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CITY BE A ESTATE. Q.- H. UMBSEN 4 CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS, RENT COLLECTORS AND AUCTIONEERS. Office and Salesroom: 14 Montgomery st-, near Market, San Francisco. Call and obtain one of our "Real Estate Records," which contains a list of properties for sale In ail parts of the city. IMPROVED PROPERTY. Air Ann DOWNTOWN RESIDENCE JJf'.LO.UUU. suitable for a doctor; 12 rooms and bath- bay-windows: brick foundation, etc; present renting for *960 per annum: lot 4 5:1 Ox 137:6 with ell 17:6x91:8; connecting with an- other main street; Bush street. . - '■-.• ■.. OOOnn A BARGAIN: NICE HOME ON O--OUU. 24th st. on the line of the Mission-st. electric road branch; cottage of rooms, etc.; lot 25x114: easy terms. ■■£-'/;_ 0 A 9^A 2 SUBSTANTIAL FLAT B OF4 AND i ±&O\J. 5 rooms and bath each; brick founda- tion: all modern improvements; rent $408 per an- num: lot 25x120 ; Shotwell st. ©QAnn A BARGAIN: BEST AND CHEAP- i£>O*J\J\J . est investment north of Market St.; 2 substantial and nearly new 2-story and base- ment, bay-window houses of 9 rooms and bath each; all latest improvements and conveniences: rick foundation: rent $85 per month: mortgage of $t5OO can remain: owner forced to sell; lot 43:6x100; on Buchanan st. Q.Pxli^a PACIFIC HEIGHTS RESIDENCE; «J»J 4 «JU. Webster st.: nice 2-story bay-window residence; nearly new, of 9 rooms and bath: brick foundation: all modern improvements; grand ma- rine view; lot 25x137:6. ©nc)7r A SPLENDID BARGAIN ON O~>— • 4 O. Broadway; 2-story house of 6 rooms, etc.: lot 22:9x60; street accepted by the city; this is a snap. C'O'AA MINNA ST.: N. SIDE; COTTAGE «J*)_COU.U. of 3 rooms and stable; lot 25x75; street accepted : this Is a snap. CIO oaa - nice investment corner <•> IZ.OUU. in the Western Addition; elegant new modern building of 3 flats; bay-window ; brick foundation; stone walks; rent $960 per annum; street accepted: lot 30x76. ft I^AA CHEAP CORNER ON ELLIS ST.: . v -ti"'U. cottage of 6 rooms: lot 30x75; street accepted by the city; this is a snap. fI.Q-AA RENTS $¥70 PER ANNUM; 4 (^Oi)\»U, new modern flats: 6 room and bath each: street accepted by the city; lot 36x75; best part of the Mission. r,n'A n HOTELON PROMINENT STRKET JjOOUU. near Mission at.: substantial building and lot 43:6x100: 8 rooms and bath: all the latest conveniences: grand marine view; lot 26:6x91:6. S"AAA COZY HOME: LARGE GROUNDS: 4 UUU. nice bay-window cottage of 8 rooms and bath; lot 52x90; Mission warm belt; promi- nent street bet. Valencia andjGuerrer© sts.; several blocks N. of '20th st. o»nAAA pacific heights residence JJOUUU. corner on Buchanan St.: grand ma- rine view: a nice modern residence of 8 rooms and bath; all the latest conveniences; lot 546:6x91:6. GQAOA HOUSE AND LOT; 25x104; 24TH street. jj/JAAA CORNER residence OF 10 »rOUUU. rooms and bath; brick foundation, etc ; lot 36x1 15, to an alley; Capp st. c? QAAA RENT $72 PER MONTH GRAND COUUU. bargain: on Ellis St.; 4 flats; brick foundation, etc. ; lot 30x75; street accepted. Of linn RENT $40 PER MONTH; ONLY O"iIUU. ?1000cash required: corner on San- chez St.: 4 substantial flats: lot 26:6x103. C? X Q A RENT $600 PER ANNUM : OFFER <J)OoOU. wanted; 2 substantial flats of 5 rooms and bath each; brick toundation; owner very anxious to sell. ©QAAA 2 GOOD flats ON 18TH st.: 6 JrOUUlf. and 6 rooms and bath each; rent $31 50; 26x114; must sell. UNIMPROVED. $2150— 25 th St.: 25x104: ready to build on. S2B6o— Corner pore lot on Capp st. Sl6so— lTesldlo Heights; Clay st.; 25x125; gun- cv line of street. "$1500—76x100; north line of Crescent are.; street work done: complete lot ready to build on. $•2000— A snap: Duncan St.: 48:8x114. • $1600— Six level lots. Including two corners, near Silver «ye. and San Bruno road ; a great bargain. $3200— Corner on Presidio Heights ; Jackson st. ; 27 4x95:3. _ M $1300—28:9x66; north line Green 6t., near Hyde- st. cable road. . O. H. UMBSEN 4 CO., 14 Montgomery st. "DEAL BARGAIN. HOUSE COST 55000 TO BUILD. ! Price reduced to $3600: Duncan St., bet. r-uer- irvro and Dolores: handsome bay-window residence 01 ii rooms and bath; lot 25x114; must be sold, by order of the administrator. '.-■''■ . ■ BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. VICE H.OOBBN FLATS. i\ -5700— Fair Oaks St., near 23d: 5 and 6 rooms, bath, etc., each; rent $47 60; extra larre lot, 30x125. BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. T^INE BAY-WINDOW RESIDENCE. T Price reduced to $6250: Scott St., near W aUer; contains 9 rooms, bath, etc.: lot 26x118:9. BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery sf. - X I ODERN FLATS. M $6500— side of Fulton St., near Lyon, containing 5 and 6 rooms and bath, etc; 10-foot basement: lot 25x137:6: rent $5&. BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. FtD >-!: TO NEW POSTOFFICE SITE. • - - mo— Stevenson St., bet. Sixth and Seventh: 2-story building; 2 flats of 6 rooms and bath each; rent $500 pervear. BALD WIN HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. \ gTREAT BARGAINS. NaLoTs $900 to $1100— Dolores St.. bet. Twenty-seventh and Army: all ready for building; streetwork all BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. ffi»T7 f\aa EDDY-ST. CORNER INVEST- •*j)JL 4 .UUU. ment; substantial Improvement*: renting $125: lot 27:6x87:6. ■ BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. TTANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE. CLOSE TO TOWN. $12,000— Larkin St., not far from California: handsome modern residence of 9 rooms, bath, etc. ; all the latest conveniences: extra larre lot 40x100. BALDWIN i HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. ~c« • H\( k A new cottage four ROOMS, .T^_.UUU. bath and modern improvements; Randall St.. near 30th st. and Han Mateo electric cars: lot 25x126; street work done ; easy terms, If desired. BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. pAYB 12 PER CENT PER ANNUM. $2500— Rent $300 per year: Greenwich St., near Kearny; 2-story and basemeat of 12 rooms and bath: lot 25x87:6. BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery at. •Aj ISSION INVESTMENT. . WILL EXCHANGE FOR A LOT. $2500— Rondell St., near 16th and Valencia; 2- story house, renting for $125. BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st A BAY-WINDOW COTTAGE A ON LIBERTY STREET. $2200 only— Liberty St., near Church; contains five rooms and bath; lot 25x114. $300 cash, balance in monthly Installments. BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. $400- $4 Jh-eap Zo^. .: ■" fronting on Carolina and Wisconsin sts., near 24th St.; close to Union; Iron Works and the sugar re Easy > terms; $20 cash, balance $6 per month; all ready for building: water piped to each lot. BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. McAFFEE BROTHERS. REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. 108 MONTGOMERY STREET. $25 000— Brvant-st.. corner, near 7th: quarter of a 100- vara, over 300 feet frontage; 21 cottage fiats and store: rents $2600 per annum; a good In- vestment; open to offers. *!" 000— cor. Broderick and Halcht sts.: 65' feet on Haight: 137:60n Broderick. with L 82:6 feet deep- 3 beautiful lots, with elegant house of 10 large rooms and basement: first-class condition; grand view; also stable In rear; street work done; must be sold to close an estate; make an offer. ■■■* $8500 -Must be sold: N. Of Sacramento at., pear ' Su-iner: 31:8x128; good modern improvements: dwelling of 10 rooms, bath, basement, etc.; most desirable neighborhood ; $4600 can remain on mortgage ■ $3000-Uoinh St., near Vallejo; 27:6x82:8, with Improvements; grand marine view; cement side- ; walk and street work done; a good speculating proposition: call at office for particulars. $7500 — Fulton, near Bhrader; beautiful sew residence: grand view; 10 large rooms, attic and basement finished; nicely frescoed and decorated; easy terms. $1000— Second aye., near California st., Rich- mond; 25x120; street work all done; cheap. $6200— Devisadero, near Haigbt: 26x100, with modern dwelling, 9 rooms, bath, basement, etc. grand view; cement sidewalk; owner anxious to $1000— Open for an offer; Hill, near Sanchez: 26x114: a cheap lot: severed, graded and macad- amized: balance of block built up. $14,000— near Buchanan: '27:6x120 to rear street; 6 modern flats- rents $112 60. $8000— Naioma it.; 25x76: 4 flats, first- class condition; 4 and 6 rooms each; rents $61. • ■ $11,000— NE. cor. Webster ut.; 26x92; good Improvements; dwelling, 3 flats, 6, 5 and C rooms, batb, etc.; re nts $87 60; street work done. $3500— A beautiful lot on Jackson at., near Baker ; 25x127 street work done; make offer.' ' : ■, MCAFEE BROS., 108 Montgomery st., 8. F. . <!1» A O Pin 32 BARTLETT ST.; ELEGANT o'l— i.uU. cottageof6 rooms and bain, with large (rounds: stable • and carrlare-house. " Apply TOBIN 4 McNALLY, 630 Market at. - „ :, USINE3S LOTS;, 3, $600 EACH; STREET work complete: Army St., near Cogswell Col- Ice: offer wanted. J. F. PLUMBE, agent, 1403 Valencia St. ' . CITY. XL,' ESTATE./ MADISON " 4 BURKE, REAL ; ESTAtE Agents; established 1868: 626 Market st. IMPROVED PROPERTY. : MASON-ST. BUSINESS LOCATION, NEAR JacKson; two houses; lot 46x57:6 to rear street; only 9000. MADISON 4 BURKE. ' QUA Zaa "REDUCED — WEBSTER, NEAR tIP*±«JUU. Geary; 7 rooms and bath; lot 2'2:6x 87:6; small amount cash. MADISON 4 BURKE. ©11 AAA BENTS $116; LANGTON ST. «D 11 .UUU. nr. Folsom; new flats; lot 100x80 MADISON 4 BURKE. fiJin 7A A san joseav., COR. twenty tJpXU. 4 UU. sixth: pays 10 per cent steadily; lot 66x70. MADISON 4 BURKE. • ©Q?iAA JACKSON, NEAR FRONT; RENTS SbyOUU. $60; lot 20x60. MADISON 4 BURKE. ___ C*(IAAA fell, nr. baker: residence *Jpt/UUv/. 9 rooms- an bath; elegantly decor- ated and frescoed: lot -25x137:6. MADISON 4 BURKE. - ~ »7AAA GUERRERO.NR. ARMY ; 3 FLATS; * 4 UUU. rents $54; lot 25x100. MADISON 4 BURKE. t^aaa 4 FLATS; STEVENSON ST., NEAR «J)OUUU. Ridley: rents $48; lot 26x77:6. street accepted. MADISON 4 BURKE. Cfc^nnn SACRAMENTO, NR. PIERCE; 8 tip I UUU. SACRAMENTO, NR. PIERCE; 8 4 UUU. rooms and bath; lot 26x103. MADI- BON* BURKE. ©Q^nn 29TH, NR. NOE: STORE AND »POOUU. flat; large lot; 60x101:6. MADISON 4 BURKE. ©PAArt 20TH ST.," NR, VALENCIA; 6 f>£AAA rooms ST., bath; VALENCIA; 6 IUUUU. rooms and bath; in good order. MADISON 4 BURKE; fOIAA LANGTON, NEAR HARRISON: 2 tJ)_j±UU. flats; rents $18; lot 25x80. MADI- SON BURKE. SAUSALITO BARGAIN: 2 HOUSES AND large lot, 53x260; only $2600; fine view. MAD- ISON 4 BURKE. UNIMPROVED PROPERTY. Market St., NE. cor. Herman; 25x100; $7800. Reduced to $4000— Mission st., near 30th: 26x178 to San Jose aye.: or will subdivide. $4500— 24 th, NE. cor. Vlcksburie: 60x114. $4000—65x117:6: SE. cor. Sanchez and 23d. $2400— Castro, cor. Elizabeth: 26:6x105. $1360— nr. Herman: 25x77:6; part cash. $1260— Lake, corner Bth aye.: 80x72. $1000— Homestead, near 24th at.; 60x125, or will sell 25x125. Sanchez, cor. Valley; 26:6x100; $1250. $ 900— 8 th aye., near Point Lobos; 26x120. - $460— side Bismarck, bet. Mission and San Jose roads; lot 40x100; electric-cars pass within 200 feet: a pick-up. i MADISON 4 BURKE, 626 Market st. OTARRELL 4 CO., \J 11 MONTGOMERY STREET. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. COLLECT RENTS. RENT HOUSES. EFFECT - INSURANCE. mHEY MUST BE CHEAP OR THEY WOULD x not sell ' Our first block being practically^all sold, we have decided to put en sale the remaining block (which is the last block) on very easy terms, at prices ranging from $360 to $625. The lots are 26x100. and ready to build upon. Take Mission- street eleotric-cars, ride to the end of the road, yon will" then see the block. Our representative, George A. Turner, is on the block every Sunday. f>P"A BUILDING LOT; STREET WORK OUUVf. complete; on 29th st. ; only half a block from the electric-cars; 28x80; have sold 3: only 1 left. ___ ©£Cnn BEAUTIFUL MODERN COTTAGE, »p«JUUU. nicely located la the Western Addi- tion; 6 rooms and bath: lot 26x106:3. m'QEA MODERN BAY-WINDOW RESI- ;OU. dence on Pine st.; 9 rooms and bath; lot 25x137:6: street work complete.' ©TO AAA CHOICE CORNER BUSINESS «Jn±O.UUU. property In the Western Addition; rents $1680 a year; store under lease for 5 years. UTTER ST.— DOWNTOWN INVESTMENT 0 property ; this is one of the choicest of the very few offerings on Setter st. : price asked $12,000: good sized lot and substantial Improvements. FIFTH ST— CORNE»R BUSINESS PROPERTY; X store and upper flat; total Income per annum $766; lot 25x76; price asked $9600; bear in mind it is a prominent corner. FLATS— ARE A FBW VERY NICELY located flats in the Western Addition, modern In every respect and bearing a good Income: FELL ST., SUNNY SIDE, NEAR FILLMORE ; 8 rooms and bath each; lot 26x187:6; price $6760. PIERCE ST.. SUNNY SIDE, NEAR PAGE; X 6 and 7 rooms and bath each; income $680; price asked $«750. " • ruK ST., SUNNY SIDE: 6 AND 6 ROOMS \J and bath each: lot 25x87:6: income $660 per annum ; price asked $7*oo. "".r:! .... ~».l .. *\ SHBURY ST.— BEAUTIFUL MODERN A fiats : 5 rooms and bath each ; total yearly in- come $870; lot 25x116; price asked $8000. THE GREATEST BARGAIN ON THE FACE ef the globe; 2-story hous» v of 7 rooms and bath, beautifully located in the Mission; lot '25x99:8, and all he asks Is $3760. O'FARRELL 4 CO., Real Estate Agents, 11 Montgomery st. GROVE - ST - FLATS; INCOME «38. _,rrr/\A CALIFORNIA-BT. RESIDENCE, <Jp 4 O\f\f, near Devlsadero. fiiQ'AA GEARY-ST. STORE AND FLATS; <g)OOUU. income $75. <2>OOKn COTTAGE, CLOSE TO GEARY $)^ZOU. St.; 58x116. LOTS FOR SALE ON INSTALLMENT PLAN. <Eil XAA GREEN ST., NEAR PIERCE; $100 •^JLtJUU. down and $15 per month. mjjrrv B ST., NEAR 22D AYE; $25 DOWN tJp'ItJU. and $5 per month. & f\r\ A ST., BET. 18TH AND 19TH AYES. ; tJJJUIr. $50 down, $10 per month. CUT AfI POINT LOBOS AYE.; $26 CASH, $5 «Jp 4 U\J, per month. ..■:-.; $ I £AA GEARY-ST. LOTS; $100 DOWN J.DUU. and $16 per month. WILL E. FISHER 4 CO., 14 Post st. PARK LOTS FOR BUILDING. X $600— Block bounded by Point Lobos aye. $325— Clement st. and 34th and 35th ayes. $400— $600— Electric-cars will run on Clement st. and *750— Point Lobos aye. within 30 days. <=•>• Terms— s2s cash; balance $5 per month. BUILDING LOTS SOUTH OF PARK. $500— 10th and 11th ayes. and L and M sts.; property all graded: fine marine and park view; terms. $26 cash ; balance $10 per month. ■ Apply to WILL, E. FISHER 4 CO., real estate agents, 14 Post st. : - ■ ■ - ■ . "DEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. c. H. REYNOLDS 4 co., 333 montgomery. Bemal Heights— Gift Map lots on Cortland, Powhattan and Crescent ayes. $3500— Greenwich-st. bouse and lot; 60x137 :6. ' Jackson si., near Leaven worth; Income property ; residence and flats : 35x187 :6. $260— Crescent aye.; large corner lot near San Bruno aye. Montgomery st. ; corner 50-vara lot. ' $1600— Large .\"\v. corner lot; 43d aye. and C st Sixth aye.; Central Park lots; very desirable nr. electric-cars and Railroad aye. AX. HOKIUKK. ':' LOUIS A. SOCC. LA. SOUC 4 CO., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. HOUSES RENTED. BENTS COLLECTED. 465 AND 467 VALENCIA ST., NEAR IeTH. ' A few of the bargains we offer this week : $8000—25x105; Guerrero st., near l»th; ele- gant residence of 8 rooms and bath: modern Im- provements: house in A 1 order. . ■■•.'■■', ■ $6500—30x122:8; Mission st., near 19th: 2 bay- window houses 6 rooms and bath each; look at this for an investment. $6760— 25x90; Valencia st., near 20th; bay-win- dow house 8 rooms and bath; In perfect order; fine business block. . ' $2800—26x114; 22d St., near Valencia; 2-btory house 7 rooms, bath; lance basement: street work all done; stone sidewalk; cars pass the property ; lot alone worth the money. ;■■;.« • . .;.; , ■ ■ ! .$3000— 25x80; Castro St.: bay-window cottage: 6 rooms and bath; all modern improvements;, cheap. ■'•■■.- ■■■■-■' ":..-. ..-.. ■ . ■ . $2500—26x114; 27th St., near Church; modern bay- window cottage; 6 rooms and bath ; fine : base- ment: easy terms. $3000-27x114; Valley, near Dolores; bay-win- dow flats, 4 and 6 rooms, bath; always rented; a good buy. ■■•'..-.■ •:■• ■'. ■■-. ■ .' Our list comprises some of the 'best property In the Mission. ; Lots of all sizes In any of the home- steads; also good business corners in any part of the Mission. Call and get a list and prices. - • ' If yon want your vacant houses rented place them with us. . - '— ■-> - : L. A. SOUO 4 CO., 466 and 467 Valencia St., near Sixteenth. " .-. - ;-■;■ ■■ -- •■-- ; q-- : WAKE UP! TIMES ARE IMPROVING. . Take your money out of the bank and Invest it in real estate. Call or write for list of Improved property and lots- in 7 all parts of .town. H. E. POEHLMAN, 415 Montgomery St. -.-: __; STiVTAA 430 27TH ST.". BET. CHURCH AND tjp/U 4 \J\J. Sanchez; house, 6 rooms; lot 28x114: 10-foot driveway : | stable ; chicken-house ■■ and gar- den front and rea r ; all in perfect order. - Cfefi^A LOT 100x100; LEVEL; FENCED: IN \ tSOOU. Colm*, . GEORGE STALLMAN, 1824 butter st. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1895. CITY REAL ESTATE. r\ HEAP LOTS. "' V CHEAP LOTS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. ' EVERY ONE READY TO BUILD UPON. : $250— Paris, near China aye. ; 25x100. $300— Moulton, near Detroit: 26x112:6. $410— Park Lane Tract: 26x87:6. $C()o— Diamond, near 22d: 25x11?5. $700— near Stanyan: '25x100. - - % ' $80<>— 11th i ye., near Clement: 25x120. $900-17 th, near Douglass; 25x87:6. $1000— 25 th, near Noe; 26:8x114. $1200— De Long aye., near Waller; 25x80. $1400— 18 th, near Hattie: 25x87. $1600— McAllister, corner; 27:6x102:6. $1600— Beulah, near Stanyan; 25x106. $1750— near 20th; 25x100. $1800— Fair Oaks, near 25th; 26x100. $'2000— Sacramento, near Maple; 27:6x132:7. ■ $2150— near Masonic aye. : 26x149. ■ $2300— Folsom, near 14th; 25x122:6. $2250— Hayes, near Lou : 25x137:6. • $2700— Shrader, near Page : 27:6x100. $3000— Baker, near Washington; 26x108. $8200— Polk-st. corner: 25x100. The above are only a few. We have many others. Call and see us it you are thinking of building. EASTON, ELDRIDOE 4 CO., 638 Market st. CJ7OCA $7250. - ■■:•- $7250. <$) I^jOU. INVESTIGATE THIS. FOUR BLOCKS FROM CITY HALL. Handsome house of 10 rooms and bath in the heart of the city, on Gough St., near McAllister; lot 25x100: a b!c bargain. EASTON, ELDfUDGE 4 CO., 638 Market st. "DENTS FOR $750 PER ANNUM. Xi NEARLY, NEW. $6500. $6500. Three flats, substantial and modern; Noe St., ■ear Market; lot 26x96; cost over $9000; owner must sell at once. - EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., 638 Market st. /CHOICE RESIDENCE. HANDY TO TOWN. \J :•■■ NOE ST., NEAR FOURTEENTH. $SPOO ONLY. ONLY $5500. Handsome 2-story bay-window residence of 8 rooms and bath ; built 4 years : in first-class condi- tion; lame lot. 30x162: note the depth. V EASTON, ELDRIDGE * CO., 638 Market St. A 7 t\a OFFERED AT SACRIFICE. $4730 tSr"± 4 u\J. •<-■■'- BUY IT FOR A HOME. A SAFE INVEST- MENT. A 2-story bouse of 8 rooms and bath on N. Bide of California St., near Saker; at a small expense this house can be modernised and to the buyer equal a home costing double the money ; call at office for full particulars. EASTON, ELDRIDGE 4 CO., 638 Market St. a MISSION HOME. ON FOLSOM BOULEVARD. $7800— A 2-story house of 9 rooms and bath on Bunny side of street; lot has two frontages; 26x101 feet to rear street; reduced from $8500. EASTON, ELDRIDGE 4 CO.. 688 Market St. A SURE SPECULATION" J\. NO CHANCE TO LOSE. SEE FOR YOURSELF. $2400— Being oui. $200 each for 12 fine lots (in- cluding corner) in tbe Exculsier Homestead; ready to build upon and only one block from line of Mls- slon-sU electric cars; site 25x100 each: must be sold as a whole ; can be easily resold at a large ad- vance by subdividing. EASTON, ELDRIDGE * CO., 638 Market at. a aaa WORTH $5800 »3>ttUUU. $1400 worth s24so. $160 WORTH $400. These values you can get for your money; we have a thousand bargains in all classes of proper- ises In all parts of the city for income, speculation or homes. Call at office and register your wants. EASTON, ELDRIDGE 4 CO., 638 Market st. JUSTIFICATION. „ J — Have you ' heard that Smith is trying to pet a separation from his wife? Brown— -Ko; on what grounds? Jones — Cruelty; he says that she eats biscuits in bed. " « TTEYMAN TRACT! HEYMAN TRACT! The only subdivision within the city limits. Ac- cessible with electric road on 24th St., only one-half block distant, or by Castro-street cable road. Lots are level and command grand view, and can be had on $10 monthly payments. Streets graded, sewered and macadamized. SAVE RENT! SAVE KENT! I Houses built from $600 up, according to your •wn plans, on easy monthly payments. $160— Lots near San Mateo electric road. Lots in Fairmount Tract, close to electric car; $400 each. $100 to $500— Park lots near the Midwinter Fair ground and new ocean boulevard, north and south of the park. - _____ ..v.-j.-r-- Lots near Mission-st. carhousc a.% prices from $350 to $500 on monthly installments of $5. Two lots. Crescent aye., close to Mlsslon-st. electric car and Holly Park; all street work done. $160— building lots In Ocean View, close to electric road and railroad station; $5 - monthly: Spring Valley water in the street. - $360— Lots on 29th st., near electric cars on Noe street. Diagrams and full Information of JACOB HEYMAN, 630 Market st. 1 A ACRE TRACTS OF FINE FRUIT LAND X v in the celebrated Bartlett pear belt, close to Auburn, Placer County, and Central Pacific Rail- road: fine sprints and good soil; price $15, $20 and $25 per acre on $5 monthly payments; no in terestor taxes. JACOB HEYMAN, 630 Market st <T» C FIVE DOLLARS DOWN. «pt>. • FIVE DOL LARS A MONTH For building lots In the ALVIN TRACT, near Frultv&le: close to Hay wards electric road and fronting the S. P. Company's railroad station. Local trains stop hourly at the Alvln Tract. • Only 10 minutes' ride from Oakland. TRACT FENCED AND GRADED. JACOB HEYMAN, 630 Market St., San Francisco OH. WORKMAN, REAL ESTATE BROKER. 630 MARKET ST., OPP. PALACE HOTEL. ; $25.000— Pacific aye., N. side., nr. Van Ness aye. : magnificent residence Of 18 rooms; large lot, 33x 132; only part cash. : • . $12,000— California at., near Van Ness aye.; residence of 10 rooms; only $5000 cash required. $4750— Castro st., near 36th; nearly new bouse of 7 rooms and bath: thoroughly modern. . : $6500— South Park house of 16 rooms. ■ -'.■■'■■ 1416 25th st., near Castro; 2 fine flats of 4 and 5 rooms; must he sold at once. -''•"SeBTIW^TOTIiTfBBM 2 flats: Natoma Et., near 14th: pays 1 percent per month; this is a bargain. " ; ' Slaughter-house; cost $6600; only $2600; large lot, 60x200. . ' ' ' Building lots on 18th st., near Hattie; only $1100; to close an estate. Cottage and 2 lots; 25x114 each; Alvar»«o st. near Noe; 2 lines of cars: only $2600; this Is a bargain. ' " .- - . '" Fine ranches and orchards to exchange for city property. • C. H. WORKMAN, «30 Market st» ; JOHN P*ORR, 329 MONTGOMERY ST., OPP. «i Safe Deposit, offers for sale : • ' ■•-;•• $7250— Fine 2-story bay-window house; corner oil Webster st., near Ellis; 8 rooms and batb; lot 24x95; rent $46. , " • -Reduced to $16,000 — A : great 'bargain; : only $8000 cash wanted: Mission st., near 13th; lot 44x138, with 3 well-built I houses: store and dwell Ings; rent $100; must be sold; make offer. : . : : $20,000— Rent $140; fine 3-story bouse on i-'ol som st., near 6th; 2 stores and •. flats of 6 and '.' rooms and bath; lot 50x80. $13,600— Fine corner near the new , City Hall 4-story bay-window house, store and rooms above rentsl3o.., . - -.-'■--*'■ *<.--. , -... ■<■■:■ $30,000— Jessie St., east of 4th ; 187:6 feet front 80 depth, with Improvements; a first rate Invest ment In the Very center of the city; any reasonable offer will be considered. ..' " . : - ■-■■-- . - $6500 2-story and basement brick house; Bran- nan st., near 3d; store and flat of 6 rooms and bath; upstairs; lot 26x80; rent $40. . . ' -. Reduced to $31,000— Northwest corner ■ Mission and 17th sts.; lot 65x100 feet, with improvements '2 story; 3 stores, 3 flats and 2 cottages; rent $200. $11,000— $116; fine, corner,; 30x80; fine nearly new improvements; in business part of the city. ■ ;' -••-..- ■■'■.: . ■ .- .-: ■■-:.',■'■ ■•. ■ -,- '•- - -. ., ■ ; . DWELLING-HOUSE PROPERTY. 1 \ $3900— Rent $30; Ritcn street, 2 story and base- ment house; lot 25x75. „%:...; '■ - ■'•■ :- $3100— A fine cottage, 0 rooms and bath, on 19th St., near Castro; on installments without interest y---'u>:Mf: r H ;:r; UNIMPROVED. ■;:.- '-:;,;..';, ; ■ Fine lot, ; 28 :8x127 :s;"' on Sacramento st., near Lacuna; a stylish neighborhood... • ; . .: $1600— Fine corner, = 63x100, of 23d aye. and A st. :-'-'.'-"J.. ■' >■ V- .;;,„....... ■ . . . ; $3600— 76x100 : feet; ; cor. 19th and Eureea streets : make offer. ■.-•-■.■ ■■ ■ - ■'■- CITY BEAU ESTATE. ' A. H. LISSAK. _ O. F. YON TtKBIN OF. YON RHEIN & CO., REAL ESTATE . Agents, Auctioneers and House Brokers, 513 California street. - - . v ; - s New houses; Cole, near Waller; prices to stilt the times and very easy terms; 25x125; hand- somely finished in modern styles and comforts. - Post, near Larkin; 80:6x120 to rear street; 4 flats, front and rear; rents $120. . . • . 22d and Guerrero; 27x90: store with rooms in rear: flat above, 6 rooms and bath; rents $46. • $30,000— Post, near Buchanan; 75x137:6; front and rear houses; rents $196. , $16.000— Cor. Octavia and Broadway; 27x103: 12 rooms, baths and finished basement: fine new residence, with furnace and all modern conveni- ences: very easy terms. $13,500- -Cor. Waller and Shrader; 34:7x80; new building; 3 stores and 3 flats: rents $121. $12,600— and Erie; 30x143; store and stable In rear, with 2 flats above, 15 rooms and bath : rents $85. $12,600— Union and Jones; 62:6x120 to rear street : 2-story house, 7 rooms. $9000— Fulton, near Broderick; 26x187:6; pri- vate residence. 13 rooms and bath: rent $85. $8100— 50-vara NW. corner Lombard and Kear- ny, with improvements. ' $8000— Beaver, near Noe; 75x115; residence, 9 rooms, bath; stable; garden, etc.; rent $40. $8000— Mission, near 19th; 30x90; house, 10 rooms and bath. - $8000— Ashbury, near 17th; 100x95; 4. flats, 7 rooms each : rents $80. $8000— Montgomery, near Pacific; 22:9x68:9; 2-story house; lower story 2 stores, upper story 2 fiats, 4 rooms each: reals $59. ■ $7500— Washington, near Powell; 23:2x137:6, to Parker alley; 3 houses; rents $72. . ■ $7000— Chatham place, near Bush; 23:9x60; lodging-house and furniture, 3 stories, 22 rooms and bath: rent furnished $115. $6000— Bartlett, near 22d: 25:6x125; 2 flats, 11 rooms and 2 baths; rents $42 60. • $6000— Howard, near 6th; 22:6x80; front and rear house : rents $20. $5800— Corner Pacific and Himmelman place; 20x.62:«; 8-story house on Pacific; 2-story house on lilmmelman place, 16 rooms rents $56. $5700— 23 d, near Valencia; 25x114; 2 flats, 10 rooms and baths; rents $40. $4800— Powell, near Lombard; 23x100; 2-story house, 9 rooms and batn. . $5200— Cor. Laguna and Harry, near Filbert: 25xi)u; «-story house, » rooms and bath; all mod- ern conveniences. $3200— Union, near Kearny: 23:6x67:6; new improvements; shop with 2 rooms and 2 fiats above: rear house 2 flats: total rents $59. $5000— saeramento, near Jones; 23x87:8; two- story house. $5000— Moss, near Howard; 26x75 ; 3-story flats; 13 rooms: rents $47 50. $5000— Dorland, near Church; 25x120; 2-story fiats, 11 rooms mid baths: rents $38. $4500— Rausch, near Folsom; 26x112; front and rear houses, 21 rooms; rents $62. $4500- 19th, or. Noe; 42x145; cottage, 7 rooms and bath; rent $18. $4500— Union, near Octavia ; 36x137:6: 2-story bay-window bouse, 7 roenis and bath ; rent $27 50. $4000— Halght, near Webster: 25x96; cottage 6 rooms. $8200— 19 th, Bear Guerrero; 40x100; 2-story honse. $3200— Larkia and Bockland; 25x137:6 to West end ; 3 frontages between Union and Green; cot- t«<e. 6 rooms: feat $16. $3000— Shipley, near 6th; 25x75; front and rear houses, each for 4 families. $3000— Lafayette place, near Green; 20x60; two- story double soiive, front and rear flats; rants $28. $5000— Brannan, near Sid; 20x80; froat and rear house ; rents $28. $2759— Bryant and Mariposa; 20:8x75; store and flat above. $2600— 27th, tear Sanchez: 25x114; new cot- tage, 4 rooms. $3000— Valparaiso, near Jones; 20x60; 2 story, flats, ? rooms: rent $27. $2400— Bernard. u«ar Taylor; 21x60: 3-story house. 3 fists, 12 rooms: rents *27. $2250— Francisco, near Mason; 9fl:llzS0; 2- stery-house of 7 reams : rents $18. $2000— and Caiheua; 22:11x68:9; Bear Sansome: bouse 7 roooiit. $1700— Salmon, near Broadway; 80x60; 2 flats,. 6 moms: rents $16. $1600— York, near 22d: 25x100; 4-reera cottage. UNIMPROVED. 6000— Lombard, Bear Stockton : 52 87 :6. $3600— Liberty, near Dolores; 60x114. »W)oo— 22d, aear Florida: 50x104, $2000-Callf«raia, Dear Maple: 27:8x182)7. $1700— 21 st aye. and California st., Richmond; 67:6x100. 912UO— Cor. B aad 26t1» aye.: 60x188. SloOo— Francisco, near Dupont; 22:10x68:6. $900— i lots: Cobb Tract, Ohapultepec, near Cortland aye. : 20x79- Hancock, near Sanches; 25x114. . $800— Mission road, near Brazil aye.; 25x83:6; Excelsior Homestead. $400— near Hoffman aye.; 60x114. Lots on Clayton, Frederick. Waller, Belvedere and Tremont, on very easy terms and at market rates. - ' T OUIB SCHLOSS. " ■ • ', ±J Rooms 24 and 25, Crocker Building, 8. F. dftlA/l AAA FOR THE CHOICEST PIECE 3J.IUU.UUU of residence property in the Western Addition: 2 ty-varas. qh I Q AAA FOR A FINE fiece .OF IN- I <Jp iO.UUU come property on Channel st. CM A A MISSION LOTS ON THE INSTALL- tJp'iUU. ment plan. <£ £AA MISSION LOTS ON THE INSTALL- «Jp OUU. ment plan. ; ",»f;V ajQ^AHA A SNAP; 55 FEET ON MISSION »JpOe>.UU\/. street: a choice piece for manu- facturing of any kind. LOUIS SCHLOSS, Rooms 24 and 25, Crocker Building, S F. SOL GETZ <fc BROTHER, REAL ESTATE OWNERS, ROOM A, FIRST FLOOR, CROCKER BUILDING. HEADQUARTERS FOR PARK LOTS. NEW BLOCKS, NEW LOTS, GOOD LOCATIONS, Come now and get bargains ia lots on install- ments. :; .V..- T - '- ■ • ; . • ■ <£1 AA $125, $160 TO $300 FOR LOTS »jp±UU. north and south of park: fine locality. $10 down and $5 monthly. SOL GETZ A BRO. 4fcOK*A TO $1100 FOR GRADED LOTS, <$G«-)v/ ready to build on in Richmond and south of park, near cable and electric cars, on easy in- stall menu. SOL GETZ A BP.O. ■ db -i AA $T6O~TO • aM FOR SPLENDID LOTS iJLUI/. near Mission st. and electric-oars; your choice of SO lots: only $10 down and $6 monthly. SOL GETZ A BRO. , /"l ALL FOR MAPS AND DIAGRAMS. V SOL GETZ * BRO., Owners, Room A, first floor, Crocker building. A LAKEVIEW LOTS, NEAR NEW RACE- tt track, worth $450 each; owe sl60 each: will ex- change. Address Ex., box 164, (.'all Office. • '■; MAXIMS FOR PURCHASERS OF REAL estate In San Francisco: , "A title to real property may be perfect of record and worthless in law." -,'-« . r "All losses in titles arise In those which are sup- posed to he pood." "Title Insurance, like fire Insurance, adds to the value of the property insured." « ~ The subject of title Insurance Is one that ought to Interest every Investor. Every person who knows anything about real estate transfers will appreciate the value of a policy of insurance upon his title. ■ It makes the property valuable, and after the Insur- ance Is once effected the title is easily and econom- ically transferred. THE CALIFORNIA TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY >• Issues policies . of : Insurance upon ■ realty titles, which guarantee purchasers and their heirs against leases from defective searches. ■ ; , . - . : .The company has a paid-up capital ef $250,000 and a reserve fund of $25,000, which amply guar- antees every policy. ■ ■ the leading banks accept its policies and loan money upon the property of which the title Is in- sured without other search. ■.: : ) ■ Having a complete abstract plant, the company Is able to make and continue abstracts for . the use of attorneys at the shortest possible notice. ■;-:* i "The advantage of a policy when a man wishes to convert his property into cash quickly or to make loans upon It. has been proven again and again by experience. The man with a guaranteed title flads that he can borrow money with as much case as If he had stocks and bonds."— Chicago Tribune. "The guarantee of such companies protect pur- chasers of property and mortgages . against risks which, though remote, always attend real estate transactions. . The most experienced I lawyer may err. especially where the law Is ' undetermined and fraud is an element of danger. "—New York Herald. 1 Money loaned on* real ' estate at current rates of interest. ■. ■ '• . . ■■■•■"''. 'i-- 1 - . ,- ■. -. . ■ ; Office— Mills building, San Francisco. ; " ■:' . "'■'■■■" ;, I* R. ELLERT, Manager. ; •VTOW 18 i THE TIME 1O BUILD, WHILE ■Vi ; materials are cheap. . Will ' build i anything, anywhere; J cash lor easy . monthly ■ Installments, ' plans included. . O. W. TORa YTH, 640 Market St. . CITY REAL ESTATE. • H^INWAISrB^CKB^E^&'cCV^BEAL ES TATE AGENTS, - ■ 218-220 MONTGOMERY ST., MILLS BUILDING. - " HOUSES RENTED. v $10,000— Buchanan st., bet. - Post . and Sutter ; very handsome modern residence, 10 rooms, bath and basement; square hall; interior finish natural woods. $17,000— st., north side, near Gough: ele- gant residence of 16 rooms lot 88 :9xl20 feet to Laurel aye. • ■ ;• $300— 525 cash, $10 a month: locs 25x100 feet on De Haro st., bet. Sierra and Nevada. k ,-■■ $1000— $50 cash, $10 a month: lots on Eighth aye., near California, two blocks from Sacramento- st. cable; lots graded and ready to build on; streets sewered. , . $6500-»Hyde St., near Sutter: good 2-story house: rents $35; lot 25x87:6. $85C0— Castro and 15th sts., SW. corner; 71 :9 x 120: fine view. v $4/350— corner Laguna and Union sts. ; 37:6 x 100. $5500— Folsom st., near 14th: three flats of 5 and 6 rooms and bath: rents $42; lot 25x122:6. $10,000— Van Ness aye. corner ■at a bargain; SW. cor. Bay; 123x112:6. $3650— Devlsadero St.; business lot; near Eddy; 25x100; cheap. $2600— Lake st. and Third aye.; NW. corner: 40x100. §1200— Lake st., N. line, near Sd aye.; 25x120. 3350—234 Bth aye., near Clement St., Rich- mond district: lot 30x120, and modern cottage of 5 large rooms and bath, high basement; easy terms If desired. . $17,500— Rents $1660 per annum: Turk St., near Buchanan; front and rear improvements; lot has two frontages; both streets accepted; lot 61:10.x 120. ' - $7500 — Rents $70 per .month; Moss St., near Howard; 6 fiats, 4 and 6 rooms and bath: brick, foundation; lot 60x75; price reduced from $9000. $7500— $1100 cash, bal. $50 per month; new modern residence of 10 rooms and bath: grand view of Golden Gate Park, ocean and Golden Gate. $6000, may be less— Modern residence on Clay St., near Walnut; 7 rooms and bath ; street ac- cepted; lot 26x102 :8 1 /4: will take part cash; bal. in city or Berkeley real estate. • $6000— 52000 cash, bal. on installments; c r on 4th aye.; imnrovements modern and only 3 months old; store, flat and stable: lot 32:6x100. $2700— 239 Chattanooga st., bet. Dolores and Church, near 24th: 2-story house of 6 rooms and bath: stable; lot has two frontages. • $2000— Clay st., north side, near Cherry: fine view of Park; lot 2oxlOO feet; or two lots at same rate. $12,000— California st., near Larkin: 2 houses; rents $100; lot 39 :6x80. FlUmore St., W. line, bet. Hayes and Grove; 25x100; or 3 lots at same rate; terms, Vi cash. $10,000— Bush St., close to Van Ness aye.; lo 25x120 to rear street; 2 houses: rents. $70; hal cash if desired. - • $2500— Page st., S. line, near Baker; lot 25x 137:6. $7250— 554 per month: Vallejo St., near Hyde; front and rear Improvements; lot 43:9 x 127:6. .. • $6500—2 sunny modern flats on Lairuua St., near Green; 12 rooms and bath; income $65 per month- lot 25x137:6. $5800— Handsome cottage of 7 rooms and bath ; on E. side of Stelner St., ne»«r Sutter; large lot, 27:6 xlOO; very cheap. $3000-80x114; NE. corner Noe and Army sts.; street work all done. ' $8000— Worth $46.00: Bush St., near Scott; lot 87:6x187:6: street accepted by city. $1380— Jessie st., -near 14th; lot 25x65; or Slots at the name rate. $2000— Church st., bet. 15th and ' 16tb sts.; 25x 126 feet; on line electric read. • • .-, -■•-•;• ,^ $3000— Washington St.; north side, near Central aye. ; lot 257.102 :8 Vi feet. The above is only a partial list. We will be glad to furnish a complete list on application. BHAINWALD, BUCKBE.E <fc CO., ______ 218-'jao Montgomery St., Mills building. TOtJJOOBS LA POLITESSE, p Hubby— You - look more • beautiful every day, dear. Wife — You have been telling me so for a good many years; what a horrid fright I must have been to start with. ■ pORNER CASTRO AND 25TH, 80x80: 24TH V St., uear Sanchez, 25x90; 2 fine lots: will sell cheap. Apply Castro and 25th. . <a>Q7C SPLENDID LOT, 27x100: BEMIH, <JpO I «J. near Castro: block from electric cars. J. ROCHE, P. O. box 1876. ■ , . TITAN TED-FLAT; 5 AND 6 ROOMS; WEST- '" era Addition; price not to exceed $6000. CHAS. C. BEMIS. 324 Montgomery st. THIRTY-FOURTH-ST. LOTS WORTH $300 each; mortgage $65 each; will exchange. J. A., box 16, Call Office . BRICK BUILDING FOR BUSINESS PROP- erty on Market st. ; rent $7200 a year. - Corner 'Pacific aye. and Baker St., 55x137 :8 ft.; price, $11,000. E. side st an ran st,, bet, Carl and Frederick sts. ; 25x100: price $2600. , - 60x127 :6 ft. on Jackson st., overlooking the Pre- sidio and bay. $6700. Two modern houses, ef 8 rooms each, at Park, 26x137:6 ft.: electric road passes houses: price reduced from $6600 to $6000; make offer. 2-story brick house of 9 rooms, with stable, In South Park; lot 46x125 ft.; price $7500. Lot on Duncan st., bet. Noe and Castro; 25x114 feet; price $400. ■ ■ Cottage house, 1367 Dolores st. ; 6 rooms and bath, basement; on each side of Dolores st. ; 25x9E left. ;- • ■/■. •■-..•.>■■.-- ■ Apply to C, C. BEMIS, Real Estate and Land Agent, 324 Montgomery street. ©7P»A COTTAGE: 3 ROOMS: IN BERKE- «jp I U\J. ley: lot 4*x120; $16 monthly. $200— Half an acre, near university; steep and cheap. ■ " ■■■.■■■ Other houses and lots all over town. CHAS. A. BAILEY, 46 Market St., or Berkeley i station, Berkeley. ■ ujjTiV?^ 1-5 CASH; LOT 26x110; 1 BLOCK 'IT 1 •-->. from Golden Gate Park; east side Shrader St., near Waller. Apply owner 622 How- ard st. i : .. ■ ■ . ■ '■■ ' . fIPQ/IAA HANDSOME COTTAGE ON 20TH \ ta>*-~iUU. St., near Hampshire: 5 rooms, bath; $260 cash; balance easy installments. Particulars 621 Sixth st. POTTAGE OF 3 ROOMS; CELLAR, LARGE \J yard and cow house. 6 Caroline st., bet. Ninth and Tenth. .. . ■ OR BALE — A BARGAIN: : CORNER LOT, 49x100, containing two bouses, in the Mission; suitable for grocery: rented at present for $50. Apply to owner, Six-Mile House, on Mission Road. OUSES FOR SALE ON SMALL MONTHLY payments: loans made on San Francisco real ! estate. LOUIS BLANK 214 Pine St.. rms. 68 A 69. WEEK'S NEWS FOR 6 CENTS — THB WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, tor maillDK. MONK? TO LOAN. TRICTLy' PRIVATE LOAN^ OFFICESr 850 Market st., cor. Stockton, rooms 17 and 18, first floor: established 30 years; always open. "Uncle Bill." :;' . .'.." \ ':' :"■■' ■ ... ■■ . '. <Jt QAAA TO LOAN ON RANCH PROPER- 3D OvJUU ty., : QEO. W. CHAPIN, 630 Market. NY AMOUNT OF . MONEY TO LOAN ON watches, diamonds, sealskins, pianos, pictures, bronzes, clocks and all kinds of securities. Colum- bia Loan and Collateral Office, 9 Grant aye., 3 doors from Market st. . . . T OANB ON REAL ESTATE, IST AND 2ND JLJ mortgages, furniture or piauos without . re- moval; lowest rates. BECKER, 240 Montgomery. S. LOAN OFFICE; 777 MARKET ST., NX. • Fourth; money on everything; private rooms, ladles.... . ..■.•■--.-•;■/■-;• .-;.,- :■ . - ■ .- •■ -. ORROW MOSEY ON YOUR , DIAMONDS, jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal: lowest rates. Call or write to HARRY ANKEL & CO., Mills Wdg, 6th floor, r 6; strictly confidential. F.JOHNS A CO.. FINANCIAL AGENTS, • 632 i Market St., room 9: money to loon in amounts to suit on San Francisco and Oakland real estate; country loans negotiated; bonds bought and sold ; insurance on man'f'g plant placed at low rates. ONEY AT 6%; IST AND 2D MORTGAGES, estates, pianos. MURPHY, 628 Market st. ■ . IST AND 2ND MORTGAGES, LIFE INBUR- ance policies, bank books. GOULD, 633 Maricet. (\K ANY SECURITY, AT LOW RATES; DEAL- \J ing confidential, i 43 Crocker building. MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE, CROCKER . building, room 67; telephone Main 6122. - ' NY SUM OF MONEY ADVANCED ON your furniture, pianos or real estate; low rates; call and state your proposition or write: opea evenings. J. NOON AN, 1021 Mission st. : TUTONEY LOANED ON JEWELRY AND OTHER j-'X valuables at ! the . Security Loan Bank, 1108 Market st, nr. Mason: private entrance 7 Turk. L MONEY WANTED. Motby^vaj»tbd^t^"lo"an"^onTb^ai^ I estate security, mortage bonds, etc., in sums from $500 to $2500; securities first class; interest from 1 to 2 per cent per month. ■ If you have small amounts to loan call and see us; we can > place ■ the' same to good advantage for - you. :* M. J. LAY- MANCE * CO., real-estate agents and land auc- tloneers, 466 Eighth st.: Oakland. Cal. - •- f •, ' : ; SEWING r MACHINES. ■ : : ; ; QE^ING^MACHINES" RENTED^ $160 PER O month; all kinds repaired ; machines sold from : f 6 upward. ,1868 Market st. COUNTRY ' REAL _ ESTATE. /VFILRRELirXca ~" DAVID BUSH, COUNTRY DEPARTMENT. 11 MONTGOMERY ST. We desire to call the attention of intending buy- ers of country lands to some bargains in Improved income-producing orchard, vineyard, grain and stock farms (many of which are bank fore- closures), that we have in Alameda, Contra Costa, Napa, Sonoma, Solano, San Mate© and Santa Clara counties, In the middle and northern counties and In the San Joaquin Valley. We would also call the attention of buyers to the fact that our Mr. Bush having had forty years' knowledge and expe- rience of the value of lands for orchard and vine- yard purposes, and being the owner of an Income* producing orchard and vineyard for many years, can intelligently direct intending buyers to the best lands and bargains in the State. For further particulars Inquire of DAVID BUSH, Country Department of O'FARRELL & CO., 11 Montgomery street. T OUIS SCHLOSS. Booms 24 and 25, Crocker building. The best and cheapest stock ranch In tho State for sale on easy terms: plenty of water and feed the year round; 80 miles from Sun Francisco and only 5 miles from railroad. If yon mean business, call at once and get all particulars. LOUIS SCHLOSS, Rcomg 24 and 26, Crocker building, 1 ; ■ ■ ' ■ ' : ■ Sap Francisco. SANTA CLARA COUNTY PROPERTY TO exchange for city property; only umbered property wanted. LOUIS SCHLOSS, Rooms 24 and 25, Crocker building, S. F. 1 f}Kf\ WELL IMPROVED CHICKEN- tjpI^nJI/. ranch of 6 acres. $1600— 12-acre chicken-ranch and orchard; 2- story house. $2600— 31/2 acres and improvements, near Frult- vale. $3250—100 acres, well Improved, Including orchard. $6000—54 acres rich level land, 14 miles from Oakland. All sorts of ranches; write us. W. E. BARNARD & SON, 46« Ninth St., Oakland. (ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS). ~ KST SYSTEMATIZED LAND OFFICE IN AMF.BICA. N. D. SICKELS, THE LAND AGENT. Only agency In the United States making SALE and EXCHANGE of Country Property a strict specialty, regularly publishing a DAILY DESCRIPTIVE LAND JOURNAL. Accurate descriptions of hundreds of places for sale and propositious to EXCHANGE ranches for TOWN and CITY property • also for any class of BUSINESS, LODGING-HOUSE or "MINEK. greatly facilitating and FREE of CHARGE to buyers and sellers. MANY NEW PROPOSI- TIONS DAILY. B3T 318 Post st., bet. Stockton and Powell, S. F. (> A FIRST PRIZES-FOR THE PURPOSE OF v^r drawing attention to the Valley Railroad we offer the following prizes: We will allow 64 people to take 10 acres of land each, 25 miles this aide of Fresno, at the nominal price of $150 for 10 acres; payable $10 cash, $10 per month without interest. This is level prairie land, and the railroad runs through the tract; cheap at $500. Call or write immediately, as no more will be offered. WEST- ERN LAND COMPANY, 640 Market St. 5 ACRES, NICELY IMPROVED, NEAR SAN Rafael; lovely place; suitable for boarders or campers; will easily rent for $60 a mouth in sum- mer; near station; price $2600 cash; actually worth $5000. SPECK <fc CO., 30 Montgomery st. SUMMER RESORT, WITH 80 ACRES LAND; 3 miles from Santa Cruz; tine house; 16 rooms; furnished first-class: stock and vehicles; $7600, or trade for city property. 1061 Mission at. TTIHIS WILL INTEREST YOU. JL Our colony is now established ; already 85 families have decided to make their homes with us. We are determined to develop a community of homes that will be self-sustaining, attractive, pleasant and profitable. We own this tract of land, in fact It has been our home for over 30 years, and we know from experience that the toll is well adapted to the successful growth of every variety of fruit, grain and vegetables that are grown in the State of California. We now 1000 acres in alfalfa, from which we cut three and four crops per annum, and that, too, without irrigation. We claim that we can offer more to the man who really wants a home than has ever yet been offered or that is likely ever to be offered again. The man who provides a home that is self-sustaining, attractive, pleasant and profitable for his family enjoys a sens* of in- dependence and proprietorship that is simply im- possible In any other business and is especially impossible for the man who works on a salary and is subject to the fluctuations of business or the whim of his employer. We ask your investigation of our offer. Address New England Colony of California, Room 10, Mills building. FOR SALE— ACRES OF FINEST LAND under the sun; finely wooded; has an over- flowing well of purest water and aever-failing spring "bubbling out of the rocks"; all kinds fruit can be raised on the land ; there Is now in bearing young orchard 76 trees of various varieties; hay in plenty; this Is most superior investment as a whole or cub be subdivided to suit colony: 10 minutes' walk from the station, and dry under- foot In the wet season. For further Information call on the Postmaster at Belmont, or "Buckton," Hub Clothing Store, corner Sutter and Kearny. ffIM^AA FURNISHED HOUSE OF 10 t&rtOXJU. rooms and bath ; 20 varieties of fruit: carriage, cart, horse, cow, poultry and Implements; 8 acres. Apply to PROWbE *; BRADFORD, Hay- wards. I 2 OK 3 RANCHES TO EXCHANGE FOR i i-, Improved property. If you want to trad* call on PHILi^RICK & METCALF, 2548 Folsom it. 3 OR 4 LOVELY BEOOKSIDE HOMES, NEAR town. A. M. DENNETTS, Glen Ellen, Cal. AN EvjUAL SHOW FOR ALL; STRAIGHT ! fair and square deal: an investment offered that is lionest : own your own home and be inde- pendent: try it and you will find that we advise you right; we will sell you 40 acres of alluvial soil In the Warren Green rancho, Glenn County, Cal., for $280: $3 per acre down, balance in 60 monthly payments, without interest, and will throw in town lot 100x160: land suitable for all kinds of fruit, berries or grain; needs no irrigation; climate un- surpassed anywhere in California: 168 miles north Of San Francisco and *only 20 miles from county Beat of county, and 6 miles from nearest railroad town; fare, round trip, $9. For Investments and information address or call on tho H. M. BENSON CO., 902 Broadway, Oakland. ARIN COUNTY— SOOO ACRES 26 MILES from San Francisco. KANCHO DE NOVATO. Tracts of any size desired; fruit, grain and vege- table land; no irrigation; both rail and water transportation; $40 to $76 per acre; easy terms, town of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores on the property; send for circular. Dairy for sale with or without cows. SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65, Chronicle building. IF YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING purposes or an orchard already improved, where only small cash outlay Is required, balance payable in to or 7 years, apply 326 Montgomery at,, S. F. pHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address In tho United States or Canada one year for $1 60, post- age free. PROPERTY WANTED. ™^ OOD^R^!TA^L^^R^pIERTY^I^CrrY~IN exchange for 1 block land near university. JOSEPH J. MASON, Dwight-way statioi»,BerKeley. TMPROVED CITY OR SUBURBAN FOR 1 ranch. Address ALBERT, box 120, Call Office. HOUSE OF 8 BOOMS, LARGE LOT, NEAR Dwight-way station, for city property. JOS. J. MASON, D wight way station. PIANOS. VIOLINS, ETC. T^ANTED^PIANO^fN" EXCHANG £ FOR IT real estate. P., box 31, Call Office. LEG ANT STjSINWAY PIANO LEFT FOR -E-I sale: must bo sold immediately. Room 21, 809 Market st. "[EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD OPPORTUNITY Hi for man with cash to invest in business requir- ing but little of his time and attention; perfect se- curity and 10 per cent income guaranteed; payable monthly. Address box 137, Call Office. A GENTLEMAN OFFERS FINE . UPRIGHT piano, S excellent condition, for what it will bring, on account of loss of wife and breaking up of home. Room 10, 809 Market st. djT^ INSTALLMENT FOR $S5 EASTERN 'ipO piano; good as new. .221 Leaveuworth at. .. GEORGE F. WELLS, SOLE AGENT FOR THE VX Mathusbek pianos; sold on very easy install- ments; pianos rented. 1360 Market st. N EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY— sold upon a new rent-contract plan; please call and have it explained . be easiest terms ever offered for procuring a fine piano; full-size new up- rights from $160 upward. SHERMAN, CLAY A CO., corner Kearny and Sutter atw. BEAT BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND Pl- anos at SHERMAN, CLAY <& CO. 'W, cor. Kear- ny and Sinter sts. ASY TERMS; LOW PRICKS. KOHLKiT* CHASE/ .- .. -■; ■ ■ r -■ - ■ ■■ : . . - ■ EW- ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, - STANDARD 1 makes, almost new, half original coat; t see at once. F. W. SPENCER & CO., 721 Market at. YRON MA V, 308 - POST ST.— SOHMJSIV Newby A Evans, Briggs and other pianos. TEINWAY- UPRIGHT; SLIGHTLY USED- grand tone; half-cost. «PENCER, 721 Market. PERIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD * NEW OH. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. TITM. G. BADGER, WITH KOHLER* CHASE ; V? 26. 28 and 30 O'FarreU at. . ARP BY SEBASTIAN ERARD; DOUBLE action and elegantly 1 finahed: is found with difficulty anywhere; a nice selection Is at present exhibited by SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. STECK, CHICKERING SONS.. VOSE AND Sterling pianos sold on $10 installments. BENJ. CURTAZ A SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell st. 2 SECOND-HAND UPRIGHTS, WITH OUR guarantee; $125 each. MAU VAIB,7»9 Market. HOME INDUSTRY— HEMME& LONG PIANO CO., 340 Post; pianos sold on Installments;. tend for illustrated catalogue. . - 5; A ; BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A ■"• good piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLEB A CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. DECKER BROS.. STEIN WAY, FISCHER AND other first-class makes of pianos; Unloosed; cheap .for cash, or on easy terms. KOH USB A CHASE, 28 and 30 O'Farrell su HORSES. T^A~SACRIFICE^ TOP HORSB and harness: must be sold. Inquire New Yorls Stable, 607 Jessie st. OR BALE CHEAP— STYLISH HORSE;. 2- seated oak surrey with ■ canopy top, and single buggy. Apply 123 City Hall aye. i . ■ . - - S FINE AND FASHIONABLE TEAM AS there Is on the coast. T., box 20, this office. SLIGHTLY SOILED DRIVING GLOVES; drummers' samples. Heinkman"b,lo9 Hansoms OR SALE— FINE HORSE AND BUGGY FOR, park. Can be seen at Mascot Stables, 1110 Golden Gate aye. . TYLISH HORSE AND BUGGY VERY cheap. HEINE, 40 O'FarreU st. - v '. Af\ HbRSES~FOR~SALE; ALSO WAGONS jtv buggies, carts, harness; Grand ' Arcade Horse Market, 327 Sixth st. ; auction sales every Wednes- day. SDLLIVAN & DOYLE, Auctioneers. • "1 (\(\ SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL lv" kinds; second-hand wagons, bngory. carts: also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia sta. wagons AND carriages. . Hecond-hand wagons! : a£iT~'kindsJ O cheap. 920, Bryant ■ st., between Seventh and Eighth. (TOR SALE-&IISCELL/AKEOUS. T^GHORN^EGGiB,^^TTING;"''is"-''fir^2bii 1-i Folsom street. . ' OR A BARGAIN: PNEUMATIC COLUM- tDOcJ. bia bicycle. Grocery cor Oak and B rod - erlck. INK SLOOP YACHT at a bargain, / AD- ■ dress E., box 19, this office. , "I?ULL-BRED IRISH SETTEU BITCH AND S} water spaniel pups for sale. 208 First St., rear. A LL-GOLD WATCHES SOLD FOR WEIGHT ■^V_ of cases; no charge for works: diamonds, ear- rings, rings, studs, pins and ladies' sealskins for half original cost: roods sent C. O. D. • UNCLES HARRIS, 15 GRANT AVENUE, near Cearyst.. VOX TERRIEbTPUP; REGISTERED; PRIZE- X* winning stock. J. B. MARTIN, 13'J3 Page at. 4 LARGE WATER TANKS; CAPACITY, 4000 gallons or thereabout. F. K. RICE, 107 Geary. "PLEGAXT WILSHIRE SAFE AT A SACRI- XU fice. 439 McAllister st.; call p. m. LOSING - OUT SALE; POLAND, CHINA \J hogs: all ages. Sulphur Spring farm, Niles. CaL COLUMBIA PNEUMATIC, ONLY. $30; BAR- V gain. 328McA)listerst. . Iff: FOU SALE: fire AND BURGLAR proof. T. HURLEY, room 95. 305 Larkin st. TiriLsnißE safe, lettek-Vreks, SCALkT »» coffee-mill and money-till : crimp. '102 Clay st. I~LOT OF EASTERN STANDARD MAKES of safes which have been taken in oxohanga as part payment for the Waltz safes, as follows: '8 burglar-proof bank or coin safes, 7 jewelers' safes, 8 pawnbrokers' safes, 13 merchant ships: fire and burglar proof; all sizes; at less than half cost; sea them before you order. The Waltz Safe Salesroom, £21 and 223 Market St., factory 13 and 15 Drums St.. San Francisco. Cal. . ■ •> RANGKrJ CHEAPER THAN SECOND- II hand. W. S. RAY Mfg Co., 12 California st. POUNTERS, SHELVING, SHOWCASES \J bought and sold 1121 U. Market bet. 7th and OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— OOB BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. "©TTfifi ! &-ROOJI J "c6TTAGE^"I^T J Bißxr2s; <pJL I UU.. between 2 electric lines; convenient to train. $1150— Pretty bay-window cottage, and lot 36* 110: Bear school and cars. * $5000— Nearly new; 11 -room residence In Berke- ley; modern in every particular; large lot; close to electric-cars and railroad station. $500 cash— Balance monthly payments; 2-story house near post office; convenient to narrow-gauge depot i 60-foot lot. W. E. BARNARD * SON, . 458 Ninth St., Oakland. T> ARE CHANCE FOR CHICKEN BUSINESS- ■IV good 4-room cottage, with chicken-house • and half acre of ground, with flowers and shade treesi city water free; only 10 minutes' ride on cars to local train; rent $10. Apply to R. J. MONTGOM- ERY, 960 Washington at., Oakland. GjJAA NEW S-ROOMED HOUSE; PLAS- «J)t:UI/. tered; near local trains and streetcars; only $60 cash and $10 per month; buy a home. H. B. PINNEY, 902 Broadway, Oakland. djil op: a a SNAP: MUST BE SOLD THIS <iJJ) iOJv. week; pretty 4-room and bath cot- tage; 4 blocks from 23d-ave. station on broad- gauge local; terms to suit purchaser. A. H. BREED <fc CO., 460 Ninth at., Oakland. FOR SALE— A HOTEL, LIVERY STABLE and 5 acres in a thriving railroad town; doing a fine business; a great bargain: no risk. BENE- DICT *. CO.. 457 Ninth st., Oakland. - ■ . -■ - CiJAAA REDUCED FROM $6000: MODERN" «Jptt«-»V\/. house, containing 9 rooms and bath, situated on Grove St., near Ninth; lot 45x100; not* the location • lot alone worth the price asked. WILLIAM J. DINGEE, 480 Eighth St., Oakland. TVTICE 4-ROOM HOME ; 50x140; 900.' LODGE XI & POWELL, Fruitvale station. O YOU WANT A HOME? I WILL BUY YOTJ a lot, build house on your own plans, this side of bay; small cash payment, balance monthly. C P. KERN, Central Bank building, Oakland. . "DUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY*" SOLD ON TERMS TO SUIT. LARGE LIST OF COTTAGES FOR SALE. „ , Some on installment plan. GOOD CHEAP RANCHES ■"--": -- Close to Oakland. Must be sold to close an estate. RANCHES FOR. SALE, two and three miles from Oakland. FIFTY CHOICE LOTS in Oakland, Piedmont Berkeley, etc. ACRE TRACTS and CHICKEN RANCHES. 110 ACRES PIEDMONT, Blair Park. 25 acre« dona to car line. Terms to suit. ■ Will subdivide. THESE ARE SPECIAL BARGAINS. Don't fall to see them. ' E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway ,; Oakland. I TOR SALE— A BIG BARGAIN: HOUSE OF 8 rooms (2 flats) on Campbell sU; lot 25x115; cash $800 : also a cottage of 5 rooms on Chase st. ; lot 50x135.. Apply to WILLIAM CHRISTEN, Real Estate Agent, 1769 Seventh, West Oakland. ©IOHA BARGAIN; LOT AND HOUSE; 5 01-w. rooms and bath; hot and cold water; high basement; brick foundation; street macad- amized and cement aide walk; everything in good order; close to car line to city; see this at once. F. M. BARGAS, 902 Broadway, Oakland. (Bjl OAA EACH-2 FINE 4-nOOM MODERN t{J)iOUU houses; large lots: windmill and well: stable to each fine location; worth $2000; will be sacrificed on account of owner leaving: part cash. F. C. WATSON, 483 Ninth at., Oakland. . TTIOR SALE— COZY HOME NEAR CARS; 5- -T room house; bath; outbuildings; plenty of fruit; poultry; lot 125x140; will sacrifice for $2500: part cash. Call or write owner, 1018 East Twenty- third st., near Twenty-first aye., Eaat Oakland Height*. GiQflfin TO LOAN. HUGH M. CAMRON, <tjp OUUU broker, 479 Ninth st., Oakland. WM. M. DEWOLF, RENT COLLECTOR. 1050 Broadway. (5»Ofl MONTHLY FOR 5-ROOM* COTTAGES; (jpZiU plans free. F. BOEOLS, Golden Gate atatn. fljj I 9f%f| BARGAIN; CHICKEN RANCH 12 tS>±^O\J. miles from Oakland: improvements cost twice the amount asked for the place. W..E, BARNARD A SON, 468 Ninth »U Oakland. ©iIQXn $1000 CASH; WORTH $6500: 9-' <\p\£OO\J. room modern bou«e; nice stable: lot 50x150; a bargain; see it at once. WILLIAM P. TODD, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. •-■■■• T OTB FROM $75 UPWARD. SNETfcINUER & JU CARROLL, Frultvale station. ■ ._ ffl»l P.fJ LOTH NEAR LOCAL trains AND *iP±O\f. streetcars for sale on small -weekly or monthly installments: buy a home and save your earnings. H.B. PINNEY. 902 Broadway, Oakland. ;—-,_. Oakland hotels. ~ / ; Ta^nl)6^^otel]T~th^^le^CdlS?g j^nd vT largest hotel in Oakland; table first claw; terms by week or month, moderate; trains to and from San Francisco every 16 minutes: cars from Sixteenth-street station pass hotel; sample- room for commercial travelers on ground floor. ROBERT GAY, Proprietor. -.• . — ■ -. . ' ALAUEDA REAL ESTATE. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE — NEAR SCHOOi and station; streets improved and sewered. $2250— cash, $25 monthly: 30x100; cottage, 4 rooms and bath. $2400-$6O cash, $20 monthly; 37:6x100: cot- tage, 5 rooms and bath. ;-. . . $3260— 550 cash, $35 monthly. 38x100; corner house In fine condition : 8 rooms and bath. $3250— cash, $30 monthly; 37x110; ele- gant colonial cottage; 7 rooms and bath. •% • : $3850— 5200 cash, $35 monthly: 37x120: hand- some new cottage, 8 rooms and bath. Houses to rent from 810 up. *%&& . Open Sunday and holidays. MARCUSE 4 REMMEL, Bay-street station, Alameda, and 628 Market at., San Francisco. ■ ■ ' . ; . IF YOU WANT ... \, .--v.i 1 A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND STYLISH HOME . ~7.V CALL ON THE OLD BUILDING FIRM OF ': A. R. DKNKE. WEBSTER STREET. ALAMEDA ROOMS AND HOUSES. BARGAIN — NEW ROOM HOUSE; FINK location. Apply WESSON'S bookstore,' 111 Geary .it. ■ / ■....-.. BERKELEY . REAL ESTATE. ' -'-■■■ ; -;- -- .- - .■•._-■■--• .''--'-■,•-.. :■ , , .- ff>OA PER MONTH PURCHASES A NEW 2- «iP-v/ story 6-room house; hot and cold water and bath. Address CHARLES DARLING, 608 California St., 8. F. v --y. . '._""" <Dj9A PER MONTH PURCHASES A NEW B- tff£i\J room bouse: hot and cold water and bath. Address CHARLES DARLING, 608 California, at. : Kan Francisco. . - ■■ _•• •- .. :. v -'-, EAUTIFUL HOME IN GOOD LOCATION- -7 lots, nearly an acre, for $3200 on easy pay- mentß; must be sold. Inquire at this office.' ■'» ■■' -?*l Classified Advertisement! Continued on Pago 10. 9