Newspaper Page Text
10 THE COMMERCIAL WORLD SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS. Silver weaker. ..... Shipment of $162, 277 to China. Wheat dull. . . Feed Barley weaker. Oats continue to decline. Corn rather higher. Bye steady. Hogs declining. Beans unchanged. Potatoes and Onions steady. Butter firm. Eggs and Cheese weak. Poultry nominal. Asparagus scarce and wanted. Cherries, Peaches and Apricots firm. ; Citrus Fruits quiet. Dried Fruit working Into shape.. . Provisions unchanged. Hides as before. Mutton and Lamb higher. WEATHER BUREAU REPORT. l*NiTr.i> States Department of Agricuj> TVFr. FATHER BUREAU, HAS FRANCISCO, June 24. 1895. 5 p. m. — Synopsis and general forecast. The following are the seasonal rainfalls to date as • compared with those of the same date last year: Eureka 46.30. last year 55.20; Red Bluff 28.87, • last year 22.16; Sacramento 24.11, last year 16.35; San Francisco 25.70. last year 18.47; Fresno 14.15, last year 8.53: Los Angeles 15.93, last year 6.73; San Diego 11.61, last year 4.19; Yuma 2.97, last year 2.16. The following maximum temperatures have been reported from California stations to-day: Eureka, 60 degrees: San Francisco, 62: Los Angeles. 74: Bed Bluff. 104: San Luis Obispo, 80; San Diego.6B Sacramento. 90: Independence,94; Yuma, 108: Fresno, 106. San Francisco data—Maximum temperature 62 dec minimum 62 deg.. mean 57 deg. The pressure continues high over AA'ashlneton and is lowest in Southern and Central California, a condition which causes the warm weather during the past week to continue, except In the neighbor hood of San Francisco and the lower Sacramento Valley, where it has become somewhat cooler. Conditions are now favorable for slightly cooler weather for Tuesday in the upper Sacramento Valley: elsewhere the conditions will remain un changed. Forecast made at San Francisco for thirty hours ending midnight June 26. 1895:. For Northern California—Fair; nearly station ary temperature, probably slightly cooler in the upper Sacramento Valley and at Fresno; fresh to brisk westerly to northerly winds. For Southern California— nearly station ary temperature; fresh westerly winds along the coast. For Nevada—Fair; nearly stationary tempera ture. For Utah— nearly stationary temperature. For Arizona—Fair; nearly stationary tempera ture. For San Francisco and vicinity—Fair: nearly stationary temperature; brisk westerly winds in the afternoon. W. H. II am yon. Forecast Official. NEW YORK MARKETS. NEW YOBK, N. Y„ June 23.—The reactionists who expected that the raid on American sugar made on Saturday would demoralize the general stock market met with disappointment to-day. In the first place London bought our securities when It was generally expected that the foreigners would turn up sellers in view of the retirement of Bose bery's Cabinet. Again, the better class of stocks, particularly Lake Shore, developed unexpected strength. The stocl: named sold as high as 151 for full. lots, while ordered amounts commanded 151%. These are the best figures for this issue ever made. The rise in the stock called to mind that Mr. Morgan's recent statement that there was a good market for choice securities was not an idle boast and had much to do with the covering move ment in the general market that took place In the afternoon trading. During the morning session the efforts to depress prices were only partially successful. Sugar, Ten nessee Coal and Iron, Susqei.anna and Western and Leather common receding V2@ls/ per cent, while the prominent Issues yielded only frac tionally. The reaction in Tennessee Coal and Iron was only natural, considering the sharp rise in the . stock since the infusion of new blood in the direc tory. In the afternoon trading, however, there were few signs of weakness, in fact the market assumed a decidedly strong tone and prices ad vanced sharply. Sugar, which had sold down to ,112% early in the day, bounced up to 115% on transactions of nearly 96,000 shares. General Electric sold, up 1% per cent to 37% on good buying. The rumor In the board was that negotiations with the AYestinghouse Company had been re sumed. This story is received, however, every time the stock gets active. There was more doing in the iron and steel stocks, Illinois steel rising from 74!' to 78%, and Minnesota iron from 64% to 67%. The grangers and Vanderbilts and anthra cite coalers were in request and closed higher on the day. New Engl nnd made a sensational ad vance from 46% to 56% bid on an unconfirmed rumor that the New Haven Company which, it is claimed has secured the road, will grant value privileges to stockholders. Speculation closed firm with prices anywhere from Vi to iy 2 per cent higher on the day. New England gained five. The total sales were 291,775 shares. Bonds were strong, and sales footed up $1,947, 000. Atlantic and Pacific rose 1 to 51; Flint A Pere Marquette 6*B 1 to 116: Lehigh and Wilkes ' barre consols ascended 1% to 106%; do s's4 to 89; < Kansas and Texas s's 1 to 87%: Ohio Southern I*ll to 89: do 4's 2to 36%: Richmond and Dan -flu debenture s's stamped 2 to 100; Virginia Midland generals stamped 3 to 102, and AVheeling and Lake Erie l's 11-4 to 104. Mobile and Ohio 4's fell iy to 67%. In (lovernment bonds at the board $10,000 coupon s's sold at 116%, and $3500 registered s's at 1163^. silver bullion on deposit against warrants, 330® 825 ounces; certificates outstanding, 331. Hops—Quiet, steady; Pacific Coast 3@Sc Grain and Merchandise. NEAV YORK, N.Y., June 24.— Flour-Dull, easy: buyers holding off. Winter wheat, low grades, $2 70 (_ 3 30: do, fair to fancy, $3 70@4 25; do, patents $4 25@4 60: Minnesota, clear, $3 20 _ 3 50; do. straits, $3 5904 25; do, patents, $4 15(£4 25; low extras, $2 70@3 30; city mills, $4 35; do patents, $4 80. Southern flour, dull, easy; common to fair extras, $2 50(23 25; good to choice do, $3 30 @4 10. Cornmeal— Dull, steady: yellow Western, $2 80ft4 2 90. •■'■■■■...•;>-!•.:■ Rye— Nominal: State 70c. - Wheat— Spot market moderately active, closing steady; No. 2 red store and elevator 74c, afloat 74% c; ungraded, 69 _78c; No. 1 Northern, 78% c. Options declined l»i_2c on lower cables, rains in the AVest and free liquidations, rallied I%<_l%C with visible decrease on passage in the West and local charges, fell oft %(&6/gC on foreign selling, closing weak at y2@%c below Saturday, .with trading fairly active. July and September most, ac tive. May, 1896, 80y c; June. 74c; July, 74% - August, 74%: September, 75% c; October, 757/„ c ." December. 77% c. '" ' Corn— spot, dull; No. 2, 4534 c elevator; 53%. Options opened weak and declined I l%c, rallied s*. @%c with the AVest, and closed firm at x//(A %c under Saturday and fairly active. September and July most active. July, 52% c; August, 66%&c- September, 54c. ' Oats— Spot, active, at I®l%c decline,, closing weak; options quiet, weaker: June, 29% - July 29% c; September, 30% c: No. 2, white. July, 33c Spot prices: No. 2, 29y_a30%c: No. 2, white, 33c- No. 2, Chicago, 90% c; No. 3, 38y 2 c; No. 3, white* 32% c: mixed Western, 30_31c; white AVesterV 2o(&40c; white Sta:e,3s@4oc. Hay— Quiet, firm; shipping, 55@C0c; good to choice, 75_80c. , Hops— Quiet: steady: State, common to choice 3@Bc: Pacific Coast, 3_Bc; London market un changed. Wool— Fairly active, firm; domestic fleeces, 15 @19c: pulled, 12®30c; Texas, 9@l2c. Lard— Quiet, firmer; Western steam closed ■ at $6 62%: city. $6<a6%; option sales, none; July closed $6 77, nominal; September closed $7 asked* refined, quiet, firmer: continent, $7; South Ameri can, $7 30: compound, $5@53 . Pork— Dull but steady; mess, $13@13 75; extra prime, nominal. ' ■ Butter— Firm and in fair demand: State dairy, 1 1 (ffl 7c : do creamery, 17%<&1 8c: AVestern dairy, 9<al4c: do creamery. 12@18c: do factory, 8©12% - Elgin. 18c; imitation creamery, ll@l sc. ?.'•■*■ ' Cheese— Firmer and in moderate demand ; State, large. 6%@7%c; do fancy, B fa734c: do small. 6_ «c: pan skims, 2@4y c: full skims, 2 c - Eggs— firm and fairly active: State and Pennsylvania, 13@13%c: AVestern. fresh, lli'-a 12 %c: do per case, 50. /2W Pig Iron— Firm and in fair demand; American, 10@13c: ' ' Copper— Steady; Lake. $10 55(8110 66. Lead— Easy; domestic. $3 25(fc3 27%. Tin— Quiet; straits, $14; plates in fair demand and firm. Spelter— Dull; domestic, 83 57 _@3 62%. . Tallow— ln moderate demand and steady city 43/gra,4V2C; sales 35 hogsheads; country, Ai/.dbVxc' Cotton Seed Oil-Steady but dull; crude 23 V,c : yellow prime, 2654@27c. T' f 7*. ' , Rice— Fair demand and firm; domestic. 4i_«.Rc- Japan, 4(*4y,c. /*<&«»-. Molasses— nominal; New Orleans 26® 80c: fairly active and firm. ' Coffee— Closed unchanged; : December. 814 20 --spot Rio dull: No. 7, 15.34 c. • '.' Sugar— Raw, dull and steady; fairrefining, 27/<.c centrifugal 96 test, 3 6-16 c.; refined steady and in moderate demand;- off A, 4i4@43/ 8 c: mold A 4 11-16@4%c; standard No. 2, 4 7-16@40/8c; con fectioners' A, 4 6-16@4 cut loaf. 5 1-I6®'si4c crushed, 6 l-16®5i/4c: powdered, 434@4 1 5-1 6 c' granulated, 4 7-16<a434c; cubes, 4 l-16_4%c. Dried Fruits— Dried: Holders of evaporated ap ples are very indifferent sellers at the moment and there ls a strong undertone to the market, though the demand Is not urgent. Sundried apples, steady. Cores and skins are not moving. • All kinds of small fruits remain dull and prices are somewhat nominal. Apples, evayorated fancy, fl lb 7c; do, common to good. s@6c; do, sundried, 5_ i/^sc: cores and skins. %@lc; raspberries, evap orated, 18c; cherries, lie; blackberries, 3i/.@4c apricots, 6_9c; peaches, California peeled, 12t014c do, unpeeled, SV4@BV_; prunes, as to size and quality, 3 „@8 _- -7 CHICAGO MARKETS. CHICAGO, lix., June 24.— Russian shipments of wheat to importing countries fell off . last week 400,000 bushels. This was one help to prices, iAt the opening of this market to-day there were heavy rains reported In the Northwest. This was another of the complaints of too much rain for spring wheat, which are not generally accepted by the trade as having yet wrought Injury. If the. soak lngs continue some harm will doubtless result. B^t much win djny^ ty> the Qftit west or (en days' weather In the section devoted to that crop. Prices opened with something of a snap to them to-day, but the offerings were of great - enough volume to check the rise before it was well started. The business then became somewhat quiet and took on a waiting aspect, attention being attracted to the blackboard, where the visible supply reports were being posted. When all points had boen heard from, a decrease in stocks of 1,492,000 bushels was footed up. This not being quite as large a reduction as had been looked for, and as the bulls had loaded up earlier in ihe session there ,was a break In prices of a full cent. AA'ithdrawals from store, 25,301 bushels. Beceipts were 26 cars for Chicago and 196 1 in. the Northwest. Liverpool cables were quiet and lower at the opening and steady at the close. Antwerp quotations were lower and Berlin Higher. Sales of 25 carloads of wheat at the seaboard for export caused a recovery in the market. Indian ship ments last week were 1,024,000 bushels. The English visible supply Increased 1.400,000 bushels. ; July wheat opened at 7014 cto 70%c> sold between 71c and 68% c, closing at 70%<-'. %c higher than Saturday. Estimated receipts for to-morrow, 40 cars. Corn was inclined to follow wheat at the opening, and an advance was then recorded. The direction soon turned downward, and the momentum at tained carried prices considerably under Satur day's close. A steadier tone, too, developed with business, presenting nothing worthy of especial mention. -•' • Receipts to-day were 143 cars, and 170 are esti- I mated for to-morrow. AVithdrawals from store were 1 89.433 bushels, and 136,321 bushels cleared at the ! seaboard. Liverpool cables were quiet and easier. ! The visible supply decreased 1,286,000 bushels, and the market on ocean passage increased 400, --1 010 . bushels. Sales of 25 loads of corn were re ported .at the seaboard. The market rallied with wheat about the middle of the session, and at the close was unchanged from Saturday. July corn ! opened at 48% c, sold to 46V4C, rallied, closed at ! 48c. Just so long as wheat and corn remained firm ! oats held steady, but at the first Intimation of ; weakness in them (wheat and corn) oats declined. j Liquidation took place freely and prices under the ; operation were quite the reverse of strong. Be ceipts were 229 cars, and 325 are estimated for j to-morrow. AVithdrawals from store were 62,730 ; bushels. The visible supply decreased 710,000 bushels. July closed %c under Saturday. Flax was steady, cash No. 1 sold at $1 50, July at $1 20 for new flax; September, $1 24@1 24y 2 ; ] October was $1 23 Vis bid. Receipts were 11 CUB. Timothy was firm. Prime cash, $5 60, nominal; ' September sold at $5 30®5 35: country lots, $4 50®5 25. Prime clover cash, $9 60, nominal; October, $9 80, nominal. Provisions— Offerings of pork, lard and ribs were light to-day. The Indisposition of holders to sell was due principally to a firm hog market. There was no remarkable demand for any of the articles, however, a dull, steady market being i tie result of the situation. Hogs were linn and communicated some strength at the start. July pork closed 15c higher, July lard 2y 3 c higher, July ribs 5® 7y«c higher. Closing prices: Wheat, June, 69% c; July, 70% c; September, 72% c. Corn, June, 47y 3 c; July, 48c: September, 49c; May, 41% c. " Oats, June, . 26% c; July, 2634 c; September, 26y.c; May, 30% c. Pork, June, ?il 82y 2 ; July $11 87y ; Septem ber. $12 15. Lard, June, $6 47%; July, $6 50; September, $6 70. Ribs, June, $6 17% : July, $6 22% September, $6 40. Livestock. UNION STOCKYARDS, 111., June 24.— The Beceipts of cattle were large to-day and buyers held off expecting concessions. Good kinds held firmer, however, hut inferior grades declined s@loc before the close. .„•-.-■ I There was a good demand for hogs, buyers start ] ing in early and prices holding firm at an advance I of 5c f> 100 lbs. Sheep were steady for all kinds, with yearlings 10 @15c and spring lambs 15®25c higher. I Cattle— Beceipts, 13,000. 'Common to extra steers, i $3 75@6; stockers and feeders, $2 50®4 25; I cows and bulls, $1 50®4: calves, S3@6: Texans, Is 2 25® 5 10. • ' nogs— Beceipts. 8000. Heavy packing and shipping lots. $4 65 4 85; common to choice mixed, $4 40®4 75; choice assorted, $4 50@1 65; light. $4 30@4 65; piss. $3@4 85. Sheep— Receipts, 13,000. Inferior to choice, $1 75®4 20; lambs, $2 75@6 50. OMAHA LIVESTOCK. MARKET. SOUTH OMAHA, Nerr.,. June 24.— Hogs— ceipts 700: nothing good; market steady. Top, $4 45 ; light and mixed, $4 30@4 45: heavy, $4 40@4 45. Receipts 800, mostly West erns; market steady; steers. $3 50@4 65; cows, $1 25@4 36; feeders, $2 25 _ 3 50. Sheep—Re ceipts, 900; market stt kly to weak ; muttons, $2 40 I _ 3 75. BRITISH GRAIN TRADE. | LONDON. E>'G., June 24.— The Mark Lane Ex j press in its weekly review of the British grain j trade says: During the past week English wheats j declined 9d and foreign wheats lost Is, owing to : heavy supples. California on pas«age selling at : 27s 6d, hard Manitoba at 28s 3d and Duluth at 28s 6d. Corn and barley dropped 6d. Oats and I beans were weak while peas and rye were steady. To-day English wheats were sluggish: foreign ad vanced 6d. American flour ruled Hd lower and barley and oats were 3d and corn 6d down. CALIFORNIA FRUIT SAT.ES. CHICAGO, 111., June 24.— Earl Fruit Com pany sold California fruit at open auction to-day as follows: Cherries, Tartarian, $1 25@1 40; Boval Anne, $I@l 45; Republican, $125(5/140; Big ereau, $1 30® 1 35; peaches, Hales Early. 70c® $105; Alexander, 60c@$l ; Briggs May, 75@80c; plums, Royal Natives, $1 25@1 60; Cherry, 80c@ $1 25; Boes, 50®60c; Claude, $2; Clyman, $1 85® 190; Peach, $3 10; Tragedy Prunes, $3 10; apri cots. Royal, 80c@$l 10; peach, 90c; R. A. apples $1 70. , . . ' Porter Bros. Company sold at open auction to day: Simoni prunes at $3 80; Tragedvs, $2 75® 3 50; Clymans, $1 512 05; Japan plums, $2 45; Abundance. $220,225: peach plums, $310; in boxes, $130; Koenig claudes, $1 95(5:2 10; ' as sorted plums, $1 65@2 65; Royal Hatlves, $1 35® 1 75; St. Catherines. $1 65@1 80, in boxes, 75c- Brills, $1 45; cherry plums, $1 25; in boxes, 60c: ■ strawberries. 85c; apples. $165; Bigarreau cher ries, 90c®$140: Republicans, $146; assorted $1 SO ; Centennials, $106rd>140: Boval Annes ; 90c@$l 35; Tartarians, SI 20@1 30; pears. $1 55- Moorpark apricots. $1 35: Montgamets, $1 25; in boxes, $1 05: peach apricots, $1 25; Boyals, 85c® *1 15: in boxes. 65c; Alexander peaches, 55c® SI 25; Hale's early, 65c@$l. w • The National sold fruit at open auction to-day as follows: Apricots, S6c@sl 10; Early Golden apri cots. 95c: Alexander poaches, 76@90c; Hale's early peaches, 86c; Royal Hative plums, $1 35® 1 65; Tragedy prunes, $2 26; apples in small boxes, SOc. , NEW YORK, ■N. • V., June Porter Bros. • Company sold at open auction to-day Tragedy prunes, $-' f>o@4 12; Ogeron plums, $3 35; Japan plums. $3 70: Clymans, $i 6.V5.2 40; Royal Ha • tives. $1 45®2 10; Hotchklss plums, $2 15; Cher ry plums, 95c(a$l 50: St. Catherines,' $1 40®1 45 --' Kosnfg Claudes, $1 40®1 50: Brills, $125: figs, $2 75: Peach apricots, $1 85; Montgamets, $1 60' ; Hemskirke apricots, $125: Boyals, 80c@$l 65: '. Silver apricots. $1 10®1 25: Alexander peaches! I 50c®$l 2.".; Hale's early, 85c@$l 16. i I The National Fruit Association said fruit at open | auction to-day as follows: Boval apricots, 60c® i $116: Montgamet , apricots, $3 35: Alexander j peaches, 70e®$l 09; Cherry plums, in 10-_ boxes. i 70e; Clymau plums, $1 85; Boyal Hative plums , j $1 053,1 45. The Earl Fruit Company sold two cars of Cali fornia fruit at open. auction to-day, realizing the following prices: Boyal apricots. $I@l 25; Royal Native plums, $Us®l 20: Hale's early peaches, 75c@$l 10; Alexander peaches, 40c@$l 10* ! Briggs' May peaches, 95c; Oriental peaches, 85c." California fast express refrigerator car sold for ' ! $1165 gross. ________ ; NEW YORK STOCKS. : | Bonds, Exchange, Money and Railroad yj_y_K_&_^ ' Shares. I »' Money on call has been easy at 1@1%%: last loan j 1% and closed offered at 1%. Prime mercantile , ; paper. 3@3y 2 , Bar silver, 66% c. Mexican dol ' j lars, 53c. Sterling exchange is firm, with actual ' I business in bankers' bills at $4 88%®4 89 for sixty . days and $4 89y 3 @4 8934 for demand. Posted rates, $4 89_4 90. Commercial bills, $4 87y 2 _ 4 88%. Government bonds firm; State bonds quiet: railroad bonds steady. Silver at the Board was quiet. CLOSING STOCKS. Atchi50n............ 10: 'North American... 6% Adams Express... 149 'Northern Pacific. 4% Alton.Terre Haute. 82%' Preferred 16 Preferred........ . Northwestern 99% American press. 112 | Preferred... 3 % 1 American Tobacco.ll2%|N. Y. Central...... 101 % Preferred...... 114 N. Y. Chlcago&S.L 163,4, Baltimore & Ohio.. 63* Ist preferred 72 Brunswick Lands.. 2% 2d preferred 42% : Buffalo, Roch AP..< 21 N. Y. &N. H. .. . 213 Canada Pacific.*.-.. 63% N. Y. A, New Eng. 61% Canada Southern.. 55y 2 ;N. Y. Susq A W.... 9*54 • Canton Land....... 60% Ohio Mississippi.. . ; Central Pacific 19% Ontario 8 Ches. A 0hi0....... 22% Ontario* Western. 18 Chicago Alton 153 [Oregon Improvmt. 11% Preferred... ;..... 175 J Preferred.;...:... 35 1 Chicago, B. & — 85% Oregon Navigation. 29 i Chicago &E. 111. . . 64% Oregon Short Line. .6% , Preferred ::.. 991/2 Pacific Ma 11...;.... 35% I ChlcagoGas ...... 72% Peoria, D.& vans. 51/4 ■ Consolidation Coal. 82 Pittsburg . 167 , Consolidated Gas.. 1 14 Vi Pullman Pa1ace.. .173 " , C. C.C. _ St. Louis. 46 Quicksilver. 2% .' Preferred.........; 91 " Preferred.. 17 * Colo. Fuel A Iron.. 8ead1ng......... . 17% : * Preferred ..... 75 ißlchmond Termini- — I Cotton Oil Cert 69 Preferred - ' Commercial Cable. ls9 ißloGrande&Westn 17 Del. Hud50n.......129»4 Preferred..... .. 44 Del.Lack&Westernl62% Bock Island . '" 73 Denver A B. G— ...i 3 Rome Wat A Ogdenll4 1 Preferred......... 46% 5t. L. A 6. W. . lii. : Distillers...... 20% Preferred...... ;. 16% . East Term. :........ St. Paul 68S& , - Ist preferred Preferred ......121% 2d preferred..... . . St. Paul & Duluth 29 ' General Electric... 37% Preferred;. .... 90 : Erie '-' : " _• — ••••' _£ St. Paul A Omaha.". 40% , Preferred........ 20 Preferred .......115% Fort Wayne... 167 St. P. M. _ M.. - .115 hern pfd. 133% Silver Certificates. «. 66% • Green 8ay...::..:.. 1 Sugar Refinery. .llsl*2 1 Uw'eui,.... 260 . J Prclerred. ...... 80% THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1895. Hocking C0a1...... 9 Southern Pacific... 24% Hocking Valley... 26% Term. Coal <& Iron. 38% Homestake ........ 22 - i Preferred :..- 99. , H. & Texas Cent-. 2% Texas Pacific. 13 Illinois Central — 95 T01. A.A.& N.Mich. 2 lowa Central......: 10% Tol. A Ohio Cen.... 47 Preferred 33 , 1 Preferred... : 79% Kansas* Texas.... 17y B Tol.St.Louis&K.C. . 6 Preferred .-. 35% Preferred......... 14% Kingston & Pern... 3 lUnion Pacific...... 12% Lake Erie & AVestn 24 _U. P., Den. it Gulf. 5% Preferred ...... 83% U. S. Express 41 Lake Shore 160y 2 V. S. Rubber....... 40% National Lead...... 34y_ Preferred 92 1 Preferred......... 90 Utica &B. River. .150 "' Longlsland....... 85 Wah. 8. L. & Pac. 88,4 Louisville & Nash. 585/g 'Preferred.. 20 > LouisA'ille ANewAl 93/ 8 Wells-Farg0........110 Manhattan Consol . 113 Western Union.;.. 92% Memphis <fc Charls. 15 Wis Central... 63/ 8 Mexican Central... 10 AVheeling AL. E.. 15% Michigan Central. .lo2%' Preferred 49% Minn AS. L 45% U. S. Cordage 1% Preferred......... 65% 7 Preferred,. 1% Missouri Pacific... 32% 2d preferred...... 7 Mobile A Ohio • 24% Southern R. R..... 14Vs Nashville Chatt.... 68 i Preferred 41% National Cordage.. Com Cab1e......... 96 Preferred.... Bay State Ga5...... 19y 2 National Linseed.. 30 Am Cotton Oil pfd. 74% N.J. Central....... 100% U.S. Leather 18% Norfolk A West.... 3%! Preferred.. 92% Preferred. AY U Beef 105 closing bonus. .'"-:''• US 4s, reg 112 IN J Cent' Gen 65... 118 Do, 4s coupon.:. 113% Northern Pac lsts.llß% Do. 2s ....97 ; Do, 2d5.... 100 Pacific 650f '95.... 100 ! Do, 3ds ......73 D. C. 3-65..... 110 ;0 It ,t N lsts... 11184 Ala Class A 2-5.... 107 Sii.itlronMUien 6s 80 . Do, Class B 55.... 107 fit 1. it s V Gen 108% La. Stamped 4s KM) St Paul Consols ...129 Missouri 6s 100 St. I. C. _Pa lsts. llß N Carolina con .125 : Do, Pac Cal lsts..Ho% Do, 4s .103 Texas Pacific firsts 92% SO Non-fund 107 Texas Pac seconds. 30% Term new 6s FnionPac Ist of 96.106 Do, 55.. .....— • West Shore 45.. 107% Do,3s 89 (Mobile* Ohio 45.. 67s/ 8 Virginia 63. JR Grande West 79% De, ex-mat coup. Ches <fc O 55. ...... .111% Canada South 2ds..lo6%; Atchison 4s . ...... 75 Cen Pac lsts of '95.103 Do, 2d 2y 2 s 27 Den&RO Ist.. 113 GH_S A 65...... 99 Do, 4s 88% Do, 2d ss. 104% Erie2ds 65 H & Tex Cent 55.. 11l Kansas Pa Consols 728^' Do.con 65........105 Ks Pa lsts Den dlvlo9 Beading 45......... 75 MKT2d5....... .. 603,4 Va funding debt... 62% D 0,45.... 86y -Do, deferred 65... . 8% Mutual Union 65... 110 Do, trust rcpts 6s 6 Northwest Consols.l4o Southern R. R. 6s. 983,4 Do, deb 5s 109 LaConsol4s < FOREIGN MARKETS. WHEAT j:N LIVERPOOL. LIVEBPOOL, Ens., June 24.— The spot market Is dull at 5s 6% rt 7%d. Cargoes are dull ana nominal. ;■".. . • ' , FUTURES. The Produce Exchange cable gives the following Liverpool quotations for No. 2 Bed Winter: June, 5s 5Md; July, 5s 6%d: August, 5s 6%d; Septem ber, 6s 7%d; October, 6s 7%d. , SECURITIES. LONDON, Eng., June 24.— Consols, 106*/ ; sil ver, 30% d; French Rentes, To2f 16c. EXCHANGE AND BULLION. Sterling Exchange, 60 days — $4 S8y 2 Sterling Exchange, sight — 4 89% New York Exchange, sight — 02% New York Exchange, telegraphic... ' — 05 Fine Silver, spot, fi ounce... — 66y Fine Silver, 30 days — \ 66 Mexican Dollars .. 63 63% TREASURE, SHIPMENT. The Peru took out a treasure list of $162,277, consisting of $68,477 in Mexican Dollars, $1500 in Gold Coin, and $92,300 in Sliver Bullion. 77V-77 ♦ ■ — l PRODUCE MARKET WHEAT AND OTHER GRAINS. j WHEAT— Elmhurst takes for Cork 67,119 ctls, valued at $54,263. Dullness characterizes the market l>oth here and abroad and quotations show very little change. No. 1, 90@92y 2 c: choice, 933_c; lower grades, 80(&883,4c; extra cnoice for milling, 97y c@$l 02% %1 ctl. CALI, HOABO HAI.KS. Informal Session- —10 o'clock — December— 100 tons. $103% : 400. $1 033/ ; 300, $1 03y . Reoitlar Morning wkssion— December— 9oo tons. $1 04%; 200, $1 03%: 800. $1 04. Aftkrnoon Skssion — December— 2loo tons, $1 04. Seller '9s. new— loo, $1 00%- | BARLEY— Buyers are able to secure supplies at a slight reduction. Feed, 60c *». ctl for ordinary and 61 %c f, ctl for choice bright; Brewing, nomi nal at 67%@77%0 t* ctl. CAT.I., BOARD SALES. Informal Session— lo o'clock— No sales. Regular Morning Session— December— 3oo tons, 64c: 200, 63% c; 200, 64y B e. afternoon Session — December— loo tons, 64y B e. '. OATS— Prices continue to weaken, supplies being too large. Milling, $I®l 05 f> ctl; fancy Feed, $1 @1 05 13 ctl: good to choice. 87%@95c: common to fair. 80@86c; Gray, 82y 2 @87y 2 c; Surprise, 97y 2 c ®«1 07% # ctl. . .' • • ■ ...: /* CORN— Bules firm. Large Yellow, $1 12%<ffil 20 *». ctl; Small Round Yellow, $1 12% _1 20; White,' $l(a>l 15 -£ ctl. .' • ..: lIYE-90@92%c asked for old and 87% cf, ctl for new. BUCKAVHEAT— Quiet at 85@95c ft ctl. FLOUR AND MILLSTUFFS. FLOUR— Net cash prices are: Family extras, $3 50@3 60 f, bbl; Bakers' extras, $3 40@3 50; superfine, $2 25@2 50 $> bbl. MILLSTUFFS— Bye Flour, 3%c^ lb; Rye Meal, 3c; Graham Flour, 3c; Oatmeal, 4%c; Oat Groats, sc: ('racked Wheat, 3%c: Buckwheat Flour, 4%c; Pearl Barley, 4%,©43 4 cfl lb; Bice Meal, $12®15 M ton. COBNMEAL, ETC.— Table Meal. 3@33.4c: Feed Corn. $24@25: Cracked Corn, $24 50®25 50 f» ton; Hominy, 4y 2 _4%c f, lb. , '• . HAY AND i.FEEDSTUEFS. BRAN— SI 3 50@14 50 "% ton. MIDDLINGS— SI 7 60@19 50 f ton. FEEDSTUFFS— Ground and rolled Barley, $13@14; Oilcake Meal at the mill. $25 fl ton; Cot tonseed Oilcake. $24 %4 ton. HAY— New Is low under receipts of over 1100 tons. Old is also weak. New AVheat, $7@lo %* ton: New AVlld Oat, $6 50_7 50: new Wheat and Oat, $7(8.9: new Barley, $5 50(ai7 50: new Alfalfa, $5 sf)®7 50. We quote old Hay: Wheat, $8 50®11 %*. ton: AVheat and Oat. $8@10: Barley, $7® B 50: Oat, $8®10: Clover, $7®B; Compressed, $8®10: stock, $5,6% ton. - S'l'RAAV— so®7sc M bale. BEANS AND SEEDS. •BEANS— 81 25®1 60: Small Whites, $2 65 @2 85; Pea, $2 50@2 85; Large Whites, $2 50® 2 85: Pink, $1 25@1 45; Beds,sl 25; Blackeye,s3 25 ®376: Red Kidney, nominal: _imag, $5 f. ctl : But ters. $1 75®2 for small and $2@2 25 '?. ctl for large. SEEDS— Mustards nominal. Flax, $2 25@2 60 f, ctl : Canary, 3%@3y 2 c fi lb: Alfalfa, 7@73.4c; Rape, 134®2%c; Hemp, Acifr lb. DRIED PEAS— Split Peas, 4@4S / 4c; Green Peas, nominal; Niles, nominal; Blackeye, nominal. POTATOES, ONIONS, VEGETABLES. POTATOES— The demand is very fair. Burhanks, 60c@$l; new Early Bose, in boxes, 40@65c; in sacks, 35@50c; Oregon Burbanks, 60@70c » ctl. ONIONS— Keep steady. New Reds, 65@75c f» Ctl: Sllverskins, io@Bsc "ft ctl. VEGETABLES— are lower. Aspara gus is scarce and wanted. Corn arrives In bad con dition, owing to the heat. Green • Peppers, fl box; Green Corn, 12y ®17%c f, dozen for 7a caville and 20@25c f> for Bay; Tomatoes from Vacaville, $1 25@1 76 f> box; Summer Squash, 26c ■$ box for Vacaville and 40®60c for Bay.: Asparagus, $1 25@1 76 for ordinary and $2@2 60 fl box for choice; Rhubarb, 30@50c %< box: Green Peas. 2%c M Tb for Garden ; String Beans, 2®3c for Green, 3®4c for Refugee and Fountain and 2% @3y 2 c for Golden AVax; Marysvillo Cucumbers, 40fd;50c ~& bx; Bay Cucumbers, 76c@$l 95 fl bx; Dried Okra, 15c fl lb: Dry Peppers, ®15c; Cabbage, 75c %i ctl; Feed Carrots, 30@40c; Garlic, 2% _ 3y c f, _. ' . BUTTER, CHEESE AND EGGS. BUTTER — The market continues scantily stocked and firm. Creamery— Fancy, 14c, with small sales at an advance: seconds, 12y 2 ®13y 2 c f) lb. Dairy— 12%@13c%^ lb: good to choice, ll@12c: medium grades, 9y 2 @loy 3 c; store But ter, S@9e *& lb. - i CHEESE— Stocks continue to run large and the market is easy. Fancy mild new,6@6y 2 c: common to good, 4@sc f. lb; Young America, s@7c; East ern, liy ®l2%c; AVestern. 6@Bc f. lb. EGGS— Every day prices decline a fraction or so. Business Is dull. Eastern, 15%@16c: ■ Duck Eggs, 15@17c: store Eggs, ; 14@15c; ranch Eggs, 15® 17y 2 cfl dozen. ■ . .■ --POULTRY AND GAME.' POULTRY— Was nominal yesterday, arrivals being Insignificant. Live Turkeys are quotable at 10@llc $ _ for Gobblers: 10@llc f) lb for liens; Geese, ft pair, 75c@$l 26; Goslings, $ pair, 75c@$l: Ducks, $3@4 fi dozen for old and $3®6 for young; Hens, $3 60@4 50; Roosters, voting, $6®7 60; do, old, $4@5 fl doz; Fryers. $4 50 _ 5 60 ■ dozen Broilers, $S®3 50 for large and $2® 2 50 for small; Pigeons, $1 60®1 76 for young and old. Nominal. . > DECIDUOUS AND CITRUS FRUITS. ORCHARD FRUITS — Cherries, Peaches and Apricots are firm and wanted, but other Fruits are quiet and easy. Figs are quotable at 40@60c fl box fors!ngleand6sc®sl fl ox for double layers. Plums,' 60c@$l 25 ft box: Peaches, 60@75c fi box and 65 @85c fl basket; Cherry jflums, 35@50c fl drawer: Green Apples, SS&HOcfl box and 25@35c f> bskt: Bed Apples, 76c@$l 26 f> box and 25® f bskt: Green Pears, 25c f box and basket: Apricots, 35 ®65c f> box and 3a@soc fl basket for Bovals and $30 f, ton to the canners: Cherries, 60@65c fl box for red and white and 60@65c f, box for black ; Cherries in bulk, 4®6 fl tt>; Boyal Anne, 60®76c il box and 6c V. lb in bulk. ; . ' BEBBlES— Yesterday's sales : were ! as ' follows: Blackberries, $2® 3 f chest: Raspberries, $2 50@4; Currants, $2@4 f, chest; Gooseberries, l@2c for common, and 2%@3c f lb for Oregon Improved : Strawberries, $5@6 for Longworths and $2 25® 'd 60 M chest for large berries. • ' . CITRUS • FRUITS— Navels, $1 ' 60@2 60; Seed lings. 60cfo$l: Sicily Lemons, $5; California Lem ons, 75 :®sl 50 for common and $2®3 for good to choice: Mexican Limes, $4@4 50 •' box; Bananas," $1 25 _ 2 fl bunch; Pineapples, $4®5 f, dozen. DRIED FRUITS, RAISINS, NUTS, ETC. *PRl£]> EfiUlTSwriraußesa cQsUnuea to char* < acterize the market. Prunes, four sizes, are quot able at 4c '# lb; larger sizes. s@6c fl lb; smaller sizes, 2y_ffi3%c; Apples. 4®4%c for sliced and 6_5y 2 c for evaporated: Bleached Peaches, 4%® 6c: Apricots, s®6c for fair to choice and 7@7%c for fancy Moorpark: Pears, 4@4%c for evaporated halves. 3®4c lor quarters and l%@2c for. inferior goods; Plums, 3®3%c for pitted and l%c fornn pitted; Figs, black, 4c for pressed and 3%c for unpressed. . .• , , ..■ RAISINS AND DRIED GRAPES — Raisins— Four-crown . loose.' 3%c -ft lb; three-crown, 2%c f lb; 2-crown, 2c fl ■ lb; seedless Sultanas, 3c %* lb; seedless Muscatels, 2c %l lb; 3-crown London layers,' $1 35@1 45 fl box; clusters, $2 25®2 75; Dehesa clusters, $2 50; Imperial clusters, $3 50; Dried Grapes— iy 2 @18.4 f, lb. NUTS— Chestnuts quotable at 3@6c: AA'alnuts, 7@loc f lb for paper-shell and softsheil, and 6@7c t? lb for hardshell: Almonds, 2@2%c f lb for hardshell, and s®6c f> lb for softshell. and for paper-shell: Peanuts, s@6c for Eastern and 4@4y 3 c for California; Hickory Nuts. s@6c: Pe cans, 6c for rough and 8c forpolished; Filberts, B® 9c; Brazil Nuts, 7®7i/i>c V. lb; Cocoanuts, $4 60 ®5 60 M 100. 7 HONEY— New Comb quotable at 11%@12y 2 c: old Comb, 6@loc; new water-white extracted. B@ 6y 2 c: light amber extracted, 4y 2 @sc; dark amber, 4@4%c. ;.::-h: ;.:■;:,■'-..: BEESWAX— Quoted at 26@28c f lb. PROVISIONS. CURED MEATS— Bacon, B@By 3 c lb for heavy and B%@9c %^ lb for light medium, ll@liy 8 c for light, 12@12y 2 c f for extra light and 12%@13c for sugar-cured; Eastern Sugar-cured Hams, 12® 12% c; California Hams, 10y 2 @llc; Mess Beef, $7 @7 50 cl bhl; extra mess do. $B@B 50: family do, $10; extra prime Pork, $9 60 bbl; extra clear, $17 . r io@lß £ bbl; mess,sls_ls 50 14 bbl; Smoked Beef, 9%@10c M lb. • '.•,:: LARD— Eastern, tierces at 6y c $lb for com pound and 8c Ip, _ for pure; pails, 9c: California, tierces, 6c for compound and 7%c for pure; half bbls, 7%c; 10-lb tins, 8c f, lb: do 5- lb, By e %4 lb. COTTOLENE— In tierces and B %c %i _ In 10-lb tins. 7V . ; ; :. , HIDES, TALLOW, WOOL AND HOPS. HIDES AND SKlNS— Prices show no change. Heavy salted steers quotable at 10c; medium. 8% @9c # lb: light, B_By 2 c $ lb: Cowhides, B@By 3 c; salted Kip, 7c f, lb; salted Calf. 9c; salted Veal. 8c: dry Hides, usual selection, 19c . "$ lb; culls and brands, 14c $* lb: as they run, 15@17c%Att>; dry Kip, 14@15c; cry Calf, 20c; prime Goatskins, 20@ 35c each: Kids. 6c: Deerskins, good summer. SOc ¥> lb; medium. 15fe25c; winter. 10@15; Sheen skins, shearlings, 10@20c each; short wool, 25(<i 35c each; medium, 30@45ceach; long wool, 40@60c each. Culls of all kinds about y 2 c less. TALLOAA 7 — No. 1 rendered, 4i_s>4%c: country Tallow, 4@4%c; refined, 6c; Grease, S@3y 2 %A lb. OOL— Quotations for the spring clip are . as follows: Humboldt and Mendocino, 12@13c?4 lb; Choice Northern, 10 _ lie '0 lb: San Joaquin, year's staple, 6(§i7c M lb: do, seven months', H(S>Bc; Cala veras and Foothill, 8_ 10c: Nevada, 7(^9c; East ern Oregon, heavy, 6©7y 3 c; do choice, B@9c; Val ley Oregon, ll@l2y 2 c %4 n>. HOI'S— quote good to choice, 4@6c 9, lb; in ferior and old Hops, 2@3c '$ lb. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. BAGS— Calcutta Grain Bags, 4%c; Wool Bags, 2 4 (a '-'lie. . ' COAL — AVeillngton. $8 %A ton; New Welling ton. $8; Souihtie'ld Wellington, $7 50; Seattle, $6; Brvant. $6: Coos Bay, $5: Wallsend, $7 50 f ton: Scotch. $7 60: Byrmbo, $7 60; Cumberland, $13 50 In bulk and $15 in sacks: . Pennsylvania Anthra cite Egg, $12: AVelsh Anthracite Egg, $9; Cannel, $8: Rock Springs, Castle Gate and Pleasant Val ley, $7 60: Coke, $12 in bulk and $14 In sacks. SUGAR— The Western Sugar Refining Company quotes, terms net cash: Cube, Crushed, Powdered and Fine Crushed, all s^4c; Dry Granulated, 6y 8 c; Confectioners' A, sc: Magnolia A, 4%c; Extra C, 4%c; Golden C, 4%c;-D, 4c; half barrels, %c more than barrels, and boxes 2 c more. SAN FRANCISCO MEAT MARKET. Mutton and Lamb are higher. No other change. AVholesale rates for dressed stock from slaugh terers are as follows: ."■ -'•; .■"■"■■ '• ,' 7*7 7-. -7 BEEF— First quality, b@si / second quality, 4y c: third do, 3<a4c $ ft,. VEAL— 4@sc; small, 6@7c ~$ lb. . _ MUTTON— 2 (_sc; Ewes, 4©4% c LAMB— Spring, 5. 6c $ lb. - '*- ; - : ' '- • < PORK— Live Hogs, 3c ■£ lb for soft, 4@4%c for hard and 4@4%c for feeders; dressed do, 5@6y 3 c. RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. MONDAY, June 24. Flour, qr. sks .. 6.308 Br«n, 5k5.......... 880 AVheat, ctls. 176.371 Wool, bis 707 Barley, otls 8,409 Leather, rolls 105 Beans, 5k5.......'. 489 Wine, gals. 69 000 Oats.ctts. 55-Hldes, no «53 Potatoes, sks 3,200 Felts, bdls.._ 32 Onions, sks 100 Lime, bbls 745 Hay. tons l,l3s:Chlcory, bbls 45 Straw, tons... lOTallow.ctls 86 Middlings, sks I,os7'Qulcksilver, flasks 70 HOTEL ARRIVALS GRAJft) HOTEL. A Nellson * w, Sacto T Flelst. San Juan A M Meanes, Oakland F A Frehan, Stockton J H Wat— ins, BScto F W Kropp, Chicago L (J Kinsey. Eureka C J Vance. Stockton A Z Anderson. San Jose F a Ostander. Merced M A Bangh, Nev City CT Bergh, Cal RII AVllley, Monterey J Gray, Boston I s Baker. Easton : R B Oullahan, Stockton C II Devinelle, Fulton O H Maxwell, Cal AY M Field, San Jose H A Naehill. H L Obispo N Ii Chestnutwood. Stoc J T Smith. Place rville AY J McNulty, Sacto , II C Hughes, Bed Bluff - R T Gray & w, Dixon A Dinerock, Louisiana J T McCall, Nevada F Oolden. Nevada J Baycroft, Nevada it AY Tavis, -Minneapolis S Marks, Oroville Mrs E Pockman, Yolo J J Brock, Yolo N C Barwlse, Colo A R Gilroore. St Louis J R Reed, Reedley (i E McCullough, Fresno J H KhertbA-w. L Angles FO'Donnell ifcw.Rerk'ly Dr Stephens, Petalunia Mrs R G Hart, Shasta Jll Roberts, Sacto PALACE HOTEL. W FDreer&w, Phila , J S Cnwin. England Cap' Webber, London F A AA'eylan, London a Bullouth, London Mrs FA AVeylan, London B Mitcht It, London AY Cockburri. London | IS Macintosh, China Mrs Mcintosh ,V m. China J M Falsdez, Lisbon J F Kidder, Grass Valley J E Doolittle, Alta H H Cordingiev.Queensld E Block. NY E A James, Chicago L Best, Frankfort AY FArmstrong.Brooklyn Irwin Bew, Chicago F AY Bralnerd, Chicago T Allen A w, London MrsC DLane.AngelsCmp J W FinUy. FOrdham ' SAVesthelmer.SrJoseph M M Long, Lebannon F B Long & w, Lebannon J A Williamson, N A' T E FTegarden * w.Chgo Mrs AVilliamsoii. N A' Mrs S Drake, Kalamazoo Miss Drake, Kalamazoo Dr C E Munn 4w,UBA AY J Green, N C R Van Brunt. N V G s Weed it w, Plattsbrg A Mac Donald* s.Llverpl John Flunell, Tehama LICK HOUSE. F C Watt, Sacto -AD Blckey, Pa AY F Detert, Zelia mine W E Carter Aw, Stocktn C R Tilson & w, Modesto E T Purser, Susan ville H S Rickey, AY Va S Carle, Secto A T Lipman, Berkeley O Woodward A fm, Frsno C C Childress, Hanford GII Paucher, Merced JAY Snyder, Mariposa S Lazar &w, Madera S Schwartz & fm, Sao Q Lewis, St Louis Luis Obispo A W Jones * s, Monterey J E Owen, N V Capt Jorden, Berkeley A McLeod, Mill Valley C M Lynch, Cal O O AVebber, Santa Bosa L AY Julllard, Sta Bosa G W Young <fe w, Napa O North, Salt Lake City A (> Battersby, NY E AY Bostwick, N V J G Morgan, AVash L Bussell. Saratoga '7',. J E Enright, Sta Clara Mrs S A Blythe, Tulare B S Cautlnh, San Jose (ID Darnln, Fulton a AY Strohl, Napa C S Fitch, Sonora G Hueter, Alameda • NEW WESTERN HOTEL. J H Elliott, Martinez Mrs Kohne. Los Angeles J Sturtevant & wf. Mich F D Hoogsoat A wf, Mich E B Conk, Stockton C J ill, Pa E Mass, NJ H Johnson, Gllrov J Povler, Alameda P Achelmann. Oakland C Moore, NY FJ Brlnkhurst, N V Josie Koutenlk, Camp G Granuch A wf, LosAng Taylor Miss Graber, Cristle Spg G R Morris. NY , (1 AY Haius, San Jose H W Shaw A wf, Omaha J II Clark A wf, Chicago « BALDWIN HOTEL. J F Knapp, Los Angeles AVG Flint, San Jose AY M Birde, Stockton Mrs H AVard, N V B Raymond Aw, N V CAY Mler, Sacramento E I) Valentine, Sutter Cr J Lyndail, London E Florange, San Jose THE CALL CALENDAR. June, 1895. M. Moon's Phases. June 7, Full Moon. 9 10 13 14 June 15, ".-■, Last Quarter. 17 © ! June 22, | New Moon. June 29, • First Quarter. HYDROGRAPHIC BULLETIN. Branch Hydrooraphic Office, U. S. N., - * . Merchants' Exchan-ok v _ Ban Francisco. June 24. 1895. j '. The time ball on Telegraph Hlu was dropped exactly at noon to-day— t. c., at noon of the 120 th meridian, or at exactly Bp. *.. Greenwich time. , a. F. Fkchteler, - • ■ lieutenant U. 8. N.. in charge. : STEAMERS TO ARRIVE Aztec....... Costa Bica.. Del Norte.:....' Walla Walla.. State or Ca1..... Santa 805 a...... Fa ral lon North Fork..:.. Humboldt ....... Mackinaw...... Areata Alice Blanchard St Paui..;......; • Arago •.;...... Acaoulco P0m0na......... Mexic0...;..;.;. 0reg0n.;...:.... Mineola ;..... -Weeott. .;.. .C0r0na;......... Australia. £ure_b .-..;„,, I Panama.... ;........ j Departure Bay.. lUrayi Harb0r...:.:..... i Victoria & Puget Sound j Hortlana : r. . .^ .......... . I San Dieg0................ I Vaaulna 8av..........:. Humboldt 8ay..;....:.. Humboldt , 8ay......"..: I Tacoma. ...... :...'.. :.'.... Coos 8ay........; I P0rt1and..;............'.. Newp0rt. ...:............ Coos 8ay..:.;........... Panama............ Humboldt 8ay.......... Victoria _ Paget Sound Portland.-.;........'...;.: C0m0x . . .-. ......... .; Eel River ;...-.. .......-..' San Dieg0................ Honolulu..-..;..;.-....:.. Newport ............ I June 25 June' 25 I June 25 IJune 25 June 26 June 26 June I 26 June | 28 June 1 26 June -27. June 28 June 28 June 28 June 29 June : . 29 I June •" 30 'June 30 June 30 June 30 June 30 July 7; 1 July m a OCEAN STEAMERS. Dates or Departure From San Francisco. BTEAMKR. , i DffiSTIXATIOS | j j PIKR. AVillamtVal Mexic0........ IJun 25.10 am I Bdw'y - P0m0na..... | Humboldtßay | Jun 25; 2pm Bdw'y 1 Eureka.... Newport | Jun 26. Bam ' Bdw'v 2 Weeott j Eel River Jun 26. 9am Vallejo Metiowal.... Sydney |jun 27. 2pm Oceanic Dei Norte... Urays Harbor Jun 27, spm Main Humboldt... ! Humboldtßay Jun 28. 9am Washt'n Aztec... ; Panama ;Jun 28.12 m PM SS Santa Bosa.. San Diego.;.;. Jnn 28.11 am Bdw'y 2 Far-Don... I Yaauina Bay.. Jon 28,10 am Miss 1 State of Cal | P0rt1and....... Jun 28,10 am Spear AVailai Vie & Pgt Snd Jnn 29. 9am Bdw'y 1 Arag0....... | Coos tiav jun 29,10 am Vallejo Alceßlnchd j Portland Jun 29, spm! Vallejo City Everett Panama ... Jun 29, 4pm Lomb'rd North-Fork. I Humboldtßay | Jun 30, 9am Miss l St Pau1...... ! Newport .....: ] Jun 30, Bam Bdw'y 2 C0r0na...... (San Diego . July 2.11 am Bdw'v 2 SUN AND TIDE TABLE. \VA 7.27. 8.1V.'. 7.1 7. 7. .07p i.39p SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. " '. Arrived. V 7-7 MONDAY. June 24. • Stmr Greenwood. Carlson, 20 hours trm Cleone; railroad ties, to L E AVhite Lumber Co. stmr Navarro, Hardwick, 38 hrs frm Hueneme; produce to, H Dutard. Stmr Novo, Levinson. 14 hours fm Fort Bragg; pass and mdse, to J Kimball. . Stmr Eureka, Jepson, 79 hours from Newport and way ports; pass and mdse. to Ooodall. Perkins A Co. Stmr Pomona, Hannah, 6 hours frm Santa Cruz; pass and mdse, to GoodaU, Perkins A Co. Stmr Saturn, Lewis, 11 days 16 hours from Panama; mdse, to Panama Steamship Co. Ship Levi G Burgess, Younggren. 22 days from HIlo; sugar, to J D Spreckels A Bros Co. _Bcbr Robert Lewers, Goodman, 20 days from Honolulu ; pass and mdse, to Williams, Dimond A Co. — -; Schr Sophie Sutherland. Sutherland, 29 days frm Hakodate; 309 seal skins, to master. Schr James Townsend, Jensen, 48 hours from Fort Bragg; 192 Mft lumber, to Union Lumber Co. .-.«? . -:*: -; Cleared. MONDAY. June 24. Stmr Corona. Hall, San Diego; Gooclall, Perkins & Co. Stmr Peru, Friele, Hongkong and Yokohama: PUSS Co. Sailed. ?•.;.-/;. MONDAY, June 24. Stmr Homer. Drlsko, Coos Bay. ' RtmrCleone, Higci ns. Stmr City of Puebla, Debnev, Victoria and Port Townsend. . .._■;, Stmr Corona, Hall. San Diego. Stmr Peru, Friele. Hongkong and Yokohama. Stmr Crescent City, Allen. Crescent City. Stmr San Benito. Smith, Tacoma. Srmr Alice Blanchard, Dunham, Portland. Br ship St M lingo, Hamilton, Queenstown. Br ship Etmliurst, Mackenzie. Queenstown. Ship Glory of the Seas,. Freeman, Nanaimo. 7 f-. Bktn Catherine Sudden. Killman, Grays Harbor. • Schr Alice Cooke, Penhallow, Burrards lulet. Schr Nettle Low. Low, Point Reyes. Schr Mary C, Campbell, Bodega. .Telegraphic. • POINT LOBOS— June 24—10 p. m.— Weather thick; wlndSW; velocity 16 miles ncr hour. Movements of Vessels. Yesterday the ship Oriental was taken toFolsom street wharf and the Elmhurst, the Glory of the Seas, the bark St Mungo, the bktn Catharine Sud den and the schr Alice Cook were towed to sea. • The schr Magi-ie C Boas was taken to Hoopers, the bark Richard 111 to Folsom, the ship Levy G BurgeßS to the stream and the bark Gatherer to Main st. ' .. ; ■ The schr Robert Lewers was taken to the refin ery and the James A Garfield to Oakland Creek. To-day the ship Falls of Deo will go from the stream to Oakland, the Levy G Burgess from the stream to the refinery and the Drumates from Port Costa to Tremont street. • '.',;r;,, :i>; ,v .; .r .'-;:. 7; Charters. The schr Carrier Dove loads lumber at Port Gam ble for Port Pine, 42s 6d, nrior to arrival: Danish baric Cimbria, lumber, at Vancouver, for Cork, 66s 3d, prior to arrival. ' • - ■:■'■ ,'.'>*«-' Spoken. r7f'',' June I— On the equator, 31 W, Nor ship Vlldan den, hence March 4, for Queenstown. June 12— 5 X 30 W, Br bark , Centaur, hence March 6, for Queenstown. " . May 7—2 N 34 W, Nor ship Ambassador, from Jacksonville; for Honolulu. ■■' - ..vr. ': -.-■» June. 16—43 X 12 W, Br bark Lorton, from Liverpool, for Astoria. ' ,-.-, . ■ ' Per Robert Lewers— June 17, 41 07 N 144 42 W, spoke brig W• H -Meyer, ■ hence June 6, for Port | Clarence; he wished to be reported all well. June i 20— Was in company with . a ship heading for this port, and on same day saw a three-masted schooner bound north. Miscellaneous. The seal catch to May 10, reported by schr Sophia Sutherland, is as follows: Charlotte Cox .130 skins, schr Penelope 250, and schr Emma and Louise 160. Domestic Ports. TJMPQU A— SaiIed June 22— Schr Lucy, for San Pedro. TACOMA— Sailed June 24— Bark Canada.for San Francisco. -.. "-A_M_~ HSJMf BANDON— Arrived June 24— Schr Del Norte, hence June 10; schr Joseph and Henry, hence June 15. GRAYS HARBOR— Sailed June 23— Schr Chas Hansen, for Redondo. Arrived June— Schr Chas R Wilson,- hence June 11. SAN PEDRO— Arrived June 22— Schr Salvator, from Port amble. PORT— Sailed June 23— Schr Wm Renton, for Seattle. rORTHADLOCK— Arrived June 23— Schr Rob ert Searles, from Honolulu. YAQUINABAY— SaiIed June 24— Stmr Faral lon, for San Francisco. PORT GAMBLE— Arrived June 24— Schr Spo kane, hence June 9; schr Carrier Dove.from Hono lulu. Sailed June 24— Bktn Skagit, for San Pedro, PORT LOS ANGELES— SaiIed June 23— Stmr Alealraz. for San Francisco; June 24— Stmr Sunol, for San Francisco. SAN DlEGO— Arrived June 24— Schr Mabel Gray. from Eureka. TATOOSH-Passed June 24— Ship Wachusett and ship Yosemite, hence June 7, for Nanaimo; bark Columbia, hence June 8. for Port Blakeley. ASTORlA— Arrived June. 23— Br ship Sierra Parima, from Liverpool. > Sailed June 23— Stmr State of California, for San Francisco: Ger ship Henrietta, for Queenstown. ALBlON— Arrived June 24— Schr Bessie X, hhee June 23. SEATTLE-Sailed June 24-G W Watson, for Honolulu. COOS BAY— Arrived June 24— Schr Western Home, hence June 11; schr Emma Utter, hence June 13: stmr Arago, hence June 22. Sailed June 24— Schr Daisy Rowe, for San Fran cisco. " - EUREKA— Arrived June 24— Schr Orion, hence June 15: schr Jessie Minor, from San Pedro. ['- ----■ POINT ARENA— Arrived June 24— Stmr Alca zar, from Port Los Angeles. Eastern Portal 7;'.; NEW YORK— Arrived June Stmr City of Paris, from Colon. r'orelgrn Ports. -vi>>7 SAN JOSE DE GUATEMALA— RaiIed June 24 —Baric Seminole, for Port Townsend. NANAlMO— Arrived Jnne 24— Bark Rufus E Wood, from Unalaska. VALPARAISO— Arrived May 16-Chil ship Hln dostan. from Moodyville. LIVERPOOL— Entered out June 11— Br bark Donna FraneisVa, for Oregon. YOKOHAMA— SaiIed June s— Br bark Orthea, for Portland. HONGKONG— In port May 23— Br ship Alcedo and Br ship Glonesslin, for San Francisco; Br bark Velocity: schr Caleb Cnrtis. SWANSEA— Entered out May 27— Br ship City of Madras, Br ship Routenburn and Br ship La morna, for San Francisco. Arrived June 21— Br bark Ben Avon, from Santa Rosalia. ■ LONDON— Arrived June 23— Br ship Marion Bal lantyne, from Oregon. • QUEENSTOWN— SaiIed June 22— ship Alde baran, for Bristol: Br ship Fort George, for Sunder land; ,Br ship Hyderabad, for Hull;Brship St Enoch, for Liverpool. BARRY— Sailed June 21— Br ship Yarana, for Aciimili'O. -i. EN— Sailed June 19— Ger bark J 6 Pfluger for Honolulu. • PENARTH-SailedJune Br ship Lancaster Castle. -.'-. ■ . FALMOUTH— Arrived June 22— Fr bark Inde pendent, from. Santa Rosalia; Br bark Kenyon, hence Dec 22. - - I■' Sailed June 22— Fr bark Independant, for Swan sea. ;, ; .-;.- .-' ■ ; '_. ■_-: :\ .' ■::■■'.}.:'. Movements of Trans- Atlantic Steamers. 7 NEW YORK— Arrived June 24— Stmr Manitoba, from London: stmr Polarla, from Hamburg. ?.■ HAMBURG— Arrived June 23-Stmr Torio. COPENHAGEN— Arrived June 23— Stmr Hekla. SOUTHAMPTON-Salled June 24— Stmr Saale, for New York. . 7-77 -\ Importations. 7, SANTA CRUZ— Pomona— 4 pkgs mdse. 10 bales 33' rolls leather, 40 puncheons wine, 2 hf-chs berries. ' : HUENEME— Per Navarro- 4139 sks barley, 54 bales wool, 77 sks beans. ;.S' • ...j. HONOLULU— Per Robert, Lewers— lo,s6B bags sugar, 100 bags coffee, 5400 gallons molasses. - NEWPORT— Per Eureka— 2 pkgs mdse, 18 bxs oranges. --'> v - San Pedro— bdls dry fish, 4 bdls salt fish. :• ; . 5 , East San Pedro— lß pkgs mdse, 27 cs mineral water, 50 cs canned goods. ! Carpenteria— 74 bbls asphaltum. . San Pedro and SP R R-39 bdls hides, 2 bales wool. 26 bdls pelts. TrTSlJMbHtilWMWM^l'iWlt's'tt Ventura— l6 cs honey, 46 bxs lemons, Ics eggs. 104 bxs oranges, 12 pkgs mdse, 7 bales seaweed, 2 bdls calfskins, 58 bdls green hides, 4 bbls tallow, 4 bdls dry pelts, 46 kegs nails. - I Santa Barbara— 5 . pkgs mdse, 72 bxs lemons, 4 bbls veronica," 20 cs olive oil, 14 bdls pelts. 109 bdls hides, 14 bxs oranges. . *•': Gaviota— 3 pkgs mdse, 3 bxs butter, 9cs honey. "• . Cayucos— 2 ; hi-kegs 1 . tub 30 bxs butter, 9 bales seaweed, 12 cs eggs, 8 dressed calves. 4 pkgs hides, 2 bdls calfskins. ' ••- Port Harford— 7s bxs butter, 13 cs cheese, ■' 4 bxs fish, 18 cs eggs. 3 cs honey, 1 bx beeswax. . San Simeon— tubs 53 bxs bu tter, 4cs eggs, 8 bales ■ seaweed. 1 coop chickens, : 1 sk abalones, 2 bbls tallow, 5 bdls hides. '■"■ '*'* Monterey— 1 cs cheese. ■\ FORT BRAGG— Per Noyo-48 salt hides, 1 sack tails, 168 Mft lumber, - 3 Ddls pelts, 52 piles, 2 pkgs mdse. ', Consignee*. ;*-■ Per Pomona— Kron Tanning Co; James Clark; C Schilling A Co; Mincker«fc Welbanks. ;.;' Per Navarro— H Dutard : Jonas, ■ Erlanger «fc Co. Per Robert Lewers— Otis.' McAllister & Co; W B McArthur; Williams, Dimond A Co. •:■ Per Noyo— W B Sumner A Co ; J S Kimball ; - En -1 terprist .. Brewery ;. WJeianii Brewing Co: ; Union 7^7v;;--'7 -'■-... Lumber Co: Edison Light and Power Co. 1 Per Eureka— Dairymen's Union: Getz Bros A Co; Dodge, Sweeney A Co: Feiling, Cress?y A Co; AY F Mitchell; H N Tilden & Co: Deßernardl Co: M BSUnaa; J H Newbauer A Co; Amer Press ; Marshall, Teggart A Co : Chas Montgomery * Co : Norton, Teller* Co; AVheaton, Breon A Co; Hall, Luhrs A Co; Bissinger & Co: Smith's Cash Store; CE Whitney A Co; Witzel A Baker; Hills Bros; Brigham, Hoppe &Co: Kowalsky A Co; H Dutard; •American Union Fish Co;' Sawyer Tanning Co; Ross & Hewlett ; M T Kreitas & Co ; Fll Haight : OB Smith <_ Co; L D Stone & Co; Hooker. Co; Wetmore Bros: J ivancovich it Co; C Carpy A Co; W R Knight & Co; Standard Oil Co; Immel Co; AY C Price & Co; Baker <t Hamilton; Sachs Bros; Goodall, Perkins & Co: Eveleth A Nash : Bavaria Brewery; Bennett A Murray; H Kirschman &Co; Jonas, Erlanger A Co; Pacific Coast Home Supply H Clifton; California Produce Dis tillery Co; Wm Cline; W F Fitzgerald; C A Par kin; Neustadter Bros; Humboldt Mineral Water Co; Herman Cohen; Risdon Iron and Lead Works. For Lot* Shipping Intelligence See Thirteenth Page. P OFFICE FURNITURE AND FIXTURES. ifcs_H °- F. WEBER & CO., MOO to HOC, Post St.. cor. Stockton LKOAL NOTICES. "Vr-OTICE TO BECOMK SOLE TRADER?— _> . State of California, City and County of San Francisco.— Public notice la hereby given by the undersigned, a married woman, residing in said city and county more than one. year past, that On THURSDAY; the 25th day of July, 1895, at 10 o'clock a.m. on that day, she Intends to make her appli- j cation to the. Superior Court, in and tor ; said • city and • county, at the - courtroom thereof in the new City Hall, for a decree and judg- ment making her a sole trader in the business of purchasing and vending and representing others la the purchase and sale of proprietary medicine. The place of the aforesaid business proposed to be conducted by her Is the said City and County of San Francisco. That the name of 'her husband is CHARLES G. DANIEL. In witness whereof she has hereunto set her hand this 25th day of June, 1895. MRS. M. GERTRUDE DANIEL. GEORGE D. COLLINS, Attorney for Applicant. "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. ESTATE OF j-i SUSAN E. KERBV, deceased. Notice is here- by given by the undersigned, administrator of the estate of SI'SAN E. KERBY, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, the said deceased, to exhibit them with the neces- sary vouchers within ten (10) months after the first publication of this notice, to the said adminis- trator, at his office, room 4, Phelan building. San Francisco, the same being his place for the tran- saction of the business of the said estate in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. ROBERT MCELROY, Administrator of the estate of SUSAN E. KERBY, deceased. Sated at San Francisco, June 19, 1895. MY' KICK A DKEKINO, attorneys for Adminls- trator, 14 Sansome st. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. WEJIfC STEAMSHIP COjIPASyT ,«_Mg___ Coolgardie gold fteld_ j__f*_ to (Fremantle), Austra- ** Uli ' $~"~° "rat chaw, £&? c f' nUNnt |||U» $110 steerage. Lowest _S?J^^^^air r ' Ues t0 (Ja P etown i S Australian steamer, (Fremantle), Austra- lia: $-2-20 first class, . $110 steerage. Lowest r:ues to Capetown, Ticket office, 138 Montgomery street. Freight office, 327 Market street. J. V. SPRECKELS <fe BROS.. General Agents. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COMPANY | DISPATCH STEAMERS FROM SAN AgA Francisco for riorrs 111 Alaska, 9 a. u.,r3H€ June 4, 9, 19. 24. July 5. 9, 19, 24, August 3, 8, 13. For British Columbia and Paget Sound portv June 4, 9, 14, 19, ii, 29, and every fifth day there- | after. ! For Eureka, Humboldt Bay, steamer Pomona, every Tuesday at 'i p. m. For Newport, Los Angeles and all way port*, June 2, 6, 10, 14. 18, 22, 26, 30, and every fourth day thereafter. 8 a. m. For San Diego, stopping only at Port Harford, Santa Barbara, ■ Port Los Angeles, Redondo (Los Angeles) and Newport. June 4, 8. 12, 10, 20, 22, 24. 28, and every fourth day thereafter, at 11 a. m. Steamer Pomona Saturday to Monday excur- sion to Santa Cruz and Monterey, leaves Broadway wharf 1. saturdavs 4 p. is. For ports ■in Mexico, 10 a. m., 25th of each month, steamer Willamette Valley. Ticket Office— Palace Hotel, 4 New Montgomery street. GOODALL, PERKINS & CO., General Agents, 10 Market St.. San Francisco. OD J_ 8_ TO PORTLAND a St. Cl Vim AND ASTORA. STEAMSHIPS DEPART FROM SPEAR- street wharf at 10 a. m. every five days, con- necting at PORTLAND with direct rail lines to all points in OREGON, WASHINGTON, IDAHO, MONTANA, and all Eastern points, including Chi- cago, New York and Boston. State of California sails June S, 18, 28*, July 8. Oregon sails June 13, 23, July 3, 13. Fare in cabin, Including berth and meals, $15 00; Steerage. $7 50: Round trip, $25 00. For through rates and all other information apply to the undersigned. Goodat.i^ Perkins A Co. Frkd. F. Cokxob, < Un'l supcs., Gen'l Agent. >■'" 10 Market st. 19 Montgomery st. CO_PAG„IEGESERALETRASSATLASTIQUE :-y 77 French Line to Havre. COMPANY'S PIER (NEW), 42 NORTH _**__ River, foot of Morion <. Travelers hv _____g this line avoid both transit by English railway and the discomfort of crossing the channel in a small boat. New York to Alexandria, Egypt, via Paris, first class $100; second class $110. LA CHAMPAGNE, Capt Laurent ...June 23, 7:00 a. h. LA BOL'RGOGNE, Capt. Leboneuf July 6, 4:00 a. m. LA TOURAINE, Capt. Santelli. ..July 13, 7:00 a.m.' LA GASCOONE, Capt. Baudelon ;..-..'•; V-. .....July 20, 4:00 a.m. 83* For further particulars apply to A. FORGET, Agent, . No. 3 Bowling Green, New York. J. F. FUGAZI A CO., Agents, 5 Montgomery aye., San Francisco. WHITE m„™. United States and Royal Mail Steamers BETWEEN New York, Queenstown & Liverpool, . SAILING EVERY WEEK. CIABIN, 860 AND UPWARD, ACCORD- jßggk^ ) Ing to steamer and accommodations Kasfiß selected; second cabin, $35; Majestic and Teutonic, $40 and $45. Steerage Tickets from England, Ire- land, Scotland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark through to San Francisco at lowest rates. Tickets, sailing dates and cabin plans may be procured from W. H. AVERY', Pacific Mail Dock, or at the General Office of the Company, 613 Market st., under Grand Hotel. G. W. FLETCHER, General Agent for Pacific Coast. CDIABD USE. New York to Liverpool, via Queenstown, from Pier 40, North River. FAST EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE. Campania. Jne 29, 10 am I Campania. Jy 27, 9:30 am t'mbrla, July 6, 3 Pic I Anna ia. Aug. 3, 3 p m Lucanla,July I:'., 9:30 am Uxnbrla, Aug. 10, 8 a a Etruria, July 20. 3 pm Lucauia, Aug. 17, Ipm .:<•■' EXTRA SAILING. Aurania .....Thursday. July 4. Noon I Cabin passage isbo and upward; second cabin 1 $35. $40, $45, according to steamer and accommo-' datlons. Steerage tickets to and from all parts of Europe at very low rates. For freight and passage apply at company's office, 4 Bowling Green, New York. VERNON H. BROWN A CO., General Agents. Good accommodation can always be secured on ! application to WILLIAMS, DIMOND _ CO., ' • ~ Agents. San Francisco. . ; RAILROAD TRAVEL! •i ' ■ ■ ■ ' "*""""' ' "-- -8 Atlantic • ¥_ "■•_£•■''■ Trains leave from and arrive at Market-Street Ferry. Chicago Limited. Leaves ci Very day at 5:30 p. m.. carrying Pullman Palace Sleepers and Tourist Sleepers to Chicago via Kansas City without change. Annex can tor Denver and St. Louis. VIA LOS ANGELES. r Trains leave dally at 9:00 a, m. and 5:30 p.m.. _^ „1« tI &. IjoBAn ele3 wlth solid trains, Los Angeles to Chicago. Summer or AA'inter the Santa Fe Route Is the most Comfortable railway, California to the East, A popular misbelief exists regarding the, heat in rnimmer. The heat is not greater than Is encoun- tered on even the most northerly line. This la well known to experienced travelers. The meals at Harvey's Dining Rooms are an ex- cellent feature of the line. v „''? Grand Canyon of the Colorado can be reached in no other way. -...•■ ■;,-.. ,7 Ticket Office— 6so Market Street, 1 Chronicle PuilOlng, ' OCEAN STEAMSHIPS^ ROYAL MAIL STEM_PAC_ET COMPAH. STEAMERS LEAVE ASPINWALL &2A- fortnlghtlv for the West Indies and Mill Southampton, calling en route at ceroomvn, France, and Plymouth to land passengers. Through bills of lading, In connection with th* Pacific Mall S. S. Co., issued for freight and treaa- ore to direct ports In England and Germany. . > Through tickets from San Francisco to Plymouth. Cherbourg, Southampton. First class, $195; thiol clam, tv 60. For further particulars apply to PA-RROTT' it CO.. Agent*, 305 California at. STOCKTON STEAMERS Leave Pier No. 3, Washington S_, At 5 P. flit Daily, Except Sunday. JBSS" Accommodations Reserved by Telephone. STEAMER : ' . T. C. Walker. .1 . D. Peters. Mary Garratt, City of Stockton. Telephone Man SOS Cm v ft v and Imnt. CO. RAILROAD TRAVEL!. FRANCISCO „ SOUTH PA- CIFIC RAILWAY CO. . Tiburon Ferry— Foot of Market St. San Francisco to San Rafael. WEEK DAYS— 7:4O, 9:20, 11:00 a.m.; 12:38. 3:30, 5:10, 6:80 p. m. Thursdays— trip - at 11:30 p.m. Saturdays— Extra trips at 1:50 and 11:30 P. m. ■ ■ n~ wfntfttam SUNDAYS-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m.; 1:30, 3:30, 6:00, 6:20 p.m. San Rafael to San Francisco. WEEK DAYS— 6:2S, 7:55, 9:30, 11:10 A. at; 12:45, 3:40, 5:10 p. m. Saturdays— Extra trips at 1 :55 p. m. and 6:35 • p. m. SUNDAYS— B:IO, 9:40, 11:10 A. M.; 1:40, 3:40, 6:00,6:25 p. M. Between San Francisco and Schuetzen Parle sama schedule as above. Leave j t- ..-»,., Arrive • Ban Francisco. May 6. Ban Franc ' sco Wkkkl Sun- _ I t ?^l' io , l Sex- i W"""* Dayb. I pays. | "gatinatioii. DAYa | Days; 7:40 am (8:00 am ! Novato, 10:40 am 8:50 am 3:30 I'M 9:30 am | Petaluma, I 6:05 pm 10:30 am 6:10 pm 5:00 pm Santa Rosa. 7:30 I'M, 6:15 P»C 1 Fulton, I 7:40 am I Windsor, 10:30 AM Ilealdsimrg, Geyservllle, i 3:30 pm 8:00 am Cloverdale. | 7:30 PM| 6:15 nt j Pieta, 7:40 am I Hopland A 10:30 AM 3:30 8:00 am Ukiah. 7:30 pm 6:15 pm 7:40 am 110:30 am 8:00 am Guernevllle. 7:30 pm 3:30 I'M j I 6:16 Pit 7:40 am 8:00 am Sonoma 10:40 ami 8:50 am 6:10 I'm 5:00 I'M and 6:05 pm 6:15 pm 1 Glen Ellen. . j 7:40 a»i,B ami " 5f .,.. , ODO , 110:40 am 10:30 AM 3:30 5:00 pm| et ' asto P o *- | 6:05 PM 6:15 PM Stages connect at San Rafael for Bollnas. Stages connect at Santa Rosa for Mark West Springs. Stages connect at Geyserville for Skaggs Springs. Stages connect at Cloverdale for the Geysers. Stages connect at Pieta for Highland Springs, Kelseyvllle, Soda Bay, Lakeport. Stages connect at Hopland for Lakeport and Bartlett Springs. Stages connect at Ukiah for Vichy Springs,' Bias Lakes, Laurel Dell. Upper Lake, Boonevllle, Green- wood, Mendocino City. Fort Bragg, Usal, Westport, Cahto, AA'il'ietts, Calpella, Porno, Potter Valley, John Hay's, Lively's, Gravelly Valley, Harris, Blocks- burg, Bridgeville, Hydesville and Eureka. Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at reduced rales. .■ - On Sundays round-trip tickets to all' points be- yond San Rafael at half rates. Ticket Ollices, corner New Montgomery and Market streets, under the Palace Hotel. H. C. WHITING. K.X.RYAN. Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. ■ ITIIKII- r*(irn c»»paht.. (pacific SYSTEM.) Train* leave nml are due to arrive aS •SAN FltAN«'l«t:o. leave — From June 14, 1805. — arritb *»B:30a San LeandroTHaywards & Way St'ns I »A ?:OOa Atlantic Express, < _leii and East.. I«>S*P 7iOOa Benicia, Vacaville Rumsey. Sacra- mento, and Redding via Davis. . . . 7:ISr 7:30 a Martinez, San Ramon, Napa, Calls- toga and "Santa Rosa 6:15 a 7:30 a San Leandro, Haywarils A Way St'na 101 "U. ViUOa Niles, Ssii .lose, Stockton, lone, . '■--"•": -. Sacramento, Marysville, Red Blulf and 0r0vi11e..... g:l»p •*:SOa Vetera and Milton *7:15_ . I»:OOa San Leandro. Haywards & Way St'na 1 1 1*8 J. - ; «*:«<> a Ail* Orleans I'.'xjirtisa. Raymond. . •. (for Voeeojitc). Santa Barbara; ' *'">• Los Aiifrlen, Hemiiig, El Paac. Now Orleans and East B>4sp 9:00 a Martinez and Stockton 10:4.* i a 1«:«»Oa San Leandro, Hayw^rils and Niles . . l:4Sp I 2:(I«m San Leandro, HaywarVls * Way St'na »:43i» I:OOp Niles, San Jose and Livermore A:43a> *l:OOp Sacramento River Steamers »n:00p |lfBop Port Costa and Way Stations f 7:S3p 8:OOp San Leandro, Haywards 4 Way St'ns S:43p 4 :OOp San Leandro, Haywards & Way St'na 5:43» 4:00 1> Martinez, Han Ramon, Vallvjo, Napa, Callstoga, El Verauo and Simla Rosa •tlß_l 4:00r Benicia, Vacaville, Woodland. Knights Landing, Marysville, Orovillo and Sacramento 10*43* 4:30p Niles, San Jose, Livermore and Stockton 7:13p 5:OOp San Lewdro, Haywards 4 Way St'ns »:43_ o:3oi* Los Angeles Rzpreo, Frecno. Ray. mond (for Yosemite), Balteislield. •Santa BarfaaraWMl l.os Angeles.. 10:43 a, .' s:3opSanla F«, Route, Atlantic Express for Mojave and Rust 1 0:43 A C.'OOp European Mail, Ogdeu and Kast.... 9:43 a 6:OOi- Haywards, Nih-sand Han Jose 7:43 a :7:«Oi- Vallejo i7:43p 7:Ot»p Oregon impress, Sacramento, Marys- ville, Redding. Portland, Puget Sound ami Last 10:15 a, 7:OOp San Leandro, Ilaywards& Way St'ns IO:30p 9:OOp San Leandro, 4 Way St'ns 12:00 a. HI 1 :15p San Uandro. Haywards 4 Way St'ns '7:13 a SANTA (111/ DIVISION I. Narrow Waugej. {7:43 a Sunday Excursion for Newark. Sac Jose, Los Gatos, Felton and Santa Cruz t»!A3» 8:13 a Ni nark, Ceiderri l le.San, lose, Felton, Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz and Way Stations 5:3«» •2:13p Newark, Centerville, San Jose, Nee Almaden, Felton, Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz and Principal Way -Stations •11:20 a, 4:43p Newark. San Jose, 1 .os dates 9:30 a. COAST DIVISION (Third A StaT)~~* *U:4sa San Jose, New Ahnaden and Way Stations *1«43a 17:30 a Sundiy Kxcursion for San Jose, Santa Cruz, Pacific Grove and Principal Way Stations ;»:33a ■:13a San Jose, Tres J'inos, Santa Critic ' Pacific Grove, Paso Roliles, San Luis Obispo and Principal Way Stations 7:S3p 19:47 a Palo Alto and Way Stations Ji:43f 10:l»,\ San -lose and Way Stations 3:00p 11:43 a Palo Alto and Way Stations 3:39p "il:3Ur Sau Jose, Gilrnv, Tres Pinos, Siinta Cm/., Salinas, Monterey and Pacitie Grove «IO:40a •:t::tOp San Jose and Principal Way Stations 9:47 a. "4:801' San Jose and Way Stations *J*:OaA 3:3oi> San Jose and Way 5tati0n5......... •»:I»a 0:3»r San Joso and Way Stations fl::t.V\ t11:45e San Jose and Way Stations I7:4Qr CREEK ROUTE FERRY. From SIS FRaNCISCO— Foot of Market Street (Slip s)— ' •7:00 8:00 9:00 *10:00 11:00 A.M. •12:30 11:00 »2:00 . 3:CO •4:00 5.09 •6:00 p.m. from OltUSD— root of Broadway.— *6:00 »7:n_ 8:00 *9:00 :0:00 *11:00 A.M.,'- $13:0fl •12:30 2:00 *3:00 1:00 *3:00 rjt. — ■ — _ * A for Morning. P for Afternoon. • Sundays excepted. 1 Saturdays only] §Tlmrsdaysonly. ♦ Sundays only. t > Monday, Thursday and Saturday nights only- <^o^^ V!A \2^ SAUSALITO FERRY. From April 21, 1896. keave S. F. WEEK DAYS. Arrive S. P. 7.00 a.m. Mill Val., Rosa Val., San Rfl 8.00 a.m. '• •« «• SanQta. «.46a.m. 9.15 a.m. <• » «• 7.40 a.m. 10.15 a.m. «• •' » Sao Qtn. 8.45 a.m. 11. tt a.m. " " " 9.40 a.m. 1.45 p.m. " " '« San Qln. 10.45 a.m. : 3.COP.M. ■•" " " 11.85 a.m. " "' " SanQtn. 1.15 p.m. 4.15 p.m. " " " ' 3 05p.m. 6.15r.M. " " " SanQtn. 4.40 p.m. 5.50 p.m. " " " ; 6.35 P.M. 6.30 P.m. " " " C.25P.M. " " " SanQu. 7.45 p.m. II.SOr.M. Ross VaL, San Rfl., San Qtn ...; 8.00 a.m. Cazadcro and Waj Station* 7.45? At. •1.481-.X. " " - " xB.4aA.M, •Saturdays only. x Mondays only. SUNDAYS. 8.00 a.m. Kill Val., Ross Val.. San Rfl.. San Qta. ..„..",.- Ross Valley, San Rafael, San Qlo 8.15 a.m. 9.00 a.m. Mill Val., Ross Val., San Rfl., San Qta '.- " "'■'.:- " 9.15 A.M. 10.00 a.m. " " •'.-"■ SanQta. ........ • .... - Ross Valley, San Rafael, Saa Qta 10.60 a.m. 11.00 a.m. Sausalito oaly Sansahto and Mill Valley 1 1.10 a.m. 11.30a.;i. Mill Valley, Rcss Valley, San Rfl. -• Mill Val.. Ross Val., San Rfl., San Qtn. 12.10 p.m. 12.30r.M. " :••; •• •_.„»,■ - "-■''• SanQtn.... I.o3p_T. Mill VaL, Boss V»l., Sin Ril 2.05 p.m. ;•„•••• !! " " 3.30 p.m. 1.30 P.M. " .. .. SanQta.. 4.55pji. 2.16 P.M. •• «. » - _.. 6.3OPJC. f.O' _ •»." •• . << •« * 7 oop « 6.30 P.M. «♦ « M " '- - « CAuv.H. " «« <« *"""*" *!.*""" • • • • .... Ross Valley and San Rafael '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. &i Dr r2_ * l 9laX |W Csrsdero aad Way Itas. 8.16P*. * " -J.?**" ?«*l*ijw ia4.«jSUi_aj M ,. lc 7,„P '■ '■ ->:-. '-.■ - ■ • -**- i,p *