Newspaper Page Text
BUSINESS CHANCES. "pROLL & STENBERG, 719 MARKKT?rCEXR i •IT Third, sell or exchange businesses, '■ furnished house*, orchards, vineyards, San Francisco. - Ala- medft and Oakland property; send particulars; all ' applications for sales promptly attended to. VRMLI. * BTENBKRO, 719 Market s.. "pHOTOs-ENGRAVING; DESIGNING COPPER .1 line etching plant: controls lanr* city trade; employs Isirgo number of help; selling account de- par; >irc.\ TROLL & STENEERG, 71& Market st. ' » •2 f{• > X A "NTTn~M A~nVf~AOTUB- V C'-'-'^ ing ylcislty; established foi y.ars; pres-' \ os: owner retiring from business: paying inve«t- fjnient for steady man: bargain. PROLL & STEN- » JiJKRU. 719 Market st. CtilOn RESTAURANT ON WATER FRONT »~-±ImJ. opposite steamer-lai:dtns:: immense trade in vicinity, where several hundred workmen lire employed; going to Europe. PROLL & .STEN- BEBG, 719 Market st. *97 *; SALOON — well ESTABLISHED; O— • *' day and night trade; cl?iir stand: on Third; stand investigation; bargain. PIiOLL & STENBERG, 719 Market. SALOON AT YOUR OWN PRICE; OLD- O establtshed corner: stock and fixtures worth $400. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market St. - PARTNER FOR ESTABLISHED BUSINESS; £. lady wants party to take charieof cash counter and, wait on customers: $250 cash required: secur- ity given. PROLL & STENBSBO. 719 Market st. MAKE OFFJ-JR; BEST FITTED UP SALOON- -1 block north of Market St., nr. Kearny: big day and night trade; investigation; rhose mean- Ing business. PROLL A STEXBERG, 719 Market. <3il._nn CORNER SALOON WITH 6 FUR- ' L"±vv. nished rooms: big transient trade; near New City Hall fixtures worth money asked. rBOLL A STENBERG, 719 Market SU <r; a a sa loon ; best location ; AMONG tJT'jyjyJ. manufactories; doing big business- full Investigation allowed. TROLL <t STENBERG 719 Mark st. ESTABLISHED PRINTING AND.NEWSPA- per plant in prospering country town near San FraLCisco; controls largest circulation. For par- ncularssee PROLL & SIENBERG, 719 Market. <2» *^( U) SPLENDID Oi'PORTUNITY FOR • •>*'". man to buy interest in well-established c:isn business; fun investigation, references cx- <. hanged. PROLL A STJSNBERG, 719 Market st. mo SELL A BUSINESS OF KIND QUICK 1 for cash sec. AND A TUTTLE. 45 Third st. t£ OP: A RESTAUJRANT. WELL-FITTED UP; . O— -O\J. No. 1 location; rooms: pays well; busy street; bargain. STRAND «fc TUTTLE, 45 Third at. pROj ;:i:y AND BAR, WITH rooms; FULL VT value In sight: soo«! paying: best reason for selling. STRAND & TUTTLE, 45 Third st. Q9XA PARTNER WANTED IN "RES^ ?:. •_ — '" • taurant: clears $50 per month to each 1. \l me* to-day. STRAND «_ TUTTLE, 45 Third st. ,-. }§i m PARTNRR IN HORSESUOEINQ- O ! »)U. shop. STRAND & TUTTLE, 45. Third., Wf. r,, SALOON, CONNECTED WITH X.OD- »,"'***" Bing-bonse and livery stable 'clears $100. per moath. STRAND .v TUTTLE, 45"Third jft, ". . . ■QOOX ~ BRANCH BAKERY, COFFEE. ."A NiI". »_ —— «J. 'lunch parlors : rooms: pay , w^tl ;. north . oTcM arket. STRAND & TITTLE, 45 Third, st; ;. • r.KSTAt'RAM AN D ~C*OF>EE-SA-" «_ — I O. c loon ii manufacturing district: ■ daily average receipt" $15: trial allowed: no "Sunday. work. STRAND & TUTTLE, 46 Third st. . '.- -... QXAA FRO IT AND VEGETABLE STORE ; *3Jt/vll» large profits: good horse jind "wagon := greatest bargain ever offered for the money; worth double amount. STRAND & TUTTLE, 45 Third.-* I ~()l\ WOOD AND COAL YART»T~S O I • i»v« horses, i wacrons, 1 hack, harnesses, cxc.; rent $10. STRAND & TUTTLE, 45 Third. pen poriZ and De i ,i i essen »'»«_"*. store: pays well: rent $20: sickness cause-pi sale, STRAND & TUTTLE, 45 Third st. 'Q Qfi V BUYS THIP.D INTEREST IN GOOD, » .)!M o'a-established commission business; puar.-Miffed to clear $100 per month: full Investiga- lion si yen.. -SMITH. HUBKR & CO., 1001 Market. C'Qfin BAKERY: .15 YEARS ESTAB- qpuywi Ji-hed: dailyTeceipts $25: 2-horsesand I wagons; 2 bake ovens: full investigation afforded. come and see this grand bargain. SMITH. HUBER Jt'X'O., 1001 Market St. ' . . * . ' ' "qX^A lunchhouse, with living- *XOOU. rooms:.. 10 minutes '2 car lines; low rent : will prove to clear 9175 a month; long trial given. . Apply SMITH, HUEER <fc CO., 1001 Mar- ket st. _______________j__l_i T\r HOOD STEAIIV MAN WITH $100 ' ' capital for iri«iile wort; good wages paid. Ap- ply SMITH, HUBER & CO., 1001 Market st. - p CHANCE:. A L'iM N\T PARLOR COM- vJT pletoiy furnished ■ no rent: no water; no gas. C. E. V.'OitKMAN, GSO Market St. „•- C-1 "I X i'l:' VEG I f ABLES, PRODUCE ; • Ll>'. receipts $11 adav: horse: wagon; rent 810. BARRETT & CO.. 865% Market St. . . CIO: PART NE i WANTKD TO TAKE OR- *.. I— I.1 '. dersin the office in first-c'a«s business: has s:ock of over $200; clearing at le^st $120 per month: .Uities light and easily . leaned. Apply rocra 2, 51 Third st. ... "CpJAAA PARTNER WAITED TO TAKE OIvUU. charge of city office, to handle Stock- ton real esiaie. A.B. OWNER, cafe Mail office, Stockton. * °. :'::/" '- : : --'- • -. : pHANCE SELDOM DFFEIiKD WHiIJIK «1250 VJ will purchase old-«siatdiatiea-. 'cash business; l»rincipals oaly. Box 117,CaU' ;•&•■':..■' QOAA RESTAUJVA>?T ~~ A NJtJ: COFFEE SA~ t3Zi\J\J. loon ; owner goin^East.- 1736 Market. * p ROCERY AND BAH^JfsORifcJALE. APPLY VJ JOHN WIEI/AND BrMtery;.^ .; . ■, • C ORNKR GROCERY A > I) B=£ity ; Sl'OCK AND fixtures. Apply this ojlict l -. :^;y';.- / • ood teajTlno Busies?* : trial VT given. Call Dick's saloon; Washington and Davis sts. ; •, * '-',''.'.''■■ ■''■' v .': ■ ' .'- -}? OR SALE — $273; SALOONirAND 9 FUR- - nished rooms; rent fl6 month. ''61 Tehama st. "q 1 9A A LARGE CORNER GBOCKBY; BAR : I— *'ij. 20 agents. 1 Kentucky .pL, ur. Napa. Q '■> 7 X on account ofXe aving state •jjpOltJ. will sell business cle_rW>g.sSperday; suitable for any one of a mechanical turn. Address box 4, Call Office, Oakland. ■ -V., ■ . I^OR SALE — A FIEST-CLASS PLUMBING ' and tinshop In this city: has a good established trade. Further particulars inquire at W. W. Mont- gue & Co.'M or J. J. REMINGTON. . OTEL IN PETALUMA. WITH'.-i'BAR, COM- pletely furnished." for rent : 43r<(on)s: estab- lished business; long-lease." EECK_R, 24U Mont- gomery st. -" ■-•' ' \ Si FOP. SALE AT A GREAT BAR- gain; come see this: with living - rooms: handsomely fitted up: large stock; -cheap' rent; long lease. 601 Third st. No agents.':' ■- ' . *. Q \f\fi FIRST-CLASS SALOQN, NE~AR MAR- • . ')\J\J. ket eM fixtures wort-h price. Inquire Call Office.- » . .: d ,°- .; .-••-;" ' - . T> RANCH BAKERY; "FINE 'TRA-DE-.3 BOOM3 j JJ furnished; bargain. 521 Fourth sc. . » •;. pORNKR SALOON FOP. r SAL'E CHEAP. 335 \J Fourth st.: rent $15.-a -;- '" o - .-. "; „ . SOA (\lif\ HOTEL PERT V AND BUSI •_ tjyj.yjyjyj. ness for, sale ■ best paying business on line of railroad^in thriving town; "did- business $35,000 in 1894, far better expectations lor 1895; fine buildings and grounds;" = L accommodations ample and first-class;- si>ndid opportunity and bargain to right man. CURTIS «t BOWLEY, Mills building, San Francisco. vV.:" =","•..--" .*•/.. " ' "EXCEPTIONALLY = JSOOD ° OPPORTUNITY J-i for man with cash to invest in business requir- ing but little of h* time and attention: perfect se- curity and 10 per cent income guaranteed ; payable monthly. Address box 137, Call Office.*'-, C? Ci (\l\ BRINGS IX *780"pT1t" YEAR ; IS *$)yjK)yjyj . let all the time; elesrant new modern flats, bnllt- by days' work: reduced from $7400 to make quick sale. Address GEORGE STIERLEN 1417 Market St., room 12. . '. 3 p OOD OPPORTUNITY ; PARTNER WANTED VT in a business established** since 1862 : capital required, about $50,000. Address A. T., ■P. O. box 1848. XpOR SALE— HORSE AND WAGON, WITH X good fruit and vegetable route. Inquire 913 Fourteenth st. • • •. | C CORNER BRANCH bakery, NOTIONS AND \J tobacco store: reasonable. 2401 Mission st. IK FOR SALE: OWNER retiring. Apply this office. • . • • CjOAAA WILL BUY A WELL-JURNISHED •- —'-""'' -and established restaurant in the very best location in Oakland; best of reasons for sell- Ing. Apply in person: no agents. V. P. MIT- CHELS, corner Fourteenth and Webster sts.,* Oak- land. - A LOON, WITH 7 ROOMS; NICE PLACE: business good; suitable for man. and wife; will be sold cheap; present owner leaving city. Apply this office. ...■--. C»IA AAA FOR HALF INTEREST IN A ■_ lu.uUU wholesale and -retail mercantile business paying 40 per cent on investment, . dap- ply P. S., Box 60. this office. y. • "fIJToAA GROCERY. BAR 9 FURNISHED «_) OUl/.. rooms 625 Mission, in saloon. ■ OR SALE -CHEAP: GOOD-PAYING SA- loon; low rent. 1179 Market st. • ALOON AND LUNCH HOUSE, 621 SIXTH O street. • <£ IAA SALOON CITY FRONT; MUST SELL •aDxUU. to-day; other business. 4 Washington. SALE— GOOD SALOON AND LODGING- , -C house in Stockton; old established: has 21 rooms : doing good business. Address J. D. GALL, tstocKton, for full particulars^ ' ' " . : DRUGSTORJW BOUGHT AND SOLD ON SJ commission. 18 Crocker building. DAY, mgr. TOR KALE -A DELICATESSEN STORE. -T with side bar: cheap rent: long lease. Apply at WELLMAN. PECK & CO.'S, 201 Market. p BEAT BARGAIN— GOOD PAYING SALOON ' r must be sold on account sickness. .Inquire at LEM & CO., 265 Third st. .'; . a; -■■:,;% SALOON FOB. SALE. WITH LIVING-ROOMS; ' rent cheap. -Apply 551 Bryant St., : ■ - O * LET OR SALE - TWO CHICKEN ranches with houses, stables, etc. : 4 rooms: on Bryant st., near Fourth. I. B. LEWIS, 436 Mont- gomery St. ■.- : ■ ,• ,' .'<.-■-■■ » ".'■■' '-■' •' t Q 1 fin bALOON, COMPLETE; 6 BOOMS. r3)lyU. rent $15 stable. 457 Tehama, near Slxtt; at. . ■ •; \ ■'■■■: : .',--■ "". .'-: '.:>■•-'*■''• ■- :" <h! AAA HALF CASH, BALANCE INSTALL- . •^PIDUU. ment* ;•" business' pays" *175 month; right man can easily increase it to % 500 or more. Inquire CURTIS & BC\VLEY r , 32 second floor. Mills building. .'.,■:■ .::..u':?^;.':..'v^::, pOMPEETE FURNITURE FACTORY, BOILER V and engine, or partner wanted, 718 Bryant St. _^t^SINESB CHAN Continued. j . Q f;n jy bargain, bargain, if TAKEN <4P v \J \j . at once ; finest "location : saloon estab- lished for years: living-rooms; full stock of wines and liquors. ILKE, 235 Kearny St., room 4. | <J2*>^/)A LEADING SALOON ON EAST JU — ■*)\J\J. street, with 9 furnished rooms: rents $aQ; owner keeps two places; must soil this or the ?. t .*L : r .l or jy^ 0 )^ . WILKE, 235 Kearny, room 4. i i <S Q()(\ SALOON ESTABLISHED YEARS *£KJ\J\J. with 10 furnished rooms, near Kearny street; owner kept back East on account of busi- n*as. •■ WLLKIS, 236 Kearny, room 4. . FiAA CORNER GROCERY, •• AND BAR, ttPUVJV. with 3 living rooms; rent $30; kept by present owner 6 years: wants to retire; bargain. NY ILK.E, 235 Kearny, room 4. C; i / a~saToon ■ • WITH 8~" FURNISHED tipttUU. rooms, surrounded by factories, in man- ufacturing location; -low rent; cali at once. WILKE, 235 Kearny street, room i. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE; BEST PAYING livery stable in town; 30 boarders; 25 livery horses :. hacks, buggies, etc.; centrally . located: low rent; this is a fine opportunity to get a good business at a bargain; principals only. Address P. 8., box 127, this office. j DCTCHEK - SHOP AND- A ITSTORE; 1 -U cheap: good business; owner cannot attend to I both. Call 122 Taylor Et. GnAn GROCERY, BAR AND FIXTURES: •pv\.i\J. large yard; 6 living-rooms: doing good 1 business; must sell on account of sickness. 601' Seventh st. ' *———»»—» —_______________——————_ i • LOP OIKG-HQU3ES FOR SALE. 1 7 ROOM CORNER" HOUSE. ONLY $300. X I 15 rooms; N. of Market: rent $45; a snap. 30 room house clearing (800; cos: $5000; $1800, Before buying, selling or exchanging fro to . TRAVERS <fe LAMB, 512 California st. mo BUY OR SELL A LODGING-HOUSE -L quick for cash see GUS STRAND, 45 Third st. Q.l A A 339 MINNA — NEATLY FUR- *& J. "" • ntshed house of 9 rooms for sale. .■ - A O ROOMING AND BOARDING ■ HOUSE. Apply 2759 Mission st. ' HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS; HARD FINISHED: basement; modern improvements: must be sold: no reasonable oiler refused. Apply at 2906 Bush st. . j UTTERFIELD (WILLIAM), AUCTIONEER; .!■> bargains in lodging-houses. Crocker building. FURNITURE FOB SALE. T^URNlTlQßjr"7>F'^d3i6^ auSEps22sl JL 1 no agents. 20 Halght st. BEDROOM SET, $11: PATENT TABLES ,$2 15; Ito.\bury Brussels, 75c laid; oilcloth, ■P,Oc: open evenings. SHIREK, 1310 Stockton st, HG. KRASKY, CARPETS, PICTURES, . . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices: CaL Rtepladder mannfactd for the trade. 779 Mission. GUT PRICKS IN FURNITURE AND" CABPETS \J this week at McC ABE'S, 948-050 Mission st. ~T> EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AND ±\ second hand; 400 carpets, good as new, oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c; 7-piece chamber suits, $14 50; cornice-poles, 25c: ranges, $6; cash or installments; goods shipped ! in-o. T. H. NELSON, 126 Fourth st. ■ -.; . FURNITURE XV AN TED. nTBURD^JCTioXEER^AWcYsi^FOR . furniture and all kinds merchandise. 10 Fulton. CARPETS. T>RUSSELS, 4JH;, I^u7)T^63SuRY^BRUS^ J-> sels, 75c. laid; linoleum. 40c: heavy oilcloth, 20c: open evenings. SIIIREK. 1310-1312 Stockton. CARPET CLEANING. ~i^a. tTonal" c arpet beating and ren<> Xi vatin? Works, HAMPTON &BAILY; laying and altering. 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission 244. pABPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND \J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON <& CO., 23 Tenth st. .Telephone number, sonth 36. CITY STEAM ' CARPET-BEATING AND noratlng Works, S8 and 40 Eighth st. O. B. STEVENS, raanager. Telephone No., south 250. WHEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH * » poor work send to SPAULDENG'S Pioneer Ca- rpet Beating Works. 353-7 Tehama: tei. So-40. pONKLIN'S CAB.PET BEATING WOB.KS. 333 \J Golden Gate aye. : telephone east 126. riIHE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING X Co. (incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- . ovattng works. 453 Stevenson: tel. 3228. FOR SAI/E— MISCELLANEOUS. OR ~S_LE^CH_AP — BAKER'S almost new. 414 McAllister st. IpOR SALE— HARVARD SURGICAL CHAIR, 1 a bargain. W.STOTT. 112 Mason street, City. £.911 GOOD NEW; 7-DRAWER DOMES- -0 — . V . tic sewing machine. 9;>9yj Mission st. QQX A BARGAIN: PNEUMATIC COLUM- iSOO. bia bicycle. Grocery cor Oak ami BnHi- erick. - - ■ \ LL-GOLD \VATCHES SOLD FOR WEIGHT XL of cases; no cbargv; for works: diamonds, ear- rings, rinss, studs, pins and ladles* sealskins for half original cost; "goods sent C. O. D. UNCLE HARRLS, 15 GRANT AVENUE, near Geary 3U COLUMBIA PNEUMATIC, ONLYi.S3O; BAR- V gain. 328 McAllister at. AFE FOR SALE: FIXE AND BURGLAR proof. T. HURLEY, room 95, 305 Larkin st. \V"ILSHIRK"SAFE, LETTER-PRESS, SCALE, 1? coffee-mill »nii money-till; cheap.- 102 Clay st.; 1 LOT OF EASTERN STANDARD MAKES of safes which have "been taken in exchange as part payment. for the Walts safes, as follows: 3 burglar-proof bank or coin safes, 7 jewelers' safes, 8 pawnbrokers' safes, i:? merchant safes: tire and burglar proof : all sizes; at less than half cost; see them before you order. The Waltz Safe Salesroom, 221 and 223 "Market st., factory 13 and 15 Drumm .St., San Francisco.' Cal. ATEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- IN hand. ' W. S. BAY Mfg Co., 12 California st. CJ OUNT E R S. SHELVING, SHOWCASES 1 bought and sold 1121% Market bet. 7th and Bth i WEEK'S NEWS" FOR 5 CENTS — THE -T. WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. ■ — — . MONEY TO LOAN. N V AMOC NT~OF MON^E V TO LO A Is ON watches, diamonds, sealskins, pianos, pictures, bronzes, clocks, real estate and all kinds of securi- ties. Columbia Loan and Collateral Office, 9 Grant aye., 3 doors from Market st. * , . TRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. 850 STRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. 850 •Market st., cor. Stockton, rooms 17 and 18, first floor: established 30 years;. always open. "Uncle BilL" '.-.;■•■ • LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. IST AND 2ND J-J mortgages, f u_lltur& or pianos without re- moval : lowest rates. BECKER, 240 Montgomery. TT P. LOAN OFFICE; 777 MARKET ST., Nil. U . Fourth; money on everything; private rooms, ladies. , ■ - ■ - ■ "I>ORROW MONEY ON YOUR DIAMONDS, X) jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal ; lowest rates. Call or write to HARRY ANKEL & CO., Mills blc"g, sth floor, r 6; strictly confidential. 4-. F.JOHNS CO:, FINANCIAL AGENTS, -c_. 632 Market sf., room 9: money to loan in amounts to suit-on San Francisco a*nd Oakland real ■estate; country loans negotiated; bonds bought and sold -Insurance on man't'g plant placed at low rates. MONEY AT"b%: IST AND 2D MORTGAGES, estates, pianos. MUBPHY, 628 Market sU 1 ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES, LIFK INSUR- -1 ance policies, bank books. GOULD, 633 Mantel r\N ANY SECURITY, AT LOW RATES; DEAL- J.V/ ing confidential. 43 Crocker building. MUNICH' • LOAN * OFFICE, CROCKER bulldjng, room 57; telephone Main 5122. ANY SUM OF - MONEY ADVANCED .ON A. your furniture, pianos or real estate; low rates; call and state your proposition or. write: open evenings. J. NOON AN, 1021 Mission st. Mi )N EYLOAftBD ON JEWKLRYANDOTHER iU* valuables at the Security Loan Bank, 1108 Market st. ■ nr. Mason: private entrance 7 Turk, MONEY WANTED. i ONEY r^WANTED TO LOAN ON REAL- -I>l estate security, mortage bonds, etc., In sums from S5OO to $2500; securities first class; interest from Ito 2 per cent per month. If you have small amounts to loan call.and see us: we can place the same to good advantage for you. M. J. LAY- MANCE & CO., real-estate 'agents and- land auc- tionfera. 486 Eighth St.: Oakland. Cal. ' - "PROPERTY ■; WANTED. " .' , OOD^R^TA^^RQP^^i^CITY'. IN exchange • for 1 block land i near university. JOSEPH J. MASON, Dwight-way station.Berneley. TMPKOVED CITY OR SUBURBAN FOR 1 ranch. Address ALBERT, box 120, Office. HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS, LARGE LOT, NEAR Dwight-way station, for city property. JOS. J. MASON, Dwlght- way station. ■ ; • /. ■ .DENTISTS.. RT~RKAT9~^IX^^^T?rAXL^E^?rAirw^RIC at lowest prices ana warranted; open evenings - D" R. J. J. LEEK, 1206 MARKET, COR. GOLDEN . Gate aye.— Open evenings ; Sundays till noon. Dli. GEORGE W. -LEEK, TH X; - GENUINE Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of • improved bridge work •■ or teeth without any piate, moved from 6 to 20 O'Farrell st. A! CHALFANTS'B,B MASON.COR. MARKET, Jtx.- sets of teeth are made to please or no charge; on bridges, crowns and gold plates prices reduced; small .cold fillings only $2; painless extraction. . CROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MAR- \J ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, gas specialists; only reli- able agent for painiess ' extraction artificial teeth frm $b ; fillings from $1 ; extracting 50c, with gas $1. JJ7A SET FOR TEETH: WARRANTED AS <}p I good as can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMMS, dentist, 930 Market St., next Baldwin Theater. - : DX. H. <«. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH U without plates a specialty. { 1841 Polk st. . _ DX. LUDLUM . HILL, 1443 MARKET ST., near Eleventh; no charge for extracting when plates are made; eld plates made over like new; teeth from $8 per set; extracting 50c; gas given. . CIOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. - 806 MAB- ; ket at. Dli. CHARLES W. DECKER- - • - :..,;-■-. •.-.- - . . :-. v PHYSICIANS. _■ - -.; ■ - : "A^O^KTA^IEN^D^N^aiaHrER^S^AR^E. A MRS. OR. FUNKE, 1416 Eighth St., Atomeda. Mria iiiiw niiMli-iir^n aftiuni'i'i^ - . ■ , ■ • - :'V-*sftMßc!tMM<ar*_i-a»3Bta£_e! THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL. TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1895. ;. . - CITY REAL estate. __'':-_-___ J OUIS schloss. ~ ' Booms 24 and 25, Crocker Building, S. F. <$L~l OH (\f\(\ FOR THE CHOICEST PIECE <|pIUU.UUU of residence property In the i Western Addition; 3 fifty-varas. QL I ft (\C\f\ FOR A FINE FIECE OF IN- «Ip_.O.VU\/ come property on Channel st. . QlAf\(\ MISSION LOTS" ON THE INSTALL- j «JP*±UU. ment plan. QC A A MISSION LOTS ON THE INSTALL- %[)O\J\J» ment plan. •CQ^ (\(i(\ A SNAP: 55 FEET ON MISSION <g)dO.\j\j\J. street; a choice piece for manu- facturing of any _lnd. LOUIS SCHLOSS, ■ ' Booms 24 and 25, Crocker Building, S F. T OT 25x100; "FOURTH AYE., NEAR CALI- ±J fornla.'W. side; $900. HENRY" V. RICHIT, National Cemetery, Presidio. : . , .■ -.':"'. .; . : .._. . A MISSION FLATS; NOW RENTED for $38: over 1 percent on asking price. Ad- dress Flat, bos 145, Call Office. , ' "VTOW IS THE TIME 1O BUILD, WHILE i-' materials are cheap. Will build anything, anywhere: cash or easy monthly installments, plans included. O. W. FORSYTH, 640 Market st. C* Wi\ LOT 100x100; LEVEL; FENCED: IN <bOU\J, Colma. GEORGE STALLMAN, 1824 Sutter 6t. _____________ T>USINESS LOTS; 3, $600 EACH; STREET J-> work complete; Army st., near Cogswell Col- lege; offer wanted. J. F. PLUMBE, agent, 1402 Valencia st. ' ' .. " . : \ < 7TORNER CASTRO AND 25TH, 30x80: 24TH VJ St., near Sanchez, 26x90; 2 fine lots: will sell cheap. Apply Castro and 25th. SPLENDID LOT, 27x100: BEMIS, W*J I O, near Castro: block from electric cars. J. i ROCHE, P. O. box 1876. 5 . . "I I rAN TED-FLAT; 6 AND 6 ROOMS: WEST- »' crn Addition; price not to : exceed $6000. i CHAS. C. BEMIS, 324 Montgomery st. . . . - C7CA COTTAGE: 3 ROOMS: IN BERKE- rjp • «JU. ley: lot 40x120; $15 monthly. - $200— Half an acre, near university ; steep and cheap. - •.".-: ', . ■ :■ ; ■ , ()lher*houses and lots all over town. I '">.:'.''■-. CHAS. A. BAILEY, 46 Market St., or Berkeley station, Berkeley. • »ii!l XO^ 1-5 CASH; LOT 25x110;' 1 BLOCK •UPi-«J^«J. from Golden Gate Park; east side Sbrader St., near Waller. Apply owner 522 How- ard st. ■ • ■-. -. .^. . ; - , ' fl}«9 IAA HANDSOME COTTAGE ON 20TH «35— "±Uv/. St., near Hampshire: 5 rooms, bath; $250 cash: balance easy installments. Particulars 621 Sixth St. - ; . .. ■■; . , :...-■ . FOR BALE — A BARGAIN: CORNER LOT. 49x100, containing two houses, in the Mission; suitable for grocery: rented at present for $50. .Apply. to owner, Six-Mile House, on Mission Road. OUSES FOR SALE ON small MONTHLY, payments: loans made on San Francisco real estate. LOUIS BLANK 214 Pine st.. rms. 68 A 59. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. Cl ACRES: LITTLE HOME; (RUNNING *J'i water; fruit in bearing; good house, barn and outbuiidincs: Vs mile from town; Al bottom land; a snap at $1500; half cash. D. H. T WING, So- noma City, Cal. . . .. -. QIOXA WELL IMPROVED CHICKEN tJS-L_wUU. ranch of 6 acres. $1600— 12-acre chicken-ranch and orchard; 2- story house. $2600—3% acres and Improvements, near Fruit- vale. • . . • ■ $3250—100 acres, well Improved, including orchard. . . • 95000—54 acres rich level land, 14 miles from Oakland; All sorts of ranches; ' write us. W. E. BARNARD^ SON, 458 Ninth St., Oakland. . 5 ACRES, NICELY IMPROVED, NEAR SAN *J Rafael: lovely place; suitable for boarders or campers; will easily rent for $60 a month in sum- mer: • near station: price. $2500 cash; actually worth $5000. SPECK CO., 30 Montgomery st. SUMMER RESORT, WITH 80 ACRES LAND; 3 miles from Santa Cruz; fine house: 16 rooms; furnished first-class: stock and vehicles: $7500, or trade for city property. 1081 Mission st. rftHIS WILL INTEREST YOU. -. ~~~~~~ J- Our colony is now established ; already 25 families have 1 decided to make their - homes • with us. We are determined to develop a community of homes that will be self-sustaining, attractive, pleasant and profitable. We own this tract of land, in fact it has been our home for over 30 years, and we know from experience that the soil is well adapted to the successful growth of . every variety of fruit, grain and vegetables that are grown' In the State of California. ■«■> . ; . We have now 1000 acres -in alfalfa, from which we cut three and four crops per annum, and | that, too,, without irrigation. We claim that we can offer'more to the man who really wants a home than has ever yet been offered or that is likely ever to be offered again. The man who provides a home that, is self-sustaining, attractive, pleasant and profitable for his family enjoys a sens'* ' of in- dependence and proprietorship that is I simply Im- possible in any other business and -is - especially impossible for the man who works on a salary and is subject to the fluctuations ' of business or . the whim of his employer. We ask your investigation of our offer." ■ ' ' ' - Address New England Colony of California, ; .. :_ Room 10, Mills building. . OB SALE— 3S , ACRES OF 'FINEST" LAND -T under the sun; finely wooded: has an over- flowing well of purest water and never-failing spring, "bubbling out of the rocks"; all kinds fruit can be raised on the land; there is now in bearing young orchard 75 . trees of various varieties; | hay in plenty: this is most superior investment as a whole or can be subdivided to suit colony: 10 minutes' walk from the station, and dry * under- foot in the wet season.' For further information call on the Postmaster at Belmont, or "Buckton," Hub Clothing Store, corner Putter and Kearny. : OR 4 LOVELY BROOKSIDE HOMES, NEAR town. A. M. DENNETTE, Glen Ellen, Cal. AN EviUAL SHOW FOR ALL: STRAIGHT fair and square - deal: an investment offered that is liOnest : own your own homo I and be inde- -1 pendent: try It and 1 you will find that we - advise you right; we will sell you 40 acres of alluvial soil ; in the Warren Green rancho, Glenn County, Cal., lor $280 : $3 per acre down, balance In 60 monthly ! payments, without interest, and will throw in town ; lot 100x150: land suitable for all kinds . of fruit, berries or grain; needs no irrigation: climate un- surpassed an v where in Calif fornia; 168 miles north of San Francisco and . only 20 1 miles from county scat of county, and 6 miles from I nearest railroad . town; fare, round trip, $9. For investments and information address or call on the H. M. BENSON CO., 902 Broadway, Oakland. . . ■ '. ■ .;;. ABIN COUNTY-5000 ACRES 26 MILES irom San Francleco. - • i RANCHO DE NOVATO. Tracts of any size desired; fruit, grain and vege- table land no irrigation; . both , rail .; and ' water transportation; $40 to $75 per acre; easy terms, town of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores on the property ; send for circular. , .. Dairy for sale with or without cows. SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65. Chronicle building. ;:,■:;.. :.■-;. IF YOU WANT 1 A RANCH FOR 'GRAZING purposes or an orchard already Improved, where only small cash outlay Is required," balance payable in 6or 7 rears, apply 326 Montgomery St., S. F. ; WEEK'S NEWS . FOR V 5 ' CENTS — THE WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. LEGAL NOTICES.; : , . ' . :;. , XTOTICE TO BECOME ~S OLE^TOA D f£§lX .1.1 . State of California, City and County of San Francisco. us. ; . - ' • > ■ ' » ; - ■ I Public notice Is hereby given by the'undersigned, a married' woman, residing In said city and county more than one year list past, that on THURSDAY, the; 2sth day of July, 1895," at 10 o'clock: a. if. on ■ that day, she Intends to make . her appli- cation rto the : Superior . Court, -in , > and - for said f - city and county, :at ■ the r- courtroom thereof in the new City Hall, for a decree and judg- ment making her a sole trader la the business of purchasing and vending and representing others i_ the purchase and sale of . proprietary 1 medicine. .-The place of the aforesaid business proposed ■ to ' be conducted by her is the said City and County of San Francisco. That the name of her husband ! is CHARLES G. DANIEL. ■ : In witness whereof she has hereunto set her hand this 25th day of June, 1895. ' . MRS. M. GERTRUDE DANIEL. GEORGE D. COLLINS, Attorney for Applicant. pREDITOR'S '. SALE-SEALED BIDS WILL .VJ be received I or.the ■ stock |of boots, shoes I and fixtures contained .in the | Star. Shoe Store, 1 1392 Market st. ■ Inventory can be . seen at th? office of Friedman & Rogers or on the premises, where the stock may he inspected. Bids will, be opened on Saturday, June 29, at 11 a. m. The undersigned reserves the : right •to ; reject < any or all bids. All ! bids must be accompanied by a certified check of 10 per cent. , Address to FRIEDMAN _; ROGERS, 6 Battery St., 8. F. •■-'■>-■;-■ ■■^j,'. '■'.■_■- ■'■;■■-.. - -■■ ATOTICE TO CREDITORS. — ESTATE ': OF IN ; SUSAN E. KERBY, deceased.-; Notice is here- by gjven by the undersigned, administrator of >. the estate iof HUSAN E. - KERBY,' deceased, to * the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, the said deceased, to exhibit them with the neces- sary vouchers .within ten I (10) I months after the first publication of this notice, to the said adminis- trator, ' at ■ bis office, room 4, Phelan bulldin?. San Francisco, the \ same | being | his place for the tran- saction of the business of the said estate In the City and County of San Francisco, State of California." i - Robert Mcelroy, ;- Administrator of the estate Of SUSAN vE. KERBY, deceased/ •■ ■--■.,■/■>.->.-.... •>„ : > , Dated at San Francisco, Jane 19, 1895. . ■ X MY rick «_ DEERING, attorneys tor Adminis- . trator, 14 Sangome at. : - • ■ ■..->-. HOUSES : TO LET. /./,■■■. T/l^RL>OM^LOr^iN^-iHoIjS^"^4~~TIHIRD -X _U st.; ' all new > and modern : . Improvements, electric lights, etc. Just completing; full particu- lars. Apply A. J. RICH & CO., real estate agents, • 112 Montgomery St.; ;_;_ .■■'•■'■'.*_'-' :■: * ? ' r ;--..';; O-l GILBERT, NR. SEVENTH AND BRYANT '_ }_; : 3 nice sunny rooms; $8; cheap.. * ■ 9A MARY, NEAR FIFTH-NICE, SUNNY 7- *_jU room house; rent $25; very cheap. ; ■ 1/11 QIELLIS-HO~uI§E7~7i ROOMS,' BATH, 1-1 $18. ; Apply 626 Eddy st: ■ „'■ ■.--•.-, > OUSE, 6 = ROOMS AND BATH ; ALL MOD- ! em improvements.':-: 1804 Lexington aye." ; OR RENT, CHEAP, TO DESIRABLE PAR- . ties, for the summer, a pleasant suburban home. Address 739 Jackson st., ban Jose. ; 9C I I CLAY-HOUSE OF "7 , BOOMS; COM- —•7 I.x pletely furnished; -piano; furnace; base- ment; Bunny yard: 10 to 3. ■' ■; . ■ - . , C_;« r PACIFIC HEIGHTS HOUSE : ROOMS _:_>.* with everj' convenience and marine view. 1733 Broadway, near Oough st. • r, .. SUNNY HOUSE— S3O EDDY, NEAR LARKIN; 9 rooms ; bath; rent $30; water free. UNN Y- HOUSE .7..800M5. BATH, CELLAR; newly painted ; rent cheap. 1722 Hyde st. . AAA LEAVEN WORTH — HOUSE 9 ROOMS; *±\JU bath. ■•'- ' ■'- : ■ • ' T ATEST STYLES IN HOUSES TO RENT AT XJ BALDWIN & HAMMOND'S, 10 Montgomery. A A POST. OPPOSITE FIRST CONGREOA- *i«jI/ tioniU Church— Good location for doctor or dentist: low rent to a good tenant. Apply to G. H. UMBSEN A CO.. 14 Montgomery st. J ■■ > FURNISHED HOUSES. , T^OTTAGE WITH LARGE^GARDEN;" SEVEN \J teenth St., nr. Valencia. BALDWIN _ HAM MOND, 10 Montgomery st. TO LET— FURNISHED HOUSE 7 BOOMS; sunny; $35; best water: fine flowers; or for sale cheap. Apply on premises, 2025 Eagle aye., Ala- meda. ■ t ' " ; " ■_ " V :.'■" •"''-?-:• "17<LEGANTLY FURNISHED UPPER FLAT; "XJ piano; reasonable. -• 1303 Golden Gate aye. -:.. COTTAtjtES TO LET. Po"ttao^"lPr6^msT^^th^^Xundry: \J chickeu-yard; fine marine view; all modern Improvements; Green St., bet. Octavia and La- guua. Inquire 2619 Octavia sU, near Green. ■ (_• -I 9 COTTAGES 4 ROOMS ; LARGE YARD; «45.L_j. Seventeenth St., near Mission. O. F.VON RHEIN, 613 California st. <_• \ 9 Pi A <> a BARTLETT > ST.; ELEGANT t]p*J:w.c)\/. cottage of 6 rooms and bath, with large grounds: stable and carriage-house. Apply to TOBIN & McNALLY, 630 Market st. pottage. 3 ROOMS. INQUIRE 38 victor \J st., bet. Seventh and Eighth, off Bryant. ■■:-■- : ; QTrr NEAT COTTAGE,; 5 ROOMS, BATH, t-plO.ceUar, yard. 1127 Twentieth st. mHREE~SITNN"Y ROOMS; YARD: CHEAP TO 1 small family. 1230 Folsom St., near Ninth. ; 'C>'l 7- FINE BAY WINDOW : COTTAGE; 4. (jpXI . rooms; bath; basement. Apply 35 Thir- teenth at., near Howard. ■- ■ :_-_i__. FLATS; TO I.ET. T^TE?iv r 7vA^wTN3oirFLAT: 8 BMsT^ATJH; Ii : lor 2 families; $27. 909 Folsom St., nr. sth. QAC UNION, COB. MASON— 4 BOOMS, $11; QUO 25 Minna— 4 rooms, $12. <_> 1 Q 2 - NEW FLATS 4 , AND 5 ROOMS. XO. stable, cellar. 17 Sharon, near Sixteenth and Church. \ . <_>! C , BAY-WINDOW FLAT 4 ROOMS, 14% «JM.«J. Moss St., oft Howard, bet. 6th and 7th. 99 CA. 1226 SACRAMENTO— 7 ROOMS ; '„——.•'''. gas; bath:' fine view. CM A ELEGANT SUNNY SEVEN-BOOM •^ ±\J. flat. 624 Golden Gate it,, near Van Ness. • » LARGE ROOMS, YARD, $7. 1 GOODSELL 0 place, off First st ' ! '*■ '■'"■- T?LATS 3 ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UNFUR- X nished; $8 and $10. 405 Dupout st. - . 9 SUNNY- BAY-WINDOW FLATS, 4 ROOMS, «i bath; $15 and s2o. , NE. cor. Jackson and Polk. -C&1 C FLAT, 5 LARGE ; SUNNY ROOMS. $>X_». 1611 Lexington aye., near Eighteenth st. LAT;*4 ROOMS; HALLWAY: SEPARATE yard; front and rear entrance. 5441/4 Natoma. (jJjTq 3 LARGE ROOMS: YARD. 109 THIR- <3?XO. teenth St., above Valencia. ODERN FLAT; 6 BOOMS; PAPERED AND IVL . frescoed; excellent view. 2105 a Larkln st. ACT FOLSOM; NEAR SIXTH-FLAT OF 7 VOL rooms, bath; good for rooming-house. <_>9A HOUSE OF 6 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS. tsZ\). 622 Ellis st. ■'.••: •.,'.'• , •'; • G*-\q UPPER FLAT ; 22 DERBY PLACE, OFF (jll, Taylor st.. bet. Geary and Post. .• ' 9 EIJEGANT NEW FLATS ;.SW. COB. NINE- -v teenth and Guerrero sts.: open to-day. ■ ; TTPPER FLAT, 4 LARGE SUNNY BOOMS; U gas: bath. 725 Minna st. ' ' ODERN FLAT 5 ROOMS AND BATH : MA- rine view. 1007 Lombard s;., near Hyde. mil aUNNY FLAT 4 ROOMS; BIG .YARD 11. water free, 1027 Alabama st. ;■- •■;■■-■'-- -IPLAT 4 ROOMS : j WATER FREE : RENT $10. . Apply at grocery-store, corner Eighth and Har- rison sts. '■■-.• ' ■ •■:■-■ •- - ■'< " .*'. ■' "■ TTILATOF 5 FINE SUNNY ROOMS; ALL MOD- X era improvements. .108 Ridley st.,nr. Valencia. TMLAT; 3 ROOMS: BATH: YARD; MODERN ' J improvements. 306 Twenty-first st. ' r 2 SUNNY FLATS, 4 BOOMS: BATH; CHEAP. 6 Byington, off Webster, nerfr Ellis." . • C' IX FLAT 4 ROOMS AND BATH. 1718 «3>itt. Leavcnworth st. '>>;.- -.. ' ■• UNNY. CORNER FLAT 5 ROOMS, BATH; rent cheap. 458 Halght st. ",:■ MODERN IMPROVED FLAT OF 7 ROOMS, bath and fine yard; rent $26. 2333 Mission St., near Twentieth. . ■-■'-. r-i Q WEBSTER— FLAT OF 3 ROOMS; MOD- jJxO em Improvements: yard; rent $10. . ■\|OSTDESIKABLE FLAT OF 7 ROOMS WITH IYL bath and all modern Improvements; rent, in- cluding water, $30. 1625 Bush st. ; t : A NEW FLATS: 6 ROOMS, BATH AND LAUN- dry ; all modern. 832 Folsom st. ' '< AQI7I HAIGHT ST. — FLAT OF 4 SUNNY *±O I 2. rooms; yard; $12. T7ILEGANT SUNNY FLAT 7 BOOMS. BEAU- XI tlfully papered and frescoed. 713 Grove. •\ TOST DESIRABLE FLAT OF 7 ROOMS WITH IfX bath and all modern improvements; rent, in- cluding, water, $30. 1625 Bush st. FLAT OF 4 SUNNY BOOMS AND BATH. AP- ply 403 Haight st. ' ' •-,- ■■■;-■, ■mo LET— FLAT 7 ROOMS: BATH: LARGE X yard and basement: rent $27 60. 809 Hayes st. HOWARD— TWO FLATS, 3 OR 4 ROOMS tA-iX and bath. , • © 1 9 NEW SUNNY FLAT, 4 BOOMS YARD. «Jplj^. 52 Norfolk, near Harrison and Eleventh. OCI J-POBT— NICE BAY-WINDOW FLATS, _UX_' 5 and 6 rooms and bath; $18. . ■'■: -■-;•:. ; ,? . I"~MVE-ROOM FLAT; BATH AND LAUNDRY. ' 529 Seventeenth st. . ' '■-" ' ' T ATEST STYLES IN FLATS TO BENT AT XJ BALDWIN & HAMMOND'S, 10 Montgomery. I"~7laT 4 ROOMS, BATH. .336 -TEHAMA ST., ' bet. Fourth and Fifth.. . ' >;-.?- ■ : ;i C_~l Q FLAT 6 ROOMS, BATH. 28 WASH ' •<|)XO.' Ingten aye., off Mission St., near Ninth. -: A WEEK'S i NEWS FOR r 5 CENTS— THE -A WEEKLY CALL. in wrapper, for mailing. > ;f . HOUSEKEEPING i KOOMS. . JQ^LABA^B ROOMS, WITH BATHri^CR- !«/ nlshed for housekeeping. . «,:;-. EnT ELLIS-FURNISHED FRONT rooms, uUt: with light housekeeping. = -y-; .- : ;. t .-, COC FOLSOM-LARGE SUNNY FURNISHED OZiO room, light housekeeping: $7 per month. ■ Q-l FO UR T"H — SUNN = FURNISHED OKI/ housekeeping rooms; also single rooms. ; 7A A HOWARD — NICELY" FURNISHED 1 1 Ut rooms . complete for housekeeping; : other rooms cheap. *" ' • 1 1 Q9 HOWARD — NICELY * FURNISHED XXO_i Urge sunny front rooms; double or single. 1 QFizl HO WARD, ; Cor. tenth— a , SUNNY, XOUtfc furnished housekeeping rooms; bath; • $8. 91 a h y £Te — ITohT: housekeeping _jXv/ room : a large, sunny, well furnished room. 7 enc JONES-ELEGANT PARLOR.KITCHEN; uvunew '-furniture: every convenience; : single rooms. :■;. -; -;S :• ,- ..-'.-•■ '7.r.- .'■>■■■'. -^ ;.- - : ..■.--. .: : - ■-. : x on \~ MINNA, COR. FOURTH— FRONT. FUR- — O L nished housekeeping complete; double, sin- gle cheap. "-.*:■■ ■."-..'■'-■ ''. -' r i' 5 :^^'~'.'. : y :^^''i':^: ,O C C•■ JEHSIE-HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; , $6 OOP and up. •;-. _ : -.. : "-, ; ;;--^-' ..■'. -.--' : . > -■- . -. ;-.-.-.v ,"LIULTON ; HOUSE, v 617 .MISSION— FRONT *J housekeeping suites: $8 a month. - ..';.■-:- - : ;: 1711 MARKET— lovely housekeep- -1111 ing rooms: front: cheap. .-: v : ' ; , 9AQQ MARKET-2 ;OR 3 SUNNY FUR- ZiU<7O. nlshed housekeeping rooms. Op: A MINN A — FURNISHED r HOUSEKEEP- -00 V ing rooms; cheap : also single, 75c per week. QOriMl ON — COMPLETELY' FUR- OJjOz nlshed •: sunny housekeeping .'and other pleasant rooms. -• * -.-■'"'•"•T.--'-- -.'•" -' ■■-.'-■-■. ■••' :!■"■.•■■;■.(■{ ' Q/L7 MISSION— 4 ROOMS, PARLOR FLOOR; t/*X I . complete for housekeeping; 2Hl££s_______;^ |l>9n -MISSION,'; NEAR NINTH — FRONT U.O— V sunny furnished bay-window j housekeep- ing rooms; $8 and $10 a month. ; ■ . ; *r'. v- ; ,; ( 79 A NATOMA— 2 7LARGK { SUNNY ROOMS; Ij I ju\) use of kitchen: for man and wife. :, ;> -„ ;■„ ui fig I A:? 2 SUNNY.FURNISHED. ROOMS FOR ' w X I/.' housekeeping; range; running water. 703 C barrel! St.; bet. Hyde and Larkln. '■..... . ; 1 7 AQ STOCKTON— 2 . CONNECTING ROOMS X I \JO furnished complete for housekeeping: 1 Q 9 A. STOCKTON— 3 OR 3 SUNNY ROOMS, iOiU nicely furnished for housekeeping; cheap.; a 9A TENTH— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY I 1 — \J housekeeping rooms. . . 099 THIRD— FRONT FURNISHED . HOUSE- O_j_ keeping suites, $7, $8, $10; single, $1. r<,-- "'■ TfyfT H I BD— SUNNY ; : --i HOUSEKEEPING \ j *tI/t: rooms; 5 quiet and respectable; new brick building. - j HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS — Continued. 1 A^TWELFT H; NEAR MARKET— FURNISH- xU. Ed rooms, payable In little carer of Invalid. w.---> 7Q/> VAN NESS. AYE.-SUNNY f 7 FRONT I t/D rooms, nicely furnished, for|housekeeping; reasonable.-: ' • ' ROOMS ;TO LET. ;/ . HOUSE— NICELY FUR- 'iOtJ nished rooms; single and double; cheap. tfiA BUSH-HOUSE NEWLY; RENOVATED O£\J and furnished ;• elegant sunny rooms from $6 up: hot and cold water; country transient. MRS.. FISHER. '•• '-. :- ■"■•-' ■-■■-:■.-•- - •.•■-■ -■ ■ BRANNAN, ABOVE SIXTH-SUNNY 4£O kitchen and bedroom; furnished. • ITAK DE VISA DERO-LARGE SUNNY FUR- -1 I \JO nished rooms, $5 and $6 per month. ..-■;.• Tl Q EDDY— FRONT ; SUITE ; FOR OFFICE, LAO housekeeping and other tarnished rooms. ri EDDY— LARGE SUNNY FRONT ROOM; OLKJ single room: reasonable; private family. _ EQQ eITIIS— PLEASANT SINGLE ROOM 3, t)__iO suitable for gentlemen: cheap. ... : '.-'.-' 7 - - ~\ f\rr FIFTH — PLEASANT AND SUNNY XU I rooms to let. . QAQ FIFTH-NEW HOUSE, CONNECTING O\JU housekeeping rooms; other rooms; $10, $15. ■\TEWLY FURNISHED. SUNNY ROOMS, IS suite or single; gas; bath. - 1923 Fllmore st. FOURTH — FRONT * ROOMS AND *-_-_- •» suites comfortably furnished for man and wife; also single rooms; cheap; strangers invited. 7 Oft GOLDEN GATE AYE.— CONVENIENT i _-U housekeeping rooms; finished closets; $8. A HARRISON,! RINCON HILL —2 • FUR- _lt/ nished rooms; suitable man and wife or 2 gentlemen.. " ; • - ' HARRISON-TWO NICE SUNNY FUR- i Do nißhed rooms, suitable for 2 gentlemen. HOFF AVK..--OFF- SIXTEENTH ST.— t:O Nicely furnished gunny rooms, en suite or single: private. - ■ - '' ' ' ■'■ 1 OAQI HOWARD — NICELY FURNISHED J.^-iUt/3 room for 1 or 2 gentlemen: $7 » month. OOQ7" JACKSON— SUITE OF ROOMS, WITH ___£) i or without board; private bath; private family. • - '" ' • ______/ mo JESSIE— ROOMB WITH BOARD; REA- -O\JO sonable. t^ftCk JONES— SUNNY FURNISHED SUITE, OUt/ gas and bath, with references; no children. , A RLINUTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— PLEAS- XL ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; flrst|cla_] In every respect ; terms reaaonable. ■ O KEARNY— ST. GEORGE HOUSE— FUR- Ol Li nished rooms, $1 60 to *3 week; 25c to 75c night: transients solicited. QOQ LARKIN.NEARGEARY— NICELY FUR- O_iO nlshed sunny rooms; rent ? 6, $8, $10; bath; gas. -..--...■ ■'■' •■>'■■•■-••' <& A LARGE UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOM <g) O . and kitchen. 18 Lewis, off Taylor, nr. Post. OA LEWIS. OFF TAYLOR, NEAR POST— ±i\) Sunny furnished room. $4 a month. 1 MARKET— FINE FLAT; 7 ROOMS; IW_J I for business or lodging; and several other rooms: very low rent. ' • • - •■'.•. BAY - WINDOWS -TO ' LET ' FOR • THE parade. 1031 Market st. " ■ ■] AC X MARKET, OPP. JOKES — PARLOR IvUu office tor doctor; bay-window suites. "I QQ£ MARKET-FURNISHED AND UN- JLO£d\) ftirnisned rooms for light housekeeping. "VOSEMITE, HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, •■ BET. 1 Sixth and Seventh— Single ■ and suites; per night, 350 to $1; week, $1 60 to $5; families. AQI MINNA ST.— PLEASANT SUNNY FUR- "r • ) 1. nisii.ul rooms. $6, $7 and $10 per month. Of'ri MINNA, COR. EIGHTH— NICELY fur- -00 I nished bay-window rooms; $1 a week. SIXTH— CHEAPEST IN CITY; DOUBLE end single front nicely furnished rooms. Ql Q O'FARRELL— SUNNY ■ FRONT ROOM; Oil/ also back room with folding bed; elegantly furnished. -~ . ■ -. --..■-.-?•-.•*: 7 OLIVE AYE., NEAR LARKIN, BET. ELLIS and O'Farrell— Furnished sunny double, single and housekeeping; gas and bath. ' - 1 (*t)(\ POLK— TWO NICELY FURNISHED JU-.U sunny rooms; bath; large closet; $5 and $6. \ -••••..'•:, Ql A POST ST., NEAR HYDE— FUR- t/XU"nished sunny front rooms for gentlemen. ■ ■5Tq~4 ROOMS. REAR OF, 427 STEVENSON «JpO. St., bet. Fifth and Sixth. . Cl SECOND— LARGE SUNNY FRONT Oi- rooms furnished complete for housekeeping; cheap. CO SECOND— DOUBLE ROOMS PER WEEK Ou $1 50 to $3; single $1 to 91 50; per night 20c to 50c. .-'•••-'■ . T7 V ERETT. "SS ■ SECOND — FAMILY HOUSE, X_( thoroughly renovated ; new management; re- spectable; sunny reasnble. M.DALTON, prop. RAND SOUTHERN. COB, SEVENTH AND Mission— Rooms all li?h ; water, gas and electric bells ; elevator runs from 7a. m. to I_p. m. ; single, 60 cents; suites, $1 day: $_ 50 and $5 week up. T^E\V~l»_ r RI_NE E HOUSE, 1314-STOCKTON J-> st.— Sunni*. front rooms: suites or single; by day, week or month. PH. MAYSOUNAVE, prop. 7 AC SUTTER ST.— 2 FINE OFFICES; SUIT- I \JO able for doctor, dentist or musician. :/ 1 00 TENTH— UNFURNISHED AND fur- X_O nlsbed rooms to rent: reasonable. r Ql 7 THIRD— LARGE SUNNY FRONT; j_N • OX i suite or single;sl 25t055 week:ss to $20 mo. 7OQ VAN NESS AYE.-NICELY FCR- IOO nished parlors and other rooms. - - INE LIST ROOMS; SEARCHLIGHT BU- -1 reau, 18 Crocker building. O. G. DAY, Mgr. UROPE HOUSE, 1169 MISSION— NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite: transients. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA-THR \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 60, post- age free." ■■, '; / ■ •,■.■■•' ■■ ■■..•. ■-■..> ■ BOARDING ANP ROOMS. f^/^iDD~Y-^N^Y~F_^_^ U_<iU and single; best board: reasonable. . Q1 4 TURK— 2 NICE ROOMS, FURNISHED Oi~l or unfurnished, with board: reasonable. CHILDREN 15OABDED. NE^R^WO^C^fI^REN^TOH-laA^DTTTO 8 • nice home and ■ yard; best .of care. 409 Twenty-sixth st., cor Harrison. .-■ *■«.?..:.':' : IN NICE FAMILY, GIRL OVER 5 YEARS; X mother's care; 'healthy locality: near school; no other children; • will teach piano free.' G. 8., , 810 Donglassst. ■ ■ • • '' ■-■>■■-■■■■■■■-;■■■-'/■:■>..■■■* V- • . STOKES TO LET. E^S^oiRE7^ET^O^N^R^F^JLTO^r S A^?D Devlsadero sts. ;". ";;-.i : , ' , ; .j . r . ART. WELL-LIGHTED STORE," SUITABLE X for dressmaker, milliner. 338 Post, Parrottbldg. C_ Ift FOR STORAGE, STABLE OR FAC- «3) 1 U tory, 74 Jessie st. . WM. NICOLL, ' 6S4V a California st. ■•■ • - ■ • \ . < ;;." >> • IjlOß RENT—. IRON WAREHOUSE: 8 ' stories, with elevator: 310 Townsend st. Apply EASTON-ELDRIDGE, or D. HE WES, Occidental Hotel. V ...:,.■:.•-./. ■•:. : : - >■•:/-:.' :','--.- \'-:-:-;.. ! - TORE AND LIVING-ROOMS; SUITABLE for barber. -1403 Devisadero.-" ---:.> ; i 1 ft FOURTH-SMALL STORE, - SUITABLE tIO for any retail business; low rent. ■ Apply to G. H. UMBSEN A CO. . w .-, -..■:. :.'.-■ <>- '■.■ ■•.-.. Market-offices .FOR dentists, O\J\J physician or clubrooms: terms reasonable. ; FOR , JRENT —A : CORNER STORE ; GOOD stand for drug or grocery , business. . Apply : W. B. CLUFF, 17 Sixth st. , ..■.-■-... FOUR-STORY BRICK AND IRON BUILDING . and basement, 608 Sacramento at., containing elevator, s power,- etc.; rent $80. Apply DAVID STERN A SONS, 20 Montgomery st. ■ •M^Slr.i'".: OFFICES TO LET. ; : ■ V E^^L^G^N^T^FFICE^TIir^EW^PREC^ELS building, 925 ■ Market: ,- rents ' low; no extra charge for gas, janitor services 'or heating. - Apply at building or C«. 11: UMBSEN A CO.; 14 Mo.ntg. St. •;• -- :':; ; ; ATTORNEYS- AT-LAVV. v«;s imCETREEnc^A^RC^E^Nir^RO^A^E laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts; terms reasonable ; collections, etc, O.W.HOWE, att'y-at-law, 850 Market.cor.Stockton MONEY ADVANCED TO LITIGANTS, COURT ! costs and charges paid | in matters of probate, contracts, , damages, accidents, ■ notes, first-class collections and general law business. • Address J. F. NAUOHTON, 64 Nevada block, S. F. ; . John It. AITKEN, ATTOKNE .-AT-LAW, rs. ' IB and j 17. 402 Montgomery St., cor. California. ( J- A: MITCHELL. ATT' V-AT-LAW, REMOVED tl . to Spreckels bldg.; 929 Market st. : advice free. W M. H. CHAPMAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . : »T Mills building, sixth floor, room 5,' San Fran-: Cisco, Cal. Telephone 1544. -' :':■■'-^A.;; .*- "■:"'"■ r *x'S.' '. , W. DAVIDSON, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW.42O . California _t.._niB. 14-15 ;■ advice free.'- - s ■:.;.■:•; \V._. :;■';■;• PROPOSALS. :/-;-; ;v'- : -■-. '■ - p^^SsXLiHrcnTi^u'ooirF^^ X platform Scales — Sealed proposals will be re- ceived by the Superintendent of Common Schools In open session of the Board of Education," New City Hall, on Tuesday, July 16, 1895, at 12 o'clock h., for supplying said board with 60, more or less. 400-lb. platform scales, and single combination i desks and scats, all necessary sizes,' with rear seats to match, in lots of 600, and for rear - seats lin : - lots of • 1000, when ■■■ needed ;* during i the "i present ' r fiscal * year. Samples of scales and articles of I furniture offered must be sent to the office of the • Board of Educa- tion, New City Hall, up to r 4 o'clock p. m. on Mon- day, July 15, 1895, after j which hour ■ no samples will be received. . • :f ; ".:" r ■;..- .- ■ "... >« Each bid must .be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $250,' made I payable jto * the order of the secretary iof the Board lof Education, conditioned | that jif the 1 proposal be accepted I and the contract awarded and if the bidder shall fail or neglect to execute I a written j agreement | and | give the bonds required within six days after the award is made, then and in that case said .check shall Ibe forfeited ito i the % said s Board ;of ; Education. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or any portion of any bid, as the public good may re- quire. - Blank ; proposals will 1 be \ furnished by the ■ secretary /on - application. The £ parlies to whom 1 contracts are awarded will be required," prior to or at the time of the execution of the contracts, to pay ; their i proportion lof I the co3t of - advertising | this i notice. CiEOUGE BBANSTON, Secretary. '. 1 COST. • OST-GOLD V WATCH^ SECOND^ HAND English ; patent lever. > 5 Please : return to 106 Hickory aye. and receive good reward. - , ; : - iT» SUNDAY, JUNE j 30, : OPEN-FACED J-J silver watch: No. 6264. Finder return to 314 Third st. and receive reward. ' ---•-■ . - OST— FOX-TERRIER f BITCH: WHITK, black and tan head. Liberal reward if returned to 403 Powell st. ; •:. ■?4,~~,i'.--~ :':.:'■■ >.^- : ■■-'■} : AY MARE— FINDER RETURN; TO JOHN I. MILLIS.RICK, 385 Gates St., Bernal Heights. ADY'S GOLD ORNAMENTAL HAIRPIN OF ±J links; liberal reward. 214 Post st. * : - "1 NE W ' MILK WAGON, : PAINTED LEAD i X color; ; also 1 3-sprlng • bujrgy, painted black.' A suitable reward will be paid for return of same to MORGAN & COTTER, 537 Bran nan st. ■■ • \ ;,•■ . , FOUND. ■\FoUNG BROWN" mare « WITH~^LACK X mane and tail; white stripe on face: about 3 i years old. ' Owner can have same by paying ex- penses at GIULINELLI BROS., 3009 Sixteenth ] St., bet. Valencia and Mission.- •.■'"; ■ I OUND— FOX TERRIER BITCH; PROVE; J pay expenses. Apply 513 Vallejo st. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— 9OB BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL' ESTATE. . ©O9 TO RENT. A HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS, 1463 1 -- O. Twenty-third aye., East Oakland: large lot, stable, flowers, fruit: water free; without stable $20. Apply to STONE, 1139 East Nine- teenth St., East Oakland. ■. • ' "TVO YOU WANT A HOME? I WILL BUY YOU ■LJ a lot, build house on your own plans, this side of bay; small cash payment, balance monthly. C, P. KERN, Central Bank building, Oakland. "DUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY v SOLD ON TERMS TO SUIT. LARGE LIST OF COTTAGES FOR SALE. . Some on installment plan. GOOD CHEAP RANCHES Close to Oakland. Must be sold - to close an estate. RANCHES FOR SALE, two and three miles from Oakland. FIFTY CHOICE LOTS in Oakland, Piedmont Berkeley, etc. - ACRE TRACTS and CHICKEN RANCHEB. 110 ACRES PIEDMONT, Blair Park. 25 acres ■ • close to car line. Terms to suit. • : Will subdivide. THESE ARE SPECIAL BARGAIN& Don't fall to see them. E. E. BUNCE, < 1008 Broadway .{Oakland. T> ARE CHANCE FOR CHICKEN BUSINESS: Xt good 4-room cottage, with chicken-house and half acre of ground, with flowers and shade trees: city water free; only 10 minutes' ride on cars to local train: rent 10. Apply to R. J. MONTGOM- ERY, 966 Washington st., Oakland. ■■■•■■-- <£»/l £flft REDUCED FROM $6000: MODERN tJp'ic/'JI/. house, containing 9 rooms and bath, situated on Grove St., near Ninth; lot 45x100: note the location; lot alone worth the price asked. WILLIAM J. DINGEE, 460 Eighth st., Oakland. ©1 7 AA 5-ROOM~ COTTAGE; LOT 35x125: %)H \J\J. between 2 electric lines; convenient to train. . $1150— Pretty bay-window cottage, and lot 36x 110; near school and cars. $5000— Nearly new; 11-room residence in Berke- ley: modern in every particular; large lot; close to electric-cars and railroad station. -. * $5.00 cash— Balance monthly payments; 2-story house near postofflce; convenient to narrow-gauge depot; 50-foot lot. - c W. E. BARNARD & SON, 458 Ninth st., Oakland. ajAA NEW 3-ROOMED . HOUSE: PLAS- •t^ttUv/. tered; near local trains and streetcars; only 250 cash and 910 per month; buy a home. H. B. PINNEY, 902 Broadway, Oakland. - Jj»l OCA A SNAP: MUST BE SOLD THIS «JplOc)U. week;' pretty 4-room and bath cot- tage: 4 blocks from 23d-ave. station on broad- gauge local; terms to suit purchaser. A. H. BREED & CO., 460 Ninth St., Oakland. I^OR SALE—A HOTEL. LIVERY STABLE J} and 5 acres in a thriving railroad town; doing a fine business; a great bargain: no risk. BENE- DICT A CO., 467 Ninth St., Oakland. •' ■\71C13 4-ROOM HOME; 50x140; $900. LODGE li A POWELL. Frultvale station. '...-■ Gil QAA~JEACH-2 FINE 4-ROOM MODERN *J)xOUv/ houses; large lots: windmill and well; stable to each; fine location; worth $2000: will be sacrificed on account of owner leaving; part cash. F. C. WATSON, 463 Ninth st., Oakland. © QAAA TO LOAN. HUGH M.. CAMRON OUUU broker, 479 Ninth St., Oakland. . ; WM. M. DEWOLF, RENT COLLECTOR. 1050 i »» Broadway. . * • ' . ! Ci On MONTHLY FOR 5-ROOM COTTAGES: «Jp«-.U plans free. F. BOEGLS, Golden Gate statn. §AQZ.(\ $1000 CASH; WORTH $6500: 9- «Jn""r»J«JU. room modern house: nice stable: lot 50x150; a bargain; see it at once. WILLIAM P. TODD, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. 1 - ' ■ . T OTS FROM $76 UPWARD. BNETbINGER A Xj CARROLL, Fruitvale station. • ■•*'■' .^■-'-•: "m»1 ,'A LOTS NEAR LOCAL TRAINS AND (JIluU, streetcars for sale on small weekly or monthly installments: buy a home and save your earnings. H. B. PINNEY. 902 Broadway Oakland. /CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE \J WEEKLY . CALL, sent to any address In the United States' or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. OAKLAND HOTELS. . /^AIIIN^O^H^T^LT^rHE^L^ADIN^^A^D VJT largest : hotel in . Oakland; table : first class; terms by week or month; moderate; trains to and from San Francisco every 15 minutes; cars from Sixteenth-street station pass hotel; .sample-room for commercial travelers on ground floor. ROBERT GAY, Proprietor. ' '- alameda real. estate. olClsaTe^a^otmjn broadwayljoxuS feet or 100x148 feet, facing the rising sun; the widest street in the city and free from railroads; pleasantly located and . only two blocks ' from I the Park-street broad-gauge depot. | For terms address F. K. KRAI TH, 2412 Central aye., Aiameda. ATE W 5-ROOM COTTAGE : $50 CASH; $35 PER 1> month, $2400; offer wanted for fine business corner lot on Park st. •■"'.<■ •_'•. "-:'<-, •' - ■ ' Elegantly 1 furnished cottage; 7 rooms; rent $40. J. H. YOUNG, 1343 Park St., Alameda-. OR IMMEDIATE SALE — NEAR SCHOOL Jj a"nd station; streets improved and sewered. • $2250— 550 cash, $25 monthly; 80x100; cottage, 4 rooms and bath. ■ ■ • • -■ ; '$2400— 550 cash, $20 monthly; 37:6x100: cot- tage, 5 rooms and bath. . •. . ■ .•■ "• .'•• - . ' .. $3250— cash, $35 monthly; 38x100; corner house in fine condition ;• 8 rooms and bath. ■.-•'.- -$3250 —5200 cash, $30 monthly; 37x110; ele- gant colonial cottage: 7 -rooms and bath. •--•■.• .- . t $3850— 5200 cash, $35 monthly: 37x120; hand- some-new cottage, 8 rooms and bath. •-■' Houses to rent from $10 up. ■ . Open Sunday and holidays, t ■ . . . ■ "'-., ,_.... .. MARCUBE A REMMEL, Bay-street station, Aiameda,' and ' 628 Market St., % San Francisco. ■.■■■•■ :: t ' f' •■•_',.■ IF YOU WANT . A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND STYLISH ■j, :*%■„.*<: 'it--. ? -HOME- ■- ■• • ";.: :■.■■ ,~ CALL ON THE OLD BUILDING FIRM OF ? A. R. DENKE. WEBSTER STREET. 'ALAMEDA V ROOMS AND HOUSES.^ •DARGAIN — NEW- 9-ROOM HOUSE; FINE JJ location. Apply WESSON'S bookstore, 11l Geary st. ' '.'^ >■ ■■ - -.-•>■- ,; . .■ ■-•-■■--'•:.-,. , ' LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. , -.~ . Arrived.' ' -"• • ; ; MONDAY, July 1. • Stmr , National City, Anderson, 36 : hours from Port Los Angeles : ballast, to C A Hooper & Co. * ~^ MARRIAGE LICENSES. ■ " Licenses to marry were granted yesterday at follows: , ; :. . . ;; Samuel Jacobs and Rosalie Pincus, 23—23. '. ; : John Bianchi and Sarah Naugton, 28—19. " ' i Martin A. Aronson and Ruth C. Baxton, 32—23. D. H. Dlckhoff Jr. and Annie E. Olson, 24—17. ■■ Oscar T. Walling and Cecelia Htron, 27—27. DIVORCE SUITS .BEGUN. ' Jacinta de Olaifue against Felipe Olague. Annie H. Shadburne against Leonard A. Shad- bflrne. >;>r-^ ;; ''-■■■ '-'---■ -,-'.:■:< -.-;.■:' - :-'.ri :■ ;.. DIVORCES GRANTED. ' - Mary .C. Corcoran from Joseph A. Corcoran, for 'extreme cruelty, by Judge Murphy. , Custody of two •' minor children and $30 . a month . alimony allowed to plaintiff. ■;; . . • ' ,' m Katie A. Telford from Joseph Telford, for deser- tion, by : Judge Troutt. I Custody of minor I child awarded ' to plaintiff ( and she was allowed to re- sume her maiden name of Katie A. Healy. ' ■ I ■ Mary Pederson from f Peter Pederson,'- for deser- tion and intemperance, by Judge Sanderson.; BIRTHS— MARRIAGE— DEATHS. [Birth, mamas* ana death notices sent by man t will not 'be inserted. • They must be banded in at . either of the publication I offices and |be | indorsed with the name and residence of persons authorised to have the same published. J " -' '- BORN. BIRD— In this city, June 18, 1895, to the wife of John F. Bird, a daughter. ;. -..-. SHEPHERD— In this city, ; June 24, 1895, to the ;-. wife of E. E. Shepherd, a daughter. ; ;.; ' WIRTZ— In this city, June 18, 1895, to the wife of X Nicolas Wirtz, a daughter. .* ■ . -. * • >•' ■■, : :-,:' i MAKRIED. : -. ? ;■;;£: ..'"";.-- : . PAULSSON— In this city, June 24, ; ■ 1895, by the Rev. Dr. Nelander, H mar Bengt- ■ son and Beata Paulsson, both of San Francisco. I LUNDBERG— PETERSON— In this city, June 29, 1895, by the Rev. Dr." Nelander, Emil Lundberg >> ana Nellie Peterson, both of San Francisco. \: PETERSON— NYLUND— In } this - city, June 1 25, ; 1895, by the Rev. Dr. Nelander. Martin Peterson •g and Betty Nyjlund; both of San Francisco. ,' ; ■ LANGSDORF—HALTER— In" this city, June 30, 1895, by the Rev. J. M. Buehler, John Langsdorf '-<■ and EIJso Halter. PUCKHABER— WOBSDALE— In this city, June - 22, ; 1895, by 'the 1 Rev. J. M. Buehler, Charles . Puckhaber and Emily Worsdale. , / -': HENSON— In San Jose, ; June 27, : 1895, by the Rev. Dr. Cantine. Thomas W. C. Spencer and Kate Henson. - SOHLKE— DANIELS— In Alameda, June 29, 1895. by the Rev. J. M. Buehler, Jacob A. Sonlke and May E. Daniels. V : . , DIED. / Anbry. Francis O. Galvln, Michael Alston, Clarence, W. R. Keirns, Julia Barry, Mary E. Leahy, Kate Behnke, John . Leddy, John J. Bogan, William ? Manheira, George J. Broder, Mary D. Miller, Kate ; - Carter, John McElroy, Mrs. G. D. Carrilio. Francis J. ' McMahon. Bernard . Cameron, Annie L. Pilster, Richard H. Covell, Elizabeth Sharpe, Clara F. Dietterle, Helena - - • '- Simon. Sarah Donaldson, David Sherburne, Franklin H. Eayrs. Jennie W. Waters, Elizabeth Farnsworth, Louis A. ' " Williams, James AUBRY— In this city, June SO, ' 1895. Francis Oliver, beloved husband of the late Catherine Aubry, and father of Mrs. Johu B. Martin, Mrs. Charles P. Stanley, Charles B. and Edmond E. Aubry, a native of Canada, aged 75 years 10 months and 4 days. • : S3BM)ft<BHBI Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 11 o'clock. A. M.. from his late residence, 143 Chattanooga street, where services will be held. Interment Cypress Lawn Ceme- tery. ALSTON~In Oakland, June 30, . 1895. ■ Clarence William R., beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. John Alston, a native of Oakland, aged 9 months and 13 days. - • - -r , ■ ■: ■ ■-- *S* Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock a. m.. from the resi- dence of his parents, 813 Peralta street. Inter- ment Mountain View Cemetery. BARRY— In this city, June 30, 1895, ■ Mary E., beloved daughter of Mathew and Mary E. Barry, and sister of George W., Edward J.. Walter A., James W., John M., Annie M. and Eva C.Barry and the late Thomas >F. Barry, a native of San Francisco, aged 22 years 1 month and 14 days. tSf Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 9:30 o'clock a. m.. from the resi- d ence of the parents, corner Sixteenth, and Railroad avenues south, thence to All Hallows' Church, where services will be held. Interment ' '•'■ Holy Cross Cemetery. - . .'■''. BEHNKE— In this city, July 1, 1895, John Behnke, a native of Germany, aged 80 years, Indianap- . olis (Ind.) papers please copy.l *SrFuneral services will be held THIS DAY • (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock a. m., at his late resi- dence. 1 Hurl but place. Interment private la I. O. O. F. Cemetery. BOGAN— In this city, June 30. 1895, William Bogan, a native of Ireland, aged 62 years. fi3~Notlce of funeral hereafter. . . BRODER— In this city, July I, ' 1895, Mary D., - youngest and beloved daughter of C. D. and Mary Broder, a native of San Francisco, aged 2 months and 3 days. , CAMERON— In East Oakland, June 30, 1895, Annie L., widow of the late Duncan Cameron, and mother of Mrs. W. H. Reed and Ashley D, Cameron; and grandmother of Horton Barter, a native of Illinois. , ■-- , ' . ■• --. . JBGB* Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the resi- dence of her daughter. Mrs. W. H. Reed, 1062 Eleventh avenue, East Oakland. Interment pri- vate. ■ .. ■. . . ": CARTER— this city, July 1, 1895, John, beloved son of Mary and the late Patrick Carter, and ' brother of William, Joseph, Hugh and Mary Car- ter, a native of San Francisco, aged 21 1 years 5 • months and 1 day. CARRILLO— In this city, June 30, 1895, Francis ' Julius, beloved son of Alexander and Annie Car- rillo, and brother of Haze! and Alexander Car- rljlo, a native of San Francisco, aged 5 months. COVELL— In this city. June 30, 1895, Elizabeth, •' Covell, a native of Wheeling, \V. Va. ; -1;)gSBm DIETTERLE— In this city, July 1, 1895, Helena Dietterle, mother of George ' and Frank C. Diet- terle, a native of Germany, aged 68 years 1 month and 25 days. ' [Philadelphia papers please copy.] • : , • . ' . ... Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. M., from her late residence, 805 " Capp street. : Interment Masonic Cemetery. , DONALDSON— this city, July 1, 1895. DaVJ4« B ■ Donaldson, father of Annie and Charles -Donald- son, a native of Dundee, Scotland,. aged 65 years. JO"Friends and acquaintances ' are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 1:30 o'clock p. m., from. the - Masonic Temple, . corner Post and Montgomery street Remains are at the parlors o Halsted A Co., 946 Mission street. EAYRS— In this city, July 1, 1895, Jennie W.. be- • loved wife of the late H. P. Eayrs, and mother of . Mrs. Ben Lundy, Mrs. Joseph Ley and George A. - 'Eayrs. a native of Massachusetts, aged 67 years and 9 months. [Massachusetts papers please copy, : '.••.':;■;■*»•:-. • us* Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral. TO-MORROW - (Wednesday). at 'i o'clock v. m., from her late resi- dence, 214VaFlilmore street. Interment Masonic Cemetery. * ■ • FARNSWORTH— In this city, July 1, 1895. Louis Annesley, infant son of Alfred 'and Frances Farnsworth. . :v. • -■ -". ■: GALVIN— In this city, July 1, 1895, Michael, be- loved son of Michael and Catherine Galvin, a na- tive of San Francisco, aged 2 months and 1.1 day 8. ■ 7 V ; .. ''- :-■;.* ;■' T KEIRNS— In this city, June 30, 1895, Julia, be- loved wife of the late James Keirns, and' dearly beloved mother of James Harkin and Thomas and Lulu Keirns, a native of County Cork, Ire- land. ■ •;3EPBBfass6BgS33gjB SSS" Friends and acquaintances are respect ' fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 9:30 o'clock a. m.. from her late residence, 431 Franklin . street, thence to St. Mary's Cathedral, where a requiem : high mass ' will be celebrated » for the repose .of her soul, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy : Cross Cemetery. ■ . .-. ;. » LEAHY— In this city, June 30, 1895, Kate, dearly beloved wife of Frank, and mother of Frank W. Leahy, a native of County Cork, Ireland, aged 41 . years. ■ ■ - '^ : - .:. ■ . ■■■•- '■■:..-.■ ' ■■ -. . 83"Friends ' and acquaintances are respect- ; fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from the par- lors of the Pacific Undertakers, 777 Mission street, thence to St. Brendan's Church, where a I solemn - requiem * mass will he celebrated for the - repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. . Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. -. ... -■. EEDDY— In San Jose, June 30. 1895, John Joseph ' Leddy ,'a native of San Jose, aged 26 years. • MANHEIM— In this citr, July 1, 1895, George . James, beloved son of Estella and the late Isaac . > Maohlm, ■ and brother •of , Mrs. ■ Charles Wein- •shenk and Henry, Fred, Emile, Paul ' and Gussio '*' Manheim; a native of San Francisco, aged 25 years 7 months and 2 days. - .'■ .: - >■■ ■ - - Friends and - acquaintances - are respect- , fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 10:30 o'clock a. m., from 1622 Geary street. Interment Home of Peace Ceme- tery by train leaving Third and Townsend streets at 11:45 o'clock a. m. ,y* •. - ■ McELROY— In tais city, June 30, 1895. Mrs. Geor» gie D. McElroy, a native of Portland, Me. ■ • Friends. are respectfully invited to attend ■ the funeral services TO-MORROW (Wednesday), , at 2 o'clock p. if., from 913 Pine street. . Inter- . . ment strictly private. ".. - i *; . : ••*" ; . :;■■,_■ MILLER— this city, July 1, 1895, Kate, beloved .. wife of Joseph Miller,' and mother of Hannah, • Hulda and Josephina" C. Miller, : - a native of Ger- many, aged 23 years. *•:. ; - - «•: • McMAHON— In this city. July 1, 1895, Bernard McMahon, a native of Ireland, aged 69 years. ; i •PILSTER— In.thIs ; city, June • 30, 1895, Richard • • - Henry, beloved son of Dietrich. H. and Meta .ster, and brother of Mabel Pilster, a native of San Francisco, aged 2 years 5 months and 25 days. ■jay Friends - and ; acquaintances are - resDecc- •, fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), " at 2 o'clock p. m., from .the par- " lors of Tbeoaor ■■ Dlerks, 957 . Mission street, . between Fifth, and Sixth. ; Interment I. O. O. F» .-Cemetery. ; . . . , ; ' . 'SHARPE— In Oakland, Clara Findley, wife of J. • H. Sharps. -, ■ « ' . ' •■'•■■ JBSg"Funeral will take place at her late real- ■ dence, 922 . Tenth street, ' Oakland, WEDNES- ; DAY, July 3, 1895. ' Interment will take place * at Cypress Lawn Cemetery upon the arrival of the funeral train, which leaves Third and Town- * send streets at 12 :25 o'clock p. m. . . r . SHERBURNE— In this city, July 1, 1895, Frank. lip Harrison Sherburne. beloved husband of Hat- ' tie Sherburne, and brother of Charles Sherburne of Quincy, Mass., aged <37 years , 4 months and 9 days. • ■:; .-..:.■■■•:. \-"r-^: ■ ■■■.'.■. ■: -■■■:-.: ' SIMON— In this city, July 1, 1895, Sarah Simon, beloved mother of Annie Karmelenski and sister of A. Schwartz, a native of Poland. . : » ~ WATERS— this city, June 30, 1895, : Elizabeth ■ Waters, a native of New Hampshire, . aged 74 years 3 months and 26 days. :^SaSSfaa^aogSmlfm JO~Frienas ana acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock a. m.. from her lato . residence, 1000 Geary street. Interment 1.0.0. F. -'- Cemetery. ,.,. ' —■: \- - ■" • '"- •"•■"*> ■,' ." ■■ .' WILLIAMS— In this city, June 29,' 1895, James Williams, a native of Sweden, aged 67 years 10 months and 2 days. 1- : "..'-'- '■ ■■'-.' I UNITED UNDERTa'kEKS^^ ! EMBALMING PARLORS. j Everything Requisite for First-class Funeral* i «■--•-,•■>-•> at Reasonable Rates. j ' - Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 Fifth street, j_f I MCAVO V- & C ALLACH ER, j FUNERAL DIRECTORS &, EMB ALMEBS, 1 80 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. ,' . ; , v Telephone 3080. ' .' . ; .. '>.'•■: Was: McMenomktT"™ """" Chas. McMexoscky. JAMES McMENOMEY & SOX, £ :- UNDERTAKERS v AND ESIBALMERS, ■1057 Mission Street, Near Seventh. - --.-■.-.-.-" - -Telephone N0. 3354. -^ JAS. ENGLISH-.' J ■' .'. .T. R..CAREW. , carew * english, ,;' UNDERTAKERS and embalmebs, ; funeral directors, , '. > - 19 Van Ness aye., near Market St., San Francisco. - Telephone 3156. , N. 8.-Not connected wltn any other house in this city. ' *.^ ' m CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY. TN S> IT M ATEO COUNTY : • H ON-BECT ARI AN ; X laid out on the lawn plan; perpetual care: bea»- Ufnl, permanent i and easy of access; see it befon touring a burial place elsewhere. *3?4SK3x££St£f7's GUv Office. 9 City Hall Arena*. I 13