Newspaper Page Text
8 SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." BUSINP^S OFFICE of the San Francisco CAMr-. TIC Market street, open until 12 o'clock every Blfht in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— 630 Montgomery street, corner Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock. Syp Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Larkln street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 6W. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open tr.til f o'clock. £618 Mission street, open until 9 o'clock, 116 Ninth street, open until P:3o_oVioc]v. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. »^^~HTiRMA^NN"LODGE NO. 127, F. • 6>^^and A. M.— Called meeting THIS A DAY (MONDAY), July 8. 1895, at 7:3o^Jf o'clock p. m. Deg. 1. By order of the \\ . M. /^r> o ciocj. p.m. .ueg SCHUMACHER. Sec gtTS= SAN FRANCISCO CHAPTER, • \S& No. 1. Royal Arch Masons, meet3_#^_ THIS EVENING. M. E. M. and R. A. de- jSLjX grees? 11. O. PRINCE, secretary, r^^ »^sp OCCIDENTAL LODGE NO. 22. F. fT Strand A. M.— First degree THIS (MONDAY) EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. By jSjX order of W. M. H. A. JONES. Secretary, /v' »-7g=» EINTKACHT SPAR UND BAU VER- L£2e? ein— regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Elntracht Spar und Bau Ver- ein will be held in the office of the corporation at Eintracht Hall, 237 Twelfth street, war Folsom, on TUESDAY, July 9,1895, at 7:30 o'clock p. M.. for the election of directors for the ensuing term, and for the transaction of such other business as mav be brought before the meeting. Polls open from 7 -30 to 9 :30 o'lock p. m. The Twelfth Series now open. F. HUFSCHMIDT. President. Henry Giixe, Secretary. ■ ~B^S» ANNUAL, MEETING IM- ■*%"" \sZ£? proved Order of Red Men's Hall'^T*.*^- Association of San Francisco— '.fhe an- 7Ut^; nual meeting of the Improved Order of Red Men s Hall Association of San Francisco will be held on MONDAY EVENING, July 8, 1895, at 8 o'clock, at the office of the association, 320 Post St.. for the election of a board of trustees or directors, and such other business as may properly come before the meeting. BENJAMIN F. JOSSELYN, President. William J. Smith, Secret B^S» THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE at3^ stockholders of the Edison Light and Power Company for lie election of directors for the en- suing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before the meeting, will be held at the company's office, 229 Stevenson street, San Francisco, MONDAY the 15th day of July, 1896, at 10 a. m. Transfer books will close July 6, at sp. m. Proxies must be filed with the secretary before the hour of meeting. J. E. GREEN. Secretary. SPECIAL. NOTICES.. BK^P^^^HXN^I?E7'I?rVETrTN^RrSTrjO^ Bfc3^ seph's Infant Orphan Asylum since Janu- ary 1. 1895: Luke Moore, 6 years; Annie Moore. 2 years; Nellie Bothwick, 11 years; Agnes John- son, 3 years; Malvina Cavasse, 4 years: Frank Hogani 5 years: Mary Ilogan, 4 years: Agnes Ho- gan, 5 or 6 years; George Collins, 5 years. |F~g=> ABANDONED CHILDREN IN ST. JO- Bt-*' seph's Infant Orphan Asylum since Janu- j ary 1, 1894: Joseph Fisher, 6 years: Lawrence Fisher, 3 years; Agnes Duggan, 4 years; George Sayles, 4 years. 8t135= ALCOHOL BATH AND HAND-RIB- ES36' bin?. 17a Sixth St., room 1. FRANCES V,}-. RNHARD. BC3ff*~Mß's. WALLACE REMOVED 110y 2 !£ ;^ Stockton to 109 Powell ,r. 23; steam, cabinet. aj^S 3 BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4.' \ tm^Br Collections made, city or country. Pacific J Collection Co.. 415 Montgy St., room 6, Tel. 5580. VtsS= ROOMS WHITENED. $1 UP: PAPER- ! Efc^ ed $3 60 up. 309 Sixth. George Hartman. jjFTp J. B. McINi'YKE. BOOKBINDER AND j E*~-^ Printer. 422 Commercial st. gEiis= JOHN J. HULTHE.V GIVES ELECTRIC, B^*^ magnetic, massage treatment, alcohol, oil | and Roman baths. 1007 Market, rooms 2 ana 3. 3 CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE; a^p^ no pain. Chlropodk Icatitute. 36y 8 Geary. -,-\ DIVIDEND NOTICES. j CriSp DIVIDEND NOTICE— THE COLUM- ! ar-a? bus Savings and Loan Society, 614 Wash- ington street and 5 Montgomery ave. For the half j year ending June 30, 1895, a dividend has been ! declared at the rate of four and eight-tenths (4 8-10) I per cent per annum on term deposits, and four (4) i percent on ordinary deposits, free of taxes, paya- ble on and after MONDAY, July 1, 1895. J. F. FUGAZI, President. F. N. Belgbaxo. Secretary. (KS= DIVIDEND NOTICE— SAVINGS AND Cfc2»* Loan Society, 101 Montgomery St., cor. Sut- ter. For the half year ending June 30, 1895, a dividend has been declared at the rate of four and ; eight-tenths (4 8-10) per cent per annum on term deposits, and four (4) per cent per annum on ordi- | nary deposits, free of taxes, payable on and after ' Monday. July 1, 1895. Dividends not called for I are added to and bear the same rate of .dividend as ! the principal from and after July 1. 1895. CYRUS W. CARMANY. Cashier. jjf^S= DIVIDEND NOTICE— THE GERMAN B^^ Savings and Loan Society, 526 California i St.. for the half-year ending June 30, 1895, a divi- I dend has been declared at the rate of four and ! eight-tenths (4 8-10) per cent per annum on term I deposits, and four (4) per cent on ordinary depos- I its, free of taxes, payable on and after MONDAY", July 1, 1895. GEO. TOURNY, Secretary. yap HUMBOLDT SAVINGS and LOAN B^C r Society, 18 Geary St.— The directors have de- clared the following semi-annual dividends: 4.80 | per cent per annum on term and 4 per cent per an- num on ordinary deposits, payable on and after July 1. 1895. ER'NEST RAN Secretary. SITUATIONS WAN TED— FESIAI.IS. T ADIES! FOR A FIRST-CLASS SERVANT XJ see J. F. CROSETT «fc CO., 312 Sutter st. T THE SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BU- reau first-class Swedish and German girls are •waiting situations. 332 Geary st.: telephone 983. p OOD SERVANTS. CITY OR COUNTRY, AT \JT MME. LEOPOLD'S, 957 Market st. ; open evgs. ELDERLY SCOTCH WOMAN WISHES SITU- Xj ation to do housework: is good cook and baker; city or country. Address 312 Sixth st., near Folsom. TTOUSEKEEPER— WANTED, SITUATION IN XX respectable wealthy family: or would go as companion to lady; speaks French language. Ad- dress D. J., box 96. Call Office. "YOUNG GIRL SPEAKS GERMAN AND X English: wishes to help in housework in a small family. Address 57 Natoma St., between Third and Fourth. - WEDISH GIRL WISHES SITUATION TO SWEDISH GIRL WISHES SITUATION TO do light housework in small family; city or country: wages $15 to $20. Call or address E. J., 741 Filbert St., basement. pEFINJSD YOUNG WIDOW FROM THE Xt East would like any kind of sewing or gentle- men's mending: satisfaction guaranteed. Call Ito it p. m. room 2, first flat 119 Ninth st. IVTEAT, COMPETENT GIRL WANT.-. situa- -!•' tion for housework; is good cook and laun- dress; is kind to children; city or country. 618 Stevenson st., near Seventh. "YOUNG GERMAN GIRL WANTS SITUATION X for general housework; wages $15. Call 702 Bryant st. p irl WANTS SITUATION to DO COOKING VJTor housework. Call 2633 Post street. WEDISH GIRL WANTS SITUATION TO DO O cooking and general housework. Address D. 8., box 9. Call Office. GOOD SCOTCH COOK, CITY OR COUNTRY, neat and clean worker; good place preferred better than wages; $15. 1100 Powell si., corner Washington. QCANDINAVIAN GIRL WOULD LIKE »ITU- IIJ ation to do general housework. 36 Perry st., bet. Second and Third. . ■ ' •VTICE YOUNG GIRL DESIRES SITUATION JA as housekeeper or upstairs work. Call 121 s Montgomery St., room 10. i'IRST-CLASa SEAMSTRESS AND DRESS- ' maker wishes engagements by the day or week. 1119 Sutter st. "YOUNG GERMAN GIRL LIKE GO AS NURSE; X wages $12 to $15. Call or address 631% Ash ave. TIT OMAN WANTS SITUATION, LITTLE TT wages, in the country. 267 Minna st., bet. Third and Fourth. ERIKNCED WOMAN WANTS COOKING JCior housework. Call or address 439 Seventeenth. "YOUNG LADY D&SIItKS GENTLEMAN'S X mending, j 144 Fifth st., room 6. STENOGRAPHER WISHES POSITION IN mercantile work; wages not so much an object as steady employment. LOUISE, box 62, Call. DRESSMAKER- FITTER AND designer, stylish draper, thorough dressmaker- by the day. MISS WARWICK, 104 Grove st. p ERMAN EDUCATED NURSE, BEST OF \JT city references, wants situation In city or coun- try. For particulars address T. WERNER, 424 Sutter st; tel. 6472. SWEDISH GIRL, YOUNG. STRONG, ALSO good : cook, has city references, wants work. For particulars address ALM M., 424 Sim. r st. K" DETECTABLE YOUNG LADY FROM THE Xt East wishes a place In a store or factory; speaks German: an American. 11 31 % Folsom st. A ' < ) I'M i EASTERN WIDOW DESIRES POSI- X tion as housekeeper for widower or bachelor; gentlemen's mending done. 132 Sixth st.. room 23. Y DRESSMAKER; $1 50 PER DAY; CITY reference: misses' and children's dresses a specialty. 1811 Post st. G~ OOD HOTEL OR RESTAURANT COOK wants situation; call for 2 days; best of refer- knee. 1629 Market st. "YOUNG LADY TO DO HOUSEKEEPING FOR X a widow or bachelor In city. MISS M. HILL, city. TNVALID GENTLEMAN OR LADY WANT- X Ing an experienced ladies' nurse in any case of sickness; best of physician's reference. Address I. G., box 101, Call Office. . ■- - - WOMAN WANTS GENTS' WASHING; TT cheaper than laundry; flannels a specialty: will call for it. Address M. C 116 Ninth st. " • RELIABLE WOMAN as HOUSEKEEPER OB light housework; no objection to country; quiet home more than high wages: best of city refer- ences. Call or address 135 •'•4 Fair Oak st. GKKMAN GIRL WISHES SITUATION TO DO vX general housework in Mission for small family Is a plain cook. . Address 2608 Mission st. - -. ITUATION WANTED-A YOUNG WIDOW I wishes care of Infant: is capable of taking full charge; best of references. Address Nurse, 629 Eighth St., Oakland. * nbllilllli' ■ iiiiiww I'm "Ml ii ■ • , . . SITUATIONS "WANTED— Continued. "YOUNG" AMERICAN " WOMAN WISHES X work by the day; good city references. 2706a Mission st. /"COMPETENT RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS \J position to cook in gents' mining camp. 27 a Pearl st., off Market. pOMPETENT LADY PIANO PLAYER \J wishes a position in ranilly resort in the country. Address 133 Haight st. • P OVERNESS— GRADUATE WISH- VJ es position as governess in private family; will also teach music and needlework. Address G., box 152, CalL_ . "V"OUNG LADY WISHES A POSITION AS 1 housekeeper. Apply 44 Sixth St., room 34, sec- ond floor. • ' ; - - A 1 IDDLE-AGED GERMAN WOMAN WISHES 1H place as housekeeper or general housework : no objection to city or country; wagea from $10 to $12 per month.. Address Mission Hotel, on Twenty- sixth St.. near Mission. ' '"• ' " ' /Term an WOMAN WOULD LIKE wash- VT ing, ironing, office and housecleaning, or any kind of work by the day. Call or address MRS. SCHLEAMIN,~24I Seventeenth st. RESPECTABLE WOMAN WANTS WORK BY the day: is good laundress and house worker; best of reference furnished. Address L., box 71. Call. ELIABLE WOMAN WANTS ANY KIND OF IX housework by the day. Call or address 1625 Clay st. 1 _ GENTLEMEN'S MENDING NEATLY' DONE by MRS. GRAYSON, 105 Stockton, room 78. YOUNG WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS 1 housekeeper or typewriter. Call at 11 Kearny St., room 27, first floor. ■ "\f IDDLE-AGED PERSON WOULD LIKE PO- -1»X sltlon in hotel or family: country preferred. Call or address 1128% Harrison st. pENTLEMEN'S MENDING DONE NEATLY VX to order by a widow. 25 Taylor St.. room 3. SITUATIONS WASTED-MALE. ERMrN^^BoW~^"Y^Ri^)L^Dr^OOD vX gardener, understands care of horses, cows, chickens, etc.. wishes situation; 4 years last place, L. ANDRE, 315 Stockton SU: telephone 1304. p ENTLEMAN, 35 YEARS OLD, EDUCATED. VX used to hard work and most thoroughly schooled in meeting business men In business- like manner, wants position in office or representing some wholesale house or financial institution or as manager, where activity and hustle are requisite qualifications; first-class recommendations. Ad- dress W. X., box 61, Call Office. T ARGELY EXPERIENCED MIDDLE-AGED XJ German of g«od and steady habits, with city references for conduct and capability, to take charge of bakery as first foreman; none but first class need apply. Address Foreman, box 78, Call Office. pOACHMAN, THOROUGHLY UNDER- \J stands the care of horses, also good gardener, ■ can milk, handy with tools ; best of city references. Address A. M., box 114, Call Office. TV" ANTKD— POSITION BY A COMPETENT I TT man in wholesale liquor and rectifying house, ( best of references, compounder and bottler. Ad- ! dress D. F., box 100, Call Office. OY OF 15 WISHES A SITUATION IN bakery or hotel with board and lodging. Call 331% Ritch st. BAKER, SITUATION AS SECOND ON bread, city or country. Trust, 431 Bush st. i ANE WISHES SITUATION;- FULLY UN- derstands the management of horses, carnages, cows, garden and general work on private places or ! small ranches. N. N., 801 Kearny st., S. F. ! A I BRICKLAYER WANTS WORK IN I -ir\. mills or foundry: willing to do other work ! when not needed at his trade. Address C. S., box j 42, this office. ITUATION WANTED AS MAN ABOUT place or any other honorable employment; city or country; wages no object. Address R. D., box 27, this office. {FRENCHMAN DESIRES A SITUATION IN private family as a valet: understands cooking and very competent to wait on table. L. BOSEHE, ! 251b Perry st. POSITION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS KX- X perienced cutter: city or country. Address STEIN, SIMON d: CO.. Market and First. I FARMER REQUIRES SITUATION: THOR- oush practical man on mixed farm; rearing all I kinds of stock and poultry; take charge of engine, I and make repairs. Farmer, box 134, Call Office. C1OOK; WANTED, POSIT ON BY FIRST- ) class Japanese cook, with good references: city or country. Address N. T. H., 126 Golden Gate ave. VOUXG MARRIED MAN~WITH 10 YEARS' X experience iD country store wishes a position; understands booKkeeping and considerable experi- ence with agricultural machinery; references. Ad- : dress M. M., box 118, Call. "EXPERIENCED MALE NURSE WANTS EN- XJ gasement : city or country: will travel with pa- j tient; best of reference. Address A. J. S., 476 Jessie st. \ I A N AND WIFE WISH SITUATION IN CITY : iVL or country: wife good cook and housekeeper, I man handy around place or outside work. Call or address P. V. 8., 1636 Howard st. I PAINTER AND PAPER-HANGER. WHO IS ■ X also a good grainer, would like to hear from par- ■ ties requiring such work. Address Painter, 437 I Sixth st. WATCHMAN, NIGHT OR DAY, WANTS EM- TT ployment: references. Address Watchman, box 164". Call. yOCiN'G MAN WISHES WORK FROM 5:30 ! X a. m. to 10:30 a. m. as porter, packer In store, or waiter. H. M., box 33 Call Office. YOUNG MAN OF ENERGY AND 4 YEARS' i X experience in grocery business desires situation: I good references; wages no object. Address T., box I 151, Call Office. VOUSG MARRIED MAN, WITH BEST REF X erence, wishes situation as bookkeeper, col- lector, or some work of that kind, at any reason- able salary. Address H. W.. box 59. this office. FEMALE HELP WANTED. TVTANTED "— ■LAUXDRisS, COUNTRY HO- -1" tel, $20: 4 waitresses, no:e!s and restaurants. $20 and i?5 week; laundress and waitress, sme 11 hotel, $25: invalid's nurse, $20: Frencn nurse, $20 : seamstress and chambermaid, $25, and a lur^e number of girls to fill situations in city and coun- I try, J. F. CROSETT & CO., 312 Batter st. OTEL WAITRESS. $25, SHORT DISTANCE; waitress, mountain resort. $20, fare paid; Dixon. $20; chambermaid an 1 waitress, city, $20. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton si. IRISH OR GERMAN NURSE-GIRL, $20, X Capitola; second girl. $25; housework, girl, San Mateo, $20, no washing; Alameda, $20; * an Rafael, $25, see lady here, and other towns; house- work, girls, city, $20 and $25: 4 young girls, assist, $10 to $15. MISS CULLEN/105 Stockton. WAITRESS. SONOMA, $15; CHAMBERMAID IT lodging-house, $12, city. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. I ' ERMAN OR SWEDISH COOK, $30: OER- " ' man housekeeper, widower's family, $20, easy place; cook, Sausalito, $30, German preferred. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. yoUSG GIRL LIGHT WORK; $10; SLEEP 1 home. Miss CULLEN. 105 Stockton st. WAITRESSES, DIFFERENT COUNTRY hotels, $20: girls for housework. R. T. WARD CO., 610 Clay St. W" ANTED— a WAITRESSES FOR SUMMER TT resorts, $20: Protestant nurse, country, one Child, $20; cook for summer resort, $30 to $35; 2 Protestant second girls, $20: German cook and housework, $25. LEON ANDRE, 316 S.orktonst. WAITRESS, DIXON, $25, FA RE PAID; MILL TT Valley $20, see party here, Oakland $20, Berkeley $16; cook, Stockton $30, Alameda $20, Santa Barbara $25; ranch cook, Calaveras $30; hotel cook, $35; German or Swedish housekeeper, city, $25: 15 housework girls, $15 to $20. WIN- TER & CO., 9y 2 Stockton st. GIRLS. GENERAL HOUSEWORK. WAGES $25; 5 houscgirls. $20; 3 girls, light housework, Sl5; nurse, $20; second girl, $20; nursegirl, $15: cook, $30; cook. San Rafael, 2 in family, $25; hoiM»girl, Alameda, $25: number girls of all na- tionalities, city and country, $15, $20 and $25. Swedish Employment Bureau, 332 Geary st. TIT ANTED— PROTEST A T CHAMBERMAID TT and seamstress, country, $25; laundress and chambermaid, private family, $25; cook, also sec- ond girl, small family In city, $30 and $25. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. \\r ANTED — PROTESTANT NURSE, ONE TT child, country, $20: ■ second - girl with refer- ences, country, $25. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. WANTED-GERMAN HOUSEKEEPER, Nil. TT City, $20; German cook, $25: Irish girl, Jew- ish family, $20; chambermaid, assist. Alameda. $20: woman, sleep home, $20; Irish housekeeper. San Rafael; cook, boarding-house, country; 26 women and girls at best wages. MME. LEOPOLD, 957 Market st. WANTED-A WOMAN WHO UNDERSTANDS »T German or Scandinavian cooking, . small restaurant, no pastry, $25, for Mill Valley; and girls to do general housework and cooking, $20 and $25, city. 2 Anioniost., off Jones, near Ellis. WAITRESS FOR PRIVATE BOARDiNG- TT house, $20; second girl, French, s2s; 2 young nurse girls, $12 and $15; 8 girls for housework. MRS. HIRD, 705 Polk. . G~IRL. WHO SPEAKS GERMAN, FOR A small family without children; wages $12. 1432 o'Farrell st. ' ■ ■ A NTED— A GIRL TO HELP ON CUSTOM T f coats and make good buttonholes. 774 Folsom St., KOEMG, tailor. W ANTED-girl FOR GENERAL HOUSE- TT work in email ; family; German preferred. Apply at grocery, 3401 Geary st. . WANTED— GERMAN GIRL FOR GENERAL TT housework and plain cooking. 700 Diamond St., cor. Twenty-fourth. W ANTED— YOUNG GERMAN GIRL FOR TT housework, in German family. 1803 De vis- ad ero St., cor. Bush. . - 4 . -.- COMPETENT PERSON FOR COOKING AND \J housework; non» over 35 need apply; wages $30. Call 1620 Sacramento St., bet. 9 and 11. A7OUNG GIRL, LIGHT HOUSEWORK, GOOD X home: wages. 1416 Mission st. "yoUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE- X work; reference required. 2139 Pine st. THONG YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply at 2211 Taylor st. WANTED — YOUNG GIRL TO WORK IN TT hakery. 1218 Folsom st. - ANTED— A GIRL TO WAIT AT TABLE TT and do chamberwork. Apply 818 Eddy st. YOUNG GIRL WANTED TO MIND BABY. A Call 615 Baker St., after 10. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, JULY 8, 1895. HELP WANTED— Continued. 6^b""pR^TE¥fANT~~WOOMAN^ LIGHT housework; good home; small wages. 131 Fourth st. -.-". _^______ "YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- A work. 1728a Butter st. \_ PROTESTANT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- X work in small family; good home. 377 Shotwell. IRL OR WOMAN; LIGHT HOUSEWORK; $8. 1734 Eddy St., near Scott. ' TIT ANTED — SWEDISH COOK FOR THE TT country. 201 Mission st. WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- TT work. 1307 Octavla st. p IRLS FOR HOUSEWORK AND PLAIN VX cooking In small family. 1444 O'Farrell st. p IRL TO DO COOKING, WASHING .AND VX ironing in small family; $26. 922 Eddy st. GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK: WHO likes children: no cooking. 828a Union. IRL WANTED TO HELP IN KITCHEN. 1123 Sutter. ;< - WANTED— FOR THE COUNTRY, A YOUNG German girl to take care of baoy and assist at housework. 836b Howard st. W" ANTED— A FIRST-CLASS COOK: ALSO A TT waitress, must be experienced, Swedish pre- ferred. Call 958 Willow St., Oakland. ■ GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; wages $15. Apply at 141% Chattanooga st. OOD STRONG RELIABLE GIRL FOR OEN- r era! housework and washing; wages $16. 2918 Folsom St., near Twenty-fifth. \fILLINEF.Y TRADE TAUGHT: PUPILS 1»X are taken in class or private: terms reason- able. 2510 California st. T7REE MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR WOMEN r and children only, 11 to 12 and 2to 3 daily. 110 ,£lllB st. ■ p ARMENTS PERFECTLY COMPLETED VX without trying on; call and test. Lawrence Cnttlng-school, 1231 Market st. TYRESSMAKERS AND SEWING GIRLS U wanted; patterns cut to order, 25 cents up. McDOWELL Dressmaking Academy, 213 Powell, TpRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- X I made suits; $7; perfect fit. 118 McAllister st. PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRESSCUT- X tine ami maklnir school: all branches. 702 Sinter. UIALK HELP WANTED. TANTEDCrfRONER^FOR~ COUNTRY, ?30 ' * and found: 10 laborers for mill and woods, $20 and found, see boss here to-day: driver for milk wagon. $25 and found and commission; milker, $25: farmers, $20: cooper, piece work; laborers. $1 76 a day; cooks, kitchen men. German hotel waiter and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacramento street. WANTED-3 CARPENTERS AND 2 CABI- TT net-makers for Central America; part fare ad- vanced ; go Monday. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 028 Sacramento st. v TfrATTEB FOB SPRINOS:~CA~LL EARLY; » $35. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. \fIGHT COOK FOR RESTAURANT; MUST -L\ begoodon short orders; $12 a week. C. R. 1 1 a SEN & CO., 1 10 Geary st. ECONDCOOK AND PASTRYCOOK: COUN- k? try hotel; $45. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. "\TEAT WAITERS; CITY AND COUNTRY; i.> $26, $30, $35 and $40. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. OX TEAMSTERS AND LABORERS. FOR «-cl railroad work; free fare. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. pOODHORSESHOEUANDJOBBINOBLACK- VX smith; only good, active man; $60 and found and free fare. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary. 0 JACK-SCREWERS FOR THE WOODS. $35 • > and found; 10 laborers for the woods. $26 and found; 6 swampers for the woods. $26 and found; 20 sawmill laborers, $20 and found: 10 scraper- teamsters, country. $1 75 a day: 50 laborers, city and conntry, $1 60 to $1 75 a day. C. R. HAN- SEN & CO., 110 Geary st. pHEF, COUNTRY HOTEL, $80; CHEF, CITY. V,' $80: butcher, $40: pastry cook, country hotel, $50; second cook and do pastry, country hotel, $4C: shampooer for a Turkish bath, $30: assistant baker, country shop, $26: vegetableman, country hotel, $20. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 10 Geary st. ARPENTEK, COUNTRY, $1 25 A DAY AND \J board: 20 men for mill and woods, $20 and $26 and board; 5 miners for Idaho, $3 a day: machine driller for quarry,- $2 50 a day; cooper, slack work, conntry; 4 farmhands near city, $15; cook for few men, country, $15. It. T. WARD & CO., 608 and 610 Clay st. " WANTED— ASSISTANT cook for RES- T T tanrant, near city, $20 and found waiter, plain hotel, $25 to $30: dishwasher, $5 a week; Japan- ese boy for chamberwork, etc LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. OA LABORERS AND TKAMSTEHB, CITY OU and country, $26, board, and $! 75 day: 3 farmer*. $20; 10 tlemakers, 9c, 10c and lie each; 2 stablemen, city, $25 and found: 3 coopers: black- smith for ranch. MURRAY & READY, 634 Clay street. IGN-PAINTER ; 2 HAY-BALERS: CAB- inet-maker; 10 cooks, $25 tots26: 4 waiter,*; second cook. $35; cook and wife. $f>o: dishwasher, $25. MURRAY * READY, 654 Clay st. "I A LABORERS, $2 A DAY; LABORERS AND Iv teamsters. $1 a day and board: laborers and teamster, $1 50 nod $1 76 day, city. 51 Third, r. 31. OA ENERGETIC CANVASSERS WANTED £\J immedlatVly: 9 to 12 a. m.: rooms 47, 48, Macdonough building, Oakland. STRONG BOY TO WORK ON RANCH FOR board and clothes: must know how to milk. Call to-day (Sunday) between 2 and 5, 118 Thir- teenth St.. Oakland. \\r ANTED— STEADY MAN TO TEND STORE TT and assist generally in light manufacturing business: must be satisfied with $60 per month to start and have $130 cash. 61 Third su room 31. ANTED- A» INDUSTRIOUS MAN AS TV partner In good running saloon; employ- ment for 3 men: will pay well by doing our own work; $250 required. Address 8., box 131, Call Office. WANTED-STRONG BOY; MUST HAVE TT some experience in carriage-painting. 630 Broadway. \V ANTED— WAITER. 613 CLAY STREET. p RAINER WANTED. CALL ON PAINTER vX in rear house, 719 Brannan st. POOTBLACK WANTED. 32 THIRD ST. ' pOOD ORDER COOK AT 43 SECOND ST. pABrNET-MAKER. POTRERO FURNITURE \J Co., cor. Seventeenth and Wisconsin sis. W ANTED— YOUNG BUTLER. CALL AT 511 TT Pacific st. ELIABLE CANVASSER. 634 GREEN ST., XV 8 to 9, 12 to 1,5 to 6. ' WANTED- MAN AROUND RESTAURANT TT kitchen; small wages. 1135 Oak st. PLUMBER'S HELPER; ALSO CARPENTER X wanted. 1017 Folsom st. WASTE D- PARTNER WITH $200 FOR PA TT ing restaurant: incoming partner to attend cash counter; no agents. Address box 131, Call Office. ■ - ARBERS — SHOP AND 3 FURNISHED rooms; bargain. 1155 Howard st. XT' N ETIC CANVASSERS WANTED; PAYS Xli $3 60 per day. Call Sunday, 328 Seventh st. £1 C/| PARTNER WANTED; LIGHT BUSI- »I>XU". ness: suited to plain, steady man satis- fled with $15 to $18 week. 6 Stockton st., room 1. W ANTED — UPHOLSTERER. BERNHARD TT Mattress Company, 642-644 Mission st. <a»i en single" LADY. GOOD cook, •Jplc/V. wants partner in old-established restau- rant; no experience required; must tend to cash and look after help. Apply room 1, 1001 Market. MAN NOT AFRAIO OF WORK. WAGES $60 a month and board; must haveslsoo to $2000; Interest 9 per cent a year; good security. Address 8, box 74, this office. EAMEN FOR EUROPE, SOUTH AMERI- -ca, all parts of the world. 103 Montgomery. ave! ABBERM, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H. HCHEUNERT. MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR MEN J only; 11 to 12 and ato 3 daily. 110 Ellis st. IpREE BEER: BEST iN CITY; 2 SCHOONERS J: for 5 cents at 228 Pacific st. Or-CENT DINNERS FOR 10 CENTS TO-DAY £O at 44 Fourth St.: no humbug. S~ HOES HALF-SOLED IN 15" . MINUTES while you watt at half usual price: wanted, 5000 pair second-hand shoes. 959 Howard and 904y 3 Pine. • VOUCANOETA WHOLE PIE AND CUP OF X coffee for 6c at the new restaurant, 636 Clay st, HAT CHEER house, 529 SACRAMENTO St.; 100 outside rooms: best sprint beds; single rooms 20c a day; $1 a week: meals. 10c. CO 1 ELLIS, ROSEDALE— ROOMS 25c TO 50c • •>— I anight: $1 to $3 a week: open a!i night. OR NEW AND SECOND-HAND SHOES, -F also repairing cheap, go to 726% opp. Howard- street Theater, or 129 Sixth st. - WANTED-MEN TO GET~BOTTLK SHARP " (tteam beer. 6c: bottl* wine, 6c. 609 Clay st. EN'S SHOES ys-fiOLED. 40c: HEELS, 25c; ItA done in 15 minutes. 635 Kearny St., basement. CAA PAIRS MEN'S GOOD SHOES, 25c TO $1. tjyjvJ 662 Mission st.; also 631 y Sacramento si. PUTTERS AND TAILORS TO ATTEND THE \J S. F. Cutting School, 12 Montgomery, ran 8-10. IIOEB ' HALF-SOLED ■IN 10 MINUTES: done while you wait; at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price; work guar- anteed. 662 Mission st., bet. First st. and Second st. \irANTED-LABOREBS~ANDTMECHANIcS tt u> know that Ed JRolkln, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third st. 160 large rooms: 25c_per night; $1 to $3 per week. WAKE THE DEAD — WENZEL'S ALARM clock; no electricity. 607 Montgomery st. "I INDKLL HOUSE, 6TH AND ■ HOWARD— AJ single furnished rooms. 75c week. 16c night. • ■ WANTED-SINOLK BOOMS, 16c A DAY; $1 TT week: rooms for two, 26c a day, 91 60 a week; reading room; dally papers. 81 Clay st. ■.- "I 00 MEN TO TAKE LODGING ATTOc. 150 X\J\J and 20c a night, including coffee and roils. 624 Washington st., near Kearny. : .• - - BEST IN CITY-SINGLE ROSMH.TS, 20 AND 25 cents per night; $1, fl 25, $1 60 per week. Pacific House .Commercial and LeidesdortT sts. rmiY ACME HOUSE, 967 MARKET ST., BE" A low Sixth, for a room; 25c night; $ 1 week. ;, ,- 1 AGENTS WASTED. /^ j GENTS EVERYWHERE^ FOR "MARTIN'S Wonderful Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Rem- edy A Lightning Rheumatism Cure," best on earth, MARTIN'S wonderful remedies. 2231 Mission, S.F. WAiNTED TO-DAY— 2 LIVE CANVASSERS »» to Introduce horse and stock book. '< ED- WARDS 7 City nail avenue. k ROOMS WANTED. ~~' T^A^ED^F^Rl^Ts^ijED^iJolj^KEETn^ »' rooms south of Market st. and between Third and Ninth. Address L. S., 429 Tenth st. WANTED— BY PHYSICIAN. FLAT OR FUR. "" nished rooms In good locality for suburban practice. Address R. R.. box 160. Call Oflice. WANTED-MISUELLANEOUS. W^~AI?TEiD^Hr^E^N^H^3?D^BIx3YHIE¥. Apply 1829 Polk st. - TIT ANTED — G00"b SECOND-HAND BABY- '* carriage; cheap. Address L. S., 429 Tenth st. ANTED— 1 TO 3 CASH REGISTERS AND 1 to 9 pool-tables, for cash. 863V2 Market st. KL?:iN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PRICES for clothing, hooks and jewelry: postal. LOST. T Oar— 2 GREYHOUND PUPS; ONE BLUE JJ and white bitch and one white dos with brindle spot on head. Return to 2312 Pine st. and receive liberal reward. T OST AT .1 UNCTION OF ELLIS AND J.J Leavenworth. ady's purse. Liberal reward if returned to 1329 Twenty-fifth st. - POX-TERRIER PUP. MALE, NEAR SIXTH X 1 and Market: finder rewarded. 459 Jessie st. I" ARGE BLACK DOG— TANNEIFLEGS AND -1J white feet: white breast and snout. Return to 419 Bush st. and receive liberal reward. T MIXED FOX TERRIER BITCH. $6 ±J reward if returned to 520 Broadway. T SUNDAY, TAN CAPE, LACE POINTS, XJ at Stanyan-st. entrance to Golden Gate Park; reward. Return to 1501 Post st. T ADY'S GOLD WATCH; PICTURE OF DE- xl ceased husband inside; on Berkeley train or from Golden Gate station to Eleventh street, on July 3. Kindly return to 2738 Howard street and receive reward. T OST LAST SUNDAY ON 10 O'CLOCK TRAIN ■1-i from San Francisco to Berkeley a small leather valise Reward will be given on return to 1302 Dupont St., S. F., G. BORO. . OST — LADY'S PURSE CONTAINING -LJ money and check. Reward 337 Jersey st. LOST— BLaCK SILK BRAIDED PURSE containing coin in going from Slitter St., San Francisco, to East Oakland via Broadway. Please leave with Hartford Insurance Company, 313 Cali- fornia St., San Francisco, and receive reward. MONEY TO LOAN. ~(X8 HOUSEH^LDI?rjRNrT7mE~IN^?IA^?OS \J without removal, warehouse receipts and other securities: lowest interest. Room 68, Donahue building, corner Market and Taylor sts. MONEY TO LOAN: NO COMMISSION; COME I to the loaner direct for money on your pianos ! and furniture. 418 Ellis, room 22. NY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN ON watches, diamonds, sealskins, pianos, pictures, bronzes, clocks, real estate and all kinds of securi- ! ties. Columbia Loan and Collateral Office, 9 Grant ave., 3 doors from Market st. • STRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. 850 j Market st., cor. Stockton, rooms 17 and 18, first ! floor: established 30 years; always open. "Uncle Bill." LOANS ON REAL ESTATE, IST AND 2ND i mortgages, furniture or pianos without re- I moval ; lowest rates. BECKER, 240 Montgomery. : t]" S. LOAN OFFICE; 777 MARKET ST., NR. j > . Fourth; money on everything; private rooms, \ ladies. I BORROW MONEY ON YOUR DIAMONDS, j JJ jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal: I lowest rates. Call or write to HARRY ANEEL <fc CO., Mills ! Me, *>tti floor, r 6; strictly confidential. ~\ F.JOHNS _ CO.. FINANCIAL AGENTS, __• 632 Market st., room 9: money to loan in ! amounts to suit on San Francisco and Oakland real ! estate; country loans negotiated; bonds bought and sold; insurance on man'f'g plant placed at low rates.' I ONEY AT¥x; IST AND 2D MORTGAGES, estates, pianos. MURPHY, 628 Market st. ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES, LIFE INSUIT 1 ance policies, bank books. GOULD, 633 MarKet. ON ANYSECURITY.ATLOW RATES; DEAL- ing confidential. 43 Crocker building. MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE, CP-OCKEK building, room 57; telephone Main 5122. NY SUM OF MONEY ADVANCED ON your furniture, pianos or real estate; low rates; call and state your proposition or write: open ! evenings. J. NOONAN, 1021 Mission st. MON E Y LOANED ON JEWELRY AND OTHER valuables at the Security Loan Bank, 1103 Market si. nr. Mason: private entrance 7 Turk. ' • FINANCIAL. /CAPITALISTS, TAKE NOTICE— WE HAVE A Vj fine piece of business property In Oakland, well rented, paying 5 ner cent net on $185,000; can be bought for $125,000; 8150,000 was refused for It four years ago; none but those desiring business property neen apply and a bargain will be offered that can seldom be secured. Apply to EDWIN K. : ALSIP _ CO., 9 Rotunda, Mills building, S. F. MONEY WANTED. QT"7 u ; wT7I7H ; r TO »pI.UUU.UUU tate. Apply to H. H. RIC- KY, Palace Hotel, .San Francisco. WANTED— S4OOO: GOOD REAL ESTATE SE- H curity: interest paid monthly: only party hav- ing money need apply. T.K.ANDERSON, 463 Ninth st., Oakland. WANTED— LO N~*6Od~OAT 6 PER CENT ON » * good city property. L.. box 115. Call Office. MONEY WANTED TO LOAN ON REAL- estate security, mortage bonds, etc., In sums from $500 to $2500; securities first class; Interest ; from 1 to 3 per cent per month. If you have small amounts to loan call and see us: we can place the same to good advantage for you. M. J. LAY- I MANCE CO., real-estate agents and land auc- tloneer.s, it>6 Eighth at.. Oakland. Cal. j EDUCATIONAL I"^i lTta^' v belu)TiTd.~ti 1^"" en gusTT~ac> -i tress, coaches ladies and gentlemen for the dramatic profession: appearances arranged; j Shakespearean classes Wednesday evenings. Shakespearean .Academy, 913 Hyde st., S. F. ESSONS GIVEN IN~SHORMIAND, BOOK- J keeping, correspondence and penmanship in | private families or at teacher's residence. Address A. C, box 48, this office. --■ •-■ : B OWENS ACADEMY, UNIVERSITY AVE., Berkeley, Cal. T. STEWART BOWENS, M. A., Principal. MISS BOLTE'S SCHOOL REMOVED TO 2297 Sacramento st.; new term July 8. SPANISH. FRENCH, HERMAN, MKlSTER- scliaft school of Languages, 122 O'Farrell st. ■VfIGJiT SCHOOL: HEALD'S BUSINESS COL- xi lege, 24 Post St.; commercial, shorthand, Eng- lish ; low rates. 800 KK E E I NO , PEN MA NSH IP, AB IT HM b~ • tic taught 6 weeks course $ 30. 6 Stock ton si. ,r. T)ELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— ■1J Private theatricals arranged: pupils rehearsed on stage. R. 5 & 12. I. O. O. F. block, 7th and Market. QC'HOOL ELECTRICAL, CIVIL. MINING. MB- O chanlcal engineering, surveying, architecture, assay: estab. '64. VAN DER NAILLEN.723 MkU STIEHL'S SHORTHAND and business College, 723 Market st.: diploma course $30. ENGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT BY MISS j DILLON, 14 McAllister, r. 46: private or class. I MRS. MELVILLE-SN'YDEB, ORATORICAL, i Vocal and Dramatic Academy, 519 Van Ness | ave.: vocal classes Monday, 8 r. m.. $1 month; dra- j matic classes Wednesday! Bp. M., $3 month: also private lessons and piano; ladies and gentlemen coached for professional or amateur stago (stage for practice). ' riIARR'S INST., 659 MAIIKT— BOOKKEEPING -L taught In 6 weeks. We pledge ourselves to keep free for 6 months books our graduates fail on. HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 POST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern lan- guages rapidly tß!!^r>it. Write lor catalogue. CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. MOREAU— GREAT AND ONLY ME- dium;glvo her a call :fee 25c up. 131 Fourth ALL HAIL; ~ PROFESSOR EUGENE; HE J\. tells nothing but the truth; his parlors are al- . ways crowded and all are pleased; read his Sunday advertisement. Remember the address, 1206 Market St.. rooms 102, 103 and 104. - CLAIRVOYANT— FEE. •_'■'" ; LADIES ONLY. VJ In the basement, 537 Third st. pARD-READING, 25c; LADIES ONLY. 105 .VJ Stockton st., room 6. PRESENT. PAST AND FUTURE, 25c. MME. X LEGETTE, 311 Teliamast.: upstairs. MISS MALVINA, AMERICAN CLAIBVOY- ant and magnetic healer. 766'/a Howard st. EON, PALMIST. CLAIBVOY ANT LlFE- render, 533 Post: h'rs 9 to B daily ; and Sunday. UGUSI A . LEOLA, .-< FORTUNE TELLER: magic charms: love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband; leaches fortune- develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has tlie seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm; ' fee $I'and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. SPIRITUALISM. DR. Sf tfILESSINGER WILL BE AT HOME for one week only. 634 Pago st. nERROM, MEDIUM, HAS removed from 16 Turk st. to 35 Turk. ADDIE SWAIN, ASTRAL SEER; MINING Interests a specialty; past, present and future revealed. 105 Stockton St., rooms 6 and 7. ASTROLOGY. ■-'■-': A STRAL SEER— PROF. HOLMES, 523 GEARY -fV at.: horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice ■^YPEWKITKUS; AND SUPPLIES. GOOD TYPE WBTTEBS, SALE AND BENT. HANSON & CO., Chronicle Bldg., room 38. PERSONALS. V_ I'^^c7i^js^ro?HToß~cm~josEPH ■hutchin- SON, nephews of the late WILLIAM HUTCH- INSON, who died in Carlisle, England, will com- municate with C DIXON, 8 Summer St., they will, hear something to their advantage. \NY INFORMATION OF THE WHERE- -TV aboutsof A. B. Husherman will be thankfully received by his sister, MRS. GEORGE PHILLIPS, 1928 Howard street. . • - } EMINENT- SPECIALIST. LADY, WISHES -i gen lemon pirtmr, physician; references ex- changed. P., box 113, Call Oflice. . IJVANCY DANCING FOR CHILDREN; SAT ' aft. IRVINE'S, 927 Mission, bet. sth and 6th ADVICE. FREE; DIVORCE AND PROBATE *\. laws a specialty: suits, Superior, Justice and Police Conrts; terms reasonable: collections, etc. O. I W. HOWE, att'y-at-law, 850 Market, cor. Stockton. HAS. L. SHEAHAN, 224i/ 3 FIFTH— PAINT- ing, paper-hanging and whitening at low rates. 7 ' CENTS~PER DOZEN FOR CABINETS; < • full length. GODEUS' ART STUDIO. 10 Sixth. "VTICE COTTAGE TO LET AT TAMALPAIS -> Villa, Ross Valley. MRS. PETER SMITH. ONE MORE CUT— " Oak Roll Top Desks $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers ...From $10 up Oak Bed Sets ...: $17 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up Stoves and Ranges 93 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission st.. above Sixth. "yOUNG LADY DESIRES GENTLEMAN'S X mending. Room 9, 122 Post st. SK FOR THE "NONPAREIL BONELESS Tamale''; cleanest; best. Factory 934 How ard st. TTAIRDRESSING. 25c. ANY STYLE: ESTAB- XI llshea in 1869; Pioneer Hair Store. BERTHA SPITZ, 111 Stockton St.; strictly one price only. "\fISS ANDERSON. 1 FIFTH .STREET, ROOM -"■I Massage and Turkish cabinet baths. A LL COURTS; PRIVATE LAW MATTERS. -TV LAWYER McCABK. 1027 Market; advice free. "I nAABUSINESSCARDS,SI.'(O:SENTFREE, XUVU city or country. HILL, 724y 2 Market st. pABINET, ELP:CTRIC, STEAM BATHS, 50c; VJ chronic and acute diseases treated; $5 a month up; solar bath $1; oxygen used, at DR. HARRI- MAN'S Sanitarium, cor.Twelfth and Mission, 1534. T/UNE 1 'ITS, $15; DRESS PANTS, $4 75. r Misfit Clothing Parlors, 513 Montgomery st. .ICYCLE SUITS, LADIES' OR GENTS', TO order; low prices. HUTT, Tailor, 212 Mason street. ffl« 1 O SUITS TO ORDER; SAMPLE BY MAIL. VPX£ NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor, 115 Kearny. DRESSES CUT AND FITTED, 93; DRESSES popular prices; engagements by day. 11 Geary. IGIIEST PRICE PAID FOR CAST-OFF clothlnc.books. novels. RAPHAEL, 247 4th st. WHITEWASHING MACHINE AND BRUSH work; 34c yard; contracts taken. WAIN- WRIGHT, 1460 Market; machines sold or hired. DINGLE BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF O Pomade is guaranteed to cure any case of dan- druff or falling hair or money refunded: never known to fall; try it. By all druggists price $1, or SMITH BROS., Fresno, Cal. _ QKCOND-HANT) as well as new BARS, 0 showcases, counters, shelvlngs, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock of them, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be- lore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission st., above Sixth. HEADQUARTERS LONG DISTANCE TELE- ■LX phones. cheap; send for prices. Klein Electric Works, 720 Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal. UIET PLACE FOR LADIES TO TRADE IN stocks and grain: large money made on small investment. WHEELOCK CO., 318 Finest., 3. CLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT VJ mfrs' cost. Factory, 20 Sansome St.. upstairs. T. INETOSCOPES FOR SALE; PHONOGRAPH JV outfits bought for cash. Baclgalupl, 946 Mkt. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD, store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc.; cheap. Yard 1166 Mission sr.. nr. Eighth. AS FIXTURES AND PLUMBING. 62J Golden Gate ave. 11. HUFSCHMIDT. OLD GOLD," HILVER, GENTS' AND ladies' \J clothing bought. COLMAN, 41 Third _. UriNDOW shades MANUFACTURED TO >> order by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Market. DRESSMAKERS. FASHIONABLE DRESSES MADE, $3; F skirts. $1. 108 Fourth (it. MEDICAL J~Ad7eS i""— "ciYic HESTE'R^S~ENG'£ISH""pEN^ JU nyroyal Pills (Diamond Brand) are the best: safe, reliable; take no other: send 4c, stamps, for particulars, "Relief tor Ladies," in letter by return mail; at druggists. Chlchester Chemical Company, Philadelphia, Pa. ANEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE, INSTRU- ments or worthless pills used; every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what cause; restores always in one day; If you want 10 be treated safe and sure coll on men's physician -.knowledge can be sent&used at home;all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny sL a SURE AND SAFE CURE FOR ALL F& IIV male diseases: ladles may have the benefit of the sKill and attention of a physician of long and successful practice; a home in confinement with best possible care, with the privacy of a home and the convenience of a hospital: those who are sick or discouraged should call on the doctor and state their case, they will find in her a true friend; all consultation free and absolutely confidential; a positive cure for the liquor, morphine and tobacco habit; every case guaranteed without injury to health. MRS. DR. GWYER, 228 Turk St., bet. Jones and Leavenworth. Mils. AD. ZTLLMER, LADIES' PHYSICIAN takes confinements in her house. 1061 Mission. LL FEMALE I RREGUXARITIES RE? ALL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES HE- stored In one day: no instruments: French remedies guaranteed at any time: consult free. MRS. DR. WYETH, 916 Post st., near Larkin. HEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, gout-spe- J.t clal attention to these diseases. J. A. McDON- ALD, M.D., 1236 Market St., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 P. m. T A DIES- BEFORE SEEING A DOCTOR J-J consult MRS. EMARY, 1118 Market St.. r. 6. ALP BAITS FRENCH PILLS, A BOON TO -■TV ladles troubled with irregularities: no danger; safe and sure: $2 50 express C. O. D.; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oakland. Cal. R. A. HERWEU, OFFICE 139 post ST.; OF- fice hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 6 to 7 p. m. ; diseases of women and consultation in obstetrics (pregnancy.) | DU-PRAE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS; safe and efficient emraenagogue: $1 per box. RICHARDS & CO., druggists. 406 Clay, sole agts. ALL tADIES CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. DAVIES, 14 McAllister St.. near Market: lends all competitors: only qualified, trusty spe- cialist for safe, quick relief of irregularities, no matter what cause; treatment scientific, harmless and painless; never fails; home in confinement. K. RICORD'S PILLS; EXPRESS 50: SAFE, sure, reliable: Ricord's specialties, females. Malson et Cie, Agts. ROOT'S, Sixth and Howard. AUDET'S APHRO TABLETS-THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure, of neurasthenia, impctency, and all disorders of the sexual organ); $1 a box; 6 boxes $5; send for circular. J. H. WIDS—B, cor. Market and Third, sole agent. ALL LADIES IN TROUBLE CONSULT THE only reliable specialist In San Francisco; In- ■ ■ stant relief: $500 paid for any case 1 cannot cure; board; skillful attention during confinement; spe- cial attention to diseases of the eye; advice free; confidential. MRS. DR. SCOTT, 110'/ a Turk st. MR S. Dk. WJSGENER, PRIVATE HOME {or all female diseases; separate homes for la- <;ifs before and during confinement; have enlarged and arranged my home to suit rich and poor; ir- regularities cured in a day ; guaranteed; no instru- ments: regular physicians of long and successful practice: travelers attended; no delay: all business strictly confidential; babies adopted. 419 Eddy st. DR. AND MRS. DR. SCHMIDT. FORMERLY 'of 1211 Mission, now 1508 Market St.; month- y irregularities cured In a few hours; guaranteed; no instruments used : sure preventive. DR. il ALL, 14 McA LLISTER, SECOND FLOOR, XJ next Hibernia Bank: diseases of women. I>BIVATE HOME in confinement; ger- JL man midwife. MBS. POWELL, 1310 Mission. "VfICE PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT x\ at the most reasonable price in the city. MRS. M. PFEIFFER, midwife, 2014 Folsom st. TF IRREGULAR OR ANY FEMALE DISEASE ■I are Mrs. Dr. I'u.-ty. and be content. 254i.-» 4:h. DENTISTS. DR. REA, 9 SiXTH^^A-L^E^rrATrxvaßic at lowest prices ana warranted ; open evening* DR. J. J. LEEK, 1206 MARKET, COR, GOLDEN Gate ave.— Open evenings; Sundays till noon. It. GEORGE W. LEEK, THE GENUINE Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of improved bridge work cr teeth without any plate, moved from 6 to 20 O'Farrell st. AT CHALFANTS-S.SMASON.COR. MARKET, sets of teeth are made to please or no charge; on bridges, crowns and gold plates prices reduced; small gold fillings only $2; painless extraction. p ROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759~MAR- VJ ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, gas specialists; only reli- able agent for palmesa extraction; artificial teeth frmst>; fillings fromsl; extracting 60c, with gas sl. £•7 A . SET FOR TEETH; WARRANTED 'A3 tjp I good as can be made: filling $1. DR. SIMMS, dentist, 930 Market st., next Baldwin Theater. DH. H. G. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH XS without plates a specialty. IS*l Polk st. rT~LUDLUM~HILL, 1443 MARKET ST, near Eleventh; no charge for extracting when plates arb made; old plates made - over like new; teeth from $8 per set; extracting 60c; gas given. COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MA.K- J ketat. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. ■ v STORAGE ' WTL^o^r^R^.7"m6~liAi^K^rf^rß~E^'r^ .Get our rates for storage of furniture, pianos, trunks and all kinds of household goods: separaie locked rooms, dust and vermin proof, at low rates.' Telephone south 762. -..;■.-.■■■" < STORAGE; FURNITURE, PIANOS, MDBE; O advances. ; LIEBES 8. W. CO., 906 Market, r. 4. TTIURNITURE, PIANOS AND OTHER MER- X chandise received on storage; money advanced on consignments; fire-proof building. 410 ['oust., QTORAG E OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSE- O hold goods, etc. J. M.' PIERCE, 735 Market st. TjURST-CLASS STORAGE ; ADVANCES MADE X 421-423 Market su CHAS. L. TAYLOB.- . BUSINESS CHANCES. rro SELL a BUSINESS OF ANY KIND quick 1 for cash see STRAND A TUTTLE. 45 Third st. <J^9nnn millinery and fancy goods »P-iiUUu. store in a thriving city; full value; pays well. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third St. <KJ.^O, SALOON ON CITY FRONT: PAYS «JpttOU. well: full value in sight; must sell this week. STRAND A TUTTLE. 45 Third st. <ifi • > \(\ PARTNER WANTED IN SALOON: -O\J. clear $75 per month to each: good chance. See S TR AND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. fl>9/^(|A CORNER SALOON: GOOD STOCK; <HP*-i\J\i\J. fun value: transfer corner: pays well. ; STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. - - • Cji HZ. RESTAURANT; BARGAIN TO »4P 1 I U. day. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third i CjQAA CORNER SALOON; BEST PART OF «JpOV/17. MarKe: st.; pays well: full value in sight. STRA ND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st: <Si^^n RESTAURANT; AT TERMINUS OF «3DUU\J. cable line: building included; cheap rent. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. pROCERY AND BAR, WITH ROOMS; FULL VI value in sight: good pavinz: best reason for selling. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. <E*99X BRANCH BAKERY, COFFEE AND W*- i*-/«-/. lunch parlors: rooms; pay well; north of Market. STRAND A TUTTLE. 45 Third st. PROLL A STENBERO, 719 MARKET, NEAR Third, sell or exchange, businesses, furnished bouses, orchards, vineyards, San Francisco, Ala- meda and Oakland property; send particulars; all applications for . sales promptly attended to. (2»rAA F~RUIT- POULTRY STAND WITH <Jpt)V'U. living room: Western addition: selling account departure. PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market st. '.; ' .- ;/ '.:..' : Q. OCA PARTNER IN HOMERESTARAUNT. <!**.— .iJV/. located among factories: big dinner trade; applratonce: assistance wanted. PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market st. ACRIFICE-MUST SELL: FANCY AND staple grocery: centrally located: doing good business; receipts $40 daily; rent low. PROLL, STENBERO A CO., 719 Market st. ALOON FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN IF O taken this week; owner has other business that requires attention: Investigate. PROLL, STEN- BERG A CO., 719 Market st. --: . m.r^rv bakery, restaurant, west- cr«-)«Jv/. ern Addition: genuine bargain; reason- able rent; selling account of departure. PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market st. C£l QAf CORNER GROCERY, BAR; WEST- tiJlloU''. ern addition of Market; fine stock, fixtures: established family trade. PROLL A STE NB ERG , 719 M arket. - "PHOTO-ENGRAVING; DESIGNING COPPER X zinc etching plant; controls large city trade: employs large number of help: selling account de- parture. PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market st. ©97£\ SALOON— WELL ESTABLISHED; «p^ i c) day and night trade: cigar stand; on Third; stand Investigation; bargain. PROLL A STENBERO, 719 Market. ESTABLISHED PRINTING AND NEWSPA- Xli per plant In prospering country town near San Frai Cisco; controls largest circulation. For par- ticulars see PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market. TO SELL OR BUY ANY KIND BUSINESS, 1 apply HEALY A CO., 23 Kearny st. »17' WOOD A N D COAL YARD : 8 STALLS. »4pX I O. horse and wagon; rent only *7; near Mission and Fourth. HEALY, 23 Kearny st. ©OAA BRANCH BAKERY; TABLE DELI- -t^p^UU. cades; furniture four rooms included. HEALY, 23 Kearny st. ©rAA BUYS HALF INTEREST IN OLD-ES- <JJ)UU\/ tablished electric and manufacturing shop: large contracts on hand. Apply SMITH A HUBER. 1001 Market st. <2ZAZ,d BARBER-SHOP; CHEAP RENT: •JpTruT/. excellent location; 3 chairs ; full value in sight: trial given; rare chance; come and see. SMITH, HUBER A CO., 1001 Market st. <S9nnn ONK of the most beautiful, UUU. best-paying family resorts In city; 12 private rooms; large garden; accommodations for parties: cheap rent: owner must sell on account of family trouble, or will take good man as partner. Apply SMITH A HUBER. 1001 Market st. CjOA A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO BUY tjp— UU. Interest in well-established cash com- mission business: full investigation; guaranteed to clear at least $100 per month. WILKE, 235 Kearny St., room 4. T) ARTY WITH $100 TAKE CHARGE office, X drive wagon or work in laundry; can make good wages. 235 Kearny St., room 4. ft-5--;.-'* 1 AA- FRUIT, VEGETABLES, PRODUCE; •irivW. receipts $11 a day; horse: wagon: rent $10. BARRETT A CO., 865y 2 Market st. ""PROFITABLE AND WELL-ESTABLISHED X retail book and stationery business in this city for sale cheap: a good bargain for little money. Apply to CUNNINGHAM, CURTISS A WELCH, 327 Sanaome st. T>ACIFIC COAST AGENCY FOR A STAPLE X article, used in all groceries; offer wanted; will stand full investigation: for sale or exchange. WOOD A CO.. 917 Market st. Cj^AA RESTAURANT, WORTH $800, IF fjT'rUU. sold in a few days: large stock of wine; big trade. WOOD A CO., 917 Market st. BUT( HER SHOP AND A FRUITSTORE: X> cheap: good business; owner cannot attend to both. Call 122 Taylor st. 1~ piRBT-CLASS SALOON; WORTH $600 IN ' fixtures; best of location; $400; a bargain. In- quire Call Office. OB PRINTER to buy half interest t) in job office; other party good outside man. "1644 Market st. ■ pIGAR BUSINESS FOR SALE: WHOLESALE \J and retail; established 13 years; price, $1600 to 92000, according to stock. Apply Call agent, 524 K St., Sacramento. pROCERY AND BAR; GOOD LOCATION. VJT Apply Liquor Dealers. 215 Sacramento st. ■ "PESTAURANT; FINE LOCATION; CASE OF XL must sell on account of sickness. 339 Hayes. ALF OR WHOLE OF an ai BUTCHER- shop; rent only $12. 539 California st. GREAT BARGAIN— FOR SALE CHEAP; VJT whole or half interest of fine corner liquor- store. 401 O'Farrell st. L">OR SALE— HALF-INTEREST IN FAMILY X; hotel: 100 rooms: enjoys highest reputation; Always done good business: paid cash for every- thing; 110 creditors: will sell for less than half the value of furnishings; references given and re- quired; price $2500; principals only. Hotel, box 61, this office. : v pORNER BRANCH BAKERY, CANDY. NO- \J tlons and tobacco store for sale. 2401 Mission ftreet. T AUNDRY ROUTE FOR SALE; BARGAIN. JU L. R., box 124, Call Office. l£» 1 Z\fl TEAMING BUSINESS: WHOLESALE %P JL UU. district; fine double team: good regular trade; pays well. Lathrop's Express, NW. corner Pine and Front. . .*■■"■"« WELL-KNOWN CORNER SALOON ("LILY"). »T Fell and Stanyan, Golden Gate Park. pHANCE FOR A MAN WITH $350 FOR \J business in which money can be doubled in 3 weeks. Room 34, 5 Market St., after 10 Monday. IpOR SALE CHEAP-GROCERY, BAR. STOCK 1 and fixtures; 6 livlnc-rooms: large yards. Ap- ply on premises, NE. cor. Duncan and Dolores sts.; cheap rent. 't ••'.-- O^fl SALOON AND 9 FURNISHED •Jt>v. rooms; rent $16 month. 61 Tehama st. JJj C A BRANCH BAKERY. CONFECTION- tJTUV/. ery and notions. 332 Seventh st. ■" : RANCH BAKERY; FINK TRADE; 3 ROOMS furnished ; bargain. 621 Fourth st. S>Q7X WILL BUY 10 SHARES building «JpO I O and Loan Association stock; present value 81070. Address W. S., box 60, Call. SALE-CANDY AND notion store. X Apply 1620 Post st. . "--■ -\> Q9HH RESTAURANT, DOING A BUSI- tS)-j\JVJ. ness of $400 to $500 a month: location good : rent $25; water free. Address THOS. F.. box 104, Call Office. - . ■ . ' FOR SALE— A FIRST-CLASS SALOON ON X Market street, with ladies' entrance- price reasonable: uo agents need apply. Address C box 62, Call Office. SALOON: WELL ESTABLISHED: GOOD DAY O and night trade; good stock an 1 fixtures- dool- tahle: rent $20; bargain. 319 Third st. ■ "IRANI) SOUTHERN DINING-ROOM AT A r bargain; free rent. Seventh and Mission. "LiURNISHED HOTEL (BOARDING-HOUSFf X I 50 rooms, 30 boarders, for sale cheap- a good opportunity for an active man. Particulars of WILL?A>t HOELSCHER A CO., NW cor Turk and Taylor. A , FIRS T-CLASS WHOLESALE tCSOUV7\J. and retail liquor business: established 20 years; no night or Sunday work: good reasons for selling; no agents. Address W. H., box 104 this office. -.T . ' SALOON AND EIGHT FURNISHED ROOMS : will take a fair offer. 232 First st. K M UMS> SALOON FOR SALE AT A GREAT BAR- O gain; come see this: with living-rooms- handsomely fitted up: large stock; cheap rent' long lease. 604 Third st. No agents. ' p OOD OPPORTUNITY: PARTNER wanted lJ in a businesi established since 1862: capital required, about $50,000. Address A. T., P. O. box 1848. . ~y<JK SALE-GOOD SALOON AND LODGING- r house In Stockton; old established- has "1 rooms: doing good business. Address J.D. GALL, StocKton, for full particulars. "-• - . ~~ A LOON WITH PROPERTY FOR SALE; at 108 "- er .' 81° gooa COuntry town. Particulars l?Oja , SALE-FRUIT AND CANDY-STAND X inside depot. Cor. California and Central ave. G. A LOON AND GROCERY FOR SALE: O rent taken out In trade. 717 Davis st. TiOR SALE-OLD ESTABLISHED GROCERY a . nd a v- ; 4 rooms: in good location. Apply H. HOMANN, 466 Tehama st. , , OUTE FOR SALE; THIS PAPER. INQUIRE at offlco or r. 28, St. Anns building, 2 to 3 p. u. tpURNITURE 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE V or exchange for realty. 4 Waller st. ©900. RESTAURANT AND COFFEE SA- tTpXtUU. loon; owner going East. 1736 Market. p ROCERY AND BAR FOR SALE. APPLY _ JOHN WIELAKP Brewery. . pORNER GROCERY AND BAR, STOCK AND \J fixtures. Apply this office. > . 9nfi LA CORNER GROCERY ; BA R : tJPX^UU. no agents. : 1 Kentucky pi., nr. Nap*. LODGING-MOUSES FOR SALE. riW> BUY OB BEIX A M>MING-HOy SE 1 quick for cash see GUSSTRAJvP^fjih"-' 1 st. ■S^V7C~FLAT OF 5 ROOMS AND BA HI ; JfrZlO. cheap rent; well furnished: greal > bar- gain: account of departure: must sell this wee*, lee STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third St. ~GL>C*f\(\ HOUSE OF 13 WELL-FURNISUEi> SbUU. rooms and bath: pays well: G?**?^" cain account departure. STRAND A TUTILfc,, 45 Third st. . G'l Odd HOUSE OF 22 ROOMS: BEST LO- tthl^UU.caaon on Kearnyst.; pays well; bar- gain. STRAND & TUTTLE, -15 Third 88. • -R< m ) M CORNER HOUSE: RENT .f2OO. 10 20-room corner house: price $800. 30-room house: clearing $200: cost $0000; $1800. Before buying, sell in* 'or exchanging go to } 6 TRAVERS .'.• LAMB. 612 California st. a»i7f\d 15 ROOMS; 'xT7 KLY FURNISHED: S) I [)[). on Geary st. SPECK A CO., 602 Mar- ket St., under Crocker building. TTOUBE ROOMS, FULL OF ROOMERS: Jll rent $20; a bargain. 522 Howard. __ MUST BE SOLD ON ACCOUNT OF DEATH— Jjl Lodging-house. 115 second st. - 1 A ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSE. 4c7 Apply 2759 Mission st. UTTERKIELD (WILLIAM), AUCTIONEER: J) bargains in lodging-houses. Crocker building. pTiiNITLKK FOR SALE. EDIwOM~^E^rT^nT^PATENT^^ JJS2 15: Roxbury Brussels, 75c laid; oU cloth, 20c: open evenings. BHIREK, 1310 Stockton st, 'G. KRASKY, CARPETS PICTURES, . folding, iron beds, furniture: low prices: Cat stepladder manufactd for the trade. 7.9 Mission. UT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPET:* C thlf week nt McCABF/S, C4S-850 Mission st. T) EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AND K secend hand; 400 carpets, good as new; oil- cloth, 25c: parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c; 7-plece chamber suits, 14 50; cornice-poles, 25c: ranges, $6; rash or installments; goods shipped free. T. H. NELSON, 126 Fourth st. FUBNITUEE WAJiTKD. WANTED— OAK HEDROOM SET AND PAR- lor suite of furniture. Address PURCHASER, box 59, Call Office. ~~~ CAKFJSTS. BRUSSELS, 4BC, LAIB: K9XBUBY"BRU* sels, 75c, laid; linoleum, 40c; heavy oilcloth, 20c- open evenings. sill KKK. 1310-1312 Stockton^ ~~~ CAKPKT CLKANINC;. mnCWAL CA^P»T"BSATI^rAN£ BEN? JN vatUig Works, HAMPTON &BAILY: laying and altering. 313-315 Guerrero: Tel. Mission 244. pARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND \J renovated same as new. S. FERGLSON & CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south DC. ITY^ STEAM CARPET-BEATING AND Renovating Works, :«S and 40 Eighth st. G. R. STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 850. WHEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH VV poor work send to SPAULDING'S PioneerCar- pet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama: lei. So-40. ONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS, 333 Golden Gate ave. ; telephone ease 126. HE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANINO 1 Co. (incorp.): old established carpet cleaning machines; cleaning 8c yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. T MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- J . ovating works. 453 Stevenson: til. 3225. * ' pianos. violins. ktc. qj'ca' goodlrosewood piXno^for sale *s>t)v/. on five installments. 221 Leavenworth. AT ICE UPRIGHT PIANO FOR PRACTICE ; 1.1 price, $80: must be sold immediately. Room 12, 809 Market st. • >_ Ci 4*L A UPRIGHT, GOOD AS NEW; LADY <JJ)t:Uv/. breaking up home and offers at great sacrifice for cash. Room 10, Flood building. FINE UPRIGHT PIANO, MUST BE SOLD. 935 Market St., room 7. TTPRIGHTS— WEBER, $215; SOHMER, $225. U HEINE, 40 O'Farrell St. p EORGE F. WELLS, SOLE AGENT FOR THE VT Mathushek pianos; sold on very easy Install- ments; pianos rented. 1360 Market st. N EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY— PIANOS sold upon a new rent-contract plan; please call and have it explained he easiest terms ever offered for procuring a fine piano: full-size new up-- rights irom $150 upward. SHERMAN, CLAY A CO., corner Kearny and Sutter sts. REAT BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND Pl- anos at SHERMAN, CLAY A CO. 'S, cor. Kear- ny and Sinter sts. ASY TERMS; LOW PRICES. KoHLF.K A CHASE. ■, FEW ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARD mokes, almost new, half original cost; see at once. F. W. SPENCER A CO., 721 Market St. YRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.— SOHMER, Newby A Evans, Brigg3 and other pianos. TEINWAY UPRIGHT: SLIGHTLY USED; O grand tone; half-cost. SPENCER, 721 Market. UPEKIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD ANEW? H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham placa. TITM. O. BADOKR, WITH KO±lLJuli& CHASE Vt 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. __^ ARP BY SEBASTIAN ERARD; DOUBLE action and elegantly finshed; is found with difficulty anywhere: a nice selection . is at present exhibited by SHERMAN, CLAY A CO. TECK, CHICKERING A SONS., VOSE AND 0 Sterling pianos sour on $10 installments. BENJ. CURTAZ A SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell st. SECOND-HAND UPRIGHTS, WITH OUR guarantee; $125 each. MAUVAIS.769 Market. OME INDUSTRY— HEMME A LONG PIANO JJ. CO., 340 Post: pianos sold on Installments; send for illustrated catalogue. BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A good piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLER A CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farreli st. DKCKERIaROS.. STEINWAY, FISCHER AND XJ other first-class makes of pianos: little used; cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLER & CHASE. 28 and 30 O'Kanv'.l st. HORSES. Tjp OR SALE— VFRY STYLISH BLACKHORSE; X" perfect beauty; stands 16 hands, weighs 1050: gentle for lady to drive, goes single and double; a perfect horse in every respect cannot be found every day. Apply at Foxhall Stable, 2320 Fill- more st. ' ; '■! .- .■.-. ' . OR SALE CHEAP— HORSE, BUGGY AND harness: $100. 504 Sutter st. I^OR SALE CHEAP— FINE PAIR OF ROAD- . . sters. 504 Sutter st. WASTED-FAMILY CARRIAGE HORSE •»» ladies can drive; must be sound, gentle and kind, a good roadster and not afraid of anything. State age, weight, size, color and lowest cash price, H. K., box 62, this office. TjiOß SALE— HORSE AND BUGGY FOR X 1 park. Can be seen at Mascot Stables, 1110 Golden Gate avc. 4A HORSES FOR SALE; ALSO WAGONS ttv buggies, cans, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Market, 327 Sixth St.: auction sales even' Wednes- day. SULLIVAN A DOYLE, Auctioneers. "I A A SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL X\J\J kinds; second-hand wagons, buggy, carts: also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia tta. WAGONS AMD CAKIUAGES. FINK HACK FOR~SALE7~~INQrIRE 1108 Golden Gate nve. - J^K SALK-SIISCELLANJEOUS. ffitOA gooiTas ne^vTTdraaver domes. «ir^-<U. tic sewing machine. 939 V a Mission st. . 1?IOR SALE— I-HORSE ELECTRIC DYNAMO, : now; guaranteed. Apply Call agent, K. 8., 524 Sacramento st. : pOMPLETE FURNITURE FACTORY, BOILER \J and engine, or partner wanted. 718 Bryant st. ILCH COW FOR SALE IN GOOD CON- ditlon. T. HURLEY, 230 Douglass st. FOUR DRINKINO-FOUNTAINS; NICKEL- . in-the-slot; dirt cheap. BACIGALUPI, 946 Market st. _^ pHEAI'EST PLACE TO BUY GAS FIXTURES. \J H. HUFSCHMIDT, 623 Golden Gate ave. A LL-GOLD WATCHES SOLD FOR WEIGHT -A. of cases; DO charge for works: diamonds, ear- rings, rlncs, studs, pins and ladies' sealskins for half original cost: goods srnt C. O. I). UNCLE HARRIS, 15 grant AVENUE, near Geary st. /COLUMBIA PNEUMATIC, ONLY ; BAR- \J gain. 328 McAllister St. WTILSIURE SAFE, LETTER-PRESS, SCALE, >T coffee-mill and money-till: cheap. 102 Clay st. A i lotcTf eastern standard MAKES J\ of safes which have been taken in exchange as part payment for the Waltz safes, as follows: 3 burglar-proof bank or coin safes, 7 jewelers' safes, 8 pawnbrokers' safes, 13 merchant safes: fire and burglar proof all sizes; at less than half cost; see them before you order. The Waltz Safe Salesroom, 221 and 223 Market St., factory 13 and 15 Drumm St.. San Francisco. Cal. A-KW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- 1> hand, W. S. RAY Mfg Co., 12 California *„ COUNTERS. SHELVING, SHOWCASES KJ houshtand sold 1121 Market bet. 7thaii'l B; ti ~ ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW. 4DVICE iR^E; rJIVOKC^r^NIPpIIoTrTE ,"11 P- a ' >ll< ' lalty: sultSl superior, Justice and }\ Iv F*^?. fi s: ; term reasonable; collections, etc. O.W.HOW E^atfy-at-law, 880 Market.cor.Stockton At ONEY ADVANCED TO LITIGANTS COURT M costs and charges paid in matters of probate, contracts, damages, accidents, notes. nrst-claXi naui' htov 1 E°tSS 'r v fc hnsiM "- Address Th\ ISA! t.HTON, 54 Nevada block, S. F. JOHN K.AITKKN. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW Rs7 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery hi., cor. California: T" A.MITCHELL, ATT" Y-AT-LAW, REMOVED O ♦ toSpreckels bldg., 929Marteet gt.* ; advice free! W Mill? V CIIAPiIA - ' ATTORN KY " AT - 1 ■ * W W -, DAVIDSOX . AT 'AORNEY-AT-LAW,42O '' . California at., jrms. 14-15 :j>dvlcp fnre. PAKTNEKSHH' NOTICES. ■pussOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP - THE * T. I }'?- 1 ?. 81 of Sllllon Blum in the firm of REILLY • Sv7TT^ I . has ., en ' bought to-day b >" JOHN D. at L 3l2Ud Su'Dav^'su"" C ° ntiaUe "" bUW