Newspaper Page Text
CITY REAL ESTATE. * 7 , ■ - " * .• " I INVESTMENTS. 1 ■ ;7v * FOB INCOME. FOR SPECULATION. SEE THESE BARGAINS, WE HAVE OTHERS Al><>. • ; <BQfMVI Ht>WAß_ SI.. BET. STH AND •*?''Wu. C:h-2 stores and flat; rents $7&0 per annum. • . . .. ... ; <7~\ A A ** lON ST., NEAR 21ST— STORE «J I OKIKf. and rooms in rear, and 3 flats above; good income or speculation. . . Qft^AA '■' NEARLY NEW FLATS-5, 5 •iTKfOKJK}. and (I rooms end bath: 2 blocks N. of Market st.: rents $720 per annum; lot 26x96. Qk^_iAil SUTTER ST., NEAR SCOTT- •£K)KfKfKf. Store: 2 rooms In rear; flat above, 5 '■ rooms and bath; end stable for 2 horses: lot "7-6 x ' 62 .6. W7""llil NX- COR. BUCHANAN AND _ <QO I KJKJ. lit— store, small house and 3 5-room cottages; always rented; pays good Income. "vMllll : ' MODERN FLATS -4 AND 5 O«Ji-V.'U. rooms and bath; Baker at., near Geary . rents tor $500 per annum. ffl", J AAA DIAMOND ST., NEAR 18TH-COT- t^)-XKJ\JKI. tageand rear house: 7 anil 5 rooms and bath: rents $720 per annum; lot 25x125. <ft HUH) COAL. YARD ON ELLIS ST.. NEAR «~?JVUI7. steiner; office, sheds, stable and gooil-w:'.l of business; lot 25x137:6. ---.} &ASTOK, ELDRIDGE A CO., 688 Market st. "DARGAINS IN RESIDENCES. HOMES FOR ALL • AT SACRIFICE PRICES, Qft^AA PINE ST., NEAR PIERCE— HOUSE wOtIUU. 10 rooms and bath; large lot, 42:4„ x! 37:6; reduced from $10,000. . iaj7«.>-.r|"i.or*;ii si., near Sgallister- <j"p I m\OKf. house 10 rooms and bath: lot 25x100. •<i'->'\l\ BROADWAY*, NEAR LAG UNA ST. «_U — O\J. Cottage 7 rooms and bath; lot 30x 112:3. _^ d_'7Cfi PINEST.,NEARLAGCNA-HOUSE *£)0 1 OKf. 8 rooms and bath; recently reduced froai $6500._ ->"■-"•.' <!_fi^AA TURK ST.. NEAR DEVISADERO— •irOOKJKf. House 8 rooms and bath; lot 27:6 x 137:6. (2«?:OXA BRODERICK ST., NEARSUTTER— Om.OKJ. Houae 8 rooma and bath; lot 27:6 x 137:6. "3*. *\*~> X A BA KER ST., NEAR CALIFORNIA— O'J— Cottage 6 rooms and bath; lot 25x 106:3. ____^______ QXOKA. STEINER ST., NEAR SACRA- *ZiOm. OKf. memo— House 8 rooms and bath ; lot 25x93:9. : Q 17 A CALIFORNIA ST.. NEAR BAKER- «Ip_t I OKf. House 8 rooms and bath; lot 25x :2Vi : recently reduced from $6000; north side of street. Q.IAAA 20TH ST., NEAR CASTRO— HOUSE i -& i ±KJKt\J. 8 rooms and bath: lot 25x97:6. EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., _ 638 Market sL . _____ BUY NOW. BUY NOW. CHEAP BUILDING LOTS. READY TO BUILD. ALL BARGAINS. $3200— Polk-st. corner; 25x100. $3000— Baker, near Washington: 25x106. $2700— Shrader, near Page: 27:0x100. $2500— WaUer, near Pierce: 25x137:6. $2250— Hayes, near Lou : 25x137:6. $2150— Waller, near Masonic aye.: 25x149. Sl Boo— Fair Oaks, near 25th: 25x100. Church, near 20th; 25x100: Sl6oo— Beulah, hear Stan van : 2."x106. $1400— 18 th, uearHattie: 25x87. f 1200— De Long aye., near Waller; 25xS0. $1000— Precita aye.. near Mission ; 25:6x268. $900— 17th. near Douglass: 25x87:6. $800— 11 th aye., near Clement: 25x120. $700— 20 th, near Stanyon; 2.Yv100. $600 Diamond, near 2 2d : 25x125. J4so— Lane Tract; 25x87:6. ; $300— Moulton, near Detroit: 25x112:8. $230— near China aye. ; 25x100. EASTON, KLDRIDGE A CO., 033 Market st. "ill QAA MAKE OFFER; 110x100, SW. COR. CJCUU. Ne_ and Craut sts.. College Home- stead, off Mission st., near Silver aye. $350— 120x100: corner lot 8, block 162. Univer- s-.'v Excelsior Homestead Association. $375—126x100; Excelsior Homestead Assn. $750—200x100; lots 1 to 8, inclusive, block 18, L'lty Land Association: 2 corners. • -.. - f ., CHAS. C. FISHER, 507 California st. T OUIS SCHLOSS. ~ " Rooms 24 and 25, Crocker Building, S. F. Q. 7 AAA A FOR A CHOICE PIECE OF t^ I V.VUy business property on 3d at.; flne Investment. Q^A AAA A BARGAIN IN BUSINESS *$OKf.\JKfKf. property on 4th st.: don't wait, but come at once. fl_l AA AAA FOR THE CHOICEST PIECE iJSluu.uUu of residence property In- tbe Western Addition ; 2 fifty-varas. SANTA CLARA. COUNTY PROPERTY TO O exchange for San Francisco, property; free from incumbrance. -•-.-...- -<__AA MISSION LOTS ON THE INSTALL- «Jp_UV/. ment plan. <_KAA MISSION LOTS ON THE INSTALL^ i&OKtKf. ment plan. Q^AAA 3 NICE FLATS, RENTING FOR f^OKJKfKf. $40 per month. fl£ QOr_,A FOR A GOOD BUILDING LOT NEAR «3)o_-_"L» Market st. If you have money now is the time and this la Che place to invest It in. . LOUIS SCHLOSS, Rooms 24 and 25, Crocker Btnldtoe, S F. NEW HOUSE, 7 ROOMS AND BATH: CO!_ J.'l plete; will exchange for vacant lota in city. Particulars apply C. H. WORKMAN, 630 Market. COTTAGE OF 3 ROOMS: CELLAR, LARGE yard and cow house. 5 Carlisle st., bet. Ninth and Tenth. - ■ ■ " r fl_ "1 AA DOWN AND $36 PER MONTH; PRICE tip J. 1/1/ reduced from $2850 to $2600: almost new modern cottage of 4 rooms and high base- went; large lot; 1 block from cars: 22 minutes to Kearny st. Address GEO. STIERLEN, Hotel I"ai rmou lit. . ' ' . XIOR SALE— COTTAGE: 5 ROOMS, BATH; J 430 Sanchez St. Apply 925 Hartford at. ' "VTOW IS THE TlM_*:~o BUILD, .WHILE Xi materials are. cheap. Will build anything, anywhere: cash or easy monthly installments, plans Included. O. W. FORSYTH. 640 Mar:..-; st. 1~~ "lOR SALE- A FINE HOUSE, FOUR BOOMS -T and large basement, stable, outhouses, garden, forty fruit trees, streets graded and a good well of water. Inquire at FRKD MEINCKE, Five-mile House. Mission road. ■ . ■ 7. - - ,\~ COTTAGE: 3 BOOMS; IN BERKE- O I OKI. ley; lot 40x120: $15 monthly. /n_BBH - *200— Half' an acre, near university : steep and cheap. Other houses and lots all over town. CHAS. A. BAILEY, 46 Market St., or Berkeley station, Berkeley. Vi! fi9,% 1-5 CASH; LOT _sxlio; 1 BLOCK tjpx OmiO. from Golden Gate Bark: east side Shrader st., near Waller. Apply owner 522 How- ard HI. .•-:■■.-:-. ■ I^OR SALE — A BARGAIN: CORN LOT, J- 49x100, containing two houses, In the Mission; suitable for grocery; rented- at present for $60. Apply to owner, Six-Mile House, on Mission Road. H. "USES FOR SALE ON SMALL MONTHLY payments: loans made on San Francisco real estate. LOUIS BLANK 214 Pine St.. rms. 58 A 59. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN? FOUR FLATS on a' Jones-street corner: street bituminized; if Bold soon can be had fors32oo: rents $35: lot alone Ie very cheap at $3500: If you mean business see this aud .you'll buy It. MURPHY, 628 Market, t ATTORNEYS- AT-LA vT. ' * 7 Dv^EFREEfDIV^ E. PROBATE LA WB a specialty:: suits superior, Justice, Police courts; terms reasonable: collections, ■ etc. - G. W. HOWE, utty-i-.t-iiiw. S.'iO Market, cor. Stockton. vc- •VfONEY A DVANCEDTO LITIGANTS, COURT Jtl costs and charges paid in matters of probate, contracts, damages, accidents, notes, first-class collections and general law business. Address J. F. NA-OHTOX, 6* Nevada block, S. F. JOHN R. All KEN, ' ATTORN li.- AT-LA W,*"B!_ 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery st., cor. California. JA. MITCHELL, ATT* Y-AT-LA REMOVED . to Spreckels bids., 929 Market st. ; advice free. WM. H. ATTOI.NEY-AT-LAW7 Mills building, sixth floor, room 6, San Franc- isco, ('al. Telephone 1344. •\VT~ W. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW^I2O ~f' • California at., rms. 14-16; advice free. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. 5 » C . 'i a ' 'WCBIiY IMPROY'ED. NRAInTsAN •J Kafael; lovely place; suitable for boarders or campers;- will, easily rent for $60 a.month in sum- . cr .\. pear station; price $2500 cash; actually worth f 5000. SPECK <t co., 30 Montgomery at. < j ()() CASH BUYS NEW 8-ROO^ri"f6uSET -iiin.\J\j stable: carriage-house: pump: largo lot; across tho bay; price $000; cost $2000. SPECK * CO., .10 Montgomery. "1 2 OH 3~RANCHES TO EXCHANGE F'()H x, Improved property. If you want to trade call on PHILBKICK A METCALF, 2518 Folsom at. 99 ACRES NEAR FRUITVALE; - NEW B- —J-i room house: modern; veranda all around; horses, cows, carriage, all tools; will sell at a sacri- flce; only $5000; no agents. C, box 7, Call Oflice. 1 7nA ACRES IN' ONJS BODY', NEAR -YUBA J- I OKI City, to be sold at public auction about July 6. For lull particulars call ou L. L. Saisburv or CLOUGH t t BAKER, 1002 Broadway, Oak- land. .£>_-'.,-■'':'-■■'* 1~r»OR- SALE-35 ACRES OF FINEST LAND under the sun: finely wooded: has an over- flowing well of purest water and never-falling spring "bubbling out of the rocks"; all kinds fruit c;i:i oe raised On the land; there Is now in bearing young orchard 75 trees of various varieties; hay in plenty; thl3 is most superior Investment as a whole or can be subdivided to suit colony; 10 minutes' walk from the station, and dry under- foot in the wet season. For further Information call on the Postmaster at Belmont, or "Buckton," Huh Clothing Store, corner Sutter and Kearny. rpHIS WILL INTEREST YOU- We have decided to found a colony which will be a practical demonstration of successful industrial aud social life, a community of homes that will he self-sustaining, attractive and profitable. If 3-011 have a home like this you have the ultimatum of all riches: the most wealthy can have no more. If you have a home like this you are a sovereign, whereas if you are working on a salary, though you may hold the highest clerkship you area servant. Your time, your skill, the value of your time and skill belongs to the man who pays you for it. We have a tract of land on which to establish homes of this kind. Our location is beautiful, our soil is rick and productive, growing all varieties of fruit, not excepting the orange and lemon, also grain and vegetables of all kinds. We have cheap transportation. We have a healthy climate. ' Those who desire a home In a community of this kind are the people we desire to meet and converse with In regard to terms, plans, etc. Address W. ±1., box 136, Call Oflice. - ■ _» OR 4 LOVELY BROOKSIDE homes, NEAR town. A. M. DENNETT*:, Glen Ellen, Cal. AN EvIUAL SHOW FOR " ALL; STRAIGHT, fair and square ileal: an Investment offered that- ia-onest; own your own homo and be inde- pendent; try it and you will find that we advise you right; we will sell you 40 acres of alluvial soil in the Warren Green rancho. Glenn County, Cal., for $280: $3 per aero down, balance In 60 monthly payments, without Interest, and will throw in town lot 100x150: land suitable for all kinds of fruit, berries or grain; needs no irrigation: climate un- surpassed anywhere InCaliffornia; 168 miles north Of San Francisco and only 20 miles from county seat of county, and 6 miles from nearest railroad town; fare, round trip, $9. For investment, and information address or call on the H. M. BENSON CO., 902 Broadway, Oakland. MA KIN COUNTY-5000 ACRES 26"MILES irom San Francisco. RANCHO DE NOVATO. ; " - * Tracta of any size desired ; fruit, grain and vege- table land; no irrigation; both- rail and water transportation; $40 to $75 per acre: easy terms, town of Novato; graded school, hotel* and stores on the property ; send for circular. Dairy for sale with or without cows. SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65. Chronicle bulldln... iand 65. Chronicle building. ■ TF YOU ANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING J. purposes or an orchard aireaay Improved, where only small cash outlay is required, balance payable in ti or 7 years, apply 32 C Montgomery at.. S.F. . PIANOS. VIOLINS, ETC. BARGAINS INNEW ANd"2DHANDPIANOs7 Hazelton, Brown* Simpson, Mozart, etc. ; hard- times prices: installments. EATON, 735 Market st. i^LEGANT UPRIGHT "PIANO A BARGAIN, J at the Storage Warehouse, 211 Larkin at. 48 UNEQUALED OFFER- A MAGNIFICENT A. walnut-case upright piano; grand tone: used but little: must be sold for cash; this is a splendid opportunity, as it will be sold for half its value: don't wait and thuslose it. The J. DEWING COM- PANY, second floor, Flood building. 1 GENTLEMAN OF _B S i IK B UPRIGHT -.'A. piano, excellent condition, for what it will bring on account of loss Of wife mid breaking up of home. Boom 10. 809 Market st. EORGEF. WELLS, SOLE AGENT FOR THE Mathushek pianos; sold on very easy install- ments; pianos rented. 1300 Market at. AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY'— PIANOS -l^v. sold upon a new rent-contract plan: please call and have It explained . he easiest terms ever ort'ered tor procuring a line piano: full-size new up- rights from $150 upward. SHERMAN, CLAY _ CO., corner Kearny and Sutter ats. BEAT BARGAINS IN SECONDHAND Pl- anos at SHERMAN, CLAY' A CO.'S, cor. Kear- ny and Sutter ats. 1l< V. TERMS; LOW PRICE* K"oHL«a7_ li CHASE. . IjTfcMV.. ELEGANT, UPIUaIifsTsTANDARD makes, almost new, half original coat; see at once. . F. W. SPENCER A CO., 721 Market at. BY" RON MAU/.Y, 308 POST ST.— SOUMER Ncwlay <fe F^vans, Briggs and other pianos. • STEIN WAY UPRIGHT: SLIGHTLY USED grand tone; half-coat. SPENCER, 721 Market! SUPERIOR Y'TOLINS, zithers, OLD A new. H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. TV""*- 1 - O. BADGER, WITH KOHLEB& CHASE TT 26. 88 and 30 O'Farrell st. - . HA KP"TY _ SEBASTIAN ERARD; DOUBLE action and elegantly finshed; is found with difficulty anywhere; a nice selection is at x resent exhibited by SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. STECK, CIIICKERING A SONS., VOSE AND O Sterling pianos sold on slo Installments. BENJ. CURTAZ A SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell at. J 2 SECONDHAND UPRIGHTS, OUR guarantee; $125 each. MAUVAIS.769 Market. HOME INDUSTRY— HEMME* LONG PIANO CO., 340 Post; pianos sold on installments; send for Illustrated catalogue. BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A good piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLER * CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. DECKER BROS., STEIN AY , FISCHER AND other first-class makes of pianos; little used; cheap -for cash or on easy terms. KOHLER A ASF. 28 and 30 C Farrell at. ZZZZZZ DORSES, j " FOR SALE CHEAP— A STYLISH HORSE, 2- seated oak surrey, with canopy top, and single buggy. Apply 123 City Hall aye. FOR SALE— VERY FINE CARRIAGE TEAM; no better. Carriage, box 18, Call Office. GOOD ROAD HORSE; PERFECTLY GENTLE; six years old; record 3 minutes. Can be Been at 2425 Post at., San Francisco. qt rusH HORSE AND BUGGY VERY O cheap. HEINE, 40 O'F'arrell St. ~A A HOBSESPfOR -SALE; ALSO WAGONS^ j^Kj buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Market, 327 Sixth St.; auction aalca every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN * DOYLE, Auctioneers. "1 A A SETS SECONDHAND HARNESS; ALL JLOO kinds; second-hand wagons, bnggy, carts: also 20 cheap horses. - Fifteenth anil Valencia ats. wagons AND CARRIAGES. Finf: HORSE AND delivery wagon for sale cheap. 1701 Stockton st. , SECOND-HAND WAGONS, ALL KINDS, O cheap. 924 Bryant at., between Seventh and Eighth. - . ""L'OR SALE- AT A BARGAIN, FINE 3 F seated mountain wagon with canopy top and trunk rack: harness and four-in-hand team; will return from Yosemite July 1; equipment for country outing guaranteed perfect. For informa- tion apply to H. D. Lovelaud, care of WELLMAN, PECK A CO.. city. ' Ll - 0 - ax » „_„„„„„'„ • lOST-1N OAKLAND OR SAN FRANCISCO, XI memorandum tablet with commutation ticket and newspaper scraps. $2 60 reward at P. C. MOL- LOY^S, 138 Montgomery at. • LOST-JUNE 24, GOLD MARKED "AL- AJ ice." Please return to 6 Torrens court. . LOST-SATURDAY. . 22D, HAND-SATCHEL, containing latch key, spectacles, purse. Finder can keep the purse and return the satchel to 231 Minna st. £.9 A REWARD-LOST, DIAMOND ring sf:t 'JPmi\/ in gold hoop. Return same to 1900 Jack- son St., cor. Cough. OST o~r~"str"a^yrd-ja"panese PUG ON Saturday. Reward at 611 Devisadero st. YOUNG DOMESTIC DOG BREIJSS"' A Bakery: reward. Return to 617 Montgomery. TOLEN-ON SATURDAY, FROM STABLE, 16 Clementina at.,' grocery-horae bridle, nearly new with overcheck and lines; the party who may have bought it will please return same and re- ceive reward. 1, fIiHTI/TITF *\ FTiTimiTOJi I~ _ OST— POLLTAX BOOK 574, CONTAINING J 46 receipts: do not use same under penalty o i the law; liberal reward. Finder please return to Assessor's oflice. new City Hall. -■■*-. j • DENTISTS. dr. rea, 9 sixth st.: alldej^^l^ork at lowest prices ana warranted ; open evenings R.J. J. LEEK, 1206 MA RKET, COR. GOLDEN Gate aye.— Open evenings; Sundays till noon. DR. GEORGE ' W. LEEK, THE GENUINE XJ Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of Improved bridge work or teeth without any piate, moved from 6 to 20 O'Farrell at. T~CHALFAi^S^MASON,COR. MARKET seta of teeth are made to please or no charge- on bridges, crowns and gold - plates prices reduced* small gold fillings only $2; painleaa extraction. , ' ROOME "DENTAL ASSOCIATION/^ MAR- ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, gas specialists: only reli- able agent for palmess extraction: artificial teeth frm $t>; fillings from $1 ; extracting 60c, with gas 81. *(_» /7~A SET FOR TEETH: WARRANTED AJ» tip i good as can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMMS, dentist, 930 Market at., next Baldwin Theater. . . Di;. •■II. G. YOUNG. BRIDGET AND TEETH without platea a specialty. 1841 Polk st. : DX. LI'DLL'M : HILL, , 1443 , MARKET. ST- near Eleventh; no charge for extracting when plates ' are made; . old plates made over like new; teeth from $8 per set; extracting 50c: gas given. t C~~ "vOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAR- J ket at. : DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1895. HOUSES TO LET. C_97 ~H A H^OUSEOF' 7 ROOMS AND BATH ; tJi>__. I .OKI. desirable neighborhood: newly pa-, pered. 722 Broderick st., near McAllister. :■ BRAUT I L RESIDENCE; 9 ROOMS: MOD era; view: garden; rent reduced; 809 Castro st., near Twenty-first. Apply L. A. SOUC _ CO., 466 Valencia at. ' -,- ... - * ■_7____ (' AY'PkESS~AVF;., NEAR TWENTY-FIFTH— \J House 4 sunny rooms; yard; key 1027 Capp St.; $8. • ■ ; ■•- --.-'-■■ - ■ ■ '•..-- --: <2»"IA 3 ROOMS; YARD; CELLAR. 37 DORE tjpLV/. St., off Harrison, near Ninth. • ' S~ V ."sN"y^IOUSE— S3O EDDY.N EAR LARKIN; 9 rooms; bath; rent $S0; waterfree. •; ELEGANT SUNNY HOUSE; 7 ROOMS; _ stable if needed: reasonable." Eddy st.,nr. Scott. (m"9q~I42B~ELLIS _ ST., BET. - BUCHANAN *4P_-0. and Webster; sunny side; 6 rooms and bath. ASHTON. 411 Montgomery at. <_OA HOUSE OF 6 LARGE, SONNY ROOMS. t""p_-V». 622F_11f8 St. ■ .■ . : , ENT $20 r NEW 7 ROOM HOUSE; ALL CON- venieucea. 1822 Filbert at. One FT' TENEMENT OF 3 ROOMS; ZlmlO $10. : ' .«-,"_... OYTVTf ESSIE— HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS; WATER OOKf included. ....... LEGANT RESIDENCE; SE. COR. .TONES and Chestnut sts.; 6 rooms and bath; large garden: fine marine view; one block from Powell- 6t. cars. Apply to McGLYNN <fc MF'.NTON, real estate agents, cr. Market and Montgomery sta., un- der Palace Hotel. . \ . AftQ LEAVENWORTH - HOUSE 9 ROOMS: STYLES IN HOUSES TO RENT AT BALDWIN A HAMMOND'S, 10 Montgomery.: Ol Ol PERRY— BAY-WINDOW HOUSE: 4' — I _-■; rooms and basement: water free; rent re- duced. Apply to G. H. UMBSEN it CO., 14 Mont- gomery si. ... ..... .fQA POST. OPPOSITE ..FIRST CONGREGA- TOU tional Church— Good location for doctor or dentist; low rent to a cood tenant. ' Apply to G. H. UMBSEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery at. - ■ EAR AND FRONT HOUSE TO LEASE OR rent: cheap. 421 Powell at. "1 A A-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE; 44 THIRD -L_U at.; all new and modern Improvements, electric lights, etc.; just completing: full particu- lars. Apply a. J . RICH lit CO., real estate agents, 112 Montgomery at. , QUNNY REAR HOUSE; 6 ROOMS, BATH; 0 gas; $22. .'.- ;'■ - 2 Turk at., near Larkin. .-■■> no TWENTY-THIRD, NEAR ha'mphhibk— mil) 6 rooms and hath, yard : rent $18. ■ __. furnished houses. 1 LEG ANT^ND^OMPLETE^IFin_3^I«IED J corner house: 12 rooms; finished basement; to rent 6 months or year; fine location: Fillmore st. ; 5 minutes from park; 12 minutes from Palace Hotel. See UMBSF:N A CO.. 14 Montgomery st. r\ OTTAGE WITH LARGE GARDEN; SEVEN- V teenth St., nr. Valencia. BALDWIN it HAM- MOND, 10 Montgomery st. , WHOLE OR PART OF FURNISHED 8-ROOM »> flat. 11233-/2 McAllister st. . TEN-ROOM HOUSE; CHEAP FOR CASH; must sell at once. Call 323 O'F'arTell st. ■ ■ " COTTAGES TO LET. [ qT A COTTAGE I :" 4 ROOM!_T7Ia.RGe"cE i7 «jP±U. lar and yard; very convenient. Inquire 941 Bryant st. • . <_ 1 -~ 6 ROOMS ANDBATH; 625 HERMANN iSXO. at.: with stable; $17. WM. N1C0L.534V. California st. - ' IIEXTCIIKAP; SUNNY COTTAGE: 4 AND 5 LV rooms, bath, basement. Cor. Dolores and' Fif- teenth ats. (T# "1 /* " COTTAGE:; 5 LARGE ROOMS: LARGE} (IpxlJ'. annny stable. - 645 Minna st., cor. Julia, between Seventh and Eighth. C»"l "I COTTAGE 4 ROOMS, YARD, CELLAR, «a>LJ-. sun. Rincon aye, off Second at., near Brannan. Qj. If* BAY-WINDOWED COTTAGE: RMS. <]pi.U. and batb. 917 Treat aye., near 22d at. V EAT COTTAGE; 9 ROOMS, BATH, CEL- JL> lar, yard: $15. 1127 Twentieth st. _.. ■■ j ; ____a____3 FL ATS TO LET. 99~J^NT722VMITyNA^ONEm mimTX sunny 4-room flats; rent $14. "\'K\V UPPER FLAT: 6 ROOMS AND BATH; o-\ large basement. 639n Minna. (JIC BAY-WINDOW FLAT 4 BOOMS. 141/ a «u> X.O. Moss St., off Howard, bet. 6th and 7th. a~O UPPER AND LOWER FLATS; 3 AND 4 «JpO. rooms: very convenient. Inquire 941 Bry- ant st. '':■'.. M~~~ OST DESIRABLE FLAT OF 7 ROOMS WITH bath and all modern Improvements; rent, in- cluding water, $30. 1625 Bush St. fljlO A 6 NICE ROOMS, 28 CLARA ST.; i&Xmi.OKf. $10, 8 rooms, 12 West Mission; $8, 3 rooms, 12 West Mission; $11, 3 rooms and bath," 2960 Folsom: $18, 6 rooms and bath, 308 FTfth. WILLIAM N ICOL, 634 Vi California at. "I. LEFT AT REDUCED KENT-JUODERN UP- X per flat; 1915 Devisadero, near California St., 7 rooma and bath, at $27 50. BALDWIN A AM- MOND, 10 Montgomery at. " - MIDDLE FLAT; 5 ROOMS, BATH; $16. 133 Fair Oaks St., near Twenty-third, j OVELY FLAT; 8 SUNNY ROOMS; MODERN J Improvements; rent $82 50; waterfree. 1917 a F'illmore. ; >'.>.-*'-- -' NF^W FLATS; 6 ROOMS, BATH AND LAUN- dry; all modern. 832 F'olsom st. C~~ IHEAPEST~ FLATS IN CITY; 4 ROOMS, I bath, stationary washtubs, only $15; 6 rooms, bath, .stationary "washtubs, only $20. 846 and &46i/ a Folsom, bet. Fourth and Fifth; sunny side. V W BAY-WINDOW FLA fl 8 BATH; li 2 famlllea: $28. 909 Folsom at., near Fifth. BEAUTIFUL FLAT 8 ROOMS AND BATH; cheap. 1505 Geary st. 7^ LEG AN" 1 SUNNY FLAT 7 ROOMS, BEAU- Xli tifnlly papered and frescoed, '718 Grove. 1? I. I.i7\NT*~BUN"n"y FLAT; 6 ROOMS; BATH. _ 145 Grove, near City Hall. SIN NY CORNER FLAT; 5 ROOMS AND bath; $22 60. 468 Haight st. AQ"I HAIGHT ST. — FLAT OF 4 SUNNY TO i % rooms; yard; $12. lIjIO MODERN SEN NY UPPER FLAT OF 5 gg TO. rooms: bath; yard; cellar. 1421 Hayes. 2 NICE SUNNY FLATS OF 4 AND 3 ROOMS; suite; $10, $9. 2039 Harrison, off Eighteenth. QOl HOWARD— TWO FLATS, 3 OR 4 ROOMS tjmiX and bath. - _ ■■ 1 OZY FLAT; 4 ROOMS; BATH; STATION- ) ary washtnb; rent $18. 1156 Howard st. 'VTEW, DESIRABLE AND CENTRALLY LO-' _~ cated; all modern improvements; 6 and 6 rooms; reasonable. 1710 Hyde st. 1 ' I'PER FLAT OF 4 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; *~> pas and bath. r 725 Minna st. " ■ -■ To LET-ELEGANT NSW BUILDING, JUST complete, consisting of a line store , suitable for drugs and 2 upper flats of 6 and 7 rooms and bath: all latest Improvements: cor. Mission at. and Kingston aye., near Mlsslon-at. carhouse. Apply to L. A. SOUC & CO., 465 and 487 Valencia st. 71 A OCTAVIA, N'RMcALLISTTOR— LOVELY I JL"/ middle flat; 7 rooms; bath; all modern im- provements; brick basement; rent reasonable. 1? i.Eoa NT DOWNTOWN FLAT; ALL MOD J-i crn improvements: 8 sunny rooms, bath; fine view; reasonable to good tenant: 9298 Sutter. An- ply BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery at. LATEST STYLES IN FLATS TO RENT AT BALDWIN A HAMMOND'S, 10 Montgomery. ELEGANT NEW FLATS, SEVENTH ST.. BE- i low Bryant— s and 6 rooms; bath; $9 to sl7. :j "A 3 ROOMS: YARD. 1706 SAN CARLOS «J) XKt. aye., near Eighteenth and Mission. NEW JUST. COMPLETED: AND 5 rooms and bath; rent $22 50 and $25 : - Cali- fornia at., nr. Baker. Apply SHAINWALD, BUCKBEE A CO., 220 Montgomery at., Mills building. ..-'-';:., "-..'-., I^LAT— $20; NEW, SUN 6 ROOMS, BATH; F large yard: modern. . 1410 Pacific st. LAT OF FIVE FINE SUNNY ROOMS; ALL modern Improvements. 108 Ridley, near Va- lencia st. . • - : ■• - C Tllb_CE FLATS— IOIO AND 1012 MASON, > 1018 and 1030 Sacramento; 5 and 6 rooms; bath. Apply 320 Sansome St.. room 4. 0 NEW- FLATS; 4 AND 5 ROOMS; BATH; mi stable. 17 Sharon, bet. 15th and 16th, Church and Sanchez. ' URNISHED FLAT 4 ROOMS AN D.BATH. 1305 Steiner at. . , ' -.■--'.. ■-■;■■.- 171LAT4 BOOMS, BATH. 336 TEHAMA ST., ' bet. Fourth and Fifth. . .- -1 a TURK — NEW FLAT; 6 • BOOMS; XKJmiX bath; modern. Apply 1120 Elm aye. "1 "I _"lft UNION, NEAR HYDE-MODERN UP- X IUO per flat. 7 rooms, or 2 families can . rent rooms. $22 50: 805 Union. 4 rooms, $11. furnished flats., urnishe^flat7T"room^T^^ sale: rent $22 50. R., box 88, Call Office. ' :-• HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. .': --■■.:.' 7"~^A LlC k "sff," < Ss^T"'iiiixis> and ptiij&tii, i off Folsom— Tenement of 4 pleasant rooms.' '' •- -79' BRANNAN, ABOVE SIXTH SUNNY I £0 kitchen and bedroom furnished; $7. :. .. AAQ BROADWAY — NICELY. FURNISHED . -t KfO housekeeping rooms; also single; new house. V T H7*r___GA"NTLY FUR nished rooms for housekeeping: carpets and furniture^ new; fating the street: private; both, grates, etc.: reasonable; flu let' location. '■ " - *'■ "119 ERIE— 4 BRIGHT PLEASANT ROOMS I l_ and bath: just see them. C*A(* FOLSOM-FURNISIIED AND UNFUR- U_l> nished rooma to rent, housekeeping and single." : '.'■■ : ', : ". ' ■'•-' ' : -- • •-• --- ■:.',, I "1 99 A FOLSOM- FINE FRONT HOUSf:- __V" keeping rooms; garden ; bath ; quiet place; $9. -"■= > -- : - ;,,- : . . .-. .■ ■ . . • . ; 5 ( v 7 1 FOURTH ST.; SUNNY FURNISHED OKI I front room for housekeeping; also single; cheap. '••- : -. ;;."•-- .'__,.. . •-, ...-•,;.-.: .'".----.. AQ A B FULTON— PLEASANT SUNNY ROOMS cXOVJ tor light housekeeping. ..- "-. ■;■* >=*?*? 7-Jfi GOLDEN r GATE AVENUE — HOUSE- : '• O\J - keeping room, furnished or unfurnlabed: cheap. J HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS - Continued. •'foCMBOLDEN GATE AVK^-_ F^RONTVeTmS.; *±miO suitable for light housekeeping. : . . QACI HOWARD-SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING (JtD rooms: also nice sunny front suites^ reason- able; bath. -: . ::< ■: ' ■■ ■-. ■. -. :.^.-;.. ;;; ■ "1 QR./4 HOWARD — SUNNY FURNISHED ±0«_)_ rooms $4 and $2 50 per mouth. ■•-• 1 ill JACKSON, MASON— FURNISHED J- KfXO sunny large front housekeeping; $7 to $9.' Ki\*\ JONES— NEWLY FURNISHED PAR- OKIO lors, with kitchen; every convenience; un- furnished lower flat. . .:..,.;. -■ ■. ■ , 1 JESSIE-LARGE SUNNY HOUSEKEEP- X.KfO ing rooms; also single rooms; $2 60 week. LCOVE SUITE WITH KITCHEN, $18; SlN- glc rooms, $6 and $7. 617 Jones st. ;■■.... '■[ Ift A KEARNY-FRONT SUITE, 2 UNFUR- -11 /"X niahed rooms, $10: 3 rooms. $20. , . AlCil LARKIN — SUNNY BEDROOM; "ilOa kitchen: porch: furnished or unfurnished; cheap. . . - . ■■ 2 T T l* LEIDESDORFF, NEAR CALIFORNIA— H V Nicely furnished sunny rooms for house- keeping; every convenience. 1 Q9£ MARKET— TWO FURNISHED; 2 OR X UmiKt a unfurnished for housekeeping. "I 9 A McAL-JBTER--- OB I ING -L— j" rooms. r QftMTALJi I STER-TH REE" sunny FUR- OOK) nished lmusekeep's rooms: private family. AC 1 MISSION— 2 SUNNY ROOMS FURNISH- VOX. Ed complete for housekeeping; cheap. 1 fiOO MISSION — 3 NICELY FURNISHED* XKfOtJ rooms for housekeeping; also a large sunny front room. '' 97"o"aK — FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING mi I rooms; also rooms suitable fordoctor or dress- maker. . ' 91 _' O'FARRELL— 3 NICELY FURNISHED, _-'A_ sunny housekeeping rooms. ' ffilrt 3 SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR *ipXU. housekeeping; range; running water. 703 O'Farrell st., bet. Hyde and Larkin. . . 1 flflQ 'TIERCE, COR. -TURK— 2 OR 3 FUR- -LUUO nished or unfurnished sunny rooms for light housekeeping: over drugstore. . 7 jYO POST— FLAT FURNISHED COMPLETE I KfmJ lor housekeeping; also single rooms. QI A POST— SUNNY, WELL - FUBNISHED V XKf double parlors; kitchen; bathroom; refer- ence. "1 9c SAN CARLOS AYE., near eigh- XmiO teenth, noxtjgrocery— New and sunny bay- window, $12. 1(W IO SAN CARLOS AYE., BET. *TWEN- X.UKfO tieth and Twenty-first, Mission and Va- lencia sts.— Large snnny front room and kitchen; unfurnished; use yard; rent $7. or 3 private. • ; 10£» ■ SEVENTH — TWO SUNNY FRONT i-«)U rooms, completely furnished for house- keeping; reasonable. . .. ,-h-' 1 SEVENTH — FURNISHED ROOMS, 2 from $1 up; housekeeping. , AJjkX SIXTH — NICE FURNISHED. FRONT TL<_.t7 rooms for housekeeping; reasonable. "I STOCKTON ST.— 2 CONNECTING X. I KfO rooms furnished complete for housekeep- ing; cheap rent. ' _________ Q99 THIRD-FRONT FURNISHED HOUSE- Omimi keeping suites, $7, $8, $10; single, $1." 0 FI' FINISH ED ROOMS _ ITT FOR HOUSE" mi keeping. 4t6Va Third st. .■■-■. 6.)- THIRD-SUNNY FRONT- SUITE FUR- miO nished complete for housekeeping; no chil- dren. .:..- -"1 "1 O TWO LOVELY HOUsEKEEP- IIO Ing rooms: nseiiarlor. piano: nrivate family. 910 WALLER, Nit. BUCHANAN— 2 UNFUR- miXO nlsheil rooms; use of kitchen, bath: $12. ml WELSH. OFF FOURTH, BELOW BR Y- % ant— 2 or 3 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms: reasonable. I7Q(* van NESS AYE.— sunny FRONT I UK) rooms, nicely furnished, for {housekeeping; reasonable. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE WEEKLY' CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 60, post- ago free. ' . | ; ~nii<JOMS~T6 _ YKTr~ ITET^ST^L^Nr^i^ErrDY^^ agement; newly renovated and furnished sun- ny front rooms; single and en suite; price reason- able. A f»] "TlemenTina ST.-2 ROOMS UNFUR- _U-L nished for housekeeping. o[f\(* to lf;t, sunny' double OvU parlors; unfurnished. - 79^' GEARY-SUNNY, NEWLY PAPERED." I _. U unfurnished rooms; hot and cold water; bath. Stolen park aye., near mission and I Twelfth sis.— Large; r out room; folding bed, grate, closet, bath, piano; use of kitchen; $10. 91 7 GRANT AYE.-LARGE ROOMS NICE- mt X. Ily furnished; gas; bath ; hot and cold water. 1 I HOWARD - NICELY FURNISHED J IO- large sunny front room; double or single. "lOf|U« HQWABD- NicisLY "furnished XmWJU'j room for 1 or 2 gentlemen; $7 a month. TA9 JONES, COR. ELLIS— LARGE FRONT XV mi rooms, single or en suite; suitable for phy- sician. - • *<'.-. C JONES-SUNNY FURNISHED SUITE, OKJO gas and bath, with references; no children. f*l "\ " ) _»— SUNNY -FRONT.' ROOMS, KfXO nicely furnished; gentlemen preferred. , BLINGTON HOUSE, 127 ARN T— PLEAS- ant sunny rooms, en suiteand single; iirsi'clasj In every respect: terms reasonable. Q"| 9 KEABNY— ST. » ROE HOUSE— FUR- 01_ nished rooms, $1 50 to $3 week; 25c to 7Sc night: transients solicited. >'.^ "1 "I (* LE IDES DOB FF,""NEAR CALIFORNIA^ XX furnished sunny rooms; gas; for gentlemen: $4 to $7. ; 1 Q LEWIS, OFF YLOR, NX. POST— LARGE KG unfurnished front room and kitchen. "1 1 99 MARKRTOITio TURK-FIRST AND xXmiA second floor; elegant suites rooms. F.l 7 MCALLISTER, BET. VAN NESS AYE. OX I and ' Franklin— Nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen. , : ' , Y~TJSEMITE HOUSE, 1046 MARKET, BET. X Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; -.per night, 35c to $1; week, $1 50 to $5; families. • J AC McALLISTER-SINGLE AND DOUBLE .-tl/_» rooms; handsomely furnished ; beautiful grounds. . \ 4~~Q"| MINNA — ROOMS NEWLY FUR* -bOX niahed, $7 to $10 per month. " , C\C\q MINNA, COIL EIGHTH— NICELY FUR- K)K) l nished bay-window rooms; $1 a week. ; » OOQ MISSION— FRONT, SUNNY ROOMS. 000 basement, with use of kitchen. 1"1 OX MISSION-LARGE FRONT ROOM X Xm\o for gent or man and wife; kitchen; $10. "I Q MONTGOMERY, OPP. LICK— NICELY IO furnished rooms from 86 up. 900 O'FARRELLt-LARGE FRONT ROOMS, miOO single or en suite; gas and bath: price low. 91 7 POLK— SUNNY, UNFURNISHED miXt rooms to rent. 7AQ POWELL ST. — NICELY FURBISHED 4 KfO single and double housekeeping rooms; gas and bath. - k7v7 post-nice" SUNNY ~ FRONT SUITE; O Kf I also single room suitaDie for light house- keeping. . ..! QI A POST ST., NEAR HYDE— WELL FUR- OX nished sunny front rooms for gentlemen. i,n ERETT, 55 "SECOND — FAMILY house, i thoroughly renovated: new management; re- spec tabic; sunny rms; reasnble. M.DALTON, prop. o»)~sixtji St., THK-HILLSDALE-SUNNY 00 rooms; single and en suite; $1 to if 1 50 aday. SIXTH-CHEAPEST IN CITY; DOUBLE and single front nicely furnished rooms. GIR AN SOUTHERN. COR. " SEVENTH AND r Miasion— Rooms all light; water, gas and elect bells: elevator runs from 7a. m. to 12 v. m. : single, 60 cents: suites, $1 day; $2 50 and $6 week up. "VTEW. PYRENEE HOUSE, 1814 STOCKTO Xt at.— Sunny front rooms: suites or single: by day, week or month. PH. MAYSOUNAVE, prop. AQ SUTTER— ROOMS $1 50 WEEK AND OKJO up; transient rooms a specialty. . .* "1 99 TAYLOR — ELEGANTLY" FURNISHED Xmimi sunny rooms, en suite or single. 1 "I Al SUNNY - ROOMS: "EN SUITE XXKf'jt or single; cheap;. private flat. ■ .: 90^1 TENTH- A NTCEFRONT BAY-WIN- AO'X'Z dow room suitable for 1 or 2 ladles; rent $6 for one. : ■ . - -■;■ ■ UROPE HOUSE, 1169 MISSION— NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite; transients. ROOMS IN PRIVATE SPANISH family. Address S., box 41," this office. -■ ' - \~~. ""BOARDING and ; ROOMS. CiOt* N YI?RONT^io^S,'suIT"ES KfmiKf and aingle: beat hoard: reasonable. ■ .■-:.■« '.;.. children BOARDED., _~~~ W~^nt^^^ciiild^to^tTke~ good home: mother's care: no small children!' For particulars Inquire 14^ Pfelfer st. . STORES to ; let. " Uc^a^«ew*^tore^Xnd^ t&XKJ. Folsom St. W. M. NICOL, 634 Cali- fornia at. •". -• -"'.■■'.•.■■"'. ffl»1 f*. FIVE ■ ROOMS"; GROUND FLOOR* TJyXU.yard; cellar: cor.- Second at: and Rincon aye., near Brannan; suitable for barber or laundry. 4.1 Q FOURTH— SMALL STOBi^wiTABLE TiO for any retail business: low rent. Apply to G. H. UMBSEN A CO. > - :., r : . ' * 1 1 Qil HOWARD— STORE i WITHiUVINO- X XOKf rooms; large basement; large brick oven. liTOR i KENT —A j CORNEB X STORE ; . , GOOD F stand for drug or grocery business. 1 Apply w B. CLUFF, 17 Sixth st. -■ ."■..-,-■; -.y ' -V': OUB-STORY BRICK AND IKON BUILDING J? and basement, 608 Sacramento st., containing elevator, power, etc.; -. rent $80. ' Apply DAVID STERN A SONS, 20 Montgomery at. ...,-' . offices TO LET. v.77/77, 7 I^T^e^ant^offTcle^inTn^ - building, 925 - Market: ■* rente low; no extra charge for gas, janitor. services Or heating. Annly at building or G. B. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montg. St. ll~~L~^~Ljl _?_ _? AT . '_ . j. . _ '"■: - . 1 - PROMINENT LAWYER WANTErrTo"_E- x fend the owners and property, cor. Sherman and Cleveland sts., opposite Columbia square; proof, two recorded aflidavits; no settlement could be made with FLINN & TREACY, street contract- ors; FLINN & TREACY working me unlawfully: occupy i the premises now with a shotgun. '. B. USZYNSKI, widow. :-.;■/- ALL COURTS: PRIVATE* LAW MATTERS. LAW McCABE, 1027 Market : advice free. WANTED— SIX - TALL, BEAUTIFUL AND .t t finely physically developed women to assist in the parade on July 4 on afloat; none others need apply. " Address COLUMBIA, box 2, Call Office. JH. WIDBER, WHO HAS FOR 28 YEARS • carried on a drug business cor. Market and Third streets, Is compelled to move, as the build- ing is to be torn down: all goods at cost for the neat 20 days; look out for notice of new location. LINCOLN BROS., 226 SIXTH ST.— EGOS 15c a do/..; butter 20c a roll; new - cheese •6c a pound: sardines 5c a can; : milk 5c a can; deviled ham 6c a can : new jam 10c ; 2 largo cans of oysters 25c; large bottle pickles, all kinds, 10c; lemon, vanilla or table sauce 5c a bottle: best white augar 20 pounds, $1; 25 pounds brown sugar, $1 ; • Hour 76c a sack; 20 pounds rice, $1; best hams Ilea pound. LINCOLN BROS., 226 Sixth st. LA VERITE HAIR-DRESSING BAZAAR RE- moved to Grant aye., Market and O'F'arrell sts. TATANTED-AT MOROSCO'S GRAND OPERA- TT house, about 300 men and women to appear In •'Tho Pace That Kills," for the privilege of wit- nessing the great racing scene. Apply fit the stage entrance at noon dally. " TEAM, VAPOR, ELECTRIC AND ALCOHOL _ baths; hand-rubbing; $1. 121 Montgmry, rm. 6. BICYCLE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY"; first-class work guaranteed. 1003 Mission st. TF HERE" WILL BE REHEARSALS OF THE X singers who take part in the literary exer- cises on July 4 at Byron Mauzy Hall, 308 Post St., on Tuesday, June 25, and Tr.esday, July 2, at 8 p.m. 1 HAA BUSINESS CARDS, $1.50: SENT XU KJKJ city or country. HILL, 724 1_ Market st. HAIRDRESSING.2Sc.ANY STYLE: Ist-CLASS shampoo, 50c; Pioneer Hair Store. BERTHA SPITZ, 111 Stockton st.; strictly oneprice only. , CABINET, ELECTRIC, STEAM "BATHS, 50c; chronic and acute diseases treated, $5 a month up; solar bath $1; oxygen used, at DR. lIARRI- MAX'S Sanitarium, cor.Twelfth and Mission, 1534. Tune SUITS, $15; DRESS pants," $4 75. J^ Misfit Clothing Parlors, 513 Montgomery st. ADVICE) FREE— DIVORCE, PROBATE LAWS -«■»- a specialty: suits, Superior, Justice, Police Courts; terms reasonable; collections, etc. G. W. HOWE, atty-at-law, 850 Market cor. Stockton. BICYCLE SUITS, LADIF'S' OR GENTS', TO order; low prices. HUTT, Tailor, 212 Mason street, • , v . ffljl 9 SUITS TO ORDER; SAMPLE BY MAIL. gp Xmi NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor, 115 Kearny. "VIEW HIGH-GRADE BICYCLE ON THE XT coast; Large slock: agents wanted In every town; cycleries, attention. Address Majestic Bi- cycle Agency, 2120 Point Lobos aye., S. F. DX. J. MILTON BOWERS HAS RETURNED and resumed practice at 113 Powell at. O A"VFJ MONEY — LADIES, FOR A WELD O made tailor suit, or fine cape or Jacket, visit the St. Louis Wholesale Branch Store. 1152 Market st. DRESSES cut"a nd FITTED, $3; dresses popular prices; engagements by day. 11 Geary. HIGHEST PRICE, PAID - FOR "CAST-OFT clothlng.books. novels. RAPHAEL, 247 4th at. "W HITEW ASHING MACHINE AND BRUSH TT work: %c yard : contracts taken. WAIN- ' WRIGHT, 1460 Market; machines sold or hired. SINGLE BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF . Pomade is guaranteed to cure any case of dan- druff or falling hair or money refunded: never I known to fail: try it. . By all druggists price $1, or J SMITH BROS, Fresno, Cal. " ■-... * SECONDHAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, desks, 1 safes, chairs, scales, etc., tfhd a very large stock of : them, too; be sure and see ctock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017-1010- -1021-1023 -Mission at., above Sixth. O.\E KOBE —'• ■" ~"~ Oak Roll Top Desks $14 to $35 I Oak Chiffoniers ..From $10 up ! Oak Bed Sets $17 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleums... 300 up Stoves nnd Ranges.., ;.. i...53 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything Cash or time pavmenta. J. NOOXAX, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission st., above Sixth. HEADQUARTERS LONG OISTANI E TELE- phones. cheap; send for prices. Klein Electric Works, 720 Montgomery at., San Francisco. Cal. QUIET PLACE FOR LADIES TO TRADE*" IN slocks .and cram ; large money made on small investment. WHEELOCK A CO., 318 Pine at., Ii 3. CLOAKS, CAPES AXD SUITS RETAILED AX mfrs' cost. " Factory, 20 Sansome St., upstairs. I X ETI (SCOPES FOR SALE; PHONOGRAPH XV outfits bought for cash. Bacigalupi, 946 Mkt. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND . BOLD store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc.; cheap. Yard 1166 Mission St., nr. Eighth. GAS FIXTURES AND PLUMBING. 623 Golden Gate avo. 11. HUFSCHMIDT. OLD GOLD,,BILVER,- GENTS' AND LADIES' _ clothing bought. COLMAN, 41 Third st. : WINDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO order hv WILLIAM Mcl'lll'X, 1105 Market. CLAIRVOYANTS.. LLHAIL F. EUGENE;THB NOTED CLAlR- voyant. Never in the history of clalrvoyancy have fut ore events been so truthfully foretold as by Prof. Eugene. He gives advice on business, spec- ulations, Investments, love, courtship, marriage and divorce: settles lovers' quarrels, reunites the separated and causes a speedy and happy marriage with the one of your choice. He locates mines and buried treasures, tells of your friends and ene- mies, removes evil influences, gives advice per- taining to lawsuits, locates and recovers old es- tates. The troubled and unfortunate should seek his counsel. Thousands of families long separated have been reunited by his efforts; thousands of hearts made glad through his truthful predictions. He is the only clairvoyant on escth recognized by the profession as their brightest ssar. He Is also the only one who prepares the real Egyptian charm. All persons unsuccessful In business, who seem to be unlucky, should visit him, seek his aid and start aright. • Thousands have become wealthy through his advice. He la ever ready to assist those with capital i to find a safe and good- paying investment. Young men starting in busi- ness will find it greatly to their advantage to con- sult him on all matters of ' financial Interest to themselves. Professor Eugene should not be classed with the many cheap pretenders who infest . the cities and bring disrepute to the profession. His parlors are ao arranged that one party does, not see another while awaiting their turns to consult him. His past successes in matters of great import are a positive guaranty of iiis powers to perform the wonders that have made him famous. Cases thnt bailie tbe legal talent, because of their complexity and obscurity, are easily utiravuled by him. All invited to call. Hours. 0 a. m. to BP. m. Letters with stamps answered. Aildfoss F. EUGUNE, 1206 Market, parlors 103 and 104; elevator service. riL'AIRVOYANt, ST". PC j LADIES ONLY. \J In the basement. 537 Third at. CIARD-READINO BY PLANETS* 25c; LA- ' dies only. 105 Stockton at., room 1. ME. WALTERS, CARD READER, RE. turned: 25c; gents 60c. 337 Tehama st., bet- Fourth and Fifth. ' PRESENT, PAST AND FUTURE, 26c. MME. LEGETTE, 311 Tehama St.; upstairs. ME." MORE AIM! BEAT AND ONLY ME- dium ; give her a call ; fee 25c up. 131 Fourth. ME. PORTER, CARD- READER: LAMES 60c: gents $1 : palmistry and clairvoyant; sit- tings $1 60. 210 Turk St., near Jones. EON, PALMIST." CLAIRVOYANT. LIFE- J reader, 533 Post: h'rs9 to B daily; and Sunday. MME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL*- er by eggs anil carls (in English or German) tells entire life, past, preset, future; consultations 011 all affairs, nothing excepted; names given; good advice; sure help: : restores lost love by sympathy; mistake Impossible; fee $1; letter $2. ■ 30 Kearny. A UGUSTA -LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER; JA. magic charms: love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband; teaches fortune- telling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc. ; has the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm; fee $1 and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. , SPIRITUALISM. EST^rRCLFrT^-NIGirTTIOc. MME/YOUNG^ 605 McAllister st. ; spirit return proven. . - CIRCLE TO-NIGHT} • O'CLOCK: MRS. MAYO- J STEERS, trance medium; sittings. 122 Turk. MRS. S. SEAL-SPIRITUAL MEDIUM: RE- ligious cir. Wed. 8 p.m.; Thurs., 2:30: 110 Mo Alllster St. .'■■•■--.■ ■.■-.■■■ ■ ASTROLOGY. A" STRALSEER-PROF HOLMES; 823* GEARY, at.: horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. '-' '" , " ■'„' '1 ■■■■,'. I. , 3 V/: ■ •; EDUCATIONAL. ,= IS^BOLTR^sliciHJOlTl^ Sacramento St.; new term July 8. : SPANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, M B ISTER achaft School of Languages, 122 O'Farrell at. IGHT SCHOOL: ( HEALD'S BUSINESS COD It lege, 24 Post St.; commercial, shorthand, Eng- lish; low rates. - •-■-■- :•;■■■•■ - ... - ■- ■-- ■ . I~"TLLIAN BEDDARD, THE ENGLISH AO- - tress,: coaches ladles and I gentlemen \ for the dramatic profession ; appearances arranged- Shake- spearean Academy, 406 Van Ness aye. '. ■ - B E LA SCO'S LV C V SCHOOL OF ACTING— Private theatricals arranged: pupils rehearsed on stage. K. ft A 12, 1. 0. 0. F. block, 7th and Market. SCHOOL ELECTR'fCALTci VTLTMiNING, ME" chanical engineering, surveying, architecture, assay: estab. '64. VAN PER NAILLEN.723 Mkt. STIEIIL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market at.: diploma course $30. iiNGLisH BRANCHES TAUGHT BY MISS jX- DILLON, 14 McAllister, 46: private or class. MRS, ; MELVILLE-SN DER," ORATORICAL, Vocal and Dramatic Academy, 619 Van Ness aye.: vocal classes Monday, 8 p. m.. $1 month; dra- matic classes Wednesday, Bp. M., $3 month: also private lessons and piano; ladies and gentlemen coached for professional or amateur stage (stage for practice). -„' . " f ■■ -'■-:-.'■;: ■■ "/-■' '■ ■ -■- •-.■.. ■■-.-- T" ARR'S INST., 859 MARKT— BOOKKEEPING taught in 6 weeks. .We pledge ourselves to keep 'free for 6 months books our graduates fall on. ■: ■••-,'., - EALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 -? POST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, j electrical .- engineering, telegraphy, H modern 1 lan- guages rapidly taught. Write for catalogue. . MONEY TO LOAN. jS. LOAN OFFicET777 r MARKET BT?. NR. • Fourth; money on everything; private rooms, ladies. ... ; ■ ■ IG CAPITAL 'WILL BE DRAWN FROM bank and will loan on any security mentioned in this column: 100 up. Address A., box 79, Call. <_ Qflllei -TO LOAN ON RANCH PROPFOR- tIPOKfKfKf ty. GEO. -W.CHAPIN, 630 Market. COLUMBIA ; LOAN AND COLLATERAL oflice,9 Grant aye.; money on all securities. TjORROW MOJSEY ON YOUR DIAMONDS, JJ jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal: lowest rates. Call or write to HARRY ANKEL A CO., Mills bldg, 6th floor, r 0; strictly confidential. A F.JOHNS A CO.. FINANCIAL AGENTS, .632 Market St., room 9: money to loan In amounts to suit on San Franciaco and Oakland real estate; country loans negotiated; bonds bought and sold; insurance on man'f'g plant placed at low rates. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE, IST AND 2ND mortgages, furniture or pianos without re- moval: lowest rntes. BECKER, 240 Montgomery. ONEY AT 6*; IST AND 2D MORTGAGES, estates, pianos. MURPHY, 628 Market st, I~BTAND 2ND MORTGAGES, LIFE INSUR- JL ance policies, bank books. GOULD, 633 Market. ANY SECURITY, AT LOW RATES; DEAL ing confidential. 43 Crocker building. UNICIPAL- LOAN OFFICE, CROCKER building, room 67; telephone Main 5122. . NY SUM OF. MONEY ADVANCED ON your furniture, pianos or real estate; low rates; call and state your proposition or write: open evenings. J. NOONAN, 1021 Mission si. - MONEY LOAN ED ON JEWELRY AND OTHER valuables at the Security ' Loan Bank, 1108 Market st. nr. Mason: nrivate entrance 7 Turk. gg ""' " ' . ■' '" ■■ ' » STORAGE . WILScSrBROS~I7IO MARKET STREET— Get our rates for storage of furniture, pianos, trunks and all kinds of household goods; separate locked rooms, dust and vermin proof, at low rates. Telephone south 762. TORAGE; FURNITURE, PIANOS, MDSE; advances. LIEBES 8. W. CO., 906 Market, r. 4. FURNITURE, PIANOS AND OTHER mat chandlse received on storage; money advanced on consignments; fire-proof building. 410 Post at., TORAGE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSE- hoId goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 785 Market, st. FIRST-CLASS STORAGE; ADVANCES MADS 421-423 Market at. CHAS. L. TAY'LOR. ■ ■■"" SBS3BB— BSSBBBSBBSSS— S— SSB— SS3SSSSSSSSS— SBB S PHYSICIANS. 1 J 0 KIT AS A N UFITRII^TTHrEIZrS^ x rooms at reasonable rates; women cared for In confinement: free dispensary in connection; hours, II to 12 and 2 toll: medicine. 2sc each prescription; akilled physicians in attendance: strictly private. OME, A FRIEND AND MOTHER'S CARE. MPS. DR. FUNK, 1416 Eighth at., Alameda. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. ANTED- A^ITIMN OAKLAND, ALAMEDA __ or Berkeley. 872 Washington st., Oakland. , DO YOU WANT A HOME? " I WILL BUY YOU a lot, build house on your own plans, this side of bay; small cash payment, balance monthly. C. P. KERN, Central Hank building, Oakland. CHEAPEST AND BEST CHICKEN RANCH In Frultvale: 3 acres In fruit; &- room house: rent $15. LODGE «fc POWELL, F'rultvale Station. ¥09 _ TO RENT— A HOUSE 9 ROOMS; ts^o. 1463 Twenty-third aye.. East Oakland; large lot, stable, flowers, fruit; waterfree; without stable $20. Apply to STONE, 1139 East Nine- teenth si., East Oakland. -:;:■ _.-;< (Jj9|| MONTHLY FOR 5-ROOM COTTAGES; <ff>-.U plans free. F. BOEGLS, Golden Gate statn. fflj 1 9^ll BARGAIN CHICKEN RANCH 12 <35 X miOKf. miles from Oakland: Improvements cost twice the amount asked for the place. W. _. BARNARD „ SON, 458 Ninth St., Oakland. ■ "-■■ <3» lQ^ll $1000 CASH; WORTH $6500:' o- »|p "IUOKf. room modern liounc: nice stable: lot 50x150: a bargain: aeelt at once. WILLIAM P. TODD, 100* Broadway, Oakland. LOTS FROM $75 UPWARD. SNETSINGER A CARROLL, Fruitvale station. ' "ifij" 1 CA LOTS NEAR LOCAIxTBAINS AND *IP XOKf. streetcars for sole on small weekly or monthly installments: buy a home and save your earnings. U.K. IT XNKY.9O2 Broadway. Oakland. ~~ OAKLAND HOTELS.- G"a Ll HOT EX;" THE LEj_SING~AND largest hotel in Oakland: table first class; terms by week or month, moderate; trains to and from San Francisco every 15 minutes; cars from Sixteenth-street station pass hotel; sample-room for commercial travelers on ground floor. ROBERT GAY, Proprietor. "OAKLAND ROOMS HOUSES. I~|VLAT OF 6~LAR(IK KOOMH.BATH, -JJ room and part of basement : house nearly new; rent reduced from $20 to $13; 2 hiocks from Clin- ton station. 910 Fourth aye., East Oakland. UNNY HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS; MODERN conveniences; large grounds: central location; near narrow gauge. 1356 Harrison st., Oakland. OAKLAND EUKNITURE FOX SALE. FURNITURE AND CARPETS AT YOUR OWN price. H. sciiELi.ilAAs. 408 Eleventh at. _ ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. FOR immediXte^sale^^eaiT^ciiool and station; streets Improved and sewered. $2250— 550 cash, ?26 monthly; 30x100; cottage, 4 rooms and bath. $2400-$5O caah, $20 monthly; 37:6x100: cot- tage, 5 rooms and bath. $3250— $50 cash, $36 monthly, 38x100; corner house In fine condition; 8 rooms and bath. . $3250—9200 cash, $30 monthly; 37x110; ele- gant colonial cottage: 7 rooms and bath. - $3850- $2OO cash, $35 monthly: 37x120; hand- some new cottage, 8 rooms and bath. Houses to rent from $10 up. Open Sunday and holidays. MAKCUSE A REMMEL, Bay-street station, Alameda, and 628 Market st., San Franciaco. IF you want ~~~ ' ' A good, substantial and stylish HOME CALL ON the OLD building FIRM of A. R. denke, WEBSTER street.. Berkeley HEAL, estate. SlOn /^aT-ROOM COTTAGErLOT^OOx ("pJ-OCf U. 100 feet: has fruit-trees, barn, etc.; only $200 cash; balance easy terms. W. C. MOR AN, Lorin station. $~i)f\ PER "MONTH PURCHASES A NEW 2- m.KJ story G-room house: hot and cold water and bath. Address CHARLES DARLING, 508 California St., S. P. ■ ffijOA PER MONTH PURCHASES A NEW B- tgimiKf room house: hot and cold water and bath. Address CHARLES DARLING, 608 California St., San Francisco. ' - ' . - * <3il ti.f\(\ NW COBNJbB; 1 BLOCK FROM tip 1 Uvvf. university. $2000—7 rooms; windmill and well; lot 120x135; great bargain. $1200-3 50-foot lots at Ashby station; worth $2000. -" $250— Lot at South Berkeley, 50x100. Snap; taken for debt. ,M. L. WURTS, • Opp. Dwlght Way Station. OWNER IN TROUBLE; MUST SELL: A Posi- tive bargain; house of 7 rooms: lot 50x135; sunny side of street; want san offer. . JOS. J. MASON, Dwlght way station, Berkeley. Hirp^tETTIEST "COTTAGE IN ALAMEDA County ; thoroughly well built; street work done; sunny side of street ; near the university, and in an orchard; at a bargain. JOS. J. MASON, Dwight way station, Berkeley. . ' MARRIAGE . LICENSES. Licenses to marry were granted yesterday as follows: '• ■ •■ ■ '• '■■-••• George E. Morton and Isabella M. Hirst, 26—21. Edward McGrath and Ellen T. O'Brien, 29—23. T. E. Teegarden and Frances J- Bowman, 45—45. Charles W. Heyer and Wllhemlna Wehr, 29—23. Fldw.' D. Beattieand Minnie L. Camehl, 25—24. Martin Peterson and Kate G. Nyhind, 80—26. Theo. L. Mitchell and Mary E. Walker, 30—32. Timothy O'Meary and Alice Mahoney, 38—28. George L. Powleson and Maggie Anglln, 25—21. Clyde M. Itees? and Mary I* Lawrence. 24—22. Franz Wedde ana MarieScliwerdt, 36—31. : jalmar Benetsson and Beatta Poulsaon, 24—27. Julius Janctzky and Joscfln Joegger, 25—24. John Scullen and Jennie Duddy, 80—19. John Noonan and Delia Grant, 31—26. Alexander Peiaer and Hattie Marks. 36— 25. - I Niels C. N. T. Larsen and Christine Frost, 29—21. I James B. Keighley Jr. and Kate Lippert, 21—18. Robert E. O'Connell and Pauline Comte. 24—22. • < Lodois J. Lartlgne and Pauline Lanpy, 26—20. ■ Lum Y'ing and Tai You. 31—23. : Daniel Kingaley and Margaret McCarthy, 24—22. AVlUiam Mali and Frlda Maier, 26—25. ' ' ' Harvey L. Adams and Marietta Flnner, 23— 19 Charles Bennett and Ada H. Trevillln. 28— 18. ' Frederick L. Holmes and . Mary Hanson. 34—28. Emll Lundbergand Nellie Peterson, 24—29. 7 DIVORCE SUITS BEGUN. Jessie Coperthwalte against John J. Coperth- walte. -."' > ■■*: :'" Johannah Twohey against Edward Twohey. Henrietta Emerson against Edward W. Emerson. ! DIVORCES ; GRANTED. Samuel Merryman from Sarah Merryman, for desertion, Judge Troutt. .;.;■■ . BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. \ [Birth, marriage ana death notices sent by mall will not be Inserted. They must be handed in at either of the publication ofllces and be Indorsed with the name and residence of persons authorised to have the same published. | . • . - "" v™" 7 7 BORN. " BAKAR-In Oakland,' June 20, 1895, to the wife of i Philip Bakar, a son. *"» DA VIS— In this city, June 20, 1895, to the wife of Charles H. Davis, a daughter. * i DAVIS— In Oakland, June 21, 1895, to the wife of Hyman Davis, a daughter. .- . ;;:, VI ?~ In '£ is _**• June 22 > 1895, to the wife of Charles J. Dowd, a son. HADLE Y-In this city, June 24, 1895, to the wife of W. D. Hadley, a daughter. LUHR-In Oakland. June 23, 1895, to the wife of J. E. Luhr (nee Glunz), a son. LEE— In this city, June 22, 1895. to the wife Of D. L. Lee of Kelseyvllle, a daughter. NIGHTINGALE— In this city, June 23, 1895, to the wife of J. B. Nightingale, a son. ROSENBERG— In this city, Juno 24, 1895, to the wife of Charles Rosenberg, a son. WHITE— In this city, June 15, 1895, to the wife of . William E. White, a son. 3IAKRIED. GORDON— BRILLIANT— In this city. June. 23. 1895, by Rev. D. Meyerson, George Gordon of San Rafael and Annie Brilliant of san Francisco. JENNINGS— In thiscity. June 21, 1895, . C. M. Jennings and Alice B. Ziska. SCULLEN-DUDD this city, June 23. 1895. at the parsonage o* the First New Jerusalem Church <Swedenborglan), by Bee. F. L. Hlaglns, John Scullen and Jennie Duddy, both of San Francisco. STEWART— WIIITE-In Highland Park, East Oakland. June 21, 1895, by the Rev. Dr. Law, Robert F. Stewart and Mabel E. White. TEEGARDEN— BOWMAN— In this city. June 24, 1895, by the Rev. J. Hulme, Thomas E. Teerar- den of Chicago and Mrs. Frances • Josephine Bowman of San Francisco. - ;.-... , : "-_ '■ ■ . ■■-' DIED. Bullen, Abby Hardy, Michael Baxter, Ruth Holland, Patrick Bianchi. Sisnor E. Hall, George E. Butler (infant) Holils. William F)u«ieson, Erastus Matulich, Alexander - Ford, Stephen McGill, William Farbach, George C. Reardon. Dennis - ■"'■■. '■■■' Gordon. Sheldon 8. Schieweek, Charles E. Glindmann, AlDcrt M. Trung, John BIANCHI— In this city, June 22, 1895. Signor Eugenio, beloved husband of the late Mine. Bianchi, and father of Paolo and Eugene Bianchi, a natlveof Italy, aged 72 years 8 months and 9 days. [Boston and New York . papers please copy. I U_"Friends nnd acquaintance^ are resnect- fnllv invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock v. m., from the Ma- sonic Temple, corner of Post and Montgomery streets, where services will be held under the auspices of California Lodge No. 1, F. and A.M. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery, Remains can be viewed at the parlors of the California Under- taking Company, 123 Stockton street, corner of Geary, until 1 :30 p. m. Wednesday. BAXTER-In this city, Jnne 24, 1895, Rnth, be- loved wife of Walter Baxter, and sister of Mrs." ' H. Klepen of Ocean View and James Bandy/a native of Bedford. England, aged 3-1 yean 7 months and 19 days. . J»S-Tho funeral will take place TO-MORROW . (Wednesday), at 10 o'clock a.m.. from the par- lors of the United Undertakers, 27 and 29 Fifth street. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. BUTLER— this city. June 24, 1895, lie Infant daughter of J. and Mary Butler, a native of Son Francisco, aged 2 months and 25 days. :;.''. BULLEN— In Temescal, June 24, 1895, Mrs. Abby Bullen, a native of Saco, Maine, aged 68 vears 9 months and 3 days. CONGREGATION SHERITn ISRAEL. — Re- moval of bodies from the Nineteenth-street Cem- etery will take place during this week. Parties Interested will please call at the Nineteenth- street Cemetery, MONDAY or TUESDAY, the 24th and 25th Inst., or at the Secretary's oflice, NE. corner Post and Taylor streets, before 10 o'clock a. M. of those days. M. GOLDWATER, Chairman Cemetery Committee. Alexander L. Badt, Secretary. -.- EAGLESON-In this city, June 24. 1895, Erastus, beloved husband of Amanda Eagleson, a native of Virginia, aged 63 years 2 months and 27 days. FORD— In this city, June 22, 1895, Stephen, beloved husband of Mary Ford, and fatherof Johnnie, Maggie, May and Walter Ford and Mrs. Brady Marlin, a native of Ireland, aged 52 years. A member of Occidental Lodge No. 1990, K. of H. 83* Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock r. m., from Foresters' Hall, 102 O'Farrell street, where the funeral services will be held under the auspices of George 11. Meade Post No. 48. G. A. R. Remains at the parlors of Theodor Dterks, 957 Mission street, between Fifth and Sixth. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. GEORGE 11. MEADE POST NO. 48. G. A. R.— Comrades are ordered to assemble at their hall. Foresters* building, THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 1 o'clock p. St.. to attend the funeral of our lain comrade. Stephen Ford. Members of the City posts and all veterans are respectfully invited to attend. OSCAR A. JOHNSON, F. Gogrins, Adjutant. Commander. FA CH— In this city, June 24, 1895, George C, beloved husband of Helene F'ahrbach.a native of Wortemberg, Germany, aged 61 years 9 months and 26 days. GLINDMANN— In this city, June 21. 1895, Albert >!., youngest and beloved son Of John and Annie Glindmann, and brother or Henry. Marie, Dora and George Glindmann, a native San Francisco, aged 11 months and 29 days. jf£tF"F'rlenas ana acquaintances are rasps Ot- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. »t., from the resi- dence of bis parents, 123 Henry street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth, near Noe. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. GORDON— In this city, June 24, 1895, Sheldon S., husband of- Mary T. Gordon, a native of New York City, aged 61 years 4 months and 5 days. (New York and New Jersey papers please copy.] 83* Friends ami acquaintances are respect- fully Invltea to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 1:30 o'clock m., from I. O. 0. F. flail, corner of Seventh and Market streets, under the auspices of Yerba Buena Lodge No. 15, 1. O. O. F. HARDY— In this city, June 22, 1895, Michael, be- loved husband of Mary Hardy, and father of J. J., J. F. and P. J. Hardy and Mrs. J. W. Dona- hue, Mrs. D. T. Edwaras and Mrs. Joseph Foster, a native of Atheny, County Galway, Ireland, aged 82 years ana 8 months. fts~Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m.. from his late residence, 617 Sixth atreet, between Bryant and Brannan, thence to St. Rose's Church, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for . the repose of his soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. Please omit flowers. HOLLAND— In this city, June 24, 1895, Patrick Holland, a native of Barry-Rowe, County Cork, Ireland, aged 26 years. ' fSij-Bemains at the fnneral parlors of McAvoy & Gallagher, 20 Fifth street. Notice of funeral hereafter. HOLLIS— In this city, June 24, 1895, William Hollia, a native of lowa, aged 56 years. 83* Notice of funeral hereafter. HALL— In Linda Vista, San Diego County, George E. Hall, son of Caroline Pettiuos Hall, aged 25 years. . • ,-. -;,". :..- MATULICH-In this city. June — . 1895, Alex.- ander, beloved husband of Eugenia Matulich, and father of , John, Frank, George and Magaalena Matulich, and dear brother of Anton and Marco Matulich, and cousin of G. J. Matulich, a native of Postire Brazza, Dalmatla, Austria, aged 45 years. £3~Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. it., from bis late resi- dence, 222 Twenty-ninth street, thence to St. Paul's Church, corner Church and Twenty-ninth streets, where the solemn funeral services will be celebrated for the repose of his soul: Inter- ment Monnt Calvary Cemetery. McGILL-In Vallejo, Jnne 23, 1895, William Mo- . Gill, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, aged 80 years 1 month and 13 days. REARDON— In this city, June 23, 1895, Dennis, beloved husband of the late Hanora Reardon, and dearly beloved father of Josie, Nora, Kate, Maggie and Jerry Keardon. a native of the parish of Maraugh, County Cork, Ireland, aged 58 years. 83* Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 9 o'clock a. m., from bis late residence, 119 Ivy avenue, between Van Ness avenue and Polk street, thence to St. Mary's Cathedral, Van Ness avenue, where a solemn > requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of . his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock a.m. In- terment Holy Cross Cemetuvy. . . SCHLEWF:CK —In this city, June 1895, . Charles X., beloved son of Simon and Knmia Schieweek, ■ and brother of Simon and Auguste Schieweek. a native of Virginia, Nevada, aged 24 years 1 month and 16 days. A member of Court Euclelan No. 6932, A. O. F. of A., and Loyal Social Club. aS-F'riends and acquaintances are respect- .• fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 1:30 o'clock p. m., from, the parlors of 11. F. Suhr&Co., 1209 Mission street, near Eighth. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. TRUNG— In this city, June 24, 1895. John, beloved husband of Maria Trung, and father of Maria. Rose, Johanna and Josephine Trung; a native of Switzerland, aged 47 years and lOdays. ~*~ UNITED UNDERTAKERS' j EMBALMING PARLOUS. Everything Requisite for First-class Funeral* at Reasonable Rates, -.--^ir: Telephone 3167. 27 and 29. Fifth street. ' IMcAVOY & CALLACHER, I FUNERAL DIRECTORS * KMBALMKBS, 20 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. ,-,'' Telephone 3080. Jas. McMknomey. Chas. McMKNOKKT. ' JAMES ' McMENOME. A SON.'' UNDERTAKERS AND - EMBALHEBS, 1057 ."Mission Street, Near Seventh. '.--'■ Telephone No. 3354.' JAS. ENGLISH. • - T. R. CAREW.. CAKEW * ENGLISH, • 'UNDERTAKERS AND EMBAI.MERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 19 Van Ness aye.. near Market St., San Francisco. Telephone 3156. N. B.— Not connected witn any other bouse in city. _. LAUREL HILL CEHETERY ; ASSOCIATION. CHOICE LOCATIONS IN ANY. FART OF THE grounds for sale and lots laid out on the Lawn system or , Inclosed with low walls, as purchaser may desire."'... ;.. • • / . " . , . ' Perpetual care of plats a specialty. Cemetery permanent. . For the purchase of lots or for any improvements apply to the' superintendent on the grounds, Cen- tral avenue and Rush St., San Francisco. Cal. CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY.- IN SAN MATEO COUNTY; NON-SECTARIAN; laid ont on the lawn plan; perpetual care; beau- tiful, permanent and easy of access; sea it baton baying a burial place elsewhere. I City Office. 0 City Hall Aveaa» . 13