Newspaper Page Text
10 HOUSES TO LET. - qTvOA WASHINGTON— 7 ROOMS, BATH, - Ov_^v/ servants' room, stab!*, carriage-house. etc.... ;..:.... $55 00 908 Guerrero— B rooms: bath... 40 00 2320 California— 7 rooms; bath 40 00 ' 921 Valencia— 7 rooms: bath ...30 00 726 Shotwell— 9 rooms; bath 30 00 2726 Mission— rooms; bath 25 00 728 Twenty-first, nr. Valencia— rms: bath. 25 00 .' 134 Fifteenth— 6 rooms; bath 20 00 '. 2134 Union— Cottage, 5 rooms: bath — . 1600 1137 Guerrero— 6 rooms: bath — . .. — 22 60 W. H. CRIM <5r CO., 118 Montgomery st. IMPRESS avi;.. NEAR TWENTY-FIFTH- . \J House 4 sunny rooms : yard; key 1027 : $8. 0 1 GILBERT, M:. SEVENTH AND BRYANT : _^q: 3 nice sunny rooms: $8; cheap. > MARY, NEAR FIFTH-NICE, SUNNY 7- ' _jU room house; rent $25; very cheap. TTa-lUHjM LODGING-HOUSE ;~~44 THIRD 14"' St.: all new and modern Improvements, electric lights, etc.: just completing; full particu- l ars. Apply A. J. RICH & CO., real estate agents, 1 112 Montgomery st. 1 11 Ql ELLIS— HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, BATH. ; X^XXO-i «18. Apply 626 Eddy st. OAI Q CALIFORNIA— B ROOMS, BATH, CON- ' AtJXU servatory: hot-air furnace; modern. T4 OUSE; 4 BOOMS; $9. 1019 HAMPSHIRE XX street. j__ OUSE, 6 ROOMS AND BATH: ALL MOD- ern Improvements. 1804 Lexington aye. /•SOTTAGE, 4 ROOMS, YARD, CELLAR; 230 \i' Hickory aye. Key at 317 Fell st. ~~~ ■*. y ■■ nF* OR RENT, CHEAP, TO DESIRABLE PAR- X 1 ies. for the summer, a pleasant suburban home. Add ress 739 Jackson St., San Jose^ VTp\i I CLAY— HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS; COM- «-01 X pletely furnished; piano: furnace; base- ment; sunny yard: 10 to 3. '■ Tl?u"i ;nv ROOMS, YARD and basement"; t: chet P. 2133 Harrison St., near Eighteenth. OUS E OF 3 ROOMS; WITH OR WITHOUT XI stab ''• 32 Chesley st. _ n/ill tINGOLD ST., BET. EIGHTH AND TrlOs > tilth, Folsom and Harrison— 4 large rooms; mi >ny side: rent $9. S" UNNY . REAR HOUSE; 6 ROOMS: BATH: gas: $21 '• 624% Turk st., near Larkin. *_» in FT. n1 : BAY-WINDOW HOUSE,' 9 fJluO.rooii iS > bath -.suitable for doctor. 525 Golden Gate avenue. BOOMS. HATH AND LAUNDRY: RENT $37 50; in. first-class condition: half block from Howard and M isslonsts.: fast car lines. DEMP- STER. 36 Glen Park aye., off Twelfth St. ",;>' MINNA ST., BET. FIFTH AND SIXTH— ■3*50 5 rooms 1 nJ every modern improvement. £» 1 - PACIF tC HEIGHTS HOUSE; BROOMS tjp'ir). with cv» ry convenience and marine view. 1733 Broadway, 1 '.ear Cough st. OUSE, 932 Ul VIOX, 8 ROOMS, BATH;. 2048 Jones, near V. lion, 6 rooms, bath, rent low. Inquire 6 Montgon cry aye. ■JJJ7TA 3 800 YARD: CELLAR. 37 DORE «J)xU. St., oft Han Ison, near Ninth. UN NY HOUSE— I 30 EDDY, NEAR LARKIN; 9 rooms; bath; rt nt $30: water free. SUNNY HOUSE 7 ROOMS. BATH, CELLAR; O newly painted; renl cheap. 1722 Hyde st. Qr/v JESSIE— HOY I E OF 7 ROOMS"; WATER OOU Included. LEGANT RESIDENCE; SE. COR. JONES and Chestnut sis.: V rooms and bath: large garden; fine marine view ■ one block from Powell- st. cars. Apply to McGLiYNN & MEXTON, real estate agents, cr. Market and Montgomery sts., un- der Palace Hotel. > , inn LEA VENWORTH — HOUSE 9 ROOMS; '±\JO bath. T ATTEST STYLES IN HOUSES TO RENT AT Jj BALDWIN A HAMMOND'S. 10 Montgomery. AQft POST. OPPOSITE FIRST CONGREGA- riO\J tioual Church— Good location for doctor or dentist: low rent to a pood tenant. Apply to G. H. UMBSEN <fe CO.. 14 Montf:om*>ry St. FURNISHED .HOUSES. O LET— FURNISHED" HOUSE 7 ROOMS; sunny: $35; best water: fine flowers; or for sale cheap. Apply on premises, 2025 Eagle aye., Ala- meda. I LEGANTLY FURNISHED UPPER FLAT; Xj piano: reasonable. 1303 Golden Gate aye. COTTAtiES TO LET.. Ql rVT AVR— OOTTAGJB^OT "™4 SUITNY OID rooms: large yard; rent $15. flt9A"Vr n v cottage" of^ ROOMS AND «Ji*^U. yard. 1236 Mission st. POTTAGE. 4 ROOMS; BASEMENT: STABLE; \J cheap. 1303 Baker, near Geary.- ■ ■ ■ ■ : ffliir NEAT COTTAGE. 5 ROOMS, BATH, <J)XO. cellar, yard. 1127 Twentieth st. miIREE SUNNY ROOMS: YARD: CHEAP TO X small family. 1230 Folsom St., near Ninth. AY-WINDOW COTTAGE. 5 ROOMS. 16 Central aye., bet. Post and Geary sts. : pOTTAGE: 5 ROOMS; YARD: CELLAR: $14, \J Including water. 234 Lily aye., near Laguna. ' pOTTAGE: 6 ROOMS: BATH; BASEMENT; \J stable for 2 horses. 120 Fillmore ■______■___? COTTAGE, 4 ROOMS: GARDEN AND CHICK- \j en-yard. 140 Center St., ■ near, B-st. station, Oakland. • ____^^ "PENT CHEAP: SUNNY COTTAGE; 4 AND 5 XL rooms, bath, basement. Cor. Dolores and Fif- . teenth sts. : ■ , Cj-i 7 FINE BAY-WINDOW COTTAGE; 4 «JpX 4 . rooms; bath; basement. . Apply 35 Thir- teenth st. , near Howard. . '• ' FLATS TO LET? COrT~I9TH AND GUERRERO — 8 ROOMS: bath .' $35 00 2518 Mission— Upper 6 rooms; bath 22 50 339 Kddy— 4 rooms.; 2000 207 Sco'nd— 7 rooms... ....:.... 20 00 60Tehama; 4 rooms I*oo 1837% Howard— 6 rooms ...... 13 00 1047% Folsom— 4 rooms. 10 00 W. H. CRIM <fc CO., 118 Montgomery st. * F' LAT: 4 ROOMS: HALLWAY SEPARATE yard ; front and rear entrance. 5441/4 Natoma. ■qTq 3 LARGE ROOMS: YARD. 109 THIR- X O. teenth St., above Valencia. „ Q;9A LOWER FLAT; 5 tf UNNY ROOMS; <j)_.VJ. bath ; vatcr free. 2222 Geary St.. . ■ MODERN FLAT; 6 ROOMS; PAPERED AND frescoed: excellent view. 2105 a Larkin st. TTPPER AND LOWER FLATS, 5 AND 6 U rooms, bath. 625 a York st. C* 1 O NEW LOWER FLAT, 5 ROOMS, BATH. **! XO . sunny yard, modern improvements; water free. 15 Beaver St., bet. Fifteenth and Sixteenth, Noe and Castro. < • Qjr I FOLSOM, NEAR SIXTH— FLAT OF 7 I VOX rooms, bath good for rooming-house. 9 A HOUSE OF 6 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS. • «3)ZU. 622 Ellis st. fflj 1 7 UPPER.FLAT; 22 DERBY* PLACE H OFF *Jpx I . Taylor St.. bet. Geary and Post. - ' ELEGANT NEW FLATS; SW. COR. NlNE- teenth and Guerrero sts. : open to-day. ' ' XTPPER FLAT, 4 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; i gas: bath. 725 Minna st. .. OL'ERN FLAT 5 ROOMS AND BATH; MA- rine view. 1007 Lombard St., near Hyde. (JO 1 SUNNY FLAT 4 ROOMS: BIG YARD". XX. water free. 1027 Alabama st. I?LAT 4 ROOMS: WATER FREE; RENT $10. . Apply at grocery-store, corner Eighth and Har- rison sts. • . . ■ . . .•.«*. ." "TiLATOF 5 FINE SUNNY ROOMS; ALL MOD- X era Improvements. 108 Ridley St., nr. Valencia. LATT 3 ROOMS: BATH: YARD; MODERN Improvements. 306 Twenty-first st. ; ' "SjQ~NICE FLAT 4 ROOMS; BATH. 1237 tip t/. Twenty-fifth st. SUNNY FLATS, 4 ROOMS: BATH; CHEAP. 6 Bylngton, off Webster, near Ellis. ■Ql I A FLAT * rooms and BATH. 1718 «J)J-*±. Leaven worth st. rpo LET— UPPER FLAT 5 SUNNY ROOMS X and bath: reasonable . to small family. 216% Chattanooga st., between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth. Q9l SIIOTWELL — FLAT 5 ROOMS AND O— l bath; rent«ls. . *....... SUNNY CORNER FLAT 6 ROOMS, BATH; rent cheap. 458 Haight st. C; Q TWO FLATS OF . 6 . ROOMS EACH ; «irt7. good yard: Dc-lgado place, off Hyde st., near Union. Apply to J. B. MIHAN, 1338 Sacra- mento st. i "\fODERN IMPROVED FIAT OF 7 ROOMS, I>X bath and fine yard; rent $25. 2333% Mission St., near Twentieth. ESIRABLE UPPER FLAT 6 ROOMS, BATH: grand view: cheap. 613 Oak st. . WO SUNNY BAY-WINDOW FLATS 4 X rooms, bath. NE. cor. Jackson and Polk sts. ■ TIPPER FLAT 4 SUNNY ROOMS AND BATH. l> 213 Seventh St., near Howard. Ip LAT— 4 ROOMS AND BATH; SUNNY. COR. Guerrero and Ridley sts.. near Market. : i fljl A AND SI2 50; 2 FLATS: 5 ROOMS: BATH. tJDIT: 8 Lapidge at., nr. Eighteenth and Valencia. LAT— 6 ROOMS: SUNNY SIDE; $14. 1216 Railroad aye., S. S. F. . MICE SUNNY FLAT: 6 ROOMS AND BATH. li 1605% Franklin St., near Bush; rent $18. 4 ROOMS AND BATH ON SECOND floor rent $15; first floor of same house, $16; large yards; clean, quiet street, , fronting private park. DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Park aye., off Twelfth st. 4 NICE SUNNY FLATS, 4 AND 3 BOOMS each, $10 and $9. 2039 Harrison at., opp. Eigh- teenth. . , , FLAT; 6 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; $16. ltfll Lexington aye., near Eighteenth st. UPPER FLAT, 4 ROOMS AND BaTH; $16. 6 Dodge st., bet. Hyde and Larkln. "■ > A7Q TEHAMA, NEAR SIXTH— FLAT OF 5 ■ ~10 sunny rooms; 12. SUNNY FLAT; S, ROOMS; BATH; CHEAP. 379 Shotwell st. . f\l Q WEBSTER— FLAT OF 3 ROOMS; MOD- *JX*J era Improvements; yard; rent $10. ■ : IfiLAT, .5 ; ROOMS, f BATH, WITH STABLE. Inquire at store, O'Farrell and Webster sts. \ Vf OST DESIRABLE FLAT OF 7 ROOMS WITH i.»X bath and all modern Improvements; rent, in- cluding water, $30. 1626 Bash st. FLATS TO LET— Continued. r SUNNY FLAT 4 ROOMS AND YARD. 26214 Clara st., near Sixth; rent $9. ■■* ; ■■ FIFTEENTH, bet. MARKET and OOU Noe— Flat of 5 rooms and bath; $15. NEW FLATS; 6 ROOMS, BATH AND LAUN- dry; all modern. 832 Folsom st. . A 07 1 HAIGHT ST. — FLAT ,OF 4 SUNNY' 1O 4 2 rooms; yard; $12. . pHEAPKST FLATS IN CITY; 4 ROOMS, \J bath, stationary washtubs, only $15; 6 rooms, bath, stationary - washtubs, > only $20. 846 ' and 846% Folsom, bet. Fourth and Fifth; sunny aide. LEGANT SUNNY FLAT 7 ROOMS, BEAU- tifully papered and frescoed. 713 Grove. OST DESIRABLE FLAT OF 7 ROOMS WITH iX bath and all modern improvements; rent, In- cluding water, $30. 1625 Bush st. I7ILAT OF 4 SUNNY ROOMS and bath, ap- ply 403 Haight st. MODERN FLAT OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH; lX cheap rent. 1719 Haight st. . TO LET— FLAT 7 ROOMS: EATH: LARGE yard and basement ; rent $27 50. 809 Hayes st. Q9] HOWARD-TWO FLATS, 3 OR 4 ROOMS VAX and bath. r 99J. AND 226 MINN A— ONE OR TWO NICE , —^— -Tc sunny 4-room flats; renr»?l4. (J> 1 9 NEW SUNNY FLAT, 4 ROOMS: YARD. <lpX^. 52 Norfolk, near Harrison and Eleventh. djjT n FLAT OF- 6 ROOMS; BATH: LARGE <g)lO. yard. 1227% Pacific st. 9^l A POST— 2 NICE BAY-WINDOW FLATS, -JUXtb 6 and 6 rooms and bath ; $18. IP IVE-ROOM FLAT; BATH AND LAUNDRY. 1 629 Seventeenth st. HOICE FLATS— IOIO AND 1012 MASON, 1018 and 1030 Sacramento; 5 and 6 rooms; bath. Apply 320 Bansome st.. room 4. ATEST STYLES IN FLATS TO RENT AT BALDWIN* HAMMOND'S, 10 Montgomery. FLAT 4 ROOMS. BATH. 336 TEHAMA ST., bet. Fourth and Fifth. SU>fNY' CORNER FLAT; PERFECT ORDER; 6 rooms, bath. 1315 Webster st.; reasonable. QIQ FLAT 6 ROOMS. BATH. 28 WASH <Jp.LO. ington aye., off Mission st., near Ninth. A WEEK'S k--TWr FOR 5 CENTS — VE£KI.T CALL. In m ippar. for mailing. FURNISHED FLATS. ~~~~~ FURNISHED FLAT FOR SALE; RENT J cheap. 213b Valencia at. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMb. 7 ALICE ST., fHIRrT^AND^OURTH^ 4 off Folsom— Tenement of 4 pleasant rooms. 1 AQ ASH AYE.-2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS luu to let for housekeeping. AAQ BROADWAY — NICELY FURNISHKD ttV/O housekeeping rooms: also single; new honse. AQ CLARA— 3 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING; ttt/ bath. . ELEVENTH - NEWLY FURNISHED and carpeted parlor, bedroom and complete- ly furnished kitchen for housekeeping; sunny and \ pleasant; private: bath and grates, etc. : only $12. QA7 FOURTH ST., SUNNY FURNISHED O\J 4 front room for housekeeping; also single; cheap. 99C: FOURTH— FURNISHED ROOMS; SUlT- _j_;i> able for light housekeeping. oTfi FOURTH — SUNNY FURNISHED OXvj housekeeping rooms; also single rooms. . KOk FOLSOM— LARGE SUNNY FURNISHED O<£O room light housekeeping: $7. fcAO FOLSOM - LARGE FURNISHED UttO housekeeping rooms: use of laundry; quiet house. ■ . 1001 FOLSOM-SUNNY FURNISHED JAJI/1. front rooms for housekeeping from $7 to $8. 91 FELL— LARGE SUNNY FURNISHED ■— 'X rooms, also kitchen; single rooms reasonable. 1 1 OR I HOWARD — FINE FRONT SUITE, XX-^O2 for light housekeeping if desired : cheap. 1 QR/1 HOWARD, COR. TENTH— 2 SUNNY [ XOUtt furnished housekeeping rooms: bath; $8. 91 AH YDE — LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING _JXI7 room: a large, sunny, well furnished room.g XI 1 HYDE-TWO SUNNY UNFURNISHED OX X rooms, with yard: water free. PlfifL JONES-ELEGANT PARLOR.KITCHEN; ; OUUnew furniture: every convenience; single rooms. TOO LARKIN — SUNNY BAY - WINDOW TtOO housekeeping rooms: reasonable. QQC MARKET— SUNNY SUITE OF HOUSE- -000 keeping rooms. $3 50. 1 71 1 MARKET — LOVELY HOUSEKEEP- X XX ing rooms; front; cheap. 9AQQ MARKET— 2 OR 3 SUNNY FUR- — j\JOO nished housekeeping rooms. 9QI MINNA, COR. FOURTH— front fur- — OX nished housekeeping complete ; double, sin- gle cheap. ... ,--:. "-, . C7Q MINN'A-1 LARGE SUNNY ROOM, ALL ;0 • O complete: cheap. . ■ OCiAI MISSION— FURNISHED ROOM; COM- O\j~Z2 plete for housekeeping; cheap. . ■ Ql C MISSION— LARGE FRONT" ROOM FOR OXxJ housekeeping; $2 50 per week. Q#6 MISSION— 4 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; QUO complete for housekeeping. .•-.*: T^oTsOM HOUSE, 617 . MISSION— FRONT X: housekeeping suites ;$S a month. Q \Jjf MISSION— 4 ROOMS, PARLOR FLOOR; t7tt 4 complete for housekeeping; others. 1 Q9A MISSION, NEAR NINTH — FRONT XO_jU sunny furnished bay-window housekeep- ing rooms; $8 and $10 a month. [ fIA 2 SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR «3P XV. housekeeping: range; running water. 703 O'Farrell st.. bet. Hyde and Larkln. XI 1 c PAGE— 3 COMPLETELY FURNISHED "XX front housekeeping rooms: all sunny; mfc- rins view; very reasonable; new house. 9^9Q POST— 3 COMPLETELY FURNISHED *Ji/-O rooms for housekeeping cheap. 19' SAN CARLOS AYE., NEAR EIGH- i. —<) teenth, next groceryv-New and sonny bay- window, 12. , ' -. Ql 9Q SIXTEENTH. NEAR VALENCIA— Ol^jV cheap, newly papered, furnished house- keeping and single rooms. "' Ip> SOUTH PARK-1 OR 2 WELL-FUR- X\J ulshed housekeeping rooms; cheap. ' '1 Q EXSON, NEAR SIXTH-2 SUNNY wit) unfurnished rooms; yard: cellar. 1 STOCKTON— 2 CONNECTING ROOMS X 4 \JO furnished complete for housekeeping: $10. 1 Q9A STOCKTON— 2 OR 3 SUNNY ROOMS, XO— JU nicely furnished for housekeeping; cheap. QA A TEHAMA— 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS Out to let. A 4 Q TEHAMA— 2 OR 3 ROOMS WELL FUR- nished for housekeeping; everything handy. 1 1 Q TENTH— SEVERAL LOVELY HOUSE- XXO keeping rooms; use parlor; piano; private. . 19 A TENTH-NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY I— v housekeeping rooms. UftA THiRD— NICF.LY FURNISHED FRONT O\J~I housekeeping suites; gas; wat^r. , 099 THIRD-FRONT FURNISHED house- t)-.-. keeping suites, $7, $8, $10; single, $1. i*9X 'TH*IRD— SUNNY FRONT SUITE, FUR- \J-jO nished complete for housekeeping. " 999 TURK— SINGLE ROOM WITH board, —-_,'_; $25; laTge front room; reference. 9__ TWELFTH, BETWEEN MISSION AND Alt Howard— 3 unfurnished rooms tor housekeep- ing- •'....-• - * ' 7Q^> VAN NESS AYE.-BUNNY FRONT 4 O\J rooms, nicely furnished, forfhousekeeplng; reasonable... , , . _.. pHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any tddress in the Unlipd States or Canada one year for $1 60, post- free. rooms to let. _[^q^b^jslC^ily^^[ou^e^n7cel^y^^ ttO<y nished rooms; single and double: cheap. KOf| BUSH-HOUSE NEWLY RENOVATED OjLKJ and furnished; elegant snnny rooms from $6 np: hot and cold water; country transient. MRS. FISHER. __ 79 BRADY, OFF MARKET — 8 ""TJNF'UR- I — j nished rooms; sunny yard: cheap to small family. . , 79F HRANNAN, ABOVE SIXTH— SUNNY I 4*O kitchen and bedroom: furnished. C A A BRYANT - PLEASANT SUNNY FUR- Orfi nished rooms. ; . - ■AO CLARA, NEAR . FOURTH-3 UNFUR- t:<J nished rooms; rent $10. . . rpHE EAST LYNN, 41 EDDY-NEW MAN- Xagement; newly renovated and furnished sun- ny front rooms; single and en suite; ' price reason- able. . . 1/1 Q EDDY— FRONT SUITE FOR OFFICE, X XO housekeeping and other furnished rooms. QAQ EDDY— SUNNY ROOM FOX O\JU gentleman; private family; $10 including washing. -■.-. « • . L ; . • QAQ EDDY— PARLOR FLOOR; FURNISHED O\JO or unfurnished; suitable for physician. '■ : ■ XI A EDDY— LARGE SUNNY FRONT ROOM; OX\J single room: reasonable; private family. 1 9 ESSEX, RINCON HILL— LARGE SUNNY X—^ furnished rooms: rent reasonable. , ' A 1 AX FELL-FURNISHED SUNNY . ROcfel rx J-T:2 fit for a lady quiet place where there are no other roomers or children: cheap rent. : .•»<*: :-..---,, 09 pl FIFTH— FURNISHED OR unfurn- OAO ished from $6 up; 1 to 3. 91 7 FIFTEENTH-FURNISHED ROOM FOR AX 4 light housekeeping. /»9A FOLSOM-FURNISHED SUNNY; ALSO \J+j\J housekeeping; separate entrance: garden- cheap. ••..-.:■**. , .- .... ■■.•■ . ..-.; ■. -; nrrr FOLBOM-PLEASANT SUNNY ROOM U«JI In cottage with garden; reasonable; near Third st. :■■;...*-;■.■ 1■ ■ ■ , ■ , IAA FOLSOM— 2 SUNNY FRONT ROOMS", "I "tttt neatly furnished rent reasonable. • - -*-.•< v.- -7__7l FOLSOM - NICELY FURNISHED . 4 "a I •£ room: double bed; $6. -■■..-:■■*.:/- -1 1 07 Folsom st.- sunny furnished XXV/I front room; private; lor 2; cheap. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1895. ROOMS TO LET— Continued. !Al^l^F?)L^olJ^Su3<^Y >^^R^N^r >^^OOM XyJXOii suitable for two; rent $7.; 9991 FOURTH — FRONT : ROOMS AND — — - .a suites comfortably furnished for man and wife; also Single rooms; cheap; strangers invited. 91 A GEARY— FRONT AND BACK PARLORS; _JXt7 furnished or unfurnished; suitable for doc- tor or dentist. --yrpni'Mi^ni ' 7QA GEARY— FURNISHED ROOMS: PRI- rOy vate family. CA9 OROVE--$l2, TO DESIRABLE TEN- O\JZj ant; pleasant, sunny, furnished parlor; use of bath. . J1 A HARRISON, RINCON HILL — 2 FUR- -IXO nished rooms; suitable man and wife or 2 gentlemen. Q 9Ol HARRISON FURNISHED ROOM VZiO^ with use of kitchen. Ap. HOFF AYE., OFF SIXTEENTH ST.— ±O Nicely < furnished sunny rooms, en suite or single: private. • 74.^ HOWARD — LARGE SUNNY FRONT I ~iO room neatly furnished; price reasonable. - <7AQ HOWARD — LARGE SUNNY FRONT 4tO suite neatly furnished ; price reasonable. £90 HOWARD, OPP. NEW MONTGOMERY— \J4*O Double and single rooms; gas; bath. rjf>] 1 HOWARD — NICELY FURNISHED, . 4 Ul2 sunny bay-window and other rooms; batn and gas. , ...-..- Q_JQ HOWARD — LARGE ■ FRONT ROOM, 0~10 nicely furnished, suitable for man and wife. 1 9AQI HOWARD — NICELY FURNISHED X~\.fO2 room for 1 or 2 gentlemen: $7 a month. 9907 JACKSON— OF ROOMS, WITH _ j_ JO I or without board; private bath; private family. 4 PI AQ JESSIE— ROOMS WITH BOARD; REA- O\JO sonable. • ; KAQ JONES-SUNNY FURNISHED SUITE, O\JO gas and bath, with references; no children. A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— PLEAS- xi. ant sunny rooms, en suite and single: first.clasi in every respect : terms reasonable. ' Ql 9 KEARNY-ST. GEORGE HOUPE-FUR- OIXJ nished rooms, $1 50 to $3 week; 25c to 76c night: transients solicited. 907 LARKIN, lOPP. CITY HALL — FINE, — JV 4 large sunny front room; bath, etc.; reason- enable; flat: $6. ' 090 LARKIN.NEAR GEARY— NICELY FUR- <D~*O nished annny rooms; rent $6. $8. $10; bath; gas. , - . ■ 79A LEA VENWORTH — SUNNY FRONT 4 — A' rooms, suit— ble gentleman and wife or gen- tlemen. <D»A LARGE UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOM <IP O . .and kitchen. 18 Lewis, off Taylor, nr. Post. 1 01 ft OLDFASHIONED HOUSE: lulv large, sunny lot. chicken-house, flower- garden, etc.: could be used for manufacturing; rent $12. 101 Q MARKET, ABOVE SIXTH — LGHT lull/ sunny furnished rooms for gentlemen, cheap. 1 097 MARKET — FINE FLAT, 7 ROOMS, XXJZi I for business or lodging, and several other rooms; very low rent. 1 Aqi Market— hands: rex- IvOl ovated; nice family house; large, airy rooms from $2 to $4 week; 50c per night; tran- sients. ■ 1 CICiZ. MARKET, OPP. JONES — PARLOR JLUUU office for doctor; bay-window suites. 1 Q9£ MARKET— FURNISHED AND UN- XO£,\J furnished rooms for light housekeeping. •\7-OSEMITE~ HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. X Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night. 36c to $1; week, $1 50 to $5; families. Aft!\ McAllister— single and DOUBLE zlxJO rooms; handsomely furnished; beautiful grounds. fMfAI MCALLISTER— FINELY FURNISHED UXt/2 double room $6 a month. • 7901 McALLISTER-NICELY FURNISHED 4 t.iJ2 front room with use of kitchen, Ii private family; also 1 inside room. fifi 1 ? MINNA, COR. EIGHTH— NICELY fur- UU 4 nished bay-window rooms $1 a week. £»9QI NATOMA-NICE SUNNY FURNISHED U_j£/2 rooms to let; $4 and $5. 191 SIXTH— CHEAPEST IN CITY; DOUBLE IZ.L and single front nicely furnished rooms. 97Q MINNA. NEAR FOURTH— NICELY — 4 O furnished front rooms; also single front rooms; cheap. 090 MINNA— NICELY furnished sun- Oi.O ny rooms: $5 and $6. ' OOMS TO LET, 161u% MISSION ST.— FOUR large sunny rooms: rent $10. 91 NINTH — DOUBLE SUNNY FRONT — iX rooms neatly furnished; transients; prices reasonable. Ql A O'FARRELL— FRONT ROOM: OX V also back room with folding bed; elegantly furnished. . , ■ QQA O'FARRELL— LARGE SUNNY FRONT Oi)u rooms: newly furnished; running water; price reasonable. ' '-■»'' JO' O'FARRELL — NICE SUNNY FRONT T-j«J rooms newly furnished; gas, bath. 79c 1 O'FARRELL — REAR FURNISHED 4 —O2 room for gentleman: $4 a month. Q9Q O'FARRELL— 2 NEWLY FURNISHED ij£dij bay-window rooms, single or together. 7 OLIVE AYE., NEAR LARKIN, BET. ELLIS 4 and O'Farrell— Furnished suuey double, single ana housekeeping; gas and bath. 1 Q PAGE— LARGE SUNNY. front ROOM; XO single room, $5; privilege housekeeping. 9A7 POST ST. - NICELY FURNISHED —^v/ 4 suites: first floor: cheap; electric lights; transient solicited. 00l POST— NICELY FURNISHED APART- UO JL mentof 2 connecting front rooms; together or separate; gas, water and large closets. Q1 A POST ST., NEAR HYDE— WELL FUR- OX\J nished sunny front rooms for gentlemen. SACRAMENTO, BET. STOCKTON AND O XO Powell— 3 or 4 rooms; $13 or $14. Cl SECOND— large SUNNY FRONT OX rooms furnished complete for housekeeping; cheap. C 9 SECOND— DOUBLE ROOMS PER WEEK Ou $1 50 to $3: single $1 to $1 50; per night 20c to 50c v ■CU' BRETT, 56 SECOND - FAMILY HOUSE, XJ thoroughly renovated; new management: re- spectable: sunny rms; reasnble. M.DALTON, prop. RAND SOUTHERN. COR. SEVENTH AND Mission— Rooms all light ; water, gas and electric bells: elevator runs from 7a. m. to 12 r. m. : single, 60 cents: suites, $1 day; $2 50 and $5 week up. m SHIPLEY, BET. FIFTH AND SIXTH, Folsom and Harrison— 4 new rooms; $10. QQ SIXTjj. . ST., THE HILLSDALE— SUNNY 00 rooms; single and en suite; $1 to $1 50 aday. "VTEW PYRENEE nOUSF., STOCKTON —.1 st.— Sunny front rooms: suites or single: by day, week or month. PH. MA YSOUNA YE, prop. d_O 4 ROOMS. REAR OF 427 STEVENSON «JpO. St., bet. Fifth and Sixth. (i(\Q SUTTER— FRONT ALCOVE AND SUN- \J\IO ny suite: suitable offices. or family; fur- nished or unfurnished. 7 AC SUTTER 2 FINE OFFICES; SUIT- *^O able for doctor, dentist or musician. . 7QJ. SUTTER ST.-FURNISHED AND UN- -4 O"x furnished rooms. ' Q9l TAYLOR — LARGE SUNNY FRONT O-jX room: also single room; cheap. p: AQ TA ylor t;nny t ROOMS; $5 190 UNFURNISHED AND FUR- X*uO nished rooms to rent: reasonable. ■ ■ / 1 OR .TENTH — large well-furnished 1— <J room: gas and bath; $5. \ ' , Ql 7 THIRD— SUNNY FRONT; ■■_iN ; OX 4 suite or single ;$1 25t055 week :$5 to $20 mo. 1 Af) A TWENTY-FOURTH-2 -FURNISHED irr^JTt rooms; private family; reasonable: Mis- sion electric cars pass. , ■: . .. UNION ST.-PLEASANT SUNNY FUR- rXOX nlshad rooms, $6, $7 and $10 per month. 7QQ VAN NESS AYE.-NICELY FUR- -4 (.jkj ulshed parlors and other rooms. ' . ■ • Cl a WEBSTER-NICE SUNNY FURNISHED VJXVJ room suitable for. young lady; private fam- ily; reasonable. . F~INE LIST ROOMS; SEARCHLIGHT BU- reau, 18 Crocker building. • O. G. DAY, Mgr. EUROPE HOUSE. 1169 MISSION-NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite; transients. •; BOARDING AND ItOOMS. eo'^EDDY^SUNNYI'R ON T^U)OMiSr&uTTEB "<- >yj and single; best board: reasonable. : 01 A TURK-2 NICE ROOMS, FURNISHED C/J-T: or unfurnished, with board: reasonable. ARTY OF GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOM- modated with rooms and first-class board; also rnrnlsb_ed flat to let; reasonable. 21 Van Nessave. ; : -i STORES TO LET. ; IS^IO^TN^TN^wIioNT^O^E^Y^LARGE store and two lofts. .-. ...... ... ..... .... ... .$225 NW. cor. 24th and Alabama— Store, 4 rooms.. 40 513 Third— 3 rooms and baker's cellar... - 967 Mission— store, etc.". . . . .:. ..... ....... 85 2901 Geary, cor. Wood— Store and 2 rooms . ... 20 - W. H. CRIM A CO., 118 Montgomery st. I ''OR ;RENT — IRON WAREHOUSE: 3 stories, with elevator; 310 Townsend at.* ■-' Apply EASTON-ELDRIDOE, or D. HEWES, Occidental Hotel. ; .■;> - ■■, .-.,. ....... ■■.-,-_. , , TORE SUITABLE FOR RESTAURANT OB O delicacies. 456 Haight st. , • > TORE: GROUND FLOOR 6 ROOMS, YARD; suitable for [barber, laundry or workshop. Cor. Second st. and Rmcon aye. r ;• ; TORE AND VINO-ROOMS; SUITABLE for barber. \ 1403 Devlsadero.r,. -..'.■; - * 41 D FOURTH— SMALL STORE, SUITABLE .^tXO for any retail business; low rent. . Apply to G. H. UMBSEN & CO. , t , :. ™:t'.<: Q\C\a MARKET-OFFICES FOR DENTISTS, O\J\J physician or clubrooms: terms reasonable. OR RENT — A CORNER STORE; GOOD stand for drug or grocery business. - Apply W. B. CLUFF, 17 Sixth st. ■■ ■:.,"<._ "L^OUR-STORY BRICK AND IRON BUILDING J and basement, 508 * Sacramento st., containing elevator, ' power, ; etc.; V rent $80. Apply . DAVID ' STERN 4 BONB, 20 Montgomery st. * irvr i ?7P'TyT7?i r irti'fT'nryrflffi^trf7^ii la1 a'' mil. i.nHhn-inriiiiiTnmfWMnrw j '' _ \_[ '■■-■■ CLAIR VOTANTS. : y _ _ . A DVICE AND . ASSISTANCE , FOR ALL! NEVER IN THE ANNALS OF CLAIRVOY- ANCY HAVE FUTURE EVENTS BEEN AS TRUTHFULLY FORETOLD AS BY PRO- FESSOR EUGENE. v HIS PATRONS ARE THE VERY BEST BUSINESS PEOPLE OF BAN FRANCISCO. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO REFER TO DISTANT LANDS OR FOR- EIGN CITIES FOR CREDENTIALS. HIS SUCCESS 18 ASSURED— HIS PATRONS COMMEND HIS EFFORTS. All are pleased and delighted with his readings. Multitudes visit his parlors daily and are hap^y. His power excites the wonder and the admiration of even the most skeptical. | Gifted by nature with marvelous medlumlstic powers, . this remarkable man may be consulted on all matters pertaining to the welfare of the human race. HE GIVES ADVICE ON BUSINESS, Speculation, investments, Insurance, love, court- snip, marriage and divorce; settles lovers' quar- rels, reunites the separated and causes a speedy and happy marriage with the one of your choice. The earth reveals to him the hidden treasures buried in her bosom. He locates mines and buried treasures, interprets dreams, tells of your friends and enemies, removes evil influences, gives advice pertaining to lawsuits, everything. The troubled and unfortunate should seek his counsel. Thou- sands of families long separated have been re- united by his efforts: thousands of hearts made glad through his truthful predictions. He is the only clairvoyant on earth recognized by the profession as their brightest star. His power approaches the miraculous, and he might well be termed the Isaiah of the nineteenth cen- tury. All persons unsuccessful in business, who seem to be unlucky, should visit the Professor, seek his aid and counsel and start aright. He is constantly in receipt of copgratulatlons from those whom he has assisted. Thousands have be- come wealthy through his advice. He is ever ready to assist all those with capital to find a safe and good-paying Investment. Young men starting in business will find it greatly to their advantage to consult the Professor on all matters of financial in- terest to themselves. The Professor positively do"a all that he advertises to do. Remember that the Professor is permanently located in San Francisco, and that his past work is his future references; it speaks for itself. The Professor always gives per- fect satisfaction in all things he mentions In this notice. THE PROFESSOR Should not be classed among the many cheap pre- tenders who Infest the City and bring disrepute to the profession. Professor Eugene's parlors are visited by business men of good reput*, anxious for reliable information as to the outcome of future investments, and by ladies of high social standing. Scores who have consulted him consider his ad- vice and assistance most valuable. He has made fortunes for many, finding for them, through his power of second sight, investments that returned them, great profit. Many married couples who heretofore have quarreled and led miserable lives are . now united and living contented and happy. Drinking husbands have been reformed and reclaimed and restored to their families. Absent friends have been found; wayward girls have ■ been shown the folly of their ways and started in the path of obedience and duty, and a moral . reformation has restored their social standing in their community. AH of these things are of dally occurrence right In the heart of a great city. Letters come pouring ■in from all parts of the world involving questions of great import and complexity, and every reply is most gratifying. To the' troubled aud unhappy his advice, is soothing and beneficial, giving them that peace of mind that wealth nor power can produce. Men of the world consult him upon matters of business and speculation; sporting men upon games of chance. Even ministers of the gospel send for his wonderful £gpytlan Charm and marvel at his power. Professor Eugene Is the only clairvoyant In the Western World who thoroughly understands the preparation and the working of the real Oriental Egyptian Charm. His truthful reading of the past, present and future continues to be the source of great pleasure and profit to all his many patrons. All letters with stamp answered. Cut this out, as it will not appear daily. , F. EUGENE, 1206 Market Street, Parlors 103 and 104. MME. WALTERS. CARD-READER, RK- turned; 26c; gents 50c. 337 Tehama st. pLA IRVOYANT— FEE 25c; LADIES ONLY. \J In the basement, 637 Third st. - ■ ME. MOREAU— GREAT AND ONLY ME- dlum; give her a call; fee 25c up. 131 Fourth. RESENT, PAST AND FUTURE, 2Pc. MME. X LEGETTE, 311 Tehama St.; upstairs. piARD-RBADING, 25c: LADIES ONLY. 105 \J Stockton st., room 6. : . * . • EON, PALMIST. CLAIRVOYANT, LlFE- reader, 533 Post : h'rs 9 to 8 dally ; and Sunday. AUGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER;" magic charms: love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband: teaches fortune-telling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm: fee $1 and upward. 2826 Mission, nr. Twentieth. CM ALL ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUBSCRIP- -0 tions taken at Cam, Branch Office, 717 Larkin St., 339 Hayes St. and 2518 Mission St.: open till 9:30 p.m. -. ■ . i SPIRITUALISM. rpEST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT; 10c. MME. YOUNG, 1 605 McAllister st.; fine music. • RS. S. SEAL— SPIRITUAL MEDIUM; RE- ligious dr. Wed. 8 p.m.; Thurs., 2:30: 110 M- c st. ASTROLOGY. ' A BTRAL SEER-PROF. HOLMES, 523 GEARY -ii. St. ; horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. palmistry. EVERY LADY BHOu7!iD~CON¥uLT^PROF! SMITH, the world-renowned palmist and card- reader. Office, room 19, 33 Sixth st. STORAGE Wi LSo3^jß7TsTTnb~T^iuu?T~ street— Get our rates for storage of furniture, pianos, trunks and all kinds of household goods: separate locked rooms, dust and vermin proof, at low rates. Telephone south 762. TORAGE; FURNITURE, PIANOS, MDSE; advances. LIEBE3 S. W. CO., 906 Market, r. 4. T/iu HNITURETI'IaNOS AND OTHER MER- X chandise received on storage; money advanced on consignments: fire-proof building. 410 Post st., TORAGE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSE- hoId goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market st. TTUBST-CLASS STORAGE ; ADVANCES MASS T 421-423 Market st. CHAS. L. TAYLOR, CHILDREN BOARDED. '-.. IN NH^^FA^rUY?^RiC^oVERT^ETRsI mother's care; healthy locality; near school; no other children; will teach piano free. G. 8., 810 Douglass st. O OR 3 LITTLE GIRLS FROM 2 TO 10 YEARS *J can have good home In small private family. 114 Jones St., Bear Golden Gate aye. OOD HOME FOR CHILD; MOTHER'S care: no other children. 700 Eddy st. OFFICES TO LET. — building, 925 Market: re«ts low; no extra building, 925 Market: rests low; no extra charge for gas, Janitor services or heating. Apply at building or <;. 11. UMBSEN A CO.. 14 Montg. St. LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Arrived. .-..■- -SATURDAY, June 29. Schr Archie and Fontie, Colstrup, 24 hours fm Still water Cove; 80 cords wood, to Higgins & Coi- 11ns. . ■■■'■■:-■■ Domestic Ports. SAN DlEGO— Sailed June 29 — Stmr National City, for mi Francisco. iiiilLiaiiiliWiii PORT GAMBLE-Sailed June Schr Metsor, for San Pedro: schr Volant, for Hilo. . . YAQUINA BAY-Arrived June 29 — Stmr Far- allon, hence June 27. t ' "' MARRIAGE LICENSES. . Licenses to marry were granted yesterday m follows: '- Johii E. Killeen and Mamie Estelita, 21—19. William Campbell and Mary Keenan, 26—25. R. J. Lathrop and Margaret A. Hartford, 26—27. Joseph W. Lamme and Maude G. Ayer, 84—28. Joseph D. O'Neill and Florence G. Nolan. 29— 26. W. M. Biggs and Norm* D. Chad wick, 28—35. Alfred T. Dobson and Edith 0. Horn, 33—29. C. E. Lothrop and Margaret Sherwood, 30—30. Andrew C. Lund and Anna 8. Sampson, 28—27. . DIVORCE SUITS BEGUN. ■ Frederlcka L. Ficke against Frederick Flcke. Hattie T. Litchfieid against Nell Lltchfleld. BIRTHS— MARRIAeES— DEATHS. ■ [Birth, marriage ana death notices sent by mall will not be inserted.: They must be handed in at either of the publication offices and be indorsed, with the name and residence of persons authorized to have the same published.] BO US. CRAFT— At Buena Vista Ranch, near Salinas. Monterey County, Cal., June 27, 1895, to the wife of Harry M. Craft, a son. ;■-,• " - -, .; DEG AN— ln this city, June 19, 1895, to the wife of ■J. J. Degan,* a son. ..■»--, v . ' - • ■ FRANCIBCOVICH-ln this city, June 17, 1896, to the wife of F. Franciscovlch, a daughter. GOODMAN— In this city, June 26, 1895, to the wife of H. D. Goodman, a son. ,v v. ,' HOG AN— ln this city, June 20, 1895, to the wife of J. H. Uogan, a son. -, • v HEANEY— In this city, June 24, 1895, to the wife of Edward J. Heaney, a son. v LYNCH— In this city, June 28, 1895, to the wife of Michael Waters Lynch, twin sons. QUINN— In this city, June 15, 895, to the wife of Daniel J. Qulnn, a son. r - v TUNNEY-In this city, June 21, 1895, to the wife of James J. Tunney. a son. . ; .• WALKER— In this city. June 22, 1895, to the wife '. of W.R., Walker, a daughter. . -;: --'..,■':: /•-.".' MAIiniEI). . :- , --" -v CABSERLY— RaMSELL— In this city,- June ; 37, 1895, by the Rev. Father Connolly, Eugene H. Casserly and Walborg Ramsell, both of Ocean View. .. '. r „•■ ~ ■ . JENKIN-rGILES-In this city, June 29, 1893, :-' by the Rev. Dr. Dille, William Jenkln of Coulter- ▼ille, Cal., and AlDa Giles of Butte City, Mont. • LONG-NELSON— In Sacramento. June 23, 1895, . by the Rev. R. M. Stevenson, Henry W. Long of Sacramento and Lizzie L. Nelson of San Fran- '■- Cisco." - ■ ■-.•■• ■-.. ' SHERWOOD— In this city, June 29, ■ 1895, by the Rev. M. M. Gibson, Charles K. Lpthrop and Margaret Sherwood, both of San . Francisco. McCLELLAND-JAMESON— In this city .June 26, 1895, . by the Rev. Dr. Dllle, Georfre B. McClel- land and Anna Bruce Jameson, both of Oakland. PFEIFFER— CARSON— In AlMneda. June 26, 1896, by the Rev. Father Sullivan, George 1 W. PfeiiTer and Edda F. Carson, both of Alameda. RUSSELL— BAILEY— In this city, by the Rev. Fathor . Brennan, James J. Russell and Mary ; Bailey, both of San Francisco. DIED. . ~~~~ Blank. Louis McDonough. Annie R. Both, Katie Mullln. Dennis A. Carrigan, Mary Morlet, Celina Carroll. John A. Pardo. Charles Emery, Rose Quayle, Katie E. Ford, Mary E. . . ' Scott, Captain A. P. Farmer. Thomas Steil, Ruby A. - Flanagan, May Stockton, Elizabeth Farren, John ■'. : • Sheer! n, Mary Glbney, Andrew D. Schnelle, Hazel 8. Hallahan. Ellen Scharetg, Irene R. Hardy, Frank ■v-:-'^-;. Sylvester, Henry . - Hemen, Mary . Wllstrup, Anna C. BOTH— In this city, June 27, 1895, Katie, beloved wife of Michael Both, and daughter of Mary Sands and the late William Kennedy, and sister -of Michael and Maggie Kennedy, Mrs. Antone Weltner and Mrs. C. M. Sheridan, and stepsister of Joseph and Emanuel Sands, a native of San Francisco. ■ ■ JK3~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Sunday), at 12:30 o'clock p. m.. from her late residence, 826 Twenty- street, corner Capp, thence to St. Peter's Church, Twenty-fourth and Alabama streets, for services. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. . BLANK— In this city, June 28, 1895, Louis, be- loved husband of Emma and father of Nettle and Lilly Blank, a native of Charleston, S. C, aged 40 years. SSTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Monday), at 10:30 o'clock a. m., from his late residence, 206 Hyde street. Funeral will leave on 11:45 O'clock a. m. train from Third and . Townsend streets. Interment Home of Peace Cemetery. CARRIGAN— In this city. June 28. 1895, at the residence of her sister, Mrs. William Murray. 1232 Bush street, Mary Carrigan, a native of county ; Loneford, Ireland. *S-The funeral will take place THIS DAY (Sunday), at 1:30 o'clock p. M., from her late residence. : Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. CARROLL— In this city, June 28, 1895. John A., beloved son of Patrick and Julia Carroll, and brother of Mrs. A. Adrian. Mrs. A. J. Shafer, Mrs. W. J. Murray and Katie Carroll, a native of Jersey City, N. J., aged 28 years 1 month and 16 days. • - Friends and acquaintances are resoset- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY • (Sunday), at 1 o'clock p. m.. from the par- . lors of Carew & English, 19 Van Ness avenue, near Market. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. EMERY— In this city, June 28. 1895, Rose Emery, aged 29 years. FORD— solemn high mass will be offered for the repose of the sou.l of Mary Elizabeth, wife of Joseph P. Ford of New Orleans, and niece of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lyisett, at Mission Dolores Church, TOMORROW (Monday), at 9 o'clock a. m. Friends are respectfully Invited. . . FARMER— In this city, June 28, 1895, Thomas Farmer, a native of England, aged 69 years. v AB~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Sunday), at 10:30 o'clock a. m.. from Mission Dolores Church, where services will be held. Remains at the undertaking parlors of James Hagan, 525 Valencia street. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. ■ . FLANAGAN— In this city. June 29, 1895, May, beloved daughter of Ellen, and sister of Joseph, William, Edward and Nellie Flanagan, a native of San Francisco, aged 18 years and 9 months. Notice of funeral hereafter. FARREN— In this city. June 29, 1895, John, be- loved son of Bernard and Sarah Farren, a native of San Francisco, aged 4 years 8 months and 10 days. GIBNEY— In this city, June 27, 1895, Andrew D., beloved husband of Ellen (-Money, a native of Scotland, aged 52 years and 8 months. [Stockton papers please copy.] Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeTal THIS DAY (Sunday), at 1 :S0 o'clock p. m.. from Odd Fellows' Hall, corner of Seventh and Market streets. Funeral services under the auspices of Fidelity Lodge No. 222, 1. O. O. F. Interment I. O. O. V. Cemetery. . ;., , HARDY— In this city, June 28, 1895, Frank, be- loved husband of the late Lucy A. Hardy and . father of Frank, James and Mary Hardy, a na- tive of County. Cork, Ireland, a?ed 64 years. A member of General George G. Meade Post No 48, G. A. R. tt9~Friends and acquaintances and members of General George G. Meade Post No. 48, G. A. R., are' respectfully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Sunday), at 1 :30 o'clock p. m., from the parlors of the Union Undertaking Company, . 733 Mission street, near Third, thence to Star • '; of the Sea Church. Eighth avenue, between Point Lobos avenue and Clement' street, for services. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. HEMEN— In this city, June 28. 1895, Mary Hemen. beloved daughter of Ellen and the late Maurice Condon, a native of San Francisco, aged 28 years and 7 months. • ■ afg-Tfce funeral will take place THIS DAY (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from her late resi- dence, 1138 Howard street. Interment private In Mount Calvary Cemetery. HALLAHAN— In Oakland. June 27, 1895, Ellen, ■ beloved mother of Mary, Thomas, Andrew, George and James Hallahan, a native of Ireland, aged 70 years. I Rochester, Utlca and Canan- daleua (N. V.) papers please copy.] . . . Jo~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Monday), at 9 o'clock a. m.. frem her late resi- dence. 839 Franklin street, thence to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, where a solemn requiem mass win be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. MrDONOUGH— In this city, June 28, 1895, Annie Rnth, beloved daughter of D. W. and Rose Me- D.onougb, a native of San Francisco, aged 'i years - and 4 months. ' *3"The funeral will take place THIS DAY (Sunday), at 1 :30 o'clock p. m., from the parents' residence, 163 Silver street. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery- MULLIN— In this city, June 29. 1895, Dennis A., youngest son of Maggie and the late Dennis A. ' Mullln, a native of San Francisco, aged 5 months and 26 days. MORLET— this city, June 28, 1895, Celina Mor- let, aged 60 years. '*tBBBSBH|MB| PARDO— in this city, June 28. 1895, Charles ,: Pi rdo, a native of Mexico, aged 30 years. QUAYLE— In Stockton, June 19,1895, Katie E.. beloved wife of Thomas Quayle, and sister of Mrs. Robert Lewin and Nellie G. Allen. SCOTT— In this city, June 27, .1895. Captain A. F. Scott, a native of Vermont, aged 72 years. - BHEERIN-In this city, June 28, 1895. Mary, be- loved wife of Daniel Shearin, a native of London, England, aged 35 years. I Vallejo papers please copy.] *i~ Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Sunday), at 10:30 o'clock a. m. from her late residence, 2216 Geary street, thence to 8:. Domi- nic's . Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 11:30 o'clock a. v. Interment ■ Mount Calvary Cemetery. STOCKTON— In this city, June 28, 1895. Elizabeth' Stockton, a native of* South Carolina, aged .90 years. . Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services THIS DAY (Sunday), at , 2:30 o'clock p. m., at her late residence, 1016 Pine street. Interment Masonic Cemetery. : BTEIL— In this city, June 28, 1895, Ruby Ade- laide, beloved daughter of Henry and Adelaide Sleil, and sister of Lillian, Sibyl, Myrtle and Ar- t hur Steil. • ■ ••:■-■< • ■■■ '■ US-Funeral services will be held THIS DAY (Sunday), at 10 o'clock a. m., at the residence of her parents, 1030 Bush street. • Interment pri- vate. SCHARETG— In this city, June 29. 1895, Irene Ruth, beloved daughter of Antone and Julia , Scharetg, a -native of San .- Francisco, aged 4 months and 18 days. £S~ Notice of funeral hereafter. SYLVESTER— In this city, Jnne 29, 1895, Henry, beloved husband of Helene Sylvester, and father .of Drs. Henry. : Albert J. and William G. and ' Freda and Amanda Sylvester, a native of Ger- many, aged 59 years. • - ' 4ar -Notice or funeral hereafter. SCHNELLE— In Oakland, June 29, 1895, Hazel Serepta, daughter of Elizabeth and the late W. > F. schnelle, a native of Oakland, aged 3 years " and 7 months, v I WILSTRUP-In this city, June 1895, Anna C, beloved wife of Henry Wilstrup and mother of Ellen and Lily Wilstrup, a native of Sweden, ' aged 33 years 4 months and 5 days. ' - TT""""UNITED ONDERTa'keRs'T^T* EMBALMING PARLOUS. Everything Requisite for First-class Funerals . : at Reasonable Rates. ; Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 Fifth street. \ I MCAVOY A GALLAGHER, I , FUNRRALDIKKCtORS & EMBATMKBS, ,SO Fifth St., pp. Lincoln School. . Telephone 3080. ; t jABT^S?MENOMKYr^~^^^CHA9rMCME?foifEV!i I JAMES McJIEJiOMEV & SON. ' » UNDERTAKERS AND KMBALMERS, 11057 Mission Street, Near Seventh. I .". ■: J .-y»- .■,■---- Telephone No, 3354. | !',.-■■ ... , '. . -.".;■• . ;. ■■ ■ ~ ~~ . .; •■ -'\..;*;-. .. JAS. ENGLISH.- V T. R. CAREW. 1 ; : _ .- ■ .- :. -; CAREW.-. &.- ENGLISH, • • ;_. " 1 UNDERTAKERS AND i EMBALMERS, - I FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 19 Van Ness nve., near Market St., San Francisco. Telephone 3156. N. B.— Not connected with any ; ither house In this city." ' - .; . . : '■-.;■ CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY. ,TN BANMATEO COUNTY: WON SECTARIAN; A laid oat on the lawn plan; ■ perpetual cave; i bean* ; > tlful, permanent and easy of access; see it baton baying a burial place elsewhere. - - - ■■■/■:■:. : « 1 City Office. • CUt Stall AtsoMi ■ . - - -,-...-. . ........ - * t ....-» DOINGS OF HOME TRADE An Order All the Way From South Africa for Mining Machinery. MORE HANDS BEING ENGAGTD. Latest Contracts Secured by Home Factories — Signs of Re vival. To-morrow the "Washburn-Moen Manu facturing Company will deliver a cable, 38,000 feet long, to the Presidio and Ferries cable road. It will require thirty horses to haul it to the power-house. A.t the Pacific works of this company a large force of workmen are employed on orders from all points on the coast, including Mexico, Central and South America. During the past week they sent out 25,000 copies of a circular letter advising their customers of the recent acquirement by them of the business and plant of the California Wire Works and that hereafter they will operate the same in conjunction with their fac tories at Worcester, Mass., and Waukegan, 111. With the line rope and cable machinery and trained mechanics of the California Wire Works they are prepared to manufacture here in this City and promptly supply the strongest and most serviceable wire rope and cables made in the world. The Pacific Rolling-mills Company has been awarded the contract for making 30,000 fishbolts for the San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley Railroad. Tnis com pany has also been given the contract for six sets of gun-carriages for the Govern ment, to be used at the Presidio. W. H. Ohmen & Co. have just received a contract for a 75 horsepower engine for the Oakland IrQn Works. At the Keystone Boiler Works they are turning out six 54-inch boilers for the'Ala meda Sutrar Refinrry. The superior qual ity of boilers made in this City makes it very difficult for the Eastern manufacturer to trade in this market. The Pacific Saw Manufacturing Com pany reports a .most gratifying increase in business. The force "of mechanics in the shops has been increased and the plant is worked up to about its full capacity. The manager says: "We are doing more busi ness now than for the last two years." The Vulcan Iron Works are running their usual force on miscellaneous work com prising orders from interior mining camps and from Mexico, Central and South America. Mr. Graham, the manager, re ports business fairly good with good pros pects of a greatly increased business over last year. B. F. Chapman of Tahiti has during the past week made investments of over $80,000 in San Francisco securities, including $30,000 in gas stock and other industrial stocks of the City. L. S. J. Hunt, formerly owner of the Post-Intelligencer of Seattle, is now in the Orient, where he has secured from the Shanghai Council the right to construct an electric streetcar system at a cost of $2,000, --000 in gold. The Perkins Pump and Engine Com pany is very busy with orders from points all along the coast. Last week it shipped a 5000-gallon-per-hour pump and engine to Ferndale, Cal., an engine to the Herald Machine Works at Oakland, and a pump ing plant to Modesto. Paui B. Perkins, the manager, says business is getting bet ter every day and the inquiries from all parts of the State indicate a growing pros perity in every section. Next month the workmen in the Mare Island Navy-yard will be increased from 900 to 1200 men. W. H. Birch & Co. are making two large hydraulic elevators for the Napa Insane Asj'lum. The General Construction Company of this City has secured the contract from the town of Santa Clara to build water works to cost $40,000. The Western Manufacturing Company is building machinery for the Usal Lum ber Company of Mrndocino County. The famous Heidelberg tun, long the largest wine cask in the world, is now ex ceeded by one at the Barton winery, at Fresno, which holds 2000 gallons more". The Stauffer Chemical Works report business on the increase, and have aclded considerable to the number of employes. Their factories occupy a whole block at the foot of Ninth street and a block at North Beuch. They report shipments to British Columbia, Alaska, Sandwich Islands, the Orient, Mexico and South America. During the past week the Union Litho- 1 graph Company turned out 50,000 copies of a letter-head for the Washburn-Moen Manufacturing Company of this City, Worcester, Mass., and Wa\ikegan, 111. It is handsome in design and shows the four different factories of" the Washburn-Moen Company, including the big works at North Beach in this City. Business with the Golden Gate Woolen Manufacturing Company is still good. Some time ago they received an order from an Eastern house for a large number of blankets. The first shipment of this order went forward several weeks ago and proved bo satisfactory that the order was increased by 3500 pairs. "Francis Smith <fc Co. have just received an order for four carloads of iron pipe for an Idaho mining compauy. The force in the factory will be engaged during the next week on this order. The spirit of patriotism which prompts the citizens of this City to patronize home factories will suggest that all fireworks for the Fourth of July will bear the trade mark of the California Fireworks Com pany, the only home factory in the City. The Union Gas Engine Company is busy on orders for a large number of irrigating plants, two of which were received the past week. This company also received an order for a large engine to be used in oper atine machinery for a mining company m Southern California. The Pacific Coast Co-operative Cigar Company, manufacturers of the Red Seal cigar, report an increased demand for the products of home manufactories and are confident that California will yet be able to supply the home market with goods made on this coast. During the last week M. O'Brien received an order from the Capital Mills of Los Angeles for twenty rolls, to be reground and corrugated, and thirty-six tolls from the Del Monte Mills of this City, and shipped a barley-mill and plant to O. Mc- Henry of Modesto. Zan Bros., broom manufacturers, are shipping a large consignment of brooms from their factory to Australia. The Pelton Water-wheel Company con tinues to run their works night and day, presenting a scene of great activity. As the business of this company extends to all parts of the world this increased ac tivity affords a very good indication of a general awakening in mining and manu facturing enterprises, not only in the United States but in foreign countries. Among their recent orders is a 400-horse power plant for the Mount Morgan mine in South Africa, a 150-horse-power plant for a mine in British Columbia, an addi tional wheel for the Almaden Quicksilver mines, as also a wheel for a sawmill in the Santa Cruz Mountains. The Dow Steam Pump Works report trade picking up. They are running full handed and have the following contracts on hand: A compound duplex pumping engine and boiler for Presidio Reservation ; sinking pumps for mine in Mexico; a 1,000,000-gallon plant complete for South ern California, besides several smaller plants. Business has been good with the Krogh Manufacturing Company (successors to San Francisco Tool Company) during the month of June, their shops having oeen very busy with special work for mines and sawmills. The centrifugal pump business has been fair, the sales being confined prin cipally to the smaller sizes. The record for the month is thirteen centrifugal pumps, with a total capacity of 10,830,000 gallons per hour. 1 Quite a number of triple-acting and ! deep-well pumps driven by steam and i gasoline engines and gome attached to horsepower were Fold during the month. Farmers in the Dakotas, Kansas, Ne- I braska and Arizona are awakening to tha j fact that Califnrnia is doing wonders in I the way of irrigation. Inquiries are daily I received from these States as to pumps and other machinery, b Llt tne railroad company has. by its' heavy charges, pre vented such trade being worked up. Dis i crimination in favor of Eastern manufac turers practically prohibits San Francisco tirms from competing for that trade. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS I Adolfo de Crloste to.noward Presbyterian So- I ciety, lot on H\V corner of oak and Baker streets, 8125 by W 100: $.100. John and Maria Enulgch to \V. S. Casto and Charlotte. Frltsch, lot on S line of Day street, 205 E of Xoe.E 2f> by S 114: $10. Christian ana Catharine Westphal to Christian 11. Westphal, lot on S line of City Hall avenue (Park avenue), 200 \V of City. Hull square (City Hall avenue), S 100 by W 50; also lot on W line of Sixth street, 75 S of Braunan, \V 80 by s 100; $10.. Margaret BresHn to Charles Breslin, lot on \V line of Twelfth avenue, 200 X: of California street, M 25 by W 120; $10.-. '...'.. »W. C. Clark to bailie R. Clark, lot on E line of Third avenue. 225 8 of California street, S 25 by B 120: gift. Martha B. Vailejo and W. B. Sharp to Ferrl K. nosthal, lot on sw corner of Point Lobos and ! Thirty-eighth avenues, \V 157:6 by s 10. )• $5. Marketing to Theodore 11. Hfttell, lot on NW corner of B street and Thirty-fifth nvenne, W 240 i by X 100; $10. Magdalena Paakesen to Peter Johnson, lot on X line of N street, 37:6 W of Eleventh avenue, W 25 Iby X 100; $10. ;-■= . • P. n. Norton (by J. J. McDade, Sheriff) to J. J. Raver, lot on N line of Parnassus street, 467:6 E of X street, E 27:6. .\E 129:5^, W 25. SW 110:9; I #452. AT AMr.T'A COUNTY^ Maria A. and Maggie E. Rosekrans to George W. i FrlnkofSan FrancUco, lots 81 and -82, block D, ' Oakland View Homestead, Oakland: $10. i Matthias and Elizabeth Schramm .to O. T. Burtchaell and Daniel Crouiey, lot on SE line of Thirteenth avenue, 160 NE of E Twenty-first street, NE 30 by SE 100, block 129, Clinton, liast Oakland; $1800. Caroline M. Knskie of Alameda to E. B. Stone of Alameda, lots 31 to 34, block 18, Resub Township Of Fltehburz, Brooklyn Township: 10. H. P. and C. M. Jessen to Arthur L. Bice of San Jose, lot 26, block E, Buenaven:ura Tract, Brook lyn Township; also 10 acres on X line of county road No. 1515, 12.63 chains E from SW corner of plat J, Rancho Las Positas, X 13.80 chains, E 7.5 chains, 8 13.33 chains, \V 7.5 chains to beginning, Murray Township: also 14 interest In avenue ex tending from county road No. 1515, X" 10 chains | along and adjoining above, town of Livermore, | Murray Township; $100. ■ D. McXally of Alameda to same, 112.67 acres, beginning at the SW corner of section 19, Town* ! ship 3 8, range 3 E, thence on the line dividing sections 19 and 30, E 43.63 chains. NW 25.82 chains, XW 43.50 chains, S 25.91 chains to begin- I ning, being a portion of the SW 14 of section 19, 1 Township 3 S, range S E. except a strip 20 feet I wide along s boundary of said tract conveyed to J. H. Wood, Murray Township; 10. .. I Arthur L. and Etta Rice, to C. M.Jensen (wife of ! H. P.), 103 acres, beginning at the SW corner of I Section 19, T 3 S, R 3 E, thence on line dividing; I sections 19 and 30, E 43.63 chains. NW 22.96 ; chains, W 43.52 chains, S 22.96 chains to begin ning, being portion of SW quarter of section 19, I T3 S, E 3 E (subject to a mortgage for $2500), i Murray Township; $100. . E. Bigelow of Oakland to Thomson of Oak ! land, lot on W line of Webster street, 400 Bof i Walnut, Sto its intersection with X Delger or j Twentieth street, \V to a point 175 X from E i Broadway, X to a point 400 8 from a Walnut and I'J9E from Broadway, E to beginning, Oakland, quitclaim deed; $5.. John R. Glascock (trustee of estate of William I H. Glascock) and Mary A. Blow, to same, lot on W j line of Websier street, 400 s of Walnut street, S to j a point where same would be Intersected by the I Encinal line extended east to Webster street, west i to East Franklin, north to North Delger, west to a point 175 cast from East Broadway, . north to a point 400 south from South Walnut, rind 129 east from East Broadway east to beginning; Oak j land, quit claim deed; $22. John Capertoc (by attorney) to same, lot on W line of Webster street, 400 .S of Walnut, 8 to Its Intersection with Encinal, lino produced easterly, j thence W to E line of Franklin. X to North Delger, • W to a point 175 E from East Broadway, X 400, S from South Walnut and 129 E from Broadway, E i to beginning, quitclaim deed, Oakland : $10. Eric and Charlotte M. Tillman to Olof Tillman of ] Alameda, lot on NB line of East Nineteenth street, j 10S:C SK of Twenty-second avenne. SE 26:6 by ! NE 140. block 65, San Antonio, East Oakland $10. I Olof Tillman of Oakland to Louise TillmaDOf Oakland, same; gift. Benjamin Bangs Jr. and Elizabeth B. Bangs to Ben Morgan of Berkeley, lot on S line of Charming way, 120 \V of Audubon street, W 45 by 8 135, j being lot 18, subdivision of Bell property; Berke -1 ley; .$lO.. . ,•:... ..,-. ■„.• ',: ., - ...» Ben and Mattio Morgan of Berkeley to 1 ' W. Bridenbecker of Berkeley, sunn-: 910.- ■ "'' H. B. and Laura A. Plnneyaf Oakland to Annie E. Zels of Oakland, lot 26 and S half of lot 27, block F, subdivision of portion of blocks E, F and 6, revised map Prospect Hill Tract, Brooklyn Township ; $322. • . . .' Thomas W. and Annie Jeffress of Oakland to W. H. Gregory of Oakland, lot 39, block C, Melros« Station Tract, Brooklyn Township; $10 Enill S. and Zidla E. M. A. Lund et al. (by W. S. Harlow. commissioner) to Hush Coyle. lot on W j line of Frultvale avenue. 75 S of Blossom street. 3 I 40, W 125.10, X 40, & 125 to beginning, being por -1 tion of lot 1. Orchard Tract, I'ruitvale, Brooklyn Township; $3249. I James Doris of Alameda to Sarah Doris of Ala meda. lot beginning at SW corner of lands of John Reagan, S 50 by E 100, San Leandro- Brooklyn Township: $5. Builders' Contracts, '•' G. H. Earle with James McConahy, to erect a two-story building on E line of Second avenue, 175 8 of California street: $1700. Mrs. F Cahill with Ackerson A Patterson, to erect a two-story building on N line of Halght street, 125 W of Scott: $4943. I ■; ». • '« I A Fisherman's Adventure "With a Shark. W. H. MulJer writes from Aransas Pass, Tex., to Forest and Stream as follows: "On June 14 last, while out fishing for tar pon, a shark got on my hook, and the boom of the boat struck me in the back ot the neck, knocking me head first into the channel, and the shark then got me in the calf of the left leg, taking me twenty feet down in the channel. However, I man aged to pull myself up on the line, which. I had In my hand and tied to the boat, and when I pulled myself up to the boat I kicked the shark in the jaws at least twelve times, tearing a large gash in my limb, and the boatman then dumped me in the boat, and I landed the shark, killing him, and we sailed for shore. It laid me up for seven weeks. However, I am going out this evening and presurhe you will hear from me again before leavine here." HOTEL ARRIVALS. NEW WESTERN HOTEL. D Webber. National City Annie Drevitt, Trfcoma J William, Philadelphia C J Carr. Butte city N Garden, Deadwood 8 J Reynolds A f. Butte M Arnold, Providence C R Jones <fe w, B C Wm Simpson, USX J B Metcalf, Jamestowa P Thompson, San Diego J Stanley, Benlcia T olt'son. Mountain V C A Sullivan, Seattle Miss J Mooney, Reno John Needham, St Paul John Williams. N V John Falkins, Chicago J Francis, Richmond PALACE HOTEL. H H Henshaw, Burling G Gilmer, France J 8 Templer & \vf, La J Sparks. Reno, Nev S Zekel. H V Prof A Gndeman, Phila J A Marshall, Salt Lake M N Whitnev, Nevada 0 A Babbitt, Wash, D C MrsC H P.abblt, Wash F T Baldwin A w, Ntktn Mrs R E Kay & s. Dulutfc MrsC LChandler.Duluth H F Chandler. Duhitn A R- English A child, Arizona LICK HOUSE. Mm J A Keepe, S Jose B L Knapp, San Jose F D Nichol, Stockton A Fisher <fe w , Sacto R H Beamer, Woodland C A Baricer. San Jose C E Schaver, Arts O A Nourse «fe w, Fresno Silas Carl. Sacto I M Miller * w, Fresno J J Donovan, Or A Kaempfer, N V J E Lucas, San Rafael J M I>ane, Seattle E P Colgan, Sacto J T Harrinpon & w, Sttl« A Fisher, Sacto E G Farner, Alameda GRAND HOTEL. 1 Dannenbaum, Vallejo Mrs W P White, Utah O F Williamson. Cal J C Carrlrk, Cal R Welsh, Martinez D Van Krant <fc f, Wls C J Tuttle, Salt Lake F French A » , Boulder I Mrs F L Morris, Reno Miss B GrilUn, Visaila Mrs A T Griffin, Visaila 8 H Barnett, Napa J C Chandler, Mont C J C hurcn, Cal P Green, Mayfleld J O Reed, Deer Lodge H S Smith, Cal T S Markell, Cloverdale J M Beck, Oakland P C Morf, Stockton H A DeniiiK, Cal L Engel, Cal Miss Dening, Cll L Bolster, Toronto J O'Neill, Eureka C II Oatman, Sacto X Richard A W, Oakland J Wyman & w, D Motnea Miss N Muse, Eureka M Cady, Sonoma Miss Cady, Sonoma T F Fitzgerald, Sonoma Miss Mundav, Seattle Miss J Stephins, Cal Mtss L. Stephins, Cal Miss M Stephins. Cal S Harsh, Denver J C English,' Boston 8 J Reynolds &t, Butte G W Navl» &t. Minn BUSS HOUSE. S I TitcombAw.Farmgtn J Richardson, Lot Ang A R Coulter. Los Ang J F Teok, Sacramento W C Johnson. Ix)inpoc H C Buckman, Hopland Miss A Jones, Minn I C Steele, Pescadero Mrs 0 H Fisher, 8 Crui Miss E Bnrtlett. StaCrua T R JordaD. N V W tore, Crows Landing O W Boxks, Tracy Mrs H N Cortdine, Kam (; W straight, Chicago L M Martin, Tex W P Baater. Aril C F Dickens, Chicago R Nchlll, fian Jose a Nehlll, San Jose M Kent. San Jose ' W L Pro.«ser&w,Martlne« J D Mead, Hoaldsburg T M Lone, Stockton W II Young, Snnta Rosa S A Chariton, .Santa Rosa Mrs A M iteexl, Laytonvl E T Rlley, Santa Rosa A J Board, Red Bluff O C G.over. Kutheriord LC Stone, Rutherford W Glover. Rutherford W 8 Kane, Rutherford C H Crane, Auburn E Woolridße, Auburn W C Conroy, Auburn F H Henderson, Auburn E W Hanson, Oakland Mrs Carter, Lakeville J B Sanford, Ukiah W C Pertclna A w, SRosa A A McDonald. Placerrl W Hodges, Sonora B Taylor A wf, Jackson Miss L Taylor, ban Jose M W O'NeU, San Jose