Newspaper Page Text
12 EMPLOYMENT FOR WOMEN E. L. Fitzgerald Secures a Very Large Order for Fe male Help. NINE HUNDRED IN DEMAND. The State's Free Labor Bureau to Furnish Help for a Big Fruit Cannery. The free labor bureau that Labor Com missioner E. L. Fitzgerald will open in two weeks promises to be a grand success. Al though much in advance of its opening, Mr. Fitzgerald has already received orders for many hundred workingmen. The first was from a Contra Costa fruit-raiser, who wants 100 men to gather his crop during the months of August and September. The next was from a big contractor, who wants from 200 to 500 men to work on a large ir rigation ditch in Fresno County. The last order was received yesterday and its receipt was probably more gratify ing than all of the. other?, because it will provide work for all the girls and women that the Labor Commissioner can obtain. One of the largest fruit canneries in San Francisco placed in Mr. Fitzgerald's nands an order for 000 women and girls, who can earn from $1 to $1 75 a day. The work will be Jic;ht — assorting, grad ing and canning fruits of all kinds. The •women and girls will be employed from July 15 to October or November. The can'ner stated that he has abvays been de sirous of employing women and girls, as they do better and Moaner work, and he would only use coolie help as a last resort. He stated that be will not employ trirls younger than IK years of a^e, but women of any $ge may work in his cannery. After a few days' -practice both- .girls and women > an earn from $1 to $1 75 a day, ac cording to their effort.'-, as they will worK by the piece. The firs: of The peach crop for canning purposes will be 'coming-in be tween the 15th inst. and August 1. Mr. Fitzg;erald told the canner that un d^r no circumstances would he attempt to fill the order belqre July l-~\ .when the bureau will be opened, nor will .he enter tain any application for Work before that date, as his books will not be ready until then and there 'wiil be no clerks in tiie office, to rereive applications. : ". "Thaitrail make no difference to me. I v.ill not be ready'before then and I assure you ihat I will nor engage any help except through the State's free bureau," replied the gentleman. ; Mr. Fitzgerald expressed his doubts about being able to lill .so large an order in this city, there 'being: more men than women in need of worki "There is nothim: to hin«ior the women and eiiis of Berkeley. Oakland and Ala meiia getting work in my place." iinswered the canner. "They can come at 7 and 8 o'clock i;i the morning, just as it suits their convenience. That will give those living across the bay plenty of time to get to the cannery, as they wiil not have far to go aft°r leaving the ferries." Under the<c- circumstances it is possible for the order to be filled within a short time after the bureau opens.'.. Mr. Fitzger aid expects that a large d amber of those who were burned out in the big Brannan street lire will be amon'« th? first to apply for work and liie canner says that these unfortunates will be the first favored. Out. of the 700. or fOO- persons made penniless by the tire it is estimated that at least 200 or 300 will be plad to ' secure light wort that will pay so well and as the work will last between four and; five months many worthy womon and girls will be able to lay aside neat little sums of money and thus help out their husbands and fathers before the winter arrives. • Mr.; Fitzgerald says that .while he has thisDrdc-r to .fill no worthy woman or girl need 'suffer for the necessa ries of life. He believes that other canhers Will place similar orders with him befoTe -the season is over. : ; - .. .•• .' :i lie has already received a dozen or so orders for womeu and girli to do house work, etc. Thowoinan's department will be separatfed f rom tho menS, and will be viiicier tn,e direction and management oi a corp of able ami .willing ladies. KEAL ESTATE TEANSACTIONS. ..; Barium and .Loan Society to Mira M., Jtartraret . J.. DavM .1.. mien.&, Th 'nuts L.. William C., John I". :\p.i\ Denis Mah'oney Jr.. and Catherine F. Net field.lot on s line of -Pacific kveiiue, 167 W of Lar kln street, 327:8% by W 108: «."•. •. ■ : John J?.,°Mira M., David 1., Ellen Thomas L.. William C: and Denis Mahoney Jr., ,Catln rine F. ■ •N.e»field (nee .Uaboney), David Nesfu-ld, !•'.' A. A. j'.i'l Kate Bellnge (nee Cusyfj and- J..M". Burnett, . . and as tmstpe. to tbf Savings and. Loan Society," lot on the NW" corner of Jackson a'nd'Polk streets, • N 165:4 V? by -W 138:6: also let .-. 4b S W corner of. Jackson* and I.ark-111 streets, W 225", N :BV4i W • SO. N 127*14,*: 275. s 25ft:4W;46: • -"■- William J>. and Maggie J. \S alKer to Catherine .M. Molloy.'Oot on line of Flllmore' street. 164:6 • N Of Haves. X S by E 137:6: flO."- ..": ■ ' * :>■ .•-.••.10hn W. > orii'i: to Thomas ; >".— ljr»a. lot on \V line '•■ of llovcc*-s:r"(M, 487 N of Pom: - Lobbs avenue, N . 25 By W 120; $10. ••■•;•.: :-5-'- - Leopold Seljgman (by I. Si^inh«rt..attornej-) to . Oscar 1.. Johnson, lot on F. line of- Clayton street, 6Os6fnayosr. .S 25 by X 106:3- " .• y William aifi^Liizie Hlnk»'l to- Margaret Rlppon, ' lor 011NK coiner of Frederick Clii, ton streets, K.:-!O::-t by S 108: $10. V '■'• • ■; • . V. ■ ("onrail A. Kwabun to William and. Louise : F. Humbilrx, io: on W line of Jnfian avenue, 185 N .of Sixteen sirect. N3oby W 100: .$lO. • ./..'Charles F._and Anna Lurinan-aml .William F. and . .Mtirgnret ■"« Oornts to' Aihvank'e Brewery of -..-Kan Francisco, lot on -SW line of Tenth street, ! IfIONW or'Bryant, SW 75,.5".V 185, :^K lby, NE "••85,.NW 25. Ni: 300: $10. ■ „ " '■'.'. I ';: .!osci)!i a!id H,'(iwig Weil to Security Ix>an Asso ciation: lot on W Hue of Hartford. street, 192:6 N of ' Twentieth, 27:6 by W,125; also lot on W line of .• -Tremont aveane, 150 S of Waller, street, S 25 by W 80: alKO..lot_ ou W line of Hartford street, 104:6 N of Twentieth; N 22 by W 128: 810. . " -0 '.Villiani .'is:d C. T. Nicol to; s.iran v D>lafl»ild, - lot ■.on NIC c rofnfr of Guerrero cm) Jersey streets, N 01/iinch by J. 121:31/*: SlO.. - Mic.bnel Wetetl to James" O'Connor, lot com ° nicncUie 34 rrom NW cornet of Groyeor Thirtieth .'and Dolores streets, N SO by.W lOOt $350. j Marie E. K. Burton to Jane K. Fricot. lot on south Hup of California street, ,97 :6 W Masou, W4O by S 137:0; grant.: , •• , • • c Fred W. and Olivia r,."MeMurpby to California S. and L. Society, "on, south line of .Mariposa street 20:8 V/Bogart avenue, W 17:4 by S 73; $1450. „ ■ •.. './:-..-. a Potrpro Land and "Jiaprov-ynenf Company to Bernard O'Donnell. lot on W line of Tennessee street, 91:tJ N of Twenty-second, N 50 by W 100: grant. « ' *„' • AOolph Sutro to W. It." H. Adamson lot on N lino of A street, 176:9 W of Thirty-first avenue, W 61:1, N 283:2, B 31:4, SE '-'84:4; $1000. Annie Hunt to Tcssie Hunt, lot 227, Gift Map 2; $10. Arthur R. Torwilllger to Fannie J. Daniels, lot 31. Mock X. Park Lane Tract, Map 3: *10. John J. and Mary 1.. O'l-nrrell to Mar. in Griffen, lot on 8W line of Francis street, 375 NW Of Mis sion, W"sby SW 150, Academy Tract; 10. ALAMEDA COUNTY. William H. »nd Carrie B. Cole man (by attorney) to George E. Grant of Alam«--da. lot oti S line of Heventb street, 25 E of Washington, E 75:9 by 8 10 '. being lo' 9 and h portion of lots 5 to 8 and 10, block- 66, Oakland ; $10. The Central Land Company (a corporation) to barah A. Jones (wife of J. C.) of Oakland, lot on N line of Nolan or Thirty-third street, 141 :3 W of West, N 100 by W 25, being the W 25 feet of lot 20, block X. Central' Land Company* tract. Oak land: $10. Josephine M. Fancey of Oakland to Linda M. Adum.s of Oakland, lot on X comer ot Twenty-first avenue and East Twenty-first street, WE 152:6 by HE 100, block 67, map of lots in Brooklyn, East Oakland: $10. i^gawraWßWPWßlßlWt Theodore und Ida Wagner to Victor Gazzolo of Oakland, lot on NW corner of Woolsey and Dana streets. W 50 by N 100. E 50.33, > 100 to begin ning, being lots 16 and 16, block 3, Dowllng Tract, Berkeley; $385. . , - Samuel and Surah J. Dowling to same, same, in iclaim deed, Berkeley: $10. \V. B. and Grace King to William B. Wellman >.'ii( 11 vision 5, Rrqua Homestead; Brooklyn Town ■!iipj *10. 1 I'bilip Anspacher to Mrs. M. J. White of Hay « nrds, lot 4, block A, Anspacher Tract, being a re * subdivision of a portion of Hay ward Tract, Hay vardfl. Eden Township: 10. .Marcus Torrev of frvingion to Robert B. Crowell or Irv^ncfon, commencing at point 40 feet Wof SU coriier of Peterson's lot on >■ side of Mission Ktrcei.N to South - Union, SW ' to NE corner of Ford's land, tbence N to Mission, E to beginning, portion of iot 2 in section 3, township 5 south, ranee 1 west. Washington Township; $10. i obert B. Crowell to H. B. Ford, lot commenc ln at a stake 60 feet r from SW corner of lands of'ivterson. N to 8 line of Union street, W to NE rorner of Ford's land, : 8 to Mission street, E 20 to beginning, being ponion of lot 2, in section 3, lovviiship 6 S, range 1 W, Washington Township; *iur; A. .lie vena to Joseph and Emily WlllUms, imrr A. ry.evens to Joseph and EmUv Will, lot on N line of Division street, 184 E of Pine street, thence along Eighth utreet 26, N 130, W 25, 8 130 to beginning, being portion of block 688, Oakland: $10. James B. Larue to Hugh Hogan, lot. on NW line of Twelfth avenue, 180 NE of East Twelfth street, NEflO by NW 100, plock 41. Clinton, East Oakland: $5. Helen 1. Kowler of Oakland to George H. Fowler of Oakland, lot. on W corner of East Fourteenth strfeth and Thirteenth avenue, SW 37 by NW 75, block 40, Clinton, quitclaim deed. East Oakland; $10. K. H. and Btella M. Stone of Alanaeda to J. F. Johnson of Alameda, lots 19 and 21. block 18, re subdlvided townsiteof Fltchburg, Berkeley Town ship: SlO. J. «. and B. Klumpke of San Francisco to Ed ward Moss of Sun Francisco, lot 6, block F, Amended Map, Salinger Tract, quitclaim deed, Berkeley: $5. Teterand Marparet Cook of Oakland to William K. Miles of Oakland, lot on NE corner of Fourteenth and Union streets, E 45 by N 105, block 58, Oak land ; $5. William E. Miles of Oakland to Carrie L. Miles (wife of William E.), same; grift. Builders' Contracts. • Rev. P. O'Connell with R. Doyle A Son, to erect a two-story building on E line of Tennessee street, 150 N of Nineteenth; $3089. William McCormlck with Ogle <fe Smith, to erect a two-story frame building on N\V corner of Pierce and Fulton streets; $9700. Sharon Estate Company with the Builders' Ex change, to erect r two story building on NW cor ner of Mission and New Montgomery streets; 56800. HOTEL AEEIYALS. PALACE- 3HOTEL. D Dlnkelspiel, N V E Kirkpatrick & w, Gaa- D A Wilkins, Chicago !temala J A Limbac'k. N V .IDoudell, Missoula M n Hassling Aw, N J J.F Kidder. Grass Valley Mrs L E Beyne, -Chicago C II Calbiirn, Virginia Cy Mrs M Hoffert, Chicago R A Sinclair, Cedar Rpds .1 P Erie, N V H E Faulkner, N H C (i Morrien, La W E Faulkner, N H (i T Lyon, O3\veeo, N V A Phelps Jr, N V Miss Lyon. Osweeo, N V G A Lang & w, U S N Miss A Lyoo, Uswego D P Turner, Houston Miss Butler, N V LF Dick, Galvestou E Underbill. N V T J Phelps Jr, U S stair L F firaham, Saa Jose Olympia F s Dickinson. NY E B Whitney, N V A C Phillips. Uuatemaia D McKeley <fe w, Pa I' (J Hum^. Los Gatos R McKeley, Pa F E Novak <!t w, N V GRAND HOTEL. W F Peterson, Sacto J Bradford, Sulsun Dr W Sporati, Stockton H L Koss, Nev W A Dwighi, Portland Dr J W Hudson. Ukiah William (Tee. Newcastle W E Carpenter, Marysvle A H Wilson <fe w, Cal W B English, Cal T Turner &s. Modesto 3 X Qovao, surto G J Owens, Los Ang OHEMacartney. Kenwood E Barnes, w, Stanford U W Holmes, Boston •G C Tilden Denver ■ C J Johnson. Chicago E T Looman, Ohio <; H Maxwell, Cal B 0 Holly, Vallejo Mrs I M Lasell, Vallejo F. D Ham it w, Napa C FL Oatman, Kaoto J A Webster, Solano M s Halsey, Fiartfl s B Moulton, Colusa M L Hoover, Sucto J F Clark & w. Sacto J A Hclntyre, sacto Mrs W .1 Skinner, Cal C W Wallace, Ukiah W 1 ■ 1 "oillns <fe w, Fresno F S Swiusou.w, ua, Seattle A D Smith, Chcgo R C Bacon »v w. Ariz Mrs F H Meyers, Oaklhd A Ackerman, Sacto W Beck man, Sacto L Rosenthal, Stockton Mrs O C Coffin, Stanford L C Roberts, Sacto ' .- • 11USS HOUSE. W Glover. Rutherford N Trayer, Moi-.awk A S.Fer?uson, Benicia .J M eHnnley, Benicia 'C de Ciuuiock. Elsinore P J Dieher, Pomona X M McGrew.Hutter City C H fcpeckens, San Jose P J Euffrty, NY- " .8 Wllllums <fe w, Colfax WSlielion&.sistr,-Suisun A Mattie, Malaga s> B HewettA dgtr, Santa F X Thomas, Seattle Barbara. . • F Thomas, Seattle Lizzie Thomas, Seattle Sophia Thomas, Seattle .It )i France, Seattle • Mrs Morgan, S;a Barbara J Cosgrove, San Mateo T Hampson, Los Angeles J F hlitoh, San Jose F Maynat. San Jose Miss A McCormick, Pcs- J McCormick, Pescadero ' c'adero . ' . A Appleby. Vacavllle J irvin <fc son, Vacaville' J B .Birdsall, l'hceinx L Greriier. Kansas City M Wade. Kansay City W. Ashurst. Cloverdale A Marshal &w, Stockton It Janstin, Nupa ' W H Tyron. Paso Koblea C Norton, Mexico • E Campbell <t w. Pa J Boberis'&'w, Eldorado Miss Oamura, Rummige BALDWIN HOTEL. Mrs C Harrold,LAri£Ples J Schloss, Coronado JJDyer.Matiront' Springs ABC Dowdell.St Helena J J (";room. uipn Ellen A H Bean, Uicn Ellen B A Blame, Oakland W R •Stearn'i.LiOS Anpeles N W Collins. Napa M Mageo, N y A H Jessee. £t IjOnis J Schrclber Jr, St Louis F A Work, Paciiic Grove B O storey, Alhambra J U Prince, N T O W Stewart, Boston V M VicJtery, N V L T Roberts. Kansas City J A MclntyrefSac H E E)d^id^o < S:w,SanJosa O O Schulxe, Dixon E A Mitchell. Dixon ' W C Darb, Oakianci NEW WESTKRN HOTEL. D'W Jones & w.Sn Malo J Tomos, Fort Bragg T C Taylor. Tacoma 'A X Healers. N V C w Cunningham, Mont J Smiih, Mont 'J Williams, Olympia J Nevy, Phila T n i^vins, Jose J Achelmati. Oakland I 1 Thompson. Brooklyn C 1) Dover «t dau, Ciah A Sullivan «fc fam, Pa T (iraham, Los Ang P Blurry, Chicaso • • D Brown. Mou Haven A Elknorne, Cal C C iingan. Ark > I' Shaw, Art: T Steer. X I •;■■: .;■ _ lick house. M D Eaton&fam.Stcktn W H Clary, Stockton \V A Gett, Sacto J R Wlllinins, Mont C H Cl*pp. lloiiolulu H E Cobb. Chicago D E Knight, Marysv;lle E A Peck, Chicago ». W H McKi-n?.!.'. Fresno De V Van Doesburgb.Cal J W Sie^nstzyn^ T C Deniify, Hetaluma • AC Havens. Chicago - C Arnold, Chicago 6 Jones £, fam, Pasadena C L Adams, .--an Jose A L Hates, Folsom SAN FRANCISCO * CALL." nnf?INE.SS OFFICE of San Francisco Caix— 730 Ma'rKft street, open until 12 o'clock every i.'.tl t in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— S3O Montgomery street, rorrrrClay: open until 9:30 o'clock. ??9 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Larkln street, open until 9:30 o'clock. SW. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open r.r.tll r o'clock. .2518 Mission street, open nntil 9 o'clock. 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. •»^5S=» ORIENTAL LODGE NO. 144. F. • fcS^e' and A. M.— Stated meeting THIS _/fX '(TUESDAY) EVENING at 8 o'clock. Jf A. S. HUBBARD, Sec. 'V^ 9r?S> GOLDEN" G A T K.H 1 1 .< i i . NO. 30. F. m ia^S' and A. M.— Stated meeting THIS JS% (TUESDAY) EVENING. .Inly 2, at 7:30^3? o'clock. GEO. J. HOBE, Secretary, /^r^ Sp^ PACIFIC LODGE NO. 138, F. ft I>J6' and A. M.. 121 Eddy St.— Stated J% meeting THIS {.TUESDAY ) EVENING, T&jt 8 o'clock. GEORGE PENLINGTON, Sec. P^^ calFfoknia chapter no. c. 2 S^i^ K. A. M., will meet THIS (TUES- A DAY) EVENING. July 2, at 7:30 o'clock. )t2? Slated meeting and >(. M. degree. By order 'NT^. of the H. f . FRANKLIN H. DAY, Secretary. jj^3s= PARKER LODGE NO. 124. I*-^ I. O. (). l-\— lnstallation THlS^^p^. (TUESDAY) EVENING. . J. A. WELLS, Noble Graud. -^m^ . J. F. Nichols, Secretary. ar^S= OFFICERS AND MEMBERS sgJ^&L ilc-^ of California Council No. 56, > >. C^aW(»> F. — You are hereby notified to end the*" ■*•*• funeral or our late friend, JULIA KEKNS, 9 a. m., July 2. at her late residence, 431 Franklin st. By order A. BOEHM, Councilor. I. CHnisTiANSCor, Secretary. W^S THE GUEATEVENT OF THE . <r* >. 'S~& season— The San Francisco Scot- A. «»$/ tish Thistle (Inn's thirteenth grand an- tlk!jCc* nuol gathering and - games at Shell Mound Park. Berkeley, THURSDAY, 4th of July; mcetlns of the giants: all the athletic clubs of Cali- fornia will meet: $3000 In cash prizes; a hearty Highland welcome to our guests; those are some of the prominent events of the day: Amateur mile and quarter mile races, ladles and gents bicycle races, obstruction race, handsome and costly medals to thf. successful competitors in the amateur events: Scotch dances for men and lads and taaajPi in costume: Irish jig and reel dancing: dancing in both pavilions. Music by Falrgr aye A <>r'ga»' band and full corps of pipers. Boats leave foot of Market street every half hour. Admission j to park— Adults, 50c: children under 12 years. 25c. JAMES ii I YEN, Royal Chief. Ai.fhed Mii.L2n, Recorder. H^ss=» ANNUAL MEETING im^^FnTT" xS-^V proved Order of Red Men's Hall'^J."^Ja» Association of San Francisco— The an- inS^- nual meeting of the Improved Order of Red Men's Hall Association of San Francisco will ■ be held on MONDAY EVENING, July S, 1895, at 8 o'clock, at the office of the association, 320 Post St., for the election of a board of trustees or directors, and such other business as may properly come before the meeting. "■asßOMrtMHiiiiii* ■> ■!> "wiiintoi^Baawwßl BENJAMIN F. JOSSELYN, President. William J. Smith, Secretary. jjtbjS 3 ■"" KNIGHTS, ATTENTION — O~N Jbp- is-* 7 behalf of the committee of the\. Knix'hts of Pythias of Oakland, a general^^S* invitation is hereby extended to all^gyT^ knights, affiliated or non-aflillatod, to participate In the Pythian Division *in Oakland, July 4. Knights will assemble at Pythian Castle, cor. of Twelfth and Franklin, at 9:30 a. k. sharp. After the parade all visiting knights and their families will bo entertained by the subordinate lodges Of Alami'da County at Pythian Castle. By order of committee.. M. JONAS, Chairman. John N. Boshak, Secretary. '."f-rSF* WASHINGTON CLUB NO. 100— ur-iS' clal meeting called for THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING at 8 o'clock. Mutual Hall, Mhirlx build- Id, 32 O'Farrell st. GEO.T. PHELPS, President. p-~S= THE CALIFORNIA STATE DENTAL (s<&- Association will hold its twenty-fifth annual session in the Academy of Sciences building, be- ginning TUESDAY July 9, at 10 a. m. L. A. TEAGUE, President. W.Q. Kins, Secretary. r ■ : -,v THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE *"* stockholders of the Edison Light and Power Company for the election of directors for the en- suing year, and for the : transaction of such other business as may be brought fore the meeting, will be held at the company's- office, 229 Stevenson street, Syn Francisco, MONDAY the 16th -day of July, 1695, at 10 A. m. Transfer books will close Jnly 5, at 5 p.m. Proxies must be hied with the secrefAry before the hour of mectlnK»-^^oagßSg» ■■'- • J. E. (.P.F.ICN. Secretary. . SPKCJAI, NOTICES. ap^3S» MRS. WALLACE REMOVF.D . 110* A w^*^ Stockton to 303 Powell.r. 23; steam, cabinet. lt^S= BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOB $4* «»-»*' Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy si-., room 6, TeL 6080.' < THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1895. SPKCIAI. NOTlCES— Continued. ttC^^^»iO^lB^Vv^lTT^N^DT*TTjpTTQCpEE7 ur& ed 83 60 up. 309 Sixth. Georee Hartman. Asap J.B. MoINTYKE, BOOKBINDER AND w^sr printer. 422 Commercial st. .-■ ■ 3 ETTA RALPH. FROM THE ; EAST ; Cr*** Oriental baths for rheumatism. ; 132 Sixth St., rooms 23 t and 24. .-/-., tf^S 1 * ROS*B SHELDON, 995 MARKET, NR. tS^S'- Sixth, r. 14, 15, second floor; vapor baths. iflC3p"M OLIVE WHITNEY, BATHS, Uses' hand-rubbing of rheumatism and : pain, Room 5, 110 Sixth st. . ■E^KaTOHN" J. HULTHEN GIVES ELECTRIC, ES^C magnetic, massage treatment, alcohol, oil and Roman baths. 1007 Market, rooms 2 ana 3. nE3g=«~CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE; 's^& no pain. Cblropodlc Institute, 36y 3 Geary. jjJK3p ALCOHOL BATH AND HAND-RUB- i*-*r bing. 17A Sixth st.. room 1. DIVIDEND NOTICES. B^gf* SECURITY SAVINGS BANk! 222 ■'**' Montgomery St., Mills building.— Dividends on term deposits at the rate of four and one-half (•41/2) per cent per annum and ou ordinary deposits at the rate of three and three-quarters (3%) per cent per Annum for the half year ending June 30, 1895, will be payable, free of taxes, on and after July 1.1895. S. L. ABBOT JR., Secretary. jjEgp' . OFFICE OF THE HIBERNIA SAVINGS Qr^y and Loan Society, corner Market, McAllis- ter and Jones streets, San Francisco, June 28, 1895— At a regular meeting of the Board of Direc- tors of hi» society, held this day, a dividend has been declared at the rate of four and one-quarter (41/4) per cent 1. er annum oh all deposits for the six months ending June 30, 1896, free from all taxes and payable on and after July 1, 3895. * . ■" - . ' ROBERT J. TOBIN, Secretary. jjjFip DIVIDEND NOTICE-THE COLUM- afJS' bus Savings and Loan Society, 014 Wash- ington street and 5 Montgomery aye. For the half year ending June 30, 1895, a dividend has been declared at the rate of four and eight-tenths (4 8-10) per cent per annum on terra deposits, and four (4) percent on ordinary deposits, free of taxes, paya- ble on and after MONDAY, July 1, 1895. J. F. FUOAZI. President. F. N. Belgrano, Secretary. , jSKJp DIVIDEND NOTICE— SAVINGS AND SSes' Loan Society, 101 Montgomery st., cor. sut- ter. For the half year ending- June 30, 1895, a dividend has been declared at the rate of four and eight-tenths (4 8-10) per cent per annum on term- deposits And four (4) per cent per annum on ordi- nary deposits, free of taxes, payable on and after Monday, July 1, 1895. Dividends not called for are added to and bear the same rate of dividend as the principal from and after July 1, 1895. • CYRUS W. CARMANY, Cashier. nE^p DIVIDEND NOTICE— THE GERMAN fit"-* s^ Savings and Loan Society, 626 California St.. for the half-year ending June 30, 1595. a divi- dend has been declared ■at the rale 01! four and eight-tenths (4 8-10) per cent per annum on term deposits, and four (4) per cent on ordinary depos- its, free of taxes, payable on and after MONDAY, July 1,1895. ' GEO. TOURNY, Secretary. rP^sy= HUMBOLDT~SAVIXGS AND LOAN w-*' Society. 18 Geary — The directors have de- clared the following semi-annual dividends: 4.80 per cent per annum on term and 4 per cent per an- \ num on ordinary deposits, payable on and after July 1,1895. . ERNEST BRAND, Secretary. tt^S"' DIVIDEND NOTICE— MUTUAL SAV- s£35 r ings Bank of San Francisco. 33 Post St.— the half-year ending June 30, 1895, a dividend has been declared at the rate of four and eighi-ten'rhs (4 8-10) per cent per annum on term deposits and four (4) per cent par annum on ordinary deposits, free of taxes, payable on and. after Monday, July 1, 1895. ' «EO. A: ST. OH Y.f 'ashler. MTCATIONa WA.NXRD- riiMALE. COMPETENT GERMAN NURSE. WITH REF- \J en-nee, desires situation. J. F. CROSETT & CO., 312 Sutler st. ' : 1 - • T THE SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BU- reau first-class .Swedish and German girls are awaiting situations. 332 Geary St.: telephone 983. OOD SERVANTS, CITY OR COUNTRY, AT VJT MME. LEOPOLD'S, 957 Market" st. ; open evgs. -yOUNG. RESPECTABLE GERMAN LADY, J. not long from the old country, wishes place for light housekeeping sleep home. Please address 21 Mary St., off Fifth, near Mission. ■ ; "yOUNG WOMAN WANTS ROOM IN NICE X bouse in exchange for work. Address W., box 154, Call Office. ' \\r ANTED — SITUATION • by SWEDISH " woman as nurse and seamstress In the country. Address S. W., box 99, Call Office. pER MAS GIRL 'WISHES SITUATION TO vJ do cooking nn4 downstairs work. Apply 1002 Van Ness.aye., after 9 a. m. I) GIRLS WISH SITUATIONS AS HOUSE- ■— work and cooking; with references. Please call at 2633 Post st. • • - "REFINED, EXPERIENCED "YOUNG NURSE Xt wishes to take care of 1 or 2 children In the country; first-class, references.' Call or address A. T., 1221 OFarrell st. " .-■•■.■ ITU'ATION WANTED AS INFANT'S NURSE ; SI 1 1 ATION WANTED AS IN KANT'S NURSE ; good references. Call for 2 days-267 Minna st. OMAN WITH A CHILD DESIRES A »» position as housekeeper; capable of taking full charge; is first-class seamstress; city or country. Address A. A., 1811 Mason sU, city. _ Af ' ANTED — POSITION AS " BOOKKEEPER '» and correspondent, by a young lady, having bad over 5 years' .steady experience. Address Bookkeeper, box 137. Can Office. COMPETENT WOMAN wi>HES~WORK BY \J the day washing or house-cleaning is a good cook or housekec-ppr: kind to children; city or country. C&li at 418 Post St.. in rear. \VOMANTgOOD FRENCH AND AMERICAN »' cook, wants -situation in k private family. Address T. A. , box 66, "Call Office. G~ IBJJ, 1«. wishes position to help at housework or care of children. Call 177 Clara, near Fifth. No postals. TV" ILL A GOOD HOME TO A GIRL . *» ten or twelve years of age with a good, kind family in the mountains. Address J. W. SAN- FORD. Sacramento, Cal. . . . ' \irOMAN WISHKS a- SITUATION: EX- '' perienced nurse and seamstress; understands entire charge of infant from birth and care of In- valids: assist with ehaniocrnoik; home more an object than wager,; best of references. Address S, box 16, this office. • pTSLIABLETGrRL WANTS A SITUATION TO J-V do housework and cooking: -wages from $20 to JL _Call_92sJ'ni^mc-£ejt. ,' ■_ • TTOUKO WOMAN, LATELY ARRIVED; GOOD I plain cook and laundress. M. M., 220 Third St.". room 87.. ; SITUATION WANTED BY A REFINED 0 North German cirl to take care of children. Address L. ¥ box 94, Call Office. • i WIDOW WITH- A SMALL! CHILD WOULD I »" like a place as housekeeper or at.light house- work; no objection to a short distance In tin.- coun- try; no fritters. Call at 529 Montgomery aye. T^idow with SOME MEANS WOULD LIKE • V to engage in business .with a gentleman. Call 480% Post, St.; ring bell. ; \ • . i'AI'.LK WOMAN, GOOD COOK AND Xt laundress, wishes a sftuation: many years' reference. Address 744 Folsom- St.. ■ pOMPETENT DRESSMAKER WOULD LIKE \J to lake work home: perfect fit guaranteed. 1313 st. •<- .... IDDLE-AGED -.WOMAN-" WISHES TO DO • general housework; city, or country. Apply 8.8 Clipper St.. nr. Church. -'•--. Ai IDDL.E-ATTED WOMAN WISHES SITUA- I'J tlon in private family to do housework and plain ccfoklng; city. only. Address 555 V 3 Natoma. 1 > EsI>E(.fA"BI^E~"YbUNG.GIRL WISHES A XV situation for housework and cooking; Mission preferred. Please call 829 a Howard st. YOUXCI. WOMAN WISHES POSITION- AS ■J. housekeeper. . Please call 231 Third at., room 5. GOUD WILLING PROTESTANT WOMAN would lik<- work by the day: is willing to do all kinds of housework; $125 per day and carfare. Please call or address 3rt3 Jessie st,. downstairs. AT AMERICAN WOMAN WISHES TO DO Xi housework in a small family, good reference; and 2 l Iris for nursing and waiting and chamber- w-ork, good reference. 11 1/2 Antonla St., off Jones, pear Ellis. . RESPECTABLE, WILLING : LADY WISHES XV to accompany family to the country and assist in" return for board. D. W.. box 151, this office. TRONG GERMAN GIRL WISHES SITUA- t Ion to do housework,' and* is a good cook; wages not Jess than $25. ■'■_: Call at 120 Valley st., between Twenty-eighth and, Twenty-ninth. W" OMAN. WITH CHILD 6 YEARS OLD, wants place to do housework: city or country; city references. Address B. 8., box 5, Call. ■yOUNG SWEDISH GIRL WISHES STI- X UHllon to help In doing general - housework. Please call at No. 3 Pfelffer st., between Chestnut and Francisco, Stockton and Dupont. ■ : "X^OUNG WOMAN FROM THE EAST WISHES X position as housekeeper. Address 1002 Powell: f> ERMAN WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE VT day: $125. Address MRS. M., 212 Van Ness -i.e. . ■ •.."..'■,"' '--'■•■■■ COMPETENT YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE \J a position as seamstress or second girl in : the country. .Address 723 McAllister st. A N EXPERIENCED EASTERN- DESIGNER J*- and dressmaker desires work •by •. the day in families. Address MODES, box 155, Call Office.' BY: MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN AS BEAM- stress and upstairs work and light housework. Call 1506 Pine, near Polk. . . N ELDERLY AMERICAN WOMAN WANTS a situation to do housework ; is good cook and baker: country preferred. Address E., box 10, this office. * ' ■ : ,"' . : . ; .-'.-" YOUNG WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS X houseKeeper or typewriter. ; Call at 1 1 Kearny St., room 27, first floor. - - : .V OUNG v WOMAN WANTS SITUATION IN 'X the country for light housework. Apply 234 Shotwell st., nr. Seventeenth. .-.;: , •'.;;..-. ■ , \y OMAN WANtS~wdRK IN A BOARDING^ ,»"; house as helper in kitchen or do plain cooking; small wages.; Call or address 267 Mlunast. ; '■ r v IDDLE-AGED G ERMAN fDOW WISHES '•WX situation as housfkeepor for widower or ■ bach- elor on ranch: city or country. Address 237 Third St., in store. ;"v ; .:.. ;-, :.•;:. /V:;':-.." : -■• ' ':•■■'■ '-.',■■'.' V TTDDLE-AGED AN .WISHES A - POBI- i.»A' tlon as housekeeper for widower or 1 bachelor object good home. Address L. R. S., box 293, Chlco,' Butte Co. ; , , "IVT OMAN WOULD LIKE; WASHING, IRON- . TT- ing, office 'and- housecleaning, or any kind of work by the day $1 a day and - carfare. ? Call or address M. J., 631 Second st. ■ SITUATIONS WANTED— Continued^ Vou^?g~laiTy~^vishes~XT : 6sition as X housekeeper. "Call at 44 Sixth st. Room 34, second floor. ■■.;■ -<■•■■ -'--.•■■ ■ r "■ ■■'■•-'■.- : URS^f~CLAKs DRESSMAKER WANTS EN- r garments dally. Apply at The Strathmore. 207 Larkin st., flat 6. XPERIENCED MIDDLE-AGED woman XL would like the care of invalid old people. • Ad- dress M. E., Chico, Butte Co. . : p ENTLE MEN'S MENDING DONE NEATLY 'T to order by a widow. 26 Taylor St.. room .i. situations WANT_D-»IALE. S~itu atTon^w anted "by"pastry-coo k and baker; . thoroughly experienced in all branches (ft hotel work. , C. E. JACOB, 1831 Polk. "L^NGINEER WANTS POSITION: CITY OR XZi country; 20 years' experience; all-around man; good reference: understands low-tension dynamos. Address E. N., box 62, Call Office. ITCHEN-HAND: STEADY,. SOBER MlD- dle-aged man wants job In kitchen; under- stands work; $15 per month. W. H. S., box 99, Call Office. __________!_ WANTED— BY MIDDLE-AGED AMERICAN, position to do light laboring work of any kind, either in Alameda or OaKland: wages $26, with- out board. Address A. 8., box 164, Call Office. YOUNG MARRIED MAN, WITH BEST ref- X erence, wishes situation as bookkeeper, col- lector, or some work of that kind, at any reason- able salary. Address H. W., box 89. this office. YOUNG MARRIED MAN WITH BEST REF- X erence wishes a situation as clerk, bookkeeper or some work of that kind. Address W. 8., 32 Maple court, off Fourteenth st. . ITUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLE-AGED O man to make himself useful; city or country; wages no object. Address W., box 20, this office. 1 10UGHCAKPENTER, WITH TOOLS, WA NTS IV employment; city or country. A., box 3, Call Office. i ITUATION . WANTED BY A No. 1 BLACK- -0 smith; city preferred. Address H. W., box 131. Call Office. ________________________________ YOUNG . MAN, 24 YEARS OF AGE, WISHES X work; handy nt anything; wages no object: references. Address H., box 76, Call Office. YOUNG MAN WANTS SITUATION AS X nurse; coull assist in housework. Address T. A., box 66, Call Office. _-. ■ YOUNG MAN, GARDENER, WISHES SITUA- X tlon In private family; understands housework, window-cleaning; handy around place; good driver; city references. Address M., box 17, Call Office. pELI ABLE young man. EXPERIENCED XV tit Inside and outside work, desires employment In city or country: in good private family man; references. W. J., box 51, Call Office, r AT- OUNG MAN WOULD LIKE TO LEARN THE X barber trade :in country. Address A., Call Branch Office, Sixteenth and Mission sts. ■ r '- ' """"Found man (SWEDE) WANTS SITUATION X to help In a store where he can worK up; sober \ and reliable. Apply at 517 Jessie st. | GERMAN*~MAN WANTS PLACE TO DO \J housework and gardening: best city reference. Address H. G., box 154, Call Office. "X MERICAN 80Y.16 YEARS6FAGE.WANTS xV work of any kind. Call or address 16 Mont- gomery aye., room 2, top floor. \\r ANTED— POSITION AS SHIPPING-CLERK »l or packer in furniture store; 10 years' experi- ence; 7 years with last house.. Address J. T.. 104 Second st. ' . "iTeTiaBLE MAN WITH .GOOD REFER- J V ences wishes situation as janitor, porter or drive delivery -wagon. Address C, box 54, this office. ■. ■ D"~ ANE WISHES WORK- IN PRIVATE FAM- ily; understands gardening, housework: handy arouni place; good driver; best city references. Address J., box 19, this office. QHIRT-CUTTER WANTS WORK; 4 YEARS' 0 experience in large Eastern factory. Address 119V_ Langton st. - \\r ANTED— POSITION AS ASSAYER, AMAL- »* gamator or millhand; accustomed to repairing of machinery, handling men and the use of powder; references. Address L. J. 8., 429 Tenth st. ITUATION WANTED— AMERICAN FORE- man and wife (no children) on stock or grain ranch; will furnish board or wife will cook if re- quired: best of references. Address B. D., box 155, Call Office. ' ~ - . WANTED- POSITION AS CLERK IN GRO- TT eery-store: have had 10 years' experience; can give best of references from former employers. O. M. C, box 44, Call Office. . WILLING TO GIVE $50 OR MORE FOR PER • I manful position as night or day watchman or any responsible position. Address M. A.. 226 Taylor st. ; AIAN34YEARSOLD.UNMARRIED.WIBHES i'J position as shipping or receiving clerk in .wholesale liquor or grocery business; In present employ 2 years. Address W. T.. box 97, Call Office. ftOAL-MINKR OF SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE: \J English .-: manager's certificate, finest ■ refer- ences, wants position of trust. Address A. S., Box 10. Call Office, Oakland. .. WHO "WANTS A SOBER, HONEST AND RE- T i liable middle-aged man for a position of I trust? Addresn R. s.. box 60, this office. »* FOALK H—Li 1 WANTED.- <> COOKS, dTxon : sFrings mon- \J terey $20, Vacaville, Mill Valley, first-class hotel. $20: cook. Angels Camp $35. Eureka $25, San Jose $25, Castroville $30, Salinas $20, private family: all fares paid; 10 girls, $10 to $20. WINTER A CO.. 9V a Stockton. W ANTED-FRENCH OR SWEDrSH LAUN- TT <jre»s, $25; Swiss chambermaid, $20; waltrevi. alnlng-room, $16: German chambermaid, country. $25; kitchen girl, same place, $10. LEON AN- DRE, 316 Stockton st. TA UNDRESS, HOTEL* $30; GERMAN J-i nurse, $20, grown children ;:■ waitress, hotel. $20; German cook, $30; 20 housework girls, .city and country, $20 and $25; 4 young girls, assist, $10 tosl6. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. H~dTJsE\VOR*K GIRL. SANTA CLARA, $12. MTSB CULLEN. 105 Stockton at. ■ ' A TKD - A COMPETENT SEAMSTRESS TT and chambermaid, $25; laundress to assist housework, $25: 25 young housework girls, city and country, $25 and $20. Apply MISS PLUN- KKT'I. 424 Butter st. - \\f A M X D-PR( if ESTA NT G I RL FOR HOUsI""* TT work and cooking: 2 in family, country, $30. Apply MISS PLUNK KTT, 424 Butter st. ; \\T ANTED— GERMAN WAITRESSES AND »t chambtrmnids. country hotel, $20; 2 restau- rant waitresses, $5 and $7 a week: 2 French and German nurses, $20; invalid's nurse; 2 German cooks, $25 and $30, and a large number of girls to fill our numerous situations In city and country. J. F. CROSETT „ CO., 312 Suiter st. hf\ waitress"ehTcooks AND women for L\3 housework. $20 and $30. MURRAY _ READY, 634 Clay. "WOMAN TO DO SCRUBBING AND CLEAN- TT- Ing for city hospital, $25 and found; 2 wait- resses. $25; nurse for springs: colored woman to take care of 2 children. MURRAY _ READY, (lay st. ' V RSEGIKL, 1 CHILD, $15; NURSEGIRL, - $12; nurse, 2 children. $20; nursegirl, Oakland, i $15;- cook, city, $30: Swedish honaeglrl, $25: 2 hottgeglrls, $20: cook, bop.rdlnc-housc, $26; 4 girls, light homework, $12 to $16. 332 Geary st. SWF.tUSH OR GERMAN GIRL: COUNTRY: 2 Oin family: be good cook: $30. 332 Geary st. ANTED — A YOUNG GIRL TO LEARN dressmaking. 616 Post st. r\ IRL TO ASSIST IN UPSTAIRS WORK AND vjr. care for children. Apply after 10 a. m. at 422 Oak st. W ANTED — GIRLS EXPERIENCED AT Tf folding paper boxes. 520 Market st. "-•: - r ' ANTE D-FIRST-CL ASS . PANTB-FINISH- »T er. 724y a Market st., room 27. V BAT GIRL TO HELP HOUSEWORK; PRl- lVyate family wages $10. 632% Castro st. WETNTRHB' WANTED IMMEDIATEIiT" yT. Call to-day, 1 to 3, at 528 Butter st. • /"I IRL FOR LrOHT HOIiSEWORK, $10. CALL IJT before 11 o'clock 937 Fourteenth st. JEWISH GIRL" FOR COOKING~~"""aPPLY 622 O Golden Gate aye."'.;:'- , -.. ■ ■ ■-*■*■ ■-.' . ■' OUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH CHILDREN and housework. . 119 Shipley St., grocery. - ( '« OOb STRONG KELIABLE GIRL FOR GEN- VI eral housework and washing; wages $16. 2918 Fojsom St., near Twenty-fifth.. . .;': ■' ' /"I IRL TO ASSIST LIGHT HOUSEWORK AND IJT children. 2516 Mission st. - YOUNG GIRT~*fo~ASSIS'r WITH LIGHT X housework. ; 1307 Fllimore. '■ , ; • ' / 1 IRL FOR HOUBEV>*ORK AND ASSIST WITH V.T children. 1242 Mission st. / i ERMAN GIRL, GENERAL HOUSEWORK, "UT plain cooking, $20. ■•>. 811 Treat ay., near Twen- ty-first.:. .-.. ■ .--..,:■ ■.:. ; : i -:..:V- >':.:;''.'-: •.•-.:■■.- ■<i:-S:t:.-' OMAN TO TAKE CARE OF AN INFANT. 21 Hubbnrd at., off Third. , . AITUESSES FOR CITY AND COUNTRY , hotels. 420 Kearny st. };- : '■:"'.: : 1: ; "l\T ANTED— YOUNG WIDOW AS COOK FOR ' T. widower: ; no trlflers wanted. Address W. C, box 96, this office. ' , : . V; IRL TO DO HOUSEWORK/ AND ASSIST \J with children: small family; wages $10. .838 Twenty-second st. V :.': ..'... . : IRL TO ASSIST. WITH HOUSEWORK AND cure of children. ; 819 Golden Gate aye. ' TJIREE MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR WOMEN ■J. and Children only, 11 to 12 and 2to 3 dally. 110 Kills st. _ : ■.y.r.v i .:' r .-:. -_^_^_______' ENTJ_KMAN DESIRES YOUNG ••.-> LADY partner with $75. Address Dr., box S. Call. YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN TELEGRAPHY 1 I and I qualify ' for \ good-paying - positions. » : Cali- fornia Telegraph Company, Kearny st., entrance 640 Clay st. .:,. ■>-.>;,,- -. : ,--:'.-y--vf_. r . ;.r,-.-:.'. :;;-/--: T ADIES TO INTRODUCEOUR FAST-SELL" Jj ing specialty: big remuneration. , Call room 18, 33Rlxthst. -■ ;-. .- ,■-■■■.■■■■ % •--•■• ' : r ■■-- -■. ■■-:--;. ; p ARMENTS PERFECTLY . COMPLETED '■ VJ" without trying > on; ;■ call ; and ' test. Lawrence Cutting-school." 1231 Market st. "^ : ,' - : - . 'i:\y\ RESSMAKERS _, AND t : SEWING GIRLB wanted ; ■ patterns ' cut to order, •. 25 cents up. MCDOWELL Dressmaking Academy, 213 Powell, DE GARMO'S V 3 WONDERFUL FRENCH j tailor : method of l three ; measures ; > the ~ only place to ' learn the true : method : of dresscuttlng; , com pie t« course $10: lessons ; given; tlressmaklnj by the week or month : I the | latest |In basting, bon- : ing, . skirts,' sleeves.'; collars." revers, etc : I dresses made on short notice : I cutting and I fitting a spe- cialty. DE GARMO. 219 Powell St. iWHrTiii- * _ ITitl TtTtlWitiwii -_i_nm r ntnnriiii f rur- ~~ •-,'-■ ' ■ • . ■ . HELP WANTED— T7«RENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- X 1 made suits; $7: perfect _i. 118 McAllister st. ; pROFEBSO~R LIVINGSTON'S DRKSSCUT- X ting and making school : all branchei. 702 Sntter. WALK UKJLP WANTED. I 1 A MEN CAN OBTAIN WORK TO-DAY AT XIU MUKRAY&, READY'S from $20 to $75 per month and found. /tf\ LABORERS AND TEAMSTERS: CITY Iv/ and country; $20 and $26 per month and found, and $1 60 to $175 day. MURRAY & READY, 634 Clay 5t. :.:... "I A COOKS, $30, $40, $50 AND , $6O: 5 WAIT- XV ers, $20, $26 and $30; 3 dishwashers, $15 and $20: second German cook. $25: lunch-counter cook, $25; second hotel cook, $35; man to cook hotcakes, $25 to $30. MURRAY _ READY, 634 Clay st. C A TIEMAKERS, REDWOOD TIMBER, 9, 10 •-"« and 11 cents each; 3 coopers: woodchopper. $1 50 a day. see boss here. MURRAY & READY, 634 Clay st. : ; ■' 9 CABINET-MAKER.*, CITY, STEADY JOB; A Japanese ranch cook. MURRAY _ READY, 634 Clay st. - - 3 STABLEMEN. $25 AND FOUND: CrfOßE- man for hotel, $15. MURRAY _ READY, 634 Clay st. ' , . - I A FARMERS: 6 ORCHARD AND VINE- XU yard hands. $20, $25 and $26: blacksmith for a ranch. MURRAY & READY, 634 Clay st. W ANTED — BRIGHT "AND "INTELLIGENT » » American, under 40 years of age, as assistant attendant in a boys' training school; short dis- ! tance in country; a man accustomed to teaching or handling boys Is preferred; salary, $300 a year, with board, room and washing. Apply to W.D. EWER _ CO., 626 Clay st. . W ANTED— AMERICAN NIGHT NURSE IN '" aninstitntion; short distance in country; no old man nor professional nurse wanted, but active, intelligent man who has had some experience with sick and helpless patients: salary, $800 per year, with board, room and washing. Apply tow, D. EWER & CO., 626 Clay st. WANTED— WAITER FOR RESORT NEAR City. $25, good place: German cook, country hotel, $36; waiter-boy, country restaurant, $15 and found, fare advanced; also wood-choppers, $140 per cord; butter-maker, small dairy, $25; farmers, milkers, laborers and , others. W. D. EWER _ CO.. 626 Clay st. ■ . ■ JAPANESE LAUNDRYMAN FOR A SUM- O mer resort; $30. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. . . AITER FOR A SUMMER RESORT: 30. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. ANTED TODAY— 2O TEAMSTERS FOR railroad wort: free fare: we ship Wednesday morning. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. FOREMAN* TRACK-LAYER WITH REFER- X I enees; $4 a da}-. C. R. HAJS'SEN & CO., 110 Geary st. A ROUND LAUNDRYMAN FOR A BUM- -ix mer resort: $30 and found. C. K. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary at. ALA BORERS7~CIT $176 A DAY; 20 O\J scraper teamsters, $1 75 a day. C. R. H AN- SEN_ CO., 110 Geary st. :-'■ A MORE JACK-SCREWERS FOR THE WOODS, t $35 and found: 10 laborers for the woods, $20 and found. C. R. HANSEN <fc CO., 110 Geary st. 4 WAITERS FOR SUMMER RESORTS, «30. C. R. HANSEN _ CO., 110 Geary st. 3 WAITERS WITH DRESS SUITS FOR country hotel, $85: waiters, city hotels, $30. C. R. HANBF.N <t CO., 110 Geary st. ANTED— YOUNG MAN TO WAIT AT " table, small restaurant, country, $20; washer for French laundry, country, $25;" young butler with good references for country, $30 ; French boy to wait, $16, etc. LEON ANDKK, 315 Stockton. ANTED— 2S LABORERS FOR CITY, $1 75: 10 laborers for country, $20 and board, farm- ers; i carpenters for Central America, part fare advanced, $30 and found: miner, $40 and found; choreboy for ranch, $10 and found; restaurant cook, $30, and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT A CO.. 628 Sacramento st. OA MEN FOR WOODS AND MILL, $20 to $26 £yJ and board; 3 farm hands, steady place, $16; machine driller, $2 50 a day; blacksmith, country shop, $3 a day; ax man, $15: 2 tlemakers, lie apiece; camp cook, $86. R. T. WARD _ CO., 608 and 610 Clay st. ■ SECOND COOK: COUNTRY HOTEL; $70. HOTEL GAZETTE, 420 Kearny at. WANTED— A FIRST-CLASS BUTLER FOR country; $40. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Butter st. ANTED — WINDOW - DRESSER AND " clothing salesman. Apply HYAMS, PAUSON A CO, 34 to 40 Kearny st. ANTED — CLOTHING SALESMAN FOR - " ■ boys' clothing department. HYAMS, PAU- SON A CO., 34 to 40 Kearny st. • \l r ANTED — 2 LABORERS AND 2 FARM- » T hands. Apply 9a. _ 6 Sacramento st. rpAHiOR AND PRESSER WANTED. 342 Mo- X AllUterst. • ■■■•.-■•■.,- -.-?. GOOD aCSHELMAN WANTED AT RAPHAEL'S, 9 Kearny. 1 FIRST-CLASS CUTTER: ALSO COATMAKER X for country. . REISS BROS., 26 Sinter st. XPKRIENCKD COMPOSITOR AT JOB work. 620 Market st. \V ANTED -MESSENGER BOY; APPLY IN »» own handwriting, stating age and references. Postoffice box .048. T ABORERS AND TEAMSTERS: $1, 50, XJ $1 76 per day; city and country. 61 Third st., room 2. ANTED— FOR ARCHITECT'S OFFICE, A practical ; draughtsman, well • acquainted in the city, as a partner or on salary. Address E., box 57, this office. ' UrANTED-JUOOTBLACK. 409 BRODERICK »». street. MEN this morning, standard THE- O\J ater, II o'clock. M. TOBIN. TRONG BOY, EXPERIENCED IN CAR- | riape blacksmithing; reference. 828 Harrison. BARBERS' ASSOCIATION/MEETS TO- night at 102 O'Farrell St.; installation of offi- cers: members are ail requested to attend. J. LITSCH, President. .-w. ARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL sec. JD Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. OOD BARBER FOR WEDNESDAY. SATUR- GOOD BARBER FOR WEDNESDAY. SATUR- day and Sunday, with chance of e'.eady. 137 Third st. . -.-..■ : ' . ■ ■■ WANTED— A YOUNG BARBER. 1327 PA- clflc at. • OY TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. 921 Harrison at. - . NERGKTIC, RELIABLE CANVASSER. AP- ply 634 Green st., bet 12 and 1 and 5 and 6 p. m. OOD TAILOR ON COATS. 622 CLAY ST.",, room 2, first floor. ANTED— 6 SEAMEN AT ONCE. APPLY Mi 228 Pacific st, " - ■ ■ \\rANTED-4 CARPENTERS THIS MORN- TT ing. Corner of Fillmore and Turk ats. WANTED-3 Al COUNTER. BAR AND FIX- ' » tv re makers with bench and tools.. 106 Fifth. p ¥:NTEEL~BOYBOR YOUNG MEN WANTED vJT to sell candy packages on boats and trains. 6 Sacramento st. : . . .WANTED— IO LADY OR GENTLEMEN CAN- T* vassera. Call 428 Ellis st. • . PERATOR ON CUSTOM COATS. 4 HAR- ____l^l___— ____________________ WANTED-SHOEMAKER ON REPAIRING; " positively sober man: steady job. 635 Kearny. IMNISHER ON CUSTOM COATS; ALSO AN X I apprentice. 221 Sixth at. / ' OOD COT DRUMMER WANTED FOR ' J first-clans tailoring. - 441 Bush st. ■n ARBER-SHOP FOR SALE IN THE MISSION : 1j $150; must be sold: at once. Call WILL FINCI-, ; Barbers' supply house. : . ' ARBERS-FINE CHANCE TO BUY SHOP running 2 chairs; steady. 303 O'Farrell st. • WAN TED (ITALIAN) TO BUY- half Interest at 402 Pacific st. y ;,--., T> ARBER-SHOP FOR SALE. 14 TURK ST. ARBER-SHOP. FOR SALE AT 1911% MlH- slon St.; terms to suit buyer. ; WO ■ BARBER CHAIRS AND LOOKING X glass for sale cheap. 499 Haight st. , - PARfY WITH $100 TAKE CHARGE OF- flce, drive wai;on or help in laundry ; can make good wages. , 235 Kearny St., room 4*. . -' CIV- PARTNER WANTED; LIGHT BUSI- ♦IpXUV/. ness: suited to plain, steady man «atis- fled. with $15 to $18 week. 6 Stockton st., rco;n 1. IP REE MEDIC TREATMENT FOR MEN ' only; 11 to 12 and .to 3 daily. 110 Ellis st. .• Waldo HOUSE, 733 MARKET, BET. THIRD >T r. and Fourth— Single furnished rooms, per day. 16c to 76c: per week, $1 to $3; open all night. * : ANTED-OENfLEMEN TO SECURE FUR-" TT nished rooms from $1 week up. 545 Mission street. .■.'•..*?• y,\ ■'..' .';.,- ''■;' : -.''■■-:■■•■■" ; .'■-■-.■ YOUNG MEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPHY X and qualify for good-paying positions. . Califor- nla Tele. Co., Kearny st., entrance 640 Clay at. ; \ ; WANTED- 1000 MEN TO GET ; BIGGEST s " » ■ steam in ■ town , and • lunch, ■ 6c; rooms, 75c a week, at 160 Third st. : - , : EAMEN FOR EUROPE. ' HONOLULU AND all parts of the world. . 103 Montgomery aye. ANTED— IO,OOO COURAGEOUS MEN AND women who will parade as a public protest against artificial; booming, political corruption and ndustriat oppression. Mint steps, July 4. 9a. m. "L^REE BEER: BEST IN CITY; 2 SCHOONERS X? for 6 cents at 228 Pacific st. ' ; , ; . WANTED— MOROSCO'S GRAND OPERA- . tt house, about 800 men and women to appear in "The i Pace That \ Kills,'.' ;■ for the privilege of wit- nessing the great racing scene. Apply at the stage entrance at noon daily. • <.;;:,:.-.• - K .':-<~-. OC-CENT DINNERS FOR 10 CENTS TO-DAY --i-> at 44 Fourth st.: no humbug. i , HOES »: HALF-SOLED ■ IN ,; 15 :, MINUTES while you wait at half usual price: wanted, 5000 pair second-hand : shoes. 959 ; Howard and 904 Va Pine. -. ;•■•. .r;.-'-:::-".?.-., -:.•;;. ; ;-,.■ ,' ,^,: ■;■;;■■;•>. VOUCANGET A WHOLE PIE AND CUP OF X coffee for 5c at the new restaurant, 635 Clay at, HAT CHEER HOUSE, 629 SACRAMENTO . st.; 100 outside rooms: best spring beds: single rooms 20c a day: $1 a week: meals.' 10c. .% . ;; QOI 1 ELLIS, v RO9ED AL_— ROOMS _6c TO 60c O_X a night; $1 to $3 a week; open all night. ->< HE_P WANTED-Continned. FOR NEW AND i SECOND-HAND , SHOES, also repairing cheap, go to 726ya opp. Howard- . street Theater, or 129 Sixth st. • . ■ ANTED-MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP -» » steam beer, 60: bottle wine, sc. 609 Clay st. . EN'S SHOES %-SOLED. 40c: HEELS, 26c; done in 15 minutes. 635 Kearny st., basement. CAA PAIRS MEN'S GOOD SHOES, 26c TO $1. O\J\J 562 Mission St.; also 631 Va Sacramento si. /^UTTERS AND TAILORS TO ATTEND THE \J S. F. Cutting School, 12 Montgomery, rms 8-10. HOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES: done while you wait: at less than half the usual price ; all repairing done at half price: work guar- anteed. 562 Mission st., bet. First st. and Second st. T\T ANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS it to know that Ed Bolkln, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third St.; 150 large rooms; 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week. WAKE THE DEAD — WENZEL'S. ALARM clock: no electricity. 607 Montgomery st. T INDELL HOUSE, 6TH AND HOWARD— _1_ single famished rooms, 76c week, 16c night. ANTED-SINGLE '"ROOMS, 16c A DAY; $1 week; rooms for two, 25c a day, $1 50 a week; reading room- daily papers. SB Clay st. . inn MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c. 150 XUU and 20c a night, including coffee and roils. 624 Washington St., near Kearny. . ■... ■■ IN CITY— SINGLE ROOIUS, 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night; 81, 1 26, $1 60 per week. Pacific House .Commercial and Leidesdorff sts. RY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- low Sixth, for a room: 25c night: $1 week. AGENTS ANTED. "a GENTS TO HANDLE i.TAUSSTG'SMAR- A velous story of the Durrant case before the great trial; it will pay you. Call at restaurant, 623 Sacramento st. />::•"■'''•"• ANTED— TEACHERS TO CANVASS FOR the Western Journal of Education. WHITA- KER it RAY COMPANY, 723 Market St., S. F. ANTED TO-DAY-2 LIVE CANVASSERS to Introduce horse and stock book. ED- WARDS 7 City Hall avenue. WANTED-IIISUELLANEOUB. W" Al?T^D^^^"^tJY^A~LTR^E^S^C^NI> hand footpower lathe. F.G., 321 Vi Twentieth. KLEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS good prices . for clothing, hooka and jewelry: post.ol. PIANOS. VIOLINS, ETC. TT^IGHTS-w'eBER, $215; SOHMER, $225^ U H a INK, 40 O'Farrell st. ■CiLEGANT DECKER BROS. UPRIGHT; LIT- Xli tie used; must sell. 1021 Van Ness aye. Tl7"AN'f__>-FIAISO IN EXCHANGE FOR •Tf real estate. P., box 31, Call Office. * T?LEGANT STEINWAY PIANO LEFT FOR Xli sale: must be sold immediately. Room 21, 809 Market st. . . GENTLEMAN OFFERS FINE UPRIGHT piano, excellent condition, for what it will bring, on account of loss of wife and breaking up of home. Room 10, 809 Market st. p EORGE F. WELLS, SOLE AGENT FOR THE VJT Mathushek pianos; sold on very easy install- ments; pianos rented. 1360 Market st. N EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY— PIANOS sold upon a new rent-contract plan; please call and have it explained . he easiest terms ever offered for procuring a fine piano: full-size new up- rights from $150 upward. SHERMAN, CLAY A CO., corner Kearny and Sutter sts. - p REAT BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND PI- VX anos at SHERMAN, CLAY _ CO. f a, cor. Kear- ny and Sutter sts. . ASY TERMS; LOW PRICES. KuHLER _ CHASE. ■ • ir"EW ~ ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARD makes, almost new, half original cost; see at j once. F. W. SPENCER & CO., 721 Market sU BYRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.— BOHMER, Newby A Evans. Briggs nrul other pianos. TEINWAY UPRIGHT: SLIGHTLY USED- grand tone: halt-cost. SPENCER. 721 Market. UPERIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD A NEW OH. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. M. O. BADGER, WITH KOHLER _ CHASE 26, 28 and 30 O' Farrell st. H"~ ;ARP BY SEBASTIAN ERARD; DOUBLE action and elegantly finshed; is found with 1 difficulty anywhere: a nice selection is at present exhibited by SHERMAN, CLAY A CO. TEC K . CHICKERINO A SONS., VOSE AND 0 Sterling pianos sold on $10 installments. BKNJ. CURTAZ _ SON, sole agents, IH-20 O'Farreil st. 0 SECOND-HAND UPRIGHTS, WITH OUR -i guarantee: $125 each. MAUVAIS.769 Market. HOME INDUSTRY— LONG PIANO CO., 340 Post; pianos sold on installments; send for illustrated catalogue. : BETTER AND EASTER PLAN TO BUY A pood piano by renting. Be careful to go to ' KOHLER A CHASE'S, '.'8 and 30 O'Farrell st. TVECKER BROS., STEIN WAY, FISCHER AND XJ other first-class makes of pianos; little used; cheap ■ for cash or on easy terms. KOHL_R & CH ASK. 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. ■ . :" '.'" - : ■~" :" HORSES. .■*.;■■ : - " t^a~s^^ific!e^t^"^ug^yT^horse jT_ and harness; must be sold. Inquire New York Stable, 607 Jessie st. T.IOR SALE STYLISH HORSE: 2- X seated oak surrey with canopy top, and single buggy. Apply 123 City Hall aye. :. A S "fine AND FASHIONABLE TEAM as -rL there is on the coast.' T., box 20, this office. OR SALE— FINE"HORSE AND BUGGY FOR X; park. Can be seen at Mascot. Stables, 1110 Golden Gate aye. ■ . . A(\ HORSES FOR SALE; ALSO WAGONS ■TkVJ buggies, carts, harness: Grand Arcade Horse Market, 327 Sixth st. : auction sales every Wednes- day. . SULLIVAN _ DOYLE, Auctioneers. 1 ~(\(\ SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS;. ALL JLwU kinds: second-hand wagons, buggy, carts: also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia nts. ■ WAGONS A.YD OAKKIAGES. HORSE AND WAGON^FoIr^^A^E— VERY cheap; horse weighs about 1100 lt>s.: sound and true to pull; wagon cost $120: but the outfit will be sold for less than half this sum: suitable for grocer or peddler. Apply immediately, 1531 Sutler st: . ; . ■ • ■ EDUCATIONAL. AN^E^^BY^^XPEItT ACCOOTAyi\ some pupils to instruct in double entry book- keeping; special course complete in 25 lessons. $25, in advance; also mercantile correspondence taught; satisfaction guaranteed; situations" pro- cured; also accounts kept and books written up; Al references. Address Accountant, box 61, this office. ■ » B OWENS ACADEMY, UNIVERSITY AYE., Berkeley, Cal. T. STEWART BOWEN3, M. A.. Principal. ISS BOLTE'S SCHOOL REMOVED TO 2297 . Sacramento st. : new term July 8. PANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, MElSTER- schaft School of Languages,' 122 O'Farreil st. "VrrGH-T SCHOOL; HEALD'S BUSINESS col- IX lege, 24 Post st. ; . commercial, shorthand, Eng- lish; low rates. ■nOOKKEEPING, PENMANSHIP, ARITHMB " XJtic taught 6 weeks :course $30. s Stockton st.,r. II AN BEDDARD, THE ENGLISH AC- i tress, coaches ladies and gentlemen for , the dramatic profession : appearances arranged. Shake- spearean Academy, 406 Van Ness aye. ELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— •Private theatricals arranged ; pupils rehearsed onstage. R. 5 A 12, 1. O. O. F. block, 7th and Market. QCHOOLEi:ECTRicXL7ciVIL7MtNING7ME~ O chanlcal engineering, surveying, architecture assay: eatao.,'64. VAN PER NAILLEN. 723 Mkt. QTIEHL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS O College, 723 Market st.: diploma course $30. ENGLISH BRANCHES j TAUGHT BY . MISS DILLON, 14 McAllister, r. 46; private or class. MRS. MELVYLLE-SNYDER, ORATOiVICALT Vocal and Dramatic Academy, 619 Van Ness aye. ; vocal classes Monday, Bp. _.". $1 month; dra- I matic classes Wednesday, Bp. _ $3 month: also private lessons, and piano; ladles and gentlemen coached for professional or amateur stage (stage for practice). ■, -—•<.-• rfiARR'S INST., 659 MARKT— BOOKKEEPING X taught In 6 weeks. We pledge ourselves to keep free for 6 months books our graduates fall on. H BALD'S BUSINESS .COLLEGE. 24 POST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical - engineering, telegraphy, modern lan- guagea rapidly taairht. Write for catalogue. [ CLAIRVOYANTS. ~~~~~ MISS ; MALVINA, AMERICAN 'cLaItRVOY^ ant and magnetic healer. 766 Howard st. , Vf ME. WALTERS. CARD-READER. BE- i-'X turned; 25c; gents 50c. ; 337 Tehama st. . MME. MOREAU-GREAT AND ONLY ME- dlum;glvehera call:fee2so up. 131 Fourth St. p ARD-READING, 26c; LADIES ONLY. \J Stockton St., room 6. . , ; ": p LAI ANT-FEE 25c; LADIES ONLY. \J In th» basement, 637 Third st. P RESENT, PAST AND FUTURE, 25c. MME. X LEGETTE, 311 Tehama st.; upstairs. LEON, PALMIST. CLAIRVOYANT. LIFE- reader. 533 Post: h'rs 9 to B daily ; and Sunday. A UGUSTA . LEOLA. v FORTUNE~TELLER: -tXmaglo' charms: love tokens: 'true picture of future wife and husband; teaches fortune-tolling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; "has me seven holy seal* and the Palestine wonder charm; 1 fee $1 and upward. '^3-Jtj Mission, nr. Twentieth. : SPIRITUALISM. TEST CIRCLE 1 TO-NIGHT i"I Oc;" ARTICLES read. MME. YOUNG, 605 McAllister st. .-.. ■ ■' MRS. 8. ! SEAL— SPIRITUAL " MEDIUM: RE- l'.giouscir. Wed. 8 p.m.; Thurs., 2:80: 110 Mc- Allister st. L • ; ■ , , •-..■•:. - : " ASTROLOGY. A BTRAL SEER— PROF. HOLMES, 623 GEARY 'XX. St.; horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. < ' -,--" ■'S4'.'''y;f. PALMISTRY. ■:..;.::'','..' EVERY LADY SHOULD CONSULT: PROF. SMITH," the world-renowned palmist and carl- reader. Office, room 19, 33 Sixth at. ;.;■ .\ * PEESOSALS. i iisTSsiE~CHILDsTFORMERLY "^967^^OSI sion, left for San Jose 4 weeks ago. Ry com- municating with C. JOHNSON; Russ St., she win hear something to her advantage. ;. •, \r OUNG GERMAN-SWISS WISHES.TO COR~ X respond with lady: object, matrimony; M., box • 146, Call Office. ■■.■■'..-.-■ \\r ANTED — INFANT. GIRL, AMERICAN* TT parentage; adoption. 1170 Market St., rm. 9© v ONE MORE CUT— ■• • - , -■- ~" ' Oak Roll Top Desks.... .........$l4 to $35 OAk Chiffoniers .......:.......... From $10 up Oak Bed 5et5........; $17 60 op Oilcloths and Linoleums ..".. 30c up Stoves and Ranges 93 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. : - -J. NOuNAN", 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. ARTIES NOT HAYING -PIANO CAN PRAC- X tice one hour a day for $1 " per month. 1 354 Howard st. . 7' CENTS PER DOZEN FOR CABINETS" 4• > full length." At GODEUS' ART STUDIO* 10 Sixth st. - - ~ , ' A SK FOR THE "NONPAREIL BONELESS x_ Tamale"': cleanest; best. Factory 934 How- ard St. o AIRDRESSING. 25c. ANY STYLE: KSTAB- lished in 1869; Pioneer Hair Store. BERTHA SPITZ, 111 Stockton St.; strictly one price only. ISS A STEM— GENUINE ELECTRIC VAPOP. alcohol baths and handrubbing. 121 Mont., r. 6. RS. ADA CLARK WILL REOPEN HER dancing classes Friday eve., July 12. \ DVICK FREE; DIVORCE AND PROBATE — _ laws a specialty; suits. Superior, Justice and Police Courts; terms reasonable: collections, etc. G. W. HOWE, at t'y-at-law, 850 Market, cor. Stockton. TirANTED— 3 LADIES TO JOIN CLASS TO V > learn retouching. 64 Third st. ■ DR. DRUCKER. DENTIST, HAS REMOVED his office to 1170 Market St., over the Maze. SUPERFLUOUS hair— write for FREE 0 information how ■to remove hair permanently without slightest injury to skin: superior to elec- tric needle. CURTIS CO., 186 Thirty-second st., Chicago. • MISS ANDERSON. 1 FIFTH STREET, ROOM I— Massage and Turkish cabinet baths. . "\ OU LADY DESIRES, GENTLEMAN'S X mending. Room 9, 122 Post st. A LL COURTS: PRIVATE" LAW MATTERS. LAWYER McCABE. 1027 Market : advice free. 1 (\f\fi BUSINESS CARDS, $1.50; SENT FREE, JLUUU city or country. HILL, 724Va Market st. pABINET, ELECTRIC, STEAM BATHB, 50c; \J chronic and acute diseases treated, $5 a month up; solar bath $1; oxygen used, at DR. HAKRI- MAN'S Sanitarium, cor.Twelflh and Mission, 1534. I 1 INE SUITS, $15; DRESS PANTS, $4 75. Misfit Clothing Parlors, 513 Montgomery st. ICYCLE SUITS, LADIES' OR GENTS', TO order; low prices. HUTT, Tailor, 212 Mason street. (J;l9 SUITS TO ORDER; SAMPLE BY MAIL & rlP±_J NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor. 115 Kearny.' iy EW. HIGH - GRADE BICYCLE •ON THE J-i coast; i large stock: - agents wanted in every town; cycleries. attention. Address Majestic Bi- cycle Agency, 2120 Point Lobos aye., S. F. . D" RESSES CUT AND FITTED, $3; DRESSES popular prices; engagements by day. 11 Geary- IGHEBT PRICE PAID FOR CAST-OFF XX clothing.books. novels. RAPHAEL, 247 4th st, brew ASHING MACHINE AND brush tt work: -lie yard; contracts taken. WAIN- WRIGHT, 1460 Market: machines sold or hired. SINGLE "BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF Pomade Is guaranteed to cure any case of dan- druff or i falling hair or money refunded: never known to fa!!: try it. By all druggists price $1, or SMITH BROS., Fresno, (a!. . SECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, O showcases, counters, shelviocs, mirrors, desks, j safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock of them, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. TTEADQUARTERS LONG DISTANCE TELE- -11 phones, cheap; send for prices. Klein Electric Works, 720 Montgomery St.. San Francisco. Cal. r\UIET PLACE FOR LADIES TO TRADE IN v/ stocks grain: large money made on small stocks and grain; large money made on small investment. WHEELOCIC _ CO., 318 Pine St., R3. pLOAKS. CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT \J mfrs' cost. Factory, 20 Sansome st.. upstairs. i INETOSCOPES FOR SALE; PTIONOGRAPH XV outfits bought for cash. Bacigalnpt, 946 Mkt. ld buildings~~b6ughi and sold. store- fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc.: cheap. Yard 1166 Mission St.. nr. Eighth. GAS FIXTURES AND PLUMBING. UJi Golden Gate aye. H. HUFSCHMIDT. . OLD GOLD, SILVER. GENTS' AND LADIES clothing bought. COLMAN. 41 Third st. WINDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO order by WILLIAM M:;PHUN. 1195 Market. DRESS3IAKEKS. A DIES DESIRING STYXiSH " ' FITTI NO , XJ si'its will do well to call on MAS. BROWN at room 18, 393 Fifth st. Satisfaction guaranteed. . : ::'..;:y.;.v 'V . ■ÜBD-O—X, .'. .-VV. ' ' : \ ; ] A NEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE, INSTRU- , __ ments or worthless pi. Is used; every woman ( her own physician for all female troubles: I no mat- ter from what cause; restores always in one day; i if you want to be treated safe and sure call on men's ' physician ;knovv;edge can be spnt&iis^ at ho:ne:all cases guaranteed. , DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. SURE AND SAFE CURE FOR ALL FE- male diseases; ladies may have the benefit of the skill and attention of a physician of long and successful practice; a home In confinement with best possible care, with the privacy of a home and the convenience of a hospital; those wi.o are sick or discouraged should call on the doctor and state their case, they will find in her a true friend; all consultation free and absolutely confidential; a positive cure for the liquor, morphine and tobacco habit; every case guaranteed without injury to health.- MRS. DR. GWYER, 226 Turk st-,*bet. Jones and Lea yen worth. , : . . . A LPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS, A BOON TO A ladies troubled with irregularities: no dancer; safe and sure: $2 50 express C. O. D.; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oakiaid. Cal. '"INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM: POSI. X tive cure; circulars by mail. 83 St ; Ann's bid?. T3HEUMATISM. NEURALGIA, GOUT— SP~K - XV clal attention given to these diseases. J. A. Mr- DONALD, M.0., 1236 Market st. Hours 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. _ , ;■ ; j ■/-: M"BS.. AD. ZILLMER, LADIES' PHYSICIAN; takes confinements in her house. 1061 Mission, ANITARIUM. 804 VAN NESS AYE.; PA- O tients treated entirely by herb medicines. R. A. HERWEG, OFFICE 139 POST ST.; OF- fice hours 10 to Vi a. m., 2 to 4 and 6 to 7 p. _. ; diseases of women and consultation in obstetrica (pregnancy.) ,- D~U-PRAE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS; • sate and efficient emmenagogue; $1 per box. RICHARDS _ CO.. druggists. 406 Clay, sole agts. LL LADIES CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. DA VIES, 14 McAllister St.. near Market: leads all competitors: only qualified," trusty spe- cialist for safe, -quick relief of irregularities, no matter what cause; treatment scientific, harmless and painless; never fails; home in confinement. TV ARRIED LADIES AND THOSE ABOUT TO 1»X marry; information free. Send address to M. D.. box 7, this office. ALL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES RE- stored In one day: no instruments: French remedies guaranteed at any time: consult free. - MRS. DR. WYETII, 916 Post St., near Larkin. T\R. RICORD'S PILLS : EXPRESS $'i 60 : SAFE, XJ sure, reliable: Ricord's specialties, females. Malson et Cie, Agts. ROOT'S, Sixth and Howard. DAUDET'S APHRO TABLETS-THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, lmpctency, and all disorders of the sexual . organs; $1 a box; 6 boxes $5; send for circular. J. 11. WIDBER, cor. Market and Third, sole agent. LL LADIES IN TROUBLE CONSULT THE only reliable specialist in San Francisco; in- stant relief: $500 paid for any case I cannot, cure; , board: skillful attention daring confinement: spe- i ft rial attention to diseases of the eye; advice free; 'J confidential. MRS. DR. SCOTT, llOVfr Turk st. ' MRS. Dtv \VK(;ENEK. PRIVATE HOME for nil female diseases; separate homes for la- dies before ann during confinement; have enlarged and arranged my home to suit rich and poor; ir- regularities cured in a day : guaranteed; no instru- ments: regular physicians of long and successful practice; travelers attended: no delay: all business strictly confidential; babies adopted. 419 Eddy st. "■POSITIVE. GUARANTEED CURE FOR IR- X regularities; used for years in private practice with invariable success even in most aggravated cases: easy to take; perfectly natural in action; 1 no pain, exposure or danger: cures in two days: ' sent securely sealed on receipt of $3. or C. O. D.: strictly confidential. Address- DR. J. MILTON BKRGETOLE, P. O. box 2223. 8. F._ T-\R."AND MRS. DR. SCHMIDT. FORMERLY XJ of 1211 Mission, now 1608 Market st, : month- y Irregularities cured in a tew hours; guaranteed: 110 instruments used : sure preventive- ■ -■;: -ri HALL, I*McALH.STER, SECOND floor, next Hlbernla Bank: diseases of women. "PRIVATE " HOME IN CONFINEMENT: OER- X man midwife. MRS. POWELL, 1310 Mission. "VTICK PRIVATE nOME IN CONFINEMENT JL> at the most reasonable price in the city. MRS. M. PFEIFFER, midwife, 2014 Folsom st. tf iiTregular oil an y~female disease X see Mrs. Dr. Puetz and be content. , 254% 4th. A WEEK'S- NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE WEEKLY CALL, in wacpOT. for mailing. V ' ' \ :■ ■■' STORAGE ~ W I LSON BROaTwiO MARKET STRJEB'F- . ■ » 1 : Get our rates for storage of furniture, pianos, trunks and all kinds of housenokl'goods: separate locked rooms, dust and vermin proof, at. low -rate's. Telephone south 762. ".. . - : QTOR A » i X ; FURNITURE, PIANOS, :MDBE; O advances. -, LIEBES S. W. CO., 906 Market, r. 4. TjiUKNITURE, PIANOS AND OTHER. MER- x\ chandise received on storage; money advanced on consignments; fire-proof building. 410Postf.. CTORAGE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSE- O hold goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market St. tpIRST-CLASS STORAGE; AD CBS MADE J ■■■ 421-423 Market at. CHAS. L-^'A YLOB. g \ ; TYPEWKITLRS AND SUPPL.I iiS. i GOOD TYPKWKITF.PvS KOR^UaTe AND rent. B. K. HANSON <t CO., Chronicle build- ing, room 38.