call for a congress of the Afro-American Leagues of California to meet in this city on July 30 will awaken no little interest in the affairs of that por tion of our population. The congress is intended to be a thoroughly representative one, not of the Leagues only, but of the entire Afro-American race in the State, and will undoubtedly be attended by most of its leading men. It has the promise, therefore, of being an important gathering and of fully repaying the interest it occa sions. The chief object of the congress is to devise plans for forming a closer bond of union among the members of the race, and thus enable them to reap the benefits which invariably result from wisely di rected co-operation and mutual helpful ness. An important part of the work will be the collection of information and statis tics relating to the condition and industry of the race. In the call for the congress, the delegates are urged to bring with them, so far as possible, statistics showing the numbers of the men, women and children of the race in the county which they rep resent, the different occupations pursued by members of the race, the number of property-owners, the estimated value of the property, and such other data as may be of historic value in showing the existing condition of the race in this State. Whatever advances the welfare of any portion of our people tends to advance the welfare of all. The congress, therefore, is likely to result in benefits, not onl/to the race represented in it, but to all California. Certainly every step taken to extend and increase the practice of co-operation among any portion of the people is of advantage to the community, and for that reason, if for none other, there will be cordial sym pathy with the objects of the meeting and a general desire that they may be promptly attained. PERSONAL. F. D. Cobbs of Stockton is at the Baldwin. Irving L. Blinn and bride are at the Palace Hotel. Dr. F. W. Hatch of Agnews is at the Lick House. W. R. Gould of Stinta Barbara is stopping at the Palace. Frank A. Kimball of National City is at the Grand Hotel. John L. Hudner, an attorney of Hollister, is at the Lick House. A. R. Johnson and wife of Riverside are guests of the Palace Hotel. C. W. Keeney of the Antioch paper-mills is registered at the Brooklyn. M. Lawrence of the Tallac House at Lake Tahoe is a guest of the Baldwin. The Rev. W. Leacock and family of Eureka have quarters at the Lick House. W. L. Pritchard, a Sacramento stock-raiser, registered at the Grand yesterday. Edward Hale of the Sacramento firm of Hale Bros, is registered at the Baldwin. Felix Tracy, a Sacramento business man, registered at the Lick House yesterday. A. P. Johnson and wife of Sonora are at the Lick House. Mr. Johnson is a mining man. General T. W. Sheehan and wife of Sacra mento registered at the Occidental yesterday. J. D. Stephens, c Woodland banker and land-owner, came to the Grand Hotel yester day, accompanied by his family. Professor A. L. Colton of the Lick Observa tory, came in from Mount Hamilton yesterday and registered at the Lick House. Dr. A. E. Osborne, superintendent of the Home for the Feeble Minded at Eldrldge, is in the City and a guest at the GrandJHotel. James M. Day, an old-time mining man of the coast, who has spent the past winter here accompanied by hisVife, leave 1 ? this morning for his home in Galena, 111. PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT. Gustav Freytag left $230,000 besides some landed property, the largest sum ever made by a German author. The 6ociety of young women in Danbury, Conu., whose members are pledged not to rnairy any man who uses liquor, now numbers 400. Prince Waldemar of Denmark has one dis tinction which no other member of the Danish royal house can claim — he has no throne aud Ho prospects of one. Henry Irving presided recently at the annual dinner of the Savage Club, and in his speech regretted that the club had become rather fashionable at the expense of its bohemians. The great dinner which the Emperor of Ger many is to give in Holtenau for the guests in the opening of the ship canal is to cost $25,000. The contract has been taken by a Berlin caterer to feed 1000 persons. There are to be forty-two cooks and two chefs. England is greatly interested in the cricket ing record of Frederick C. Holland, a youth of 19, who batted out 123 runs for Surrey in the recent match against Essex. It was a perform ance due more to genuine skill than to luck, and, added to his youth and staying powers, it makes him a promising successor of the veteran Dr. Grace. Sophia M. Palmer, daughter of the late Eari of Selborne, ex-Lord Chancellor, writes to the London Times to protest against the proposed memorial to her father. "He deterted." she says, "the modern system of testimonials for the mere performance of obvious duty, and he characterized memorials as 'a new death tax.' " Professor George F. Comfort, formerly dean of the College of Fine Art* of the University of about to write an exhaustive treatise on the science of esthetics. "It will embrace," he says, "not less than four volumes of about 500 or 600 pages." About fifty years ago l'ro fessor Vischer of Stuttgart wrote a treatise upon esthetics in five large octavo volumes. SUPPOSED TO BE HUMOROUS. Doctor— l would advise you, dear madam, to take frequent baths, plenty of fresh air and dress in cool gowns. Husband fan hour later)— What did the doc tor say? Wife— He said I ought to go to a watering place and afterward to the mountains, and to get some new light gowns at once.— Fuegende Blaetter. "Papa, do lawyers tell the truth?" "Certainly, my boy; they will do anything to win their case." — Danville Breeze. "I have often heard," said Mr. Haicede, as he watched the movements of the hired man. "I have often heard of fellers walkin' in their Bleep, but yon air positive the first man I ever seen that slept in his walkin'."— lndianapolis Journal. "Witness," said a lawyer in the police court the other day, "you speak of Mr. Smith being well off. Is he worth $5000?" "No, sah." "Two thousand?" "No, sah ; ho ain't wurf 25 cents." "Then how is he well off?" "Got a wife, sah, who sports de hull fam'ly, sah!"— Yonkers Blade. Customer— l want a spring suit. Tailor— Yes, sir. Would you like one made of thin gray goods or one of these heavy Irish friezes lined with fur?— Philadelphia Tele graph. Wyld— Can't you overcome your thirst for rum? Tramp— Yes, 6ir, with a dime.— Life. "What do you know about gold and silver?" asked the aged farmer of the irreverent youth. "You are too young to understand anything about the coinage question." "Oh, of course,"-Jeered the youth. "I guess I am too young to be a safe man to sell a gold brick to." The allusion was painfully personal. — In dianapolis Journal. | IRuralJMagistrate— Konrad, you'Jare charged with committing an assault on the night watchman. Konrad— l only threw his jacket behind the stove. Night Watchman— Yes, your Worship, but I was inside the jacket; that makes all the dif ference.— Borfbarbier. Mrs. Trott— Oh, I only went into town on a shopping tour. Mrs. Streete— Did you? Tell me all about it; did you nave a real good time? Mrs. Trott— Not at all. I found what I wanted in the very first store I went into. Mrs. Streete— How provoking?— Boston Tran script. AROUND THE CORRIDORS. "The full extent of the Turkish outrages in Armenia will never De known to the outside world," said Rev. J. E. Scott last evening at the Occidental. Dr. Scott was stationed at tne city of Van in Armenia for ten years as a mis sionary, and is fully acquainted with the cir cumstances surrounding the massacre which thrilled the civilized world with horror. "The Kurds," continued Dr. Scott, "occupy the mountain region about Van and Bitlis. They are a half-civilized, cruel and warlike people, predatory in habit and bloodthirsty by nature, without any other ambition than to make war upon their peaceful neighbors of the valley region, the effeminate and pastoral Ar menian, who finds his greatest delight in car ing for his flocks or tilling the fertile soil of his valleys, and in the joys of domestic life, undis turbed save by the tocsin of the barbarous dwellers of the hills. "The Armenian is not a fighter, He knows nothing of the science of war and his character is wholly lacking in the aggressive quality so abnormally developed in his neighbors of the north and their allies, the fierce and cruel Turks. "While in Armenia I paw two Kurds ride into an Armenian town of 5000 inhabitants and load up a mule train with merchandise stolen from the principal merchants of the town. And this in broad daylight and in the presence of two-thirds of the population. No one dared to resist these bearded bandits, armed to the teeth and hoping, no doubt, for opposition, which would have given them an opportunity to glut their thirst for blood. For any show of fight on the part of the people they might nave taken the whole town. When they had se cured all the plunder that they could carry they started the train homeward, making faces at the townspeople as they drove through the streets en route to the mountains. These peo ple levy a regular tax on the Armenians for miles around, and it was for refusing to pay this tax that the Turks perpetrated this last fearful massacre. "The Turks are always looking lor an opportu nity to persecute the Armenians, and this is not the first time that they have murdered the inoffensive people by the thousands. "The number slain was icported to be between 5000 and 15,000 in this last outrage. The number was proDably much greater than that, but, as I have said, the full particulars will always remain a mystery- Missionaries are afraid to write the truth about existing condi tions to their friends in the outside world. The mail is subject to a close scrutiny by the Turk ish authorities, and it would go ill with any person of whatever nationality found sending out letters criticizing Turkish rule. The only hope for the Armenians to-day is in English or Russian interference. There seems to be a fair prospect of this intervention." Colonel C. F. Crocker, who has been traveling round the world for recreation and rest, is ex pected to arrive here to-day. A dispatch was received yesterday at the Southern Pacific Company's offices stating that he was coming In his special car over the Central Pacific route and would reach here to-day. Colonel Crocker went by steamer to Japan, where he lingered a short time, and then set off for China, India, the Mediterranean and Europe. When he sets foot in San Francisco he will have completely encircled the globe, and it is understood that he feels much better for his long journey. TEACHER YODER LEAVES He Is Displeased With Super intendent Babcock and Existing Conditions. Reply of Mr. Babcock to Charges of Personal Animus— Estimate of Instructors. Although Mr. Voder, principal of the Normal School, said yesterday he "had nothing to say" in regard to his differ ences with some of the school authorities he expressed some positive opinions about the schools in this City. "I am going away because it is impossi ble to do good work here under existing conditions," he said. "This Xormal School has been a farce heretofore. I have tried to raise its standard, but conld not because the board failed to co-operate with me. Twenty two of the eighty-three girlb that Mere graduated Monday were not en titled to their honors. I recommended that they be not passed, but the board graduated them. "I was quoted as saying that Deputy Su perintendent Babcock is incompetent. I said it and meant iL That was a dis graceful proceeding of his when he replied to Mr. Murdock as he did at the Girls' High School Monday evening. It was in baa taste, and was done in order to get even with some members of the board and myself. "J shall leave in a few days to take a position as professor of pedagogy in a normal school at trie same salary I have received in this position. As my election has not yet taken place, although I am assured it will be, I will not give the name of the school." Deputy Superintendent Babcock had just returned from distributing medals and presenting diplomas at the Hamilton School when seen in his office. "I do not regard the matter in a personal way," he said, "1 have only the best wishes for Mr. Voder, and if the board should decide to retain him in the schools 1 would do all I could to sustain him. I think I have nothing to say to his charges against me. I believe my standing in the community will not be affected by an in dividual opinion. "As to the 'bad taste' of my remarks about the teachers of the City, others may be equally good judges. I was impelled by no personal animus to make those re marks, but consider that I would have failed in my duty if I had not made them. I have a high appreciation of Mr. Mur dock's personal and official integrity and believe that he is conscientious in the dis charge of his duties, so I repeat that I was actuated by no personal consideration in saying what I did of the San Francisco teachers. "Yet 1 have been associated with them for a long time and know them to be a high-minded, faithful, conscientious and capable body. Seven years ago the Na tional Educational Association, composed of the flower of the teaching forces oi the East, met in conference nere, and our teachers, who mingled with them daily, suffered not a bit by comparison." THE CHAINING AUXILIARY. Its First Annual Meeting— Klection of Officers for the Terni. The first annual meeting of the Char ming Auxiliary was held on Tuesday after noon in the parlors of the First Unitarian Church. The executive committee is composed of Mrs. Horace Wilson, the president of the auxiliary; Mrs. Frank W. Sumner and Miss Kate Atkinson, the vice-presidents; Mrs. Louis M. Johnson, recording secre tary; Miss Elizabeth Easton, correspond ing secretary ; Mrs. Arthur Collier, busi ness secretary, and Miss Kate Beaver, treasurer. The chairmen of the other committees are : Mrs. C. C. Burr of the Postoffice mis sion committee; Mrs. Frank W. Sumner, special sub-committee; Mrs. Lovell White of the afternoon lecture committee; Miss Kate W. Beaver, publishing committee; Miss Wade, entertainment committee, and Miss Anne B. Campbell, floral committee. Mrs. M. L. O'Neal. Mrs. P. 13. Cornwall and Mrs. Horatio Stebbins compose the audit ing committee. After a good musical programme had been gone through the meeting adjourned till the first Monday in September. «■ ♦ — • To Develop Central America. A new company has been incorporated en titled the Central American Development Company to "cement the commercial interests between this country and the Centra) American republics." The capital stock i« $1,000,000 and the directors are: M. Casin. C. F. Thoines A. Ballen, N. C. Den, F. A. Woodworth. ' THE GRAND JURY'S WORK Their Final Report Will Be Made Wednesday of Next Week. CITY OFFICIALS TOUCHED UP. The Ferry Foundation and Other Public Works Receive Their Attention. The Grand Jury meets to-day at 2 o'clock for the first time since last Friday. The session is practically a matter of form, as the main work of the jury has already been accomplished, the only thing remain ing to be done being to ratify or reject the various reports. The present Grand Jury has been in session since December 9, 1894. or about six months. During that time it has accom plished much good and been the means of instituting reforms and corrections hith erto unthou«ht of. A week from to-day the Grand Jury will adjourn, and their re port in many respects promises to be a novel and interesting one. Instead of passing the usual compli mentary recommendations, it is under stood that it will indorse absolutely noth ing, but to the contrary will confine itself almost exclusively to a series of attacks on existing evils, which are only too well known to the taxpayers of San Francisco. For instance, in the matter of the ferry foundation it has been erroneously re ported that the Grand Jury could find no fault with this work, or the manner in which it has been conducted. This, how ever, is an error, ior the jury will, if all re ports be true, severely censure the con tractors and ask that a further in vestigation be made. The only thing that has prevented a closer inspec tion on its part is the shortness of funds and time, and it will recommend that the succeeding Grand Jury investigate the matter more carefully. The Grand Jury is practically certain" that there is a leak somewhere, but with its limited re sources it has been impossible to locate the stealing. The City and County Hospital will also receive its share of attention. The charge will be made that that institution is re ceipting for a lot of fuel that is not deliv ered. Just where the trouble is the Grand Jury has not been able to determine, but that it exists is shown almost be yond a doubt. The City receives, ac cording to the proposed report, only about half the coal it is entitled to. That there is some truth in (his is shown by the statement of a gentleman well versed in the matter of coal. "It costs the contractors," he said yesterday, "$5 a ton, and yet they deliver it at the hospital for $5 59, or in other words for 59 cents a ton. Any man with common sense knows that this cannot be done if full weight and measure are given. The City Hall anthra cite contract could be done at the figures named, though it is doubtful if they are receiving more than half what the contract calls for. The same is true of the Fire De partment and the Almshouse." It is understood that the Sheriff's office will come in for its share of censure on the fee bill question. The Grand Jury as a whole is not at all satisfied with the Sheriff's interpretation of the law, though it is obliged to satisfy itself with a mere reprimand. The County Clerk's office will not be lost in the general shuffle, and Clerk Curry will come in for his share of censure. The claim that the increased expense of bis office »vas due to the clerical work being hehind is discredited. Probably one of the most important items in the Grand Jury's work will be found in the report on "Judge Campbell and straw bond. Judge Sanderson will probably be mentioned also for his de cision regarding Judge Campbell. These matters form an important part of the re- Eort, and the exact action of the jury will c eagerly looked for by the public. HAMILTON SCHOOL. Deputy Superintendent Babcock Pre sents Diplomas to Ninety-Five Boys and Girls. The ninth grade of the Hamilton Gram mar School, 95 strong, held its closing ex ercises and received well-earned medals and diplomas at the hands of Deputy Superin tendent Babcock yesterday. The exercises were held at the Girls' High School. The following programme was rendered : Class song, "Heavenly King"; salutatory, Edward OLsen; class song, "Come Where the Lilies Bloom"; recitation, "Irish Philosopher," Henry Gray; class song, "On Lofty Alp»"; piano solo, Flora Cohu; class song", "Cover Them Over"; recitation. "Gone With a Hand somer Man." Juliet Son; class song, "Sunrise"; piano solo, "Caprice Hongroise," Gustave Taubles; class song, "See the Merry Farmer Boy"; "Pledge to the Flag," by the class; piano solo, "Spring Song," Anna May ers; recitation, "Victor Galbraith," by Gertie Van Vllet, Ethel Hudson, May Bailinger, Gu= tave Taubles, Sam Sanders, Clarisse Olcovich, Aimee Pollak, Dora Olinsky, Wallace Beanston John Nolan and Ernest McAvov; class song "Whippoorwill"; valedictory, "Echoes of the Past," Clotilde Ginochio; class song, "Amer ica." Following is a list of the graduates : Guy Anthony, Casper Altshuler, Lionel Abra hamson, Alvina Apparius, Louis Aron, May Beechnoir, George Bennett, 'Willie Avery, Wallace Btunston, George Broemnvl Al bert Crokel, Maud Clark, Harvey Coch ran, Flora Colin, Inez Cook, Hattie Dunker, Shirley Earle, Blanch Elliott, Edgar Gerst, Lottie Graham, Mary Gilchrist Clotilde Ginochio, May Gove, Willie Golden, James Golden, Clarence Gyle, Henry Gray, Daisy Haquette, Alvin Horton, Ethel Hudson, Birdie Hyman, Louis Jacobs, Mac Kane, Pearl Jones, Gertie Kelly, Emile Lacoste, John Lefko vitz, Alphonse Levy, Paul Leonhardt, Harold C. Logan, Hilda Levy, Ernest McAvoy, John Martel, Anna Mayors, Bertha Mam lock, Rebecca McGrant, Marguerite Morrissey Charles Morris, Wade Moores, Sam Nakamera. Sophie Nobman, John Nolan, Ray Oppen heimer, Lizzie Ogilvie, Dora Olinsky, Clarisse Olcovich, Edward Olsen, Franc Owen, Susan Osborne, Nora O'Connell. Bteila Peiper, Albert Polhemus, Aimee Polak, Eddie Koethe, Willie Roberts, Robert Roberts, Anna Russel, Claris=e Rulofson, Sam Sanders, Georfrie Stewart, May Styles, Lulu Schroder, May Scott, Cora Scott, Lilian Silverstein, Florence Siiverstone, Olive Simon, Juliet Son Abe Spiro, Henrietta Suter, Mary Sullivan Nettie Thompson, Joe Tanabo Gertrude Van Vliet, Gustave Taublcs, Grace wolf, Kittie Wol lert, Gussie Wolfsohn, Victor Walking, Millie Wolff, Willie Enright, Willie Elfendahl, Lulu Geary, Toby Zekind. THE GHOST CAR. Its Presence on Bush Street the Subject of a Suit. A cloud of witnesses appeared in Judge Hebbard's court yesterday to testify in the case of the People of the State of Califor nia on the relation of Colonel R. H. War field of the California Hotel against the Sutter-street Railway Company. The com pany is represented by Naphtaly, Frieden rich & Ackerman and the people by the Messrs. Freeman. The object of the suit is to obtain a with drawal from the road of its franchise on Bush street, along which a melancholy "ghost car" rolled for along time at un known intervals. The general drift of tes timony by the score of witnesses who ap peared yesterday was to the effect that the car was a mysterious piece of uselessness. Ihe witnesses were variously facetious about it. One witness stated that he had once seen the car meandering out to the cemetery but had never 6een it return. It was ap parently not occupied and the driver did not seem to expect passensers. He could not recall any of bia friends having ever told him that they had seen the car occu pied or coming toward the City. He pre sumed that it must have been brought back in some way in order to «tart toward the cemetery. This seemed to be the general Bern of the majority of the witnesses in favor of the forfeiture of the franchise. The cast will be continued to-day. A DOUBLE WEDDING, Marriage of the Widow of tho First Engineer of the Lout Monttcrrat. The Groom an Old Friend. A double wedding took place on Monday night at 56 Zoe street, at which Jus' the Peace Groezinger ofliciated, and which was celebrated in joyous fashion. The parties were Paul N. Vincent and Elizabeth Brennan, widower and widow and Frank Richard Mills and Minni. . Achison. Mrs. Brennau was the wife of First En gineer Brennan of the collier Montserntt, which went down off Cape Flattery la winter, carrying all hands with iier 1 bottom. It will be remembered how the fate of the collier was in doubt for weeks, so completely was she lost, and the f . and relatives of those on board hop against hope until it became folly to doubt. Paul N. Vincent was an old friend , Brennan and is himself a marine engineer. Mrs. Brennan is a sister of Mrs. Louisa Worthington, who is to be tried a third time for the killing of Harry Baddeley on the water front a year or so ago. Frank Richard Mills, the groom in the other wedding, is also a seafaring man, and all four are friends and lived in the same house at 56 Zoe street. The wedding was celebrated with a splendid supper, an orchestra, dancing and merriment. St. Charles Street. The Supreme Court decided yesterday that there had never been a valid dedication of St. Charles street, and it is not a public street. This is a result of the decision yesterday in the case of A. Demartini against the Street Super intendent. Bacon Printing Company, 508 Clay street * Stkong hoarhound candy ,15c lb. Townsend's.* Palace sea baths, 715 Filbert street, now open for summer swimming season. • Finest sauternes, haut-sauternes and dessert wines. Mohns «$: Kaltenbach, 29 Market street.* ♦ — * — * To this day Lapp men and women dress precisely alike. Their tunics belted loosely at the waist, their tight breeches and their wrinkled leathern stockings, their pointed shoes, the whole appearance of them, in short, is identical. Have yon v<?r noticed how your system seems to crave for special assistance in the spring? Just the help most needed is given by Hood's Sarsapa rilla. It gives nerve, mental and bodily strength. "Mrs. TVinslo-w's Soothing Syrup" Ha« been used over fifty years by millions of moth ers for their children while Teething with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the guras, al lays Pain, cures Wind Colic, regulates the Bowels and is the best remedy for Diarrhoeas, whether arising from teething or other causes. For sale by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for .Mrs. 'Winslow's Soothing Syrup. 250 * bottle. The most successful cure for Pain, Indigestion and debility is Pabker's Ginger Toxic. Parker's Hair Balaam is Ufa to the hair. NEW TO-DAY. An x= planation. The reason we began doing such an unusual thing as retail- ing shoes from our factory direct j to the people was that wo were j dissatisfied with our wholesale j business in this city. We knew I that the character of our shoes, coupled with the fact that they were made HERE by WHITE LABOR, entitled us to an exten- I sive patronage— such as we wero getting everywhere else on the coast. I We figured that we could do a larger business here at retail, in which case we could afford to sell at the same prices paid us by the retailers, especially as wo would thus get our shoes fairly before the people, besides in- I creasing the output of our fac- tory and decreasing cost of manufacturing. So you see our departure of Retailing Shoes at the factory at Factory Prices is not a wildcat scheme of doubtful purpose, but a logical, legitimate, well-considered business enter- prise, which has been brilliantly successful, and which has already saved the people of San Fran- cisco and suburbs thousands of dollars in retail profits. ■ 4 ROSENTHAL, FEDER & CO., 581-583 MARKET ST. Open till BP. n. Saturday Nights till iO. FURNITURE FOR 4 Roons I $90. Pa Trtomfd BrocateUe ' S-P'eca suit,' ptob Be r r?l™tT k Soll(1 Oak Snlt ' Fre>lcn Bevel- ™ w.r S ?\ b £? > bureau - vashstand. two chairs- mmtrew toble! Pillow* woven-wire and top Di Souso^k°Ch l aTrl/ teMlon Tabie, four Xit andtw7chalrl *****' Patent Kitchen ™* EASY PAYMENTS. «w! ! !SJ * nrnlsn ed complete, city or country, any- where on the coast. Open evenings. M. FRIEDMAN & GO., 224 to 230 and 306 Stockton and 237 Post Street. Free packing and aeiirery across the bay.