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10 The COMMERCIAL WORLD » SUMMARY, OF THE MARKETS. . c Silver firmer. h u o ° Wheat and Barley weaker. Oats, Corn and Rye dull. Hay declined under heavy receipts. Feedstaffs unchanged. D Beans neglected and nominal. Potatoes and Onions easier., ... Butter up another notch. ... Eastern Eggs in large supply. „ Cheese as before. Poultry nominal. Vegetables in liberal receipt. Apricots firm. Peaches weak. Berries too abundant. * - Heavy arrivals of Oranges. ■• Dried rruit in increasing demand. Honey weak and quiet. Hide market Improving again. Provisions unchanged. WEATHER BUREAU REPORT. Tkitk© States Depaktmkxt of Agbicdl tvrf.. Wkathkr bukeac, sax- kbancisco. July 1, 1896, 5 r. m. — Synopsis and general forecast. „ o The following are the seasonal rainfalls to date as compared with, those of the same date last year: Eureka .00, last year .00: Red Bluff .00, last year .00; Sacramento .00, last year .00; San Fran cisco trace, last year .00: Fresno.oo, last year .00; Los Angeles .00. last year .00; San Diego .00, last year .00: Yuma .00. last year .00. The following maximum temperatures have been reported from California stations to-day: Eureka, 58 degrees: San Francisco, 58: Los Angeles. 76: Red Bluff. 84: San Luis Obispo. 70; San Diego. Sacramento. 74; Independence,9o: Yuma, 106; Fresno. 92. Ban Francisco data—Maximum temperature 58 dec minimum 52 detr. and mean 55 dee. Rainfall for the past twenty-four hours, a trace. There has been a considerable decrease in press tire throughout Nevada and Utah. In other sec tions It has remained nearly stationary. This has caused a movement of the air from the sea toward the interior, and has resulted in. somoivhat cooler weather throughout the greater portion of Califor- • nia. This cooler Weather will move into the plateau region of Nuvada and Utah during the text thirty-six hours. Forecast made at san Francisco for thirty hours ending midnight July 2, 1895: For Northern California—Fair: nearly stationary temperature, except slightly cooler in extreme southeast portion; fresh northerly to westerly winds,'becoming brisk to high along the northern coast. For Southern California— probably slightly cooler in the northeast portion; fresh westerly winds. r" ° ' For Nevada—Fair; probably slightly cooler. For Utah—Fair; somewhat cooler in extreme northwest portion. For Arizona—Fair, except scattered showers la ■ extreme south portion to-night or Tuesday; nearly stationary temperature. »* For San Francisco and vjcinity—Generally fair; nearly stationary temperature: . brisk westerly winds in the afternoon. c, .o 0-,° W. 11. Hammok, Forecast Official. o c J : NEW 1 UKK MARKETS. NEW r YORK. N. V., July There wore two - ■ides to the stock market to-day and those operat ing for lower prices found this out at an early hour. At the opening Chicago Gas rallied about 2 points, and the railway list, on higher cables from London, :uoved up to 6 '« per cent. The. bears on the in dustrials then made another attack and brought about a decline of %to •"iss percent. In this de- # rl! ne Chicago Gas sold down to 58'%: Tobacco to 1071*:- and Sugar to 105. Much to the disappoint ment of the bci.r contingent this r.ld was practi cally ignored so far as the railway list was con -8 cerned and for the remainder of the day the shorts devoted Their time to getting back the stock put j out on the theory that the break in the industrials would srart liquidation. Again, the shorts in the industrials were some what disturbed by the bids made by a leading .' Broad-street bouse, which has been identified with Chicago Gas in the past for the dividend on any part or 10.000 shares. This firm offered to give Si per cent it: he dividend Is to be quarterly, and % if declared seml-annunliy. This apparently had the effect of setting at rest the talk that the directors v.-ill pass the dividend, although it did not stop the gossip about a bond issue by the company. Tobacco n-as heavy and fell from 110% to 107%, "Judge -•-.iprnan having reversed the decision of a lower court in favor of the company involving a Cigarette machine. In the afternoon trading be came quite general and prices for the industrials rose anywhere fro/a %to 4 per cent. The railway group moved up % to 1% per cent, Burlington, Missouri Pacific anil Southern Railway preferred leading. The strength of securities for the last named Dttth here and in London was considered . significant In view of the fact-that the financial policy of the company is dictated by the house of J. P. Morgan <fc Co. Speculation closed strong with prices at or near the highest figures of the day.. Net changes show, j pains of i/i 10 s a Der cent, the industrials leading. Tobacco lost 1% per cent. Total sales were '291.791 shares including 65,600 Chicago Gas; £5.500 Sugar; 24,100 Tobacco, and 15,500 St Paul. The bond market was higher. Sales were $1,536,000. Elizabeth and Big Sandy firsts rose 1 to 1011 i.. International and Great Northern ! thiees 1 to 33; Oregon Improvement 5s 1 to 49: ! R. T. deb. 5s %; to 97%, Savannah <fc Western j "firsts 1 to 57: Texas Pacific, --'Us, 1 to 31%; ' Nor;hwest7s %sto .14iy±, and Wabfish 2ds % to 77. : In Government bonds at the board $5000 coupon, fours, of 1907 sold at 101% ex-Interest. Grain and Merchandise. NEW YORK, N. V., July I.—Dull, held firmly; bids bolow asking rates; whiter wheat, low grades, ?2 70©o 30: do. fair to fancy, $3 50@4; do patents, $4 'i0<0,4 50; Minnesota, clear, $3 10@3 40: do straights, 93 88£S90; do patents, $3 90@4 65; low extras, $2 70@3 30: city mills, $4 35: do, pat ents. $4 70. Southern flour, dull, steady; common to fair extras, $2 40(2,3 15; good to choice do, S3 20 fa 4. Cornmeal—Quiet, yellow Western, $2SO@2 90. Rye—Nominal: State 70c. Wheat — weaker. No. 2 red store and ele vator. 74c: afloat. 76c: f. o. b., 77c; ungraded, red, 7O@7Sc: No. 1 Northern. 79% - ' . Options were fairly active antt irregular, opening at « 4 r advance on reported decrease in afloat on J passage, reacted %c on realizing, further declined 3 i- 2 c on increase of 3,041,000 bushels in the Eng lish visible, with free local Hqu Wat ions, closing easy at i/B@y2C below Saturday; September and Decem ber, most active. No. 2 red closed: July, 735 /sc; August, 74y2c: September, 75: October, 75% c; December. 7714 c Corn—Quiet, Weak. No. 2, 51c; elevator, 52c afloat. Options were moderately active and weaker, declining with wheat, rallying on covering: fulling li c, and closing barely steady at %c to %c be low Saturday. S«ptember and July most active. July, c: August, 613/ 8c; September, 51%c --° Oats—Mpierateiy active, weaker. Options fairly active.easier. July. 27% c; September.2B3/ 8c: No. 2 ■white July.3BV*c. Spot prices: No. 2,28@28^; No. 2, white. 31% c: No. 2, Chicago. 28%@29c; No. 3, 27J4@27y->c: No. 3, white 31c: mixed West ern, 28<&30e: white Western, 32@39%c; white State, 3'J7g.39i£c. Hay— inner, light receipts: shipping; 60c; good to choice, 80@90c Hops—Quiet, steady; State, common -to choice, 3@B%c-. Pacific Coast, 3@9c; London market un changed. Wool—Firm: fair demand: domestic fleece, 35@19c; pulled, 12@30c: Texas, 9@l2c. , Lard— weak; Western steam, $6 80 asked: July, $6 80, nominal: September. $7, nominal; refined, quiet: continent, $7 20; South American, $7 50; compound, s%ic. Pork—Quiet, firm : mess. 13 50^14 26. Butter—Choice steady, fairly active; State dairy, ll@17c: do creamery. l~%@18c: "Western dairy, SI&.1 4c: do creamery, 12@l&c: do factory, B@l2c; Elgin, 18c: imitation creamery, ll@l6c. Cheese—Firmer; moderate demand: State large, 6ii@B3/ 8 c: do fancy, B©B3/ 8 do small, 7@Syac; part skims, 2y2(3.5%c: full skims. iy 2@2c. Eggs— Moderate demand, steady v State and Penn sylvania, 13%®14c; Western, fresh, 12@13c; do per case. $1 50&3 50. Pig Iron — Good demand: firm. American, $10 50@13. b Copper—Steady: Lake. 810 50®10 62%. Lead—Firmer: domestic, $3 20%. Tin—Finn; straits, $14 10; plates, good demand, firm. Spelter— domestic, $3 60. « Tallow—Firm: fair demand, steady; city, 43/g; country. 4V4@48/ B e. Cottonseed Oil—Steady quiet: crude, 23c; yel low prime, 25i/i@2sVac; do off grade, 25% c. Rice— Fairly active, firm; domestic, 4y*@6c; Japan, 4@4%c. .. Molasses—Fair demand; foreign, nominal; New Orleans, 26@32c. Coffee—Quiet. sto 10 points down; July, $14 30 (514 35- September, $14 40@14 45; October, «14 45@14 50: December, *14 40: March, $14 SO; spot Rio', dull and steady: No. 7, $15%. Sugar—Raw, dull, steady: fair refining,2 13-1: centrifugal 96 test, 3V*c; refined, quiet, steady off A, 4Vr(&4»/8c: mold A, 4 11-16@4%c: standard A, 4 7-16@4%c; confectioners' A, 4 6-16@4y 2c; cat, loaf and crushed, 6 1-I6@si4c: powdered, 4%@4 15-16 c; granulated, 4 7-16@43/4c; cubes, 4 1106@4%c - California Fruits—Ralslns,loose,3-crown,3@3i4c; Prunes, four sizes, 514 c: Apricots, dried, 7y2(a§c; do green, $I@l 60; Peaches, green, $l(£l 50; Plums, tragedy green, $2 50<&2 76; Cherries, Royal Anne, $1 25@i 60; do black Tartarian, $1 75@2 25. CHICAGO MARKETS. CHICAGO, 111., July I.—The-deliveries of wheat this morning were the heaviest for July 1 in years,' but a large proportion of It found its way back into the hands of the elevator people. Enough was taken by commission men, however, to cause a little uneasiness among warehouse proprietors. The market was not disturbed by ;the transferring from one to another of this'wheat, but was re sponsive to other news. The opening was firm on higher cables, with some strength carried over from Saturday. Offerings were large enough to check any material advance and, by the end of the first half hour a weak spot was in evi dence, prices settling back: with some force. Later in the morning there was a recovery to very near the best figures established ; early, prospects of a fair decrease in the visible t communicating the BeSts to-day were 19 cars for Chicago and 264 in t£ Northwest. The Liverpool stock of wheat durine the month of June increased 1,384,000 busheTs and flour 7000 sacks. Thel visible supply when all points were heard from showed a decrease of 1 664 000 bushels. Withdrawals from store were 5,169 bushels and the English visible supply In creased 2,900,000 bushels. The f market broke at Inclose, on heavy selling by a local professional. September wheat opened from 725/gC to 72»4c, sold between 7tP. 8 c and 713,40, closing at 7is ß^,7li/ 2 c, li.4@lSgc under Saturday. Estimated receipts for to-morrow, 26 cars. Corn— The only differnce between the wheat and corn markets was in the extent of the fluctuations. The changes were always in a similar direction, but those of the .atter grain did not go to the limit of the former. A comparatively steady opening was followed by adecline, numerous advances and reactions succeeding. Liverpool cables were lid higher. Receipts of 223 cars were 33 more than expected. Withdrawals from store were 77.302 bushels, and 166,869 bushels cleared at the sea- Doanl. The visible supply decreased 439.000 hushels. Liverpool stocks Increased 128,000 bushels in June. The amount on ocean passage increased 960.000 bushels. At the close the weak ness of wheat carried corn lower. September corn opened at 481/ aC, sold between 48V2@485/s and ■Jti'sc closing at 47c, lijjc under Saturday. Esti mated receipts for to-morrow, 220 cars. Oats were quiet. They were either firm or easy as the surrounding pits displayed strength o r weak ness. The individual action was very tame and the Interest evinced extremely moderate. Re ceiptswere 251 cars, and 149,113 bushels were taken from store. The visible supply decreased 439,000 bushels. The close was 0 under Saturday for September. Estimated receipts for to-morrow, 400 cars. Flax was easy. Cash No. 1, fl 47; September, ?1 39Va: October, $1 18@1 19. Receipts were 12 cars. Timothy was dull and steady. Prime cash, $5 85; September, $5: country lots. $5@5 50; prime clover, $ 9 75@9 80 nominal; October. $9 50 nomi nal. Provisions opened firm, an active and higher hog market producing a good feeling. The decline that took place in grain threw some weakness into product and all the articles declined. A decrease in Liverpool stocks was later reported and was in strumental in steadying the market. At the close prices were again weak, affected by grain. Sep tember pork closed 12% c lower; September lard 12% c lower: September ribs, 5@7%c lower. Clos ing prices: Wheat— July, 69% c; September, 71% c; De cember, 7MS.'BC. Corn— July, 45% c: September, 47c; May, 40% c. Oans— July, 23% c; August, 24i/.,c; September, 24»/4c; May, 28% c. Pork— $11; 15: September, $12 SO. I^ird— July, $0 60: September, $6 70. Ribs— July, $6 30; September, $6 52%. There was but a slight disposition on the part of buyers to take hold in the Butter market, and trade was even more quiet than at the close last week. Prices were unchanged, the tone was heavy. Cheese— There was no change In this market, and no evidence of improvement was noted. • The supply was large and the orders few. Values were unaltered. Live Poultry— Receipts were moderate of Poultry and almost everything was wanted. A good busi ness was transacted at Saturday's quotations. Jb.gßs— Trade was still light. The feeling was easy but no change in prices was quotable. Fresh stock, 10@10V"C per dozen. Potatoes— This market was a , shade weaker. Receipts were not heavy, but they were more than enough to supply the orders. Barrels, $2 25©2 50; bulk stock, 70(s,S5c per bushel. .Livestock. .UNION STOCKYARDS, 111., July Choice and fancy beeves were offered sparingly to-day, and for such grades prices were steady, but other kinds moved slowly at reductions of 6c and 10c per 100 pounds. The receipts were quite large. Chicago packers were free buyers of hogs to-day, as were also shippers. The demand was so urgent that the supply was soon exhausted and prices ad vanced s@loc per 100 pounds. The supply of sheep in the ■ pens was very large. Choice sheep and lambs sold well at steady prices, but other kinds averaeed 10@15c per 100 pounds lower. Cattle — Receipts. 15,000. Common to extra steers, $3 50@6; stockers and feeders, 92 40<& 4 23: cows and bulls, $1 50®3 60: calves, s3@s 50"; Texans, $2 65@5. Hogs— Receipts. 29,000. Heavy packing and ship ping lots. $4 90@5 15: common to choice mixed, $4 70<£5 10; choice assorted, $4 85@5; light, $4 70<§5 : pigs, $3 50@4 65. -Receipts, 4.000. Inferior to choice, pi 50.0,4 25: lambs, 92 50@6. - - CALIFORNIA FRUIT SALES. CHICAGO, 111., July The Earl Fruit Com pany sold California fruit at open auction to-day is follows: Peaches— Hales Early, $1 15@1 20; Alexander, $1 26. Plums— BurbanKs, 91 75@2 25; Abundance, ?1 50@l 65 : Royal Hative, 9 1 50® 1 60: Peach, SI 65<&1 95; flyman, $1 65; Japan, El 25; Mikado, $1 65@1 75. Tragedy prunes, $1 75@2 35: Simonl, $ 2 55. Royal apricots, 91 30 ,cl 40; Bartlett pears, half-boxes, $1 40. Porter Brothers Company sold at open auction to-day: Bartlett pears. $2 90<S3 15; Bartlett pears, ventilated car, $2 60@3 05 ; Bartlett pears, half boxes, $1 30@l 35; Clapp's Favorite pears, half boxes, 30; Tragedy plums, $1'55@2 50: peach plums, $170@18&: Abundance plums, $1 45@ 1 75: Clymans, $1 45@1 65; Royal Hatives, $1 10 0.1 30; Slmonis, $145: other plums,- 70c@l 45; Royal Anne cherries. 75c@l 40; mixed cherries. $1 30: Bigarreaus. SI 35; Republicans, 65c@$l 20: apricots, 60cf£Sl 30; peaches, 65c@$l 10. NEW YORK. N. V., July I.— The Ear! Fruit Company sold California fruits at open auction to day, realizing the following prices: Tragedy prunes, $2 15@2 50; Mikado plums, $1 50@2 50: figs, $1 80<a.2: Abundance plums, $1 65@190; Royal apricots, 80c@$l 75: St. Catherine plums, $1 40@ 1 50: Royal Hati plums, $I@l 85; Hale's early peaches, 95c@l 35. Porter Bros. Company sold at open auction to day: simoni Prunes, s2 80: Tragedys, $2 15®2 75: Abundance, 52 70: Clymans, 83c(d$l 70; St. Catherines, 51 50; Royal Hatives, 91 05@l 30; Hale's early peaches, $1 05@l 75; Alexanders. $1 (ail 15; Republican cherries, $1 50@l 90: Biger reaus, $1 70; Royal Annes, 75c@5145; apricots, 85c@,f 1 15. The National Fruit Association sold California fruit at open auction to-day as follows: Alexander peache*, 66c@?l 70; Hale's early/peaches. 60c@ f 2 25 : Royal apricots, 55c@$l 20; Royal Hative plums. 9125@2 05; Peach plums, $3 05(0,3 40: Koenis Claud plums, 67c<5191 25: Tragedy prunes, $1 40@2 65; figs, in 10-pound boxes, 40c<$$2 05. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., July I.— The Porter Bros. Company sold at open auction to-day : Trag edy prunes, $1 75@2 10: peach plums. $1 75fg» 185; St. Catherines, $1 35@1 75; apricots, ?1@ 1 35: peaches', $1 10. PHILADELPHIA. Pa., July The Earl Fruit Company solo California fruit at open auction to day, realizing the following prices: Plums, $115 M 30 : poaches, 95c(&$l 40; apricots, 60c@$l 40; tigs. 60@75c BOSTON, -Mass., July I.— The Porter Bros. Com pany sold at open auction to-day : Simonl prunes, $3«7i'2(a,4 50: Tragedys, 93 62%@4 25: Bur banks; $2 62@4 62: Abundance, 92 76@3 30: Royal Hatives, 92 62: Ogons, 92 62; Mikados, $2: Bartlett pears, 93 37%©3 50; Hale's early peaches, $1 45@1 75; Alexanders, 91 25@1 60; apricots, 95c@3l 20. - NEW YORK STOCKS. Bonds* Exchange, Money and. Railroad Shares. Money on call has been easy at 2%; last loan at 2%; closing offered at 2%. Prime mercan tile paper, 3@3y 3 V Bar silver, 66*/4 c. Mexican dollars, 53V*c. Sterling exchange Is firm, with actual business in bankers' bills at 94 88y 3 @4 88% for sixty days and $4 89%@4 89%. for demand. Posted, rates, 94 89%@4 90 V 2 . Commercial bills, 94 87%@4 88%. Government bonds steady: State bonds firm: raiiroaa bonds Irregular. Silver at the Board was dull. .-. CLOSING STOCKS. Atchlson 9Syi North American... ss/» Adams Express. ..l4B Northern Pacific 4 Alton.Terre Haute. 63 | Preferred......... 16y 8 Preferred ........ Northwestern. ...... 99 Vi American Express.ls2 Preferred 144 American Tobacco.loB34 N. Y. Central 100% Preferred. ..11l ,N. Y. Cbicago<fcS.Ll6 Baltimore & Ohio.. 62% , Ist preferred..... 72 Brunswick Lands.. 2%l 2d preferred.....: 30% Buffalo, Roch & P. 21% N. Y. AN. H...\.._212 Canada Pacific 54 IN. Y. & New Eng. 48% Canada Southern.. 65 |N. V. SusqAW 10 Canton Land .'. . 6OT/g<)hlo Mississippi:. . — — Central Pacific... 18V2 ! Ontario 8 Ches. & Ohio 2*2 V* ! Ontario* Western. 18V8 Chicago Alton 153 Oregon Improvmt. 12% Preferred.....;,.. 170- I Preferred..;. 36 Chicago, B. & Q. . . . 84% Oregon Navigation. 27 Chicago <fe E. 111... 54 Oregon Short Line. 6*4 Preferred 98 Pacific Mai1........ 28% ChlcagoGas Peona, D.& Evans. 6% Consolidation CoaL 32Vs'P>ttsburK 157 Consolidated Gas. l 44 Pullman Palace... 171 ' C. C. C. & St. Louis. 4« Quicksilver. 2% Preferred .....92 Preferred.. 16 - Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 36 . Reading............ 18V4 Preferred 82 Richmond Termini Cotton Oil Cert.... 27 Preferred Commercial Cable. ls9 RioGrande&Westn 17 Del. Hudson 129 Vi Preferred... 44 l»el.Lack<fcWesternl623/ Rock 151 and....... '72 1 /4 Denver* ft. G 16 RomeWal <tOgdenll4 Preferred 11734 St. L. & 8. .1 7 8 Di5ti11er5........... 2OVs' Preferred ...... 16% EastTenn....: St. Pau1...... ...... 68V* Ist preferred..... i Preferred.. .......121% M preferred...... St. Paul & Duluth. 29 General Electric. 3«6/ 8 Preferred.. 89 Erie 106/ St. Paul & Omaha.. 39Vi . Preferred... 22% Preferred.. ...... 117 Fort Wayne. ...... 157 St. P. M. & M 116% GreatNorthernpfd.l33% Silver Certiflcat.... 66% Green ........ % Southern Pacific... «4 Harlem 260 Sugar Refinery. . . . 108% Hocking C0a1...... 6 1 Preferred......... 99 V* Hocking Valley... B Tenn. Coal A Iron. 38% Homestake... '22 | Preferred... 99 H. & Texas Cent... 2Vi Texas Pacific...... 16»4 Illinois Central.... 96 ;T01.A.A.& Mich. 2 lowa Central*. 9%T01. <& Ohio Cen.... 47 . Preferred 82V» : Preferred 79% Kansas Texas.... 18V*Tol.8t.LouIs&K.C. 6 Preferred 366/ :- Preferred... ...;.. 14% Kingston <fe Pern... 3 .Union Pacific .'.'.. 12% Lake Erie <fc Westn 24 U. P., Den. & Gulf. 6 -Preferred..:...... 83 l U. 8. Express...... 41 * Lake Shore :..... .150 U. 8. Rubber....... 40% National Lead...... 86 Preferred 92% -••■. Preferred... . .;...- 89% Utlca & B. River. . 166 ■-• Long 151 and....... 85%;Wab. S. L. Pac. 8% Louisville A Nash. 68% Preferred 19«/^ Louisville ANewAl 8 -:- jWells-Farg0.....;..106 Manhattan Consol. ll3 ] Western Union 91 % Memphis & Charts. 16 jWis Central . ...... : 68/g Mexican Central... 10 Wheeling &L.E.. 17V* Michigan Central.. 102% Preferred......... 63% Minn &S. L..i ..... 45% U. 8. Cordage . 1% Preferred ....1 65 - Preferred 2% Missouri Pacific... 31% Guaranteed -■■' 6 y* Mobile A 0hi0...... 24i/ 4 Southern R. R..... 14% Nashville Chatt.... «8 I Preferred... 41% THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1895. National Cordage.. lAm Cable 94% Preferred Bay State Gas 15 National Linseed.. 28%1Am Cotton Oil pfd. N. J. Central 100%jU. 8. Leather 18% Norfolk & West.... 3V4i Preferred 93% Preferred. IS^W U Beef 10 . CT.OBINO BONDS. / US 45,reg. ...... 112 N J Cent Gen .11514 Do, 4s coupon... ll2%Northerii Pac:lsts.llsy± Do. 25............ 97 I Do, 2d5..... 1.;... 101% Pacific 6s of '95... 100 I Do, 8d5... ......:. 73 .-;- D.C. 3-65. .;.... 110 . OR<fe N;15t5.;....110 Ala Class A 2-5.... 107 SiL&lronMtGen 6s 80% Do, Class B 55:... 107 St L& S V Gen 6s. 108 • La. Stamped 4s — 100 St Paul Consols . . . 126% Missouri 65...:..".. 100 St. P. C. &Pa lsts.ll« ■■, N Carolina con .125 Do. Pac Callsts..llO% Do, 45..V... 105 Texas Pacific firsts 93 SC Non-fund 107y a Texas Pacseconds. Sl% Term new 6s . UnlonPaclstof'96.lo6y 8 Do, 65.......: ■ West Shore 45.... .105% Do,3s ....... ..87 Mobile & Ohio 45.. 67 Virginia 65.... ' R GrandeWest lsts ' 7614 De, ex-mat coup. — - Ches & O 65...... 111% Canada South 2ds..lO6y Atchlson 45. ..;.... 7614 Cen Pac lstsof '9s.loo Do, 2d 2%5....... 27% Den& RG Ist ..113 ,G H*S A6s 103 Do, 45............ 86% Do. 2d 65. i .....104y a Erie2ds..... 66% H Tex Cent 55..112y Kansas Pa Consols 71% Do. con 65....... .107 Ks Pa lsts Den dlvlOß Reading 4s. ...67 MKT2ds . ....... 63 Ya funding debt. .. 61% D 0,45.... 87 Do, deferred 65... . Bi£ Mutual Union 65.. .110 I Do, trust rcpts st 6Vg Northwest Consols.l4s Vi'Southern R. R. 6s. ; 98 Do, deb 6s 109 lLa C0n50U5........ 95% FOREIGN MARKETS. , WHEAT IN LIVKRfOOI-. ' LIVERPOOL, Esq.. July 1.-The spot market Is dull at 5s 5d(3)5s 7d. Cargoes are quiet and steady at 27s 3d July-August shipments. futures. . The Produce Exchange cable gives the following Liverpool quotations for No. 2 Red Winter: July, 6s 6d: August, 6s 5%d; September, 656% d; Octo ber, 6s'?i4d; November, 5s 7%d. ' SECURITIES. . , LONDON; Ekg.. July J. — Consols, 107 6-16; silver, 30% d; French Rentes. lOlf 70c. . '- EXCHANGE AND BULLION. Sterling Exchange, 60 days * — $4 88% Sterling Exchange, sight — 489% New York Exchange, sight — 02% New York Exchange, telegraphic... — 05 Fine Silver, spot, ounce — 66% Fine Silver, 30 days — -.66% Mexican Dollars ..53 ; 63% STOCKS OF GRAIN. Produce Exchange Grain Inspector Abel reports stocks of Grain in Call Board .warehouses) July 1, as follows, in tons: WHEAT | Port Costa. Stockton. | City. June 1 July 1 194,647 131,420 , 8,792 5,168 I Barley. June 1 Julyl 4,460 ! 4.7651 1,064 783 The receipts in June were 6129 tons Barley, 2974 do Oats, 624 do Corn and 1737 do Bran. COINAGE OF THE MINT. The coinage of the local Mint for June was $1.830,043. Including $1,670,000 in Double Eagles, $104,043 in Half Dollars and $56,000 in Quarter Dollars. For the fiscal year the total was $24,920, --110 25. including .520,716,000 in Double Eagles, $242,500 in Eagles, $437,000 in Half Eagles, $1,660,000 in Standard Dollars, $1,268,440 in Half Dollars, $484,170 in Quarter Dollars and $112,000 In Dimes. PBODUOE MAEKET. WHEAT AND OTHER GRAINS. WHEAT—The stock on hand In warehonse la shown elsewhere. The market is dull and of a holiday character, there being little disposition to trade. No. 1, 93% @95c; choice, 96i/ic: lower grades, 85@92%c: ex tra choice for milling, $I@l 02% t* ctl. CALL BOABD RALES. Infobmal Skssion—lo o'clock—No sales. Regular Mornixo wession—December—2oo tons, $1 02%; 500, $1 03; 300, *1 03V»- May— 100, $•! 09V*. aftkbnoon SESSION — DeccmDer — 600 tons, $1 03: 100, $1 03V»- BARLEY —Both Feed and Brewing are quoted lower and quiet. Receipts were heavy, being 13, --295 ctls. New Feed is worth 60@61V*c and old Feed 60;§,62%, according to color. Brewing, 65® 72% c $ ctl. CALL BOARD SALES. Infobmal Session—lo o'clock—No sales. • Reoi'i.ab Mobxino Session—December—l4oo tons, 63V8C. 900, 62% c. Afternoon Skssion—December—loo tons, 63c; 200, 827/gc. OATS-Mllllng quotable at $I@l 05 Tfi ctl: fancy Feed, $I@l 05 '4 ctl; good to choice. 87%<a95e: common to fair. 80@85c: Gray, 82%@87%c; Sur prise, 97%c<jawsi 07% id ctl. CORN —Dealers nuote a quiet and unchanged market. Large Yellow, $1 12%@1 17%: Small Round Yellow, $1 15j@l 20; White, $1 O6@l 10 $ ctl. RYE—Quoted at 90@91%c for old and 82%®S5c » cti for new. BUCKWHEAT-85®95c 9 ctl. FLOUR AND AIILLSTUFFS. FLOUR—Net cash prices are: Family extras, $350®3 60 9 bbl: Bakers extras, *3 40@3 50; superfine, $2 25®2 50 $ bbl. MILLSTUFFS—Rye Flour, B%cUl lb; Rye Meal, 3c; Graham Flour. 3c; Oatmeal, 414 c; Oat Groats, 6c: Cracked Wheat. 3%c; Buckwheat Flour, 4%c: Pearl Barley, 4i4@48/ 4 c $ lb; Rice Meal, $li@ls ¥>• ton. CORNMEAL, ETC.—Table Meal, 3@38/ic: Feed Corn, $24<§25: Cracked Corn, $24 60®26 50 $ ton; Hominy, 4%®434c 5» it>- HAY AND FEEDSTUFFS. BRAN—SI 3 50@14 60 $ ton. MIDDLINGS-slß@l9 50 « ton. FEEDSTUFFS—Ground and rolled Barley, £13 50@14 50; Oilcake Meal at the mill, $25 9 ton; Coitonseea Oilcake, $24 ton. HAY—Over 1400 tons came in yesterday and prices declined about 50c all around. New Wheat, $7(g»9 50; New Wild Oat, $6@7; new Wheat and Oat, $7®B 50 1* ton; new Barley, $5@7: new Alfalfa, $5 50@7 50. We quote old Hay: Wheat, $B<a.lO 60 t» ton: Wheat and Oat. $7 50(a,9 50: Barley, ?6@B; Oat, $7 50®9 60: Clover. "s7(^B; Compressed, $7 50@9 60: Stock, $5@6 it ton. STRAW-50@75c ~H bale. BEANS AND SEEDS. BEANS—Very quiet. Prices nominal and un changed. Bayos qnotable at $1 25@1 50; Small Whites, $2 65(5)2 85; Pea. $2 50@2 85; Large Whites, $2 60@2 85: Pink, *1 26@1 46; Reds, $125; Blackeye, $3 25(33 75: Red Kidney, nomi nal; Limas. $4 8712(3.5 %4 ctl; Butters. $1 75@2 for small and $2@2 25 ~? ctl for large. SEEDS—Mustards nominal. Flax, $2 25@2 50 f, ctl: Canary, 3V*@3%c >» lb: Alfalfa, 7@73.jc; Rape, ls/4@2i4c; Hemp, 4c fl ib. DRIED PEAS-~BplitPeas, 4@4»4c; Green Peas, nominal; Nilea, nominal; Blackeye, nominal. POTATOES, ONIONS, VEGETABLES. POTATOES— Steady. Burbanks, In boxes, 60c@ $1; In sacks, 40@60c; Early Rose, In boxes, 40® 60c; in sacks, 40@50c. * ONIONS— Are rather easier.. New Reds, 65@75c 9 ctl: Sii versions, 80@90c * ctl. VEGETABLES— Yesterday's sales were as fol lows: Green Peppers, 60@75c $ box; Green Corn, 35@76c -f. sk for Vacavilie and $lfal 50 'f, box for Bay ; Tomatoes from Vacavilie, 7oc©sl 25, latter figure for 6-inch bxs; from the River, ; Summer Squash, 60@76c for Bay: Asparagus, $1 25@1 75 for ordinary and $2@2 60 for choice; Rhubarb, 35 §50c: Green Peas, 2(&2%c "f, lb: String Beans, 1% 2%cfor Green, 3(53%c for Refugee and Foun tain and 2@3c for Golden Wax; Marysvllle Cu cumbers, 25@10c t^ box: Bay Cucumbers, 75® 90c <£ box; Dried Okra, 15c "$, Jb: Green Okra, ; Egg Plant. 8<6»10c $ Sb; Dry Peppers, 12y a @15c; Cabbage, 7 r>(g,Boc 'f, ctl; Feed , Carrots, . 30®40c ; Gallic, 2%@3c $ Ib; ■ ■■■.■■■■ ■'. \: : : BUTTER, CHEESE AND EGGS. BUTTER— Another slight advance is quoted and sales of gilt-edged creameries even over the top i quotations are reported by some dealers.- There is less excitement, ; however, and not so much dispo sition to boom things. ' ■ ■ ■ - : Creamery— 15%@16c; seconds, 13%@ 14% C % It). ••: -■ • '■'■■ Daiby— Fancy, 14c lb: good to choice, 18® 13y a c; medium grades, 11@12%c; store Butter, nominal. . .: ; v . CHEESE— Fancy mild new, 6@6%c 9 !b; com mon to good, 4@sc; Young America, s@7c; East ern, 11%@12%c: Western. 6@Bc %* lb. « ■ EGGS— Eastern are in too heavy 1 receipt and dealers are putting them into, cold storage. Cali fornia are weak and very dull. Eastern, 14@1 5c: Duck Eggs. 15@16c; store Eggs, 13@14c; ranch Eggs 16@16c "<p dozen, and 17c for recognized brands for special custom. . POULTRY AND GAME. . POULTRY— No business of any consequence yes terday. Live Turkeys, 12@18c for Gobblers; 11® 12c : for Hens; Geese, $ pair, . 76c@$l 1 Goslings,* 75c@$l: Ducks, $3@4 "$ doz for old and $2 60@5 for young: Hens, $3 60@4 60; Roosters, young, *6<a.7 60: do, old, $4 (3 4 60 $ dozen; Fryers, $4@5 V* doz; Broilers, $3@3 50 for large and $1 60®2 60 for small; Pigeons, $1 25@1 50 for young and old. ■ Game— Nominal. _________ DECIDUOUS AND : CITRUS FRUITS. ORCHARD FRUlTS— Apricots opened the week firm, but Peaches were weak. Figs continue cheap. Hardly ; any. Cherries^ came in. Figs are quotable at 25(g,35c $ box for : single and 35@30c $ box for double layers; Plums, 36@76c fi box; Peaches," 20<<£50c'$ and 26@50c basket ; Cherry .Mums, 36@50c '.9 drawer: Green Apples, 26@40c $ box and 20@30c ~f bskt: Red Apples, 76c@$l '$ box and 25@35c $s basket: Crabapples, nominal; Pears, 25(560c box and 25@40c $ bskt; Apricots, 35® 60c r^ box and 30@46c $ , basket for Royals and $30<&40 « ton to the cannern: Cherries, 60@76c ~$ box tor black ; Royal Anne, 50@75c $ box. BERRIES— plentiful and cheap. Black berries, $1 25@2 25^ chest: Raspberries, $2@3; Currants, "s2@3 50: Strawberries, $2 60©5 for Loiißworths and »1 76r«3 i* chest for large berries. CITRUS FRUITS-Ten cars Oranges came in, making eighteen In two days. They i are not very, firm. Navels - are quotable ■ at " $2@2 50 ¥* ' box : Seedlings, 60<§>K6c: California Lemons, *I@l 60 for common and $2®3 for good to choice: Mexican Limes, $4@4 60 m bx: Bananas, sl 25@2 * bunch: 1 Pineapples, $4@5 $ dozen. • - DRIED FRUITS, RAISINS, NUTS, ETC. , DRIED FRUlTS— Dealers say that the Eastern trade have apparently discovered that California Fruit will not be , very..' plentiful , this year, and are beginning to take hold of the market. All descrip tions are accordingly in better request, i though there Is not much business yet. We quote new Apri cots at 7%@Bc f, Ib. Old Fruit Is quoted as follows; Prunes. 4 sizes, 4c ■$ lb; larger sizes, 6@Gc; smaller sizes, 2%@3%c; n Apples. 4@4%c for sliced and 6@6%c for evaporated: Bleached Peaches, 4y 2 @ 6; Pears, 4@4y 2 c for evaporated halves. 3@4c tor quarters and l%@2c for Inferior goods; Plums, 3 @3%c for pitted and l%c for unfitted; Figs, black, 4c for pressed and 3y c for unpressed. - RAISINS AND DRIED GRAPES— Raislns- Four-crown loose. 2 c; 3-crown, 2%c; 2-crown, 2c; seedless Sultanas, 3c; seedless Muscatels, 2c "$ ft; 3-crown London layers, $1 35@1 45 $ box ; clusters, $2 2 5@2 75; Dehesa clusters, 60; Im perial clusters, $3 50: Dried Grapes-iy 2 @1% * tt>. ■ NUTS— Walnuts, 7@loc for paper-shell and soft shell, and 6@7c for hardshell; Almonds, 2@2%c for hardshell. 1 and s@6c Ib for softshell, and - — for paper-shell; Peanuts, 6(fi6c for Eastern and 4@4%c for California: Hickory Nuts. s@6c: Pe cans. Be for rough and 8c fdrpolished; Filberts. 8® 9c; Brazil Nuts, 7@7y,c M lb; Cocoanuts, $4 50 @5 50 100. . , . HONEY— The market Is quiet and rather weaker. New Comb, 10@lli4c %* ft- new water-white ex tracted. 5@6%c: light amber extracted, 4y3@6c; dark amber, 4@4Vic. • . . BEESWAX-Quoted at 26@28c fl lb. , PROVISIONS. CURED MEATS— No change to report. Ba con Is quotable at B<aßy 2 c 1* Ib for heavy and B%<a*9c lb for llKht medium, ll(g.ll%o for ! light, 12@12%c $ for extra light and 12y 2 @l3c for sugar-cured; Eastern Sugar-cured Hams, 12® 121 , California Hams. 10%@llc: Mess Beef, $7 f;7 50 "# bblt extra mess do, $B@B 50; family do, ♦10; extra prime Pork, $9 50 %4 bbl; extra clear, $17 60@18 "$ bbl; mess,sl6@ls 60 # bbl; Smoked Beef, 2 @loc $ lb. •■ ■< T.t LARD— Eastern, tierces, 6%c $ ft» for com pound and 8c $ lb for pure; pails, 9c; California tierces. 6c for compound and 7 %c for pure: half bbls, 7%c; 10-lb tins, 8c « lb: do 5-lb, B%c ip lb. COTTOLENE— 7%c in tierces and 83/ic $ Ib in 10-lbtlns. :,; ..■ :■ ■ HIDES, TALLOW, WOOL AND HOPS. HIDES AND SKINS-The Eastern markets continue to improve and the trade look for In creased activity shortly." The feeling is very firm. Heavy salted steers are quotable at 10c M lb; medium. B%@9c 1* ft: light, B@B%c * ft: Cow hides, B@B%c; salted Kip, 7c; salted Calf, 9c; saltea veal. 8c H lb: ary Hides, usual selection, 19c •$ lb: culls and brands, 14c ■$, ft: dry Kip, 14@16c; Cry Calf, 20c; prime Goatskins, 2o® 35c each: Kids. 6c: Deerskins, good summer, 30c fl ft; medium. 16@25c; winter, 10@15; Sbeeu skins, shearlings, 10@20c each; short wool, 26@35c each; medium, 30@45ceach: lone wool, "40@600 each. Culls of all kinds about %c less. TALLOW— No. 1 rendered, 4i4@4y-.c: country Tallow, 4@4i4c; refined, 6c: Grease, 3@3%c fl ft. WOOL— New lambs' and fall clips are quoted at 6(&8c. Quotations for the spring clip are as fol lows: Humboldtand Mendoclno, 12%®13%c $ ft; Choice Northern, 10@llc » ft: San Joaquin, seven months', 6@Bc; Nevada, 7@loc; Eastern Oregon; heavy. 7®Bc; do choice, 9@loc; Valley Oregon, 12@13%c # ft. ,~ ■■'■•■- : , . • . HOPS— We quote good to choice, 4@6c 9 Ib; in ferior and old Hops, 2@3c %l ft. . GENERAL. MERCHANDISE. Calcutta Grain Bags, 4&/ 8 Wool Bags, 24@2(»c. ■■'■■■■■ " , COAL — Wellington. $8 # ton; New Welling ton. $8; Southfleld Wellington, $7 50: Seattle. $6; Bryant. $8: Coos Bay, $5: Wallsend, $7 50 fl ton: Scotch, $7 50: Byrmbo, $7 50; Cumberland, $13 50 in bulk and $15 in sacks; Pennsylvania Anthra cite Egg, $12: Welsh Anthracite Egg, $9; Cannel, $8: Rock Springs, Castle Gate and Pleasant Val ley, $7 60; Coke, $12 in bulk and $14 In sacks. SUGAR— The Western Sugar Refining Company quotes, terms net cash : Cube, Crushed, Powdered and Fine Crushed,' all 6%c; Dry Granulated, 6ysc; Confectioners' A, sc: Magnolia A, 4^B°'. Extra C, 4%c; Golden C, 414 c; D,40; half barrels, Vac more than barrels, and boxes %c more. SAN FRANCISCO MEAT. MARKET. Wholesale rates for dressed stock from slaughter ers are as follows : BEEF— First quality, 5(35%c; second quality, 4V a c: third do, 3@4c ■$ ft. VEAL— Large. 4@sc; small, 6@7c $ Jb. MUTTON— Wethers, 4%@5c; Ewes, 4@4%c LAMB-Spring, 6fo}6c ?. lb. PORK— Live Hogs, 3(s3V*c * lb for soft, 4@4V4c for hard and 4c for feeders; dressed do, 5®6%c RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. MONDAY, Julyl. Flour.qr. Bks 18.052 Hay. tons 1,406 Oregon 3,666 Middlings, 5k5..... 233 Washington 1.646 Bmn, nits 1,825 Wheat, ctls. 2,868 Oregon 1,670 Barley, ctU 13,295. W001, bis 628 Beans, sks. 4'J9! Oregon 464 Oats.ctls 3,131 Washington 611 Oregon 21 Wine, gals. 36.300 Corn, ctls 1,227!H1de5, no 166 Rye, ctls 666 Pelts, bdls 38 Potatoes, ska. 3,439 Ta110w, ct1s 14 Oregon 57! Quicksilver, flaslcs- 225 Onions, sks 330 Leather, rolls 81 THE STOOK MARKET. Dullness characterized the stock market yester day and prices showed no material change. NOTKS. The San Francisco and Pacific Stock exchanges will adjourn at the usual closing hour tuts after noon until Monday morning- July 8. The San Francisco Stock and Bond Exchange adjourned last Saturday until Saturday, July 6. Franklin Leonard, president of the Comstock Tunnel Company of New York, will leave for Vir ginia City to-nigbt, In company with Herman Zadlg, to be present at the beginning of work un der the new plans on the Brunswick lode, July 3. The American Sugar Refining Company will pay quarterly dividends to-day at the rate of 3 per cent on common and 1% per cent on preferred stock. Yesterday the Capital Gas Company of Sacra mento paid a quarterly dividend of SI per share, amounting to $10,000 . The Commercial Cable Company paid a quarterly dividend of 13' i per cent. The American Express Company paid a dividend of 3 per cent. Sales at the regular sessions of the San Fran cisco Stock Exchange Board for the month of June were '234,645 shares, and fer the first six months of 1896, 1,509,000 shares, against 2,307.000 during the first six months of 1894. The aellnqnent assessment sale Of the Alta Min ing Company will be held to-day. The annual meeting of the Savage Is called for the 18th. The monthly financial statements are as follows: Cash on hand— Alpha, $5463; Alta, $5697; Andes, $14,534: Belcher, $925; Church, $10,760: Bullion, $2126: Best A Belcher, $196; Caledonia. $2723: Challenge, $294; Chollar, $23,837: Confi dence, $5024: Con. Cal. <fc Virginia, $'60,133: Con. Imperial, $331; Con. New York, $1674; Crown Point, $12,576: Exchequer, $1720: Gould A Curry, $3662; Hale A Norcross, $7279; Justice, $7092: Julia, $1176: Lady Washington, $1345; Mexican, $21,639: Occidental. $50: Ophlr. $5023; Overmnn, $10,169: Potosi, $4331: Savage, $7,763; Seg. Belcher, $3,283; Sierra Nevada. $7278: Syn dicate, $826; Sliver Hill, $1981; Union, $3383; Utah. $270. Indebtedness— Belle Isle, $2501; Navajo, $1305; North Belle Isle, $620: Silver King, $2947. . The local savings banks yesterday began the payment of their semi-annual dividends to deposi tors. Interest was also due and payable upon Gov ernment and many other securities. Several mil lion dollars will be set afloat in this City by these payments. The Chollar mine last week extracted and sent to the Nevada mill 15 tons of ore, the average bat tery sample of which was $33 56 per ton, and shipped 152 pounds of bullion, the par value of which was $3679 74. They have started a south drift from the raise above west crosscut 2, 450 level, which Is out 16 feet in quartz, assaying from $26 to $30 per ton. In the Con. Cal. <fc Va., along the west wall of the eighth floor, continue to find some timbers of old workings, In which are fillings of ore, which it will pay to save. From the second Moor up to the eighth floor of this level have extracted 86 tons of ore, the average assay value of which per minecar sample was $36 46 per ton. The Morgan mill will commence running again about the sth of July. BOARD SALES. Following were the sales in the San Francisco Stock Board yesterday: BKQULAB ICOHNINO SESSION— 9 :30. 200 Alta. 16100 C Point. . .361400 ODhlt. . .1.35 200 B & 8....61 100 37|200 Pbtosi 35 100 52 500 G <fc C 28 200 Savage. ...38 360 Ch011ar.... 57:200 H «fe N .1.10 600 39 200 CC*V... 2.40 600 Julia 03250 6 Nev ....67 12» 2.45 200 Mcx 62 AFTKBNOOJf SESSION— 2:3O. 200 Alpha 08; 50 H & js ..l.lOiiOO Seg 8e1... -IS 100 Alta 16 100 Justice. ...12 160 S Nev ... .60 100 Andes 27!100 Mcx 64 200 Union C..30 100 Belcher . ..38J100 Ophlr. . .1.40]300 31 100 Bodie 27 300 Ovrmn. ...19 60 V Jackei.39 100 Ch011ar...58200 18 60 38 100 C P0int.... 38l 50 Potosl ....361 Following were the sales in the Pacific Stock Board yesterday : BKOUT.AR SESSION— IO:3O. 200 Alpha 081100 CC<ftV...2.40,400 Mcx 62 200 09 200 2.421/ a 650 00h1r. . . 1.40 400 Alta 17 60 Confd 93;i00 Potosl ....36 100 Andes.... 26 100 Con 1mp.. .01 200 Savage. ...39 100 8e1cher....371200 C P0int....37 100 Bcorpion..o4 200 B <fc B 5l!200O&C 282OOSeg 8e1.... 14 lOOßodie 28 200 H&N... 1.05 200 Sierra N.. 67 200 Bullion... 10 400 1.07% 100 Union 29 1 00 Challenge 231 00 Julia 04 450 V Jacket, 40 100 Ch011ar... 55,100 L Wash... ol iFTBHNOON SESSION— 2:3O. 100 Alta 17 200 Con N V. 041100 Savage. ...39 200 Andes. ...26 100 C Point ... 39 200 SB& M...13 200 27 200 O <fe C 28 60 SNev 60 100 B«fc B 52 100 Julia 04 100 61 200 Bodle 27100 Mexican. 67 100 Scorpion..o4 200 Bullion. ..10100 Occidentl. 17200 Sit Hi 11 ...04 200 Chal C. .. .26200 Ophir.... 1.40200 Un10nC...30 160 CC&V...2.45 100 0vrmn. ...19500 V JackD...4O 400 Con Imp.. 01 150 pQtosi 36 CLOSING O.COTATIONS. MONDAY, July 1-4 P. if. Sirl.Askrd.i Btd.AtkfiA. Alpha Con 08 09 Jackson 20 — Alia 16 17Julia 02 04 Andes... 26 28 Justice 11 13 Belcher 36 ,'IR Kentucic. 02 04 Best & Belcber. 60 62 Lady Wash .. 01 02 BentonCon.... — 35 Mexican 63 66 Bodle 26 28Mono. . ..... 06 — -Bullion 09 llMt. Diablo 16 - 8u1wer...;..... 06 -. 061 Nevada Queen. '- — J 05 Caledonia..:.;." 11 ;. 12 Occidental..'.:. 18 .19 Challenge Con. . -24 27iOphir ..V..';... 1.40 1.45 Choilar ;...•.. '67 58 Overman:... 18 20 ! Con.Cal.iS;Va.2.4o 2.45 P0t05i..;. .....'.■ H4 35 Con. Imperial. " — . 02 Savage,, ... ....:' 40 ■ 41 Confidence..... 86 — Seg. Belcher... 1a- -13 Con.New York. . O.i — Sierra Nevada. 63 64 Crown Point... 38 40 5c0rpi0n....... — 04 East B. & 8... 18 — Silver RU1. ..'.". 03 04 EastSierraNev — . 05 Silver King.... .— 20 Exchequer..... 02 . 04 Syndicate -^ — " 03 Eureka C0n...... '20 —Union Con 30 32 Gould & Curry. 28 29; Utah .......... 04 05 Hale & Norcrs. 1.10 1.16 Yellow Jacket. 39 40 lowa.. ....... — 061 . • • THE CALL CALENDAB. July, 1895. 3 -1 6 July 6, Full Moon. 8 10 11 tf»s July 14. -&»/ ■ Last Quarter. IB 17 18 U M 9- July 21, New Moon. 23 24 ir^. July 28, \J.) First Quarter. CiOifAN .VI.fcAMJ£KS. Dates of Depart me From Ran Fr«nol»oo. BTKAMKR. | DESTINATION | SAILS. ; pikr. Corona I Pomona. I Araeo ! rlty Everett! Weeott On.' no n Coptic Eureka J-aralloD. , . Umatilla.... Santa Hosa.. Truclcee Uumboldt... Point ix>ma. Acapulco.... ' Btate of Cal | Xt Paul I CltyPnebla.. i Australia....! Del Norte... ' Hun Diego I Hum bold (Bay ! Coos .8ay....... Panama....... i Kel River Portland..;...; China & Japan Newport ......' Yaaulna Bay.. Vie & P«t Bnd San Dlpcu Portland ...... Hum bold t Bay Grays Harbor. ' Panama ...... j Portland j Newport ...... ! Vie * Put Snd ! H0n01u1u...... 'Urays Harbor Uuly 2,11 am ißdw'y V July 2. "2pm Bdw'v 1 July 2,10 am I Vallejo July 2, 4pm Lomb rd July 2, 9am j Vallejo July 3,10 am Spear July 8. 3pm PM S3 I July 4. Bam Bdw'y 2 July S, spm Miss 1 July 5, 9am Bdw'y 1 July 6.11 am Bdw'y 2 July 6, 4pm I Vallejo July 6. 9am | Wostat'n July 6.10 am Miss 1 July 8.12 m IP M SS July B,loam I Spear July 8, Bam ißdw'y 2 (July 9. 9am Bdw'y 1 July 9.10 am; Oceanic July 9. 3pm Main BTE A MJ£RS TO ARRIVE. Steamer | riureka. Newport Wellington Departure .Bay San Benlto Tacoma Point lioma Grays Harbor Rtode Janeiro.. China and Japan Humooldt ! Humiioirtt uav Acapulco I'aiuuna Alameda I Sydney Farallon I Vaauina Bay Santa Kosa. Sari Dlearo Trucbee | Portland Alice Blancnard i Portland Cky-of Puebla . . Victoria A Pugret Sound State of Cal Portland Pomona Humboidt Bay StPaui Newport. Del None Grays Harbor North Fork Humboidt Bay Mackinaw l'acoma Weeott , Eel River Araro Coos Bay San Jose Panama. Crescent City. .. i Crescent City Corona i San I)i»ato July July July July Jaly July July July July July July July I J«iy July July July July . SO AND TIDE TABLE. v c r iHIOH Wa Small. Large. 9.02 a; 7.48p| 0.12 a 8.35p1 Jmall.ltArge. Tl7p[ 2.10 a 2.13 pi a.llA .1 7. : 7. 1 I 1. v HYDROOKAPHIC BUtLKTIN. Branch Htdbogbaphio Omens, V. S. N., > • Mkrohants' EXCHANOE ■ > ■ ■' . Has .tkancibco. July 1. 1895. ';)' The time ball on Teieeraph Hlu was dropped exactly at noon to-day— l. c., at noon of the 120 th meridian, or at exactly 8 p. m.. Greenwich time. - ,- . • a. F. Fechtbler, . " Lieutenant U. 8. N., in charge. sliiri'lNU IMKI.LH.i;NCJi. Arrived. , - MONDAY, July I;'.-; Stmr Alcazar, Gunderson, 62 hours from Port Los Angeles: ballast, to L E White Lumber Co. ■ • Stmr Pomona, Hannah, 8 hours frm Santa Cruz; pass and mdse. to Good all, Perkins A Co. Stmr Noyo,. Levlnson. 14 hours fm Fort Bragg; pass and mdse. to J s Kimball. Stmr Australia, Houdlett, 6 days and 12 hours from Honolulu; pass and mdse, to JD Spreckels ! Bros & Co. .-.--■■■ *■•'.■ Suur Mineola, Pillsbury, 78 hours from Comox ; 3160 tons coal, to 8 P Co. Up river direct. • Ship Dashing Wave, Morehouse, ' 8 days from Tacoma: lumber, to Hanson & Co. - Schr Mary .Etta, Wetzel, 15 ■. hours from Bowens Landing; COeds wood and 20 cds baric; to Bender 'Bros.- 1 - "•■'•" '"" ~> " ' '■'••■" '■-'"■'.■'■■■ ■■ ■ ■■■■" '"■; ■ '■ ;: Schr Czar, Hut man, 35 days from San Bias; 2498 bacs sugar, to Geo Sta&cke. ' Schr Bobolink, Nelson, '20 hours from Men doclno; 215 M ft lumber, to Mendocino Lumber Co. ■ Schr Sparrow, Dart, 3 days from Eureka; 240 M ft lumber, to Preston & McKlnnon. Schr Orion, Anderson, 72 hours fm Eureka; lum ber, to Preston & McKlnnon. . - . . Cleared. • MONDAY. July 1. Ship Cyrus.Wakefleld, ■ Henry, Nanaimo; John Bosenfeld's Sons. • " • ■ Ger ship H F Glade, Herchsen, Queenstown; G W Me Near. Br ship Dunstaffnage, Patterson, Liverpool; Glr vln, Baldwin & Eyre. • • • . ' Br ship Socotra.Gaertner.Quearistown: Epplnger ACo. ■ . .'. Sailed. MONDAY^ July 1. MONDAY. July 1. . Btmr Greenwood. Carlson. * Btmr South Coast, Hansen, Eureka. • . . . Stmr Laguna. Peterson. . * - Bktn Tropic Bird, Burns,- Tahiti. ■ Schr Bessie K. Anderson. Albion. ' Schr Moro, Jorgenson, Pismo. ; Telegraphic. . POINT LOBOB— JuIy . I—lo •p. v.— Weather foggy; wind NW ; velocity „20 miles Der hour. • Movements of Vessels. • Yesterday the ship Drumcllffo was taken to Har . rison street and the bark Archer to the refinery.' The bark Tropic Bird was ' towed to sea and the shlD Dashing Wave to Berry street. ' ■■"■-•., The bark Richard 111 was taken to the seawall and the bark Harry Morse to Beale street. To-dtvy the bark Theobald will be taken from the stream to Howard street, the yacht Lurllne from the stream to sea and the ship Cyrus Wake field from Beale to sea. . ', • •• . Charterg. .The Br stmr Port Stephens was chartered prior to. arrival for wheat to Europe, 35s net. ' The Nor stmr Oscar II loads lumber at Tacoma for South AfTlca; bark Richard 111, coal, at De parture Bay, for this port; schr Mary Ru tine, build ing supplies, from Seattle, for Unalaska. Spoken. June 9—3 S 80 W, Br ship Beacon Bock, from Antwerp, for San Francisco. June 13— 12 N26 W, .Br snip Sllberhorn, hence Feb 23. for Queenatown. Per Sunol— June 80, oft Point Duma, Br abip Hilston, from Newcastle, NSW. for San Difego. March 17— IB 17 N 120 50 W. Br bark, Gland inorwlg, from Portland, for Queenstown. Domestic Ports. EUREKA— Arrived June 30— Schr Fortune, bee Jnne 21. July 1 Stmr North Fork, bence June 30; schr J G wall, hence June 19; schr John A, bence dune 23. NEWPORT- Arrived July I— Stmr Navarro, fm Fort Bragg. Sailed July I— Stmr Navarro, for Redondo. CASPAR— SaiIed July I— Schr Abbie, for San Francisco. PORT TOWNSEND-Arrlved July I— Bktn Wil lie R Hume, from Eureka; schr Bertie iiiuor, frm Honolulu. PORT LOS ANGELES— SaiIed July I— Stmr Al catraz. ASTORlA— Arrived June 30— Stmr State Of Cali fornia, hence June 28; June I— Ship James Drum mond.from New York: schr Annie Gee, hence June 22. Sailed June 80— Bktn Arago, for Valparaiso. July I— Br stmr Cliittagong. PORT BLAKELEY— Arrived July I— Bktn Wil lie R Hume, from Eureka. FORT BRAGG— Sailed June 80— Stmr Caspar. Julr I— Stmr Rival, for Ban Francisco. GRAYS HARBOR— Arrived June 30— Stmr Del Norte, hence June 27. July I— Bktn Catherine Sudden, hence June 24: schr Maid of Orleans, bee June 19: schr Ottlille Fjord, hence June 18. Sailed June 29— Schr O M Kellogg, for Honolulu: stmr Point Loma, for San Francisco. COOS BAY— Sailed June 30— Schr Western Home, for San Francisco. BANDON -Sailed June 30— Schr Joseph and Henry, for San Francisco. ALBlON— Arrived July I— Stmr Albion, hence June 30. REDONDO— Arrived July I— Schr Webfoot.from Portland, Or. UMPQUA— sailed June 30— Schr Lily, for Sun Francisco. . ' TATOOSH— Passed in June 30— Bark Germanla, bence June 18, for Seattle. TACOMA— Arrived July I— Bark Tidal Wave, hence June XI. Eastern Forts. NEW YORK— Palled June 30— Ger bark H Hack feld, for Honolulu. July I— Htmr Advance and stmr City of Para, for Colon. Foreign Ports. HONGKONG— SaiIed June 80— Brship Glenes lin, for San Francisco. LIVERPOOL— Entered out June 18— Br ship Bracadale, for San Francisco; June 19— Br ship Roderick Dhu, for San Francisco. VLADIVOaTOCK— Arrived June 30— Bktn Che halis, hence April 27. HONOLULU— Arrived June 18— Bark Albcr:, from Port Gamble; June 23— Bretmr Warrlmoo, from Victoria. Sailed June 18— Haw ship Helen Brewer, for New York ; schr Hiratn Biugham, for Gilbert Is lands; June 22— Bktn S N Castle, for San Francisco; June 24— Br sttnr Warrimoo, for Sydney. .Ship Tillie B Starbuck sails for New York on or about June 25. KAHULUI— SaiIed June 16— Brig John D Spreckels, for Sun Francisco. MAHLKO.VA-Arrlverl June 11— Schr John G North, hence May 29; returns to San Francisco early In July. HlLO— Arrived June 17— Haw bark Santiago, he June 5. RIO DE JANEIRO— SaiIed June 37— Br ship Craig«rn», for San Francisco. QUEENSTOWN-Sailed June 29— Br ship Brit ish Merchant, for Antwerp. KINSALE— Passed June 29- Br bark Carleton, hence March 6, for Dublin. DEAL— Passed June 28— ship f Seafarer, from Antwerp, for San Francisco. • - - ... : • . ' TARlFA— Passed June 24— bark Elliott, from Genoa, for San Francisco. * ' ■-.' "■■'■■■ --'-■ ■' ■ • •-'■ . LONDON— Sailed June 29— Br ship Eaton Hall, for Port ' Los Angeles. * *'■.-■••* y YOKOHAMA— SaiIed June ; 29— Br stmr Gaelic, for San Francisco. ' " . . • * '■> -. Movements of Atlantic Steamer*. / NEW-YORK— Arrived July 'I— Stmr Amster dam, from Rotterdam; simr State or California, from Glasgow. ." . c ; Arrived out July I— Stmr Werra, from Gibral-, tar; stmr Fulda, from Southampton ; stmr Vere tla. from Copenhagen. =. ■ Sighted July l--stmr Noordland, from Antwerp, for New York. ' : .. r, - Importations. SANTA CRUZ— Per Pomona— y 2 . ens black berries. 1 gasoline launch. • . Monterev— pkgs household goods, 2cs cheese.* I FORT BRA«O— Per No.vo— 4B salt hides, 1 sack tails, 1 bdl pelts, 2 cs boots and shoes, 67 piles, 185 Mft lumber. ' - . Westport— l bdl dry hides, 2 bdls hides, 1 safe, --112 sks wool. ' ■;,.; .-.:. ; ' ; ■ ■ Consignees. ' • Per Pomona— Standard Oil Co: L Scatena A Co ; *. Paul Keyser: W F Mitchell; Union Gas Engine Co; FG Waterhouse. . • .. . Per Noyo-C E Whitney & Co: Christy A Wise; Shoobert, Beale&Co; Thos Denipan Son Co: J S Kirn ball; Standard Oil Co; Wilson & Baechtel; j W P Fuller & Co : Bissinger &Co Samuels Bros! Co; Cahn.Nickelsburj,' & Co; Matthews Bros; R I N Nason & Co; Spraunee, Stanley <fc Co; Harris <& Jones; Wllshire Safe and Scale Co: Union Lum ber Co. . • _ . ;;.:, ' Ibr Lnf •Shipping JnteUirjence Set Thivtrmth Pan*. P. OFFICE FURNITURE . AND FIXTURES. C. F. Weber & co., 800 to 306 Post St. cor. Stockton THE GHEAT MOISTUSE ASSOSBEKT i "HUMIDINE" Keeps Refrigerators dry and sweet, preserves meats, butter, milk, etc, economizes ice, removes " refriger- ator taste" and odor. Sold by grocers and druggists. PENNA. SALT MFG. CO. Also, Mfrs. Lewis' 98 % Powdered Lye, Philadelphia. GRANITE MOlliiTS. SySSSS b y I JONES BROS. & CO. Cor. Second and Brannan Sts., S. f F. JJSS" Superior to ALL OTHERS and the latest designs. Strictly wholesale. Can be purchased through any Retail Dealer. . . : OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. : OCEMIC STEAMSHIP COMPAIf. ■■■■I Hum, * \Coolgardle gold fields j/Sr\o (Fremantle), Austra- •i^UAi#y.i> Ila; * 220 first class, JBnrs~ nO|\lrTr|(u« $110 steerage. Lowest f CT^jJfJijgJlJ rates to Capetown, Mfri4o^~~jr^^t s^outh Africa. affiXi/ X^Rk Steamship Australia. mtfjf/ Zatl* \^am Honolulu only, Tues- wßl r iw« day - Jul y 8 > at i° {3£9r y^aw Australian steamer, Honolulu and Auck- land, Thursday, July 26, at 2 p. m. - '■ Ticket office, 138 Montgomery street. ; — -Freight office, 327 Market street. ■J. V. SPBECKELS <fc BROS., General Agents. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COMPANY DISPATCH STEAMERS FROM SAN AfSL^ XJ Francisco for ports in Alaska, 9a.u.,xssS%. j June 4. 9, 19, 24. July 5. 9, 19, 24, August 3, 8, IS For British Columbia , and Fagot Bound pom, June 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, and every fifth day there- after. ' ' For Eureka, Hnmboldt Bay, steamer Pomona, every Tuesday at 2 p. M. '■• ■■■-.■ .■ .:■?. .;- For Newport, Los Angeles and all way ports, June 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, and every fourth day thereafter, Ba. it . ■■ ■ ■"- For Han Diego, stopping only at Port Harfori, Santa Barbara, Port Los Angeles, Redondo (Loi Angeles) and Newport, June 4. H. 12, 1«. 20, 22, 24. 28, and every fourth day thereafter, at. 11 a. m. Steamer Pomona Saturday to Monday excur- sion to Santa Cruz and Monterey, leaves Broadway wharf 1. Saturdays 4p. m. ■ . ■ .-• . " For ports in Mexico, 10 a. m., 25th of each month, steamer Willamette Valley. ; Ticket Office— Palace Hotel, 4 New Montgomery street. ■..•.-.•.■ -^ • ■ '■ •■; - ■ GOOD ALL, PERKINS A CO., General- Agents, . . ' ... 10 Market St.. San. Francisco. O'w< : - 'B. ft I :TO PORTLAND ■ K. CL Vim AND ASTORA. STEAMSHIPS DEPART FROM SPEAR- '' iD street wharf at 10 a. m. every five, days, con- necting at PORTLAND with direct rail lines to all points In OREGON, WASHINGTON, IDAHO, MONTANA, and all Eastern points, including Chi- cago, New York and Boston. State of California sails June 8, 18, 28, July 8. ' V Oregon sails June 13, 23, July 3, 13. - Fare In cabin, Including berth and baeals, $15 00; Steerage. *7 50; Round trip, $25 00. ( '. For through rates and all other information apply * to the undersigned. „'■-'• Goodaix, PeTbkins & Ca Fred. F. Coxnob, Gen'l Supts., • Gen'l Agent." ' ... 10 Market st. .. 19 Montgomery st. COMPAGHIEGEmALETRAPATLAItTIQUE * French Lino to Havre. POMPANY'S PIER (NEW), 42 NORTH Ay* ' \J River, foot of Morton st. Travelers by *-3Xtq[ this line avoid both transit by English railway and the . discomfort of crossing the channel in a small boat. New York to Alexandria, Egypt, via Paris, first class $160; second class $110. LA BOURGOGNE, Capt. Leboneuf ;...*...; *„ v .:...:..V.r... ...'.July 6, 4:00 a.m. LATOURAINE,' Capt. Santellf:...... ;...;.;...:. July 13, 7:00 a. LA GASCOGNE, Capt. 8aude10n . . ... .'..;.... .... -..■- ■...........:. ."...,.. July 20, 4:00 a. LA CHAMPAGNE, Capt. Laurent . . . ... : . . . .-. . . r .....".:. ...................... July 27, 7:00 a. . j|3r For further particulars apply to . .•■■ - ■, • ••..»■ A. FORGET, Agent, » • ' No. 3 Bowling Green, New York. J. F. FTJGAZI •it • CO., Agents, 5 Montgomery awe., San Francisco. / CUIARD Lim New York to' Liverpool, via Qneonstown, from Pier 40,. North River. * • FAST EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE. Umbrta, July • 6,-3 pm Aurar.ia. Aug. 3, 3 pif Lucanla, July 13, 9:30 am Umbria. Aug. 10, 8 am Etruria, July 20.3 p m jLucania, Aug. 17, Ipm Campania. Jy 27, 9:30 am Etruria, Aug. 24, 8 am EXTRA SAILING. ' * l\'J r \ 'Aurania . ... ......; . '. \. '. ;. Thursday. July 4, Noon Cabin passage 1 $60 and upward; ' second cabin, 35, $40, $45, according to steamer and accommo- dations. • • . * Steerage tickets to and from all parts of Europe at very low . rates. For freight and passage apply at company's office; 4 Bowling Green, New York. ' VERNON H. BROWN & CO., General Agents. Good accommodation can always be secured on application to "WILLIAMS, DIMOND <fc CO., • . ' . Agents, San Francisco. i * WHITE LIME. United Slates and Royal Mail Steamers BETWEEN New York, Queenstown & Liverpool. SAILING KVERY WEBK. CABIN. 860 AND UPWARD, ACCORD- iSr**u \J ins; to steamer and accommodations iiSloSi selected: second cabin, $35 ; Majestic and Teutonic, $40 and $45. Steerage Tickets from England, lie- land, Scotland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark through to San Francisco at lowest rates. , Tickets. 1 sailing . dates and cabin plans may be procured from W. H. A VERY, Pacific Mail Dock, or at the General Office of ■ the Company, 613 Market st. under Grand Hotel. G. W. FLETCHER, --.-.- ' General Agent for Pacific Coast. ■ RAILROAD .' TRAVEL! i^^fcHTS; ;V Atlantic - ./jKP^2sP?* ?e O^ *■ •■ : TV " ■• ■ ■ • .2 • ' ■■ i^^3sWJ« r^fl C I T I C 8 Atlantic Trains leave from and arrive "?^S^^T^ ' at Market-Street Ferry- \^»^»^^-r«eff3> Ch ca;o Limited Leaves every day at 5:30 p.' m.. carrying Pullman Palace Sleepers and, Tourist Sleepers to Chicago" via Kansas City without change. Annex cars for Denver and St. Louis. ,v . , .v VIA LOS ANGELES. I Trains leave, dilly at 0:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., connecting in Los Angeles with solid trains, Los Angeles to Chicago. > ; : ■•Summer or Winter the Santa Fe Route Is the most Comfortable railway, California to the East, . WA popular misbelief exists regarding the heat ■ in hummer. The heat Is not greater than : is : encoun- tered on even the most northerly line. This Is well known to experienced travelers. .'.^ ;•;:"■-■/ ' ;. The meals at Harvey's Dining Rooms are an ex- cellent feature of the line. , ' - ■V - ; The Grand Canyon of the Colorado can be reached In no other way. 'y;3*gK|fpgE£sggL^ftgg ."'■•'■l .Ticket Office— 6sO Market Street, Chronicle Building. OCEAN STKAMSHIFSC ROTAI MAIL STEM^PACRET coipaii. STEAMERS LEAVE ASPINWALL £ffSm "'"' fortnightly for the West Indies and OUMI Southampton, calling en route at Cerbour ii. France, and Plymouth to land passengers. . - Through bills of lading, in connection *•"*«• Pacific Mail S. S. Co., Issued for freight »nd treat- are to direct ports in England and Germany. ' Through tickets from San Francisco to Ply™ oo . l *! Cherbourg. Southampton. First class, $195; thUrf c&jtt. 597 60. For further particulars apply » gum, *Vi ov. x paJIROTT <£ CO., Agent*, / , ....,:- ■■ ■ 306 California st. STOCKTON STEAMERS Leave Pier No. 3, Washington St« , At 5 P. Mi Daily, .Except Sunday. gg- Accommodations Reserved by Telephone." '; STIiABIKR : o T. C. Walker. J. D.Peters, _ Mary Garratt, ' City of Stockton. Telephone Man 805- Cai Xnv. >ncl Impt. Co. '•"' RAILROAD TRAVEL! _____ SMFrISCISCO & KORTH PA- CIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tiburon Ferry— Foot of Market St. San Francisco to San Rafael. WEEK DAYS— 7 :4O, a 9:20, 11:00 a.m.; 12:35, 3:30, 5:10, 8:30 p. M. Thursdays— Extra trip ' at 11:30 p. m. Saturdays— Extra trips at 1:50 ° and 11:30 p. m. ° STJNDAYS-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A. M.; 1:30, 3:30, 6:00, 6:20 p.m. ■ ■ . San Rafael to San Francisco. o WEEK DAYS— 6:2S, 7:55, 9:30, 11:10 A. M.j o 12:45, 3:40, 5:10 p. m. Saturdays— Extra trip* /at 1:65 p.m. and 6:35 p. m. ; -^ o SUNDAYS— B:IO, 9:40, 11:10 a. M.; 1:40, 3:40, o 5:00, 6:25 P. M. „ Between San Francisco and Bchuetzen Par* sam« schedule as above. o * ~ . .. • . _^ Ban Francisco. ''May*"; , San Francisco. _ Week I Sun- \L^ti6n Su^ I " V 7X EEK ° ° Days. I days, destination. j PAYS . |p AY s. 7:40 am 8:00 am! Novato, 10:40 am \ 8:50 c 3:30 pm 9:30 am! Petaluma, 6:05 pm 10:30 aic 6:10 6:00 pm Santa Rosa. 7:30 pmj 6:15 Pic ?, ■- --.- ~ [ Fulton, ~~~ -' ■.:■■•' 7:40 am = Windsor, ° 10:30 Alt Healdsburg, .. o Geyserville, ° °. ° 3:30 pm 8:00 am Cloverdale. 7:30 pm °6:lSwc • j ■. Pleca, • : -, ' ° 7:40 am Hopland A <= 10:30 a* o 3:3opm 3:ooam Uklah. - 7:30 6:lsr*. 7:40 am ~ ■■? ■ ■ " 10:30 AX 1 8:00 am i Guerneville. 7:30 pm .-iT 0 *" 3:30 pmi ■-..;? 6:15 PK o 7:40 am 8:00 am Sonoma 10:40 am 8:50 am: 6:10 pm 6:00 pm and ? 8:05 pm 6:15 Tit I Glen Ellen. h , 7:40 am : 8:00 am o ph ... ftnnl 110:40 am 10:30 aW o 3:30 pm! 5. 00 pm! Sebastopol. | 6:05 pm| 6:15 pm Stages connect at San Rafael for Bolinas. o ',; Stages connect at Santa Rosa for Mark wen . Stages connect at Geyserville for Skaggs Springs, Stages connect at Clovertlale for the Geysers. . c Stages connect' at Pieta for Highland Springs, H, Kelseyvllle, Soda Bay, Lakeport." i ■■'■ :-'". Stages connect at Hopland for . Lakeport ana o Bartlett Springs. 9 ••„ _, °t,,' Stages connect at Ukiah for Vichy Springs, Bias Lakes, Laurel Dell, Upper Lake, Booneville, Green- wood, Mendocino City. Fort Bragg, Usal, Westpprt, Cahto, Willetts, CalpeUa, Porno. Potter Valley, Joha c Day's, Lively's, , Gravelly Valley,' Harris, Blocks- „ burg, Bridgeville, Hydesville and Eureka. ~ i Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at reduce* : On Sundays round-trip tickets to all points be/ yond San Rafael at half rates. - z ■ • Ticket Offices, corner New Montgomery ana Market streets, under the Palace Hotel. o H. C. WHITING, R. X. RYAN. Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent, o, ■OIITHRRN P*(lHr COHPAHT..° J (PACIFIC NVSTEM.) o ' ' Trains leave and are due to arrive mm. SAN FRANCISCO^ °. ° ■ r ' ' * ■ ' leave ■■—'■-. Feom June 14, ! 1895. — p Aß.itrvß ; » '—. ? •6:30 a San Leandro, Haywards t Way St'ns »:Isa! 7:OOa Atlantic Eipre*s, Ogden and Kast.. 10j5«F ° 7:OOa Benicia, Vacavll'o Ilurcsey. Sacra- ' ' ° 0 mento, and Redding via Davis. . . . 7:13p ' 7:30 a. Martinez, San Ramon, Napa, Calls. ■■' toga and *Santa Rosa .:. 6:lSp 7:30 a San Leandro, Haywardp k Way St'ns 1«15a c »::lOa Niles, Bmi Jose, Stockton, lone. „ Sacramento, Marysville, Had Ulull ° an.l 0r0»111e... ;...»...... . 4«ir»i» •8:30 a Peters and Milton. 1 ......... »7:15p «:OOa San Leandro, Hay wards & Way St'ns 1 1 >43 a, VtOOA New Orleans Uxprcsa, • Raymond. * t; v «. i £..';. > - (for .i Yoseinfte). , Santa Barl>ar% ' ,- ,-..;;. .. Los Angeles, Deuiing. I£l I'asc, •- New Orleans and Ea5t..........; 5:45p 9:00 a Martinez and Stockton 10:45 a 10:OOa San LeaDdro, Hayw&nls and Nilea . - 1:45p 12:00 m San Leandro, Haywards 4 Way Stfns S:43p l:OOr Nilcs, San Joso and Livermore...... 8:45 a , *l :OOp Sacramento River Steamers ; . . . *9 :OOr> . fl:3op Port Costa a:id Way Stations... t"=43p 3:00p San Leandro, Haywards & Way St'us 3:45p- . 4:00p San Leaadro. Haywarils&WaySt'ps 6:43» 4:OOr Martinez, San Ramon, Valle jo, ' . . Napa, Calistoga, 111 Verauo and Snittaßosa.. 9tI3AJ 4:00p Benicia, Vacaville, Woodland, ' Knights Landing, ' Mary grille, . , Oroville and Sacramento . . . . . lfl«4oji . 4:80p NHes, San Jose, Livermore and .Stockton 7 ....; 7:1»» 5:00p San Leandro, Flay wards 4. Way St'ns 8:45 i» Si3Url/0S Angolen l-'.xiirecs. Fresno, Ray- mond (for Yosemite), liakcrsfiuld, . •' , . Santa i;:ivliaraaii'l l.<>s Anisules.. 10:45 a. 8:30p Santa Ka Route. Atlantic Express for Mojavo an«l Kast 10:45 a O:OOt> European o^.lcn and Kast.... 9:45 a. door Ilaywards, Niks ami San J05e...... 7:45 a. t7:«Op Va11ej0...... ....'........*....;. +7:45 p 7:OOp Orogou Kxpress, Sacramento, Marys- • •ville, Redding. Portland, Pngel •Sound ami Kast... ....". 10:45 a 7:O0p San Leandro, Hayward3& Way St'ns 10:50p 9:OOp .San Leandro, Haywards & WaySfns ttl2:ooA.° MI t:lsr San Leandro, Haywarda& Way St ' n9 «7:13 a AM A 4ltl / DIVISION (.Nnrrow (JauKfj. t7:45A Sunday Excursion for Newark. Sac ' * » Jose, Los Catos, Felton and Santa " Cruz ■...............;............. }».«."n» '• S:lsa Newark,Centervill«,.Smi.loEO,FeltOß, ■ . . . Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz and Way Stations v. ......... . .'.'. . 3-sOp ♦2:13p Newark, Centerv.lle, San Jose. Ncr ''.'■ Almaden, Felton, lioultlcr Crrek, Santa • Crur. and Principal Waj ■ . Stations Jll:aOA; 4:45 p Nowark. San .Time, I ,os Oatow 9:!»Oa. COAST IH VISION (Tliinl * TouHsciiiTstw.) j *6:45 a San .lose. New Ainmilen and Way ■ 5tati0n5.. .................-.„;.... *I«45«) 17:30 a Sunday Kxcursion for San Jo»«, Fant» ■ Cruz, Pacific Grove and Principal Way Stations t,S:3spt 8:I3a Sun .Joso, Tre« J'iim.-, Santa Ctiik r.iciiic Grove, Paso Uoblca, Saa Luis Obigpo and Principal Way - Stations... ...■......".......,....... 7:05p t9:47A Palo Alto and Way Stations Jl:-13p ;lO:4Ua «an Joso ami Way 5tat10m......... JJiOOp I 1:45 a Palo Alto and Way Stations. 3:30p •2:30r Han Jose, Gilroy, Tres Piiios. Santa Cruz, Salinas, Monterey anil Pucitie Gr0r0....:...... MO:4Oa. •3::i«p San Joso and Principal Way Stations 9:47 a San Jose ami Way Stations... »8:0aA 5:30 - San .Toso mxl Way 5taM0n5. ........ «»:4»a, 6:3«r San Jose ami Way Stations 6:»3.i t11:45p San Joso anil Way 5tat10u5......... 17:40^ CREEK ROUTE FERRY. ' From SAN FR.VNCISCO— Foot of Market Street (Slip 8)— *7:00 800 9:00 *10:00 11:00 A.M. "12:20 {1:00 *2:00 3:00 •1:00 0.03 •6:00 p.m. ° From OICUND— Foot of Bro»dwty.— *6:00 »7:00 ■' 8:00 «9:00 .'0:00 *11:00 A.M., *- 112:09 . '•13:30 : 3:00 *3:00 " 1:00 *5:00 r.u. ■■. ■-; v. : ;, • A for Morning. P for Afternoon . - ]• • .Sunday* excepteJ. - - ■; + Saturdays only. § Thursdays only. ■ 1 Sundays only. f tt Mouday. Thursday ana Saturday nights only V^SAUSALITO Y?^^?. From April 21, 1896. Leave S. F. - WEEK DAYS. Arrive S. F. 7.00 a.m. Mill V»l., Ross V*l., Rf1....... ........ , 8.00 a.m. " • ". " Sin Qtn. 6.45 a.m. 9.15 a.m. " " •••....::. 7.40A.iJ« 10.16 A.M. " '• »•«.; SwQtD. 8.45a.ju ' 11.45 a.m. * " " "....:.. 9.40 a.m. 1.4.-)r.M. "-. " " San Qtn. 10.45 a.m. 3.20 p.m. .-■..•• " «• .......11.86a.m.: ........ " " " SaoQln. . 1.16 p.m. 4.15 p.m. ;.;.«-. » ••....... 305 P.M. - 6.15 p.m. ••";- «• » S»nQtC; 4 40p.m. 6.50 P.M. " ■--•••; •« ....... 6 35P.M. O.3SPJC. " " ".....,. C.2SPJI. ' ••• ;'■'"■ " " StnQta. ; 7.45 p.m. 11.30 p.m. RossTal., San Rfl., 5anQtn........ .....;... 8.00 a.m. Cmdero and Wa7 Stations ........ 7.45p m. •1.46?. m. ".'«♦• ....... :.X8.45A.M. ° •Saturdays only. x Mondays only. > i •* SUNDAYS. ' 8.00 a.m. Mill Val., Ross Val., San Rf!.. San Qta. . .... .'. . .....;.. Rosr. Valley. San Rafael, San Qtn..... 8.18 a.m. S.OOa.m. Mill Va!., Ross Val., San Rf]., Sao Qtn. . . . ... /. . , ........ _-.." " " , .....;. 9.16 a.m. 10.00a.m. -. " •• •• StnQtn .;...... ........ Ross Valley, San Rafael, San Qtn . . . .10.60a.m'. > 11.00 a.m. Sausalito 0n1y ..;..:.."...........;... ..... . .'.- Stnsalito and Mill Valley .... ; .-; . 11,10 a.m. • 11.30 a.m. Mill Valley, Ross Valley, San Rfl . ; . .-. . ; ; 1 ........ Mill Val., Ross Val., S«n Rfl., San Qtii. 12.10 p.m. 12.30 P.M. *" :"..".'.■...........;... ......... " ; " SanQtn.... "1.05p" ji".-' .....;.. Mill Val., Ross Val., San Rfl ........ 2.05 p.m .; i.'sopi". " " •* 'SaaQtn'.'.*4.'6spa; 1.80 p.m. •• " •■ SanQta..'4is3p!M'. 2isrjj. : '« " •• •• , 0 30pm i.80P.8. •• '• •« .. " '"""•*• • 6.45 p.m. " " "■ '".'.*'.l*"i ".*;;•• ........ Ross Valley and San Rafael . . . . ... . . B.ispjcl 8.00 a.m. Point Reyes, Cazadero and Way Stu. 8.16 p.m. 9.Co a.m. Foiat Royei and Way SUtions...;;. 7 Mr ,ju :