Newspaper Page Text
BUSINKSB CHANCES. "DROLL 'a STENBERO 719 MARKET JL near Third, sell or exchange businesses, fur- nished houses, orchards, vineyards, San Francisco, Alameda and Oakland property; send particulars; all applications for sales promptly. attended to. ■ * PROLL & STEN BKRO. 719 Market street. ANTED— PARTNER WITH $500: FOR ES- ' » tablished wood, coal, hay, grain business; large trade; 2 horses, wacons: remaining partner reliable man. PROLL ft gTENBERO. 7 1 9 Market st. <, C'OQfin Kit BO A NTLY FITTED-UP CON- »(J).<iOUU. fectlonery, icecream parlors; 'expeh- • Rive 6Oda- fountain; controls immense trade: heart business center, Southern California: sacrifice ac- count departure; full Investigation. Further par- ticulars PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. ', C? A gfi WELL - ESTABLISHED CORNER <J5_OU. butcher business: splendid location; big outside trade; horse: wagon; must sell, ac- count departure. PROLL <fe STENBERG, 719 Market st. - uStseli.onaccountofdeparture— Bu-paym:,' bakery: 2 horses, wagon, large cus- tom trade: uses 4 barrels flour daily. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. "Cj'TAA FOR GROCERY, BAR; GOOD STOCK; •ijp 4 \J\J fixtures: old established place; sickness. PROLL <fc STENBKR&, 719 Market st. QQXfi CORNER GROCERY AND BAR; Q-JOU. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market St. Q 7OO FIXE STATIONERY, NOTION. CAN- <IP t Uv. dy store: two agencies: fixtures and stock worth money asked; present owner 3 years; departure- PROLL&STERNBERG, 719 Market st. Ql 300 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT ON *3)iOV7\J. Market st.: fixtures worth price asked: big Inducement; bargain. PROLL <fc STENBERG, 719 Market st. i(\(\ CIGAR STORE NEAR MARKET: ♦_»■'-'". popular stand in business center; clears $150 month: easily run; selling account departure. PROLL & STENBERG. 719 Market st. *^t J.A/T OLD-ESTABLISHED CORNER SA- 'y'tvvi loon; business center; sacrifice; must sell account other business: trial: full investiga- tion allowed: don't miss it. PROLL & STEN- BERG. 719 Market st. , ■ GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR A MAN WITH $300 to buy Interest in well established cash business; full investigation allowed: references ex- . changed. PROLL cv BTENBERG, 719 Market St. mo SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND 1 quick for cash see STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. O£ fl GROCERY AND BAR; PA YS WELL; >_.U. bargain. STRAND _ TUTTLE, 45 Third st. ■ ■ "«JPQ=7r~PORIK AND DELICATESSEN > — OU. store. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third. O7^\ COFFEE SALOON: CLEARS $100 A «Jp^J<c). month. STRAND&TUTTLE, 45 Third. <S*aX(\ SALOON; FULL VALUE INSIGHT. <t>OJU. --STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third St. Q-I C A PARTNER WANTED IN A THRIV- I •"'• jng cash business; duties light and t-aslly learned: established several years: remain- ing partner a well-known business man and thor- oughly responsible: will clear to each from $50 to $75 per month; partner preferred to hired help; tee to-day. STRAND & TUTTLE, 45 Third st. Q9OO PARTNER WANTED IN LIGHT UU. business; proprietor been in business over 18 .years; has trade of neariy all leading mer- cantile houses of the city: no night or Sunday work; must be satisfied with $18 to $25 per week. 5 Stockton et.. room 1. top floor. Q9OO BAKERY, CANDY. SODA AND ICE- •ijp.ii \J\J. cream parlor: best location; near Mar- ' ket ; finely fitted: 2 living-rooms; low rent: re- celptß $8 day. BARRETT & CO., 865y g Market. "<»~c7j7\~FlNE CORNER BAKERY: DOING «5 «_)l"l/. an excellent business: horse and wagon; splendid location. See JOHN REIDY, 19 Sixth st. OR SALE — FINE GROCERY AND BAR; good business; splendid location; large stock and fine fixtures. Inquire JOHN REIDY & CO., 19 Sixth. - ■ ___________ I JUNE SALOON, DOING AN EXCELLENT - business; fine stock and fixtures: splendid loca- tion: or would take partner. JOHN REIDY & CO.. 19 Sixth st. AHBERS: FINE CHANCE TO BUY SHOP in good town: departure to Europe cause of selling; goad reasons given. Owner can be seen Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 8 to 10 a. m., at 119 Jackson st. -v--^- ESTAURANT, COFFEE - SA LOON CHEAP; on account of sickness: good paying; trial given; rent $17; water free. 2424 Mission st. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE CAR- penter: shop for sale, account other business. Apply 241 O'Farrell st., cigar-store. - - IMMER RESORT FOR SALK, ON ACCOUNT of sudden departure: open summer and winter. For particulars apply LEON ANDUE, 315 Stock- ton st. ■ PARTNER (ACTIVE OR SILENT): MUST X have $10,000. Address P., box 79, Call Office. WELL "ESTABLISH AND PAYING STA- "» pie grocery without bar, cheap; situated on Market st. Address W. E., box 65, CaU Office. J (\fl(\ LIVE MAN; HALF INTEREST: tI»T\'U\J. established 6 years. A. 8., box 39, this office. - . , • . -. TfOK SALE— PALACE COFFEE-PARLOR, 20 JL Third st., on account of other business. I" 7*~QR &ALK TOR CHAMPAGNE M AN- '■BfactDrtng business o*> established reputation r pvrner will assist mail party is thoroughly familiar with business. Address Champagne, room 4, 325 Montgomery, st. \\T ANTED— ACTIVE businessman WITH '» capital to join advertiser ,ln a manufacturing business; rare chance for the right man.' Address & >!., box 27, this office. . RARE CHANCE: $4000 WILL BUY THE EN- J-t tire interest of the finest and leading store on the coast in that especial line; well aud newly stocked and doing a fine and still growing business In the city of Oakland: only reason for disposing of same owner compelled to go to Europe; uo agents. Apply in person to V. P. MITCHELS, Fourteenth ami Webster streets, Oakland. • \\r ANTED— PURCHASE AN INTEREST »» in a paying country weekly newspaper, Re- publican or independent In politics. Address, with full particulars, price, terms, etc. A. M., box 77, Call office. - I DNCH AND COFFEE PARLOR, 1 BLOCK J * oft Market st , for sale at a sacrifice; owner having other business must sell at once. Parlor, box 112, Call Office. , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ; RARE CHANCE -> for the right man with a few thousand dollars capital; can become a partner in first-class cash business. Address B. M.. box 27, this office. F'K .-.M.1. Ki>l 1' ON BUSH ST., J- bet. Kearny anrl Montgomery. For particulars apply to LAN PRY C. BASIN, 413 Kenrny st. SALE— GOOD INSIDE ROUTE ON this J paper. Apply 1404 Ellis st. .- MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE; BEST PAYING livery stable in town; 30 boarders; 25 livery horses: hacks, buggies, etc.; centrally located: tow rent: this is a fine opportunity to get a ■ good business at a bargain: principals only. Address P. £ box 127, this ofilce. / j ROCERY AND BAR doing GOOD busi- \X ness: on corner; 6 living-rooms; large yard; low rent: 10 be sold at sacrifice on account of ill health. Apply 501 .Seventh St., cor. Bryant. ft] 00 1} PABTNKR ; INVESTIGATE -. j <^)X\J\t\J. first-class opportunity. Room 2, Tretheway block, Stockton, CaL I>ARTNER ANTED— OR GENTLE- X man with means: respectable first-class paying business. 112 Taylor st., room 7. . QC'XA COBNEK GROCERY AND BAR; 4 t^i\JO\J. Iving-rooms: in Mission: doing good business: kept by owner of building; wants to re- tire. LOOM IS A CO., 873V 2 Market st. CJzIOO FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT. %pttVV/. clearing $160 per month. Inquire of proprietor Fonzo Cafe. Berkeley Station. | I :.VISHED FLAT AND RESTAURANT; JC great sacrifice: doing good business. For par- ticulars call J. J. HAVES, 2942 Mission st. 7>EER-BOTTLING ESTABLISHMENT: DO- X) ing a fair business. For particulars apply sa- loon NE. cor. O'Farrell and Powell sts., 11 and 12 A.M. JAS.GARRITY. ■qOQAA GROCERY AND BAR; CENTRAL itJiJVJ . location on one of the best corners on Market St.: will invoiceslBoo; fine fixtures; guar- anteed to clear $150 monthly; good horses and de- livery wagons. 30 Kearny St., room 6. «fcQ£fl FIRST-CLASS SALOON AND «IN"}«Jl/. liquor-store In best locality: investiga- tion Invited: full value in sight; good cause for sell- Ing at such sacrifice. Apply at once at 110 Sixth st., room 22. - - - - ' - T ADY TO PURCHASE HALF INTEREST IN Ju splendid business and manage whole on salary. 131 Post st., room 21. : LOBE BILLIARD HALL, 921 KEARNY ST.; " J run . by present owner eight years, who Is sell- ing for best of reasons; no agent to apply. OLD ESTABLISHED HOTEL AT a SACRl- rice, as the parties wish to leave the city: no agents. Address S., box 14, Call Office. ; /"11OAP.-STORE IN OAKLAND; FINE LOCA- VJ tion: good place for a steady man; for sale. For particulars, 424 Montgomery st. r $€>000 GROCERY AND BAR DOING A O\J\J\J. good trade: good reason for selling. Address W. 8., box 62, Call Office. - • ' ' pARE OPPORTUNITY FOR MAN WITH ■IV $5000. Address B. C., box 19, Call. - - ■ T ADY PARTNER IN SMALL PAYING BUSI- J■i ness. Address A., Call Branch Office, 116 Ninth. \\r ANTED — STEADY SHOEMAKER TO .»» start repalring-shop; no opposition.. 744 Fourth st. ' " ■ ■. ■ ' €*1 00 W AN'rED-PARTY TAKE CHARGE <J5 L \J\r. laundry office; : $12 per week and com- mission; references required. Apply 1001 Market - sti room 1. . ■ • ■ ...... ..,,...,.-. TflOR SALE— FRUIT3TORE, HORSE. HAR- J ness and wagon, Inquire 1208 Turk st. :'. vy „ , ANTED— GOOD PAYING BAKERY IN country. 8., Call Branch, 717 Lark In st. EST AUR ANT MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK : It) no reasonable offer refused ; sickness the cause for quick sale. Apply Call Office. ANTED— PARTY TO INVEST 8300 IN ES- »♦ tabllshed office business; clearing $75 to $150 per month: money secured. h7ifi/ 3 Market st. I">AYING SALOON BUSINESS; BEST TOWN - near . San 'Francisco; receipts from $15 to $50 a day; billiard tables, safe, furniture: easy terms.' C. K. KINO, 902 Broadway, Oakland. - J Tn. Qt)* BRANCH BAKERY. CIGARS, OAN- \ZUtO. dies, with 8 rooms. See BUCHANAN * CO., 766 Markets^ ■ ■ ■*. l■'. - .'■-.,■.- ■. . ; ©T7R PARTNER IN ONE OF THE BEST- •IS x I «J. paying saloons south of Market. 249 Third it. ; no agents. ■ _^K£5 INESS CHAHCES-Contlnued. "> O O RESTAURANT; SIXTH 6T.; LlV- •4P uuv. Ing-rooms; cheap rent: clears $100 per month. Apply WILKE, 235 Kearny St.. room 4. ; - , •Sil "1 00 COIINER GROCERY AND . BAR rpiXUU.viith 3 living-rooms; rent $30: rirwt- c.ass location; pood-paying place. WILKE, 235 Kearny st., room 4. ? . CM U()(\ lI A Ca"s7t7b ALA INSTALL- ' I.vH'YJ, ment.s: business .pays $175 month; right man ran easily increase it 10 $500 or more.: Inquire CURTIS «£ BOWLEY, 32 second floor, Mills building. - * irv x~am"enta i 7" IRON AND GRILL work \J and locksmith shop; good location; sale ac-. count of departure. . 6'J9 Howard st. ; ft J-NTERIOR AGENCY OFTHIS PA- ■4J)<J\JUV/. per: pays over $200 per month; sick- ness cause at selling. Apply this office. ■ IiH)R SALE— FRUIT AND CANDY STAND IN-: -T side depot, cor. California st. and Central aye. ALOON FOE, SALE CHEAP: CHEAP RENT. Inquire 2002 Union st. ' LI) ESTABLISHED SHOES! ORE; HAVING good custom trade: owner wishes to retire from business. Apply to LOUIS BLANCHETTE, 304 Hayes st. pUANCETO GO IN GROCERY BUSINESS \J at invoice: 1 ivngori. almost new. 1142 Folsbm. 1 L,OtKjri:N<J-HOIT>vES FOB SALE. cTr A7r^"K'oOM^V-TAYLOK^T.Tj«ob^ t]ptJ»'U. furniture; folding beds: clears $55 net. $800—42 rooms; good location; rent $95: sub- stantial furniture; make offer. <=•■: •■ , $700— Boarding and lodging house; 10 rooms; ! near Sutter; " renu $45; 25 steady boarders. SPECK & CO., 30 Montgomery si. TT'LEGANT FURNISHED house 6 ROOMS; Jj parlor, 3 bedrooms, 2 kitchens; rent $16; two rooms pay the rent. 427 Natoma st. "OUTTERFIELD (WILLIAM), AUCTIONEER; JJ bargains in lodging-houses. Crocker building. FUBMTUKE FOB SALE. EIIROoSI p~Ctent tables^ $2 15; Roxbury Brussels, 75c laid; oilcloth, 20c; open evenings. SHIREK. 1310 Stockton st, HG. KRASKY, - CARPETS, PICTURES, . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices; CaL stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission. r\ UT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS \J this week at McCABE'S. 948-950 Mission st. EDUCTIONS ON" LARGE STOCK, NEW AND X\i second hand; 400 carpets, -good as new oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up: linoleum, 45c; 7-piece chamber suits, $14 50; | cornice- poles, 25c- ranges, $6; cash or installments; goods snipped free. T. 11. NELSON, 126 Fourth St. - . FUKMTIiRK AY ANTED. ' AUCTIONEER, 18 M6AJ> ■L» lister St.— Specialty, buying furniture of houses. T C. MLTHKR, THE AUCTIONEER, BUYS 'I • furniture at highest cash prices. 5 Fourth st. — — — — — _______ __ CAKPKTS. p~RUSSELS, 45c, LTrDT^OXIiu]V?~BRUS^ ■1-* sels, 75c. laid: linoleum, 40c; heavy oilcloth 20c: open evenings. SHIREK, 1310-1312 Stockton. j callpet cleaning. ~~ 7^r^et^^ilKr^^h^y^l^aned~and \J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON & CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. Rational carpet beating and REN<> J-> vating Works, HAMPTON & NUNAN; laying and altering. 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission ' 244. CITY STEAM, CARPET-BEATING AND ; Renovating Works, »8 and 40 Eighth st. G. R. STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. \\ r HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED with 1 1 poor work send to SPAULDlNG'SPloneerCar- pet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama: wi. 80-40. pON KLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKa 833 v^ Golden Gate aye. ; telephone east 126. fPHE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING i Co. (Incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, lei. 6074. *T MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- t . ovating works. 453 Stevenson ttel. 8228. STORAGE 0 chandlse; advances made. LIEBES S. W. CO., 906 Market st., room 4. - TiriLSONBROS.,I7IO MARKET ST.-GET OUR • » rates and examine our method for storage of furniture and all kinds of household goods; dust and vermin proof; ■ separate rooms at low rates. S~AFE, DRY. CHEAP PLACE TO STORE YOUR O furniture, etc. LUNDY FURNITURE COM- NY, 818 Mission st. TC*'URNITURe7~PIANOS AND OTHER MER- JL chandlse received on storage; money advanced on consignments: fire-proof building. 410 Post st., STORAGE OFFURNITUP.E, PIANOS, HOUSE- O hold goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE. 735 Market at. FIRST-CLASS STORAGE : AD VANCES MADE ' 421-423 Market st. - CHAS. L. TAYLOR. - ,'.';- LEGAL AOTICKS. NOTICE OF SALE -OF EEAL ESTATE^ Xi Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance to an order of the Superior Court of the county of San Mateo, State of California, given, made and filed in and by said court, on the 11th day of May, 1895, in I the matter of the estate and guardianship ol ! HOWARD C. MURRAY, a minor, the under- signed, guardian of the estate of said minor, will I sell at private sale to the highest bidder, and sub- ject to confirmation by said court, 011 or after the 18th day of June 1895, at the law office of GEORGE C. ROSS, in Ktrd-.v ood City, State of California, all | the right, title, interest and estate of said HOW- j ARD C. MURRAY, a minor, in and to, all that • certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the south line of Wash- ington street, distant thereon one hundred and three (103) feet westerly from the westerly line of Polk street, running thence westerly on said line ot Washington street thirty-two (32) feet and six (6> inches; thence at right angles southerly one 1 |i-'i'«i and twenty-seven (127) feet and eight and one-fourth (814) inches: thence at right angles easterly thirty-two (82) feet and six (6) inches, and thence at right angles - northerly one hundred and twenty-seven (127) feet and eight Mid one-fourth (8V1) inches to the point of begin- ning. : Terms and conditions of sale: Cash in gold coin of the United States; ten (10) percent of the sum bid to be paid on notice of acceptance of bid, and ' the balance on confirmation of sale by the Superior ! Court. . ' ' All bids or offers for said real property most be 1 in writing, and may be left at the law office oi ■ GEORGE C. ROSS, Redwood City. Cal., or at the | law office of MASTICK, BELCHER & MASTICK. ' 520 Montgomery st., San Francisco, State of Cali- 1 fornia, and will be received by said guardian at either of said places, or Bach bids may be delivered to said guardian personally, or may be filed in th« office of the ClerK of said Superior Court, at Redwooc ; City, Cal., at any time after the first publication 0 1 • this notice and before the making of the Bale. Dated May 15, 1895. . r- ALEXANDER GORDON, guardian of the estat* | of Howard C. Murray, a minor. GEORGE C. ROSS, attorney for guardian, Red wood City, CaL .- .-.. '-- ■ ■ "HEPARTMENT No. 9, PROBATE, No. JL/ 16,051— 1n the Superior COurt, In and for the City and Connty of Ban Francisco. . State of Cali- fornia. In the matter of the estate of MARCUS I DAVIDSON, deceased. • • Notice •Is hereby • given , that TUESDAY, the 18th day of June, A. J>. ! 1895, at 10 o'clock- a. m. -of said day, and the courtroom of Department No. 9 of said court, at t lit* new City Hall,' In the City and County of Ban Francisco, State of California, have been appointed as the time and place for proving 'the will of said MARCUS DAVIDSON, deceased, and for hearing the application of MYER DAVIDSON j and JOSEPH HARRIS, for the Issuance to them of letters testamentary thereon. Dated June 6, A, D. 1895. ' - , ' FSeal.] C. F. CURRY, Clerk. By F. B. HOUGHTON, Deputy Clerk. J. H. SMITH and MORTIMER SMITH, Att'vs for Petitioners. ■ , i ,- IS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE CITY J. and County of San Francisco, State of California. In the matter of the petition of MAX LEVY for change of name. -, . .- . • ! To the Honorable Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. - The petition of MAX LEVY for a change of name respectfully shows: .First— your petitioner, was born at Xl Kol, Poland, on or about the 14th day of June, A. D. 1866, and is now aged upwards of thirty-nine (39) years: that he is a duly, naturalized citizen of the United States, a merchant by occupation and for more than twenty (20) years last past has been a resident of the City and County of San Francisco; that for more than twenty (20) years be has been known by the name of MAX LEVY and he prays i hl ' 4 Ho . no J'} ule Coim that his name D « changed to MAX H. GROVERS. and that, the reason for the proposed change of name is that when your peti- oner first came to the United States he for some time resided In the City of New York with a rela- tive whose name was LEVY, and that said relative adopted your petitioner as one of his own children, and that ever since said adoption your petitioner has been known by the name of MAX LEVY, and that under said name your petitioner became a nat- uralized citizen of the United States. That the parents of petitioner have frequently I requested you petitioner since his marriage to I again resume the name of Grovers. • Second— That the near relatives of petitioner are his mother, EMMA GROVERS, who resides in Xi Kol, Poland; his father. MORRIS GROVERS, and petitioner's brother, MAYER GKOVERM, 'who also resides with petitioner's mother in Xl Kol, Poland. ■»- ' Wherefore your petitioner prays that his name be changed as aforesaid; and that this Honorable Court so order and decree. . : LOUIS H. AIvDEBSON, STATE OF CA-IIf^RN^T""? 11 6 City and County of San Francisco./ 88 ' - MAX LEVY, have been duly sworn, says: That he Is the above-named petitioner, that he has read the foregoing • petition and I knows the • contents thereof, and that the same is true. -*» . ■ . .••■:.- ■■ • . .,-■>■■: - . MAX LEVY.. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Bth day Of May, A. D. 1895. G. C. GROEZINGER, - ■ Justice of the Peace, In and for the City and County of San Francisco, I '. State of California. - - ■■ - . -. -.. „, ,' ~ '■- v. PROPOSALS. ". y-/_ ■■;, T^OnC^l[i^E^Eß'Y^r^N^H J A^T : HE ll board of directors of the Escondido Irrigation District will receive sealed proposals for the pur- chase of 811.000 of the bonds of said district, and bids will be received therefor at the office of said board In the city of Escondido, California, until 10 o'clock a. _. on the Ist day of July, 1895. • r < :• A. J. WERDEN, Secretary Escondido Irrigation District. Dated May 8, 1835. , THE SAN FKANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1895. city beal estate; --..-,_. OVKkTv^^ifth^a^eT^we^t^sTdi^Tb^t^ tIpJLU»JV/. Clement and California sts., 50x120; Richmond District. . ' - - $1200— 5500 can remain on mortgage; east line Ocean House road : 72 feet south from 24th St.; lot 2, block 14; Noe Garden Homestead. $400-Mak<- an otter: 83x100 feet north line Laidley st., bet. Muteo . and Roanoke; block s;' Fairmount Tract. . ' . ' : ■ $300— Corner 115x100; lot 4, block 59: Abbey Homestead Association, San Mateo Connty.' CHARLES C. FISHER, 607 California. ■ j \ GIFT OF LOT IN MISSION WORTH: $2100; improvements worth $3600; warm belt: investigation costs nothing. C. PARKER, : 1407 14th st., Oakland. OjOAAA ~2 HOUSES, 0 ROOMS EACH; LOT tjPZUUU. 25x60. 16 Jansen st. . ■ ({•S^Ofi A MAGNIFICENT RESIDENCE tJpOOyJyJ. of 7 rooms, with every modern con- venience; grand marine view. ■ 2 flats on Natoma St., near 14th; always rented; $24 per month: no reasonable offer refused. * Ranches to exchauge for city or Oakland prop- erty. For further particulars call or address C. H. WORKMAN, 630 Market st. pOTTAGE 3 LARGE ROOMS AND CELLAR: v^ yard; chicken and cow house and number of .chickens; cheap. 5 Caroline st., bet. 9th and 10th. ITOUSES FOR SALE ON SMALL MONTHLY JJL payments: loans made on San Francisco real estate. LOUIS BLANK 214 Pine St., rms. 58 59. CJQnnO 2 FLATS: LOT 25x75; NO AGENT. QOUUU. B%Langtonst. . <■ - fflj kHO COTTAG"e~OF 2 ROOMS IN BERKE- OXJXJ . ley, lot 40x135, $50 down, $10 monthly; houses and lots all over town. CHAS. A. BAILEY, 46 Market st. or Berkolev station. Berkeley. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- ng free. COCNTKY HEAL ESTATE. Cj^Tfi h^\lT7?a^hTBo^a^resP^onojJa «JpO'JU. County: house, barn, orchard, wood' water; near shipping. ■ I. SCHARFF, 18 Post. AJZ ACRES, SANTA CLARA COUNTY NEAR ttO Saratoga; 1i acres fruit; beautiful location, offered very low for good trade, or . would divide. Apply to C. K. KING, 902 Broadway Oakland. ffl»r«AA CASH— BO ACRES, SECTION 18, TP. «IrUuU 10S., R. 2E.,J1.D.|M., unimproved, near Wrights, Santa Cruz County. Address C, box 5, Call Office. ; ' . ttistablishi:d iB6o— mar nur- J-i series for sale: must be sold; particulars. WILLIAM COUGHLAN, Mary sville, Cal. i) X-ACRE RANCH, MOST BEAUT IFULHOME At) for sale cheap; good house and barn and work, shop; 3 acres in vines: 1 acre orchard; 1 good cow ; 60 chickens; 20 ducks: 2 miles from Martinez, Contra Costa County; cash, $2500; no agents. Ad- dress A. R., Martinez, Cal. 3 OR 4 LOVELY BROOKSIDE HOMES, NEAR town. A. M. DENNETTS, Glen Ellen, Cal. 4 TO 10 ACRE LITTLE HOMES ON EIGHT years' credit. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. AN E«4UAL SHOW FOR ALL; STRAIGHT, -^»- fair and square deal: an Investment offered that id honest; own your own home and be inde- pendent ; try it and yon will find' that we advise you right; we will sell you 40 acres of alluvial soil in the Warren Green rancbo, Glenn Connty, Cal., for $280: $3 per acre down, balance in 60 monthly payments, without interest, and will throw in town lot 100x150: land suitable for all kinds of fruit, berries or grain ; needs no Irrigation; climate un- surpassed anywhere in Calif fornia; 168 miles north of San Francisco and only 20 miles from county seat of county, and 6 miles from nearest railroad town: fare, round trip, $9. For investments and information address or call on the H. M. BENSON CO., 902 Broadway, Oakland. ARIN COUNTY— SOOO ACRES 26 MILES from San Francisco. ' p ' " ' ■*- .' RAKCHO DE NOVATO. Tracts of any site desired; fruit, grain and vege- table land; no irrigation; both rail and water transportation; $40 to $75 per acre; easy terms, town of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores on the property ; send for circular. Dairy for sale with or without cows. SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65. Chronicle buildincr. IF YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING purposes or an orchard already Improved, where only small cash outlay is required, balance payable in 6 or 7 years, apply 326 Montgomery St., S. F. ________ aiKJUiCAi.. A SURE ANiS~iA^E~C^UR^FoIR~ALL~FE- maIe diseases; ladies may have the benefit of the skill and attention of a physician of long and successful practice; a home in confinement with best possible care, with the privacy of a home and the convenience of a hospital; those who are sick or discouraged should call on the doctor and state their case, they will find in her a true friend; all consultation free and absolutely confidential; a positive cure for the liquor, morphine and tobacco habit;- every cose guaranteed without injury to health. MRS. DR. GWYER, 226 Turk St., bet. Jones aDd Leavenworth. A LL IRREGULARITIES RESTORED IN A J:\. few hours: no Instruments; French remedies guaranteed any time; consult free. -MRS. 1 DR. VV-YETH, sanitarium 916 Post St., near Larkln. | AUDET'S APHRO TABLETS— THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, Impotency, aud all disorders of the sexual organ-*; $1 a box; 6 boxes $5; send for circular. J. H. WIDBER, cor. Market and Third, sole agent. ALL LADIES IN TROUBLE CONSULT THE ■£\. only reliable specialist In San Francisco; In- stant relief: $500 paid for any case I cannot cure; board; skillful attention during confinement; spe- cial attention to diseases of the eye; advice free- confidential. MRS. DR. SCOTT, l'lQi/ a Turk st._^ NEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE, INSTRU- ments or worthless pills used: every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what cause; restores always in one day; if you want to be treated safe and sure call 011 men's physician ; knowledge can be sent and used at home; all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 818 Kearny st. AfKS. DX. WEGENER, PRIVATE HOME iTj. for all female diseases; separate homes for la- dies before and during confinement; have enlarged and arranged my home to suit rich and poor; ir- regularities cured in a day: guaranteed; no instru- ments; regular physicians of long and- successful practice; travelers attended; no delay: all business strictly confidential ; babies adopted. 419 Eddy st. "POSITIVE, GUARANTEED CURE FOR IR- J- regularities; used for years In private practice with invariable success even in most aggravated cases; easy to take; perfectly natural in action- no pain, exposure or danger; cures in two davs- sent securely sealed on receipt of $3 or CO D '■ strictly confidential. Address DH. J. MILTOX BERGETOLE, P. O. box 2223, S. F. ' * DR. AND MRS. DR. SCHMIDT. FORMERLY of 1211% Mission, now 1508 Market st. ; month- y irregularities cured in a few hours; guaranteed ■ 110 instruments used : sure preventive. . , ; . DRS. GOODWIN, SPECIALTY DISEASES OF women; ladies near or far assured quick relief of disease; irregularities restored daily; safe cure guaranteed; no instruments; home in confine- ment; best skill ; low fees; pills $2. 1370 Market. DR. HALL, 14 MCALLISTER, RECOND FLOOR, next Hibernia Bank: diseases of women. -. PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT- GER- X .an midwife. ■. MRS. POWELL, 1310 Mission. "MICE PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT -•^1 at the most reasonable price in the city. MRS M. PFEIFFER, midwife, 2014 Folgom st. : • ALL LADIES CONSULT" FREE MRS. DrT 2X DA VIES, 14 McAllister St., near Market- leads all competitors; only qualified, trusty spe- cialist for safe, quick relief of Irregularities, no matter what cause: treatment scientific, harmless and painless; never falls; home in confinement. 1 F IRREGULAR Ok ANY FEMALE DISEASE X see Mrs. Dr. Puetz and be content. 2541/3 4th. A LPEATJ'S FRENCH PILLS. "" ~ '• : , -fa. A boon to ladies troubled with Irregularities* no danger; bafe and sure; $2 50, express C. O. D.; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BRO3, Oak- land, Cal. agents for Alneau et Cie. ■ _- . _- ■ ■ TO 3MKASE._. _' ~~ . -' . , LNIF^nEA^TjTTtE^O^TT^CO^CpXE^ELY furnished; valuable mineral springs and baths- carriages, horses, cows and 160 acres land; ready to open. Address Owner, 1176 East Fourteenth St., Oakland.- '• : - ■ -• TO EXCHANGE. I OWN 2 GOOD OUTSIDE"£STO^VALUITSSOO X each, but owe $250 • each yet ■ and can't carry the payments: will exchange the equity. Address Exchange, box 16.Ca1l Office. . - TRUSTEES' SALES. ~~ rnRUSTEES' SALE^IN AOCORDANCE^WITH JL the terms and under the authority of a certain deed' of trust,* duly executed by W. M. MORGAN, party of the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trus- tees, parties of the second part, and the SAN' FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of the third part, dated. November 23, 1888, and re- corded In the office of the County Recorder of the county of Solano, State, of California, in Liber 5 of Trust Deeds, at pages 81 and following; and in pursuance of a resolution passed on the 25th day of •■ April, 1895, by the Board of Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a cor- poration, and the holder of the note (No. 9047), to secure | payment of which the aforesaid deed of trust was executed, declaring that default had been made in the payment of the principal sum and other sums, due under said note and deed of trust, and requesting and directing said- HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trust- ees, to sell the real estate described therein to sat- isfy said indebtedness. V; . .- r ■ We, HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THAD- DEUS B. KENT, trustees, do hereby give notice, that on TUESDAY, the 18th day of June, A. D 1895, at 12 o'clock M.of that day, and at the auction salesroom of E ASTON, ELDRIDGE <fc CO., No. 638 Market ' street, In the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in gold coin of the United States, all that piece or parcel of land situate in the county of Solano, State of Cali- fornia, described as follows, to wit : • > , According to the official plats and system of sur- veys of the Government of the United States: ■ In township six (6) north, range one (1) west, Mount Diablo base and meridian: r . : . ■ Of section one (1), the northwest quarter (NW i,i) ; containing one hundred and sixty (160) acres of land. ;•>■;■ --: ; --v- ■-■.-■■•.••••■" :-.-i- ■»"*.. -■ - . Together with th* appurtenances. - < . TERMS OF SALE— Cash in gold coin of the United States; ten per cent payable to the under- signed on the fall of the hammer; balance on de- livery of deed; ' »nd if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten ■ days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. ' ■ - v , .-■ '•.. HENRY C. CAMPnELL, 1-"-"' , THADDEUS B. KENT, ) Tru stees. = •■ • HOUSES TO LET. »!-, .'• .• 0 H^^aU^T^^ROOMS-CENTR^^LwATFIOir; near City Hal) : 114 Hyde st. ; rent $21. UNNY HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS; YARD. 13 . Laskie St., off Mission, bet. Eighth and Ninth. C> 1 A 3 ROOMS, YARD, CELLAR. 37 DORE tjplU. St., off Harrison, bet. Ninth and Tenth. - AO(\ POST. OPPOSITE FIRST CONGREGA- : j jfcOl/ tional Church— location for doctor or 1 dentist: low rent to a- good tenant. Apply to G. 11. ■ UMBSEN * CO., 14 Montgomery st. 91 9 1 TERR V— BAY-WINDOW HOUSE; 4 £IX-£i% rooms and basement ; water free: rent re- duced. Apply to G. 11. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Mont- gomery st. - ■ ■ - : - • - ■ T ATEST STYLES IN HOUSES TO RENT AT XJ BALDWIN A HAMMOND'S, 10 Montgomery. OUHE 6 ROOMS; BATH: LARGE BASE- uicnt: large .sunny yard. .1311 Brcderick st. . UNNY HOUSE— S3O EDDY, NEAR LARKIN; 0 9 rooms; -bath: rent $30 1 water free. , .. - gjO/jj 7-ROOM HOUSE, ALL' FRESCOED. fJpZJIJ. 1816 Filbert St., bet. Octavia end Laguna. ousp:, fine location, perfect re- -1 :■. -r. Inquire ALMA K. KEITH. 24 Kearny. COTTAGES" TO LET. fljjT Q^ANITVI » — COTTAGES "of'T'aND ~6 tlpXO rooms: bath, basement and yard. Cor. Dolores aud Fifteenth sts. AY-WINDOW COTTAGE, 5 ROOMS. CEL- X> lar. - 16 Central aye., bet.- Post and Geary sts. VTICE 6- ROOM COTTAGE: YARD; FLOW- i> ers; Mission ; $16. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. d&7 T . COTTAGE 4 KOOMS: YARD, CELLAR, <IpXX. sun : Rlncon aye.: Second st., nr. Brannan. FLATS *TO LET. .. . L^G^^FL^TTlw63iTTßXTH7"sijiriN [ J all rooms. 8 Grove, near City Hall. ELEGANT SUNNY FLAT; 6 ROOMS; BATH. 145 Grove, near City Hall. Q97 post, to LET— rooms AND BATH. /^Ojr POST, TO LET— 7 ROOMS AND BATH. mo RENT— A NICE FLAT OF 6 ROOMS, BATH ; X newly renovated; rent reduced. 327 naight st. T7»LAT OF FOUR ROOMS, $10. 716 NATOMA X St., bet. Eighth and Ninth. . ODERN~S" FLAT 7 ROOMS, BATH. 1441 McAllister st. ; rent reasonable. - 1 (\i\ CLARA, NEAR FIFTH — FLAT OF 4 -LOO rooms: $11. ■ <2i 1 Q MODERN SUNNY UPPER FLAT OF 5 $?Xt/. rooms; bath; yard; cellar. 142iy Hayes. PLEASANT SUNNY FLATS, FIVE ROOMS, X bath each, $12 and $16. 929 Nineteenth st. CISZY FLAT OF 4 ROOMS'aND'BATH, WITH furniture and general household, for sale if required; a splendid opportunity for a young mar- ried couple. Inquire 1155 Howard St., upstairs. - up! Q LOWER PART OF 16 ELLIOrT PARK, ♦IpXO. offSteloer, near Geary; 3 large rooms; marble mantel; yard and cellar. Inquire 1911 Geary st. ■ UNNY MIDDLE FLAT 4 LARGE ROOMS; $16. 610 Stevenson st., near Sixth. . . '. YTIV-i POWELL-FLAT 3 SUNNY ROOMS; XXXU large yard; price $8. . . 7Q FOURTH— FOUR ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR 4 O office or housekeeping: rent $20. • • LATS TO LET— I9OB LARKIN; 5 ROOMS ' and bath: rent reduced. NE MONTH FREE: EASTLAKE FLATS re- duced;sl9, $20. "931 Lombard st. UNNY FLAT OF 3 ROOMS AND BATH; sitting and bed room furnished. 416 Post st. C ROOMS, BATH, WITH STABLE; 18 BYING- -0 ton aye. Apply 1621 O'Farrell. . T OWER FLAT 4 ROOMS; MODERN IM- XJ provements; rent cheap. "20th and Dolores. 9in ICE SUNNY CORNER FLATS; NEW IM- & provements: 4 rooms; bath. 246 and - 246 Seventh st. ■:•.■■■■-■.. - . . . . 1 MONTH RENT FREE; SUNNY FLAT: FINE X house; central; remodeled. 409 O'Farrell st. TT'LEGANT NEW FLATS; SEVENTH, BELOW XJ Bryant; 5 and 6 rooms; bath; $9 to $17. FLAT OF FOUR ROOMS AND BATH. 336 ' Tehama St., bet. Fourth and Fifth. T ATEST STYLES IN FLATS TO RENT AT XJ BALDWIN* HAMMOND'S, 10 Montgomery. LAT OF 4 ROOMS. 82% EVERETT BT,. J? near Fourth. • . ■ • ■ :<r>*;l ELEGANT SUNNY FLAT 7 ROOMS, BEAU- XJ tifully papered and frescoed. ; 713 Grove st. SPUES DID 6-ROOM~"fLaT: BATH; LARGE rear lot; very low rent. 2510 Mission St., Key next door. ■ . '• FURNISHED FLATS. E"^L^uTNT£V"FtJRI?IBiSETrFL^TrB~^b^MS; .In rent $40; must be sold this week. Address TEMPLE, room 12. Phrlan Building. ■ HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ~ 1 HQ JESSIE, CO^N^iT'sECONDT^LAFAY^ X\JO ette House : single and double rooms, and housekeeping rooms: respectable house; •1 01 Q POWELL— 2 LARGE, SUNNY ROOMS, Xv/XO furnished for housekeeping; rent $10. 1 /tl 1 CALIFORNIA— 8 LARGE, ■ SUNNY XttX I unfurnished rooms ; also 1 furnished room. Iv7/i FOLSOM, CORNER SECOND — FUR- *t I -t nished or unfurnished housekeeping and single rooms. QAL\ BRYANT— 4 LARGE, SUNNY ROOMS, rJuU $8 per month, and rear rooms. $7 60. C7»l MISSION, NR. SECOND-SUNNY «ED- «JUX room and kitchen, furnished; rent $10. Q'T MISSION— 1 OR 2 ROOMS, FURNISHED OuX for housekeeping, cheap; private family. At} A TEHAMA— 3 ROOMS, WELL FUR- i — . x nlshed, for housekeeping, $16; call morning. 91 A CALIFORNIA AYE., REAR ELECTRIC — L\J carhouse— '2 housekeeping rooms, complete. MA EDDY— 3 NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY UOU housekeeping rooms; parlor floor; private. EVER OFF THIRD, NEAR HOWARD— 2 nice unfurnished rooms, upstairs: $6. 071 STEVENSON, REAR— SUNNY UN- '•■> 1 % furnished rooms, for housekeeping. /IQO JESSIE— OF MINT: 2 SUNNY a. )O rooms complete for housekeeping, cheap. ' 1"I a FULTON — HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; XXU also single; cheap. . ■ ■ . : Cl Q THIRD, COR. SOUTH PARK— sunny OX front rooms, for housekeeping. AA Q TEHAMA— 2 CONNECTING ROOMS, ttttO for housekeeping; .well furnished; every- thing handy. ■ ■' ■ ■ - .... CMC MISSION, NEAR SIXTH— 3 WELL-FUR t/t±U nishi-d housekeeping rooms: cheap. PERRY — 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, ill suitable for housekeeping; hot and cold water. •■ ■•:■: •: ■ . . • ■ ■ . :. 1 7 9/ 1 DEVISADERO— 2 UNFURNISHED X I £i\j housekeeping rooms. 1 Q9/L PACIFIC— 3 LARGE SUNNY FRONT XOait rooms, suitable for housekeeping. , - Q-\ Q FOLBOM— 2 SUNNY ROOMS, FUR- UlO nished, for light housekeeping; gas; bath. 1 QA p: GREEN WICH — LARGE UNFURN- XO\JO lshed room, with use of stove. , . • ckf; natoma-2 furnished rooms for 000 housekeeping, $8; simile, $4 month. "I Q MOSS, OFF HOWARD, NEAR SEVENTH— -LO 2 rooms furnished for housekeeping. • . 1 9C SEVENTH — NICELY FURNISHED XOU housekeeping . rooms, '. single, $7; en suite, $11 month. ' • • 1 Q9*-t MARKET— SUNNY BEDROOM AND XOJuxj kitchen for light housekeeping. . IIARGO HOUSE, 105 NEW MONTGOMERY X Furnished housekeeping suites, $1 76 week. 9QA KEARN Y—F URNIBHED ROOMS; AO\) single or en suite; light housekeeping; reasonable. \ .■•"•' •■ .' •" .■ 191 HOWARD— 2 OR 3 LARGE SUNNY XiiiXtr furnished housekeeping rooms. : 1/IQI MAWKET— 3 CHOICE- ELEGANTLY XttOX furnished rooms; sunny; adults; garden. FOLBOM-NICELY FURNISHED SUN NY 000 housekeeping rooms. . Q99 THIRD— SUNNY FRONT FURNISHED OZIZI housekeeping suites, $8, $9, $10, $12. TO9/ STOCKTON— 2 OR 8 SUNNY ROOMS JLOZiiU nicely furnished for housekeeping; cheap. 1 307 STOCKTON - NICELY' FURNISHED XO\J I rooms for housekeeping.; cheap. • IAIQ JACKSON NEAR MASON — FUR- XV/XO nished sunny front large or housekeeping rooms, $8 and $9. ■ -'• : : • . . . : . ,;.. . I A OAK-TWO COMPLETELY FURNISHED X\J rooms for housekeeping; bath, gas. . - : Ql 7 THIRD LARGE SUNNY FRONT OX I housekeeping; also others; $6, $10, $12. : ROOMS TO LET. : v - ;> TTvPT^ea^enw^r^h^suTt^^f'^fto^ XV/X I nished rooms; private family; reasonable. "VTEW PYRENEE HOUSE,, 1314 .STOCKTON -Li st.— sunny front rooms; suites or single; by day, week or month. -■ PH. MAYSOUNAVE, prop. TaQA HOWARD— NICE SUNNY FURNISH- 'X\JO\t ed room, suitable for one or two, $5. ;;,\ - j 7"] Qa BUSH — SUNNY ALCOVE ' SUITE; iXO single if desired; running water; piano. .: 971 HAWTHORNE— LARGE SUNNY FRONT •£ I % rooms; only $7; also single room. ,-■■--: ; II Q EDDY -SUNNY CLEAN FURNISHED XXO rooms, $4 up; also housekeeping. : A O9 O'FARRELL— ROOMS FURNISHED OK 1 rtXfju unfurnished; all sunny; also housekeeping. £*-\ Q EDDY— SUNNY ROOMS; NICE- UXO ly furnished; snitablefor 2 persons; bath. ? T7*99 POLK— PLEASANT SUNNY FRONT XKj^iju rooms; bath : $7 up. ' ,' :.■.■■;-■.■. .■/-■.. TaTkEARNY— NICE SUNNY~ROOM; BATH XUtt and gas; price $7. :-■;■- ■;.-.. ■■ t. ~F.(\A NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY O\Jzt suite of rooms: rent reasonable. - ■>■■ ■ .■> .. v 9Q Q NINTH— I FRONT SUNNY AY-WIN- ZiOO dow furnished room; cheap. ■' . ■ , , ; ' •• ; \ ;. QAQ FIFTH:— BUNNY FRONT ROOMS; DUO finely furnished : %5 and $6 a month. • - COO ELLIS— SINGLE \ ROOMS SUITABLE OtiJO for gentlemen; cheap. >( . ROOJIB TO LET— Continued. • AA O TEHAMA— I OR 2 SUNNY FRONT TlO rooms- and kitchen; well furnished. .'..■■- -91 9 TURK— NEWLY FURNISHED : SUNNY ■^X^i front room suitable for 1 or two gentlemen; $12 50. ■;.-••■.■■•.. - : SIXTH— CHEAPEST. IN THE : CITY: double and single front rooms. . . ■ ■ p:pTSECOND— SUNNY FURNISHED SUITES; 00 also double and single: gas: bath. , . . 00 ('a. BUSH— LARGE SUNNY . BAY-WIN- OOU dow rooms; also nice single rooms. 101 O A BUSH— WELL-FURNISHED XVJxU room; hot and cold water; closets; reasonable. HOWARD— SUNNY FRONT DOUBLE "mO room ; also others. ... ; . ■/. .'.'V zl9O SIX TH— NICE SUNNY ROOMS: LARGE rtZAJ closet; running water; $5 month: gentle- man. ■ ' . ■ ■ " JJS. jama~rt~7nf6rms the public that she has bought the furnished house, No. 109 Fifth St.; every room newly papered and ren- ovated; all first-class (Conveniences; single and double rooms: reasonable rates: she invites the Board of Health to Inspect her house. 7*"?: 1 1 LARGE DOUBLE AND sin- \JOX2 gle rooms, with or without board. ' : C 9 SECOND— DOUBLE ROOMS, WEEK, $1 50 O^j to $3; single, $1 to $1 50; night, 20c to 50c. 7*l "I I'INE— NICE PLEASANT AND SUNNY UXX rooms; $5. $6 and i? 7 per month. 1 1 07 BUSH-ARTI STIC ALLY FURNISHED llul rooms; cheap: ooard next door. . 71 Q BUSH— SUNNY SINGLE ROOMS, I 1O neatly furnished: rent reasonable. ' ATICELY SUNNY FURNISHED PARLORS TO -i-> let. . 788 Van Ness aye. (T»1 C EDDY— LARGE NEWLY FURNISHED \)xr.) sunny rooms: modern; references. " A "1 Q ELLIS— ROOMS, SINGLE OR EN tcXO suite, either furnished or unfurnished. ai*n MINNA, COR. EIGHTH— NICELY FUR- \J\J I nished bay-window rooms: $1 week. ... . 00 SIXTH ST., THE HILLSD ALE— SUNNY 00 rooms; single and en suite; $1 to $1 50 a day. 1 900 1 HOWARD — NICELY FURNISHED j-£i\JO2 room for 1 or 2 gentlemen: $7 a month. f\-\ Q KEARNY — PLEASANT SUNNY AL- Ult/ cove room; one single; rent reasonable: gen- tlemen only; in private family. Apply 330 Kearny. Ql Q O'FARRELL — ELEGANTLY FUR- t/XO nished rooms; single or suites; bath; run- ning water; private family. ■ . To 7 A MARKET.. BET. JONES AND CITY XO I \J Hall Unfurnished suite; single. RS. CHEVALIER HAS RESUMED THE management of. the "Miramar," 703 Geary St.; sunny rooms, single or suites; excellent board: elevator; prices moderate to suit the times. OAQ BUTTER— ROOMS $160 A WEEK AND O\JO up; transient rooms a specialty. IF YOU DESIRE NICE ROOMS REASON- abIy, stop at 203 a Powell: transient solicited. T7IUROPE HOUSE, 1169 MISSION— XJ furnished rooms, single or en suite, $1 to $3 per week; night 25c to $1; transient solicited. RAND SOUTHERN, COR. SEVENTH AND M i»Bion— Rooms all light ; water, gas and electric bells; elevator runs from 7 a. m. to 19 p. m. : single, 50 cents; suites, $1 day; $2 50 and $5 week up. ■\rOSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. X Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night, 35c to $1; week, $1 60 to $5; families. A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARN Y— PLEAS- A ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; flrst.'class in every respect; terms reasonable. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE -tv WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. BOAKDLNGAXD ROOMS. H9~f~P^s?f^L^RGiE'^o7)MT^vlT^^aAßD •J^jX for two, $10 week; also single rooms. LD LAI>Y TO ROOM AND BOARD; WILL have nice home. 1606 Bush st. rnHE BERESFORD, BUSH AND STOCKTON; X first class; $1 50, $2 per day; with parlor, $2 50. WM. CHAMBERLI-V. Prop. * CHILDREN BOARDED. ]\JK^ET^H^ATraY V^H^>M^~FO^A~^!ABY; -Li mother's care: no other children. Address MRS. MILLER, flat X, 237 Minna st. STORES TO LET. rfnVO^VER^^TC^'^TORESr^ROoSIs'EACHI 1 207 and 211 Polk St.; $20. PART OF STORE TO LET: SUITABLE FOR X bicycles, dressmaking, milliner or ladies' hair- dresser. Inquire at 338 Post St., under Hotel Savoy. /SORNER STORE OF TWO LIVING-ROOMS. \J 460 Haight st. . . , . ©I (* GROUND FLOOR: 5 ROOMS; FOR <tu)XU. store and living, j Cor. Second st. and Riu- con aye., near Brannan st. 17IOR KENT — A CORNER STORE; GOOD ' stand for drug or grocery .business. Apply W. B. CLUFF, 17 Sixth St. . "I t\')A HOWARD AND LAFAYETTE STS., XtJ—tt with fixtures for a saloon or any business. Apply at 2838 Mission st., M. CURRAN. 1 T7IOUR-STOR Y BRICK AND IRON BUILDING J: and basement, 508 Sacramento St., containing elevator, power, etc.; rent $80. Apply DAVID STERN A SONS, 20 Montgomery st. ■ offices TO ; -iei.';j*- leTTan^oTf^gEs^in^ne^w^p^eckels building, 925 Market: rents low; no extra charge for gas, Janitor services or heating. Apply at building or G. H. UMBSEN & CO., 1-4 Montg. St. ESK BOOM AT ROOM 6, SIXTH FLOOR, Mills building, dentists. /: xe^kT"t^e~~g^nuine Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of improved bridge work or teeth without any plate, moved from 6 to 2o O'Farrell st. DR. J. J. LEEK, 1 FIFTH— OPEN EVENINGS, XJ and Sunday until noon. . - T CHALFANTS'S,B MASON.COR. market, sets of teeth are made to please or no charge; on bridges, crowns' and gold plates prices reduced; small gold fillings only $2; painless extraction. ROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MAR- \J ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, gas specialists: only ren- able agent for paimess extraction; artificial teeth frm $& ; fillings from $1 ; extracting 50c, with gas 81. DR. REA, 9 SIXTH ST. -ALL DENTAL WORK at lowest prices ana warranted; open evenings ©7A SET FOR TEETH; WARRANTED AS «Jp I good as can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMMS, dentist, 930 Market St., next Baldwin Theater. A LL WORK REASONABLE AND W AKKANT- A cd. DR. J. W. KEY, 1122 Market st. DR. H. G. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH Xs without plates a specialty. 1841 Polk st. DR. • LUDLUM UILL, 1443 ■ MARKET ST., near Eleventh; no charge for extracting when plates an; made; old plates made over like new; teeth from $8 per set; extracting 60c; gas given. pOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAR- \J ket st. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. FINANCIAL. T OW RATES; ciTYT^COUNTRYT " COLLAT> XJ eral, aecnrltieg TRAVERSE. 313 Montg'y.- ' SALE NOTICES. STA ND A KD' V OOLD*AXir SILVER Company— Location of principal place of busi- ness, San Francisco, California; location of works, Oregon City, Butte County, California. \ • Notice — are delinquent upon the following described stock, on account of assessment (No. 4) levied on the seventeenth (17th) day of April, 1895, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders, as follows: - - ' - '■:'•'-:' ■ . ■' / No. \ No. .Names... . : Cert. Shares. Am't E McGrath 34 500 $15 00 GOHink 154 '1000 30 00 G0Hink....... 155 1000 . SO 00 GOHink ...........158 1000 30 00 G0Hink......... ........165 1260' 47 60 GOHink....;.. .166 500 : 15 00 CAStockton ;........... 145 . 100 . 300 ,C A 5t0ckt0n. Tr.... ......... .195 • 200 600 ; CAStockton, Tr ............ 196 400 ■• 12 00 C A Stockton, Tr ......108- 75 2 25 MrsPCßullard ..........245 2500 375 00 ATGraner 42 2085 6*2 65 ,R Her01d:................ 251 2500 75 00 H Her01d. .........;..■..... i... 282 2500 75 00 Sylvester Gardner, Tr ■63 1000 30 00 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 66 1000 • 30 00 Sylvester Gardner, Tr... 69 3760 : 112 60 Sylvester Gardner, Tr ....... 77 500 16 00 Sylvester Gardner, Tr....... 100 9490 284 70 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 106 " 250 ••?. 750 , Sylvester Gardner, Tr 107 .250 7 50 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 108 250 7 50 Sylvester Gardner, Tr.. ...... 123 3750 112 60 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 152 260 760 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 153 260 760 Sylvester Gardner, Tr. ...... 178 4000 120 00 Sylvester Gardner, Tr.....;..192 ••• 200 6 00 Sylvester Gardner, Tr... 193 ■* ; 340 : 10 20 Sylvester Gardner, Tr 199 9300 279 00 Brownell. 50 1000 30 00 ADuprez..... .....; 72 840 25 20' 8urke.... ;...-.... ....... 202 2t> 75 FJ Brandon..... 121 250 7 50 Tylerßeach.:....... ....96 1000 30 00 Ty1er8each....."...., :... ....'.183 . 9000 ' 270 00 Tyler 8each. '........ ..........217 8767- 113 01 •WH Brown... 147 ■ - 50 150 TE Jewell ............... ......222 90 2 70 TE Jewell ..............247 ,1000 30 00 WmFarrlngton.........— 148 - 60 160 CD Wright.. ...... ...*.•.... 149 ■ 100 800 CDWright .............246 45 • 135 Francis Stewart.: ......229 70 2 10 :AB Crist .................. ...151' 60 " '.: ' 150 JH Henry. .......;..........:. 225 11000 330 00 J a Henry.. 194 29876 ' 896 25 C M Wooster 218 3766 112 98 WGLorigan .............. 221 2545 76 35 Martin J0ne5. ........... ......226 10 SO ChasE Stewart 227 10 .30 Hume E Spencer .' 228 ' 10 '- 30 Nathan Cr0cker. .'...... :...;.. t 2600 ' ■' 75 00 88Hu15e...... ............ 249 14500 435 00 B 8Hu150....... .;... ....250. 14070 ; 422 10 And In accordance with law | and an order from the Board of Directors made -. on - the seventeenth (17th) day of April, 1895, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be I necessary will be ' sold at public auction at th« Office Of the company, room 3 of the Mills Building, In the city of San Francisco, California, on I MONDAY, the tenth : (10th) day of June, 1896. at the hour of one < (1) \ ; o'clock p. m. of said day, to pay said delinquent as- sessment thereon, together with cost of advertising and expense of sale. ■ • .>->■-!•■-''•-..■■•>-■.- - - C. M; WOOSTER, Secretary. , Office— Room 3, Mills Building, tan Francisco, California. ; MONEY TO LOAN. PER CENT— LOWEST RATES ON CITY, country and - collateral securities. SHAD- BURKE JR. & CO., 313 Montgemery st. ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WITHOUT removal, warehouse receipts and other securi- ties. Rm «8, Donohoe bldg, cor. Market and Taylor. MONEY AT 6J&; IST AND 2D MORTGAGES, estates, pianos. MURPHY, 628 Market st. "1 ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES, LIFE INSUR- X ance policies, bank books. GOULD, 633 Market. MONEY LOANED ON. JEWELRY AND DIA- ItX nionds. Mills' building, fifth floor, room 6. ON ANY SECURITY, AT LOW RATES; DEAL- ing confidential. 43 Crocker building. MIMCiPAL LOAN OFFICE, CROCKER building, room 57; telephone Main 6122. ANY. SUM OF MONEY.- ADVANCED ON >"■ your furniture, pianos or real estate; low rates; call and state your proposition or write: open evenings. J. NOON AN, 1021 Mission st. MONEY LOAN ED ON JEWELRY ANDOTHEK valuables at the Security Loan Bank, 1108 Market st. nr. Mason: private entrance 7 Turk. MONEY WANTED. T ANTED— A LOAN OF $25000N IMPROVED \ T » city real estate, worth $5000. Address R. E., box 91, Call. m ___^___ .' OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. AN ELEGANT~~MODERN FURNISHED home of eleven rooms, fine stable, surrounded by three acres fruit trees and garden, beautifully situated on Pagoda Hill, Claremont, Oakland, fifty minutes' ride from San Francisco; seven minutes' walk from electric cars. Will rent cheap for the summer to responsible party, or sell cheap. Apply immediately. Owner, 821 Market St., Oakland. rpo RENT IN OAKLAND; FINE FURNISHED X home, between Oakland and Piedmont, on the Piedmont road; fine place: double parlors. 2 bed- rooms, large dining-room, kitchen, servants' room, laundry:. tine large grounds; stable with room for 2 horses and 2 carriages: chickens: grand view; furnished complete: rent $40, Including water and care of lawn. GRAY <S NAISMITU, 463 Ninth St.,, Oakland. \ AM AUTHORIZED BY THE OWNER TO exchange a desirable lot in Oakland for a span of young well-mated driving horses or a good horse, buggy and harness. Address J. S. MYERS, 1002 Broadway, Oakland. fC *ER MONTH. <DO ?5 PER MONTH. THIS WEEK. ALL THIS WEEK! LAST WEEK! An opportunity of your lifetime. The grandest offer ever made to the public. We are simply authorized to. sell. The owner of this property must have money to pay interest, if nothing more. WORKINGMEN, READ THIS ADVERTISE- MENT. -. : Young men, youngladies.who are earning money, stop read and think. Real estate is the only solid investment you can make. x ■ OUR SPECIAL OFFER FOR THIS WEEKJONLY 100 lots reduced from $250 and $300 to 9125 to $200 per lot. Only $5 cash, balance $5 per month. . FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. Every lot surrounded -by handsome improve- ments. ' The owner must sell. THE PRETTIEST BUILDING LOTS EVER . . OFFERED. This is an opportunity of your lifetime. If you do not think so call at our office and you will be con- vinced in five minutes. ,;••■: Space : will not permit us to say all .we have to say. Call to-morrow (Monday), and the balance of the week at office, where full information will be given and property shown. ' M. J. LAYMANCE & CO., Real Estate Agents and Land Auctioneers, 466 Eighth St., Oakland. .(go- Ann RENT $165; CAN BE IN- *ip+jO.\J\J\J. creased; Broadway income prop- erty: excellent investment. W. P. TODD, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. <n»7F;n cash will BUY A nice 6-ROOM «{p I O\J cottage, worth $2000, leaving a mort- gage of $1000. . Address WM. P. TODD, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. OR SALE OR LEASE— AT HIGHLAND Park, cozy, country home; 150x190; garden, stable: beautiful view. Address THOMAS, East Twenty-ninth st. and Twenty-third aye., Oakland. LEO ANT HOME AT A BARGAIN; STORY and a half cottage containing 9 rooms and bath; natural wood finish; fine elevation; magnificent view; large lot; owner going East; terms easy or would exchange for . country ■■ land. Apply to MATHER & ARNEBT, 467 Ninth st., Oakland. T arge~list; OF CITY imp"roved and -Li unimproved property for exchange for country land. MATHER & ARNEST, 457 Ninth, Oakland. BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY sold on easy terms; small payment down or ex- changed. E. E. BUNCE. 1008 Broadway, Oakland. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. AL.AMEDA ItEAL. ESTATE. " TO EXCHANGE FOR SAN FRANCISCO property, modern 2-story house: 9 rooms and bath: handsomely furnished: lot 60x150; gas. city and well water; carriage-house and stables: street macadamized; half block to electric-cars; 5 min- utes from broad-gauge station: 6 minutes to nar- row gauge; cost $9000. Apply to SANFORD BENNETT, 17 and 19 Beale st. <sil OHO. FINE NEW COTTAGE. *ipi.O\J\J. Easy terms. $1600— cottage; 5 rooms. • -. •• $200 cash; easy terms. $1400— House; 2-story; 5 rooms. Houses to let. E. D. JUDD, 1424 Park st., Alttmeda. IF YOU WANT ~~ " ~" ~~ I ! " 1 A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND STYLISH HOME CALL ON THE OLD BUILDING FIRM OF A. R. DENKE. WEBSTER STREET. BERKELEY BEAu ESTATE. Qi^inn 60x138 FEET— N. LINE OF ADbT fmO\J\'. son st., 200 feet E. from California, Hardy Tract, town of Berkeley. CHARLES C. FISHER, 507 California St., San Francisco. qi»l/\ RENT FOR GOOD HOUSE: 5-ROOM tip JLV». house, newly painted, papered; half-acre land; tankhouse; 60-foot well; 6 blocks to train and ears. M. L. WURTS, Dwightway station.. Tj^Oß SALE OR CHARMING FAMILY X residence; tine view; healthy location; shel- tered from wind and fog; easy terms. E. BAY- LEY, 407 Montgomery st. ' ■ ■ ■ <Sil QO f\ NE> CORNER CHOATE AND BAN- tjplOUl/. croft: 45x120. 82730— NW. corner Bancroft and Hillgoss sts.: 78x120. $1800— NW. corner Union st. and Bancroft; 45x 130. $1800— SE. corner Durant aye. and Choate st.; 45x110. ; This offering Is to close an estate and is several of the choicest corners In Berkeley: all within two blocks of the University: several other gilt edge pieces: first come first served. T M. L. WURTS, opposite Dwight-way station, Berkeley. NLY $1800— HOUSE OF 7. ROOMS: 2 LOTS; \J 5 minutes from -station; a bargain. JOS. J. MASON, Dwight-way station. LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE^ Miscellaneous. Stmr Noyo broke her shaft off Bodega. Spoken. . June 2, 36 54 N 60 49 W, ship St Nicholas, from New York for San Francisco. .* . ■ April 29, on the equator, 30 W, ship Henry Vll- lard, hence 23 for Queenstown. . ■ ' May 4, on the equator, 31 W, Nor Ship St]orn, fm Oregon for Queenstown. ' ; • MARRIAGE ; LICENSES. Licenses to marry were granted yesterday : a* . follows: . ■ ■•/;>., Robert O. Glover and Hannah A. Murray, 34—26. John J. Smith and Louisa A. Richter, 29—18. ! - Maurice Levy and Rose Marks, 28—17. •' - Walter J. Dyer and Florence Bauer, 23—19. Joseph C. Linehan and Sadie McGratb, 22—18. Charles H. A very and Minnie M. Crome, 28—18. P. E. Puulsen and Elizabeth M. Dlcksen, 27—29. ; Austin Lewis and Ethel Barn by, 30—29. Frank Sandelin and Mary Gronwall, 28—28. : Fred V. Bingham and Alice M. Gareelon, 39—31. . James F. McCone and Ellen M. Lemman, 24—23. Charles C. Gerard, and Mary C Cole, 38—80. ' I Peter Radovanich and Annie Jakulizza, 35-34. lA. A. Blume and Whllhelmine Neugart, 41—29. ■ F. W. Orth and Martha S. Kiessling, 51—26. B. C. Lindner and Lotmilla S. Schenz, 32—35. D. O. Church and Agda M. C. de Remee, 23—22. DIVORCE SUITS BEGUN. ~~ 1 Nellie E. Gorman vs. James E. Gorman. George Cruser vs. Jessie M. Cruser. Mary M. Hlckey vs. Emmett Hickey. ■- ■ . Helen A. McCormack vs. Isadore E. McCormack. Catherine H. McCoy vs. James H. McCoy. : ■ " :■■: V DIVORCES GRANTED. Emma Fredrlchson from Nicholas Fredrlchson; by Judge Hunt, on the ground of cruelty. ■: • . - : : Catherine Long from CO. Long: by Judge Hunt, on the ground of willful desertion. : --• • • ; George W. Delmas from Carrie Delmas; by Judge Murphy, on the ground of cruelty. .: -.■ . Jt ': Leopold Talbl from Mary Taibl; by Judge Mur- phy, on the ground of infidelity. > ■• . ■ . i■ . . Emily B. Young from Charles Young; by Judge Slack, on the ground of willful desertion. BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. BORN. DRURY— In this city, June 6, 1895, to the wife of Wells Drnry, a daughter. MULLER— In this city. May 24. 1895, to the wifo of William Muller, a son. RESKUCII— In this city, June 3, 1895, to the wife of John Reskuch, a daughter. SORENSEN— In this city, June 5, 1895, to the wife of J. A. Sorensen, a daughter. SIDENBURG— In this city. May 31, 1895, to the wife of Henry J. Sicdenburjj, twins — son and daughter. 31AKRIED. DYER— BAUER— fn this city, June 5, 1895, at Plymouth Church, by the Rev. \V. D. Williams, Walter J. Dyer anil Florence Bauer, both of San • Francisco. . .... ... WALES- WHITNEY— In this city, June 5. 1895, at Plymouth Church, by the Rev. W. D. Wil- liams, H. M.Walen of Boston, Mass., and Harriet N. Whitney of San Francisco. — __ DIED. Bolger, John Fleming, Frank B. Bachman. Nathan S. Harry, Llllie May Conklin, Alice M. Kratzmar, Mary J. Gbisholm, Duncan King, Alicia A. Deal, Samuel Br. Le Lievre, Mary Dunn, George E. - • Malllia, Jane Dakan. Katie Martin, Lizzie C. Flynn, Fred V. Sedgwick, Arthur Vollmer, William F. ■. •+/ •-.-., BACHMAN-In this city, June 5, 1895, Nathan 8., beloved husband of Pauline Bachman, and father of Samuel, Walter, Lawrence, Florine, Estello and May Bachman. a native of Germany, aged 60 years and 3 months, | New York papers please copy.j " JT3*Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral services THIS DAY (Friday), at 10:15 o'clock a. m., at his late residence, 1814 Valleio street. Inter- . ment private. BOLOER— In this c «Z. June 6, 1895, John, beloved husband of Annie Bolger, and brother-in-law of Mrs. Hillen,a native of Dublin, Ireland, aged 52 years. JK3"The funeral will take place TO-MORROW (Saturday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from his late residence, 446 Clementina street, thence to St. Patrick's Church, where a solemn requiem -mass - will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, com- mencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment private Mount Calvary Cemetery. CONKLIN— In this city. June 5, 1895, Alice May, beloved wife of Frank Conklin, and mother of i Alice C. Conklin, and daughter of John and Rosa Saul, and sister of Mrs. George Makinson and • John T. Saul, and sister-in-law of Miss Kate and 1 W. M. Conklin, a native of Brooklyn. New York, aged 35 years and 9 days. [Portland (Or.) and New York Sun and Herald papers please copy.j Thou true and faithful Alice. JKDrFrlends and acquaintances am respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 2 o'clock p. »£., from her late resi- dence, 335 Golden Gate avenue. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. CHISHOLM— In this city, June 5, 1895, Duncan, beloved husband of Mary E. J. Chlsholm, and l father of Mrs. Andrew Panella, a native of St. • Andrew, Nova Scotia, aged 72 years, O~Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 8:30 O'clock A. it., from his late residence, 7 Auburn street, off Jackson, between Mason and Taylor, thence to St. Francis Church, corner Vallejo street and Montgomery avenue, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. DEAL— In this city, June 4, 1895, Samuel Deal Br., husband of Sarah J. Deal, and father of Samuel Deal Jr. and William C. Deal, a native of Penn- sylvania, aged 73 years 2 months and 4 days. 49" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 10 o'clock a. m.. from Pioneer Hall, Fourth street, between Mission and Market, thence to Cypress Lawn Cemetery by electric funeral-car from Eighteenth and Guerrero streets at 11 o'clock a. it. ■ .» \, DUNN— In this city, June 6, 1895, George E., be- loved husband of Carrie Dunn, and father of George, Carrie and Ruby Dunn, and son of ' Mrs. Catherine Dunn, and brother of Charles A., W. H. and J. V. Dunn and Mrs. W. Gibbons, a na- tive of Cincinnati, Ohio, aged 47 years. JfcfFrlenfls and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral SUNDAY, June 9, 1895. at 1 o'clock P. if., from his late resi- dence, 103 Church street, corner Ridley, under the auspices of Harmony Lodge No. 9, A. O. JJ.W. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. A. O. U. XV.— To the officers' and members of Har- mony Lodge No. 9, A. O. U. W. : You are re- ■ quested to attend the funeral of our late brother, George E. Dunn. SUNDAY, June 9, 1895, at 1 o'clock p. M., from his late residence, 103 Church street. By order of D. McSWEENEY, M. XV. L. Johnsen. Recorder. DAKAN— In this city, June 6, 1895. Katie, daugh- ter of ex sheriff Dakan of Santa Cruz, a native of Santa Cruz. &S"Frtend3 and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAT (Friday), at 10 o'clock a. m., from the residence of her sisters, lolB Clay street. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. FLYNN— In NordhofT, Ventura County, Cal., June 3, 1896, Fred V., beloved son of Anthony and the late Elizabeth Flynn. a native of San Fran- cisco, aged '28 years 3 months and 6 days. j(fS~Friends and - acquaintances . are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 9:30 o'clock a. m., from his late residence. 29 Pleasant street, thence to St. Mary's Church, Dupont and California streets, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. Interment Mount Calvary Ceme- , tery- Please omit flowers. Y. M. I.— The ofllcers and members of Washing- ton Council No. 4, Y. M. 1., are hereby notified to assemble at 29 Pleasant street, THIS DAY (Friday), at 9 o'clock a. m., to attend the funeral of our late brother, Fred V. Flynn. JOHN F. CALLAGUAN, President. J. J. Grekx, Secretary. FLEMING— In this city, June 6, 1895, Frank B. Fleming, a native of Lincoln, Illinois, aged 35 years and 9 months. HARRY— In this city, June 6, 1895, Lillie May, . daughter of K. J. and M. J. Harry, and sister of William J. and Eddie S. Harry, a native 'of Grass Valley, aged 17 years and 13 days. KRATZMAR— In this city, June 5, 1835, Mary J., beloved wife of Sebastian Kratzmar, and mother of John and Willie Kratzmar, a native of Dublin, . Ireland, aged 39 years. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 8:30 o'clock a. from her late resi- . dence, 21 Rausch street, thence to St. Joseph's Church, where a requiem high mass will be cele- b rated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross Ceme- tery. Y. L. I. No. I.— Officers and members are hereby notified to attend the funeral of Mrs. Mary j. Kratzmar, THIS DAY (Friday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from 21 Ranschstreet,thence to St. Joseph's Church for requiem mass at 9 o'clock a. x.- By order of KATIE FITZPATRICK, President. KING— In this city, June 6, 1895, Alicia A. King, beloved granddaughter of Mrs. C. E. Burris, and daughter of the late Mrs. A del I a King, and niece • of Mrs. A. Tasker, Mrs. C. J. Burges and Eugene Burris, and cousin of Mrs. Ida Anderson, a native of San Francisco, aged 16 years 6 months and 1 day. . . LE LIEVRE— In this city, June 6, 1895, Mary, beloved wife of Frank Le Lievre, and mother of Mary and Nora Gulllaume, a native of Ireland, aged 60 years. £3~Frlend3 and acquaintances are resDect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW" (Saturday at 8:30 a. m., from her late resi- •• dence, 481 Twenty-eighth street, thence to St. - Paul's Church, where - a requiem high I mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Mount ' Calvary Cemetery. • • • ■ • ;■ ••• MARTIN— In this city, June 5,' 1895, Lizzie C, wife of the late Malromb Martin, and mother of Carrie, Flora and Charles Martin, a native of Grashite, Wisconsin, aged 45 years. MAlLLlA— Departed this life In Santa Rosa, June 4, 1895, Jane Malllla, beloved mother of Mrs. < Ellen Caton, Mrs. Annie Kearny of Santa ', Rosa, Mrs. Elizabeth Gillespie and Mary Jane Malllia, and sister of Mrs. Mary Gillespie, a native of County Galway, Ireland, aged 81 years. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY • (Friday), at 9 o'clock a. m.. from. the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Ellen Caton,. 409 Green street, thence to St. Bridget's Church, Van Ness ana Broadway, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, ' commencing at 9:30 o'clock a. m. sharp. Inter- . ment Mount Calvary Cemetery. SEDGWICK— In this city, June 4. 1895, Arthur Sedgwick, a native of Massachusetts, aged 63 ' years. An ex-Union soldier. " ' • ■ ■■ • i £9"Friends and acquaintances- are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 1 o'clock p. m.. from the par- lors of A. W. Martin & Co., 118 Geary street. VOLLMER— In this city. June 6. 1895, William ■ F., beloved husband of Ellen Vollmer. and son of the late Charles H. and Meta Vollmer, and brother of John 11., Jacob H., George H. and Charles H. Volimer, a native of California, aged 24 years. • * Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from the family resi- dence, 1224 Twentieth street. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. ' ™ UNITED UNDERTAKERS' < > " EMBALMING PARLORS. ■ Everything Requisite for First-class Funerals .; , .■•-.•r-..- at Reasonable Rates. Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 Fifth street. g I McAVOY A CALLACHER, I I FUNERAL DIRECTORB 4 EMBALMER3, •20 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. • ; : Telephone 3080. ' ' LAUREL HILL CErt ETERY ~ ASSOCIATION. /CHOICE LOCATIONS IN ANY PART OF THE \J grounds for sale and lots laid out on the Lawn system or : inclosed with low walls, as purchaser may desire. ■-, * ' : ■ > - /-. Perpetual care of plats a specialty. Cemetery permanent. "-• ■ ■ • | For the purchase of lots or for any Improvements apply to the superintendent on ■ the grounds, Cen- tral avenue and Bush st., San Francisco, Cal. .t , v.---. CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY. TN SAN MATEO COUNTY; WON-SECTABIAN- -1 laid out on the lawn plan: perpetual care; beao^, permanent and easy of access ; see it befora boy ing a burial place elsewhere. City Office. 8 CitT Hall Avenue . 15